Repairs Design Furniture

What to close the gaps and holes in the interior door? Instructions, how to close the lumen. How to repair the door from MDF what to do if in the door of the hole

Repair of interroom doors can be done to everyone. To do this, you only need to arm a tool and knowledge. You can repair any doors from MDF, DVP and chipboard (veneered and laminated), natural wood. It is possible to carry out a lot of manipulations with them: to close the smelting, put a patch, repent, move and tinker.

Causes of problems

Mechanical damage occurs due to non-accurate operation or installation:

  • scratches and dents - a familiar phenomenon in families with young children;
  • moving or dropping objects sometimes leads to slobs in the doors from the fiberboard.

As a result, incorrect installation collide with such difficulties:

  • skew;
  • poor adjoining;
  • friction.

The tree is hygroscopic - easily absorbs moisture and gives it. In this regard, the violation of production technology and operating conditions leads to the following unpleasant consequences:

Correction of mechanical damage

To repair small damage to the interior door with their own hands, we need:

  • magaza or wax pencil;
  • a piece of felt.

Small scratches and dents almost always occur after a brief exploitation. They make them up with the help of a special wax pencil, which can be easily in the market of building materials. The color of the pencil must match the shade of the doors. The place of the seal is triturated by a piece of felt.

How to repair dents and chips on wooden interroom doors

For the sealing of the dentin on wooden products, we suggest the following: the chisel hollow out a piece of wood exactly corresponding to the size of dents and, wrapped with glue, apply to the excavation. The location of the compound is pressed by clamp, if damage to the edge. If the wolk in the middle of the door leaf - it must be put on a flat surface, cover the right size board and press the heavy item. The protruding sections of the patchwork believes the chisel and grind large, and then small emery paper. Painted suitable paint, open with varnish.

Repair of interroom chipboard doors do it yourself

To close the surface damage from a veneered chipboard, use veneer chosen in color and texture. You need to remove a damaged piece with a chisel and glue a new one. It is easier to close the defect if the veneer of the tangential cut (wavy, twisted structure), then the repair is not very noticeable. With a radial incision (straight, parallel lines), it is harder to correct, as it is difficult to choose a drawing. Press the bonding place is similar to example above.

Restoration Splocks on the doors from the fiberboard

Pissible doors can be repaired with their own hands by inserting the ventilation grille below. If the hole was formed from above, they make a tab of similar material, glass, etc. Cut the symmetric hole, the ends of which are borne by wooden bars to close the emptiness. Insert the pre-prepared sealer wooden or from the MDF (there is on sale), lay the insert and fix the other panel from the reverse side, scoring with pins.

Correct the disadvantages allowed by incorrect installation

  1. If the door opens poorly or friction occurs, it is removed from the edge with an excess plan, grind, paint and lacquer. The gap between the box and the doors should be no more than 1.5 - 2 mm.
  2. If the door spawns when closed, the reason may be that it rests on a quarter of the box. In this case, stick the door leaf or box. Also, the problem can be in the montage of the loops on the door.
  3. The door sedimentation can be repaired, putting the washer on the rods of the upper and lower door loop.

Eliminate production marriage with your own hands

  1. Opened doors - it is basically the result of unfair manufacturing and to resolve the situation to refer to the manufacturer. But, if he was not decent, to repair will have to do with his own hands. In this case, it is necessary to disassemble the product to the details, pollute all the coating to the bare tree, clean the remnants of the glue on the joints. Promoting joints with glue, alternately connect the details, clamping the clamps. Then the doors are re-stained and lacked.
  2. If the doors are made of wet material, subsequently in a dry room, they dry and the gaps are formed, the door is loosely adjacent to the box or does not close. In this case, the edge is performed by the bar of the desired value, then align in size with the door web, polished and covered with the necessary paints.

Hollow interior doors require a more careful relationship, in view of their lightweight design, compared with whole. Well, if you did not save such a door from the blow, let's say when they were transferred, a good dent or even a hole will certainly appear in it. Of course you can buy a new one, they are not the road, but in any case it is much cheaper to fix it with your own hands.

Repair of a hollow door with a drawing restoration

So all the repair and restoration of the hollow door can be divided into five main stages:
  1. Filling in the mounting foam of voids under demen to give strength to the place for further processing.
  2. Putty surface.
  3. Making a stencil with an initial tree pattern.
  4. Restoring the pattern on the door surface.
  5. Painting.
So, remove the door with the loops. We put on the stool or other level elevation, damaged place up.

Fill empties by mounting foam

To fix the dent and fill the holes, we will use the universal mounting foam, which is used in construction and repair.

