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Application of thermal insulation by spraying. What is a sprayed polyurethane isolation. Polyurethane foam sprayed thermal insulation

September 2, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction work (bookmark the foundation, construction of walls, roof design, etc.). Domestic construction work (laying internal communications, roughing and finishing). Hobbies: Mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

In one of the articles, I already told how the insulation of the dwellings of polyurethane foam is performed. But then I did not tell in detail that it was a sprayed polyurethane insulation.

Today I decided to fill out this problems and to dwell on the description of the technical characteristics and features of the polymer warming foam in more detail.

The composition of the sprayed insulation

Everyone has long been accustomed to using for insulation have already become classic thermal insulation materials - mineral wool, foam, ceramzit and several others. However, science does not stand still and on the construction market new insulation appear, which have not only excellent characteristics, but also improved performance properties.

One of the newest is polyurethane foam. This material is a mixture of two polymers - polyol and isocionate:

  1. Component A - hydroxyl-containing agent required to maintain the reaction of the B. component is a liquid of a yellow or brown shade, which includes polyesters, catalysts, foaming components, antipyrenes and foaming components.
  2. Component B - isocionate - dark brown liquid substance having a sharp chemical smell. The component begins to polymerize when contact with atmospheric air, forming a solid polyurethane, which is unsuitable for use. Therefore, it comes in hermetically closed containers, reliably protected from contact with liquid or air.

When mixed, they react and distinguish a large amount of carbon dioxide, due to which the material foams. After soaring, the polyurethane forms a warming layer consisting of a plurality of small, hermetically closed cells filled with carbon dioxide.

Due to this, the material receives a low thermal conductivity coefficient (λ \u003d 0.023 to 0.041 W / (M * K)), therefore it is ideal for the role of insulation.

The exact technical characteristics of the sprayed polyurethane are shown in the illustration below:

The sprayed polymer insulation has many advantages, but also a few minuses. I will talk about this in detail in the next section.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantages, from my point of view, are characteristics of a sprayed insulation.

Characteristic Description
Low thermal conductivity coefficient The material serves as an excellent obstacle for unproductive heat loss in winter and helps save on air conditioning in the summer. Due to good heat-grinding properties, it is necessary to spray only a small layer of foam, so the PPU is ideal for internal thermal insulation.
Hydrophobic properties Insulated foam consists of closed cells, therefore the material has a practically zero coefficient of water absorption. Therefore, the foam can be used not only as heat, but also waterproofing. PPU protects the metal parts from corrosion perfectly and pre-paint the lattes are not needed.
Lack of seams Sprayed heat insulator, as can be seen from the name, is applied by spraying the mixture of a special pistol connected to the compressor. Therefore, after polymerization, the material forms an absolutely seamless homogeneous layer, excluding the formation of cold bridges at the joints and in places of fitting to the structural elements of the building.
Long service life Due to the fact that the frozen polymer foam does not absorb water, it can withstand many consecutive freezing cycles and thawing without the destruction of the internal structure. In addition, the insulation is well tolerates the impact of other external factors, with the exception of ultraviolet radiation. When complying with the rules of installation, the insulation layer retains its technical characteristics for at least 50 years.
High adhesion The sprayed heat insulator perfectly sticks to all known building materials, ranging from mineral surfaces, ending with smooth plasterboard and metal. However, they must be pre-prepared, clearing dust, garbage and fatty spots.
Easy installation To mount the insulation, you do not need to use brackets, adhesive formulations or crate. The latter if it is mounted, then only for fixing the external decorative material (lining, siding, drywall). Therefore, even an inexperienced master can cope with the work.
Chemical neutrality The insulation under consideration does not react with the chemical compounds contained in the composition of the building materials and the mounting solution. Also, the insulation layer is well tolerates the effect of aggressive substances, with the exception of oil refining products. And the acids dissolved in rainwater, the polyurethaneret is not scary.
High strength After polymerization, the foam becomes so strong that it is capable of carrying very significant external mechanical loads. It can even be used for thermal insulation of foundations and basement floors beaten in the soil. In the process of reverse backfill and subsequent operation, the sprayed insulation is not damaged.
Foreign safety The material does not apply to the non-combustible class (NG), however, thanks to the part of the component, the antipiren is assigned a fire certificate of G2. The material is badly flammable and contributes to the self-fighting of the flame due to the release of carbon dioxide from cells.

