Repairs Design Furniture

Landscaping tracks from boards. How to make wooden tracks in the garden and in the country do it yourself. Round transverse spiel

From the history of the Russian state, we can find out that one of the most sought-after building materials was a tree. At all times, good wood was valued, it was used not only as home utensils, but also for the construction of houses, various defensive termen and, oddly enough, roads. According to history, Peter I began to use the tree, almost as the main type of building material. Therefore, in today's article I would like to pay great attention to the tree, as one of the building materials for the cottage or a country house, which would help eliminate the lack of a plot, bring the charm in the design. Thematically, the article will be divided into several major sections, for the convenience of understanding.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, in certain construction work, the tree is actually indispensable, somewhere possesses the unique properties, somewhere the ratio of advantages and flaws wins. However, touching precisely the construction of wood paths, it is necessary to understand certain, both minuses and the advantages of wood. To begin with, clarify the advantages:

  • Environmentally friendly, stupid arguing, but the tree is one of the cleanest materials (excluding, of course, wood from infected locality, the same Chernobyl for example).
  • The thermal insulation properties of wood allow even barefoot running on such a track, not fearing to get sick. And try tightening the same with a stone or concrete path, the result will be the opposite.
  • The cheapness of the material itself, especially since it is possible to arrange such a coating. You can literally from cropping the board remaining from the moment of construction of the same house.

However, there is another side of the "medal", namely the flaws:

  • The most important minus is not the durability of such a coating. Of course, you can argue about it for a long time, but you need to understand that it is possible to extend the service life only with the help of special protective materials and the like. When with brick, granite or the same stone, there are no such problems at all.
  • The problem with maintaining aesthetic species. Behind the tree at home sometimes it is difficult to keep track, not that on some kind of garden path.

Therefore, determine for yourself what is important to you and closer, from there you already think what material most preferable will look at your site.

There is a huge number of variations of wood styling as a road surface, but not everyone can come up to households for one or another nuances. We present an example of the most common varieties of tracks:

  • From the spikes of trees. By the way, gaining popularity primarily due to its cheapness and excellent harmony with the environment, especially if there are planted trees on the plot.
  • From the classic bar stacked, as a paving (dried in small squares) or in the traditional style of masonry walls.
  • From the boards laid on some pedestal.
  • From whole logs.

Woodwood Woods

Before the workpiece of sleeps or hemps, the depth of their swing is calculated, from which height is calculated. Over the soil, they usually protrude by 2-3 cm. Walks of sleeps are laughed ever, thanks to which they are considered the most "swallow" and stable.

As you can see, "lay out" the sleeves can be, as the soul wishes: tight, "less often", with coordinates and in combination with other materials. The gaps naturally remain always, so they usually fall asleep with stones or give to the "eating" local flora

Wooden boards tracks

Garden trails are made from ordinary boards. For these purposes, the boards can be specifically to buy to order or use waste from construction. Naturally, every board will have to be treated with a planer to give it the desired shape. This stage plays a special role, if we are talking about wood waste, because they are usually "solid-caliber" and require fitting. The tracks can be done "whole" without gaps or with "Pass.

The "gaps" between the boards is usually filled with rubble or plant grassy grass on them. Laying wooden tracks with their own hands can be carried out in three ways: just put on the ground, without fixing. Long bump into the ground. Locked on top of a specially prepared frame of wood or metal.

Wooden timber tracks

As for the bar, it is considered more expensive material, so it is much less used. The paths from the bar are much stronger and more durable. They look more neat and "noble".

To save, you can use the same "intermediate" method, as with the boards, or combine the timber with other types of materials. You can even consider various combinations with logs or sleeves, try to make transitions or bridges from the bar, it will be wonderful.

Tip: The "ENGLISH" method is especially relevant for those cases when groundwater climb close to the surface. Naturally, the boards will have to be processed to prevent the negative impact of moisture with special attention.

Like any work, laying the garden path in the country from the same tree, implies a certain stage, even technology. You can select the following steps:

Preparation for laying

First you need to mark the future track with the help of stakes, ropes and ordinary roulette, so that in the future you are not knocked out "from the chart". In this way, you can immediately schedule a plot where the garden path will be held in the country, simultaneously determine which work will be required additionally. For example, on the "route" of the track, there is a tree, a stone boulder, and anything. From this you need to get rid of or beat somehow, think over some designer solution.

