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The current state of the Russian literary language. Modern Russian language and its state of what the influence of the literary language on the state of culture

3.2. Literary language - the basis of speech culture

Literary language This is the highest form of the national language. This is the language of culture, literature, education, media. It serves various spheres of human activity: politics, science, legislation, official-business communication, domestic communication, interethnic communication, printing, radio, television. Among the varieties of national language (spacious, territorial and social dialects, jargon) literary language plays a leading role.

Maintenance Signs of literary language:

- processing (The literary language is a language treated with masters of the word: writers, poets, scientists, public figures);

- sustainability (stability);

- communication for all native speakers;

- rationance;

- availability of functional styles.

The modern concept of speech culture as science highlights 3 leading aspects of speech culture:

- regulatory (compliance with existing norms);

Ethical (compliance with certain rules of communication, ethical behavioral norms);

Communicative (culture of possession of different functional varieties of language).

4.1. The concept of language norm. Norm as a social phenomenon

Language rate -this rule, a sample of the use of words, phrases, suggestions. These are traditionally established rules for using speech funds, i.e., the rules of exemplary and generally accepted pronunciation, the use of words, phrases and suggestions. The norm is obligatory and covers all sides of the language. Discern the norms written and oral. Written language norms are, above all, spelling and punctational norms. For example, writing N. in a word worker, I. NN. in a word birthday boy obeys certain spelling rules. And the formulation of a dash in the proposal Moscow is capital of Russiaexplained by punctuation norms of the modern Russian language. Oral norms are divided into: 1) grammatical, 2) lexical and 3) orthoepic.

Grammatical norms - These are the rules for using forms of different parts of speech, as well as the rules for building a sentence. The most common grammatical errors associated with the use of the kind of nouns names are: Railway rail, French shampoo, large corn, custom book, lacquered shoes.

Lexical norms - These are the rules for applying words in speech. An error is, for example, the use of verb * lie downinstead put Despite the fact that the verbs lie down and put have the same meaning put This is a regulatory literary word, and lie down - Spatrical. Error are expressions: * I'm a lie book in place, *He puts the folder on the table etc. In these sentences you need to use verb put: I put the book in place, he puts the folder on the table.

Orphoepic norms - This is the spoken norms of oral speech. They are studied by a special section of linguistics - orphoepium (from Greek. orthos. - "Right" and epos. - "Speech"). Compliance with the norms of pronunciation is essential for the quality of our speech. Orphoepic errors * cat. b.log, * star w.nIT, * funds b. And others always interfere with the perception of speech: the attention of the listening distracts and the statement is not perceived in all its fullness. The strokes in words should be cope with the "orthoepic dictionary". The word pronunciation is also fixed in spelling and intelligent dictionaries. The pronunciation corresponding to orthoepic standards facilitates and speeds up the communication process, therefore the social role of the correct pronunciation is very large, especially currently in our society, where oral speech became the means of the widest communication at various meetings, conferences, forums.

Language norms do not invent scientists. Norms reflect pattern processes, taking place in language, and are supported by language practice. Sources of norm: Works of Classic Writers and Modern Writers, Media Language Analysis, Generally accepted Modern use, Living and questionnaire data, scientific research of language scientists. The norms help the literary language to maintain their integrity and general constructions. They protect the literary language from dialects, social and professional jargues, spacious. This allows the literary language to perform its basic function - cultural.

Language rate, its role in the formation and operation of the literary language.

The founder of the first Russian philological school is Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, who put forward the criterion of historical feasibility in streamlining the norms of the literary language. He delimited the styles of the literary language, depending on the stylistic characteristics of the linguistic units, for the first time, determining the norms of the literary language.

Yakov Karlovich Grota for the first time systematized and theoretically comprehended the arch of the spelling laws of the literary language. For his regulatory "Russian dictionary" a system of grammatical and stylistic litters was developed.

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Formal business style

3 litbles:

Diplomatic: international agreement, note, declaration, gram

Legislative-legal: Constitution, Law, Charter, Acts

Administrative stationery: Explanatory note, statement

Journalistic style

Political and agitation: appeals, appeal

Political and ideological: party documents

Newspaper and journalistic: note, article, report

Artistic and journalistic: essay, essay, pamphlet, feuilleton

Genre variety has a great influence on the design of the text.

Colloquial speech

Artistic speech

? Is a functional style ?

Artistic speech is different:

Multiple, unclosed

The possibility of using non-leaturated language (jargon, dialects, spacious vocabulary)

All language remedies perform a special function - aesthetic

17. Scientific style. Signs. Specific traits

Scientific style speech. General characteristics.

Serves the scientific sphere of communication. Reflects the results of theoretical thinking for which it is characteristic:

Objectivity and abstract from a specific

Logical indicativity

Sequence of presentation

The purpose of scientific speech - the message of the new knowledge of reality, the evidence of the belief of this knowledge

Official sphere of communication

Book character speech

The predominance of monologic speech

Preliminary deliberation, preparedness

These factors determine style features:

Response-generalized Speech Character

Stressed logicality

Accuracy and clarity of presentation

Book character vocabulary and syntax

Temming, i.e. terminological saturation

Logision, intellectual expression aimed at proof

Varieties of scientific style, lit up:

1. related to reader address and targeted purpose

Academic (monographs, scientific articles intended for specialists)

Educational and Scientific (intended to convey scientific information to those who master knowledge - textbooks, training lectures)

Scientific and popular (for a wide range of non-specialist readers)

Scientific memoir (scientists remember some of the works, or a book about scientists)

2. Related with different scientific regions:

Scientific and technical

Natural scientific

Scientific and humanitarian

Lexico-phraseological features of the scientific style of speech.

Lexical features:

Used words related to book vocabulary. In the academic litter, the vocabulary is neutral in an emotional expressive plan. Frequent names are their own, since discoveries are associated with the names of scientists, etc.

The core of the vocabulary of scientific style is the terminological vocabulary

Term - Word, or phrase, denoting the concept of science, area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, industries.

Signs of the term:

Entry into a specific terminological system

The presence of definition is a strictly logical determination of a scientific concept reflecting the basic qualification features of this concept

Stylistic neutrality within the limits of this terminology

All signs of the term are implemented only in this terminological system. Outside its limits, he loses signs of term. Bright example - newspaper journalism. Medical terms (atrophy of power) are used. These words become a socio-valued metaphor.

Traditionally several layers of terminological vocabulary allocatewhich is used in scientific speech:

General scientific terminology is words that call concepts applicable in all areas; When used in the text, these terms are specified by inter scratched terminology - terms serve cycles of science (natural, technical) Uzbetal terminology - terms call specific knowledge and category (phonam, lexeme - linguistic terms)


The term is used in different ways, in the texts implements different scientific styles.

In strictly-scientific text, the terms are introduced without special training, without author's remarks. So traditional terms are introduced, with well-established semantics. In some cases, the introduction of the term requires a special comment, which accompanies the introduction of the term into the text. First of all, it refers to the developing areas of knowledge, and nominations of new concepts that admonish.

You can talk about terms of introduction of terms:

    Copyright is the term is introduced through the author's definition, corresponds to the position of the author, its scientific concept, the basic terms are subject to the author's definition for this text. Working thermal consumption is specifically specifically stipulated. The working term is what is conditionally allowed as an acceptable only in this particular work.

Conditional terms (adjacent to the working) - are introduced as attributes of the working hypothesis. This is neologism, it is taken in quotes.

All three are accompanied by text definition, the framework of which is limited to a textural study.

Terminal eponyms (Characteristic for technical scientific and natural scientific) - are formed from their own names.

The phrases of the terminological character (the law Leibnitsa, Algebra Bul)

Terms - phrases, which includes a word formed on behalf of its own, most often the most complaught adjective Archimedean power)

Terms formed from the names of their own suffixes (Darwinism, Marxism)

Terms of actually eponymic nature (x-ray, amp, ohm)

Derivatives t eponyms (X-ray tube, ammeterry)

The term calls a generalized concept, the nomenclature designations refer to the objects that are studied by a particular science (geographer - Central Russian plain)

The term should be distinguished by professionalism, which are used in the oral speech of people of a certain profession. It has painting of spoken speech, expressively painted. The result of metaphorical transfer, the imagery is not erased as a term.

Specialized vocabulary or half studio Often used for some areas of activity, such as sports.

Norm in terminology (perfect term)

The norm in terminology has a lot in common with the language norms, i.e., does not contradict, but corresponds to the norms generally accepted. Exist requirements which are only applicable to the terms (for the first time were formulated by Professor Lotte):

The fixation of the content, i.e. one word corresponds to one concept (context, the movement of the term is not allowed) accuracy - in the definition of the term there are necessary and sufficient signs of the designated concept; The term should indicate, reflect the signs for which one concept differs from the other. Correctly oriented term - the motivation of the designation, the term itself indicates the specifics of the concept of definition - should not be a polemic term should not have synonyms (synonymies in the terminology has a different nature)
thermal-dubets - no stylistic, emotional expressive differences. Such dubbleness is especially characteristic of the initial stages of the formation of terminology, when there was no conscious selection of the best term and several options for nominations of the same concept occurred. Often this is due to different origins of terms. Coexistence is often associated with their ability to form derivative forms (linguistics - Linguistics: Linguistic -?). If there are stylistic differences, then do not talk about the terms and doubles
perhaps partial coincidence (shelter - shelter, spring - springs)
brief forms of terms, as well as phonetic and lexical variants of the term related to terms - borrowed by words, not completed transition to Russian graphics systematism - is based on the classification of scientific concepts, its motivation is associated with systematically. Semantic transparency, which makes it possible to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe called term, a scientific concept
it makes it possible to reflect the structure of the term of its place in a specific terminological system, indicates the properties of the interaction of the concept with others. For example, types of electronic machines triode, diode. Thus, the systematic requires the same measurement of the term, the same type of elements at terms (fondics, vocabulary; methane, propane) brevity - cumbersome makes it difficult to function the term (descriptive nature of the term). The question arises about the brief form of the term. A short variant abbreviated, but a functionally equal version of the designation of this scientific concept. It is always derived from the semantic or sign structure of the main term. The brief option must maintain systematizing features:

3 of the most common ways to form brief forms:

    The lexical abbreviation is one word either skipped, or the phrase is replaced by one word formed by this phrase reduction of word formation tools - abbreviation of different types (DNA) reducing symbolism (inherent and typically only for terminology)
Improvement - its prevalence, the consumption, generally acceptedness - is associated with the displacement of obsolete terms, the replacement of them with new (computer technologies) internationality - the term in different national languages \u200b\u200bin the form and coincide in content

- All pronunciation
- Common Proeving
-Not must cause false associations: alert - degassing, soldering - spike

Morphological features of scientific style.


