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How to solder copper tubes with a gas burner. How is the brand of copper pipes? Video instruction: how to solder copper pipes

Copper pipes are widely used in everyday life and industry. Of these, pipelines are built to move cold and hot water, heat, gas, oil. These products are not subject to corrosion, durable, durable, do not distinguish harmful substances, therefore are used to supply drinking water. Excellent withstand the effects of high temperature and pressure. Copper tubes are present in air conditioners and refrigerators, other household appliances. However, there is nothing eternal, because copper tubes can give leaks for different reasons. Repair of the copper pipe is fundamentally different from the restoration of steel or plastic products.

In contrast to the use of welding work when docking or repairing steel pipes, a soldering with special materials, tools and methods is used for copper pipelines. The creation of networks from copper brazed structures saves on various connecting elements. And if you do it yourself, you do not have to pay third-party specialists. It should not think that everything is so simple. Soldering copper pipes with her own hands - the process is responsible and requires special accuracy and some skills of ownership tools and methods of work.

How and what to solder copper

There are only two ways of connecting pipes from copper:

  • Soldering in high temperature mode, or "solid" when the work is achieved from 600 to 900 degrees. Solder in this case is used refractory, and the seam is obtained with high strength characteristics. This method is used to create pipelines designed to work with large loads.
  • Soldering at low temperatures, up to 450 degrees, is usually used for household needs. It is called "soft", as the process is used in the process to solder copper pipes.

It is impossible to get a solid and reliable spike without the use of the following tools, consumables and devices:

  • truborez is needed so that the cuts of the blanks were smooth and strictly perpendicular to the main axis;
  • the fake sequence is needed to clean the cropped edges from sowing; devices are round and in the form of a pencil; Round more convenient, but applicable for pipes with a diameter of not more than 36 mm;
  • equipment for soldering is the main tool, which uses an electric soldering iron or a compact gas burner operating on propane;
  • the expander is a device, with which the edges of the pipes are prepared to dock; The processing depth is determined by the diameter of the workpiece;
  • solder is intended for each mode; For high-temperature spikes, a copper wire containing phosphorus is used, low-temperature brazing copper pipes is performed with a wire from tin or with lead;
  • flux can be used in a solid or liquid form, alkaline or acid, depending on the conditions of work; It helps to remove the oxide reservoir with the jackets, which contributes to a better compound of metal and solder; Sometimes a special paste for soldering copper pipes is replaced with rosin.

In order to more convenient adjustment of the temperature regime in the zone of the production of adhesive works, an industrial hairdryer is used. The use of various nozzles can be the most accurate hot air in the right place. This tool is necessary to create the best conditions for an efficient soldering with a low-melting point of the pre-warming of the docking space. Also in operation will necessarily need sandpaper with shallow sprouting, metal rash, rags, brushes, brushes.

Features of soldering media

Production of works on the docking of two segments of pipe blanks between themselves or fitting begins with the processing of the ends. The fitting must be selected for the desired diameter and a given configuration. In the case of connecting two pipes, the edge of one of them is expanded by a special tool. Then you need to clean the surfaces of the connected surfaces to the copper shine using fine sandy paper. It turns out that from one edge they are made from the inside, the other is outside. Dust is removed with a soft brush or napkin.

If the solder does not have the ability to self-slip, then a flux is applied to the place of docking the slide layer. For this purpose, use the usual brush. With the help of burner for soldering copper pipes, the soldered area warms up. The basic condition - warming should be uniform. It is usually enough one minute. It is superimposed by solder, which is distributed evenly by moving it simultaneously with the burner. From the resulting temperature of the solder melts and fastens the pipes.

In the case of working with a soldering iron, the solder is heated from the tip of the tool. With any embodiment, a certain experience is required. Because it is necessary to obtain the desired result, firstly, prevent overheating of materials. Secondly, you need to try to achieve an optimal temperature value for better melting of solder. Both are bad. Since insufficient heating will lead to a solder glue with copper, not a durable docking. If you allow overheating, then flux that helps the uniform distribution of the solder, burns and the connection will not be durable too.

When the installation of copper pipes is made of short segments, the previous junction should be cooled before you begin the connection of the following. In order not to expect cooling in a natural way for too long, you can help the overlapping of the veil moistened in cold water.

And further. If the operating pipeline is repaired, it is necessary to completely free from the liquid and dry well. Since to solder copper pipes in wet state is impossible.