But without minuses, it also did not cost. If we speak from the point of view of independent use, I would have allocated such disadvantages:

  1. High price.The final cost of one square meter of insulation will be higher than when using classic insulation - foam or mineral wool. However, high technical characteristics quite justify cash investments.
  2. The need to use special equipment.To spray the foam, a compressor and a special device is used, where two components are mixed. All these devices will need to buy or, if you want to insulate only your home, rent. And these are additional costs.
  3. The need to use protection tools. The material itself is harmless after frozen, but during foaming it highlights harmful chemical elements, so it is necessary to work using the respirator. And in order to protect the skin from sticking the foam (which is very difficult to clean), you need to wear overalls or other overalls.
  4. Low resistance to ultraviolet. The material structure decomposes when the foam is irradiated with straight ultraviolet rays. Therefore, the insulation layer is always protected by decorative materials - cement plaster, panels, and so on.

There is another property that can be regarded and as a plus, and as a minus. We are talking about very low vapor permeability. Polyurethane foam does not refer to the category of "breathable" building materials, therefore it stops the natural infiltration of air through the enclosing surfaces.

But if for metal or brick it is good, then for wood and foam blocks - not very. All the advantages of the use of porous building materials are lost.

Although the market presents materials with an open cell that have a vapor permeability coefficient higher.

To make a decision on the use of foam from polyurethane will have only to you, but now you have, from what to repel. And in the meantime, I will tell you where the insulation under consideration can be used.

Use of use

All possible areas of use, I depicted in the diagram below:

Now a little about each of them in more detail:

  1. Roof.Polyurethane foam is used to process the rafter system from the inside, so it is possible to use it not only at the construction stage, but also after the end of all works from the attic room. Foam after frozen not only insulates the underfloor space, but also creates a noise absorbing barrier, and also strengthens the roof design.
  2. Attic.The sprayed thermal insulator is conveniently used for the thermal insulation of the nursing walls, which usually have a complex shape with a variety of joints and hard-to-reach places. Usually, the treatment of the room takes up to several hours, after which you can enjoy comfortable warm in winter and a pleasant cool summer.
  3. Walls.It is possible to apply the insulation to the exterior, and on the inner surfaces. In addition to improperly insulation, such treatment helps protect the structural elements of the building from exposure to water, wind, temperature fluctuations and other destructive factors.
  4. Floors.The material is perfectly placed on the horizontal surfaces, and for effective insulation, only a small layer is needed, so the distance between the floor and the ceiling does not significantly decrease.

So that you can choose the insulation correctly, I will stop slightly on the features of the use of polyurethane foam in various conditions.

Outdoor insulation

Fencing walls of the house is the surface with the largest area through which most of the thermal energy is drowned. If you treat them with polyurethane foam, you can reduce heat loss to 30%, reducing the cost of heating and air conditioning.

For external use used sprayed heat insulator density of 35 kg per cubic meter (subject to decoration by mounted materials - siding, clapboard) or 60 kg per cubic meter (In this case, the surface can be placed with a thin layer with a cement solution).

Use the insulation with a closed cell, which does not pass water.

Inner insulation

For internal use, it is possible to use the usual polyurethane foam with a density of 40 kg per cubic meter with a closed structure or replace it on a sprayed foam density of 12 kg per cubic meter with an open cell.

Internal insulation of polyurethane foam allows:

  • reduce heat loss;
  • strengthen the general structure of the house;
  • minimize the reduction of the internal space of the rooms;
  • ensure energy savings;
  • perform noise insulation housing.

Warming of interroom partitions

For walls that are not in contact with the ambient air, I recommend using insulation 20 kg density per cubic meterwith an open cell. He does not miss dust, delays unpleasant odors and substances that can cause allergies.

Processed polyurethane foam acquire antiseptic properties, absorb sound waves and ensure self-regulation of humidity in the rooms.

Warming of inter-storey overlaps

In this case, the minimum layer of insulation and a small weight of the material is important in order not to have a significant load on the structural elements. Therefore, I recommend using a polyurethane foam density of 9 kg per cubic meter, which has excellent thermal insulation properties.

But remember that the heat insulator of such a density is not distinguished by durability, so you need to spray it between the lags, laying on top of Phaneur, the board or something with the same characteristics.