1) Nominal character of speech

Names make up almost half of all typing. This is due to informative, accuracy, the need for the nomination of scientific concepts, their fixation.

Widely used oillegalnouns that perform the feature of terms. Also widely used distributed and abstract Nouns. This is due to the need for the wording. And also used substantivated adjectives.

2) Bessubjectivity narration

The author of the scientific work is the record of the scientific truth, a representative of a certain scientific school, directions. He speaks not on his own behalf, but abstracts. This is reflected in morphology.

There are no verb forms of 1 person. h.

Frequent forms 1 persons MN. h.They are located in places when you need to activate the reader's attention. Also frequent form 3 persons MN. h.

3) The generalized abstragated nature of the presentation

Wide use distractedand abstract noun, as well as verb forms in BP.

Can be created and at the expense of special forms of numbers. Using concrete Nouns in form units. h.,which acquire an abstract-generalized value (we take a funnel; whale - marine mammal). Real Nouns are often used in the form mN. indicate the variety of this substance. Characteristic use abstract Nouns in form mN. C.. (forces, depths).

Shape present BP. It has an abstract timeless meaning. Does not indicate the action, synchronous with the moment of speech, and indicates a constant timeless action (the phone is called ...)

Forms of the past and future time are used very rarely. Are used impersonal verbs With a shade of necessity. Frequency infinitive. Used in combination: You can, you need to (you need to consider, it should be noted, you can say)

Most often used analytical Forms comparative degree adjectives (most, less)

Pronouns. Frequently indicative (that, this), indefinite (some, any), definition (such that, so much), attracted (it, it, they).

Are used reference derivatives prepositions and unions (by virtue of…) Word formation features of scientific style. Terminism.

Treatment Features (Terminomination):

Using word-forming borrowing, it is associated with iNoazyny Morphem

Actual use of prefixoids (root morphemes, which are regularly used in the formation of terms and perform the function of prefixes) and suffixoids (root morphemes that are regularly used in the formation of terms and perform the function of suffixes)

Suffixed formation terms

Terminal suffixes - nouns

Terms-nouns are called generalized and abstract concepts of objects, signs, ties, relationships.

Productive suffixes:

(Dropping, value)


Ost (bulge)

STV (substance)

K (smelting, forging)


Izm (symbolism)

Adjective suffixes:

To indicate a species sign in relation to the generic sign.

Terms-adjectives occupy a particular position in the system of scientific terms, since the leading need for scientific presentation is the specificization of the concept.

Suffix terms of verbs

The suffix formation of verbs is not particularly specific. This is connected with the weak activity of the verb in the scientific style of speech. Nevertheless, you can call some suffixes:

- and derivatives from it -; -; -izirova-, Which are the result of the fighting of the Russian suffix with foreign language (fixate, block, unify, galvanize).

Prefix formation of terms

There are several types of consoles that have word-forming activity in terms of thermal formation.

1) de - (des-); di - (diz-); but-; anti-; ir-; counter

Denote the opposite of concept (degasia, regress, irreal)

2) super-; ultra-; in excess of-; sub-

Quantitatively qualitative attitude to the sign (subtropics)

3) pre- pre- of-

Have abstrapy value (excess, safety)

Terms are formed and using substantatives and adjustmentas well as in the way additions, so on. Among the terms there are a large number of words that have several foundations (Barrel-buoy).

Are used semantic Methods of Education: Migration value (crust of the eye). But the image is erased. The value performs nominative function and the term does not carry with them emotional expressive coloring.

A large number of terms is borrowed from other languages. If there is an analogue in Russian, then it is the foreign language word that has a terminological color. There is internationalization of the language of science. Rapid of terminological systems of different national languages.

Syntactic features of scientific style.


Widely used phrasesterminological nature. Attributes (adj. + Essence), objects (located in the flask, occur after irradiation).

T. K. Logicism is the main style line, the syntax structures are used, allowing to transmit conceptual content.

-Surifier distributed Offers S. direct procedure words (because emotional and expressive shades are connected with inversion, not inherent scientific speech ) with union bond between parts.

-Prigibilities Offers are not typical, but possible. They perform a special function: attract attention to the outlined.

Typically, the use of two-part offers with a bundle " there is" The model is implemented: what is that. Perform the role of definition.

Most often suggestions complicated involved, temply involved revolutions I. separate definitions.

Characterized by widespread use introductory words and proposals. They express:

Logical design of thought (consequently, first, so);

Confidence / Uncertainty of the speaker in the expressed (maybe of course);

Indicate the source of information, thoughts (from the point of view ..., according to ..., according to ...)

Distributed Putting designs. Separate words, phrases, suggestions. Additional information is given, the author's thought is specified, a new message is introduced.

Widely used uniform members of the sentence.

It is characterized by expressiveness and expressiveness, but it is intellectual. Related to evidence, persuasive. Directed on the informativeness of speech.

Single proposals are frequent.

Uncertain-personal: The lens is placed.

Definitely personal Not so typical (Consider, turn). Used for encouraging to activate attention in the fields of entering new information.

Impersonal: A chance should approve.

Also frequent two-part offers, which are passive turnover: Lens is placed.

Widely used SPP with different appendages.

Determined. With it, it receives an expression of the category of signs.

Constentive apparent (goals, conditions, reasons, consequences) serve as a means of expressing causal relations between these phenomena and concepts. Such proposals ensure the scientific and evidence of speech. Allow to note the contradiction of the essence of phenomena.

Used complex syntactic whole or superflace unity. Most often as paragraph. In superframe unity, repeat, pronouns, introductory words are used.

Thus, the syntax is aimed at expressing abstragated information.

18. Official business style

General characteristics.

Serves the sphere of law, authorities. The sphere of internally and interstate relations. Official business style is one of their most ancient varieties of literary language. (Styles were formed not at the same time, this is due to different stages in the language, and stages in the history of Russia). In the "Russian truth" - the primitive of official-business style, wrigistic writing. In the language of the Moscow office, officially business style begins to form and by the end of the 18th century is issued.

Extlinguistic factors:

Official sphere of communication

Written form of communication

Abstracted character - a speech addressee is not individual, and distracted: citizen, subordinate, defendant; Subject: Dean, Head of State, Plaintiff

We are a monologue, and dialogue (interrogation of a witness) is possible, but we are talking about styled factors

Speech thoughtful, book form of speech

These factors are associated targets and objectives that implement official-business style:

Expression of the prescriptions of the state or authorized person

State statement in the specified sphere

Definition of the status of any face

Style features:

Accuracy that does not allow other interpretation

Standardization (some documents lose their legal force if not comply with the standard)


Imperative Language Means are used to express Will)

Nelique character of speech, its official, irregularity

This is the most conservative style, the most closed, does not allow any affiliates. During the revolutionary transformation, the documents were emotionally expressive, but mostly conservative.

3 Formal-Business Style:

1. Diplomatic

2. Legislative

Morphological features of official-business style.

Nominal character of speech, i.e., the names of nouns, adjectives, communion prevail over the verb forms

Widely used impressive adjectives and exclusive nouns. These are features of the style - the statement of the nature of speech, or the status of the position of the person

The verbal vocabulary, at the expense of verb forms, imperative is realized. Infinitives are widely used, with which it is more convenient to express direct and indirect imperativeness, express the prescription; Often infinitive is used with the words "need", "necessary", "follows."

other verb shapes are involved in the implementation of the prescription and must

The form of this time acts in the meaning of this AI of the present

"The employer is responsible for harm caused by the hired room"

the form of a real time acquires in the context of official-business text shades of must, prescription, possibilities are close to necessity

"Military command will allocate ..."

the form of the past time is used in the meaning of the underlined statement:

"Confirms that she returned Russia."

At the same time, the verbs of an imperfect species as more distracted by meaning dominate in the genres of business speech more general;

the form of the perfect species is used in the texts of more specific content (orders, acts, contracts, orders), are often used in combination with modal words: reasonable, in the right, obliged - express categoricalness of orders or a statement.

The prescribing nature of the speech is also manifested in particular the use of brief adjective modal nature with the value of the application, which in other styles are less common: obliged, needed

Syntactic features of official-business speech style.

Syntactic features:

Syntakischechic models with ?? Offers: Based on what, in connection with which.

Typical situations are considered, which leads to typical texts.

Simple common double suggestions

Passive structures prevail

Infinitive and impersonal suggestions with the meaning

Suggestions with involved and particle turns

The proposal is characterized by a strict and definite word order, this ensures logicality, speech accuracy, sequence of information expression

Suggestions with homogeneous members

Along with simple proposals, complex proposals of NGN and BP are widely used, which are characterized by causative, circumstantial, conditional bonds between parts of the sentence

The period (syntactic design) is used - a highly common simple sentence or a polynomial complex. The period is characterized by the completeness and completion of the expression of thought, unity of the topic.

