Repair Design Furniture

Sawdust for the garden: the benefits and harms of such fertilizer. Pine sawdust in the garden benefit or harm Sawdust in the garden application in the fall

I really like to plant plants in my garden, take care of them, and harvest. But all the pleasure of working in the garden is spoiled for me by the numerous weeds that grow and grow, no matter how much they are removed!

A lot of time is wasted fighting them! This would have continued until now, if I had not complained to a colleague about the weeds, and she said that there were no weeds in her garden for a long time, thanks to the wood shavings that she sprinkles between the rows of vegetables and in the aisle between the beds.

This year I decided to do the same. Weeds have greatly diminished at times. In this article I will list the benefits and harms of sawdust, I will tell you what fertilizers can be made from them, how to use them correctly in the garden.

In Soviet times, sawdust was often used by gardeners as mulching and fertilization in order for plants to grow better. Fortunately, this material is suitable for any soil.

Fresh sawdust has the ability to absorb all the liquid and take useful substances from the soil, so experienced gardeners, in order to increase their benefits, add wood chips to various fertilizer mixtures.

There, the chips are covered with beneficial bacteria during infusion, which then saturate the soil with microelements necessary for the development of plants. In addition, they give essential oils to the soil and plant.

This wooden material can be purchased inexpensively at any sawmill or obtained when sawing firewood, any construction. The main thing is that they do not contain chemicals and that the percentage of conifers is minimal, since not all plants love it.

Some gardeners for the winter insulate the soil around bushes and plants with shavings, but it must be remembered that it is recommended to fill it with a thin layer, since under a thick layer the earth begins to rot and rot.

The best material is obtained from deciduous trees, but conifers increase the acidity of the soil, so only beds with cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes are mulched with them.


Consider the pros of wood chips:

  • Helps to retain moisture in the ground for a long time. It is especially irreplaceable in the hot regions of Russia. Thanks to the sawdust carpet, there will be no hard crust on the ground during drought.
  • Blocks the access of weeds to the ground surface. For this, the shavings are poured in a thick layer. Only the toughest weeds can grow through this obstacle.
  • They are pest repellents. Therefore, it is generously poured around fruit bushes and berries.
  • Helps some plants survive the winter through mulching.
  • Can be used as fertilizer.
  • If properly prepared, you can get excellent quality humus that can replace cow dung.
  • Coniferous chips are an excellent antimicrobial agent, as they do not infect plants with various microbes, like deciduous wood.
  • It can be used to fix too damp soil by simply sprinkling this material between the rows.


There are fewer disadvantages, but they still need to be considered when using wood shavings in the garden:

  • They absorb all the liquid and useful minerals, which makes the soil poorer. The nitrogen content is especially strongly reduced.
  • Coniferous shavings make the soil sour, so cabbage and beets are not mulched with them.
  • If sawdust is taken from untested places, then you can lose almost the entire crop due to destructive bacteria.
  • If you use fertilizers containing shavings that did not have time to overheat, you can get a negative result.

Fertilizer recipes

Since they take all the water from the ground, so they are mostly used as fertilizer, where they are irreplaceable. It's just that wood chips are used only in the fight against weeds and for draining too wet soil. In order for sawdust in fertilizers to work properly, it must be carefully prepared and in no case should the decay process be rushed.

Usually, shavings rot for at least ten years, in order to speed up this process, compost is made. That is, this wood material is mixed with manure and left to infuse. Usually, the mixture with sawdust material begins to prepare in two weeks, or a month.


At the bottom of a 50-liter container, 200 kg of sawdust is first put, about 100 kg of any grass and food waste are thrown from above, 10 kg of ash are poured over all this. This layer cake is poured with 2.5 kg of urea dissolved in 50 liters of water. Then it is covered with a film with small holes for oxygen access. Leave it all until ready.

Organic enrichment

If the soil is too poor in nutrients, then this recipe, which increases the nitrogen content in the earth, can save the situation.

To do this, mix 50 kg of manure, 200 kg of wood waste, 30 kg of any food or human waste in one heap, add 100 kg of ordinary fresh grass. All this is poured by eye with the required amount of humate solution (1 drop is enough for 100 liters of liquid).

Fresh sawdust

As we already know, fresh wood chips are not used to make the mixture. But what if you urgently need to fertilize the beds, that is, a recipe according to which the mixture will be ready in two weeks. To do this, pour a glass of slaked lime, 30 grams of granular superphosphate, 40 grams of ammonium nitrate, 10 grams of calcium chloride into a ten-liter bucket full of sawdust.

This is all mixed and insisted on the street or open veranda. In no less than 14 days, this mixture will be ready to be added to the soil during digging. After that, all the beds need to be watered, then the process of releasing nutrients will begin. Two buckets of such a mixture are enough for one square meter.


Usually, beds with sawdust begin to mulch at the beginning of summer in order to protect young shoots from weeds, which take all the nutrients for themselves. Already in July, there will be no trace of the chips, as it will mix with the ground with the help of rain and earthworms.

