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Penaisal sheet. Technical characteristics of foamizol, its properties and disadvantages as insulation. Does not increase in volume

When erecting houses or their reconstruction, it is often about the effective insulation of the walls. For these purposes, many materials are available for their technical specifications, properties, operational qualities and cost. Recently, foaming or carbamy-formaldehyde foam began to gain increasing popularity in the domestic market.

It allows you to quickly and inexpensively insulate almost any construction facility.

What it is?

Penyazole is called modified foam. His consistency resembles a shelter. The material is a foamed plastic with a cellular structure. Modified foam - modern heat insulator for insulation of building structures.

Often the material is preparing right on the construction site. The liquid mixture with the help of specialized equipment is filled with emptiness in the walls, overlaps, roofs and attic. Thanks to the manufacture of insulation, money, temporary costs and forces on the delivery of a conventional thermal insulator and its loading and unloading operations will save the construction facility. No additional area for storing thermal insulation products is required.


In the manufacture of foamizol, low-cost components are used, at the expense of which the finished material differs in the available cost.

For the production of this insulation requires:

  • carbamide-formaldehyde resin;
  • foaming component;
  • orthophosphoric acid;
  • water.

The dosage parts of these components are laid in special equipment (foam generator) to which compressed air is supplied. Due to the use of such a device, a foam mass is formed, designed to close the voids.

Modified foam plastic has a white color and jelly structure. With it, it is possible to quickly close all the airspaces. The hardening of the applied foam occurs 10 minutes later. After 4 hours, the mass becomes solid, and after 3 days it acquires "final" strength. 72 hours grabs for the final drying of the material.


The thermal insulation of structures is made by various types of foamizol. They are three varieties:

  • Liquid.The most common builder type. Its popularity is due to the convenience of use. Such a thermal insulator is prepared directly on the site using specialized equipment. Material can be purchased in cylinders for a small amount of work. Liquid foam plastic close up air gaps during the construction, reconstruction or repair of various structures.

  • Sheet or rolls.Such heat insulation material is made by filling the liquid foam in the form. After solidification of the mass, it is cut onto sheets with an optimal length, dried and exposed to mechanical cleaning. Some manufacturers offer foil leaf foams. Such materials cannot be glued. They must be fixed with the help of a dowel, and top to be covered with facing.

  • Chit. Feniza granules are obtained by crushing frozen foaming on fractions, the size of which does not exceed 15 mm. The granular insulation has a minimal density (up to 8 kg / m2).

Different types of liquid foam can be used for different construction purposes.

Where is used?

Penosol is widely used in private and professional construction. It is used not only as thermal insulation material, but also as a soundproof component.

It is used when insulation:

  • exterior walls;
  • facades;
  • roofs;
  • pipelines;
  • vegetable stores.

The material is also designed to create sandwich panels.Granulated foamizole has found an application when insulating horizontal structures: floor surfaces, attic and inter-storey floors. Foilized insulation can be used for warp warca.

It should be known that liquid foam has some restrictions on the use.For example, it is not recommended to be used in areas subject to intense moisture. These include grounds, basements, foundations. The reason is simple: foamizole is able to withstand multiple frost and defrost cycles, but it loses its thermal insulation properties.

Experts also do not advise the use of carbamide-formaldehyde foam for the arrangement of roofing cake. The fact is that the material is rapidly destroyed under the influence of sunlight, which is why soon after installation may lose its heat and sound insulation qualities.


According to its technical parameters, foamizol is superior to many modern insulation.

Main characteristics of material:

  • Excellent thermal conductivity. Indicators of this parameter range from 0.03 to 0.4 W / MK. To preserve heat and substantial savings on heating, it will be enough to install on the walls of foamizol sheets with a thickness of 10 cm.
  • Good noise absorption indicators (over 65%).
  • Fire resistance.The heat-insulating products based on urea-formaldehyde resins relate to the grade class M-1, and to the flammability group B-2. This means that the material does not light up when the fire is not even melted. With prolonged exposure to the flame of fire, the insulation will evaporate without highlighting toxic substances.

  • Moisture resistance.The heat insulator absorbs moisture well and gives it back, without losing its performance. The insulation is able to imagine to 1/5 moisture and soon evaporate it.
  • Strength.Compression with linear deformation is 0.25-0.3 kg / cm2, and with tension 0.05-0.08 kg / cm2.

Penosop can be operated with severe temperature fluctuations from -50 to +100 degrees, which allows it to be used in complex climatic conditions.

