Repairs Design Furniture

Tracks in the garden at the cottage with their own hands. Garden paths with their own hands (50 photos): equipment styling, appointment, types of coatings and materials. Concrete garden tracks do it yourself

Garden tracks are one of the most important elements of the country area. It is they who provide us with a comfortable movement in the garden, convenient access to all garden buildings. What are the tracks? Is it possible to make them with your own hands and how difficult it is? How to choose a material for tracks? We will answer all questions in this article. As well as tell a few original ideas.
So, if you decide to independently do the laying tracks in the garden:

1. Develop a plan.

First of all, it is necessary to draw a plot scheme, place future tracks on it. Chief Principle - ease of movement, also need to be considered landscape features territory. Do not make too winding paths, they make it difficult to move on the site. However, the straight line is also not always the best solution.

The width depends on the material, design, as well as from the appointment of the future track. The usual width is 0.6-0.9 m.

2. Select the material.

Here are examples of the tracks of the tracks from different materials:

- Paving tile or brick is a classic. Such a high-quality track, durable, looks good, but has a high price and is complex in laying.

- From gravel you can make wonderful tracks. Them appearance Interesting and unusual, it is useful to walk barefoot on them. In addition, gravel is environmentally friendly and durable. Nevertheless, such paths are intended only for movement of people, it is hard to roll a car with a car or ride a bike. And small children and animals will disappear gravel in the garden.

- Wood clearing - very popular material for tracks. It looks wonderful, walking and riding it is also quite convenient. But unfortunately, his service life is reduced by 3-5 years. It is possible to extend the life of the tracks only constantly to fake them, replacing you who have fallen to the new. It is quite laborious and not always justified.

- The cheapest material is concrete. Perhaps this path is not the most interesting or unusual, but if you add a little fantasy, and it will get very beautiful sweetie from it. For example, you can paint the path with the paints or insert into it when laying decorative elements.

- The concrete track can also be lowered round sea pebbles. Photos of such tracks are now very often found on the Internet and various thematic magazines. It is really very beautiful, but incredibly laborious!

- Combined tracks and tracks from decorative elements are unusually looking.

Here is an example of how to make a decorative tile with your own hands:

a) we prepare cement mortar;

b) large leaf (for example, burdock) put on smooth surface;

c) onto a sheet of a solution with a thickness of 5-7 centimeters and with a spatula gently recall the surface and edge;

d) we give a solution to frozen.

That's ready interesting decorative element in shape and with a pattern of sheet. On other options for making decorative elements, we wrote in the article

But back to our main theme.

3. Getting to work.

We will look at how to make with your own hands the most common types of tracks: from concrete, bricks and wooden tears (sleep).

Preparation for all the species given below the same paths. We place the territory, remove the dend and several layers of soil. The depth of the trench should be at least 30 cm. In the trench we put the "pillow" from sand and rubble. Well tample, shed water.

Concrete track:

We prepare the mixture - one piece of cement, 4-5 parts river sand, One part of the water. Stir. The mixture should have a consistency of thick sour cream. At the edges of the track, we set the boards, they will be limiters for the solution. Pour part of the concrete to the "pillow" and press it into it reinforcement grid. Grid step no more than 50 mm. If necessary, we pour out a little more solution to hide the grid. Running the surface, making it a little convex in the center (this will ensure the flow of water). Concrete must be well frozen, it will take at least 2 days.

Brick path:

At the site of the border set the wooden frame. Brick here lay out the end and tightly fix with the help of a rubber hammer. Then lay out the rest of the track, here we put a brick at a short distance from each other (in several mm), and the seams are sutured. Wooden frame Do not remove.

Woodwood Walking Road:

From the logs, we have a buzzing tall 10-20 cm. Tree view is not important, the main thing is a beautiful pattern of sleep. Then we rugs dry and process with a greater durability with oil or bitumen. When the waterproofing layer is ready, put the speech. You can all lay out one dimensional roundworms or combine them with smaller. Every killers are driven, we will be tamped, the gaps fall asleep wet sand and also trambra. Next, fill with concrete to the middle of the weak, and the top, after the solution takes, fall asleep sand or pebbles. If the borders are assumed, the place for them is meant in advance. For borders, the lowest logs are best suitable for a diameter of about 10-12 cm. Of these, steps are performed in the places of height drops.

And a few more pretty original ideas for the site:

But this is a bad idea:

Such a lawn track, unfortunately, looks good only in the picture. IN real life Anyone, even the most durable lawn, is completely covered with time.

Landscape design always makes our life better, but sometimes its cost is not affordable, so garden tracks With your own hands with low costs, this is exactly what is very useful in such a situation. Immediately, it should be clarified that laying of such an allek can be made by different materials. And for this you do not always need to acquire the paving slabs, although it is one of the best options.

