Repairs Design Furniture

The rewind of the speakers of high frequency with their own hands. DIY repair of dynamics using available materials. How to try to straighten a jammed cap

Even the highest quality columns are not insured against breakdowns. They may be caused by various reasons. If the column suddenly stopped emitting the sound, and during the diagnosis of the speaker system it became clear that the reason for this serves as a certain inner breakdown of the column, it is not necessary to contact the service center at all and even more so to go buy a new technique.

Nowadays, repaired the column is very simple - all parts are in a free sale, it remains only to find the necessary tools and carefully examine the technology of repairs. That everything turned out exactly, you can see the appropriate video and just follow the proposed instruction step by step.

If you have had difficulty disassembling columns, you can read.

Types of malfunctions of speakers

The main part of any column is a dynamic emitter, which is engaged in the transformation of an electrical signal into sound waves. It is most often broken. What kind of dynamics do not meet most often?

All breakdowns of emitters are usually associated with three main reasons:

  • incorrect operation;
  • factory marriage - the use of poor-quality details or errors when assembling the device;
  • natural wear of acoustic equipment.

Related the breakdown to one of the reasons is very simple - in case of marriage in the production of the column, usually break through a short time after the purchase, natural wear, on the contrary, takes a very long time - with proper use, even cheap high-quality speakers can stop at least a decade of years . Thus, the sudden breakage most often refers to errors when working with speakers.

Incorrect operation

The main reason for the breakdown during the operation of the speakers is non-compliance with the permissible power limit to the signal emitter. Most often, this is due to the fact that the user is mistaken when determining the power of the column and the amplifier. This is quite simple, since the power can be calculated by several methods. The values \u200b\u200bof effective, sinusoidal and amplitude facilities can differ much from each other - excess when taking into account this is not the type of power can exceed 200%. Of course, the column burns at the first inclusion in the network.

The overload of the dynamic emitters is very often found in acoustic systems, whose columns are equipped with several speakers. In such a column, the power of the electrical signal may be incorrectly distributed between the twitter, the mid-frequency loudspeaker and the subwoofer. As a rule, the victim of such a problem becomes twitter, requiring significantly less power than its counterparts. The high-frequency dynamics power is usually no more than 1/10 of the entire power of the column. If the user tries to apply more current on Twitter, too much amplifying ultra-high frequency with an equalizer, a fragile high-frequency emitter may break instantly.

In addition to electrical problems, there may be mechanical damage to any dynamics element. It is usually protected by a tissue or metal decorative lattice, but damage the emitter, however, is quite simple. It may be damaged by the cap, protecting the device from dust, the squeezing of the diffuser and the membrane itself is a thin film, often paper, break or pierced which is extremely simple. The consequences of these damage can be very serious: the centering is broken, which is why the coil or sleeve breaks - the sound playback becomes physically impossible. In addition, the result brings the core offset from the dynamics center - in this case, the most important details of the device are stuck in a magnetic trap.

Such breakdowns leads, as a rule, a very non-accuraatory handling of columns - most often the drop in the device. It can be damaged both fragile portable columns from non-solid materials and massive floor columns with high power. Although the latter, of course, are better protected from mechanical damage.

Manufacturing defects

All parts of the speakers are usually glued, and incorrect gluing can lead to displacement of fixed parts from the places intended for them. Even the diffuser may be discovered, as a result of which its vibration will be impossible and, accordingly, obtaining sound waves. A poor-quality fixing of moving parts and wires significantly reduces the resource of the column, and the natural wear is taking too fast.

Natural wear

From wear, with proper assembly, the most fragile parts of the device are most affected by the most fragile parts - suspension - that is, the diffuser holder and the wire, bringing the signal to the coil.


It seems that it is very easy to distinguish mechanical damage from electrical - it is enough to remove the protective panel and inspect the speaker for damage. If everything is in order with the integrity of the details, it means that the breakage is connected to the electrical part. However, on rumor and eyes it is difficult to distinguish some types of breakdowns - for example, a fault of the flexible output of the coil. At the same time, the sound most often disappears not completely - the column can produce foreign sounds and silent from time to time.

To determine the breakdown of the flexible output, as well as the fault of the coil, uses an ohmmeter connected to the dynamics terminals with a static membrane. If the arrow begins to twitch - the problem is here. To fix the breakdown, you have to disassemble the speaker, separate the broken parts and put new ones - they can be bought at any radio engineering store.