Pros and cons

The liquid foam has numerous advantages that have a beneficially distinguish from other types of thermal insulators.

This material has the following advantages:

  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • Elasticity and elasticity. Thanks to these properties, foam fills all the slots and emptiness, eliminating the formation of cold air bridges.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress.In case of power loads, the frozen material is fitted, and after the pressure stops, the initial position quickly returns.
  • Resistanceto sharp temperature drops and resistance to changes in humidity indicators.
  • Excellent steam permeability.Due to this property, condensate will not accumulate on insulated wall surfaces.

  • Good adhesion. Foam quickly and reliably close with any of the grounds, so that it is convenient for it to warm the buildings with a complex design.
  • Beautiful protection from mold and fungus.You can not be afraid that insects will be headed in the insulation or that rodents will spoil it.
  • Favorable price.The raw material for the manufacture of foamizol is inexpensive, which affects positively on the rates of the finished material. After installing the heat insulator with your own hands, it is possible to save a significant amount on the insulation of the house.
  • Durability.Properly installed thermal insulation material is capable of listening over 50 years without changing its performance.
  • Ecology.In the process of operation, the heat insulator does not secrete harmful substances. It is safe for health.

Despite the above benefits, liquid foam cannot be called the perfect insulation. He has some drawbacks. Reviews of those who insulated their home with foamizol testify to the material shrinkage (approximately 5%). The minuses include the inability to prepare and apply foamy mass without specialized equipment.

It can be hired or buy it, and this leads to additional financial costs.

For disadvantages, consumers also include a high percentage of moisture absorption, low tensile strength and the inability to work with foam at temperatures below +5 degrees. In addition, when installing the material, there are risks of highlighting hazardous vapors of phenol formaldehyde. And nevertheless, foaming is harmful or not to figure out more detail.

Harmful or not?

According to numerous reviews on the network, most of the consumers of liquid foam complain about its toxic smell when installing and drying. According to experts, such situations are observed when acquiring a poor-quality heat insulator. The fact is that some manufacturers in order to save are used cheap carbamide resin with numerous impurities.

High-quality thermal insulator can exude an unpleasant smell when installed. This is explained by the fact that during the polymerization, the substance begins to allocate formaldehyde. However, their number is slightly. In comparison, multiple modern ripplerous products highlights much more harmful substances, while manufactured by the standards foamizole ceases to exude formaldehyde already during drying.

By comparing everything for and against it is possible to draw conclusions that it is better to abandon the cheap insulation from unfamiliar manufacturers. It is better to overpay and give preference to famous trademarks that managed to conquer consumer confidence.

Review manufacturers

Penosop - the trade name of the carbamide foam and use this sign can only be NST ("New Building Technologies"). This material is available abroad, in each country he has its own name:

  • in the UK - Fleetopham;
  • in Germany - Animmotem;
  • in Canada - Insulprey;
  • in the Czech Republic - Mofhoterm.

The basis for the manufacture of liquid foam in Russia is produced by CJSC Metadina, Togliattiazot, OJSC Acron and others.


For the manufacture of foamizol directly at the construction site and its submission will require specialized equipment. It includes gas-liquid attitudes, the function of which consists in stirring the components that are part of the material and the supply of the finished foam in the shape or insulation location. In addition to the mixing units, you will need an air compressor and tanks for reagents.

The principle of operation of such an installation is simple: all containers with the necessary components and the compressor are connected to the gas-liquid aggregate by means of hoses. After mixing the reagents, foam is formed. Next, it is supplied to the filling forms or air gaps on the construction site.

Before buying foamizol, as well as to purchase or rent all the necessary components for insulation of the house, it is important to familiarize yourself with some recommendations.

How to choose?

When selecting equipment, consider a number of nuances.

  1. Two types of installations can be applied to the installation of liquid foam plastic: gas-liquid and pneumohydraulic technique. The first, budget, it is advisable to use for the insulation of small objects, such as a private house. Pneumohydraulic equipment is characterized by large dimensions, performance and cost. It should be chosen if necessary for large-scale work.
  2. It is recommended to give preference to settings with a built-in compressor and receiver.
  3. Pay attention to what the plunger pump is made and its options. Choose a pump made of stainless steel or plastic. It must have a function of regulating revolutions.
  4. Do not buy installation with an attached foam generator to the pump part.

  • have a white color;
  • not to decrease in the amount immediately after exiting the installation sleeve;
  • to withstand pressing by hand after 15 minutes of frozen;
  • do not have large and inhomogeneous pores;
  • quickly recover after pressing.

