Repairs Design Furniture

Stone Chinese or Japanese lantern. Japanese lanterns for the garden. Video "Japanese stone lamp do it yourself"

Oriental motifs in landscape design are very popular with Russian gardeners. Not passed by them and our author Sergey Headov. After a passage of several options, he decided to make a stone lantern from a tree. What happened to him, read in the article.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a traditional Japanese lantern for the site for a long time I seemed very interesting to me, but I could not decide for a long time, how and what to do it. I do not know how to cut the stone, and this option disappeared. Spent several experiences on working with concrete. This option was more real, but had its shortcomings. First, there was a problem of making small details. Secondly, the product would have happened too hard. Thirdly, I would be constantly tied to work, as the concrete cannot be postponed at any time and return to it later. There was a flashlight option from a tree.

Preparation and selection of material

Work began with a sketch. Usually I rarely do it and hold the "picture" in my head, but here it was needed. As a material, I used the pine tree and larch, which remained from the repair of the roof. And the tree was far from better quality and long did not find applications. But I initially knew that the lantern would be painted, so practically did not pay attention to the knots and other defects of the boards. Thanks to this selection, the cost of the lantern is very small, but there was a lot of work.

Assembling base

1 . Made from Cardboard Pattern leg template and outlined it on two internal planes of the workpiece.

3 . Similarly, made the remaining legs and jumpers between them. My ribbon saw made it possible to cut a jumper from a single piece. If there is not enough cut height, it can be made of two parts.

4 . The details glued with moisture-resistant glue, enhancing the joints by the wanks. In completion, bumping irregularities. If all operations are performed accurately and neatly, it will turn out a solid and steady "stool" without a seat.

Roof manufacturing

The manufacture of this element was the most difficult, since the roof does not have a single flat surface. The lower and upper sides of the roof had to round the corners in the highest point, and the centers of the parties are in the bottom.

Began with the processing of the bottom side of the roof. In order for the profiles of all its parts to be the same, made a pattern. The radius of the rounded I turned about 4 m. The template cut out of 12-mm plywood, you needed the curved, and concave parts. The roof of the glued in the form of a "framework" of different sizes laying on each other.

5 . First, from the board, the thickness of 60 mm glued the largest "frame". It will be the bottom of the roof.

6 . For rounded surface surface, a powerful milling mill is needed. Under it, I made a device in the form of a box. In the center of the short side of the box made through a hole.

7 . At the workpiece of the roof, I installed a technological jumper, in the center of which found and drilled the center in which the nail in the axis inserted.

8 . From the far side, two roller-wheels fastened from the center on the box. On the axis under the box put a lining from plywood so that the box when moving did not turn about the jumper and the corners of the workpiece.

9 . Inside the box screwed a force, made from the curved part of the template being painted in half. After that, I installed the workpiece with a fixture on a flat smooth surface ...

10 ... installed on the axis the box and rounded the bottom side of the roof. The preparatory work made it possible to do it quickly and easily.

11 . Then he moved to the upper side of the roof. Here the surface is concave on an arc from the corner to the corner and at the same time - from the edge to the center. For a start, I pasted three "frames" on the top of the roof. The sizes of the framework and their thickness calculated on the sketch of the lantern.

12 . While glue sowed, it began to manufacture a fixture for milling surfaces. First provided the desired movement of the cutter from the corner to the corner. To do this, I put the milling mill "on the rails" - made a frame in which the longitudinal sides made from the concave part of the template. And on the milling mill installed three pairs of bearings as wheels.

13 . At the ends of the rail frame installed another pair of bearings. On them, the frame itself will move along the directions from the edge to the roof center. The form of these guides set the planned curvature of the roof. Cut them out of ramps of LDSP. After all checks and settings, I launched a milling mill and, moving it in different directions, rounded all four sides.

Lantern walls

14 . The walls of the flashlight on the same level are absolutely the same. To hide the ends of the tree on the corners, the edges of the vertical elements cut off at an angle of 45 degrees. My grille was ready, the book was left from the furniture facade.

15 . Collected and cleaned the walls with each other - and now the first fitting. Some joints require fitting, but it will be at the final stage before painting. The main thing is that the form has succeeded. It remains to be made two more floors, but smaller. Roofs and smaller walls did on already tested technologies.