With the help of a low frequency generator and an infrasound, you can calculate the rejected coil, part of its turns, as well as the diffuser suspended from the suspension. At the same time, extraneous sounds will appear. They will be heard at a certain frequency when the damaged part of the speaker will enter the resonance with sound.

As for more serious breakdowns, they are calculated much easier - even special tools will not need:

  • longly shake the speaker - if inside something rolled, it means that the coil from the sleeve fell off;
  • take a look at the diffuser - if it moves reluctantly, it means that the effect of the coil on it has decreased - probably due to the displacement of the sleeve coil stuck between the magnets;
  • if the membrane does not move, it is possible that the coil is stuck along with the sleeve due to the bias of the core.

In the last two cases, the repair is to release the sleeve, subsequent disassembly of the device and eliminate the cause of the problem. Disassemble the speaker until the sleeve is between magnets, it is impossible - you can also damage the diffuser membrane.

Replacing flexible conclusions

Repair can be carried out in two situations - with free access to the outputs, in which case the speaker is not required, and when the device is closed. In the first case, of course, the repair is much simpler. Due to the presence of magnets inside the dynamics, it is desirable to use the tool not from steel, if any, since it can damage it to the membrane or cap.

Flexible conclusion is fastened with its own wiring of an electromagnetic coil. To share these details, you need to warm up the place of gluing by a soldering iron and carefully tear the old braid from the coil. It is necessary to act carefully not to damage the workable parts.

The new conclusion is best to buy from spare parts suppliers for columns. But you can make it and with your own hands - for this, any multi-moist copper wire with the same cross section is used as the original part. It must be done as the same as at a replaceable flexible output. All residentials glued together with special glue and pour. Then the spare part must be glued to the output of the coil and securely fix on the inner surface of the diffuser.

Disassembling dynamics to replace parts

The complexity of the disassembly depends only on the type of glue used in the production of the emitter. If the design was fastened with epoxy resin, the device can be disassembled very problematic. But if the adhesive applied is dissolved with acetone or alcohol, you can safely begin repairing work. It is desirable to use acetone, even if the glue is better dissolved with ethyl acetate - it is much lower it, so the work will be more secure for health.

Disassembly goes in the following order:

  • Suspension squeezed. It is necessary to do it carefully not to damage it. Under the suspension, acetone is neatly poured with a pipette. When the glue starts to dissolve, a match or toothpick as a backup is inserted into the scene. Moving across the circumference, in the same way, we spare the entire suspension.
  • The centering washer is dugs. This can be done either by the case, or from the diffuser.

After removing these two parts, full access to the internal dynamics will open. Then it will be possible to repair any of its details: to shoot and replace them best, although you can try and replace, for example, winding the coil with your own hands. However, without the experience of such work, the result is hardly satisfactory.

Column Repair: Video

How to repair the speaker yourself? FAQ Part1

This is the first part of the loudspeaker head repair manual.

Here you will find information about the terminology used, the problems of speakers and the simplest repair, when only the replacement of flexible conclusions is required. Other issues will be discussed in the next articles.

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How does the dynamic head arranged?

The schematic figure shows the speaker in the context. Approximately so arranged low-frequency and mid-frequency heads of loudspeakers.

  1. Suspension (corrugation).
  2. Flexible output (pigtail).
  3. Bracket (creparate pigs to the diffuser).
  4. Damper (protects the pigtail from the fracture near the terminal).
  5. Hole in the body for flexible output.
  6. Isolating plank (holds terminal).
  7. Terminal.
  8. Soldering connecting flexible output with the terminal and output of the coil.
  9. Conclusion of the coil.
  10. Coil.
  11. Dynamics Case (basket, frame).
  12. Diffuser (membrane, diaphragm).
  13. Dustproof cap (plug).
  14. Centering washer.
  15. Sleeve.
  16. Pole tip.
  17. Kern.
  18. Upper flange.
  19. Magnet.
  20. Lower flange.

Letters N and S are denoted by the Northern and South Magnet Poles. This is the usual layout of the pole, although occasionally meets the opposite.

In the following picture, the conditional drawing of the RF speaker in the context.

  1. Conclusion of the coil.
  2. Isolating gasket.
  3. Suspension (elastic continuation of the dome).
  4. Dome Dome Design Diffuser (membrane, diaphragm).

The main difference between the RF speakers from the SC and the LF heads is the absence of a centering washer.

