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Central air conditioning systems in buildings p.97. Air conditioning two-stage evaporative cooling indirect evaporative cooling

In heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, adiabatic evaporation is usually associated with humidification, but recently this process is becoming growing popularity in various countries of the world and is increasingly used for the "natural" air cooling.

What is evaporative cooling?

The evaporative cooling underlies one of the most definitely invented human cooling systems, where air cooling occurs due to the natural evaporation of water. This phenomenon is very common and occurs everywhere: one of the examples may be a feeling of cold, which you experience when water evaporates from the surface of your body under the influence of wind. The same thing happens with air, in which water is sprayed: Since this process occurs without an external energy source (this is the word "adiabatic"), the heat needed to evaporate water is taken out of the air, which, respectively, becomes colder.

The use of such a cooling method in modern air conditioning systems provides high cooling capacity at low power consumption, since in this case the electricity is consumed only to maintain the process of water evaporation. At the same time, ordinary water is used as a cooler instead of chemical compositions, which makes evaporative cooling more profitable economically and does not harm the ecology.

Types of evaporative cooling

There are two basic evaporative cooling methods - direct and indirect.

Direct evaporative cooling

Direct evaporative cooling is the process of reducing the air temperature in the room with its immediate moisture. In other words, due to the evaporation of the sprayed water, cooling the ambient air occurs. At the same time, the distribution of moisture is carried out either directly in the room with the help of industrial humidifiers and nozzles, or by saturation of the air intake air and cooling it into the ventilation unit section.

It should be noted that in the conditions of direct evaporative cooling, a significant increase in the humidity of the supply air inside the room is inevitable, therefore, to assess the applicability of this method, it is recommended to take the formula as the basis of the temperature and discomfort. According to the formula, a comfortable temperature is calculated in degrees Celsius, taking into account humidity and temperature testimony over a dry thermometer (Table 1). Running forward, we note that the direct evaporative cooling system is applied only in cases where the street air in the summer period has high temperatures over a dry thermometer and a low absolute level of humidity.

Indirect evaporative cooling

To increase the effectiveness of evaporative cooling at high humidity of outdoor air, it is recommended to combine evaporative cooling with heat recovery. This technology is known as "indirect evaporative cooling" and is suitable for almost any country in the world, including countries with a very humid climate.

The general scheme of the operation of the supply and ventilation system with recovery is that hot difts, passing through a special heat exchange cassette, is cooled due to cool air removed from the room. The principle of operation of indirect evaporation cooling is to install the system of adiabatic humidification in the exhaust channel of the supply and exhaust central air conditioners, followed by the transfer of cold through the recuperator of the supply air.

As shown in the example, due to the use of a plate recovery, street air in the ventilation system is cooled at 6 ° C. The use of evaporative cooling of exhaust air will increase the temperature difference from 6 ° C to 10 ° C without the growth of electricity consumption and humidity level. The use of indirect evaporative cooling is effective at high heat-flow, for example, in office and shopping centers, codes, industrial premises, etc.

The indirect cooling system with the use of the adiabatic humidifier Carel Humifog series:

Case: assessing the cost of the indirect system of adiabatic cooling compared to cooling with the use of chillers.

On the example of an office center with a permanent stay of 2000 people.

Conditions of calculation
Street temperature and moisture content: + 32ºС, 10.12 g / kg (indicators taken for Moscow)
Indoor air temperature: +20 ºС.
Ventilation system: 4 Implining and exhaust installations with a capacity of 30 000 m3 / h (air supply under sanitary standards)
Cooling system capacity with ventilation: 2500 kW
Air supply air temperature: +20 ºС.
Exhaust air temperature: +23 ºС.
Efficiency of recovery on explicit heat: 65%
Centralized cooling system: Chiller-Fan Coil system with water temperature 7 / 12ºС


  • To calculate, calculate the relative humidity of the air on the exhaust.
  • At a temperature in the cooling system, 7/12 ° C, the dew point of exhaust air, taking into account the internal moisters, will be +8 ° C.
  • The relative humidity of the hood air will be 38%.

