Repairs Design Furniture

Separate the room with different wallpapers to highlight the corners. Design Wallpaper Glowing: Combination, Choice, Soviets of Experts. Combining vertical wallpaper strips

The perception of the interior of the hall is the key room in the dwelling, is largely determined by the type of wall finishing, so in the process of repairing should not be neglected by the rules of choice and the combination of wallpaper.

Many options for their combinations makes it possible to give the space an original appearance, make it cozy, comfortable and atmospheric, while spending the minimum number of funds.

Advantages of designer reception

Wallpaper sticking design in the hall of two species has many advantages. Wall coating looks expensive, interesting and rich. In this case, the combinations of drawings and textures help to perform some practical functions in the interior decor. You can visually expand the boundaries of the room, expand the accents, make the zoning of the space unobtrusive and soft.

The result looks spectacular and stylish. It is preserved for a long time, helping the room not to lose its attractiveness and impeccable aesthetics over time.

It has this direction in the design of the interior and other weighty advantages:

  • Price availability

You can save on attracting professional decorators and perform work on combining coating on the walls with your own hands.

  • Many options

Halls in conservative styles, living rooms in combined studios, ultra-modern rooms will look harmonious and holistically with due choice of wallpaper for walls.

  • Simplicity of adhesive technology

Decorative plaster, mosaic from tile, imitation of brickwork - all these ideas look in the design of the hall effectively.

However, they are not so easy to implement. You need to develop technology for a long time, wrap your skills and delve into the nuances. Wallpaper Book will turn out faster. The combination work of this material is not distinguished by intricateness and suggest the minimum costs of labor resources and time.

What wallpaper can be used in work

Homeowners who believe that for an impeccable result is enough to visit the construction center and buy the first two rolls of wallpaper, attracted a glance in the exhibition hall - mistaken.

It is important to carefully choose a coating for the walls, guided by personal taste preferences, current financial capabilities, the features of the room planning - the area is important, the ceiling height, etc.

Attention should be paid to the composition of the wallpaper, their texture, the presence and type of pattern, shade. With the proper approach to the choice, it will be possible to decorate the walls at the highest level and all family members, guests of the house will enjoy a pleasant, comfortable and bright atmosphere in the renovated hall, which preserves freshness, comfort and beauty.

As for the types of wallpaper, it is possible to bet on ordinary paper covers for walls, silk screen, as well as vinyl, acrylic, textile, fliesline wallpapers, etc. They differ not only in density and specificity, but also by price. Therefore, consumers with various budget will be able to find a suitable option for themselves and make an amazingly elegant and elegant wall design in the hall.

Gun technique

There are many techniques indicating how to punish the wallpaper of two types in the hall, their photos can be found on the network on the relevant request. Most often in the work of the Wall Decoration Master use the following techniques /

Horizontal combination

In this method, there is a horizontal division of the walls with the wallpaper strips pasted in a special way to the surface.

This technique allows you to "play" with visual perception of space. It helps to expand the borders of the room, make it wider visually. Therefore, it is recommended to apply in living rooms with a small area, which are usually available in apartments and small cozy private homes.

The best technique works in rooms that have a simple geometric shape and are deprived of all sorts of design sizes in the form of niche, figure suspended ceilings, arches, zoning partitions. Punching is made as follows: the wall horizontally is divided into two parts, selecting certain wallpaper for each segment.

The bottom most often makes dark, contrasting, and for tops, they choose a paper cloth with an unobtrusive light shade. It can be both monophonic and pressed - with patterns in the form of ornaments, oriental vensels, floral images, etc.

Horizontal stripes can have a different width, applied on one or more walls in the living room. It is believed that with the middle height of the ceiling, which is 2.5-3 meters, the width of the wallpaper strip for the bottom should not exceed one and a half meters.

Versions of thin strips are allowed, with the width of the canvas in the range from 100 to 120 centimeters. They look strictly, concise and elegant in combination with a properly selected web for the top of the walls in the hall.

Vertical stripes: Overview of this technique

Blooming the wallpaper of two colors with the help of this technique, the owners of the house or apartment will be able to solve the problem of low ceilings in their home. They will need to pick up the wallpaper, which in color palette and the subject of the patterns are combined with the general design of the interior, and beautifully puncture them with vertical stripes. This technique is universal.

It does not have harsh requirements and restrictions, therefore it is used quite widely in individual construction.

The form of the hall, its area and geometry can be any. At the same time, such combinations will successfully play on the walls:

  • the combination of patterned and "empty" wallpapers of the same color (monochrome wallpaper will well complement cute floral prints, strict geometric patterns, beautiful images of cities and nature);
  • contrasting colors, shades of juicy noble palettes;
  • the combination of shades of one color gamut differing in heat and saturation.

The technique itself is implemented in several ways. Among them are alternation on the walls of horizontal strips of various wallpapers, pairs of harmoniously selected canvases, design of one or two walls in the hall selected by wallpaper.

The choice of the option remains for property owners. They can come up with their combination options, guided by personal taste preferences and visions of the interior fashion.

Combining wallpapers in the technique "Patchwork"

In addition to the combination of colors in design, decorators apply the special techniques for their sticking. Well known to the needlewomen patchwork technique "Patchwork", applied by them when designing walls of the living room. It suggests that different wallpapers, or rather their trims, will form a single panel on the wall after the sticker.

At the same time, it is important to achieve integrity and harmony in the perception of the "masterpiece" obtained on the wall. For this, the materials are carefully selected by shade, coloring and texture.