We will try to highlight possible popular options and ways to implement them, as well as show you the thematic review - video in this article.

Beautiful garden

Main equipment styling

First - planning

  • By big account, the device of garden tracks is reduced to the same technical parameters, except for amendments to one or another finishing material. First of all, you will have to visually determine the place where you are going to lay your allest, and then make an accurate markup in width. For this, the pegs are driven along the entire length and stretch the cord - it should fully reproduce future contours, whether it is direct, rotation or zigzag.
  • After that, depending on the soil and the presence on it, the rod, the rift trench with vertically smooth edges, the depth of which can be from 10 cm to 30 cm (removed the rod can be used elsewhere). By and large in such cases, the instruction recommends to cut the base geotextile to cut off moisture and eliminate the germination of weeds through the finishing coating. But we still talk about budget varianttherefore geotextile can be omitted and use dense polyethylene film - Her edges wrap on the walls of the Rib.
  • And the latter preparatory stage Before mounting a facing coating there will be a backfilling of a pillow of sand and rubble with a thickness of 5-10 cm. Bottom usually pour sand, and from above - rubble, but you can do without both, using for this purpose granite checkout . All - now you can proceed to the outer part.


Business card country plot May be the main alley that goes to the house from the gate, because it is one of the first elements. landscape designwho rushes into the eyes when visiting. Consequently, he determines the first impression.

When installing, it should be borne in mind that this section is the most passable and the load on it will be more than in the garden. Therefore, you need here wear-resistant materials - asphalt, concrete or sidewalk - Wooden elements with such a load are somehow inappropriate.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the width of the passage - there should be freely to diverge, at least 2 people, which means that the width of the track from the wicket to the house can not be less than 1.5 m.

Secondary garden tracks can be called those that serve for communication between economic structures and aggregates, such as a garage, a gazebo, a barn, a bath, a chicken coop, a well, and the like. The width of such a device can be from 50 cm to the meter - this will be quite enough.

Although, if desired, they can also be done wider if the area of \u200b\u200byour site allows. It is possible that for such a covering you will have to transport any cargoes on a wheelbarrow - in this case, again, the finishing material should be durable - asphalt, concrete, paving slabs.

Between the flower beds, trees or other transitions, there are paths in the garden with their own hands of an intermittent type, that is, such that you can go to rainy weather without seeing the legs.

As a rule, such paths are narrow from 30 cm to 50 cm from rarely located tiles or stones - this is quite enough to pass one person. This molding method makes the coating weakly on a common background of the landscape, while maintaining more green plantings.

Types of coatings

The cheapest track, this is the one on which there is no decorative coating, that is, a path that is natoptan with feet or wheelbarrows, but the soil sends in such places. Consequently, during the rain there will definitely be gathering a puddle. To not be, it is possible to make a drainage, if it allows the level of the site (the presence of a slope), but it is best to fall asleep an additional layer.

As a backfill, sand or explosion can be used (granite, limestone), and so that the mound does not spread, it is fixed by a border of stones or mixboarders (evergreen flower bed).

Gravel, crushed stone and pebbles will always serve good base For filling. Accordingly, if this material is taken as a base, then such a path is enough for a long time, but for decorating there may be other elements here, for example, paving tiles, paving or flat stones.

For snowing, they are deepened by 10-15 cm into the ground and stood with a geotextile bottom or a dense polyethylene film to exclude the germination of various weeds (under the crushed stone or pebbling, a sand pillow 20-30 mm height can be added.

Naturally, the embankment is best done above the soil level, and so that it does not spread, it is fixed on the sides of the border or stones. If you decide to decorate rubble tiles (stones, blocking), then these elements need to be inlayed at one level with bulk material - So it turns out a homogeneous beautiful canvas.

In addition, such a chump (pebble) base can serve as a pillow for paving tilewhich will fit without a cement-sand mortar (dry).

But the tiles (blocking) should not be stacked on crushed stone, so, on top of it, a sand pillow 20-30 mm height is added and they are already mounted decorative coating. Sometimes, for the sake of scenery, in the slots, which remain between the elements, fall in dwarf lawn grass.

The most durable and durable structures are obtained in cases where the formwork is mounted for garden tracks with their own hands and is poured with cement-sandy solution or fine-grained concrete. As a coating in such cases, the paving slabs, a paving and decorative rock (artificial or natural) and on the sides are mounted a border, which is more serves as an decoration element, rather than the restricter from the plenty.

