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Dangerous insects of the world. Rating of the most dangerous insects for a person. African beetle - killer

Self dangerous insects In the world - creatures that live in different points planets. They are dangerous to humans and animals in different ways: stuff and produce poison, carry various diseases or create a lot of trouble only with their presence. There are more than 30 million species of insects, but among them there are a dozen most dangerous, whose small sizes create a deceptive impression of their harmlessness.


If the daily ant makes a cry, then he is ready to attack his sacrifice. One of the most dangerous insects lives in a tree, where it is increasing its anthill, whose height can be more than 10 meters. This species is common in South America and has a powerful stale and paralyzing poison. Ant-bullet - predator. It is powered by both alive and dead insects, but loves the sweet juice of plants. He is considered a peaceful inheritance of the tropics, until it threatens the danger. If you have to defend the ant first emit a warning hissing sound, allocate nasty smell And only then will attack. His bite is so painful that we compare with bullet wound. Hence the name "bullet". And the pain that the bite, lasts the day, which gave the second name "Suithernik" or "24 hours".

In Asia, you can meet with a very dangerous insect - asian Bumblebee. It is difficult not to notice it as the sizes are impressive - 5cm length and scope of the wings - 7, 5 cm. Without a plot of 0.6 cm, the bumblebee can sting many times in a row. According to painful sensations, his bite is comparable to the body of the hardware attached to the body. In addition, the poison has a specific smell by which other bumblebees find the same sacrifice and attack.


The name "has nothing to do with the behavior of this dangerous insect, namely the bad habit of a man in his lips. Beetle attracts heat of breathing and isolated carbon dioxide. He attacks at night. In tropical countries, the insect is a distributor of such a disease as a sickness of Chagas, the symptoms of which can develop for several decades and a person has heart failure.

Or "several millimeters of danger" - an insect, from which a person suffers from many centuries. It was the fleas that caused the plague, which hit the whole of Europe in the 12th century and abandoned 15 million people. First of all, the danger of fleas is that they are the carriers of many dangerous diseases Such as encephalitis, typhoid, Siberian ulcers and various helminthiasis. During the evolution, they lost the opportunity to fly, but their mouth became capable of touching the fat skin of the victim and drinking her blood.

No less dangerous insect, which lives in Africa, as it is a carrier of a sleepy disease. From ordinary flies, it is distinguished by long trumps and a drawing on the wing, resembling the butcher's knife. Interesting fact - Tseta does not attack only Zebras, since for flies it is a solid ripple from strips. Other animals and man she attacks lightning. Tsetz attack any object that radiates heat. They can attack even a working car. A constant struggle was conducted with Tseet. Good results showed an experiment during which was caught a large number of flies. Caught males sterilized and let go on the will. Fertilized by themselves as a result did not give offspring. So it was possible to significantly reduce the population of dangerous killers.

Turned into one of the most dangerous insects by chance. The scientist who brought Kerra's breed from Africa, accidentally released bees and females crossed with drones. The result of mixing was a very aggressive bee. This species is very hardy and silent. Bees are capable of attacking the houses and kill animals and people, for which they were called "murderers' bees." No one risks approaching their horses, otherwise there is a risk of perishing. Bees are able to pursue a sacrifice somewhat kilometers. Even if a person dives into the water to hide from the pursuers, they will break over the surface for a long time and wait for the victim. Insects do not calm down as European bees per hour, but are in an aggressive condition for up to 8 hours.

real hazard for humans and animals. They are able to breathe a sacrifice from a distance of ten meters, to hide in the grass and wait patiently. With the help of paws with suction cups, ticks are moving with their victim. Basically, they strive to the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits, in the groin, to the neck. Moreover, without food, ticks can do several years, but when it is possible to eat, they become insatiable. They eat ticks so that their weight is a hundred times can increase from the initial one. In total there are about 50 thousand species. For a person, ticks transmitting encephalitis, which affects the nervous system and the human brain, often leading to disability and even death is considered the most dangerous.