In the absence of experience with such a technique, you do not need to use a lot of wallpapers. For a successful decoration of the walls of the hall, there will be a sufficient combination of three types of cloths connected together using the Patchwork Patchwork Method.

Alternative techniques

In addition to the widespread techniques discussed in the previous section, alternative methods can be used in the hall design. Among them, technique with inserts, which is suitable for large and small rooms with different areas.

This method of decorating the walls assumes that the wallpaper of different colors will be pasted inserts. For example, the wall in the hall will be monophonic, and niche or an open storage system for books is glued with a pressed web. It looks great. It focuses on the details, makes the perception of space with the right and exciting spirit.

It is possible to simply place on the monophonic walls textured and bright inserts in the form of geometric figures - rectangles, circles, triangles, etc. The number of design options is almost infinite, you just need to use your creative and show fantasy.

Apply the technique of "inserts" can be used for zoning space, focusing on the arches, decoration of slopes on the windowsills and input doorways. It is characterized by simplicity, versatility and efficiency of implementation, therefore, it is popular with people involved in the performance of repair and construction work without attracting professional masters.

Wallpaper blending options: Overview of current journal solutions and on sites

Looking through photos in glossy publications devoted to interior design, you can personally make sure the variety of ideas for combining wallpapers on the walls of the hall. The owners of the real estate can draw inspiration and on thematic sites affecting the topic of repair of the house, and then embody the ideas from professional decorators into reality. Good ideas are found on the forums where people are divided by their success in repairing halls and living rooms.

Knowing how to combine wallpaper in the hall of two species, and looking at the photo with examples for inspiration in journals, real estate owners will be able to repeat the ideas of professional designers in their home.

They will achieve excellent results if they take carefully to detail. They have to carefully mask the places of joints, competently combine invoices, tastefully select prints and patterns. However, all efforts will be rewarded by the presence of a unique atmosphere, which reaches the living room after the end of the repair work and the placement of furniture.


The hall is very often called one of the main rooms in any house or apartment. At the same time, she is the most complicated in terms of arrangement and design, because the design of the interior should like and approach all members of your family! And this room should have a rich, original decoration - after all, it is in the hall that guests receive guests, going with friends and relatives, celebrate family holidays and celebrations. Therefore, to the issues of selection of style and design of the room, as well as what wallpaper to choose to the hall should be treated seriously and responsibly.

How to pick a wallpaper in the hall? What are the types of wallpaper and what are the advantages of a particular option? What are the most fashionable living trends of living rooms? Are there secrets of choosing and using wallpapers that help visually adjust the room? Let's try to briefly answer these questions.

What wallpaper to shove in the hall?

When the moment of choosing and buying wallpapers for the hall comes, then many people literally are lost in the choice. It turns out that it is necessary to make a choice not only in the drawing, color and texture of wallpaper, but also correctly pick up the type of wallpaper. If we speak in general about the classification, then all the wallpaper existing on the market is usually divided into the following types:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • on a flieslinic basis;
  • Wallpapers for painting;
  • Glassworks;
  • Textile, etc.

Of course, each of the types of wallpaper has its advantages and disadvantages, features of use, gluing. Knowing these parameters will allow the most objectively and competently approach the selection of wallpapers for the hall (living room) and choose the option that not only liked you in a drawing or coloring, but also best suits use.

Also in the process of selecting wallpaper for the hall, you need to decide on these parameters as:

  • color spectrum;
  • Monthly wallpaper will be either with a pattern;
  • wallpaper texture;
  • room dimensions;
  • Level of natural living room lighting, etc.

How to choose a wallpaper for the Hall: Basic Rules and Recommendations

To understand what wallpaper is suitableand become one of the decorations of the room hereinafterAnd what are not and able to navigate in the huge variety of wallpaper on the market, you should follow a few simple selection rules:

  1. When choosing wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the living room (the height of the ceilings, the width of the walls, the quality of natural lighting, etc.);
  2. When choosing a color of wallpaper for the hall worth considering not only personal preferences, but also on which side there is a living room (for rooms on the northern and eastern side it is better to choose warm and bright shades, for the rooms of the southern and western location, you can choose from the cold palette shades);
  3. The choice of texture and material (for example, the engagement of golden yarns will allow emphasize the luxury and wealth of design);
  4. It is necessary to decide on the shared style of the hall design and select the drawing and the texture of the wallpaper on the basis of the overall idea of \u200b\u200bdesign and design.

Fashion trends in the world of wallpapers for the hall 2014

Among the range offered by manufacturers, the wallpaper is familiar, classical design options and there are new items. Making repairs in the living room, I want to get not only updated, but also a fashionable interior. Will asked the question, what wallpaper for the hall is the most fashionable?

It is worth not afraid and boldly use fashion trends in the design of the walls in the hall:

  • combining wallpaper - "Yes!";
  • Plant motifs in wallpaper drawings today are at the peak of popularity;
  • still do not lose their relevance and geometric motifs in drawings;
  • in fashion - soft and calm textures, as well as gilding and shine;
  • Wall murals can also be used in the design, but it is not necessary to take them a whole wall in the living room, it is better to integrate the selected drawing in the design of the room.

Combining wallpapers in the hall - a trendy, modern and effective way!

No one will argue with the fact that the decoration of walls in the hall and the living room is an important task. It is from how correctly the wall decoration will be made, the degree of convenience and comfort depends, as well as the visual perception of the room. Increasingly, and more often to solve such tasks, a method of various textures and drawings is applied. How to combine wallpaper in the hall? We will try to answer this question.