If the prepared mass meets these requirements, you can safely acquire it.

The insulation of foamizol (carbamide formaldehyde foam, it is Mettemptist) - this is a building material made on the basis of formaldehyde and carbamide. In essence, it is a foam, but the technology of its manufacture is completely different and characteristics of foamizol as insulation differ from those that are inherent in foam.

Characteristics and features of foamizole

The technical process of insulation by foamizol is attractive in that the thermal insulator is performed directly on the object. The initial type of foamizol is liquid foam (liquid foam) flooding under high pressure into insulated opening.

Foam fills all cavities, freezes, and it turns out a great insulation. Such technology is quite practical and economical, and the insulation itself is relatively inexpensive.

The procedure for manufacturing consists in mixing carbamide substances with water and hardeners. Then the polymerization process (frozen) occurs. As a result, the insulation of foamizol resembles fine foam.

Thermoactive resins used in the manufacture, reaching a solid state, are not able to turn into a liquid mass again, which indicates the impossibility of melting the thermal insulator.

Penosole, whose characteristics are unique in its own way, is able to maintain the primordial structure even at a temperature of above 100 ° C.

  • Density - 5-75 kg / m3;
  • Television - 0.028-0.047 W / m ∙ K;
  • The tensile strength at a 10% linear deformation is 0.07-0.5 kg / cm 2;
  • Bending tensile strength - 0.10-0.25 kg / cm 2;
  • Tensile strength - 0.05-0.08 kg / cm 2;
  • Water absorption by weight - 10.5-20.0% in 24 hours;
  • Mass humidity - 5.0-20.0%;
  • Use temperature -50 / + 120 ° C;
  • Operational period - 30 years.

In addition to the liquid form, there is a leaf foam, as well as in the form of crushed crumbs. Crushed is implemented in packages, and its use is comparable to liquid, since the granules are perfectly fill in the most hard-to-reach places.

Sheet Penosol found its use in thermal insulation predominantly level bases - walls, floors, floors and roofs.

Provides good warmth and noise insulation. In terms of its characteristics, 60 mm of foamizol is equated with a wall of a wheel with a thickness of 350 mm, a brickwork 800 mm or 130 mm mineral wool.

If we insulate with a liquid foam wall with a thickness of only 100 mm, then in the room will noticeably become warmer, and therefore it will be a good opportunity to reduce the cost of heating the structure.

Warming with liquid foam does not have a negative impact - it is environmentally friendly.

Both sheet and crushed and liquid foaming on flammability, smoke and toxicity obtained groups G1, D1 and T1, respectively, that is, the thermal insulator is considered non-combustible, non-forming and non-toxic.

The flammability group B2 speaks of moderate flammability. When the ambient temperature reaches over 130 ° C, the carbamide foam not only does not light up, but not melted. In this case, it will be characteristic of evaporated, without highlighting any toxic chemicals.

At least, insulation with foamizol cannot be counted for 100% waterproof methods of thermal insulation, but absorbing moisture well, it is able to "return" it without negative consequences.

With this, he surpasses insulation in the form of watts - once grunting, they can no longer restore the previous form, the result of which is the loss of technical qualities. The only thing to envisage is a ventilation gap that provides ventilation.

The vapor permeability of the mettemptlast is also at the height, this property will avoid the formation of mold. Not only fungal formations, but also pests, as well as chemically aggressive substances and organic solvents are not afraid of liquid foosen.

An unlimited operating time, which was established through experienced research on the duration of operation - another advantage.

Characteristics of foamizol as insulation talk about a useful service life, calculated by the 30th year. However, it can serve and twicear - about 50-60 years, without losing its elasticity and elasticity.

As such deficiencies in the carbamide foam no. The only nuance is acquired by poor-quality methemptast, manufactured with a violation of technology (in particular, the use of cheap poor-quality carbamide resin), there is a risk of excretion of sharp smelling toxic substances.

Thus, the main misfortune with which the buyer may face, the unfinished manufacturer is considered to be, using low-quality raw materials in combination with an incorrect manufacturing process.

It is also worth emphasizing that all the same minor toxicity of the thermal insulator is observed, but only in the first seconds, that is, during the polymerization of the mass.

Chemical smell occurs due to evaporation of formaldehyde substances. After hardening, he does not have to highlight formaldehyde.