Now about specific manufacturers and brands. There are two large categories of sprayed insulation:

  1. Industrial. Supplied in bulk barrels and serve for thermal insulation of large surfaces. Usually such a heater uses specialists who perform insulation under customer contracts.
  2. In cylinders. We are talking about such a heater like a polyinor, which is sold in containers one liter and is intended just for masters that perform the insulation of small designs with their own hands.

Industrial sprayed thermal insulator

Personally, I worked with several brands of industrial polyurethane foam, which will list:

  1. Ecotermix. Material with minimal content of harmful substances for the human body. It is made on the basis of vegetable oils that are foamed by a water-based substance. Distinguish two varieties:
  • mark 300 - has a closed cellular structure and is intended for insulation of the external surfaces of buildings and structures;
  • mark 600 - differs in the open structure, so designed specifically for internal works.

  1. Healtok Soy 200.Material with a closed structure made from polymer waste and soy crop oil. After applying, it increases in size than 50 times, sticking to any surfaces and filling all the pores and cracks. The peculiarity of this material is that it significantly increases the rigidity of the structural elements torsion (up to 250%).
  2. Seaaction 500.Sprayed heat insulator produced by the famous American company Demilec. It is a material with an open structure and has a class of fire safety G2.


Polynor is a sprayed insulation material made from polymeric raw materials, which comes in a cylinder with a capacity of 1 liter with an aerosol tip or adapter for installation in a mounting gun.

Externally, the material is a pink foam that is applied to the surface treated with a gun. After contact with air, the polymer is replenished (as a mounting foam), and the frozen forms a small coating with a low thermal conductivity coefficient.

Primary polymerization is carried out for 40 minutes, but at least 3 days are necessary for the complete frosting of the insulation layer.

The density of the polynource after the frozen is from 18 to 28 kg per cubic meter and the thermal conductivity coefficient from 0.023 to 0.025 W / (M * K). It is usually sufficient to reflect from 25 to 60 mm of foam so that the processed design is protected from heat loss.

The term of the insulation is 35 years.

One liter of insulation is enough for the processing of 1 square meter of the surface when applying a layer of 4 cm. In this case, an additional mounting frame, steam and waterproofing is not necessary to design.

The scope of the material is as follows:

  • all building structures regardless of finishing;
  • surfaces inside housing;
  • engineering Communication;
  • motor vehicle body.

When using polynor, as in all other cases, you need to use protective equipment.


Now you know that the polyurethane foam used for the insulation of building structures is. Instructions on how to perform thermal insulation with your own hands is placed in one of the past materials. Also about this technology, you can watch the video in this article.

And I wanted to ask you, did you use sprayed polyurethane foam insulation for the heat insulation of the dwelling? Or are you going to do it? Or do you prefer classic methods and materials? You can place your answers in the comments to the material.

September 2, 2016.

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Spraying insulation - 21st century technology

Sprayed thermal insulation finds more and more use in the construction of different objects

Literally a few years ago, this technology was not thought about. And today, thanks to the development of American scientists, it becomes more and more famous and not only becomes popularity, not only abroad, but in the Russian regions.

Before other types of thermal insulation, the spraying of polyurethane foam has a number of noticeable advantages, the main ones are the following functions:

  • insulation;
  • waterproofing and protection of metals from corrosion;
  • high adhesion sprayed polyurethane foams to any surfaces;
  • the speed of installation of isolation on the enclosing structures of extensive areas (including curvilinear outlines;
  • lack of mounting joints.

Professional professionals appear increasingly, who, working in collaboration with manufacturers, successfully provide services for the use of PPU sputtering technologies, taking into account the specific features of specific objects. Increasingly, the deposition technology is treated with the warming of cottages, as well as garages, warehouses, hangars, refrigeration chambers, etc.

Today, the spraying of polyurethane foam is insulating a lot in construction - from the foundation and walls to the roof.

Is it possible to sprayed thermal insulation with their own hands and what is the price of the question

Spraying polyurethane foam requires professionalism and sufficient contractor qualifications

The sprayed thermal insulation of the PPU (polyurethane foam) is applied to a variety of surfaces, not excluding complex reliefs, and it becomes possible due to the extremely high adhesion of the material. For the same reason, the timing of the preparatory work of surfaces for the application of PPU thermal insulation is minimal. The duration of spraying on American technology is impressive - extensive areas are processed at times faster than other alternative materials are mounted.