It is usually used as soon as the shoots are about 7 cm tall. And the rows in the garden should be mulched with a thin layer of 2-3 centimeters so that the earth does not overwhelm. And bush plants from insect pests and diseases are protected by sprinkling around the trunk.

Fruit bushes sprinkled with wood chips will look especially beautiful. In addition, thanks to this protection, the fruits grow beautiful, do not rot, especially for the benefit of raspberries. And if you sprinkle the soil around the bushes in the fall, then even the youngest seedlings will easily endure the harsh winter.

For this, wood chips are mixed with peat and compost for the winter. In the spring, the mulched soil under the bushes will only need to be dug up.

Standard preparation of mulch from sawdust: 3 buckets of wood chips are poured onto a huge waterproof film, 200 grams of urea is poured on top, this is all filled with 10 liters of water. Then they cover the top with another film, whose edges are fixed with stones so that they do not fly off.

All this is left to infuse for about two weeks. After that, this mixture can be laid out between the beds, mixed with ash.

If the strawberries or strawberries are well covered with sawdust, then the berries will remain clean and snails and slugs will not be able to crawl on them. The layer should be about 6 centimeters thick.

But before that, the earth is thoroughly saturated with minerals, since the sawdust material will take some of the useful minerals for itself. Then the procedure is repeated in the fall so that the strawberries survive the cold well and keep the roots in a healthy state.

Early potatoes

This recipe is only suitable for early potatoes. In order for early potatoes to grow better and ripen as early as possible, experienced gardeners warm them up in wood shavings. Two weeks before planting, the sprouted potatoes are placed in a box full of wet sawdust.

After that, the top is covered with a 3 cm layer of shavings. For two weeks in a row, you need to maintain their humidity and make sure that the air temperature does not fall below 20 o C. During this time, the sprouts on the potatoes should reach a height of 8 cm.

Before planting, each potato is moistened in a fertilizer solution and planted in the ground in the usual way. If, according to the forecast, there should be frosts, then the entire garden bed is covered with polyethylene.

Germinating seeds

In order for the seeds to germinate well and form strong roots, they are germinated in sawdust, which turns into loose material. In this case, the wood chips must be very fine. True, gardeners need to remember that sprouted seeds are transplanted into the ground on time. If you postpone this matter until later, then they may die.

Chips are obtained only from deciduous trees. Oak doesn't count. And he must be rotten. A thin layer of moist fine shavings is poured onto the bottom of a flat container with low sides. After that, seeds are carefully laid out on them, and fertilizer is poured on top.

After that, it is all covered with a film with small holes for oxygen. This container is placed on a windowsill in a sunny place. After the first shoots have hatched, the film is removed, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of soil, in which they will then grow.

This is done so that the plant gets used to the composition of the soil. At the same time, the container is placed in a cooler place. After the appearance of one or two leaves, the sprouts are transplanted into a separate pot with soil.

Various production wastes are often used in the household.

Often they can successfully replace purchased products and turn out to be no worse in quality.

Waste from sawing wood (sawdust) can be very helpful in the garden.

After all, with their help:

  • fertilize the soil, making it more fertile;
  • create favorable conditions for the germination of seedlings and seedlings;
  • fight weeds;
  • regulate the acidity of the soil;
  • protect plant roots from drying out and frost;
  • make paths cleaner and easier to move.

Most types of seedlings must be planted at the very beginning of spring, when the air temperature at night often drops to negative values.

Because of this, the temperature of the soil does not exceed +5 degrees, so in it the roots do not develop well, and the plant is sick.

If it is not possible to put up a greenhouse, then filling fresh wood waste into grooves or holes may be a good solution.

Sawdust needs to be poured 3-5 cm below root level, so make the footprints a little deeper.

Digging a hole or groove and placing some sawdust on the bottom, water them with any fertilizer that contains nitrogen and phosphorus, you can also put a few grains of urea.

In this case, the bacteria that ensure the decomposition of wood waste and raise their temperature will take these substances from the fertilizer soaked in the soil and the top layer of soil will be provided with constant heating, and also will not lose trace elements necessary for plant growth.

Waste from sawing wood is better suited for such a bedding. deciduous fruit trees(pear, apple, apricot, etc.). If there are no such sawdust, then you can use any other deciduous waste, mixing it with a small amount of manure or dung to accelerate the decomposition of wood.

If only coniferous sawdust is available, then they need mix in equal parts with manure, and also process with aerobic bifidobacteria. Such drugs are sold in garden stores, they can also be bought on the Internet, for example,. The cost of a package sufficient for processing 25 m2 is 4–4.5 thousand rubles.

Pour on top of the sawdust a mixture of garden soil and humus, because in most cases the garden soil is very depleted, so the plant will not be able to develop normally in it.