3 Formal-Business Style:

1. Diplomatic
genres: credentials, notes, declarations

2. Legislative
genres: Criminal / Civil Acts, Constitution, Laws

3. Administrative stationery
genres: from personal documentation (power of attorney, service note) to the genre of business correspondence

19. Publicistic style

Serves a wide range of public relations: politics, economics, culture. Reflects all that currently in the spotlight. Imported in the language of the media, radio, body, newspaper journalism.

A wide thematic range of journalistic texts: questions of ideology, philosophy, culture, economics, daily household problems.

Directly expressed evaluation of facts, events, the material is applied in such a way as to create public opinion.

2 functions:



The interaction of these functions determines the character of the style that predetermining the linguistic specificity of the style.

The implementation of an informative function requires some language tools - speech standards, clichés, which are reproduced in speech and make it possible to quickly transfer information, neutral means.

The affecting function involves the use of other means in the texts: estimated vocabulary, expressive means of morphology and syntax in order to transfer the copyright.

The combination of expression and standard is a characteristic feature of newspaper journalism. From this there are stamps.

Social appreciation - Social evaluation changes with changes in society.

Positive and negative evaluation funds. Positive characterize everything related to social system (at that time), negative-estimates are used to characterize capitalist system.

Starting from the 90s, the action of social assessment is maintained, but this estimate can be expressed not directly, and for example, using irony. The evaluation is manifested in more subtle forms, which causes the structure of speech.

Category of the author. On the one hand, the author is a genuine real, private person, the documentality, emotionality and subjectivity of speech are connected with this. The author of the journalistic text speaks of itself, therefore personal forms (pronouns and verbs of 1.2 persons) are widely represented. But on the other hand, the author is not only a private, but also a social person. This affects the reflection of the socio-political principle, and not only subjective. Therefore, rhetorical techniques are widely used. Methods of controversy, social analysis are involved. The combination of two hatchs define a wide range of journalistic works: from analytical to personality-predensal. For modern journalists are characterized by the latter.

It manifests itself in different ways and social in different periods of development of the country. Modernity is characterized by intamization, orientation to a conversation with the reader.

There is a tendency to the dialogue of speech, entails the use of colloquial speech. In this regard, a certain change in genres. The role of an interview increases, which on one side takes a significant place and becomes part of other genres.

Traditionally allocate:

Information Genres (Chronicles, Information Notes, Reporting, Internet)

Analytical genres (article, correspondence, art journalism - essay, fellow, essay, review)

The main form of implementation is written, but may also be implemented in oral form (parliamentary speeches, speeches at meetings, social and state organizations). Journical style occupies a leading place in the stylistic structure of the Russian language system, as it is now affecting the development of the literary language as a whole. The linguistic taste of carriers of the literary language is formed. It is in the journalistic style that everything new, new speech norms are being formed.

Lexico-phraseological features of the journalistic style.

Vocabulary and phraseology:

Reflects the social multiplicity of the modern Russian literary language

Used book and spoken vocabulary

Perhaps the use of professionalism

Speechclich, characteristic of official-business style

Vocabulary outside the literary language (jargon, perhaps dialectisms)

Neutral vocabulary and phraseology are used, as well as emotional expressive painted. Emotional and expressive tools are in factory.

Among the words are neutral, you can allocate:

Words and phrases denoting the facts of public life

Nomenclature designations (names Organization, unions, parties, newspapers, magazines, institutions, etc.)

Terminological special lexica

Among the emotional-valued vocabulary:

Solemn vocabulary is used in texts with such a tonality of solemnity and patties, can be used to transmit author's irony, creating satirical intonation

Perhaps the use of words of a passive dictionary - archaisms and historians. Depending on the context, it can serve as an expression of the author's irony, a comic effect, transmit and create a color of the epoch, to be a means of stylization.

Slavicama can be used in the same feature.

The terminological vocabulary is used in the non-monitoring value, etc. E. is subject to the determination process. The terms lose signs of the term and acquire new properties that are atypical for the term. The terms in journalism are widely used in a portable metaphorical value, a socio-estimated metaphor is created, which performs the characterological function. For certain terms, either positive or negative estimated values \u200b\u200bthat have become sustained are entrenched. (Atrophy of power, hypnosis feudal morality, allergic to contacts with press)

The words of thematic groups are involved:

All related to construction (corridors, floors, dodded)

Occaasonal education (the search for expressive means of expression leads to what is widely and actively formed by word formation models. Author's neologisms or occasionalism)

Morphological features:

Stylistically significant morphological forms of different parts of speech

The admission of journalistic style is the use of units. h. Sost In the meaning of the MN. h. (Farmer is perplexed, emery

Use the name of its own in the unusual form for it. h. (Gorbachev, Yeltsin), more often used to express a negative assessment

The adjectives that have characteristics are widely used.

Various comparative degrees are used, the most frequent synthetic excellent degree (the deepest, most serious)

Frequently pronoun, personal 1 liters. , index, uncertain, questionative, relative

Widely used verb forms, both personal and verbalia and communion, are used both in conventional squeezing values \u200b\u200band in expressive-significant

Form 1 l. units. h. and mn. h. and forms 3 l. MN. h. In the generalized and personal value (we are reported, they inform)

Forms of both the present and past time are used, but in some genres the forms of the present time prevail to emphasize today's character of the events described ("This Report").

Reception of climbing interchanges This historical, or the use of forms of imperative inclination in the meaning of the conditional ignition (I look at a teenager)

Semantically used semantically capacious practical and particle forms

Various quantitative combinations (Milicians, thousands)

Adcharations formed from numeral (unanimously, ambiguously)

20. Spoken style

· Spoken style speech. General characteristics.

Extlinguistic factors:

Linguistic signs:

* oral reduction of vowels

Lexical features:

Conversationally spacious

· Stylistic functions of elements of spoken speech in the texts of other styles

Not used only in formal business style

Scientific Academic Land
oral form

Scientific and popular

It often includes elements of spoken speech, an emotional and personal attitude to the material is helped; Provides speech intamization, scientific and popular text should be affordable; Characterized image, image - means of comprehension of action, and the colloquial vocabulary has fine-expressive potential


Social evaluation is characterized, the attitude of the author of the text is expressed in order to form a public opinion, an emotional and estimated function of conversational elements

Artistic texts


Elayal text (characterological) - Expressive speech potential is used

The character's direct speech is focused on speaking, spokenage is represented by typing, it is "Olyterene" using the elements of spoken speech

The reflection of the style diversity of spoken speech, signals the socio-historical affiliation, about its socio-cultural level.

Innightly direct speech - reflects the thoughts of the character with the words of the author, the inclusion of spoken elements in the author's speech

· Lexico-phraseological features of speech-style speech.

Linguistic signs:

Activity of non-necrop

Incomplete structural design of language units

Activity of funds emotionally expressed, with subjective assessment

Wide use of occasional means

Activity of personal forms and structures

* intonational diversity, monotonous speech atypic

* oral reduction of vowels

Lexical features:

Actually conversation

Conversationally spacious

Spoken vocabulary is characterized by a reduction.

Literary spacious - Words that can be used with a certain stylistic task in speech carriers of a literary language in a certain situation. The term is introduced by Sorokin in Ser. 20th century. Literary spacious is outside the literary norm.

Semantic features:

Features of colloquial vocabulary were noted in the first explanatory dictionary - the appearance of the litter "Spacious." - in dictionaries of 19-20 centuries. This vocabulary has been consistently noted.

    For a conversational word, it is characterized by the allocation in the subject matter designation of a private specific feature, this sign goes to the fore. This is the expressive potential expression of sensual concretenesswhich causes a vivid idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject / action in the consciousness of the listener (reader) to the lexical importance of the word emotional-estimated, emotional and expressive connotations. Reduced negative emotional expression prevails. It can be created on a word formation level: subfixes of a subjective assessment. To express a subjective relationship, the spoken hyperbole and the litt are widely used, words in a figurative value are widely used;
    lexical metaphor (words that call animals in a metaphorical value for characterological functions)
    words with a phraseologically caused value - came out of the phraseologism, but they retained the value of the phraseologist as a whole, there was a "condensation of meaning." This is the manifestation of the law of savings of speech funds, as well as the principle of incomplete structural design of language units Semantic depression (condensed milk - condensed milk) Use words with metonimical transfer
    spoken metonymy
    the situational metonymy (I do not even talk with 5-storey houses) Spoken phraseology has an emotional-valued expressive color (bending the back, let us take a tear) with t. z. The structures are varied:
    - the activity of structures with a particle and the Union "How" and "Though"
    - a lot of infinitive designs (as they say nor give or take)
    - impersonal, generalized and vaguely personal designs (pits on the water)
    - Stylist ??? and the archaic structure (with Gulkin's nose, stand on the left leg, fled down)
    many phraseological units are built on the intrigues of the same word or single (eccentric eccentric, from century to century)
    - Antonyms / synonyms or close to antonyms / synonyms close to antonyms / synonyms (laughter and sin, and old and young, until time, until time, do not see the end of the edge, who in the forest who is on firewood) Treatment and morphological features of spoken speech.

It serves the everyday life sphere of native speakers. Private manifestation - correspondence.