Allocate the following types of wallpaper combining when finishing walls:

  1. Vertical;
  2. Horizontal;
  3. Patchwork;
  4. Wall-mounted inserts.

Their skillful and competent use will allow not easy to update the interior but also create an original, unique design. However, it is important to remember that in the pursuit of originality should not forget about the rules of aesthetics and a common sense!

Vinyl Wallpaper on Flizelin Base

Vinyl wallpapers for the walls of the hall are better than everyone else. They have a huge amount of advantage, and the rich appearance of the predominant majority of models allows you to successfully use them in the living rooms.

One of the main advantages of these wallpapers is that they have an aligning effect, which allows you to successfully use them where the walls do not differ in perfect evenness.Minor dents and transitions will hide under the pattern and wallpaper, without visually visiting.

So the advantages of these wallpapers:

  • simplicity of work with them (in gluing);
  • Fliselin - durable material, the foundation of the wallpaper is more durable;
  • Vinyl exterior wallpaper coverage is easily humid cleaning, it is not terrible small domestic pollution;
  • look spectacular and rich;
  • do not fade and do not change their kind for many years;
  • Sustainable to abrasion.

Disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper:

  • Vinyl - material of artificial origin;
  • lack of vapor and air permeability at the material;
  • Perhaps the presence of a specific smell, which will still stay in the room with such wallpaper.

It is in the parade premises that the room (living room) of the room is located in the usual residential building, the designer potential of such wallpapers is fully revealed, minimizing all the above flaws.

Wallpaper under painting

Refresh the interior of the hall wallpaper under painting. This is a special type of wallpaper, which, after pasting on the walls, can be painted, and, as a rule - more than once. A convenient and practical solution that allows you to change the situation in the room, without resorting to the replacement of wallpaper - just repaint them in the selected color. Wallpapers Painting are divided into three main types:

  • paper;
  • fliseline;
  • Gymelomes.

Each of these options has significant differences and according to the components used in the manufacture of further use. It combines them one - all these wallpapers are easily painted, capable of withstanding several staining cycles.

Paper wallpaper

Paper wallpapers are considered a budget option, but this does not mean that such wallpapers do not deserve attention. Modern technologies allow you to produce paper wallpapers that are distinguished by high quality, beautiful appearance, wealth of style solutions.

There are several types of paper wallpaper:

  • smooth;
  • two-layer embossed;
  • moisture-resistant (washable);
  • structured;
  • foamed.

These types of wallpapers of production technologies used by components are distinguished, but in general they have that they are all paper base.

The main advantages of paper wallpaper is:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • Price availability.

The shortcomings should be attributed:

  • It is impossible to use in rooms with high humidity;
  • high abrasability;
  • not elastic, very easy to rush;
  • demanding on the quality of the level alignment;
  • Strengthen errors, do not hide the shortcomings of the walls or the ceiling.

Glassworks for the walls of the walls of the hall

Glass equipment is a relatively new and unique in its kind finishing material for walls, which is ideal for use in the living rooms. However, this material has a number of disadvantages about which it is worth knowing.

In the list of glazes:

  • exquisite, stylish and respectable appearance;
  • durability;
  • High durability and endurance.

Along with this, we note the shortcomings:

  • Requirements for the preparation of walls to the salary;
  • the need to use special glue for wallpaper wallpapers;

    The list of advantages should also be attributed:

    • the ability to choose fabric (textile) wallpaper of any color gamut and texture;
    • long service life;
    • Ecology and safety.

    If we talk about the minuses of this option, then it is worth mentioning:

    • high price on textile wallpaper;
    • instability to dust and moisture;
    • Specific requirements for the process of pasting such wallpaper.

    Stowing wallpapers in the hall: Basic Rules

    How to shove wallpaper in the hall? There are a number of simple, but important rules that should be kept while sticking wallpaper wallpapers. This will guarantee the quality and durability of the results of the work:

    1. Walls should be cleaned of old coating, dust and contamination;
    2. If possible, it is recommended to align the surface of the walls, as well as to progress them before pasting wallpaper;
    3. It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations for gluing, which relate to the chosen type of wallpaper (for example, paper wallpaper are launched with glue, phliseline - no, etc.);
    4. Modern wallpapers in the predominant majority are glued;
    5. Within one room premises, it is advisable to salary for one day;
    6. When drying glue and wallpaper it is desirable to exclude the air ventilation.

    Summing up ...

    As you can see, the wallpaper is an excellent option for decoration of walls in residential premises. Regarding the living room is a way to emphasize the beauty and originality of the room, the wealth of his decoration, the opportunity to give the room solemnity.

    The main thing is to seriously and responsibly approach the choice of wallpaper, to comply with the rules for their combination and gluing on the walls, and then the result will delight for many years and its beauty, and quality!

A fairly popular option for designing the surface of the walls in the room is the combination of two types of wallpaper. This design allows you to adjust the existing shortcomings of surfaces or allocate the main zones. This is a modern way to make any room of stylish and modern. The article will consider the options for sticking wallpaper of two types and recommendations are given on their own conduct of this work.

Since the combination of wallpaper implies a combination of not only colors of cloths, but also textures, then in this process there are its own rules that you need to follow when working.

Ceiling height

This indicator largely helps determine the wallpaper. With ceilings not higher than 2.5 meters, it will be suitable for such a room with a small pattern and with a small texture. If the ceilings differ too low height, then help them visually lift can design with light wallpaper with a non-latch pattern or vertically spaced strips. You can also place on the walls alternately cloths of different, close to each other colors.