A comparative analysis of foamizol with other popular insulation showed that the insulation of Penosol is not inferior to them at all, and according to some characteristics, it even exceeds the now popular mineral wool and foam, also referred to as expanded by polystyrene foam.

IndicatorHeater PenosopStyrofoamMinvata.
The value of thermal conductivity0.028-0.047 W / m ∙ to≥0.04 W / m ∙ to≥0.08 W / m ∙ to
A combustion groupG1 (non-combustible)G3-G4 (high flammability)G1.
Bulk density8-25 kg40 kg and above80 kg and above
Sound absorption65% 45% 40%
Water absorption in 24 hours, by weight10,5% 1,5-3,5% 70%
Operating temperature-80 / + 120 ° С-60 / + 60 ° С-180 / + 400 ° С
Durability70 years and aboveUp to 50 yearsUp to 25 years old

Warming Penosol

The quality of the insulation itself directly depends not only on the quality of the initial material, but is determined by both the exact execution of the technological process. And it depends on the experience of builders.

The first stage of using the heat insulator is to apply it in the form of a liquid foam, similar to a thick foam. The filling of space occurs due to the presence of air pressure.

Due to the high pressure, foamizol fills all the joints and slots of the surface. After polymerization occurs, foamizol gets the shape of a light insulation.

Warming with foamizol will save significantly on the cost of heating at home. After 3 years, all warning costs will be fully accumulated by saving funds.

Possible to fill under wooden and glot walls, in the case when the wall thickness is at least 7 cm. Since an aggregate of pressure up to 6 atm is used during spraying (fill)., Thin walls will not be able to withstand it.

If you set a smaller pressure, then the risk of cold bridges, scattering the insulation and its insufficient dispersal, which is significantly reduced by the energy efficiency and the properties of thermal insulation.

Characteristics of foamizol as the insulation correspond to all gestures and slopes. With competent observance of insulation technologies and the use of only high-quality foaming, this thermal insulation is better in quality, cost, operation duration, and thermal conductivity.

Characteristics of foamizol as insulation, video

In connection with the constant and rapid growth of electricity tariffs and heating, most people try to save, applying energy-saving technologies. Most recently, sheets of polystyrene foam, foam or mineral wool were used for this. However, since progress does not stand still, foamizole came to replace the above materials.

This article will consider the main competitive advantage of this technology, as well as its characteristics and scope.

Penosop is a liquid insulation that is used in the production of CMR (construction and installation work). In contrast to standard insulation (mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam, etc.) This material has a liquid structure, due to which it can be easily pouring into the cavity in the wall, into interpanel seams or cavities of the overlapping.

For the manufacture of foamizol, a special resin is used, which, when exposed to chemical reagents (foaming agents based on aluminum powder) creates a porous structure, which preserves heat perfectly.

Depending on the use of the application, the foosen is manufactured with a density of 10 to 30 kg per cubic meter. In this case, its thermal conductivity reaches 0.028-0.038 W / m².

For example, 50 mM foamizol is replaced with 125 mm minvati, or 2132 mm concrete. Based on this, it follows that this material has high technical and economic indicators, which makes its leader in the insulation market.

Scope of the modern insulation "Penosole"

This technology demonstrates high results when pouring:

  • in airspace formed between two walls;
  • between roofing and a rafter system;
  • in the framework on which partitions or false walls are collected from the sheets of GLC;
  • between the outer upholstery (siding, lining, professional owl, etc.) and the wall;
  • the space between the concrete base of the floor and OSB sheets.

As can be seen from the above list, the scope of foamizol is quite extensive. However, why is this material so popular? To do this, it is necessary to consider the main advantages of this technology.

The main advantages of insulation of the house, apartments or office with foamizole

  1. Thanks to the current structure when pouring, the material fills all cracks and emptiness, since it is fed under pressure.
  2. It effectively retains heat in winter and coolness in the summer period, since its thermal conductivity reaches 0.028 W / m². For comparison, the thermal conductivity of mineral wool at a density of 125 kg per cube is 0.07 W / m², which is more than 2.5 times higher than in foamizol.
  3. The absence of "bridges" of the cold, which occur when insulation using a leaf insulation.
  4. Quick installation. This insulation is prepared directly on the object and is very quickly applied, because it does not need to prepare the base and align walls or floors.
  5. This material is made of environmentally friendly materials, which allows it to be applied even in children's rooms.
  6. Does not distribute burning. When electrical wiring in this insulation, in contrast to the foam, the focus of the flame immediately swears.
  7. When applying foamizol, there is absolutely no unpleasant odor.