16 . At the very top of the lantern, I installed the spire. It consists of a small "roof" and the spire itself. By the time the trimming of the bar 100 * 100 mm is over, and I pulled out the spire of three glued boards.


All the details of the lamp assembled in a single whole pre-without fit and grinding. The result pleased me, but the lantern should shine. Open fire, as in the present Lonar, it is contraindicated, it remained to carry out electric light. It was assumed that the lantern will be connected to the sensor
lighting and automatically turn on when it will happen. To save electricity used LED bulbs of 3 W. They have a base G9. It is pretty sealed, and. Although the lantern has its own large roof, when used on the street it is important. Ceramic soclets installed on wooden rectangular jumpers and secured in the roofs using their emptiness. All connections soldered and insulated with a shrink tube.

Before the final assembly of electricians, the entire lantern was stamped, adjusted compounds and from the inside coated with a transparent acrylic varnish in two layers.

16 . All parts of the lantern joined the waterproof glue with 8-mm ducts. The only glue connection is the top "cover" with a spire lantern. It is removable, since otherwise the third floor light is not replaced. Before the rest can be reached through the bottom window at the base.


The main task in painting was the creation of a natural stone texture. I wanted to get the semblance of granite, and the lattices decided to leave wooden.

Used acrylic paint. First, the base layer of gray is hooked. Later, I realized that it was easier and better to apply white or very light gray, but this is already the Council of the "Correspondence". In my case, to obtain a uniform tone I had to dive into two layers.

18 . To simulate the texture of the stone used four colors - white, black, gray and ocher. Mixing gray paint with white and black, I received two shades of gray, different from the background. Total turned 5 colors for staining. As a tool used a natural sponge.

The painted lantern left to dry for a day, after which the surface was easily polished by hand with sandpaper with grain 120-150, dust secured with a damp cloth and covered together with the lattices with two layers of transparent acrylic varnish.

19 . With the onset of darkness in the lantern automatically lights fire.

Sergey Head, Novocherkassk

In a very long-standing time, in the edge where the sun rises, in a certain Buddhist monastery, he spent his days by the monk named Oribi, and he was the famous Master of Tenan-Yu (tea ceremony). Japan in those century flew all over the world, from which he chose to burn out a deaf wall, and the decrees of Sögun (the Supreme Ruler) in the country of stricter was forbidden everything ingenic. And alien traditions of this country of religion simply punished with painful death. Subsequently, thanks to these rigors and their secret worship of Christ, the monk Oribi and captured his name in history.

For a long time before the birth of a monk, from the nearby China's Japanese temples gradually began to enter the stone smoking rooms of incense, which gradually changing in the forms were reborn into the stone lanterns Toro. By the time of the monk Oribi, these works of Kamenotian antiquity were already finally settled in the traditions and gardens of the Japanese.

It has already been mentioned that Oribu was a master of tea ceremonies. At the spot of tea party, a cup of Tsukubai was pretended to be present from stone (a bowl with crystal clear water, from where her special bamboo bucket was taken for ritual washythiation of the face and hands, and after, there will be water and for tea ceremonies), and next to it, except Decorative plants put a stone lamp. The same canons were guided by the arrangement of the venue of the tian-Master Orib.

Traditionally, the master pulley, before tying water from Tsukubai, should be kneeling on it on a specially intended stone and worship a stone bowl. The Orib Wizard, secretly cut out on the hidden grass from strange eyes the leg of the Lonar Toro Christian crucifix, and thus it turned out that at the beginning of every tea ceremony committing a bow toward Tsukubai, he actually lied his knees turning to his God. Since then, a new look of the lantern - Oribo Toro appeared.

This is only one of the many colorful legends that accompany almost each of the Toro lights.

So, Japanese stone lamp. By constructive, they can be combined into groups:

lanterns without a pedestal, which is allowed to move from place to place, or transfer (some of them have special handles for this). Usually, these are small lights that put along the tracks or wear next to the Mr., illuminating his path. Outwardly, they resemble the lane lanterns laid.

lanterns without pedestal, the bottom of which is lit in the ground. Like the previous group, these are small lanterns, which denote paths or stone pools.

the most common group - lanterns on the pedestal. Depending on the type of the lantern, they are erected in any special places: a place for the host conversations with the honorable guest, at the entrance to the house, a place for tea ceremonies or meditations, and the like. The dimensions of the representatives of this group range from 30 centimeters and up to 3 meters.

