Repairs Design Furniture

We make pots for flowers with their own hands. Stand for flowers as a fashionable element of modern design stand under the flowers wall-mounted with their own hands

It is difficult to present your favorite garden without colors, since it is they who are a stylish addition and an integral part of the landscape design. Especially spectacularly look at the compositions lined in the manufactured personally unusual, original pots for plants. Create beautiful porridge for flowers with their own hands from the girlfriend not only useful, but also a very exciting process. Step-by-step master class of manufacturing original porridge with a detailed description and visual photos, further in our article.

What can be done by Kashpo do it yourself

Today, specialized stores present a large range of various decors and garden decorations for every taste, including original floral porridge. However, even with such an abundance of goods, finding what you need it is not always possible. Exit from this situation is one - try to make kashpo yourself.

As not strange, but the most unusual decorative vases are obtained from the usual material. It is only necessary to show a seammer and give will to your most bold ideas and fantasies. Most harmoniously in the garden will look at CashPo from the objects of economic help. It is they who give a real highlight to your yard, creating the effect of grace and sophisticated nobility.

The second life of old shoes

Surely at the cottage you have old shoes, which you have long been wearing for a long time, but also not solved in any way. An ideal way to breathe new life into it - make an original flower garden out of it.

To do this, you will need an unnecessary pair of old boots, help skillful hands and some free time.

Step by step guide

  1. At the bottom of the shoe, pumped up the fertile soil (preferably a black mill), after which fall into it seeds or seedlings of your favorite plants;
  2. Pour the resulting decorative flower in warm water and put it somewhere in the visible side of the house;
  3. So that surplus moisture did not accumulate inside, in the sole, you can make several small holes;
  4. To give the composition more interesting species, boots can be painted in any color you like.

Decorate the boot with your favorite colors and plants - a great idea for creative dacket

As mosnovy, you can use absolutely any shoes: rubber boots, sneakers, sneakers, sandals, galoshes, low shoes, sandals, burki. As for colors, preference is better to give, bright, unpretentious, low-speed plants.

Important! Kashpo from old boots should have holes for draining excess water. Otherwise, roots can bend, which will lead to the death of plants planted in them.

Flower pot of cement, rags and burlap (photo)

Very original and effectively looks like a flower vase from cement and rags. The method of manufacturing the product is quite simple and does not require special skills and tools. It is enough to have cement mortar and unnecessary waste textile production at hand.

Important! Until drying, a rag moistened in a liquid cement solution can take any forms, so it is possible to make such compositions in any form.

So, for work we will need:

  • Cloth cloths required. You can use a rift burlap from cereals or sugar;
  • Components for making concrete (water, cement, seeded sand or small gravel);
  • Packed, made to your taste. You can use ready-made, for example bucket, saucepan, old vase, etc.

Step-by-step master class making kashpo

  1. Observing the necessary proportions prepare. To make it easier to work with the material, the solution must have a gauge consistency sour cream;
  2. Wrap a dry rogue. If the size is suitable, plunge it into the solution and hold there for about a minute;
  3. Take a dipped rag on your workpiece and allow the time to dry for 12 hours;
  4. After complete drying, remove patterns. CashPo from cement and rags are ready.

Good to know! The time of setting and hardening cement in the sun is reduced to 2-3 hours.

If you do not like the cold and gray color of the concrete, or he is simply tired of you, dilute it with bright contrasting colors, so Cachepo will look good and more fun.

Miniature garden from tin cans (photo)

One of the most favorite materials, for the manufacture of flower porridges, are tin cans.

  • Why do they have great popularity among lovers? Everything is very simple. Metallic banks have a lot of coloring, shapes and sizes, so you can create a magnificent floral composition that attracts admiring glances.

The indisputable advantage of manufacturing such floral decorations is the minimum return of forces and time when obtaining the maximum creative result.

