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Passage of game God of War Marsh forgotten. God of War: Passage of an interesting game


--- Gaia ---

After completing the scene, kill all enemies and move forward. As soon as you again give the hero, finish all the enemies and go to the fallen tree. Raise it using the buttons shown on the screen, and continue to go ahead until it is stumbled upon a surprise.

During this battle, the horse will sometimes spit with water into one of three zones: left, medium or right. You can easily notice how the enemy changes the direction and determine the zone on which he is aimed. As soon as he donate back, quickly leave the fire line. Sometimes he will take a blow to claws. Before that, he will donate back and raise the paw. If you see it, quickly leave the lesion zone.

As soon as you apply sufficient number Damage, the battle zone will change. Take yourself to the enemy and start attacking it with your swords. Use "X" to leave it attacks (you will see how he raises the paw that intends to strike). After several successful attacks, the battlefield will change again. Rear to the top and sample him with my deadly swords. When it will prepare to strike claws, use "X" to care. This time he will continue to make attacks with water breathing. Keep track of the direction of his head when it deflects back, and quickly go to the secure zone.

After damage will bring him enough, you will again find yourself on solid land. Continue to follow its water attacks, while you continue to strike it. It will also often use his claws, so be careful. Watch out for its attacks and when it starts to make shuffles, click "R2" to use magic. This will not only make you invulnerable for a while, but also cause serious damage to the enemy. As soon as damage is enough, press the buttons appearing on the screen to finish off the boss.


Go to the other side of the wall and raise up the protrusion. Before continuing the path, take a red chest. Go along the wall on the other side of the protrusion and kill enemies there. Jump to the ledge from above and take the stairs to the wall.

Kill the enemies from above and get, using a double jump, to the right way. Before using the hook to the left, learn the pedestal for information. After moving on the other side, kill all your enemies and use a double jump to jump on the wall on the left. Jump on the ledge on the left and move on it. At the very end, click "X" to pull up. Then jump and grab the vine from above.

As soon as you get up, go ahead until the bridge collapses. Jump down to find a red chest, then boil back using the platform in the lower left corner of the screen. Use ICARUS WINGS to overcome the abyss, then go under the arch and open the door.

Just followed by a centaur. Quickly get rid of it using combo (square, square, triangle) for immobilization, which works almost on all enemies. As soon as all the enemies are killed, find and explore the pedestal in the center of the room. After that, use the lever on the left side of the room. Quickly run the right side and take the stairs to reach the recently shifted platform. Hurry up to climb it until it returns to its original position. Jump over the abyss and find the red chest. The first save point is also located. Go left and open the gate.

Water Steed (Water Stallion)

Press the button that appears to get to the Guy (GAIA) field. Go closer to the stallion to start an attack. This time it will use two types of claws. If you are close enough, it will spend three shock on both sides - just roll back to avoid them. He will also make triple combo strikes covering almost the entire battlefield. From the first two blows in his combo dodge quite easily, and with the third a little harder. You can go to the right and hope that he will simply do not touch you, but you can use a magical attack and for a while become invulnerable. Sometimes he will leave a little back and make long blows with all its claws. As soon as you see that he is preparing to spend this attack - run on the bottom of the screen and wait until it finishes raging.

After applying sufficient damage to him, press the buttons appearing on the screen, and our hero will take off the tip of one of the claws. After that, the battle will continue to the enemy strikes will be added water respiration. Continue the battle and as soon as damage is enough, press the button that appears on the screen. After that, he will open the torso. Relieve back and left to pick up a previously torn piece of claw. Throw it into the boss.

Take the wall and jump in Guy (Gaia). Go forward and arouse over a close pass. Go through the distance of the zone and take the vine. Go along the way and jump over the abyss at the other end.

--- Heart of Gaia ---

Take yourself along the wall on the right to find Zeus "Eagle. Jump down and grab the wall on the right using" R1 "(find the shining point). Move the block left and turn it to 180 degrees using the right joystick. Then move it into the hole in the left Parts of the room. Now wake up the vine on the left and keep moving up.

Kill all enemies from above and continue to follow the path. At the end of the road, grab the vine and jump over the gorge on the other side. Use the "R1" button to jump up until the next path from the vine and kill all your enemies before continuing to crawl up. When you can not continue to move up, jump and use "R1" again. Get to the top for the beginning of the fight.

Poseidon (Poseidon)

Your goal is to attack claws, keeping the guy on the left and right side. When Poseidon goes into the left or right side of the screen, it is preparing to hit claws on the opposite side of the zone. You will also see small blue flashes on the ground. They inform you about the upcoming electrical attack. Leave from outbreaks on earth to avoid damage. As soon as both claws are lost, Guya grabs Poseidon and tell you to take her hand. Use "R1" to fulfill her request and be a little closer to God.

As soon as you get control over the hero, ignore the vine to the right, and run to attack Poseidon. Sometimes he will beat the fist - block it. When he wakes up his trident - go back, away from Poseidon to avoid impact. Do not approach the troll while he sticks out in Guy, since electrical impulses come from it.

As soon as Poseidon will captivate breathing and the corresponding hint appears on the screen, run right and climb through the vine. Press the appearing buttons, and you will open its weak point.

This stage of battle will be similar to the very first, except that attacks with electricity will pass in three waves, and not one, as before. Press the appearing buttons and see the scene. After that, again, press the buttons appearing on the screen and see another scene.

When you get control of the hero, go left to the save point. Further head the hand of Guy.

--- River Styx ---

Move down the river, slowly losing your divine powers.

--- Realm of hades ---

Go along the way until a small scene begins. As soon as you receive the Office, turn left and read the pedestal. Go ahead and use "R1" to overcome the gorge. Make a small jump and drop to the ledge from below to find two red chests. Follow the umbilion to the right and find the first Gorgon "s Eye. Go to the middle and take the vine.

Cross the bridge on the right to find the Hyperion Gate. Return and cross the other bridge to reach the save point. To the left of it, find the point for which you can get caught and use it to get to the other side. Kill enemies and open the four red chests. Return back and follow the way to the right.

When you come to the battle, you can, how much will you want, use your new ability (temporarily you will have an unlimited stock of magic). If you want, you can explore the blackberry on the doors. After that, jump and grab the rope on the right side of the screen. To kill the enemies who met you, there will be enough three heavy blows. As soon as you find yourself on the other side, jump down and explore the brilliant point near the end of the rope. Go ahead and jump off.

Find two red chest away and go back to study the shining point. When you find yourself inside, follow the prompts to get free. Then quickly run to the center and use Phalanx to get rid of smaller enemies. If you follow the tips on the murder of Gorgon, get her head and a little new information.

Once take care of all enemies, open the door on the left and go along the way. When you get to a small gorge, jump down and go back. There you will find two red chests. Continue your way. After you jump over the river, there will be a small scene.

Use a broken post nearby to get to a higher place. Jump on the platform and see what happens. Return back and wait until the platform is raised. Now jump on it, quickly run right and jump on the leaf of the right. Go to a small room and grab blackberry in the corner. Move it to a small open area and shove down.

Jump after her and move on the other side of the zone. Place it near the cherber cell to fall. Return to the descending platform and stand on it until it drops to the bottom. Quickly run to the burning blackberry and use Icarus Wings over the smoke to take off to a small area that has opened after the platform is lowered. Pull the lever to free the cherberry.

Attack the monster until the tips appear on the screen. Follow the prompts and win on the monster. Drink on it to the body of a man. Use fire to pour blackberry. Examine the body and find Bow of Apollo. You can use its charged attacks to get the blackberry. Go to the right side of the zone and aim to the blackberry from above. Shot in it charged charge and the new path will open. Slide the smoke blackberry you used to left and use ICARUS WINGS in order to get to the new passage. There you will find a red chest and Phoenix Feather.

Go back across the river and destroy the blackberry to find the save point. Follow the path and follow the right side. Destroy the blackberry between the chests to find Minotaur Horn. Jump on the ledge on the left and follow the path. The attack "L1 + circle" is very good for the destruction of Garpius. Once all of them will be killed, go to the right.

Use ICARUS WINGS to plan until the next platform, grab the wall and make your way right. In the end, take up the wall, then jump on the ledge on the left. Then move up and left. Drink the waterfall and select Gorgon "s Eye at the end of the way. Return to the right and follow the ledge to the very end.

Perform a double jump to reach the vine and get to the other side. Jump down, use a double jump to get to the vine on the post and climb up.

--- Judges of The Underworld ---

Use the hook points in order to get to the main platform. Find the point of saving near the pool with water. Go to the bottom left of the screen to find a shimmer point. Examine it to get for more information. Go to the shown pedestal and explore it. Learn the book after each test to start the following.

Test 1 - kill all enemies, takes a little time.

Test 2 - kill the souls before those get to the sparkling gate.

Test 3 - destroy everything.

After that, the gate will open. Before going further, read the zone on the left and jump off the cleft to the ledge. Go left to get two red chest and Gorgon Eye. Return back and explore the sparkling point (the one you studied earlier) to start the scene. Save if you want, and pass through the gate to the portal.

Examine the pedestal to the right of the portal. Go through a little more right and plan through the gorge. Continue the path and use charged shots to explode barrels while the minotaur will go to you. As soon as you leave the tunnel, turn right and enter the portal. Check the paper sheet on the ground, open the chest with Minotaur Horn and pull the lever. Return through the portal. Go ahead and plan through the gorge to the red chest. Jump rushing through the abyss and go along the way until a short scene starts.

Catch for the rope and depart on the other side. Slide through the vine on the right and keep following the path. Examine a piece of water and continue your way. Sleep into the departure to the right and follow the path on the other side. The enemies glowing in blue will explode after you kill them, so be careful. Before moving around the narrow bridge, take the red chest on the left.