Recommendation. To fill the base that the pavement tile is stacked, a cement-sand solution is used, which add tiled adhesive for elasticity. The proportion of glue in this case should be at least 1/2 share of cement, but it is better if the glue and cement will be one to one.


If you think about how to make a garden path with your own hands, then the most popular finishing material In such cases there will be a pavement tile different quantity and different configuration. Such a tile can be made of concrete or burned clay.

With its help, you can create a wide variety of patterns and ornaments, moving by your colors and a feature of the geometric parameters of each element (in the photo at the top of the tile ornament "Gestka"). In addition, the paving slabs can save its appearance and operational strength from 5 to 20 years - everything will depend on the current load and quality of production.

Recommendation. To increase the operational resource, you should choose concrete tile Pastel tones will save its appearance. And to extend the service life, pay attention to the manufacturer's brand and do not use the ice removal scraper.

Very good paths from fine-grained concrete, which is poured into special forms that give fragments the most diverse view. In addition, it is possible to use decorative cement, changing the flower gamut of the fill in its taste.

The clinker brick does not just have high strength - it is very beautiful and appearance similar to the paving pavement. But for garden tracks use the possibilities of color scheme, thereby diverse.


Of course, the price of each material is very different from each other and not so much to spread large sums For registration. But when decorated, the main role is played by the taste, and not the cost of decorative coverage.

Tracks on panstone - It is not only protecting the shoes from dirt and peat dust. Solid coating sets interesting game Balance between man-made and natural landscape design components. Make a garden tracks in the country with your own hands more than real. Learn how to plan them correctly, compare the advantages of paving materials, get acquainted with the laying technology of paving slabs on a sandy pillow, appreciate the design options for the parallery with curbs and flowers.

Planning tracks in the country area and in the garden

To smash functional system Moving in its garden, take a plan of the site or draw it on scale and mark two groups of objects on it:

  • objectives - meaningful places to which you need to easily approach: gate, garage, housekeeping, gazebo, alpine Gorka, recreation area, greenhouse, bed open soil;
  • obstacles are objects that you have to go ... trees, hilly, lowering relief.

Fantasy terracotta with small bushes and deciduous pattern

Further on the plan, by observing the scale, the tracks are planned, trying to do the minimum amount, because each takes useful Square Garden and whole plot. It is recommended to work with several projects so that you can compare the drawings and design options.

Small mosaic among uneven plates will not give the eye to get tired

What nuances take into account when planning tracks

On ergonomics, durability and impeccable type of these garden objects affects a number of factors:

  1. Tracing. When laying a route, first denote the main tracks: from the wicket to the porch, from the house to the garage, the Hozclock, the garden, the garden. They are made directly, as they are designed to quickly walk the working person. The rest of the passages are lateral - they will be branched off from the main and cut down the entire area. They serve for relaxation and therefore there may be any length and degree of tolerance.
  2. Width. No one is already crying, so the need for versal prospectuses disappeared, but the size of the tracks still must allow people going to meet people or stroll under the handle. For the minimum width, 80 cm are taken. The main garden track is made even more rarely, 120-150 cm so that it can be transported a wheelbarrow or bulky furniture.
  3. Transverse bias Accumulating rain and thawed water blurs some types of coatings and creates dirt. The smaller the gaps between the elements of the pavement, the more important that water goes to the sides, for which the middle of the coating should be somewhat tightened over the edges.

Delta of heights

Any kinds of garden tracks can be hopelessly disfigured by roots closely growing trees. It is desirable that no less than 2 m of space remain between the wood trunks and the edge of the canvas.

Visual battery effects

Any line in the landscape creates certain visual sensations. It is possible to achieve interesting visual effects by design methods:

  1. Curvature. Direct, like arrows, tracks are characteristic of regular parks, their task is to organize order, symmetry, discipline and even pompousness. Winding, on the contrary, turn the garden to the fabulous world, alright surprise behind each turn.
  2. Color. The coincidence of the coating of the coating decoration of the house creates a stylistic unity on the plot, but, in order to avoid boring monotony, it is worth choosing for construction and tracks different shades in one color gamma.
  3. Plot drawing. Longitudinal laying of elongated tiles creates the illusion of movement, calls forward and visually lengthens the garden path. The transverse pavement shortens and expands it, makes it slow down and look around.

Romes unfolded square plates create the impression of a diamond bracelet

Interesting effects that attract attention to the drawing under their feet can be achieved by combining materials and adding unexpected elements: shells, mosaic, leaf prints, low blooming herbs.

What can make tracks

A set of requirements for tracks in the garden is a set of requirements for landscape design elements:

  • availability and adequate cost;
  • elegant appearance and durability;
  • combatibility S. common style buildings and garden;
  • reliable operational qualities;
  • safety for children and domestic animals;
  • combining opportunities in the process of work and repair in the future;
  • lack of insurmountable difficulties when installing.