* It is necessary to take into account that the cost of mounting the cooling system, taking into account all costs, is significantly higher compared to indirect cooling systems.

Capital expenditures

For analysis, we take the cost of equipment - chillers for the cooling system and humidification system for indirect evaporative cooling.

  • Capital costs for cooling air supply air for a system with indirect cooling.

The cost of one rack of wetting Optimist produced by Carel (Italy) in the supply and exhaust installation is 7570 €.

  • Capital costs for cooling supply air without indirect cooling system.

The cost of chiller with a cooling capacity of 62.3 kW is approximately 12,460 €, based on the cost of 200 € per 1 kW of refrigeration. It should be borne in mind that the cost of mounting the cooling system, taking into account all costs, is significantly higher compared to indirect cooling systems.

Operating costs

For analysis, we accept the cost of water water 0.4 € per 1 m3 and the cost of electricity 0.09 € per 1 kW / h.

  • Operating costs for cooling air cooling for a system with indirect cooling.

The water consumption for indirect cooling is 117 kg / h for a single supply-exhaust installation, taking into account the loss of 10% by applying it as 130 kg / h.

The power consumption of the humidification system is 0.375 kW for one sub-exhaust installation.

The final costs per hour are 0.343 € per 1 hour of operation of the system.

  • Operating costs for cooling air cooling without indirect cooling system.
The required refrigeration capacity is 62.3 kW per subtrem and exhaust installation.

Refrigeration coefficient we take equal to 3 (ratio of cooling power to power consumed).

The final costs per hour are 7.48 € per 1 hour of operation.


The use of indirect evaporative cooling allows:

Reduce capital costs for cooling air intake air by 39%.

Reduce power consumption on the air conditioning systems with 729 kW to 647 kW, or 11.3%.

Reduce operating costs of air conditioning systems with 65.61 € / hour to 58.47 € / hour, or by 10.9%.

Thus, despite the fact that the cooling of fresh air is about 10-20% of the total need for cooling office and shopping centers, it is here that there are the greatest reserves in increasing the energy efficiency of the building without a significant increase in capital costs.

The article is prepared by the company's specialists to the publication in the journal on No. 6-7 (5) June-July 2014 (p. 30-35)


The use of air conditioning systems (SC) with evaporative cooling, as one of the energy efficient solutions in the design of modern buildings and structures.

To date, the most common consumers of thermal and electrical energy in modern administrative and public buildings are systems of ventilation and air conditioning. When designing modern public and administration buildings to reduce power consumption in ventilation and air conditioning systems, it makes sense to make sense to pay a reduction in capacity at the stage of obtaining technical conditions and reduce operating costs. Reducing operating costs is most important for owners of objects or tenants. There are many finished ways and various events - to reduce energy consumption in air conditioning systems, but in practice, the choice of energy efficient solutions is very complex.

Some of the many systems of ventilation and air conditioning, which can be attributed to energy-efficient systems, are considered in this article air conditioning system with evaporative cooling.

They are used in residential, public, industrial premises. The evaporative cooling process in air conditioning systems provide nozzle chambers, film, nozzle and foam apparatus. The systems under consideration may be direct, indirect, as well as two-stage evaporative cooling.

Of the above options, the most economical equipment for air cooling are direct cooling systems. For them, it is assumed to use standard techniques without the use of additional sources of artificial cold and refrigeration equipment.

The schematic diagram of the air conditioning system with direct evaporative cooling is shown in Fig. one.

The advantages of such systems include the minimum cost of maintenance of systems during operation, as well as reliability and constructive simplicity. Their main drawbacks is the inability to maintain the parameters of the supply air, the exclusion of recycling in the serviced room and the dependence on external climatic conditions.

Energy consignments in such systems are reduced to the movement of air and recycling water in adiabatic humidifiers installed in the central air conditioner. When using adiabatic moisture (cooling) in central air conditioners, drinking water water is required. The use of such systems may be limited to climatic zones with a predominant dry climate.

