Repairs Design Furniture

Help your own hand. Do it yourself - simple instructions for creating stylish and high-quality furniture (110 photos). Easy way to manufacture soft puffs

Sometimes I really want to update the interior, give him new style, and additional furniture items will become the most suitable assistants in this matter. And if the wardrobe or sofa is easier to buy in the store, then make the emblem with their own hands very simple.

Puffy came to us from the east many centuries ago, and immediately won popularity. In the nearby past, they occupied an important place in urban apartments with a small metro station, because at the same time served as a table, and a chair, and a foot stand.

At homemade deputies compared with shopping mass of advantages. You can choose a suitable form, size, color and type of material. In addition, in the manufacture of such a PUPPU, you can apply any techniques, and such a piece of furniture will cost you almost free.

Soft Puffy: Just and easily from the fact that at hand

Taketing for the manufacture of PUPPI, Tune in to the fact that with such a simple and easy work you will handle without any particular concerns, and we will help you with practical recommendations and tips. You will need:

  • Sewing machine;
  • The cloth;
  • Stuffing material;
  • Paper to apply pattern pattern.

To begin with, prepare the pattern using the scheme proposed below. Lines in and with on it indicate paper folds. Here is also shown how a pattern will look like in an expanded form.

    1. Take an explosion pattern and attach it to the fabric. You will need to cut 8 identical billets from the fabric. Not to spend money on new MaterialUse old clothes.
    2. On each billet, atten the sharp angle into 5-6 cm and step up so that after assembling the pouf, an octagonal opening remains in the top of which will be placed.
    3. Slow billets from the inside pairly to each other (during the cutting do not forget to leave points on the seam 1 cm over the size of the pattern). Thus, you will receive 4 details of 2 blanks, mediated on one side.
    4. Similarly, we are sewing 2 details: it will be two halves of your puff. Complete them with each other and remove the case.
    5. The finished cover of the pouf is typed by the selected material (it can even trim the fabric). Cut another item in the size of the remaining hole, process the edges and the trick manually.

Tip: Vene necessarily use for Purific Fabric of the same color. Multicolored Pufik will revive the interior, especially in a children's or teenage room.

Such a doctrine is very soft and easy, young children will be happy to play with him, and you may not take care of their safety.

An even more simple way of making PUPPIC

There is no time and desire to mess around with patterns, so we offer you another, very simple option.

  1. Cut from fabric 2 circles. Their diameter should be equal to the diameter of the top and bottom of the product. Do not forget to leave the allowance on the seam!
  2. Now cut 2 rectangular details of the same size. Their width will be the height of the pouf, and the length is half the length of the circle of the upper and lower parts.
  3. Rectangular parts Sustach with each other in one hand, to get a long tape. Note it one of the circles and make a seam. Do the same with the second round. If the seam turns out to be not smooth or neat, you can decorate it with a decorative border.

So you quickly and simply make a puff case that is easy to fill in any suitable material. It remains only to enhance the zipper into the non-refined edges of the rectangular tape.

Similarly, you can make a pouf in the form of a cube. The only difference is that the details must be square shape, and for the side of the sides will need four parts from the fabric, and not two. Complete the details among themselves, and in order to more clearly designate the cube Rib, use the canvas of the contrasting color. A denser fabric will give extra, elasticity and will help keep shape.

Please note: for packing such a pouf, a sintepon and foam rubber will fit perfectly. These materials are not deformed and perfectly hold the form.

The hole through which you will put the padding material, take the bottom of the trouser, so that it is imperceptible. Optionally, you can firmly tightly after the pouf will be naked, or insert a zipper in order to be able to replace the material if necessary.

Using Primary Means: Pinds of Plastic Bottles

This option will allow you to significantly save on the padding materials. Filling in the internal space of the PUPPIC is ensured by plastic bottles. So, you will need to be as follows:

  • Plastic bottles of the same shape and volume;
  • Dense cardboard (use cardboard boxes, just make sure that there is no damage to them);
  • or syntheps (you can also use the insulation or several layers of dense tissue);
  • Scotch;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors.

