Repairs Design Furniture

Abstract Classes on the topic of bread. The abstract of classes "Give to us has come to us." Open Day"

Final lesson in the older group within the framework of the themed week "Bread - everything head"

Objective: to summarize the presentation of children about what way to pass grain to become bread;

introduce the profession of Holeboroba;

reflect the knowledge gained in the drainage of the "spike"



Abstract open classes in the senior group

"Bread - all head!"


Clarify knowledge that bread is a daily product

To supplement the ideas of children about what the way the grain passes to become bread. Fasten knowledge about the sequence of the growing stages of bread.

To acquaint with the profession of Holeboroba.

Exercise in the correct use of the names of the main professions related to obtainingof bread (tractor driver, sown, combine, baker, agricultural machinery(Tractor, Combine, Seeder, Harrow).

Fasten the ability to form a diminutive form of the word, change the word, calling it with numerant, allocate the first sound in the word.

Take care to take care of bread, respecting people with respect to people growing

Relieve the ability to maintain a conversation, carefully listen to questions and answers to comrades.

Laborherborobov in subsequent games.

Develop a coherent speech of children.

Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales and stories "spikes", "soft bread", etc., didactic game "From where the bread came on the table", "from the grain to the bun"; dramatization of the fairy tale "spikelets"; Viewing spikelets and wheat grains, rye, oats. Consider illustrations with the image of the process of growing grain, collection, storage of grain crops. Scene-role-playing games "We Bakers": cooking test, pastry baking. Learning poems, sayings, proverbs about bread;

Materials and equipment: Illustration of bakery products, collective work "Bread - everything head", costumes of sellers, bakery products (bagels, rams, bread bacon, gingerbread), ears of wheat, rye, oats.

Attributes for theatricalization of the fairy tale "Earlings": Hats, mice, chicken, grains, flour, broom, spikelets, dough, apron, firewood;

scenery: stove, mill, house,

Travel course.

Guys, today we will go to the wonderful store "Kolos".

See who meets us in the store: sellers in caps and aprons:

In the bakery we have a beam,

Boots, bagels, loaf,

Pies, Baton, Buns,

And braid and cheesecakes,

Clavier, biscuit, cookies,

Sandwiches, tea with jam,

A lot of gingerbread cookies, candies,

Fastil is also sherbet,

And cake with sweet filling,

And Polane, and sweet ...

Look, do not hesitate

Choose, treat!

See how many bakery products! Name them. (Bread, loaf, bunch, bagels, pies, dryers, cookies, crackers, bagels, puffs, cheesecakes, cake, etc.)

Like a lot of bakery products in the store.

  1. Game "Nazis Laskovo"


Kolos - spike

Grain - grains

Breadless bread

Sukharik - Sukharik

Gingerbread - gicker

In our store brought a lot of rams, let's help out of count:

  1. Game "Pull the Branches"

1 Baranca, 2 Branches, 3 Branches, 4 Branches, 5 Branches.

The store is very important to correctly record the name of the goods, help correctly call the first sound in the names of pictures.

  1. Game "Name the first sound in the word"

Baton, bread, loaf, Lavash, Truck, Vatrushka.

Guys now you know how many products in our store

  1. The game "What is a lot?"

Many rams, cheesecakes, bagels, buns, superstars, gingerbread, cookies, pretzels, pies.

Bread rye, baton, bread

You will not take a walk.

People bread in the fields cherish,

Forces for bread do not regret.

Guys, do you know how the bread came to us on the table?

People sow grain.

  1. Psychogimics:

Imagine that you are small grains thrown into the ground (sitting squatting, squeezed into a lump, put your head on your knees and close it with my hands, lies the grains in the ground - dark, damp and gently. His sunshine, it rained. Breakflow, burst Slowly unfold, get up on your knees_ and the first sprout seemed (hands together raise up). He struck the mouth of the earth and began to open the leaflets (hands up, wrists together, hands on the sides). Swinging in the wind .... Time has passed , Fastelling and a spike appeared (hands on the sides). In the wind, the spikelet pegs (children pegs). Under the warm sun grows ears and the forces are gaining, ripens grain.

Educator: And how did bread come to our table. After all, the grains were made immediately became bread by the fact that on the table. People worked hard and stubbornly on Earth. Before you illustration, with the help of which we will follow the whole path of bread from the branch to the table.