If the platoon does not have open slots or holes, then they must be done by the drill and the screwdriver.

Drill diameter Take a slightly more cylinder tube with foam.

Fill the space under the crack.

We give foam to harden. Usually, the day leaves.

After the frozen, cut off the foam foaming from the holes and cracks.

We grind, removing the paint from the recoverable site, making it smooth and smooth.

Split surface

When the surface is prepared - proceed to the putty, after preloading the place of application.
To putty, there are special requirements here, it should be on an epoxy basis so that the surface is restored to be durable. It is not difficult to buy or cook it yourself.
Use the rubber spatula.

Spit, filling all irregularities and potholes.

It may be necessary to apply several layers to obtain the desired result.

Leave to dry and still go to another stage.

We make a picture with a pattern

Find areas on the same door area similar to the size of the good texture of the pattern.

Rakes are thinking of him.

And in order to fix and seal a peculiar bath, we welt plasticine, clay or other plastic material.

In the resulting bath, we pour liquid rubber (or silicone rubber). Note that the door should lie very smoothly.

Equally distribute on all surfaces. A very thick layer does not necessarily, somewhere 5-7 mm.

Leave and wait for solidification. Time can be viewed in the instructions for use.

When the time came up, we remove the sides, dug the layer from the door.

As a result, a clear form on a piece of rubber should be turned out.

We restore the wood pattern on the door

We make a side, about a millimeter thick, around a damaged area.

We take the glue on an epoxy basis, mix the components. We apply the required amount on the site inside the frame.

Today, many furniture and doors are made not from the wood massif, because the material is quite expensive and is not always functional for the manufacture of such structures. The tree is replaced by DVP and chipboard. These materials are based on wood fibers and chips. Through the use of such materials, the product is obtained light and hollow, so often careless motion can be hurting the canvas and make a dent or hole in it. Even with the worst handling of such a structure, scratches and chips are still inevitable. But this problem is corrected. In this material we will tell you how quickly and simply close the hole in the door of the Fiberboard.

Before close the hole in the wooden door or design of the Fiberboard, you must get a certain tools and materials.

The following materials will be required:

  • mounting foam;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • sandpaper;
  • polyester or epoxy resin;
  • paints and varnishes.

In addition to the materials named above, in order to repair the doors from the fiberboard with their own hands, stocking tools:

  • construction knife;
  • brush for varnish / paint;
  • spatula, suitable in width.

Repair sequence

When there are necessary tools and materials available, you can start working. Next, consider how to fix the canvas if they struck the hole in the door from the fiberboard.

We offer you a consistent algorithm of action:

  1. Before closeing the hole in the door of the DVP, remove it from the loops and put on a horizontal, smooth and stable surface.
  2. Armed with a building knife, make a hole. To do this, from the edge you need to retreat some distance and confident and strong movement to produce a cut.
  3. Now inside the door cannon need to be placed paper, newspapers, DVP cuts, chipboard, wood, chips. This manipulation will allow the design to purchase strength. In addition, the filling of space is able to reduce the consumption of mounting foam.
  4. On top of the filling materials you need to post the construction foam.
  5. When the mounting composition is completely dry and freezes, its excess should be removed, cutting off with a knife. If there are many traces of foam on the surface of the door, which is impossible or inappropriate to remove the sharp object, use the solvent.
  6. The next stage of repair of the hole in the door of the DVP is a coating of a place where there was a hole, epoxy resin. Making this manipulation, be sure to wear gloves. This substance covers the foam, forming a dense protective crust on its surface. If the resin falls on the skin, you need to remove it as quickly as possible by the solvent.
  7. After the frozen, the door surface is covered with putty. The required amount of material is recruited on the tool, after which it is evenly distributed in the slot.
  8. When the putty dry, on the processed area you need to walk in shallow emery paper to clean and level the surface.
  9. Door repair doors Complete the three layers of primer on the plane. When it dries, you can finally cover the door to varnish or paint.

Features of damage repair without explicit gaps

It happens that there is no obvious hole, but there is a dent. In this case, the question also requires an immediate solution and is no difficulty.