All toroids are made only in manual. For appointment and appearance, species are more common: Oki, Oribi, Kasuga, Yamadoro, and casual (or sometimes voiced as YUKI). The well-known name is combined from the name of the lantern itself, and finished through the word "Toro", and the "Stone Lantern" means in translating. That is, the full name of the lantern will be: OKI-TORO, IKI-TORO, etc.

A little about the lanterns themselves:

Oki-Toro. The younger brother of the Toro family, a low flashlight, an increase of up to 40 cm. A special feature - do not have a stone stand. They build them on the shore of a small, or already dry pond, in the garden of Zen.

Oribi Toro, or "Orib Master Lantern." His personality - on an invisible eye of an eyewitty to the side of the supports definitely depict the relief of a person. Like other stone fellow, Oribu-Toro also identifies their location in the garden - close to the place of the tiano, and directly near Tsukubai. Height, most often, slightly above the ritual bowl.

Kasugo-Toro. The most elegant, and the highest of the listed lanterns are installed often with pairs, denoting the entrance to the house or gazebo. It is characterized by a round, long, column-like support, and hexagon, with cool roofs cooked upwards, as well as carved on all, almost, elements of the lantern with an ornament, inscriptions, elegant drawings. The casual-toroid height is erected from half a meter, and up to 3 meters.

Yamadoro Toro. The height is not greater than a meter, asymmetrical, folded from non-processed, or slightly and roughly treated, free shape of the stone. This lantern, its underlined old, as if element of puzzles, fits clearly into dark, not affordable garden surcharges. And the moss-covered with moss, he creates the impression of an ancient artifact of ancient over the century, which becomes especially attractive. It is also notable for its four-headed chamber having one large round through hole.

Clear Toro (or Yuki Toro). In a country where nature is not in a hurry to indulge their inhabitants, the presence of a long-lying snow cover is not surprisingly the appearance of a lantern, the name of which in translating approximately sounds like a "light love lamp." This toro is the main difference from other lights, it is its increased roof in the area, and three or four support legs. This type of lantern is installed necessarily at the edge of the pond or on the spit so that together with the toroids to see its reflection in the pond.

Imagine a picture. Garden, late evening ... At the edge that has not yet protracted the ice of the reservoir, as if Mexican-Koroto, who put on his head wide and not for the growth of Sombrero, froze the sculpture of the Ya-Toro. Under the roof of the lantern, the yellow-red warm reflections fire burning candles dancing a mysterious dance, who fester by his twin brothers on the stroit of water. And the hat lay on the roof of the first, flickering with cold glitters of the reflected snow moon, even in the pitch darkness that did not lose its purest whiteness. The peaceful beauty ... opening the path to memories of the past and philosophical reflections. It seems that the lantern is kind-toe deserves to build it at an improvised pond in his garden.

High and low, squat-wide and sophisticated-slender - Lantern Toro, all such different externally, they are all similar to their design, because when assembling all types of Toro, they participate on the meaning and name elements. Their six, and each is associated with the specific element (from the bottom up): the supporting stone (pedestal or stand) is the earth; Support - water; Lantern chamber stand and camera - fire in the hearth; The roof is the wind; And screwed - the sky or the peak of the world.

A built Japanese lantern should be energy harmonized with a local climate, landscape and plants planted there, on this, preferably to do from the material of this area. According to tradition, all the elements of the lantern are made of stones of different sizes, but with an identical texture and one color. For a bunch of stones with each other, they were traditionally made clay, but the current masters usually use modern mounting adhesives and mastics. A man, eating Toro, should see the place in the composition and "pose" for each selected stone, accepting which he will always be directed by the "face" to the observer. When choosing a place for Toro, a lamp assembly scheme and stones size can be released your fantasy, but do not need to forget, Toro is a Japanese lantern, and they erected Toro according to their traditions.

So, in some way in the evening, watching your garden, suddenly, visited a bright thought: the garden is beautiful ... Harmoniously disassembled trees, bizarre forms of trimmed shrubs, a smooth lawn, loving by the natural lands, but ... Something is wrong, There is no raisin ... any unusual shape of a stone, or the best stone lantern! And it will be a good choice, Lantern Toro is just the final "brush stroke", which may end the picture created in your green paradise.