Go along the way and kill enemies on the next bridge. When the path is open, take a little right to the ground. There you will see a note. Shoot in the blackberry so that it caught fire. Use your wings over it to rise above. At the next platform, kill two enemies. Pull the lever and very quickly run to the left, and jump onto a wooden platform using a double jump.

Grab your blackberry and drag it to the wooden platform where you arrived (more precisely to the place where it was). Jump right and go back top on the platform. When you turn upstairs, pull the blackberry on the platform and go down with it. Kill enemies and drag the blackberry to the place where you soak on the upstream stream. Stand the blackberry down to enhance the power of the ascending flow.

Jump down and parcel on the stream up until you grab the platform. Stay on it while she goes down. When the platform stops, pick up it and open the door on the wall. You will find a red chest, Phoenix Feather and get an achievement. Get out and use wings to climb to the very top. Come on the door there.

Go along the way and turn right on the fork to find a red chest. Return to the fork and go to the left, there you will find a pedestal. Follow the path and kill all your enemies. Jump and plan on the ledge from below. Jump down the ledge.

--- The Forge ---

Go up the steps and look at the scene. As soon as you get control, go to the right to the save point. Pull the switch is not far to open the gate. Go back and go through the open gate just. Follow the path and use the lever to move the doorway. When the way opens the right, stop the rotation and go there. Kill hellish hounds and take two red chests - the left of them can be easily skipped. Come back and turn the doorway so that it was ahead and can be seen blackberry away. Destroy the blackberry and go along the way.

After the scene, kill all enemies. Jump down and depart on the other side. Follow the way to the right and destroy the blackberry on the door. Open the door after you figure it out with Cerber. Kill all enemies. After the battle, find the note on the left and pass through the door.

--- Palace of hades ---

Left is a save point. A little more to the left, immediately behind it, you will find a red chest and a shimmering point. Go to the right side of the room to find a small passage, at the end of which there will be a moving object. Grab it and drag back at the wheel on the left side of the central room. Use the wheel and substitute the object so that the gate cannot close. Click on the second level and take two white chest before you continue your way through the open gate just.

Kill all the enemies in this area, then climb the platform on the right. Follow the path to the next room. Go to the right and back to find white and red chests. Return back and go along the left. At the end of the room you will find a staircase. Roll over it and look right. There you will find Phoenix Feather. Return back and take two red chests before jumping down. Return to the fork and turn the lever.

Click "R1" after you read the information on the pedestal to pull two stairs. Disagree with the enemies that appeared. Take yourself on the stairs that appears on the left side of the zone and, as soon as you will be upstairs, go to the right to find the lever. Pull it. Go to the right and open the gate there.

Get out and grab the stones that you used earlier to stop the wheel. Move them to the lift on which just descended. Use the lever to go back. Slit stones to the wheel, then jump into the hole with the staircase. Return to the lever and turn it to open the hands of the statue. Return quickly on the left staircase and use the wheel. Slit stones under the wheel to fix it. Return down and turn the lever again to open your hands. This time run to the right staircase and use the wheel to fix the hands of the statue. Return to the pedestal and press "R1".

Hades (AID)

After talking, be prepared to press the desired buttons. For this boss most suits the strike tactics. After it climbs upstairs, Aid jumps up and creates a shock wave. Just jump over it. He will also make broad swords in the horizontal plane. They also need to just jump over. When prompts appear on the screen, press the necessary buttons.

When the flesh is torn off from Aida, quickly attack her so as not to give to return to the boss. After his flesh is killed, AID uses a special attack. Damage will be applied only in darkened zones, but there will always be a small light point. Stay at her and the attack of the enemy will not attend you. Continue to attack it and, after the next queries of pressing certain buttons, kill its moving flesh. This time, he will have another attack. It will fold swords and start shooting them from under the ground. Just run by the arena and the attack you will not attend. He will also call for ghostly cerberians that disappear after one attack for you. After the following clicks appearing on the buttons screen, you will receive Claws of Hades.

Kill the enemies that appeared. When a big enemy appears, defeat it. After that, the river will appear behind the river. Jump into the river and use the "square" in order to dive. Below you will find the Hade "s Helm. Swim downstream. Place on the surface and fight with enemies. Then jump into the water on the other side of the platform. Drink through the tunnel on the other side and pop up to the surface. Pull the lever and go back to the water again. Sleep through Gate, at the end of the tunnel, the scene awaits you.

--- The Forge ---

Go along the way to the right and kill the enemies when you reach the round room. Turn the door so that it opens in the distance, and go through it. Following the path, you will notice the active Hyperion Gate. Go through these gates.

--- The City of Olimpia ---

- Note: When you fight the big golden gate, you can use Claws of Hades and a "L1 + Circle". So you will get a lot of shower and take the level of combo. If you can do this for a long time not killing the enemy, calling dogs, you can get the Hit MAN trophy. This may require some workouts and quite high level Difficulties so that the enemies died not so quickly (titanium or above will be good).

Go along the way and see the scene. Drive to the right and launch through the vine that binds its forearm and hand. Continue further and read the thumb to throw your hand from the edge. Examine the door and kill all the enemies that appeared. After that, go through the door.

Do the way asks the game, and use Garpia for traveling to the next zone. After turning, when you see more Garpius, jump down and take the red chest on the left. Raby again and use Garpius in order to get to the other side. As soon as you are there, wait until Garindes appear again. Using Garpius, get to the ledge on the right and take the red chest, Gorgon Eye and Minotaur Horn. Jump back and go along the way to the save point.

Continue to go until a small scene occurs. Pour the cleft and remove all enemies. Start left, and a centaur will appear. Go left along the platform and use the ballast. After dealing with chimera, use the Ballist and calculate the time to get a shell in Helios, flying in your chariot.

Return down the platform and move through a large gorge using Garpius. After the murder of all enemies, open the gate on the right and look to the left to find a red chest. Kill enemies as you move, and turn left on the fork to choose another red chest. Go across the bridge ahead and climb on the stairs. Follow along the wall until you reach Helios.

As soon as the phalanx is formed, wait for the fear. Attack it and use the proposed button for its saddress. Use its powerful blows to break the phalanx. Once all enemies are defeated, head to Helios. The buttons that must be pressed, and the scene will begin. Using right joystick, you can manage right hand Brief. Your task is to close the light source to advance on. Shoot a couple of times on my head and the next scene will begin. Follow the commands on the screen to get Head of Helios. Use your new "buddy" to view the area to the right and find Helios Shield, and then turn back and read the corner for detecting the chest with Minotaur Horn. Go back and use your head on the wall in the distance. As soon as a sufficient part of the wall opens, it will turn into the door, and you can pass. Start on the dark path.

--- The Path of Eos ---

Follow the wall on the left and find Gorgon Eye. Go along the way to the point of conservation and pedestal, then continue your way. Go through the darkness until the blue field appears. Kill all Garpius, then go to the left and use Helios's head to find another way. Continue to go ahead.

At the end of the corridor, do not climb on the rope. Jump from the rock to find a red chest and Phoenix Feather. Return to the top and grab about the rope. Start on the other side and jump off the rope. Then pick up the rock from above. Follow the path. When you reach the spacious zone, the scene will begin.

Use Garpius to fly the gorge. Cross the bridge and use a double leap to overcome the abyss right to find two red chests. Return and continue to go to the gorge ahead, but do not jump it. Jump down to find a red chest. Get off the vine nearby and fight with a couple of ghosts. If you have problems with them, you can jump over the previous platform and kill them with charged shots from Bow of Apollo. Continue your way. When you get to two chests, use Helios's head to remove the wall on the right and find Gorgon Eye.

Go left and kill enemies on the bridge. At the end of the bridge, turn left and take the Phoenix Feather (you will not see the chest, but the "R1" button will appear on the screen). Go up the platform and go back and left from the chain. Use Helios's head to find a red chest. Go until you stop right and find another red chest. Use the save point later jump and use wings, being over the upstream air flow.

--- The Chain of Balance ---

Fit flying items to your flight. Just move on platforms up. When you reach the platform going right behind the overcoming wall with falling stones, use Helios's head to find a chest containing Phoenix Feather. Continue further and follow the commands on the screen to get out of this location.

--- The Caverns ---

Go to the right bottom corner and use Helios's head to find a chest with Minotaur Horn. Destroy the blackberry shot from Luke. After the scene, use a new hook space in order to get to the raised platform. As soon as you are the top of a new box, you can destroy the blackberry again. Kill the enemies while the box will move. When the minotaur will appear, you must not give them to break the chain.

Jump to the next box to meet with Hermes. Use the hook point nearby to get to the chain. Scream up to the very end.

--- The Flame of Olympus ---

Find the right point to the right. Explore the flame in the center of the zone. Use Helios's head to each of the pedestals to open some drawing and information. Go to the chain, which are opposed to the one for which you came and explore the wall with the head of Helios. So you will find a secret room with three red chests and Gorgon Eye. Go to the save point and follow Hermes.

Go up the stairs after Hermes jump. There you will find two red chests and pedestal. After studying it, come back and parcel on the wings to Hermes. Clash over the wall and go down.

--- The Olympian Citadel ---

There are many places in this zone in which you can instantly die. Just continue to go further. As soon as they land, go through the doorway in the left side of the zone and parity through the next gorge. Jump on the rock above and find yourself in the place where were before. Attack Hermes with light combo attacks until the scene starts. Follow the commands on the screen and get Boots of Hermes. Go to the far end of the room and explore the area behind the head of the statue. There you will find Hermes Coin.

Start up wooden structure to the save point. Cross the walls to get to the red and white chests. When you are outside, find the red chest at the bottom of the screen. Cross the bridge and take another chest. Run up the wooden structure, then through the wall. Use Helios head in the bottom corner to find Phoenix Feather. Rabby on the wall near the statue in the next room.