From ordinary pebbles you can make fantastic patterns

To determine how to lay out the tracks inexpensively and beautiful, consider the most different methods their paving.

Tracks on the dacha from paving slabs

The popularity of paving slabs is explained by its durability and resistance to seasonal temperature drops in middle lane Russia and north. Tile is relatively easy to lay and replace. Manufacturers offer samples of different shapes for paving tracks: brick, square, wave, rhombus, hexagon, coil - which avoids monotony.

The pavement tile does not grind, does not soften under the scorching sun, it does not crack from frosts, does not distinguish between volatile substances. To clean the garden from the fallen leaves and the land applied by the wind, you can just walk the broom.

Than a variety of tile shape, the more interesting the result

Eco-friendly wooden tracks

Upon the condition of the dry climate, put a cheap path in the country with your own hands from the tree. For this purpose will fit:

  • cross Spiles trees, half-covered in the ground;
  • boards, timber and pallets;
  • bamboo stems;
  • garden parquet.

Boards as if laid right on the grass

The disadvantage of such materials is their low resistance to moisture, so any wood is treated with antiseptics and bituminous mastic, and before stacking carefully prepare drainage. Wooden flooring is better to lift over the soil, putting on metal supports, then it will be bludging from below and will not start rotting. For additional protection, flooring is painted or covered with varnish.

The tree can be conditionally attributed to the chopped bark and coconut shells. They look original, but require a mandatory border and periodic submet. Another minus of soft tracks - in crude weather, pieces of cortex stick to shoes and spread over the site.

Stone in the landscape - noble and natural

Natural Stone Tracks

The most durable, beautiful, aesthetic, but also the most expensive paving material in the garden - natural and artificial stone. He looks sophisticated, allows you to imitate the streets of old cities and mountain trails, perfectly combined with mountaineering, fountains, waterfalls, lamps, flower beds and stone bases of buildings.

The chipped natural stone, for example, Planics, implies a special shape and shade of each piece, so the pavement is obtained interesting and ugly for the eye. The result of laying a multi-colored pebble or a sewer plate with their own hands is always a unique work of art.

"Fir-tree" from brick resembles an antique parquet

Brick tracks for practical

This is a great budget decision if there are many unspent bricks after the construction of the cottage or garage. It can be used entirely or split into the crumb, which will be pleasantly crissed when walking. The combination of different grades allows you to make a geometric mosaic, and the most dark or light bricks to use as edging.

The disadvantage of ordinary silicate brick It is its low frost resistance. Multiple freezing and thawing over a few years lead him into disrepair. In the regions in cold snowy winters, it is better to use the sidewalk of the clinker brick in the garden. Special firing technology protects it from temperature drops and humidity.

The use of sterns on concrete creates the illusion of stone

Concrete paths in different versions

Concrete is one of the cheapest materials for the garden decorating, however, long gray ribbons in which the frozen solution turns, it looks dull and unprepacently. Concrete requires a fantasy approach:

  • applications of special forms to create artificial stone, imitating different breeds;
  • splashing pebbles, seashells, broken tiles, stained glass;
  • mixing pigments;
  • gravel inserts and herbal islands.

Prints of leaves on concrete

Beautiful concrete alleys are obtained if large leaves are imprinted in a semi-liquid solution, additionally pumping the veins with sharp needles.

Bulk paths from gravel

As an alternative to stone, gravel is quite cheap, especially if the quarry or enterprise is located nearby, trading similar material. If desired, it can be removed and replaced by a different combination of colors and fractions. Gravel is ideal as a path to rocaria with flowers or classical japanese garden Stones, but requires periodic submetage.

Against the background of Gravel look great garden benches, lanterns and pergolas. He emphasizes the carved structure of ferns, freshness of roses and the severity of the metal. However, as a road surface, gravel is somewhat unstable: individual pebbles are moved under their feet, and the sharp edges are torn through thin summer shoes.

Chain of concrete circles in the river Gravel

Making tracks with your own hands

To properly make tracks in the country with your own hands, and at the same time get a really beautiful economy version, you need to calculate the full coverage area, multiply by the cost of 1 square meter. M. different materials and compare numbers with each other. For someone, a concrete remaining cheaper will be cheaper, and someone "from the neighbor's shoulder" pops a natural stone For a third price. Below is given step-by-step instructionwhich can be applied to lay a majority of materials, since the most important stage is the preparation of the soil - almost the same in all cases.

