Repairs Design Furniture

Warming of the scene around the house by clay. How to insulate the breakfast: methods, preparation, process, useful tips. Preparatory work on the insulation of the cessation of polystyrene foam

Building or overhaul Any house always provides for it using different materials. One of the most undervalued stages in the building heat insulation is competent construction Games around the foundation.

Many builders do not give it much importance, along with that, the scene performs two the most important Functions:

  • Protects Facade finish, as well as walls Buildings from cracking as a result of deformation caused by their freezing or wastewater action.
  • Significant Heats at home that reduces costs on his B. winter.

Heaters for Skostovka

As insulation For the scene usually use such materials:

  1. Penoplex.heat insulating plateswhose advantages is easy mounting, safety and environmental purity.
  2. Polystyrene foam. Material that happens two Species: foamed (EPS) and extruded (XPS). XPS recommended Use for insulation of the base unit of buildings. It is different high insulating properties, durabilityas well as ability easy to withstand pressure concrete screed.
  3. Styrofoam. Its main advantage - low cost. In addition, the foam provides good heat and waterproofing, as well as prevents The emergence of mold.

Warming of Painopycek Game

Insofar as penoplex. - This is one of the species extruded polystyrene, then the process of mounting the insulation, as well as performance features these materials are large similar.

Using for the insulation of the Gamesost Xps. - most expensive, although the most qualitative Method of heat insulation.

For property The heat insulation of the cabinets are used XPS thick thickness 5 cm. They are stacked at the underlying layer of rubberoid. To insulate the joints between the insulation sheets from above Polyethylene film is laid increased Strength.

The insulation of the flashes of the polystyrene foam

When used as the insulation, the cessation of polystyrene foam EPS. its thickness should be no less 8-10 cm. For insulation of the joints between the stoves, as well as places of adjacent to the wall of the building, applied mounting foam.

Warming of the flagth of the foam

A feature of use as a heater of foam is enough Big thickness insulating layer (10-15 cm). Otherwise, the process of laying foam plates correspond to Method of insulation Gamesost EPS. polystyrene foam.

Device and insulation scheme

Stages of work step by step

Stage 1. Preparation.

    • Step 1. At this step it is necessary to produce marking And dig tranche For a future breakfast. Her depth should not be more than 30 cm. As for the width, then necessary take into account the sinks of the roof, the scene must be wider it is at least 25 cm when used as insulation foamflast, whose stove is of size 1 m, makes sense to make the gesture of the same width.

  • Step 2.. When the trench is ready, you can proceed to insulation Social part of the building. This element is missing many builders, although he significant affects the thermal insulation of the whole house. For can be used sheets of polystyrene foams that are divided popolam. and pasted on walls.
  • Step 3.. Preparatory work ends subsido and rambling Sand, whose layer thickness lies within from 10 to 15 cm and controlled on the trench walls in advance tags.

Stage 2. Installation of the insulation.

  • Step 4.. Before laying insulating material need to do subsidu rubble, which is also carefully thumbs up. Crushed stone layer thickness - 10 cm.
  • Step 5.. At the bottom of the trench fit insulation. Joints that are obtained during the styling process are close mounting foam .
  • Step 6.. When the laying of the insulation is finished, you can start montau Reinforcing grid. Wherein before need to bind it among themselves knitting wire.
  • Step 7.. From the board or thick plywood mounted opal.

Stage 3. Pouring the breakfast concrete.

  • Step 8.. Pouring the first layer with small crouch or ceramzit. The use of these materials allows not only save on expensive cement, but also to increase strength concrete and also get additional insulated layer because clamzite has high heat insulating properties.
  • Step 9.. Fill leveling Shrews. When performing these works, it is important to remember that the scene should Have a small slope from the building. To do this, when pouring concrete is used special Lighthouses.

Important! To ensure the durability of the concrete screed, you must perform it ironing.

If necessary need to Make a drainage system. It makes sense in cases where the house is in nizine and during loss large number precipitation or melting snow is possible flooding foundation.

