Repair Design Furniture

How to decorate walls in a wooden house. All available options for interior decoration of a wooden house. Wooden houses inside in the photo. Wall cladding in a wooden house

It is obvious that interest in suburban housing, in general, and in wooden houses in particular, has grown. We can say that wooden houses are experiencing a rebirth. If you used to buy houses built many years ago, and then remake them for yourself, now a lot of houses are being built "from scratch" and it is from wood. And this fact cannot but rejoice. Where else, if not in Russia, one would like to see beautiful wooden houses, in which one can immediately guess the famous traditions of Russian architects, and not a senseless and ugly heap of bricks with which we were "littered" in the 90s. Where else but in Russia it is nice to see modern and - ordinary and rounded, as well as from a bar, which have preserved traditions and are made with the use of new technologies.

Observers are interested in seeing the external beauty of a wooden house, and their owners also want to see the internal beauty of their homes. And at the same time, one does not want to give up the benefits of civilization, and why? Therefore, finishing a wooden house inside is a complex and multi-level process, which is designed to become a kind of bridge in time. A bridge between centuries-old folk traditions and modern benefits of civilizations. At the same time, neither one nor the other side should be infringed upon. Is it possible? Practice shows that yes!

Requirements for the interior decoration of a wooden house

Wood is a unique natural material that will never be surpassed by any artificial one, to which they are trying to give the properties of what Mother Nature created. It is not for nothing that so many floor and wall coverings are made "wood-like". Laminate for wood, MDF panels for wood, ceramic tiles for wood and many other things made for this material. Why is this done? Can't you just apply this very tree and do nothing at all. Sure! A person will always build wooden houses, but one must understand that in addition to the obvious advantages, wooden houses also have weaknesses.

The fact is that the tree is loved not only by us people. It is also loved by other inhabitants of our planet, who perceive it as food or arranging a home in it. We cannot but take into account their needs, therefore we have to reckon with this. For this, certain barriers are made in the form of chemicals that will repel unwanted animals. And measures for the biological protection of a wooden house are made precisely at the stage of interior decoration.

The tree loves one of the most beautiful and powerful elements of our world - the element of Fire. And there is no getting away from this either. We, as people, cannot make Fire stop loving a tree. We can only take measures so that there are no conditions for its uncontrolled occurrence in our house. That is, we can also "come to an agreement" with Fire if we take certain measures. The first measure is to reduce the likelihood of its development, and the second is that even when it appears, you need to resist to the last, you need to prevent it from burning unhindered. Fire protection measures are also carried out at the stage of interior decoration of a wooden house.

A modern wooden house is very different from its "distant ancestors", where from the engineering systems there were only a stove and lamps. The power supply of housing in our time is very large. These are electrical wiring, and the heating system, and the water supply system, and the sewerage system, and computer networks, and the telephone, and video surveillance, and television. All these engineering systems require a place for their placement, they must be calculated and made in such a way as to perform their functions and be safe for the house and the people living in it. And all these activities are also done at the stage of interior decoration of a wooden house.

If earlier wood was the most common and affordable building material, now it has become elite and building a wooden house is far from cheap pleasure. For all the undoubted advantages in the form of environmental friendliness, hygiene, aesthetics, you have to pay a lot of money. And, of course, when decorating a wooden house inside, you must use only those materials that will only emphasize all its advantages.

Taking into account all of the above, you can present a set of requirements for the interior decoration of a wooden house:

  • Firstly, finishing a wooden house inside must include measures for biosecurity and fire protection of the house. This is done with the help of special compounds, which, in addition to a protective function, can also perform a decorative one.
  • Secondly, the peculiarity of wooden houses is that it is impossible to cut walls or make concrete screeds in them, as in stone houses. It turns out that all engineering communications have to be hidden behind the interior decoration.
  • Thirdly, at the stage of finishing a wooden house, caulking of walls and additional insulation, if required, are also carried out.
  • And finally, when decorating a wooden house inside, most natural materials should be used for obvious reasons. Very often it is justified not to cover the walls or ceiling with anything at all, but to leave them open, having previously treated them with protective and decorative compounds.

A feature of wooden houses is that they shrink, and this process can last for several years. This should be taken into account when interior decoration, so it is done in stages. Let's call these stages:

  • Treatment with bioprotective and fire retardants.
  • Caulking (caulking) the walls.
  • Laying of engineering communications.
  • Interior wall decoration.
  • Ceiling arrangement.
  • Flooring flooring.
  • Staining and painting.

Treatment of a wooden house with antiseptics and fire retardants

As mentioned earlier, wood needs protection, both from adverse environmental factors, and from various representatives of the world of plants, fungi and animals. Of natural influences, wood least of all loves exposure to ultraviolet rays, which are present in the solar spectrum and destroy lignin - a compound that is the main one in the structure of woody wood cells. It is this that determines the ability of wood to withstand static and dynamic loads. When it is destroyed, we can observe how the surface of the logs or timber becomes dry, rough and loses its natural color.

The worst thing for wood is a fungal infection, and it can be wood-staining or wood-destroying. If the first only creates spots on the surface, but does not affect the physicochemical properties, then the second leads to the destruction of the structure. This process is known to us as decay. And if someone claims that it is possible only with high humidity, then it will be wrong, since already at a level of 18-20%, destructive fungi can develop quite successfully. Primary moisture and lack of air exchange will only contribute to their growth, since further moisture will be obtained from decay products.

Some fungi are capable of infecting a tree only during its life, while others, more dangerous for us, develop already in cut trees. Therefore, in good industries, wood is protected immediately, in order to provide protection during storage, transportation and construction. But such protection is short-lived and lasts from 2 to 6 months, which, in principle, is sufficient for construction. But only then should a longer-acting composition be applied. What to look for when choosing.

  • First, you should take into account the duration of the composition, the longer it is, the better, but also more expensive.
  • Secondly, each composition has its own purpose: for external or internal processing, special compositions for baths, for terraces and railings, for processing the ends of logs, etc.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the antiseptic. Water-based materials are preferred.
  • Fourthly, it is imperative to take into account the effect of the composition on the human body and animals. Some products are strongly discouraged for indoor use.
  • Fifth, some protective compounds are recommended to be used together with protective coatings: wear-resistant varnishes or paints.
  • Sixth, you need to take into account the area to be treated and the number of layers required.
  • And, finally, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the experience of using a specific composition, and not read it on the manufacturer's website or on a thematic forum, but personally make sure of the effectiveness using the example of a specific processed structure. This way you can be convinced of the optimal ratio of price and quality.

Here is a brief overview of some of the most common antiseptics in Russia, produced by Senezh Preparations, which are known under the Senezh trademark. These drugs have proven to be excellent in Russian conditions.

"Senezh Aquadecor"Designed for long-term protection from precipitation, UV radiation, woodworm insects and various fungi. Has a toning effect, made on an acrylate base.
"Senezh Ecobio"Designed for indoor use. Protects against insects and all types of fungi. Protection period up to 25 years. Water based composition.
"Senezh Ultra"A universal, water-based protective compound that can be applied both inside and out. Validity period - up to 30-35 years. Gives the processed wood a pistachio hue.
"Senezh Bio"Universal preservative water-based antiseptic, difficult to remove, for severe operating conditions. Valid for 30-35 years. Gives the wood a greenish tint.
"Senezh Ognebio Prof"Designed for complex protection inside and outside under a canopy from insects, fungi, as well as from ignition and spread of fire. Water based composition.
"Senezh Tor"Designed to protect the ends of large logs from uneven drying, cracking and biological damage. It can be used to protect the ends inside structures. Composition on a water-borne polymer base.

The table shows only some of the drugs of protection from the range of "Senezh Preparations", which, in principle, show the area of ​​application. In addition to this manufacturer, there are other well-known world brands Tikkurila, Belinka, Pinotex and others. For each house, depending on the operating conditions, specialists select exactly those who will fulfill their task. Water-based compounds can be used as a primer before finishing with varnish or paint, which increases their protective properties and service life.

The compositions are applied to dry wood, free from dirt and dust. Application methods are standard: brush, roller or spray. Autoclaving is only carried out in an industrial environment. Usually any composition is applied in at least two layers. The consumption of a particular preparation depends on its specific brand and the condition of the wood. In any case, you must use the instructions for use attached to each tool.