Get out and climb on the wall. Jump and parcel towards the chest at the right side of the screen. Follow the path and kill all your enemies. Once everything is killed, head left to find a red chest and minotaur horn. Go back and pass through the door that the game will show you.

--- The Flames of Olympus ---

Find the left point to the left. Go to the right and find two red chests. Continue to go right and enter the corridor. Kill everyone and continue to go further. Take the red chest before climbing the stairs. Open the gate ahead.

Go left to find a red chest. Use the air flow is still a little more to find another red chest and Phoenix Feather on both sides of the stream. After all take, head to the right-hand side of the room. Use the upstream and there to get to the red chest. Jump over the other side of the stream, and then to the next platform. Use the levers to rotate the blocks from the bottom. It is necessary to ensure that the sword is complicated correctly, his handle was directed to the left, and the blade tip is right. As soon as you finish with this small puzzle, jump down.

Explore the pedestal for information, then get ready to press the buttons appearing on the screen. If you do everything right, the scene will begin. Try lever. Save if you want and go on new steps.

Grab the lever and pull until you stop. Come through open door And continue your way, passing the enemies. Go down to the steps and use Helios head based on to find a chest containing Gorgon Eye. Before keeping walking along the corridor, save.

--- The Forum ---

Kill the appearing enemies until the Hercules appears.

Hercules (Hercules)

As soon as Hercules appears, continue to kill weak enemies, but we wonder where it is worth it. When he attacks you, quickly press the "circle" to return the opportunity to control the short. Then push it on one of the barbed statues. Make it twice. Then simply use tactics to hit the retreat until it breaks you. Run up and execute commands that appear on the screen.

As soon as you find yourself in the water, dive to find Hercules Shoulder Guard. Select out of the water and go along the way. Kill all enemies, then use Cestus in order to break onyx. Try lever. Use Cestus again, but already in order to break the phalanx. After that, piercing back to the water and go through the underwater tunnel. When you choose from the water, go down the screen to find a red chest and minotaur horn.

--- Poseidon's Chamber ----

Kill all enemies and use the wheel in the upper left side of the screen. Go through the goal on the right and find the save point. Turn to the right and talk to Poseidon "s Lady. Follow the path to the room filled with portals. Here you can not jump into the water. Climb the portal to the right and as soon as you leave on the other side, go left and jump to the cliff. Try the lever.

Jump down and open the two red chests. Do not kill dogs. Grab them using the "circle" and throw it into the portal on the right to lower the platform in front of yourself. As soon as four dogs are thrown onto the platform, pass through it yourself and go to the portal in the distance.

When you return control again, look in the distance and find a letter there and a red chest. Go to the right side of the portal to find thereidon "S Conch Shell and Gorgon Eye. Go back through the portal. Now kill dogs. When the lady falls, you wonder and raise it. Kill the newly appeared dogs and click the button that appears on the screen.

Return through the portal and kill new enemies. At a more difficult level of complexity, they can deliver a lot of problems. The easiest way to make them - go back through the portal and jump on the lever on the left, where the lever is located. From there, they can be easily shot from Luke. In any case, as soon as they deal with them, head through the door and remove the soldiers with shields. Three times, use the button on the prompt next to the lady, then open the gate on the left path. Kill all enemies there and use the wheel. Complete the storage point in just opening the door, the scene will begin.

Explore the place right in front of the statue and will find a note. Look at the left side of the room using Helios's head to find a chest with Phoenix Feather. Follow the path to the left and go out. Check the dead bodies and head the lever from behind.

--- The Upper Gardens ---

Pull the lever while the platform moves, then jump over to the next one. Do it the same and jump on the next platform. Turn the lever twice and jump into the new zone. Open the door, there you will find a save point.


Go up the steps and turn right to find Minotaur Horn in a secluded corner. Go left to find two red chests. Close to bed in the center of the room. Select "Yes" and the mini-game starts, in which you will have to press the buttons appearing on the screen. After that, Aphrodite will open back to Haphaestus. Go to any of the sides of the bed and jump into a small gorge to find a secret cliff. There you will find Aphrodite "S Garter. Return to the top and go through the portal.

Jump down and save the game before walking through just an open passage to the left of the haphaestus "a. Move along the left wall to find Gorgon Eye, then continue to go up.

--- Tartarus ---

Examine the pedestal right in front of you, then go along the way on the right. Choose the Phoenix Feater Rope side of the path before you continue to go further. Kill the enemies that appeared and pick up the red chest on the left. Use stones to climb the rock from above - there you will find a white chest. Go up the steps.

--- Gates of Tisiphone ---

Kill the chimera that will appear. On the right side of the room, find the white chest. Go to the left corner and pull the chain until you stop. Go through a little and push the nearest box. Jump on the second cliff and parity left to find a red chest. Jump down and head to the right chain. Pull it down and push the nearest box to the wall. Now come back to the left and jump on the second ledge to see Garpius. Use it to get to the right blocks. Rear to a pair of blocks, then to the twinkling point on the left. Shoot the block.

Use a double jump to get to the cliff on the left. There you will find another red chest, then go back and use Garpius to move on the other side and get to the platform on the right. Shoot this block, then jump right to find the ledge with the fitted chest and Gorgon Eye. Jump back and head the wall of the blocks. Use the object. On the left of the save point ahead, you will find Phoenix Feather.

--- The Pit of Tartarus ---

Go ahead and shake with the enemies that appeared. Before going to the way to the left, learn the pedestal. Follow the path and use wings to overcome the gorge. Once landed, turn right and find Minotaur Horn. Go along the path and use the "R1" button on the shimmering point, the scene will begin.

Cronos (Kronos)

Use the "Circle" to break out of it capture and charge Head of Helios. When the Kronos takes off his head to you, let out the outbreak and blind it. Follow the prompts and the screen to get to his hand. Enemies will appear - kill them. Then the camera will be removed. Close up through open space.

Attack and break the gigantic "pimple" above you. You will find yourself on Earth again, and you will have to be divided with another bunch of enemies. When the Kronos grabbed the edge, Bates him on the fingers. When you destroy his nail, the game will ask you to press certain buttons.

When the Kronos will raise your hand, you can see the shadow on the ground. Do not get on the shadow, or risk being smeared on the ground with a blow of the giant. While his hand is still on Earth, jump onto his finger and grab. Kill enemies upstairs and charge Head of Helios to blind him again. Follow the tips on the screen.

Rabby over the wall and use the hook point in order to get to the ledge. Kill all the enemies there, then open the door. Use Cestus to break the blue crystal. Before you can do anything else, Kronos grab you. Kill all your enemies and wait until he tries to crush you. Follow the prompts to get rid. Go ahead and kill the enemies that appeared. Follow the appearing prompts.

You will need to quickly run along the way, or die when the Kronos grab you. As soon as you get up, kill enemies and a disgusting monster will appear in front of you. When it is possible, follow the prompts to settle the giant and use it attacks. So you can break the flesh from which he got out.

Follow the prompts again. As soon as you eat, you need to quickly descend down the wall. Follow the prompts again to get out and get Omphalos Stone.

Go to the place where you tried to destroy the crystal. Finish the work done and follow the prompts on the screen. Remove the crystal slice and go to the forehead of the Kronos. After a small chatter, press the buttons appearing on the screen.

When you land, scatter the crystal in front, the scene will begin. Go up and take a new weapon, then follow the prompts. Attack the sparkling object while the camera does not change the angle. Kill the enemies that appeared, then head to the left towards Tartarus and find the Hephaestus Ring. Go to the right and save the game, then run on the wall and pass through the Hyperion Gate to return to Aphrodite.

When you are ready, go down the steps and go through the door. Kill the enemies.

--- The Upper Gardens ---

Pour through the gorge and beat through the post until it turns. You jump further and make the same thing to get access further. Jump over the abyss and enter the door. Follow the passage. There will be a small scene. As soon as you receive management, study the twinkling point on the table to obtain some information.

Go left and examine the open book on the wall. Watch back to the room and find two more books. Check the rear right corner and find another book. Try the roof lever side of the room to raise the platform that holds the ballast. Use it to break the gate. With the rising platform, jump into the portal on the right-hand wall Take the red chest in the place where you appear.

Come back and turn the Ballist so that it shoot left. Shot out of it and climb the rope to find Gorgon Eye. Jump down and use the ballast in order to smash the rope. Turn the ballast to the starting position, sweat will take the wall on the right in order to get into the orange portal. Pull the lever, quickly go back and shoot from the ballists. It releases two chests in which you will find Daedalus Schematics and Phoenix Feather.

Shot again from the ballists and go through the blue portal on the right wall. Jump from the edge and parcel to the rope. Climb down the screen and find four red chests. Jump down and pull the lever in the right bottom of the zone to lower the ballast. Turn it so that it shoots left and shoot. Jump in the blue portal on the right side of the room, then jump from the rock and parity to grasp for the rope. Clear over the other side to take a red chest and minotaur horn. Jump down, go ahead and descend on the rope.

Jump and look at the bottom of the screen another chest and minotaur horn. Go up platform and outwards. There will be a small scene. Follow the path and find a geru. After the scene go to the left. There will be a save point. Continue to go left and find hera "s Chalise. Return to the bridge and enter the labyrinth. Look straight ahead and see the red chest. Go along the left and use Helios's head to find a chest with Phoenix Feather. Go along the way to the right and find two more Return to the Red Chest. Return to the save point and follow the path. Kill the enemies that appeared and go beyond the corner. Right in front of you there will be a red chest, then go a little bit and go on the way to right. Follow the way to a small tunnel and take care of two enemies before What to get out of it.