Why copper pipes are so popular

Copper itself is a soft metal, easy to dry. The conduit ranks second after silver, so it is actively used in the electrical industry. For plumbing products, this metal is in pure form is not suitable due to high plasticity. Copper alloys are used for the manufacture of pipeline products and connecting reinforcements, the composition of which is regulated by state standards. Pipe products are made in a cold way (called cold-orted or cold-rolled) or hot pressing method. Regarding the pricing policy, the products made of copper-containing alloys are expensive than their fellow from steel, plastic or metalplastic. But expenses with interest are covered by the useful properties and excellent operational parameters. It:

  • long service life in the most difficult conditions of use - more than 50 years; There are cases of exploitation of up to 100 years;
  • absolute resistance to corrosion and chlorinated water;
  • the ability to work in a wide temperature range without changing its technical characteristics;
  • relatively low weight, due to which it is easy to transport, mounted and processed;
  • salt and other deposits are not formed on the inner surfaces, since products inside have increased smoothness;
  • the presence of antibacterial properties, so copper pipes are recommended for transporting drinking water.

High heat transfer pipes allows you to actively use them for the manufacture of heat exchangers and cooling systems. They are indispensable in the designs of air conditioners and refrigeration. However, copper is not recommended to connect with other metals, in order to avoid a possible reaction. Products can be damaged by pronounced aggressive liquids and solid impurities.

Copper pipes

The main drawback of copper is its high price. The pipeline from this material will cost much more expensive than steel or plastic. But this shortcoming pays off due to a long time of operation. Any alloy with copper component is easy to external deformations. Mechanical impacts are completely excluded. The assembly process can not be called too time consuming, but there are difficulties. The sequence and composition of the soldering procedure must be observed strictly, and also have certain skills and experience for this.

To transport hot water, copper alloys can use only with very large care. Laying such a pipeline follows in hard-to-reach places. Due to the high degree of thermal conductivity of the material, the products from it are quickly heated. With careless circulation, you can get a burn. Significant heat loss will also take place. But with this "misfortune" cope with enough simple - arrangement of heat-insulating coatings from special polymers.

Scope of application

The area of \u200b\u200buse of tubular products from copper-containing alloys is very wide. Namely:

  • housing and communal services and private owners;
  • building;
  • energy;
  • machine-building industry;
  • instrument making;
  • manufacture of household appliances.

Of these, the circulation systems of coolers in refrigeration equipment and air conditioners of various types and capacities are performed. As well as hydraulic oil devices. Copper tubes are used for the strapping of technological equipment, to arrange water supply and heating networks. With their participation, pipelines are built to pump fuel. Suitable for applying indoors and outside.

Soldering copper pipes is a simple and reliable way of inconphigible pipeline connection. Copper refers to those metals that are perfectly soldered. However, to carry out work with their own hands, it is necessary to adhere to the safety rules and have certain knowledge.

To understand how to solder copper pipes, you need to study the technology of the soldering process, a list of equipment and tools for work.

Technology connecting pipelines

Copper is an excellent material for communications such as water supply, heating and gas pipeline. Copper products have a lot of positive characteristics, namely:

  • Do not be corrosion;
  • Have a smooth surface;
  • Not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Possess bactericidal properties;
  • Have high thermal conductivity;
  • Withstand high temperature;
  • Durable;
  • Durable.

Despite the fact that copper is a relatively expensive material, it is increasingly choosing when communications arranged. To the pipeline was durable and durable, it is better to pan. According to regulatory documents, there are two types of soldering:

  • High temperature;
  • Low-temperature.

High-temperature soldering is used where a particularly strong connection of parts is needed. In everyday life, high-temperature soldering is used to repair products from copper and brass in cases where there is no other alternative.

Soldering copper pipes with her own hands - quite fulfilling the task. The technology with which the soldering of products is carried out, implies the use of such elements as:

  • Solder;
  • Flux;
  • Brush;
  • Burner.

Special OBSP

Technology of all-in-block soldering of pipes involves the introduction of solder between them. Solder has a melting point somewhat lower than copper. Soldering products involves the capillary effect at which wetting and the solder spreads over the entire surface. Solder is made in the form of a wire.

Some complexity represents copper soldering with the following metals:

  • Aluminum;
  • Brass;
  • Stainless steel.

The technology by which the copper is connected with aluminum, brass and stainless steel differs from others, and involves the use of special solders and fluxes. The compound of copper with such metals can not be sought in the usual way in view of the fact that an oxide film is instantly formed on the surface of the products.

In order to discharge copper with aluminum, it is necessary:

  • Remove oxidized film;
  • Cove the surface of the product rosin.

Also, the copper compound with brass is carried out using a solid copper-phosphoric solder.