Game "Run the right"

From morning to night, scrapers are working in a hot yield cleaning. We will miss time - the grain creases, the harvest will disappear. From the combines stretch the trucks, the grain is taken to the elevators. There it can be stored for many years. Full of the crust of our country of gold bread.

Long path bread from the field to our table. Indeed, how many hands touched him so that he became bread.Whose hands touched the bread? (Arms of agronomist, tractor driver, combiner, driver, loader, miller, baker, confectioner, seller, etc.)

Educator: Bread in Russia enjoyed honor and respect, guests have always met bread and salt, folded songs, poems,proverbs and sayings.

Name proverbs about bread

No bread, so there is no lunch.

Bread - everything head.

Without a stove - cold, without bread - hungry.

Bread - Batyushka, Earth - Mother.

Want, there are no cakes on the furnace.

Caparaway bread will not fall from the sky.

Many snow - a lot of bread.

All power in bread!

Many snow, a lot of bread.

Praise the hands that smells of bread.

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils.

The tutor sets the question and throws the ball to the child. The child answers and returns the ball to the tutor, forming the word, the child's "bread":

Name affectionate bread(bread).

Bread crumbs What?(Bread).

Kvass from bread as it is called?(Bread).

Bread cutting device(Harboring).

Cookware for bread(bread bed).

Who grows bread?(Hlebubob).

Who bake bread? (Bakers).

Name the plant where bread bake(bakery).

What are the products from the test?(bakery products).

Guys, but the most delicious bread turns out when it is handing it with your own hands. Have you already tried the bake bread, did you like it?

Guys, and now look at how helped the church to twist and return from the fairy tale "spikes".

The dramatization of the Ukrainian fairy tale "spikes"

Staging to fairy tale"Rugged".

Leading : Lived - there were two mouse to twist and turn and the chicken-intest. Mice only I.skill : sing play, turn and dance.

(Mice run away from two sides)

Sing (under the music. "I went on a hill".)

Mice : 1 I'm a mouse to twist

I'm a lot of mall

Together : We are glorious mice

Nice funny.

To the music comes out the chicken boosters.

Song of the chicken (under the music. To the song"Chickens")

Early early I get up

I'll be all a song

I'm not afraid of work

I woke all day.

(Raises the spikelet)

Turn back! Look,I found the spikes.

Mice : It's time to make it time!

Hen : Who will be thorough?

Twist: just not me!

Turn: just not me!

Hen : Okay, I'm melt,

I'm not afraid of work

Wheel all day

Leading : The chicken has gone to the mill grain grind.

(Mice remains and played)

(Leaves chicken)

Hen : To twist! Top! Look at how much grain flushed!

Mice : Now you need to grind flour!

Hen : And who will grind?

Twist: just not me!

Turn: just not me!

Hen : Okay, I'll go grind.

I'm not afraid of work,

I woke all day.

Leading : I suffered a chicken grain to the mill.

Hen : Here, twist! Here, spin!

I brought flour!

Twist: ah yeah chicken!

Turn: Ay yes well done!

Twist : Now you need to knead the dough,

Top: Yes Pieces oven!

Hen : And who will do it?

Twist: just not, I!

Turn: just not me!

Hen : I can see again.

To work

I'm not afraid of work

Wheel all day

(Chicken leaves)

(Mice sing their song again)

Mice : I'm a mouse to twist

I'm a lot of mall

We are mice glorious

Nice funny

(dancing to the music)

Chicken in meanwhile: The dough kneading the oven frustrated,

pies baked.

(Makes a tray with cakes puts on the table)

(mice run up)

Twist : Oh and hungry we!

Spin : Oh there is as I want!

(sit at the table)

Hen : Wait. Wait!

Who found spikelets?

Mice: You found!

Hen : Who rubbed grain?

Mice: You're though!

Hen : And who wore grain to the mill?

Mice: too.

Hen : Dough, who Mesil, Topil oven, Pies who Pek?

Mice: All of you, all of you.

(get out of the table)

Hen : So the same! Not for such lazy people and loans

pies treat!

Lead : And you guys are not lazy?

(In the end)

Mice : Forgive us, chicken, we will not be like that!

(The chicken forgives and treats all cakes)

Here it is shuffling bread,

Here it is warm, golden.