Turn left as soon as you can implement U-shaped turn to find a red chest. Now go back to the place where you just go left from the green chest. There you wear two red chests. Use Helios's head and find another chest with red spheres. Return to the green chest. Go along the way to the right from it.

Go straight to the goal on the other side of the zone. Use "R1" to lower them. Return back and stand on the twinkling button until the message appears. As soon as the control will return to you, go and jump over the gate, which just fell off. Go left and up steps. Go to the right and open the gate. Go down the stairs and at the bottom of the screen, find the red chest. Go on.

When you get to the gorge, jump and parity left - you will find a chest with Minotaur Horn. Get out and jump to the cliff ahead. Grab the colons and move it left. Turn it so that the steps go to the left and move to the waterfall on the right. Go through the just opened gate, and there will be a scene.

Return to the Cup that you filled with water and shove into the blackberry to the left of it. Move the column to where there was a blackberry. Now get the button to make it green. Water spoles and fill the Cup, a new path will open. Try the column down the platform. Turn it so that the steps go to the right and move to the stop right low part zones. Everyone will become green again. Take the Gear and put it in the cup nearby.

Take the column again and put it off the button that makes everything green. Go further and see the scene. Go further and use Garpius in order to overcome the gorge. Turn the knob on the other side and below the save point, find the red chest.

Kill scorpions as you move further. Turn left when the zone will be slightly spacious and find a chest with red spheres. Continue to walk along the way and use a gigantic wheel. Go further along the way until you find the green chest on the right. Examine the earth on the left and find a note. Jump over the gorge.

--- The Caverns ---

After squating, go to the left to find two chests with Minotaur Horn and red spheres. Go to the right and jump on the left cliff. Examine the left side of the area and find a note, then use the save point on the right. Use Helios head on the wall to open the passage.

Follow the path. Turn left immediately after it is changed, and you will find a red chest. In the same place on the floor, find a note. Go to the right and find another red chest. Jump right and parity to get to the chest with red spheres. Go left until you stop and pull the lever to raise the water level. As soon as the water stops coming, jumping onto the platform and take the red chest.

Go back and right to find a wall on which you can climb. Go up and move along the way. Pull the lever at the end of the way to climb upstairs. Follow the route to the end. There you will find a magic chest and a note on Earth. Go to the right and jump on the network on the wall. Close up and kill all enemies. Go to the right and jump over the gorge. Continue to go right and find two red chests and a chest with red spheres. Go back and run on the wall with footprints. Open the door to enter the cave.

Continue to go ahead and kill scorpions. Check out the gorge and open the next door. Direct inside and keep the right side to find a red chest. Go to the left and read the pedestal. Go to the left and jump on the next platform. Paris to a giant box nearby.

After getting rid of kids, a giant scorpion attacks you. Follow the tips on the screen to free yourself and use the Cestus to break the onyx on his body. Use Hermes Boots to reduce the distance so much so that you can hit onyx. As soon as it is enough for a sufficient number of legs, the giant will fall and a bunch of small appears. Take the opportunity to give a giant on Roger. After some time, a hint appears - follow the instructions. The giant will run and call another bunch of babies. Then he will return, and will attack from the ledge, then go upstairs. Use this time to break your legs. Make it before it leaves the screen.

As soon as you do away with all his legs, the giant will fall again. Bates it until the hint appears. After you perform commands and see the scene, use Cestus to break the crystallized body. Go to the top right of the screen and break the tail to find Boreas IceStorm. Go to the red box in the center and click "R1" to use Boreas IceStorm. Use the upward flow to go upstairs.

Go ahead and use "R1" on a red thing. After the scene, jump through the gorge below and use Helios's head to find a chest with red spheres. Return back and follow the end of the way. Use the hook points to move on the other side. Click "R1", being on a red thing in the left side of the zone to rose the box.

After winning the victory over all enemies, use the hook points to get to the next platoon. Jump on the left ledge and use the save point before entering inside. Go to the back left part of the room and click "R1" and a red thing to lower the gate. Use Hermes Boots to the wall.

Follow the path and take a note note. Go to the end and there will be a small scene. Go to the right as soon as you get control over short. There you will find two red chests and a chest with red spheres. Go back jump on the rope. Surride on the platform. Use the hook points to cross the following cleft and use a red one from above. After the scene, go through the open door.

--- The Labyrinth ---

Immediately turn left and use Helios's head to find a red chest. Right you will find a save point. Next, go to the left back of the room and use a red thing on the ground. As soon as be at the bottom, defeat all enemies. The gate will open. Go to the next room. Use Helios's head on the left wall for finding a chest with red spheres. Go to the right and use a red one.

Go to the bottom right side of the room to find a red chest and a chest with red spheres. Be careful - the fire will kill you from one hit. When the fire disappears on the left side, grab the grille and climb up. Upstairs pull the lever. Jump and pass through the door open.

Go to the right, you will find a red chest. Then jump down and move the object down relative to the screen before using the red one on the floor. Then move the object in the distance and press the red one. Move the object on the round button and the gate will open. Stew over the wall and leave the room.

Jump forward. Use a big red thing ahead. Avoid spikes, as they kill you from one hit. After the fourth set of spikes drops, quickly grab the Garpius, as the spikes are on the entire zone. Wait for the Garpia, while the room does not turn, then quickly run into the front door. There you will find a save point.

Jump over the gorge and use Cestus to break the onyx that block the gate. See the scene. Use Helios's head after raising the next gate to find a chest with red spheres. Go further with Pandora. After you kill all your enemies, take the lever on the wall and pull it back so that Pandora uses the button and you could go further. Use a red one. Quickly depart on the other side, until the Pandora cut into pieces.

Use Helios's head at the leftmost end to find her one red chest. Lift Pandora and use it to open the gate to the staircase in the distance. Rear to the stairs and run into the next room. Use Helios's head in the far right side of the room to find the chest with red spheres. Go left and pull out the wall to get along it. Continue to move up and right and use a red one.

Quickly cover towards yourself and around the edge of the platform. Continue to move up and right. Pull the lever at the top of the Pandora drawer to throw out the open red. Use it. Jump down and break the glass to take Pandora. Follow it and use the save point. See the scene.

After the battle, read the note on the ground in the middle. Use Helios's head on the left side of the zone to detect a red chest. Check also the right side to find a chest with red spheres. Use the lever so that Pandora can climb into the cage, then jump on the procee on top and become a shimmering point. Racing the platform. Follow the Pandora and find the save point, then continue your way and the scene will begin.

Kill all enemies, then become a button to rose chains. Look at the alcove on the right and use Helios's head a little left of him to find the chest. Go to the portal. Examine the pedestal on the right. Start left and scatter onyx on the back of the statue head. Go to the right and, in front of the precipice itself, use Helios's head to find another chest with red spheres. Drummage the gorge and scatter onyx on the back of another statue, then continue your way right. Go through the tunnel Turn right immediately how to exit you, you will find the portal. Log in to it and pull the lever to open the gate. Take a piece of paper on Earth, then go back through the portal.

Look to the left of the tunnel and use Helios's head to find another chest containing red spheres. Head across the bridge and climb right. Go down and destroy Onyx. Return back and parley through the gorge. Go back and pass through the portal in front of the tunnel. Scatter chains and see the scene.

Go to the other side to the second chain and go into the room, which we have previously discovered by using Helios's head. Use Cestus to get two more red chests. Go up the stairs and use the lever to raise the labyrinth. See the scene.

Zues (Zeus)

When you are on the cliff, fight Zeus until you see the request to click "Circle". Continue to attack until the next hint appears. Press the desired button and the scene will start.

After that, go along the way to the save point and pass through the door. Paris to Zeus and watch the scene. This time use the technique of hit-retreat. You can parry his lightning discharges. When he jumps into the air, quickly go back. After damage will apply it enough, the scene will begin.

When you find yourself in Guy, go along the way just like at the beginning of the game. Use Cestus to break onyx around the heart of the guy. Use the bow to burn the blackberry, then attack the heart itself. After a while, Zeus will attack. Bear also, as it was before the guy's intervention. To obtain the spheres of life during the battle, you can attack the heart of the guy. When you apply enough damage, prompts will appear on the screen. Follow the instructions and watch the video.

As soon as you receive management, go along the way and pick a sword. See the scene. Come in the darkness. Follow the bloody track when you get to him. Continue the path and see the scenes. As soon as you choose out, there will be a small game of first person. See scenes.

Congratulations, you passed God of War III!

Items of the Gods

The game has several bonus items, scattered on all locations. After their stay, you will be able to use them during bonus passages (after you go through the first time to the right). By the way, the inclusion of any of the bonus items will turn off all cheat codes.

Subject: Hades "Helm

What gives: Maximum scale of health, magic and objects

Where to find: After killing Aida and jumping into the river Stetens, swim down and right (against the flow). At the bottom of the river, you can find this helmet.

Subject: Helios "Shield

What gives: Combo rolls three times faster

Where to find: is right from the place where you killed Helios.

Subject: hera "s chalice

What gives: slowly depletes health

Where to find: It is located on the left of the place where Hera falls in the Garden

Subject: Hermes "Coin

What gives: 10x red spheres

Where to find: located behind the cobblestone during the chase for Hermes

Subject: Poseidon "S Conch Shell

What gives: Unlimited magic

Where to find: Located in the room where you exempt the princess Poseidon

Subject: Zeus "Eagle

What gives: Unlimited stock of fury Sparta

Where to find: Roll into the wall to the right of the heart of Guy. The subject is on Earth, do not notice hard.


Tests can be started through the main menu by selecting the "Features" section after you go through the game.

Challenge 01 - Population Control -

Time: 00:01:40

Task: Do not allow the Arena to be more than 50 enemies. Kill until too much appeared.