Produce spraying on special professional high-pressure equipment. Therefore, it is unlikely that it makes sense to take on it yourself, there are some very important subtleties in the case, and, like any technology, sprayed thermal insulation requires strict adherence, professionalism and relevant qualifications.

For a change of a team of workers able to apply up to 350-400 sq.m. The heat insulation of the PPU with a thickness of 10-12 cm. If compared with the installation of isolation, for example, from the Minvata, then the spraying is 5-7 times faster. Hence the significant savings on the work of the contractor. Installation of sprayed thermal insulation takes not a week, and a few days.

Reviews of sprayed insulation

Due to its effectiveness, the insulation of the loggia is a spraying

He insulated with a spraying of PPU one small, but an important object: the owners wanted to add a loggia to the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room. It was a year, as everyone was completed. What are the reviews that we have: thermal insulation on top, condensate is not formed on warmed surfaces. In general, it was worth it, says the owner of the apartment Svetlana Mikhailov. Although it was not hastily. As for quality, most of those responded with us are confident that in this case, as in many other construction cases, much depends on the qualifications of those who produce a polyurethane sputtering.

Pay attention to the important nuance: the sprayed substance during the work will fall literally on all open items. And then it will be very problematic to tear off. So take care in advance about the preservation of what should not be prone.

Service of Polyurethane Foenhethane

Service life of polyurethane foam more than 30 years

Operating deadlines of various materials determine their stability to so-called aging, i.e. The ability to maintain the stated qualities during operation at the level of relevant requirements.
Polyurethane foam tests were carried out in various climatic areas: moderately cold, hot dry, cold, frosty, hot wet. The results of these tests have shown that the change in the controlled properties of polyurethane foam is small and persisted at the permissible level.
Special studies were conducted, predicting the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam over 100 years. They show that the upper limit of applicability is limited mainly by the completion of gas exchange in cells, i.e. Diffusion of air through thin cellular layers. The change in the thermal conductivity coefficient was about 30% for this period, i.e. 0.3% over the year of operation on average. It was found that this indicator of polyurethane foam is lower than other well-known thermal insulation materials used today in construction.
So, polyurethane foam continuously retains its thermal insulation properties than other materials.
Long-term irradiation with ultraviolet non-protected polyurethane foams in the joints, corresponding to the half-century period of operation, does not have a significant effect on the physicomechanical properties of the material at depths of 10 mm and more from the surface.
The prolonged effect of variable temperatures and cyclic deformation corresponding to the forty years of operation shows that polyurethane foams are not painted, do not form cracks and other violations of the macrostructure.

Thus, polyurethane foam has a high durability of operation. Its service life is more than 30 years while maintaining most declared properties.

Eco-friendly sprayed thermal insulation ecotermix

Ecotermix - Perhaps the most environmentally friendly of all sprayed materials

Ecotermix presents a sprayed heat-insulating material with an open-porous structure, high heat-insulating properties with a relatively non-high density of 9-12 kg / m3, based on this material are vegetable soybean oils foamed in a special way on a water basis. The sprayed ecotermix is \u200b\u200bgood because it does not contain harmful substances, chemicals that destroy the ozone layer, as well as there are no freon and formaldehyde.

Ecotermix is \u200b\u200bconsidered 100% eco-friendly ("green") building material.
The scope of ecotalmix is \u200b\u200bnow constantly expanding: it is used for internal and external seamless insulation, as well as for sound insulation of various construction objects, including residential, public, industrial, trade and warehouse buildings, in particular, roofing, walls, various partitions, floors, floors . Increasingly, the material is used in frame house-building, and also finds the use for thermal insulation of refrigeration chambers, containers, containers, on transport facilities.


We offer to see two video materials.

One roller demonstrates modern the possibilities of the technology of sprayed thermal insulation.

The second will interest those who want to learn more about polyurethane foam spraying equipmenton the example of Ecotermix.

Polyurethane insulation polinor on is one of the best materials for the arrangement of the foam thermal insulation of the house with their own hands. Polinor exceeds most of the heaters both by thermal insulation characteristics and durability and economy.

This article will examine possible areas of use of foam thermal insulation, its technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. You will also learn how to perform the thermal insulation by Paulinor with their own hands.