There are many useful substances and microelements in the mixture of earth and humus, so the planted seedlings will not suffer from a shortage of them.

Do not mix soil with undiluted sawdust, dung or manure, because this mixture will burn the plant roots and you won't get the harvest.

If you have completely rotted sawdust, then they can also be added to the mixture of soil and humus, they will improve the structure of the soil, so that the earth will be better filled with water, air and various nutrients.

In addition, rotted sawdust will provide the plant with additional nutrients, in particular calcium and phosphorus.

This planting method can be used for any garden plants, however for best results you need to take into account the acidity of the soil.

You can determine it using analyzes or by plants on the site. If they grow there:

  • sorrel;
  • horsetail;
  • buttercup;
  • oxalis;
  • blueberry,

then the earth is very sour and pits or grooves for landing you need spill with slaked lime, and sprinkle the bottom layer of sawdust with wood ash.

If on the site appeared:

  • heather;
  • fern;
  • cornflowers,

then enough spill holes or groove with lime mortar.

Most root vegetables, as well as cucumbers and tomatoes, like moderately acidic soil, so if the above plants are not on the site, then sawdust poured into the bottom of the hole, groove or furrow, slightly acidify the soil, due to which the seedlings will grow better.

Over-matured sawdust does not change either the acidity or the amount of nitrogen in the soil, therefore, by mixing them with soil and humus, you only add additional fertilizers therefore, no acidity or nitrogen adjustment is required.

The same method of adding sawdust to the bottom of grooves or holes can be used for planting seeds directly into the ground... However, for such a planting, a greenhouse is needed, because the time for planting seeds falls on February and March, so the discussion of sawdust will not be able to warm up the earth and air to the desired level.

Planting seeds on sawdust allows you to meet the deadlines and avoid transplanting from pots into the soil, traumatic for the roots of plants, because, unlike earth, sawdust has a very loose structure, therefore when transplanting, the roots are preserved intact.

If you are going to grow seedlings in separate containers, and then transplant them into open or closed ground, then completely rotted sawdust needs mix with earth and humus... This will provide the maximum amount of nutrients and elements necessary for the growth of seedlings.


Sawdust is a good material for obtaining fertilizers, and depending on the method, its composition, characteristics and the time it takes for them to turn into fertilizer change.

Here the main methods of obtaining fertilizers:

  • natural decay;
  • decay with droppings or manure;
  • decomposition with the addition of bifidobacteria.

The natural decay process takes several years., and its speed depends on the type of wood, humidity and temperature.

Soft deciduous species rot the fastest. The process takes a little longer in waste of hardwood of medium hardness. Sawdust of coniferous and hard deciduous species rotted the longest.

The addition of dung or manure to wood waste accelerates their decay, and also makes ready-made humus more useful.

In addition to glucose, calcium and phosphorus, it contains nitrogen and other useful substances. Adding bifidobacteria to the mixture of sawdust and droppings or manure allows you to get ready-made humus within several months.

Such fertilizers can bring in from autumn to spring... In the summer, when the plants are gaining strength and bear fruit, it is undesirable to do so. After all, the earth must take in fertilizer and mix with it, otherwise in the area of ​​the roots there will be areas where the content of nutrients exceeds not only the norm, but also a safe value.

This is exactly how it turns out vegetables soaked in nitrates- fertilizer was introduced at the wrong time and, it did not have time to dissolve in the ground. As a result, the roots of the plant were not in the ground, but in fertilizer and absorbed too many nitrogen compounds.


After watering, the water not only soaks the soil and goes into the depths, but also evaporates from the surface.

The evaporation process directly depends on the wind speed and air temperature, therefore, on sunny or windy days the earth dries up quickly.

As water evaporates, soil moisture drops and plant roots lose their ability to absorb nutrients and trace elements necessary for growth.

The roots can only absorb an aqueous solution of these substances.

A layer of sawdust laid on top of the soil (mulch) reduces the rate of evaporation of moisture, due to which plants absorb water solution more efficiently and need less watering.

Fresh sawdust negatively affects the acidity of the soil, and also draws out nitrogen from it, therefore, immediately after laying the mulch from the sawdust, the soil must be watered not only with water, but also solution of nitrogen-containing and alkaline fertilizers.

In addition, these fertilizers need to be applied 2 more times throughout the season - in mid-spring and mid-summer. For more information about this process, as well as about various combinations of fertilizers, read the article (Sawdust mulch).

Weed and pest control

Chemical control methods used in the fields, not always applicable in the garden, because domestic animals often run along it, which can be poisoned. Therefore, gardeners are forced to look for other methods of struggle, one of which is filling the earth with a thick (5–10 cm) layer of sawdust.

This is similar to mulching, however, they cover not only the space around the trunk of the plant, but also the entire garden.

Thick wood waste, deprive weed shoots of sunlight, because of which they cannot grow and soon die off.