Why the flux is designed

The flux is a special paste either powder that cleans the surface of products from dirt and oxides, and also contributes to the best spreading of the solder. Another important point is that the flux performs a protective function from oxygen in the docking seam. Today there are such varieties of flux:

  • Anti-corrosion;
  • Acidic;
  • Cheekless;
  • Activated.

Flux for soldering copper must comply with the following requirements:

  • Have a melting point below the solder temperature;
  • Evenly cover the surface of the product in the place of soldering;
  • Flux must completely dissolve copper oxides.

The flux must be used to protect the metal from the interaction with air, thereby turning out a qualitative and reliable connection of parts.

After completing the work, the connection site must be thoroughly rinsed and removed the flux residues in order to avoid corrosion formation at the location of the details.

What tool required for soldering

In order to solder parts from copper at home, you need to have a set of tools. The main tool is a soldering iron that performs the function of heating the parts. Also for work will require the following set of tools:

  • Truboresis;
  • Fatheck seater;
  • Pipe expander;
  • A hammer;
  • Roulette.

As a soldering iron, a gas burner is most often used, the work of which is that gas is supplied from the built-in sprayer. Thanks to the heating system, the gas burner is ready for operation within a few seconds. Gas burner there are such species:

  • For one-time use;
  • With a stationary cylinder;
  • Acetylene-oxygen.

Gas burner differs in the following criteria:

  • Power;
  • Performance;
  • Gas composition.

In order to combine pipes on construction sites or other communal facilities, powerful equipment is necessary - the device with a stationary gas cylinder.

To connect pipes at home, a household apparatus with a one-time cylinder will fit.

Such equipment is distinguished by a lot of positive advantages:

  • Mobility;
  • Multifunctional;
  • Adjusting the heating rate;
  • Security.

A high-quality gas burner should have a bright blue flame. To refill, the burner is suitable for the usual gas for lighters, which works on the same principle.

The composition of the gas differs depending on the type of soldering. There are such varieties of the composition of the gas mixture:

  • Gas - air;
  • Gas - oxygen.

Gas burner for soldering copper pipes

The main pipelines made of non-ferrous metals have increased corrosion resistance. To connect the elements, the fill of the joints of the solders is used. Copper pipe soldering can be performed independently, it will not require a special snap or tool to perform work.

Copper soldering why it is worth learning this

The use of copper pipes for water supply to the room is limited to the high cost of materials. But copper and alloys based on it have increased elasticity, which makes it possible to produce the highways of a complex geometric shape without risk of oversight walls.

The chemical inertness of the material allows the position of water supply and heating pipelines in the thickness of concrete walls or overlaps, without fear of corrosion destruction of the metal.

The brassing technology of copper pipes does not require the use of aggressive chemical reagents to remove from the surface of the layer of oxides. Low-melting alloys based on tin and lead have increased adhesion with copper, which simplifies the procedure for selecting a connecting material.

When applied, the solder does not heat the copper base to high temperatures, causing the formation of compounds with air oxygen. The tube during processing is not deformed, if necessary, the resulting joint is separated by heating the seam by a portable gas burner.

Methods for soldering parts from copper

When combining products from copper and alloys, 2 technologies are used based on it:

  • capillary soldering at low temperature;
  • the process of filling the seam with a refractory solder (with an elevated heating temperature of parts).

Features of high temperature connections

The technology involves the use of solders moving into the liquid phase at a temperature of up to 450-500 ° C. The connecting material consists of copper and silver with the addition of alloying metals (for example, to increase elasticity or reduced shrinkage during cooling). The technology allows you to create a durable seam, resistant to the effects of mechanical loads or local overheating of the main pipeline.

Soldering of copper pipes solid-based firm-based silver leads to annealing grounds that negatively affects the strength characteristics of the structure. To reduce the negative impact, a cooling of the joint line is used in a natural way. When installing fans or feeding on the water, the strength of the pipe drops. The compound technology is used to connect gas pipelines and plumbing channels with a diameter of 12 to 160 mm. The technique is recommended when flowing through pipes of liquids heated to 110-120 ° C (heating highway).

Low-temperature soldering in detail

Low-temperature soldering of the water pipe from copper tubes is performed at temperatures below 450 ° C. For the connection, radiotechnical solders, built on the basis of lead and tin (with additional additives), are used. The use of a low-melting alloy leads to an increase in the width of the seam, the resulting joint is not designed for the application load. The compound refers to the category of soft, but decrease in the temperature of heating contributes to the exclusion of the probability of annealing of copper parts during the connection process.