To make caspo from tin cans, the following materials are usually required for work:

  • Cans;
  • Nails and hammer;
  • Colored acrylic paints, mane brush;
  • Wooden base for fixing cans

Manufacturing Guide

  1. To give the composition of certain outlines, all banks are painted in bright colors;
  2. After complete drying at the bottom of the bank, a hole for the flow of excessive moisture is done;
  3. It remains to secure jars to the selected base, pour into them the soil and plant flowers.

To add a product of greater expressiveness, on a slightly frozen surface, you can apply patterns or decorate it with a variety of buttons, ribbons, beads or beads.

Unnecessary kettle as a flower bed

Did you find the old kettle in the garage? Do not hurry to throw it away. From it you can make a beautiful decoration that will look original in your garden. In addition, his own creation of crafts will help not only realize their creative potential, but also to save funds.

Return the product The initial appearance will help the can with acrylic or aerosol paint. Using stencils on the kettle surface, you can also apply various patterns.

Important! In order for the paint with time, the paint did not, before applying the surface should be well prepared.

Kashpo from the kettle - mobile, and if necessary, it can be transferred to another place

  • For those who do not want to bother with painting kettle, You can leave everything as it is. The darling and sweetened tint of metal with a light raid from time to time has its own special charm. No less advantageously cold glitter of polished metal.

Use an old kettle as a flower vase - a pretty courageous and creative solution

Podphid vase: step-by-step master class

Today, the folk craftsmen and the hand Made masters do it with their own hands make the original porridge from almost any material, which will fall on hand. Ideas for creativity and inspiration can be drawn from anywhere, including from the Internet.

The photo of beautiful caspo placed in our article once again proves that there is no limit fantasy. Innovative solutions and unusual super ideas allow you to create real works of art.

  • If a wooden sticks To glue together in the hollow cube, so that every new row formed free space, and each subsequent overlapped it, we will get an unusual kashpo, which is perfect for small plants. It can be delivered anywhere, for example, on the window sill or hang on the rope, after having dropped indoor flowers into it.

  • Plastic bottles. Probably no garden straps or decoration do not do without their participation. Working with this material is very convenient and simple, the main thing is to observe precautions. The simplest thing you can do from is a suspension flower pot.

However, it is possible to use plastic bottles not only in decorative purposes. They can land seedlings of vegetable crops, so this material is also favorite as lovers.

  • Canopy Kashpo with their own hands can be from the usual rope. The form for the product can be different: cylindrical, rounded or cone-shaped, the main thing that the planted plant freely placed in it. As a material for weaving, some masters use thin vine branches or threads of artificial rattan.

  • If you approach the creation of a decorative floral porridge, it is more thorough to make a more interesting and large-scale composition. Putting old unnecessary boiler Above the improvised fire from flowers and lane, you can get a very interesting result that will not remain without the close attention of your guests.

Important! To highlight and emphasize the beauty of the composition you created, you can protect it with a border from ordinary stones, slightly drowned them into the ground.

Flower boxes and seedlings

  • Dachini - people are resourceful and lean, so never throw anything, including trimming from boards and other lumber. Because of them are excellent wooden boxeswhich can be used as flower porridge.

In order to make kashpo from the boards, you can do the minimal skills of a carpenter, and as instruments need only hacksaws, nails and a hammer.

  • Good to know! Wooden boxes can also be used under the seedlings of various crops. Only for this, in the upper boards, it is advisable to make special holes for hands so that they can be convenient and safely transferred.

Beautiful flower beds from old things

Oddly enough, but an old bike that has not been driving for a long time, maybe you still come in handy as a decorative decoration. In this case, the integrity of the design is not necessary. Just use it as a living flower beds. Additional contrast elements in the form of flowers and plants will make a real masterpiece of art from the old bike.

Kashpo from a bike - all ingenious just

  • Showing a fantasy, a unique pendant decoration with flowers can be obtained from ordinary cells for birds. Just post a pot or container with low plants and decorate some decor.

Important! Cache from the cell will look more elegant and noble if it is used for it to use a decorative vintage cell in the style of Provence.