Technology of application of foamizole

This material in its structure is a thick carbamide-formaldehyde foam foam white. This material under pressure is pumped into the necessary cavities, with the above, the better the object insulation occurs.

After entering foamizol into the required cavity, the polymerization process occurs, due to which a large number of air bubbles are distinguished, which just provide low thermal conductivity of the material.

After the completion of the polymerization process, foamizol gains strength and retains its porous structure over the years.


Penosop is a highly efficient material for insulation of walls, floors or roofs, which has a low thermal conductivity, long service life and affordable price.

The building materials market is constantly improving. New technologies that improve the quality of existing products appear. At the same time, repair and construction work is carried out faster and cheaper. One of the new materials that is gaining popularity today is foamy. It is distinguished by a lot of positive characteristics.

general characteristics

The name of the presented insulation is the name of the brand. There are many other companies that produce the same product, but under other names. All of them are a carbamide foam.

Among the domestic analogues of foamizol can be called unigs, ecoosol, mettemptist, miorp, thermal insole, etc. The foreign names of the material represented are also varied. In the UK, the carbamide foam is called the Flotofaum, in the Czech Republic - Mofhoterm, in Switzerland - Izoshaum, etc. In this case, the principle of the presented compositions is the same.


One of the main advantages of the insulation represented is its price. Penosop costs about 600 rubles per m³. At the same time, the quality of thermal insulation is not inferior to existing in the market of popular insulation today.

To compare foamizol with mineral wool, the product with similar thermal conductivity will cost 1.5 times more expensive. At the same time, the price of this insulation is 900-1000 rubles / m³.

The price of foamizol is 1.5 times lower than the cost of foam. Material with similar thermal conductivity costs 950-1000 rubles / m³. 6.6 times the cost of extruded polystyrene foam is higher than that of the polyplex. It is about 4 thousand rubles. / M³ (taking into account the thermal conductivity coefficient).

Also, according to the cost, the carbamide foam is more profitable for basalt plates, staple fibers and clay. For this reason, many private property owners prefer this variety of materials.


It has a lot of advantages. The material is similar in its structure on the marshmallow. Production does not require high costs. Therefore, the cost of the product is relatively small. After processing at the output, a semi-liquid foam is obtained.

After drying, such material is characterized by high elasticity. Celers from different blows on it quickly spread. The material is characterized by high thermal insulation characteristics, pushes moisture.

When creating foamizol, a certain kind of carbamide resin is used. Acid is added to it. The foaming additive in a certain proportion is used as part of the fund. The mixture of the listed components is laid in equipment. Compressed air is supplied to it. At the outlet, the substance has a jelly consistency. It can be immediately applied to the base wall.

Reviews of installers

Characteristics of foamizoledetermine its method of application. After the mass comes out of the sleeve of the unit, it freezes. However, this process is gradually. The material is seized with the base 10 minutes after applying. In this state, foamy remains soft.

Another 4 hours, the mass is frozen. It becomes quite solid. However, the strength of Penosole has not yet scored. It will take several more days so that the thermal insulation is ready for the subsequent finish. It dials strength for 3 days. Penosol during this time acquires all its positive qualities.

Professional installers argue that the thermal insulation of the category presented is mounted much faster than other insulation. Surface treatment will be 4-5 times higher. In this case, the material is distinguished by low weight. He slightly takes the design.

Thermal conductivity

After frozen, has a mass of positive qualities. One of its main advantages is low thermal conductivity. The material can significantly reduce the cost of payment of energy in the winter.

Depending on the characteristics of the structure, as well as the method of installing foamizol, its layer can be from 5 cm to 1 m. When applying a layer with a thickness of 10 cm on the surface in the room in winter it becomes significantly warmer. The thickness of the foam is selected individually for each object. At the same time, the calculation of the climatic features of the terrain, the features of the building itself are taken.

Depending on the density and composition of the material, the thermal conductivity coefficient can be 0.031-0.041. This is a good indicator. Apply the presented material for both external and internal insulation. When creating a layer of insulation from foamizol in the room, you can not be afraid of the appearance of condensate on the walls. At the same time, the finish will serve for a long time.

Fire resistance

after applying for various surfaces within 3 days, gains its basic qualities. In addition to low thermal conductivity, the foamsole after frozen demonstrates high fire resistance. It is distinguished from many insulation.