Premises with a height of more than 3 meters require wall design on another principle. In this case, a contrast major pattern is needed, located in a horizontal plane. Also, in this case, the division of walls in the horizontal plane wallpaper will look good with different design with a pattern or texture. But so that it looked modern, you will have to try to very much with the choice, since this interior is classic.

Square of the room

In addition to the height of the ceilings, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room when choosing wallpaper for it. If the room is spacious, you can use deep dark shades in the design, to visually make the interior comfortable. If one-standard wallpaper is not suitable for the owner of the house by mood, you can choose similar, but with a pattern. As a rule, dark canvases with bright abstract, geometric or vegetable pattern are most often used.

For small rooms, this rule does not work. Here, on the contrary, light wallpapers are needed with a small pattern, which is not very pronounced.

It is very important to look at the geometry of the room. In the case of a narrow room, which is characterized by a large length, it is worth producing dark and light wallpapers. So the linen of the light shade is stacked on short walls in such a way that their part goes to a long wall. So you can get a visual alignment of geometry.

If the entrance to the room is located on a long wall, then the surface parallel to it is covered with wallpaper of contrasting color with such a condition that the edges of this wall will be decorated with the same canvases as the rest of the room. So the room will not seem too long.

Wallpaper texture and color

If it is decided to glue a room with two types of wallpaper, then the choice of texture and thickness of the canvas should be very careful. When combining, the cloths will be best to look better, so that there are no marked transitions. If the dock is planned only in the corners, then not necessarily pay attention to the invoice.

In the case of a mixing of different wallpaper type, the glue for each species is selected appropriate. If you do not want to acquire several compositions, you can buy one universal.

In the case of a room that is located on the south side and is constantly flooded with sunlight, you do not need to do it completely dark. You can use deep shades of wallpapers on the wall that is parallel to the window, and the rest can be covered with light. So the room will not be too monotonous, and on the psyche located inside a person will not prescribe a dark color.

This technique can be applied in the room on the north side. Here it is worth the wall in front of the window with light wallpaper. In this case, the room will look lighter.

Wallpaper layout options

Designers offer a huge amount of layout options for two types of wallpaper, and several techniques can be used in the same room. In order to harmonically emphasize the dignity of the room and hide the shortcomings, you need to clearly imagine what to achieve in the end.

Vertical combination

It has long been known that the vertical stripes visually increase the height of the ceiling. And not necessarily use only striped wallpaper. So one wall or part of it can be performed in the striped design, and the remaining areas are placed with a canvas without or with a non-market pattern.

Strips can be completely different. This includes differences in color or drawing.

Important! Wallpaper texture with such a combination must be identical.

Since now manufacturers offer collections of companyon wallpaper, then it is absolutely not difficult to choose the same cloth on the texture. Complete among themselves, they will be most correct, harmonizing in color or design.

In the vertical combination there is a technique that allows two species with the help of wallpaper visually increase the height of the ceiling. To perform such an option, the canvas passed onto the wall, continue to glue and on the ceiling. In this case, the border will be erased, and the room will be visually higher.

For greater understanding, how to perform vertical combination, special schemes have been created, which will work reliability at any shade of the canvas. For these examples, there are many designers, and each time they have an excellent result.

Horizontal combination

As previously mentioned, horizontal combination refers to the classic options for designing the premises. This technique has been used for a long time, but with a modern range of colors and textures, I purchased a new sound. Most often, the horizontal combination of wallpaper is used in small rooms with high ceilings.

If there is no need to glue several cloths from above and below, then zoning the surface of the walls can be a horizontal strip, which is usually performed at the level of the window sill, but can be located below or higher.

For the design of the corridor or hallway, the band can be positioned right at the level of the eyes, which also looks very good.

The separation is performed from above. Typically, the upper area is made in light color, and the bottom dark, but quite possible this rule and disrupt.

The following methods can be called the traditional ways to create horizontal division:

  • 1/3 of the bottom of the wall is covered with strip wallpaper, and the rest of the surface on top of one-photon harmony with a shade of the canvas.
  • 1/3 Niza is covered with wallpaper in fine pattern, and the rest of the wall with a large image with a large image.
  • 2/3 Niza wall in a large pattern, and the rest is one-photon.

Creating a room zoning

Several wallpaper colors in the same room are often used to design functional zones. Often this can be found in Studio apartments. The same design is also used for children's rooms when it is necessary to separate the recreation area from the working or indoors there are several children of different floors.

Usually such design implies docking only in the corners so that the joints of the compound are invisible, and there was no need to decorate them with moldings.

Performing decorative inserts

In those days, when the wallpaper was performed only from the fabric and cost expensive, people who didn't have enough money for them, they took pieces and concluded them to the frame on the wall. Since then, the decoration of wallpaper in the form of a panel.

Today, such registration is inherent in classic interiors, where on the walls within the framework you can see the embossed wallpaper or those canvases that are made in the technique of silk screen.

If possible, wallpaper elements are decorated with a frame of molding. Such registration will be beautifully looking in the classic style, as well as country interiors and Provence. This panel can be decorated with living room or bedroom in modern style. But in this case, the frame is performed from the same wallpaper as the main part.

Tip! If there is a niche in the room, then another version of wallpaper can be blocked inside it, which will be harmonized with the main background. It turns out a kind of panel.