  • For craftsmen with golden hands, make decorative Kashpo for giving With their own hands in the form of carts, there will be no difficulty. To do this, you will need a special tool and certain skills of treatment of wood and metal.
  • To improve the mood and deliver a lot of positive emotions, quickly and efficiently can make kashpo from ordinary garbage urnsmade of shiny metal. For the convenience of moving to urns, you can fasten the furniture wheels rotating in different directions.

As you can see, having a suitable material at hand, make a cachepot with your own hands for the garden very simple. For the manufacture of simple products, no skills are needed. Even a child can cope with this task. As for products, it is more complicated, then without the help of adults can not do.

The creative process of creating kashpo is not only creative, but also a training character. Therefore, even the youngest children can be attracted to this exciting occupation.

Flower breeding is engaged in a lot of people. Beautiful flowers please the eye, improve the mood, make the world more beautiful. When growing colors, various pots use, they can be chosen in any flower shop. But for giving the dwelling of a special mood, you can build a pot for indoor plants with your own hands.

Features of creation

Products made by your own hands are always interesting and relevant. Flower vases made at home, look cute and unusual, give a special chic room. Such items can be a real work of art, while they make them in a single instance. Place the decorative vase can not only in the room, but also decorate them the household plot, the veranda or balcony.

To create even the most unusual look and the design of the vason use simple materials.It is enough just to give the will of fantasy and attach a little effort to create an extraordinary pot for flowers with their own hands. Even the most unusual and inappropriate objects for this purpose can be used as a container for growing indoor plants. Homemade vases, made of old caskets, cans, unnecessary dishes will be very impressive. As a capacity, corks from wine bottles, coconut shell, furniture, paint cans, books and even bags are used.

The easiest way to revive the garden and create an original mini-greenhouse is a falling out of flowers in the dining room. For this purpose, the cups are suitable, which remained after the service in a single copy, teapots for welding, clay salad bowls. Thanks to such things, you can decorate the room and supplement its style, for example, Provence or Country. When choosing a pot for bonsai, an old clay salad bowl or a flat plate is suitable. The main thing is not to forget to drill the drainage holes at the bottom of the People.

The choice of material plays a decisive role. To create such a masterpiece, you can take scribe materials or make a pot alone from clay, cement, gypsum or wood.

Select form

The shape of the flower pots may be different. The most familiar is the tanks of a round form, but you can make them any form, the main thing is that the plant is comfortable in such a vessel.

For some plant species, there is a lot of space, they do not like tightness, so the shape and size of the pot is selected specifically for each appearance.

  • For Bonsai It is better to choose a capacitance of a square or rectangular shape. It is not bad to look at these trees and in round or oval pots, the main thing is that they are flat and at the same time quite spacious for the root system.
  • Square or rectangle pots They will be organically looked on a flat surface. For bonsai, it is better to choose a separate place or niche, it will give the opportunity to admire the tree without being distracted by foreign items.
  • Round or oval potswill look good on the windowsill. They occupy a little place, but at the same time they look very cute.
  • Especially spectacular look round pendant potswhich hang in the garden or on the balcony. You can hang a whole composition of pots, placing them on a flat crossbar or under the ceiling. Such tanks may have a square shape.

In the event that only a few flower pots are located in the room, they can easily be placed on the windowsill closer to sunlight, while the shape of the pot does not play a big role. These flower flowers will not be limited to a pair-three colors, and the whole garden flower bed is contaminated.

Required tools

To make a pot with your own hands, you will need various tools. Their presence will vary depending on which materials will be made by the sudine. From whatever material, the pot has been made, you need to drill drainage holes on its bottom, so you need to have a drill in stock, as well as drills for different materials. If the products are made of wood, it will be useful to drink, hammer and jigsaw. In addition, the wizard will be useful:

  • nails;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • carpentry glue;
  • gardening scissors;
  • gloves for work.

