Repair Design Furniture

Areas of application of fogging systems. Cooling for summer verandas, gazebos of restaurants or cafes Fog cooling of open and closed areas

  1. I will be wet, it will not work for me or it will work for me. Fogging systems were originally designed to cool open areas, i.e. for outdoor work. Since the principle of the cooling system is a phase transition between liquid and gaseous state water, there are two main factors to consider for successful cooling. Air temperature and relative humidity (air saturation with water vapor). Most important factor- this is the possibility of air exchange, if the room is completely closed without forced ventilation, the fog cooling system will saturate the air with moisture after a while, the water will stop evaporating and the cooling effect will completely disappear. If the room is open enough or has a forced ventilation system, then the fogging system can be adapted for maximum efficient cooling. Summing up, we can say that if someone gets wet from the fog system, then this indicates that the system is incorrectly designed or incorrectly operated. As an example, the fogging system, without any noticeable humidification, worked in indoor exhibition centers, and at a temperature environment about 23 ° C markedly reduced the temperature.
  2. The fogging system is an outdoor air conditioner. Indeed, the fog cooling system is designed to cool the air in open spaces, but it has a number of differences with the usual air conditioning system. Firstly, the fog cooling system is a system open type, i.e. the refrigerant (in our case, water) evaporates not in the closed volumes of the evaporators of air conditioners, but directly in the places where people stay, therefore such a system needs a continuous supply of water. Secondly, fogging systems cannot be programmed to a certain temperature, for example, 23 degrees, as we are used to with conventional air conditioners, such cooling systems are controlled by timers and regulate the operating time and pause of the fog cooling system, you just need to get used to such control. But instead of a conventional air conditioner, we get a very environmentally friendly system for creating a favorable microclimate in a given area. The fog cooling system will not only lower the temperature, but also reduce dustiness, raise the humidity level to a comfortable one, eliminate or significantly reduce the number of flying insects, eliminate unpleasant odors... It will create a so-called zone of comfortable stay, and in any case, nothing better has yet appeared on the market for cooling open areas.
  3. Fogging systems low pressure it is cheaper and not inferior in efficiency. As logic dictates, if there are simple cheap low pressure fogging systems, why make noisy expensive systems? high pressure... The answer is simple, low-pressure fogging systems (operating pressure from 1 to 25 bar) are mostly created on the basis of spray discs or nozzles with a large outlet, and such technologies do not allow a droplet size of less than 25-40 microns to be obtained. This droplet size effectively evaporates at ambient temperatures starting from about 40-43 ° C, at more low temperatures such systems work more to moisten surfaces. Mist-forming high-pressure systems (working pressure from 65 to 80 bar) create a droplet with a size of 5 to 15 microns. And as I already wrote, they can be used at an ambient temperature of 23 ° C and above, it all depends on the configuration and settings of the system. Draw your own conclusions.
  4. High pressure fogging systems increase their efficiency at pressures above 100 bar. This is not entirely true, or rather not at all, in fact, the lower pressure limit is important, i.e. if the pressure gauge on your fogging system has exceeded 60 bar. You can be sure that your system is working properly, and the droplet size does not exceed 7-15 microns, which is very good. The optimum pressure for fogging systems is 80 bar (droplet size 7-10 microns.). With increasing pressure, the droplet size does not change significantly, but the amount of water passing through the nozzle per unit of time increases. Thus, if you are offered a pump of 100 bar. At a price higher than a pump 80 bar. It's just a waste of money.
  5. Curtain or not curtain, how to correctly design the arrangement of fogging system nozzles? In fact, there are no definite dogmas and rules according to which you can arrange the nozzles of the fog cooling system or use fogging fans. In each specific case, the designer proceeds from the realities of your object. A lot of factors are taken into account, for example: the roof material, if present, the configuration of the room, the number of open and closed walls, the height of the ceilings, the general ventilation of the room, interior elements ( lighting, decorative ceiling coverings, suspended or high-standing flowerpots with flowers, etc.), external decorative elements, the possibility of installation, fogging systems, removal of the cooling object from the place of possible installation of a high-pressure pump and many different little things and nuances. Only by fully analyzing all possible factors can the maximum efficiency of the fog cooling system be achieved.
  6. Why do you need a timer. The timer is the only device for changing the mode of operation of the fogging system. The timer by changing the operating time and pause allows you to significantly expand the temperature and humidity range of the fog cooling system. For example: in the morning the air temperature is still not too high, but it is already getting hot, fogging is too dense and excessive humidification is obtained, the fog cooling system without a timer will have to be turned off, if your "street air conditioner" is equipped with a timer, you can set the operating time and pause time and continue to enjoy the steady state. pleasant microclimate. The same can be said for hot but cloudy days with high humidity air.
  7. A broken high pressure nozzle can fly off and injure. This is not true, since street air conditioning systems have a very small water intake, then even with the smallest water leak, which appears during cracks and breaks of the nozzle, the pressure in the system drops with lightning speed, as a result of which the nozzle cannot fly anywhere, especially injure someone.
  8. Mist nozzles are afraid of "saline water". It all depends on the degree of salinity, if served sea ​​water, then most likely the pump will fail quite quickly. If we talk about borehole or tap water, then for 6 years there was no case of irreversible failure of the elements of the fog cooling system. If the fogging system is supplied with borehole water without softening, and the water is sufficiently saline, then when the system is preserved, it must be rinsed with purified water. Although there was a case when, despite our recommendations, the nozzles were left without flushing after the end of the operating season until next summer. It should be noted that the “street air conditioning” system was operated from a well with high salt levels. At the start of the system of 35 nozzles, 3. But as a result of simple manipulations with vinegar and toothpicks, an hour later the system worked at the proper level. WITH tap water no such cases were noticed.
  9. The fogging system can be heated if applied to the input of the system hot water... This is not the case, even if hot fine dust is sprayed at low air temperatures, then since hot water needs much less energy for the phase transition and the air is dry enough, the water will still evaporate, which will lead to cooling, or at a very low temperature to crystallization, that is snow will fall. But one thing is for sure, the high-pressure pump will fail very quickly, since the plunger block is cooled by the water passing through it, and if hot water is supplied, the pump will overheat and break.
  10. Mobile or stationary fogging system. Most big disadvantage a mobile fog cooling system is its price. A mobile module costs on average 60-80% more expensive than its stationary counterpart. Meet budget options mobile "cooling-humidifying" systems, these are usually low-pressure disk systems, they are described above. There are also mobile cooling modules produced in the East, such systems are much cheaper than European and American counterparts, but if we compare the cost of eastern stationary fogging systems with mobile systems of the same name, the price proportion will remain. Usually, expensive quiet ones are used in mobile systems produced in Europe or America. high pressure pumps, i.e. Eastern manufacturers do not care about reducing the background noise, which actually accounts for the significant price difference between brands. However, the noise factor of a mobile system is of great importance. If the high-pressure pump of a stationary system can be hidden in a technical room away from the area of ​​direct use, then the mobile cooling unit will make noise near you.


