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Letter to Stalin. Leonid Maksimenkov - about how the father of the peoples took care of the image of fascist Germany

the site continues a series of publications in the "Victory price" heading. Today, the guest of the same name of the same name on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" historian, writer Elena Congynova talks about "sympathies" between Stalin and Hitler. The ether was held by Vitaly Dymarsky and Dmitry Zakharov. Fully read and listen to the original interview canlink

In fact, anywhere neither Hitler nor Goebbels nor Gess, except for official documents, do not use the name Stalin. If they exchange some letters, notes, some developments, not in the final version, and in the stage of work, there is everywhere - Jugashvili. Just imagine how easy it is to write the surname Stalin by German letters and how difficult to write Jugashvili.

Recall a small piece of Berezhkov's memories, Stalin's translator, which tells about how he, together with Molotov, in November 1940 was at the reception at Hitler during negotiations on the Soviet-German Covenant. And so, at the end of the conversation, before parting, Hitler, shaking his hand, said: "I consider Stalin an outstanding historical person, and I myself am a thought that I am in history. And, naturally, two such political figures, as we must meet. I ask you, Mr. Molotov, pass Mr. Stalin my hello and my offer about such a meeting in the near future. "

Hitler: "I consider Stalin an outstanding historical person ..."

It seems that Hitler reflects a lot about Stalin, but quite a sparkor expressed (well, or there was little statements to us). For example, in 1932 (hess retelling) in the Mussolini family there was some regular trouble, and Hitler noted that his (Mussolini) would destroy the family, as the Bonaparte was killed. But as for Stalin, he stressed, here - a politician, a leader, on whom his family does not affect, relatives do not affect, although they have a lot of them, and, accordingly, draw conclusions. True, what - you can only guess.

Next 1933 year. In general, we did not have such a post as deputy Stalin, but in Germany was. The Deputy Hitler was Rudolph Gess, who had the so-called hess bureau - a structure that duplicated a lot of different structures: state, party and others. And there was such an interesting department, which was engaged in the study of the personalities of European politicians: their physical characteristics, addictions, weaknesses, shortcomings, families.

And from the very beginning, as soon as this bureau created such a department, some such discrepancy began between employees. Part of the staff argued that after the death of Lenin, Russia under the leadership of Stalin went along the path of East Despoty, that is, by the mid-1930s, she had accumulated the features of East Despoty, precisely from the personality of Stalin. The second part of the staff said that Stalin was not subject to any national signs: he is an internationalist, and Russia goes on an international path, having no national color. I wonder which of these groups still had a greater influence on the hess? For some reason it seems that still the second. For Geess Stalin was more internationalist, but as far as he could transfer anything or prove Hitler, here it is difficult to say.

1937-1938. There are quite a lot of "allegedly" statements of Hitler about the general cleaning of Stalin. Why "allegedly"? Because they are not straightforward (well, someone from someone's words recorded). Nevertheless, the essence of these statements is that Hitler approved such a "coolness" of this disassembly, the will of Stalin. From this he concluded that in the next 15 years Russia will not fight.

Let's go back three years ago. 1934 year. Hitler destroys her companion Ernst Ryoma and other commanders of assault detachments of sa. And as Mikoyan told, again, in the Arrangement of Berezhkov, on the first after the murder of the Ryoma, the meeting of Politburo Stalin said: "Did you hear what happened in Germany? Hitler which is well done! This is how to deal with political opponents. " So, who took an example from whom is difficult to install. Hitler, by the way, very regretted in 1945 that once had to deal with the right, and not with generals according to Stalin. It was like that.

March 14, 1939. Gess writes to his friend Albrecht Haushofer: "After Munich, the Führer considers all the current Western politicians who crawled after the rain, and Stalin is a tank, which, if he moves and go ...".

Hitler loved to call Stalin eastern despot

But about the "Asian breed". 1939 year. Probably, Misanszen was as follows: Hitler and his environment in the cinema hall looked some kind of, maybe the Soviet film, where Stalin was. And Borman writes so: "At watching the Führer noticed that the Soviet dictator reminds him of a strong beast of the Asian breed. Fuhrer expressed regret that this breed was poorly studied. "

Again 1939. The situation was as follows: Hitler prepared a software speech in Reichstag with charges of Poland and answer Roosevelt on his message on April 14. In this message Roosevelt offered himself as a "good mediator between Germany and Europe" and put a list of 30 countries, which in the next fifteen or twenty-five years Germany should not attack. And if, again, to believe hesce, then Hitler over this message and above this offer of the United States as an intermediary rather so ignored, laughed. Hess himself says about this: "This colonizer (about Roosevelte) would wish the Germans to drive into the reservation as their redheads. Us, Germans! Us, the Great Nation! And his connected trash dares to dictate to us, the Great Nation. These swine democrats will forget Versailles, only when you (Hitler) are hugging with Stalin. " That is, there are already some motives for future rapprochement.

And Borman, by the way, the same says in briefly and in essence. This is in one of his notebooks, which were found in 1945. Here is such a record: "There was a conversation about possible contact with the Kremlin. Führer expressed the reluctance to go to a personal meeting with Stalin. The Führer, however, agreed that the upcoming speech in the Reichstage would not contain the critics of the Kremlin and the Soviet system. "

Joachim von Ribbentrop and Joseph Stalin when signing the non-aggression Covenant in the Kremlin, August 23, 1939

Note that it was mutually, that is, the swearing in both directions ceased. But here, of course, no longer a personal relationship between Hitler and Stalin, but pragmatics, diplomacy, geopolitics. This is such a period when everyone screams about the world, but everyone already understands the need for military blocks, and this is coming to feel: who with whom. After all, at the same time, in the summer, negotiations are underway in Moscow: Russia, England, France. Negotiations go, go, and Hitler is terribly nervous, because for him the Union of Russia with England and France was like death. He himself refuses to go to Moscow, but he constantly goes the intention of someone there to suck. At first he is trying to send hess. Why? Hess brought up in Alexandria, in such an international city, and Hitler believed that hess would better understand how he writes, the "primitive-patus logic of Asian". This is also, by the way, the characteristic.

Then he begins to register the head of the union or labor front ley. Telegram Ambassador in Moscow Schulenburg Hitler: "At 11 o'clock, he received the consent of Molotov on the informal visit of Dr. Leia. The minister made it clear that Stalin would take him for a friendly conversation on the day of arrival. " This is August 21.

But on the same day the negotiations end. And the Hitler between the two and three clock sends Stalin a telegram composed of hess. The telegram sounds like this: "The tension between Germany and Poland became unbearable ... The crisis can break out from day to day ... I believe that if there are intentions of both states to enter into new relations with each other, it seems appropriate not to waste time ... I would be happy to get from You will quickly answer you. Adolf Gitler".

In 1939, Stalin and Hitler were supposed to meet, but did not work out

Interesting thing: During the war, after June 22, 1941, Hitler, if you believe in various German sources, quite often spoken in relation to Stalin, and moreover, it owns such a quotation that after the victory over Russia would be best to entrust the management of the country Stalin (Of course, in German hegemony), since he is better than anyone else, can cope with the Russians. That is, if you believe this quotation of the Fuhrera, he counted on Stalin as Vassal, manager, whom Germany will plan to lead the enslaved Soviet Union.

In the diaries of Goebbels of March 4, 1945, that is, when the situation of Nazi Germany was already hopeless and Hitler sought to negotiate with Moscow, there is such a record: "Führer is right, saying that Stalin is easiest to make a steep turn, since he does not need to take into account public opinion ... in the last days Hitler felt even greater intimacy to Stalin, having highly appreciated him as a genius man deserving unlimited respect. Comparing itself with Stalin, the Führer did not hide the feelings of admiration, repeating repeating many times that both the greatness and unshakable themselves know in their essence or the tental of the bourgeois politicians in their essence.

Hitler's telegram Stalin, August 1939

Interesting detail: Throughout the war, not a single statement (deserving trust) Hitler about Stalin as a commander, strategist, tactics. That is, he never appreciated him from this point of view. But we note that Hitler appreciated Stalin higher than Western politicians: Churchill, Roosevelt, and so on.

With Roosevelt, in general, harder. It was the second politician, whom Hitler did not understand. He somehow did not have enough time to figure it out. The first was Stalin. Hitler considered him an opaque personality, just as an Asian, which is absolutely inadequate in general, in common sense from the point of view of Hitler, who may be absolutely unpredictable. He, by the way, believed that some of Stalin's solutions were just dictated by this Asian unpredictability, this alogicity.