For drainage system can be used as already ready reinforced concrete structures, so I. normal plastic pipes diameter 11 cm.

IN video Below is information on how war down correctly Digit protection:

If the owner of the house wants to protect the basis of the building from excess moisture, while referring appearance His dwelling, he should take care of the creation of the scene. Carrying out the manufacture of this element, many masters are negotiated by heat insulation, which negatively affects qualitative characteristics finished design. It is not necessary to make a similar error, since a competently insulated cesspool around the house is a guarantee of the durability of the basic design.

For what you need to insulate the breakfast

When the walls of the building begin to be covered with small cracks, the sizes of which increase with an extraordinary speed, the host begins to seek the cause of what is happening. Everything is simple: melting and sedimentary water, getting into the ground and contacting the basis, penetrates the concrete. The decrease in air temperature at night leads to the freezing of the fluid, therefore, microscopic gaps are formed in the base structure, which gets even more water. In the case when the scene is arranged around the building, the effects of water on the foundation decreases. But why warm the breakfast?

While the liquid is given from the basis, it still applies to the site and seeps into the soil, affecting the base. To protect the database, the daily dry jumps should be reduced by holding the foundation temperature at a certain mark. For this purpose, thermal insulation is used: a high-class insulation helps to keep heat, the influence of cold air from the street to the base. The heat emanating from the soil and coming from the walls of the building is preserved, due to which the base does not freeze.

Also answer to the question "Do I need to warm the breakfast?" There may be advantages of the heat-insulated design. Insulated gossip allows:

  • Reduce building heating costs;
  • Increase the movement of the scene in relation to the base of the construction;
  • Increase the waterproof design.

It is worth mentioning that there are situations in which it is possible to abandon the thermal insulation of this constructive element. No need to warm the break around the house when:

  • The structure is located on a plot with a stable soil, which is not peculiar to seasonal trimming;
  • The base of the house refers to a low-profile type (laid above the level of the freezing of the Earth).

Naturally, the last word It remains for the owner of the site. However, before you insulate the scene on a small-breeding foundation or on the territory with a dense soil, you should again think about whether it is worth spending money if there is no need for this.

Construction thermal insulation scheme

In order to competently perform the heat insulation of the scene, it is necessary to study the structure of the structure itself. Its basic distinctive trait - Layout.

The first layer is geotextile, the main function of which is the formation of the design. Behind the first layer should be a layer of sand, the thickness of which should be 10-15 cm. After the sand pillow goes a layer of thermal insulation. The next layer is another sand pillow with a thickness of 10-15 cm. Next - again geotextiles. The penultimate reservoir - rubble shallow fraction, and the final layer - decorative material (For example, tile).

The unusual structure of the element was called "Cake of Insulated Skying".

Thermal insulation of the scene by sheets of polystyrene foam

An excellent solution is the heat-insulation of the deficiency of the polystyrene foam. Most often, this material is applied in situations where other insulation are not able to cope with the functions entrusted to them. For example, in places with excessive humidity.

The extruded expanded polystyrene has a multitude of advantages, among which:

  • Special resistance to compressive loads;
  • Inability to absorb liquid;
  • Long service life;
  • Small mass;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Bad flammable.

Another undisputed dignity is polystyrene foam is an environmentally friendly material.

How to properly make a warmed break, using polystyrene foam? 5 cm thick sheets are mounted in two layers, the plates whose thickness is 10 cm in one layer. The sheets of sheets are protected by a particularly dense polyethylene film, which is filling over the heat-insulating material.

This insulation was popular thanks unique property - The material can be applied even on "capricious" surfaces. PPU is very often used in house-building, its main advantages:

  • Weak thermal conductivity;
  • Disability to biodegradation;
  • The material does not decompose;
  • The possibility of use at any temperature;
  • PPU does not ignite;
  • Polyurethane foam is poorly absorbing water;
  • The applied material has integrity without bandage.

However, if with the help of polyurethane foam, a warmed celestone is performed around the house with your own hands, it is necessary to remember the precautionary measures: one of the components included in the PPU is toxic.