Then you need to prepare the soil: remove the top layer of the trunk and dig a trench if you are going to sculpt the wood deep into the ground. Often, 10-20 cm is enough. Now you can begin to extract the trench day with a waterproofing film or rubberoid and styling drainage. As a drainage pillow, gravel, crushed stone or their sand mixture can be used.


To begin with, prepare a "pillow", which material needed already determined, it is now desirable to decide what kind of tree will be used, what a texture and so on. Do not forget that the tree will have to additionally process, for example, cutting, treat by veneer or throughout, especially if there is a high groundwater occurrence.


In this section, everything is limited exclusively by your fantasy and type of selected material, there are really many different solutions on the text of the same sleep, brusons, logs or ordinary boards, some of which led in our article.

At the final stage, the tree stacked in accordance with your designer idea and tamper. Then intervals and "gaps" are filled with gravel, rubble or sand. Your garden track is ready. More "complex" projects with illuminated from below and frame under the wooden flooring are performed on the same algorithm, but before laying a wooden coating in the frame "hide the wiring" and the lighting system.

Tip: Turn the best of all in China. The hammer for these purposes is suitable, as damaged and cracks can be damaged, which will spoil the aesthetic appearance.

There is no unanimous verdict on this topic, both specialists and households. Someone more cute the eye is natural, when with time the tree is faded, the bark begins to flap, cracks appear and the like. Someone on the contrary excludes the emergence of any kind of flaws, and tries to get rid of them. It all depends on the person.

Of course, it is stupid to leave such garden tracks at the cottage without supervision, periodically need to tint the same boards or a bar, consider the bark and so on. We will also give one advice, if for some reason weed climbed through the "pillow", it is better to eliminate them right away, otherwise, after a couple of years, wood can be contracted completely, especially if the groundwater is sometimes closed.

Wooden tracks are a real find for connoisseurs of eco-friendly materials. Such paths copes well with their destination - protection of legs from dirt and moisture into crude weather, and, in addition, they seek the feeling of romance and old days. The tracks look great in the overall stylist of bruschers and log houses, and can become an excellent highlight of any landscape design. With the proper processing of wood on wooden tracks, you can run barefoot, which cannot be said about concrete or stone. Wooden tracks in the country do not rock and do not crumble after the frosty winter.
Such paths made of wood are well harmonized with a lawn, and with stone terraces, and a flower bed, and even can be used to edge the pool. Tracks mounted on lags allow you to pave a path under the trees without damaging the roots. And in the old days in cities under wooden sidewalks hid drainage pipes. Founding in Russia in villages and cities made wooden tracks and sidewalks that served as faithfully and the trident to the pedestrians.

Despite the availability of material, wood in modern landscape design is used infrequently. A cubic meter of high-quality, "pioneering" wood can get into a penny, but more budget (and sometimes free) options will rise to the tracks - used pallets (pallets), remnants from the construction of a house or bath. The manufacture of such tracks requires minor financial costs and laboriousness.

However, this traditional material for us has a number of features that need to be taken into account when building wooden tracks on the site.
The most durable wood for the tracks is larch. The durability of larch is explained by the fact that the structure of its wood includes both transverse and longitudinal fibers, unlike coniferous trees that have only longitudinal fibers. You can also make tracks from such a tree like pine, aspen, alder, oak. Extend the durability of any variety of wood will help modern means for wood processing.
By design, wooden tracks are separated into three types:

Before assembly, it is necessary to treat the boards - the side that will be in contact with wet ground, we are labeled with bitumen mastic, the remaining surfaces are impregnated with antiseptic means for wood and dried. If the surface of the boards with the jar, they are "grinding" - pass on the plane, sandpaper, or "burn" with a gas burner. Thermal processing gives wood a type of "compilation".
On Earth, the base of sand and gravel is preparing, similar to how when arranging the foundation of the house. The longitudinal lags are placed over the base, to which the boards are fixed 25-50 cm with a thickness and length of more than 80 cm. Since long boards for wide tracks are prone to warp, the number of self-tapping screws should be at least 4 pieces, and with intensive Power load on the canvas add additional central lag.