Hitler appreciated Stalin higher than Churchill and Roosevelt

And finally, the quotation of Rudolf Hess, who, sitting in Shpandau, describes this cowardly, the nervous behavior of Hitler on the eve of the arrival of the ribbentrop: "Two wedges before throwing each other, gathered with the Spirit. However, as it became clear after the defeat, the Führer was fully felt then, in the 39th, the demonic power of the Eastern despot, which we all underestimated, and, in the end, turned out to be right. "

Great Patriotic: True against the myths Ilyinsky Igor Mikhailovich

Myth first. "Stalin and Hitler simpatized each other. By signing on August 23, 1939, the pact between the USSR and Germany, Stalin, thereby untied Hitler's hands to start the Second World War. Therefore, Stalin is to blame for everything as Hitler, or more "

Myth first.

"Stalin and Hitler simpatized each other. By signing on August 23, 1939, the pact between the USSR and Germany, Stalin, thereby untied Hitler's hands to start the Second World War. Therefore, Stalin is to blame for everything as Hitler, or more "

First - about "sympathies" between Stalin and Hitler. It is impossible to talk seriously on this topic: in military historical literature, except for quotation, hidden from records of Hitler's conversations in the "Wolf Lair", fleeting observations and fragment phrases of his generals, no other materials. Well, of course, the malicious conclusions were erected on these fragments of the malicious conclusions "well-known and as wide-alive in the people of the authors of" Perestroika "- Gorbachev and has already been in Bose Yakovlev. This is a korotich (magazine "Light"), and Laptev (newspaper "Izvestia"), and Burlats ("Literary Gazeta"), and E. Yakovlev ("Moscow News"), and "Famous Historian" of Volkons, and Traitor Rezun (pseudonym - Suvorov), and E. Kiselev with Mitkova (NTV), and other, and so on, whose share fell a unique opportunity to work well and then to gain all all-union fame.

In his arguments about this myth, I will rely mainly on memoirs of the nearest comrades of Hitler, other direct participants and witnesses of events, in which Stalin and Hitler were present in absentia.

Here is a Joachim von Ribbentrop, the Imperial Foreign Minister. In his memoirs "Alliance and a break with Stalin" he writes that after negotiations on August 23, 1939 with Stalin and Molotov, in connection with the signing of a non-aggression Covenant in the Molotov office, a small dinner for four persons was served. "At the very beginning, he had an unexpected event: Stalin got up and uttered a short toast, in which he said about Adolife Hitler as a person he always had an extremely read. In emphasized friendly words, Stalin expressed the hope that the contract signed now put the beginning of the new phase of German-Soviet relations. Molotov also got up and also spoke in a similar way. I answered our Russian owners in the same friendly expressions "(15).

As in his memoirs, the adviser to the German Embassy in the USSR Gustav Hilger, on May 17, 1940. Stalin passed through the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Molotov german ambassador Schulenburg Nabi "The hottest greetings in connection with the successes of the German troops in France" (16).

He, Gustav Hilger, tells how April 13, 1941, Stalin appears at the Moscow railway station allegedly (unprecedented case! - I. I.),to carry out the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Matsuki away in Tokyo, "but in reality, in front of the entire diplomatic corps ... put your hand on the German ambassador's shoulder and ask him to take care that Germany and the Soviet Union continue to remain friends. Then he turned to the deputy German military attache Colonel Krebsu and assured him also that the Soviet Union is and he wants to remain in the future more Germany "(17).It is clear that it was a special friendly signal Hitler.

You can give another two or three similar examples (I have them), but there is no point in that. Stalin feared German attacks on the USSR, expecting to win time to prepare for the inevitable war. And he chitril, the diplomatar, played, demonstrated his allegedly a special location to Hitler by any means, which are issued by the mythmores for "sympathy".

What "sympathies" can actually talk about, if before signing on August 23, 1939. The Supreme Covenant between the USSR and Germany, Stalin did everything to create antihytlercoalition with France and Great Britain?

As Stalin was expressed on August 23, 1939 during the discussion of the relations of the USSR and Germany, "We (i.e. USSR and Germany. - I. I.)many years they walked each other by the barrels of the dung fat "(18).

Hitler, of course, knew about the negotiations, was afraid of the Union of the USSR with England and France, said: "And if England and France unite with Russia? Then I just come the end.If we cannot win, we will perish - but we will take poliv with you, and no one will rejoice in the victory over Germany. 1918 will no longer repeat. We do not capitulate "(19).

For its part, the Führer pushed England, France and the United States to attack the Soviet Union through diplomatic channels.

Ribbentrop writes: "As you know, Hitler in 1938 was convinced that England and America will enter into war against us, as soon as they sufficiently arm. He was afraid that both powers would enter into an alliance from the USSR, and then Germany once subjected to attack at the same time from the East, and from the West, as it had already happened in 1914. During 1940, these former fears once again mastered them.

He considered it possible that Russia on the basis of his renewed negotiations with England will attack us simultaneously with Anglo-American offensive. The simultaneous use of the total potential of America and Russia seemed to him a terrible danger to Germany ... He decided to attack in the hope of eliminating the Soviet Union for several weeks. His mistake in the assessment of Russian potential and American aid has become fatal.It was quite sure he himself was not, because I told me then: "We do not know what power is really worth the doors that we are going to open in the east" (20).

Need to know and remember that the initiator of the signing of the Covenantit was Hitler about non-fire, and not Stalin, for the war is long-term, and even two fronts, Germany was not ready.

Early in the morning of August 15, the German Ambassador to the USSR Schulenburg received a urgent telegram from Ribbentrop immediatelyvisit Molotov and inform him that he, Ribbentrop, is ready to "arrive in Moscow with a brief visit to on behalf of the Führera, Mr. Stalin's point of view of the Fuhrera "(21).In the same telegram contained, in particular, such an assertion: "There is no doubt that the German-Russian relations have reached the now historical turning point. Political decisions to be in the near future adoption in Berlin and Moscow will have crucial For the formation of relations between the German and Russian peoples on many generations ahead. They will depend on them, whether both people will scratch again and without sufficient reason to the reasons, or they will again come to friendly relations. Both peoples in the past were always good when they were friends, and bad when they were enemies "(22).

August 20, Hitler sent to Stalin a telegram in which it insisted that Ribbentrop was adopted in Moscow on August 23 (23).

This is what Ribbentrop writes in his memories: "On the plane, I, first of all, together with a legal adviser, a draft of the draft provided by the Covenant on nonsense sketched. During the discussion in Moscow, it turned out to be useful because russians have not prepared in advance (24).

With a mixed feeling, I stepped for the first time on the Moscow Earth. For many years we are hostile to oppose the Soviet Union(And Stalin simpatized Hitler? - I. I.)and they conducted an extremely acute worldview struggle with each other.None of us, no reliable knowledge about the Soviet Union and his leaders had. Diplomatic messages from Moscow were colorless. And Stalin especially seemed to us a kind of mystical person.

I well realized the missions entrusted to me, especially since I myself suggested the Führer to attempt to negotiate with Stalin. Is the actual compromise of mutual interests possible in general?

At the same time, the English and French military missions were still in Moscow negotiations with the Kremlin about the alleged military package. I have to do everything in me depends to negotiate with Russia "(25).

Negotiations (Stalin, Molotov, Ribbentrop, Schulenburg) began on August 23 at 18 o'clock. Translators with the German side was Hilger, with Soviet - Pavlov. After familiarization with the project of the Covenant, written by Ribbentrop in the aircraft, Stalin did a few amendments, after which Ribbentrop had unlimited powers to conclude a contract,i decided to learn the opinion of Hitler and sent my project to Berlin and the project with editing Stalin.

In his memoirs Gustav Hilger says: "Statementchanged text followed from Berlin immediately.Later, I learned that both texts were represented by Hitler for comparison, and he immediately preferred Stalinsky, saying: "Of course, this one! Don't you see that it is much better? Who, actually, formulated it? " (26) The term of the Covenant has been extended to ten years since five years. Pact effectively after signing it,and not after ratification, as was originally planned (27). Negotiations continued at 22 o'clock and ended at midnight. Immediately and the secret report to Him, according to which each Party recognized the "sphere of interests" of the other Party, which means that the interested state leads to the governments belonging to this area of \u200b\u200bcountries concerning only its negotiations itself, and another state Declares its categorical disinterest.