Or "Lazy Clown" is an insect sourcing danger. Residents of South America are afraid of a chance meeting with this beauty. Under a bright and beautiful caterpillar hides dangerous killer. Vilki, which covered the whole body of lumps, highlight the most powerful poison. In a person who touched a caterpillar, almost instantly refuse the kidney, the inner bleeding begins and the body is covered with hematomas. If the contact was immediately with several individuals, then it threatens hemorrhage into the brain. From such an impact of the poison, a person is very difficult to recover. All victims of the lazy clown remain disabled.

- Well-known insect, which is mainly attacking cattle, but a subspecies are common in South America and for a person. More precisely, the larvae of this insect is dangerous. Females lay the larvae in the epidermis, where they develop within 2 months. At the same time, a noticeable cone-shaped tubercle is formed and a person feels at the skin. When the larva matures it goes out and this process is very painful. The fuel due to its principle of reproduction and the appearance of the larvae is also considered one of the most terrible insects.


Every minute in the world of mosquito bite suffers. Their account is most of all human deaths, therefore, the most dangerous insects in the world. Mosquito has a long trull, which easily penetrates the human skin. His flight is silent and does not feel a landing on the body. They drink blood exclusively females as it is necessary for them to continue the kind. After the bite for half an hour, the malaria is developing, in which blood is amazed and the liver. From the bites of mosquitoes, or rather, whole herds of animals can die from blood infection. And in Suriname, there is still a kind of death penalty when mosquitoes are intimidated on the convicted person.

Our land is filled with many insects, the most different species. Some are absolutely safe, some beautiful and miles. But there is such a part of these creatures that, despite even a small growth or attractive color, can cause a considerable harm to a person or other living beings. And so that you can always find out when you meet - we present the top 10 of the most dangerous insects in the world.

These ant subspecies live mainly in America. They have a powerful sting, and quite an effective poison. The bite of such an ant, feeling like a burn, which you can get from the fire. For this reason, this species and was called "Fire".

After a bite, a person may notice that his skin has flushed, blisters appeared on it. Frections and fatal outcomes.

9. Tick

This insect dwells absolutely everywhere, and therefore the risk to meet him is very large.

They are the largest group that is in the class of spine-shaped. To date, more than fifty thousand of these creatures are open.

The tick bite is very difficult to feel what is a serious obstacle to its detection. The most dangerous - the ticks are encephalitis, whose bite is often fatal.

8. Brazilian "Wearing" Spider

It is ranked with the most poisonous spiders around the world.

Adult man bited by this insect, most likely get only allergic reactionBut it will stay alive. And if the child suffers, or a person with a weakened immune system - The deadly outcome, unfortunately, can not be avoided.

7. Lomiomy

The most interesting thing is that lumps are a butterfly. It would seem there is no charming insect. But it is not.

Being in the period of the caterpillar, lipomy is incredible danger to humans. The poison with which it possesses can lead to renal failure, bleeding, even a fatal outcome.

6. Karakurt

This black spider, with characteristic red spots on the trouser. Karakurt's males are absolutely harmless, which cannot be said about their females. Poison of females of this spider toxic rattle snakes for the whole fifteen times!

When bite, not avoid death. But, there is a nuance: Karakurt will not attack, if it is not disturbed.

5. Andrktonus

This is the most poisonous scorpion throughout the planet. Its length can well reach ten centimeters, and just a couple of droplets of the Jea andrktonus can easily kill an adult.

4. Army ant

The name of these ants in one colony contributed to the name (the number can reach a million). These insects are absolutely blind, and incredibly aggressive. Their jaws are powerful and huge, which allows them to attack any sacrifice.

There were cases when whole horses were destroyed by army ants.

3. Head

Scientists have identified more than hundreds of species of these insects, among which there is also a view related to man. The terrible feature of the hedge lies in the fact that they literally sched themselves the path in the human body, while giving them weight and feeding the carrier flesh.