From the cardboard cut down two identical circles of the diameter you need - it will be the top and bottom of the POPI. Set the bottle to the bottom circle so that they fill out all the space and tight them tightly. Cover the top circle and rewatch the scotch again so that all the details are smoothly and tightly connected.

The basis is ready, now we proceed to the finishing of the PUPPIC.

  1. From the insulation (foam rubber), cut two circles and a rectangle. Details should be a bit more elements Basics, taking into account points on the seam. Connect them between themselves and screen with dense stitches.
  2. Case for your Purphination Sustrate the same principle as in the second paragraph of this article.
  3. You can add K. finished product Additional functional element in the form of stleship. It will make it easier for carrying and probably like children who will gladly wear such an infant with them as a toy.
  4. If you are planning to make an ottoman, which will be used yourself, take a more dense cloth for the cover and accumulate along the seams of the kaima. For children's Purphiff, you will need soft material with pinsy colors. It is advisable to use a more dense layer of foam rubber.

This ottoman is not only easy to perform. Having done it with your own hands, you get rid of yourself from the need to dispose of plastic bottles, and this is an excellent reason to participate in the fight for the purity of the environment!

New look at old things: make furniture from clothes

This is not a fairy tale and not fiction, the old sweater can really turn into an original ottoman, not only a very convenient, but also a noticeable element of the interior. Make such a piece of furniture is very simple, because the main condition is the original, bright, beautiful or funny pattern on the sweater, which you will use in your work.

So you will need:

  • Sweater, which you will not wear anymore, but it is a pity to throw it;
  • Scissors;
  • Threads and needle;
  • Felt;
  • Fabric for the cover (perfectly suitable lining material);
  • Penopyroslets for packing.

From the felt, cut the bottom of the Round or Square Punch. This item will serve as a primary workpiece. Take the sweater and remove the sleeves inward, the remaining holes are cut with a smooth seam. The workpiece from the felt will be set to the bottom of the sweater to get a bag-case.

Tip: Using one-photon sweaters with a large embossed mating, for example, rhombuses or braids, you will get an amazing classic vintage otfik, which will look great in any interior. Such knitted patterns are suitable for square and rectangular shape.

Now you need to prepare a lining tight tissue cover for fasteners. If your primary billet from felt round shape, You will need one cut of the tissue of the required size (for example, 50 cm wide and a length of 70 cm), if you decide to make a square emblection, then calculate the necessary sizes for four parts.

Sust all the details among themselves, and leave the bending from above for the lace, which the lace will delay after you fill it with a padding material. Fill the cover follows after you put it inside the sweater. Lace tighten as much as possible so that the filler will not wake up, straighten the sweater and enjoy the new interior item!

Non-standard solutions in the manufacture of aspirations

Soft deputies can be any shape, even spherical. It will be just a great option for which will be one of your favorite toys of your child.

Puffy-ball is easy enough to do it yourself, for this you need:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors;
  • Fabric S. high density, two colors;
  • Paper-millimeter for drawing pattern;
  • Polyethylene;
  • Silicone filler in the form of balls.

The process of creating a punch ball consists of such steps:

    1. First of all, you need to make a pattern on millimeter paper, observing the necessary dimensions. To facilitate the task, use some round item, for example, a large inflatable balloon or lamps for an outdoor lamp. Measure its circle, and the resulting size is divided by half. Each this number 5 parts with such a calculation so that 3 average and 2 extremes turned out the same size. You will get the diameter of the base in the form of a circle and the width of the bands that make up the puff-shaped case.
    2. Transfer the marked markup to the item that you selected, starting with the part in the form of a circle. The next line is lower than the previously calculated strip width.
    3. Take, cut it on one side and cut the bottom. Refract out and impose on the labels of the first strip, the edges fasten the scotch. Translate a quarter of the strip on polyethylene and cut out. In the same way, blank the part of the middle strip. Translate parts for millimeter paper before painting.
    4. Now the details of the Purphic need to carve out of the tissue of two colors, leaving 1 cm for allowance to seam. Still them into the stripes, while leaving one side is not stitched, and scroll the iron.
    5. Attach the first lane to the round part. The ends of the strip must come together with each other. Still them and connect the round base with a stitch with a stitch, retreating 1 cm from the edge.
    6. Sustrate the similar workpiece for the opposite side of the cover and dampen to the middle strip. At the same time, the ends of the middle strip do not drain. In the same way, take the second semicircular workpiece with middle lane And reveal the seams.