Also in the paper might need grout for tiles, tin tanks and bars, plaster.

What can I do?

Make a pot for indoor plants can be made of girlfriend. Make beautiful and unusual products from clay or alabaster. Very interesting will look a ceramic vase, there will be great flowers in it well. For the manufacture, the pot is suitable for all what serves as a container for the soil.

When creating Topiarica, the pot is the most important part. Topiaria is a tree in the form of a bowl made from various materials and items that are attached to the leg. They are called the trees of happiness in the east. For Topiaria, it is necessary to choose the corresponding pot. Inspecting the composition, the look goes from top to bottom, so the final final chord falls on the lower part of the composition. That is why the potted pot will depend on the overall impression of Topiaria.

To decorate such an item use a wide variety of elements. You can use tapes and braids, as well as the twine and burlap. The easiest way to decorate the pot is to wake up with a large piece of fabric.

It looks well a container painted paint.It is better to choose a paint that will have the same shade as the crown of the village. You can make the original color container even from pumpkin. Children can charge to make a plasticine. The product from the pumpkin will be relevant in the fall, especially if it is coincided with the manufacture of Halloween. Selecting the pumpkin, it is important that its size be suitable to planted plants. Also worth paying attention to the color of the vegetable and choose a pumpkin with a monophonic peel.


Clay Vase, made personally, will decorate and complement any interior. For the manufacture you need to take a piece of clay of the desired size and knead it. In the event that the clay comes still solid, water should be added to the mass. The clay mass should be homogeneous, without impurities and bubbles and do not adhere to the hands. Before starting work, it is better to experiment a little bit and try to make small details from clay. It can be features of animals, other crafts. When the test figures begin to get well, you can start the main work and make a pot for indoor plants. To make a vase, you need:

  • roll out clay as damn and cut a smooth circle for the bottom;
  • after that, go to the manufacture of walls;
  • walls fasten with the bottom.

After performing the operation, the capacity is packaged in paper or a newspaper and leave for drying. When the product dries out, the root is carried out. For the first time, with the firing, the whole moisture will go out of it. The second firing is needed to give a strength product. To carry out this procedure, the dishes are heated to a temperature of +300 degrees, the firing is carried out for 3 hours.


Cement or concrete is used for independent facilities. To prepare a solution, you need to mix sand with cement and add water. It is important that the sand is more cement 2 times. Water into the solution is added little by stirring the mixture. The solution must have a uniform consistency. If you make a large size vase from cement, then for it it is worth making a frame. So that the surface of the product has become smooth, it is treated with sandpaper or use a felt circle. Concrete is poured into any containers capable of keeping their shape for several hours. It can be a 5-liter water bottle, tin or plastic bucket or frame, built from boards.

Cement vases have increased strength and original design.Concrete products are used in the home interior and during the design of household plots. If you need to make a small vase size, you can use a 5-liter plastic bottle. From the packaging it is necessary to cut the neck, so it turns out a peculiar billet. Next, you need to lubricate the inner part of the oil package, knead the solution from cement and pour it into the container. After that, you need to take a 2-liter plastic bottle, lubricate the outer side of the oil and dip it into the solution. Inside the smaller capacity you need to put the load in the form of bricks or stones. Such a solution dries at least two days. Then the containers must be cut and removed.

Make a cement vase in a different way. For this you need:

  • take the container, then wrapped the film;
  • into the solution with cement dip the rag and hold it within a few minutes so that it is completely soaked;
  • impregnated fabric laid out onto the container and spread; At the request of the chances or edges are made wavy;
  • capacity is left in such a form to three days before its complete drying.

From what size it will have a core of the product, will depend on how durable and thick will be the pot walls. Concrete products have an impressive weight, so not to transfer vases to a suitable place for them, it is better to build a formwork immediately where they will be.


From the gypsum you can make a container container by analogy of producing it from cement. As ingredients take:

  • gypsum;
  • water;
  • 2 plastic containers, different in size.