One of the best ways to apply protective compounds is by spraying

Video: How to choose a wood preservative - fire protection, biosecurity, bleaching agents and impregnations

Caulking the walls of a wooden house

With all its advantages, wooden houses have a significant drawback - they shrink, and quite long in time and still experience seasonal fluctuations in geometric dimensions. This can lead to cracking of the solid wood, and also leads to the fact that the seams between the logs or timber also change in size and you cannot do without compaction.

Natural materials for caulking

From time immemorial, architects naturally knew about this problem and took measures to seal the seams, which they called caulking or caulking. Three main materials were used for these events:

  • Caulk with moss. This method is the oldest and most time-tested. The material used was cuckoo flax - moss, which grows in abundance in forests, as well as in swampy meadows. Most probably know the tussocks of this moss in the form of soft bright green cushions. Another type of moss that has been used and is still in use is sphagnum, which grows in abundance in swamps, it is not difficult to get it in the required amount.

  • Sealing of seams with tow. This material, based on coarse linen, is still used today, especially at the stage of building a log house. Excellent insulating properties, centuries-old traditions and low price determine the widespread use of tow.

  • Hemp caulking is made with special ropes made from jute or hemp fiber. These natural materials are now widely used in order to give the seams an aesthetic look that only emphasizes the natural naturalness of the house.

The primary caulking is always done during the erection of the log house or immediately thereafter. The secondary is done after the final one, after its shrinkage, that is, after 18-24 months. Although these works seem simple, they require special care, since caulking is done first outside, and then inside, and you need to move one crown after another from bottom to top and nothing else. In no case should you seal up the seams on a single wall, since the frame can greatly change its geometry - it can be skewed.

For these works, a very simple tool, proven over the centuries, is used. This is a set of special caulking blades and a wooden mallet. Caulkers are often made of wood so as not to damage the logs or beams during insulation. The dried natural insulation is twisted into bundles and neatly hammered into the gaps between the joints. You can watch the caulking technology in the video.

Natural materials for caulking, of course, have advantages in the form of their naturalness. But it would be foolish in the 21st century not to consider other options for sealing the interconnection joints, especially since science and production technology have advanced a lot since our distant ancestors had no choice but moss or hemp. The weak points of natural insulation are:

  • Any natural insulation in the gaps between the joints is still a foreign material that reacts to the effects of temperature and humidity differently than wood. From this, gaps will inevitably appear anyway and periodically it will be necessary to make repairs.
  • Natural fibers are not only popular with humans, so rodents and birds will want to steal some of the valuable fiber for their nests whenever possible. For insects, this is, in general, an ideal habitat.

Filming from the scene of the "crime". Theft of tow by birds on an especially large scale
  • If the humidity at the joints reaches critical values, then it is natural materials that will contribute to the development of fungal infections of the tree. An illiterate caulk, on the contrary, promotes decay of the log house precisely at the joints.

Video: Caulking the log of a bath

Synthetic materials for caulking a wooden house

Acrylic is rightfully considered the first place among synthetic sealants for wooden houses. And this happens for explainable reasons:

mezhventsovy sealant

  • Acrylic compounds have thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion very close to wood, which allows them to respond equally to temperature changes.
  • Acrylic primers have very good adhesion to wood, they penetrate deeply into the wood composition, forming an almost monolithic structure, they also have good elasticity and a long service life.
  • Acrylic-based compounds have excellent bactericidal and antiseptic properties. There will be no living creatures in the joints treated with acrylic sealants.
  • Acrylic primers are available in a wide range of colors, which allows you to embody any design idea. In addition, they can be easily painted after drying.

  • Acrylic-based sealants for interior use are absolutely harmless to humans and animals.
  • Acrylic sealants are very easy to apply. The main condition is a temperature above + 5 ° C and relative dryness indoors or outdoors.

The high price of acrylic sealants is more than offset by their unconditional operational advantages.

Polyurethane-based sealants have also found application in caulking joints with synthetic compounds. Although they have good adhesion to wood, their thermal conductivity and thermal expansion differ from wood. That is why it is better to still use acrylic sealants.

On our portal, the process of choosing a mezhventsovy sealant and its correct use is described in sufficient detail in the corresponding one. We will just give a few examples of acrylic based sealants, and also provide readers with the ability to calculate an approximate number of them depending on the width and depth of the joint.

ImageNameBrief description of the sealant
Acrylic sealant Energy Seal, packing - 325, 840 ml cartridges, 19 l bucket. Country of origin - USA.Designed for sealing narrow and normal joints, as well as cracks up to 2.5 cm wide. Can be used both indoors and outdoors. Available in 12 colors.
Perma-Chink acrylic sealant, packing - 325, 840 ml cartridges, 19 l bucket. Country of origin - USA.Designed for sealing wide joints - from 2.5 to 15 cm for indoor and outdoor use. Available in 8 colors.
Acrylic sealant Therma Chink, packing 600 ml, 7 kg, 15 kg. Country of origin - Russia.For sealing the seams of wooden houses both outside and inside the house. Available in 5 colors.
Acrylic sealant Eurotex, packing 600 ml, 3 kg, 6 kg, 25 kg. Country of origin - Russia.For sealing the seams of wooden houses both outside and inside the house. Available in 4 colors.

The table deliberately indicates two sealants of impeccable quality made in the USA and two sealants made in Russia, also of very good quality. For comparison, we will give the order of prices for imported goods and import-substituted ones and make sure that the domestic manufacturer should still be trusted. For example, a bucket of 19 liters of Energy Seal will cost 33,000 rubles as of the summer of 2016, and 15 kilograms of the Russian Therma Chink will cost 7,500 rubles. If you count in kilograms, then 1 kg of imported sealant will cost 1,089 rubles, and 1 kg of Russian - 500 rubles. Therefore, the choice is yours, our dear readers.

For an approximate calculation of the amount, we present a calculator with which you can calculate the approximate amount of sealant. It is very difficult to calculate the exact amount, since the seam between the logs or a bar rarely has a strict geometry, and the consumption depends very much on the skill of the master.

Calculator: Calculation of the amount of acrylic sealant between joints

The calculator is designed to calculate the approximate amount of acrylic sealant between the joints of a wooden house, depending on the brand of sealant, the geometric dimensions of the seam and the number of running meters

Select a brand of sealant from the list of proposed

Enter the seam width in millimeters

Enter the joint depth of the sealant in millimeters

Enter the number of running meters of inter-ledge seams

Video: Thermal insulation of a wooden house using the "Warm seam" technology with sealants" Accent"

Laying engineering communications in a wooden house

Naturally, in order to preserve the appearance and atmosphere of a wooden house as much as possible, some efforts will be required so that engineering communications do not interfere with the interior decoration at all and are hidden from view as much as possible. Moreover, they must perform the functions assigned to them. That is why the maximum of communications is hidden under the finished floor covering, ceiling filing, wall decoration or in special technological channels drilled into a log or bar during the construction stage.

The organization and installation of electrical wiring in a wooden house is described in great detail in our portal, so we will not repeat ourselves, but let's say a few words about heating, water supply and ventilation systems.

  • It is beneficial to do engineering systems after the construction of a wooden house, but before the stage of finishing work.
  • The best location for power supply, water supply, drainage and heating systems is the space between the rough and finish floor, where the floor joists are located. Obviously, in the vast majority of wooden houses, the floors are made of wood, so this space can and should be used.

  • The ventilation system - forced or natural, is placed behind the ceiling sheathing. Round or flat plastic duct systems will provide the desired air exchange and do not take up much space.

  • If expanded polystyrene is used as insulation, then wiring in it should be avoided, even in a metal sleeve, as required by SNiPs. Wiring in sleeves or pipes can only be laid in a layer of insulation with basalt mineral wool. Yes, and, in general, it is stupid to build an expensive wooden house, and then "kill" its naturalness and environmental friendliness with synthetic insulation.

The heating system of a wooden house is chosen based on many factors:

  • The frequency of the appearance of a person in the house. If the house is intended for permanent residence of people, then it is definitely necessary to connect to gas and make water heating with a gas boiler. If there is no gas supply in the area where the house is located, then you can consider the use of a solid fuel boiler.