The case for Purphic Bowl is ready, you can only fill it with filler. So that the form is elastic, add the pieces inside small size. Hole close the secret seam.

Complete the task: Wooden baffick with a box for all trifles

If you have a skill in a carpenter, then you can easily make a fairly simple, but very beautiful and functional kettle with a tree box on wheels. In such an empty, you can fold toys, magazines, shoes or clothing. For him you will need:

  • laminated plate or chipboard sheet for the manufacture of a circle with a diameter of 30 cm and 4 rectangles of 40 x 33 cm;
  • 4 wooden bars with dimensions of 4 x 8 x 8 cm;
  • pVA glue;
  • furniture wheels - 4 pcs;
  • metal corners - 4 pcs;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • turning (screwdriver, drill);
  • foam for packing;
  • cloth for registration of the case;
  • sewing machine.

Take harvested in size plates chipboard And connect them to get a box of 40 x 40 cm wide and 30 cm high. Connection locations additionally melt glue.

Place the box in the lower corners. Secure them with self-reasons, missing glue for more reliable fastening. At these bars, attach furniture wheels. Install the lid with glue and screws.

Punch frame is ready, now you need to sew a case. Take a special furniture fabric, it is less wearing. On the shape of the lid, select the top of the capes, and the tissue strip is 10 cm along the contour. You can also shoot ruffles, drapering, canvas according to your taste.

Place the foam rubber layer on the PUPPI cover to ensure softness. Tension from above. Case. For its execution, you can use any fabrics and decorative elements.

Video about the creation of PUPPI do it yourself

As you can see, it's very easy to make the father-in-law with your own hands, and the photos that we placed in this article will help you. Share with us in comments by your experience in the manufacture of such pieces of furniture, and we will be happy to discuss with you all the subtleties and features of this work! Coach your home!

I will describe the master class how to make a soft otfik with your own hands so that he fit under the dressing table. The top has a removable tray and can be stored any accessories and tools for hair styling. For my wife, he became simply indispensable.

I remember the children's verse: "This deer is known that I took the place to place, only ..." That's how and my wife will never put his hairdressing devices in place, after she used them (she makes stacking at home) everything lies where it fell. So I decided to make her an ottoman to the storage of hairdressers, on which it would be convenient to sit at while she makes her hair.

I did into two levels inside the puf. The lower part made more, the upper tray has two compartments, we can put the essential tools there.

The height of the Pouf made such that it was convenient to sit in front of the mirror.
When there is no need for a need to put on the table that it would not interfere.

To make pouf do it yourself, we will need:
- 4 pieces of chipboard 400 x 400mm thick 16mm - front / rear, upper and lower wall;
- 2 parts from chipboard 368 x 400mm thick 16mm - side;
- 3 x 50 x 16 mm 368 mm (chipboard) - base;
- 2-pcs 260 x 360mm 12mm - front / rear container;
- 2pcs 260 x 336 mm 12 mm - side of the container;
- 1pc 248 x 336 mm 12mm - Lanka to divide the center of the container;
- 1 PC. 336 x 336 mm 12mm - main container;
- screws 50 mm, small wheels and screws 16 mm;
- 2 butt loops and 16mm and 30 mm screws;
- 2 meters of dense tissue;
- 1/2 meter of lining fabric (you can certainly use the remnants that remain from your main fabric);
- 2 meters of fine syntheps;
- PC. 400 x 400mm thin foam on top of a pouf;
- iron on the straps;
- sprayed glue;
- 4 x 30 mm screws 20 pcs.

- electric drill;
- Stapler;
- corner clamps;
- Roulette.

Work work - my father's hand master class

1 . Collect the heads of the front and rear to create the box shape. If you have special clamps, then you can use them.

2 . Drill 3mm hidden guide holes - 2 at the bottom on each side of the front and rear

3 . Fasten the base to the frame with screws along each side.

4 . Cut a piece of syntheps to wrap around the box side, leaving a little excess in the upper and lower part. Fasten one end of the synthetic winterizer to the box using the glue in the form of an aerosol.

