Repairs Design Furniture

External air conditioner unit: size, installation, care. Internal block in an air conditioner device - Principle of operation and specifications Main advantages of channel devices

The air conditioner has long been the usual household appliance. Of the variety of devices for cooling the air, split systems consisting of two units are most popular, one of which is installed outside the room, and the other is inside. The internal unit of the air conditioner is a complex device that takes the warm air from the room and sends it back already cooled.

Any air conditioner functions due to the properties of liquids to highlight thermal energy when the liquid is isolated and absorb heat in its evaporation.

The indoor unit is always placed in the room (usually attached on the wall or ceiling), and the external one is taken out of its limits. Both blocks are connected to the electrical wiring and copper pipeline, along which the freon continuously circulates during operation.

Regardless of the design and dimensions, the internal block of the split system necessarily has in the design of the following components:

  • Compressor. Responsible for the compression of the refrigerant and its circulation on a closed contour.
  • Evaporator (heat exchanger). In this radiator, freon is converted from a liquid to gas.
  • Fan. The air flow comes to the evaporator.
  • Thermostatic valve. Helps reduce refrigerant pressure in front of the evaporator. As a rule, it represents a thin, curved spiral, a copper tube.
  • Set of filters. Dust delay and larger fractions of garbage, inevitably contained in indoor air.
  • Air distribution system.
  • Blinds responsible for the direction of air flow.
  • Temperature sensors.
  • LED indicators.
  • Information table.

Construction of an internal unit

Note! Since the internal split system unit is often located at an inaccessible height, the device always contains a remote control panel.

The external unit is simpler, and instead of the evaporator, a condenser is in the device - a block that is responsible for Freon's phase transition from a gaseous state into liquid.

During the operation of the household split system, you can feel the unpleasant smell of rot, along with air flows from the device. It indicates the need for prophylactic cleaning of the block. In addition to repulsive amber, the clogging of nodes can cause the rapid wear of the power part, an increased consumption of electricity and the occurrence of allergic reactions in humans.

Perform this procedure can be entrusted to the employee of the service center. But if you use a split system for a long time, you can cope with the works yourself, saving money. It is only necessary to familiarize yourself with the procedure for disassembling and conducting preventive cleaning.

Dimensions of the inner block

Before installing the internal unit of the air conditioner, you must ask him with sizes. This is especially important when repaired, because modern technologies often provide for the installation of suspended ceiling systems that can affect the height of the ceiling, as well as the parameters of the device described.

You can find non-standard models that have unique sizes. The block length is usually varied from 700 to 800 mm. Several less often are products up to 900 mm. Experts recommend to take into account in the middle length of 770 mm.

As for height, it is usually 250-290 mm. Averaged value is 270 mm. The depth is not much interested in consumers, but it reaches 240 mm. The minimum value is equivalent to 170 mm. From this we can conclude that the average sizes of the indoor unit of the air conditioner are 770 x 270 mm.

Knowing these parameters allows you to determine at what distance from the ceiling and walls to hang equipment. The contradictions on this issue are a great set. In some instructions, the minimum distance is 50 mm, whereas in others it reaches 300 mm. The optimal value is equal to a digit from 60 to 150 mm.

Experts are usually installed air conditioning with 100 mm remoteness. Before mounting the indoor unit of the air conditioner, it is important to consider whether the curtains will be indoors. The step between them and the split system is usually 150 mm. You can increase this value up to 250 mm. The average distance from the block to the wall is 400 mm.

Classification of internal blocks

In order to disassemble, it is necessary to determine the type of the inner unit of the air conditioner, which can be presented:

  • wall split system;
  • channel air conditioning;
  • cassette device.

The most common are wall-mounted models that are more accessible at cost and are sometimes called domestic. Its installation can be carried out in the room of any destination, and the power within 7 kW allows you to cool up to 70 m 2 area. Such blocks are usually installed in the upper part of the wall, close to the window, as the design involves the presence of an outer unit, and the nodes must be interconnected.

Wall-mounted air conditioners are not able to serve fresh air, as this requires a separate ventilation system. If you wondered how to disassemble the internal unit of the air conditioner, you can read this information below. It is for such a device that recommendations are provided in the article.

In addition to household air conditioners, some manufacturers deliver the semi-industrial instruments to the market, the power of which reaches 10 kW. Externally, they come to traditional split systems, but by parameters are semi industrial equipment.

Channel air conditioners are installed with suspended ceilings that hide them completely. The chilled air distribution is provided by heat-insulated ducts, which are located in the interporal space. Such structures can cool several rooms at once. The capacity of the equipment reaches 25 kW, which allows to ensure the cooling of the cottage or several rooms of the apartment. As the main features of channel systems, the possibility of supplying fresh air in volume, which is guaranteed by the functioning of full-fledged ventilation.

Cassette air conditioners require a suspended ceiling when mounting. When compared with channel structures, cassette distribute cooled air through the bottom of the block. It closes with a decorative lattice and usually has the following dimensions: 600 x 600 and 1200 x 600 mm.