Hats fasteners need to drown flush so as not to injure legs.
With the construction of wooden tracks on the lags with their own hands, the longitudinal location of the boards along the lags was also done, as they did before during the construction of ancient sidewalks.
In such a wooden structure, there are more expensive tracks on the lags there is one big "plus" - as the track is raised, it is well blowing with air and is preserved better. The track can be collected with a small slide so that the water does not accumulate and the milking canvas dried faster. The gaps between the crossbar also contribute to the best moisture drain.
After assembling the canvas, wood can be covered with varnish or paint.

2. Wooden lags without lags laid directly to the width of the width.

You can lay the boards directly to the ground, but in the first case the track will last longer.

In the ground digging "trough" - they cut a layer in the width of the track, a depth of 20-35 cm. The bottom of the "trough" needs to be done smooth and seal. The sand falls asleep in the trough, they are torn, then the layer of crushed stone and seal again. Such a "pillow" contributes to the best moisture drainage under a wooden board from the boards. You can also be seen geotextile or rubberoid between the layers. For temporary wooden flooring, it is allowed not to make a "pillow".

3. Dipped wooden tracks with their own hands.

For the manufacture of such a type of wooden tracks with their own hands, transverse sleeves are most often used, but you can also boards, or a bar. The laying of the pucks from the sleeps can be alternate with the sleeves of small branches, and the timber to lay the "chess" by imitating brickwork. The resulting "Forest pavement" seems very original.
Previously, you need to prepare well, similar to the second method of laying tracks. The thickness of the sand or gravel "pillows" should be more than 10 cm in order to create a good drainage. To protect the track from weeds, you can lay a geometric path.

Details of the wood paths are combined by dumping with a rubber hammer, flush with a soil level, or slightly protrude over it. In such a design, the tree needs more thorough protection against rot and moisture. Details of the tracks are pre-soaked in antiseptic means, White spirit, olife, and the lower surface is covered with bitumen before laying.

In decorative purposes, the outer surface can be covered with paint and varnishes. The voids between the elements of the wooden track (in the photo) fall asleep with the sand of a large fraction, a stone crumb, rubbed.
There is also an "elite" version of wooden tracks in the country - from Decing. Deoping is wooden tiles from high-quality boards, the so-called "garden parquet". The size of the plates is most often 30x30 cm, there are plastic fasteners on the ends.
Decing wood material - antiseptic cedar, burned pine or larch, Asian Campas, Ipe, Bangkirai, Kumaru, African Iroquo, Paduk, Biling.

Tropical wood is the most persistent, it is much superior to the durability of larch. But the price of exotic wood varieties is above about 3-4 times. The tile may be impregnated with polymers, or mineralization, after which it acquires the properties of petrified wood. The average service life of tile tracks is at least 15-20 years.

The appearance of the "Garden Parquet" significantly wins in comparison with improvised flooring. However, the price of parquet is large enough, and not every landlord site can afford the manufacture of wooden tracks in the country from this expensive material.
All kinds of wood paths have one significant disadvantage: a planed or ground board, when water, dews, as well as after frosts, becomes very slippery. Particularities for clay sites are especially dangerous. If the board is not to handle, then it is already impossible to walk barefoot - there is a risk of getting offended.
So that the wooden tracks were not slippery and were safe for walking, it is best to stream wood - to treat a metal brush fixed in a drill or grinding.

Such "cleaning" allows you to remove soft fibers that absorb water and are subjected to rotting. After brash, the wood structure becomes embossed and non-slip. Wood impregnation White spirit or special terraced oil also allows you to improve surface relief. But ordinary oil impregnations (for example, spent engine oil) - not recommended, since the treated wood when the water contact becomes slippery as ice.

There are many opportunities to organize garden tracks. Many of these ways are very simple, and these ideas can be embodied in life independently, without hiring professionals and even spending a very modest amount of materials.

The second most popular material for garden tracks after stone is a tree in all its forms and colors. The tree is inferior to a reliability stone, but it creates a feeling of heat and does not require serious spending - both monetary and temporary.