5 . Take the end, and then wrap the syntheps around the box to attach the other end in the same way. All unnecessary cut to no irregularities.

6 . Pull the surplus syntheps in the upper and lower part. You need only a thin layer to soften the sharp corners that could ultimately tear fabric.

7 . Fold and attach one end of the fabric to wooden based Frames. You need to fix the fabric in the main places closer to the top, downstairs and the center to hold the fabric in place. Turn the emblem to wrap with the cloth, making sure that the fabric is holding the top and below.

8 . After you exactly know how much fabric is needed to overlap the edges, cut the surplus, but considering the bends. Fabric can be stapled to be more reliable.

9 . Making sure that the cloth is aligned with the edge of the box, if not, then everything corrects, only then can we assume that the emblem is finished.

10 . Now you can start wrapping and securing fabric to the base of the box. We start from the center of the one hand, and then go to the opposite direction. Repeat this procedure for two other sides. Hand, smooth fabric, from the center to the corners and stop at about 50 mm from each corner, so you have enough space to end the corners.

11 . Top edge you also bend and wrap up to fix the fabric to upper edge. Again, starting from the center in the direction at the corners, leaving the space for folding and refueling the corners so that the finish is neat. Carefully hand stretch the fabric up and on the sides to smooth and avoid any irregularities.

This is the end of the cab.

12 . Measure inside the box 280 mm and attach the bar using screws. It will be a support for the second container.

13 Conterener can be made both from 12mm thick chipboard and 16 mm. Collect the box as shown below.

Attached handles on the container. This is not necessarily, but still, glue them with epoxy glue, as the screws are too long.

To the box inside can be washed, we apply a pair of acrylic paint layers.

Go to the top cover of the puff


1 . Find the upper cover with sintepone and foam rubber, and cloth. Cut the edge of the synthetone to reduce the volume.

2 . Starting from any one hand, we are famous for fabric and crepim - ranging from the center. You stop about 100 mm from the corners, then to fix the angles well. Go to the opposite direction, and then repeat this process from two other sides.

Do not pull the fabric too tight when creating opposite sides.

3 . Left corners, carefully wrap.

4 . To hide some drawbacks at the bottom under the lid, you can use a piece of lining fabric cut in size (for this purpose you can use upholstered tissue).

5 . At the top to base, secure a loop, for this we use a small screwdriver. We make holes in the tissue before attaching the loop to the cover with 16mm screws and to the base using 30 mm screws.

I will say from my own experience, it is much easier to attach the loops to the lid, and then to the housing of the pouf.

The loops should be on the edge of the board. If they are installed differently, the lid will not cling.

On a note : In order to fix the cover from the full opening, I attached a chain to the top of the cover and to the housing of the pouf.

For the last, I attached 4 plastic legs to the base with 50 mm screws.

Quite often our favorite items we use relatively long lose their original appearance Or simply bored. Sometimes it happens that there is a desire to make repairs and update the interior of the room, but at the same time not to part with the favorite element of furniture, which in its style or color does not fit into new design. And if we are talking About objects such as soft puffs, it is enough to change their trim, and they are still long years Can delight you, making life comfortable and cozy. Obtaining a pouf with a new cloth and a soft lining, you get completely new subject The interior that will fully fit his style and your taste. If you do not know how to shepherd pouf alone, then this article is for you.

Our story will be useful for those homemade craftsmen who are going to sew a baffic of burlap, skin, old jeans with their own hands or make it from plywood and cover up the upholstery cloth. After reading the article, you will make sure that there are no special knowledge and experience in the furniture drawing to perform these processes. Owing elementary skills of cutting and knowing how to sew the details of the fabric, you can easily cope with the task.

For execution finishing work You will need the following tools and materials:

  • decorative fabric for upholstery;
  • cutting system or foam rubber;
  • furniture stapler;
  • glue gun;
  • sewing machine.

Choosing upholstery fabric

First you need to choose which stylistic solution will be from your new soft chairs. Depending on the style, I tighten the deputies with various tissue tissue texture - tapestry, suede, velor, velvet, eco leather, eco fur and other materials.

Furniture velor

So, for example, for classic design The pouf is superbly suitable, covered with atlas or cloth under the pass.