Ribbentrop writes: "The pact with Russia, beyond any doubt, was an exceptional success not only from a really political point of view, but it was certainly necessary to find approval from the German people ... about the meaning of friendly Russia for German politics could not be forgotten." (28).

But I saw reasons and benefitswhich received the USSR from the signing of this Covenant, the adviser to the German Embassy in the USSR Gustav Hilger. At the same time, he proceeded from his ideas about how it was estimated then, in his opinion, Stalin's global situation (I think, Hilger did it very precisely. - I. I.).According to Hilger, Stalin believed that "the conclusion of the nonsense of nonsense with Germany will create the desired situation" for the following reasons:

"one. Conclusion of the Covenant eliminatedwould be the immediate danger of German attacks on the Soviet Union.

2. The assurances received from the ribbentrop and, accordingly, from Hitler, convinced him that Hitler would attack Poland as soon as the Soviet cover would achieve from the rear.

3. Stalin, as opposed to Hitler, did not doubt that England and France fulfill their obligations against Poland. Therefore, the emergence of the war between great powers and Germany he considered it secured.

4 Thus, Stalin calculated to obtain a valuable delay, which will allow it to accelerately lead the further weapons of the Soviet Union. Otherwise, he wanted to wait for the further course of events to develop, so that in the proper moment, when the warring powers would be sufficiently weakened, to be able to throw all the power of the Soviet Union to the world-historical scales.

5. The prepositions of the interests in Eastern Europe provided for by the Secretary Additional Protocol of Interest in Eastern Europe would give the Soviet Union to master the most important strategic positions in the Baltic States. For these positions, two extreme centuries ago, King Peter the Great, whom Stalin took himself for his sample, led the war for 20 years. Now they have fallen from the sky without any struggle thanks to the conclusion of the Covenant with Hitler.

So, he had every reason to be satisfied with these agreements "(29).

I unwittingly projecting the Hilger's look at the modern policy of "double standards" and dying all international rights and agreements held by the USA, the European Union and NATO countries, I ask myself: "And as it were, I did in that setting, say, the current US President Obama or Chancerin Germany Merkel, will they be on the site of Stalin or Hitler? I am sure they all would do the same. And it is likely that much worse ...

The Second World War was inevitable. Maybe she could start a little later and on some other scenario, but as seen today from numerous published books, articles and archival data, all the leading countries in Europe, the USA and Japan have been lavished in search of a more profitable union. Ribbentrop writes in his memoirs that Churchill in the summer of 1940 as if he said: "It will not pass and a half years, as Russia opposes Germany" (30). There was such a convergence of the United States with Russia that Roosevelt "on the basis of the latest information was able to hint: soon there will be an entry of Russia to war against Germany "(31).The West as soon as he could have pushed Germany to war from the USSR.

Now you can start reasoning about of different kind Moral matters about non-aggression Covenant, especially regarding secret protocols. This is a special topic.

In my opinion, the conclusion of the nonsense of Stalin dictated objective need- safety of your country, delaying the beginning of the war at least for a while.Stalin and Hitler had their ideas about the situation in the world and the situation. At the same time, both under the influence of the necessity behaved the game as well. Both were pragmatics and cynics, like all politicians in general. Both were people cruel, ruthless and merciless, which may not be the first face in the state, especially a military man, especially - the Supreme Commander. And I do not know how - what and how to determine the measure of these devilish qualities. But this is another question.

Stalin, at first he perceived Lenin's idea "On the possibility of victory of socialism initially in a few and even in one separately taken capitalist country," a few years proclaimed the idea "On the need to build socialism in one separate country". And socialism in its classical understanding can not be equalized with National Socialism (Nazism) and fascism. In my understanding, there is nothing to argue about.

Hitler thought himselfMessia, designed to clear all of humanity from the lower races, and all his life and activities built on the basis of animal racial ideas, although he himself did not eat meat and did not drink wine. Vegetarian was Adolf Hitler. A view of a person, society, the philosophy of its development, the life goals and objectives of practical activity in these people were radically different.

In his speech at the Secret Meeting of the Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht's Troops on November 23, 1939, Hitler said: "I, with all the modesty of my own person, indispensable.No military and no civil actor could replace me. Let the attempts are repeated for me. I am convinced of the strength of my mind and in my determination. Wars always end only by the destruction of the enemy. Who thinks otherwise - irresponsible. Time works on our opponent.Now there has been such a relationship that cannot be improved for us, and can only worsen. With the enemy's enemy unfavorable for us, the enemy will not conclude with us. No compromise! Be harsh to yourself. I will attacknot to capitulate! The fate of the Reich depends on me "(32).

"Russia is not dangerous at the moment. It is weakened by many internal circumstances. In addition, we have a contract with Russia. The contracts are observed so long as long as it is appropriate.So thought Bismarck. Recall its reinsurance contract. Russia will observe it until it be considered for benefit for yourself.Now Russia has far-reaching goals, first of all strengthening its position in the Baltic Sea. we we can speak against Russiaonly when our hands are released in the West "(33).

In the speech at the secret meeting of the Supreme Master of the Wehrmacht in Obersaltsberg on August 22, 1939, Hitler said: "In view of my political abilities. everything largely depends on me, from my existence.After all, this is the fact that no one, perhaps, does not use the trust of the German people as me. In the future, right there will never be another person who would have a bigger authority than I have.Consequently, my existence is a factor of a huge value "(34).

About Stalin Hitler spoke with honors. On the already mentioned Meeting of the Supreme General General of the Wehrmacht on August 22, 1939, he stated: "In essence, only three great statesmen around the world: Stalin, I and Mussolini. Mussolini is the weakest .... Stalin and I am the only one who sees the future. Thus, in a few weeks, I stretched the hand at the common German-Russian border and, together with it, the section of the world.

<…> Colonel-General Brahich promised me to finish the war with Poland in a few weeks. If he had reported that it would be necessary for this for this two years or at least only a year, I would not give an order about the speech and for a while would conclude the Union not with Russia, but with England. After all, we can not lead any long war "(35).

At the Secret Meeting at the headquarters of the Operational Guideline of Wehrmacht January 9, 1941: "Stalin, the ruler of Europe - a smart head,he will not openly oppose Germany, but it is necessary to count on the fact that in difficult situations for Germany, it will create difficulties to us in an ever-increasing degree. He wants to host the inheritance of impoverished Europe, he also needs success, he inspires "Drang Nah Westness". He is also completely clear to him that after the complete victory of Germany, Russia will become very difficult "(36).

In one of the "packaging conversations" in the "Wolf Lair", Hitler said: "If Churchill is jackal, Stalin is a tiger" (37).

Stalin's extremely flattering estimates are known for its indulgence of W. Churchill. And recently I met in the book of the Son of President F. Roosevelt Elliot Roosevelt Such words: "The meeting in Tehran made on him (F. Roosevelt. - I. I.)irresistible impression. "This person can act. He has a goal always before his eyes. Working with him is a pleasure. No accumulations "" (38).

Walter Shelnlinberg, the SS Group, the head of the VI control (foreign policy intelligence) of the Main Department of Imperial Security (RSH), was met by Hitler often. Here is the latest impressions of Hitler: "Vera Hitler in his own Messianic destination, apparently, that I had to see, grew every year so much that increasingly took the form of painful obsession. After the murder of Heydrich, I had the opportunity to get acquainted with the medical conclusions of Hitler's personal doctors Dr. Morell, Dr. Brandt, as well as Dr. Stampfägger and talk with Professor De Krins about more and more inspired fear of condition nervous system Fuhrera. Since 1943 (after Stalingrad and defeats in North Africa. - I. I.)under the influence of nervous overload he is still stronger progressed Parkinson's disease; The final result is nervous paralysis.At that time, Hitler's desire to destroy the Jews even more increased. More often than before, he broke out a swear at the address of "World Jewishness", which was represented by the chief perpetrator of the German military catastrophe. Against this background, he appreciated Churchill and Roosevelt's statement in Casablanca (with their requirement of unconditional surrender of Germany), which for him were not more than anything like "Head Jews" "(39).

