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Standard of the workplace 5S sample. "Management and optimization of a manufacturing enterprise

What is 5S system

System 5S. - this is the system of organization of the workplace, which allows you to significantly increase the efficiency and handling of the operating area, improve corporate culture, improve labor productivity and save time. This is the first step towards creating a lean enterprise and the use of other Toyota management system tools.

Brief history of the 5S system

In Japan systems approach The organization, to guide the order and cleaning of the workplace arose in the post-war period, more precisely, by the mid-50s of the twentieth century. At that time, Japanese enterprises were forced to work in a deficit of resources. Therefore, they developed a method for its production, in which everything was taken into account and there was no place for any losses.

Initially, there were only 4 actions in the Japanese system. Words denoting these actions in Japanese begin with the letter «S»:

  • Seiri (整理) - Sorting - sorting.
  • Seiton (整頓) - Straighten or Set in ORDER - rationallocation.
  • Seiso (清掃) - SWEEPING - cleaning.
  • Seiketsu (清潔) - Standardizing - standardization of work.

Later the fifth action was added, it was called shitsuke (躾) - Sustaining - maintaining and ImprovingAnd it completed the chain of elements that are now known as 5s.

Now the 5S system has a fundamental power in order to change jobs and engage in the process of improving all employees.

The 5S system includes five actions:

1) Sorting - Means you release workplace From everything that is not needed when performing current production operations.

Workers and managers often do not have the habit of getting rid of items that are no longer needed for work, while maintaining them nearby "for every fire case." This usually leads to an unacceptable disorder or to create obstacles to move in work zone. Removing unnecessary items and guidance in the workplace improves the culture and safety of labor. To more clearly demonstrate how much superfluous is accumulated in the workplace, it is possible to hang a red shortcut from the working area to hang a red shortcut (check box) for each item.

All employees are involved in sorting and identifying objects that:

  • must be immediately made, discharged, disposed of;
  • must be moved to a more appropriate storage location;
  • must be left and for them should be created and designated their places.

It is necessary to clearly designate the "zone of red shortcuts" of objects with red flags and carefully controlled it. Objects remaining intact over 30 days are to be recycled, selling or removing.

2) Rational location - Means to determine and designate the "house" for each item required in the working area. Otherwise, if, for example, production is organized on shifts, workers of various shifts will put instruments, documentation and components in different places. In order to rationalize processes and reducing the production cycle, it is extremely important to always leave the necessary items in the same places left for them. This is a key condition for minimizing the cost of time for unproductive searches.

3) Cleaning (clean content) - It means that it is sufficient to carry out equipment and workplace to control and constantly maintain it.
Cleaning at the beginning and / or at the end of each shift provides immediate definition of potential problems that can suspend work or even lead to the stop of the entire site, workshop or plant.

4) Standardization - This is a method with which it is possible to achieve stability when performing the procedures of the first three steps of 5s - it means to develop such a controllist, which is clear and easy to use. Thunder the necessary standards for cleaning equipment and jobs, and each in the organization should know how important it is for general success.

5) Perfection - means that the execution of the established procedures has become a habit

Events underlying 5S (sorting, rational location, cleaning, standardization and improvement) are absolutely logical. They represent basic rules Control any productive department. However, it is the system approach that system 5s applies to these activities, and makes it unique.

See also:

What is 5s. System 5S. System 5C.

To date, there are many light sources. One of the most popular and in demand among them are LED lamps They are used not only in homes and apartments, but also in offices, production rooms. Often such light bulbs equip the lamps installed along the streets and roads, as well as in parks and squares.

Advantages and disadvantages of lamps

The big popularity of such a light source is primarily associated with its low power consumption. It is several times less compared to the incandescent lamp. The operating service life of high-quality LED devices is 30-50 thousand hours. But the declared digit usually corresponds to the operation of the LEDs in the laboratory conditions, i.e., in reality, it is usually smaller.
An important advantage is also environmental friendliness. The fact is that in lamps with LEDs are not used substances with mercury content. Therefore, in the event of damage to the flask or failure of the light bulb, it will not be dangerous. But note that not all manufacturers comply with the necessary norms, therefore, there may be toxic electrolytes, plastics, etc. in their light bulbs. Another advantage lED lamp lies in the low temperature of the heating of the housing.
The main disadvantage is the high cost. In addition, most of these light bulbs lights exclusively in one direction, which is not always convenient. Also is a minus is the degradation of device elements. It is an irreversible process of a gradual decrease in the level of their light flux. It turns out that the longer such a bulb works, the less bright it will become.

Sorting means that you exempt your workplace from everything that will not be needed when performing current production or stationery.

It is amazing, but this simple concept is often understood incorrectly, because at first glance it is difficult to determine what is really necessary, and what - no.