Our company works only with quality equipment, tested mainly by time. We have been working in this area of ​​activity since 2007 and have installed and delivered equipment to hundreds of objects, so we give a guarantee for our systems for at least 2 years. Beware of substandard cooling and humidification equipment as the fogging system operates under high pressure and safety requirements.

You can find the prices for the corresponding equipment in the sections -

In industry . Industrial systems refrigerators control temperature and humidity levels to achieve maximum production potential.Many industries will benefit from the installation of a fogging system.Typical applications will include greenhouses, winemaking, woodworking, textiles, packaging, food industry... MWe provide a wide range of professional high pressure fog machines and low pressure systems.We offer economical solutions for many industrial applications and the promise of exceptional performance and end product reliability. High differencetemperature and relative humidity can cause warping and cracking of untreated wood.To correct the problem, carpenters must properly maintain the moisture balance (EMC) of the wood.The application of ink is much more difficult for more low levels humidity, and papermaking also benefits from constantly controlled humidity levels.Textiles require proper control of humidity levels between 50% and 65%.Winemakers must confront the problem of excessive evaporation of wine through the casks during storage.Industrial refrigeration systems solve many of these problems. WITHMist cooling systems are available with or without forced ventilation option. Interested inimprove cooling efficiency by increasing air flow with fans.They are widely used in warehouses, welding plants and factories.Fans with high speed extend the cooling distance to 15 meters, and for best results, use tilt-head cooling fans.The overall efficiency of industrial refrigeration and mist irrigation systems depends on the existing temperature and humidity levels.Excellent performance is achieved when natural temperatures drop between 30 ° and 46 ° C and humidity is below 40%.