1 scope of insulation polinor

Foam polyurethane thermal insulation, due to the technical characteristics, an order of magnitude superior to the remaining thermal insulation materials, has always been considered the most effective way of insulation of the house.

However, due to the loss of classic insulation in terms of accessibility and cost, the heat insulation of the PPU for so far has not received such propagation as mineral wool, polystyrene foam, and polystyrene insulation produced by the extrusion method.

Problems with accessibility were explained by the fact that for the thermal insulation of the house, which requires a sufficiently large number of foam insulation, until recently it was necessary to use the services of contractors, or buy special equipment, raw materials, and to delve into the Aza thermal insulation.

With the advent of polyurethane insulation, Polinor has changed in the opposite direction. Now, to insulate even a large surface, you do not need to search for performers on the side, or invested in expensive equipment.

Polinor is a polyurethane insulation that is produced in compact cylinders, the contents of which are enough for the insulation of one square meter of the surface, with a thickness of thermal insulation in 6 centimeters.

If you compare the cost of thermal insulation by polynor cylinders, with a price that you will have to pay for services for improving third-party organizations, then the difference is more than obvious.

The average value of one square meter of the brigade of workers today is about 1-1.5 thousand rubles per square meter, which includes the cost of insulation and work. At the same time, the price of one polynor cylinder (per 1 m²) - approximately 500 rubles.

Based on the foregoing, Polinor is the perfect version of polyurethane foam thermal insulation for private use. This material can be used to insulate the following surfaces:

  • Inland walls and facades of houses from any material - brick, concrete, gas-silicate blocks;
  • Lag floors, and any coatings with non-loaded design;
  • The inner surface of the scope roof;
  • Attic, attic floor (applied);
  • Fundament, base, basement floor.

The liquid form of polynourcing allows it to be applied to any surface, as a result of which the material is often used for the insulation of sewage pipes, hot and cold water supply, located outside the building.

It is worth noting that the form of the release of the polynource somewhat limits the possibilities of its application. The insulation cylinders do not have a pressure level that is necessary for giving the empty space in the hollow walls. Polinor - insulation, used exclusively for spraying.

In general, as evidenced, in one working day one person can be carried out by polyinor thermal insulation of about 80-100 square meters of a warmed surface.

1.1 Polynor's advantages

The key advantages of the polynource in front of the remaining PPU thermal insulation is definitely economy, convenience and simplicity of installation. The following severe sides of the polynor can also be distinguished:

  • Fast hardened - within one hour;
  • Do not eat mouse (like);
  • Cold bridges are not formed;
  • Does not have a negative impact on the human body;
  • Does not require special expensive equipment;
  • Highest efficiency;
  • Durability;
  • Closed cells do not miss steam and moisture;
  • Material has the ability to self-effect, in the absence of direct impact of fire.

1.2 Specifications

Polynor sprayed polyurethane insulation according to technical characteristics exceeds most of the insulation in the market, such as mineral wool, foam, and extruded polystyrene foam.

The properties of the balloon polynource are actually identical to those who have an industrial polyurethane foam foam produced in pneumatic units.

Consider the main technical characteristics of polyinor polyurethane insulation.

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.023 - 0.025 W / MK;
  • The density of the hardened foam is over 28 kg / m³;
  • The number of closed pores in the structure of the insulation - at least 70% as y;
  • Absorption of moisture when immersing the insulation in boiling water for 90 minutes - 2%;
  • The upper limit of the permissible operating temperature is 121 degrees (in this mode, Paulinor does not lose its characteristics of about a year);
  • The average durability of the material is 40-50 years;
  • Polinor is an elastic foam that does not destroy during deformations up to 50% of the initial volume;
  • Resistance to wet medium - maximum;
  • Environmental indicators - certified for the internal thermal insulation of closed residential premises.

The sprayed thermal insulation from the polyinor can be applied on the surface of their any building material. Consider the adhesion characteristics of the PPU foam relative to some of them.

  • Aluminum - 1 kg / cm²;
  • Brick, reinforced concrete - 2.5 kg / cm²;
  • Plywood, tree - 1.5 kg / cm²;
  • Steel - 1.5 kg / cm²;
  • Cast iron - 2 kg / cm².

2 Features of the installation of sprayed heat insulation

In terms of the complexity of the arrangement of insulation, the polyinor foam insulation differs from rolled and slab thermal insulation materials for the better.