Ceramzite is very often used with insulation, as it is especially effective and not afraid of high and low temperatures. There are several varieties of clay:

  • Sand;
  • Crushed stone;
  • Gravel.

It is the last option that is used as thermal insulation. Its main advantage over sand and crushed stone is impressive frost resistance. In addition, the material is completely harmless. Basically, the ceramizite is protected by the grounds, basement, garages and scene. The device of the warmed scene around the house does not take much time and effort if you stop the choice on this material.

Independent device of thermally insulated scene

The heat-insulated cesspool is necessary when erecting a house on wet soils, prone to bent. Liquid impregnated with a cold season arrival can start moving, lift and destroy the base. When the warming comes the process will go to reverse side - The soil will fall that adversely affect the foundation. The main goal of thermal insulation is to prevent these processes.

So, how is the insulated cesspool done with their own hands? Step-by-step instruction describing budget way Design devices will allow even a newcomer to cope with the work.

Step 1. Earthworks

To begin with, the location is cleared: the top fertile layer of the soil is removed from the territory. After that, a ditch is performed, the depth of which is caused by the dimensions of the insulation layers. It is very important to correctly determine this amount, since it is it affects the heat engineering qualities of the future gentle.

Step 2. Floating Crushednka

The crushed stone is covered with a purified land plot as a drainage reservoir. The crushed stone layer is calculated as: from the height of the scene is taken thickness finishing material and sandy layers.

Step 3. Production of formwork

The finished frame is arranged around the perimeter of the trench.

Step 4. Water-repellent layer

How to insulate the foundation and make a break so that the moisture does not destroy these elements of the structure? The best obstacle from the penetration of the liquid is clay. It should be evenly distributed on the trench and compact. The thickness of the rammed reservoir should be 25 cm.

Step 5. Floating Sand Pillow

The layer of sand is falling asleep, which is wetted with water and tamper.

Step 6. Laying thermal insulation

It is best to use extruded polystyrene foam, but you can stay at any other insulation.

Step 7. Facing

Over thermal insulation, the finishing material is stacked.

After the facing is completed, a warmed sidewalk of paving slabs can be considered ready.

Video Warming Games around the house do it yourself:

The scene is a special design that is performed in the form of a crucible strip with a width of 60 cm to 120 cm. The scene must close to the base or the foundation of the building with a small, up to 10%, slope. Most recently, such a design was made only from clay or concrete, its quality was low, it did not fully fulfill its functions, did not have waterproofing and insulation.

The main purpose of the scene is the lead from the foundation of the house. It is very important proper deviceotherwise otherwise ground or wastewater May blur foundation.

The main purpose of the Gamestock is the removal of water from the structure and the foundation. Today, the device of the scene is not just a strip of concrete or compacted clay, but complex designperformed from various materials that are able to protect the structure from excess moisture, give the site a certain attractiveness.


The cake of the scene consists of several layers:

  • lower layer, the so-called underlying;
  • upper protective layer.

For the bottom layer, sand or crushed stone is usually applied. The selection of "pillows" depends on the construction material. For the outer layer, a tile, cobblestone, brick, concrete, sand and other materials are usually used, but it is precisely this layer that should be completely waterproof so as not to give water to fall under the foundation.

When the device, the device must be remembered and that for home with a warm basement, social FloorThe cellar suits only a warmed design, which allows to reduce the calculated depth of the primer of the soil. Warm gel will help to protect the structure from too sharp temperature fluctuations, eliminate the seasonal extinguishing of the soil layer near the house.

For the heat shield device, various materials can be used, but it is better for the other clamps, foam, sand with impregnation.

For the device of reliable scene with a warm layer of ceramisit, it will not be required to be serious. The insulation technology is extremely simple, it lies in the fact that clamzit is embanked on the bottom of the trench, then it is poured with concrete. Such a design has numerous advantages, among which not only high level Insulation, but also protection against dirt moisture.

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When insulation, the fireflow, the foam is necessary to put even so that there are no cracks between them.