Demolition and cleaning conditioner

To clean the indoor unit of the air conditioner, it is necessary to make it disassembly. For this, screwdrivers of different configuration and sizes are prepared. You should take care of the presence of a box for collecting fasteners. It will take the electrical and functional diagram of the device. In some models, they are applied to the inner side of the top cover.

To clean the internal elements, you will need:

  • pure rag;
  • detergent;
  • a vacuum cleaner.

At the first stage, it is necessary to make air conditioning. This corresponds to the rules of electrical safety. You should remove the plug from the outlet. The top cover of the block is removed. Unscrew bolts that can be two or three. Usually they are closed with decorative plugs. The top cover of the inner block is extracted. If it is covered with a layer of mold and dirt, it should be washed into the bathroom with detergents and brushes.

Viewing the internal air conditioner unit, you will need to remove air filters. They are made of plastic and are designed for coarse air purification. Sometimes they are fixed on the lid or inside the air conditioner. Filters are washed under an intensive jet of water. This will help the brush.

Airflow guides should also be removed. Blinds are extracted from the grooves. To facilitate the process, it is necessary to be slightly bend them. These elements guide the flow of cold air inside the room and also need a reinforced flushing.

Dismantling bottom cover

The next step will be the disconnection of the bottom cover. It will be necessary to remove the drainage tube and the power supply wire. In the process of this, three latches should be squeezed and disconnect the drain bath from the block along with the output hose.

Extract terminal blocks

The internal unit of the air conditioner has terminal blocks. They are disconnected in the process of disassembly, and after the electronic control unit and the transformer are removed. In order to remove the first, it is necessary to squeeze the side mounts, and after pulling the device on yourself. Before this ground wires are unscrewed.

Eat engine fan

Now you can dismantle the fan engine. To do this, bolts are unscrewed that are strengthened to the chassis. The evaporator is lifted, and the engine is extracted with a rotary fan. Motor must be separated from the fan, but first you have to warm up the head of the bolt with a soldering iron. This will unlock the thermal lock on the motor pulley. As soon as the fan blades can be removed, they must be washed. The assembly is carried out in reverse order.

Cleaning an external block

External and internal blocks of air conditioners equally need maintenance. The frequency for the first is twice a year, which is true even with intensive operation. It is necessary to use a vacuum cleaner for this, but the device must be quite powerful to pull the dust from the outer filters and heat exchange radiators.

Independently or with the help of specialists

If the block is located on an impressive height, then you can unscrew the protective grille and spending it, as well as wipe the insides from dust. Otherwise, you can seek help from professionals that will remove air conditioning using climbing equipment or tower. Cleaning yourself can be done with the help of compact sedents, but the air conditioning system will have to be de-energized and turned on only 30 minutes after the end of the maintenance.


During the operation of the split system, dust settles on the impeller of the fan, where the "fur coat" is formed. This prevents the passage of air flow when blowing the evaporator. The latter is frozen, and the user does not receive a normal cold and intensive air flow.

Cleaning the fan of the indoor unit of the air conditioner is required in the case when you saw black flakes flying out of the device. This suggests that the amount of dirt is so great that it is not held on the internal nodes. As prevention from time to time, you can dismantle the fan and rinse with it with chemicals. But not all models make it easy to extract this part of the system.

Put the internal air conditioner block - not just fit into the interior of the room next to the chest or above the desk near the window. Often, the installation of the air conditioner will agree with the changes planned on the occasion of full redevelopment of the already existing home or apartment or in just a new building.

Power relationship and block size

The owner of the household or the owner of the workplace knows exactly what model of the air conditioner will fit him in its particular case. The selection is carried out not only on the operating characteristics of the air conditioner (power, number of modes and other general and auxiliary functions), but also in size that the outer and internal block should be posted.

Almost all household owners prefer to the Split system for its energy efficiency, highly cold return and variety of types of splits presented in the microclimatic technology market.

The size of the internal and external blocks is the main factor affecting cold power. The fine inner block is unlikely to have an inner circuit, which circulates the gas aggregate state of the refrigerant, will be quite large to issue, say, all the same 15 kilowatt power on the heat taken from the room. In the bedroom to 25 m2 of cold power in 2.7 kW, it is enough to lower the temperature, for example, from 32 to 23 degrees.

However, in a small range of highlighted cold power - for example, in 2.7 and 3 kW - in the models of air conditioners of the same line, the housing of the indoor unit may be the same. This is due to the stock of the inner space, which allows you to place a slightly longer coil. In some cases, the increase in cold power is achieved and due to a slightly more powerful engine of the cylindrical propeller, blowing the cold to the room just generated by the circuit. But the "rejection" of the fan, overclocked at full capacity, introduces additional noise in the cooled room. The diameter of the freonotrass tubes remains unchanged.