In addition, in many RF heads, a diffuser of a dome design is used, which is often called the membrane. The dome and suspension in such speakers are a single whole, and the sleeve is attached to the dome.

Since the stroke of the diffuser of the RF dynamics is small, then often the role of flexible conclusions perform the conclusions of the coil.

What are the malfunctions of the speakers?

Malfunctions of speakers arise in connection with incorrect operation, unqualified assembly or normal wear.

Incorrect operation.

Most often, damage occurs due to exceeding the power supply to the dynamics. One of the reasons for such errors can be confusion with the method of determining the power of the dynamics and amplifier. This is due to the fact that the same numerical values \u200b\u200bof effective, standardity (RMS), or as it is also called, the sinusoidal power and power of amplitude or musical are created in the coil of the current speaker, characterized twice.

Another reason for the overloading of speakers is the incomplete redistribution of the power between the heads of multibose speakers. Most often, the HF speakers suffer from this. The fact is that the power of the sakes in multi-band systems can be less than 10% of the total power of the AC. And if the user with the help of the equalizer will give Bo "the weigh part of the power of the amplifier in the RF speaker, then the death of the latter can be instantaneous.

Mechanical damage to the dustproof cap, suspension and diffuser occur also. Sometimes these damage lead to a violation of the centering, which in turn leads to the destruction of the coil and the sleeve.

The destruction of the sleeve and coils can be caused and displaced the core. In such cases, the sleeve together with the coil jershys in a magnetic gap. This usually occurs as a result of the loudspeaker drops or dynamics.

Unqualified assembly.

Due to the unqualified assembly, the sleeve, coil, suspension or centering washer can be cut off. A poor-quality gluing can also cause the emergence of foreign pridemen.

Improper fastening of flexible conclusions can significantly reduce their resource.

Normal wear.

If the loudspeaker head is assembled qualitatively, then the suspension and flexible conclusions suffer most as a result of normal wear. The diffuser can also collapse if its strength margin does not correspond to the power of the speaker.

How to identify a faulty dynamics element without disassembly?

All the malfunctions of the speakers can be divided into "mechanical" and "electric". However, some electrical defects are distinguished from mechanical on rumor is very difficult.

If no external changes, such as the destruction of corrugations or diffuser, have been detected, but at the same time extraneous ghosts appeared in the form of a crackling or a periodic loss of sound occurs, then the flexible conclusions should be checked first.

To do this, connect the arrow ohmmeter to the dynamics terminals and move pigtails with a fixed diffuser. If the arrow of the Ommeter moves, it means that the flexible output is damaged.

Other electric defects include the coil break and closure of parts of the coil or the entire coil. These defects can also be revealed using an ohmmeter.

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To do this, the input of the amplifier is given a signal of a specifying generator.

Partially peeling coil or part of the turns can be revealed, smoothly changing the generator frequency or turning the generator to the GCC mode (swinging frequency generator).

When checking this dynamics, the GCC range of 20Hz was used ... 2kHz with a period of 3 seconds. In this dynamic, apparently, a substantial part of the coil was dugged because the ghosts are heard in a large frequency range. If a small fragment of the coil is dugs from the sleeve, the gums can appear only on some separate frequency, and only when the damaged design element is included in the resonance.

In some cases, to detect a malfunction, it is useful to use the infusion frequency generator. This can help reveal, for example, defects with a rubber corrugation gluing with a diffuser. The arrow shows the place where the name is formed.

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Pulling the sleeve about the core or coil on the inner surface of the upper flange can also be chopped at a frequency of several hertz, if slightly press the corrugation wave fingers.

More serious damage to the speakers reveal even easier.

For example, if when the dynamics is turned over, something heard is heard, it means that part of the turns or the entire coil fell off from the sleeve.

If the diffuser moves very badly, then, most likely, the coil flew and jammed the sleeve in the magnetic gap.

If the diffuser does not move at all, it may have moved Kern and jammed the coil along with the sleeve.

Never try to disassemble such a speaker, without having without freeing the sleeve, as this can also lead to damage to the diffuser.

How to replace flexible speakers?

Be extremely careful when replacing flexible conclusions on an unemployed dynamics, as the steel tool attracted by the magnetic system can damage the diffuser and dust cap.

If access to flexible conclusions (pigtails) is free, then you can try to replace them without disassembled the speaker. But, in some cases, the speaker will still disassemble. In the picture, a detailed flexible output.