In the fight against insects. The mosquito fogging system uses the same technology as the fog cooling system. outdoors but has an additional effect on flying insects such as mosquitoes.And the high pressure of the pump forms tiny droplets of water through specially designed nozzles, which creates a mist, just like the mist that evaporates.By adding non-toxic, biodegradable insecticides to the water, you can create a barrier that will keep mosquitoes and other insects away. MWe provide proven technology that guarantees consistent, reliable results.For effective fight with mosquitoes and other flying insects, nozzles should be installed around the perimeter of the area.This system will include a pump, a series of nozzles holding the insecticide reservoir, and a timer that controls the operation of the mist irrigation system.Typically, this system will periodically spray insecticide throughout the day. These devices provide effective insect control around homes, restaurants, recreation and entertainment areas, and other businesses, and have additional advantage as the cooler outside temperature during the summer months. Applicationsafe insecticide is the main factor.Feverfew, which is an extract from the chrysanthemum flower, is the most commonly used insecticide and is easily taken as effective solution in pest control in industry.It is safe for humans and animals, but strong enough to stop mosquitoes, wasps, bees, and other flying insects.Family, friends, pets, and customers alike will appreciate the comfort of an environment free from annoying insects.When purchasing an insect fogging system, look for high quality materials to ensure years of trouble free operation.At RainMaster we guarantee the efficiency and quality of our fogging systems.High precision nozzles, filtration cartridges, pumps, drive pulleys, and a wide range of accessories ensure high quality at very competitive prices.

In the greenhouse industry. Mist Irrigation Systems Steel necessary tool for efficient service greenhouse farms. Greenhouse performance withThe fogging system we offer has already been tested to meet industry standards.Systems provide favorable conditions during the whole year.They also help fight plant diseases by reducing stress as well as increasing germination and plant growth in general.Most greenhouses are faced with a continuous struggle with low humidity and high temperatures.Plants can be seriously damaged if humidity drops below 30%; the growing process slows down and may come to a standstill. NOur greenhouse fogging system can be configured to evaporate fog to cool and humidify the air without noticeable moisture, can be left on when the humidity rises, and high level moisture (mist irrigation).The temperature can be reduced by 15 ° C.The relative humidity level can be maintained at 90%. Leavesplants absorb carbon dioxide and other substances from the air, while also absorbing moisture.An ideal environment that helps plant health to reach its growth potential can be maintained through the use of a fogging system.Another option is to introduce fertilizers through a greenhouse fogging system, which will be absorbed by the plant leaves.Correctly planned and competently installed system, coupled with high quality equipment allows you to consistently and efficiently deliver chemicals to plants as needed.The benefits of using greenhouse systems are plant health, improved propagation and germination processes, reduced energy costs and more consistent cooling than conventional ventilation systems.Even those in dry, arid climates will achieve favorable results all year round.Let us help you produce beautiful and healthy plants with ease and convenience with one of our greenhouse fogging systems. Mist irrigation effectively copes with the tasks.

You can rent a fogging system from us. We introduced this service thanks to our customers who asked us to install fog cooling for an open-air festival. This is convenient if your event is short-term. You do not need to buy a system, maintain and store it. Our experts will mount the system at your facility, taking into account your wishes, adjust it to optimal performance will be in touch 24 hours a day to resolve any issues related to the operation of the fogging system, and after the event they will come and dismantle the system.