2. Flies Tsetse

Her habitats, mostly in Africa. It feeds this creature with blood and is a carrier of a set of diseases (mainly triapanos and a sleepy disease). In Africa, more than 500 thousand people were infected because of these insects, and more than 200 thousand were died.

1. Malari mosquito

Being in nature or in another country, be always attentive, because sometimes the bite of a small unfamiliar insect can cost life. Take care of yourself!

mon, 08/26/2013 - 23:05

Insects are an integral part of our planet's ecosystem. On the planet Earth more than 5 million different species Insects, 1 million of them are dangerous. We selected the 25 most dangerous insects for you, which you read further in the article.


Termites do not bear direct danger to humans play an important role for ambientMoreover, in some cultures, they are even eaten. But at the same time, the kids-termites can cause enormous damage to the infrastructure, sometimes making houses completely unsuitable for housing.


Black-legged tick

Each year, a black-legged tick infects thousands of people in Lyme's disease, which begins with a rash around a bite resembling a bull's eye. Early symptoms of this disease include headache and fever. With the further development of the sacrifice, the victim also begins to suffer from problems with the cardiovascular system. Few dies from these bites, but the consequences may continue for many years after the unpleasant meeting with the tick.

Nomadic ants

The first creation on our list, which is dangerous in the literal meaning of this word - stray ants, known for their predatory aggression. Unlike other types of ants, stray does not build their own permanent antics. Instead, they create colonies that migrate from one place to another. These predators are constantly moving during the day, hunting insects and small vertebrates. In fact, the entire combined colony can kill more than half a million insects and small animals in one day.


Despite the fact that most of the OS does not carry a special direct danger defined by their varieties, such as the German OSA of North America, reach large sizes and may be incredibly aggressive. If they feel the danger or will notice the invasion of their territory, they can sting repeatedly and very painful. They will marry their aggressors and in some cases haunt them.

Black Widow

Despite the fact that the sting of the female spider of the Black Widow can be very dangerous for a person because of the neurotoxins released during the bite, if in time to render the necessary medical service, The consequences of the bite will be limited only to some pain. Unfortunately, single cases of death from the bite of black widows were still met.

Hairy caterpillar pray-coquetki

Despite the fact that these caterpillar Moli Megalopyge Opercularis look pretty and fluffy, do not be fooled by their cartoon appearance, because they are extremely poisonous.

Usually people believe that the hairs are the hairs, but in reality the poison is distinguished through the spikes hidden in this "wool". The spikes are extremely breaking and remain in the skin after touching. The poison causes a burning around around the affected place, headache, dizziness, vomiting, sharp abdominal pain, lesion of lymphatic nodes and, sometimes, stopping the breath.


One of the most famous beetles, the cockroach is known as the carrier of many diseases dangerous for a person. Main risk life together The cockroaches are that they are closed in the toilet, garbage bins And other places of accumulation of bacteria, as a result, are their carriers. Cockroaches may cause many diseases: from worms and dysentery to tuberculosis and typhoid. Cockroaches can carry fungi, single-celled organisms, bacteria and viruses. And here is a fun fact - they can live for many months without food and water.

Bed bugs

A person does not feel directly the bite of the bite of the bite, because the composition of the saliva ridge includes anesthetic substance. If the bug from the first time could not get to the bloodstabyard, he can bite a person several times. At the site of the bite of a cloud begins a strong itching, and a blister may appear. Occasionally people face a strongly pronounced allergic reaction to the bite of a bite. Fortunately, 70 percent of people do not feel almost no consequences from them.

Claps are household insects and do not belong to the group of infectious diseases, but in their body they can continue to retain pathogens transmitting infections through blood to them: viral hepatitis B can also be maintained by plague, tularemia, q-fever. The greatest harm to people they deliver their bite, taking a normal vacation and sleep in humans, which may later have a negative impact on moral health and efficiency.