What kind of special "sympathies" between Stalin and Hitler can we talk? They never met in humilia and could judge each other only on political and state affairs. Yes, something similar for the purposes and methods of political processes in Germany and the USSR is seen by the naked eye: in both countries, the fight against an irreconcilable opposition was the fight, and the methods of this struggle were the same - mass repression.

But it is just as easy to find fundamental differences: in the USSR, the struggle was on the basis of class contradictions, and in Germany, except for the destruction of political opponents and opponents (Communists, Social Democrats, etc.), implemented the ideology of racism and nationalism,according to which the destruction was subject to whole nations and peoples, first of all the Jews, the Slavs of all branches - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, "Other" nation and nation.

In my opinion, a very accurate assessment of the character of mutual "sympathy" of Hitler and Stalin was given adviser to the German Embassy of the USSR Gustav Hilger, who, together with the ambassador of this country, worked in the Soviet Union seven years, until the first day of the war, was present at some events in which Stalin participated. This is what he writes in his memories: "During meetings with Stalin, I repeatedly had the cases to draw conclusions from what he says and does about his attitude towards people and affairs. It was clearly felt that certain impression of certain features of the character and actions of Hitler were made to him. At the same time, I already arose feelingthat it obviously impressed exactly the qualities and those Solutions of Hitler, who steel fatal for Germany. Butand Hitlernever hidden that he (of course, with the exception of his own person) he considered Stalin the most significant of all contemporaries.

The difference between both of both here was only that Hitler retained his admiration to Stalin until the very end, while Stalin's attitude to Hitler turned into a burning hate, and then in the deepest contempt. "(40).

But how did the personality of Stalin and his activities perceived the imperial foreign minister of foreign affairs by Joachim Ribbentrop, who had ever been working in the time of work in this post of all heads of state and governments largest countries World: "Stalin from the first time of our meeting (August 23, 1939 - I. I.)made a strong impression: man extraordinary scale.His sober, almost dry, but such a clear manner is also a hardness, but at the same time the generosity style of negotiations showed that he was on the wrong surname. The course of my negotiations and conversations with Stalin gave me a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe strength and power of this man, one falling of the hand of which became an order for the most remote village, lost somewhere in the immense expanses of Russia, a man who managed to unwind two hundred million people of his empire stronger, than any king before "(41).

... Now only a few dirty and shameful stories of the history of the Second World War are sang.

Touching the question to which many people are set in the world: as Munich Beer Efreitor Adolf Hitler suddenly became head of Germany? In the minds of the world community, Russian - including practically no knowledge of what Hitler is a joint political project of the United States, Great Britain, industrial and financial circles of Germany.Although this was written on the eve of the Second World War, many materials can be found today on the Internet. However, it is not believed that someone could use such a monster for years to cultivate such a monster, to create a military car, which almost destroyed human civilization.

This topic is not easy, and to present a picture of the feeding of Hitler and the creation of a fascist vermochet is in full possible only in the tenant study. However, there are publications to which it is worth treating confidence. Here, in front of me, Dmitry's monograph "World Wars and World Eleks" (42). In it, the topic of the appearance of Hitler at the top of the German state with the participation of Anglo-American major capital in the Union with German bankers is considered very detailed, with reference to many German, American and English original sources.

At the beginning of the XX century. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the United Economic Space of Western and Eastern Europe was extremely popular with the simultaneous conquest of the Middle European markets. From here, the interest of the Pan-European Union to Hitler, about which the major German industrialist Yalmar Mine said to his colleagues in Germany, Europe and the United States: "Three months later, Hitler will be in power. He will create pan-Europe ... Only Hitler can create pan-Europe "(43).

At the same time, a project "League of the implementation of the world" was created, the main author of the charter of which was US President Woodrow Wilson. The capabilities of the League of Nations (such a name ultimately received this project) in combination with the provisions of the Versailles Agreement opened European markets for the United States and dominance in the world. Russia did not accept Russia in the League of Nations.

"But american delegationcard brought to the constituent conference with the new borders of the Russian state, where the Central Russian hill was left for Moscow, Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, Caucasus, Central Asia, Siberia, were left off, Far East... "(44)

At the beginning of the summer of 1929, a major American financier James Warburg "As part of the establishment of control over Germany, it was sought to find a suitable person and entered into contact with Adolf Hitler" (45). It must be assumed that Hitler liked the American. Soon in Switzerland and Holland, personal bank accounts were opened in the name of the future Fuhrera (46).

US politicians and businessmen studied Hitler for quite a long time, although much seems to be clear right away. "In November 1922 an assistant americanmilitary attache in Germany Truman Smith recorded in the Munich Meeting Report: "Parliament and parliamentarism must be eliminated. Only dictatorship can put Germany on his feet ... It will be better for America and England, if the decisive struggle between our civilization and Marxism will occur in German land, and not on American or English ... "- this is the beginning of a novice politician Adolf Hitler" (47 ).

In the late 20s - early 30s, the Hitler's party stopped needing finance, they flowed from different places.

In 1929, Hitler receives $ 10 million from the Amsterdam branch of Mendelssohn & Co.

At first, the 30s on the line of Tissen were transferred to the means of Assistant Furere Gess - through the account of the Dutch Bank associated with Union Banking Corporation. In December 1931, the amount defined in some sources appears in 100 million brands.In the same year, the Rotterdam bank consortium will add another 15 into the piggy bank milliondollars (48)

Attache americanembassies in Berlin D. Gordon reported Secretary of State G. Stimson: "There is no doubt that Hitler received significant financial support from certain circles of industrialists. Just today, it came across a hearing from the source, usually well informed that various americanfinancial circles actively act in the same direction "(49).

The final confidence of Hitler deserved, stating an American journalist in an interview: "American investment in Germany will be at the national socialist government in a much more reliable state than with any other."

On October 10, 1931, Hitler met Hindenburg, presenting his claims to power. The next day in Bad Garzburg at a meeting of prominent German industrialists and bankers, where Hitler was also present, J. Shakht reported on the support of the United States establishing the Nazi Party dictatorship in Germany.On the same day, the awesome march of private armies followed, who accepted Adolf Hitler, and in his closest surroundings in the Tribune of Reichsbank, Yalmar Mine (50).

August 10, 1932 Hitler met Hindenburg and again i demanded the post of Chancellor (51).

According to the banner of the Bunning Chancellor, the "group of large entrepreneurs", promoting Hitler, periodically visited meetings to the US Ambassador in Berlin M. Setti (52).

"" I was the last hope of Europe, "the Hitler will say shortly before death. His claims will support American publicist John Steinberg: the hope of German warbrigs and circles, which were represented by Yalmar Mine and director of the Bank of England Lord Montaghu Norman.Montagus Norman will play a special role in the history of the Second World War ... "(53)

"Employee of the Information and Communication of the Financial Department americansections of the Allied Control Council for Germany Richard Sesyuli described the general situation of pushing Hitler to the top of power: "Hitler got such support for which he could not hope. Industrial and financial leaders of Germany, with I. G. Farben, led, closed the ranks and told Hitler "Yes" ... Relying on them, he quickly could create the bloodthirsty state known to us "" (54).

Well-known diplomat and scientist, doctor of historical sciences, president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Colonel-General L.G. Ivashov, who investigated the question of who and when began the second world WarWho and how Hitler's power erected in power, writes: "In the US, the documents are stored for seven castles, in which financial flows are recorded, including contributions to the Nazi Cassus during the 20s, 30th and 40s. I doubt that these secrets will reveal and for the century of the formal end of World War II. "

After reading the book D. Perentetchina, I involuntarily emerged the idea that there were many more of the English, German and American industrial and financial matches on the bench of the defendants in the Nuremberg process next to Nazi military criminals. Then, perhaps, today's world would be quite different, there would be no terrorist country in it, the international robber called the United States ...

The common idea of \u200b\u200bthe West was that Hitler will soon go to the Soviet Union. But the Fuhrer had their imperial ambitions. To begin with, he decided to dive to himself Europe.

For all today's attempts to put the Molotov - Ribbentrop Covenant in the center of the beginning of World War II and dump the USSR's guilt lies the desire to lead the attention of the gullible public from the role that the United States and Great Britain played in the political career of Hitler. From the very beginning, Western democracies were seen from the very beginning in the Führere, who had to crush the USSR.

I will use the data and estimates from the article "Geopolitical Background of the Second World War" (55) Colonel-General L.G. Ivashova.