In every house, on each table,

He complained, came!

In it health, our strength,

It is wonderful warmth.

How many hands rushed it

Saved, Bererch.

Today, guys, you learned how long the bread path on the table. The bread is the most important wealth of our homeland, he created with great difficulty. Take care of bread!

"Where did the bread come from"

Software content: Give children a concept that bread is a daily product. How to tell where the bread is taken, how to make it who gets it and bake. Educating respect for the work of adults, careful attitude to bread.

Equipment: Pictures, plate with flour.

Enrichment of the dictionary : Surround, fragrant, appetizing, bakery

Structure occupation

Guys, what did you eat today for breakfast?

(Milk porridge, boob, tea)

But yesterday?

(Omelette, butter, coffee butter)

What happened for lunch?

(Borsch, Vermichel with Motlet, Juice, Bread)

Guys, the menu changes all the time, and what product is constantly on the table and in the morning and in the evening?

That's right, every day we have on the table and in kindergarten and home bread.

Guys, do you like bread? What bread do you like?

(White, raisins, soft).

Let's think with you and let's call many words, what happens to bread?

(Delicious, soft, smooth, white, hot, fresh, fragrant, appetizing)

The bread is different, but it is necessarily tasty and useful.

Guys, and who knows where the bread came to us?

(Mom bought in the store)

And how he got into the store, do you want to tell?

First, the grain of bread is put in the ground.

Special machines, seeders.

Then these spikes grow

Grain harvesting cars and dismiss the mill

There is marvelous in flour. Look here I have flour in a plate. Try her hands. What is she on the touch?

(Soft, crumbly).

From this flour on the bakery (plant, where bread bake) bake bread, breads.


Blowing wind from height.

Herbs and flowers bend.

To the right and left, left-right.

Blonde flowers and herbs. (Slopes to the sides).

And now let's together.

All jump in place (jumping)

Above, cheerful, like this!

Go through a step (walking on the spot)

That ended the game.

It's time to do it.

Guys, and who of you saw at home, how does mom make dough?

(Flour, water)

See what components need

Let's call them. (Children's responses).

When the dough is mixed with it put into the form and put in the oven. When the bread is ready, it will be loaded into the car and driven to the store.

Guys, what else bake from flour?

Responses of children (bells, baton, patty, cakes).

Well done!

On the plate lie pieces of bread. Take each and try.

Didactic game: "Speak right"

Purpose: decompose and explain the cards in the correct sequence. "How the bread falls on the table"

Galina Kolpakova
An abstract classes in the senior group "Bread and Head"

Abstract Lesson in the senior group on the topic of bread - everything head

Tutor Kolpakova Galina Borisovna

Software content:

1. To summarize the knowledge of children that bread - valuable food product, obtaining a lot of labor.

2. Reliable respect for bread and Labor Herborobov.

3. Secure the name of the professions - a tractor driver, combine, hlebobob.Baker.

4. Exercise in the pronouncement of three-sided words with two and three concrete concretion.

5. Teach reflects the experience gained in the figure.

6. Develop logical thinking.

3. Reading stories and memorization poems: Mari folk fairy tale "Lepshka", Yu. Zhadovskaya "Niva, My Niva", Plescheyev "In the autumn", I. Flying "Lullaby", A. Musatova "How bread on the table came ", S. Shurchakova "Grain fell into the ground", Ya. Akim " Bread", E. Trutneva "Golden Rain", N. Semenova " Harbushko ", S. Drachery "Caparaway".

4. Consider illustrations from Z. Lavrentiev in the book "Bogatyr from the test" and illustration of labor herborobov.

5. Explosion of proverbs and sayings.

6. Scene-role-playing game "Harvest", "Travel through the native edge."

7. Drawing drawings on the topics of excursions.

Vocabulary: Combine, combine, elevator, bunker, zyaby, winter, farmer, hlebobob., agronom bakery, baker, grain, bread, snowstand, tractor, tractor driver, lordorators, mill, miller.

Structure occupation

Pedagogue reads the poem N. Semenov " Harbushko ".

Here it is - scrubchko fragrant,

With a fragile twisted crust

Here it is warm, golden,

As if the sun was poured.

In every house, for each table

He complained, came.

In it is our health, strength,

It is wonderful warmth.