Human hedge


Coleoptrata (Scutigera ColeOptrata). This is an insect, which is also called a mukholovka, appeared presumably in the Mediterranean. Although other sources talk about Mexico. Sorry-glassware has become very common worldwide. Although the type of such insects and unattractive, they generally perform useful workSince eating other pest insects and even spiders. True, with entomophobia (fear of insects), such an argument will not help. Usually people kill them due to an unpleasant appearance, although in some southern countries there are even hundred-and-buttons guarded. Mukholovka is a predator, they injected the victim of poison and then kill her. Often, the flies will fall in apartments, without applying harm to food or furniture. They adore moisture, often forty-skinned can be found in basements, under the baths, in the toilets. Mukholovka live from 3 to 7 years old, newborns have only 4 pairs of legs, increasing them on one with each new mol. Usually the bite of such an insect is not alarming for a person, although it can be comparable to a small bee bite. For some it may even be painful, but usually it is limited to tears. Of course, there are no insects that are responsible for thousands of deaths, but many of us will be surprised by learning that someone dies every year from these bites. The fact is that an allergic reaction to the insect poison is possible, but it still happens extremely rarely.

Black scorpion

Despite the fact that scorpions do not belong to insects, since they belong to the detachment of arthropods from the class of spiderman, we all made them into this list, especially since black scorpions belong to the most dangerous types of scorpions. Most of them live in South Africa, especially they can be found in desert areas. Black scorpions differ from other species with their thick tails and thin paws. Black scorpions stuff, injected by their victim poison, which can cause pain, paralysis, and even the death of man.


Ant bullet

Paraponera Clavata is a view of major tropical ants from the genus Paraponera Smith, and Paraponerinae's subfamily (Formicidae), which have a strong sting. Named a bullet for the reason that the victims of the bitter compare it with a shot of a pistol.

A man who bited by such an ant may feel the pulsation and tireless pain within the day after the bite. Some local Indian tribes (SATERE-MAWE, MAUE, Brazil) are used in very painful rites of the initiation of boys to adulthood (which leads to temporary paralysis and even the blades of the exposed fingers). In the course of study chemical composition Poison from it was isolated by a paralyzing neurotoxin (peptide), named pionethoxin.

Brazilian wandering spider

Also known as Phoneutria, Brazilian wandering spiders are poisonous creatures that live in tropical South America and Central America. In the Book of World Records Guinness 2010, this type of spider was called, the most poisonous spider of the world.

The poison of spiders of this kind contains powerful neurotoxin, known as phtx3. In mortal concentration, it is neurotoxin causes loss of muscle control and breathing problems, which leads to paralysis and ultimately suffocation. The bite of medium pain, the poison causes instigative infection of the lymphatic system, entering the circulatory in 85% leads to heart failure. Patients feel wild stuffing during life, men sometimes cause Priapism. There is an antidote, along with antibiotics, but due to the seriousness of harm, the body is actually equal to the chance of survival of the victim.

Malari Mosquito

Rat flea

African honey bee

African bees (also known as the bees "killers") - descendants of bees brought with Africa to Brazil in the 1950s when trying to improve the production of honey in this country. Some African uterus began to cross the local European bees. The resulting hybrids moved to the north and still found in southern California.

African bees look as well, and in most cases behave like European bees, which are currently living in the United States. You can detect them only by analyzing DNA. Their sting - also do not differ from the usual bee. One very important difference between two varieties is the protective behavior of African bees, which manifests itself when protecting their nests. In some attacks in South America, African bees killed cattle and people. This behavior of AMP earned the nickname "Bee-killer."

In addition, this type of bee is known for behaving like an invader. Their swarms attack the hives of an ordinary honey bee, invading them and establishing their queen. They attack large colonies and are ready to destroy anyone who will encroacitate their uterus.


Despite the fact that Blok is usually not perceived as dangerous, fleas transmit numerous diseases between animals and people. Throughout history, they contributed to the spread of many diseases, such as bubonic plague.