Disassemble old flexible conclusions with maximum caution so as not to damage the diffuser and do not break the conclusions of the coil.

First, the brass bracket is extensive, holding a flexible output, if it, of course, is.

Then he warmed the soldering location to separate from the diffuser, and the flexible output, and the output of the coil. Usually, after heating, glue softened and conclusions can be dismantled.

What can replace damaged flexible conclusions?

Of course, the simplest solution is to borrow flexible conclusions from another dynamics of close capacity or order from suppliers selling spare parts for speakers. But, if there is no such possibility, or you want to save on spare parts, you can make surrogate pigtails yourself.

The first and easiest option is to replace the failed moster with a segment of the MGTF wire of a suitable cross section. Who for the first time came up with, I do not know, but it was with such flexible conclusions that once the most popular dynamics 4a32 were on sale.

Another option is the manufacture of braids from the flexible telephone cable of Soviet production. It can still be found among all the rubble in the flea markets.

I know two types of such a cable. In one, each wire consists of seven lived, and in another of fourteen. Each lived is made by winding the copper tape to the lavsano thread. In the context of the tape, there is a form of a rectangle with dimensions of 0.03 x 0.3mm.

0,03 * 0,3 * 14 = 0,126 (mm²)

As you can see, the cross section is small, therefore, two or more stranded wires can be twisted for powerful speakers.

Initially, the segment or segments of the telephone cable are prepared using a soldering iron.

Isolation is removed in small sections, in order to avoid damage.

Then the veins of each stranded wire are spinning and jerked again into one wire.

And finally, the flexible conclusion twice is thoroughly skidded with rubber or 88th glue with an interval in the 20rd minutes.

Before the first sickness, the twist should be free so that the glue penetrates her live. Immediately after the first sizing, the veins are twisted to the end. The second sizing finally fixes the veins relative to each other.

Thus, you can make a flexible output for the dynamics of any power.

If there is no telephone nor MGTF wire, then as a temporary measure, you can use the MGCW wire or even a lamp from the shielded wire, but such pigtails do not live for a long time, and the load on the diffuser has a lot, due to less flexibility.

When installing a flexible output, it should be borne in mind that the weak places of this node are the places of fastening of pigtails to the diffuser and terminal.

If the mounting brackets are damaged or lost, then the pigtail is fastened with two crossed stitches of the thread. Then the mounting place is pumped with a large dry residue. The weathered BF-2 / BF-4 is suitable.

To prevent the premature moster fracture, the mounting places are covered with several layers of rubber or 88th glue with a transition to a flexible output.

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Repair of the dynamic head (dynamics) is a laborious process, especially if it is associated with the need to rewind the coil of the electromagnetic system, since this operation requires almost complete disassembly of the dynamics with the extraction of its diffuser. Such a complex repair is advisable to perform at a sufficiently high price for a new dynamic head, the presence of the necessary tools and materials, as well as initial knowledge in the field of electronics.

The article describes the relatively simple case of recovery of the coil of the dynamics: without the need to manufacture a new base for the coil (the aluminum base is well preserved); Due to the considerable dynamics power, an impressive enamel section is used, which is easy to lay.

To rewind the coil of the dynamics, we will need the following main tools and means:

  1. Cylindrical, all-metal mandrel (dweller), for installation inside the coil frame in the winding process.
  2. Glue "BF-2". Glue "Moment". Acetone. Ethanol.
  3. Enamel conductive wire (enamel) of a certain length and section, for the manufacture of a new coil winding.
  4. Winding machines.
  5. Calipers.
  6. Electric machine.

100 ml bottle with BF-2 glue.
No more than 10 ml is spent on one rewind of the coil.

Aluminum (continuous) mandrel.
The outer diameter is 49.5 +/- 0.05 mm. The diameter of the inner opening is 8 mm. Length is about 60 mm.

IEK ku 09-18 (24V) coil as a source of winding wire.
Before winding, the wire must be pretty straightened and rewind on another cumulative coil having a round shape.

Disassembling dynamics.

Most dynamic heads are not intended for their disassembly and is like disposable (non-separable, unsuitable for repair) components of acoustic systems. In practice, it is often possible to successfully disassemble the speaker of the typical design and it is possible to collect it again. The main task is to soften glue, with the help of which a plurality of components of the speaker is bonded, and separating them from each other without injury and deformation.