For the structure, the pots need to take a large jar, lubricate it inside with oil and put the capacity of smaller size, outside the oil with oil. Next, you should set the containers to the selected level and pour the solution. Gypsum with water in a 2: 1 ratio is mixed for the preparation of the solution.


From plastic you can very quickly make tanks for growing colors. Plastic pots are suitable for the construction of a system with a car park. Its use of such a system allows you to provide a full watering by plants requiring special care, even during the absence of a host. These plants include orchids. To make a system with autopolina for them, you need to do the following.

  • Take a liter and two-liter bottle. To cut a large capacity in half a 20 cm from the bottom and make cuts (8 pieces) about 4 cm long. The resulting petals bend the inside of the ass.
  • Then you should cut the neck from the top and insert the harvested base of the lower part, fasten with glue.
  • Following this way, cut a smaller container at an altitude of about 15 cm from the bottom.
  • The upper part bent out 1 cm. On the bottom there are holes, for this you use a soldering iron, a hot nail or knife. Through them pass the cord.

The container is filled with the substrate and plant orchid fall into it.This design is lowered in a potty-base, while it will be held on the weight curved petals. Water poured into a large bowl, where the water will rise in the top of the cord. Water should be addressed through the nose, which is inserted into the incision at the bottom of the structure. For violets, you can take the most ordinary plastic cups with a volume of 100-120 ml. They need to make a hole at the bottom for drainage. In such tanks, violets will be comfortable, they will be enough light, moisture and soil. Such cups will look very simple, so they should be decorated. They can be wrapped with colored paper, apply paint or nail polish, bind ribbons or lace.

The original product can be made even from the old plastic bucket or tank. Such a container is more often used as a pot for the soil, it will not have a decorative target.


A rather unusual pot can be built of wood. Such color tanks will look unusually and original, especially if they put them in the summer garden, in the country or veranda. For such a vase, you can take a stump or fat bitch and remove the core, well clean the capacitance from the inside and polish. Already in such a form, the product can be used for its intended purpose. Poek or bitches with bark as a vase for plants will look natural in the garden. Products need drainage holes. In that case, if the bottom of the vason is small, the holes are drilled on the side parts of the vase.

If you use a deck as a decorative element, you do not need to drill holes. The Vazon simply put pots from plastic or ceramics. It is important to reliably protect the wood from moisture. In the event that the pot is not used, you need a surface inside to treat moisture-proof impregnation, to be placed with polyethylene, and then pour drainage and soil. The size of the container will depend on how it will be installed, as well as from the size of the flower. So, for large orchids, a large-size chock can be suitable more. And for a small and compact plant, a segment made of wood with a diameter of up to 10 cm.

You can make a timber vase and lumber, but this method is somewhat difficult and will require knowledge in the joinery. A tree barrels can be used as a flower vase. They are used as a whole design or sawing into two parts along either across. If you cut a barrel across, then two vases can be made from one product. Old pallets or wooden boxes are used as plants tanks. To build a product from an old pallet, you need:

  • disassemble old design;
  • measure the boards and decide which size will be cut, if necessary, they are shortened;
  • the long board is collected in half, and short divide into three parts;
  • according to their edges, they make a small SCOS;
  • boards are connected by self-drawing;
  • subsequent rows of boards are added to the resulting frame;
  • move the bottom, the legs are fixed;
  • all details are well fixed and treated with woodworking impregnation.

From the boards, you can collect the product of any form. It can be a hexagon, a trapezium, but the easiest way to collect a rectangular or cubic vase.

How to decorate?

Now you can find beautiful pots for indoor plants, but they are often either very common and simple, or vice versa, are very clean, but at the same time expensive. Make a stylish and original pot better with your own hands, it will make it possible to build a designer vase in a single instance. At the same time, the pot will look very extraordinary and emphasize the special atmosphere of the room. The covers on pots associated with manually or sewn from different fabrics will be unusually looking. When choosing a fabric, it is better to give preference to bright shades. You can also choose a one-photon fabric of beige color, thereby emphasizing the beauty of the plant. Knitting lovers can create original clips for plants from a textured thread.