Atlas for puffing puffs

If you plan to arrange a room in an ethno style, then it will be very good to look at the pouf from the cargo.

Modern interior styles will be perfectly complemented original subjects Furniture made in the style of Patchwork.

Patchwork furniture

For the manufacture of such a cover, you will need several flap of dense tissue of contrasting colors, from which the same wedges should be cut and sehered. It turns out very bright and stylish sidewas for Purphif. The side sides of the cover for the chair can be cut from a monochrome tissue corresponding to the color of the colors of one of the flaps.

Stages of work

Take your old Pufik Or make a frame for a puff of chipboard or plywood sheets. In accordance with its dimensions, make patterns from the prepared fabric.

Making patterns

In the size of the seat, we cut the billet from the foam rubber.

We are tightening the cover

Next, you need to measure and sum up the width of all the side of the pouf. According to the measurements obtained, taking into account the height of the product cut out a piece of syntheps and we are cutting through the side parts. Fix the synthetic hinge using furniture stapler.

We are tightening the sidewols

For the convenience of performing these works, you can pre-apply special glue on the walls of the roof wall. In the same way, fasten the harvesting of the foam on the seat of the chair. Cut from upholstery fabric Patches Attach the stapler to a soft basis, converting the edges.

We apply a decorative pattern

In places connect the details, glue the appropriate decorative cord or apply a decorative pattern on the sidewalls.

Puff ready

Another way to update the Purphye with your own hands is a sewing cover from the selected material. This option will be more practical, since if necessary, it can be removed, wrapped and tighten to the pouf.

Update Czech

To do this, patterns from the fabric need to notice each other and strain on the sewing machine.

Making patterns

We sew all details

After all the details are saving among themselves, you need to cut off the excess cloth and smooth the seams of the seams with an iron.

Cut off the extra allowances of seams for a dense ability of the cover

The bottom edge must be brought to the typewriter or manually and also rejuvenate. Soak the cover and put on the pouf, painting the folds.

Wear a case

On this, the work on the updated puff is completely not completed - if you wish, it can be reappeted. For example, in the middle of the seating from the flaps you can sew a large button, after having covered it decorative material In the color of the side.

Pinds, covered with ruffles or lace, is perfect for a bedroom or a children's room for a girl.

Bedroom puff decor option

Suspended on the bottom of the fringe will look good on the product intended for the interior in the style of baroque or classics.

Puf with fringe in Baroque style

Replacing the upholstery for pear armchairs


If your favorite chair bag lost its former beauty due to wear of the fabric on the outer shell, then you have a restoration of Purphif. You, of course, you can throw it away and buy a new one, but believe me, the repair will be more pleasant and little costly than buying a new bag.

If the inner burlap is in good condition, and the filler did not give the shrinkage and still keeps the shape of the chair, then you can quickly update the product.

The easiest option is to remove the old case from the bag and, in accordance with the forms and sizes of its wedges, cut new billets from the fabric. To do this, choose a dense and strong material for a new external bag shell, we make the pattern and from the wrong side stitched with each other all the details. Then cut off all the excess fabric, we move the seams with an iron and turn the product. We enhance the lightning and renew your old Pear Pufyk, putting on it a new and beautiful external case.

By the same principle, you can sew a stylish and fashionable ottoman from old jeans. He will look pretty good in a children's room or a youth apartment. To do this, you will need several couples of unnecessary jeans and a huge desire to sew the empty from them.

Cut the pants along, suturing the seams we sort the flaps on the colors sew a one-piece canvas ready-made chair from jeans

If you already have a burlap with a filler, you can only make the pattern on paper, the examples of which can be found in the network without much difficulty, and transfer it to parts of pre-rugged on the seam of jeans.

When choosing a pattern, keep in mind that width wedges for the chair of the bag must be no more than the width of the pantian.

Now you know how to see the emblem at home with your own hands and can easily give new life Its old, but very beloved, soft and cozy furniture subjects.

The otfik is definitely - the desired thing in the house. But it's not a special need to buy it, as it is really easy to make it. For this procedure, you can use various home materials and some tools. To learn how to make round Puff do it yourself, it is worth considering some practical recommendations From experienced specialists, studying which you can come to the conclusion that it is forces to anyone.