Pegs clog up deeper so that they do not stick

Step First - Market Marking

For marking, you will need as much sharp pegs, twine motility and tape measure. On straight segments, the pegs are placed less often - one by 8-10 m, on turns - more often. Cool bends in the garden are described by pegs every 15-20 cm. The tape measure control the width of the track.

At this stage, the layout of the site can be corrected, check the functionality of the "transport network" under construction. To do this, you need to walk throughout the garden inside the stretched twine and understand how convenient is the path to each significant object and the flower beds and other decorations on the site are visible.

When working on a solid surface, be sure to protect the knees

Step second - Lodge preparation

In the regions with negative winter temperatures, the soil is exhausted. In the fall, the clay is impregnated with water, ice in the garden is formed by ice, spouting the soil particles, in the spring of melt water goes down, as a result, the coating elements lie unevenly. A classic way to prevent such a problem is the creation of a gravel-sand pillow, which performs the drainage function:

  1. Inside the twine contour, we take the land to a depth of 20-25 cm, at the same time removing stones, roots and trash.
  2. The bottom of the resulting recesses is carefully compacted, especially on soft, for example, chernozem, soils. Given the amount of work, use gasoline vibration, while fingers protect footwear with steel capes, and ears are dense headphones.
  3. In the absence of such a tool, a manual tamper is made. It is a heavy log of a large diameter, to which the knobs are attached from the ends.
  4. The rammed bottom of the recesses stood with geotextiles to protect against germination of weeds whose seeds remained below.

To organize a slope, the height of the pegs check the level

At this stage, it is necessary to decide on the slope of the tracks, which will ensure the rope of rainwater: whether it will be longitudinal (not less than 3-5 mm for every 10 rod meters) or transverse. If the path in the garden according to the plan cross the communications (electric cabbage, pipes drainage system), their installation is made now.

Step Three - Building Bordeur

The edging of the edges will later make it difficult to turn the grass, but it is often used because it allows you to achieve several goals:

  • posted by the canvas accurately finished look and save it for decades;
  • highlight the track visually;
  • do not crush the earth from nearby flower beds.

Board installation on concrete

As an edging, you can use the elements of the pavement of contrasting color, which are stacked by the same technology as the rest. Roofing tile, smooth hemps, Yves wovers just get into the ground so that they can be replaced.

The most difficult base is created for curbstone. The grooves are dumped below the bottom level and fall asleep them for 5 cm sand. Then poured a small layer of concrete and installed a stone, checking the quality of work.

Satural Tile Track Device

Step Four - Sweeping of Gravel and Sand Pillows

Operating procedure:

  1. Half the depth of the excavation fall asleep with gravel or rubble, the size of the fraction does not have the value.
  2. Gravel covers slightly moistened sand and thoroughly tram.
  3. The sand is watered before the formation of puddles and leave for 3-4 hours at sunny weather and for a day with cloudy.
  4. When the water is completely absorbed, immediately before paving the sand align. For this, the board is harvested, the length of which exceeds the width of the track. The board will move according to the "lighthouses", in the role of which the curved stone has established earlier.
  5. If the level of the web is assumed below the edges of the border, the edges of the board make cutouts.
  6. In the absence of a curb in its place, there are two pipes, one on each side, they put the board on them and lead along the track until the sand surface alignment.

Alignment Specifies the quality of the future track

Step Fifth - Power Total Pillow

The device of garden tracks is directly related to the future load on them. For the passage of the wheelbarrow and other techniques, as well as under the intensive walks of a large number of people, it is recommended to serve on a sandy cement mixture (1: 6). It is poured over the aligned pillow and re-align with the "lighthouses" board. In other cases, the coverage elements are simply put on the sand.

If a complex ornament is conceived, for example, from pebbles, his full rapport is first lay out next to Earth to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow it will look like finished video. The same applies to the alternation of multi-colored bricks or tiles, strips, various inserts and combinations of materials.

On the stretched across the pillow, the twine is laid the first row of elements and thoroughly trambed in the image. The presence and width of the seams between the elements depend on the material selected and pattern. Brick and tile usually customize closely. Rounded wood saws in any case will leave significant gaps.

Using manual trumps

When laying any material, do not forget about the transverse slope: the center of the canvas must be somewhat convex.

At the end of the laying, the garden track made by their own hands sprinkles with a sandy-cement mixture and with the help of the brush, the seams are labeled. To harden the mixture, it moisturizes light splashing.

Registration of tracks in different styles

The paths in the country are not just a way to reach the greenhouse, without flaming in the mud, it is a full-fledged area design element that can emphasize the beauty of the landscape and strengthen the impact on the feelings of the viewer. Therefore, the overall style of the garden determines how, for example, arrange the path with flowers, lawn grassbacklit.