The device of the unit with insulation of foam plates is carried out at extremely simple technology. On the perimeter digging the pit, the bottom of it is hydroizing. As waterproofing applies polyethylene film, rubberoid sheets or any other similar material. Before waterproofing on the bottom, the sand layer is poured, it is thoroughly tamped.

Stacking waterproofing material are carried out in such a way that the material is slightly entering the walls, providing reliable protection. After that, the foam layer is placed on the bottom so that there are no cracks between the plates.

After laying, the fill with concrete solution is performed, and the formwork is mounted before that. Pouring is performed in two stages, after the first, it is necessary to immediately put the reinforcing belt, once again.

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Insulation expanded polystyrene

Device SK Game polystyrene foam slabs Reminds usual works on thermal insulation external walls Foundation and base.

After the trench around the perimeter is cooked, on the bottom it is necessary to arrange a layer of waterproofs in the form of a film or rubberoid. The insulation is stacked on this layer, the joints between the plates are neatly poured with the mounting foam. Thermal layer on top of the layer is covered with ordinary soil, after that you can perform any type of work, for example, fill upper layer concrete or lay out tiles. To insulate this method, the job is simply, the work itself does not take much time and means, it is even a newcomer.

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Insulation polyurethane foam

Polyurethane Foam, or PPU, today is often used in construction to create a solid warm layer, which has excellent performance.

Polyurethane foam is applied by spraying, it quickly solidifies on open air. A substantial plus of this method is completely lacking waste, the application itself is accurate and fast. The advantage is that the insulation is simply poured into the prepared pit, after which he quickly harms, creating a protective layer. There is no need to use mesh and other means for reinforcement, since PPU itself has all the necessary qualities.

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How to make a break on the grunted soil?

Special attention has always been paid to construction on, as in winter time It is possible to deform and pushing the scene outside. So that this does not happen, you will have to observe some mandatory conditionsthat will allow you to fulfill all work quickly and efficiently.

The warm base in this case is perfectly protected by the foundation of the house, since sharp temperature differences are no longer scary. Installation begins with marking around the perimeter of the structure, then the ground is removed to a depth of 15 cm (the fertile layer must be removed completely). The width and depth of such a trench depends on what ground construction is made, as far from the roof is located. On average, the width of the scene must be 30 cm more than the width of the cornice, and the depth is from 25 cm. The design itself should be tightly adjacent to the walls of the house and not have breaks.

On bunched soils are recommended. At the bottom of the trench, the layer of sand with a thickness of 15 cm is poured, it is spilled by water, is carefully compacted. After that, the crushed stone is embanked, formwork is satisfied along the edge of the trench, the height of which is 10 cm. The scene is poured with concrete by 7 cm.

Suitable for filling the brand of solution M 200-300, it has sufficient qualities for such work. While concrete has not yet grabbed, the design is reinforced and re-filling is performed by 3-5 cm. This gives the monolithic layer of bending strength, reliability. If you do not fulfill this work, the scene will be broken under the influence of forces. To improve the quality of work, it is necessary to perform an iron, that is, on top on the flooded layer, pour cement and dissolve it with a trowel.

Feature device monolithic design On the bunchedness of the soil lies in the fact that it is necessary to pour it with separate areas, approximately 1.5-2.5 m. There is a temperature seam between the plots of fill, the thickness of which is selected in 10-20 mm. Such seams after the end of the work are flooded liquid glass or tar. To prevent the smelting of the soil, it is necessary to around the perimeter of the building. For drainage, open special hatches are perfectly suitable, they can be covered with grilles on top. Water from the structure is discharged into drainage wells, ensuring safety.

The scene is an element of a building that rarely attracts attention. But along with other parts of the house, it needs insulation. The insulation of the penplex deficiency is carried out. It is he who has the desired features that allow the material to serve for a long time. What are these features and how is the process of insulation? This will be told in the article.