  • If the house is intended to live in it only during the warm season or periodically during the cold season, then you should consider heating with electric convectors, infrared radiators or a classic stove. A well-designed and built fireplace can be of great help.
  • Which heating system is better to choose for the house, how to calculate it, which pipes to use, how to choose a boiler and radiators, as well as many other topics can be found in our portal.

I would like to say a few words about the choice of pipes for heating. If a person decides to build a house from natural materials, then his natural desire will be to hide all communications in the form of polymer pipes behind building structures. Like foreign material. But there is an approach that allows, on the contrary, to expose the pipes on display, to make them part of the interior. These are copper pipes. And the authors recommend that developers think about the appropriateness of their use. Why?

copper pipes

  • Copper is a natural material that over time develops a noble patina that goes very well with the wooden walls of the house. This will further enhance the natural beauty of the home.

  • Copper pipes have good heat transfer, and if the heating system is laid openly and along the perimeter of the walls, this will increase the efficiency of the heating system. Part of the thermal energy will be transferred from the pipes to the walls, which will have a good effect on the thermal balance of the room, there will be no corners in it where moisture can condense. The idea of ​​tempering walls, especially external ones, has long been used in the world and has proven its worth. For example, a very fashionable now and, accordingly, very expensive warm skirting board.

  • The high cost of copper is more than compensated by the use of a single-pipe horizontal heating system, which gives significant savings in pipes, the practical consumption of a pipe per meter is 1.5-2 times less. Another argument in favor of copper pipes in such a heating system is the savings on thermal insulation, which is used to put pipes in building structures.

In some wooden houses, the owners are so eager to make their home natural and exclusive that even the electrical wiring is laid in copper pipes. This is really a very expensive pleasure, since it is not the pipes themselves that determine the main costs, but various fittings: copper junction boxes, mechanisms for switches and sockets. On the other hand, such wiring is suitable for repair, because it is easier to pull the cable in a smooth copper pipe than in a metal corrugated hose.

Video: Conducting electricity and other utilities in a wooden house

Wall decoration in a wooden house

A wooden house can have the following wall finishes:

  • No finishing at all. This is quite appropriate for houses made of laminated veneer lumber or round logs. These materials are beautiful in themselves. Also, without finishing, there can be houses made of profiled or veneer beams. Naturally, all these materials need antiseptic protection. Also used are compositions for tinting and various decorative coatings in the form of varnishes, impregnations and paints. In houses made of sawn timber or log houses of old construction, the lack of interior decoration is bad manners, but amateurs can leave the "wild beauty" either entirely or in the form of some accents.

  • Decorating the walls of a wooden house with clapboard - this step is logical and justified, since the concept of the naturalness of the house will not be violated, provided that the clapboard is not synthetic - made of MDF or PVC. For living quarters, mainly coniferous lining is used, and for saunas - from linden or aspen.
  • Decorating the walls of the house with a block house, which is a type of lining, but its external profile is not flat, but semicircular, imitating a log. With the help of such a finish, you can turn any room, regardless of the material and condition of the walls, into a kind of new house made of rounded logs.

  • Decorating the walls of the house with ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware or mosaics. Naturally, these materials can only be used zonally in rooms such as bathrooms, kitchens, as well as when decorating fireplaces or stoves. As a basis for cladding, wooden walls are not suitable, therefore, moisture-resistant gypsum board or, better, gypsum-fiber sheets (GVL) or glass-magnesium sheets (MSL) are used for this purpose. These materials have better load-bearing capacity, low water absorption and thermal expansion.

  • Decorating the walls of the house with natural or artificial stone. Wood combines very well with stone, such interiors are very organic and attractive, but here you need to know the sense of proportion. The stone can be used to decorate the portals of fireplaces, columns, an apron in the kitchen, any other elements, but not completely cover the walls. Turning a wooden house into a cave is both stupid and expensive. It is best to use LSU for the base.

  • a wooden house with plasterboard, gypsum plasterboard or LSU, followed by painting by applying decorative plaster or gluing wallpaper. This finish can be used in wooden houses only zonal, but not in the whole house. The reasons for this are completely understandable - why hide beauty with those materials that are designed to hide some flaws.

  • Plastering of wooden walls. This is a technically complex process, which involves first installing wooden shingles or metal mesh on the walls, and then plastering. This process is neither aesthetically nor technically justified.

  • Decorating the walls of a wooden house with plastic clapboard, MDF or PVC panels. This is the most stupidly rated process, so there will be no comments.

Ceiling decoration in a wooden house

The ceiling is such a structure that is always in sight, therefore there are always increased requirements for it. Since there is a ceiling in a wooden house, it will not be possible to leave, since its arrangement is always combined with mandatory insulation and the possible laying of engineering communications. What are the ceiling finishes?


  • Ceiling cladding with the same wooden clapboard is used quite often. But it happens that interiors with clapboard on both the walls and the ceiling look rather boring, so it makes sense to paint it in lighter colors so that the room looks taller. But then the question arises - why paint an expensive lining when you can get by with other materials.

  • Ceiling cladding with plastic clapboard in a wooden house is quite justified. At a reasonable price, any design idea can be realized without staining. Only in this case it is necessary to choose a high-quality lining.
  • Finishing the ceiling with plasterboard (GVL, LSU) will help make a complex multi-level structure, with built-in ones. At the same time, wooden elements of the floor or mansard roof will help to very simply build a ceiling frame.

  • Stretch ceilings are one of the best solutions for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house. The fact is that a wooden house takes a long time to sit down and still experiences seasonal fluctuations. The stretch ceiling canvas perfectly compensates for these changes, which cannot be said about fragile drywall. An endless choice of textures and colors of stretch ceilings, the ease and speed of their installation ensure their "victorious step" in the form of widespread use in wooden houses too.

The peculiarity of floors in wooden houses is the presence of wooden beams or roof rafters, which bear the main load. But in addition to their main function, they can also play the role of decorative elements of the ceiling. In combination with any of the above finishing materials, you can create a unique and inimitable ceiling, which will only emphasize the fact that the house is wooden.

  • Beams or rafters can be combined with the clapboard laid between them, and they can be tinted in one color.

  • The contrasting colors of the beams and ceiling trims look very good.

  • Beams and rafters can be perfectly combined with decorative elements in the form of bamboo panels.

  • The combination of beams and illuminated stained glass windows is very interesting.

Backlit stained glass on the ceiling - a win-win solution
  • Drywall can be installed between the beams.

  • The stretch ceiling also looks good among the beams.

  • The beams can be carved into wood.

Carved beams are very expensive
  • It happens that beams are imitated using polyurethane products

The described options for finishing the ceiling cannot reflect even a hundredth of what can actually be realized. The main thing is that the ceiling becomes an organic part of the overall interior of the house, and does not "live" separately from everyone else.

Arrangement of the floor in a wooden house

If you can afford some curly and voluminous elements on the ceiling, then the main requirement for the floor is its ideal evenness and horizontalness. Moreover, it must still be aesthetic, hygienic and environmentally friendly. The first thing that in itself suggests itself in a wooden house is the floors made of the same material. But there are many more options:

  • Flooring made of grooved floorboards, with further sanding, varnishing or paint, is a very worthy option. How to choose the right material and lay such a floor yourself is described in our portal.

  • Floors made of block parquet and parquet boards always look great. They need to be laid on a good base, including on plywood and logs, and not just on a concrete floor. How to do this correctly is described in our portal.

Block parquet is also "that little thing"
  • Laminate floors are a budget solution for a wooden house, although they look no worse than natural parquet. On our portal there are criteria for choosing this floor covering, and its installation will not cause any problems when the base is leveled.

  • Floors made of ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware in a wooden house also very organically fit into the interior and they can and should be laid in the most visited rooms: kitchens, bathrooms, halls, corridors. The base for such floors does not have to be concrete, and maybe plywood, and from OSB boards, and from gypsum-fiber boards, and glass-magnesia sheets. The correct laying of tiles is described in detail in.