Slugs are one of the most dangerous and tenacious pests living in vegetable gardens. Fresh sawdust mulch sticks to the body of the slugs, due to which they lose their ability to crawl and soon die from dehydration.

This mulch should be sprinkled once a week with a thin layer, and pour over the coffee residues dissolved in water which is harmful to slugs.

If you only have rotted sawdust, then due to the softening of the wood during the decay process, they can no longer stop the slugs, therefore useless in the fight against these pests.

Backfilling tracks

In the rain paths between the beds become limp and turn into a difficult-to-pass porridge, so many gardeners sprinkle them with various materials.

Wood waste is better suited for this task than crushed stone, broken slate or brick, because they not only removes dirt, but also improves soil structure... In addition, the lower layer of the dump gradually rotted and after 1–4 years, depending on the moisture content and the type of wood, it turns into a good fertilizer, which is received by nearby plants.

If, over time, you decide to change the shape or location of the beds / plantings and dig up the garden, then in this case, sawdust will be useful.

They will improve the structure of the soil, making it looser, and also fill the soil with nutrients.

To reduce the negative impact of wood on the soil, 3-4 times a year spill the paths covered with sawdust with urea and slaked lime or ash solution.

These preparations compensate for the loss of nitrogen in the soil, and also regulate the acidity of the soil to an acceptable level.

Choosing between conifers, including pine and deciduous sawdust, take into account the different times of their decay... Deciduous trees turn into humus much faster, and the softer the wood, the less time it takes for this process.

Waste from sawing alder or poplar will rot in 1-2 seasons, and oak or coniferous waste - in 3-5 seasons.

Can do not divide the garden into beds and paths, covering the entire area with sawdust... The optimum layer thickness is 10 cm. In this case, it is advisable to use rotted sawdust, because it is advisable to dig up the ground before winter and spring.

Fresh wood in the soil will acidify it and reduce nitrogen levels. If there is no rotten wood waste, then immediately after backfilling and in the fall, after harvesting, pour the sawdust with a solution of manure or manure, as well as an agent that accelerates the reproduction of bifidobacteria.

From spring to autumn, these sawdust will play the role of mulch and dumping, and bacteria will turn them into high-quality fertilizer by spring... After plowing the entire garden, you mix the soil with fertilizer, so that all plants will receive a more abundant and balanced nutrition.

Conifers and deciduous - which is better for the garden?

On numerous forums, users often ask the question - what kind of sawdust is better for the garden and is it possible to use coniferous or some other wood waste?

When applied correctly any sawdust has a lot of benefits, however, improper use can be harmful and completely ruin the harvest making the land unsuitable for growing some kind of plants.

Any waste from sawing wood make the soil more acidic, and also draw nitrogen out of it, therefore, it is necessary to apply along with them fertilizers to compensate for these changes.

Sawdust, both fully or partially rotted, and fresh, improve the structure of the soil, which is especially important on clay soils. On particularly heavy soils, consisting of solid clay, it is necessary to add sand with sawdust.

Fresh wood waste in the process of decay is very hot, which leads to an increase in soil temperature and overheating of plant roots, therefore fresh sawdust cannot be laid close to the roots.

That's why there is not much difference between conifers and deciduous sawdust - if used correctly, they bring a lot of benefits, and mistakes can be harmful and lead to sad consequences. Most of the negative reviews about the use of sawdust in the garden are caused by their improper use, while those who applied them correctly are happy with the results.


However, it is important to understand the differences between deciduous and coniferous sawdust and how the latter affect the soil.

In most cases, coniferous sawdust means pine or spruce as the most affordable, as well as as cheap as possible... Pine and spruce are used for most joinery and carpentry work, so sawdust is ubiquitous.

Fresh pine and spruce sawdust rotting much longer due to the high resin content deciduous, and also draws more nitrogen from the soil.

Improper use of pine and any coniferous sawdust causes much more harm to the garden than deciduous ones.

Due to the high resin content, humus from coniferous sawdust contains more trace elements necessary for plants therefore better suited for balanced feeding.

If coniferous sawdust is placed in furrows, ditches or pits, then due to the greater need for nitrogen for complete decay, it is necessary to increase the amount of nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

In addition, coniferous sawdust acidify the soil more, therefore, you need to increase the amount of slaked lime or ash.

Use pine and other coniferous sawdust in the garden not only possible, but also necessary, taking into account their characteristics and compensating for the negative impact on the land. Only in this case will they be of great benefit.


Due to the lower resin content, humus from deciduous waste is slightly less balanced, but they rot faster... In addition, deciduous sawdust is less available, so dried and crushed branches and twigs of fruit trees are often used in the garden.

In this article, we talked about the places where you can buy wood sawing waste, and also talked about the various ways that you can save on their purchase.

Only an integrated approach, in which the negative impact of wood on the soil is compensated, will lead to improved plant development, as well as more abundant and high-quality fruiting.