The areas of applying air conditioning systems with evaporative cooling are objects that do not require accurate maintaining the heat molded mode. Usually they are underway to enterprises of various industries, where you need a cheap method of cooling internal air with high heat-changing rooms.

The following option of economical air cooling in air conditioning systems is the use of indirect evaporative cooling.

The system with such cooling is most often used in cases where the internal air parameters cannot be obtained using direct evaporative cooling, increasing the moisture content of the supply air. In the "indirect" scheme, the trimming air is cooled in the heat exchange apparatus of a recovery or regenerative type, in contact with the auxiliary air flow, cooled by evaporative cooling.

The version of the air conditioning system scheme with indirect evaporative cooling and the use of a rotary heat exchanger is shown in Fig. 2. SCH scheme with indirect evaporative cooling and the use of heat exchangers of recuperative type is shown in Fig. 3.

Air conditioning systems with indirect evaporative cooling are used when it is required to feed the difts without drying. The required parameters of the air environment support local closers installed indoors. The determination of the consumption of the supply air is carried out in sanitary standards, or by air balance in the room.

In air conditioning systems with indirect evaporative cooling, either outer or exhaust air is used as auxiliary. In the presence of local closers, the latter is preference, as it increases the energy efficiency of the process. It should be noted that the use of exhaust air is not allowed as auxiliary in the presence of poisonous, explosive impurities, as well as a high content of suspended particles that pollute the heat exchange surface.

The outer air is used as an auxiliary stream in the case when it is unacceptable to flow the exhaust air into the trimth through the delicacy of the heat exchanger (that is, the heat exchanger).

Auxiliary air flow before the supply to moisturizing is purified in air filters. The scheme of air conditioning system with regenerative heat exchangers has more energy efficiency and less cost of equipment.

When designing and selecting air conditioning schemes with indirect evaporative cooling, it is required to take into account measures for the regulation of heat disposal processes during the cold season in order to exclude the frost of heat exchangers. It should be provided with exhaust air cutting before the utilizer, the supply of a part of the supply air in a plate heat exchanger and regulation of the rotational speed in the rotor utilizer.

The use of these measures will exclude the frost of heat exchangers. Also in calculations using exhaust air as an auxiliary stream, it is necessary to check the system for performance during the cold year of the year.

Another of the energy-efficient air conditioning systems is a system with two-stage evaporative cooling. Air cooling in this scheme is provided in two stages: direct evaporative and indirect evaporative methods.

"Two-stage" systems provide for more accurate adjustment of air parameters when leaving the central air conditioner. Such air conditioning systems are applied in cases where deeper cooling air cooling is required compared to cooling in direct or indirect evaporative cooling.

Air cooling in two-stage systems are provided in regenerative, lamellar utilizers or in surface heat exchangers by an intermediate coolant using auxiliary air flow - in the first stage. Cooling air in adiabatic humidifiers - in the second stage. The main requirements for an auxiliary flow of air, as well as to verify the operation of the SLE in the cold period of the year are similar to the SCC schemes with indirect evaporative cooling.

The use of air conditioning systems with evaporative cooling allows you to achieve better results that cannot be obtained when using refrigeration machines.

The use of SCC schemes with evaporative, indirect and two-stage evaporative cooling allows in some cases to abandon the use of refrigeration machines and artificial cold, and also significantly reduce the refrigeration load.

Due to the use of three of these schemes, energy efficiency is often achieved, which is very important when designing modern buildings.

History of evaporation air cooling systems

Over the centuries of civilization, there were original methods of combating heat in their territories. The early form of the cooling system is "Wind Country" - was invented many thousand years ago in Persia (Iran). It was a system of wind shafts on the roof, which caught the wind, passed it through the water and blinked the cooled air into the interior. It is noteworthy that many of these buildings also had yards with large water reserves, so if there was no wind, then as a result of the natural process of evaporation of water hot air, climbing up, evaporated the water in the courtyard, after which the cooled air passed through the building. Nowadays, Iran replaced the "wind catches" to evaporative coolers and their widely uses, and the Iranian market due to the dry climate reaches turnover of 150 thousand evaporators per year.