The dynamics fastening screws have a hex slot(photo on the left).
Subwoofer without dynamics (photo on the right).

Speaker subwoofer (before repair).

On the dynamics there is a marking "10p32", probably indicating ondiameter 10 inches andresistance 3.2 Ohm.

The sequence of operations is as follows.

First, we disappear flexible wicker conductors (toys) from the panels on the dynamics basket.

Secondly, remove the dust cap. To do this, we impregnate the glue seam with acetone (for example, a syringe with a needle), the tip of the knife is separating the cap from the diffuser. According to the results of this operation, it should be concluded about the quality of the softening of glue with acetone, and the need to apply any other solvent.

Removing the dust cap.

Thirdly, disconnect the upper suspension of the diffuser from the basket, impregnating the glue seam with a solvent. In the case of repairing subwoofer dynamics having a durable rubber suspension, the task is simplified significantly.

Fourthly, very carefully separate the centering puck of the bottom suspension of the diffuser from the dynamics basket. To do this, we richly impregnate the glue seam with a solvent, we are waiting for a few minutes, and slowly, with a small flat screwdriver, separate the washer from the basket.

Now the diffuser must be freely removed from the basket. To disconnect the centering washer from the diffuser is not necessary.

The diffuser has the labeling "YC-246A".

We estimate the state of the electromagnetic system of the dynamics: coils, permanent magnet. In our case, the native Sven-oski dynamics coil sweated with a copper enamel round of the round, had a crying species: blackened from excessive heating enamel, several dug-off extreme turns, the coil is easily unwound (the glue completely burned out). Most likely, it was a consequence of failure. The conclusion is obvious - a complete replacement of the coil wire is necessary.

The state of the old sound coil. Aluminum frame did not suffer.

Wire selection for winding.

A simple way to determine the necessary length of the new wire with sufficient accuracy is to calculate the length of one turn (knowing its radius), multiply by the number of turns in the layer and the number of layers. SVEN subwoofer speaker has a four-layer coil with 34 coils in each layer. According to measurements, the outer diameter of the burnt coil is 53 mm, therefore, the length of one turn (at a maximum, on the surface of the coil) is: 53 x 3,14 \u003d 166.42 mm. We multiply this length on the total number of turns in the coil: 166,42 x 34 x 4 \u003d 22633,12 mm. Thus, rounded in a large side (adding a small margin), to rewind the coil, we need not less than 23 meters of enamelled wire.

The outer and inner diameters of the burnt coil are equal to 53 and 50 mm, respectively (measurements of approximate due to the presence of winding deformations).

The diameter of the wire is determined using a micrometer or caliper. The area of \u200b\u200bthe circular section is calculated by the well-known formula: S \u003d pi x R 2, where R is the radius of the wire. It is necessary to measure the diameter of the wire both by copper (with removed by lacquer insulation) and on isolation (the external diameter of the future coil is important for us). To remove the insulating varnish from the wires, when measuring the diameter of copper, it is necessary to heat the tip of the wire to red (burn the lacquer) and remove the combustion products with solvent. According to the measurement results, the burnt coil of the subwoofer dynamics was wound with a wire with a diameter of 0.38 mm on copper (section 0.113 sq. MM) and 0.44 mm on lacquer. Now there is a very difficult task - to find the same, or very close, wire. If you cannot buy the right wire, you can wind it from any electronic device. For example, coils have proven well as the enamel donors. Depending on the voltage and type of contactor, the wires of different sections and length are used in their coils.

The diameter of the wire burnt coil.
Copper - 0.38 mm (photo on the left); Lacuas - 0.44 mm (photo on the right).

Wire diameter for new winding.
Copper - 0.35 mm (photo on the left); Lacuas - 0.40 mm (photo on the right).

If as a result of long searches, it was not possible to find the original wire, you can use a wire of another section, with recalculation of the number of turns, layers and coil resistance. It should be remembered that changing the cross section of the wire, the characteristics of the dynamic head, as well as the magnetic gap and the winding height. Before making a decision on the application of the coil of the "alien" wire in the winding, it is necessary to accurately calculate the geometric and electrical parameters of the future coil, to predict the operation of the dynamic head with new parameters in the acoustic system.

To rewind the coil of the speaker from the Sven subwoofer, it was possible to find the wire close by parameters (with a diameter of 0.35 mm on copper, 0.40 - by lacquer) in the coil 09-18 (24V) of the EEC contactor. The wire length in the contactor coil almost twice exceeded the required value.