Using PPU, polinor can perform thermal insulation of any surfaces: horizontal - floors, flat roofs; vertical and inclined walls, facades, roofs; and objects with a complex form - water supply pipes, well caissons, etc.

Hearth Paulinor is feasible by one person, without the need for any help from the side. Foam thermal insulation is performed in compact cylinders containing a sufficient amount of insulation to cover one square meter (with the calculation of the thickness of thermal insulation in 6 centimeters).

It is worth noting that such packaging is positively affecting the savings, since the calculation of the number of cylinders required for the insulation, knowing their productivity, is extremely simple.

Before starting the heat insulation of polyinor, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare a warmed surface. The wall, floor, or the roof of the house is cleaned from dust and mechanical contamination.

If any damage is found in the house design, defects need to be eliminated, in order to avoid further distribution. In case of cracks in brick, concrete, or gas-silicate walls, damage must be chosen from glue and cement.

Next, the insulated surface is degreasing with any organic solvent - acetone, toluene, 748. It is necessary to do this in view of the fact that the adhesion of the polynource with the oily surface is much worse than with a clean brick wall.

The cylinder PPU, before the start of work, should be stored at air temperature from 18 to 30 degrees. Previously before applying the cylinder shakes in 2-3 minutes.

Spraying the thermal insulation is performed by means of a special pistol, which must be purchased separately, as it does not complete with polynor's cylinders.

Together with a polyurethane cylinder, you will get a universal nozzle controlling the flow and supply of the PPU foam, which allows polynourcing spraying by any foaming pistol.

At the pistol barrel, it is necessary to mount the nozzle (up to click), after which the cover is removed from the end of the cylinder, after which the putol rod is screwed up in the vertical position.

As a rule, the thickness of the heat insulation layer is polyinor should not exceed 6 centimeters. The foam feed consumption is regulated by means of a pressure handle of the mounting pistol. The balloon itself every few minutes of work must be shaken (it is necessary to stay for the balloon itself, and not for the mounting gun).

During the spraying of thermal insulation, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the safety regulations, since polyurethane foam in an empathic form can cause harm to the human body.

The PPU may cause eye irritation, mucous membranes, and skin sections, with which it becomes contact, therefore, the installation of the polynource must be carried out in a protective suit, or, in the absence of special protection, use building glasses and gloves.

So that the new room is not cold, builders apply modern technologies and materials. As thermal insulation, it is customary to use mineral wool, felt, penplex. They coped well with their function, but ideal only for smooth surfaces. Fill all the slots and notches will help sprayed insulation. It penetrates hard-to-reach places and becomes reliable cold protection.

Consists of polyol and isocionate. At the time of spraying, these substances come to a mixing chamber of equipment, where compressed air joins them. For the polymerization of the sprayed layer, the PPU comes mixing 2 components entering each other into the reaction. Then they go through the sprayer and form a reliable foam coating on the surface.

The heat-insulation sprayed PPU has the following characteristics:

  • Volumetric weight from 25 to 32 kg / m3.
  • Thermal conductivity is about 0.2 W / m2.

Differs good sound insulation. It is ensured by a foam structure penetrating any gaps. Polyurethane foam is resistant to moisture and aggressive medium.

The use of sprayed isolation

Features of thermal insulation allow you to use it for various surfaces:

  1. Roofs. Polyurethane foam is applied on the inside, due to the insulation of the roof, the insulation can be seized not only at the construction stage, but after the introduction of it. The PPU gives the design of reliability, increases noise insulation, removes defects from the base and strengthens.
  2. Mansard. The internal thermal insulation sprayed PPU is ideal for uneven surfaces, since it easily falls and penetrates in hard-to-reach places. All work takes a few hours. The material protects the design from the cold in winter and helps to keep the cool in the summer.
  3. Walls. You can use outside or inside the building. They are performed both at the stage of building a house and during repair. Helps protect the surface from the negative impact of precipitation. The insulation of the walls sprayed by the PPU according to user reviews is easy, the main thing is to properly prepare the basis and apply a protective suit.
  4. Floors. It goes well and forms a solid coating, so that it becomes much more comfortable in the room, since cold air does not penetrate it. Spraying insulation of floors not only improves the heating of the building, but also gives the base strength.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages are:

  • Uncomplicated preparatory work, there is no need for montage of the frame, as when using mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.
  • Good adhesion - easily connected with any surfaces.
  • The sprayed thermal insulation is amenable to additional processing, it can be painted, plastering or covered with siding.
  • Long service life - can serve from 20 to 50 years.
  • It gives the design resistance to moisture, it does not rot, it does not form mold on it.
  • The sprayed PPU is environmentally friendly, but toxic substances allocate during fire.