Even at very high temperatures, the material presented is not ignited and does not even melt. At the same time, it does not allocate smoke and dangerous to human health substances. This is an environmentally friendly material. Due to fire resistance, foamizol can be used on a variety of private and industrial facilities. It is operated in the thermal range from -60 to +80 ºС.

To understand how foamizol behaves at elevated temperatures, the following situation should be considered. If the ambient temperature rises so hard that the metal will start melting, the insulation will simply evaporate. In this case, hazardous chemicals will not be released into the air. Smoke in the fire from foamizol is released 10 times less than from expanded polystyrene.


Which forms a thermal layer on different surfaces inside and outside the premises, is highly resistant to various biological and chemical influences. The material is not subject to the destructive influence of various solvents, active substances.

In the insulation presented, various insects are not breed, the mice do not resemble it. The fungus is also not able to multiply on its surface. These qualities allow creating a healthy microclimate indoors.

One of the benefits of the material is its ability to skip air. This allows you to adjust the level of humidity in the room. The owners of such a house note that the microclimate in the room is healthy, there is no damp. Inside the building dry and warm. Various pathogenic microorganisms in such a medium practically do not multiply.

Screwing moisture

Today, many installers apply penosol in cylinders. This insulation is very easy to apply. At the same time, thermal insulation is characterized by a high level of moisture absorption. He also gives it to the environment. This allows you to maintain the optimal level of humidity.

If foamizol wuresward, it dries quickly. At the same time, its initial characteristics remain unchanged. This process does not affect the properties of the insulation. He delays well in the room, does not ignite. Walls will not be raw. However, experienced installers recommend not neglect quality ventilation.

The hygroscopicity of the insulation represented allows walls and finishing materials much slower to collapse. At the same time, the insulation layer can be absorbed from 10 to 20% of the moisture from the environment.

Strength and durability

It is characterized by high softness. Finding on the base, it hits well with any surfaces. In this case, the insulation layer high quality closes all irregularities. Under the heat insulation do not appear emptiness or gaps.

Gradually, foamizol is gaining strength specified by the manufacturer. However, it is not very tough. When bending, the material breaks down. When you click on the material, it quickly spreads. Elasticity of such a insulation remains at the height. But when he is bent, the insulation does not exhibit high strength.

When conducting studies of the characteristics of foamizol, it was established that it is capable of being operated with the right installation of 30-50 years. These data are confirmed by laboratory studies. Construction, the submitted material is applied relatively recently. However, according to its main operational characteristics, it becomes clear that this is a durable insulation.

Negative feedback

In various sources you can meet many positive and negative reviews of Penazole. Who insulated This material has its own home, in most cases remain satisfied. However, there are negative reviews.

After the fill of foamizol, its shrinkage is from 0.1 to 5%. This is a minor indicator. However, with insufficient professional training of the wizard or when using poor-quality material, this indicator may increase.

There are also reviews about the unpleasant smell of the insulation, which appears in the process of drying it. Such a phenomenon is found only in low-quality products. Do not apply to dubious assembly organizations. When drying foamizol, a small amount of formaldehyde may be highlighted. However, its number is insignificant. It is enough to leave the windows in the room open, so that when hardening the insulation, get rid of the unpleasant smell quickly.

Positive reviews

Minor disadvantages of foamizole Cannot affect its demand and ever-growing popularity. A lot of positive feedbacks for those who have mounted the presented material at home, speaking of the high quality of the insulation.

When it is used in the room it becomes significantly warmer. Accounts for energy resources in the winter decrease. At the same time, heat becomes heat, the humidity level is held on the optimal level for human health.

Installation is done very quickly. At the same time, the cost of such a finish will be at times less than when using other varieties of insulation.

To perform quality warming PenosolYou must apply only to proven assembly organizations. They provide a guarantee for their work. Materials that are used for insulation must have appropriate quality certificates.

Ready foamizol should not settle. It has white color. After drying, the material has a cellular structure. It should not be air bubbles.

Make conclusions about the appropriateness of the use of insulation from the carbamide foaming will help reviews about penizole. Who insulatedits house presented by the material in most cases remain satisfied.

Construction of the house is an important process in which the many nuances should be taken into account. Every year more and more requirements are made to the construction of housing, especially in terms of achieving energy saving and fuel economy. Modern materials are able to help significantly in this, however, choose them should be correct. For example, recently, such material like foamizol reviews are positive and makes a worthy competition more popular eco-friendly and expanded foam. What is his features? And why do you need to warm your home?

How to insulate the house?