Informality and ease of communication

Direct participation of talking in a conversation

Spontaneity of speech, its unpreparedness

The predominance of the oral form of communication, mostly dialogic

Ability to transfer information to non-verbal means

Linguistic signs:

Activity of non-necrop

Incomplete structural design of language units

Activity of funds emotionally expressed, with subjective assessment

Wide use of occasional means

Activity of personal forms and structures

Treatment features:

    Submitted evaluation suffixes (-K-, - ONK / PNK-) suffixes that give the word expressive coloring (special for speech parts)
    adjectives - - Caucasia / Yut, - Enn-, - AST - (Fatty, Eat, Bulk)
    verbs - Potted Education:
    - a single way of action - well - (shoe, turn)
    - Long-term limited -Yava / Iva - (to sit, however
    - initial method of action (smoke)
    characterized by the formation of nouns. R. With literary neutral forms m. r. (Master, Admiralsha, Professors) - gives a stylistic reduction, express negative emotional expression

Morphological features:

    Characterized by the presence of parallel morphological forms
    forms on -A I. P, MN. h.
    forms P. P, un. Part of a particularly strong functional and stylistic transformation are subject to verbs, this refers to the use of verb time forms
    -In the meaning of the current future (in the summer we go to the Crimea)
    - to designate the action in the past (it came to me yesterday and beritis)
    The expressive potential of such a form is widely used in an artistic publicist speech ("present historical"), the action goes before the eyes of the interlocutor or reader
    - can be used to refer to the will (forms of expressing inclination in the value of the imperative ignition)
    Future time (the form of the future is simple):
    -Can designation synchronous action with the moment of speech (I will answer your question: .., I'll start with the fact that ..)
    - may indicate the action, more precisely, the lack of action of real in the present and subjectively predicted speaking to the future (do not smile all day)
    Past time:
    -Form pr. BP. owls. The species can be used in the meaning of the future simply (if you do not help me, I disappear)
    - Form Av. Can be used to designate accented intention for the readiness of the action (well, I probably went, so I took the money?)
    - Form Av. It can be used to designate the action of an ordinary repeated repeating (and they always have it in the family: they quarreled, crumbled) The syntactic features of the speech style of speech.

It serves the everyday life sphere of native speakers. Private manifestation - correspondence.

Extlinguistic factors:

Informality and ease of communication

Direct participation of talking in a conversation

Spontaneity of speech, its unpreparedness

The predominance of the oral form of communication, mostly dialogic

Ability to transfer information to non-verbal means

Linguistic signs:

Activity of non-necrop

Incomplete structural design of language units

Activity of funds emotionally expressed, with subjective assessment

Wide use of occasional means

Activity of personal forms and structures

* intonational diversity, monotonous speech atypic

* oral reduction of vowels

Lexical features:

Actually conversation

Conversationally spacious

Spoken vocabulary is characterized by a reduction.

Syntactic features:

· Questionatively and exclamation deals (reflect expressive and dialogical structures)

· Characterized frozen designs that are not amenable to membership (that truth is true), with a formal so on. These are the designs of a complex sentence, but essentially they are inhlenimi, purely modal function: expression speaking to the statement

· Widely used lexically limited designs (see do not say);
glading particles play an important role, interjections can be used.

· Special types of faiths are used (take something to take, go to know)
lexically related constructions, ready-made speakers that can be meaningfully unmotivated, but are extremely saturated in the emotional plan.

· Incomplete sentences, elliptic structures (manifests even in phrases)

· Parcellation - a sentence of a sentence, in which the content of the statement is not implemented in one, but in several intonational-semantic speech units, following one after another, after the separation pause, it is drawn up on the letter (and we have troubles staring. Big) - fragmentation, segmentation Spoken Speech
Calf themes - nominative proposal that starts some kind of statement - Lightweight syntax structure

· It is characteristic of the reflection of the structural features of the dialogue (the question-response structure - and who I respect is Ivanova)

· Characterized structural reduction - the merger of the presidency with the main thing (call who you want, you will work with whom they will order)

Russian language and culture of speech: Lectures of Trofimova Galina Konstantinovna

Lecture 1 literary language is the basis of speech culture. Functional styles, areas of their use

Literary language - the basis of speech culture. Functional styles, areas of their use

1. The concept of speech culture.

2. Forms of the existence of the National Language. Literary language, its signs and properties.

3. Non-vector varieties of language.

4. Functional styles, their characteristics, applications and interaction.

"The true essence and meaning of culture is in organic disgust to everything that is dirty, there is a lot of fallen, it is rude, which humiliates a person and makes him suffer" (M. Gorky. "Understanding thoughts").

Culture of speech as part of the general culture of a person involves mastering the rules and norms of the Russian language and is associated with the norms of ethics and aesthetics.

Culture of speech is a combination of such qualities that have the best impact on the addressee, taking into account the specific task and a specific situation. The qualities of speech culture include: meaningability, accuracy, clearer, cleanliness of speech, correctness, logicality, expressiveness, its wealth.

"The problem of speech culture is reduced to master the principles of building various types and genres of speech within the framework of social tradition. Speech Written and oral, oratory and colloquial, stationery and poetic, rally and parliamentary, report note and indication - All these language tasks require their means of fulfillment and its technology, "said Russian philologist G.O. Distiller.

The basis of the culture of speech is laid by the Russian literary language, which is part of the national language.

The National Russian language is heterogeneous in its composition, since they enjoy people of various social status, the level of culture, age and the kind of classes. In each language, its varieties are distinguished - literary language, spacious, dialects, jargon.

The highest form of the national language is a literary language. Literary language is a kind of national language used in print, science, government agencies, education, radio, television. It serves a variety of areas of human life and activity: politics, culture, science, office work, legislation, domestic communication, interethnic communication. This is the language of the whole nation, it stands over other varieties of the national language.

Its main properties: processed, stability, binding, availability of functional styles, norms.

Its main signs: this is a language of culture, the language of the formed part of the people, consciously codified language. Codified norms are the rules that all carriers of the literary language should follow. Codification is fixation in various kinds of dictionaries and reference books, grammar of the norms and rules that must be respected when creating texts of codified functional species (for example, proper stress: contract, marketing, provision, intent).

The literary language plays a leading role among other varieties of language. It includes optimal ways to designate concepts and objects, expressions of thoughts and emotions. While, for example, spacious, jargon give them their interpretation.

The literary language has two forms - oral and written. Depending on the folding speech situation, the tasks in communication, the selected language material, the speech oral and writing acquire a book or conversational. Book speech serves political, legislative, scientific sphere of communication. Conversational speech is appropriate at semi-official meetings, meetings, anniversaries, personal conversations, in the family and household setting. Book speech is based on the standards of the literary language. In colloquial speech, common vocabulary can be used, options are possible.

One of the forms of the National Russian language - the spaciousness, a set of linguistic means of the surprise violates the norms of the literary language. The spacious includes language phenomena (words, grammatical forms, turnover, pronunciation features), which are used for a rude, reduced expression of thought. The spacious does not have attached to any geographical location, social group. This is a speech of national language carriers that insufficiently owning literary standards and are not aware of the differences between literary and non-vertical standards. (In the Roman M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", one of the heroes says: "And he simply lied. I congratulate you, a citizen, co-worms" or in another work of Bulgakov - "Dog's heart": "Kotyara Damned Lamp has rejected."

Territorial dialects - type varieties used in a certain territory. These are archaic and natural forms of language existing only in oral speech. In Russian, there are three dialects: South Russian, Midnesday, North Russian. Each of them has its own phonetic, lexical, grammatical features. The South Russian dialect is perfectly represented, for example, in the works of M. Sholokhov, fulfilling the task of reconstructing paintings of the Don Cossacks.

Jargon (Argo) is a speech of people united by a common profession or components of separate groups on any sign: social, age, in interest. There is a youth jargon, criminal, fans, collectors, and dr. Jargon is a language of secrecy, it is known only to a narrow circle of involved.

For example, the magazine "Student" (2002) published the words of youth slang: "Wood", to be in the "cut" - fall asleep, stop feeling reality; "Cook" - buy, take, grab; "Kashtan", "Paraffin" - everything that does not like. The newspaper "Arguments and Facts" (No. 3/37, 2002) led their examples: "Baklan" is stupid, a boring man; "Bablo" is money in any number of any country; "Green" - dollar; "Score" - stop thinking about something or someone, stop doing something; "In parallel" - anyway; "Crossing" - meet; "Pitons" - to enjoy; "Chmar" is a bad man. The words of criminal jargon spread in our life: boys, brother, throw, bazaar, arrow. A business slang appeared, for example: "Air Snakes" - a crime using a computer; "Wild ducks" - people in the company not infected with its culture and not subject to its bureaucracy; "Gold Beetles" - Gold Dealers; "Yappen" - young businessmen-professionals (from 18 to 34 years old); "Pillow" - reserves, etc.

All these varieties of the national language cannot replace the literary language. Youth jargon cannot be used in educational or professional activities, social jargon is not suitable for business communication.

Since the National Language is heterogeneous, its vocabulary is also heterogeneous, that is, the vocabulary. Three layers are distinguished in it:

- stylistically neutral words that are used in all varieties of language and with all types of communication;

- Stylistically painted words that are used in any kind of language or functional speech style (book vocabulary);

- Emotionic painted words expressing the emotions of the speaking, his attitude to the subject of speech (spoken vocabulary).

For example, in the novel of the English writer Palem Granvil Woodhouse "Mare Pigs": "Your husband died? Died? Ordered long live? " (Neutre., Book., R.).

In accordance with this, in almost every word, vocabulary indicating to which layer of vocabulary it applies to almost every word. ("Die" - neutors., "Measure" - talking, "get used" - jargon.)

Distinguish active and passive vocabulary. The active is widely used in speech, passive includes words that are not used - terms, outdated words (historians, archaisms), neologisms. Each speech situation uses its vocabulary, it also serves as the basis for the existence of functional styles.

All the right options enshrines a literary language. It is the only possible means of communication in the most different spheres of human life, so the knowledge of the basic rules of its use is a culture of speech and each native speaker is necessary.

So, the culture of speech is the regulativity and correctness of speech, compliance with the rules of communication and speech etiquette.