And then the next choice is to be: make a flashlight on your own, or buy a ready-made Japanese stone lantern in the nearby store of decor elements. But if the hands of "once", and the eyes of "scary", then order on our website the delivery of the finished product. And then, choosing a lantern, if there are photos of the place of its future location, we can tell you what kind of toro more harmoniously will complement your living composition.

And let the new acquisition for your blooming paradise, all subsequent summer gives you peace and peace!

Want to decorate your garden with original flashlights? And what if you borrow them from Japanese style? Neat, compact, they can very interesting to fit into the design.

In Japan, such lanterns were previously established for lighting tracks leading to temples. Now they can be seen almost everywhere. And, of course, what a Japanese garden without them? Here they play the role of peculiar beacons indicating the path to the tea pavilion.

There are several types of Japanese lanterns that differ in shape and altitude.

Some of the highest are called Tachi Gata. In Japanese gardens they are installed in the central part of the track. There they play the role of the main figure. The lanterns are elongated, it seems to resemble columns, their height from 1.5 to 3 m.

"Ikecomi Gata" is also in the form of columns, but smaller. They decorate the shores of water bodies or streams. They do not have a wide foundation, their (as pillars) bury into the ground.

"OKI-GATA" - the smallest lanterns. Their place along the tracks, among plants and in small courtyards.

"Yuki Gata" (snow) are the most popular. Install them near water bodies and waterfalls. Snowballs are called because of a fairly wide roof, on which snow is delayed. The light comes from under the roof is reflected in the water and makes the way to the tea pavilion especially picturesque and fascinating.

Sometimes these lanterns "put" on a high curved leg, which makes it possible to bring them as much as possible to the surface of the reservoir and thus increases the effect of light reflection.

Is it possible to make Japanese lanterns do it yourself? Of course, although it's not easy. I have two types of lanterns in the garden: Tachi-Gata (120 cm height) and Yuki-Gata (height - 50 cm).

Classically produced from metal and stone. If you choose the last option, it is better to take a soft stone, for example, sandstone. But personally, I chose a simpler method and used the structure close to natural stone ... Gasylicate block.

It is easily processed, it can be cut by a regular saw, and to give any form with the help of metal canvas.

The unit is easy to grind both rough and small emery paper. Then, when the flashlight is ready, it needs to be coated with cement-adhesive solution, so that the gasilicat does not absorb moisture and not collapsed.

And after that, you can pick up the color of acrylic paint and paint the lantern in the natural color of the stone. Note: it is in natural, because non-ferrous lanterns in the Japanese garden does not happen!

In Japan there are many a variety of beautiful gardens that are amazed with their proportions and combinations of selected materials. You can call the small site of the landscape of Japan, and each detail of this miniature model amazes with its special landscape. Not the last place in any garden occupy various garden facilities. As a rule, they are made of materials such as clay, stones, bamboo, metal, and trees.

In Japan, the use (symbol of nobility) in various decorative compositions adds to them a special refinement, perfectly inscribed in the garden thought out to the smallest details. For this it is not processed and most often do not even remove the bark. But the stones of the Japanese prefer to use only those that possess the wrong and unusual shape. After all, as you know, in nature there are no stones of the ideal size and appearance. Although if necessary, it is possible to change their shape slightly. Instead of clay in Japan, the tile is sometimes used, the concrete is used only in the impurities of other natural materials.

The decoration of Japanese gardens is such structures:, hedge, benches and stone lights (lamps). This is, of course, not the entire list of decorative garden elements.

Japanese stone lanterns are placed in various places of the garden, in particular along the edge of the path crossing the territory of the garden; near bridges and bridges; at the edge; Near traditional structures - Tsukubai, which are ceremonial stone bowls filled with water. The height and number of stone lanterns placed in the garden depends on the taste of the owner and on the size of the garden plot. For this reason, they can be divided into four types.

The first place is rightfully occupied by the Tachi-Gata lanterns (Tachi-Gata), which translated from Japanese means "Pediests". In this way, the word is the appointment of such lamps - they are used to illuminate the place where the owner has conversations with the most honorable guests. "Tachi Gata" is placed only in gardens that occupy an extensive territory, as they differ in high height (from 1.5 to 3 m).