Even in the garden, decorated in a modern style, a wooden garden track looks very impressive. We found a wonderful instruction for you, how to make a garden track from the spikes of the tree with their own hands.

You will need:

  • several tree trunks of different diameters
  • varnish for waterproofing of wood and protection against mechanical damage

Garden Woodwood Woodwood Woodwood DIY - Instructions

First, it is necessary to cut circles from tree trunks. Here, of course, you can use the usual saw, but, perhaps, then you will have almost summer for the whole process. Therefore, it makes sense to use a benzo- or disk saw. Remember the safety technique! In case you have little experience in using this tool, start working in a pair with an experienced master. And do not forget about protective glasses so that the flying particles of the tree did not injure their eyes.

Wooden Garden Track: First Step - Seep Circles

The number of necessary circles depends, of course, from the length and width of your garden path. It is necessary to work with trunks of various diameters in order to be able to close the space arising between large circles with smaller sleeves.

Step two - to dissolve the basis for the track

The next step needs to prepare the foundation for the garden path. Follow the width and the path of the future track, breaking the ground with robbles. Do not make a track too straight, winding "trails" look more attractive. As a foundation, sand, crushed stone or special mixtures sold in the construction store can be used.

Step three - compact the basis for the track

In case the basis is too dry, moisturize it in advance, then the seal will be more efficient. Otherwise, there is a risk that wooden circles will turn to the ground over time. In addition, add a means against weeds to water to avoid their germination between the sleeves. You can simply compact the land just with its legs - an effective way without excess costs.

Step four - Wooden Wooden Spike

Cover the surface of each heated with a protective varnish to enhance their strength and resistance to weather vagaries. You can start laying the sleeps immediately as soon as the lacquer dry.

The latter, the final step - to lay the sleepers on the track

Since all the sleeps have different diameters, their laying can be compared with puzzle collecting. Lay all the circles next to each other so that they match the intended width of the track. It is important to lay them tightly so that they do not start sliding over time. For the best fixation, you can even glue the sleeve among themselves: applying glue, press them tightly to each other.

That's all the information you need to take into account when building a garden track from sleep with your own hands. Below you can watch the video structure (in English) for the pavement of a garden path, as well as a photo of garden tracks from sleep and wood.

Garden walkway with your own hands - video

Wooden sleepers as an accent

Wooden spiles can be used as an accent in combination with gravel. Such a garden track looks even more romantic if the delicate flowers grow on her parties.

Cracked wooden spil

Another version of the garden track design is not close to each other, and at a distance. In this case, it is necessary to wear a spike to the ground so that only their surface is visible. Then they will not eaten with time from their places, and your work will be happy to please you with a great result.

Bright garden track

Wooden garden track is a good opportunity to use wooden residues instead of throwing out them. On the photo from above, it is demonstrated how you can love the path of brightly painted woods laid by a swab.

Blue wooden boards

With the help of solid wooden boards, you can create a bright garden path. Color, of course, choose you, based on the color scheme of your garden, terrace or arbors. The gaps between the planks can be fill in the ground, sand, rubble ...

Wooden Spike and Gravel

The gravel color palette as a material for filling the voids between the spikes is very rich. In the example, the photo chose a natural sandy color that coincides with the color of sleep. There are many possibilities. For example, white gravel in combination with sulfur, as if embossed bad, wood will create a very stylish and modern view of your garden path.

Wooden garden track made of different length boards

A garden track made of wooden boards should not be laid perfect. As can be seen from the example on the photo from above, the boards of various lengths look attractive and more naturally than if they were carefully adjusted to each other. Stones on the edges of the track are associated with the shores of the mountain river and give the track a feeling of wildlife.

Having made the wooden tracks in the country with their own hands, you can equip the plot quickly, inexpensively and beautiful. Wood is an environmentally friendly material that has an attractive appearance and low thermal conductivity. Walking on the tree is comfortable, comfortable and nice. Throps are made of wood, which differ in originality and variety of forms.

Even the fact that natural raw materials are susceptible to dampness is not a barrier to make a decision on the construction of a country path from a tree. A big plus of such a project is that in every farm there will always be enough boards, timber and rails, which are still without the year. Buing a path from wooden sleeps, it is possible to utilize the cut trees with benefit. Consider how to make wooden tracks on our own, and that it will be necessary for this.