Winding data (copper wire diameter and the number of turns) in the reels of the PME series and the panel for the frequency of the current 50 Hz.

Voltage, B. 36 127 220 380 500
Wire diameter, mm 0,38 0,2 0,15 0,11 0,1
Number of Vitkov 660 2400 4150 7170 9430
Voltage, B. 36 36 110 110 127 127 220 220 380 380 500
Wire diameter, mm 0,57 0,67 0,33 0,38 0,31 0,35 0,23 0,27 0,18 0,20 0,18
Number of Vitkov 442 426 1350 1300 1560 1500 2700 2600 4660 4500 5900
Voltage, B. 36 36 110 110 127 127 220 220 380 380 500 500
Wire diameter, mm 0,62 0,90 0,38 0,47 0,35 0,47 0,27 0,35 0,2 0,27 0,17 0,23
Number of Vitkov 350 260 1070 800 1230 920 2130 1600 3680 2760 4850 3640
The magnitude of the starter III IV III IV III IV III IV III IV III IV
PAY V and VI values.
Voltage, B. 36 36 110 110 127 127 220 220 380 380 500 500
Wire diameter, mm 1,2 1,56 0,69 0,83 0,64 0,83 0,49 0,62 0,35 0,47 0,31 0,41
Number of Vitkov 198 147 605 445 700 516 1200 890 2070 1540 2730 2020
The magnitude of the starter V. VI V. VI V. VI V. VI V. VI V. VI

Making a winding machine.

The machine is a P-shaped structure having an axis of rotation of the mandrel (blank) of the coil of the speaker and the axis of rotation of the coil with the reserve of the winding wire. For axes, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of adjusting the rotation efforts, that is, any brake to prevent self-abscess of wire. Also, the design of the machine must have places for fastening of degreasing and linening rollers through which the wire will pass before the coil of the dynamics falls. If the repair of speakers is not frequent occupation, it is enough to make an ambulance hand shown in the figure below, the design of the MDF slab cutting.

FAQ-y navigation.

Pages 2.

How to disassemble the loudspeaker head?

Be careful not to pick up steel tools close to the magnetic system, especially from the diffuser or centering washer! This can damage the diffuser or dustproof cap!

If you still need to use tools near the magnetic clearance, use tools from non-magnetic materials.

If the centering washer is glued with epoxy resin, then the repair of the loudspeaker in the absence of spare parts may be very problematic.

In other cases, the complexity of repair depends only on the design of the dynamics and adhesives used in assembly. If the glue to which the suspension and the centering washer is glued to be dissolved by acetone, then you can safely begin disassembly.

Most adhesives are better dissolved when the age of the dynamics is still small. It happened that such speakers managed to disassemble in a matter of minutes. It is best to dismantle adhesive compounds performed by BF-2 glue, BF-4 or glue with similar properties.

For disassembly, the dynamics will need the following tools and materials.

  1. Acetone is a solvent.
  2. Alcohol is a solvent.
  3. Pipette * - for dispensing the solvent.
  4. Scalpel - for cutting adhesive connections.
  5. The blade is for cutting adhesive connections.
  6. Matches - as pads.
  7. Calcuse (x / b fabric) - to remove glue residues.
  8. Wrench spanner - to dismantle a magnetic system.

Other tools and materials may also be needed.

Chemically pure acetone ** preferably other solvents due to its relatively low toxicity. Therefore, it is better to choose acetone even when it is inferior to other solvents. For example, adhesive compounds made using "88H" glue are better dissolved with ethyl acetate, but it is much toxic.

True, if the diffuser and the centering washer are glued with BF-2 or BF-4 glue, then ethyl alcohol can be applied as a solvent. However, the likelihood that water may be in alcohol, makes acetone preferable.

Depending on what is dismantled, the corresponding dismantling techniques are selected. For example, if a paper suspension is dugs, the dissolution of glue should be carried out with maximum caution. If the rubber suspension from the dynamics body is spilled, then work can be performed more aggressively.

* A comfortable pipette can be made from a glass raysfedera and "artificial veins" from the dropper (such a gum in which the needles stick right during the filing of the drug in Vienna). An ordinary medical pipette quickly fails under the action of acetone, and its length does not allow for some adhesive connections.