The network has a huge number of options, how can you make a pouf with your own hands. Thanks independent action You can save a significant amount of funds and use infrid materials. The most popular ways are the following:

  • seat is plastic bottles;
  • puffing from the bucket;
  • from the coil from the cable.

Plastic Bottle Puff

A variant of plastic bottles is quite popular, as in almost every house they are, and there will be no problems with the source material. In addition, bottles are quite durable and durable. To make such an ottoman in the hallway, also need tape, foam rubber, thick cardboard or plywood and upholstery fabric.

It is important that the bottles are the same as in size and form and density. Their quantity depends on how much the volume pouf you want to do. But remember that the seat will be the stronger than the larger area of \u200b\u200bthe upper part.

Fold the bottle to the bottom and tightly tie them with a sticky ribbon. For the resulting diameter, cut four identical circles from cardboard or plywood. Two will go to the lid, and two on the bottom. So the design will be stronger. They also need to be attached with the help of tape. This is a blank.

Bottles connect with tape cards

Now it is necessary to make it soft. To do this, cut the fabulo cloth of the desired size and overtake the side of the PUPP. For the top cut the circle. The foam rubber can be replaced by Singyprun. The thicker layer, the better. Enclose material to the workpiece.

The surface of the resulting frame is closed with syntheps or foam rubber

The seat finish can be made of fabric, leatherette, decorate with ruffles and appliqué. Knitted cover Make the pencils unique. By using fantasy, you can create what you like more.

Another option is 2 large 10-liter plastic bottles. At one (bottom) you need to cut the neck and insert another into it. In the same way soft material And put on the case.

Plastic Bottle Puff Cutting one bottle and combine with the second for the base and seats cut circles from chipboard
Foambone for our BPPIM foam rubber on the seat Falcon on the seat side surface
For Niza, a circle is suitable from the leatherette, we make a cover from the material you like and stretch on the otfik

From bucket

Puffy from bucket

You can also make pouf with your own hands from the inventory that is no longer used for its intended purpose. It may be, for example, the old bucket. The principle is the same. Turn the bucket upside down, cover it on vatin or syntheps.

We glue the foambone to the sides

Put the appropriate round model upstairs. Soft material can be glued to hold more savory.

We glue the foam on the lid

Remove the handles in advance with the vest, otherwise they will interfere.

Sejk Czech

Sisting from pleasant to the touch material case and put it on the seat.

Wear a case

Such a design is obtained if you use a cable coil. In short, if you want to make a round original ottoman with your own hands, you can take any preparation and cover it with a soft material. The piece of furniture made in this way will not only free your home from the rubble, but also will save money.

From chipboard and plywood

Cylindrical Puffy

And below step by step shown how to make the ottoman from scratch using only the necessary materials And your skill. Such a product will be beautiful and noble to look in the urban apartment. So you will need:

  • Chipboard with a thickness of about 18 mm;
  • plywood (3 mm);
  • wooden bars for legs;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • sintepon;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • staples, glue and thread.

First you need to cut two identical circles. They will serve as the basis and riding a puff.

Cut the circles of chipboard of the desired size And Bruce Details

Then put the bars between them necessary height And attach with self-absorbers at the same distance.

Circles and timber connect self-stakes in the frame

When the frame is ready, cut the cloth from plywood to enjoy the side of the product.

Around the perimeter on the frame fix the sheet of chipboard, making the wall

Working the stapler, bring the strip at the top and bottom to the chipboard.

Fully fixed wall

Now you can enclose the workpiece with a soft material. Upper layer Must be fat to sit on the pouf was comfortable. It will be enough 5 centimeters.

Fastener fastening and syntheps

Of any upholstery material, the cover is covered. It can be eco-skin, dense fabric.

Ready case

Attach it to a frame with brackets or glue.

We wear a case and fix it from below the stapler or nails

If you wish, make the feet of the legs.

Fresh legs

As you can see, engage in the manufacture of such a simple home furniture Completely easy.

Ready product

This requires only a bit of smelting, firming materials and tools and suitable idea. Considering how much it costs finished furniture In stores, you will understand how profitable it is - to be able to do something with your own hands. In addition, you can truly be proud of your poufs, because they have invested not only work, but also the soul.