In the US, the evaporative cooler in the XX century was the object of numerous patents. Many of them, starting in 1906, were offered to use wood chips as a gasket carrying a large amount of water when moving with moving air and supporting intensive evaporation. The standard design of 1945 patent includes a water tank (usually equipped with a float valve for level adjustment), a pump for water circulation through wood shakes and a fan for supplying air through gaskets in residential premises. This design and materials remain basic in the technology of evaporative coolers in the southwest of the United States. In this region, they are additionally used to increase humidity.

The evaporative cooling was distributed in the aircraft engines of the 1930s, for example, in the engine for airship Beardmore Tornado. This system was used to reduce or completely eliminate the radiator, which otherwise could create significant aerodynamic resistance. External evaporating cooling devices were installed on some cars for cooling the cabin. Often they were sold as additional accessories. The use of evaporative cooling devices in vehicles continued until there was no widespread air-conditioning air conditioning.

The principle of evaporation cooling differs from the on which the units of parocompression cooling work, although they also require evaporation (evaporation is part of the system). In the park compression cycle after evaporation of the refrigerant inside the evaporative coil, coolant, compressing and cooled, under pressure condensed into a liquid state. Unlike this cycle, in the evaporative cooler, the water evaporates only once. Steamed water in the cooling device is displayed in a cooled space. In the cooling edge, the evaporated water is carried out by air flow.

  1. Bogoslovsky V.N., Kokorin O.Ya., Petrov L.V. Air conditioning and cold supply. - M.: Stroyzdat, 1985. 367 p.
  2. Barcals B.V., Karps E.E. Air conditioning in industrial, public and residential buildings. - M.: Stroyzdat, 1982. 312 p.
  3. Queen N.A., Tarabanov M.G., Kopyshkov A.V. Energy efficient systems of ventilation and air conditioning of a large shopping center // Avok, 2013. №1. P. 24-29.
  4. Homutsky Yu.N. The use of adiabatic moisturizing for air cooling // Climate World, 2012. №73. P. 104-112.
  5. Parkin P.V. Ventilation, air conditioning and heating at the enterprises of the Easy Industry: studies. Location. For universities. - M.: Light Industry, 1980. 343 p.
  6. Homutsky Yu.N. Calculation of indirectly evaporative cooling system // World of Climate, 2012. №71. Pp. 174-182.
  7. Tarabanov M.G. Indirect evaporative cooling of the intake outdoor air in SLE with closers // Avok, 2009. №3. P. 20-32.
  8. Kokorin O.Ya. Modern air conditioning systems. - M.: Fizmatlit, 2003. 272 \u200b\u200bp.

