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The use of polyurethane foam. Environmental safety and influence on man. PPU pipes - what it is

Properties, characteristics of polyurethane foams.

Polyurethane foam - light and durable materials, in which only 3% of the PPU volume is solid materialrepresenting a frame of ribs and walls, the remaining 97% is closed pores filled with insulating gases and air, which are poor heat conductor.

Components for obtaining polyurethane foam.

The initial raw material for the preparation of polyurethane foams are liquid products (polyols and polyisocyanate) of different degrees of viscosity, when mixed in a certain ratio, a chemical reaction of polymer synthesis with simultaneous foaming occurs. The dosage and mixing of the PPU components are carried out by special lip and filling equipment of low and high pressure.

Policy component PPU (component "A")

Polyol creates the polymer base of polyurethane foam with a reaction with a polyisocyanate. Polyol defines properties finished products (density, hardness, flammability) and reaction flow parameters (instant foaming and rejection when spraying or smooth spreading, increase in volume and slow solidification when pouring). The component "A" is not a gramatic, is unprofitable and has low toxicity. Before exploitation there is a need for a thorough mixing of the liquid for 5-10 minutes of specialized equipment or by rolling and tipping the barrel.

Isocianate PPU component (component "B")

Dark brown liquid with a specific smell. Toxic, firewood and easily reacts with moisture of any kind, therefore stored in hermetic containers. Supported as a component "B" for the production of PPU in filling and sprayed systems.


Antipirens (trichloroethyl phosphate (TKEF) - mixtures added to the PPU component organic To reduce its flammability.

Raw materials for the production of polyurethane foam, has dozens of brands, differing from each other with density, thermal conductivity, technological parameters, mechanical characteristics, water absorption, operation temperature, warranty period, etc.

When choosing a raw material (PU system), first of all, one should proceed from the required density of the final product. For example, if the walls are isolated, then quite a density of 40-60 kg / m3. If the roofs are insulated, according to which the movement is subsequently assumed, it is desirable that the density is 60-80 kg / m3, if they are sprayed from the inside to the ceiling surface, where the possibility of mechanical exposure is almost zero, the final product density is enough to have 32-42 kg / m3 .

Polyurethane foams are distinguished by the wide technological possibilities of obtaining, resistance to corrosion, the effects of chemical media, radiation, atmospheric factors. They have high thermal insulation properties, high specific strength, wide operating temperature interval, low water permeability and vapor permeability.

The geometric dimensions of the cells and the properties of the gas that fills them, affects the thermal insulation characteristics of polyurethane foam.

Spraying polyurethane foam has an open and closed cell. Operational PPU is called "light" (light foam), the PPU with a closed cell is rigid (hard foam).

Open cell.

PPU with open cells consists of open cells, which are interconnected with each other, in fact, this material is similar to a sponge, it is elastic. It greatly absorbs the noise, but it is less durable and more vigorous. Therefore, its use is not recommended for outdoor insulation, and for insulation of rooms with high concentration of water vapor (attic, attic, facades, basements, refrigerated chambers etc.). The use of the operating PPU for thermal insulation is possible only when ensuring vaporizolation of this material.

Closed cell

PPU with closed cells is a polymer of a porous structure of closed cells filled with gas. Gas fills the cells of the PPU during foaming, and determines the thermal insulation properties of the material. PPU with a closed cell has high strength and hardness, low weight, low vapor permeability and lowest thermal conductivity of all foams. Due to its low vapor permeability and thermal conductivity, this material can be used for insulation of absolutely any designs and buildings, for insulation of pipes and tanks, hangars and refrigerators.

The advantages of the PPU with the closure structure in front of the foam with an open cell is the strength, the best heat shielding properties, high resistance to air permeatery and water vapor.

Comparative characteristics of open and clocked PPU

Close-free PPU Opening PPU
"Hard foam" "Soft foam"
Has density kg / m3 28-40 Has density kg / m 39-20
W / m thermal conductivity coefficient * to 0.019-0,030 Coefficient of thermal conductivity W / m * to 0.03-0.045
Number of closed cells,% more than 95 Number of closed cells,% less than 40
Extension (foam lifting) compared with the original volume of 30: 1 Expansion (foam lifting) compared to the original volume of 100: 1
Density, kg / m3 28-300 Density, kg / m3 8-20
Parry permeability mg / (m * h * pa) 0.02-0.05 Parry permeability mg / (m * h * pa) 0.08-0.1
Moisture absorption,% 1-2 Moisture absorption,% 25-100
Waterproofing properties - yes Waterproofing properties - no
Sound absorption - chrother Sound absorption - high
Cleared for external insulation of houses. Designed for internal insulation houses.
Designed for reinforced concrete, brick and monolithic housekeeping, industrial facilities, tanks, transport Designed mainly for wooden and frame house-buildingcan be used as sound insulation
For internal warming, it is possible to apply, but the supply and exhaust ventilation system should be provided (to save a normal microclimate) Can be used for outdoor insulation, but additional protective membranes are required (from moisture, steam and wind)
Not hygroscopic (% of moisture absorption of almost zero), does not require steam-moisture protection membranes Gigroscopic (absorbs moisture), the use of protective membranes is required. Wet, temporarily loses insulating properties. Drying out, completely restores all its characteristics.
Apply for constructs from the following materials: Brick, concrete, metal Applicable for constructs from the following materials: wood, foam and gas - concrete
The lower thermal conductivity coefficient is unlike the soft, so the cost per m3 is almost 2 times higher than the soft PPU. A higher thermal conductivity coefficient comparing with rigid PPU, therefore a layer of soft polyurethane foam is twice as much as a similar layer of rigid polyurethane foam (100mm of soft PPU \u003d 45mm. Hard PPU)
Higher cost per meter cubic in comparison with light foam Lower cost per meter cubic in comparison with rigid foam

Hard polyurethane foams used in construction are distinguished by high thermal insulation properties, a wide operating temperature range, high specific strength, low water and vapor permeability, wide technological capabilities of obtaining, resistance to corrosion, effects of atmospheric factors, chemical media, radiation.