Universal remedy

In the water well known to us all lurks a large number of energy, and if you skillfully extract it, you can get significant benefits. When water changes from its liquid to gaseous state, heat is absorbed. And the more you need to take it, the large quantity liquid must be evaporated.

Air cooling and humidification with special systems is widely used to create pleasant coolness on sports grounds, in restaurants, etc., humidify the air of various work areas, eliminate odors, reduce the risk of fire, etc. Fogging is used in dachas, in animal husbandry and crop production, on various industries... It perfectly allows not only to create the necessary microclimate, but also to manage it in those zones where people work, and where it is necessary to observe whole line requirements for ensuring the safety of work. At temperatures in the workshops, sometimes reaching + 40 ° C, workplaces are cooled. While all this requires little energy, the cooling effect is impressive.

Artificial fog formation avoids overheating of working surfaces at low financial costs. Partial (or along the entire perimeter) installation of such devices in a residential complex located along a dirt road, a busy highway, reduces the amount of exhaust gases and dust. These systems literally allow you to breathe easily and freely.

Insufficient humidity of the ambient air or changes in its indicators, for example, in a printing house, also entail changes linear dimensions cardboard and paper, as well as binding materials. As a result, there is a discrepancy in colors, inaccuracy during folding and embossing, cutting and gluing, and other printing operations. Moisturizing successfully helps to avoid all these troubles.

The economic performance of livestock farms depends on the health status of animals and their well-being. Artificial fog formation, widely used in conjunction with ventilation systems, creates more comfortable conditions for animals and contributes to an increase in economic efficiency.

When storing greens, vegetables and fruits, use special equipment contributes to an increase in their shelf life and allows you to get a higher income.

The ability to add special reagents with the help of dispensers to the water sprayed by the device helps to successfully fight rodents and insects.

In winter, inside the suburban wooden house when actively functioning heating system, air exchange slows down. Installing fogging equipment will soften and humidify the air. Fogging systems help fight black flies and are also capable of suppressing the development of various pathogenic organisms, they are effective in eliminating odors generated during the processing of solid waste, etc.

Dust, which has become an unfortunate inevitability in almost all warehouses, is eliminated by fine spraying. On paint and varnish production such systems can significantly reduce the amount of harmful volatile compounds.

Conventional air conditioners are in no way comparable to the effect of fogging, since air conditioners only cool indoor spaces, and all attempts to operate them outdoors are doomed to failure.

Fogging systems work by generating water droplets small size which evaporate very quickly. At the moment of saturation of the ambient air with moisture, fog appears

Simplicity and availability

Fogging systems work by producing small water droplets that evaporate very quickly. At the moment of saturation of the ambient air with moisture, fog appears. Depending on the settings, it can be light, almost invisible, or, on the contrary, swirling and thick. Its concentration directly depends on the size of the formed droplets: the larger they are, the denser the created foggy curtain is.

It is known that in order for the evaporation of water to begin, it is necessary to use a sufficiently large amount of energy - up to 600 calories of heat per 1 g of liquid, and the “disappearing” drop takes some of the heat from the air. This is how it cools and moisturizes. The efficiency of the system is influenced by the humidity and temperature in the room or outside. The system can create and maintain a predetermined relative humidity. Its optimal indicator, necessary for normal human life, is in the range of 40-55%.

For the production of artificial fog, a special engineering installation is used. The set of equipment includes a high-pressure pipeline, a pump, special nozzles, a water treatment system, as well as automation.

The plunger pump or units developed on its basis can rightfully be called the "heart" of the entire system. The operating pressure of the system at the moment the pump is turned on is 60-80 atm. If it is less, the valves will not be able to open. One such pump can simultaneously serve several injectors on the line.

Today the market offers many pumping units used in fogging systems. Their main difference is the rate of pumped liquid per minute (from 0.6 to 25 liters). When servicing a large area, more productive devices are installed, and in everyday life they are quite effective and simple models allowing to pump from 0.6 to 1 l of liquid per minute. The dimensions of the units are quite large.