Consistent to auth. Svid-Wu CL, in 60 b 3/04 210627 22) declared 03.01.7 by the accession of the application3) Priority of the judicial priority of the Ministerial of the USSRPO Affairs of the Opening of Opening Bulletins47 3) Published 25.1 629,113.06,628.) Publication Date of 3 O 3 2) Author V. V. Utkin Specialized Design Baro for Special Catering Tractors 2 g of thrust (54) Air Conditioner of two-step evaporators of 1 wow Cooling 11 and Phane-peeled Wrong Valido In Teplomnakia Effectiveness Effective Chamber for Sheen in Heat Exchanger The invention concerns transportation Cooling, content-made heat exchanger and fork meter for cooling Water exchanger, made with kkodachi air from the heat exchanger. Effectiveness of the evaporative isolation Obiment, with eOM, both channels are filled with a member of the nozzle narrowing in the direction. In FIG. 1 shows the proposed con diagoner, a longitudinal cut; FIG. 2 - transition according to AA in FIG. 1. The air conditioning consists of a fan 1 driven by the engine 2; water-air heat exchanger 3 and the nozzle of the night chamber 4, equipped with droplet-5, in the nozzle chamber 4, two rows of nozzles 6 are installed, the nozzle camera has an inlet 7 and an outlet 8 holes and a hole. Air Channel 9. To circulate water in the first stage, the water pump 10 is installed with the engine, which flows through the pipelines 11 and 12 of the tank 13 in the nozzle 6,. In the second stage of the air conditioner, the water pump 14 was installed in the water supply pipelines 15 and 16 from the tank 17 to the spraying device 18, wetting the irrigated tower 19. The drone was installed 2 o It is cooled, and part of it is sent to the second stage (the main flow), and the part through the channel 9 - in the nozzle chamber 4, the channel 9 is made smoothly suspended in the direction of the inlet of the nozzle chamber, so that the flow rate increases in the gaps 21 between the channel 9 and the input hole of the chamber 7 is suitable for 3 engineed air, increasing the mass of the intake of the cargo flow, which, having passed the chamber 4, is thrown into the atmosphere through from the version 8. The main flow in the second stage passes the tower 19 of the irrigated layer, where it is additionally cooled and moistened and through the drone 20 is sent to The serviced room, water circulating in the first stage heats up in T The gene exchanger 3 is cooled in the nozzle chamber 4, it is separated in the drone 5 and through the opening 22 flows back into the tank 13. Water in the second stage after the irrigation of the tower 19 and separation in the drop-flute 20 through the hole 28 flows into the tank 17. Formula of the invention1, air conditioning of two-stage evaporative cooling in order to. 4Transport, containing a water-aging heat exchanger and a nozzle for cooling of the water supply in: heat exchanger of water, made with a Cano injection of air supply from the heat exchanger, about t l and h and y with me with the fact that, an extension of the efficiency of evaporative cooling, the nozzle camera for cooling coming The water heat exchanger 10 is equipped with a channel for supplying air from the outer medium separated by the partition from the heat supply channel from the heat exchanger, with atom both channels are made narrowing in the direction of KO 15 inlet of the camera. Condicereer according to paragraph 1, o t l and h ayu sh and y with me that the proportion is made by waving wave-like.


1982106, 03.01.1974

Specialized Design Bureau on Special Crawler Tractors 2T Traction

Utkin Vladimir Viktorovich

MPK / Tags

Link code

Air conditioning two-stage evaporative cooling

Related patents

13-15 heat exchangers 10 - 12 communicated with the cavity of the refrigera 16, the cavity of which is common with a pipeline 17 with a Kingston channel 3. The collector 6 is hydraulically connected to a capacity of 18, which pipe 19 is reported with a refrigerated chamber 16 having a heating hole 20 and a hole 21 in the partition between the cavities A and B. System works as follows. The elastic pump 4 takes water entering the Kingstonic channel 3 through the jumper 2 from the Kingstonic Crate 1, and it supplies it on the pressure pipelines 5 and 7 - 9 through the collector 6 To heat exchangers 10 - 12, of which the adjacent water on the refrigerated pipelines 13 - 15 enters the cavity of the refrigerated chamber 16. When filling the cavity, the water through the hole 21 is overflowing into ...

The thermal radiation score from the surface of the heated strip directly to the working surface of the refrigerator, located on top and bottom of the processed metal with the maximum angular radiation coefficients, in FIG, 1 shows the cooling device in the Ermatic furnace, the section B-B FIG. 2; FIG, 2Kame measure of convective cooling software "LOMOS, A-A section in FIG. 1; in FIG. 3- construction of an annular gas nozzle. Definition for cooling bands 1 moving along the rollers 2, setting" in the thermal unit after the radiation cooling chamber. "Niya 3 and compacted at the exit of the strip of the gate 4, on both sides of the treated band, there are cylindrical water-cooled surfaces 5, circulation fan 6 ...