Properties of polyurethane foams (PPU)

Heat insulating characteristics Hard foams depend on the hermetic sizes of cells, and the coefficient of thermal conductivity fluctuates from0.019 to 0.035 W / (M K). For comparison: the ceramzite gravel has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.12 to 0.14 W / (M K), foam glass or gas - 0.84 W / (M-K), mineral wool wools - 0.056 W / (M K). The used PPU grades do not lose their heat-insulating and strength properties during operation at temperatures from minus 100 ° C to plus 100 ° C. Some grades of PPU are maintained without deteriorating operational properties increased temperatures up to 320 ° C, while other brands - reduced to minus 250 ° C.

Sound absorption PPU It depends on their damping properties, the degree of elasticity, the thickness of the insulating layer, air permeability. The sound ability of the PPU is determined by the absorption of sound energy by particles of air inside the cells and the operation of friction when the particles are moved between the communicating cells, as well as the rigidity of the cellular frame or the frequency of excited oscillations. To eliminate the reflection of the sound from the PPU layer, its impedance is needed (resistance to medium) to make an air impedance. In this regard, the best properties have PPUs of low density. It is experimentally established that the greatest noise absorption is provided by semi-odor PPUs.

Practically sound absorbing properties of PPU are raised in various ways:

  • in the zone of low frequencies - the selection of the air gap between the PPU layer and the vibrating structure;
  • in the middle frequency zone - selection of recipes with such a calculation so that the resonant frequencies of polymeric partitions be outside the operating range of sound oscillation frequencies;
  • in the high frequency zone - perforations of film coatings.

Chemical resistance PPU Above the resistance of other foams. Pair of chemicals to the limit of permissible concentration do not destroy them. PPU racks to the following aggressive media: gasoline, benzene, halohythodorods, diluted acids, oils, plasticizers, alcohols; Limited racks to ketocks, ester concentrated acids.Such properties of the PPU expand the possibilities of their use in the chemical and petrochemical industry. Polyurethane foams, applied to the metal surface, protect it from corrosion as a layer of own foam and films formed in the process of foaming on the surfaces of the foam from the metal side and on the outside of the external environment. The protection efficiency is determined by the PPU used and the degree of damage to the coating layer.

PPU water absorption does not exceed 1-3% by volume in 24 hours and depends on the feature of the recipe used. With increasing density, water absorption decreases. Using hydrophobic additives (for example, castor oil) into the formulation, it is possible to reduce the water discharge by 4 times.PU resistance to long-term water exposure is particularly relevant for shipbuilding. Poroplasts are intensively absorbed by water due to the filling of macroes in the entire volume of the sample and sorption of water with the walls of the cells. The water absorption of foams is significantly less, since moisture through the walls of the cells diffuses slowly. It is established that the PPU is characterized by good forms in the long-term exposure of water. After a monthly excerpt, the volume of PPU samples increased by only 2.5%, then a shrinkage began, which in 3 years was 1% in terms of volume or 0.3% - linear dimensions. The volume of PPU samples after a monthly test increased to 4%, and after a three-year exposure approached the original.

Fire resistance and heat resistance. The PPU used to belong to self-fighting (C), so-flammable (TV), challenged (TC) polyurethane foam. Practically improving the fire resistance of the PPU, as well as other foams, is provided mainly in two ways: the chemical modification of the formulation and the introduction of fillers. The first one is more expensive and time consuming, the second is used more often. Halogen, phosphorus-containing connections are used as fillers. In some cases, it is expediently filled with PPU to apply as a coating to the surface of the previously foamed PPU as a thin layer. Such two-layer coatings can be used in those sectors of the national economy, where there are increased requirements for fire resistance.Fire resistance and heat resistancePPU can be applied to their surface. special coatings Type Fukhs.


Polyurethane foam used in the process of exploitation is environmentally safe. There are appropriate permits for the use of polyurethane foam sanitary-epidemiological authorities.


Operating time different materials It is determined by the resistance of them to aging, i.e. The ability to maintain your properties during operation at the level of requirements technical condition. Climatic tests were carried out in various districts: moderately cold (Vladimir), dry hot (Tashkent), very cold (Antarctica, East Station), hot wet (in the equator area). As a result of the test, it was established that the change in the controlled characteristics of the PPU was almost small and preserved at the permissible level.The satisfactory resistance of the PPU in direct exposure to atmospheric factors can be illustrated by the example of applying spraying on the refinery in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Chita. For 15 years of operation, the appearance of mold, erosion, refractive coverage was found at these objects. The painting inside the PPU has not changed. The color of the outer surface from light yellow crossed into the dark brown. The strength limit has practically not changed, the shock viscosity of the internal layers increased by 1.5 times. The coefficient of thermal conductivity has changed from 0.033 to 0.04 W / (M K). The softening temperature has practically not changed. This data is in good agreement with the calculated, according to which, after 30 years of storage of polyurethane foam, the thermal conductivity coefficient increases by 15%. The water absorption of PPU did not exceed 0.15 kg / cubic meters. Dielectric characteristics have practically not changed. The change in the color of PPU (yellowing) is determined by the presence of free amino groups in the polymer and the effect of light. The intensity of this process can be reduced by a change in recipes.

Radiation resistance PPU.