Purpose of Gamesost

The scene is an element that is mounted after the construction of the walls of the building. It is a small ledge around the perimeter of the entire structure. It is located under a slight bias from the wall plane. This is done for free outflow of water. Usually, the drainage chute is mounted in it or near it, along which water can flock into the receiver or in the ground. The main purpose of the scene is to protect the foundation and soil from various destructive factors. In some cases, the cabin can go to a depth of up to 50 cm. Means not herself concrete construction Seashells, and layers of various material, each of which is playing its role. The scene must perform such functions:

  • ensure waterproofing;
  • reduce ground freezing depth;
  • complement the style of the building;
  • perform the function of the sidewalk.

The scene must properly remove excess water so that it does not seek to the foundation. This can lead to the flooding of the basement, as well as blowning walls and damage building material. In winter, in some localities, the ground can easily free up to 1.8 meters. Such an effect adversely affects the foundation and can lead to its destruction, which will result in the loss of strength to all building. That this does not happen, the scene is mounted. It reduces the level for which the soil is able to freeze. Especially relevant in this case becomes a warmed deficiency. It serves as additional waterproofing, supporting the soil dry, and also puts the temperature of the temperature minus for the ground level.

The scene can serve as an element of the exterior of the building. For proper design Skunsteps can be created a unique pattern, which will emphasize some of the features of the house. Move around the housing more convenient for concrete trackthan in the wet soil. Therefore, the scene is trying to make somewhat wider so that it was convenient for it. Depending on the abundance of precipitation, its bias can vary from 5 to 10 degrees.

Wheeping is needed

In some cases, for example, with a moderate climate, the insulation of the breakfast may not be needed. But there are cases when it does not do without it. These include:

  • bunched soils;
  • low-profiled foundation;
  • increased humidity.

If the building is built on bunched soils, it can become a serious problem. Such a soil is characterized by increased mobility during freezing. It is explained by the fact that the upper layers are very wet, so during freezing the water turns into ice, reducing the density of the soil and squeezing it up. At the same time, at some points, the soil pressure on the foundation may increase, and in others there may be drawdown. Most often as part of such a soil there is a large share of clay. She does not give moisture to leave deeper, which creates problems. That is why it is necessary to build a breakdown of the desired width and insulate it so that the wet soil layers are not impaired in winter.

In certain cases, the use of a low-breed foundation is allowed. For example, so do for baths and frame structureswho have a small weight. Often, in this case, the depth on which the foundation is loaded is less than that which the soil is freezing. If you do not carry out the insulation of the breakfast in this case, over time it will lead to some building drawdown. It will happen by expanding and shrinking the soil after freezing and thawing. If the foundation seeks, then cracks will appear on the walls, which may not be subject to repair. Wastering and subsequent soil thawing can lead to the fact that pores are formed under the foundation where water will be drained. Such an effect in the end will lead to ground bending under the foundation.

This does not mean that in all other cases, the slate can not be inspired. Even for the building, which is lined up in all requirements will be the benefit of such a process. One of the significant advantages is to reduce the cost of heating at home. In the floor and the basis of the ground can leave up to 20% of the heat, so the scene with the insulation can compensate for the loss. Since in the presence of insulation concrete remains dry, it will last longer. The likelihood that the scene will be destroyed in severe frosts, because the soil does not freeze under it. The vertical movement of the scene is excluded, which may be present without insulation. Due to the fact that the scene will be insulated, it may not be necessary to insulate the cellar or basement.

Advantage of insulation of penplex

One of the most best Materialswhich can be used for the insulation of the breakfast is a penplex. So it is safe to say for many advantages. Some can be allocated:

  • long service life;
  • resistance to rotation processes;
  • minimum thermal conductivity;
  • good moisture insulation;
  • simplicity laying;
  • quick installation;
  • resistance to temperature drops;
  • easy fit.