Literally on the eve of the Munich Catch, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom Chamberlain made the following statement: "Germany and England are two pillars of the European world and the main supports against communism. And therefore, it is necessary to overcome our current difficulties in peaceful way ... (i.e. the difficulties between Germany and the UK. - I. I.).Probably, it will be possible to find a solution acceptable to all in addition to Russia. "What does it mean? Isn't it encouraging Hitler to campaign to the east? ..

Arriving to London from the Munich Conference, held on September 29-30, 1938, Chamberlain, referring to compatriots, solemnly stated: "I brought you the world!" Two essential considerations were hidden behind these pathos: 1) vector of the Hitler's military machine managed to send to the east, to the borders of the USSR,2) The declaration was signed with Hitler, in which the desire of the German and English peoples is emphasized never to fight with each other. The disadvantage of these things is the main trump card, which gives our opponents the opportunity to blame Russia in the fact that Hitler and Stalin tried to divide the world that the war went between the two totalitarian regimes. West by all means seeks to hide the fact that the world slaughter was unleashed with his connivance and secret support in order to destroy the Soviet Union.

Of course, London and Paris also feared the growing power of Germany, but their policies were reduced to two options: how not to undergo the strike of Germany alone, how to push Hitler to blow to the Soviet Union.

Especially sought to help Hitler to carry out "Drang Nakhusten" the British. British conservatives kept the political will of Lloyd George, who, being the prime minister, at the beginning of the 20th century said: "Traditions and life interests of England require the destruction of the Russian Empire,to protect the English domination in India and implement English interests in Transcaucasia and Front Asia. " These oscillations between the two versions of action, in the end, led to the politics of Hitler's pacification policy.

In September 1938the English and French "tops" went to the Munich collusion with Hitler: the Munich Conference decided that after October 1, the Sukhean region belongs to Germany. And fourth in economic and military power state of Europe- Czechoslovakia - was given to Hitler for a mortgage (56).

But how did the Czech themselves acted? After all, the Czech army in its power was quite comparable to the German. Germans for the autumn of 1938 had a personnel of 2.2 million people, Czechs - 2 million, tanks, respectively - 720 and 469, combat aircraft - 2500 and 1582. At the same time, the Czech army relied on powerful defensive structures and had a developed military industry . But the Czechs refused to resist. The Czech elite is quite consciously, without a single shot gave Hitler not only the sudan region, but also the whole country. She refused to assist suggested by the Soviet Union and was actually an allied Germany in the war against the USSR. Today, no one remembers this in Prague.

Feldmarshal Keitel in the Nuremberg process showed: "We were unusually happy that it did not come to a military clash ... From a purely military point of view, we did not have the strength to take the assault Czechoslovak defensive line."

The emergence of World War II - long and complex process.The role of the United States in this process is strangely for many decades remains for the scenes. It is mainly reduced to the stories about the peacekeeping promotions of US President Roosevelt. But is it? No one else like Roosevelt gave birth to aphorism in those years: "If something happens in politics, it means that it was planned." The idea of \u200b\u200bthe World War was constantly present in the speeches and plans of the US President Light until September 1, 1939.The position within the United States was extremely difficult, and the war was quite by the way. That is why Roosevelt easily received a double military budget in Congress.

There are publications that say that there are materials at the disposal of historians today to challenge the version of the Second World War from Hitler's attack on Poland on September 1, 1939. And justify a completely different concept. In this concept as the main "hero", the United States istheir business and political elite, and above all President Roosevelt. This turn in a look at the story will definitely not be accurately responsible for what happened in the XX century. and in World War II with Hitler, but it takes a significant part of it in the United States.That would be where to work out our historians! I think that the Americans would be shocked, find out about the actual role of the United States in the Second World War. And now the Americans look in their own eyes (and not only in their own) true heroes and the saviors of mankind.

IN lately This is somehow not customary to say, but the US military shipments of Germany continued even when the Germans rushed to Moscow. Americans were interested in so that the war lasted as long as possible.Military assistance to Hitler ceased only on December 11, 1941 - and then after Germany, herself declared War America (57).

I am convinced that in the struggle for the truth of the domestic history, as always, there is not enough self-esteem. We easily rent our own, it would seem that ill-faced positions, and sometimes we simply behave treacherously towards those who are obliged to everyone, and above all their lives.

From the book Unknown Allies Stalin. 1940-1945 Author Chichikin Alexey Alekseevich

"Portuguese Stalin" indirectly helped the USSR position "Salazarovskaya" Portugal during the war years was not proorgan. She traded both with the fascist block, and with the anti-fascist coalition (except the USSR), delivering them a tungsten ore, other non-ferrous metals,

From the book of the killer Stalin and Beria Author Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich

Stalin and Hitler: The difference in aspirations and preparation Stalin was not able to achieve the level of commander in all battles, comparable to the skill of Hitler. Stalin just did not have time - the troops led by the troops headed by Hitler, and study

From the book, the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people (in the context of World War II) Author Krasnova Marina Alekseevna

13. From the "Covenant of Friendship and Union" ("Steel Pact") between Germany and Italy Berlin, May 22, 1939 Artia I. Contracting Parties will constantly support contact with each other with the aim of harmonizing their positions on all issues relating to them joint interests or

From the book, Belarusian collaborators. Cooperation with invaders in Belarus. 1941-1945 Author Romantko Oleg Valentinovich

7. Comparative table of balances of human resources use in the Armed Forces of the USSR and Germany during the Second World War (1939-1945) (in thousand people) Krivosheev. Comparative table of balances of human resources use in the Armed Forces of the USSR and

From the book why did not shook Zhukov? [In defense of Marshal Victory] Author Kozinkin Oleg Yuryevich

Belarusian national movement: from the occurrence of the beginning of the Second World War, the Belarusian national movement related (and now applies) to the number of the most undeveloped both in the ideological and organizational terms. Even despite the support of certain

From the book of the myth "Icedolong": on the eve of the war Author Gorodetsky Gabriel

Tropical (Berlin) pact of the axis of Berlin-Rome Tokyo, or why Stalin could not attack Hitler "Preventively" and why Hitler declared the US War in December 41st, who could, or could not, who could not attack Hitler in the first summer of 1941, Not so often researchers and

From the book correspondence I. Stalin with W. Churchill and K. Ettley (July 1941 - November 1945) by Vlasova E.

Hitler and Stalin: ideologues or pragmatics? In the decision of Hitler, the attack on Russia is a mystery. The operation of Barbarossa is difficult to associate directly with the data in the "Main Campf" promise "to end with the constant circulation of Germans to the south and the West of Europe and send the eyes to the land lying on

From the book Secrets of the Second World War Author Sokolov Boris Vadimovich

Preface Nikolai Starikov Stalin - diplomat. Unknown Stalin despite the fact that the Soviet Union won the greatest victory in Great Patriotic War, Stalin's activities on a diplomatic field is little known to the general public. And this is despite

From the book Great Patriotic Wagon: True against myths Author Ilinsky Igor Mikhailovich

Joseph Stalin: "If the second front is not created in Europe in the next three or four weeks, we and our allies can lose the case" (155) The situation on the Soviet-German front in August 1941 was unfavorable for the Red Army. On the 19th, Stalin wrote the commander

From the book, Stalin's defense [who is trying to defame the country and win?] Author Kozinkin Oleg Yuryevich

Myth second. "In the unleashing of World War II, not fascist Germany is to blame, allegedly suddenly attacked the USSR, and the USSR, provoked Germany on a forced preventive blow" during the cold war in the West arose and is increasingly bloated by the myth that Soviet

From the book of the author

Myth fourth. "Hitler's attack on the USSR turned out to be" sudden ", because Stalin did not believe the reconnaissance reports. For example, Richard Zorge and many other scouts long before the German attack reported the exact date of the beginning of the war, but Stalin ignored all messages.

From the book of the author

Myth Sixth. "The victory of the USSR over Germany is" military happiness "," pure randomness ", the Soviet Union won it thanks to exorbitant victims. The role of Stalin in this victory is negligible. The victory won the people, and Stalin there is nothing. At the XX congress, Khrushchev said that

From the book of the author

Appendix 4. Stalin did not inactive in the first days of the war, the myth of the "scared" Stalin dispelled records from the notebook of visitors who were in his reception in the Kremlin. The notebook was filled with duty officers. In such notebooks from 1927 to 1953, he was taking into account the stalie adopted persons. IN

From the book of the author

Two plans of Marshal Zhukov as Stalin "Forced Marshals to consider the Ukrainian direction chief in the Hitler's attack on the USSR" and that GS and Zhukov had a pre-war planning. On the "substitution" approved by Stalin "Plans of War" on June 22, 1941, at 12.00 on the radio

Stalin and Hitler. Not twins but brothers
Why two dictators were experiencing each other almost fraternal love
Semen Kieperman, Haifa

The famous caricature of Western press was signed as follows: "Curious how much this honeymoon will last?"