The second type of Japanese stone lamps is "Ikekomi Gata" (IKEKOMI-GATA). For this type of lanterns in Japan, the location of Tsukubai is often given a place. However, this type of lamps some Japanese are erected in other places. The selected place in this case depends on the desire of the host or hired for this decorator. In Japan, there is a legend, according to which the lantern is placed so that the ray of light falling on it is necessarily directed to the ground. Therefore, it is usually for the installation of the "Ikequomi-Gata" lanterns choose the garden sections open to the sun.

The next type of stone lanterns was called "Pivy-Gata" (Yukimi-Gata), although some pronounce it a little different ("Yuki-Gata"), but this does not change the meaning of the word - "seemingly covered with snow." Roofs having either round or square shape are considered a highlight of such lanterns. The foundations of such lanterns are coasters that are made of stone or from concrete. Another, which deserves the part of this building is a matte glass that gives a soft glow to the sunshine falling on it. It is through the use of matte glass that received this type of stone lamps such a name - it seems that the stones are covered with snow. Typically, such lanterns are placed at the edges of the reservoirs.

The fourth type of Japanese garden lamps differs from the rest with their small size - and that is why it called the Oki-Gata (OKI-GATA), which means "small lanterns". It perfectly complements the landscape of the sections of the Japanese Garden, located on the shore of the pond or near the track. But in the kindergarten of a small size, such a lantern will be able to take a worthy place, spreading in the courtyard of the house. In such conditions, he will seem king among his suite, consisting of flowers and shrubs.

As you must have already guessed, a distinctive feature of all listed types of stone lamps is their appearance and height, which ranges from 0.5 to 3 m. But, adding a landscape planted behind the stone lamp with a beautiful tree, you will only emphasize his size. For example, for this you can use the maple, which perfectly fits into the landscape, especially in the fall, when the leaves acquire several shades of yellow and red. And on the background of the leaf, the grass seems even greener, and the stones are gray guards of peace of the garden.

Especially good stone lights dark at night, when they light the surrounding landscape with light candles located inside them. And immediately everything is transformed and acquires a mysterious look. As of the light of such lanterns, the Japanese pass along the path to the tea house - Treuszit.

Making stone lamps - the process is very laborious, but extremely interesting. At first, the selected composition of the desired stone lantern is considered, it is important to determine that the main stone is the basis that, together with other two stones, should form the Divine Triad.

Japanese stone lantern

In the choice of the necessary stones, the Japanese are guided by the following principles: it is necessary that each stone formed a certain "face" and "pose", that is, it is necessary to see what place in the composition will be able to take this stone. On this occasion in the book "Sandzay His" the following lines are given, "the stones run away and catch up with, rest and support, look up and down, lie and stand." This statement is not better gives to understand what stones need to be used when creating a stone lamp.

When this task is to come true, remember that a lot of patience and time is required, as the stones should become an integral part of the landscape. Install the stone on the selected place is the first step. If there is pebbles on the stone (sand or moss), then he needs to give the time to "connect" with pebbles, putting "roots" into it, or, in other words, "enter into an invented image."

At the same time, the designer takes into account the fact that stone lights are part of the cultural tradition of Japan, and therefore their appearance must be reproduced in accuracy. Therefore, a true Japanese designer will never come up with some new original forms. Also plays an important role of harmony with a climate of the terrain in which the garden is located. For this reason, in most cases, the lamps are made of stones of this area.

The second step is to complete the "building" of the stone lantern. The remaining stones are selected the same texture as a stone base. And with its completed form, he must resemble a versatile triangle, at least remotely. According to the old custom, it is necessary that the long side of the triangle pointed to the "face" side of the house (where the entrance to the garden is located). Feel the desired composition adorning the garden is the designer's purpose.

Those who wish to create their own corner of the Japanese garden and test their strength in such art, we will tell me how stone lanterns are made, describing this process gradually, step by step. Just warn that you are unlikely to have an exact copy, except after a long practice for several years. And, frankly, such a task is not worth us.

So, for the manufacture of a stone lantern, you will need stones of different sizes, clay and para-triple candles. Stones must be a certain shape and color, and to decide on this, rely on intuition and take advantage of your fantasy, not forgetting the traditional rules. The following types are used in the creation of stone lamps: located vertically, lying and flat. In this case, you will need: one stone round (or square) shape, one flat, several stones with a fist.