In this test you can use only Nemean Cestus weapon. Look for groups of enemies and use the "R1 + Square" attack. This attack is beneficial for two reasons: only two such impacts need to murder and you can just throw out enemies from the edge. In addition, this blow beats not one enemy, but at once all that are near you. Just run around the zone and the bare group more, until time is over.

Challenge 02 - Bare Hands -

Time: 00:01:15

Task: Kill all enemies for allotted time without using weapons.

This time you will not be allowed to use weapons and magic. Grab smaller enemies and run with them on the field using how the shield. Try to aim at the larger enemies, and shoot down from the arena (you can throw them off until they are stunned from the previous collision). Be careful, being near the edge, as the enemies can also throw you off. Do not use special attacks to kill big enemies, as they take too much time.

Challenge 03 - Get Stoned -

Task: Let Gores turn you into a stone 10 times and do not die.

Note: You can get the gorgon to use your stone breathing, if you try to grab them. You can also properly press the buttons during the murder, reflecting the beam. In this way, you can control the place where the hero will turn into a stone.

In this task you need to do so that you are turned into a stone 10 times and at the same time stay alive. If you need to replenish your health, simply take zombies using the "circle", and beat it to death. Try to make it so that you are turned into a stone in the zone where the least enemies will be ready to immediately twist the joysticks. While you will wait for the shot of the ruggon ray, you can engage in the destruction of smaller enemies. As soon as you are turned into a stone twice, Garpians will appear (the most annoying enemies). Since you will use the blades of athena, you will not be able to kill them from afar. You will have Boots of Hermes, so try to quickly leave them. Try less jump. For killing Garpi, use the attack "L1 + circle". After you turn into a stone four times, satires and more Gorgon will appear, complicating the task even more. At this time, it is better to run up the enemies and wait for the attack beam in the terrain safe. When the enemies begin to eat a lot, use Golden Fleec to parry the attack beam and turn all enemies into stones. Quickly kill the most annoying and continue the test. After the seventh petition, two ribbons will appear. Try to use tips for petition in the moment you need. Maps are very closely behind the level of health, as the attacks of enemies are very strong. The key in this test is learning how to make the Gorgon turn you into a stone at the right moment and quickly break out of this state.

Challenge 04 - El Matador - Ole -

Task: Do not allow the minotaurms to make you. It will not allow enemies to fill you.

In this test, you can easily get rid of minotaurs, if you are very close to the paradise of the arena and use a double jump when it runs at you. You also have access to the Rage of Sparta on the test, so it will be reasonable to use it on the fourth fifth waves.

Challenge 05 - Knockout -

Time: 00:01:00

Task: Earn 1000 points, throwing out enemies from the arena. Hourly \u003d 15 points, minotavr \u003d 30 points, ghost \u003d 60 points.

This time you will have only swords. Attack the ribbed and manage it to throw out enemies (use the "Square" button).


Time: 00:01:30

Task: They do not die, they breed. Get the appearance of five cyclops.

Near the cyclop and constantly use Tartarus Rage to knock it down from the legs. As soon as he dies, two more will appear. Use the "square, square, triangle" to quickly stun them and kill. As soon as you kill one, two more appear. The goal is to simultaneously be at the same time five cyclops.

Challenge 07 - Simply Smashing -

Time: 00:00:20

Task: Destroy all urns before time is over.

You will have the Blades of Athena and Boots of Hermes on this test. It is critically important to succeed to use lightly single attacks, and not combo to destroy urn.

Implementation of all tests will give access to the combat arena (Combat Arena) on which you can customize the battle and have fun.

S \u003d square

T \u003d Triangle

X \u003d Cross

Blades of exile -

Level 1:

Cost \u003d 0.

Plume of Prometheus.

Olympic Fury.

Olympic Ascension [delay T]

Hyperion RAM.

Hyperion RAM (in the air)

Argo "S Return

Army of Sparta (on Earth or in the Air)

Level 2:

Cost \u003d 4000.

Raising damage

Cyclone of Chaos.

Cyclone of Chaos (in the air)

Argo "s RAM [PARING (L1) and press s]

Level 3:

Cost \u003d 7000.

Raising damage

Spirit of Hercules

Valor of Hercules.

Hyperion Fury.

Athena "S Wrath [Right Joystick, T]

Army of Sparta LV. 2 (on earth or in the air)

Level 4:

Cost \u003d 8000.

Raising damage

Argo "s rise [parry (L1) and press t]

Cyclone of Chaos LV. 2.

Tartarus Rage

Tartarus Rage (in the air)

Level 5:

Cost \u003d 10000.

Raising damage

Tartarus Rage LV. 2.

Tartarus Rage LV. 2 (in the air)

Army of Sparta LV. 3 (on earth and in the air)

You need to spend everything - 29000

Bow of Apollo -

Level 1:

Cost \u003d 0.

Flame Burst.

Flame Burst (in the air)

Fiery Inferno.

Level 2:

Cost \u003d 2500.

Raising damage

You need to spend everything - 2500

Claws of hades -

Level 1:

Cost \u003d 0.

Hades Agony

Hades Curse.

Hades Ascension [delay T]

Soul Rip.

Soul Rip (in the air)

Soul Summon (in the air or on Earth)

Adds souls: Cerberus Mongrel

Adds Soul: Olympus Sentry

Adds Souls: Olympus Archer

Level 2:

Cost \u003d 3000.

Raising damage

Tormenting Lash

Tormenting Lash (in the air)

Level 3:

Cost \u003d 5000.

Raising damage

Hades Bane [Right Joystick, T]

SOUL SUMMON LV. 2 (on Earth and in the air)

Adds Soul: Chimera

Adds Soul: Gorgon Serpent

Adds Soul: Olympus Fiend

Level 4:

Cost \u003d 6000.

Raising damage

Unending sorrow

Unending Sorrow (in the air)

Level 5:

Cost \u003d 9000.

Raising damage

SOUL SUMMON LV. 3 (on earth and in the air)

Adds Soul: Cyclops Berserker

Adds Souls: Centaur General

Adds Soul: Siren Seductress

You need to spend everything - 23000

Head of Helios -

Level 1:

Cost \u003d 0.

Solar Beam

Solar Flash.

Solar Flare.

Level 2:

Cost \u003d 2500.

Raising damage

You need to spend everything - 2500

Boots of Hermes -

Level 1:

Cost \u003d 0.

Hermes Dash (in the air) [Right Joystick]

Hermes Rush.

Level 2:

Cost \u003d 2500.

Raising damage

Hermes Jest

You need to spend everything - 2500


Level 1:

Cost \u003d 0.


EryMancy Rage

Augean Stampede [detain s]

Augean Stampede (in the air) [delay s]

Brutal Ascension [delay T]

Ferocious Bite.

Ferocious Bite (in the air)

NEMEAN ROAR (on Earth or in the air)

Level 2:

Cost \u003d 3000.

Raising damage

Vicious Maul.

Vicious Maul (in the air)

Level 3:

Cost \u003d 5000.

Raising damage

Savage Charge (Evasion) [Right Joystick, T]

NEMEAN ROAR LV. 2 (on earth or in the air)

Level 4:

Cost \u003d 5000.

Raising damage

Crushing Strike.

Crushing Strike (in the air)

Level 5:

Cost \u003d 8000.

Raising damage

NEMEAN ROAR LV. 3 (on earth or in the air)

You need to spend everything - 21000

Nemesis WHIP -

Level 1:

Cost \u003d 0.

Furious Contempt.

Harsh Penance.


RIGHTEUS Ascension [delay T]

Surging Lash

SURGING LASH (in the air)

Nemesis Rage (on Earth or in the Air)

Level 2:

Cost \u003d 3000.

Raising damage

Severe Judgement


Increased Righteous Tirade Duration [delay s]

Increased Righteous Ascension Duration [delay T]

Level 3:

Literally a few days ago, an incredible event occurred in the gamers! SCE Santa Monica Studio released the next part of the brutal game God of War. The game, as always, keeps the exclusivity bar for the console from Sony. If the previous games of the God of War series were representatives of the Hack and Slash genre, the new part of the franchise is more like an Action-Adventure. And what could we still expect? In this game, it can be seen how much at SCE SMS influenced the experience of Naughty Dog, because all its largest tighteners, such as Uncharted and Tlou, have long consolidated the status of leaders in this genre. And on April 20, 2018, the new God of War is coming out, which was instantly recognized by the game of the year by many critics and playing publications.

The new God of War boasts a huge, and most importantly, a thoughtful RPG system. Local locations in this game make a lot of useful and interesting. However, some of them are thrown by Challenge players, and it becomes quite difficult to go through. Apparently, there are bold guys in SCE SMS, and even in the era of the maximum "arcadization" of the games they were not afraid to add a huge number of complex moments to the game. It is about how to successfully overcome some obstacles in the new God of War will be speaking in this guide.

How to get to the top of the Tower of the World Curly

The Sullheim Tower is one of the locations in the GOD OF WAR game. It is located in the south of Lake Nine, which is in Midgard. How to climb the Tower of Sullheim, it is almost impossible to understand the first time. In order to achieve it, you will have to find a workaround.

How nevertheless get to the tower of the world Sullheim in God of War

The first step in the conquest of this tower will be an arrival to the document of the observation tower, which is located in the southern part of the lake nine. But remember: water should achieve a certain level so that you successfully get to the dock.

After you were on land, start climbing the rock to the left of the brief. You will need to damage the rotating mechanism on the left side of the cliff: this action is necessary in order to deactivate the spikes blocking the path to the main character. Once you find yourself on top, interact with the mechanism again for the same goals as early. Pour over the abyss and start climbing the rock. If you want to collect a little plot, then the nearest platform is a chest with runes. However, we must continue to continue moving up the rock.