Culture of speech is such a choice and such an organization of language funds, which in a certain situation of communication, subject to modern language standards and ethics of communication, allow the greatest effect in achieving the delivered communicative tasks.

In addition, the speech culture involves the ability to use speech styles and create speech styles. After all, as it is known, the language serves various spheres of communication and each sector of communication imposes its own requirements. For example, a scientific article requires accuracy in the designation of concepts, there are no emotionally painted words in the document, and the journalism actively uses them.

Style (Greek. Stillion - wand, handle) - This is a type of language that serves any side of social life.It is called functional, as it performs in society in each particular case of a specific function.

The doctrine of styles goes back to ideas M.V. Lomonosov, who wrote: "... Russian through the use of church books by decent has varying degrees, high, everyday and low. This comes from 3 genera of Russian speech. "

The style is created by a combination of neutral linguics and means used in this style.

Each functional style is implemented in genres. The genre is a specific type of texts possessing specific features, as well as some generality, as texts belong to one style. For example, in an official-based business style, the following genres allocate: certificate, warranty letter, statement, order; in a journalistic - essay, report, feuilletone; In scientific - report, abstract, annotation.

Each particular case of speech activity requires its means of expression. Communications must remember that the choice of stylistic painted words was justified so that the chosen language tools belong to one style. The use of distinction vocabulary, the use of spaticrous words and expressions in business communication leads to dismantling and misunderstanding.

Thus, one of the main requirements of the culture of speech is the requirement to distinguish between functional varieties, representing which language varieties should be selected in accordance with the objectives of communication.

Each style is characterized by the goal of communication, a set of language means, genres in which it exists.

The development of a particular style is associated with the development of expressions, language forms, structures most suitable for the purposes of communication in a specific social environment, for the most effective expression at the same time of certain thoughts.

Functional styles are exposed to intrastile differentiation. For example, scientific style is divided into littered: self-scientific, scientific and technical, etc. It takes into account the subject - biology is or medicine, economics or engineering graphics, as well as a genre and method of presentation - abstract, lecture, monograph.

All functional styles appear in oral and in writing.

In practical application, there is often a mixture of styles that begin to interact with each other. This process is called a "speech stream." To understand the style of the text, you need to highlight the main style direction.

Style wealth makes Russian flexible and strong, emotional and stringent.

A special place is occupied by literary and artistic style. The main distinguishing feature of the language of fiction is its intended: the whole organization of language means is subordinated not only to the transfer of content, but to transfers with artistic means, creating an artistic image reflecting the world and man in it. For this purpose, dialects, and spacious, and jargon can be used in the artistic work. It is a language of feelings, emotional experiences, philosophical logical conclusions, he transfers the birth of the process of thought, "the flow of consciousness" of a person. Russian literature has always been a carrier of spiritual principles of the Russian people and closely connected with his language.

The language of fiction has an impact on the development of a literary language. It is writers that form the norms of the literary language in their works. The works of fiction use all the possibilities of the national language, therefore the language of fiction is exclusively rich and flexible. "And the weather is gorgeous! Air quiet, transparent and fresh. Night dark, but you can see the whole village with its white roofs and streams of smoke, walking out of pipes, trees, silver plated by Ineum, Sugro. All the sky is sleeping with fun flashing stars, and the Milky Way is so clear, as if it washed him before the holiday and raised snow, "so amazing just, for sure, poetically wrote A.P. Chekhov.

Comportable household style is used not only in everyday life, but also in the professional field. In everyday life, it has oral and writing, in the professional sphere - only oral.

Conversational speech is characterized by the fact that its features are not fixed. Spoken speech - a questioned speech. Her signs are unpreparedness, unofficiality, participation of communications. Also, this style does not require strict logic, sequence of presentation. But it is inherent in the emotionality of expressions, an assessment character, some familiarity. For example, in the fairy tale V.M. Shukshina "To third roosters": "No," the librarian said, "I think it's a millet. He's a goat ... let's go better, so? Then let's go to Vladik ... I know that he is a ram. But he has "Grundic" - sit ... Yes, I know that they are all goats, but it is necessary to somehow shoot time! .. I do not understand anything, "someone said quietly ... Not that Onegin, not that Chatsky - his neighbor, ... Looks like a broom. Bakes smiled. - The zoo is collected. "

Conversational speech uses neutral vocabulary, emotionally painted words, expressive vocabulary. There are many appeals, diminishing words, the word order is free. Offers are more simple in design, sometimes incomplete, unfinished. (- Will you go for a test? - Well ...) they often contain subtext, irony, humor of the speaking. Spoken speech is exclusively rich and carrying many phraseological revolutions, comparisons, proverbs and sayings. It is to constantly update and rethinking language means. Knowledge of speech etiquette plays a big role, extra-speaking factors: Mimic, gestures surrounding the environment.

Currently, the science-style scope is constantly expanding, because science is the most important factor in the development of society. In everyday life, in professional activities, a person meets with the results of scientific research, scientific and technical achievements.

As part of the scientific style of speech, depending on the nature of the addressee and the objectives of communication, the following was formed:

actually scientific, scientific and information, scientific and reference, educational and scientific, popular.

All of them combines exact, logical and unambiguous expression of thoughts. The following features are characterized for them: the abstract generalization, the underlined logicality of the presentation, objectivity, accuracy.

Scientific style is a book style that uses special vocabulary and terminology. The lexical composition of scientific style is characterized by relative homogeneity and closedness. There is no vocabulary with conversational and spacious color. It is not characteristic of the evaluation and emotionality. Texts provide definitions of concepts and phenomena. Scientific-style texts contain formulas, graphs, tables, calculations, photos.

For example: "The organizational decision is a choice that the manager should do to fulfill the duties caused by his post. The purpose of the Organization Solution is to ensure movement to the tasks assigned to the organization. Therefore, the most effective organizational decision will be the choice that will be actually implemented and will contribute to the achievement of the ultimate goal "(" Fundamentals of Management "M. Meson, M. Albert, F. Heduri.)

For official-business style, the main field of functioning is administrative and legal activities. It is divided into the littered: diplomatic (Convention, note, Memorandum), Legislative (Law, Constitution, Charter, Acts), management (actually official-business) (statements, order, power of attorney, etc.). Its characteristic feature is standardization, stamp, sample. Official-business style is distinguished by clear, not leaving the ambiguity of the wording. Nothing should remain in the subtext.

This style uses neutral vocabulary and book. For this style, the form of the text that suggests certain elements is characteristic. Features of official-business style are fixed in GOST and manuals, which ensures a high level of standardization and unification of texts of business documentation.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Take greetings and best wishes on New Year's Eve. We use the case to thank you for pleasant cooperation. Regards

president of P.P. Petrov

Publicistic style is inherent in periodical printing, political and judicial speeches. It is used to illuminate and discuss topical problems and phenomena of the current life of society, to develop a public opinion. Its feature is existence not only in verbal, but also graphic, visual, photo, movies, television forms. One of its main functions is informational. At the same time, the works of this style perform the function of exposure, effect on the masses. It is characterized by simplicity, availability of presentation, elements of declarativeness. It uses vocabulary, speech turnover, syntax that gives speech expressiveness, unusual, voltage. An important role is played by emotional means of expressiveness - epithets, metaphors, repeats, etc.

Published style uses language agents inherent in scientific and official-business style, colloquial speech and language of fiction. It seeks imagery and at the same time to brevity. Samples can be seen by taking a newspaper or magazine, as well as watching television programs or listening to the radio.

1. Do I need to own the basics of culture of speech? The main qualities of the culture of speech.

2. Functional styles and their proper use.

3. Reply to the first question using various styles.

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Section 2 literary language and speech culture

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Lecture 2 norms in modern Russian is an indicator of purity, correctness, accuracy of speech plan1. The concept of the norm of language.2. Normal options.3. Orphoepic, morphological, syntactic, lexical. "Difficult this Russian language, dear citizens! I am the other day

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Culture of Russian speech and ecology

The culture of speech in its traditional understanding is the degree of ownership of the literary language (its standards, stylistic, lexical and grammatical and semantic resources) in order to the most effective communication in various conditions of communication.

The environmental approach to the issues of culture of speech, speech communication implies a responsible attitude towards national language traditions, education of effective love for his native language, care for his past, present and future.

All this is the essence of the environmental aspect of the culture of speech.

The state of speech culture of society at the present stage

The development and state of a given language is inextricably linked with the economic, cultural and political state of the people, which is its carrier. All stormy linguistic changes in modern Russia are caused by social, economic and political changes, the rapidness of which causes the impression of language cataclysms. This circumstance gives grounds to many people, including linguists, talk about damage, decay, decomposition, crisis, decay of the modern Russian language and raise the question of its conservation and salvation.

Lingvo-environmental monitoring allows you to judge some unhealthy phenomena and mass speech trends. On the one hand, our everyday understanding of the word crisis (a sharp deterioration, threatening existence) seems to give certain reasons to talk about it - in Russian there is a huge number of foreign words, jargonisms, in everyday communication, the rudeness is spread, the mate, the mate is growing and illiteracy in all spheres. But, on the other hand, on the contrary, the Russian language is now experiencing a period of intensive development. Intensive changes in the language are always closely associated with changes in social. The more significant the latter, the more intense changes in the language.

The most important (if not basic, then, in any case, the most obvious) source of a new vocabulary - borrowing (mostly from the American version of English): image, killer, mainstream, notable, online, paparazzi, popcorn, price, Press release, promoter, remix, website, securiti, sequel, single, slogan, tamagochki, talk show, tranche, holding, exclusive and many other, varying degrees of rally, with many frequency words, mainly terms of computer science, used in texts modern newspapers, magazines, business literature in writing by Latin, which demonstrates their insufficient language of language (UNIX, Notebook, BMW, CD, CD-ROM, COCA-Cola, Hi-Fi, IBM, Mass-Media, On-Line, Pentium, PR, VIP, Windows).