Fire ants

Fire ants (Eng. Fire Ant) - several related ants from the Solenopsis Saevissima Special-Group species group of Solenopsis, possessing a strong stale and poison, whose action is similar to the flame burn (from here and their name). More often under this title appears the invasive red fire ants spread throughout the world. There are cases of human population by one ant with serious consequences, anaphylactic shock, up to death.

Brown spiderman

The second spider on our list is a brown hermit, does not produce neurotoxins as a black widow. His bite destroys the fabric and can cause damage, for the healing of which months will go.

The bite is very often unnoticed, but in most cases the sensations are similar to the sensations when the needle is checked. Then for 2-8 hours, the pain makes himself felt. Further, the situation is developing depending on the number of poison in the blood. The poison of the brown spider-hermit of hemolytic action, and therefore causes necrosis and tissue destruction. Bite for small children of older and sick people can be fatal.

Ants Siafa

SIAFU (DORYLUS). These nomads are mostly living in Eastern and Central Africa, but also found in tropical Asia. Insects live in colonies that can with up to 20 million individuals, all of them - blind. Traveling their own, they are performed using Pheromones. Colonia has no permanent place Accommodation, nomady from place to seats. During the movement for the proceedings of larvae insects attack all invertebrate animals. Among these ants have a special group - soldiers. They can stuff, for which they use their hooked jaws, and the size of such individuals reaches 13 mm. The jaws of the soldiers are so strong that in some places in Africa they are even used to secure seams. The wound may be closed for as many as 4 days. Usually after SIAFU bitten the consequences are minimal, it is not necessary to even cause a doctor. The truth is that young and older people are particularly sensitive to the bites of such ants, there were deaths from complications after contact. As a result, annually on statistics from 20 to 50 people die of these insects. This contributes to their aggressiveness, especially when the protection of their colony, which a person may accidentally attack.

Giant Asian bumblebee

Many of us have seen bumblebees, they seem rather small, and there are no special reasons to be afraid of them. And now imagine a bumblebee, which grew, as if on steroids, or just look at the Asian giant. These horns are the largest in the world - their length can reach 5 cm, and the wings are 7.5 centimeters. The length of the sting in such insects can be up to 6 mm, but with such a bite it will not compare neither a bee, nor the axle, bumblebee can be stolen repeatedly. There are no such dangerous insects in Europe or the United States, but traveling through East Asia and the mountains of Japan, you can meet with them. To understand the consequences of the bite, just listen to eyewitnesses. They compare the sensations from the bumblebee sting, with a hot nail, vanned to the leg. Poison sting has 8 various connectionswhich cause discomfort, damaging soft fabrics and creating a smell that can attract new bumblebees to the victim. People having allergies to bees can die from the reaction, but there are cases of deaths because of the Mandoshoxin poison, which may be dangerous, hitting enough deep into the body. It is believed that about 70 people die from such bites every year. Curiously, but the sting is not the main tool of hunting - the bumblebees of their enemies are crushed by large jaws.

Fly Tsetse

Muha Tsets dwells in tropical and subtropical Africa, in love with the desert Kalahari and Sakhara. Flies are carriers of trypanosomoses, which lead to a disease of animals and a person sleepy disease. Cetz is anatomically very similar to its usual relatives - they can be distinguished by a trunk on the front of the head and a special manner of the addition of wings. It is the proboscis and allows you to extract the main food - the blood of wild mammals in Africa. On this mainland, there are 21 types of flies that can reach from 9 to 14 mm in their length. You should not consider flies so harmless to humans, because they really kill people, making it quite often. It is believed that in Africa, up to 500 thousand people have a sleepy disease that is transferred to exactly these insects. The disease violates the activities of the endocrine and the heart system. Then the nervous system is affected, causing confusion in consciousness and breaking sleep. Attacks of fatigue are replaced by hyperactivity. The last major epidemic was recorded in Uganda in 2008, in general, the disease belongs to the list of forgotten into WHO. However, in one Uganda over the past 6 years, 200 thousand people died from a sleepy disease. It is believed that this disease is largely guilty of worsening the economic situation in Africa. It is curious that flies attack any warm object, even a car, but Zebra is not attacked by, considering it only flashed stripes. Tsetsk Flys also saved Africa from soil erosion and re-painted horned cattle. Man invented miscellaneous methods Combating these insects. In the 1930s on west coast They destroyed all wild pigs, but it gave the result only for 20 years. Now they are struggling by shooting wild animals, cutting the shrubs and processing males flies with radiation in order to deprive the opportunity to multiply.