Japanese lantern on the shore

As soon as all the necessary components are collected, you can proceed to the process of turning the scattered stones into the lantern. The first thing is a flat stone must be put on the ground so that it does not fall. In the extreme case, you can explode the soil or pour enough sand for fixing the stone. After installing the base stone, it is necessary to gradually and very carefully make a column of stones (the most as the size of the fist) and consolidate them with each other with a clay, making it all the crevices that have arisen. Then you need to wait until the clay dry completely. There must be no less than four such columns, the most important thing here is not to get carried away, after all, you need to put candles inside.

Round stone, which will play the role of the roof, put on the columns after they firmly stand on the ground. Thanks to the stone of a round shape, the candles will not go out in rainy weather, only under the condition that there will be no wind. If at your disposal there is no sufficient number of small stones, then they can be replaced with a skeleton of wood and deceased clay by storage. If you do not deceive clay, then the burnt bars will gradually break the roof of the lantern.

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The characteristic feature of the philosophy of Japan is harmony in everything, but above all - the harmony of man and nature. To convey the atmosphere of this unity, in the century in the country of the rising sun, began to create gardens of very original design. Subsequently, they became known to the world and are not losing popularity to this day. Our dacifics also had to do.

Immediately it is worth paying attention to the fact that the "skeleton" of the Japanese garden is, and "blood" is water. So consider the Japanese themselves. There is also a third important component. But since water, stones and plants can be found in other gardens, the feature of Japanese consists in the layout of these elements and in the use of iconic attributes.

1. Tsukubai

This mysterious word hides a traditional bowl for the ablution of hands and face to tea ceremony. Tsukbay is performed from solid raw stones.

Admissible decoration by hieroglyphs or symbols characteristic of Japanese spiritual culture. Externally, Tsukbai resembles a small well. Bamboo bucket should be lying next to the bowl.

Of course, in Japan, there are strict rules for the construction and arbor arrangement. In the summer of the Japanese garden, they can be adopted and install the gazebo so that it does not shake the landing and organically fit into the overall picture of the site.

5. Bamboo hedge

The Japanese are very zealously belong to the personal space. The garden is a merger place with nature, with her thoughts. It has no room for extraneous eyes. But in the usual form, there is also no. There are only bamboo hedges.

They can be of different heights and frequency of weaving. In traditional varints, nails are never used. Such hedges can be separated from the garden from each other, to hide the unnecessary elements (for example,), and wearing a decorative nature.

6. Sculptures of stone

In this Japanese garden, they never set out where it fell and as it fell. Yes, and the sculpture itself can not be any. Each has its own value. Buddha - peace and pacification, dragon - power, Lev - protection, turtle - longevity, crane - the desire to know the truth, etc.

Sculptures in the Japanese garden. Photos from Leiden, Netherlands

If you are not shipped to Buddhist philosophy, it is better not to abuse this kind of symbols and acquire something neutral. The benefit of all sorts can be found without much difficulty. One "But" - for a Japanese-style garden, they should be as natural as possible and painted in one tone, no rich paints.

7. Lanterns

What is the Japanese garden without? Usually they are located along the paths on the way to the gazebo, a water and another significant object. All monotorous lights, non-ferrous in the Japanese garden there is no. But the options forms are:
  • Thachi Gata. - These are high stone lights, similar to small pillars. Their height should not exceed 3 meters. Tacha Gata can highlight a large territory;
  • Katsuga - a lantern, which is very similar to Tacha Gata, but differs from him an abundance of carved decorations;
  • Ikekomi Gata. They have a pillary shape. They are laid in the ground along the edges of the tracks;
  • Oki Gata. - The most compact lanterns. Their goal is to create a mysterious twilight. Oki-Gata can be placed on the shores of the garden water, on stones or among plants;
  • Yuki Gata., or "Snow Lantern" - a squat lantern with a wide roof. Due to the shape of the roof, it is also named snow, since the snow remains on it and is spectacularly illuminated.

Of course, due to climatic features and cultural differences, a real Japanese garden in the country area will not work. But you can get close to the original thanks to these design elements.

And how do you feel about Japanese-style gardens?