With ionizing radiation, a slight decrease was found (by 0.3-2.4%) the mass of rigid PPU samples. Strength increases by 20-40%. When exposed to radiation, dielectric characteristics are changed: the tangent of the angle of dielectric losses at a frequency of 1 MHz is reduced by 2 times, and the dielectric constant changes significantly. The volume resistance is monotonously increasing. With increasing frequencies, the dielectric constant decreases slightly at temperatures up to 100 ° C. The main parameter determining the dielectric permeability in the temperature range up to 100 ° C is the PPU density.


After completing the rejection process (10-20 seconds), non-toxic polyurethane foam. At a temperature of 500 ° C, furine and carbon dioxide are highlighted. Tests conducted on mice have shown that the toxicity of products of expansion of polyurethane foams are significantly lower than the toxicity of wood decomposition products and rubber under the same conditions.

Warranty period.

The French Polyurethans applied by the company retain their properties from 15 to 50 years. Long-term ultraviolet irradiation of unprotected polyurethane foam in the junction corresponding to the 60-year period of operation does not have a noticeable effect on their physicomechanical properties at a depth of more than 10 mm from the surface. With prolonged effects of variable temperatures and cyclic deformation corresponding to the 40-year period of operation, polyurethane foam will not crumble, the formation of cracks and other violations of the macrostructure does not occur.

The main technical characteristics of polyurethane foams:

Polyurethane Foam Adhesion with Some Materials

Comparative characteristics of thermal insulation plates of PPU and min. Vata.

indicators polyurene Foolder mineral. Vata.
Coefficient of thermal conductivity 0,019-0,028 0,034-0,041
Coating thickness 35-70 mm. 120-220 mm.
Effective service life 25-30 years old 5 years
Manufacturing jobs From + 5C to + 30s From + 5C to + 30s
Moisture, aggressive environments Sustainable Heat-insulating. properties are lost, restoration is not subject to
Environmental purity Safe! It is allowed to use in residential buildings by the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 07/6-561 of 26.12.86 Allergen
Actual thermal losses 1.7 times below the normative SNiP 2.04.14-88 Energy Saving, No. 1, 1999 Excess regulatory SNiP after 12 months of operation.

The development of the direction of energy savings has a direct impact on the development of new thermal insulation materials and energy-efficient technologies. One of these is the pipes in the PPU isolation.

Within the framework of this article we will understand what the PPU pipe represents and what opportunities gives the use of these materials on an industrial scale.

PPU pipes - what is it?

Pipes in polyurethane foam isolation (PPU insulation) - This is a design made according to the "pipe in a pipe" principle, i.e. It consists of two pipes: the inner working (carrier) and the outer protective (shell), the gap between which is filled with polyurethane foam.

In a nutshell, PPU pipe is a steel pipe that has additional protection in the form of a heat insulating layer, whose functions performs polyurethane foam. The protective waterproofing sheath of polyethylene or from galvanized steel prolongs the time of the trouble-free service and expands the scope of application.

PPU pipe production technology

  • the manufacture of PPU pipes is possible only in the factory conditions, where polyurethane foam is sprayed on the steel pipe, which in turn is covered with a shell of galvanized steel or layer of polyethylene (in a polyethylene sheath). The procedure for manufacturing pipes GOST 30732-2001 is regulated. The final standard was approved and recommended for use only in 2006, therefore the name of the PPU PPU GOST 30732 2006 is often found. It is worth noting that the standards of the standard are distributed only on the PE PPU. The production of PPU pipes in a galvanized shell is not regulated;
  • warming of pipes PPU insulation. Inappropriate application of polyurethane foam or packaging in the PPU shell. Preparation of polyurethane foam is a more popular option for operated pipes, because There is an opportunity to carry out insulation of already mounted pipelines. To that isolation of pipes polyurethane foam more economical option.
  • - are a shell, from foamed polyurethane, consisting of one, two or several parts (cylinder, semi-cylinder, prefabricated elements). Dimensions of polyurethane foam shell: length 1 mp, thickness varies. The use of the shell makes it possible to warm the pipe without the use of equipment for spraying PPU. Mounting technology provides for fixing the PPU shell on a pipe using screeds.

PPU pipe production stages

For understanding, what caused the high performance properties of pipes in PPU insulation briefly consider how their production passes:

  1. input control. It is checked for compliance with the standards of incoming raw materials and other components: polyethylene, PPU system, steel, CED sensors, etc.;
  2. production of polyurethane foam shell;
  3. installation of steel pipe in the shell. Also includes the installation of CEDR conductor;
  4. polyurethane foam liquor;
  5. outgoing control. All products must be tested for compliance with standards and standards.

These stages of the production cycle passes a pipe at large domestic factories.

The production process is regulated by standards:

Main pipe manufacturers PPU

  • LLC MTER TSTS ("Interregional TSS") (Moscow) in terms of the volume of manufactured pipes PPU is considered the leader in Russia;
  • Tatteplozolation LLC (TTI), Republic of Tatarstan. It is one of the four largest enterprises producing PPU pipes in the Russian Federation. The production uses equipment from KWH (Finland), which allows you to produce over 1,700 mp. per day.

Also among major regional manufacturers include:

  • LLC "ZTI" ("Plant of thermal insulation"), St. Petersburg;
  • LLC "SKTK" (Moscow);
  • SZTGK - North-West Pipe Waterproofing Company (St. Petersburg);
  • Pervouralsk Pipe Isolation Plant (Yekaterinburg);
  • company "LENSPETAL" (St. Petersburg);
  • LLC Bizol (Chelyabinsk);
  • ZATU CJSC ("Urals Plant of thermal insulation"), Sverdlovsk region, Polevskaya.

The listed plants confirm the quality of PPU pipes and components, certificates and test protocols.