At the moment there are several principles on the use of this reception. The first implies the distraction from some detail that does not look winning indoors. This, for example, may be irregularities. In order for the look at this lack, at the entrance to the room, the opposite wall is highlighted by the wallpaper of another color with or without pattern. It is very important that the salamic surface is attracted.

The second option is the allocation of an important place in the room. The bedroom is a bed, in the kitchen - a working or dining area. For each room there may be a subject to focus. Partially such design is also considered zoning.

Usually, accents are created by vertically located canvases, but in rooms with high ceilings, you can apply the horizontal emphasis option. Often there are protrusions in the premises, which are mainly trying to disguise. But it is not necessary to do, since, having highlight this item, you can get a highlight that will only be inherent in this interior.

Combining wallpaper depending on the purpose of the room

Depending on the function of the room, it is possible to combine the wallpaper differently. We will consider the most interesting ideas of creating such a design.

In the bedroom

Not all colors and textures are suitable for this room. In the bedroom, a person relaxes and rests, so the screaming shades of wallpapers will not fit, although modern interiors are often performed in bright color.

The main object in any bedroom is a bed. It is her and focus. You can do this in a few available ways: saving the wall behind the headboard contrasting color of the wallpaper, starting a few cloths on the ceiling, creating a unique panel in a frame from molding. It does not have to use only two types of wallpaper, they can be more. The main thing is to adhere to harmony and create such a design that will contribute to relaxation.

In the living room

The living room is a business card at home, as it is there that guests are gather and most often spends the whole family. That is why the creation of an interior in this room must be suitable with full responsibility.

Often the walls in the hall are decorated with niches or protrusions. Since such elements themselves are decoration, then their decoration should be carried out very carefully. They are covered with contrasting wallpaper of dark shades.

Winning in the living room looks accents, but they should be a little. The big hall is appropriate to zone with different wallpaper. They will help to highlight functional zones or main interior items.

In a nursery

This room in which zoning is most common with different types of wallpaper. It is very important to highlight the recreation area, games, learning, as well as create a corner for everyone if the room is populated by several children. The design of the room with such design is shown in the photo.

In the hallway and corridor

Further hide the shortcomings of the wallpaper of different colors in the hallways and corridors. As a rule, these are close and dark rooms, which, with the correct selection of design, are transformed in their eyes. Here you will be perfectly combined with various textures and species wallpaper. The originality can be achieved by performing horizontal stripes on the walls.

In the kitchen

For the kitchen appropriate a combination of calm and bright shades. Here will be perfectly looking beige or white wallpapers in combination with turquoise or orange, as well as photo wallpapers. Different color and texture wallpapers in the working and dining area make room assembled and most comfortable. To distract attention from the cooking area, the dining area is made as original as possible.

In fashionable, studio apartments there is no distinction between the kitchen and the living room, so the wallpaper will help create the right design.

Now there is a fairly wide range of wallpaper in building stores, among which you can choose those that will be combined with each other as well. As we said earlier, there are special collections with patterns similar to design, which are suitable for each other. In order to begin combining yourself, it is necessary to practice in this art.

To do this, you can create a panel from the desired wallpaper design and perform a frame from molding for it. You can make the likeness of a patchwork of wallpaper trimming. To do this, there is no need to buy expensive canvas, it will be enough for those who remained from previously carried out. And ask for the Loskutka, you can even have friends and relatives. To perform, you need ready-made squares or rectangles of wallpaper to bore with a glue or tape from the reverse side and arrange a certain section of the wall.

In order to combine the wallpaper of different shades of each other, you do not need to be a designer. Fashionable repair is easy to perform and do it yourself, it is enough just to show a little imagination and creative. Some ideas of sticking in various rooms with wallpaper of two species are presented with photos in this article. They can be repeated or added to the design of something.


Casting rooms with two types of wallpaper - the perfect option for those who want to update their interior, but wishes to move away from traditional design. This method of the design of the walls will give the room a note of originality and make it the most stylish, responding to all modern requirements.

Each owner of the apartment seeks to ensure that the interior of the rooms correspond to its nature, ideas about comfort and comfort. One of the main roles in this question plays the decoration of walls. Sometimes, the apartment gets his "highlight", it is enough to use the wallpaper of only two types.

Pros and cons

Combining wallpapers of different colors and textures, it is advantageous to emphasize the merits of the interior, to arrange the visual accents on those areas of the rooms that I want to emphasize, as well as to hide the possible shortcomings in the planning and defects made during the construction of the house. It should be borne in mind that if a person who has decided to update the view of the apartment, there is no understanding of the features of sticking various wallpapers within one room, the feelings of color, how the wallpaper will be combined with furniture and storms in the room, it easily makes mistakes. It will reduce all efforts to create an interesting interior on "no".

Combination rules

When selecting the walls of two types, you need to pay attention to how the colors and patterns on different rolls are harmonized. There are a number of rules that give the opportunity not to miss in choosing:

  • Intensive colors should be combined with soft, insensitive shades. In the room, fully re-established in saturated paint, it is impossible for a long time. This leads to the overeximity of the human psyche.

  • Patterns with flowers and textural ornaments can give an interesting combination. Stylishly, they look, adjacent to the monophonic wallpaper. Bright patterns should be underscounted by pastel shades. If you do not dilute the brightness of the paints and patterns of some of the wallpaper with calm shades of others, the risk of getting a tasteless, a lip-up picture that will quickly get bored.
  • Well coexist on one area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas with geometric and abstract patterns.