If you want to update the interior of your housing, but there are no big plans financial investments, then excellent solution It will be such an excellent element of furniture as a soft aspic. It refreshes the atmosphere of your home, and will also add comfort and comfort.

Puffs are not only beautiful element Decor, but also have extensive functional capabilities. They are used as a footrest, soft seats, pillows for a beloved animal, for storing things, etc. And if the chair or sofa, it will be better to buy in the furniture salon, then you can make your own emissary emissions by using various remedies. Today in the network you can find quite a lot of ideas independent manufacture Puffs. And what only materials are not used, you read and just wonder how before it could be thought of it! But it is worth trying to try to bring one of them into life, immediately ask for a question: And why did I not know this before?

First of all, we bring to your attention the master class of making a cylindrical form punch with their own hands. Pufa such a classic form can be placed in the hallway, living room or bedroom.

For its production we need:

Cylindrical Puffy

  • sheet chipboard thickness not less than 16 mm;
  • wooden bars 30x20 mm - 8 pcs.;
  • furniture stapler;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • screwdriver;
  • foam rubber sheets and syntheps;
  • glue for foam rubber;
  • furniture tissue (tapestry, velor, capitone, etc.);
  • legs or rollers.

Deciding with the necessary size of the future pouf, cut down two circles from a sheet chipboard and one of the same from the foam rubber.

Cut the circles of chipboard of the desired sizes and brusade parts

Connect the bars and circles, tightly fixing them with screws - a frame for a puff ready.

Circles and timber connect self-stakes in the frame

Then, from the chipboard, cut a rectangle with a width equal to the height of the frame and fasten it around the perimeter, making the wall.

Around the perimeter fix the sheet of chipboard

Fully fixed wall

A circle of foam rubber is glued on the seat, and there is a synthetic procession around the design.

Fastener fastening and syntheps

From the selected upholstery fabric, the case is sewn according to a diagram similar to that we made blanks for a frame.

We make a case

Ready case

Ready Case - Upholstery is put on wooden design And with the help of a stapler or nails is fixed at the base of the pouf.

We wear a case and fix it from below the stapler or nails

It remains to attach legs and pouf-homemade ready!

Fresh legs

Ready product

Following our stepwise instructions You can easily sew a comfortable, original pouf with your own hands. In the same way, a square pouf, photo and video examples of which can be found in RuNet in a huge amount.

Fashionable and modern: Pear Pear

Pear Punch Scheme

Then we will tell you how to sew a bag of bag do it yourself - very fashion element Furniture in modern decoration of interiors. You will think, isn't it easier to buy such an angular ottoman in the store? Of course, it's easier, but much more expensive! And it is for those who appreciate their money and a little understanding the area of \u200b\u200bcutting and sewing is dedicated to this step-by-step instruction.

To make a soft puff pear need:

  • dense upholstery fabric - 320x150 mm;
  • fabric for the inner case - 300x150 mm;
  • filter from polystyrene with the addition of hollofiber - 0.5-1 cubic meters. meter.;
  • paper for pattern;
  • dense threads;
  • lightning - 60 cm.

The dimensions of the emblems are determined mainly from the growth of people who will use them. It is better to equal on the highest member of the family, as people with less growth in any case will be very comfortable to be located on a bag of large sizes.

The fabric for upholstery is desirable to choose dense to support the shape of the bag and more stable to wear. Excellent option It will be a tapestry, suede, jeans, capitone, eco-leather, etc.

The inner case of the pouf should be made from a smooth, sliding, synthetic fabric. Thanks to this selection, the filler will be freely moved over the bag, taking the forms of the person sitting in it.

Sewing products

Pouf pattern consists of six wedges of the sack itself and one bottom for its base.

Chair-bag pattern

Initially, it is necessary to perform drawings of the required parts on paper, and then transfer them to the fabric for the inner and outer part of the pouf.

Cutting is carried out taking into account points on the seams about 1.5 cm.

Details of a bag for upholstery must be a little more of those designed for filler - so it will be much easier for you to wear an external bag for a bag with filler.