Recently, in the transmission of Russian television and other media, there has been a kind of "Stalinist Renaissance" - the challenge of the role of "leader and teachers" in the history of the USSR. The active propagandists of this noisy show are the Communist Partygeniosse Gennady Zyuganov, an ardent supporter of the Renaissance of the Soviet Empire writer Alexander Prokhanov, whose popularity phenomenon supported recently by Vladimir Karpov and others from them. In this regard, the events in the "country of the victorious socialism", described in numerous sources - Russian and foreign, in which the sober assessment of the Stalinsky era, and, finally, the witness to which I happened to be.
I remember well the interview with the former member of the Politburo, the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Alexander Yakovlev, published in the "literary newspaper" and entitled "we had fascism more than Hitlerovsky." It in particular, said:
"Stalinist regime is the further development of fascism ... Hitler is a bastard, it is understandable. But concentration camps, gas cameras were invented before him. And even invented something that he didn't even have. Practice of capturing children hostages Hitler was? Not. And we had. Hitler from 1933 to 1939 destroyed ten thousand of his political opponents. We have been killed by millions. And after rehabilitation it turned out that the overwhelming majority in reality were never political opponents of the regime. "

British historian Alan Bullock, revealing the biographies of Hitler and Stalin on the background of the events of the twentieth century, shows how they became "sometimes like-minded people and even allies." Here is one example associated with the Spanish events of the mid-last century. Until 1936, A. Bullock writes, none of the dictators showed special interest to Spain ... Although Hitler in the Spanish conflict stood on the side of the future winner, and Stalin - the defeated, in their positions and in tactics you can see parallels ... And Hitler, and Stalin highly appreciated the distracting effect of the war: For Hitler, it was valuable in the fact that he gave the opportunity to Germany to continue re-equipment, and Stalin, thanks to the continuing split of European powers, made it possible to carry out cleaning, without fearing the threat from the outside. Each of them could use their participation with propaganda targets: Hitler for a crusade against Bolshevism. And Stalin - for the identification of Russia with anti-fascism (see A.Bullock. "Hitler and Stalin: Life of the Great Dictators" - t. 2, p. 108).
And Stalin the people believed. In the meantime, under the conversations about internationalism, Stalinist emissars from the NKVD, under the strictest secret, took out the golden stock of the Republican government on ships. Thus, in the eyes of many people, sympathetic to the Republicans of Spain, was created and seriously opposed to the terrible impression that the Soviet cleaning was created worldwide. And today there is no final answer, how much it was arrested, shot and exiled to the concentration camps.
I remember how boys with a welcome we met in the palaces of Pioneers of Spanish guys.

Another example given by A. Bullock.
On March 13, when Hitler celebrated Annexia Austria, Stalin celebrated the success of another kind: On this day, the trial was completed in Moscow and the death sentence was made, and then all of the members of the Leninsky Politburo were immediately shot: Bukharin, Rykov and Krestinsky. Today, few remember that almost all executed, in fact, were rehabilitated. True, he remained alive in the Trotsky emigration. But he will give it the hand of Stalin in 1940 in Mexico.
The black strip of Stalinist repression, thank God, bypassed our family in the 30s. But I remember what disappointment experienced all adults after the radio on the release of Maxim Litvinov from the post of People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs. But Hitler probably experienced satisfaction from the gift of Stalin, when he changed at the post of People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinova (Jew Meore Wallach) Molotov. It was possible to conclude a pact with Stalin to implement its closest concrete purposes in the West, and then against the USSR. In addition, for 17 months, the USSR supplied Germany strategic raw materials until June 22, 1941
It was during the years of the big terror that the first "cases of Jewish conspirators" appear, and the signing of the Soviet-German Covenant, mass deportations in the Western territories occupied by the Soviet Union led to the cessation of anti-Nazi propaganda in the USSR and the subsequent silence of German crimes in Germany and in the countries occupied by Nazis.
The noteworthy assessment of the relationship of Hitler and Stalin gave in the published review of the book Henry Picker "Hitler's Pagon Talk" Valery Lebedev (Boston, USA), which he entitled "For that Hitler and Stalin loved each other." Published for the first time in Germany in 1951. The book was banned in the USSR and was in Spetshran. The first translation was published in Russia only after forty years later in 1993.
Let me remind you that Henry Picker in 1942 was a thirty-year Nazi, fanatically faithful Führeru. His father patronized Hitler back in the 20s. The Führer thanked the Picker-senior, freeing the Son from sending to the eastern front and seconded it to his own bet "Wolfshan" ("Wolf Lair"). There, Henry led the record from March to the end of July 1942. In this lair, Hitler on dinners, which was invited to invite his surroundings, rant on a wide variety of topics: On the reactionary essence of any religion (especially Christianity), about the incredible abilities of the Jews for survival, about learning Conquered Slavs by adding and subtracting within a hundred and more, about the terrible danger of mixed marriages and about a lot.
Let us turn to those sites of conversations in which Hitler praised Stalin and where the political addictions of the German dictator clearly visible. In the struggle for the consolidation of his power, Hitler was not honored to take an example and adopt the experience of others, and first of all - from the Communists and personally Comrade Stalin. It would seem that Stalin - a pleasant enemy, Hitler must respond about him in the most sustained negative colors. Nothing like this. About Churchill or Roosevelt always spoke with anger. Churchill has a stupid drinker, Roosevelt is a mad syphilitic, while half-blooded. Given - Chamberlain and Daladye - Hitler called "worms". But Stalin is always mentioned by Hitler with the epithetic "ingenious". For example, the conversation on August 21 he completes the words:
"Ingenious Stalin fully realized that in the exercise of his plans of the world revolution ..." (Well, further, as it would be bad to the world from the communism of the Russian sample).

Writer Elena Rzhevskaya notes that Goebbels in his diaries recorded about a kind of love at first sight:
"The Führer saw Stalin in the film, and he immediately seemed like him cute. From that, in fact, the German-Russian Coalition began." (See E. Rzhevskaya. "Goebbels. Portrait on the diary background." M. 1994, p. 221). Repeated Hitler in his packaging conversations modestly called his genius. Very approved the Führer Stalin for his mass shooting of the Soviet team and officer. Not only because of the purely practical purposes (he himself contributed to, ordered to raise the Soviet intelligence compromising on the cooperation of Tukhachevsky with German special services), but precisely because of ideological. Hitler believed that disloyalty among the military should stop. And what is a "radical decision"? This is physical elimination of disloyal. This is not a complicated composition of Stalin and issued in the famous aphorism: "There is a person - there is a problem, no person - no problem."
It was Hitler who showed an example of liquidation of problems such simple wayWhen in the summer of 1934, one strike eliminated all the management of the SS (assault detachments) headed by his former head of Rem, causing the admiration of Stalin. According to Mikoyan, E. Rzhevskaya writes, Stalin, having learned about it, exclaimed the meeting of the Politburo: "Well done this Hitler! He showed how to act with political opponents!" And accepted this method to armared. But being, by definition of Bukharin, a "brilliant doser", did not rush. He thoroughly prepared the murder of Kirov and only since 1935 began to gradually eliminate the "disloyal".
V.Lecedev notes that in the understanding of Stalin, the term "disloyalty" is not a rebellion at all, not irregularity or creation of new factions. Similar to the mid-30s was from bejul. Even a joke about why Lenin shoes wore, and Stalin boots. Because Stalin, the country in the swamp began, feared even in the kitchen retell.
After the attempt of Colonel Staugnenberg on Hitler on July 20, 1944 (Operation "Valkyrie") Hitler again remembered his friend and expressed his admiration that, they say, he who until the end destroyed the old officer composition, and he, Hitler, although he filed an old man , not to the end. And here is the result.
Therefore, Stalin's toast was not so forced political movement after signing the Agricultural Treaty and Secret Protocols on August 23, 1939, raised by them "For the health of the Great Leader of the German People and the best friend of the USSR Adolf Hitler." Stalin could not pay tribute to a capable student who was superior to the teacher. I did not forget the Stalin to proclaim to the toast and for the faithful companion of Hitler "Reichsfürera CC as a reliable guarantor of order in Germany."
I would like to know how the veterans of the war react, Stalin's Generalissimus portraits along the streets of Moscow, when they are reminded of this. But many, I suppose, I read about how the Hitler's Minister Ribbentrop boasted, telling the main ideologist of Nazism Rosenberg on the reception at the "nearby country", as the German friends have slept there, and "Russians were very miles," and where he (Ribbentrop) He felt among the old national socialists. "
I may argue that times and people today are different, but also the past, and the experienced should not forget. And the Jews remember the assurances of the Stalin Hitler, through the same ribbentrop, about his approval of Hitler's events in relation to the Jews, and that the hour comes, when and he will come with them in the same way.