Dacha B. rustic style Fit paths from uneven limestone blocks or shells, between which the soils are allowed. On both sides, Astilba, Rudbecki, Lavender, Small Lilies and Auxedies are planted. On the second plan placed benik, lobelia or bright blue dolphinium. Garden paths from rare stones framed by curtains of cereals, often complement wooden benches and compact rose bushes.

Provides the creation of tracks. Moreover, the requirements for them are quite serious: they must be reliable, comfortable, functional, beautiful and very desirable - inexpensive. On how to make garden tracks with your own hands with low cost, let's talk in this article.

What makes the tracks

The path of the track is solid or bulk. The following materials are used to create a solid coating:

  • Concrete. Conceonated tracks are not only the usual gray tape. In addition, that there are dyes and it can be decomposed if desired. There are still forms to fill immediately in place. It turns out homemade paving slabs. Another option is to pour yourself small concrete plates desired size, then put them on the subference. For examples of registration, see the photo.

    And everyone has forms for such a path in the farm - cut on the cylinders of water cylinders for water, place them as you need and pour with a solution: beautiful and cheap
    And this is a concrete path with compensation seams. If you look around, it can be seen that the stripes are accepted across. This is to be wet surface to be non-slip

  • Flagstone. This is a natural stone that cut into the plates. It is placed on the prepared basis (about it further), the gaps are filled with backing. It turns out beautiful, reliable, several. No wonder it is the stone tracks from the tumka so love landscape designers.

    Failure is one of the important elements that shape appearance

  • Brick. Ordinary ceramic brick - beautiful materialBut not for tracks. He absorbs moisture, if then wet freezes, it breaks on the part. If you are going to make a path from a broken brick, then you can only walk on it more or a couple of years. Then you will have to redo. The resulting gaps will need to be covered with coarse sand or small rubble. A clinker brick will serve a lot longer on the track, but this option is not small-time called: the cost of one thing is from several tens of rubles.

    These are two types of bricks - ceramic and chipped out of the granite path from clinker brick - beautifully, you can not say anything .... Maybe too beautiful for the garden?

  • Wood. This seemingly inappropriate material, but when proper processing He can serve for a long time. Moreover, many of the wood made by their own hands can be attributed to the discharge of low-cost. For example, invented the use of hemps and spins of trees as borders or coverage. Also make flooring from well-processed boards - it's better to terrace, but if not, it will be suitable from the old floor.

    Combination with pebbles - It is convenient to walk and it is - how to make a walkway out of boards

  • Plastic.There is a tile for garden tracks from plastic - polyethylene or polypropylene. It has a square shape and system of locks, which is attached one to the other. It can be stacked right on top of the lawn or the previously trotted in the country or on the trail site. This option is quick and cheap. It can be called "with low costs." It is better, of course, to make the rules to the mouth of rubble and sand, and to lay plastic elements on top. This is a little longer and more expensive. There is still immodest but very beautiful option plastic tile For tracks. There is also a "garden parquet". These are plates or boards of wood-polymer composite - DPK (they are in the photo, look exactly like parquet). This material appeared relatively recently. In appearance and sensations, it looks like wood, and in essence - a mixture of wood flour and polymer. This is very beautiful coatingsBut the cost of them is not modest. Although not fabulous.

    It is a garden parquet. Elegantly, but it is indisputable

  • Pebbles. These are rounded natural stoneswhich can be found on the shores of rivers or lakes. For making tracks, more flat pebbles are suitable. There are different shades of gray, black, white, sometimes you can find burgundy. Of these stones laid alone to another, the mosaic paths are obtained by amazing beauty. But this is a lesson for the perfected and stubborn. Those who have a patience lack, can find large flat boulders or large pebbles and put them in the sand. It is not so luxurious, but no less reliable. You can also enroll with granite or other similar stones. It is important that at least one face is relatively flat. This flat part and exhibit up, the rest burst. Work is not easy, but on the track you can not only walk, but also ride.
  • Screw materials. Country tracks make old tires and bottles.

There are still paths with a full-fledged coating: these are gravel or from rubble. Their feature is that with a small layer of 2-3 cm and with sufficient compaction, it is convenient for them. If a layer is slightly larger, irregularities are formed when walking, and such a walking tedious. Because you have seen in many photos, gravel and crushed stone are used as a backbone, which stacked hard elements from other materials. With proper execution, this is convenient: gravel is well conducted water and the puddles are not formed. Those who do not like grey colour, You can advise to paint it: many designers are doing this when organizing rocaries.

How to make garden paths with your own hands

To know little, from which you can make garden tracks with your own hands. You need to know how to make them right, so that it serves not one season and not two. Laying of different materials may differ slightly, but there are several rules and actions that are repeated in any technology.