Let's start with the answer to the last question. In any house or apartment, especially in those that were built back in Soviet times, too large heat loss - they can reach 40%. Ultimately, the heating of his housing has to lay out a lot of money, since heat leaves our houses through the outer walls, floors, windows, doors, as well as the roof. Modern methods of insulation, for example, insulating with foamizol, make it possible to solve a number of important issues:

  1. The optimal temperature in the room throughout the year will be ensured.
  2. The walls will be protected from humidity, condensate accumulation, and therefore will be reliably protected from fungus and mold.
  3. Improve the acoustic properties of the structure.
  4. It will become above the level of noise insulation indoors.
  5. The hygienic condition of the room will be much better.
  6. Will be lower than spending on energy.
  7. The erected house will be more durable and economical in operation.

Of course, even the insulation of houses of the houses by Peniazole will not protect the room from the heat loss completely, but at least they will be minimized. In addition, it is important that the work on the installation of insulating material is performed competently and professionally in compliance with technology.

Penosop: What is the features?

As a rule, eco-water, polystyrene are most often used as the insulation, but today the foamizole becomes quite popular. He has many advantages, each of which plays a role in the formation of such a good opinion about the material. First, the foamizol is absolutely uninteresting rodents and microorganisms, it is possible to not worry that the walls will gradually go from the inside. It is noteworthy that if there is a mechanical impact on this material, it will turn into dust. The second important point is foamizol reviews getting positive due to breathable structure and good thermal insulation properties. Due to the presence in the material of capillary moisture transfer, it can be safely used in wooden construction, while eliminating the appearance of mold. All extra moisture will be eliminated by the heaters' capillaries. The third positive moment - compared with the eco-art and glass gamble, the material described by us is sealed, it literally fills all the pores and details on its path.

Porous structure - security deposit

The studies have made it possible to bring together all the features of which it has foam. The characteristics of it are as follows:

  1. The resistance coefficient is 50% compared with mineral wool and cellulose insulation, and this suggests that the heat loss level will be minimal.
  2. Penosop is not afraid of moisture, which can destroy the wood and lead to defects in the walls or roof. The material is a porous structure, so the entire accumulated moisture instantly dries, and therefore there is no reason for experiences.
  3. The average insulation saves for 10-12 years, respectively, cracks can occur in the walls or semi. If the insulation is chosen by foaming, this can be avoided, because it fills it with itself, all the pores, and its operating time can reach 70-80 years.

Where is the foamizol applied?

The modern homeowner is always facing the choice of high-quality and reliable materials, especially when it comes to thermal insulation. Penosol reviews got positive just due to what is a unique combination of price and quality. In addition, the floor can be insulated with this material and the roof both in new buildings and in already exploited houses. Penosop is a carbamide foam, which has a cellular structure. Thanks to the excellent physicochemical characteristics, the scope of the material of the material is quite wide. The material is produced in the form of a liquid foam, so it can easily fill all the cavities in which it quickly freezes. For insulation of the walls, you can choose sheet foamies.

Features of the Wooden House insulation

Wooden house-building is popular in view of the fact that the walls in such buildings "breathe". But the same characteristic makes the process of insulation quite difficult. For example, insulation the facade of the house of a chopped house is almost unrealistic, but in the brusade version of foamizol received reviews good. It is possible that the use of this material and for a shield house, however, in such cases does not apply liquid foaming, but a sheet that is mounted in advance to the prepared profile.

Wall insulation: What to take into account?

Insulation Penaisol for walls - the most optimal solution because it:

  • does not burn;
  • racks to the effects of mold, fungus, rodents;
  • vapor-permeable, that is, the excess moisture goes out;
  • durable (service life at least is 50-70 years).

Thanks to the excellent thermal insulation properties, it is not only convenient to warm the house with foamizole, but it is also beneficial because it is easy to install and keeps warm well. You can lay foamizol in two ways - in the form of plates or thick foam. At the same time, it is important that the resistance of the inner layer internal layer is higher than the resistance of the outer walls.

Secondly, you should not choose a film, foil, rubberoid as a vapor barrier material, because there will be no interlayer of the air between the walls of the building and the outer territory. To increase the efficiency of using this insulation, it is best to combine it with a tree, concrete, brick or plaster. When laying plates, the gap between them and the wall should be avoided.

Stages of wall mounting

The process of thermal insulation of the walls will consist of several stages:

  1. Installation of leaf insulation in masonry when erecting walls.
  2. The sheath sheets of the outer walls, after which their cladding is performed.
  3. Stacking a leaf insulation on the inner walls under the finishing material.
  4. Backfits of crumbs of foamizol in the voids of the walls, as well as under drywall.