Related Videos

This video describes the use of sawdust in the garden:


Sawdust is very useful stuff, which is useful for any gardener. After all, they are used for:

  • mulching;
  • dumping tracks;
  • plant feeding;
  • improving soil structure;
  • earlier planting of seedlings or seeds.

After reading the article, you learned how to correctly apply this material and what mistakes are most often made by garden owners.

In contact with

  1. Harm of wood waste
  2. What sawdust to use
  3. Several fertilizer recipes
  4. Recipe 1: wood and ash
  5. Fertilizer from fresh sawdust
  6. Mulching according to the rules
  7. Strawberries and strawberries
  8. How to cover roses
  9. Sawdust for seedlings

Mulching - surface covering the soil of the garden and vegetable garden with mulch, which can be crushed bark, needles of needles, sawdust and other natural materials. This agronomic technique avoids many health problems of cultivated plants on the ground and in the greenhouse. Using sawdust as mulch leads to amazing results in plant development, but only if certain rules are followed.

Properties of wood chips and shavings

Sawdust mulch is suitable for use on all types of soil.

Why this material is good:

  • Does not release moisture from the ground, thereby helping to maintain water balance during dry periods and in hot areas.
  • Prevents weeds from germinating. This is one of the main reasons for using wood waste as mulch powder.
  • Fresh sawdust is used as a bedding for berries - the smell of the tree repels some pests from the fruit, and small chips keep strawberries and strawberries clean.
  • Mulching the soil allows the roots of some plants to survive the winter.
  • The sawdust serves as fertilizer. True, for this you need to fulfill some conditions.

It should be noted that mulching with sawdust cannot be done in the form in which they are. The fact is that wood does not saturate the soil with useful substances, but, on the contrary, draws them out, like a sponge. Sawdust material becomes useful if it is added to the main fertilizer mixtures or kept in a compost heap for a year or two. At this time, bacteria settle on the surface of the shavings, which saturate the wood with useful microelements released during rotting and reproduction of microflora.

What are the benefits and possible harm?

Sawdust is often used by gardeners to improve the quality of life of plants, but a person does not always know about the true benefits of the reception and is unable to accurately assess its harm. Nevertheless, in most cases, the positive effect of their use is still obtained.

Sawdust pluses:

  • With proper preparation, excellent humus is obtained, similar in properties to traditional manure, which, as you know, costs a lot.
  • Sawdust scattered on the paths in the garden prevents weeds from spreading.
  • They retain moisture in the soil, especially in spring. To do this, it is necessary to mulch the land in the fall.
  • Promotes natural aeration of the soil several years after use.
  • Coniferous shavings and chips practically do not tolerate pathogenic microbes, which eliminates the risk of plant infection.

Harm of wood waste

  • Pure sawdust is not a fertilizer. They absorb minerals from the soil, and the soil is depleted. Nitrogen is drawn from the fertile layer, which is necessary for the life of the microorganism.
  • Fresh sawdust oxidizes the soil.
  • The use of sawdust of unknown origin can lead to infection of plants with diseases. To eliminate this risk, you should not take material from questionable sources.

What sawdust to use

Shavings from different trees are not suitable for all plants:

  • Wastes of deciduous trees are good for crops, except.
  • Conifers saturate the soil with acid, therefore they are accepted only by lovers of such an environment - tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and others.

Several fertilizer recipes

Sawdust in its pure form is used only for filling the paths in order to retain moisture and stop the development of weeds. In other cases, preparation of raw materials is required.

In order for sawdust in the garden to become useful, they need to rot... To get the right condition, they will have to lie down for at least 10 years in a heap while bacteria process the wood into a useful substrate. You can speed up the process - you need to make compost from sawdust. In combination with manure and additional additives, the fertilizer ripens faster due to temperature regulation in the desired range and maintaining a sufficient moisture level.

We offer several recipes for making fertilizer from sawdust, which are used by gardeners throughout the country. It is recommended to bookmark from the beginning of summer as soon as the necessary material becomes available.

Recipe 1: wood and ash


  • Wood sawdust - 200 kg;
  • Urea rich in nitrogen (up to 47%) - 2.5 kg per heap;
  • Ash required for alkalization of the soil - 10 kg;
  • Water - 50 liters;
  • Grass, food waste and sewage - up to 100 kg.

The shavings and grass are laid in layers, ash is added and the "cake" is poured with urea dissolved in water. You can cover the pile with a polyethylene film, but small pores should remain on the surface: this way the temperature and humidity level will be optimal, and the oxygen access will remain.

Recipe 2: Fortified with Organic

For poor soil that requires a significant dose of fertilizer, prepare the following sawdust compost:

  • Wood waste - 200 kg;
  • Cow dung - 50 kg;
  • Fresh cut grass - 100 kg;
  • Organic waste (food, feces) - 30 kg;
  • Humates - 1 drop per 100 liters of water (no more).

When this fertilizer ripens, a significant amount of nitrogen is released.