Design of wooden traps

Today there are a lot of options for the arrangement of these engineering structures. Make them of different lengths, widths and configurations. The only restriction for construction is moisture. The tracks can not be laid in lowlands, where raindling and groundwater constantly accumulate. From frequent wetting wood is rapidly destroyed.

In order to properly equip your site, you need to comply with such recommendations:

  1. In the depths of the garden between the trees do not make wide trails. For a walk of one person, the width of the passage part is quite enough. 40-50 cm. Wider flooring will look ridiculous, occupying a useful area.
  2. In the center of the garden, you need to build a width of at least 100 cm wide. This distance is justified by the need to freely disperse two people and comfortable riding of the country car.
  3. The slopes need to be equipped with steps. Wood absorbs well and keeps water. At the same time, it becomes very slippery. Steps will make the garden movement with a comfortable and safe event.

When planning the extraction of its land, it is possible and you need to build paths of such a form:

  • straight;
  • broken;
  • winding;
  • double;
  • solid;
  • patterned (ornament, parquet, sleepers);
  • in combination with sand, stone, lawn grass.

In order to build a solid, beautiful and durable track in the country, it is necessary to have high-quality raw materials in sufficient quantities and a set of good equipment.

What is necessary for work

As a rule, everything you need to fulfill such a task will be found in any shed or in the garage.

For construction requires such tools:

  • shovel;
  • grinder machine;
  • manual traam;
  • roulette;
  • nail holder;
  • oil level;
  • gasoline or electric saw;
  • hacksaw with large teeth;
  • a hammer;
  • rubber cizyanka;
  • screwdriver;
  • paint brush.

It should be remembered that we will have to use the equipped path for many years. In order for this construction for a long time, it is necessary to carefully select the material for its manufacture. The initial raw material can serve only dry wood without cracks and signs of rotting.

Additionally, it will be necessary:

  • geotextile;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • antiseptic;
  • acrylic paint;
  • primer deep penetration;
  • bitumen;
  • nails;
  • saws.

You can save well if instead of impregnates of the factory production use the spent machine oil, which remained after the repair of Olif and Copper Capper.

Before starting work, all wood needs to be treated in several stages. First, it is coated with antiseptic fluid. After the workpiece is completely dried, they need to be painted on the selected color. As soon as the paint is dry, the blanks are immersed in working out, olive or preheated tar. Such preparation allows for several years to protect wood from moisture exposure.

Making a boardwalk

The stitches made of boards are manufactured in several versions. Reiki can lie along, across or macash. On the same track, you can alternate various laying options, changing the color of the coating. The boards are stacked in the ground, placed on its surface or stacked on the backups.

Consider how the most complex design is made - a path-raised path.

It is manufactured in such a sequence:

  1. Tracing is carried out on the ground. For this, the roulette, level, stakes and cord are used. Places of installations of steps should be marked separately. There are 2 m between the stakes in direct areas. In place of bending, the distance should be cut to 30-50 cm.
  2. On the conducted circuit, the upper layer of the soil is removed, the trench of a depth of 20 cm is digging. The bottom of the trench is cleaned of the roots of the plant, its alignment and seal is performed. Steps dig up.
  3. A strip of geotextile tissue is stacked in the trench. The rubble and sand is falling asleep on top of it 10 cm. The shock absorption cushion is wetting, aligned and trambed. Such a reception will prevent the blurring of the base and germination of plants under the boards.
  4. Laying the bearing bar over the pillow. Depending on the curvature of the route, the assembly is carried out from the billets of different lengths. Broadband is bonded with metal strips or slats screwed from the inside. The number of guide lines is determined by the width of the path. If it has a width of up to 50 cm, then two lines of supports along the edges. With an increase in the width for every 50 cm, another reference line is added.
  5. Fastening on timber timber. Between them should leave a distance of 5-8 mm. The slots are necessary for water flow, ventilation and water expansion when moisture gaining. Fix the boards better screw nails. These products are much stronger and more reliable than rotable screws. The edges of the boards can be left untreated, and can be adjusted under the cut of the bar. It depends on the preferences of the site owners.