The technology is used when connecting highways with a diameter of 6 to 108 mm, it is forbidden to solder high-wave solders for the gas supply. When arranging copper channels for heating, it should be borne in mind that solders allow pumping coolant with a temperature not higher than 130 ° C.

What will be needed in the process

Before soldering copper tubes, you will need to prepare a flux capable of cleaning the surface from the oxide plates. The quality of work is depends on the correctness of the surface preparation. Flux additionally contributes to spreading the alloy over the surface of the tube, which improves the appearance of the seam. Then you need to decide on the connection technology from which the choice depends on how to solder copper pipes.

With high-temperature welding, a solder is used, not having a lead (marked on the LEAD Free package). For low-temperature technology, the standard solder of the POS, produced in the form of a rod with a diameter of 3 mm. It is allowed to use alloys with the administration of alloying elements (for example, bismuth or lead), which positively affect the strength of the compound.

Soldering copper pipes means cutting parts to the elements of the appropriate size. For separation of the pipe on segments, pipe cutter is used, the edges of the blanks are processed by the tool for the soles. Since when connecting pipelines, it is required to expand one of the ends of the highway (to ensure a dense and reliable landing), then an expander will be required, which is a plug with a special sleeve designed for several pipe diameters.

To heat the solder and elements from non-ferrous metals, a gas burner with a nozzle forming a narrow directional flame torch is used. The equipment is equipped with a cylinder, which is filled with pure butane or propagano-butane mixture. It is allowed to perform work using an electric soldering iron, the tool is used in zones where the use of an open flame is prohibited. Also, the master will need a set of drawing tools that allow you to place the workpiece.

Copper soldering technology

After training tools and materials, a pipe solder is soldered, consisting of stages:

  • cutting blanks on segments;
  • degreasing and removing oxides;
  • docking elements;
  • application on the sink of the solder.

Cut the detail of the required length

The welding of copper tubes begins with the layout of the pipeline, which is then cut into the elements of the desired length. When markup, it is necessary to take into account the length of the length required to connect the tubes after the end expansion. The hand cutting tool allows you to hold the pipe, and then a carbide roller rolled around the outer surface of the workpiece. As the body cuts out the pipe, the roller is pressed by the adjusting bolt, which allows you to get a smooth slice.

Pruning the blanks with the help of hacksaw for metal and a special template that provides perpendicular to the cut. With cutting, the pipe is not allowed, since the ovality of the outer surface worsens the seal of the joint (due to the change in the gap, which will not be filled with the solder). The resulting breakdown is removed by sandpaper and metallic heroes. Then one of the edges is processed by the expander, which will create a hermetic joint with increased strength.

Apply flux to the surface of the pipe

Welding copper pipes with their own hands requires the removal of oxides from the surface of the parts connected. Billets are wiping with a degreasing composition (for example, acetone), and then a reagent is applied to the connectable edges. It is not recommended to use an increased dose of flux, the active substance is uniformly applied with a thin layer on the connection zone. For applying a reagent, a painting brush is used that does not leave on the surface of the fibers.

Connect the parts before soldering

After applying the flux tube connected, it is recommended to stick the elements immediately after the surface lubrication (to reduce the risk of dust sedimentation). Details when connected are rotated relative to each other, which allows you to distribute the flux and provides a dense fit. The reagent deleted from the joint is removed by a dry tissue napkin, keep the flux on elements from non-ferrous metals is prohibited because the material destruction begins.

Education of the connection at low-temperature soldering

At low-temperature technology, a flux is used, designed for reduced heat heating when connected. Soldering copper tubes with a gas burner provides for the flow of torch on the connection zone, the burner moves through the joint, providing uniform heating of parts. Then the solder bar is taken in the hand, which is supplied to the gap between the pipes. Melted metal begins to spread along the surfaces, the burner is removed to the side, the solder fills the joint due to the temperature of the heated pipe.

Seam formation with high temperature type solder

When using refractory pipes, the pipe warms up the burner to elevated temperature. The burner moves along the joint zone until the pipe is heated to the cherry-red shade (corresponds to the temperature of 750 ° C). Then the connection is supplied to the joint, pre-heated with a flame burner.

Solder melts from contact with heated pipes, evenly filling the mounted gap. Supply excess solder is not required, since the material will remain on the outer part of the pipeline. After the completion of the procedure, it is necessary to wait 2-3 minutes, after a decrease in the temperature of the joint and crystallization of the solder, the remains of flux are removed. Additional mechanical processing of the connection is not required.