How many hands rushed it

Guarded, Bererbed!

After all, the grains were not immediately

Bread ten, What is on the table.

People long and stubbornly

Worked on earth.

Guys, what does the poem say about this?

Responses of children.

Pedagogue: Right, about bread. Children today we will talk to you about bread, about the work of people who grow bread. But we will not only speak, but also sing songs, listen to music, dance and draw. And I also have a surprise for you. Someone came to visit us, and who can you guess?

"Goldist he and mustache, in a hundred pockets - one hundred children." Who is it?

Children: Spikes.

Spike: Hello guys. I am very glad that you guess the riddle about me. I learned that you want to talk about bread. Very interesting. Although I all know, I will gladly listen to your stories about me and my brothers.

Pedagogue: Guys, the autumn came, removed from the fields bread and they empty. What do you think the work ends on this hleboboba?

Children: Fertilizers will be taken to the fields, plowing fields, seed winter.

Pedagogue: In winter, work is underway on the fields. Tractors leave the winter fields and sneak snow into long shafts. This work is called snowstand. Repeat this word "snowstand". Spikelets, what is this job?

Spike: This is a very important job! Snowplow is carried out so that the wind does not carry snow so that winter frozen, and the spring there were a lot of moisture.

Pedagogue: Guys, tell me how are people called people who repair cars, combines, tractor?

Children: They are called mechanisters, and they repair in winter technique in repair shops, preparing it for spring work.

Spike: Oh, and what interesting work is interesting for them! Wrenches, screws, wheels. All of them are relent, repair and in the spring they have all cars are ready to work.

Pedagogue: Spring has come. It's a hot time, it's time for big worries. What work came with the onset of spring? What changes occurred in nature? What work is to collect farmers in the fields?

Children: The sun has fallen, the snow melted, the earth warms up, the tractor drives are plowing the ground.

Spike: Yes, tractor drivers plow earth, yes separate:

"Black land, and there is no nail.

Black Land - Will Be White bread".

(E. Moshkovskaya)

Pedagogue: Guys, look at the illustration "The peasant plows the Earth." This is how the collective farmers had been treated before the land, because there were no cars before. Which of you knows how to harvest before?

Children: Jalted Sickle.

Pedagogue: Tell me, what cars help collective farmers to handle land in our time?

Children: Combines, tractor.

Pedagogue: Why should the earth for sowing should be soft?

Children: To make it easier to germinate the grains.

Pedagogue: After the land will pose, what makes it?

Children. The plowed field is harmonized.

Pedagogue: What is harmonized?

Children: At the tractor trailers hurt.

Pedagogue: Here the field was told, now you can sow. What machines help people sow?

Children: Seeders.

The child reads the poem by E. Trutneva "Golden Ruff".

"On the ground, raw, not tough,

Where tractors have passed,

Shallow grooves

In black pasha ran.

And before the evening and later

Until midnight with darkness,

Grains poured like a rain

Exactly the rain of gold. "

Spike: Oh, how perfectly go to a soft, warm land and germination. But so that we grow together, we must care for us. What do you need to do so that we do not dry the hot sun?

Children: Plants need to be gone and water.

Spike: Watering is needed by plants. But the rain does not always happen when it is needed. And here people come to the rescue. They set watering machines on the fields, irrigate the ground. Irrigated - it means watered. Repeat all this word - "irrigate". And people, employed at this work, Called - lordorators.

Pedagogue: Look at the picture (Show illustrations from L. Vinogradova "Tractor"). Here are some cars and adaptations a person uses plants for watering.

Spike: Guys, guess riddle: "He goes, the wave sees, from the pipe grain flows?"

Children: Combine.

Bread ripened, in the fields motors

The song of the harvest.

The steppe combo

Field ships.

Pedagogue: Listen to the music I. Kishko "Combine". Guys, who works on the combine?

Children: Combine.


We planted grain

What will come out of it?

Rain earth watering

Sun gently hesitates

Grows grains

Revented to the sun.

With the breeze, it plays

His breeze shakes

To the ground low pressed

That's how fun plays

Our sprout reached out

Turned into a spikelet

Pedagogue: Guess riddle: "At the spacious, in the sea of bread, castle with towers to the sky, the castle with the towers to the sky will save all the sea of bread".

Children: Elevator - building where grain stored.