The built structure needs to be covered with paint or varnish immediately after the completion of the assembly. Periodically, you should pass along the path and draw the came out of the nails.

How to make a spell track

Of the logs of different diameters, original, comfortable and practical sites and paths are manufactured. You can prepare the sleeps separately, but you can use firewood from the lunite. The source of the material can be trembling or cut in preventive trees. There are not only trunks, but also thick branches of plants. Billets from the branches are well filled out the openings between rounds of large diameter.

Trees are cut into fragments with a height of 25-30 cm. In the course of the workpiece you need to try so that the cuts are perfectly smooth. Kruglyowki need to dry in a dark and cool place for at least six months. Otherwise, they crack. It is impossible to use raw wood in the work, since after the backfill it will decrease in the amount of 25-35%, because of which the masonry will lose its presentability. After complete drying, the roundabout is processed by antiseptic and impregnation from dampness. In this case, the upper part can be squeezed with copper vigorous or veil.

After preparing the billets, the following activities are held:

  1. The outline of the future route is planned. In the case of drinking, it can be given a variety of and steep bends, to provide platforms and junctions.
  2. Picks up a 10 cm wide width more projectory. The depth of the pit should be 10 cm exceeded the height of the sleep. So, with their middle height, 30 cm trench should be a depth of 40 cm.
  3. The bottom of the pit is laid a strip of dense polyethylene, oilcloth or geotextiles. The edges of waterproofing are displayed above the level of the soil. On top of the tissue, a layer of rubble is 6 cm and a sand 6 cm. The pillow is aligned and tamper.
  4. Kruglyakov sets. This is done in an arbitrary order, so that the minimum interval remains between the workpies. Between the logs and edges of the ditches should be left 3-5 cm wide.
  5. The slots between the logs and the walls of the trench are filled with granite screening, sand or small rubble. A thorough tamper of the aggregate is carried out.

Staying in the sun, under the snow and rain does not pass for wood without a trace. In the spring and autumn tracks must be serviced. They need to be treated with antiseptic and hydrophobic impregnation. Cheaps and cracks are advisable to close with special mastic. If one of the fragments of masonry rotted or collapsed, it should be replaced. To do this, anything is full from the woodwoman.

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Modern dacms and nature lovers have repeatedly thought about beautiful wooden tracks at their dacha. From wood should fit into the design of the site and terrain landscape. Small paths on the country's territory perform not only a decorative function, decorating a general view. They also make moving on the site comfortable and convenient.

Wire paths are a lot of paths: they can be supplied to the gazebo, dining or gaming zones, to the bathrooms, bath or greenhouses. The paths also serve to protect shoes from dirt and dirt, create an atmosphere of romanticity and comfort. Sometimes wooden tracks are focused on the entire area around the perimeter. In addition, such design of the territory is suitable for fans of eco-friendly and natural materials. If you have a log wooden country house, such paths will harmoniously fit into your landscape design and become a highlight of the design of the plot.

If everything is done correctly and well to treat wood, in the summer in such paths you can safely walk barefoot. This can not be said about the dacha sidewalks from concrete or stone. Wooden paths can be combined with a swimming pool, a beautifully tonsured lawn, crucial trees and bushes of various shapes. If there are large roots of trees on the plot, you can build lags tracks. So you do not damage the roots and create a beautiful design of the territory.

Types of wood tracks by type of construction

Wooden walkway on the summer site with their own hands is placed using various wood:

  • Larch is considered the most durable. In its structure there are fibers of different orientations, so the wood is stronger.
  • Softwood is also used, but there are only longitudinal fibers in the structure, so it is not so strong.
  • Popular paths from oak, alder, pines and even aspen.
  • Tropical wood stronger and durable larch, but the cost of it significantly exceeds all previous ones.

Alone to cut trees optionally, modern technologies have long allowed to acquire ready-made wood sets in the stores. You can buy wooden logs and ready-made spins of any size and shape.

All tracks in the country area can be built into different designs depending on the functionality, goals, ideas and features of the territory itself. Consider the most popular of them:

If suddenly you planned to build a border, take care of this when you pour sand and crushed stone to ensure the drainage of your foundation. For the curb you can choose a stone, sheets of metal, brick and, of course, log logs.