Safety in the digestion of copper pipes

Basic safety regulations for self-soldered pipes from non-ferrous metals:

  1. When applying chemical reagents and heat heating, protective clothing and glasses are required. If the flux falls on the open areas of the skin, it is necessary to remove the reagent with running water, and then flush the body area with soap solution.
  2. It is forbidden to use protective clothing from synthetic material, which melts or flammable under the influence of a flame of a gas burner or a sting electric soldering iron.
  3. Since when performing the work, the flux is evaporated, then ventilation is provided in the room.

Basic errors allowable when soldering

Basic errors arising when welding copper pipeline on their own:

  1. Not enough quality joints. When applied, the solder is formed voids that disturb the tightness and strength of the connection.
  2. The stains of the oil on the surface of the pipes that do not allow processing the material with a flux.
  3. Erroneous selection of the joint width. To ensure the correct connection, the surface must be contacted at a length of from 7 to 50 mm (depending on the diameter of the connected pipes).
  4. Heat the parts to a low temperature. Solder melts, but after cleaning the burner is immediately crystallized, which does not allow to fill the gap between the connected elements. Another error is excessive heating of pipes, which contributes to the burnout of the flux and the formation of scale.
  5. Application of an insufficient amount of flux, which is not enough to clean the surfaces from oxides. When the solder is introduced, the compound is formed by an insufficient width, passing water or gas during operation.
  6. Attempting to check the connection line to the final crystallization of the solder, leading to the destruction of the compound. To restore the joint, it will be necessary to remove the solder, and then connect the parts again.
  7. Violation of safety regulations.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Inexperienced installations are recommended to conduct a cycle of workouts using pipe waste. After performing test 5-6 seams, it is allowed to be taken for performing a connection on the pipeline. Since with insufficient experience there is a risk of error in the markup, then the pipeline is assembled on the floor of the room. After checking the correctness of the dimensions, a sequential connection of the joints of a solid or soft solder for soldering copper pipeline is performed.

Video # 1. Features of high-temperature soldering of copper:

Video # 2. How to solder copper fittings:

Video # 3. What fluxes for soldering are:

In the videos shot by mounting brigades, it is shown how to properly solder copper pipes at home. The novice installer does not always determine the degree of heating the parts, so it is recommended to resort to the help of an experimental mentor. Since the copper pipelines and technological components of polyhed metal taps have a greater value, then the implementation of the installation work will save money on their own (even taking into account the need to buy a tool).

By the way, it is possible to buy copper tubes at

Each type of building material requires an individual approach during processing. Often the services of professionals who are not suiced are required. But if you have certain skills and master the basics, then a lot can be done yourself. For example, a brand of copper pipes with its own hands is not such a difficult task as it may seem first. This article will tell about the necessary tools and nuances of this type of work.

Why copper

Soldering is one of the most reliable ways to connect pipes. It is this option that will be acceptable if you are going to hide the wiring in the wall, without experiencing that once something can flow and have to do expensive repairs. Here are some advantages of using copper:

  • Universality. There are practically no restrictions on application. It can be a water supply system in the house. With their help, you can organize a high-quality system of heating. Among other things, such material is used in refrigeration equipment, air conditioners and medical devices.
  • Chlorine resistance. Periodic disinfection of water leads to the destruction of the usual metal, which you can not say about copper pipes.
  • Antiseptic properties. Due to its composition, copper prevents the development of bacteria, the livelihood of which does not affect human health.
  • Long service life. Service life without any intervention can reach 100 years with a guarantee that no emergencies will arise.
  • High plasticity. When installing, the material can be given any desired form. To do this, it is best to use special pipe bending, which prevent the climbing.
  • The availability of material and fittings for the connection.
  • Resistance to temperature drops. The scatter can be in the range from -100 ° C to + 250 ° C. In this case, the metal does not lose its properties and strength.
  • Resistance to the emergence of growths and blockages. The inner walls are very smooth, so the solid particles simply nothing to catch.
  • Resistance to oxidation. When interacting with oxygen on the surface of the copper, a protective film is formed, which hinders the flow of further chemical reactions.

It usually can not be perfect, so the choice is to approach the two sides of the coin. There are disadvantages:

  • Relatively high cost. It is true that in cash costs such material cannot be called cheap, but the resulting result will surpass many times and with interest compensates for all costs.
  • Copper is a good conductor. This means that the entire contour must be grounded. The slightest leakage in the power grid will lead to a shock of consumers.
  • The impossibility of use in steam heating. This applies only to the species where the soldering method is used at low temperatures.
  • Some complexity of editing. In order to do everything qualitatively, it will be necessary to adopt and spend a large amount of time.
  • The need to apply a protective sleeve. This is rather a feature than a flaw. Such a solution will be required in cases where there is a need to make a hidden layout. The fact is that some building mixtures can contain in their composition substances that interact well with copper, leading to the thinning of the pipe walls.
  • When connecting to other metals, for example, steel, the use of brass adapters will be required. It is necessary to prevent the formation of a galvanic pair, which would lead to the destruction of the place of articulation.