Another new language phenomenon is also found, testifying to the initial stage of the development of foreign language vocabulary by the Russian language - combined (Latin and Cyrillic) writing in comprehensive words (IBM compatible, PR-share, PR business, PR manager, VIP client, VIP- Room, VIP event, Web site, Web page, Web server), as well as some words formed from a foreign language word on the word-forming model of the Russian language (pringer, Vipovsky, etc.).

This lexical material is extremely important for linguistic science and for modern linguistic consciousness, as it gives the opportunity to "grab" the moment of contacting two multilingual systems and fix the very first step towards the word borrowing process.

Increasingly, "O-Kay", Wow invade his native Russian speech. We no longer have operators, receivers, agents, administrators, personnel. All - managers, distributors, promoters, providers, merchandisers, marketers, dealers, hedgenthers, hackers.

Many consider foreign vocabulary more attractive, prestigious, "scientist", "beautifully sounding." For example:

exclusive - exceptional;

the top model is the best model;

price list - Price List;

production - (Cinema) Production;

tineger - teenager;

baby - child, baby;

security - guard;

xerox - a copy machine, and even more in Russian - "multiplier."

The latter of the mentioned words causes special concerns, for it has already managed to harm a lot: in Russian there have been such words as "discharge" (propagate).

Or, for example, "Babicitter" - (eng. Baby "- a child," Sit "- sit) - in Russian" Nanny ". Bebiscitting is a child care process. This word cuts the rumor and difficult to write, too long, intact, in it there is a double consonant "T". It is much clearer to consume the simple Russian word "nanny".

The massive nature of borrowing, their intensity and the rapidness of adaptation in Russian causes an extremely negative response of many members of society, usually those whose professional activities are somehow related to the word: teachers, translators and some linguists. There is even an opinion on the "Language Intervention".

It can be noted a number of phenomena to which active borrowing has led:

1. There is no single spelling appearance of many words (Town House, Big Mac, Fast Food, Laptop, Skateboard).

2. The abundance of illiterate documentation due to the contamination of Russian and Anglo-American spelling models (consumption of capital / lowercase letters: performer, founder, director, etc.)

3. Contamination of pronunctural standards, in particular, in abbreviations (NLP - EN EL PI).

4. The appearance of two-member anthroponymics in the official nomination instead of the TRUE-adopted ("Peter Tchaikovsky", "Alexander Pushkin", etc., instead of adopted in Russian speech etiquet.) Handling only by name, practiced in the business environment, implicitly underestimates the social status of a person.

Language cannot develop in self-insulation, and borrowing always appear in the language, but the invasion of foreign language vocabulary has recently accepted the size of the national catastrophe. Those. The interaction of languages \u200b\u200bis a historically legitarious process, but it should not lead to self-destruction of whole nations, to artificial change in the norms.

Observations show that this period is mostly over. Now new words appear little, Russian people have already accustomed to many borrowing. However, we see that the crisis of speech culture is observed in Russia. Modern culture lost the concept of the word-shrine, about the speech-shrine, pushed the high speech patterns in the form of liturgical speech and the speech of Russian classical literature on the periphery. The development of the fundamental dictionary occurs without the disclosure and experience of spiritual content and historically inherent in the native word meaning. All this inevitably leads to incorrect ideas about the past of the people, about his spiritual and practical experience, about his self-consciousness, it makes it difficult to correctly assess the phenomena of cultural life.

Culture of speech is a speech that meets the standards of a literary language, appropriate in one way or another. Culture of speech suggests that people pay attention to how they say. Negregation to the culture of speech, the loss of control over its speech in many people of various social and professional groups is the crisis of speech culture.

Literary language - the basis of speech culture.


    Oral and written speech.

    Varieties of oral speech.

The basis of the culture of speech is the literary language. It constitutes the highest form of the national language. This is the language of culture, literature, the formation of media.

The literary language serves various spheres of human activity. We will call the main of them: politics, science, culture, verbal art, education, legislation, official-business communication, informal communication of native speakers (domestic communication), interethnic communication, printing, radio, television.

If a comparison of the kind of national language (spacious, territorial and social dialects, jargon), then the literary language plays a leading role among them. It includes optimal ways to designate concepts and objects, expressions of thoughts and emotions.

There is constant interaction between the literary language and non-leaturated varieties of the Russian language. Brighter this is found in the sphere of spoken speech. Thus, the pronunciation features of a dialect can characterize the spoken speech of people who own the literary language. In other words, educated cultural people sometimes retain the features of a dialect, for example, Okane (Northerne), (y) fricatable (southerners). And the pronunciation of unstressed (a) after solid hissing z (a) of the Republic of Armenia, W (a) is the lack of assimilative softening, which is widely distributed in speech carriers of the literary language, are currently becoming the norm for the literary language.

Jargon influence conversational speech, especially in the field of vocabulary. For example, such jargon words are widely used, how to fall through, falling down (on the exam), two-room (coin), swim at the board (badly responding) and others.

Finally, speaking speech is experiencing the influence of the book styles of the literary language. In live direct communication speakers can use terms, foreign language vocabulary, words from official-business style (functions, react, absolutely, of principle, etc.)

The scientific linguistic literature highlighted the main signs of the literary language. These include:

Procescence (according to the figurative expression of M. Gorko, the literary language is a language treated with word masters, i.e. writers, poets, scientists, public figures);

Stability (stability);

Obligation for all native speakers;


The presence of functional styles.

The Russian literary language exists in two forms - oral and written. Each form of speech has its own specifics.

Oral speech:

This is a speech sounding, it uses a system of phonetic and promotional means of expression;

It is created in the process of speaking;

For her, verbal improvisation and some language features are characterized (freedom in the choice of vocabulary, the use of simple proposals, the use of motivating, questioning, exclamation of various kinds, repetitions, the incompleteness of the expression of thoughts).

Written speech:

This is a speech graphically fixed;

It can be thought out in advance and corrected;

For it, some language features are characterized (the predominance of book vocabulary, the presence of complex prepositions, suffering structures, strict observance of language norms, the absence of off-language elements, etc.)

In one of the numbers of the journalist, a small note reader called "Promahi?" Was published. The author drew attention to one curious detail. When in print materials are given interviews, conversations, meetings for a round table, then not always taken into account the features of oral speech. Talking about one interview with the poet, the reader writes:

"Beginning as a beginning: the poet notes that the editor of his first book was Efim Zozul. I emphasize: Efim. So it should be in a living conversation. And then: "He was the head of the litobyl charge under the journal in which M. Aliger, Evg. Dolmatovsky, M. Matusovsky, and so on. So the poet and says: "Evg. Dolmatovsky"? Do not believe. Probably, the poet said simply: "Dolmatovsky" or "Evgeny Dolmatovsky". I repeat: the conversation is (journalist, 1982, 1982, p.60).

Unfortunately, even in public speeches, some speakers instead of the name-midstitude can sometimes use initials. This is definitely unacceptable, causes a negative response of listeners.

Oral speech is different from writing also the character of the addressee. Written speech is usually facing missing. The one who writes does not see his reader, and can only mentally imagine him. A written speech is not affected by the reaction of those who read it. On the contrary, oral speech suggests the presence of a source. Talking and listening not only hear, but also see each other. Therefore, oral speech often depends on how it is perceived. The reaction of approval or disapproval, replicas of listeners, from a smile and laughter - all this can affect the nature of speech, change it depending on this reaction.

Talking creates, creates his speech immediately. It works at the same time on the content and form. The writing has the ability to improve your written text, return to it, change, correct.

The nature of perception of oral and written speech is different. Written speech is designed for visual perception. During reading, there is always the opportunity to re-read the incomprehensible place several times, make statements, clarify the values \u200b\u200bof incomprehensible words, check the correctness of the understanding of individual terms according to the dictionaries. Oral speech is perceived by hearing. To reproduce it again, special technical means are needed. Therefore, oral speech should be built and is organized in such a way that its content immediately understood and easily digested by listeners.

This is what I wrote about the different perception of oral and written speech by I.andronnikov in the article "Word written and said":

"If a person comes to a love date and read his beloved explanation for a piece of paper, she marks him. Meanwhile, the same note sent by mail can touched it. If the teacher reads the text of his lesson by the book, this teacher has no authority. If the agitator enjoys the crib all the time, it may know in advance, it does not comply with such a nobody. If a person in court starts testing on a piece of paper, no one will believe these testimony. A bad lecturer is the one who reads, bolding his nose into the manuscript brought from the house. But if you print the text of this lecture, it may be interesting. And it turns out that it is boring not because there is bad, but because the written speech replaced the living speech in the department.

What is the case? It seems to me that the written text is a mediator between people, when there is no live communication between them. But if the author here and can speak himself, written text becomes with interference. "

Oral speech varieties:

The oral form of the literary language is represented in two kinds of varieties: conversational speech and codified speech.

Conversational speech serves such a linguistic communication sphere for which the relaxation of communication is characteristic; informality of relations between speaking people; Inappropriate speech; Direct participation of speaking communications; oral form as the main form of implementation; a strong support for out-of-voice communication, leading to the fact that an out-of-voice situation becomes an integral part of communication, "complied with" into speech; use of non-verbal means of communication (gestures and facial expressions); The principal possibility of changing and listening (14,12).

The listed features have a great influence on the choice of verbal and non-verbal means of communication for colloquial speech. For example, to the question "Well, how?" Depending on the specific situation, the answers can be the most different: "Five", "met", "got", "lost", "unanimously". Sometimes instead of a verbal answer, it is enough to make a hand gesture, give your face the right expression and the interlocutor it is clear that I wanted to say a partner.