Extruded polystyrene foam, which is the penplex received its unique features due to inner structure. In the thicker, each sheet has a huge amount of fine bubbles that contain air. They explain the minimum thermal conductivity. Cold and hot air is not able to overcome this barrier. Bubbles are closed, so the penplex is not able to skip moisture. Laying the foaming is simply carried out, for this you do not need to have some kind of special skills. The insulation is sheets with dimensions of 120 × 60 cm and different thickness. They are easily customized to the required parameters, cutting off with a knife or hacksaw. There is a material and certain cons, which is building to know:

  • instability to open fire;
  • we love rodents and ants;
  • relatively high price.

Penoplex is a fire-hazardous material. Although some of its types and have antipylane additives, but it will be perfectly ruled or flashes if open fire. Rodents and ants love to equip their dwellings in it. This is explained by the fact that the material is well preserved heat. You need to be prepared that the penplex will cost more than ordinary foam, but it will be more effective.

Note! For insulation, the scene cannot be used different kinds Mineral or other wool. This material absorbs moisture perfectly, such an effect immediately leads to an increase in thermal conductivity. Due to the freezing of wet wool, the breakdown is destroyed.

Procedure for work

The construction of warm slices is better to carry out together with the insulation of the base or the foundation. Thus, a double effect is achieved. Each of the processes should be considered separately.

Insulation socle

If the building is only built, then the process is simplified, should not be filled with the base part first. In the case when the house was built for a long time, then it will be needed around the perimeter of the whole building to dig a trench. If there is a basement or cellar under the house it is better to deepen more than 1 meter. In other cases, you can make a trench depth of 70 cm. Its width should be such that it was convenient to be in it when performing work. The foundation or base is cleaned by garbage and remnants of the Earth. After that, its condition is estimated and all the shortcomings are closed with cement mortar. If the plane has significant irregularities, then it is recommended to make it plastering so that the insulation can be adjusted throughout the plane. After that, it is necessary to wait about a month for a set of stucco strength.

The next step is applied bituminous mastic On the surface of the walls. For the possibility of subsequent installation of the polystraction, it is necessary, it is necessary that the mastic was hot preparation, without additives in the form of various solvents. If necessary, waterproofing can be applied in several layers, it is important to simply frozen each of them. Next, the installation of the foaming is performed. Mount the starting bar in this case is not necessary, since it is easy to rely on the line of the foundation or base. Its fixation occurs with the use of special glue, as well as plastic umbrellas. One sheet leaves five elements. For adjacent sheets, you can mount two common in the seam.

Tip! For work on the insulation of the basement or foundation, the foundation "Fundam" is excellent, which was developed for these purposes.

Drill the hole in the wall is necessary through the insulation so that they coincide. After that, the diagram in the hole is placed a small amount polyurethane foam And plastic dowel is inserted. When the entire surface is closed with insulation, then it can be additionally closed with a waterproofing membrane. In some cases, the grid is mounted on it and an additional layer of glue is applied. Such a procedure is not mandatory, since Painoplex does not decompose from what is in the soil.

Warming Gamesost

The width of the scene must be equal to the depth of the soil freezing, so if the trench came out less in width, then it must be increased. On the bottom of the trench, the layer of rubble is stacked. The thickness of the layer should be such that the level of the scene is at the required height. It will perform the function of removal of excessive fluid. If it is known that in the area groundwater It is close to the surface, then the first thing is the clay layer in 25 cm. It will not give water to rise above the permissible level. Geotextile stacked on crushed stone. A mediterranean sand is poured on it with a layer of 15 cm. It needs to drown well. For this, a manual or gasoline traam is suitable. Additionally, it can be wetted so that it filled emptiness.

On the perimeter of the building is set to formwork for the scene. Polystrax laying is made on the bulk sand. It is necessary to place two layers in the breakfast. The second is stacked in such a way that the seams are ensured. It will not give the ability to seek in these places. A dense film is placed on the sheets of insulation in the breakfast. She must enter the allen on the wall. The film can be replaced with a rubberoid or other waterproofer. Separate sheets of the film in the breakfast must lie with the allen at 10 cm. At the same time, they need to go well with each other. The next step can be used paving slab In the role of the scene. To do this, the insulation makes a fad from sand at 15 cm. It is aligned under the required slope. After that, the tile is installed on the breakfast.