Make a real design vase can be a simple painting of clay pots with acrylic paints. Beautiful ceramic fragments also have an application. Use them to decorate the pot in the mosaic technique. Elements of it can serve colored glass, pebbles, shards of dishes. In mosaic technique, it will be good to look good as a small vase and more cumbersome design. Create the original decor can be marbleed. To do this, use a water container, several jars with varnish of different shades, as well as a wand. The water temperature should be warm. To create a pattern you need:

  • pour nail polish into water;
  • mix different shades using a wand;
  • lower the pot into fluid with divorces and wind the paint obtained on it.

One of the Decor methods is a decoupage. To independently decorate the pot in this technique, follows:

  • clear and degrease the primer of the container;
  • cover it with paint;
  • glue cut out pieces from paper on the surface;
  • decorate other additional elements;
  • covered with varnish to secure the effect.

As decor you can use lace and burlap. For decoration use beads, shells, glass pebbles.

On how to make a pot for flowers, see the next video.

Is it possible to imagine a modern interior without indoor plants? After all, not! Flowers, plants, mini trees, baskets, cacti are not only an element of design. This is a sip of fresh air, a particle of nature, a source of energy! Such important participants in the arrangement of the premises are needed worthy outdoor colors.

Any thing in the style of Hendmade fills the interior with a special warmth and comfort. Flower racks are no exception. Metal or wooden stand for flowers made by hand, harmoniously fits into the overall design of the house or land.

The peculiarity of floor racks is that they are massive and for their placement require a large area. In small apartments, they will not be quite appropriate, but in gardens or houses - perfectly fit into the interior.

Materials for the manufacture of flower stands

Like any design, colors rack is the national team and one-piece. The prefabricated rack consists of elements that can be collected and disassemble if desired. The advantages of such things are obvious - easy to care, easy to transport. The one-piece stand is more durable and hope than the national team, which can lose its stability with poorly bonded items. However, the inability to disassemble a one-piece rack is added to it one big minus - difficulty in movement.

Popular material for creating houseplants holders is a tree - beech, birch, oak, juniper. This is an eco-friendly material, completely safe and very reliable.

Interiors in Scandinavian and modern style can be decorated with flower holders made of metal. This is the most durable and durable material, outdoor colors are performed from it. On a metal stand, you can install a heavy container with large colors, it can withstand colossal loads.

The glass is unusual, but too fragile and weak material, so it is used in the frame of metal elements. Glass stands are good in their own way, they look air, effectively.

Plastic - material of modernity. Cheap, lightweight, beautiful, comfortable, it loses other materials due to its fragility and briefness.

Varieties of floor stands

Flower stands have a variety of forms and species. How they will look depends on the fantasy of the gardener. The most common options are: multi-level shelves, in the form of a staircase, in the form of miniature flower beds, different in height and width.

Jardinerki is the best option for the rooms of any dimension. Such supports perform the role of the holder of two or more pots, so strong materials (metal, wood, tempered glass, plastic) are chosen to create them.

Outdoor stands do it yourself

In flower shops, a huge range of gardening goods is presented, including there are outdoor colors racks, hotline. But it is difficult to choose the design to accommodate flower pots so that it is harmoniously looked in the existing design. In addition, the gardener is a creative man and it is more interesting for him to make a thing with his own hands.

The easiest option of the floor stand is a round shelf on a vertical holder. For its manufacture, you will need:

  • Material that is amenable to processing (wood, chipboard);
  • Drill;
  • Edge, iron and PVA glue;
  • Screwdriver.

Perform three details: base, leg and shelf. For the stability of the design, the base must be a diameter of at least 20 cm. The leg is inserted into the bases of the base, the shelf is fixed. Special glue is applied to the connection site. In completion, the stand is polished, covered with varnish. Stand for flowers is ready!