First you will be difficult to get rid of unnecessary items in the workplace. Workers often collect some details, considering that they can come in handy when executing the next order. Thus, parts and inventory accumulate, interfering with current production activities. This leads to the accumulation of unnecessary reserves throughout the plant.

Examples of losses caused by excess objects in the working area

Types of losses leading to errors and defects:

  • Unnecessary reserves require additional storage location and attention.
  • For transportation of unnecessary spare parts, additional packaging and trolley are required.
  • Than more quantity Superior items, the harder it is to sort the desired from unnecessary.
  • Long-term storage of products leads to their spoilement and obsolescence due to changes in the design, etc.
  • Unnecessary B. this moment Equipment interferes with current activities.

Second stage - rational location

The rational location means the location of the items so that they are easy to use, it is easy to find and return to the place. The rational location is inextricably linked with sorting. When all items are sorted, only those that are really needed for current activities remain. The next step towards achieving rational location is to ensure that any worker can immediately understand where to look for certain items and where to make them after use.

Third Stage - Cleaning

Cleaning means regularly washing the floors, wipe the equipment and constantly check, are not in the purity. The condition of the workplace is to a certain extent reflected on the quality of products. Cleaning is aimed at saving effort, as it helps to avoid the accumulation of dirt, dust and waste in the shops.

Cleaning should be made daily in combination with equipment checking procedure.

Fourth Stage - Standardization

Standardization differs from sorting, rational location and cleaning. The first three stages are species various activities, while standardization is a method with which you can achieve the stability of the results when performing the procedures of the first three stages - sorting, rational location and cleaning.

Standardization is closely related to each of the first three stages, but most of all - with cleaning. One of the results of the standardization is clean machines, no dirt, dust and rubble in the working area. Standardization is a state that we get some time after regular compliance with cleaning procedures.

Fifth stage - improvement

In the context of the 5S system improving means that the fulfillment of the established procedures has become a habit.

The introduction of the first four stages can be achieved without much difficulty if the workers will manifest interest in the continuous improvement of their activities within the 5S system. In this case, the efficiency of work and the quality of the products will increase.

Many companies spend too much time cleaning and guidance, because due to the lack of discipline neglected by the maintenance of the order within the 5S system and do not apply this system regularly. Even if the company hosts shares and competitions for the implementation of the 5S system, without the fifth stage of the 5S system - improvement - the results of the previous four stages will not be able to maintain for a long time.

Try to organize your workplace on the 5S system and see how much you can have time to do in one business day.

Today's article will be useful for people who do not know how to organize their workplace to work as efficiently as possible. It is for you in the middle of the twentieth century a great one was invented system 5S..

I do not know how you, and I can't stand the disorder in the workplace.

I never understood people, on the desktop of which there are picturesque rules from the necessary files, artistic books, advertising brochures, candy candy candy, cups with short-lived coffee, discs, stationery, cosmetics and other inconceivable things that have nothing to do there at all.

I never understood how these assholes find something in the duties on their desktop.

If you also sin so that you climb your workplace, but you really want to correct, then - here's you useful advice From the organized nation in the world: the Japanese.

What is the 5S system?

Japan's economy was very injured during World War II.

This country performed a supporter fascist GermanyAnd when the forces of the Allies won the Hitler's coalition, the infrastructure and financial and economic system of Japan were destroyed almost to the ground.

And yet, despite the bladd prospects, the Japanese did not put his hands, and began to work twice as much as, trying to return their state as a strong player on the world arena.

Minerals, as well as fertile black soils in Japan, therefore, therefore, the government made a bet on industry and high technologies.

In order to most quickly restore the economy of the power, various innovative schemes for the organization of the workplace and production processes were introduced.

One of the most effective became 5S system.

She is named so not by chance, because it is five actions that each employee of the company must take (be it courier or the CEO) to organize his workplace as efficiently as possible.

In some articles, I met the surface interpretation of this system.

Saying, 5s is practically the same as regular cleaning His workplace.

On the one hand, this is, but with another 5S is not just a technique for maintaining your working space clean.

This is a real philosophy, which is designed to make any production with successful and low-cost.

5 stages 5s system

Each employee who wants to organize his workplace on the 5S system must perform 5 stages that are designated japanese hieroglyphs:

    整理 (Seiri), which can be translated as "sorting".

    That is, all the materials available at its workplace should be divided into three armholes: very necessary (those used constantly in operation), partly necessary (which are used infrequently) and completely unnecessary to work (they will never be useful to you).

    整頓 (Seiton) is translated as "order".

    You need to clean up your workplace (and most importantly - support it!) In such a way that all things you need have been in the visibility zone, they are easily accessible (and not rested under the rubble of the rubble), were as convenient as possible in use.

    In addition, it is necessary to take care that after use they could easily be returned to the place without spending a lot of time.

    清掃 (seisō).