Selection by type

When buying wallpaper of two types, experts do not recommend choosing materials from different manufacturers. The easiest way to purchase them by choosing from a specific collection. This allows you to better combine wallpaper-companions in one room. There are various options for the walls of the walls.

Vertical option

This is a classic way to work with two types of wallpaper, in which the effect of high ceilings is achieved. With this approach to decorating, different patterns and color of the cloth can alternate. In the simplest version, the base color is emphasized with an additional, focus on a variety of textures and colors. Bringing wallpaper in this way you can avoid monotony and emphasize the composite centerin the decoration of the walls.

At the same time, one-photon and multi-colored stripes are well combined, the wallpaper-neighbors with a geometric shapes approaching or complementing each other, for example, in peas or strips.

Patchwork fashion

He is akin to patchwork mosaic or what is customary called Patchwork. In this approach, the vertical and horizontal method of sticking is combined. The results of the patchwork method in children look especially good. The combination of fragments of various sizes allows you to achieve unique effects in decorating not only living rooms, bedrooms and children, but also to highlight individual zones In the kitchens and at the design of country houses.

Inserts from wallpaper

Based on the patchwork method, inserting the rooms on the walls on the walls. These are fragments of cloth with interesting drawings, and monophonic. The insertion from a dense material with a pronounced texture is most profitable. To add small contrasting pieces, usually First design the surface with basic color, as a rule, smooth and one tone. Then the inserts are glued on top.

Sometimes to achieve the completeness of the composition, they are framed by frames from decorative rails.

Photo wallpaper

The uniqueness of any room can be given due to the use of photo wallpapers along with wallpaper. Equally attractive they look in the nursery, bedroom or living room. Moreover, you can create a unique interior with their help, which will tell a lot about the life preferences of the home owner: achieve digital photography and quality of modern printing allow you to create an exclusive decor for walls. Wall murals can be printed by individual order. This opens up unprecedented opportunities for interior design.

Underscore niches and protrusions

Niches and ledges from drywall are actively used when creating a modern interior. They can be seen behind the sofa or fireplace, where they place large televisions, or behind the back of the bed in the bedroom. Contrasting with the main background wallpaper make it possible to emphasize the form of such elements, as well as to focus on them. To create a really beautiful decor of such elements, you will have to tinker, but it is worth it - the room will receive a unique design. You just need to competently use instruments for marking.


Today, the large variety of materials in the market, with which walls can be realing:

  • Paper wallpaper. Good with their support. Thanks to this property, they are easily saved even uncomfortable and hard-to-reach places indoors.
  • Vinyl. Different with elasticity and durability. The best suitable for the corridor or kitchen, where the likelihood of damage to the decor of the walls is large. Combined with paper.
  • Fliseline. Their dignity in texture. Using this material, it is easy to nourish such disadvantages as scratches or irregularities. Flizelin wallpaper looks good in combination with paper or vinyl "counterparts".

  • Textile. Create the impression of luxury. Produce a special impression in the living room or bedroom. At the same time, their neighborhood with phlizelin and even paper is quite appropriate.
  • Liquid. Remind decorative plaster. You can use them in any room apartment. Attractive look at the company with fliseline wallpaper.

Room size

By purchasing everything you need to decorate, you need not only to count how many rolls of wallpaper of one and other species will need, but also take into account the size of the room. Dark and bright wallpapers will suit the spacious room, which visually reduce the space by making it more comfortable. So that the room does not seem sad, you can pick up dark covers with a large light ornament. Abstract, geometric or vegetable drawings will be by the way.

There is no speech about the acquisition of dark wallpapers in a small room. The texture of the decorative material must be small, and the drawing is small and clear.

In the embroidered rooms, the wallpaper of bright shades stick to the short walls, capturing the corners of the room. Such an admission allows you to compensate for the shortcomings of geometry. The selection of materials depends on the height of the ceilings indoors. Well, if vertical lines are on the canvase, although you can use another color for this. It is necessary that such a combination of partner wallpaper is used at least two, or even on three walls.

If the ceiling is below 2.5 m, you need to select light wallpaper with a small pattern and soft texture. Smooth the feeling that the ceiling hangs above his head will help The use of bright wallpapers with a non-market pattern as the main background.In apartments and houses with ceilings above 3 m, a decor with a large pattern is used to be stretched into width. It makes sense to alternate the cloth of different wallpaper horizontally.


Decide on the color of the future decoration of walls in the room is one of the most important stages of work. When determining the color scheme, it is necessary to take into account that brightness and tone is not the same. The combinations of the tones can be successful, and the canvas are too different in brightness. To combine the colors of contrasting shades should be approached very thoughtfully, estimating how harmoniously looks together the dominant and background kel.

It is desirable that wallpapers that play the role of the base base were neutral by tone.

Contrast colors allow emphasize the details of the pattern and the functional areas in the room. Competently performed combined sticking of black and white ornamental canvas and should give the room a special style, underlining the taste and creative potential of the owner of an apartment or at home. When working with sharply contrasting colors, with the same white and black, the opposite window of the wall should be saved with dark wallpaper.

Other walls let them remain in bright colors. If the room itself is dark, it is possible in front of the windows to stick bright, including monophonic wallpapers. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the walls of the dark color look like narrower, and the bright seem wider. Therefore, considering such a feature, You can visually change the dimensions of the room.

Fashionable ways

So that the room had not just a beautiful, but also the fashionable decoration of the walls, sometimes it is enough to glue the wallpaper with a curb. In addition, it allows you to adjust the perception of the ceiling height. The room will look spectacular if the canvas combine diagonally. Such a fashionable reception, among other things, is good in that visually does not change the room parameters.