Fertilizer from fresh sawdust

As already mentioned, fresh sawdust does not benefit the soil as a fertilizer for the garden and vegetable garden. If you have not done composting in advance, and it is necessary to saturate the soil, use a sawdust mixture with the following additives on a bucket of chips:

  1. Ammonium nitrate - 40 g;
  2. Granular superphosphate - 30 g;
  3. Slaked lime - 120 g (glass);
  4. Calcium chloride - 10 g.

The mixture must be infused for 2 weeks.... To do this, spread polyethylene outside and sprinkle the ingredients on it.

Mix, leave to isolate the required elements and conduct chemical reactions. Then add the mixture to the soil while digging over the beds. The earth will receive a sufficient dose of ammonia, the acid-base balance of the soil is leveled, the release of nutrients will occur immediately after the first irrigation. Fertilize the soil in the amount of 2-3 buckets per 1 square meter of the site. This procedure helps to naturally loosen the soil.

Mulching according to the rules

Sawdust in the country is useful not only for speeding up the composting process, but also for winter shelter of plants, their fertilization and protection from pests.

It is good to use prepared sawdust as mulch in the first half of summer, when seedlings and plants are just gaining strength, need protection from weeds, soil moisture loss and disease attacks. By the middle of summer, there will be no clear trace of the powder - it will be mixed with the ground by rains and worms.

Basically, sawdust saturated with fertilizers is lined in the aisles. This must be done between the beds of tomatoes, potato rows, and other plants.

Other vegetables grown in the garden - onions, carrots, beets, garlic, turnips - also need a protective powder. It must be done after a pick, when the plantings are thinned out and have reached a height of 5–7 cm, for them a layer of sawdust is lined by 3–4 cm.

Raspberries are one of the main lovers of mulching in the garden. It is necessary to preserve the soil moisture necessary for setting berries. Prepared sawdust is poured abundantly under the bushes.

Strawberries and strawberries

Can I mulch strawberries with sawdust? The answer is unequivocal - you need it, just like strawberries. This procedure is useful for berries:

  • Sawdust maintains the moisture balance in the soil.
  • Delicate fruits remain clean without touching the ground.
  • Slugs and snails do not crawl onto the berries.

For mulching, you need clean sawdust without impurities, but before the procedure, it is important to saturate the soil with minerals and fertilize well to prevent the depletion of the fertile layer. The material used can be mixed with urea in the above proportions.

The sawdust is moistened and spread under the bushes, under each branch and between the stems... The layer thickness should be 5–7 cm. This work is presented in the video.

The bedding is done when the seedlings have already taken root and gained a height of more than 7 cm. Mulching strawberries with sawdust for the winter will help the perennial plant better survive the cold and keep the root system intact.

How to cover roses

Gardeners say: "A rose is a child of manure," therefore sawdust is necessary for it as fertilizer, but they are not suitable as a protective layer. This mulch does not have sufficient heat retention properties.

Shelter of roses with sawdust can be used for wintering only in combination with other, more effective materials. An expert will tell you about this in detail in the video.

Sawdust for seedlings

Tomatoes and other seedlings now more often appear in the garden not as seeds, but in the form of ready-made seedlings. They can also be removed in small wood waste - such an environment is more conducive to delicate seed than soil.

How to organize the process correctly:

  1. Moistened fine shavings are poured into a flat container.
  2. Seeds are planted, generously poured with fertilizer, since there is nothing nutritious in sawdust.
  3. Cover with foil, make holes for air and expose to the sun.
  4. When sprouts appear, soil is poured on top so that the plant gets used to it.

Then, as they grow, the seedlings are transferred to a separate pot with a summer cottage soil.

The advantage of germinating seeds in woody material is a loose environment, which allows the seedling root system to develop intensively, but only if there is an adequate supply of nutrients.

Hello friends! Gardeners have been arguing about the benefits and harms of a summer cottage for a long time. Someone is categorically against their use, while someone regularly pours a thick layer in the garden and claims that this improves the structure of the soil and fertilizes it. Who is right? We'll figure out!

Gardeners have been arguing about the benefits and dangers of sawdust for a long time

But first, let's talk about the properties of sawdust.

The properties are useful and not so

They help her breathe, prevent the formation of a crust on the surface of the earth, so less planting will need to be loosened.
  • Sawdust absorbs and retains moisture.
For plants, this feature is, of course, only a plus.
  • Weeds do not break through the sawdust layer.
A controversial fact ... But partly this is true. In any case, not all of them will make it through.
  • Sawdust fertilizes the soil.
But this is only true if they have rotted well and if they have been introduced into the soil correctly.
  • Wood sawdust acidifies the soil.
And this is a minus. Some gardeners received negative experience and say that even fertilizers later do not help - almost nothing grows in the garden. Let's talk about this too.
  • Sawdust takes nitrogen from the soil.
They "steal" it from plants, and this is also a minus. However, any minus can be turned into a plus if you know how to do it.