The article deliberately does not indicate floor coverings made of carpet or linoleum, since there is no point in spending money on the construction of a wooden house in the future to save on floor coverings. Concrete floors in wooden houses are also almost never used, since they themselves exert a very heavy load on wooden floors and are difficult to arrange.

If the owners of a wooden house intend to make a truly unique and exclusive floor covering, which is not on sale, it is very rarely made by master tilers, then they can be offered to make a floor in the traditions of the famous French province of Périgord. A feature of such a coating is the group laying of ceramic tiles inside frames made of valuable wood species.

The Perigord floor was used in the interiors of French kings in the Middle Ages. The technology of laying such a floor is very complicated, but the result is simply stunning. The combination of simple square floor tiles without any ornamentation and wood framing works especially well for living rooms in a wooden house. The technologies for laying such a floor will definitely be described in an article on our portal.

Staining, painting and varnishing for interior decoration of a wooden house

The final stage of interior decoration of a wooden house is the application of protective, decorative compositions to the finished surfaces or the use of such means that combine both of these functions. At this stage, you need to be especially careful, there must be a clear plan - where and what composition to apply, as well as the colors you need and approved by all households for decoration are selected. It will be much more difficult to redo it later than to do everything right at once.

  • Each protective or decorative composition has its own consumption rates per unit area. Calculating the area will allow you to purchase the required amount of primers, wood stains, paints and varnishes.
  • If the surfaces will be painted in different colors, then you need to accurately calculate the amount of colored paint or pigments for coloring. When manually coloring paint or varnish, there may be discrepancies in shades of different batches.

  • It is better not to stretch out the painting and varnishing work, but to do it according to the technology as soon as possible. This is also achievable by the fact that the facility will have paints, varnishes and tools in the required amount.
  • An accurate calculation of the area will allow you to avoid surplus, which then there is no one to sell. With an illiterate approach, the surplus can be 50-80%

How to correctly calculate the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe ceiling and walls, of the correct and irregular shape, is described in detail in our portal. We will give as an example a calculator for calculating the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bwalls in rooms of various configurations, taking into account door and window openings. In this case, we will immediately make a reservation that we mean a room with the same ceiling height.

Calculator for calculating the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bwalls in rooms of various shapes, taking into account door and window openings

Rooms in houses are mostly rectangular in shape, but they can have both projections outward in the form of various passages and niches, and projections inward, which must also be taken into account. Also, the room has at least one door, and maybe more. There may be no windows at all in some rooms, or there may be several. All this was taken into account when creating the calculator.

Nowadays, wooden houses seem to be reborn, as they are becoming more and more popular. Although before buying old wooden houses, everyone tried to remake them, and make them comfortable for themselves. Now the opposite is true, since more and more people are starting to build a wooden house. Well, you must admit that where else but in Russia we want to see those built of wood. It is in such structures that we can all see characteristic Russian traditions. They should not be considered old-fashioned, since a house made of wood in our time is not at all the building that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did. After all, a log or rounded house is being built using modern technologies, thanks to which it will have a decent appearance, and all the properties necessary for a good house, both heat and waterproof.

But, after construction, how to make the house attractive not only outside, but also inside. Finishing finished walls in a wooden house from the inside requires special attention. Since having completed the construction of a semi-antique house, we do not want to give up the modern benefits of civilization.

On the contrary, we want a home that has all the amenities we need. In this article, you will learn practical tips to help you choose materials for interior wall decoration.

Wall decoration in a wooden house. When to start

You need to start interior wall decoration only after the house has completely shrunk. If your house is built of laminated veneer lumber, then you will have to wait at least three to four weeks. In other cases, complete shrinkage of the house will occur in a few months, or even years. It all depends on the climatic conditions of the territory, construction time, moisture content of raw materials, etc. In any case, it is not worth starting finishing earlier than a year later. During this period, an active shrinkage of wood occurs, due to which the logs decrease in size. You should not rush, because if you attach the finish during the shrinkage of the house, it may be skewed or it will fall off altogether, which will lead to the fact that you will carry out such a finish again. In addition, you will already have a lot of work, since you need to prepare everything, for example, seal all the cracks, thereby achieving the tightness of the joints.

As a rule, the caulking of a log house is carried out in two stages. Primary - performed a few weeks after the installation of the material, secondary - performed six months or eight months later. The slots of the log house are filled with insulation: tow, jute. The work is carried out in the following order: they begin to fill the slots from the bottom row of the timber along the entire perimeter, and on both sides of the house, so that the building does not warp. After each caulking, the timber rises to seven centimeters, however, when shrinking, the house will press this distance. This kind of work is very important, because it depends on how warm your house will be in the future.

After you complete the second caulking step and the house has completely settled, you can start decorating the walls of the wooden house. In order to determine whether the house has completely shrunk or not, it is periodically measured using a simple tape measure. If no significant changes occur within three months, then you can safely proceed to interior and exterior decoration.

Features of finishing an old wooden house

Before you start decorating the walls, you need to assess the condition of the tree from which the house is built. To do this, you need to find suspicious spots and poke around with a chisel or other handy tool. Spots can appear in a darker or lighter shade. If the logs are dense, then there are no signs of destruction of the material, you can safely proceed to finishing. And in order to preserve the wood for several more decades, apply a protective impregnation to the surface. However, this option is not suitable for everyone, since such impregnation is not environmentally friendly. You decide.

If, from your efforts, the logs begin to crumble, then you will need a consultation with a good specialist. Only after his instructions, you can carry out the finishing. After all, the reason that the material began to deteriorate can be many, therefore, before fixing the problem, you need to know what to fight against, which can be microorganisms, fungi, insects, etc.

After eliminating all problem areas, you can safely proceed to updating the surface of the room. The decoration of the old house is no different from the decoration of the houses mentioned above. There is only one difference - the shrinkage of the house should not be taken into account. And if the house has an old finish, then it needs to be removed.

A variety of materials for interior decoration of the house

Materials for interior decoration are produced on a natural basis. Often they include: natural synthetic resin, chemical impregnation, dyes, polymers. The favorite among such finishing materials is high-quality natural wood, which is preliminarily subjected to high-tech processing. Wood is an ecological material and is considered one of the most affordable natural materials for wall decoration. This material has many options for shades and textures. Nowadays, manufacturers offer these types of decorated wood: fairly light and dark, almost chocolate, with minimal or pronounced patterns, rich in pale, reddish or other shades.

The disadvantage of such a finishing material is its high price, as well as the fact that you are unlikely to be able to easily find it on the construction market. However, you can see the unique patterns of natural wood on other, not so expensive, building materials for wall decoration, such as panels, wooden wallpaper, lining, etc.

In this form, they are used in the interior decoration of the premises - photo:

Decorating the walls of the house made of wood is carried out:

  • clapboard;
  • laminated chipboard;
  • siding;
  • blockhouse;
  • laminated plastic with a printed wood pattern;
  • panels made of composite materials,
  • veneered MDF.

Varieties of home decoration

There are two finishes you can choose from:

  1. Dry.
  2. Wet.

All materials listed above are dry finishes. A wet finish is the application of a putty or plaster to the surface, which must first dry before applying the decorated elements to the surface. For example, gluing wallpaper, painting walls or laying ceramic tiles.

Dry repair has many advantages, since when doing such work, you and your family will not have to leave the house for a while due to the dust and dirt that is inherent in decorating a wooden house. This job is clean and fast enough. All that is required of you is to vacate the room in which the dry material for the house is being finished.

Advice! In order to prevent rodents from getting inside the cladding, no gaps should be left behind the panels. This space needs to be filled with mineral wool, which will not only be an obstacle for rodents, but will serve as sound insulation and insulation material for a wooden house.

Let's talk about some dry options for decorating the walls of a wooden house. The tips you read will help you when choosing wall finishes for your home. And also you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each of the presented types of coverage.

Finish with paint and stain

For interior decoration of this option, you should choose a paint that does not have a harmful, toxic odor. The hardware store will provide you with a fairly large selection of such paint, since this material for decorating the walls of the house is quite popular. Especially popular eco-friendly paint based on natural resins. Also, this method of finishing is practical, since you have a fairly large selection of colors. You can even create your own unique color by adding the shade you like best to the white paint, or experiment and add a few pigments to the paint.