The world of insects is so diverse and huge that still on the planet annually, scientific entomologists open new types of these miniature creatures.
Most of them are completely harmless to humans, but there are also very dangerous species, the meeting with whom nothing good is promulit. In this ranking, we will tell about the 10 most dangerous insects, some of which can easily kill a person.

10. African beetle - killer

The word "killer" in the title of this deadly beetle, fully justifies his title of dangerous and poisonous predator. Despite its attractive coloring with bright yellow spots on the chitin genth, the poison of this "baby" is 10 times more than a poison of African Cobra and his bite very quickly can cause a slow and painful death.

9. Japanese Hornet

If suddenly, on a walk through the Japanese forest, you will hug on the hive of brown color, try to get around it as far as possible. After all, the most terrible killers are inhabited in it. japanese islandswhose bites kill people every year more than bears and poisonous snakes combined. The bits of Japanese Sherny annually carry the lives of 40 Japanese, their poison nervously - paralytic action is extremely strong and sometimes one bite is enough to kill an adult man.

Unlike other striped pests, Japanese hornet can apply bites repeatedly and if he decided to pursue his sacrifice, to escape from this evil insect will be very difficult, the hornets are able to develop speed up to 40 km / h and pursue a person to a distance of up to 5 km.

8. Ants Siafa

These very dangerous insects cause a real horror in local aborigines because in the literal sense, they are lovers of human flesh and tear meat with their most powerful jaws, pre-biting the victim and immobilizing her nervously - paralytic poison.

Their strength lies in their quantity, there are many documented facts when Saifra ants attacked sleeping drunken people or tourists and killed them.

Most deaths were not caused by the action of poison, mostly the victims were died of choking, when the Horde of the ants were crapped to people in the lungs and respiratory organs.

Scientists argue that even large wild animals, such as elephants, try to avoid meeting with the ants of Siafu, for quite understandable reasons.

7. Spider Black Widow

One of the most dangerous and poisonous spiders in the world - Spider black WidowWhose poison is 15 times stronger than the poison of the rattling snake. The females of these spiders are more poisonous than males and have a bad peculiarity - to kill and eat their partners after mating, from which this spider and got their name.

The black widow never attacks a person for no reason, but if the bite is still happening, the consequences can be very sad. At first, the bite's place is almost unnoticed, but soon the fabric near the wound begins to inflame and the first signs of necrosis appear. If you do not take any action, death may occur within a few days.

First aid: Immediately after the bite, cover the wound with open fire and immediately consult the doctors.


Do not be deceived by outwardly attractive views of this shaggy caterpillar, more like a plush toy. For many people, at the sight of this fluffy, but a dangerous insect there is a desire to stroke him and then the coquette reveals all his disgusting essence.

The caterpillar hides under his woolen cover to poisonous needles, which when touched can cause the victim a strongest allergic reaction and wild pains that are in the armpit. Also, blood pressure drops are also possible, rash throughout the body, vomiting, fever and other, no less unpleasant symptoms.

This caterpillar is the most poisonous in the United States, lives on trees in the forest and a person may suffer if the caterpillar simply falls on top of it. Therefore, be very careful, walking through American chassis.