In contrast to the conversational, codified speech is usually used in the official spheres of communication (symposia, congresses, conferences, meeting, etc.) most often it is pre-prepared (performances with a lecture, a report, message, etc.) and far from Always relies on an off-language situation. For codified speech, a moderate use of non-verbal means of communication is characteristic.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FGOUOU VPO "Northeast Federal

university named after M. K. Ammosova "

Mountain Institute, Department "Emergency Protection"

Abstract on the topic:

"Modern Russian literary language

as the basis of the culture of the speech of the Russian people "

Performed: Student of the CH-14 Group

Popova Maria Semenovna

Checked the teacher: Starostina A. S.

Yakutsk 2014.




Without a doubt, the Russian language is the National language of the Russian people. This is the language of science and culture. In the alignment of words, their meanings, the meaning of their compounds initially contains that information about the world and people, which comes to the spiritual wealth created by many generations of ancestors.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky wrote: "Each word of the language, each of his form is the result of the thought and sense of a person, through which he reflected in the word nature of the country and the history of the people." The history of the Russian language, according to V. Kyhehelbecker, "will reveal ... the nature of the people speaking on it." Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol about Russian once said: "There is no word, which would be so painfully, Boyko, would have crashed out from under the heart herself, it would have been boiling and lived as the rivant Russian word." Many more phrases and quotes can be given as an example.

I believe that all the instruments of the language help the most accurate, clearly, figuratively and clearly express the most complex, important and necessary thoughts and feelings of people, all the variety of the world around us. Therefore, today, in the 21st century, it is relevant to talk about the peculiarities of the Russian national language, which includes not only the normalized literary language, but also folk dialects, the integral forms of the language. Education and development of the national language is a complex and very long process occurring over time.

Literary language is a nationwide language of writing, language of official and business documents, schooling, written communication, science of journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form (written and oral). The literary language is a language of literature in a broad sense. It is based on the basis of the national language and is obliged to maintain its internal unity in the difference in the means of expression used. The norm of the language is the generally accepted use of language funds, rules that determine exemplary use. I am close to the problem of the protection of the literary language and its norms, which is directly one of the main tasks of the culture of speech.

The culture of speech can be interpreted from the standpoint of the general culture of a person who, in my opinion, manifests itself and is detected in the "speech behavior", in the knowledge of language artistic wealth, in the ability to use them. On the other hand, the culture of speech can be meaningful and in an environmental aspect - as part of our healthy "language environment", our "speech existence", freed from gross mistakes, from annoying inaccuracies, and from everything that clogs, harvested, stylistically reduces Our speech.

Therefore, I believe that modern Russian is not only the national language of the Russian people, but also the basis of the culture of the speech of every person.

Thus, the purpose of writing this work is to study the actual problems of culture of speech, try to determine the place of the Russian language in the modern multinational world.

In the process of work, the following tasks were put forward:

Consider the position of the Russian language in the modern world;

Give the definition of the Russian language as national;

Determine the concept of the Russian literary language;

Examine regulatory, communicative, ethical aspects of speech culture.

The object of research is the problems of forming a culture of speech personality.

Subject of research: Modern Russian literary language as the basis of culture of the speech of the Russian people.

Structurally, it consists of four chapters, introduction, conclusions, literature of literature.

The position of the Russian language in the modern world

To determine the position of the Russian language in the modern world and the attitude towards him from the peoples of other countries, it is necessary to comprehend the social, political, economic phenomena that occurred in our country.

In the 20th century, Russia survived two major shocks: revolutionary coup in 1917 and the restructuring of the 90s. As a result of the revolution, the powerful Totalitarian state of the USSR was created with all the attributes characteristic of it. The restructuring led to the collapse of the USSR, the restoration of the Russian Federation as an independent state, democratization of society, the statement of publicity, the openness of interstate relations and relations. russian language culture speech

In the first period, interest in the Russian language worldwide increased unusually increased. He was taken to perceive as a language of the Great Power, centuries-old culture and richest literature, as one of the most informative languages \u200b\u200b(60-70% of world information is published in English and Russian).

The Soviet state did a lot to strengthen the role of Russian as one of the languages \u200b\u200bof world importance. In all the republics of the USSR, there were quite a few schools in which all teaching was conducted in Russian. Since 1938, Russian as a mandatory subject has been studied in all national schools. As a result, the number of people in non-Russian nationality, which owns the Russian language increased every year. In 1989, the unusual, fluent Russian languages, was 87.5 million people.

A huge thrust for the study of the Russian language worldwide contributed to the creation of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (Mapryal) in 1967. The task of this organization is to combine the teachers of the Russian language abroad, to provide them with methodological assistance, to promote the publication of textbooks, various training materials, dictionaries. Since 1967, the magazine "Russian abroad" begins to go. In 1973, the Institute of Russian Language opens. A.S. Pushkin. This is an educational and research center. It develops the latest methods of teaching Russian to foreigners, textbooks, dictionaries, movies and other Russian language benefits are being created for foreigners; Accepted in graduate school, doctoral studies, on courses to improve the qualifications of foreign russists, to internships for foreign students.

An important role in the propaganda of the Russian language is played by the Russian language published in 1974, which mainly specializes in the publication of various educational literature, especially dictionaries for learning Russian as a foreign language.

In many universities in the country, starting from the 60s, foreigners began to come to acquire one or another specialty and master the Russian language. The number of coming every year increased.

After the collapse of the USSR, when the Allied Republics became independent states, there was a revaluation of many former values, which led to a noticeable decline in interest in Russian in these states.

The negative attitude towards the Russian language was shown in the Baltic countries: in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the state language is only the corresponding national language. Teaching in Russian and the study of Russian language are sharply reduced in schools and universities. They cease to publish scientific and social and political literature in Russian, use it when issuing production and economic and official documentation.

Unfortunately, the tendency to reduce the influence of the Russian language, its study and operation as a language of interethnic communication is also observed in other former allied and autonomous republics. In their media, the Russian language is beginning to call the "imperial language", "tongue of totalitarianism", "the language of the occupants".

However, as you know, life makes its own adjustments. The post-transferee period becomes obvious that Russian is needed for peoples of both Russia and for the Union of Independent States. The famous writer Abkhaz Fazil Iskander wrote in the newspaper "Arguments and Facts": "The Russian language historically united all of us, we understood each other through it. Now there is a transition of republics, peoples to communicate with the means of their national language. This puts obstacles in the development of culture, art, economy, in communicating people with each other. And ultimately leads to the tragic results that we have today. "

A sober attitude towards the Russian language, an understanding of its importance for the peoples of sovereign states, for the development of their culture, economics, trade and industrial relations determine the language policy in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia. "We have all the Kazakhs," says President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, "Russian language knows perfectly, and this is an advantage, we, Kazakhs, never have to lose. Honored Science of Yakutia, Professor N.G. Samsonov in the book "Russian language on the threshold of the 20th century" (Yakutsk, 1998) speaks of the meaning of the Russian language for the existence and further development of languages \u200b\u200bof other nations: "The presence of an intermediary language does not mean coagulation of the functions of national languages. On the contrary, the comprehensive economic and cultural cooperation of nations, the exchange of scientific, political and economic knowledge leads to mutual enrichment of national languages, leads them in line with the current level of public progress. The dignity of the people is not in ethnic self-insulation, but in spiritual discrepancy, in the interdecessing of peoples, in joint equal work. "

Russian continues to play an important historical role in language development, is of great interest in the modern world. According to the testimony of publications in the Russian press, the number of US citizens, France, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Korea, who has begun to learn Russian and literature has recently increased several times. Along with English, French, Spanish, Chinese Russian is among the official international languages \u200b\u200bof the UN and many political, economic and scientific organizations.

Language function

The question of language functions is closely related to the problem of the origin of the language. What are the reasons what kind of living conditions of people contributed to his emergence, its formation? What is the purpose of the language in the life of society? Not only linguists, but also philosophers, logic, psychologists were looking for answers to these questions.

The emergence of the language is closely related to the formation of a person as a thinking creature. The language emerged naturally and is a system that is necessary to simultaneously with an individual (separate person) and society (collective). As a result, the language by nature is multifunctional.

Thus, the language helps people share experiences, transfer their knowledge, organize any work, to build and discuss joint activities.

The language also serves as a means of consciousness, contributes to the activities of consciousness and reflects its result. The language participates in the formation of the thinking of the individual (individual consciousness) and the thinking of society (public consciousness). This is a cognitive function.

The development of the language and thinking is the interdependent process. The development of thinking contributes to the enrichment of the language, new concepts require new items; Improving language entails improving thinking.

The language, moreover, helps to maintain and transfer information, which is important for both a separate person and for the whole society. In written monuments (chronicles, documents, memoirs, fiction, newspapers), in oral folk art, the life of the nation is recorded, the history of the speakers of this language is recorded. In this regard, there are three main features of the language:


cognitive (cognitive, gnoseological);

accumulative (epistemic).

Additional functions are manifested in speech and are determined by the structure of the speech act, i.e. The presence of addressees, addressee (communication participants) and a conversation subject. Let's call two functions: emotional (expresses the inner state of the speaker, his feelings) and the voluntative (influence function on the listeners).

Since ancient times, it is known about the magic function of the language. This is due to the idea that some words, expressions have a magical force, are able to change the course of events, influence the behavior of a person, his fate. In the religious and mythological consciousness, such force, first of all, the formulas of prayers, spells, conspiracy, burns, curses are possessed.

Since the language serves as a material and form of artistic creativity, it is legitimate to talk about the poetic function of the language. Thus, the language performs a wide variety of functions, which is explained by its use in all spheres of life and human activity and society.