V country house they are mounted in a special technical room, where, as a rule, they are located engineering equipment... It is important to remember that the determining conditions for installing the pump are positive air temperature and the ability to connect the device to the power supply and water supply. Pumping units can be additionally equipped with an automatic timer.


These devices are classified according to one indicator - the diameter of the outlet (from 0.15 to 0.5 mm). This parameter determines the nature of fogging depending on the size of the water droplet. In open and closed spaces, use nozzles with different sizes outlet. So, for example, if it is necessary to humidify living quarters, nozzles with a 0.15 mm hole should be installed, which produce droplets from 1.2 to 37.9 microns in size. These nozzles are ideal for residential applications where very low water consumption and minimum humidity are required, as well as complete evaporation. Nozzles with an outlet size of 0.2 to 0.5 mm are installed in systems for cooling and humidifying large open spaces. They can be a garden, greenhouses, verandas, etc., where the air exchange is more intense and the evaporation of droplets is more efficient.

When installing household systems fogging, as a rule, copper nozzles with a stainless steel coating are used, and in winter gardens, greenhouses or greenhouses, where it is supposed to use a fogging system and for spraying fertilizers, industrial nozzles made of stainless steel are installed, which last much longer and can be used in aggressive environments

A small nozzle outlet, made using laser technology, requires the use of demineralized liquid, otherwise clogging of the hole with salts and impurities is inevitable, its failure, and a general malfunction of the installation.

Of course, the filter will not get rid of calcium salts that fall out on furniture and interior items with an unpleasant white coating. Therefore, when humidifying living quarters, you need to install reverse osmosis... It will reduce the content of dissolved salts. The type of filter is selected after analyzing the composition of the water supplied to the pump.

Nevertheless, practice shows that for smooth operation it is necessary to install at least one filter that retains mechanical impurities.


For optimal organization of the high-pressure pipeline system, nylon or copper tubes with a stainless coating and a diameter of%. "Although the metal is more expensive than polymer, it is worth it. When supplied under high pressure water, it will not bend and deform, such as nylon. The risk of a defect in a high-pressure metal pipeline is minimal, therefore its use in indoor fogging systems is preferred. the best option for an extended pipeline on the street.

A wide range of fittings and connectors allows you to technically solve any installation problem. Fittings can withstand pressure that can be applied by any pumping stations for the formation of fog, regardless of their strength.


Basically, the systems are equipped with automatic regulation, which allows you to minimize water consumption and create optimal microclimate... It can turn it on and off, for example, every 10 seconds, which is physically impossible to do manually.

Such a system is controlled using a timer or controller, in which the program independently turns on or off the pump at specified intervals, as well as depending on the real air humidity and its temperature. The operating mode of the system can be built into the so-called system " smart home”, While fogging gets enhanced control capabilities.

It should be noted that a complete set of equipment allows you to solve any problem - even set by the most demanding client. The standard installation scheme of the system is reduced to the installation of two high-pressure pipelines. The first is installed in the house, the second is installed on the street. In winter, only one first line operates, and in summer, the second is also turned on.

The small laser nozzle exit requires the use of demineralised liquid. But filtration will not get rid of calcium salts that fall out on furniture and interior items with an unpleasant white coating. Therefore, when humidifying living quarters, reverse osmosis must be installed.

Only one pump is needed to operate such a scheme. Assembling the pipeline is not difficult, and it is quite possible to install the system on your own. Before the offensive winter period the street pipeline is freed from water, purged and, as a rule, dismantled.

In the spring it is harvested again. It is necessary to periodically replace the cartridge in the filter, and change the oil in the pump itself once every few months. No further maintenance of the fogging system is required. It is very important that these devices are completely safe for humans and the environment. The system pump is located in a vandal-proof casing. It is equipped with automatic equipment, and at the moment of interruption of the water supply, it automatically turns off. Anti-drip valves prevent water remaining in the pipes after shutdown from leaving the nozzle.


Fog cooling systems are used to reduce the temperature in open rooms, where the use of an air conditioner is impossible or ineffective: on the verandas of restaurants, cafes, tennis courts and patios.