However, when finishing, you may want to leave the natural texture of wood, but make it more expressive and rich. What to do in this case? To do this, you need a stain. Before applying the compound to the surface, you must finish with all the roughing and sanding of the wood. It is not worth applying a primer for painting, so that it is not absorbed into the fibers of the wood, which could lead to its swelling. Cherry or red stain, when finished, will imitate expensive wood. And when applying a substance of different shades, you will receive graphic contrast or mosaic patterns, which will make your surface more original.

If desired, the smooth surface can be coated with a protective varnish:

  1. Matov.
  2. Semi-matte.
  3. Glyantsev.

The photo shows how the wall decoration looks in a wooden house of a bar with a stain.

Wall covering with clapboard

Perhaps one of the most common wall decoration options is clapboard. The fact is that this option is considered non-toxic and safe for your and your family's health. Lining is a wood structural panel, which is a "tongue-and-groove" fastening system.

The lining does not have a standard size. Like other finishing materials for the home, lining is presented in several types. They differ in width, thickness, board profile, front side. Let's talk about the most common types of such finishes:

The lining can be divided into four types in terms of quality: Extra, A, B, C.

Order from best to worst. The type of wood also plays an important role.

When performing finishing work with clapboard, you will need the following tools:

  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • hammer.
  • level.


If your house or summer cottage is built of wood, this does not mean that they should be the same inside as outside. Wooden elements in the decoration of the room really look very beautiful, however, not everyone may like this finish option. It also happens that old wooden walls do not want to be updated, but simply sewn up. It is in such cases that work with drywall is provided. This material can be installed on almost any type of surface.

To decorate a wooden house with plasterboard, you need to make a not too intricate structure from profiles or wooden slats. Then it remains to attach drywall to the structure using self-tapping screws. That's all the work. Now you can apply whatever finish you like. This can be: wallpaper, decorative painting, ceramic tiles, plaster, etc.


By applying the tips in this article, you can decorate the walls yourself in your home. The good news is that there are a lot of materials for high-quality finishing of wooden walls.

Interior decoration of a wooden house is one of the integral components of construction work. The installation of internal surfaces is important not only from a practical point of view, but also for the entire design of the room. If you have certain skills, it is quite possible to carry out all the work with your own hands.

Features of finishing wooden surfaces are associated with the nature of the material itself: along with the unconditional environmental value, the ability to store heat, wood is highly susceptible to decay processes. It is negatively affected by temperature extremes, exposure to moisture and the activity of various microorganisms. All this is important to consider before starting the interior decoration of a wooden house.

The whole finishing process can be divided into 4 stages:

  • Wall decoration - wood processing, removal of all cracks, irregularities and cladding.
  • Finishing the ceiling of the house.
  • Finishing the flooring.
  • Creation of the interior design of the premises.

Each stage will be considered in detail and provided with examples of ready-made solutions and step-by-step instructions for work.

Decorating the walls of a wooden house: step by step instructions

Walls are one of the main sources of heat loss (up to 30% of the total). Accordingly, it is important not only to process the wooden floors themselves well, but also to install a layer of insulation, which is optimal for this case.

Treatment of wood material with an antiseptic

Before carrying out all the main work, it is important to carefully treat all internal and external wooden surfaces with a special antiseptic.

An antiseptic is a liquid agent that performs several functions at once:

  • water-repellent properties help to protect the wood wall from moisture, which penetrates with precipitation, as well as from the air; this is especially true in coastal regions with a humid climate;
  • protection against temperature extremes by creating an additional layer;
  • protection against the action of microorganisms (mold, bacteria) due to disinfecting properties;
  • additional protection against combustion (some products include special fire-fighting components);
  • many antiseptics include various pigments, due to which the surface acquires a beautiful color after processing.

There are a lot of options for all kinds of antiseptics on the market, and in principle they can be divided into several groups:

  • Manufactured on a water basis, they are mainly used for interior work, provided there is no constant contact of wood with moisture.
  • Based on organic solvents, they are used both in external and internal works: they form a dense layer that does not allow moisture to pass through and has a detrimental effect on bacteria.
  • Combined ones include fire-fighting components represented by special substances.

The treatment solution can be crayfish, paint, primer, and other agents. A description of their purpose and advantages are presented in the table.

scuba diving
prevent the development of bacteria and mold;
colorless; do not give off odors, therefore they can be used indoors
varnishes for wood

well protect from moisture due to the creation of a dense layer
they penetrate very deeply into the thickness of the wood, ensuring the protection of the inner layers; do not emit strong odors, can be used indoors
are used both as an independent agent and as an auxiliary one after processing with the main composition; paint wood in different colors
antiseptic primers
universal products that are applied directly to raw wood

viscous materials that are applied to prevent swelling and mechanical damage to wood

In more detail about the rules for choosing a wood preservative:

An antiseptic is applied using a regular paint brush or spray, if the volume of work is quite large. When working with organic materials, it is best to wear safety glasses and a bandage.

In this case, you should take into account a few simple rules:

  • Before applying the product, you should wipe the wood from dirt or mechanical deposits - but this is not done with water, but with a scraper and dry cloths.
  • Processing goes from bottom to top (so that the product does not drip onto your hands).
  • First of all, it is necessary to process non-uniform surfaces - with knots, cracks, as well as sections of cuts and ends of beams.
  • Processing is carried out at a temperature not lower than + 10 ° C in dry weather (humidity should be no more than 75%).
  • After processing, you need to leave the room to ventilate for at least 12 hours.

NOTE. Do not impregnate with an antiseptic if the wood is very damp or cold, since in this case it will not be able to saturate the material sufficiently.

Slit finishing

The next important stage in the interior decoration of a wooden house is sealing the cracks to ensure the complete tightness of the room.

You can choose different materials for this work:

  • artificial polymer products: sealants, resins, polyurethane foam;
  • traditional - flax, tow, moss;
  • the most affordable option is a mixture of sawdust, shavings, wood dust with wood glue.

According to the technology of work, there are 2 finishing methods:

  • Into a set - the material is first twisted into strips, then they are inserted into the slots and driven in.
  • In a stretch - first, the cracks are filled with material, and then they are twisted and driven in.

The caulking technology is simple and consists of the following steps:

  • The wall is cleaned of all irregularities, small protruding chips, fasteners using a grinder (this is done even at the stage of antiseptic processing).
  • Then the material is inserted along the edges of the beams and hammered.
  • The cracks are caulked with finer material, often with the help of a sealant or polyurethane foam.

Video - technology in action

You can also perform the so-called decorative caulking. It is more accurate and performed in new log houses, which are expected to undergo major renovations to create a beautiful interior. The technology is as follows:

NOTE. It is advisable to carry out such work immediately after the end of construction, since wooden beams give strong shrinkage in the first year.

Sheathing and wall insulation in a wooden house

This is the most time-consuming and very crucial stage, since its ability to keep the temperature in winter and how neat the appearance of the walls will be depends on the quality of insulation and decoration of the room.

The sequence of works is carried out according to the following technology:

  • Laying a vapor barrier layer.
  • Installation of a layer of insulation on a wooden or profiled frame.
  • Installation of a protective layer from the wind.
  • Interior surface finishing (block house, lining, drywall).

The corresponding sectional diagram of the wall is shown in the figure.

Vapor barrier

The following materials are used for vapor barrier (waterproofing):

  • polyethylene;
  • special mastics;
  • membrane-based films are the best option, since they are capable of retaining moisture, but at the same time they allow air to pass through well, due to which conditions are created in the house for normal year-round ventilation.

Insulation layer

Insulation materials are most often mounted on a wooden frame or metal (aluminum profiles).

Schematically, the methods of fastening the insulation using wooden beams are shown in the figure.

In the southern regions, it is possible not to use insulation, since wood itself stores heat enough. However, in most cases, the installation of such a layer is an absolutely integral part of the work on the interior decoration of the wall of a wooden house.

There are several popular insulation materials:

Video: Wall insulation technology using mineral wool and wooden profiles

Internal surface finish

Among the most popular materials that form the basis of interior wall decoration in a wooden house, the following stand out:

  • drywall;
  • lining;
  • block house.