Problems and solutions

So, problem number 1 - soil acidification... If you mulch with sawdust, or, then there is no problem at all - they love "sour". For most other plants, acidification is detrimental.

Solution. If you remember from the course of chemistry, alkalis and acids neutralize each other, reacting. Remember how long ago you “quenched” with vinegar when making dough? The same can be done in the garden area.
Only instead of soda you need to use:

  • (peat or wood-fired);
  • regular lime or special deoxidizing lime (sold in stores);
  • dolomite flour;
  • (potassium chloride, potassium or ammonium sulfate, calcium or sodium nitrate, superphosphate);
  • crushed chalk.

Generally, make alkalis with sawdust... The main thing is to observe the dose and the rules. So, with lime and dolomite flour, fertilizers enriched with boron and manganese must be added to the soil. To use special tests with litmus tests. They are also sold in garden shops and are very easy to use (no chemistry knowledge needed).

Problem # 2 - nitrogen pull-back... And with a lack of nitrogen, as we know, plants do not develop well.

Solution: urea (calcium nitrate). In this case, it is imperative to use water so that the fertilizer dissolves and the sawdust is saturated with it.

It is necessary to use water so that the fertilizer dissolves and the sawdust is saturated with it.

Now let's move on directly to the methods of using sawdust in the country.

Ways to use sawdust in the country

It would be wrong to limit ourselves only to methods of improving the soil with the help of sawdust, because their possibilities are much wider. Therefore, I will describe in general the scope of application of sawdust at their summer cottage.

1. Sawdust - mulching material

The tasks of anyone:
  • retain water in the soil;
  • reduce the amount of ;
  • prevent erosion, soil erosion;
  • prevent soil overheating in summer and freezing in winter;
  • keep the soil loose;
  • prevent crust formation on the soil surface;
  • protect plants from pathogens present in the soil and falling on the leaves during watering;
  • stimulate the formation of adventitious roots.

To make sawdust a good mulch, need to prepare them... Here's one way:

  1. Spread a plastic wrap on the ground and sprinkle on it sawdust bucket... Distribute them.
  2. Sprinkle 200 g urea.
  3. Water 10 l of water.
  4. Cover with plastic on top, press down with stones and leave on 2 weeks.
After the sawdust "ripe", sprinkle them on the ground with a layer of 3-5 cm, mixing with ash. And you can mix it with alkali at the first stage. I will notice right away that it is not necessary to cook rotted sawdust like that, but fresh ones in any case need to be “marinated”.

Gardeners who grow this mulch are especially fond of - the berries are always clean and do not rot when in contact with the soil. At the end of the season, sawdust is dug up together with the ground.

  • Sawdust in children's creativity
Children actually love them as much as sand! Did you know that you can even make colored applications from sawdust? To do this, they need to be painted in a gouache solution and dried in the sun. Then draw a contour on the cardboard, spread it with clerical glue and sprinkle colored sawdust on it, creating appliqués.
  • Storing vegetables in the cellar
As you know, sawdust absorbs water well. Therefore, feel free to use them if it is too damp: sawdust will absorb excess moisture, and fruits and vegetables will not rot.

Sawdust is suitable for storing crops

  • Firing clay products
If you are fond of sculpting, you should know: beautiful glaze on the items appears during repeated firing using sawdust, when burned, the item quickly heats up and cools.
  • Sawdust as a printed material
Do you make toys, decorative cushions for your garden or dolls? You can fill them with sawdust. By the way, now is the time for a new summer cottage season.
  • Sachet bags
You can use juniper sawdust for your closet. Put them in a cloth bag and hang them in the closet.
  • Litter for animals
In this case, sawdust plays 2 roles: insulation for the floor and hygiene products (absorb slurry, waste). However, not all are worth using.

Of course, sawdust from fruit trees is best - they have less resin. Pine - you can, but it is advisable to dry them well first. But from sawdust in horses, hoof inflammation can even happen.

  • Sawdust when smoking
They smolder slowly, give a lot of smoke, and this is what you need when.
  • Sawdust on ice
Sprinkle them on icy paths. Safe and environmentally friendly!

Perhaps there are some other ways, but nothing else occurred to me)). Maybe you know how else you can use sawdust on the farm? If so, share with us in the comments. And I would like to hear from each of you whether you use sawdust in the country, how, and what it gives you. Thank you all for your attention, I will be glad to comment.

Very often, gardeners use mulching. It consists in the surface covering of garden and vegetable garden soil with natural materials. These include: tree bark, crushed to a homogeneous state; needles; sawdust; fallen leaves. This technique allows you to achieve positive results in growing various vegetables, berry crops in order to get a good harvest.

