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Business for the production of acrylic paint. Equipment for production (LKM) Paintwork materials Production of paints and varnishes as a business

Protective I. decorative coatingsobtained by applying acrylic paints are durable, chemically resistant and have low toxicity. Enterprises for their release are distinguished by a small payback period and the low complexity of the equipment used.

What is necessary for the organization of the process

The list of requirements for the launch of the technological line is very small, in comparison with the preparation of paints for not water based. A central device in which the process of dispersing acrylic binder, fillers and additives in water is a dissolver.

The auxiliary equipment includes:

  • wooden and metal pallets;
  • capacities for collecting and temporary storage of paint;
  • packaging for spill of the finished product;
  • electronic and commodity scales;
  • forklift and hydraulic trolley (for large volumes of production).

The dissolver can be bought in the form of a working device or assembled in the workshop on its own. An important stage is the acquisition of technology for the production of finished product. Technological regulations can be developed independently, if there are appropriate skills and a reserve of time.


In the production of acrylic paints, components are used:

  • saturated acrylic dispersion;
  • dispersant - to increase the resulting emulsion;
  • calcium carbonate is a standard filler and pigment in cheap paints;
  • thickener - gives the mixture the necessary fluidity;
  • the defoamer - prevents the foaming of the product when mixing and dispersing;
  • coalescent - promotes film formation;
  • pigment on an inorganic basis. The greatest popularity among the paints white color Received titanium dioxide.

Requirements for the room

For release acrylic paint Suitable non-residential premises Square over 40 m 2 (no more than 80 m 2 at the initial stage). Workplace must have a natural and artificial lighting, enjoy natural ventilation, water supply and sewage.

The essential advantage of the production of water-acrylic emulsions is the lack of necessity in a special exhaust system. Low tendency to evaporate most components requires only standard workwear.


To account for the peculiarities of production and a technologist is needed having the appropriate experience or education. The organization of the technological line without a specialist will be carried out not so effectively.

Control and operation of equipment can be carried out by two workers at the same time. With a continuous release of products, three working shifts per day should be provided.

Production of acrylic paint

The technology of cooking a mixture for acrylic paints is as follows:

  1. in the water filled with water, acrylic mixture and solid pigment is loaded;
  2. mass stirring is started to a homogeneous state. Pigment pieces are additionally grilled to a given size;
  3. during stirring, other additives are introduced, ensuring the achievement of paint given qualities (for specifications or regulations);
  4. after the mixture is stirred, the mixture is fusing and stored at a reduced temperature (2º). It is impossible to allow paint freezing, since the emulsion is irrevocable.

The preparation time of the product is 1.5-2 hours. During operation, a temperature is maintained 16-18º, which requires equipping the workshop with air conditioning and heating systems.

For construction

The largest and large-capacity enterprises are engaged in the production of building colors (for example, for painting, etc.). Their equipment is represented by large locations that have a long operating cycle. Special attention is paid to the place of storage and packaging of goods, since the demand for construction acrylic paints fluctuates throughout the year.

The process of manufacturing facade acrylic paint for construction is shown in the following video:

For nails

The peculiarity of the production of decorative is to apply small disksolvers with a high degree of dispersion of solid additives. Since the profitability of the collection of colors of one color scheme is low, several parallel mixing threads should be provided.

For fabric

They differ from their analogues for construction work less than an aggressive liquid medium.

Ensuring a dense and homogeneous impregnation of the intestine canvas is possible using high-quality dispersing additives that contribute to the penetration of the dye and binding between the fibers.

For drawing

A narrow segment of production is constituted in which competition is practically absent. Preparation of high-quality and sought-after painting compositions requires big range Pigments and high-quality thickeners. A special role in the production of acrylic paints for drawing is plays compliance with the technological process.

The production of paints and varnishes was and remains one of the promising and profitable investments. Lucky and paints are the most common and one of the most affordable finishing materials. Despite the fact that the domestic industry is actively actively developing in this segment, nevertheless, competition is not so much so high, and new business It has every chance of success.

During the last 6-7 years, the volumes of the market of paints and varnishes are constantly increasing. However, this growth occurred, mainly due to imports, whose share before the crisis was more than 20%. Over the past two years, this market has decreased by 2.4%.

Russian producers produce predominantly organic depleted materials (paints, varnishes, primers, putty), water-dispersion paints and varnoisses, intermediate (olifa, solvents) and oil paints. Moreover, in the segment of the chemical and petrochemical industry, the production of varnishes and paints takes only 2.5% of the total output.

Analysts note that in the market of paints and varnishes there is a deficiency of domestic products, although production facilities for the production of these finishing materials are loaded less than half. Only ten Russian factories produce about 70% of the total production of varnishes and paints. However, minor enterprises still retain a significant proportion of local markets of local and district scale.

According to the forecast of specialists, by 2015 the market volume will reach 1511 thousand tons, which is 31% more than in the crisis 2009.

Classification of paints and varnishes

To begin with, we will understand in the definition and classification of produced varnishes and paints.

Paintwork materials, according to GOST 28246-2006, is liquid, pasty or powder materialforming a coating with protective, decorative or special when applied to the stainable surface technical properties. All paints and varnishes are usually divided into three groups: basic, intermediate and other. The main materials include:

  • lacquer - paint material forms transparent coating when applied;
  • paint - liquid or pasty-shaped pigmented material, which contains Olif solu as a film-forming substance, or aqueous dispersion of synthetic polymers and which forms an opaque coating when applied;
  • enamel - liquid or pasty pigmented paint material, having a paintwork in the form of a solution of a film-forming substance and forming an opaque coating when applied;
  • primer, which forms an opaque or transparent homogeneous coating with good adhesion to the stainable surface with good adhesion to the stained surface and to the coated layers;
  • putty - pasty or liquid paintwork material, which is applied to the surface before staining for leveling irregularities and getting a smooth surface.

Intermediate paints and varnishes are used primarily as semi-finished products. These include:

  • olife - Product of processing of vegetable oils with the addition of sequivos (substances that accelerate film formation of paints and varnishes) to accelerate drying;
  • resin - solid or semi-solid organic material, which softens or melts under the influence of a certain temperature;
  • solvent - single or multicomponent bat, which evaporates when drying and completely dissolves varnish or paint;
  • diluent - single or multicomponent bat, which does not adversely affect the properties of varnish or paint;
  • syccative is a metal organogenic compound that is usually added to certain paint materials to accelerate the drying process.

Another type of paint materials is also distinguished - the so-called auxiliary and utility materials. This group of materials belong:

  • washing designed to remove old paint coatings;
  • mastic - adhesive, finishing or sealing compositions based on organic binders and other substances forming plastic mass, which certain conditions can go to a solid state;
  • the hardener is a substance introduced into a varnish or paint for "crosslinking" macromolecules of the film-forming substance;
  • the accelerator is a substance that accelerates the process of the formation of transverse links between molecules and contributes to the rapid drying of the paint layer.

In addition, several types of paint materials are isolated by the type of the main binder. According to this classification, paints and varnish materials can be allocated:

  • based on polycondensation resins;
  • based on natural resins;
  • based on polymerization resins;
  • based on cellulose esters.

Production of paints and varnishes

For the production of paints and varnishes, it is necessary to choose a heated room with an area of \u200b\u200b3 kV. m with water supply and water storage, as well as 220 V. voltage as seen from the requirements, in the first stage of your work there is enough garage of sufficient area. To begin with, it is best to choose a certain kind of product that you will be released. In the future, when your income will allow, it will be possible to think about the expansion of the range.

Many entrepreneurs considering the segment of paint products in terms of attractiveness for investment, noted that the greatest developmental potential exists in the market of water-dispersion paints and varnishes. Domestic manufacturers are focused most on the production of oil and alkyd paints and enamels. As a result, almost a third of the volume of water-dispersion materials consumed is imported products.

Indeed, in the Russian market, the proportion of this type of product is significantly inferior to international indicators, despite the fact that these materials are convenient for use, are environmentally safe and relatively durable. In addition, the production of water-dispersion paints requires a smaller budget than the production of other paints and varnishes.

There is only one significant disadvantage in the production of water-dispersion materials. Thanks to for a long time This product produced by domestic producers was distinguished by low price and even lower quality, promotion of Russian paints and varnishes (even subject to them. high Quality and competitive price) in our market is associated with higher spending and difficulties. Therefore, at the first stage of the organization and establishing own production Think out possible channels of sales of your products.

The production of paints and varnishes consists of two stages: the manufacture of semi-finished products (varnishes, pigments, etc.) and their mixing. As a rule, small enterprises are purchased by the bulk of the materials, and large - produce independently.

The choice of technological lines for the production of paints and varnishes depends on what materials and in what volume you are going to produce. approximate cost This equipment is from 100 to 200 thousand rubles.

For example, a line for the production of primers, impregnations and other low viscosity materials by the capacity of the mixer 1000 kg / hour will cost in the amount of about 160 thousand rubles. The technological line for the production of paints, varnishes and other low- and mid-density materials costs about 180 thousand rubles. Equipment for the manufacture of construction putty will cost a more modest amount - up to 140 thousand rubles.

From raw materials you will need various fillers, pigments, binding components, thickeners. For the purchase of the first batch will take about 150 thousand rubles. Additional costs (approximately 50 thousand rubles) will go on packing of finished paint materials.

The production technology of varnishes and paints is quite simple. For example, a disolver mixer is used to produce water-dispersion materials, which mixes all components and simultaneously disperses the bulk elements of the paint with a milling stirrer. For pumping finished paint and dispersion on pipelines, special screw pumpswhich do not destroy the dispersion and retain all the consumer paint properties. Ready paint, if necessary, filtered and packaged to the polymer container. Please note that water-dispersion paints are an aggressive medium with a pH indicator from 8 and higher. Therefore, the production is extremely desirable to use stainless steel equipment and tubes.

If you plan to work at first on your own, you will need help another worker. In the future, with the growth of production volumes will have to organize round-the-clock duty and, accordingly, increase the staff of your employees. In addition to working staff, you are unlikely to be able to do without the help of an accountant (it may be coming), as well as sales manager finished productsIf you have no experience in this.

So, to organize your own small production Paintwork materials you will need at least 350-400 thousand rubles. Add to it monthly expenses For payment of rental, communications and wages (with employees).

The cost of finished products, your profit and profitability of your business directly depend on what materials and in what volume do you produce, as well as whether you can create sufficient demand for them. In terms of competent business, payback from such production is very high and can be from 2-3 months.

Profitability of production of paints

Profitability (ratio of net income to gross revenue) The production of paints and varnishes depends on the specific product and is an average of 15% in the industry, while the profitability of retail sales of such products is 3-4 above. According to optimistic calculations, the profit from one ton of paints and varnishes can reach 30-35 thousand rubles, and the monthly income at average production - 300 thousand rubles.

Video of the production of paints and varnishes

The production of paints and varnishes in Russia occupies a leading place among many types of business. The main consumer demand for products arose in connection with:

  1. Widespread building.
  2. Repair work in new homes and the private sector.
  3. The planned reconstruction of urban buildings and structures.
  4. Increasing number furniture factories and industrial enterprises.

Market analysis

Statistical data regarding the market and consumer skills of the Russians themselves are ambiguous. Crisis trends raised a huge amount of technological aspects, since most of the production equipment was brought from abroad. Nevertheless, the materials collected by the analytical companies and the Statistics Bureau for the period from 2010 to 2016 are shown:

  • a significant increase in consumer demand and a favorable forecast for exports within the country;
  • since 2010, the pace of consumer demand gradually began to return to "pre-crisis times", which allowed technologists to increase production volumes at least 10% per year;
  • the annual profit of large Russian companies amounted to over 172.8 million euros, and the total flow of exported products significantly exceeded the level of 62 thousand tons.

Despite this competition within the industry is still high. This is due to the fact that the main mass of customers is large construction companies and industrial associations who are accustomed to working with one company by the manufacturer or overbug the existing products from competitors, thereby knocking out a good discount for themselves.

Registration and business organization

Organize not just a business, but a whole production is not easy task. To begin with, appreciating all possible risks and degree of responsibility, you need to choose the most appropriate form for registration.
Since the volume of work and amounts invested in the case, astronomical, it is better to become a founder of LLC. Representatives of the Company do not bear personal responsibility for the affairs of the company and reimburse losses only with the help of property and funds of the company.

In order to register a limited liability company, you will need:

  1. Write a statement to the tax service about the desire to become a founder.
  2. Prepare Charter LLC.
  3. Purchase print.
  4. Make share capital - minimum size which is 10 thousand rubles.

Required documents

The procedure for collecting all the necessary documentation will take quite a lot of time, since it is important for the production of LKM not only to prepare the premises and organize work, but also to check for the conformity of the final product with the stated standards.

Thus, to start the workshop or plant, it will be necessary:

  • certificate of establishing LLC;
  • charter LLC;
  • lease contract;
  • fire fighting;
  • gOST certificate - standard;
  • certificates of tax payment (rent, regional tax, other);
  • journal of briefing in the workplace;
  • a set of labor protection rules.

Classification of Krasika

All paints and varnishes, regardless of the complexity of their production, are divided according to the composition and applications. For paints, there is the following classification, developed and compiled, taking into account all the main characteristics of each type of substance:

  1. Polymer paints. It is a suspension consisting of polymers or perchlorvinyl resin. This paint has high atmospheric resistance and serves faithfully for more than 12 years. To the number positive characteristics its vapor permeability belongs that it does not interfere natural ventilationBut at the same time protect the outer steps of buildings from moisturizing.

This type of coloring agent is used exclusively on external surfaces (buildings facades), due to its toxicity. Polymer paints also include:

  • rubber;
  • kumaronocouplers;
  • claphotel;
  • silicon-organic coatings.
  1. Latex paints. IN painting composition There are 2 unsuccessful components whose particles are evenly distributed in the total mass fraction of the final product. To prepare a solution to resolveing \u200b\u200ba solution, you need to add an emulsifier.
  2. Water-emulsion paint. Absolutely non-toxic. Ideal for both internal and for exterior decoration. It is present in its composition:
  • film-forming substances (resin or rubber);
  • water;
  • emulsifier;
  • pigment;
  • additives, improving paint properties.

The final product is a powder or pasta. For implementation painting work Water is added to it.

  • water;
  • polymer;
  • white Portland cement.

Additionally, includes: pigment and filler (lime flour, talc, etc.). Scope - factory finishing of large panels and blocks, coloring of facades of buildings.

  1. Emale paints. This is a composition consisting of varnish and painting pigment. For better clutch with the surface and its protection to the main dyeing agent added:
  • glyphthalic, perchlorvinyl, alkyd-styrene polymers;
  • synthetic resins;
  • ether;
  • cellulose.

In turn, the enamel paints are divided into:

  • building enamel from glyphthalic resins. They are mainly used for interior finishing works on plaster and wood, as well as for factory finishing asbestos-cement sheets, wood-fiber plates;
  • nitroglyphthale and pentafali enamel. They are used for internal and external painting works;
  • perchlorvinyl enamel paints. They are distinguished by increased moisture resistance, they are used for exterior decoration;
  • bituminous enamel paints. They are obtained by adding aluminum pigment to the main composition (aluminum powder). These enamel racks to the action of water, so they are used for the color of sanitary equipment, steel window frames, lattices.
  1. Oil paints. We are produced in liquid and dense forms. Produced by careful energous oil with a pigment and a special fixer.

Premises and equipment

Choice production premises - Pledge successful work Total enterprises. Technological standards, norms and rules for organizing work activities, as well as freedom of movement on the territory of the warehouse and beyond the basic characteristics that the workshop must have.

The main qualities of production space include:

  1. The presence of transport junction.
  2. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room must be at least 40m 2.
  3. Ability to maintain a room in a room at least 23 ° C.
  4. The presence of powerful exhaust ventilation.
  5. The ability to install the technical water supply.
  6. Effective fire extinguishing system, preferably automatic carbon dioxide.

Installation requirements are also technically fixed. The choice of the most suitable depends on the species of paint and its quality. The standard set of the necessary equipment includes:

  • bead or ball mill (otherwise - dispersant)
  • the dissolver is a device mixing paint with water.
  • electronic balance.
  • hydraulic trolley.
  • screw pumps, to pump paints to the packing area.
  • filtration and spill system.
  • containers for packing.
  • additional retailers.

Raw materials and purchasing

Purchase raw materials must be based on the characteristics of production. Scale, type of coloring substance enter these parameters. In order to accurately determine the main composition and number of purchased raw materials, we turn to the consolidated table for the production of matte water-dispersion paint for outdoor work.

The amount of raw materials is indicated for the production of one gallon of the substance.

As it becomes clear from the main indicators, the amount of source material requires a little. Order the coloring pigments is better from Russian manufacturers.

The production technology in chemical and other factories within the country by 2016 reached a sufficient level in order not to use emulsifiers and foreign production thickeners. In addition, this will help independently determine the cost of material for various groups of buyers (within the pricing policy, respectively).


Even to organize the work of a small workshop, it is necessary to competently define the personnel composition of the enterprise. The technological process and administrative work should be strictly regulated by the following specialists:

  1. Specialist in logistics.
  2. The manager who will be engaged in purchasing and selling.
  3. The main technologist. This person develops the entire production line from beginning to end.
  4. Personnel specialist.
  5. Storekeeper.
  6. Operator 1C or PC operator.

Advertising and sales market

Since there are no special confidence in the beginners, it is better to apply for participation in the tender for transport organizations. You have to choose less well-known firms engaged in passenger and freight by water transport. It is the specialists of the "water sphere of activity", they are glad to cooperate with newcomers due to the low cost of products.

Additionally, you can spend the city posters with an advertisement of a new store or production base. Run advertising on popular radio stations for drivers and workers - "Russian Radio", "Militia Wave", and the like.

It will not be superfluous to arrange the base or the store with a bright sign, so that passing drivers and passengers of public transport constantly saw the banner and, accordingly, they apply to the goods to the base (warehouse, to the store).

Financial component of business

Calculate the cost of production - the task is not easy. There are always a number of side spending and investments, which on the one hand are directly related to the organization of the case, and on the other - they were not taken into account when making a business plan. Therefore, the total cost of production is better rounded into the biggest.

Opening and maintenance cost

For the start and the first month of work will take at least 1,400,000 rubles. Consider in more detail this figure consists of:

  • work lawyer;
  • payment state. duties;
  • applying authorized capital.
  1. Next, you need to choose and rent a room - this is still at least 150,000 rubles. Included in the price:
  • monthly rent;
  • rent warehouses.
  1. For the remuneration of workers and administration will take at least 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Light, water, firefighters and other systems - 25 000 rubles.
  3. Acquisition and depreciation of equipment - 700,000 rubles.
  4. Taxes - 300,000 rubles.

Transportation costs are not taken into account when calculating, since many entrepreneurs choose various ways to transport, respectively, to calculate the exact or approximate amount will not work.

The cost of the further working period is calculated by the formula: equipment amortization + communal payments+ Salary + Taxes + Rent + Transport Costs.

The size of future income

The approximate amount of the monthly income is made up of consumer activity and the number of transactions with large firms. Many novice manufacturers receive no more than 150,000 rubles per month. This is due to the insufficiently thoughtful advertising company And the desire to stand out against the background of numerous competitors.

You can actively earn and get solid income, you can only worrying an economic strategy, not looking at the success and model of trade of other trades of the LKM. Such an approach will help significantly increase the sales market and receive at least 300 thousand rubles per month. Net profit (excluding the company's funds) will be 150 thousand rubles.

Payback period

As already mentioned above, newcomers get a little. But competently using all the possibilities and, making a marketing line, the company will fully pay off approximately after 1 year of work.

It is almost impossible to launch a production line without a thoughtful business plan. Technological process, administrative work and other technical issues require constant participation in the affairs of the company.

For the most profitable and systematic increase in revenues, it is better to be better focused on cooperation in those areas of activity that the large enterprises and famous companies have not managed to occupy. It is even better to develop and draw up a fundamentally new economic proposal.

Paintwork materials are called goods that are used for coating and dyeing various surfaces. They are a special solution in the form of a suspension, and when applied to the painted surface, a peculiar coating with certain qualities is formed. They relate to the most demanded building materials and participate in the repair of any complexity in various finishing works. Paintwork materials are divided into many types:

  • Various adhesives.
  • Putty.
  • Paints.
  • Primers.
  • Enamel, etc.

Classification row of paints

The production of paints and varnishes implies that a person who has decided to open the case is well versed in the classifications of these materials.

  • The main materials that are the most common in the construction and finishing materials market are varnishes that leave the painted coating transparent.
  • Secondly, paint that forms a coating different colors. In the composition of the paint can be oils (there are oils in their composition) and water-dispersive.
  • Third, enamel.
  • Fourth, primer and putty.
  • How semi-finished products use the intermediate category: this includes a olive, which helps the speedy surface drying.
  • Resins, solvent of paints and varnishes.

LMKM Business Manufacturing Business Organization

The production of paints and varnishes is currently a very profitable and cost-effective business. However, as in any other work, the business plan should be clearly and properly organized. It is believed that the most attractive and interesting direction in this area is a business for the production of water-dispersion materials.

Their production has more than a hundred years of history. Such paints and varnish materials have become the most popular in the West, since nothing in Russia has not been produced anything other than adhesives and paints of terrible quality.

Dispersion paints are more environmentally friendly, less harm health and are very easy to use, so they are used even newcomers in repair work. Since the modern building market is just beginning to master this type of paints, the business for their production in Russia may be very successful and promising.

The main issues to be paid to the organization of their business are the following:

  • Premises for production.
  • Required and high-quality raw materials.
  • Equipment for paint production.
  • Developed technology for production.

An important condition will be the analysis of the market where you plan to work, that is, it is necessary to conduct a number of marketing research. It is also necessary to take into account when you get the first profit, and calculate the cost of the resulting product. For good and quality work, you need to find the premises for the production that will be heated.

Its area should be at least 25 m 2, there must be a sufficient level of voltage and permanent access to water water. Many are satisfied with the base for the production of LKM in their garage, and in the summer they install the necessary equipment on the street. It is also be sure to take into account that it is necessary to initially spend about 250 thousand rubles for the purchase of high-quality raw materials: various additives, pigments, thickeners and other components.

In addition, expenses for additional costs should be taken into account. This is a fee for rented premises, electricity and water, and wages workers, and much more. But, given the profit that you will receive, the production of paints and varnishes is undoubtedly very productive and promising. It is only necessary to have an initial capital of about 500 thousand rubles.

Technology production LKM.

Currently there are the most diverse modern technologies production. Technological lines for the production of paints and varnishes offer various manufacturing companies.

First, it is a line for the production of low viscosity materials, the performance of the mixer of which can reach thousands of kilograms per hour. These include a variety of impregnations, primers. Such a line is in its composition: 1 cubic meter mixer, a highway, a special system controlling a continuous water supply, cleansing primary filters, a pump for polymer dispersion of particles, three pumps for modifiers, a weight platform with electronic sensors and the main control panel of all technology. Such a technological line will cost approximately 160 thousand rubles.

Secondly, a line is proposed based on the production of low viscosity materials and materials with a medium viscosity. These are paints, varnishes, a variety of primers and so on. Such a line will cost a little more expensive - about 165-180 thousand rubles.

The third type of technological lines will be a line for the manufacture of putty. Its value is 135 thousand. There are many more options.

Production of paints and varnishes, in principle, simple and consists of the following stages. In a special bowl (Dezh), water is poured first, then include minimal revs. Next, all components are loaded, then the chalk and titanium dioxide are suited. In the future, the mixture of the mixture and packaging is emulsified into the necessary containers.

Equipment and materials for LKM

Production of paints and varnishes requires purchasing of good equipment. It is no less promising and profitable to engage in the creation of such equipment. A variety of varnishes, paints, putty, enamel and so on, remain the most sought-after materials from builders of various categories.

Currently, the production of paints and varnishes in Russia is gaining rates, and for it, naturally, equipment is needed. Therefore, there is no competition as such in this area. Equipment for paints and varnish production can be the most diverse. It can be bead mills - submersible and ball, a variety of mixers.

Raw materials for the production of LKM

For proper and high-quality work on the production of paintwork products, you need to choose and acquire the necessary and high-quality primary raw materials, from which semi-finished products will be made, and in the end - ready-made paints and varnishes. Usually, small companies buy ready-made semi-finished products immediately and simply completed the process. technological processing LKM.

The necessary raw materials are a variety of fillers, pigments of different colors, binding links and thickeners. The primary purchase of such raw materials will be approximately estimated at 150-165 thousand rubles. The rest of the costs (about 40 thousand) will be spent on the necessary packaging and container for ready-made products.

Types of paints and varnishes

Paintwork materials are classified according to their aggregate state on liquid, powder and pasty. They create a special coating on the stained surface, and as a result, the surface acquires decorative and protective functions. All paints are divided into three categories.

  • The main materials include paint, enamel, putty and primer. Such materials leave the surface to be transparent.
  • Intermediate materials include resin, olive, solvents, and so on.
  • And the third category is made up of mastic, a variety of washes and hardeners. Puttles fill different irregularities and smooth the surface to be repaired.

Currently, a certain type of colorful materials is becoming increasingly popular - latex paint.

Latex paint

Such materials are manufactured on a water basis. It is quite universal and standard paint, another plus of which is that it is easily clean. It is used when repairing both in external and interior finishing works. The next dignity of latex paint is that it is easy to dilute with water, and the tools that repairers work are also easily cleaned with a simple soap solution.

Such paint is more environmentally friendly, does not have toxic properties and does not have a sharp smell. This smell is gradually dissipated when the stained surface begins to dry, however, as when working with other colorful materials, the room must be well ventilated. Latex paints are more resistant to high temperatures, to fire and fading.

This makes it possible to use them in various finishing outdoor facade work. Another advantage of their advantage compared to other paints is that latex dried quickly for an hour. Due to its unique structure, they are very firmly bonded with a painted surface and are resistant to different natural impacts. Therefore, building your business on selling this material, you will definitely win.

Production of varnishes and paints

Currently on the Russian market you can meet many organic Materials: paints, primers, solvents and various water-dispersion materials. Of all the volume of manufactured paint products in the chemical industry, approximately 3% occupies the production of varnishes.

To date, almost the entire Russian market of paints and varnishes belongs to small enterprises, and large organizations are not loaded even at half of its power. The essence of the organization of the LCM production line is that in special beaded dispersants each separate pigment is dispersed in the varnish itself. As a result, pigmented paints are obtained.

The principle of production of pigmented pasta is a little different. It is made on mixers who are constantly working and driving bead mills where the necessary pigments are served. Enamel production occurs in the mixers where dosage enamel is supplied by a dosing device. In the future, the finished enamel is purified from impurities and packaged.

Production of primer

The primer is a type of paintwork materials that relate to suspensions of various pigments with special fillers. They are applied as the first coating layer and provide good connection The next layer of paint with a painted surface. There are huge many types of primers: moisture resistant; Protecting against corrosion and preventing rust on metal.

The production of primer is a process at which natural and chemicals are used. Oliflats, various resins of alkyd origin and so on are involved in the creation of primer. Many primers, as well as paints, contain a variety of pigmented substances or natural fillers, such as calcium, talc or mica.

Equipment for the production of primer includes a special dispersion dispersion dispenser; The filter for the initial cleansing of the incoming water, as well as the syringes - dispensers for the remaining components - modifiers.

Production of wipelovka

The process of making putty is quite simple, and some repairmen create it right in the workplace. For the manufacture it is necessary to have chalk, glue, copper vigorous, latex and sulfal. All of these ingredients are mixed in one container, and then transferred to special equipment, which brings the resulting mixture to the desired consistency.

There are many types of putty, so you need to choose them with regard to technical characteristics. It should be paid to the structure and type of surface treated and how to behave this species Puttles with certain temperatures.

Enamel production

Enamel in the modern construction and finishing materials market is one of the most sought-after paints and varnishes. This is due to the fact that it very easily falls into the painted surface, after drying it creates a solid film, which in the future has a variety of texture and decorative advantages. Enamels can be oil, nitrocellulose, alkyd and so on.

In the first place in demand are alkyd enamel. They are most often used for internal repair work: for painting furniture, appliances, floors and other elements in the house. The advantage of nitrocellulosic enamel is a wide selection of colors, they have a more pronounced shine, similar to glossy. However, under action natural factors Such enamel can easily fade and crack.


As noted above, the manufacture of paints and varnishes is a wonderful area where you can organize your business and, undoubtedly, leading in the construction and finishing materials market. Whatever business you wanted to open, the production of equipment for LKM, the production of primer or other types of LKM, the main rule - proper organization Business project and high-quality primary raw materials. As a result, spending the initial capital of about 500 thousand rubles, you can get the same amount monthly!

In this article:

The once forgotten boring walls and ceilings painted by ordinary paint are inferior modern wallpaper, stretch ceilings and trim from drywall. However, despite the current trend, the volume produced water-emulsion paint (which is often called water-dispersion), continue to grow stably. Moreover, such a production is considered cost-effective and cost-effective, since in this segment of paintwork products simply lacks tough competition.

We draw up documents

Water-emulsion paints - This is a suspension, which consists of water, binding the foundation and pigments. All initial raw materials are almost harmless to the human body, since there are no harmful evaporation. That is why the certificate of conformity for paint is not necessary, since the water-level paint is not in the list of paints and varnishes, which is subject to mandatory certification. A voluntary certificate of conformity should be issued on the waterfront paint (Certificate photo).

It is issued for any kind of paint products, and it can be obtained in an accredited certification body. Before starting production activities, a beginner entrepreneur must examine the regulatory documents regulating the quality of finished products, namely:

  • GOST 19214-80 Water-emulsion paints for internal work. Technical conditions
  • GOST 20833-75 Water-emulsion paints for outdoor work. Technical conditions

We should not forget about the official design of the business, namely, registration of a legal entity (or physical) person. To do this, determine the most preferred option, making the minimum tax deductions. For example, this may be LLC (with a simplified form of taxation) or individual entrepreneur.

Required equipment for the production of waterfront paint

The technological line will consist of the following equipment:

  • dissolver;
  • bead mill;
  • automatic filling line and packaging of finished products.

Dissolver - This is a special unit intended for mechanical mixing of all source components. Thanks to the rapid rotation of the dispersion disk with teeth, ensured high efficiency Painting particles: They face, mix, grind and dissolve. The dissolver is equipped with a high-speed stirring of the milling type, and the rotational speed can be adjusted. Due to this, you can most optimally organize the production process.

If necessary, for convenience, this equipment can be equipped with a lift (hydraulic or pneumatic).

When using the Dissolver, service period bead Mill significantly increases. The main function of the bead mill is homogenization of all components for the manufacture of future paint. It is characterized by high performance, because several disks provide high-quality processing of raw materials. The housing of the bead mill and sieve are made of durable metal, which does not rust and not wear out. The graininess is easily adjustable by changing the dimensions of the fraction.

The automatic packaging line consists of the following key mechanisms:

  • conveyor belt with cylindrical capacities;
  • system of feeding of tanks;
  • caps of covers;
  • storage.