The first rule: When laying or forming a coating track, it makes it with a slight bias. If the material allows, a slope of several centimeters do on both sides from the center. If, for example, a concrete track is poured, the slope is formed in one direction - from the house, if it is nearby. The slope is taken to the lower part of the site if the track is located on the slope.

Second rule: Under any coverage requires the preparation of the base. If you put stones (for example) right in clay or loam, use, of course, it will be definitely more convenient to walk, but the stones are "staring" after some time. Simply will lead to clay. When the device is a subfolder, this will require much more time. And if you still do a drain pillow and a side, the water removal will be even more efficient, and everything will look even more beautiful.

Third Rule: The level of covering the track must be a pair of centimeters higher than the adjacent area. Then the water will quickly go, it will be more convenient to clean, and cleaning will need less frequently: it will not fall in the blurred earth or during rains, nor during watering that often makes along the tracks.

Step-by-step instruction

Making garden tracks with your own hands, start with markup. In theory, dimensions and shape should be applied to the site plan, and the markup should occur on the project. But most often everything is done at the place. In order to be viewed, the future track is visually, its contours can be pre-spinning with white sand or something like that. If the form arranges, you can drive the pegs and pull the twine between them, but you can also work on the ot.

Along the beautiful track, you can place a flower garden or flower bed. How to do them, read.

Beautiful track of pebbles do it yourself

If with a tumor, a paving, brick, more and less clearly - everyone has already seen and more than once, as it is done, then how to lay the pebbles in the patterns are incomprehensible.

The photo report on the manufacturing process of pebbles is posted below. It shows the main techniques: lines are applied to the aligned sand, which will spread the pebbles. If these are arcs, they are done using threads and two sticks / nails.

Selecting the stones, they lay them on the edge close to each other, slightly beating in the sand.

The board is placed on the folded pattern, take a rubber image and knocking on the board, scoring pebbles in the sand. So the whole drawing is plunged, following the edges of the pebbles on the same height.

Stones "Complete" in the sand

Take a mixture of sand and cement (sand 2 parts, cement 1 part) and pour gaps, moving with a brush layer.

The fragment of the pebble track is gently watered with water so that the backup does not blur. Waiting for several hours, while a little grab cement, then the surplus is removed with a soft brush.

It is important not to miss the moment: the solution should not get dirty, but also become a stone too. If you pick it up with your finger, it should crumble. It's time to clean the surplus.

Wooden hemp and crushed stone track: video

Old logs or trees can be turned into a beautiful track. From cutting into a scrabacle of the desired length, the facial spice is grinning, all the wood is treated first the composition of the biomoshtics (can be powered by spent oil). After drying, dip in Kuzbas varnish and dried again. Then cover the paint the desired color Facial pieces of hemp - which will be outward. We are dried again and only then exhibit in the sand.

The process is described in detail in the video. This is step by step explains how to make gardens tracks from hemp or logs with their own hands.

We independently make a concrete track

The process is generally similar to the one that is described in the beginning. There are some differences about which and talk.

After the trench is dug, and the bottom is aligned, formwork is installed along both sides. These are boards from 25 mm thickness (in the thicker, it is thinner undesirable, you can use the phaneer with a thickness of 16-18 mm,). Their height is the height of the track. If you form a bias, the boards should be placed with its account - one side is slightly higher, the other is just below.

Formwork is exhibited in level - it will be peeling concrete

To make a formwork, a pegs are driven into the ground with a step of no more than 60 cm. They nourish the boards. The inner surface of the formwork is better to smear through working or other oil: to be removed easily. Next to the bottom, crushed stone and tram. But it is necessary to rub it thoroughly: if you go along the bottom, it should not be seen.

Further, so that the track does not crack, the metal reinforcing grid is stacked on crushed stone. The strut thickness is 4-6 mm, step 5-10 cm. It is sold by pieces, they must be bonded with a steel wire.

Then to compensate for expansion in winter Need to put wooden planks 1.5-2 cm thick. They are made across the tracks, exhibit so that the height of the planks was to flush with formwork boards. Compensation strips are exhibited at least every 2 meters. More often, it is less common - no. Why make more often? For beauty. Squares look better than long rectangles.

The finished frame is poured concrete solution brands are not lower than M-250 (). For him, take 1 part of the cement, 3 pieces of sand, 4 - rubble. Everything is kneaded into a solution of average yield (thick sour cream) and poured into a formwork. When pouring, you need to monitor so that there are no air bubbles. To remove them, the solution is picked up with a pin, slightly sharing it - plump. Ideal if there is a surface vibrator for concrete - it quickly seals the solution, creating a perfectly smooth surface. If it is not, you will have to double the rule, using the edges of the formwork as lighthouses.