Drywall is a material that will provide a smooth inner surface, the ability to glue wallpaper or PVC panels to create a beautiful interior.

The undoubted advantages of this material include the following:

  • it has high thermal insulation properties, which is especially important for regions with a Siberian, northern climate;
  • drywall is a very malleable material, respectively, it is easy to work with it; in addition, you can provide almost any bends that will hide the irregularities of the main wall and create the basis for the original design of the house;
  • moisture resistance - many types of this material have similar properties.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • fragility - you need to work carefully; in addition, when the house subsides, the sheet can often crack and tear the wallpaper or other finishing materials;
  • drywall strongly retains moisture and does not allow the walls to "breathe";
  • the material does not effectively protect the house from outside noise.

NOTE. Drywall does not hold well any weights that are supposed to be kept suspended (shelves). Therefore, if you choose it for decoration, you should think in advance about all the features of the interior interior and decide in advance on places for shelves, niches, etc.

Drywall comes in very handy when you need to make a false wall to create another small room. It is mounted very simply - on the basis of aluminum profiles.

Another popular material for interior decoration of the walls of a wooden house is lining.

It is the most environmentally friendly material, and at the same time, it is very affordable. The lining has other obvious advantages:

  • it looks very beautiful and allows you to create an interesting interior;
  • working with the lining is very simple - just treat the wood with wood stain and fix it on the pre-installed wooden profiles;
  • the material is not capricious in care - it is easy to clean and has enough resistance to mechanical stress;
  • perfectly "breathes" and does not clog the air of the room with artificial odors;
  • the surface of the wall is neat, smooth, so you can start gluing wallpaper or installing PVC panels.

The only significant drawback of the lining is its rotting ability and high flammability. However, processing with the previously considered means significantly reduces such risks.

Solid pine clapboard

And another interesting material that has appeared relatively recently is block house. Basically it is a wooden board that has two different surfaces:

  • front - convex, creating the effect of a log wall;
  • the back is flat.

Since the material is woody, it has about the same pros and cons. However, it is distinguished by its great visual appeal - in fact, it already creates a unique country-style design by itself, which can be preserved in its original form.

Internal installation technology - on video.

Finishing the ceiling of a wooden house from the inside

Finishing work to insulate the inner surface of the ceiling and give it an attractive appearance is a very important stage, since heat loss through the roof is no less than through the walls (all the heat rises up).

In addition, it is important to ensure that the roof is completely watertight. If it is planned to equip a living room (attic) in the attic, accordingly, sufficient sound insulation and the strength of the floor should be provided.

Most often, environmentally friendly wood materials are selected for these purposes. They create pleasant, clean air at home, moreover, on their basis, you can create a lot of design options for every taste.


The use of wood cladding is the most natural and logical option in the case of interior decoration of a house made of wood. The material options are as follows (in order of increasing their service life):

  • plywood;
  • lining;
  • conifers (spruce, pine, larch and others);
  • more expensive massifs (beech, bast, ash, birch).

Structurally, there are 2 technologies:

The finishing methods are very simple, while the ability to attach them to the supporting beams allows you to complete all the work quite quickly. Some design options are presented in the video.

other methods

Of course, along with wood materials, there are other technologies for manufacturing the inner surface of the ceiling in a wooden house. The most common option is to create a stretch ceiling.

Along with the obvious advantages in terms of the possibility of creating your own design and high operational durability of the material, in the case of wooden houses, there are significant disadvantages:

  • stretch ceilings do not allow air to pass through, therefore, to some extent, a greenhouse effect is created;
  • profiles from stretch ceilings together with the canvas may deform somewhat as a result of the house subsidence.

NOTE. This problem is most likely for old houses with worn out foundations and roofs, as well as for newly built structures, which will inevitably shrink during the first years.

Finishing the flooring in a wooden house

The final stage of finishing work is associated with insulation and flooring of the floor surface.

In general, its structure does not fundamentally differ from the wall - it also contains insulation, a layer of waterproofing and the actual finishing material.

Several important requirements are imposed on the floor at once:

  • he must constantly withstand heavy loads;
  • keep the house warm;
  • be perfectly flat;
  • resistant to decay and mechanical damage.

Wooden floor

Structurally, the floor can be made in two options:

  • wooden load-bearing beams with flooring;
  • concrete floor with wood decking.

Both options have their pros and cons, and you need to choose based on the specific object. Concrete is durable, tightly blocks the access of insects and rodents to the house, moreover, it is very durable to prolonged mechanical stress and is not subject to decay.

At the same time, wood is not so durable, but it is warmer and does not heat up the house in hot weather. The best option in many cases is a concrete floor with a thick insulation layer and wooden flooring. In this case, an extremely reliable design with additional thermal insulation properties is obtained.

The technology for installing a wooden floor is simple:

NOTE. If the floor is mounted on the basis of wooden beams, then special attention should be paid to their treatment with an antiseptic. Better to do several approaches of 2-3 layers.

Concrete floor

In the case of the construction of a concrete floor, the material is poured in two options:

  • directly on the ground (a pre-dug pit is reinforced with a layer of sand, crushed stone and gravel to provide additional protection and drainage);
  • between the wooden joists passing under the house.

The concrete is reinforced, after which a layer of waterproofing is required, and then a wooden floor is laid using the same technology.

Interior design in a wooden house

The interior decoration of a wooden house should be carried out with preliminary design planning. Conventionally, 2 groups of design can be distinguished:

  • "Urban" - when ordinary wallpaper is glued to the inner finishing layer or PVC or MDF panels are mounted, in which case the interior is no different from an ordinary city apartment.
  • Country - stylized for a natural, rustic look with classic light and dark brown warm tones. In this case, the finishing material itself (especially a block house or wall paneling) serves as the basis for the design.

The use of country music is especially successful in the case of spacious rooms with 2 or more floors, spacious living rooms, since a wood wall creates the effect of space and provides fresh air due to the characteristics of the material.

Light colors are perfect for a bedroom or children's room.

In the kitchen, warm, rich colors are appropriate, which create a cozy atmosphere for pleasant family evenings.

The wood surface is a versatile design element as it also fits perfectly in rooms such as a bathtub.

Interior decoration of a wooden house is a work that can be done independently. It is only important to think over all the details in advance and take into account both the design features, the quality of the material, and its design capabilities.

Timber construction will probably always be there. The atmosphere in such buildings is very good, and the appearance of a well-felled house, according to the most conservative estimates, is attractive. Finishing a wooden house inside is a separate topic with many nuances: wood is a special material, the characteristics and properties of which should be taken into account. Let's talk about the technical and technological features of finishing work in a wooden house.

When to start

On a "fresh" log house, you can start finishing work no earlier than the main shrinkage. If the frame is made of glued beams, 3-4 weeks should pass. For all other types of wooden houses, the period is calculated in months, and sometimes years. The exact shrinkage time depends on the initial moisture content of the raw materials, the climatic zone and the construction time. This is how complicated it is. In any case, earlier than a year later, in extreme cases - after 10 months, it is not worth starting finishing. During this period of time there is an active shrinkage of wood, logs and beams decrease in size, the insulation laid between the crowns is crushed. If you attach the trim until the basic processes have passed, it will fall off or warp. We'll have to shoot everything and redo it all over again. So don't be in a hurry. Moreover, the work will be enough: you need to achieve the tightness of the joints, and this is not easy. Careful competent caulking is needed.

Usually, the main caulking of a log house takes place in two stages. Primary - a few weeks after the installation of the frame, and secondary - about six months - eight months. Each time the cracks are clogged with insulation - jute, tow, sometimes moss. They do it right away both from the outside and from the inside, otherwise the house will warp. Therefore, the building is bypassed around the perimeter, caulking alternately, each crown, now from the outside, then from the inside. Work begins from the bottom, from the very bottom row of logs or timber.

With each caulking, the blockhouse is raised by 5-7 cm. Then, under the force of gravity, it gradually subsides. The sealed mezhventsovy insulation reliably bridges the cracks. The quality of this work is very important: how warm it will be in the house depends not least on it.

Finishing work begins inside the wooden house after the log house has settled down after the second caulking. To determine whether the process is complete or not, the height of the walls is periodically measured. If there are no significant changes within two to three months, we can assume that the main processes have passed. It's time to start finishing inside and outside the house.