6 with coolers 7 and 8 oils and fresh water and branch 9 with an upgrade air cooler 10 and a silencer 11. Water from branch 6 merges through the treble cyfstone 12, and from the branch 9 - through the pipe 13 in the onboard pipe 14 of the muffler 11. Automatic hydraulic The resistance 15, mounted on the branch 6, consists of a housing 16 of the variable passage, a cone-shaped plate 17 with a stem 18, the guide of the sleeve 19, fixed on the housing 16 of the racks 20, the springs 21 and the adjusting nuts 22. System works as follows. Water takes water through the receiving Kingston 2 and the filter 3 and injected it along the branch 6 to the coolers 7 and 8 oil and fresh water. On the other parallel branch 9, water is fed to the cooler ...

The invention relates to the technique of ventilation and condseyionyone air. The purpose of the invention is the reassurance of the cooling depth of the main air flow and the reduction of energy costs. Water-irrigated heat exchangers (T) 1 and 2 indirectly evaporative and direct evaporative air coolers are sequentially located in the course of air. T 1 has channels 3, 4 of the total and auxiliary air flow. Between T 1 and 2 there is an air flow chamber 5 with an overhead channel 6 and the PER TiHPyeMBIM valve placed in it. The supercharger 8 with the drive 9 is reported to the inlet 10 with the atmosphere, and the output 11 with channels 3BP (its air flow valve 7 through the block The control is connected to the air temperature sensor in the room. The channels of the 4Voguent air flow are communicated to the output 12 with the atmosphere, and T 2 output 13 of the main air flow - with the room. The channel 6 is connected to the channels 4, and the drive 9 has a rotational speed regulator 14 connected to Control unit If you need to reduce the cooling capacity of the device at the air temperature sensor signal in the room through the control unit, the valve 7 is partially clicked, and the valve is used1% of the 18 pont regulator with a proportional reduction in the consumption of the total air flow to reduce the consumption of air auxiliary air . 1 Il. (L to o 00 to

Soviet Union


Republics (51) 4 F 24 F 5 00

Description of the invention

To a8tor certificate

State Committee of the USSR

Under the Affairs of Inventions and Notification (2 1) 4 166558/29-06 (22) 25.12.86 (46) 30.08.88. Vu.t, !! 32 (71) Moscow Textile Institute (72) O.Ya. Kokorin, M.L0, Kaplunov and S.V. Nheelov (53) 697.94 (088.8) (56) Copyright certificate of the USSR

263102, cl. F? 4 g 5/00, 1970. (54) Orruding for two-stage

Evaporative air cooling (57) The invention relates to the technique of ventilation and air conditioning. The purpose of the invention is to increase the depth of cooling the main air flow and reducing energy costs.

Water-irrigated heat exchangers (T) 1 and 2 indirectly evaporative and direct evaporative air cooling are sequentially located along the air. T 1 has channels 3, 4 of the total and auxiliary air streams, between T 1 and 2 there is a chamber 5 of the separation of air flows with Pere "SU" "1420312 D1. trigger 6 and an adjustable valve placed in it. Supercharger

8 with the drive 9 is reported to the inlet 10 with the atmosphere, and the output 11 - "with channels

3 total air flow. The valve 7 via the control unit is connected to the air t-glance sensor. Channels

4 an auxiliary air flow is communicated to the outlet 12 with the atmosphere, and T 2 output 13 is a new air flow of the room. Channel 6 is connected to channels 4, and the drive 9 has a regulator

14 rotation frequency connected to the control unit. If you need to reduce the cooling capacity of the device at the air sensor signal in the room through the control unit, the valve 7 is partially covered, and the number of speeds of the supercharged decreases with a proportional reduction in the total air flow rate to reduce the consumption of an auxiliary air flow. 1 il.

The invention relate to the technique of ventilation and air conditioning.

The aim of the invention is to increase the depth of the main air flow and the reduction of energy costs.