Among the disadvantages note:

  • High cost. To buy a sprayed insulation system will have to give an average of 200 rubles / kg.
  • Mandatory use of special clothing. During spraying, the insulation is spilled around, can get into the eyes or on the skin. It is washed away very badly and annoys the mucous membrane.
  • Needed equipment for spraying. It is a special low pressure machine.
  • Low resistance to ultraviolet, so after drying the surface it is recommended to be painted.
  • Fire exposure. Warming by spraying polyurethane foam should be carried out only when the antipiren is added to it.

Popular manufacturers sprayed PPU

Among the most famous brands should be noted:

1. Ecotermix. The main advantage - does not contain harmful chemicals. Sprayed polyurethane foam thermal insulation Ecotermix has the composition of vegetable oils that are foaming on a water basis. There are various types:

  • Ecotermix 300 - is closed cells, used for external work.
  • Ecotermix 600 - Designed for internal processing.

Reviews of sprayed thermal insulation Ecotermix indicate economical consumption. After applying in the house there is a comfortable temperature, which is supported throughout the year.

2. Polinor is available in cylinders, which allows you to correctly calculate the required amount of PPU. Sprayed polyurethane foam insulation polinor is easy to use, for its application it is not necessary to purchase additional equipment. Ease of use affects the cost, the price of Polynor per cylinder on average is 400 rubles.

3. Heatlok Soy can be applied to outdoor and internal works. The composition includes natural components: soy and vegetable oils. It is a monolithic mass that envelops the basis, it is well connected with it and prevents corrosion formation.

How to apply with your own hands?

Before abandoning to the insulation of the surface of the sprayed PPU, you need to prepare it. It should be dry, clean and smooth. The optimal temperature of the processed base is from 13 to 15 ° C. For work, we need cylinders in which components are placed in liquid form. With the help of a pump, the substances for the formation of foam occurs. Then the mixture of 2 components enters the spray gun.

Spraying method of insulation is valued for the lack of cold bridges, the minimum load on the design and high speed of work. The technology is to apply and polymerization of foaming compounds based on polyurethane foam: single and two-component. The only disadvantage is the need for expensive equipment, the insulation of small areas becomes unreasonably expensive. Fully solves this problem, thermal insulation in the cylinders, represented by the proven Polynor brand.

This is a single-component polyurethane foam composition forming the cells filled with carbon dioxide due to the absorption of water when air in contact with air. Such a structure has a uniquely low thermal conductivity - not higher than 0.028 W / m · k. This sprayed insulation is produced in a small packaging cylinders, which makes it affordable for a private consumer. There is no analogues at the moment - the usual mounting foam has an open structure, and the two-component PPU is not applied without a foam generator.

The characteristics of the insulation say for themselves:

  • Low specific gravity (within 18-28 kg / m3).
  • The volume fraction of closed cells is up to 70%, which in itself is a unique meaning for one-component polyurethane foam.
  • Resistance to moisture and aggressive environments - high.
  • Water absorption of the insulation - not higher than 0.03% for 24 hours.
  • Upper temperature limit - 121 ° C.
  • High elasticity - deformations are absent in compression within 50%.
  • Heat consumption - 890 ml per 1 m2 with a thickness of the applied layer of 5 mm.
  • Parry permeability is zero.

Polynor refers to safe and environmentally friendly building materials and does not release harmful substances in the process of exploitation, it is chemically inert to most reagents, with the exception of concentrated acids. But, like all insulation of this group, it is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet without additional protection. Plus, they consider good adhesion not only with the working surface, but also finishing building materials: paint or plaster.

The manufacturer does not indicate the sound absorption coefficient, but the reviews note the good ability to go noise, this sprayed thermal insulation is often considered as part of the system of acoustic premises. But the main reason for use is a unique heat conservation: after spraying this insulation, there is a reduction in losses of up to 40%. 5 cm layer Polynor provides an energy-saving effect comparable to 60 mm foam, 90 - Minvata, 760 foam concrete and 1720 - brickwork.