It may be important when its dimensions and configuration are fully satisfied with the owner, and he does not want to break the perception of space. Wallpapers adjacent to the diagonal are connected both direct line and steps or waves. It is necessary to use the materials that are the same in the invoice so that the junction line looks neatly.

The horizontal sticker also allows you to achieve a fashionable effect. In this technique, you can visually delimit the wall at a certain height. The lower part is usually drawn up with darker or bright wallpaper, and the upper one is in brighter tones. This is especially important in the apartment with low ceilings: the horizontal division creates the impression that the wall is lower than it is. Light upper part smoothes this effect.

With the help of wallpaper with this method of sticking, you can achieve the impression of panel cladding. It looks particularly interesting in the corridor.

Also perfectly look the combination of striped cloth at the bottom and with floral ornament - above. It is necessary to determine exactly at what level they are allowed to get exactly the effect to which you are striving. So that the docking line passed on the right height, the specialists are recommended to navigate the level of furniture in the room. Also, when combining wallpaper, the wallpaper is more dense and textured should be located at the bottom, since it is here that the coating is easiest to damage, and glossy and thin - in the top of the wall.

Create decor can also be alternating horizontal strips. To do this, we will need cladding materials with the same density and similar invoice so that the joints of the jacks look neatly. Use this approach is better in rooms with high ceilings, because then the walls will seem wider, and the ceiling is lower than in fact. If desired, this impression can be avoided. Simply neutral stripes should be wider with more saturated detects.

To achieve a fashionable effect in decorating walls, sometimes enough to divide the vertically different functional area zones. It is only necessary to include your creative abilities to achieve originality. Practice shows that it does not require high costs to create a fashionable image. Walls can be placed by wallpaper remnants. Stores are selling the latest Rolls from a batch with a discount.

If 3-4 rolls are enough to implement a creative plan for repair, it is easy not only to achieve impressive results, but also to significantly save.

Features of registration

When decorating walls in various premises, it is always necessary to keep in my head, how life goes in each of the rooms, so the principle of the wallpaper combination should be different in the bedroom, kitchen, hall or in the working office.

The building materials market offers a wide range of finishing materials, the use of which makes it possible to implement the infinite number of variations in the design of the walls of the room.

The leader among materials for wall decoration is still wallpaper, but their production technology does not stand still.

New time requires manufacturers of creative approach and inventions of new and original finishing methods. So not only new types of wallpaper appear, but also different ways to put them.

Traditional methods are still used, but the way of combining wallpaper is rapidly included. Moreover, the combination process occurs not only in the color scheme, but also in terms of the connection of the wallpaper of various types and structure. Therefore, for example, now anyone will not surprise the pasta of the wallpaper of two species in the living room or in the hall.

Why do we bring this room as an example? Everything is very simple. After all, she is the main house. She meets and accepts guests. It is the living room becomes a beautiful platform for family holidays and gatherings with friends. Therefore, it is precisely this room that everyone is trying to arrange as creative.

Watching options for two types of wallpapers in the hall, photo

The process of combining wallpaper in the living room is not so simple as it seems at first glance. It looks like this or that interior is very beautiful and creates an impression of ease in its creation. But to do something similar, you need to know how to shove two types of wallpaper in the hall, which rules make up the basis in this process.

Not knowing the rules, you can allow certain errors, then it suffers not only the appearance of the room, but also the degree of comfort, the perception of the size of the room.

Therefore, you should come to the combination of wallpaper with all seriousness and pay attention to the layout of coatings with various textures and pictures.

Wallpaper shook design in the hall of two types, photo

Combination in the hall: Determine the goals

Before you punish two types of wallpaper in your hall, each of the people thinks about whether it needs such a solution, which combination is better suitable, how will the result, etc.? Such questions are completely obvious. Let's try to give answers on them.

First, you need to realize that the main purpose of such a solution is to obtain a certain decorative effect.. And he will always. It all depends on the fact that you will be closer. For example, more relaxed and inconspicuous wallpapers will help create more interesting and vivid accents, motifs indoors. And the dark not only steal space, but also often depress, they are morally pressing, they create a sense of discomfort.

Secondly, the combination of two types of wallpaper is beautiful the possibility of zoning space. Featuring the desired shades, it is very easy to divide the sector (zones) the area of \u200b\u200bthe living room. Traditionally, for such purposes, contrasting wallpapers are selected. Frequency-companions from one collection are often used.

Alternatively, and it will also be good, you can choose similar to the color wallpaper. The "highlight" will make different drawings depicted on the bands.

Thirdly, the presence of two types of wallpaper in the living room is good chance to hide flaws in the interior. The combination will help create a distracting design, "hide" a defect that is undesirable to see someone else's eye. In such a situation, wallpapers with a relief structure will help.

The main thing - take into account the lighting and correctly pick up the hue of the wallpaper. With different lighting, each shade will behave differently. Therefore, to cope with the task, be sure to take into account these nuances.

After reading the main objectives, we understand that various options for sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall carry a solution to a certain task. Therefore, the combined wallpaper for the hall is a very good version of the walls.

How to shove in the hall two types of wallpaper: basic rules

Imagine that you all studied about the sticking of the wallpapers of two types in the living room, consulted from specialists, picked up the desired material and made the room's pasting, but you understand that something is not as if you were getting a little wrong result.