Having reached the next platform, you must detect a tensioned rope leading down. Go down the rope - and ultimately you will find yourself on the beach where you will meet several opponents. Early them, you will notice near the Sanctuary of Yatunov. Pour again through the abyss and climb the stairs straight to the door of the Tower of the world of Sullheim.

Again, for lovers, he can be captured and pumping their character - a chest can be found next to the door. Next, you will find a few firewall, the traveler with whom will have to fight, as well as the descent leading to the docks and mystical gates.

The path you did allow you to climb the top of the Tower of Sullheim. Maybe there are also shorter paths, but the game is new and not everything is fed.

How to get a fierce hell of Sullheim and pump the weapon to the maximum level

From pumping weapons and armor in God of War can be something rpscheny. The player is given the opportunity to pump out armor and all sorts of bulls or improve their weapons. In general, in most cases, pumping weapons in God of War is directly related to the passage of the story campaign and the murder of bosses. If you have not had time to play the new part of God of War and normally treat spoilers, then this paragraph is made specifically for you. Now I will explain how you can find materials for pumping weapons and improve it.

How to pump the leviafan ax to the maximum level

Frozen flame is the main element of pumping your leviafan ax in God of War. You can get it, killing bosses and passing the story campaign. However, a little frozen flame you can "raise", killing lack of places by type of any trolls and other beings.

Having received a slightly frozen flame, you can go to the forge, where the blacksmith is kindly contrganizing your ax. Of course, like everywhere, the upgrades in God of War affect the characteristics of weapons in the game, such as speed, power, etc. The last level of the axes will require a special material from the player: here one frozen flame is not separated. In order to apgele the leviafan ax to the maximum level, you will need to find the cooling fog of niflheim. As soon as you pass the game and find the last ingredient for upgrades, you must purchase a frozen flame near the blacksmith. After that, you can get your maximally removal of the leviafan ax.

How to get cooling fog niflheim

As always, the answer lies on the surface. In the niflheim itself, that there is something to think. But the process of receiving these cherished fogs itself is not as simple as I would like. As soon as you get to Noflheim, you need to open a workshop of Ivali. To do this, you will need to fulfill all the quests of the character of Sindri.

After the completion of the tasks of Sindri, you will be given a unique play currency - a misty echo. This currency will need to open all the gold chests around the workshop of Ivalidi. In the last gold chest and the cooled fogs of niflheim.

How to pump the chaos blade to the maximum level

If the Leviafan ax is improving due to a frozen flame, then for the upgrade Khaos blades need a flame of chaos, forgive me for tautology. To improve the chaos blade to the maximum level, you will not need to look for additional ingredients, as was the case with the leviafan ax.

After pumping your weapon and finish the storyline, you must find a fierce hell of Sullheim, which will open a lot of interesting items from the blacksmith.

How and where to get a fierce hell of Sullheim

By the name it is easy to guess that fierce hell is in the fiery world, in Sullheim. This location is one big test. The passage of all quests on this location will open a short way to battle with one of the most difficult bosses - Hondu. Look this delightful battle with Gondul from the second half of the video:

By completing this quest and killing Hondules, you will get a furious hell of Sullheim. If you are "on Skeil" and pass everything and all on the hardcore level of complexity, then my advice to you: Dilt it and save yourself a little nerve. Against enemies using fiery attacks, I recommend that you use opposite - frosty.

Where and how to get hacksilver for aps and craft

Hacksilver is one of the most important currencies in God of War. It allows not only to buy upgrades for old armor, but also create a new one. It is quite difficult to bypass in this game the problem of lack of resources that can be sold to the blacksmith.

How easy to Nafarmit Hacksilver in God of War

You can get HACKSILVER (HS) is very easy, you just need to kill enemies from you, look for chests with a mud, but what you get for such actions in the end, barely enough for modernization even ineffective armor. If you have composite materials for crafting, then with a probability of one hundred percent you sooner or later feel the lack of Hacksilver.

It is not bad to earn this currency, selling everything and everything in this game. If you found some weak according to the characteristics of the armor - sell it and do not even think about to leave it in my collection! It is advantageous to replace unnecessary armor at the blacksmith, who will gladly give you a little HS or ingredients for the upgrade.

Check all the places where there may be at least some Lout, and killing enemies, do not regret your time to choose everything that fell from them. If you look at local beauty, you can miss a lot of interesting things, so try to sometimes look at the floor in search of a lute. The artifacts are in every world, of course, to farm them will not work with hundreds, as their number is limited to the game itself. But, having gathered several artifacts, you can sell them quite profitably by their blacksmith.

The most expensive artifacts can be sold for a thousand HS. The sale of artifacts does not affect the gameplay of the game, but it is worth considering that their number in certain regions is limited.

Developers thought the refund system sold goods. Well, as a refund ... If you accidentally sold the fork of the Blacksmith, it can be returned back at the same price.

All locations to search for bloody horns (improvement of the rage scale)

Scale of rage at the beginning of the passage of God of War is meager, but it can be pumped in the same way as the health scale. There are 9 bloody horns in the game that will help you so "raise" your scale of rage. After complete pumping rage, you can tear and throw enemies for a long time. The situation with bloody horns is exactly the same as with the Idunn apples. To open the chest in which these theirs are lying, you will need to destroy all the runes protecting it.

Here is a list of those places where you can find a bloody horn:

  • Crossing
  • Weteurgard
  • Foothuries
  • Alfhaim
  • Alfhaem Lake Lake
  • Fafnir Storage
  • Witch Cave
  • Rocks crow

How to get a lot of xp, pump the leviafan ax and learn skills

In the new part of the GOD of War, the pumping system was completely "reprocess", which accompanied the game for seven previous parts. Now in order to earn experience points, you need to carry out certain conditions for missions, thanks to the passage of which it will be able to raise the level of pumping its ax. Another interesting features of the game is scolding skills of brief with the help of experience points. In this paragraph we will analyze how you can earn so necessary for playing experiences experience.

The easiest way to get XP in God of War is the murder of everything that moves. Only here is the problem in the fact that in this way to improve briefs will have long and painfully. Most interesting way Receiving experience is the passage of the story campaign - at all of its length you raise out so experience, I tell you. It can be spent both on the upgrade of the most brief and to improve his son atreus.

A little bit about pumping the leviafan and armor

Pumping the Leviafana ax will improve your statistics in the game. Another way to simplify the game, pumping briefs, are upgrades of already existing armor or creating a new one that will require the HACKSILVER currency. A little higher, I described in detail how you can earn this currency.

To pump the main weapon of the brief - the Leviafan ax, you will need to take possession of certain resources. You can pump your weapon from Kuznetsov, whom a pond of a pride in the whole game.

How to find new skills in God of War

Pumping various skills in God of War is not an occupation from the lungs, as for this you need experience points. A simple method of Pharmaceutical Points of experience in this game is not yet detected. But it makes sense to learn all the skills in a row in God of War. To begin with, you must improve your Leviafan ax, after which it is worth paying attention to only those skills that will match the style of your game. First of all, you need to master skills associated with the level of brief health and with the ability to reflect the enemy attacks.

Skilles that you pump up directly affect the gameplay of the game. One of the most interesting branches of skills, as for me, is associated with the skills of the Son of Brief. Throughout the passage, more and more skills for development will be available in the game.

How to defeat a stranger in God of War (boss-fire)

A stranger - the first boss, with whom you have to meet a brief. The first boss manits the fact that all the possibilities of this game should appear in the battle. In the new God of War several levels of difficulty, but most players are suitable such as "ordinary" and "high". Let's look in detail how much it is still to divide with this bold boss.

The boss file with a stranger consists of several parts. The first part is a fight on fists, where the game will not allow you to use the Leviafan ax. So you have to rely on your own hands and a sure shield of brief. The first and second phase of combat will mainly consist of steaming of shocks and subsequent counterattacks, so that when developing battle tactics, this feature should be taken into account.

The third, final, part of the fight will be more difficult than the first two. At the final stage, the stranger will attack lightning speed! But again, parry his attacks, and soon he will take his dust. To achieve the maximum effect from your attacks, after parry, spend a heavy blow, and then seek a stranger with a combination of shocks.

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In general, the boss is not so complicated. But it is precisely thanks to him that it will be about to occur in the following boss foams. If you manage to get stuck on this boss, then reduce the complexity of the game to a minimum.

How to unlock speed moving mode

God of War is not quite a game in the open world. But during the passage of the plot mode, you can return to those points that have already been denied by a short one. There are two ways to perform this action - "pawnies" according to the standard and in rapid movement mode. As for me, the second way is much easier.

God of War in terms of the study of the world is very similar to the games of the Saganra Action-Adventure - Metriculia. Unfortunately, the subway metriculus is not very popular among the wide range of gamers, so I will compare the world research in God of War with the study of the world in the restart of the Tomb Raider series. Like there, in the new God of War there are closed locations, access to which is not possible to obtain up to a certain step. God of War provides the ability to return to the first locations in the game and start the study of the world on a new, but already with a pumped shorter, which will be given to any closed area.

How to open speed travel mode

Initially, this mode in the game is closed. But it will be unlocked automatically as soon as you meet the second time with the blacksmith brock. During the second meeting, the BROK will tell about the function of rapid movement, which is available through mystical gates.

For the first time you will meet this feature in the Temple Temple, but as you can move on the plot, you can open more mystical gates and move between different worlds in God of War.

To use the rapid movement, you must activate mystical gates and enter them. After that, you can choose a destination in which you must have a mystical gate. The game will show how brighter travels on some strange world, in which any extra movement can lead to his death.

How to complete the quest "Prove your valor" and find all the helmets Valkyrie

The game has additional boss-fighters, which in most cases do not affect the plot of the game, but, winning them, you can choose an excellent lout. You can completely pump the brief weapon closer to the end of the game or speed up this process slightly, winning the Queen Walkiry.