Russian language - National language of the Russian people

The language is created by the people and serves it from generation to generation. In its development, the language passes several stages and depends on the degree of development of the ethnos (Greek. Ethnos - people). At an early stage, a tribal language is formed, then the native language and, finally, national.

The national language is formed on the basis of the nation language, which ensures its relative stability. It is the result of the process of becoming a nation and at the same time a prerequisite and condition of its formation.

By nature, the National Language is heterogeneous. This is explained by the heterogeneity of the ethnos itself as the commonality of people. First, people are united by territorial sign, the place of residence. As a means of communication, residents of the countryside use a dialect - one of the varieties of the national language. The dialect, as a rule, is a combination of smaller units - govors who have general linguistic features and serve as a means of communication of residents nearby villages, farms. Territorial dialects have their own characteristics that are found at all levels of the language: in sound strictly, vocabulary, morphology, syntax, word formation. The dialect exists only orally.

The presence of dialects is the result of feudal fragmentation during the formation of ancient Russia, then the Russian state. In the era of capitalism, despite the expansion of contacts between carriers of different dialects, and the formation of a national language, territorial dialects persist, although they undergo some changes. In the 20th century, especially in the second half, in connection with the development of the media (printing, radio, cinema, television, intervision), the process of degradation of dialects, their disappearance is. The study of dialects is of interest:

from a historical point of view: dialects keep archaic features, not reflected literary languages;

from the point of view of the formation of a literary language: on the basis of which major dialect and then a nationwide language was a literary language; What features other dialects borrow; How affects the literary language to dialects and how dialects affect the literary language.

Secondly, the association of people contributes to social reasons: the community of profession, occupation, interests, social status. For such socios, a social dialect is served as a means of communication. Since the social dialect has a lot of varieties, the terms of jargon, Argo also serve in scientific literature for their name.

Jargon - Social and professional groups of people. It uses sailors, electric cars, computer, athletes, actors, students. Unlike territorial dialects, the jargon has no phonetic and grammatical features characteristic of it. For Zhargon, the presence of specific vocabulary and phraseology.

Some cladding words and stable expressions are distributed and used to give speech expressiveness and expressivity. For example: homeless, bomzer, breakrike, green, grandmother, biker, party, chaos, walk to the handle, take on the gun. Separate words and phrases are currently not perceived as jargon, as they have long entered the literary language and belong to conversational or neutral. For example: Cheat sheet, mood, rocker, sneakers, to be in shock.

Sometimes I synonym for the word Jargon is used by the word Argo. So, for example, they talk about student, school argo, meaning jargon.

The main purpose of Argo is to make a question incomprehensible for strangers. This is primarily interested in the society: thieves, fraudsters, shuilers. Vocational Argo existed. It helped artisans (tailors, tinsmiths, rustles ...), as well as to blasting traders (boxes who sold the small goods to the velocity and the rotation in small towns ,: villages, villages) when conversation with their hide from extraneous secrets of the crafts, secrets of their business.

IN AND. Dahl In the first volume of the "intelligent dictionary" in an article with a capital word of the affair, the offen leads a sample of the argotical speech of merchants: a root to brought, half-dimensional, loose smoke spied. This means: it's time to sleep, midnight, the roosters soon drown.

In addition to territorial and social dialects, the National Language includes the surprise.

The spaciousness is one of the forms of the National Russian language, which has no own signs of a systemic organization and is characterized by a set of language forms that violate the norms of the literary language. Such a violation of the norms of the spaciousness (citizens with a low level of education) are not realized, they do not catch, do not understand the differences between non-lectured and literary forms.

Spatrical are considered:

in phonetics: chauffeur, put, sentence; Ridiculitis, colidor, carpet, dronela;

in morphology: my corn, with a jumped, doing, on the beach, driver, without a fort, fucked, lying, lodges;

in vocabulary: Substitution instead of a pedestal, semi-cylinder instead of a clinic.

The closeness, as territorial and social dialects, has only oral form.

The concept of the Russian literary language

The highest form of the national language is a literary language. It is presented in oral and writing. It is characterized by the presence of rules that cover all levels of language (phonetics, vocabulary, morphology, syntax). The literary language serves all spheres of human activity: politics, culture, office work, legislation, domestic communication.

The norms of the literary language are reflected in the dictionaries: orthoepic, spelling, sensible, dictionaries of difficulties, phrases.

The literary language has two forms - oral and written. They differ in four parameters:

Form of implementation.

Attitude to the addressee.

Cleaning form.

The nature of perception of oral and written speech.

When implementing each of the forms of the literary language, the writing or speaking is selected to express his thoughts of the word, the combination of words is proposals. Depending on which material is based on, it acquires a book or colloquial. It also distinguishes a literary language as the highest form of the national language from its other varieties. Compare for example of the proverb: The desire is stronger than coercion and hunting in the forest. The idea is the same, but decorated in different ways. In the first case, the exclusive nouns are used (desire, coercion), which give speech booking, in the second, the words hunting, the forest, attaching the shade of part. It is not difficult to assume that the first proverb will use the diplomatic dialogue in a scientific article, and in a relaxed conversation - the second. Consequently, the selection of communication determines the selection of the language material, and in turn generates and determines the type of speech.

Book speech is based on the standards of the literary language, their violation is unacceptable; Proposals should be completed, logically connected with each other. Book speeches are not allowed sharp transitions from one thought that is not brought to the logical end to another. Among the words there are distracted, book words, including scientific terminology, official-business vocabulary.

Spoken is not so stronger in compliance with the norms of the literary language. It is allowed to use forms that qualify in dictionaries as conversational. The text of such a speech prevails common vocabulary, spoken; Preference is given to simple proposals, involved in involvement and verbal turns.

So, the functioning of the literary language in the most important areas of human activity; the various means of transmitting information in it; the presence of oral and written forms; The distinction and opposition of book and spoken speech - all this gives reason to consider the literary language of the highest form of the national language.

I want to draw your attention to the features that characterize the functioning of the literary language at the beginning of the XXI century.

First, it was never so numerous and diverse the composition of the mass communication participants.

Secondly, the official censorship almost disappeared, so people more freely express their thoughts, their speech becomes more open, confidential, relaxed.

Thirdly, the speech is beginning to prevail the spontaneous, spontaneous, not prepared in advance.

Fourth, the variety of situations of communication leads to a change in the nature of communication. It is exempt from a tough official, becomes greasy.

New conditions for the functioning of the language, the emergence of a large number of unprepared public speeches lead not only to the democratization of speech, but also to a sharp decrease in its culture.

On the pages of periodic printing, the speech of the educated people was poured by the flow of jargonisms, spaticrous elements and other extractive agents: grandmothers, pieces, piece, crawl, balders, pump, wash, disassemble, scroll through many others. Comething even in official speech were the words of a party, disassembly, chaos of the last word in the meaning of "not having a lawlessness" acquired special popularity.

For speaking, publicly speakers changed the measure of admissibility, if not to say it is completely absent. Crossing, "Mother Language", "Unprinting Word" today can be found on the pages of independent newspapers, free publications, in the texts of artistic works. In stores, in book fairs, dictionaries are sold, containing not only ferrous, thorough words, but also obscene.

There are many people who declare that Brand, the Materbiar is considered a characteristic, distinctive feature of the Russian people. If you turn to the interpretation of folk creativity, proverbs and sayings, it turns out that it is not entirely legitimate to argue that the Russian people consider Branj an integral part of their lives. Yes, the people are trying to somehow justify it, emphasize that Brand - the usual thing: the brain is not a stock, and without it not for an hour; Brank is not smoke - the eye is not impaired; Hard words break no bones. She, as it should even help in work, you will not cost it: do not burn out, you will not do business; Without wrapped, and the castle in the crate will not save.

But I think more is more important: arguing argue, and sin is sin; Do not bother: that comes from a person, it will come off; The brand is not a resin, and the sage is akin to: it does not break, so marates; From Brass, people dry, and with praise fat; I won't take the throat, I will not scream.

This is not only a warning, it is already a condemnation, it is a ban.

Russian literary language is our wealth, our heritage. He embodied the cultural and historical traditions of the people. We are responsible for his condition, for his fate.


Thus, the problem of the Russian literary language as the basis of the culture of the speech of the Russian people remains open. It will be solved only when everyone learn to respect himself and relative to others, when it will learn to defend his honor and dignity when it becomes a person when it does not matter what position he takes what his status. It is important that he is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Increasing the culture of oral and written speech, care for the correctness and purity of speech should be mandatory for a person who speaks publicly. Participate should be paid to the culture of speech communication in everyday life. It is important to always speak correctly, accurately, it is clear and understandable, to be able to clearly formulate thoughts, figuratively and emotionally express your attitude to the subject of speech.

If a person, for example, is used to incorrectly emphasize in the Word in everyday speech, then he, most likely, in habit, misinterpacing him and in the podium, even if there will be a sign of emphasis in the text of the speech in this word.

Thus, the Russian literary language is the basis of the culture of the speech of every person.

List of used literature

Barlas, L. G. Russian language: Stylistics / L. G. Barlas. - M.: Enlightenment, 1978.

Golovin, B. N. Basics of Speech Culture / B. N. Golovin. - M.: Enlightenment, 1980.

Gorbachevich, K.S. Regulations of the modern Russian literary language / K. S. Gorbachevich. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

Kovtunova, I. I. Modern Russian language: The order of words and the current change in the offer / I. I. Kovtunov. - M.: Enlightenment, 1976.

Koktev, N. N. Rtorika / N. N. Kokhev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1996.

Shansky, N. M. In the world of words / N. M. Shansky. - M.: Science, 1971.

Sergeev, V. N. Dictionaries - our friends and assistants / V.N. Sergeev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984.


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