The situation is not from the best, so we suggest familiarizing yourself with in advance and comply with the basic rules of blending wallpaper of two types:

Note! You do not have at all skills in the layout of the design of the room, and the advice of specialists do not help? The combination of selected shades is questionable? Do not be discouraged: there is a way out. Use photo wallpaper.

It is desirable that their color coloring of the selected photoconduct includes a set of several shades in themselves.

Combine color and drawing

Is it easy to find a good combination of two-colors wallpaper? In fact, it all depends on you. If there is a feeling of taste, then it will not be difficult. If you doubt that on the right track, then it is better to contact the specialists.

Since the combined wallpaper for the hall is called upon to emphasize the attention (to make accents) on a specific surface or zone, it is worth considering in advance which zone you plan to highlight to attract attention. Prefer the wallpaper with bright shades of the background or catching patterns.

Watching wallpapers of two types in the hall, photo

But by choosing catchy wallpapers, remember that it is necessary to somehow dilute the overall setting to muffle the contrast. The room should not turn into a bright Balagan. The most optimal and easiest option is to choose a calm hue.

Note! We do not advise you to use different elements on the walls. They should be similar. Something drastically spoil the general appearance, and the ideal combination of coatings on the walls is not achieved. Therefore, you can choose patterns of the same or similar subjects, similar surface texture, close tones from one gamut of shades.

Let's talk about thematic patterns in more detail. Distinguish three types of ornaments:

  • classical;
  • geometric;
  • floral.

Any of these species combines well with the wallpaper of one tone or with wallpaper of light shades in a bare strip.

Wallpaper with a vegetable or floral composition is well combined with wallpaper, which mimic, for example, tree, plaster or stone, that is, natural materials.

If you prefer the wallpaper with a geometric pattern / ornament or striped, then in a pair of choose wallpaper with the abstraction.

The combined wallpaper for the hall will be wonderful to look if they alternate them with each other - wallpaper strip number 1, wallpaper strip No. 2, strip of wallpaper №1, etc. So you will not create an emphasis on a certain zone, but make a kind of "highlight" in the overall perception of the premises.

For protrusions and niches in the living room, the vertical combination of wallpapers of different colors is ideal. In addition to this option, a photo wallpaper with landscapes is often used in the hall.

If you decide to combine the wallpaper horizontally, then for the bottom, use a darker shade of wallpaper. The separation of wallpaper in this case is very often made using plinths or moldings.

To make no challenge the shade of wallpaper for the living room, consider the following points: Living room layout and its area, room style and room light.

The warm atmosphere indoors will help create soft shades: yellow, beige, blue, light green, peach.

Blue or blue, light purple or gray colors will help relax. Overflows, for example, in sand, blue or pink colors will help to emphasize the harmony and air lightness of the room.

Given the above, it becomes clear that the design of the wallpaper sticking in the hall of two species will depend only on the choice of owner of the housing. But this is not all concerning the combination of wallpaper in the living room. Next will be discussed about textured coatings.

We advise you to explore the basic rules and see - all the secrets and subtleties of creating spectacular and beautifully combined combinations for walls in the rooms.

Read about photo wallpapers, expanding the space in the interior, and watch the photo: original finish for stylish and modern rooms.

Combination and textured coatings

Recently, textured covers that are intended for painting are gaining great popularity. Such materials are very widely used. Wallpaper, for example, very easily and conveniently use in work not only for pasting walls, but also for ceiling floors. As a result, of course, we get the perfect combination.

Note that if the use of textured coatings of problems with their replacement will be less than with ordinary wallpaper, since their "life" is much longer. And it is easier to repaint what to go again.

To date, the most common patterns of textured wallpapers are stripes of different thickness and orientation (diagonal, horizontal, vertical or chaotic), classic patterns - patterns, abstract strokes, floristic and vegetable motifs.

Note! Well in a duet with textured coating will look liquid wallpapers that are suitable for color. Use the "invoice" for the design of various protrusions and niches, columns.

The use of textured wallpapers and liquid is a good option, but remember that the most practical is the combination of ordinary wallpaper.

Pocking and types of materials

The previous small section we ended on what is best to use normal wallpaper to combine. But what about the combination of wallpaper of different types? For example, flizelin-based wallpapers made of paper, vinyl or tissue coating.

First, such a combination will require you more attention. Secondly, the blending of the wallpaper of different types will take longer, because each type has its own characteristics when sticking, including impregnation and drying time.

Wallpaper sticker two types in the hall, photo

As a result, we need glue for stickers of different types of wallpaper. You can use the universal type of glue, but before making a final decision and buy such a glue, consult to those skilled in the art. Universal things are not always so universal. Maybe still worth buying specialized glue?

The most complicated duet when sticking the wallpaper of two species will be a steam: standard wallpaper + textile coatings. The joints in such a combination cannot be hidden, so moldings, borders and plinth should be used.

Combining, create harmony

The main task of combining the wallpaper of two types, like any repair in general, is an excellent result. This means that as a result, we must create a harmonious environment. Achieve this result will be a little more complicated, but it is real. Additional accessories and items will only help you complete the conceived.

Small outcome

Combining wallpaper is a fascinating occupation, but there is something to think about what. And different types of wallpapers are only heated of interest. Many have already been convinced of the originality, practicality and beauty of the interior of the hall, decorated with the help of combined wall coverings. Make sure you!

The point in our article will give a video that will demonstrate various options for combining the wallpaper of two types. Look carefully, can the movie tell you a suitable idea?

If ideas from the video seemed not enough, below in the gallery there are another 28 photos with options for combined shook wallpapers in the hall: