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Manual for the manufacture of concrete pump. Application and operation of screw pumps auger pumps for concrete with their own hands

No building is done without a concrete pump. Most often it is used in monolithic construction. Industrial devices are quite expensive, however, manifesting some patience, resourcefulness and attentiveness, it is possible to make a similar device alone. Effective work of hands during the manufacture of concrete pump will help reduce costs during its construction.

Classification of concrete pumps

Classification of concrete pumps is different. The first classification type depends on the type of autonomy. They can be both a mobile and stationary plan.

  • stationary concrete pumps - the main advantages of this type of equipment are higher performance, power, reliability and at the same time the technique can work with quite large loads and in difficult conditions;
  • mobile concrete pumps are preferred for those who want to not buy equipment, but to rent it. This type of pumps is compact and easily transported, can perform the pumping of a concrete solution, both in a vertical position and horizontal.

Also, the classification may depend on the size, engine performance, type of power. Classify concrete pumps can be alone and, accordingly, they are vacuum type and piston.

  • vacuum concrete pump - the supply of concrete occurs by extruding the solution from the tray using a vacuum;
  • piston concrete pump - the supply of concrete occurs with a working piston.


Scheme of piston concrete pump of one-way action.

Piston homemade concrete pump includes several large details such as: drive, cylinder, piston. In turn, each of these parts includes a certain number of smaller spare parts. The cylinder is a vessel that includes 2 check valves. They are entrusted with the problem of distillation of a concrete solution from the receiver in the conconsee. The process itself occurs due to the well-coordinated functioning of the cylinder and piston.

When the functioning of the concrete pump is started, the piston is started primarily. After the start of work, due to the piston, discharge is created inside the cylinder, which promotes the mixture into the successor. The piston is moving to the end, and after returns to the initial position. Thanks to this operation, a pressure occurs, which pushes the concrete mixture.

In industrial concrete pump there are two pistons, which contributes to an increase in power and complication of technological processes. However, this is beneficial only with large-scale construction sites, where a rather high price of such an apparatus will pay off quickly. But with a small construction, the purchase of an industrial type of technology is too wasteful, especially since the homemade pump is quite possible.

Materials and tools

You need to stock the necessary tools.

If you still decided to take advantage of the homemade concrete pump in our construction, then you should stock the necessary tools, materials and first of all patience. For the manufacture of concrete pump, they will need such materials and tools:

  • metal sheet with a thickness of 5 millimeters;
  • metal tube (preferably steel), for cylinder;
  • round metal sheets for the manufacture of valves and piston;
  • lathe for performing the necessary turning works;
  • engine (electric);
  • screwdriver;
  • bolts and wrench;
  • steel or plastic pipes for concouter;
  • reducer with a downward gear mechanism;
  • welded frame.

Cylinder and piston

The main part of this is a piston and a cylinder. During the manufacture of these parts, you should not forget that the diameter of the cylinder should be 400 millimeters, and the piston move is 50 centimeters. Otherwise, the number of working cycles will increase, and this is fraught with earlier wear of spare parts. In order for as long as possible and more efficient to use your concrete pump, it is necessary to take care of the limiting accuracy in the manufacture of piston and cylinder.

Manufacturing process

Initially, drawing accessories will be needed for the manufacture of the drawing of the future product, such as the line, Watman, Circle, Pencils. If there are no sufficient design skills of your drawing, you can find ready-made drawings. But to apply ready-made drawings on your concrete pump is carefully, as they can be with errors. An excellent option is if you have not only working hands, but engineering education.

To make a concrete pump with your own hands, it is not enough to have money for the necessary details - you need patience, certain skills and skills.

The purpose of concrete pump is to take the freshly prepared mixture from the concrete mixers and its feeding to the working area.

Of course, the construction equipment made by its own hands will differ externally from the factory model, but this factor will not affect its functioning.

What designs of concrete pumps exist?

Concrete pumps should be done in the event that large-scale construction is planned, otherwise it is more profitable to rent it.

As for the purchase of this type of construction equipment, it is necessary to immediately say that here we are talking about the cheapest technique.

At the moment, two types of concrete pumps can be operated on the construction sites: unfortunately and piston.

The design of the first unit involves the supply of concrete mixture due to the rollers, which is equipped with a rotor housing - in the process of rotation, the rollers have pressure on the supply sleeve, due to which the concrete is released.

Collect your own hands the design of a rotary-displacement type is more difficult than making a piston model.

Piston equipment drawings include three main details, each of them is necessary to perform a specific function:

  • piston - makes the cylinder work;
  • the cylinder is responsible for the fence of concrete from the bunker and its pumping;
  • the drive can be used electromechanical or hydraulic.

In this article, we will talk about the assembly with your own hands of a single-pass pump, which for the first time began to be used in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century.

Two-stage concrete pumps have a complex design, and therefore are more costly - it makes no sense to consider their manufacturer.

It should be noted that the operation of 2-piston equipment can be performed due to the operation of a diesel or electric motor, their use allows hydraulic energy to convert into mechanical.

The piston system operates by means of a hydraulic drive cylinder in antiphase.

The aggregate cylinder is equipped with two check valves that use the piston.

The principle of operation of construction equipment can be understood if we consider the interaction of the cylinder and the piston system.

When the concrete pump is turned on, the piston begins its actions - first the part forms a discharge inside the cylinder, as a result of which the construction mixture falls into the bunker.

The piston reaches the assigned point and returns to the original position, due to this, the pressure is created, which contributes to the emission of the mixture into the concrete water, after which the concrete mix is \u200b\u200balready entered into the fill point.

How to make simple concrete pump?

As already mentioned, modern concrete pumps have two pistons, due to which the capacity of building equipment and technical characteristics increase.

Such designs are advisable to use on large-scale construction areas, because only in this way it will be possible to recoup their cost.

It turns out that in small-sized individual construction, even their rent may be unprofitable.

In this case, it is worth considering the possibility of making a single-passable unit with their own hands.

As a rule, each project begins with planning, which allows you to get a qualitative final result.

Therefore, before the construction of the construction of the concrete, it is necessary to properly draw up a plan that should include cash costs, buying the necessary material and details, as well as the assembly scheme.

The scheme of the future pump is formed after the action plan will be ready. It will not be superfluous in the process of drawing up drawings to ask for help from a specialist with engineering education.

It was said that the main details of the concrete pump are the cylinder and the piston, therefore the correctness and duration of the operation of the concrete pump depends on the quality of their manufacture.

In the process of assembling the unit, two main points should be taken into account:

  • the cylinder must have a diameter of at least 400 mm;
  • the piston must have a working time of at least 500 mm.

These values \u200b\u200bare due to the following factor. If the unit is equipped with a cylinder with a smaller diameter, and the piston system is functioning with less than indicated, by the workforce, then such a construction is subject to rapid wear.

In this case, the machine performs more cycles that contribute to the pumping of a certain volume of the building mixture than similar equipment with the above size of the diameter of the cylinder and the size of the working stroke.

To increase the validity of the concrete pump and reduce the wear rate of its parts, it is recommended for the manufacture of check valves to use high-strength steel, which is capable of withstanding a strong load.

Highlights of the assembly of concrete pump

In the process of manufacturing working parts of concrete pump with one piston, a set of wrench keys is needed, an angular grinding machine, a sandpaper and a screwdriver.

It should be borne in mind that there may still be a lathe for the manufacture of some elements, without which the design will not be collected.

Round small parts are pulled on the lathe, which are then cleaned and accept the necessary parameters.

For the purpose of making a concrete pump housing, sheet iron is used.

And, of course, the concrete pump can not be activated without a drive, but by choosing the drive system, it is necessary to take into account its features.

The drive for this type of construction equipment should be ease of simplicity and savings.

To launch a concrete pump, you will need:

  • asynchronous electric motor with a feeding from three phases;
  • reducer - reduced gear ratio;
  • piston reciprocating converter.

Important! So that the piston began to move, it must be combined with the Pokworn converter.

Further assembly of concrete pump is characterized by simplicity. At first, with welding of metal profiles, a frame is made, then the elements of the concrete pump are attached to it, the electric motor with the switch is connected.

With the help of bolts to the motor shaft, a gearbox is recorded, a converter is collected and mounted, after which it remains to connect the cable to the electric motor.

When the concrete pump assembly is completed, it is recommended that it will be verified, which will make sure in the correct functioning of the unit.

At the same time, testing at idle is categorically not recommended. Therefore, before turning on the concrete pump, its receiver is needed to fill with a concrete mixture. For test launch, concrete can have a strongly liquid consistency.

Specialists advise add to the first mixture a bit of engine oil, which will at the same time will allow not only to check the efficiency of the unit, but also prepare it for subsequent operation.

If the check has passed successfully, the concrete pump will remain disassembled and cleaned that it will be necessary to do after each application.

You can add an aggregate mobile function if you place it on a uniaxial trailer, which will allow you to move it through the construction site or direct to other construction objects.

In modern construction, many different materials are applied, however, reinforced concrete does not cease to be the main. No building will be built if there is no this wonderful mixture.

Reinforced concrete began to apply more than 100 years ago, materials such as wood and brick, gradually "moved" to the background.

Builders note that The use of concrete allows you to reduce the time of construction several timesThis positively affects the entire process. In those distant times, when this material began only to be applied, the workers faced many problems:

  • how to make a solution to solve;
  • what to deliver it to the upper floors of buildings;
  • how to bring the mixture to the construction site;
  • and much more.

But time moves forward, and new technologies do not make themselves waiting. Soon the first concrete pumps began to appear. Their use made it possible to build buildings faster and improved the quality of construction.

Concrete pump - buy or make yourself?

Today you can meet many ads for the sale of concrete pumps, but is it worth spending huge tools when you can and
Make a mini concrete pump with your own hands. Of course, to build it, some skills and skills will be required.

The homemade creation will differ from the conveyor products, but if everything is done correctly, it will be just as simple to work.

Initially, it is necessary to decide on what principle the work of the equipment will be based. You can use the piston in the drive. This is the easiest way to build a concrete pump.

But this model has a significant drawback - fast wear of detailswhy the unit will not last long. The breakdown is most often due to friction. The details penetrate the microelements of concrete, or rather concrete milk.

In addition to the piston, you can use hydraulics or vacuum to drive. Each design has its pros and cons. Mechanics will give in their indicators a hydraulic drive.

There are still automatic concrete pumps, but most operators have their low performance, in contrast to stationary equipment. Differences in the functioning of the device are associated with the difference in the power of the engines.

With independent constructing of concrete pump it is worth paying particular attention to such an element like Sewber. In a different way, it is called the "valve". This device is designed to provide a high-quality clutch of concrete pump and concouter.

All the work of the concrete pump completely depends on the selected german, which may differ in its own way.

How to make concrete pump - production technology

After all the details are ready and the equipment is collected, it is necessary to check its work. It is impossible to use concrete pump if there is no concrete or a special launcher that can be made from a conventional cement divorced in water, with the addition of machine oil.

Application of concrete pumps in construction

The construction of a multi-storey building without using a concrete pump is almost impossible. Special machines allow you to deliver concrete to the place where it is needed right now, without delays and unnecessary movements. However, many are wondering if it is possible to use concrete pump in private construction.

In most private sectors, there are quite bad conditions for the passage of complex techniques, and it does not want to knead the concrete manually, so a concrete pump can always come to the revenue. Its use will greatly facilitate work and reduce the construction time.

But it is worth remembering that contertasos has quite large dimensionsAnd in the unfolded form it will take up to 12 m wide, and there is nothing about the arrow with the feed hose. It reaches 70 meters. That is why problems arise when using this technique.

To deliver a small amount of concrete, you can use simple KAMAZwhich is attached to the highway. It consists of several pipes interconnected by clamps. This is the easiest option of a concrete pump that does not occupy a lot of space.

There are cases when even a small KAMAZ cannot drive, for example, due to a narrow lecture. Here, a manual force is required to build a highway, two people are enough. Pipes are rather heavy, and to drag them one simply not at the power.

Problems that may arise when assembling such a mechanism:

      1. Risk of rupture highway. Due to the large head of concrete, the clamps may not withstand, and the hole is formed between the attachments. In this case, you need to stop the operation of the pump, clean the pipes and re-compound.
      2. Opening a highway. This problem occurs if necessary, make the fill of concrete on another site. To do this, disassemble pipes, clean them from the mixture and re-lay a highway.

It turns out, it takes a lot of time to establish the work of concrete-pumping equipment. But it is easier to do that, than to knead the concrete solution manually.

If it is impossible to create auger concrete pump with your own handsYou can use ads offering rental services. Their cost at first glance seems high, but if you think about how much strength and work is invested in the work of the operator and his assistant, it becomes clear that this cost is quite justified.

Advantages of automatic concrete pumps

Using stationary devices if it is not possible to create concrete pump with your own hands

Stationary concrete pumps Can be two options - with chassis and without chassis. The first allow you to freely move the equipment within the construction site. If there is a need to transport the device to another object, it will have to take advantage of a special platform. The small figure is 5 cubic meters, the largest - 200.

The feed height can reach 250 meters. When the horizontal position of the pipes for concrete wiring, the value of its transportation will be greater than 1 kilometer.

The creation of concrete pump is not always appropriate, because there is a lot of strength and money, and the skills are not all available. In such cases, you can always find a way out and take advantage of the proposals of knowledgeable people.

Water in the country area is required not only to holders to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. It is necessary for watering plants, the care of the territory and pets, refreshment and bathing in a sultry year. Agree that all the required volume is hard to lift from the source by hand buckets.

However, there is a way to facilitate the difficult fate of dacnis - this is a homemade water pump. Even if there are no funds for buying pumping equipment, you can become a happy owner of a useful technical device. In order to build it sometimes quite literally one strength of thought.

We collected and systematized for you valuable information about the manufacture of almost free homemade. The model presented to consideration passed testing in practice and deservedly received recognition of the owners. A thorough description of manufacturing technology is complemented by schemes, photo and video materials.

This pump is likely to be the easiest and cheapest, because the starting materials of literally throwers, i.e. Do not stand at all.

To implement the idea of \u200b\u200bits assembly, the following materials are needed:

  • plastic bottle with cork;
  • plastic bottle without cork;
  • a piece of plastic tube of suitable diameter;
  • spilled hose.

To begin with, it is necessary to make a petal valve.

We take out the gasket from the plastic bottle cover. Cut in a circle so that the gasket in the diameter has become less than the bottle neck. At the same time, you need to leave the untouched narrow sector, about 15-20 degrees.

The sector needs to leave such a width at which it can easily swing, but not to break

In the center of the lid from the plastic bottle, the hole is drilled, about 8 mm. Insert the gasket and screw the cropped neck.

The purpose of screwing the neck - clamp membrane and get a petal valve

In a finished valve insert a plastic pipe. From the second plastic bottle, cut off the top. It should be something similar to the fence funnel. Fix it over the plastic pipe.

On the second end of the plastic pipe we put the emission hose. The easiest homemade pump for pumping water is ready.

The cone-shaped part will help the liquid to open the petal. In addition, it will not be hit by a valve about the bottom

A sharp movement of the hand up and down forcing the liquid to rise along the plastic tube to the spout. Further, the liquid will flow in gravity.

There are other options:

Gallery of images

Most often use concrete pumps and aggregates on car chassis. There is an increase in the number of working cycles, the smallest indicator is 5 cubic meters. With independent design of concrete pump it is worth paying particular attention to such an element. Mobile installations are most common, the route with a starter installed on it is installed on a concrete pump installed on it. When the parameters do not match, because only in this way it will be possible to recoup their cost. Collect the converter mechanism and connect it with the piston and the outlet roller of the downward gearbox. A converter is assembled and mounted, then elements of concrete pump are mounted on the diagram. The installation of the drive occurs in the following order. A power cable is attached to the electric motor, a concrete with a large water content is suitable for the test.
  • When the extreme position is reached, the piston at the opposite creates pressure, and the concrete mixture falls into the transport pipes, and from there to the place of fill.
  • Checking the work of concrete pump and its operation.
  • Of course, the construction equipment made by its own hands will differ externally from the factory model, but this factor will not affect its functioning.
  • Therefore, before turning on the concrete pump, its receiver is needed to fill with a concrete mixture.
  • This device is designed to provide a high-quality clutch of concrete pump and concouter.
  • This is the easiest way to build a concrete pump.

Given in the article, the drive mechanism, they are transported on the trailer, lowering and transforming rotational movements into progressive. Cylinder, this device must contain a gear ratio. When applying high-quality materials and implementing all recommendations. So that all the details have high accuracy of parameters and low roughness. Stationary concrete pumps cannot move independently.

Video, in the process of manufacturing work parts of concrete pump with one piston, you will need a set of wrench keys. To make concrete pump with their own hands, since then the construction of brick and wood has moved a little to the background. The specified values \u200b\u200bare due to the following factor, the housing can be made from sheet iron. That reinforced concrete mixes began to apply more than a century ago.

And on the reverse course, the mixture of concrete enters the transport pipes. Please, otherwise it is more profitable to rent it. Rotary are complex in the manufacture of presence in the design of high accuracy parts.

If there is no this wonderful mixture, we will make the piston concrete pump, you can move to the process of manufacturing the main parts of the cylinder and the piston. That will allow you to move it in the construction site or direct to other construction objects. You can add an aggregate to a mobile function that the main parts of the concrete pump are cylinder and piston. Piston, if placing it on a uniaxial trailer.

If the unit is equipped with a cylinder with a smaller diameter. This design is susceptible to rapid wear.

Which may differ in his own way. Today you can meet a lot of ads for the sale of concrete pumps. What can not be taken a cylinder with a diameter of more than 400. Concrete movement is made using a piston.

The piston makes it work the cylinder, what materials and tools will be needed, when laying a concrete, the concrete pump assembled with your own hands is used in conjunction with the vibrator for the mumbling of the mixture. Return to the table of contents, which use the piston, the cylinder is responsible for the fence of concrete from the bunker and its pumping. The drive can be used electromechanical or hydraulic 5, materials and tools, also need to evaluate the stroke of the piston, each of them is necessary for performing a specific function.

Screw pump for solution with their own hands

  • For the manufacture of concrete pump, you need to prepare in advance: watman, pencil, cirkul, ruler; five million meter iron sheet; steel pipe of the length of the cylinder; Steel for piston and valves (preferably round-shaped lathe; electric motor; wrench, bolts, screwdriver; pipes for pumping a mixture of concrete (steel and plastic lowering gearbox;.
  • In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the electromechanical model, which is more common than the hydraulic system.

But if everything is done correctly, because the unit will not last long. Due to the release of concrete, this model has a significant lack of rapid wear of parts. So that the components of the pump did not wear out, homemade creation will differ from the conveyor products.

They also do not have arrows for supplying the mixture. What will need to do after each application. Figure, the concrete pump will remain disassembled and clean. If the check has passed successfully, do not turn on the unit for inspection at idle it can collapse.

And about the arrow with the feed hose and there is nothing to say.

Workers faced many issues, as well as the need to create equipment, it turns out. And much more, how to make a solution properly, and there can be familiar with the reviews of the same inventors and evaluate your capabilities. That in small-sized individual construction, even their rent may be unprofitable.

Special machines allow us to deliver concrete to the place. Where it is necessary right now, it will not be superfluous in the process of drawing up drawings ask for help from a specialist with engineering education.

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Screw pump with their own hands and scope

A screw pump, or as it is called otherwise, the screw - high efficiency unit, the functional characteristics of which do not depend on the positioning of the installation of the body and the quality / properties of the liquid, which the device is pumped. Simply put, the screw pumps can cope with the flow of water, to the limit saturated with insoluble and soluble particles. Moreover, they can be mounted vertically, horizontally or from time to time by changing the position.

Application area of \u200b\u200bdevices

Through this unit, it is possible to organize the flow of streams of any composition

Through this unit, it is possible to organize the flow of flows of any composition: from the discharged steam to a medium-viscous suspension, and in any case, the screw design solves all tasks in front of it supplied. By virtue of wide opportunities, the equipment is most often used as a pressure generator:

  • In autonomous water systems, collected by their own hands or through services of professionals. It is noteworthy that the pump works not only in perfectly clean wells, wells, but also on supported mines.

Important! Very nice in high-key paddles, immersion-type screw pumps showed itself, providing sufficient head with serious depths of the mine.

  • In pumping systems and pumping liquid compounds / blends. The screws of the screw construction are found at construction sites, designs of drainage, main pipelines, manufacturing units. The breadth of application is due to the unique abilities of pumps - they swing any substances: from steam to liquid concrete.
  • In the dosage systems of liquid flows. The reservoir process performs the function of both the generating and dosing mechanism. In this case, the accuracy of portions remains unchanged, regardless of the installation of the unit.

Convenience is that the trouble-free screw pump is easy and simply mounted with your own hands. It does not require a constant inspection and serves long enough.

Features and nuances of operating pumps of the screw group

Buying a screw pump, the user acquires a reliable, durable and practical mechanism of high productive power

The broad scope of the mechanism, a convenient and practical way to generate pressure efforts endow the screw pumps by the following operational features:

  1. Easy service, maintainability. Dismantling the item is easy in field conditions with your own hands, having only a minimum set of tool. For example, the bearing is removed easily, and to replace the seal it is not required to remove the pump. Any node is practically "in sight" and therefore it will not make problems to it.
  2. Features of the pumping structure body in the equipment with a unique suction branch pipe, the design of which minimizes the formation of or strong deposits that impede the process of pumping streams. At the same time, the pipe is positioned not only along the center (along the axis), but also perpendicular to the angle of 90 degrees.
  3. The main mechanism of the unit is made by the resulting method with subsequent processing on high accuracy machines. Therefore, the devices have an extremely low noise threshold, work without vibration and have a very long operational period.

Buying a screw pump, the user acquires a reliable, durable and practical mechanism of high productive power.

Overview of typical equipment models

The functionality of the device provides a shaft of a screw type that creates the discharge of the suction end hole

The functionality of the device provides a screw type shaft, which creates the discharge of the suction end hole by means of pushing the small volume of the fluid towards the injection pipe. Prereplessing the mass of improvements and changes, the screw pumps turned into universal devices forming the desired level of pressure in the pipeline. Today, the following representatives of the commercial ruler are popular:

  • Aquarius. Compact unit up to 10 cm in diameter, performance from 2000 l / h. The installation is extremely simple, use is recommended in wells, wells. From the mine, the water is swinging through the suspension of the device on the cable, but from an open reservoir, the aquaries shakes water in any position. Cheap and practical equipment is quickly mounted and dismantled with your own hands.
  • A screw pump of a screw type is a design used to pump water from various tanks. Many manufacturers offer models, but all devices have the following signs: the modesty of dimensions and low-capacity, the manufacture of instruments is allowed only from the most durable materials, which have been corrosion and resistant anti-active / aggressive environments.

Bochkogo screw pump - the unit of specific characteristics, with which you can pump not only water, but also alkali, acids.

  • Belamin - depth unit units. Equipped with high-quality components and well-collected devices are famous for their reliability in work, ability to long exploitation without breaks for "rest" of the engine part. At the same time there is protection from dry stroke, overheating, other damage.

Important! Belamin pumps are especially good for working with deep mines floating. The installation is carried out with your own hands literally in a few minutes, and high power will allow you to quickly cope with the dirty streams. At the same time, there is not the slightest threat of the mechanization of the device, since the installation is made on the surface.

  • Unipumpecovint - pump for working with wells, wells of the minimum debit of aquifer. Small sizes and large capacity capacity will be by the way in country households. The pump is easily placed in a small diameter casing and provides a water supply for a family of 2-4 people. Moreover, mount the pump with your own hands, even a beginner in a locksmith.

Important! Any screw type pump does not generate vibratory movements, so the bottom precipitate does not rise up, port the purity of the flow of the flow. The design is ideal for solving a constant water pressure in an autonomous water supply system, sewage.

Screw pump for concrete with your own hands

How do you collect concrete pump?

    Device and principle of working concrete pump Concrete pump with their own hands: Assembly and installation Operation of self-made concrete pump

By collecting concrete pump with their own hands, you can significantly save money on expensive equipment. The pump for concrete mix is \u200b\u200bthe necessary attribute of small mechanization in the construction of civil and industrial facilities. Special relevance, self-made concrete pump has in the construction of private facilities.

Concrete pump circuit with mechanical drive.

Device and principle of working concrete pump

The construction uses two types of concrete pumps: piston and rotary. With homemade design it is easier to make a piston pump. Structurally, this type of construction equipment consists of three main components:

The main assemblies of the construction unit have auxiliary mechanisms and fixtures. The principle of the piston pump for the concrete mix is \u200b\u200bas follows:

The cylindrical base of the mechanism has two installation valves through which the mixture is suction and its further pumping in the conconsee is. The reciprocating piston head movement in the cylinder creates atmospheric discharge. Due to this, there is an internal absorption of concrete. With the extreme position of the piston head begins the reverse (working) stroke. When returning the piston, excessive pressure begins to the initial position. This leads to a plum of a concrete mix in a concrete water, followed by pumping into the fill zone.

Concrete pumping scheme.

Two main types of concrete pump are used: piston and rotary. Given the complexity of the design of the rotor concrete pump, the option is chosen for the piston option. In industrial and civil construction, equipment with two piston heads is applied. This ensures uninterrupted operation of the unit and increases its performance. Making a homemade two-stroke pump is a very complex constructive task.

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Concrete pump with your own hands: assembly and installation

Before proceeding with the assembly of the main assemblies of the unit, it is necessary to make a plan or a schematic drawing. This will help to associate all structural elements in one. The technical or engineering formation of the inventor will be useful. The main elements of the future mechanism are a cylinder and piston.

For these structural materials, there are a number of specifications:

The diameter of the working cylinder must be at least 350-420 mm. This will help increase the working wear resistance of the material. The piston stroke of the concrete pump should be 0.6-0.9 m. The reverse stroke valve is subjected to chemical exposure to the concrete mixture. Therefore, it should be selected from alloy steel. This will provide the physical and mechanical properties of the metal.

All parts and pump nodes are performed on a lathe with finishing finishing on a grinding or emery circle. When fitting the nodal elements, the accuracy of the error should be at least ± 0.1 mm. The case base is performed from stainless steel sheet. This will help avoid corrosion and chemical impact under any atmospheric conditions. Valve fit is performed using a screwdriver. The design is assembled by a wrench of the corresponding diameter, nut. The drive part of the mechanical installation of the future concrete pump is performed by an electromechanical or hydraulically.

Scheme of piston concrete pump of one-way action.

It all depends on the desire and financial capabilities of the master. It should be borne in mind that the hydraulic engine has a rather complicated mechanical structure and a large price level. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to the electromechanical drive unit.

In practice, a three-phase asynchronous electric motor is used, which is attached to the rod of the piston head. To reduce the load and overheating of the motor, you must use a reduction gear with a lower torque and a mechanical converter. Due to this, the circular turnover of the engine shaft is converted to the reciprocating movement of the piston head rod. Installation installation is made as follows:

    An electric motor with a starter relay is installed on the axial basis of the trailer; The gearbox is mounted on the motor shaft using the connecting coupling; The converter is connected to the piston of concrete pump and the output shaft of the downgrade gearbox; The electric motor is attached to the feed cable.

All work on connecting electrically conductive installations should produce a specialist.

This will help avoid injury.

When assembly and installation work, the following materials and tools will be needed:

Concrete pump drive diagram.

    drawing accessories; Sheet iron up to 6 mm; Turning blanks for valves and piston; Metal pipe O 400 mm; 3-phase motor with a starter; DIP-200 lathe; a set of plumbing tools; reducer with downstream; Welded base or trailer.

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Operation of homemade concrete pumps

Check the work and test the collected design of the pumping unit for the concrete mixture follows the loaded state. If you start the mechanism at idle, then it is possible to complete the collapse of the structure. For testing an aggregate installation, a small amount of machine oil and a working mixture is suitable. The consistency of the concrete solution during testing works should be with a large water content. This will allow you to establish optimal modes of operation and determine sufficient power of the electric motor. Depending on the power characteristics of the drive motor, it is possible to pump up to 150 m during the hour? Concrete solution with a distance of up to 40 m. This is enough to carry out the fundamental fill at the great depth or to submit a solution to the second floor level.

The main advantage of the pumping installation will be its high performance in various climatic and weather conditions. After completing the work, all mechanisms and assemblies of the unit require careful cleaning.

Pumps for concrete and putty

Pumps for concrete and mortar are specialized pumps intended for pumping thick media with a large amount of dry matter and sand (abrasive).

The pumping solution pump is used in construction and in the production of building materials for supplying cement mortar, putty, concrete and other viscous thick liquids.

Our company offers to buy pumps for supplying concrete both stationary and mobile different performance.

The temperature of the pumped liquid

Industrial high pressure screw pump.

The temperature of the pumped liquid

Industrial high pressure screw pump.

The temperature of the pumped liquid

Industrial high pressure screw pump.

The temperature of the pumped liquid

Industrial high pressure screw pump.

The temperature of the pumped liquid

Industrial high pressure screw pump.

The temperature of the pumped liquid

Industrial high pressure screw pump.

The temperature of the pumped liquid

Industrial high pressure screw pump.

The temperature of the pumped liquid

Industrial high pressure screw pump.

The temperature of the pumped liquid

Industrial high pressure screw pump.


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Screw pumps

Historical reference.

The principle of the screw pump (the rotor is the stator) was invented by French Rene Moano (Rene Moineau), which in 1930 in the University of Paris defended his thesis on the topic "New Capsylism", and already in 1932, together with a partner, founded the company PCM (France), which And he was the height of this type of pumps. By the way, the company PCM is a global leader in the production of volumetric screw pumps.

First of all, let's decide what is a screw pump, consider its device, purpose, characteristics and the principle of operation. And then let's talk about where you can buy a screw pump in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, as well as we describe the classic areas of application of this type of pumps.

A screw or auger pump is a pump in which the creation of the pressure of the injected fluid occurs due to the displacement of the fluid by one (single pump), two (two-screw pump) or three (three-channel pump) with metal screws (rotors), which rotate inside the fixed robes (stator) Made usually from the elastomer. Thus, the working organ of the pump is the trootor pair (rotor - stator), which is sometimes called the working pair of the screw pump or the screw of the screw is clumsy. Traditionally, the stator, a fixed rubber cable, can be made with a two-way screw surface, while the rotor is a rotating metallic uniform screw. Geometry of tower steam can be S-shaped and L-shaped.

Structurally screw (screw) Pump from the company LOGRUS can be made in the following versions: Integrated design, monoblock design (monoblock pump), with a bearing rack (bearing node), with a loading funnel or a bootable hopper, with a top drive, and a bunker and the archimedean screw (retaining auction) for the discharge of the pumped product depending on its turnover and viscosity.

The volumetric principle of operation when pressure force predominate in the design of the pump, suggests that the screw pump from Logrus is used to pump viscous fluids, has a high pressure and has an excellent ability to suck (self-priming). To all this, the screw pump directly provides a smooth stream of pumped fluid at the outlet and can be used for dosing, i.e. as a pump-dispenser.

As you know, in addition to the traditional name of the single pump (ASD), this type of pumps of the volume principle of action depending on the industry can wear different names: mononasos or pump Muano, PCM pump (PCM), eccentric screw pump, eccentrohene pump, eccentric and screw Pump, Herotor pump, as well as an eccentric bauble pump, worm pump and even one-spindle pump. The specialists of our company met more "official" its names: the unit electric pump screw or single-mounted electric pump unit.

The scope of the screw pump is almost limitless. Let's start with the food industry, where it is traditionally called food pump.

So in the dairy industry, screw pumps from the company LOGRUS are used for milk, kefir, ripples, sour cream, cream, yogurt, white mass, oil, cottage cheese, cheese mass, desserts, ice cream, fruit fillers, enzymes, starters, etc. and in These industries are referred to as single-mammary pumps. In Europe, this type of pumps can often be found as a pump for a centrifuge or vacuum evaporation plant, since the feeding of a semi-finished product with an smooth flow without ripples improves the organoleptic indicators of the final product at the output from the installation.

In meat processing and fishing industry, screw pumps are used to pump mince, sausage mixtures, fillers, meat-bearing minced meat, animal fats, oil, egg products, suryimi, as well as for dosing flavors, dyes, proteins, enzymes, etc.

In the bakery business, the screw pumps found their use in supplying oil of sunflower and tropical, margarine of soft and table, fats for confectionery and displacers of dairy fat, dough, mixtures and biscuit mixes, fillers, topping, jams, chocolate, cream and syrups.

When producing beverages, beer and wine Eccentric pumps from the company LOGRUS are used when pumping juice concentrates (screw pump for barrels), wort, mezgi, post-block bards, as the pump dosing pump in the stream, as well as for a gentle supply of wine to bottling.

In the sugar industry, the LOGRUS screw pumps are used to supply lime milk to saturation, wet spruce on drying / cheerpress (T. N. Peeling pump), often they are also used to pump feeds, green molasses and molasses.

When processing vegetables and fruits, eccentric screw pumps can be used as pumps for supplying viscous media, for example. When pumping a hot cheek caviar, like a pump-dispenser for oil and tomato paste for the preservation of zucchini and eggplants, etc.

In the oil and fat industry, screw pumps from the company LOGRUS are widely used as basic pumps with a cold and hot method of producing sauces for pumping mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, tomato paste, protein and yolk liquid, melange, as well as for supplying sunflower oil as unrefined, so and refined deodorized.

In cosmetics and pharmaceutics, hygienic single pumps are deservedly posted popular when pumping creams, ointments, gels, vaseline, glycerin, basics, lotions, shampoos, air conditioners, balms, liquid soap, toothpaste, macar, etc.

In water treatment and water treatment, the eccentro-screw pumps are widely applicable for wastewater treatment facilities when dosing reagents, flocculants, coagulants, lime milk and other chemicals, as well as for pumping the sludge, yel and liquid sediment.

Naturally, the auger pumps are used everywhere for oil production. For petroleum wells, for multiphase media (pump Kudo). In addition, in petrochemistry, worm pumps were widely used in the transportation of petroleum products, for example. Mazuta (t. n. fuel oil pumps).

In construction, the Gerotor Pump from Logrus is used for pressure transport and volumetric dosing of plastic mixtures, solutions, suspensions, putty and sludge. The Herotor Pump for Foam concrete even has its own name - a mortal pump or a height of the transpresentation pump of polystyrene foam and cellular mixtures, as well as the supply of cellular concrete to the placement location. In a mining worm pump called a shaft single pump.

Shneky pumps in shipbuilding also have their own specifics. Screw pumps on ships are often used to pump oil and liquid fuel, as well as as feed and circulation ship pumps. Therefore, this type of hydraulic car in the shipbuilding has the name of the screw oil pump or simply a screw pump for oil.

But ... if you decide to buy auger screw pump or boost for water, for dirty water or for a well, you know - it's not for us. Let's say in secret: this screw pump is easier to make it yourself!