Collapse of the quest "Prove your valor" and receiving Walkiry's helmets

In general, the account, in God of War there are 8 bosses of Valkyrie, which you must kill. It is best to start fighting them after completing the main scene line. As soon as you go through the storyline, Valkyrie will be marked on the game map. This feature was added by the developers in order for the player to be easier to detect these bosses, not spending their time on their search.

If you want to find and destroy Valkyrie before the end of a single campaign, then below it is special for you will leave the list, in what places they can be detected:

  • Crossing
  • Foothuries
  • Tamura body
  • Alfheim
  • Helheim
  • Sullheim
  • Niflheim

Fight with valkyriy initial stages Games are almost impossible. Finding the battle with them is at least after receiving the Khaos blade. Spartan rage to help you. If you do not pump together, I advise you to focus on pumping health and rage scrolling. It is extremely important to find powerful armor and most effective accessories. To defeat Valkyrius, you must learn to combine both light and fast and heavy runic attacks that will help you save the enemy from most of his hitpoints.

If at some point you get stuck on the passage of one of the bosses, you can simply switch the level of complexity and go through this stage of the game without any problems. After the murder of all Valkyrie, you will get their helmets that should be taken to a special location called "Supreme Council". All eight helmets will be hung on chairs opposite each stone pillar. After that, the battle with the Queen Valkyrie will be available.

To get to the Supreme Council, you need to twist the lake of nine and arrive at the docking station called Chanel Mason. Go to the north, west of the giant boats and get to the cave. Find her and take up her, there at the very top you will find giant wooden gates. Place behind these doors and will turn out to be the highest advice of Valkarium.

Opinion about GOD OF WAR (2018)

Based on the statements of the leaders of opinions on YouTube and various gaming publications, it seems that God of War will be the game of the year and the popular loved one. And this is true! Gameplay, plot, graphics and atmosphere in this game are worked as if the game did not geimdeveloper, but highly qualified jewelers. I hope that the guide described by me is useful to you when passing God of War (2018).


In the new god of war other than the main scene missions There are side quests called requests. You do not have to pass them, but for their implementation are quite good awards. In addition, some of them even deeper reveal the history of the gaming world, so we still do not recommend you to ignore them.

However, some tasks do not give clear indications of the location of quest items or solving puzzles, so we decided to publish detailed passage All requests that can be divided into several categories.

Requests of non-adhesive spirits

Falling hammer.

This is an initial side quest, which we can perform already at the 3rd level. We speak with the world snake for the first time, and then sail to the stone waterfall. We moor, knock the suspended bridge on the right and talk with the spirit of the vestrorer. He will ask us to help him in ignorance to God, whose actions led to his mother's death.

Of course, God himself can not imagine himself, but it is capable of hunted his handful by destroying the Statue of the thumbs up, located on the island near Weaitgard. Its then we will have to shake a little. Use the wheelchair and reveal the gates. Again in a boat and go to the frets of Wresturgard.

On the road to the beds of Brock, we find a chest near the lifting. We climb up and inspect the legendary label on the right side of the Gnome Workshop. We can first talk to him or immediately go to the narrow passage where we will have to face wolves and dragrom.

Crashing with the opponents, we obscure the two chests nearby and pass on the rally on the open space. We destroy monsters, study a new label and note. Raise the barrier and get to the pier. We bring up the boat with your weapon and push it to the lake. We float towards the second pier, but we do not swim to it, but turn to the left and go straight to the statue of God.

In the cave next to the monument, we discover the glowing chest. It will be protected by two Drahgra. We are growing up with them, look upstairs and see the crowd of the same. It is possible to clamp a statue by hitting an ax on its multiple points: elbow, cloak, snake, shin and calamity. The construction will fall, and we will be able to explore the graves next to its lower part in which there are valuable things.

We go back to the spirit and tell him about success. As a result, we earn 1880 experience points, the handle of Tangost, the drawing of the lost gloves of the Tyura and the pronunciation of Tura.

Time heals

Start this quest is after receiving at least 4 levels. When passing the mission "Family case" and the battle on the ghost ship, we can find a note with the recognition of the son of the robber. To do this, we jump from the sea vessel located in the North Territory, on the platform in the north and deal with the couple of enemies. Then jump on the other side of the dungeon. We raise the grille and find a scroll.

Next, we return to the storage of Fafnir and inform the spirit of the thoroughbred about our recent find. On the way to the ghost, several monsters may attack. After the story we will get 3925 points of experience and spells called "Tyura Shark".

Unknown case

We can start this quest immediately after the first conversation with the world snake, that is, on the 2nd or 3rd level. He implies the liberation of 4 spirits by ignitioning several roasarians, which are located in various islands on the lake of nine. After the ignition of the fire, several opponents will attack on us. In the end, we will need to just talk to the Spirit in order to free it from endless torments.

Brazier are in the following places:

  • The island of death, located west of the Temple of Tyura. We climb the highest point of this island and find the desired object there.
  • The iron bay, which is southwest from the Tyura Temple. The object you need is located not far from the berth, provided that we have reached a second outflow of water.
  • Rocks of the crow, located southeast of the temple. Brazier can be found near the dead body of the Troll. Forgotten caves that are northwest from the temple. The desired object is again located not far from the pier (if the sampling has already been, it will appear in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe level).

With the first release, in any case, we obtain a handle of a skillful warrior, and at the following - a deficiencies. In addition, we earn 1880 points of experience.

Anatomy of Hope

This task is to be performed at least at the 4th level. When the second outflow of water happens, we will get a new quest called "Magic Cutter" in which we will need to go through the Mason Channel.

We approach next to the locked gate, but do not go to the mechanism with the wheel, and instead first talk with ghost. He will ask us to find and collect all the remains of Gulweig. We are talking About 3 parts of the body.

We go to the Alpharmal Tower located on the left side of the outlet of the Mason Channel. Then destroy the explosive crystals using shock arrows. We click on the vertical surface and get to the platform. The brush lies on the right side of the crow of the same.

Now we go to the forgotten caves that are northwest from the Tyura Temple. We pass next to the Spirit of the merchant and enter the dungeon. Here we will find the chest and mystical gate. We move forward, we understand with wolves and climb the cliff to the top platform. Turn to the right and climb on the ledge. We jump over the abyss, and detect the shards in front.

Next, we go to the ruins of the ancients, located north of the previous location and the north-west of the Temple of Tyura. We approach the new coast, jump over the obstacle and face the soul eater. If you do not attack him first, then he does not attack us. We start to go counterclockwise by the arena, and finding out another brush lying behind the cliff.

Having found all the necessary items, return to the ghost located on the channel of the Mason. We give him knuckles and see how dangerous Velva resurrect. Killing Gulweig and take your award: 1880 experience points, pronunciation of Tura and drawing of the loophole reservation.

Dead freight

Upon reaching at least 4-level levels, we go to the forgotten caves and discover the spirit of the merchant near the entrance to this location, which will give us this task. He will ask to find and free his subordinates who have turned into a wanderer. They are southwest from the Tyura Temple:

  • First we go to the Niflhaim Tower. Swimming to it, we use the elevator and climb the top platform. We throw off the three skewers from the cliff or simply kill them.
  • The next Trinity is waiting for us in the Iron Bay right on the coast. In addition to them, there can also be faced with dangerous werewolves, so we act carefully.
  • The third group is on the island of death. In the event that we sail here immediately after the second outflow of water, then the first thing we will have to kill Velv couple. The opponents we need are in the arena located in the southwestern part of the island.

By destroying all 3 groups of Skaltsev, go back to the ghost and get from it as a reward to the bridge, the drawing of the Tyura krai and 1880 experience points. In addition, for the fulfillment of all requests of the spirits, we will be able to open an achievement called "an unfinished case".

Requests of Dragons

In certain locations, you will see calanted in the circuit of firewood reptiles. You can find 3 captured dragons. The release of each of them can be considered a separate quest (request), for the execution of which a good reward is issued.

We told about where and how to find dragons in a separate manual. For the passage of these requests, you will open the achievement "Dangerous Sky".

Requests of the gnomes


This quest becomes available after passing the mission "Light Alvhaima". It is recommended to perform it from the 2nd or 3rd level. BROK will ask us to go to the Wedunder mines and find the alchemist there, whose name is Andvari. The berth you need is located southeast of the Tyura Temple, to the right of the Raven cliffs (if you look at the map). Steering to the desired coast, heading to the gorges in the rocks.

We pass on the other side and detect the chest there and the label. We examine the detected items, the moon through the tunnel with low ceilings And we encounter Brock, which will give us the entrance stone. Open the gates and smash the red jug to get valuable things.

We pass by the soul eater (he does not attack us, if we are first not attacking it), we divide the wooden fence on the right side of the place where you can go down to the arena, and dig a treasure from the ground. Jump down, we understand with several monsters and go after the stone mind.

Getting into a new room, faced with venels. Kill it and go to the lower tier of the cave. We raise the gate and look at the cat-scene. We will need to go around to get to Alchemist. We divide the riotone stone (necessary to open the door located nearby) and find several valuable items. We leave out of the room, we are racing with several dragrams and get back to the closed grid. After that turn to the left.

We rise to the top platform and we find a new rune on the rock. Reaching the wooden bridge, find ourselves before closed door. We throw the Leviafan Toporic in a red pitcher who hangs on the right, and thereby destroy the last rune, blocking the path to the shower emir.

We go back to the rune door, pass through the corridor leading to the arena with the shower eater. Although he has a frightening name, but is not very different from other similar monsters. We understand with the mind and get the spell called "Fire Printing Protection" and the quest Item - the ring alchemist.