With the help, you can create the microclimate necessary for plants in greenhouses, maintain the humidity required for the production cycle, create favorable conditions for storing food in warehouses, cool animals, birds and much more.

In factories where running machines generate a lot of heat, the systems evaporative cooling serve for air humidification and cooling industrial premises, create a barrier to dust and odors.

In closed rooms, the set humidity can be automatically maintained. Due to the high pressure (70 atmospheres), the water droplets sprayed from the nozzles have a size of about 6 microns. Drops of this size instantly evaporate in the air. As the water evaporates, it cools the air, creating a “natural” coolness. In closed rooms, the unit creates a fine mist without creating puddles on the floor.

It is important that the rooms where the fog cooling system is operating have a minimum humidity. The efficiency of the system depends on it. Especially often high humidity is the reason for the impaired waterproofing of the room.


Mist cooling nozzles are made of of stainless steel 316L, and the body is either brass or stainless steel. The main characteristic nozzle is the diameter of the outlet from which the water is sprayed. The injectors are produced with holes: 0.1mm; 0.15mm; 0.2mm; 0.3mm; 0.4mm; 0.5mm; 0.6mm; 0.7mm.

The most commonly used nozzles are with a hole diameter of 0.2 and 0.3 mm. Nozzles of these diameters operate at a relative humidity of up to 80 percent. Smaller holes create smaller water droplets, which allows them to evaporate quickly and cool the air without significantly increasing its humidity.

If the humidity of the cooled air is not very low, it is necessary to use nozzles of a smaller diameter. For very low humidity, use larger nozzles.

If you have high quality water, use smaller nozzles. For lime water, use a larger nozzle diameter.

In order to prevent the water remaining in the pipeline system from dripping from the nozzles when the pump is turned off, a special ANTI-DRIP mechanism has been developed. Its essence is that in the absence of pressure in the system, a spring with a rubber cap at the end closes the outlet of the pipeline and water cannot penetrate into the channels of the nozzles. This mechanism is convenient when the nozzles are on the ceiling.

Please note that not all injector models are equipped with this mechanism. Some systems have special nozzles or tubing for quick drainage in case the system is turned off.


Fittings for the fog cooling system are made of brass or stainless steel (ss304, ss316) and are used to attach nozzles and connect pipes (tubing) through which water flows. Each fitting is equipped with a SLIP-LOCK mechanism, which makes it easy to attach the tubing to it and does not require special tools. The thread on the fitting is designed for a specific nozzle, and its inlet and outlet are designed for a specific tubing diameter.

Mist cooling systemusing fittings of various diameters

Tubing-fitting adapter.

Tubing nozzle adapter.

Tubing-pipe adapter.

Plastic clips and rubber-padded clamps are used to attach the tubing to supporting structures... Special scissors are used to cut the tubing.

High pressure pumps

The pump in the fog cooling system is designed to create a water flow with a pressure of 70 bar (atm.). It is at this pressure that the droplets of water ejected from the nozzles of the nozzles are small enough to cause their instant evaporation.

High pressure pumps with a capacity of 1 to 87 liters per minute are available or on request. The pumps used in these systems are volumetric (volumetric), i.e. when the working pressure increases or decreases, the water flow for which the pump is designed does not change. There are pumps with variable water flow 2-10 (10-25 and 20-45) liters per minute.

The number of nozzles with which the pump can operate at a pressure of 70 bar

The working pressure of the water at the inlet to the pump should be between 1 and 5 atmospheres (bar). High pressure pumps are designed for pumping pure water with a temperature not higher than 55 degrees Celsius.

The pumps are voluminous, so they must use at least 60% of their standard pumping capacity. For example, if the pump is designed for a water flow of 10 liters per minute, then the minimum throughput nozzles should be 6 liters per minute.

If, for some reason, the total water consumption of the nozzles is below this value, then unloading (outlet nozzles) should be used. For example, this green color coded nozzle has a 1.4mm orifice diameter. and is capable of flowing 9.6 liters per minute at a pressure of 70 bar in the system. Thus, it is able to fill the gap in the system of 128 nozzles with a nozzle diameter of 0.2 mm or 91 nozzles with a nozzle diameter of 0.3 mm.