** Pure acetone is easy to distinguish with the smell. That's just this smell you need to know. Unfortunately, at present, under the name "Acetone" sells anything. Often in the bottle pour some arbitrary solvent or a mixture of different solvents. And it is not surprising, because we have 400 gr. Acetone, costs as much as a bottle of vodka. This is a good reason to replace the bottle of vodka on a bottle of pure acetone on some production.

Disassembly suspension.

If you are experiencing difficulties, turn on your favorite movie as a background, since the dismantling of the movable system of major speaker can take a long time.

Disassembly of rubber suspension starts with some edge where glue slips are less. Pulling acetone and lifting the edge of the suspension, create a cavity in which acetone is poured again.

Work will go faster if you start dissolving glue immediately in several places.

Each time, adding a few drops of acetone to the formed cavities, gradually raise the edges. To the suspension did not stick back, matches are substituted under it. As glue dissolves, the matches are shifted to the edges of the cavity.

Dismantling of the cardboard suspension from the side of the case differs from dismantling of neby suspensions only by the fact that it requires greater accuracy and patience.

It should not be made of great efforts to not damage the suspension, which becomes especially vulnerable under the action of the solvent.

If you use too much solvent, then you can damage the mounting plane of the suspension, and the CORP itself. Therefore, if the adhesive compound is poorly dissolved, then you need to use mechanical effects. There is not a very sharp scalpel.

If you notice that the cardboard corrugation began to smell, it is better to suspend work and think about another technology.

After dismantling a paper suspension, the fastening plane can be deformed. It is possible to return to it the original form if you put the diffuser on a flat glass or other, resistant to the solvent surface, and again soften the plane of the fastening with acetone. During this operation, you can remove the remnants of glue.

In some cases, for example, when the edge of a paper corrugation on the side of the body is already damaged, you can cut off the suspension along the edge and increase the lost mounting edge using fabric or paper. It may seem that this is a too time-consuming option of repair, but in the case of the destruction of the suspension under the influence of the solvent, to restore the speaker, without having a spare diffuser, it will be impossible at all.

In other cases, the suspension is easier to rejuvenate from the diffuser, and not from the side of the corps. This method gave good results when repairing the speakers of 10GDSH-1 (10GD-36) with foam foam suspensions, however, while they were new.

In some cases, when rewinding the speaker, the centering washer is dugs only on the side of the housing. Usually they do when the glue that the washer is glued to the diffuser is poorly dissolved and the diffuser may suffer when dismantling.

But, it happens, on the contrary, that to put the junction between the centering washer and the diffuser is much easier than in its external perimeter. Then the ability to not center the speaker when assembling appears.

However, sometimes, after rewinding and assembling such a dynamics, it may be necessary for an additional centering. This concerns mainly the speakers in which the centering washer is glued not to the diffuser, but to the sleeve, and may be due to the too large gap between the sleeve and the centering washer.

When dismantling the centering washers from the body side, the adhesive compound is unloaded with the solvent at once throughout the perimeter. As glue softening, the edge of the washer is lifted, and matches are put under it.

When dismantling the centering washers from the diffuser, the adhesive compound is impregnated with a solvent, too, immediately throughout the perimeter.

To prevent damage to the diffuser with a long-term exposure of the solvent, the process can be accelerated with a small blade.

At the end of the dismantling of the diffuser and the centering washer, the remnants of glue are removed from all surfaces with the help of solvent and biazi (x / b fabrics).

So that the garbage does not get into the magnetic gap, the gap is sealed with a tape.

Probably in each radio amateur, and not only the radio amateler there are houses burned speakers. This can happen with each. The test of the output transistors, overload, or factory marriage and much more can lead to the failure of the coil inside the dynamics. I want to tell you about your case. Dynamic head 25GDN-3-4.

Leaning us, leaving the world of perfume, when listening to heavy rock :) It was beautiful. At first began to hoarsely, and then it fell thick and smelly smoke. Flaped dust protective cap. After disassembly, it turned out that the floor of the coil also burned down.

It is not hard to rewind, but work requires patience. I managed only to wind the coil on my second time. So, proceed to repair the dynamics.