PPU pipe design (device)

The composition of the insulated pipe includes three layers:

  • basic (working) steel pipe. Pipes apply to the requirements of GOST 3262-78, 8732-78, 10705-80, GOST 30732-2006, SNiP 3.05.03-85;
  • heat insulation material - PPU insulation. The thermal insulation is ensured by spraying polyurethane foam. This innovative material differs from traditional insulators (for example, glass gambles), low thermal conductivity, hygroscopicity, durability. The thermal insulation material must correspond to GOST 30732-2006. In this case, an important requirement must be observed - good adhesion with the material of the working pipe and the shell. Permissible offset (axial shift) - 0.14 MPa (T \u003d 23 ° C);
  • sheath PPU isolation. Polyethylene is used as such low pressure black (GOST 18599-2001 is regulated) or galvanized (GOST 52246-2004 is regulated) - steel protective sheath (made of galvanized stroke). The type of shell is noted when labeling the product;
  • sTE system (this is component More progressive types of pipes). PPU tube with ADC (Sodov) is a pipe in polyurethane foam isolation, which is equipped with a system of operational remote control.

The installation of the CHA makes it possible to receive real-time information about possible defects:

  • damage to the main pipe;
  • damage to the shell pipe;
  • violation of the signal wire;
  • incorrectly mounted junction of pipes of pipes (wires are poorly connected).

ADC allows you to monitor the condition of the pipeline on a specific area or throughout the pipeline track.

Note. The ADC is mounted in PPU pipes in the shell of polyethylene. As for pipes in a shell of galvanized steel, then in this case the availability of ADC is discussed with the customer. And the specificity of the installation of copper wire control is that there are three, and not two, signal wires.

Scope of PPU pipes

  • gasket of thermal networks (hot water, heating and heating systems);
  • laying water supply and water supply systems;
  • laying industrial networks;
  • gas producing industry (gas movement);
  • oil refining industry (transportation and processing of petroleum products).

Types of pipes with PPU insulation

The wide sphere is applied and the possibility of using a different material for the formation of a protective outer shell of the pipe makes it possible to manufacture two of the varieties. Information on the appointment and composition of the pipe is contained in the marking. Select types and types:

  • pPU pipe in a polyethylene shell (PPP pipe PE). In this case, to protect heat insulating material Polyethylene is used. Designed for laying in underground chamberless and channel pipelines. Some manufacturers label such a type - PPP PPU pipes, which means that a steel pipe with a shell of polyethylene protrudes as a working work;
  • pPU pipes in galvanized shell (PPU PPU ots). The function of protecting the insulation is delegated to galvanized material that wolves into the casing (shell, case). Applied for overhead pipeline laying (air gasket). In this case, polyethylene is unable to perform protective functions, because Calculated under the influence of ultraviolet and other external factors. Galvanized steel shell copes with protection precisely in these conditions.

The pipes differ and depending on the insulation thickness, which is applied to them:

1 PPU - Standard insulation type. Suitable for laying in regions with temperate climates. In this case, the pipes are marked as follows: 1 PE PPE (in a polyethylene sheath) or 1 PPU OC (in galvanized shell);

2 PPU - Stressed type of isolation. Designed for areas with a cold climate. Products are denoted by 2 PE PPE or 2 PPU OC.

Marking PPU pipe

An example of marking:

Pipe PPU Art. 57x3-1 PPU PE with CH GOST 30731-2006

Deciphered as: Pipe with polyurethane foam insulator, steel, external diameter It is 57 mm, the thickness of the steel wall is 3 mm, the type of PPU is isolation of the first type (1 PPU), the polymer sheath (PE), the pipe is equipped with a system of operational remote control (ADC). Made in accordance with the requirements of the GOST 30731-2006.

Stip products for pipes PPU

Installation of PPU pipes are performed using the shaped products.

The most popular from the listed are:

  • steel tubes PPU;
  • taps, knee, bends;
  • pPU shell;
  • heat shirt cuffs (allow us to ensure the tightness of the place of the joint of pipes);
  • pPU pipe supports;
  • still supports. Allow to ensure the stability of the pipe on the direct section of the heating main;
  • sliding supports. Used when mounting pipes by air (ground) method. Sliding support Allows the pipe to move, compensating for the expansion caused by the impact of external factors.

Such a variety of shaped elements allows you to implement laying systems of different complexity and perform reliable connection Pipes with each other.

PPU pipe sizes

Metrological parameters of PPU pipes (sizes, diameters)

Metrological parameters of PPU pipes (gradation by type)

Pipes in PPU insulation from polyethylene (PE)

Size range. The outer diameter is from 32 mm to 1020 mm, the inner 25-1000 mm, the wall thickness is 2-11 mm, the diameter of the PE shell for 1-2 types of PPU 90-1200 mm, the thickness of the polyethylene shell is 3.0-14.9 mm.

Pipes in Galvanized Steel Isolation PPU (OC)

Size range. The outer diameter is from 32 mm to 530 mm, the inner 25-500 mm, the wall thickness is 2-7 mm, the diameter of the OC shell for 1-2 types of PPU 100-710 mm, the thickness of the galvanized shell is 0.5-0.7 mm.

Technical characteristics of PPU pipe

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PUPP operational characteristics

PUP pipes are of interest to housing and communal services, industrial and oil refineries, in private farm they are unlikely to use.

The cost of PPU pipes

For those who want to buy or get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe cost of PPU pipes and shaped elements, we give the estimated prices

Studying products of different manufacturers, it is not difficult to notice that on the Internet page of each of them, there is a price list on PPU pipes. However, it should be understood that this is the price is not final, because It is derived from many factors and is constantly revised. In the case of significant procurement volumes, the price is the subject of bargaining.