The drawing presents the concept of a device for two-stage evaporative air cooling. The device for the two-stage air cooling evaporator contains sequentially positioned by water, the heat exchangers of the heat exchangers 1 and 2 of indirectly evaporative air cooling, the first challenge of which has channels 3 and 4 commonly o and auxiliary air flow. twenty

Between the heat exchanger of 1 and 2, there is an air flow chamber 5 1 of the air flow 6 and the adjustable CLGYN 7 placed in it. NLG drive

9 is reported to the inlet 10 with the atmosphere, l exit 11 - "with channels 3 of the total flow LTNA; TY; :; 3. The adjustable valve 7 through the control unit is connected to the room temperature in the room (HP is shown). Channels 4 auxiliary air flow communicated to the output

12 with the atmosphere, and the heat exchanger 2 of direct spooling air cooling with output 13 of the main flow of air - with POP1EVENGGEM. The bypass channel 6 weeks. CLNLLs 4 g3pg Massage Potchlsl Air, à Drive 9 of the loader 8 has a regulator "Tor 14 GLUSTOT DRILS", SHAGEGGGY TO BLOCK 4O control (not as long as: 3 ln. DEVICE. CHALL WITH CHOOTING "L303DHL and; bots as follows.

The outer air through the input 10 and 3-4 steps into the GGLGnet holder 8 and through the output 11 TtartTettTets into channels 3 of the total air flow heat exchanger of indirect evaporative cooling. When air passes in channels 3 ILPO, it is reduced by the TTPTA enthalpy of permanent CULGOSTERZHANPI, after which the total air flow enters the chamber 5 p L ED of the air PS T OK.

From the chamber 5, a part of the pre-cooled air in the WHGD of the auxiliary air flow through the bypass channel 6 enters irrigated channels 4 of the auxiliary stream of the Wagon, located in the heat exchanger E 1 perpendicular, but for example, the overall air flow, in the channels 4 there is evaporative cooling of the steer Down along the walls of channels of 4 water films and at the same time cooling passing through channels 3 of the total air flow.

Ovpljnenggy and increasing its enthalthit3 an auxiliary air flow is removed through output 12 into the atmosphere or can be used, for example, for ventilation auxiliary premises or cooling is built by binary buildings. OSN A blessing flow in the sinoo comes from the chamber 5 of the separation of air flows! 3 Heat exchanger 2 of direct evaporative cooling, where the air is completed, and unlighted with permanent enthalppie and is simultaneously rejected, after which the obromgotan. And the main air flow through output 13 is fed to the PC. If necessary, reduction! TTTIT TTOëOLTOKOCOVEDIENCIENCE TET ITT aromatic dates in the corresponding signal of the dates, the air temperature in the room through the control unit (not shown) The CLRPLN 7 is covered, which leads to a reductive "T about the consumption of auxiliary air auxiliary air and a decrease in the degree Cooling "total air flow in the heat exchanger 1 indirectly evapogen cooling. Simultaneously with the cover


tOT :; The number of NLH adjovers 8 with the provision of proportional to PSH TT; T »Consumption of the total flow of air and: Itó UG: T NG» GgettTtTtTtia RLCXode

»Ep..tc1t TTÃP! I IT POT CL Air.

1 SRMULLYINE-BRANCE W.Troyvs; For two-handed Guggelt Flust Cooling Air, Content I OS.GEGGO "LG YEGPO P, Lñ! TIT-covered in the direction of air irrigated! 30 Singing the oobmonic nickname of indirect-IC Ggrrievnogo and direct spoilatory-free air, the first IE of which has the channels of general and The auxiliary air flows, which is rotated between the heat exchangers of the CD Cold Cold for airflows with the bypass channel and the RLZMEMCHCHEn in it, the cannon-yarm valve, N NAS vet bodies with the drive, Community TTT TTT G3X

Compiled by M. Razchpkin

Technical M. Roomich Proofreader S. Shekmar

Editor M. Citkin

Circulation 663 subscription

VNIIII State Committee of the USSR on the Affairs of Inventions and Discoveries

113035, Moscow, 35, Rauskaya Nab., \u200b\u200b4/5

Order 4313/40.