Feature use

The sphere of applying sprayed heat insulation includes:

  • Facades with the condition of mandatory protection by siding or plaster.
  • Inner walls and partitions in private houses and industrial premises.
  • Pipelines and communications systems.
  • Veranda, attic, attic, cellars.
  • Rooms with a small area: loggias and balconies.
  • Capacities with a complex form, vehicles (if necessary, thermal insulation of vans or walls).
  • Metal surfaces: doors in warehouses and garage gates.

The sprayed PPU is not used in layered masonry and closed frame structures due to the complexity of access, but with the filling of the slots and open emptiness it copes perfectly. The material is suitable for both internal and external insulation, it is resistant to temperature and moisture drops. We have trouble-free adhesion with such work planes, like a tree, concrete, steel, cast iron, aluminum, plywood, brick and glass. Restricted Restrictions include the low Fireproof Class of the Heater (G3 - Normally Morning, not supporting independent burning) and zero vapor permeability.

Benefits of the method and insulation

The main advantage of sprayed thermal insulation is the ability to create a seamless energy saving interlayer on its own forces in an extremely short period of time. The technology does not require installation of the frame or crate, the insulation has increased clutch quality with almost all building structures and surfaces, regardless of their angle of inclination. Sprayed material is convenient in the calculation, use and transportation, 1 m2 leaves exactly one balloon. If necessary, re-applying the insulation is allowed, but for most objects there is a rather standard layer in 5 mm.

Reviews confirm the flow and operational characteristics declared by the manufacturer, it is noted that paint and plaster are good for the material, there are no condensate on the surfaces. Not everyone consider this insulation available, but most are inclined to believe that its price is justified. For spraying, you do not need auxiliary building materials and complex equipment, there is no need for too thorough preparation of the working base. The sprayed insulation in the cylinders is spent without a residue, the process does not depend on the complexity of the structure, the isolation of hard-to-reach areas does not represent problems.

Montaja technology

The process of applying thermal insulation begins with surface preparation: degreasing, cleaning from garbage and peeling old building materials. The fatality of the base does not matter and affects the Polynor consumption. The insulation has the unique properties of adhesion, so all the radiated designs are closed from foam from entering it, it is difficult to remove it in the frozen state. The nozzle for sprayed thermal insulation is included in the kit, in theory, the thickness of the layer is controlled without problems, but in practice uniform requires experience. For mounting, you do not need guides, frame or doom.

The surface slightly moisturizes: the sprayed PPU does not like dust. Mandatory technology of technology is the use of SIZ: masks, costume and respirator. After the cylinder with the insulation, the nozzle is screwed, it shakes well and goes to the desired area. Spraying thickness is regulated by changing the pressure on the construction pistol. Upon completion of work, all tools are washed with a special cleaner (Polynor Cleaner).

There are several nuances:

  • The process of formation of foam depends on the conditions: air temperature and lack of wind and dust. During the spraying of the material, the insulation in the cylinders is recommended to periodically shake.
  • The incoming nozzle is prohibited to use for the installation of ordinary construction foam.
  • The average polymerization rate is 40 minutes, at least 3 days are needed for final solidification.
  • Polynor sprayed polyurethane insulation requires protection from UV, to its painting, plastering or hiddening, proceed without delays.
  • Despite its high resistance to moisture and aggressive media, this insulation does not have hydrophobic properties, it is not used in areas constantly in contact with the soil. Simply put, Polynor does not need steaming, but not suitable for use as self-waterproofing.

According to the manufacturer, under compliance with all these uncomplicated conditions, thermal insulation will last at least 35 years. The works are carried out by the forces of one person, specialists have a spraying of 1 m2 takes no more than 2 minutes, the lion's share of time goes on shaking and washing the tool. Auxiliary building materials: expensive vaporizolation membranes or arms are not used, which positively affects the costs and complexity of the process of insulation.


The cost of professional services for spraying Polynor is 650 rubles per 1 m2, savings in independent applies are obvious. The construction firms are treated with the need for quick thermal insulation of objects with a large area: cottages, industrial premises, attics, basements, wagons and vehicles. The only way to save is to purchase a sprayed liquid polyurethane foam in bulk at the verified supplier. It should be remembered that the insulation consumption increases during work in the cold season, the optimum air temperature is higher than + 20 ° C.