Sawdust properties as fertilizer

Sawdust is suitable for mulching any type of soil. This material is ideal because of the following properties:

There is one drawback: wood itself does not give useful substances to the soil, but absorbs them from it, therefore fertilizer needs to be added to sawdust or place them in a compost heap for one or two seasons. During this time, the wood receives microelements that are released during the decomposition and reproduction of microflora. This is facilitated by bacteria.

In many cases, placing sawdust in the soil is beneficial. Main advantages:

But there are also some downsides. For example, the following:

  1. Wood shavings alone are not fertilizers in their pure form. They deplete the soil, taking in useful trace elements and minerals.
  2. Conifers contain organic resins that acidify the soil. This material is not suitable for all plants.
  3. Oak and walnut sawdust has such a property as allelopathicity: by secreting certain substances, they inhibit the growth of certain plants.
  4. Do not use material whose origin is unknown in order to avoid possible contamination of the soil with diseases. In addition, various varnishes and other chemical reagents may be included in the wood waste, which will spoil the fertile land on the site.

Clean sawdust can be used to sprinkle on paths to retain moisture and to stop weed growth. To use sawdust as fertilizer, preliminary preparation is required.

To achieve the desired state, they must lie in a heap for seven to ten years until the wood, with the help of bacteria, turns into the desired substrate.

To speed up the process need to make compost... To do this, you can add manure or additional components. There are several recipes for how to make fertilizer from sawdust. Preparation should begin at the beginning of the season.

Ash recipe

Sawdust and grass are folded in layers, a layer of ash is added and everything is poured with urea, which was previously diluted in water.

To accelerate ripening, a bunch can be cover with plastic wrap, leaving small holes to preserve oxygen access, as well as to maintain the required temperature and humidity.

For poor and depleted soil that requires a good dose of fertilizer, this method is suitable. You need to take the following components:

  • 200 kilograms of sawdust;
  • 2.5 kilograms of urea;
  • 10 kilograms of ash;
  • 50 liters of water;
  • about 100 kilograms of grass;
  • 200 kilograms of wood waste;
  • 50 kilograms of manure;
  • humate (1 drop per 100 liters of water).

Using this recipe, you can get excellent fertilizer.

Fertilizer from fresh sawdust

Fresh sawdust, as is already known, is not at all useful as a fertilizer. If composting has not been done in advance, you can make the following fertilizer: ammonium nitrate - forty grams; superphosphate in granules - thirty grams; slaked lime - one glass; calcium chloride - ten grams.

To obtain a nutrient mixture, you need it insist at least two weeks... To this end, you need to spread a plastic wrap on the site and pour the components onto it. Stir everything and leave to undergo a chemical reaction.

Then add the resulting mixture to the soil and dig up the beds. At the same time, the soil receives the necessary dose of fertilizer. The amount of nutrient solution should be approximately three buckets per square meter of area. This procedure loosens the earth naturally.

Application of sawdust for mulching

Sawdust on the garden plot can be used not only to obtain compost, but also to protect plants from frost in the cold season, as well as for destruction from pests.

The prepared material is best used at the beginning of summer, when the seedlings are just beginning to grow, and they need to be protected from weeds, as well as to retain moisture in the soil and fight diseases. In the middle of summer, the sawdust is mixed with the earth by worms and sediments. Most often wood waste placed in paths between the beds, it can be tomatoes, potatoes and other plants.

The most famous method: sawdust is placed in plastic bags, and such kind of pillows laid out near the roots... Usually, roses, clematis and grapes are saved by this method, leaving them for the winter in the garden.

At the same time, the shoots bend to the ground and covered with a layer of shavings... To even better protect your pets, you can put a cap from a wooden box over the plant and sprinkle it with sawdust on top.

Protection of berry crops

Can sawdust be used to mulch strawberries or strawberries? Of course you can, as well as raspberries, blackberries and other shrubs. Berry crops are very fond of this procedure for the following reasons:

  • They retain moisture in the soil.
  • The berries do not get dirty or rot, since they do not touch the ground when ripe.
  • Slugs and snails do not fall on the bushes, and the crop is protected from these pests.

Ways to use wood waste

Indoors, sawdust is an irreplaceable material. In combination with sawdust, manure and various tops in the spring have a high rate of heating and overheating. This makes the resulting compost looser.

Its air permeability is much better. In terms of nutritional value and variety, the composition is also much higher. However, it must be borne in mind that when using fresh manure use fresh sawdust, which will take away excess nitrogen from it, additional nitrogen is not needed for rotted wood shavings.

Sawdust is used when growing mushrooms, in particular, oyster mushrooms. Beforehand, they undergo training. For the manufacture of the substrate, you need to take sawdust of deciduous trees: birch, poplar, oak, maple, aspen.

If coniferous material is taken, then you need use special dietary supplements to neutralize the resin, which inhibits the growth and development of mycelium.

To insulate fruit trees in winter, the covering material is laid out in dense plastic bags and tied very tightly in order to protect against moisture and rodents. Then these blanks tree trunks are lined... Such a reliable method of insulation will save young plantings in the garden.