Desktop Flower Staves

Cute desktop stands are widely used in apartments with limited space. They are placed on the tables, couches, shelves near the daylight source. They are also presented in a wide range of forms.

Compactness and small dimensions of such racks give more expanses for creativity. They perform them mainly from wood, plastic, twisted metal profile, chipboard, as well as weave from any flexible material, which turns out to be at hand (vine, rattan, bamboo).

Manufacture of so stands do it yourself

You can make a simple and elegant colors rack with your own hands at home, it will take this case a little more than 30 minutes. For work, you will need items from the laminated plate in such a quantity as it is necessary to make the shelves for the pots, the size of the plates for the shelf 100 x 150 mm, two long slabs with a size of 50 x 700 mm and one element 150 x 300 mm. To give the future rack a beautiful view, you need to stick it with the edge using the iron and glue of PVA.

To connect parts, the tools - drill, screwdriver, confirmation will be needed. Next, the shelves are fixed on a long plate-holder and the entire design is installed on the base. The result is a desktop, a pretty stand for flowers with four, six or eight shelves (depending on the wishes of the gardener) for flower pots.

Metal Color Stands

Forged products are solid and perfectly complement the interior, charm and nobility add. To create forged decorative things, rods of a square section, stripes. A distinctive feature they have smooth, clear faces. Decor elements are obtained very massive, strict and suitable for the classic interior with a claim to luxury.

More supportive material - rod rods. Products from it are graceful, attractive, with an abundance of curved elements. Similar elements of the decor visually look air, easy, add romanticism to the interior.

Especially interesting looks for flowers made of metal with an abundance of twisted elements. Bicycles, sledges, cars, carriages in the form of a reduced copy - this is only a small tolik of what can be made of metal rods and adapt to the flower stand.

Metal rack with their own hands

Make a metal rack for flowers with their own hands not easy. You will need professional tools for working with metal - welding machine, Bulgarian, metal profiles 8-10 mm. Without the appropriate skills and equipment, it is better not to engage in the creation of a flower stand. It is enough to make a sketch and turn to the master with him.

Among the gardeners are popular to the stand in the form of a cat. To create it, they take two profiles of the same length, make several cuts at the fold point. Thanks to the cuts, the profile is easily bent. Metal profiles are bent - these are paws of a cat, with the help of the welding machine, they weld them to the third tube - the back. The muzzle is depicting two flat metal triangles cooked in the total vertex. Further and short pieces of profile make a cat's mustache, weld them to the cheeks triangles. Ears, tail, claws - are performed in the same way. The holder is fixed in the form of a lattice for several flower pots. It turns out the original, positive cat stand. Especially good will look large flowers on the rack - a cat, whose leaves and stalks seek down.

The attentive owner always wants to improve his home, add comfort, light, well-being, "highlight". Indoor plants are perfect for these purposes. Only in the house where there are flowers, good aura reigns and a positive mood. To flowers are grateful, healthy and pleased with their beauty, they need to be placed in beautiful colors stands.

Photo ideas of original homemade colors stands

The easiest way to go to the store and buy a finished stand / rack for colors. Today manufacturers offer many different models of kashpo, shears and wall structures. Moreover, such products can be quite different in appearance, design and form.

Fascinating to make the manufacture of floral shelves with your own hands. On the Internet there are full detailed instructions and master classes, in detail these process. As for the materials, you can use any remedy for your choice or purchase "Raw materials" in a specialized store.

The advantage of independent creation of a rack for indoor plants is the uniqueness of the final result. You can decide on the configuration of the design, color solution, texture. And you will not have doubts about its exclusivity. A similar thing will be the subject of your pride and envy of others.

With a thrill, the product performed can become one of the bright accents in the interior. As a result, all the actions on its manufacture must be taken carefully, without a rush and fuss.

Thanks to home-made flowers for colors, you can emphasize the features of the design of the room, for example, to create an atmosphere of the French province or alpine chalet.