Most often it is not a tile for the breakfast, but a concrete screed. So that the load on the screed is distributed correctly, it is necessary to produce its reinforcement. To do this, the metal mesh from fittings is stacked in the breakfast. It should be single with square cells at 10 cm. Pouring concrete solution. It is aligned with the rule. It is important to maintain the required slope slope. After the scene takes its full strength, it will be necessary to make deformational seams. To do this, every 2 meters it is necessary to cut through the upper bedside layer to the depth of the Bulgarian disk. The resulting gaps are filled with sealant or other composition. Video about the process of insulation of the scene can be viewed below.

Warming Games around the house

One of the required elements of the house on concrete foundation It is a breakfast, which is a railway with a width to one and a half meters wide. This design Performs whole line Tasks, the main of which are:

  • diversion of moisture from the base of the structure;
  • ensuring a convenient pass along the walls;
  • reducing heat loss through the base and underground part.

Today we will discuss more on that why you need to warm the break around the house and how to do it right.


To solve operational and decorative tasks, the track along the foundation of the house can be covered large quantity Different materials. The following are the most common:

  1. asphalt,
  2. a natural stone.

The operated surface of the scene is not the main component. Of particular importance is what is hidden from the eyes. Cake of the scene with warming or without it is designed, nor little, significantly increase the service life of the whole house. To lay the main layers, a trench is made throughout the perimeter of the structure in which they perform their installation. Read more The scheme of the insulation of the foundation and the breakfast of the penplex and other types of insulation will be discussed below.

The technology of manufacturing the house is multifaceted and complex. Some builders do not consider it necessary to produce a warmed breakage, considering this by excess consumption of materials and forces. It is believed that the heat loss of the basement is fully facilitated by the finish of the foundation insulation of a particular type. Consider this problem Read more.

When the outer surface is pasting the foundation, the soil surrounds it completely in the winter period. In this way, negative temperatures approach directly to the base of the house, significantly increasing heat loss from interior premises. In the case of mounting the insulated cesspost around the house of the soil near the base, it does not freeze, which reduces the cost of heating, which last years It is becoming increasingly relevant.

Based on the above, it is possible to say exactly that the technology of insulation of the scene is much winning in matters of reducing the heat loss of the structure. Below will be discussed in detail the sequence of performance. After reading our review, you will learn how to warm the foundation and make a break, spending on this minimum of materials, time and strength.

Materials used for warm gallery

To reduce heat loss and the manufacture of insulated breakfast, a number of materials are used to which the following requirements are imposed:

  • they must have high resistance to moisture, biological microorganisms, animals and insects;
  • must maintain its thermal insulation properties for a long time.

Not many modern insulation fully comply with the parameters listed above. Among those who received the greatest distribution, the following materials can be distinguished:

  1. ceramzit;
  2. styrofoam;
  3. polyurethane foam;
  4. polystyrene foam.

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of each of the listed options.

Sellsode with ceramzit

The cost is considered to be the fulfillment of a warmed celestation around the house from such a material as clay. It is rounded granules from sintered clay having a low mass and high thermal insulation properties. To achieve the desired result, the recommended thickness of the clamzite layer is at least 500 mm. The disadvantage of the material is its high moisture intensity, which requires additional high-quality waterproofing.

Purchase Ceramzit B. required volumes not difficult. It is sold throughout our country and is released both in bags and sowing. Delivered this material on construction site Freight transport and is used not only for heat insulation of the scene, but also.

Foam insulation

Polyfoam also belongs to inexpensive options thermal insulation materialsused in the case when the scene is made around the house with the insulation of the foundation with their own hands. This is due to the availability of this material. At the same time, most professional builders negatively relate to this insulation, especially when installing in the ground. The following features of the foam:

  1. it is able to collapse under the influence of moisture and negative temperatures;
  2. he fell in love with rodents who willingly build inside their nests;
  3. polyfoam is hygroscopic, that is, absorbs and is saturated with water.

Based on the above features, insulation, the basement base of the foundation and the cessation with extruded polystyrene foam (foam) can be recommended only under the condition of manufacture.