Attention ceiling and facade

Penosol is well suited for ceiling insulation. True, experts recommend using it in rooms with a large area, since the presence and work of professional masters will be required. It is easier. Due to the fact that foamizol characteristics have excellent, it is able to become a reliable protection of the walls. The essence of the insulation of the facade is as follows. First, the bearing structure is mounted on the wall, for example, from a galvanized profile. Magnesite slabs are screwed onto it, in which the holes are made - this is foaming foaming. After it is polymerized and frozen the walls, you can paint or bind with decorative materials. For the facade, such a solution is quite convenient and functionally, since foamizol in combination with magnesite plates has good vapor permeability. The walls will "breathe", supporting a favorable microclimate indoor. In addition, the facade will meet all the requirements of fire safety and sound insulation.

Paul and roof

Penosol is great for insulation of the floor and roof, but it is important not to forget about the ventilation system. The installation process itself includes several stages:

  1. Installation of material for sexual coating (under a concrete screed or between lags).
  2. Laying sheet insulation on the attic, attic, and technical floors.
  3. Installation of foaming in the mounted ceiling.
  4. Warming roofing system.
  5. Failure of crumbs of foamosole in the floor, attic.

Depending on the design features of a particular residential facility, along with a sheet material, filling of foaming can be used. This type of foam can be poured immediately at the construction site. The effectiveness of this method is that the liquid material does not increase in the volume and slightly "sitting". Accordingly, to avoid the appearance of cracks in the walls, it is important to clearly follow the technology of its laying. Liquid foosen should be used at air temperature not lower than +1 degrees. Such a composition, it is quite possible to warm up and already exploited buildings, filling the voids and cavities in the structures that will remain durable.

How to produce?

In modern construction, such insulating material as foaming is rather in demand. Its production is conducted on the basis of a specially prepared foaming composition with the addition of various components. Due to them, the physico-mechanical properties of the material are changed, and its operational characteristics are also improved. A foamed mass appears from a special foaming sleeve, from which the insulation will turn out. For 15 minutes, he hardens - this is the first stage. The next stage occurs in about 3-4 hours.

The foamiole contains approximately 90% of the gas sphere, but as raw materials are assumed to use the following components:

  • orthophosphoric acid;
  • foaming agent;
  • resin;
  • carbameta;
  • water.

Features of equipment

Equipment for the production of foamizol is a range of units that are inexpensive. First, it includes a gas-liquid installation that directly and produces foamizole. It consists of GUJ, the supply hose, a set of cranes for connecting tanks, as well as various documentation for use. Due to the compactness, the installation can be easily transported. Secondly, a compressor will be required, which produces compressed air. Thirdly, for the production of foamizol, the containers are required - ideally there should be three. In this capacity, conventional polyethylene or iron barrels of 30-200 liters can be used. For the convenience of transporting installation on a construction site, it is advisable to purchase a cart with GU. Thus, to create such a material as foaming installation should be collected entirely and completely.

How and where is the foamizol applied?

The carbamide foam is quite widely used, while in different countries it is produced under various brands and names. It is due to the technologicalness of the material and its excellent performance characteristics, foamizol is so popular as in most developed countries it is the fill of souffled foaming in the cavity. However, this material can be applied and non-standard methods. For example, in the Czech Republic, reinforced concrete panels are used in three layers, one of which is just a foam of 50 mm thick. In the US, concrete blocks are used for construction in which the cavities are filled with foaming.

In Poland and Hungary, the use of this material is due to its resistance to burning, so in these countries, garbage dumps are poured - a peculiar coating protects waste from fire.

As thermal insulation material uses porous foam in the Netherlands, Poland, France, as well as in the Baltic States. During the construction of houses between the walls, a 30-60 mm gap is traditionally left, which is subsequently filled with foamies.

Why is so popular foaming?

In the search for high-quality insulation materials, many builders are looking for something that would not only be reliable, but also economical in terms of cost. As a rule, the use of foamizol is explained by the fact that they warm the buildings with a thickness of the walls of about 10-20 mm, as it will reduce the cost of home heating several times. And the cost of the work carried out on insulation will pay off during the first operation of the residential site. Using the carbamide foam for the design of the internal openings of the walls or the insulation of the facade of the house, it is possible to effectively protect it even into severe frosts. An important role is also played by a cellular structure, which perfectly protects the inner rooms from the penetration of noise.