Note! Recently, a copper pipe with chromium is gaining great popularity. It is used in the furniture industry. From it you can make various intricate stands and holders.

Types of copper pipes

Depending on the specific purpose, the copper pipes can be endowed with unique properties. According to the method of production, it is distinguished:

  • Annealed. This option was designed for projects with the need for high plasticity. For example, they are used when laying freon highways. Most often, such products are supplied in the bays. Working with them in a sense is easier.
  • Non-raised. They have greater strength and rigidity. This is just necessary in order to withstand the system pressure and not subject to deformation.

There are also various products in shape. Most often, it is round, but there are also profile - square and rectangular. The second subspecies has specific use for some refrigeration and split systems. The wall thickness may be from 0.8 to 3 mm.

Among other things, finned pipes have been developed. Their destination is rapid temperature dissipation, whether it is for cooling or heating. Designs of enlarged size. Can be used instead of steel and cast-iron radiators. Design production can occur in several ways:

  • Rolling method. A copper pipe of the required diameter is taken as the basis, the aluminum ribbon is pressed on top. With the help of special machines, the ribs are extruded on the material.
  • Method of liquor. Directly on the pipe during rolling is the formation of small rifrance. The next step is to induce the profile aluminum ribbon, which forms the ribs.
  • Induction method. Two components are heated using high frequency current. Next, their compound is performed, which leads to their fusion.

Note! When buying a soft copper pipe, be sure to check the ends to be closed with special plugs. If this is not, then the garbage can freely get inside. For air conditioning systems, this may be fatal fact.

Temperature modes

As mentioned above, there are two main types of pipes and for each of them there is a soldering method:

  • At high temperature. This method is suitable for organizing various heating systems, including steam. Solder in this case acquires the necessary consistency when 900 ° C is reached. The articulations are sufficiently rigid and resistant to different impacts.
  • At low temperature. In this case, the process occurs at a temperature of 400 ° or a little less. Most often applies when installing household systems.

In each case, the relevant components and compliance with certain requirements will be required.

Required tool

In order to successfully complete the operation on the brassing of copper pipes, you will need tools and materials.

There are several varieties. Everything will depend on how specifically the soldering method is needed. Some products can be with a small removable cylinder, others are equipped with large tanks. For a solid or high temperature compound, gas flame variations (acetylene-oxygen, oxygen-propane, air-acetylene) are used. For soft - acetylene-air, propane air. In some situations, it is not possible to use the devices listed above, therefore, special electrical devices were also developed. Some types of soldiers allow the usual construction hairdryer processing.

Different soldering are selected for various types of soldering. For those systems where the presence of a large pressure or other loads is planned, a refractory material must be applied. It is usually produced in the form of rods. Its processing temperature is 650-900 °. Most often in its role there are compounds of copper and phosphorus. Also, they add additional impurities in order for the flux process. For low-temperature soldering, the consumables are usually produced as a soft wire.

This is a special composition that is created to facilitate the soldering process. They also differ depending on how the temperature regime is intended. Can be released both in liquid consistency and in pasty. Their task is to clean the place of the future compound from various pollution, preventing oxygen penetration for the successful reaction flow, improving the solder fluidity, improve the adhesion of materials among themselves. Usually on the packages it is indicated, for what purposes one or another product is applied.

Truborez. For copper products apply roller products. Their accuracy is much higher than when processing the metal with the metal. In the second case, the chips will be formed, which will later become a big problem for the entire mechanism (this is critical for air conditioning and refrigerator systems).

It is necessary in order to give the end of the pipe with a conical shape, as well as remove burrs. It makes it many times easier for docking the main pipe and fitting.

Calibrator. This is a special device that allows you to increase the diameter of the pipe to such sizes so that the second nozzle can easily fit inside. It should be remembered that the length of the sting should not exceed the diameter.

Ordinary brush. It is used to apply flux to soldering.

Metal brush. It will take for stripping the place of the pipe adjoining to fitting.

Fire-resistant. Allows you to protect the wall or other items when performing welding at the place.

Copper pipe and fittings.

Safety technique

The soldering process is associated with a high temperature, as well as the release of various substances during the melting process.