Pedagogue: And then where is the grain?

Children: On the mill, flour plant.

Pedagogue: What are they doing there with grain?

Children: Grain grinding in flour.

Pedagogue: What is the name of a person who works on the mill?

Children: Melnik.

Pedagogue: Where are the flour driven?

Children: On the bakerywhere bakers bake bread.

Teacher guys, let's and we will turn into bakers, want? Then go to the table and put on the aprons, and the grains prepared the magic dough from which we will prepare the pies in our toy store, take a piece of dough, cut it into the flour so that it does not stick to the hands and roll the ball, put on a skip, stress, stretch it Toes to get a pellet, hang edges. Take the mold and squeeze the figure. Put the figurines on the baking sheet and set to dry.

Spike: Long road from the grain to the bun. And how much work is invested how many people worked from dawn to dawn: tractor drivers, combiners, chauffeur, landorators, bakers, in one word - harbor.

Pedagogue: Spikes, our guys know the proverbs and sayings about bread and about labor Hlebuboba.

A lot of snow, a lot of bread.

Praise the hands that smell bread.

Want, there are Kalachi - do not sit on the furnace.

Not a great piece of cake, but it is worth a lot of work.

At dinner bread - all head.

Easily bread will never be born.

We miss the time - you will lose a crop.

Good Niva has a friendly team.

All for one one for all.

Who is not lazy to plow, in that bread will be born.

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils.

The work of the farmer is great and honed.

Know the seconds of the price, minutes account.

Business before pleasure.

Better to make a small thing than sit down.

Spike: Thank you guys, I made sure you know a lot about breadlike and who raises him.

Pedagogue: Bread I need every person every day. Bread - Our wealth and wealth. Beregite bread!

Lyudmila Halyuzov
Abstract Classes "Bread - All Head" (Preparatory Group)

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

"Kindergarten №21 "Golden Key" Combined View »

Abstract Node

Subject: « Bread - all head»

Age group: preparatory teachers: Halyova Lyudmila Viktorovna

Kamilova Elena Viktorovna

scharypovo 2015.

purpose: Formation of knowledge in children about the meaning bread in man's life.



Give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow bread came to our table; pay attention to the maintenance of people, their coherence and mutual assistance in work, for labor mechanization;

Consolidate the knowledge of children that bread - This is one of the most important food in Russia.


Develop sociability and sociability.


Education of love and respect for labor people, careful attitude towards bread As a result of many people

Rail a friendly attitude towards each other.

Types of childhood activities:

game, productive, motor

Integration of educational regions:

socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development

Preliminary work:

Conversations "How can we protect bread, "What makes bread, "What is yeast?"; didactic games: "What of what?" (tasting bakery products, "Guess and name", "What is stored", "Who is growing bread for all people, "And what is he bread; Fingering finchikov games: "Porridge grew in the field", "On pancakes", "Loaf" Scene drawing "Transportation for hlebushka» ; Creating an album "Riddles O. bread» ; memorizing poems, sayings, proverbs about bread; Retelling Basni L. N. Tolstoy "Old grandfather and granddaughters".

Wordwork: Palaga, Gaalet, Baguette, Pellet, Lavash

Materials and equipment:

Muulazh of bread, Slides on theme: "From bread came, ready-made shortbread dough, molds for cookies, pictures for playing teams, baby books.

Progress of organized activities:

1. Greeting (Organizing time):

Children along with the educator stand in a circle

Invented by someone just and wisely:

At the meeting greeting: - Good morning!

Good morning - the Sun and Birds

Good morning - smiling people!

And everyone becomes good, gullible,

Let good morning last until the evening!

2. Educator reads riddle:


Soft, lush and fragrant.

He and black, he and white

And happens grain.

Without him bad lunch

There is no delicious in the world.



Yes, right, we will talk to you about him. Bread, blebushki., hybushko. He is the most important on each table. But what he can still be, you will tell me.

Didactic game "And what he is bread

Selection of definitions to noun. (Children stand in a circle and transmit a croat of bread and call definitions, for example, bread ruddy, Fresh, fragrant, appetizing, soft, stale, white, hot, vitamin, air, fragrant).

Educator: - Children, and what do you think - bread immediately became bread? (not)

No, not immediately became grain

Bread, the fact that on the table.