Let us turn again to A. Bullok, who says that, together with Ribbentrop, Hitler sent a personal photographer Hoffman to Moscow. He was interested in photographs that captured the moments of the conclusion of the contract. But not only. Hoffmann was entrusted to falling from the ears of Stalin from close range, according to which Hitler hoped to determine whether Jewish blood flows in the veins (if they are pressed to the skull - Jew, and if not - Arian). With relief, Hitler admitted that Stalin successfully passed the test and is not a Jew.
It is possible that Hitler could remember the photograph of Stalin, when the secret draft "final decision of the Jewish question" was adopted in Vazhea in January 1942. It is possible to remind the defenders of Moscow, as Stalin in a conversation with the English Foreign Minister Anthony Eden In December 1941, he noticed that Hitler showed himself an exceptional genius, for it was able to turn into a short one in a short time to turn a divided and ruined German people into a great power (M.Geller, and . Snekrich, "Utopia in power").
"That's just," said Stalin, "Hitler showed that he had a fatal flaw. He does not know when you need to stop.
At the wrong smile, Stalin said to the interlocutor:
- I can assure you, then I can always stop.
But indeed in 1938, Stalin showed that he could stop. For a while stop the car repression, replacing Jobs Beria. But as N. Khrushchev admitted: "Terror did not stop at all - he became thinner and picky."
And more than once, "Uncle Joe" broke, which lost such a friend. Here you can add a phrase that he used to say after the war:
"Eh, we would be invincible with the Germans" (this phrase is given in the book of C. Allylumeva "Only One Year", New York, 1970, p. 339).
Today's vigorniks Zyuganov and Prokhanov, marched with portraits of the "leader of peoples", would not be reminded that Hitler and Stalin associated not only the general ideas about the need for cruelty in relation to peoples. And here Stalin turned out to be original Hitler: he practiced the extermination of other peoples, and Stalin - his own. Even at part of individual details of the management of the party and the population, Adolf Aloizych adopted the experience of Joseph Vissarionch. In the Hitler's concentration camps, the Board system was carried out with the help of CAPO, recruited from criminals, which was borrowed from Stalinist camps. And the gestapovtsy passed the practice of the NKVD Kostoshov, which by that time had more solid experience than young Nazis.
The one who honors Solzhenitsyn, can find out that the famous shutbacks invented, it turns out, not at Hitler, but in the Soviet NKVD in 1937 (see "two hundred years together", vol. 2. p. 297).
During the "packaging conversations", Hitler expressed regret that she did not organize the Stakhanovsky movement, which was spoken by very flattering. June 22, 1942, on the anniversary of the attack on the USSR, Hitler on dinner expressed respect to a friend:
"To Stalina, of course, it also needs to be treated with due respect. In his kind, he is just a genius type ... His economic development plans are so large-scale ... With this movement, it was possible to achieve extraordinarily great success in raising Russian workers with their special warehouse. Mind and soul. "
But he did not specify Hitler, which warehouse of the mind and soul, he admired among the Russian workers, educated by the communist regime. There were no secrets here. Perhaps, then did not know the German Führer who became adopted by Stalin in August 1932, the most cruel of a series of laws aimed at strengthening state discipline "on the protection of property of state enterprises, collective farms and cooperation and strengthening public property". It was a reliable method.
Confidence in its rightness and right to destroy their enemies just also by Siamese twins - Communists and Nazis. In his political will, drawn up on the eve of suicide, Hitler wrote:
"In the future, there should be a goal of the German people conquering space in the East," and finished this document with the words: "First of all, I replace the management and people in order to strictly followed racial laws and it turned out to be a merciless resistance to the poisoner of all peoples - international Jewry." (Cyt.: Joachim Fest. "Adolf Hitler. Biography." Perm, 1993, vol. 3, ss. 382-383).
As Stalin put this covenant, it is known, and many of us felt it on yourself.
Hitler suffered a defeat in the World War II unleashed. His winner was not judged as the Nazis, in the Nuremberg process, and, after the death of Hitler in 1945, he was given another 7 years of life, for which he managed to significantly replenish the list of his victims. Therefore, it is difficult to understand how those who in the Stalin gulag can have died close to, continue to sigh in the hard hand of the leader who created the Great Army "slaves." God is a judge. The Empire, driven by his heirs, was falling apart and the Russians are hardly crying. Is that Prokhanov and Co.
Russia has a rich past, but the ecstasy of the past, especially the Stalinist period, does not promise good in the future.

This refusal, in fact, did not leave the Soviet government a place for doubt about the question, to be or not to be a war with Germany in the very near future. The only thing that it could still have to hope is to "a normal diplomatic procedure" of its announcements and that he will be able to win time, but not a year and not half a year, but at least a few weeks.

On June 19, 1941, the command of the Red Army in coordination with the political leadership gave an order to bring the management of Western cross-border districts, converted them to front-line controls, to the field command points, mask airfields, military units, parks, warehouses, bases and dispersect aircraft on airfields. Command of the Red Army, according to the testimony of the army of M.I. Kazakov, headed by the headquarters of the Central Asian Military District and who was in those days in Moscow, by June 18, 1941 it had already clearly understood that war with Germany could not be avoided in the very near future, but it was expected to win another 15-20 days necessary for concentration and deploying parts in accordance with the warfare developed plan.

On June 21, 1941, the Soviet government once again tried to achieve a dialogue with the German leadership. At 21.00 Molotov invited Schulenburg to the Kremlin and asked him to give an explanation of the reasons for discontent of the German leadership by the Government of the USSR and rumors about the Near War. The Soviet government, said Molotov, could not understand the reasons for German discontent and it would be grateful if he was told than caused by modern condition Soviet-German relations and why there is no response of the German government on the TASS message from June 13, 1941. However, Schulenburg left the answer to these questions, referring to the fact that it does not have the necessary information.

At the same time, in Berlin decanosis, under the pretext of the presentation of a verbal note about the continuing violations of the border of the USSR, Germanic aircraft made futile attempts to meet with Ribbentrop to "on behalf of soviet government Set a few questions that ... need clarification. " Messages about this meeting were very waiting in Moscow. But the ribbentrop "was not in Berlin", and Deanozov, ultimately, accepted Vaizzecker. He accepted a note from Deanozov, but when he tried to put a "a few questions," turned a conversation, noting that now it's better not to delve into any questions. "The answer will be given later," he finished the conversation.

Several hours did not pass, as the answer was really given, - the German army, treacherously violating the nonsense agreement, invaded the territory of the Soviet Union.

German attack on the USSR contemporaries perceived in different ways. In some, this step Hitler has caused frank education. The sober-minded policies unequivocally regarded him as an adventure and a death sentence, who signed the third Reich. But whatever feelings emit to the USSR, certain circles of the world community, no one had the thought at that time that Stalin was preparing an attack, and Hitler was only ahead of him with strikes. Realities did not give not only grounds, but also the slightest reason for this kind of conclusions. It was clear to everyone that the statements of the Nazis about the "proactive strike", about the "Preventive War" - this is just a propaganda trick, with which they expect to justify the next act of aggression.

We tried above, relying both for the long-known and new documents, consider the political and military aspects of the origin of the war between Hitler's Germany and the USSR, analyze the intentions, plans and calculations of the parties, reconstruct the diplomatic background on June 22, 1941, as well as how much It was possible to look behind the scenes of official politics. Of course, many questions need further study with the involvement of additional materials. But it was completely obvious and not subject to doubt, which seemed long ago proven truth, which, unfortunately, again and again it is necessary to prove that the aggression of Hitler's Germany against the USSR was not "preventive", but was an expression in practice principled software installation Hitler is the conquest of "new living space" for the German nation in the east of Europe and the destruction of the Soviet Union as a national-state formation and social system.