To prevent accidents and harmful impact on the human body, you need to follow a few simple security rules:

  • Good air access. The room must be intensively ventilated. Neglect of this condition can lead to gases and evaporation poisoning.
  • Individual protection means. In the process of installation it is very important to have gloves that are not solidifying with thermal exposure and will not light up, which could lead to serious burns. Be sure to use points that prevent small particles in the eye in the process of cutting or when spraying, due to heating items. It is also desirable to use the means to protect the respiratory tract, for example, respirators. They will prevent rapid copper dust.
  • Proper handling of the burner. Passage must be produced at a safe distance from flammable substances. If separate large capacity cylinders apply, they should be placed in consent with the requirements that the manufacturer indicates. It is important to eliminate the impact on them direct sunlight or other heat sources.

Soft soldering process

This method is simple enough and easily mastered by newbies. It is important to observe only the following steps:

  • There is a segment marking, which is necessary for a particular site. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account which part will go into the connecting fitting. This moment is very important, because the recessed part should not be too small, since it will not give the material well to dock, but it should not be too big to not create a voltage that will reduce the service life.
  • With the help of hand-made pipes, trimming is carried out.
  • The edge is carefully processed to remove burrs and give the facek form cone.
  • A part of the pipe that will enter the fitting is preparing sandpaper.
  • With the help of a metal brush-brush or sandpaper, the inner surface of the fitting is preparing.
  • After such processing, you must insert the pipe into the connector and check whether it comes to the required level
  • With the help of a conventional brushes to the stripped place of the pipe, as well as the inner surface of the fitting, flux is applied.
  • The pipe is inserted inside until the stop is designed for this purpose. The nozzle must be checked a bit so that the flux is uniformly distributed.
  • With the help of a cloth, excess flux is removed, which spoke to the surface.
  • The next step will be the extension. It is necessary to start it from the pipe and smoothly move to the place of transition, where the spike will be produced.
  • When a certain level is reached, it is necessary to take the solder and touch the connection site. In the event that it has not started instantly pester, it is necessary to continue the heating.
  • It is important to avoid overheating. This will lead to blown fruit and poor contact with the solder.
  • When the solder begins to melt, it must be pressed to the neck so that it can go inside the connection. The flame of the burner should be a little ahead of him so that he just did not paint on the surface from a strong heat.
  • For the horizontal seam, it is necessary to move the movement from the bottom up, first on the one hand, then on the other. For vertical - as it is convenient in a particular case.
  • After cooling, it is necessary to remove the net with a damp cloth, as well as the flux residues.

Note! In no case do not speed up the cooler process. It should proceed with natural duration. If you do not observe this, then microcracks may appear in the seam, which will disturb the tightness.

Process soldering with a solid solder

This type of soldering is suitable for pipes with a diameter of more than 22 mm, as well as where the operating temperature will be higher 175 ° C. The steps to prepare the pipe and fitting will be the same as described above.

  • Using a vice or other fixture, the connected node must be firmly fixed. It should be fixed throughout the operation.
  • Warming starts with a pipe. It is necessary to do it in 2-3 cm from the point of contact. It should move around the nozzle and towards the spike place. It is impossible to keep the burner in one place for a long time, it may damage the source material.
  • When using copper-phosphor solder, it is not necessary to use a flux flux. But he can act as an indicator. They can deceive the place of docking and warming. When it becomes transparent - it's time to start acting.
  • When the temperature reaches the required level, the solder will be strained at the prepared place without effort. You should not direct the flame directly on it, it is necessary to lead it with a slight advance.
  • The rules for maintaining solder for horizontal and vertical joints are the same as described for the previous case.
  • After the cooling process is completed, the processing place is wiping with a damp cloth to remove nagar and flux residues.
Note! If the diameter of the pipe 1 "and more, then it can create problems when heating the place of the soldering. In this case, it is necessary to warm up the fitting itself, and then the pipe and the neck can be used. Additionally, you can use the second burner, which will maintain a constant trimming value.

Some errors

Before starting the assembly of the whole system, it is better to take several pipe segments and connectors to work out. In the process there may be some defects, their reasons are as follows:

  • Crack in the seam. The reason is rapid cooling, as described above.
  • Deformation of a pipe or fitting. The reason is too long warming up. It usually grabs about 20 seconds to make the material to come to the condition.
  • Poor gripping solder. The reason is insufficient preprocessing. It is very important to remove a small layer so that the gap between the pipe and the fitting amounted to several hundredths of the millimeter. It will enable the connector to go inside.
  • Flexion at the place of the junction. The reason is insufficiently recessed the pipe in the fitting.

Some actions will require a certain skill. But after good training in battle will be easier. Now, knowing how to solder, and adhering to the basic rules, you will definitely succeed in your work.