Advantages of pipes with PPU insulation

  • polyuretheniya isolation of pipes can significantly reduce heat loss. The maximum heat leakage is only 4%, while steel pipes with traditional thermal insulation have heat loss in the range of 20-25%;
  • high degree of reliability;
  • reduction of heat loss when transferring a coolant by 35-40%;
  • resistance to temperature regime. Applicable in the range of outer temperatures from -80 to +130 ° C;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • corrosion's informity without additional processing;
  • high laying speed. Installation of PPU pipes are performed above ground, underground and channel. Possible underground chambling gasket to a depth of up to 1 mp. This method of laying provides a pipeline device directly into the trench, in the use of reinforced concrete trays there is no need;
  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to rotting;
  • a significant reduction in construction costs, maintenance and repair of heating mains;
  • the ability to control the state of the system (due to the presence of a system of operational remote control);
  • anti-vandality. The heat insulator from the PPU pipes is almost impossible to steal and use re-;
  • increased the life of the heating mains.

In conclusion, we note that the pipes with PPU insulation is the new kind Insulated pipe material, which has a significant list of advantages, it has a reasonable price / quality ratio and has a long service life.

What is polyurethane foam, from which components it is manufactured, varieties of material, specifications, pluses and cons, features of the choice of insulation and equipment for its spraying, installation technology.

Description and features of the production of polyurethane foam

Polyurethan was synthesized for the first time in Germany in 1937. It was planned to use the rubber as a replacement. At 85-90%, the material consists of an inert gas phase.

The main source ingredients are polyol and polyisocyonda. These are the products of the petrochemical industry. They are in liquid state and mix directly on the site of insulation in special balloon equipment using high pressure and temperature.

The chemical reaction occurs with the addition of water. This leads to the formation of carbon dioxide, which is responsible for foaming the mixture. It is fed by a special hose and sprinkles on the surface with a spray gun. The mass remains in the form of an elastic foam, which quickly freezes.

In the manufacture of polyurethane foam, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules and norms. For example, it is necessary to work with this material at a temperature of from 20 to 30 degrees above zero. If the ambient temperature is lower, then more raw materials will be required to generate foam. In addition, the quality of the coating such a polyurethane foam will be desired to be desired.

It is important to carefully mix the components. So you will receive the insulation of a homogeneous structure without seals and cavities. Depending on the proportions in which polyols and polyisocyonda are mixed, the properties of the resulting substance differ. You can get flexible, elastic, elastic material, as well as durable, solid and fragile when flexing.

For insulation use polyurethane foams with cellular structure of different types. They can be applied by spraying or fill. In the latter case, special forms are used. In them, the substance is poured and freezes, after which the slabs are placed on the surface that must be inspired.

Besides, in lately Started using plant components for the production of polyols. These are different oils - castor, sunflower, soy, rapeseed. However, so far this method of producing components of polyurethane foam is not economically justified.

The main varieties of Polyurethane Foenerethane

There are several basic varieties of polyurethane foam, which can be used to insulate out outer and inland walls, floors and roofs.

Types of polyurethane foam depending on the density:

  • Hard. Its density reaches 30-86 kilograms per cubic meter. It has a structure with closed cells. About three percent of the total volume range solids. The rest is gas-filled cells. Widely used in the heat insulation of the foundation, soft, flat roof Due to its low thermal conductivity. It is durable, but has bad performance of vapor permeability. Material, the density of which is above 70 kilograms per meter cubic, can be used as a waterproofer, since its structure does not pass moisture.
  • Semi-rigid. This type includes polyurethanes with a density below 30 kilograms per cubic meter. They have open cells. The material can spray on the walls inside the building, roofing. He is inexpensive enough, but requires additional use hydro and vaporizolation, as it can absorb moisture. It has a higher thermal conductivity than a hard counterpart. In essence, it is a compacted foam.
  • Liquid. Its density is less than 20 kilograms per meter cubic. This polyurethane foam is designed for pouring niches and voids for the purpose of thermal insulation. It is also used to insulate structures with complex form. It does not waste them and is characterized by a good penetrating ability.
In addition to these species, there is a solid or sheet polyurethane foam. Its density is different, as the thickness. Plates on the aligned surface with adhesive compositions. This material is manufactured by filling into special forms with subsequent curing.

In the sphere of thermal insulation, soft polyurethane foam is used. It is called foam rubber. They optimally insulate interior walls. It has good elasticity, elasticity, due to which is suitable for insulation of surfaces of complex configurations. True, unlike the other varieties of polyurethane foam, the foam rubber is easy to damage mechanically.