The Soviet Union was preparing for war with Germany. The long-term strategic plans of Hitler, the events of the German army on preparation for the invasion were not for the Soviet leadership of the secret. Do not respond to them, not to take response would be criminal lighthead. But the USSR did not intend to attack Germany. The world was with her for him in all respects more profitable than a collision with unpredictable consequences. In the early summer of 1941, the Government of the USSR, as we tried to show it above, made the maximum possible to keep Germany from a military speech, and began the deployment of the Red Army only after the situation became critical. But even putting forward troops to the border, it continued to look for ways to overcome the crisis with peaceful means.

Conversations that the USSR could attack Germany in 1942 or later - speculation that do not have documentary confirmation. Strategic deployment plans for this period of the Red Army General Staff, did not have time to develop, no program statements on this occasion did not make the leadership of the USSR, and the situation could continue to develop, do not attack Germany to the Soviet Union, you can only build assumptions. Yes, in 1942, the USSR would feel more powerful in militarily than in 1940 or 1941. But this does not mean that he would certainly attack the "Third Reich". The power of the Red Army could simply become a factor that would exclude the possibility of a military speech of Germany against the Soviet Union.

Was the Stalin was ready to concessions to Hitler?

In the political archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, a number of reports arrived in May- June 1941 from Moscow to Berlin through the German reconser meter in Prague "Efficiency III" and on other channels, which are stated by the above-mentioned place of serious disagreements and even confrontation In the highest echelons of the USSR state power on the issue of how to further build relations with Germany. From these reports it follows that the highest political leadership of the USSR headed by I.V. Stalin, on the one hand, command of the Red Army, headed by the People's Commissar of the Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Tymoshenko, his deputy marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budenny, the People's Commissar of the Navy Admiral N.G. Kuznetsov, supported by the lower organizations of the WCP (b), on the other, allegedly evaluated the prospects for the further development of Soviet-German relations. Stalin and his closest surroundings reported by the German agents were striving for any price, even by far-reaching military-political and territorial concessions (by the Germans of Ukraine), to prevent the German-Soviet conflict, fearing that the USSR would lose the war, and the latter itself To yourself will lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the collapse of socialism as a social system.

The opposition Kremlin of the Forces opposed concessions to the Germans, demanding a more rigid course against Berlin. In the reports, it was argued that part of the commanders of the Red Army nailed even hope that the war with Germany would lead to the fall of the Stalinist regime. Moreover, it was argued that military events in the Western border districts of the USSR in the spring - at the beginning of the summer of 1941, contrary to the Will of the Kremlin under the strongest pressure from the military.

Interesting historical research on the topic of Hitler and Stalin. Many parallels can be traced. For example,

Hitler rules on behalf of the working class, the Hitler's party was called the working.
Stalin also rules on behalf of the working class, his power system was officially called the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Hitler has a red flag.
And Stalin has a red flag.

Hitler hated democracy and fought her.
Stalin hated democracy and fought her.

Hitler built socialism.
And Stalin built socialism.

Hitler considered his way to socialism only true, and all other paths perversion.
And Stalin considered his way to socialism uniquely faithful, and all other ways to deviate from the general line.

Party comrades who deviated from the right path, such as Rem and his environment, Hitler mercilessly destroyed.
Stalin also mercilessly destroyed everyone who deviated from the right path.

Hitler has a four-year plan.
Stalin is five year old.

Hitler has one party in power, the rest in prison.
And Stalin has one party in power, the rest in prison.

Hitler's party stood over the state, the country was ruled by party leaders.
And Stalin, the party stood over the state, the country was ruled by party leaders.

Hitler's congresses have been turned into ambitious views.
And Stalin - too.

Main holidays in the Empire Stalin May 1, November 7-8.
In the Hitler's Empire - May 1, 8-9 November.

Hitler - Hitlergenda, young Nazis.
Stalin Komsomol is young Stalin.

Stalin officially called the leader and Hitler - Führer
Translated is the same.

Hitler loved grand facilities.

He laid in Berlin the largest building of the world - a house of assembly. Dome of the building - 250 meters in diameter. The main hall was supposed to accommodate 150-180 thousand people.

And Stalin loved grand facilities.

He laid in Moscow the largest building of the world - the Palace of Soviets. Stalin's main hall was smaller, but all the construction was much higher. The building with a height of 400 meters was like a pedestal, over which the Stater Statue of Lenin was towering. The overall height of the structure is 500 meters.

Work on the projects of the house of assembly in Berlin and the Palace of Soviets in Moscow was carried out at the same time.

Hitler planned to demolish Berlin and build in its place new town From cyclopeous structures.
Stalin planned to demolish Moscow and in its place to build a new city from cyclopic structures.

For Germany, Hitler was a man from
He was born in Austria and almost until the very moment came to power did not possess German citizenship.

Stalin for Russia was a man from the side.
He was neither Russian or even Slavic.

Sometimes, very rare, Stalin invited foreign guests to his Kremlin apartment, and those were shocked by modesty of the situation: a simple table, a wardrobe, an iron bed, a soldier's blanket.
Hitler ordered to put a photo of his dwelling in the press. The world was shocked by modesty of the situation: a simple table, a wardrobe, an iron bed, a soldier's blanket.

Only from Stalin on a gray blanket black stripes, and Hitler has white.

Meanwhile, in secluded places among the fabulous nature, Stalin was built very cozy and well-protected residence-fortresses, which did not resemble the pick-up cell.

And Hitler in secluded places among the fabulous nature built impregnable residence-fortresses, neither granite nor marble did not regret them. These residences did not resemble the pick of hermit.

Hitler's favorite woman, Gel Raubal, was 19 years old younger.
Favorite Woman Stalin, Nadezhda Allilueva, was 22 years old.

Relubal gels committed suicide.
Nadezhda Allilueva - too.

Raubal gels shot himself from the Hitler's pistol.
Nadezhda Allilueva - from Stalinsky.

The circumstances of the death of Gel Rubal mysterious. There is a version that Hitler killed her.
The circumstances of the death of Hope Allyluve mysterious. There is a version that Stalin killed her.

Hitler said one thing, and did another.
Like Stalin.

Hitler began his rule under the slogan "Germany wants peace." Then he captured half of Europe.
Stalin fought for "collective security" in Europe, did not regret it neither forces or funds. After that, he captured half of Europe.

Hitler Gestapapo.
Stalin NKVD.

At Hitler Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dakhau.
Stalin Gulag.

At Hitler Babi Yar.
Stalin - Katyn.

Hitler destroyed people with millions.
And Stalin million.

Hitler did not hang himself with orders
And Stalin did not hang out.

Hitler walked in a half-shaped form without differences.
And Stalin - in a half-shaped form without signs of difference.

They will return that later Stalin pulled on military ranks, for marshal lamps and golden epolutions. This is true. But Stalin assigned himself the title of Marshal in 1943 after the victory near Stalingrad, when it became completely clear that Hitler lost the war. At the time of assigning the title of Marshal Stalin was 63 years old. He was dressed for the first time as a Tehran conference for the first time during the Tehran conference, when he met Roosevelt and Churchill.

We can't this issue To compare Hitler and Stalin simply because Hitler did not live for any age, nor to such meetings, nor to such victories.

And the rest of all the same

Stalin without a beard, but with famous mustes.
Hitler without a beard, but with famous mustes.

What is the difference?

The difference in the form of a mustache.

And the difference is that the actions of Hitler's world considered the greatest atrocities.
And Stalin's actions, the world considered the struggle for peace and progress.

The world hated Hitler and sympathized with Stalin.

Hitler captured half of Europe, and the rest of the world declared war
Stalin captured half of Europe, and the whole world gone to him greetings.

In order for Hitler to be able to hold the countries captured in Europe, the West to the top of the German ships, the German cities bombed, and then landed the Heavy-duty army to the European continent.

And so that Stalin can capture and keep another half of Europe, the West presented Stalin hundreds of warships, thousands of combat aircraft and tanks, hundreds of thousands of the world's best military cars, millions of tons of primitive fuel, ammunition, food, etc.