Production and printing enterprise, Uzhgorod, ul. Project, 4 swarm, and output - with channels of total air flow, and the adjustable valve through the control unit is connected to the air temperature sensor in the room and the channels of the auxiliary air of the air are communicated with the atmosphere, and the heat exchanger of direct evaporative cooling - with the room, o t l ICH and Yu E E E with the fact that, in order to increase the cooling depth of the main flow of air and reduce energy costs, the bypass channel is connected to the auxiliary air flow channels, and the pump drive is equipped with a rotational speed regulator connected to the control unit.

Similar patents:

For premises with large excess of explicit heat, where the main humidity of indoor air is required, air conditioning systems that use the principle of indirect evaporative cooling are applied.

The scheme consists of a system of processing the main flow of air and the evaporative cooling system (Fig. 3.3. Fig. 3.4). For cooling water, irrigation chambers of air conditioners or other contact apparatuses, spray pools, cooling towers and others can be used.

The water chilled by evaporation in the air flow, with a temperature, enters the surface heat exchanger - air conditioner air conditioner of the main air flow, where the air changes its condition from the values \u200b\u200bto the values \u200b\u200b(T.), the water temperature increases before. The heated water enters the coat unit, where it is cooled by evaporation to temperature and the cycle is repeated again. The air passing through the contact unit changes its state from the parameters to the parameters (T.). Passionate air, assimilating heat and moisture, changes its parameters to a state of t., And then to the state.

Fig.3.3. Scheme of indirect evaporation cooling

1-heat exchanger-air cooler; 2- contact apparatus

Fig.3.4. Diagram of indirect evaporation cooling

Line is a direct evaporative cooling.

If in the premises of excess heat make up, then with indirect evaporative cooling, the consumption of supply air will be

with direct evaporative cooling

Since\u003e, then<.

<), что позволяет расширить область возможного использования принципа испарительного охлаждения воздуха.

Comparison of processes shows that with indirect evaporative cooling, the performance of the SCP is lower than with direct. In addition, with indirect cooling, the moisture content of the supply air is lower (<), что позволяет расширить область возможного использования принципа испарительного охлаждения воздуха.

In contrast to the separate circuit of indirect evaporative cooling, a combined type apparatus was developed (Fig. 3.5). The device includes two groups of alternating channels separated by walls. Through a group of channels 1 passes auxiliary air flow. On the surface of the channel walls, water flows, supplied through the water distribution device. Some water is supplied to the water distribution device. When evaporation of water, the temperature of the auxiliary air flow decreases (with an increase in its moisture content), and the canal wall is cooled.

To increase the cooling depth of the main air flow, multistage schemes for processing the main flow, applying which theoretically, can be achieved by the temperature point temperature (Fig. 3.7).

The installation consists of air conditioning and cooling towers. The air conditioner produces indirect and direct isoentalpine cooling of the air of the served premises.

In the cooling, the evaporative cooling of water is occurring supplying the air conditioner surface air cooler.

Fig. 3.5. Diagram of the device of the combined apparatus of indirect evaporative cooling: 1,2-group of channels; 3- water distribution device; 4- pallet

Fig. 3.6. SCHE SPS two-stage evaporative cooling. 1-surface air cooler; 2-irrigation chamber; 3 - cooling time; 4-pump; 5-bypass with air valve; 6-fan

In order to unify equipment for evaporative cooling, irrigation chambers of typical central air conditioners can be used instead of cooling towers.

The outer air enters the air conditioner and at the first stage of cooling (air cooler) is cooled with constant moisture content. The second level of cooling is the irrigation chamber operating in isoenthalthalpy cooling mode. Cooling water supplying the surface of the water cooler is produced in the cooling towers. Water in this circuit circulates with a pump. Cooling is a device for water cooling atmospheric air. Cooling occurs due to evaporation of a part of water flowing through the rod under the action of gravity (evaporation of 1% water lowers its temperature by about 6).

Fig. 3.7. Chart with two-stage evaporative mode


The air conditioner irrigation chamber is equipped with a bypass channel with an air valve or has an adjustable process, which provides air regulation directed to the served room by the fan.