After a few hours, after the concrete is captured, you can process the surface. It can be left as it is, you can spend a rigid brush on it, making transverse strips, you can finally be put in a not quite hardened solution to lay pebbles, stones, tensile, etc. It is not very economical, but reliably. After a couple of days, the formwork can be removed, and on the track can already be walking.

Budget tire track

What is just not made from the auto strokes:, swing, and ... tracks. Everything is simple: old tire You need to cut off the sides, leaving only the protector. What can be cut off? Bulgarian. Someone manages a knife, but it is only if the cord is not metallic.

The projector is cut across to get a path. Then the sides are made by suns of centimeters 15 - depends on the diameter of the tire. They will be able to deploy rubber.

Do shorts of bent edges - the surface is still non-linear

In this form, it can already be laid on the bed. It will serve for many years. This is exactly the garden tracks at low costs.

Such a coating will endure for many years of active exploitation.

As you understand, options for how to make garden tracks do it yourself a lot. You can tell about all and it is impossible to describe, but we try ...

Registration of paths in the country can strongly affect the design of the site. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to creating beautiful tracks.

And you can make an interesting path from various materials, for example, a brick path will look elegant, and mysteriousness will look colorful design will give a track from round natural wood, stylishly looks like a tropary of river pebbles, will emphasize original design And make it brighter track from plastic traffic jams.

In addition, there are ready-made removable panels that you can upload every year to your taste.

Diary project project

Before starting laying a path, you need to create a project of a terrain in which to designate all the buildings, garden plantings, flower beds and schematically mark the track. Also, auxiliary objects should be present in the drawing, such as watering system.

When creating a plan, you need to take into account all the nuances, so you should be as comfortable as possible, get to any town in the garden. In addition, it is necessary to take into account what you need to walk on your territory into any weather conditions, and at any time of the year.

Now the compiled project must be applied directly to the site.

To determine the width of the path and its direction will be easier if you put markings directly on the site, which is especially relevant for the path from paving tile or brick.

It is best to make marking by knicks that you need to beat first, and then tighten the rope. Also for convenience, the side limit can be labeled by sprinkling it with lime.

It is important to take into account that the removal of the top layer of the soil for laying the track should be wider than the paths, because for reliability and durability, it will be necessary for borders from such durable materials as concrete or stone.

Preparatory work

In order for the garden track for many years to serve as faith and truth, it will be necessary for solid preparation.

So, it is necessary to take into account that the track should be with a slight bias, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe slope you need to make a drainage trench. It is necessary in order for rainwater to flow from paths, and excess moisture would not damage the coating.

The thickness of the removed soil should be 15 ÷ 200 mm. After that, so that the edges remained evenly needed around the perimeter of the tied pit from the side of the sides to install the boards.

Then the "pillow" is made to do so in the pit, gravel rises together with the cement and everything is compacted and moistened. "Pillow" must have a thickness of 50-100 mm.

Types of garden tracks

There are a lot of materials, thanks to which you can make an excellent summer path.

The track of a brick. Such a path is distinguished by reliability, durability and looks very elegant.

Wooden path. It looks like a path beautifully and even mysteriously, rounding, laid out in the form of an orphanage, resemble a fabulous path.

Stone path. Those who want to see on their plots a stylish and elegant garden path can try a mosaic version of the river pebbles.

Cement track. Such a path is distinguished by strength and reliability. To give it an attractiveness, you can use special curly molds, thereby you can get the effect of a crucible track.

Garden path made of plastic covers. Rather unusual, but at the same time bright option Paths in the form of a mosaic of multicolored caps from plastic bottles.

Availability large number The colors and availability of the material allow you to create a track with the most different patterns that will make the landscape of your site with a real work of art.

Plastic trail. This type of track can be quickly and without difficulty install and, if necessary, change and even remove the track.

Thanks to the embossed surface plastic panels On the path it is convenient to walk, because it does not slide, even if wet. A large range of plastic products will allow you to choose a garden path of any color and shape.

In addition, with the help of plates you can make a track of any shape and width. Plastic design Allows you to organize a path in any part of the site.

The advantages of such a track can still be attributed to the fact that due to its structure there will be no moisture on it, the water accumulates, water will flow through special holes.

Track from garden parquet. This material refers to the number of expensive, but its advantages outweigh the desire to save.

Thus, the "garden parquet" can be easily assembled and disassembled, treated with a special solution of wood, is not exposed to moisture, burnout, temperature drops, has durability and durability, moreover, such a track will look luxurious.

Stock Foto Garden tracks on the plot