Technical characteristics of Polyurethane Polyurethane

The technical characteristics of this or that type of polyurethane foam will be different. Consider the properties of the medium density insulation from 40 to 60 kilograms per cubic meter, which is widely used in the sphere of thermal insulation:
  1. Thermal conductivity. This property of polyurethane foam depends directly on the size of the cells filled with gas. What they are more and they are the biggest, the worse there will be the quality of thermal insulation. On average, as for rigid material, this indicator is in the range of 0.019-0.035 watts per meter on Kelvin. The thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam is lower than that mineral wool, foam glass, gas and ceramzite gravel.
  2. Ability to noise reduction. This parameter is determined by several factors: the elasticity of the material, the ability to pass air, the thickness of the insulation, damping properties. For polyurethane foam, the ability to sound insulation depends on the rigidity of the frame, the frequency of sound oscillations. The experimental means it was determined that the best noise-absorbing qualities have polyurethane of medium density and elasticity.
  3. Chemical resistance. The material has good stability before exposure to caustic chemical vapors, gasoline, oils, alcohol, non-concentrated acids, ethers with ketocks and plasticizers. Polyurethane foam is more resistant to chemicals than another popular insulation - polystyrene foam. When applying a layer of heat insulator on a metal surface, the latter will not cover rust over time. This is explained by the fact that the metal will be covered with triple protection: actually foam and two films (inside and outside), which are formed when frozen polyurethane foam.
  4. Moisture absorption. This material has the lowest absorption indicator of moisture among all other insulation. During the day it is 1-3% of the initial volume. At the same time, the dense insulator, the less moisture it can absorb. In addition, special hydrophobic substances are additionally introduced into the polyurethane foam. For example, castor oil can reduce the degree of water absorption 4 times.
  5. Fire resistance. Depending on the density, the composition of polyurethane foams may refer to several groups in the degree of flammability: with - self-fighting, vehicles - challenges, TV - fooling. In general, flammable material is low enough. Increase the fire resistance of the insulation by introducing into additional components. As a rule, these are compounds of phosphorus and halogens. It is allowed on a layer of ordinary polyurethane foam to apply a thin layer of fire-resistant.
  6. Duration of operation. Manufacturers indicate a warranty period of operation of material for at least 30 years. There are data that prove that real numbers are much more. For example, in some countries, at the moment dismantled at home, built in the 70s, which were insulated during the construction of polyurethane foam. Conclusions were made by specialists that the thermal insulator did not lose their qualities and remained unchanged since applying. 9 out of 10 cells remain isolated, which allow you to save heat so far.
  7. Environmental Safety. After 15-20 seconds after applying, the material is polymerized and becomes absolutely harmless to humans. When heated to a temperature above five hundred degrees Celsius, it begins to highlight the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

Polyurethane Polyurethane

Specifications of polyurethane foam identified its main advantages as insulation. In addition to low thermal conductivity and ability to sound and waterproofing, the material has such advantages:
  • High level of adhesion. The material is connected with any surfaces - wood, glass, brick, metal. Even the coating moistener will not be an interference for the "sticking" of polyurethane foam. It is also not reflected on the adhesion properties of the insulation curvature and the surface form on which it is applied. It is not necessary to pre-prepare or process with some formulations.
  • Simple montage. Due to the fact that the polyurethane foam is applied by spraying, its consumption is minimal. It is not necessary to carry out the fitting and trimming of the material in the process of fixing to the surface. Also, it will not be necessary to use adhesive compositions during operation, with the exception of fastening tile polyurethane foam.
  • Ease. Polyurethane foam does not load the construction of the building, does not put pressure on the foundation. This is especially true when insulating old houses, as well as roofs.
  • Giving strength to walls. In addition to excellent thermal insulation, polyurethane foam is also able to strengthen the design, give it additional strength.
  • Resistance to temperature drops. For this heat insulator, the temperature differences from -150 to +150 degrees are not terrible.
  • No seams and cold bridges. Polyurethane foam helps to form a homogeneous mass on the walls, in which there will be no seams and bridges of a cold, transmitting air low temperatures.
  • Resistance to biological effects. This material is not subject to rotting, decomposition, damage to fungi and does not attract rodents.
  • Ecology. Polyurethane foam after polymerization does not release toxic substances into the air.

Disadvantages of polyurethane foam

Despite the abundance of the advantages of polyurethane foam, he has enough weighty shortcomings that need to be considered when choosing this insulation. Consider them:
  1. Low vapor permeability. Especially this quality is inherent in rigid types of polyurethane foam. This negatively affects the microclimate in a room insulated with such material. If you use hard polyurethane foam for the insulation of the attic, then the walls will be cooked, the mold and fungus will grow.
  2. Instability in front of the rays of the sun. Ultraviolet is destroyed for insulation. It greatly worsens its characteristics. Therefore, the polyurethane is needed immediately after installing to protect finishing materials, if a we are talking About facade or outer walls.
  3. The need for special equipment for applying. Such professional equipment is quite expensive. However, it can be leased or buy unprofessional equipment for domestic use.
It is worth noting if you do not have skills and you doubt your abilities, it is recommended to refer to specialists to apply polyurethane foam, so as not to spoil the equipment and get high-quality thermal insulation.

Criteria for selecting polyurethane foam and equipment for its spraying

When choosing a type of polyurethane foam for insulation of certain designs and walls, such recommendations should be taken into account:
  • Heat the walls by spraying polyurethane foam from the inside is not recommended. So the dew point is shifted, and the surface will freeze. It is also fraught with moisture condensing if a hard material is used. Walls will be wet round year.
  • If other materials are impossible to apply, then the walls should be insulated from the inside of the room with semi-rigid polyurethane foam. The optimal layer is 25-30 millimeters.
  • For external work take a tough polyurethane foam. There is no need for vapor barrier. The walls will be reliably protected from the destructive effect of cycles of frost-thawing.
  • For insulation, the roof is designed soft foam, as well as liquid polyurethane foam.
  • For the thermal insulation of the foundation, the tile material with high rigidity and density is perfectly suitable. The size of polyurethane foam can be different. This is usually 500x500 millimeters.
Before proceeding with the work on independently applying polyurethane foam, appropriate equipment should be selected. It is called a foam generator. The main task is to mix components in the desired proportion. Equipment can be divided into low and high pressure settings. For household needs, a low pressure foam generator is suitable.

Many models provide optimal temperature mode. If you plan to produce a spraying in the cold season, then installing heated - what you need.

Price and manufacturers of polyurethane foam

Polyurethan is a mixing and reaction product of two substances: polyol (component A) and polyisocynate (component B). The last in Russia is not produced. It is supplied from abroad.

It is worth noting such producers of polyisocynat: Bayer, Elastogran (Germany), Huntsman (Holland), Dow Chemical (USA). All of these manufacturers of polyurethane foam (component b) make the material of approximately the same quality and cost - from 165 rubles per kilogram.