For greenhouses, the system can also be equipped with moisture sensors that turn off the pump when a certain level is reached and turn it back on when the humidity drops below a predetermined threshold.


The filter is an obligatory element of the system. Filters are installed in front of the pump inlet and serve to clean the water from impurities that can clog the nozzles of the nozzles.

The system can have up to three filters that purify water from particles with a size of 20 microns, 10 microns and 5 microns. A low pressure manometer is installed at the filter outlet (for systems of two or three filters, manometers are installed at the inlet and outlet). For systems that pump a small amount of water, for example 1 l / min. one 5 µm filter can be supplied. with a pressure gauge at the outlet.

Working water pressure at the pump inlet is 1-5 bar (atm.). If operating pressure is present at the inlet of the filter, and the pressure at the outlet of the filter has dropped to 1 bar (atm.), This indicates that the filter is clogged and the cleaning element needs to be replaced.


To connect fittings and tubings in the system, special SLIP-LOCK locks are used, which do not require the use of any third-party tools (clamps).

  • use special scissors to cut the tubing to the desired length

  • insert the tubing into the fitting until you feel a slight resistance

  • continue by adding a little pressure and turning the tubing slightly

  • make sure the tubing is fully seated


  • grip the edge of the fitting with your thumb and forefinger

  • without using any tools, pull out the tubing with the other hand

ATTENTION! Use only semi-flexible tubing. Rigid tubing can damage the fittings.

Using the fog cooling system, you can provide a pleasant coolness on the terrace or in the gazebo, and at the same time ward off annoying insects. In hot summer days these issues are becoming especially relevant

Fog cooling is the only technology available today that can lower outdoor temperatures. Such systems are actively used in industry; they can be found in hotels, summer cafes and restaurants. And for a simple summer resident, fog will give freshness and comfort where a conventional air conditioner cannot be installed - in a gazebo, on a barbecue area, and so on.

Cold fog can be useful in the garden, both outdoors and in greenhouses and conservatories. It is used to protect plants that do not tolerate heat well.

Fog cooling circuit

Foggy cooling lowers the air temperature by 5-15 ° С. How? The heart of the system is a pump that pushes water at a pressure of 70 bar (7000 kPa) through tiny nozzles, creating a cloud of droplets no larger than 10 microns. They immediately begin to evaporate, and it is this process (the transition from liquid to gaseous state) that takes away from the air thermal energy... Moreover, the drier the air, the more moisture it collects, and the more it cools. Unsurprisingly, fog cooling systems are particularly popular in arid regions.

The system is modular, mobile and compact, you can install it almost anywhere, and you can do it on your own. With the special fasteners usually included in the kit, multiple nozzles can be easily positioned over any area, creating a uniform, efficient curtain of tiny water droplets. What's more, the market offers pumpless mist cooling kits that can be connected to a conventional garden irrigation system.

Another advantage of this technology is that it is inexpensive to operate. So, the evaporation of 1 kg of water takes only 2.5-10 W per hour (depending on the characteristics of a particular air cooling system).

With the help of mist cooling, you can not only lower the temperature of the air, but also purify it, and also drive away insects

In addition to the heat, summer residents are often bothered by dust, and the cold fog effectively fights this problem. Tiny droplets of water bind the dust particles, make it heavier and make it sink down instead of swirling around.

But that's not all. If deodorant substances are added to the water, the evaporative cooling system can purify the air and remove unpleasant odors.

And if you mix in the water repellents, mosquitoes, wasps, bees and other annoying insects will stop bothering vacationers. It is important that the health of people and pets will not be damaged in the slightest.

Having completed the review of practical functions, let us also mention aesthetic ones. With the help of cold fog, you can achieve various visual effects that turn the usual garden plot to a fairy land. Nozzles located under different angles create curtains, balls, clouds and other shapes. All components of the system - pipes, fittings, etc. - can be hidden in the ground, under decking, mounted under eaves or fastened to tensioned cables.