Powered in several stages:

  1. Before closeing dent into the door of the Fiberboard, armed with a drill, start doing holes around the damaged area.
  2. We take the drill of this diameter so that it was a little more packaging tube with foam. The more holes you do, the better the problem will be corrected.
  3. Next, in each hole we put a little mounting foam. It should not get out of the holes. We act very carefully, because if there is too much foam, then she can inflate the door. Do not allow such a phenomenon, otherwise you will have to remove all the upper coating, and the foam under it.
  4. If flaws and cracks passed along the perimeter of the canvas or through the entire area across, it should be very gently filling the space of foam. In addition, it needs to be blown not only under the crack itself, but further from its ends by 10 cm.
  5. When the mixture is freezing, again with a building knife, we remove everything too much and grind the sandpaper.
  6. The next step is to apply putty. When it dries, the surface is covered with primer. We apply 3-4 layers of this substance, each ball dries about half an hour.
  7. After that, you can proceed to the final finish of the door.
  8. Paint on the canvas is advisable to apply with a painting small bruster.

How else can you disguise the hole in the door?

It happens that there is no skills in repairing a person, and the opportunity to buy a new design or call the masters is also not.

Then he should listen to the following advice:

  1. Mastering the hole in the door, provided that it is not too deep, it is possible by sticking the decorative film. Now there is a lot of colors for products: both under the wood, and imitation of other materials, and pictures, and abstraction and many other things. But before reagreeing the hole in the door from the fiberboard, decide on the design of the material.
  2. As an option - close the hole with a mirror. You can choose a large model of the mirror, and you can be brought a small, calculated only on the face.
  3. The mirror can be replaced by the picture, calendar, cute bass. They will close the hole, and attention will be distracted, and the interior will decorate.
  4. An interesting option is borders around the perimeter and in the center of the door. You can also add elements from color or monochrome glass.
  5. Another option to make a hole in a wooden door - hang photos in a frame or collage. You can also glue a decorative sticker or application.

We offered you several options, how to repair the interroom door from the fiberboard. Contact your imagination and come up with something original and beautiful, which will certainly fit into the interior design and will answer it to the destination. The big plus doors from the fiberboard lies in the simplicity of working with it, as well as in the set of options for fixing and finishing. We hope that our tips, how to fix the hole in the door from the fiberboard, will help you close the hole, remove the crack in the door canvase.

Often the hollow flaps are subject to shocks and other mechanical damage. This leads to the formation of scuffs, chips, and sometimes holes. Most damage can be corrected independently and return the original beauty of the design. To close the hole in the door of the Fiberboard, you will need a minimum of material and some tools.

The defect on the wooden door can be corrected with their own hands. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the design of the door leaf, the presence of a pattern, features of damage.


To fix the door, you will need such materials:

  1. putty;
  2. sandpaper;
  3. special paintwork;
  4. epoxy or polyester resin;
  5. mounting foam;
  6. true for wood.

The following tools should also be prepared:

  • spatula of the required width;
  • brush for applying a varnish;
  • construction knife.

Step-by-step instruction

To close the hole, you must follow these instructions:

  • The door is removed from the loops and laid on the table, chairs or other smooth surface.
  • With the help of a construction knife you need to make a hole. Return from the edges a large distance and make a smooth cut.
  • Then, newspapers, paper or other materials are placed inside the canvas to give the strength of the design and reduce the consumption of mounting foam.
  • After that, inside the sash pour foam. After complete drying, everything is too much removed using a knife. The coating can be poorly purified from foam residues, so it is necessary to use the solvent.

  • To give the desired strength of the structure, the hole is covered with epoxy resin. It is necessary to work with it in rubber gloves.
  • When the resin hardens, they apply a putty. After drying, the surface is grained with sandpaper shallow grain.
  • At the final stage, paints and varnishes are applied. This process is preceded by the coating of a restored place in several layers of primer.

The repair of slots that do not have open slots are performed as follows:

  1. With the help of drill and drill, it is necessary to make holes around the damaged space. This is necessary for uniform filling in the inner space and prevent the bending of the structure. The diameter of the drill must be slightly larger than the diameter of the cylinder tube with foam.
  2. The mounting foam is blown by the space under the crack. Surplus should not get out of the holes not to deform the doors. Possible problems at this stage are that with a large amount of foam, the surface can decide. If this happened, you will have to remove the door coating along with the foam to make a single plane.
  3. If the crack goes throughout the size of the canvas, the foam should be blend neatly. It should fill out not only the space under the crack, but not less than 8-10 cm on each side.
  4. After soaring, the residues are removed by the construction knife and grind.
  5. Then applies putty, primer and paint coatings. Each subsequent layer is applied only after complete drying of the previous one.

For those who have no skills to work with a tree, professionals advise to disguise the hole in the door canvase. Methods are the following:

  • The easiest option involves sticking the film. The choice of self-adhesive film is large enough to satisfy any buyer.
  • It will be very interesting to look like a mirror at the site of the holes. You can buy both a small product and all the canvas doors. It must be borne in mind that the large size of the mirror will be weighting the design. It can create pressure on the loop.
  • You can also place a poster or collage on the doors with your photos.