Sit the atre on the platform located in the northern part of the arena, and then we climb up the chain. Go down the cable and get on open platform. We rase with a couple of enemies, and then grab the wooden planks on the right side to go to the cable, without forgetting to collect chopped silver along the way. When typing useful things, we return to the arena, and climb on the boards to the tunnel, which leads to the room, where we have noticed the devour.

On the way, we kill 3 trecras, running the corridor and reset the chain. We go to the brock and give him the remains of Alchemist. As a result, we earn 3300 points of experience and get a woven handle.

Clay Fafenira

This quest becomes available after passing the mission "Light Alvhaima". It is recommended to perform it from the 4th or 5th level. Leaving Alphaeim, talking to Syndry and get a new quest. He will ask to find sharpened from Niflheim to the Faphnir repository. If we go there to the second outflow of water, we will find an entrance near the head of the world snake, northwest from the Temple of Tyura.

Swathering to the coast, prolazis through the passage with a low ceiling. Once upon the other side, ask attending to shoot a light crystal to create a bridge to the Sindri bench. Pass B. new location And we choose an open area. Once on the edge in front of the repository, we paint with drarars and nightmares. Then open the nest chest, located on the right side of the repository. The warehouse itself will be locked, so we go through the waterfall and fall into the central hall of the structure.

Insert the stone received from Syndry, in the right place and open the first out of 5 rooms that you need to fully clean the enemies. Having understood with the enemies, raise the entrance stone and again put it on the pedestal in the central room. I'm 4 times fighting with various monsters. In the penultimate battle, fight with several wolves and do not forget to pick up valuable resources from the chest.

In the final room, at first we will not meet anyone, and in the chest there will be a runic attack. We take her, and then talk with the ghost of the robber. We learn that he was killed his own son, climbing sharpened. We take weapons and return to Syndry, killing two types of two. As soon as we leave the repository, they will immediately stumble upon the forest ancient. If we do not attack him first, he does not attack us. In other cases, we will have to deal with it and two more high-speed drabs.

Returning to the Gnome, we give him a dagger and get a "Talisman betrayal award". In addition, we will earn 3,300 experience points.


This quest becomes available after passing the missions "New Goal" and "Casket Fafenir". It is recommended to perform it from the 3rd or 4th level. In this mission, we have to find the son of the robber, who decided to settle in the North Territory fortress, located north of the Tyura Temple. We swim to closed gates into the North Territory gorge and set the pebbles obtained from the gnome into the desired recess. After that, go to the fort.

We approach the Syndry's shop nearby, and then continue to swim further until we stumble upon the second closed gates. We are chosen to the ground, climbing the ladder to the tower located near and find the location of the treasure to which the Treasure Map "Forest Board" leads.

We descend, we are growing up with the Spacers ahead, and then attract the attention of Welver. Killing her, go ahead. We go around the waterproof and get up on the bridge. Then bring a bright disk that holds the mechanism. The wheel began to spin again. We run to the end of the bridge and turn to the left. Freeze a pillar and take valuable things from the chest. We go to the boat again, send the moment to take the jump and start sailing to the new pier.

Sit down to the ground and deal with huge. We select all the items and climb on the planks of the tree on the platform with the chest. We go to the arena again, look upstairs and knock the container that is suspended with the ceiling. We rise to it and boards upstairs, and after we turn to the right. We destroy the obstacle from the juice of the world tree and freeze the challenge post by opening the passage. Then we see another obstacle from the resin. Having understood with her, we go on the stairs leading to the bridge.

We rise and destroy a poisonous wolf. Once upon a development, turn towards the robbery ship. To walk to the vessel, you need to pull the bridge, throwing an ax over an orange mechanism element. We jump to the boat and spread with all the enemies. We get a grinding stone and kill new opponents. You can get out of the fortress of North Terya on the road laid by the traveler. Then we jump on the pier. Turn the face to the ship and destroy the wooden obstacle in order to get into the ship's ship.

We destroy two obstacles from the juice of the world tree and jump over the other side of the dungeon. Then raise the lattice and find the recognition of the son of the robber, which will be needed to pass the quest "Time Time". We pass through the corridor and get into the arena. Then we go to the boat, floating past the ship to another pier.

Sit down, raise the lattice and go straight to the gnome shop. We give him a quest item and get from it the legendary handle of the hill Farmadra. In addition, we earn 3,300 experience points.

God from Malachita

This quest becomes available after passing the missions "New Goal" and "Soul from the second hands". It is recommended to perform it from the 3rd or 4th level. We should go to Landxuter mines, where you need to find Andvari's hammer. The passage to this level is south-west of the Tyura Temple. To get into it, we will also have to sail through the canyon with the same name.

We train to the coast, follow the marker and are squeezed through a narrow hole to get to the gnome shop. We speak with him and get inlet pebbles from it. Slopping through the passage with low ceilings and find yourself in the spacious hall. We understand with the enemies, and then pull the lever on the right side of the entrance, thus dropping the stone blocks to the floor.

We climb on them and shoot in the discontinuous crystal, located on other stones. We swear thereby hole in the floor, where the dark elves get along. We understand with them and go down. We also destroy a couple of enemies, and then turn to the left of the ladder. We continue to go to your goal, and get to the fork. Climb on the ledge near the waterfall. We destroy 3 root nodes and are squeezed through a narrow hole.

Once in the open space, come across the shower and traveler. However, it is not necessary to beat him, because someone has already liked him to us. We jump into the arena and deal with nightmares. Then we disassemble with the Skaltole. After the victory, go upstairs on the boards and destroy the wooden obstacle ahead, thereby finding the chest. We continue to go ahead. Near the fork, we climb on the left ledge and deal there with dark elves.

We rise to the straps upstairs. Reaching the development, turn left and go to the platform located in front. We climb on the boards that are nailed to the wall, and get to the top platform where the box is with silver. We go down to the fork and go along the main road to the lever, with which you can remove the obstacle that did not allow us to go to the top tier.

Having reached the very top, faced with the leader of the dark elves. We understand with him, and then put the son on the leaf near the closed lattice. Opening the passage, pick out the scroll from the ground and take the Hammer of Andvari from the chest. Then we encounter the rails on the rails and open the passage to the initial area of \u200b\u200bthe location. We go back to the brock and give him a quest item. He will give us the spells of the "Soul of Andvari". Plus, we will earn 3,300 points of experience.

Slava king

This quest becomes available after passing the mission "Leave Helheim" and past requests of the gnomes. It is recommended to perform it from the 5th or 6th level. After the brothers reunite (the final of the quest "Black Rune"), we have to go to the fortress of Connessigard, located north-west of the Temple of the Tyura, and find there 3 ingredients required for the crafting of unique armor. The passage at this level is located in the "Royal Tosnin" cave, located west of the head of the bright elves.

We train to the coast and open the gates to the Connessgard using the previously obtained pebble. Go down to the fortress, disassembling on the road with frosty robbers. We turn out to be near the shameful post, which separates us from the passage to the fort. You can get into it only if there are 3 keys. The first is next to the knight's legs lying near the pedestal. To find the remaining keys, we have to explore zones with the right and on the left side of the gate.

Turn to the left and freeze a challenge post. We go to the thickets of the spines. I burn it with the help of chaos blades and run by corridor leading to dangerous shorts. We understand with them and pass forward. We see ahead of the soul absorber, with which it is not necessary to fight. We do not pay attention to the source of the winds of the helper, since it is not needed for us yet. We continue to climb upstairs, destroying the spines, going through a narrow ledge and killing wolves. In the end, we will find a locked door and a blue crystal that hangs from a wooden crane.

We bring up a crystalline with an ax and refer it to the nest. On the way, raise the gates and destroy all the enemies. Then we install the crystal and actually activate the bridge from light. This will help us transfer the energy of the winds of Hel to the windbreaker located near the gate. Open the door and find yourself in a tunnel leading to the second stone key.

We reset the chain and return to the entrance to the Citadel. Now turn to the right from the gate. Cross the bridge and kill the robber. We move south and deal with huge. We continue to go through the only path, and climb the cliff to the top level. Dragon notes in the distance. We move on the opposite direction and find an anchor, holding a firewashing reptile. Then go down the slope to the first sanctuary. We deal with several enemies and solve a simple puzzle.

The door ahead will be closed on 3 runes. The seal-bells can be found in the same area, but one of them is located behind the lattice, and therefore it will not be able to call it by the usual throw. We throw the weapon first in the discontinuous crystal between the two bells on the left, the calling on them two, and then manually activate the third print.

We pass through the Runic door and deal with the couple of enemies. We raise the grid, bring up a disc that holds the suspension bridge, and pass on it on the slope. We continue to go ahead, and go out to the open area. We understand with all the enemies, and then find the third stone key. Next, we descend on the cable to the lower area.

We go back to the gates of the fortress and put the pebbles on the pedestal. Watching the Heliek Schedules will begin to finger. We understand with them, and then put the third stone and go to the Citadel. We turn to the right and finding out the sanctuary of the myths. We return to the fork and pass along the corridor to the doors, behind which we will fight with the traveler. Having understood with the enemy, approach the king's throne. We find 3 ingredients and come out of the secret tunnel.

We continue to go up the slope, and come back to the main road. We reach the development, turn to the left and get to the balcony. We turn over to the left side and climb on the hill on which there is a gap. Then we reset the chain to mystical gates near the fortress and teleport to the bench of the gnomes. We give the discovered things and get a reward: the drawing of a set of gnome armor and the Runic Attack "Flame of Ares". We will earn 3,300 experience points, and open the achievement of "oil and water".

Valkiryi requests

In fact, these quests are associated with the murder of Valkyrie - the dangerous mythical creatures hiding in various corners of the game world. These mini bosses are incredibly strong, and therefore it is recommended to fight with them after passing the main storyline.

In a separate manual, we indicated the exact location of the Walkiry, tips on preparing for the battle with them and the instructions for finding their Queen.