Components of water-emulsion paint

About 10-15 components are often part of the water-level paint, which is in the percentage ratio:

  • latex dispersion (about 40%);
  • pigments and fillers (37%);
  • plasticizer (3%);
  • functional additives: cellulose ether, titanium dioxide, etc. (nine%);
  • mel is fine (11%).

Production technology of water-free paint

The technological process of producing water-dispersion paint is the following algorithm of actions:

  • pouring into water dissolver;
  • the inclusion of the unit at minimum revolutions;
  • loading other components in a certain sequence (fillers and pigments);
  • adding dry components (titanium and chalk dioxide);
  • dispersion of the solution for a certain period of time;
  • filtration of the finished product;
  • packing paints in consumer packaging.

In the process of dispersing, liquid and solid bodies are finely crushed. To increase productivity, beaded mills are used, a mixer of which brings the composition of paint to standard characteristics.

At the final stage, the finished paint is passed through the mesh filters and distinguishes into the container. It should be noted that the whole cycle of work on the manufacture of water-level paint should be held at temperatures. ambient not lower than +5 ° C.

Business Plan for the organization of the production of water-level paint

Requirements for production infrastructure:

  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe manufacturing workshop is about 80 m 2.
  • Temperature mode - not lower than +5 ° C.
  • The presence of the necessary engineering and technical communications.

The cost of the technological line:

  • dissolver - 200,000 rubles;
  • beaded mill - 250,000 rubles;
  • electronic scales - 6,000 rubles;
  • hydraulic trolley - 7,000 rubles;

Total:463 000 rubles.

We will carry out the commodity analysis for the establishment of the production process.

For the production of 10 tons of finished products, the following components are needed:

  • latex dispersion (65,000 rubles);
  • defoamer (7 000 rubles);
  • calcium carbonate (5,000 rubles);
  • others additional materials (coalescent, thickener, titanium dioxide, etc. - 28 000 rubles);
  • chalk (12 000 rubles);
  • labels (6,000 rubles).

Total: 123 000 rubles.

For the year, this enterprise with declared production facilities is able to produce up to 120,000 kg. Water-emulsion paint. The annual costs of acquiring raw materials will be 1,476,000 rubles.

The personnel of the manufacturing workshop will consist of the following employees:

  • head of production 15,000 rubles;
  • working 8,000 rubles.

Total: 23 000 rubles.

Annual photo - 276,000 rubles.

Calculate the cost of 1 kg. Water-emulsion paint: 123,000 rubles / 10,000 kg. \u003d 12.3 rubles.

Equipment production capacity - 10,000 kg per month.

Production monthly costs make up:

  • rent of production premises: 10,000 rubles;
  • depreciation of the main equipment: 3 000 rubles;
  • foundation for workers' remuneration: 23 000 rubles;
  • payment communal services: 5,000 rubles.

Thus, production costs per month (22 working days) are equal to 41,000 rubles, respectively - 492,000 rubles, respectively.

We estimate the economic efficiency of the project.

Annual cost \u003d Commodity cost + production costs \u003d 1,476,000 rubles. + 492 000 rub. \u003d 1 968 000 rub. / Year.

Wholesale price of paint It is 30 rubles / kg., And the monthly income, subject to complete implementation, will be 300,000 rubles, annual - 3,600,000 rubles.

Annual profit size: 3,600,000 rubles. - 1 968 000 rub. \u003d 1 632 000 rubles.

Net profit (minus the cost of equipment and fot) \u003d 1 632,000 rubles. - 463,000 rubles. - 276,000 rubles. \u003d 893 000 rubles.

Of course, in the first year of work, your enterprises, the size of net profit will be significantly understated due to the disposable acquisition of the production line. In the future, it may be gradually increasing production volumes, if there is appropriate demand.

We establish sales channels

The main indicator of product recognition should be its quality and affordable cost (at first). Thus, it is possible to establish itself as a conscientious manufacturer of high-quality water-dispersion paint, without inferior to expensive imported analogues. The use of imported raw materials will allow to achieve a similar result. Exceptions can be those fillers that are not inferior to foreign, but are much cheaper.

The undisputed advantage in the work can be the operational execution of large-volume applications - about 2 days. Therefore, soon the profit will cover all costs and production will become cost-effective.

The main sales channels is to establish cooperation with construction shops, supermarkets. It is also possible to conclude contracts with construction organizations that carry out services for the repair of apartments, offices and private houses, and restore work, etc. On the market it will not be superfluous to open a trading point for paint implementation, or even a corporate store with products. The accumulative discount system, various bonuses and promotional proposals will contribute to increasing sales.