The second stage of the work will be sewed all the tissue elements of the bag. Initially, wedge into each other, and then proceed to the base. Do not forget to leave a zipper area on an outdoor case - lightning will facilitate the care of the bag with a bag and allow you to update the case at any time. When both bags are ready, pour the filler to 2/3 of its volume into the internal bag and carefully position the remaining areas. From above, put on a decorative case and zipper. Puffy ready!

Ready Puff Pear

Despite the fact that such soft baffies with the back are made at home, they will look great in any of the rooms of your home, adding them comfort and comfort. Similar way, you can equip a soft place for the dog with your own hands, only much smaller sizes.

Practical Furniture Element - Puf With Storage Box

Puff with a drawer

We bring to your attention short description Production of PUPPIC WITH HORMES, which will combine several practical functions in itself:

  • puf transformer in one hand movement is able to turn out of a soft seat to the place of storage of many different items;
  • the cuff with a box is perfect for toilet tables, because it will be possible not only to sit comfortably, but also folded inside the mass of hairdressers, such as iron, hair curlers, hair styling stylers and other items;
  • you can not only sit on the homemade emblem, undressing in the hallway, but at the same time use it as a cabinet for shoes or to store it to care for it.

Materials for work:

  • sheet chipboard;
  • wooden timing segment 4x4 cm;
  • carpentry glue;
  • samreps;
  • hacksaw;
  • building stapler for furniture;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • foam;
  • sintepon;
  • fabric for upholstery (velor, eco-leather, suede, capitone, etc.);
  • butt loops;
  • furniture rollers.

Stages of work

From the chipboard, it is necessary to cut the blanks of the following dimensions:

  • 37x40 cm - 2 pcs;
  • 37x37 cm - 2 pcs;
  • 40x40 cm - 2 pcs.

Of wooden bar Drink four parts of 37 cm - it will be the height of the PUPPI. Next, you should collect the box - all side fragments are docked each other, after which inner corners Brucks stick.

Frame Purph

FROM outside All parts of the design are fixed by self-drawing. On the low part The bar is applied glue and the bottom of the box is glued. Then you need to give glue well dry, after which it is for reliability to screw the screws.

Small bar stoppers for PUPPI cover

The box is covered with syntheps, and then with the help of a furniture stapler is squeezed by upholstery. For mobility of the product from its bottom, you can attach rollers.

Production of a lid performing the role of soft and comfortable seating, It is as follows: to one of the surfaces of the LISP sheet of the particle size of 40x40 cm we glue a syntheton, and then foam rubber.

Glue foam

Thus, the pillow will be soft, but at the same time keep shape.

Upholstery Purph cover

On this wooden father-in-law is ready!

New Life of Old Furniture - Tube

Puf of tobupet

Next, we will tell you how to make a stool emblem yourself. If your homes have an old, who has lost its presentable appearance, but at the same time a strong stool is still not worth writing off with accounts. Using some fabric and foam rubber you can transform it with your own hands from the girlfriend in a magnificent, soft and comfortable pouf.

So, as we make the ottoman from the old stool:

  1. Cut from upholstery tissue cut with dimensions 120 cm by 34 cm for the side and circle with a diameter of 48 cm for pillows. To make the seat to be soft, cut out the circle from the foam rubber and glue it to the top of the stool.
  2. From the tissue blanks, sew the case: first it is necessary to perform a marking seam on the edge of the circle and slightly pull it out. Next, you need to sew a circle to the long side of the rectangular cut, and the seams of the seams are decorated with a decorative cord or ribbon. Along open edge Sewing a sticky tape, the lower edge must be cheered.
  3. From pieces of fabric make 4 pockets and set them to the case on a different distance from each other. Pockets can be decorated to taste with different elements of the decor.
  4. The finished cover, for the manufacture of which left no more than an hour, put on the stool.

Today we told you about how to make the emblem with your own hands step by step in several options - pouf from stool, pouf made from chipboard and soft filler. You are given the opportunity to choose the most optimal and acceptable option to depend on your abilities, financial capabilities, as well as from the style of the design of your rooms. In any case, such an original part in the interior will not remain not seen and will not only decorate the house for many years, but also make more comfortable for your holiday and life.