People have worked hard on Earth for a long time

Educator: I propose to make you a virtual journey "From the grain to punitive".

1 Slide - Plowed Field, Tractor

Drove a tractor driver on the tractor in the field, plowed the earth, prepared a bed for grain

2 Slides - emerging shoots

The grain fell into the ground and began to grow.

3 Slide - Ripe Wheat Field

He left the combiner in the combine field and began to threaten grain.

4 Slide - grain is referred to in the body of the truck

I refer to the grain in the body of the truck. Rush trucks on elevator

5 Slide - Elevator with grain

On the elevator, the grain is dried, cherished, protected from rodents

6 Slide - Mill, Flour

It's time to smold the grain, and flour turned out of the grain

7 Slide - Mukovo

Mukovoza carry flour on bakery

8 Slide - Test mixer

On the bakery Huge cars turn flour into dough

9 Slide - Bakers Bake bread and Dough Products

And from the dough backers do wonders: Beut bread, Baton, delicious SDB

10 slide - Baby coast

Buffos in a hurry to deliver bread to shopswhere buyers are looking forward to him.

The child reads a poem.

Grew first on the will in the field,

In the summer, there bloomed and gone,

And when it was screamed,

He suddenly turned into grain.

From grain - in flour and dough.

In the shop took place.

He grown under blue sky

And came to the table to us bread.

Fizkultminutka "In the land of the grain"

In the ground, the grain of (Sat)

Germinate in the sun became (hands above head)

Rain licked

And sprouting grounded (slowly get up)

To the light and warmth stretched

And the handsome turned around. (2 times)

The game "From the grain to punitive" - Connect the chain

Master class from cook "Tasty cookies"

Educator: Lera, bring, please leaf with digit 6.

Before proceeding with work, let's cook our hands (wet wipes, put on Aprons and hats.

Finger gymnastics.

Flour into dough kneaded (compress and squeeze your fingers)

And from the dough we blind (bother with palms)

Pies and buns.

Double cheesecakes.

Buns and Kalachi,

We all bake in the furnace (alternately bend fingers on both hands, then unfold palms)

Delicious! (smooth in the stomach)

Practical part.

Educator: Now we ask our cook, Galina Petrovna, pick up our cookies and bake him in a miracle - oven.

Exhibition "Kids' books" And the stories of children.

Publications on the topic:

An occupation on the topic: "Bread around the head" in the second youngest group №11 "Rainbow". Purpose: expand the horizons of children, give a primary performance.

Integrated Working "Bread - All Head" (Senior Group) Integrated occupation "Bread - All Head" Senior Group Educator Doroshenko E. P. G. Zelenokumsk 2014GG Purpose: Continue to educate.

An abstract classes in the middle group "Bread - All Head" On the table is white and rye bread, flour, ears, buns, pies. Educator: Good afternoon children. Look at the table and tell me what we are.

An abstract classes for children of the senior group "Bread around the head" Purpose: the establishment of preservations of children o Growing bread (grain crops). Objectives: Establishing Children of Children Ob Orium Bread ,.

Abstract Classes "Bread All Head" A summary of the entertainment in the preparatory group "Bread - the whole head" Objective: Based on the expansion of knowledge of the world to educate the world.

Subject: Bread - all head

Purpose: give children the concept that bread is a daily food product; introduce children with a variety of bakery products; consolidate knowledge of the debt of bread from the field to the table; Educating respect for the work of adults, careful attitude to bread.

Structure occupation

Guys, today we will go to the wonderful store "Kolos". See how many bakery products! Name them. (Bread, loaf, bunch, bagels, pies, dryers, cookies, crackers, bagels, puffs, cheesecakes, cake, etc.)

Guys, such a variety of bakery products were not always. Once a person tried to chew grains, they seemed very tasty. Then people learned to rub the grains with stones and get flour, from the flour knead the dough. The bread was rude and heavy, not so tasty as today. Then steel oven bread from a fermented dough.

Without bread, no feast was done. He always enjoys honor and respect everywhere. Guest in Russia met always bread and salt. Even the proverbs folded. All familiar words: "Bread - everything head!", "Thin lunch, no bread", "there will be bread, there will be lunch", "Bread on the table, and the table - the throne, and how the bread is neither a piece, then and the table - Board. "

Previously, bread baked only rye (black). People said: "Rye Hlebushko - Kalach grandfather."