5. Brazilian wandering spider

The officially recognized Book of Records Guinness, as the most dangerous spider on the planet, the Brazilian wandering spider fully deserves this terrible title. This insect is extremely aggressive and all the time wanders in search of mining, from which he got his name. He does not break a web, and all the time migrates in search of food, absolutely not afraid of man and can attack him for no reason.

These huge Octopuses are found insects reaching in length 13 centimeters in the forests Latin America and Brazil. The bite of them is very dangerous and if a person has been attacked, you must immediately apply for medical help And introduce an antidote, otherwise death will be inevitable.

4. Giant Asian Hornet

Giant Asian Hornet is a real giant in the world of insects, possessing the size of the body of 5 cm and the wings of 6 - 7 cm. It attracts attention, and for its sizes, in Asia, this hornet received the name "Bee - Sparrow." But this amazing insect is not only big, but also deadly.

In the fall of 2013, the whole world flew off the news headlines, where he told about the mass attack of giant harnesses in China. In that year, 41 people died of their bite and more than 1600 victims needed medical care. In the fall, during the marriage season, these insects become extremely aggressive and dangerous.

If several such hornets attack a person, they can easily appear it to death or to make it disabled for life.

3. Ants - bullets

Very dangerous insects are inhabited in South American rainforests - ant bullets. They received their name for the fact that their bites on painful sensations are comparable to pain from gunshot wound. On the planet there are no other insects, whose bite would be painful.

The famous scientist is the entomologist Justin Schmidt, so described his feelings after the bite of only one ant: "indescribable, fantastic pain of the highest order. Feels like, it will probably be compared with the walking around the hot coals, with a 20-centimeter rusty nail in the heel. "

But the most amazing thing is that the Aboriginal tribes have lived in this region, who have a sadistic ritual of young people in men. The boy gives to wear a cape, in whose sleeves are sissed by ants - bullets. Bedollege should be held for 10 minutes until it is to the barbaric test.

After that, usually, the victims are carried into the hut, where it can not even climb from the bed within a few days, suffering and shuddering in spasms from the strongest pain. But this is not the end to become a real man, this ritual he has to go 20 times!

2. Fly Tsetse

The microorganism raises the sacrifice of the disease trypanosomosis. In infected people there are incomplete speech, sleep impairment, a sharp change in behavior, fever, sudden seizures and problems with walking. Most patients eventually dies, since the effective medication against the tripanosomosis does not exist.

1. Sydney Spider

This very dangerous spider lives in Australia and lives only in the Sydney area. It is unique in that its poison antencotoxin acts only on primates and is absolutely harmless to other animals. The effect of poison is also unusual. After the bite, the alveolar bags in the lungs begin to burst due to overvoltage nervous system And a person simply sinks on land.

Fortunately, a rather effective antidote of this spider has long been created, and the last death rate from his bite occurred more than 30 years ago. But you should know that the antidote must be introduced no later than 15 minutes after the insect attack, otherwise death will be imminent.

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In the world there are a lot of interesting and mysterious things. And, probably, most of us are happy to read the selection of the most-most: the biggest, the smallest. And even more interesting is the most poisonous or the most terrible. This article will talk about the 10 most dangerous insects of the world. So, we begin to scare!

The most dangerous insects in the world

Caterpillar "Lazy Clown"

Do you like insects? Or even the appearance of a harmless caterpillar or spider leads you to panic horror? If you choose the second answer option, then you still have a reason for joy. The fact is that the most dangerous insect in the world lives in South America. These are local residents call it "lazy clown." It is incredibly beautiful, but it is worth noting, the same and poisonous. Poison of lump causes internally bleeding. At the same time, the kidneys refuse, and terrible spots are distributed through the body. If a person has touched immediately to several individuals, then possibly hemorrhage into the brain. Sad statistics say that from the poison of this caterpillar every year dies to 30 people, the same amounts become disabled for life.