Types of wall decoration for a wooden house

If the frame itself has an attractive appearance, it is rarely sheathed. In this case, it makes sense to reduce the cost of interior decoration: to grind a log or timber and tint it. Only the floors should be varnished: the varnish will prevent abrasion of the wood. And the walls and ceiling are best covered with tinting antiseptics or water-based paints. They do not paint over the texture of the wood, but only give it a shade, better showing the pattern. You will still have to use antiseptics - to maintain the attractive appearance of the wood.

If the log or timber is normal, the caulking seam looks bad, it is sealed with a twisted cord, and the walls are finished as well - they are polished and tinted. Everything looks good too, and the cord in the groove serves as an additional guarantee against drafts.

Ugly seams from caulking can be sealed with a cord - it looks attractive, and even from drafts

How to sheathe the walls in a wooden house inside

If the blockhouse is so crooked or old that you can't help the business by grinding, you will have to make the interior decoration of a wooden house from lining, wall panels, drywall or other material.

For any of these materials, it is better to make a crate: this way you can level the surface of the walls. In addition, there is room behind the crate for free air circulation. In a wooden house, this is important, since only dry wood does not rot or blacken. Free air circulation between the decoration material and the wall will maintain their normal condition.

Lathing in a house made of a bar or a log is done in the same way: you need to remember that it must "float" so that the finish does not fly off

The distance behind the crate is also used; it must also be made in non-combustible pipes, so there is a lot of space for it. There, if necessary, you can lay insulation - this is if your house turned out to be cold. If you spend a little on heating and the house is warm, it is better not to use any additional materials: no insulation, no vapor barrier. Wood itself does an excellent job of maintaining stable humidity in the house, and the extra layers only upset the balance.

Fastening the trim to the crate is not to everyone's liking: if an animal or insects settle behind the casing, it is difficult to get rid of them. In this case, you can level the surface of the logs by removing the protruding parts and nail the finish to such a surface. It is difficult to achieve a perfectly flat surface, but it is possible. The gaps between the finishing material and the wall, which in this case are still there, were once covered with clay. It will be both thermal insulation and will protect from drafts. Technologically this is not correct, but they do it too.

Whatever materials are used for cladding the walls of a wooden house inside, a gap of at least 2-4 cm must remain to the ceiling. For a "young" log house, this is insurance in case of shrinkage. For the old one - a gap to compensate for changes in the geometry of the wood. She breathes all her life: it gains moisture and swells, then dries up. The gap under the ceiling will allow the wood to expand or shrink easily, without affecting the finish. If it is not done, then either gaps will appear, or bend / tear out the finish. To prevent the gap from "cutting the eye", it is covered with a ceiling plinth. He is nailed only to the stream, only leaning against the wall. In this case, all progress will be invisible.

Clapboard decoration inside the house

Lining is the leader among finishing materials. It is used both inside and outside the house, only with different treatments (impregnations and paints are taken for external or internal work). There are different types of it. It's not just about different types of wood or different board widths. There are also different profiles: smooth, wavy, imitating a timber or log house. There are several options in the photo below.

For finishing inside the house, the lining is taken not thick: 1.5-2 cm is enough. It costs less, and will fulfill its functions. The slats can be placed horizontally, vertically, at an angle. From the combinations of all these directions, you can get the amazing beauty of the panel, but this is a laborious task.

When nailing lathing or planks, you need to be aware of the shrinkage of the log house and the ability of the wood to swell and shrink. Do not nail the trim and battens close to the floor and ceiling, leave 2-4 cm each to compensate for these extensions.

Clapboards are used to decorate both the walls and the ceiling. And here and there it looks more than decent, and such a finish is relatively inexpensive. It is cheaper (and easier to perform) only to cover it with plywood and paste the wallpaper. This, by the way, is a popular option for decorating a country house inside an economy class. With a sufficient level of performance, this method can also be used to decorate premises not only in the suburban version. The only objection is the glue that is used in the manufacture of plywood. But if you take it to the I class of emission (allowed for use in childcare facilities), then, probably, nothing terrible will happen.

Mounting methods

Previously, they were not particularly worried and nailed the lining into the face (into the front surface) through and through. In the best case, they used nails without caps or finishing nails (they have very small caps). Sometimes the hats were covered with putty on wood and sanded, sometimes the holes from the screws were closed with pins. This is for the most fastidious and demanding finishes.

Today, even this method is considered not the most aesthetic: the traces can still be seen. To not see anything, they use secret methods:

  • nails or screws are driven into a thorn or groove at an angle;
  • using cleats (cleats).

Both of these methods require patience and accuracy: thin, small nails are used, they need to be nailed so as not to damage the front surface. To make it easier, you can hit not with nails, but with staples from a construction stapler. The staples are taken with a narrow back and long legs, made of stainless steel with a sharpening. Although there are models of staplers that "shoot" nails with a very small head. For fixing the lining - the very thing. They also use self-tapping screws. A comparison of the two methods is made in the video.

There is one caveat. If you bought non-chamber drying lining (its moisture content is 7-8%), it will gradually dry out. There will be gaps between the planks and you will either have to put up with them, or nail all the planks again. Sometimes two or three times. There is no way to avoid this. You can only choose a profile in which the gaps will be invisible (profiles "Softline" and "Standard" in the figure in the previous section). In this regard, you need to think carefully about the better to fix the lining for the first time: it will have to be removed. Therefore, it is advisable to make it easy and not to collapse. Here everyone decides for himself: it is more convenient for someone to work with self-tapping screws, someone with nails. Both methods are not ideal (it is difficult to pull out the nails, and you need to drill a hole under the screw head), but both are acceptable.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to dock the lining with a wall of logs. Difficulty can arise due to the fact that the wall has a non-linear shape. You can outline it using a small piece of lining, to which a simple pencil is attached. Putting the plank and leading along the wall with a piece of lining with a pencil, transfer the shape of the log to the plank. By carefully sawing along the marked line, an almost perfect match can be achieved.

Wall panels for interior decoration

Decorating a wooden house inside with wall panels gives completely different stylistic results. This finishing material is made from different materials with different textures:

  • wood;
  • bamboo;
  • MDF (laminated and veneered);
  • glass (smooth with applied photo printing, embossed, colored, transparent, matte);
  • plastics and plastics;
  • skin.

They are type-setting or panel board. Typesetting - long thin elements connected to each other according to the “thorn-groove” principle. Lining is, in fact, also wall panels. It's just that it has long been used as an independent category of finishing materials. Panel wall panels differ in geometry - they have a comparable length and width.

Everything is usually assembled on a crate (like a lining), the bars of which are stuffed taking into account the size of the chosen finish. This material is loved by designers: materials, textures and colors allow you to realize a variety of ideas. Such interior decoration of a wooden house can be very expensive - made of leather - or cheap - MDF panels. But the appearance is quite decent.

If the wall panels, according to the technology, must be laid on glue (gypsum, for example), then backing plates - plywood, gypsum fiber board, etc., are attached to the crate (you remember that it must be made floating in a wooden house) Plates are placed on this substrate with glue. An example is shown in the video.

How to sheathe a wooden house from the inside with drywall

The technology of work in a house made of wood or other material is no different: the frame is assembled, and drywall is attached to it. Only, as in the case of the lathing for the lining, you need to leave gaps near the floor and ceiling. The only condition: this type of interior decoration of a wooden house is possible only after complete shrinkage (at least a few years must pass and the house must be heated). Gypsum is a fragile material and will simply tear with significant changes. The only option that will allow you to ignore them to some extent is to make a floating frame, fastening the profiles to the walls not rigidly, but leaving freedom of movement. Then the blockhouse will settle by itself, and the drywall will remain in place.

With the help of what and how to make a floating crate for fastening rigid finishing materials (drywall, ceramic tile bases, etc.), see the video.

Another feature of finishing a wooden house with plasterboard: all joints, seams and corners must be glued with a polymer reinforcing mesh. It will prevent the formation of cracks in the most problematic areas (or slow down their formation). If you need to make a house cladding from a bar inside with drywall, but you really do not want to lose precious centimeters of area due to the installation of profiles, you can do it as in the next video. There are some good tips.