Dimensions of the inner bloc

The model length of the indoor unit split-system is on average three-quarters of the meter. Rare - a block with a length of 0.9 m. The installers often refuse averaged length of 77 cm.Block height - 25-30 cm, often used averaged value to 27 cm. Depth (from the front panel to the wall) - 17-24 cm. The depth is no longer so important here. The practical (installation) length and height - 77x27 cm, which fits into the requirements for apartments.

A compact ceiling module, which often has a "surrendered" form, occurs a quadratic execution with a side of 50 cm to 1 m. If the block is channel, then its main part is hidden in ventkanal. At the column modules installed on the floor, the height is approximately 1-1.5 m, and the width and depth - as in small single-chamber refrigerators, for example, 70x80 cm. Because of this, the column modules do not have in small rooms.

Whether it is a large-average or small-sized module, its placement principle may not change, especially in the models of one line. Split air conditioning of high power does not have too small inner block. And on the contrary, a low-power split system is not needed too spacious room block.


The internal unit is located so that obstacles to the fence of heated air from the room and the issuance of it in the chilled form should not be. For non-standard or limited spaces, the sizes and location of the wall, floor or ceiling unit should not be damaged to people who use such a room. There have been cases when due to the characteristics of the building architecture, the ceiling unit has placed on the wall or vice versa. From how it will be located, the operation of the coolers does not depend, the main thing is not to pour the electronics of the block with water condensate, generated during the work.

Specific firms from time to time appear their own approaches to the placement of room modules of split systems. So, Carrier presented a vertical block with a side yield of cooled air. Gree offered corner air conditioners.

Such decisions are successful with the owners of small one-bedroom apartments shred by space deficiency.

Examples of finished sizes

So, the company GREE.the depth of the room module is only 18 cm. Length and width here vary respectively within 70-120 and 24-32 cm.

W. Mitsubishi.air conditioners have the following dimensions: 110-130x30-32x30 cm. Such dimensions are taken for no less than a few centimeters for high-quality blowing radius, and its length should be at least 45 cm.

Chinese air conditioners from the company Ballu.- The smallest systems. The BSWI-09HN1 model has a block with dimensions of 70 × 28.5 × 18.8 cm. The BSWI-12HN1 model is similar, differs only by a slightly large external unit, the size of which does not have a special value for the inner residential space.

Often, during repair, many think about the installation of the split system and plan the design of the room under the size of the air conditioner. The internal unit of this device must be placed in such a way that it is not only correctly located, but also the most harmoniously looked in the intentional interior.

The acquisition and selection of the air conditioner itself is often planned closer to the end of the repair, but also to supply "food" is already needed. So for such cases, this article is written. In it, we will consider in detail what distances should be taken into account for subsequent installation, and reveal the most universal dimensions of the internal blocks (wall household devices).

At first, we immediately want to warn that there are "non-standard" models of air conditioners that may have unique sizes and characteristics. And therefore this article should not be perceived as 100% universal.

Air conditioner size. Internal split system unit

Most often, residential rooms have a small area (up to 25 square meters.) For such premises, air conditioners are suitable for up to 2.7 kW (not confusing with power consumed) - usually they are called "Sevenki" or "Nine". As a rule, "seven" and "nine" (the same model) have the same overall dimensions, as well as the same diameter of the tubes. Therefore, we will further take into account the same dimensions and characteristics of the considered sizes.

The overall dimensions of the indoor block that we are interested in first

  • block length. The most standard length of the internal blocks is 700-800 mm. A little less common up to 900 mm. According to personal experience, it is best to take an average length of 770 mm.
  • block height. Most often, these sizes are in the range of 250-290 mm. For planning we will take into account 270 mm.

Depths of us are not very interested in (170-240 mm). Thus, we revealed averaged internal unit size 770 x 270 mm.

Distances from the walls and ceiling

  1. ON / OFF air conditioners. The cable is displayed in such a way that it is subsequently located under the internal block ( left for 300 mm. and below 100 mm. From the center of the block).
  2. In the majority

Technical consultants of the company Thermomir will be prompting the size of the indoor unit of the air conditioner and help choose the desired model.

Air conditioning is the most effective way to provide a pleasant climate in a room in summer and even in winter. Split systems are considered the most popular and common types of air conditioners. They are the most silent air conditioners, consist of an external block and wall inner block installed in the room. Installation of the outdoor unit is allowed both on the facade of the building and on the loggia / balcony or on the roof.

The sale presents a wide range of air-conditioners of the best brands and brands from manufacturers from Japan, Korea, China and Europe Wholesale and retail at low prices from a warehouse in Moscow. The most budgetary air conditioners are Chinese split systems, reliable and high-quality - Japanese and Korean. The sale of air conditioners with a discount on the promotion is carried out from official dealers with a warranty. Offered delivery and professional installation of air conditioners, incl. free.

Good and inexpensive split systems are presented on this page and in the Menu of the Official Site Thermomir. Prepare power calculation, suggest prices and top rating of the best air conditioners for reliability and quality, choose and order the air conditioner will help you with our technical specialists.