The brake process is clearly shown in the following video.

Pipelines for moving water, gas, other connections are used from copper alloys in industry, home use. Copper pipes have a number of positive sides, they are not subject to corrosion and temperature effects, so perfectly suitable for driving drinking water. There are often cases when the compounds fail, they give leaks. In this case, there are two outcome options of events, refer to qualified personnel, or repair your own hands. Most prefer the second way, because No wonder there is a saying "Want to be done well - do it yourself."

Types of copper pipes and their use

The most commonly found on sale two types of copper pipes are not annealed and rejected. When forming in production, there is a loss of elasticity, which is necessary in some industries, home structures. Elasticity is returned by firing at temperatures up to 700 °. Pipes from copper annealed type are more expensive, but more elastic and allow you to withstand high temperature differences. However, there is a certain disadvantage - the loss of the strength of the product, which is lost in the heating process to temperatures close to melting.

  • Cutting pieces of the required length is performed using a pipe cut. When cutting, it is necessary to control the angle, a building corner can be used to obtain a smooth cut.
  • After cutting the site prepared for soldering, sweeping occurs. The process involves the use of the brush, the metallic heroxic of the corresponding diameter. It is important to know that it is impossible to use sandpaper, scratches, metal sand may appear when working, which will significantly reduce the quality of the connection.
  • Regardless of the bracket technology of copper pipes, one of the ends of the parts connected is expanded by a special device. The diameter increases to the state, when the second end comes out freely, leaving a small gap.
  • Soldering flux is applied to the end of the end with a metal brush or the rash. A reliable compound can be achieved by uniformly distribution of flux.

Before the process of braking copper pipes, the prepared ends are inserted into each other, removing excess flux. The process of low-temperature soldering is heating the part until the flux becomes silver color, it usually occurs at a temperature of about 350 °.

Fully heated compound is processed by a solder, which fills the slots, the surface of the joint. The process is considered to be completed when the whole circle of the joint is processed. When soldering copper pipes, the solid solder does not need to expose the deformation product during the cooling process, it may disrupt the seamlessness of the seam.

After cooling the connected section, the flux remains are removed with a rag.

How else can you connect the elements from copper

Long service life, corrosion resistance, low weight and presence of antibacterial properties made copper connection quite popular in certain circles. High heat transfer makes it possible to use the material of cooling systems. Before soldering copper pipes, it is necessary to determine the soldering method, in addition to temperature effects, there are various fittings, the use of which depends on the degree of damage or the design of the joint.

Types of copper fittings under the soldering

An alternative method of soldering is to use fittings in the combination of copper pipes. There are two main types:

  • Crimpses have a ring inside the design that provides the ability to create a hermetic connection. The design is made of brass.
  • Different in diameter from the external indicator capillary fittings. The process involves docking the soldering, by differences in diameters and compression, thereby connecting.

The process starts when solder's bar melts, stages of work:

  • after assembly, the docking seam is heated;
  • to the place of the joint is served solid solder, the softening of which is made by gas burner;
  • when visually confirmed that the solder was overlayed on the metal, the pipe must be checked, control the dock around the perimeter.

The main advantages of this method is the high strength of the joint of copper pipes, if necessary, it seems the ability to change the diameter of the connection with a smaller side. High temperatures during operation can not destroy the seam. Soldering solid solder requires certain skills, overheating is possible in the process, which leads to the destruction of the metal.

Low-temperature soldering

Each process requires a responsible approach to performance. For heating, a propane or gasoline burner is used when using a soft solder docking copper pipes. It is important to know that the burner with the piezoejiggium will significantly reduce the time of work, the acquisition of expensive models without this function is not appropriate.

In the process, it is important to use high-quality accessories, the flux paste plays a last role in the connection. The uniform coating of the parts of copper pipes is achieved by using a soft tassel, after applying the surplus is removed with a cloth. The burner temperature can reach 900 degrees, when soldering, it is important not to overheat the product, otherwise there will be overheated.

Safety in the digestion of copper pipes

Copper pipes are used as conductors of liquids with good anti-corrosion properties. Installation of copper pipes cannot be performed to provide drinking tap water. Copper is in contact with chlorine added to water purification, can form substances harmful to the body. For artesian sources, wells there are no danger in use.

It is important to use a high-quality tool, produce work in gloves and follow the condition of the equipment. The thermal conductivity of the metal is high enough, when heated one of the nodes and non-compliance with safety, it is possible to get burns. High-quality seams can be obtained in the absence of external factors in the form of loads until the joint is completely cooled.