Features of the interior decoration of an old wooden house

If a house made of timber or logs has stood for several decades, first of all, you need to assess the condition of the wood. To do this, remove the entire finish and "pick" all suspicious spots - of a darker or lighter color, differing in structure or texture. This can be done with a screwdriver, chisel, even a knife. If the wood is dense everywhere, there are no signs of destruction, everything is fine, you can start finishing. Perhaps you need to impregnate walls and other structures with protective impregnation first - to protect the wood for several more decades. But not all owners of wooden houses agree to chemical treatment, so it's up to you to decide.

If the wood crumbles from your efforts, you need expert advice. It is necessary to determine what caused the damage - insects, fungi or microorganisms - and what measures need to be taken. Then the damaged pieces or elements are changed, paying special attention to the treatment with antiseptics and protective impregnations of the adjacent areas.

After evaluating or "treating" the wood, you can start to update the look. The interior decoration of the old wooden house is no different from those described above. Unless only by the fact that shrinkage should not be taken into account: there are no significant shifts. So from this side, everything is somewhat simpler.

The interior decoration of a wooden house is the most creative construction process, during which you can recreate the design that your imagination requires. Now the construction market offers a lot of finishing materials, among which you can always choose the one that suits the price and style. The interior decoration of the dwelling will indicate the taste of the owner, because as the house is decorated, the owners are judged.

Preparation before interior finishing of a log house

Before starting to repair interior walls, you need to learn about some of the features that should be taken into account when carrying out interior decoration:

Types of interior wall decoration

Wall decoration in a wooden house can be done in various ways. It all depends only on the desire and capabilities of the owner himself. First, you should determine the goal that should be achieved as a result of finishing. The options range from the natural beauty of wood to contemporary styling with alternative materials. In practice, there is a tendency to decorate wooden houses inside with progressive materials that completely hide the wood structure. Below we will consider both traditional methods of decoration, and those that are becoming more and more popular with the owners of houses from a bar.

Wagon board decoration

Lining is a simple and affordable material with which you can finish not only walls, but also the floor and ceiling. To create an even coating, you need to worry about the crate in advance. The creation of the lathing will help to hide unnecessary pipes and wires, as well as to additionally insulate the walls, if there is such a need.

The construction market offers buyers three types of lining, which can be purchased:

  • An ordinary wagon board is a simple polished board that does not have any indentations or recesses. This is the cheapest finishing material among those presented. Such a board is fastened with galvanized nails to the crate. The disadvantage of this material is the lack of adhesion of the boards to each other when laying, which can lead to an incorrect and crooked fit to the surface. Also, during installation, boards are often chipped due to their small thickness.
  • Universal type wagon board. Such material is more convenient and practical. Due to the fact that the boards have spikes and grooves, they are easy to fit together and such a structure will no longer be bent. This lining is reliable and practical in decoration.
  • Block House wagon board. This is a type of lining, very similar to the second option, but on the one hand it imitates a rounded log. It was created in order to create an even more pleasant look for the whole design. The mounting method is the same as for the universal board.

Important! The lining must be treated with an antiseptic and other compounds that increase its service life.

Like any material, a wagon board has its advantages:

  • The decoration becomes more decorative, the tree gives coziness and comfort to the house.
  • The lining helps to hide unpleasant communications (pipes or defects of the frame itself)
  • This finish helps to retain heat in the room. Even the thinnest lining is able to make the house warmer without the use of special material.
  • Ease of installation, due to which, even with your own hands, you can completely decorate the house.

But, despite all the advantages that distinguish the lining, it also has several negative sides:

  • The material does not resist fire like any wood, so it must be treated with special compounds. Such processing will increase finishing costs.
  • Additional components for such a design greatly increase the cost of finishing with an economical clapboard.

Natural finish

Paints and varnishes will help preserve the pristine beauty of the interior design made of wood. This option is only suitable if the log house itself is sufficiently insulated and treated with special solutions to protect it from moisture.

Before finishing, it is imperative to clean the surfaces from dirt and dust and grind them thoroughly. Treatment with putty and primer will not be superfluous.

It is believed that there is no need to wait for shrinkage at home before painting. This assumption is correct, but immediately after construction, painting is also not done due to the fact that the moisture present in the wood will go out, forming smudges and bubbles on the surface.

If the house was built using the “in the paw” method, then the surface is best covered with paint, and if it was built “in a bowl”, then ordinary transparent varnish will look great, which will not hide the natural pattern of the wood.

Using paint, you can create accents on certain surfaces or zone a room. Materials for interior wall decoration should be as environmentally friendly as possible, because inside the house, the safety of the coating is especially important.

Recently, art painting on walls and ceilings has become very popular. This design will bring a modern touch to the interior, while not affecting the virgin beauty of the wood pattern.

Important! With such a finish, communications cannot be hidden, therefore, the wiring is placed in the corners of the room, and the pipes are placed in a pre-created frame.

The floors and ceiling with such wall decoration are made with a wagon board or parquet.

This type of interior decoration also has its advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of:

  • The original style of the log house is preserved.
  • Material costs are much lower than alternative finishes.
  • The coating must be renewed every 4 years so that it does not lose its decorative qualities.
  • After shrinkage, log cabins tend to bend slightly, and finishing with paint or varnish will no longer provide an opportunity to visually adjust this situation.

Usually, a wooden house outside already presupposes the same decoration inside, so there will be no limit to the amazement of guests if, entering a wooden blockhouse, they find there a modern interior that has nothing to do with the village. At the moment, it is possible and so to design your house. For the floor, parquet, laminate or carpet are best suited in this case; in some rooms, tiles may be present. For the ceiling, hinged structures or drywall are often used.

Plasterboard decoration

Drywall is a very convenient material in finishing, which allows you to create any desired structure without any problems. In order to attach drywall to the wall, you need to create a frame from a galvanized profile, on which the material is attached with self-tapping screws.

Important! It is necessary to finish with plasterboard after the house has shrunk, since cracks may appear in its process, which will spoil the appearance.

The advantages of plasterboard design include ease of installation, low cost, and the ability to hide all unnecessary communications.

Since this material is very fragile, its main disadvantage will be that it is completely unstable to mechanical damage. Also, a small negative point will be that the finished drywall structure needs to be refined, for example, with wallpaper or putty. The interior decoration of the wooden house in the photo was done with plasterboard.

Decoration with plastic panels and plaster

Installation of plastic panels is as easy as installing drywall. The main and most significant difference from the previous material is the variety of colors and patterns, thanks to which you can decorate the room in various styles by combining materials.

The advantage of this finishing material is that, thanks to the laying on the crate, you can hide unnecessary communications. This coating can be washed as the plastic is resistant to moisture.

Plaster is also an interesting option for wall decoration in a wooden house. Due to the fact that now there are decorative types of plaster, it is not necessary to completely level the surface. With the help of such material, you can easily create the necessary relief or even drawings using the sgraffito technique, as shown in the photo below. The coating is very reliable and durable, so it will serve for more than one decade.

Interior finishing of the ceiling and floor

The cladding of the floor and ceiling must be in harmony with the decoration of the walls of the house. The most successful options for the floor will be parquet or laminate. This is due to the fact that such a coating retains heat better and is environmentally friendly, which is very important inside the house, because the safety of all its inhabitants depends on it.

Important! After assembly, the parquet is covered with paraffin and parquet varnish.

The correct laying of parquet will enable you to enjoy the ideal floor for many years. The lacquer coating is refreshed every 2 years, due to the fact that it wears out.

It is worth taking very seriously the facing of ceilings in a house made of timber. Finishing can be done only after the house has completely shrunk, and this is a period of 2 - 3 years. Otherwise, the ceiling structure will simply deform, which will ruin all subsequent repairs.

For an interior in a modern style, it is enough to mount a stretch ceiling, which will save you from problems with plastering and other related work. If the interior is designed in a Scandinavian or rustic style, the ceiling beams do not hide, but, on the contrary, focus on them. They can be painted in any color that suits the style or covered with wood stain for the best decorative effect from natural wood.

Important! If an attic is located on the second floor of the house, then the space between the rough and final ceiling is laid with insulation and vapor barrier materials.