    With Japanese, this word is translated as "cleaning".

    Everything is extremely simple: you must regularly (more than once a month, and - every day!) To remove your workplace so that it is clean and tidy.

    The meticulous Japanese generally remove their workplace three times a day:

    • in the morning (you need to come 10-15 minutes before the start of the working day to wipe dust and prepare for work);
    • for lunch (usually a lunch break lasts 1 hour, try to meet in 50 minutes, and the remaining 10 minutes devote the cleaning of your workplace);
    • evening (you need to finish your working day not by the phrase "URA-A-A! Finally free!", And cleaning, to spend the morning to waste order as little time as possible).
  1. 清潔 (Seiketsu) - "Clean", although another translation is more popular: "Standardization".

    The fact is that the Japanese is a neat and pedantic nation.

    If they introduce some kind of system, then without workers step-by-step instructionsprescribed bonuses for fulfilling the prescriptions of managers, not to do.

    And in general, in any case it is useful to have written job descriptions.

    So you will avoid explanations of the ballobs and lazy people, like "And I did not understand ...".

    躾 (Shitsuke), which is translated as "upbringing".

    That is, you, as a manager, should not just explain in a two words on the planenke that from today we will introduce some kind of Japanese system, and just as possible, with illustrations and examples to express employees, which you want from them, as well as - Follow the way they fulfill your instructions.

    Particularly diligent need to be promoted, lagging behind - to finish.

What is the benefit of the 5S system?

This magnificent system is in great demand not only in Japan, but also in other countries.

Hundreds of thousands of managers introduced 5S in their companies and were convinced of the effectiveness of this system.

Thanks to its use, you can achieve:

    Alignment of indicators by the number of accidents.

    Often it is a mess in the workplace leads to injuries and disability.

  • Aesthetic attractiveness of the workplace, even if in your office simple furnitureYes, and repair would not bother in it.
  • Enhance the efficiency of the workflow.

    Remember how much time you spent every time trying to find necessary document Among the dawns at their desk.

    And how, when it was necessary to return the file to the lower folder, which rests under the soast dozen others.

  • Reducing the time spent on the execution of a task, and not due to the quality of the quality, but by the guidance of the order in the workplace.
  • Improvement of the work climate.

    Disorder in the house or in the office negatively affects the mental state of the person.

    Does not add moods and the need to dig for a long time to find what you need.

And in the video below in the pictures, 5S system is represented,

implemented at the factory in Japan.

Watch and learn!

Try and you organize your workplace by 5S systemAnd you will see how much you can have time to do for one working day and at the same time stay a flaw, and not a hysterious with a twitching eye.

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The head of any enterprise, regardless of the scope of activity, dreams that profit grew, and production costs remain unchanged. The system "5C" in production (in English version 5S), based on the rational use of internal reserves, is assumed to achieve this result.

This system was created not from pure sheet. Something similar in late XIX. The century offered an American in Russia in Russia, a scientist, revolutionary, philosopher and ideologist A.A. Bogdanov, published in 1911 a book on the principles of scientific management. On the basis of the provisions presented in it in the USSR, notes were introduced, that is, the scientific organization of labor. But the most perfect became proposed by the Japanese engineer of Taititi, and introduced by it at the Toyota Motor factory "5C" in production. What it is and why japanese system became so popular?

The fact is that it is based on a simple principle that does not require costs. It consists in the following - every worker, from the cleaner to the director, should most optimize its part in the overall working process. This leads to an increase in the profit of production as a whole and to the increase in the incomes of all its employees. Now the reinforcement of the introduction of the system "5C" was picked up enterprises around the world, including Russia. In this article we will try to convince the skeptics in the fact that Japanese know-how does work, and absolutely in any field of activity.

System "5c" in production, what it is

The international 5S is decrypted as five steps ("step" in English STEP). Some economists and propagandists have explained the name of the five Japanese postulates that are consistently implemented in the 5S system: Seiri, Seiton, Siso, Seichase and Sitsuke. For us closer and clearer, our relatives "5C" - five consecutive steps that need to be performed to achieve prosperity of its production. It:

1. Sort.

2. Compliance with the order.

4. Standardization.

5. Improvement.

As we see, nothing supernatural system "5C" does not require in production. Perhaps that is why it is still possible to meet the distrust and non-serious attitude.

Stages of creating system

The wise Japanese Taiti it, which, thanks to the introduction of his techniques at the factory for the production of "Toyot", managed to reach the engineer to general Director, drew attention, how many losses occur due to different inconsistencies and lining. For example, there were no small screws on the conveyor on time, and the result was all production. Or, on the contrary, the details were filed with a reserve, they were superfluous, and as a result, someone from the staff had to drive them back to the warehouse, which means to spend their time on an empty work. Taititi, it developed the concept that "exactly on time" called. That is, the conveyor now has been supplied exactly as many details as needed.