That lies a loaf

I have on the table.

Black Bread On Table -

No delicious on earth.

(Ya. Snagutitis)

Guys, there was a time when a piece of rye bread was more precious than gold. Great was the meaning of bread during the Great Patriotic War. There was no grain and bread baked husk, cellulose, dusty, swans, etc. And this bread was given on a small piece (125 g) for the whole day. People understood that bread is their life.

Today in the store you can buy bread, how much do you want, but we must respect each piece with respect, do not buy too much and not throw away bread. After all, he passed a long way before appearing on the shelf in the store. And who is engaged in growing grain in the fields? (Harbor.)


Bread rye, baton, bread

You will not take a walk.

People bread in the fields cherish,

Forces for bread do not regret.

(Ya. Akim)

On the endless fields, the scrapets grows a lot of grains, with which you can feed the whole country with bread. Every day in kindergarten, schools, shops smell like scented fresh bread. At the bilboats of the city of Voronezh, 60 names of bakery products and over 100 confectionery are baked daily.

Guys, let's remember, people of what professions work on the creation of bread. (Agronom, tractor driver, combine, driver, loader, flour, baker, etc.)

Each autumn chopping is taken care of the future crop. Under the winter, the tractor drives plow the land so that it was soft, loose under the snow in winter, and in the spring, when the snow melts, the earth will pick up a completely melt water. Early spring ground loose, fertilizers make and fall in grain.

Hands of man

I remember the hands worked hard,

To sow amber grains in the ground.

(Ya. Snagutitis)

The first shoots appear, they feed on the rains and bright rays of the sun, grow under the driving wind all summer. But ears were flooded, ripened, became strong and heavy. New worries at Hlebuboba, no matter how broke the ears and did not lie.

Hands of man

Bowed a hard head of rye.

Thank you, sun and affectionate rain!

Thank you land that was my home,

And strong hands, my old familiar!

(Ya. Snagutitis)

From morning to night, scrapers are working in a hot yield cleaning. We will miss time - the grain creases, the harvest will disappear. From the combines stretch the trucks, the grain is taken to the elevators. There it can be stored for many years. Full of the crust of our country of gold bread.

Here he is, breadcrumbs

With a fragile crust twisted.

Here it is warm, golden,

As if the sun was poured.

And every house on each table

He complained, came.

In it health, our strength,

It is wonderful warmth.

How many hands rushed it

Saved, Bererch.

Long path bread from the field to our table. Indeed, how many hands touched him so that he became bread. Whose hands touched the bread? (Arms of agronomist, tractor driver, combiner, driver, loader, miller, baker, confectioner, seller, etc.)

Guys, but the most delicious bread turns out when it is handing it with your own hands. Do your moms baked you anything? Have you helped them? (Stories of children)

Guys, and now look at how the rooster helped to twist and return from the fairy tale "spikes".

They run to twist and brand, having fun, laugh, jump. Suddenly the cockerel comes with a spike and says:

Hey, tweak! Hey, spin! Where are you, idlers?

We are here.

Again you are having fun, running up. See what I found the spikelet. It must be sprinkled, fold the grain into the bag, take the bag on the mill, the flour to nourish, knead the dough, inhibit pies. Who will do it?

Just not we. We have small legs, trembling weak. We do not know how!

Well, it's not a trouble! Finger We are weak now practice.

Finger game.

Well, here, fingers were trained, they became strong, skillful. And now we will be together pies oven. Look at the diagram and do everything clearly after me.

Imitation "Bread Pieces" (to the music)

Sleeves ⇒ Pull the flour ⇒ poured water ⇒ added salt ⇒ chased egg ⇒ mixed ⇒ broke the dough ⇒ rolled ⇒ cut ⇒ spoiled pies ⇒ decomposed on the baking sheet ⇒ put the furnace ⇒ baked, sniffed ⇒ took everything on the pie ⇒ Tried, eaten ⇒ Thanked.

Cockerel. Well, that, to twist, well, that, to brand, we were well bothering today.

Twist. Golden hands do not know boredom.

Spin Want to eat Kalachi - do not lie on the furnace!

Twist. Hood dinner when there is no bread.

Spin. I did the case, and now Gouii boldly.

(Cockerel, twist, spit and all children are having fun.)