Domestic companies produce polyol. You can allocate such manufacturers: Dau-Isolan, Chimtrast, Polyols Plant, Uretan and others. The price of polyurethane (component A) is about 250 rubles per kilogram.

Russian manufacturers Tiled polyurethane foam of decent quality is also made. Its price starts from 500 rubles per square meter.

Brief Instruction on Polyurethane Foam Installation

Polyurethane foam application technology does not differ depending on the surface treated. The exterior, inner walls, the facade are insulated according to the same scheme, while pre-creates a doomlet of wooden bars in increments of about 30 centimeters. For thermal insulation of the foundation and roof, it is not necessary to install an additional crate.

Installation of polyurethane foam is carried out like this:

  1. We open the taps on the cylinders with the components and click on the pistol tper. From the nozzles begins to flow foam.
  2. We apply it, starting with the bottom of the wall. If we are talking about the thermal insulation of the foundation - then from a long corner. The same applies to the insulation of the roof.
  3. The gun must be kept not closer than 20-25 centimeters from the surface.
  4. We move the jet smoothly and apply uniformly.
  5. If you want to shift to a new place, then the gun is turned off. Before proceeding to work again, you need to change the nozzle.
  6. If you apply two layers of polyurethane foam, then the second you need to start spraying only after the full polymerization of the first one. The average thickness of polyurethane foam is usually 25-50 millimeters.
  7. Make sure that the insulation layer does not speak for the crate.
  8. The frozen polyurethane is cut, if necessary, a building knife with a crate.
After the insulation, the surface of the walls must be reinforced with a special grid and corners. After that, you can start spending finish work - Plastering, painting, installing siding and so on.

Watch the video Review of Polyurethane Foam:

Polyurethane foam for a number of properties exceeds all other heat insulators. In particular, it has very low thermal conductivity, high adhesion and hydrophobicity. It is light and eco-friendly. But it will take to work with him special equipment. And if you do not have the opportunity to rent it, then it is advisable to hire a team of professionals, as it is impractical to buy expensive equipment.

The technical characteristics of polyurethane foam, which is a material from a group of gas-filled plastics, by 85-90% of the inert gas mass consisting of inert gas; different areas Human activity: from the manufacture of children's toys and sponges for washing dishes before the implementation of insulation in various types of structures, including on balconies and loggias.

Read more about material

The structure of polyurethane foam is porous and cellular, and all the tiny cells, of which it consists, filled with a gaseous substance. The remaining several percent of the volume is a solid part formed by the thin walls of these cells. The basis for its production is the products of petrochemical processing, in particular, polyols and polyisocyanates. In addition, there is a technology for producing PPU components from vegetable raw materials, but due to the fact that the cost of the source components with this production method has much big priceIt is used only in exceptional cases.

Depending on the proportion of the source components used to create this material, polyurethane foams with cells are produced. different sizes and thicknesses having different strength characteristics. These include:

  • PPU of the usual type;
  • With increased rigidity;
  • Soft type;
  • Very soft;
  • Elastic viscosko;
  • Highly elastic.

IN building production A rigid type polyurethane foam is used, with a density of 30-86 kg / m 3, which has high energy-saving abilities. PPU with a density of about 70 kg / m 3, in addition to its strength qualities, has an increased ability to retain moistureDue to which it is successfully used in the waterproofing device.

Scope of application as insulation

Due to its low thermal conductivity (0.019 - 0.03 W / m), small vapor permeability and good waterproofing properties of polyurethane foam is successfully used in construction as effective and reliable means For the thermal insulation device of various buildings and structures. For example, in the production of such works as:

  • The creation of the heat insulating layer in the roofs and attic rooms;
  • Insulation and device of acoustic insulation of internal and outer walls, floors of buildings;
  • Device of waterproofing and insulation of foundations;
  • Creating a thermal insulating layer when installing trunk pipelines.

Warming of roofs of buildings with a polyurethane foam mixture is very popular in many developed countries, such as USA and Canada. For protection against destruction due to the effects of ultraviolet, such a coating additionally closes on top of concrete or sheet metal.

detailed instructions According to our separate article.

One of the most popular and available materials For insulation - this is a foam. As a insulation, we told on our website.

Advantages and disadvantages

Polyurethan as a heater has a number of positive qualities confirming the efficiency and rationality of its use at various stages of construction production. These include:

  • High degree of adhesion (setting) with processed base. Due to its ability to stick the polyurethane foam foam can be applied on the surface of any type, located under any corners and planes.
  • Mechanical strength and ability to expand. By increasing its volume in the process of application, polyurethane foam composition fills all the smallest slits, forming a dense monolithic coating with high strength qualities.
  • Ease. This quality allows you to actively use this material in the works on the thermal insulation of roofs and attic rooms.
  • Noise insulating properties. Polyuretheni foam with cells closed type Due to its possibility of forming a homogeneous, seamless coating is one of the best sound insulators.
  • Convenience in the work and speed of applying. Production and application of polyurethane foam composition is possible at the installation site, due to which it is possible to significantly reduce the transportation costs and fulfill the work on warming better, avoiding the appearance of the "cold bridges" in certain areas. The final hardening of the foam occurs in the minimum time, after which it acquires its high physico-technical qualities.

However, in addition to the undoubted advantages of PPU has some " problem places" Including:

  • Low resistance K. ultraviolet radiation . With the open method of its operation, it is necessary to provide for its additional protection in the form of applying layers of plaster, paint or panels.
  • Not high enough fire resistance. Therefore, to protect against possible ignition, the polyurethane insulation must be protected by a special fireproof coating.
  • High cost. To date, the average cost of spraying polyurethane foam coating with a thickness of 10 cm is 1500-2500 rubles. For 1 m 2, 5 cm - 750-1300 rubles.