It is best to look at things made with your own hands, because besides the decorating effect, they additionally create comfort and comfort in the room.

Even with careful attitude to the door block, some defects on it are not excluded. Mostly it is various scratches and chips. Judging by numerous reviews, most owners for such flaws do not pay attention and proceed to the restoration already when the door block completely loses its primary appearance. Especially unlucky looks door with a hole. You can correct the position by purchasing a new door. Some resort to the services of professionals.

There is also a category of people who try to repair the door block alone. Therefore, the question of how can you close the hole in the door, for them quite relevant. In the presence of the necessary materials and the tool, it will be easy to cope with this task. Information on how to close a hole in a wooden door, you will find in this article.

What do you need to work?

Judging by the reviews, many newbies are interested in the question of how to close a hole in the door. Interior blocks, according to professionals, can be repaired using conventional joinery tools. Before proceeding with the restoration, homemade crafts should be taken as follows:

  • Ordinary paper.
  • Mounting foam.
  • Construction knife.
  • Epoxy or polyester resin. You can buy it in a specialized car shop.
  • Putty for work with wood.
  • Spatula.
  • Tree primer.
  • Special two-component paintwork and tassel.
  • Emery paper. It is desirable that her graininess was at least 150.

Prepare everything you need for work, newcomers are asked about how to close the hole in the door. Experts recommend to adhere to the next alternateness of actions. What should be performed for - further in the article.

How do you need to start?

The one who does not know how to close a hole in the door and where to start, experienced masters are recommended at the very beginning to prepare a hole. It must necessarily be a little more than the hole itself. At this stage, it is necessary to work as a special construction knife. Judging by numerous reviews, with the prepared hole, the process of sealing the defect will proceed much easier.

How to close a hole in the door of the fiberboard? Second Step

At this stage, the prepared opening must be fill. To do this, many homemade craftsmen use paper. Judging by the reviews, a good driving is obtained from the newspaper. This procedure is performed with the sole purpose of minimizing the use of mounting foam. She is blown up the remaining emptiness in the hole in the door block. After the wizard, only to align the surface of the door canvase. Before proceeding, you should make sure that the mounting foam dried. Therefore, it is possible to cut more superfluous after a few hours. While working should adhere to safety. Restore the door is better in protective gloves. If part of the mounting foam hit the skin, it is advisable to quickly wash off using the solvent.

Use of epoxy resin

Since a very porous structure is characterized for foam, there is a risk that after the restoration, the treated part in the door canvase will be especially vulnerable. How to close a hole in the door so that the surface becomes harder? Experienced masters advised to use epoxy resin.

To do this, this substance must be applied to the already frozen mounting foam. The resin impresses it and frozen, forming a solid crust. Working with a resin is also recommended in protective gloves. From the skin, this substance is easily washed off by a solvent.

Finishing stage

After using the mounting foam and the resin surface of the door canvase, the aesthetic appearance should be given. For this purpose, the master is used by the technology of shtlock. It is necessary to work with a special composition designed exclusively for wood. With the help of putty on a tree, all the joints are hidden, so that the place of the defect after the varnish can not even grope. The replacement procedure is nothing complicated. The master must be dialing the required amount of substance and with the spatula to apply on the surface being processed. Next, the putty is thoroughly rubbed.

According to experts, it will take a little for the sealing hole. Remains better remove immediately until this substance has completely frozen. After its drying, the door leaf is grinning with emery paper with a graininess of at least 150. Then the surface is repeatedly ground. Each layer of primer must completely dry. This will be needed on average for about 20 minutes. Next, the door is applied in advance selected paints and varnishes. To prevent education on the doorway of divorces, experienced masters advise at this stage to use a small painting brush.

Alternative option

Some newbies are interested in how to close the hole in the door without using the mounting foam? It is possible to correct the defect in the canvas with the help of beautiful glass containing any ornament. Judging by the reviews, the door block from such a restoration will not be worse. Also corrected the position easily with self-adhesive mirrors 300 x 300 mm. The door will especially effectively look with the contour with wooden boars or curly curiors.


The hole in the door is not a reason to remove the cloth and install a new one in its place. Knowing the technology of restoration, the home master will be able to eliminate the flaw without the help of professionals. To buy a new door block do not allow finance, and I don't want to repair, you can advise the defect to cover with any sign or poster.