Polyurethane Foolder in Gotzhetka

In recent years, the warm germ began to be manufactured using such material as polyurethane foam. Its feature is spraying on any surface, so this insulation It can be used for all building elements of the building - floor, walls, roofs, base, etc.

The set of positive qualities of PPUs is leveled by the need to use specialized equipment and high toxicity of one of the components of the mixture, which requires protective equipment and leads to a significant increase in the cost of all technology.

Penoplex - the best choice

Most suitable option For the construction of a warmed cesspool around the house, the use of such a slab material as a polystyrene was considered to be considered. Before competitors, it allocates the following complex of advantages:

  • high moisture resistance;
  • long service life exceeding 20 years;
  • low compression ratio, which allows you to withstand mechanical loads;
  • low relative mass of plates;
  • resistance to negative temperatures;
  • ecology and thermal resistance.

The device of the warm base of the penplex around the house is available even for non-professional builders. The plates have a special groove-comb docking system, which allows you to lay them as tight as possible. More information about how to make a warmed break around the house in the next part of this article.

Warm Globe Production Technology

Step-by-step instructions of the device of a warmed scene around the house with their own hands is not difficult and accessible to everyone homemade Master. Before starting work, we recommend prepare the following tools:

  • shovel bayonge and soviet;
  • vibrating or manual tamping fixture;
  • concrete mixer electric household;
  • marking cord with a set of pegs;
  • a hammer;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver.

The total sequence of work is as follows:

  1. We carry out the markup of the future scene. Pre-determine the width of the future tape. To do this, omit the perpendicular from the edge of the roof of the roof to the ground and retreat the outwards of at least 0.5-0.6 meters. Further, in the required distance, we install the cord, pulling it between the spids broken into the ground.
  2. Earthworks are the most time-consuming stage. With the help of a chant tool available to all, we remove all the ground from the foundation to the cord to a depth of at least 500 mm for plate Materials and PPU. In the case of use as a ceramic insulation, this value can be increased to 1 meter.
  3. At the bottom of the trench, it is necessary to make hydraulic machines. Best natural material For this purpose, clay is traditionally considered. A layer of its thickness is about 10-15 cm poured on the bottom and thoroughly tram. In the presence in the construction zone of drum and clay soils You can simply compact the bottom of the trench.
  4. On top of the clay layer, be sure to place the nonwoven material, which called geotextile. It will prevent the mixing of the subsequent layers and germination of vegetation so that the insulated scene is not turned into a lawn. On top of the geotextile, the sand is poured with a layer of 20 cm, which roll up with a slope from the house, moisturize and tram in 2-3 passages throughout the area. If necessary, B. sandy layer Mount water reservations and waterproof waterproof water.
  5. The next step is to lay the selected type of insulation. Under the slab species must have perfect flatness. When the deflection is detected, it is necessary to remove the plates and pour pure seeded sand. After prehasting the required layer thickness, depending on climatic conditions, do not purchase plates of this thickness. Builders recommend to put two layers of thinner sheets, mutually overlapping the joints of the previous row. This technique will provide better heat insulation.
  6. Over slab insulation The installation of a concrete screed is performed. For its restrictions on the perimeter of the breakfast, a durable formwork is installed from the 150x50 board. Concrete poured and smash, pre-laying compensation seams From the edged lumber with a thickness of 25 mm, having it perpendicular to the ribbon. This simple reception will warn cracking the tie of a warmed scene located around the house.
  7. After pouring the concrete, you can perform laying of the selected type of coating, giving the surface final decorative View. Presented step-by-step instruction Devices of the scene with insulation and waterproofing with their own hands will make it possible to perform work without attracting hired labor, significantly reduced costs.

Thus, insulation and waterproofing of the foundation and the scene are quite accessible, even in the absence of experience construction work. The main condition is strictly observing the sequence of stages and their qualitative execution. The final choice of how and how to insulate the breakpoint around the house depends on the specific conditions in the construction zone.