Characteristics and properties

In its heat-insulating characteristics, polyurethane foam as a heater significantly exceeds other popular materials used in modern building production. It is different high density And has good heat saving indicators. The main effect on the thermal conductivity of the PPU is the size and structure of its cells. In liquid compositions, this indicator is in the range of 0.019 - 0.035 W / m to, while the thermal conductivity coefficient of another popular insulation - mineral wool, is 0.045 - 0.056 W / m K.

Polyuralability coefficient of polyurethane foam with a closed cellular structure is μ \u003d 50 by ISO / FDIS 10456: 2007 (E) that 50 times lower than this indicator calculated for mineral wool (μ \u003d 1). That is, when using polyurethane foam foam for insulation of the inside of the premises or the protection of concrete surfaces with outside Water vapor penetration is prevented into the structure of walls or overlaps. However, in aquatic environment Use polyurethane foam insulation is not recommended due to the possibilities for the development of hydration reactions.

Please note: low-density polyurethane foam compounds with a cellular structure open type, variable, so need to create vapor barrier protection when using indoors.

Specifications of polyurethane foam:

Number P / P Indicators Units Values \u200b\u200bfor polyurethanes of various brands
1 Apparent density Kg / m 3 18.300
2 Thermal conductivity W / m to Not more than
3 Destructive tension, not less MPa Compression: 0.15 ... 1.0 Breat:
4 Water absorption % volume 1,2.2,1
5 Number of closed pores Not less than 85..95
6 Spray GOST 12.1.044 (hard-burning)

Comparison of polyurethane foam with insulation of other species

In order to find out how justified and appropriate, the use of PPU as a heater, its main physico-technical parameters should be considered in comparison with other popular materials, such as mineral wool:

Indicators Units Name of material
Polyurethan (PPU) Mineral wool
Coefficient of thermal conductivity W / m to 0,033 0,049
Apparent density Kg / m 3 60-80 55-150
Compressive strength MPa 0,3 Not normalized, minimum load resistance
Absorption of moisture, no more % 10 Not normalized, constant percentage of humidity 4%, low resistance to moisturizing
Effective service life, not less years 40 10
Expenses for operation (indicator of specific damage) Damage per year / 100 km 3-4 30-40

The comparative characteristics of polyurethane foam in terms of its environmental friendliness and security are presented in the following table:

Indicators Polystyrene foam Styrofoam Mineral wool
Environmental Safety Safe Contains phenols, formaldehyde
Attitude to moisture Sustainable Sustainable Not stable Not stable
Behavior in aggressive environments Sustainable Less stable Lost-resistant Not stable
Resistance to rodents, microorganisms Good Malaya Not Not
The presence of poisonous substances,% in mass Not Not Not 6% (formaldehydes, phenols)
Distribution of fibers in the air Not Not Not Present, allergen
The presence of avonoiding gases Not Not Not Yes

Another of the interesting materials for insulation is. About how good this insulation is read here.

So that the balcony becomes the highest possible, besides work on the insulation, it is necessary to spend the heating. To do this, you can use infrared ceiling heaters, page.

When independent work Materials should follow some simple recommendations:

Note: The polyurethane foam insulation can be made year-round.

Thus, having studied the technical characteristics of polyurethane foam and correctly carrying out its application. You can get a durable and high-quality heat insulating coating, which any room will make it warmer and comfortable.

Polyurethane foam video

In this section we suggest you watch video about specifications Polyurethane foam and technology of its spraying.

5 years!

departure of the frinser

Only quality

work experience
12 years!

Needed thickness of polyurethane foam

One of the big advantages of polyurethane foam is that with the same thickness of the insulation, the PPU provides the greatest heat-stash in comparison with other insulation. Consequently, the consumption of material and the amount of work required is minimal.

How important is the correct calculation of the thickness of the PPU?

With illiterate calculations even the most best Material Does not fulfill its task for insulation. In addition, the insufficient thickness of the insulation of polyurethane foam thermal insulation contributes to damage to the structure of the house. Walls are preserved by B. winterThe "dew point" is transferred inside the premises, which contributes to the accumulation of condensate on the walls, dampness inside the house and the inevitable appearance of mold. Calculate what the necessary thickness of polyurethane foam will help specialists in working with PPU. You can also calculate yourself using uncomplicated.

Tip from professional

The application of polyurethane foam of the desired thickness is better to produce after the PPU test injections, which will also help check the correctness of the sprayer setting. Before processing the surface, be sure to spend a series of such test checks for maximum accuracy.

General recommendations for the selection of the thickness of the PPU layer for various types of insulation

To navigate the correctness of your own calculations, read the approximate thickness of the polyurethane foam layer for insulation of various areas of construction. For the PPU layer, the thickness depends, first of all, from the thermal conductivity and density of the material, its heat transfer coefficient. Consider the main types of insulation:

  • For insulation, the roof is taken by a layer of insulation of polyurethane foam thickness 120 - 150 mm with a density of a material of 20 - 45 kg / m 3. The same layer thickness is necessary for mansard insulation.
  • For insulation of floors and basements, the required layer of insulation is 50-70 mm. You can choose the right density of PPU according to our recommendations.
  • The foundation is insulated by polyurethane foam with a thickness of 30-70 mm and a density of over 50 kg / m 3.
  • For the insulation of the walls, the PU is taken with a thickness of 50-70 mm.

These figures may vary depending on the climate, the material being processed, the quality of the PPU itself and many other parameters. Absolutely accurate calculation of PPU thickness can only hold an experienced professional. In addition, even with the correct calculation of the expectation on thermal insulation may not be justified due to poor-quality material. Therefore, for effective thermal insulation, a combination of quality, correct calculation and professional fulfillment of all works is required.


  • Warming houses