Other examples can be cited. The system "5C" in production also included the concept of "Kanban", which means "advertising sign" in Japanese. Taititi, it offered for each detail or each tool to chain the so-called "Kanban" tag, in which all the necessary information on the part or tool was given. In principle, it applies to anything. For example, to goods, medicines, folders in the office. The third concept on which the system "5C" in production was based, was the concept of "Kaizen", meaning continuous improvement. Other concepts came up with other concepts that approached only for highly specialized production processes. In this article we will not consider them. As a result of all innovations tested in practice and formed 5 steps applicable to any production. We will analyze them in detail.


Many of us on desktops accumulate objects that, in principle, are not needed. For example, old forms, not used files, drawers of calculations, the napkin, on which there was a cup of coffee. And among this chaos there may be the necessary files or documents. The basic principles of the system "5C" are implied to optimize their workflow, that is, to do so that the time is not spent on the search for the necessary things among the ivals of the unnecessary. This is sorting. That is, in the workplace (near the machine, on the table, in the workshop - anywhere) All items are laid out into two stacks - the necessary and unnecessary, from which it is necessary to get rid of. Further, everything you need is folded into the following stops: "It is used often and constantly", "used rarely", "almost not used". On this sorting is completed.

Compliance with order

If you just disassemble objects, it will not be any sense. You need these items (tools, documents) to decompose in such a manner so that the used constantly and often it is in plain or so that it can be quickly taken and easily put back. What is rarely used can be sent somewhere in the box, but it is necessary to attach the "Kanban" tag to it, so that you can easily and accurately find it through time. As you can see, the system "5C" in the workplace begins with the most simple stepsBut in fact it turns out to be very effective. And besides, it increases the mood and desire to work.

This third step is for many logical. Observe the cleanliness of us is taught since childhood. In production, it is also necessary, and not only the tables of office workers or cabinets in catering establishments, but also machines, utility premises Cleaners. In Japan, employees carefully refer to their workplaces, they clean them three times a day - in the morning before work, on a lunch break and in the evening, at the end of the working day. In addition, their enterprises introduced a special labeling of areas, allowing to comply with the procedure, that is, different colors Separations are marked finished products, storage of certain details and so on.


The principles of standardization came up with TaiTii. Widely uses them and modern system 5S. Production management, due to standardization, receives a wonderful control tool for all processes. As a result, the reasons for lagging from the schedule are quickly eliminated and errors are corrected, leading to the release of low-quality products. At the Toyota Motor factory, the standardization looked like this: the masters made up daily work plans, accurate instructions were postned in the workplace, at the end of labor everyday life, special workers checked what day the plan was derived from the plan and why. This is the basic rule of standardization, that is, accurate instructions, work plans and control over their implementation. Now in many enterprises, for example, at ENSTO plants in Estonia, a premium system of workers is introduced, clearly performing the provisions of the system "5C" and based on this productivity, which is an excellent incentive to take this system as a lifestyle.


The fifth step, which completes the system "5C" in production, based on the concept of Kaizen. It means that all employees, regardless of their position, should strive to improve the work process in the plot entrusted to them. The philosophical essence of Kaizen is that all our life becomes better every day, and since the work is part of life, it should also not remain aside from improvements.

The field of activity is wide here, because the limits of perfection does not exist. According to the concepts of the Japanese, employees themselves should want to improve their manufacturing process, without guidance and coercion. Now in many organizations, workers who follow the quality of products that educate their positive experience of others will help to achieve perfection.

Basic mistakes

In order for the "5C" system to work, it is enough to organize it or hire employees who will force her colleagues to implement it. It is important that people realize the usefulness of this innovation and accepted it as a lifestyle. The introduction of the system "5C" in Russia is facing difficulties because of the fact that our Russian mentality differs from Japanese. For many of our production, the following is characteristic:

1. Employees, especially if there are no incentive incentives for them, do not seek to increase the profit of the enterprise. They ask why to try to make the boss is even richer if everything has everything.

2. The leaders themselves are not interested in the introduction of the "5C" system, because they do not see it feasibility.

3. Many directives, "descendable from above," used to perform only for the "check mark". In Japan, there is a completely different attitude towards its work. For example, the same Taititi, introducing the system "5C", did not think about personal gain, but the benefit of the company in which he was just an engineer.

4. In many enterprises, the "5C" system is being implemented. Leanimplying eliminating the loss of all types (working time, raw materials, good workersMotivation and other indicators) It does not work at the same time, since employees begin to oppose innovations at the subconscious level, which ultimately reduces all efforts to zero.

5. Managers implementing the system do not fully understand its essence, which is why there are failures in the established processes of production.

6. Standardization often develops into a bureaucracy, the good deal becomes instructions and directives that only interfere with the work.