Asian hornet

Continuing the top ten entitled "The Most Danger Insect in the World", the second should be noted this insect is the biggest harder in the world. The length of his body reaches seven centimeters. And it is incredibly aggressive. And if the hornet attacks a person, then it can be said with confidence that the poor fellow is just not separated. The sting of the monster is about six millimeters, and the poison in the literal sense corrosive the flesh. In addition, this insect highlights a special pheromone, which attracts other hornets. It dwells this monster in China, Japan, India, Korea, Nepal. Harps feed on the hives, they literally in a matter of minutes spread with beesfire and eat all the larvae, leaving behind the mountain of torn corpses.


Andrktonus is the most poisonous living in Africa. This is a real giant: scorpion size is about ten centimeters. The poison contains the strongest neurotoxin and is incredibly dangerous for a person. Every year several people dies from the bite of this insect.


These ants live with such a combat name in South America. The dwelling they arrange on the trees and attack everyone who approaches their home, falling right on the head. Frequently attacked bear-tourists becomes often. When the ant attacks, he publishes a battle cry, similar to a shrill squeak. The poison of the insect is toxic, and the bite is very painful. The people who had the misfortune to be bited, said that the feelings are comparable to gunshot wound, therefore ants and nickname. Aboriginal has a ritual of a boy's initiation in a man. So, the young man should shove his hands in the lair of these monsters and hold them there ten minutes. Often, after this ritual, the child is paralyzed for several hours. To become a warrior, this procedure must be repeated twenty times.

African bee

She also falls under the category "The most dangerous insect in the world." African bees do not differ in appearance from the usual. But it is only in appearance. Winnie the Pooh I would say about them that these are wrong bees. The fact is that these insects are abnormally aggressive. They will not give you any chance as soon as you approach their dwelling closer than five meters. And several kilometers will be chased, while it is very painful. Having received a horse dose of bee poison, you can die. So be careful.

Brazilian wandering spider

Another dangerous creature lives in South America. And the name is his wandering spider. According to the statistics of Guinness Books in 2010, he was called the most poisonous in the world. The poison of these spiders cause a complete loss of muscle control, which leads to paralysis and suffocation. There is an antidote from the bite, but in many cases it is unable to save the life of the victim.


Another one entered the top ten most. Karakurt is a very dangerous spider, his poison kills instantly. Karakurt poison is stronger than a fifteen poison. Spider size Average: 10-20 mm. Body black. On the trouser both in males and females, there are characteristic red specks. Fully generated individuals have black color, without red spots. And what is interesting, they cease to be poisonous. Adult spider can not contact human skin.


Surely you have repeatedly heard about this insect, and maybe even met. They live around the world. Many ramps are a lot. There are horsepower, cow and, about horror, human. We divided them to subgroups not by chance. The thing is that for each species you need a certain owner, in the body of which the larvae of this insect will grow. And it will grow there, where this fuel will postpone it. And it doesn't matter what it will be: foot, head, eye or some other body. There were cases when large larvae got from the brain of a person. So be careful, resting on the lap of nature.

Fire ants

Mother's habitat of these insects is from where they came to North America: the climate for reproduction was very favorable, natural enemies did not exist, and they broke up to an incredible amount. These ants became a real disaster for the country. They have a sharp sting and strong poison. The poison, of course, is not a deadly, but very painful. And these bugs eat all that will meet in their path, and what to eat can not, for example, electrical wiring, traffic lights, etc., will definitely spoil. And he carries the poor state losses every year in the amount of six billion.


And we closes our top "The most dangerous insect in the world" tick. These unpleasant creatures are treated. Favorite mites place - small bushes, high grass. The tick hangs on them in anticipation of their victim. And when it will be raining, it is dug in the flesh. But, as a rule, the bite of the tick is irrelevant, he injected an anesthetic substance and begins to screw into the body of the victim. And sucking, drinking blood. They are dangerous, in particular, by the fact that they will deal such a terrible disease as encephalitis. The disease may cause a violation of the activities of the central nervous system, and sometimes paralysis. And often fix cases with fatal outcome.