Stage 1. - collection of information. In reference books or the Internet. It is necessary to find data about the dynamics, and especially about the coil. It will need to do from scratch. Passport data dynamic head:

- Effective working frequency range - 50 - 5000 Hz
- level of characteristic sensitivity - 84 dB / W * m
- non-uniformity frequency response - 14 dB
- Full harmonic distortion coefficient - 3 - 6%
- Nominal electrical resistance - 4 ohms
- Limit noise (passportable) Power - 25 W
- Limit long-term power - 30 W
- Maximum short-term power - 70 W
- the frequency of the main resonance - 55 ± 10 Hz
- Equivalent volume - 8 vas liter
- Full Quality - 0.5 ± 0.5 QTS
- Diffuser diameter - 110 mm
- Magnet size - D110x16 mm
- Common overall dimensions - D125x79 mm (my measurements - D125x73 mm)
- Mass - 2000 g
- OST 4.383001-85

And the data on the coil speaker:

- Mark Wire - Phatev-1
- Wire diameter - 0.224 mm
- Number of winding layers - 2
- Number of turns in the 1st layer - 47
- the number of turns in the 2nd layer - 46
- Ommal resistance - 3.1 ± 0.4 ohms
- Height of the sound coil - 22,5 mm
- Inner diameter - 25.4 mm
- outer diameter, together with winding - 26.6 mm

Information is. We select the desired wire diameter and go to the second stage.

Stage 2. - Disassembly dynamics. We disappear multicore wiring coming from the coil to the dynamics terminals. For disassembly, we need a solvent, tassel and plastic bag. Solvent for paints. On the bank wrote - 647. Bought in the store where auto-enamel is sold. We need to dissolve the glue, which is cleaned by speaker. For this, a brush, moistened in a solvent, failed the edge of the speaker. And also below the linen centering washer, also at the edges where is punctured. Dustproof cap also need to be rejected. But I have not survived. After impregnation, put the speaker in the plastic bag and tie. This is so that the solvent is not evaporated so fast. We are waiting for about ten minutes. We take out and look. The glue should have been dissolved. From above, the diffuser can be removed by hand, and the membrane should be joined below the knife or scalpel. If it is hard behind, we repeat the procedure with a solvent and package. All work with solvent and glue must be carried out on the street. I did on the balcony. I hope everything happened.

Stage 3. - Winding a new coil. For this we need fine and dense paper. As you can see the height of the coil is 22.5 mm. I cut the strip of a long 300 mm and a height of 22.5 mm. Picked up the tube of the desired diameter. The diameter can be adjusted by wound on it several turns of the tape. Measured caliper. Crushed paper around the tube, while missing each turn with glue or varnish. Used glue under the brand 505. It dries quickly, and after becoming hard. It seems to be withstanding the temperature. Removing the steady ring from the tube measure how it enters the core of the dynamics. It should easily go and go out with a small gap. If everything is fine, we reappear on the tube again and proceed to winding the wires. Winding in two layers. The first layer 47, and the second - 46 turns. Shikka stack one to one. The first round should be fixed with glue or varnish. After winding the first layer, soak it with glue. On the second layer, and again glue. After drying, we remove the coil from the tube, and measuring how it enters the core. Should easily log in and removed. If somewhere tert, or it does not nailed - rework the nano.

Stage 4. - Assembly. The wound coil is glued to the diffuser. You need to try as much as possible. This time you need to use glue that can be dissolved. Suddenly it will need to once again disassemble. To do this, bought glue for glue rubber. Wiring coils solder to strain on the diffuser.

A coil with a core dynamics needs to be poisoned with a piece of film, or thin plastic. Connect. The linen membrane is engaged in a knife, or some flat object. For the reliability of the fastener of the diffuser with the frame, we screw the speaker to the smooth surface with self-draws.

We solder the stranded wire to the dynamics terminals and we are waiting for several hours.

Stage 5. - Tests of dynamics. We unscrew it from the board. We take a film from the core. By pressing your fingers on the diffuser, we listen to the coil friction. If it encourages, then we return to step 2. We check the ohmmeter the resistance of the coil. Everything is okay? Then we connect to the amplifier and listen. A normal speaker will sound like a new one. If there is a slight friction between the paper coil and the core, then it must pass over time. In the case of friction of the wire coil with an outer iron washer - uniquely stage 2. If the tests passed normally, then we glue the dustproof cap. In its embodiment, I rejuvenated with a solvent from another dynamics.

As can be seen, there is not something difficult. I think that it will not be advisable to rewind low-powerful little speakers. But it depends on your desire. It is possible that you can simplify something, or do better. Successful to all rewind. The speaker repaired - Bukar.