An example of the original stand

You can make a stylish floral shelf using the most simple things, for example, rods and skimming. Pots must be installed on a planner one over the other. And if we replace the pots for plants into glass jars, it will add such an ejector of originality.

This design looks very interesting and allows you to quickly arrange indoor flowers. Places it takes at least.

Whether calculations are needed

Simple variations of flower racks do not require computing. However, for more complex designs it may be necessary to make a sketch. The harder the idea, the more calculations you need. They are needed to avoid instability and struts of the stand. In addition, thinking of nuances allows us to achieve ease of operation.

Dignities of manufacture with your own hands

  1. Now there are a lot of outlets that implement materials that can be used for owning flower sheeps.
  2. Any creativity allows you to make a thing so that it is easy to fit into the existing interior.
  3. The rack can make any size you need.

Design for pots on the windowsill

The flower stand on the window is obliged to meet the following requirements:

  • compactness;
  • high light lighting ability;
  • aesthetics.

It is best to place violets on it.

Determining with the design, it is necessary to pay attention to the lungs of the suspended type. Most often they are designed to accommodate on the sides of the windows. There are many advantages with such a solution, the main of which is they give minimum shadows.

Most often multi-tiers are made wooden, choosing rocks, easy to process. There is nothing difficult in creating a tree support. The process itself is very fascinating.

The cost of flower shelves will strive for zero if the materials remaining after the repair, for example, cropping chipboard.

Forged coasters / colors racks

Making a metal stand at home is not easy, but it is possible to attach enough effort. In addition, forging skills here. But before proceeding to work, you need to make sure that such a thing will be relevant relative to the selected interior style.

Forged structures for plants can be both outdoor and walls. Both solutions are quite elegant and comfortable. The choice depends on your preferences. But remember that metal stands require large financial costs than wooden.

Other materials

Survived material for creating flower shears is plastic. It can be different colors and textures. Work with him is simply. No special skills and special tools are required. Shelves and plastics racks for plants can make even newcomers in needlework if he has such a desire.

All products that are offered in stores to construct support for flowers, it will not be possible to list - it is too diverse. You can easily choose any suitable option for your case. Yes, and such a "raw material" is quite acceptable.

A shelf or rack for indoor plants can be a good gift to the lover-flower. Especially if it is handmade. After all, by creating a thing, you put a particle of your soul into it.

Plants in Kashpo look beautiful and unusual. They are more convenient to care for them and create a variety of compositions. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy such a vessel in the store, because many ideas can be realized independently.

The original kashpo will decorate the site and attract the attention of neighbors. Already now you can create your own hands with beautiful products for the new season and plan the future planting of plants. The manufacture of caspo is a pleasant process that will allow you to realize your creative potential. You can put a variety of items into the move: from old buckets and cups to faded T-shirts and unnecessary building materials. Our collection contains the most current ideas that will transform your site and allow you to realize any fantasy!

But first, we'll figure it out what kind of kashpo is what its features and what types of products can be made for different purposes.

Potchape is a decorative container without a drainage hole. It serves as a shell for an ordinary pot. In a broader sense, under Kashpo, you can understand any product in which or which you can put a plant in a pot. At the same time, Kashpo can be changed, without transplanting the flower. Enough to move the pot with a plant to a new porridge. It is very convenient if you like to update the design of your site or in the case when the old pot lost a decorative look.

Sometimes such a vessel is used as a stand for water flow, although there is also a pitch with a pallet in which there is a hole. But such products, in principle, have more in common with ordinary pots. Also in Kashpo can completely disembark plants, but in this case it is important to take care of good drainage to avoid moisture stagnation.

You can make the following Types of caspo:

outdoor porridge - to accommodate near the country house, in the center of the flower beds, along the tracks or fence, etc.; Ampel kashpo (suspended) - for arbors, balconies, porch, outer and inner parts of windows.

For the appointment, Cashpo for Street (garden) and premises (room) are highlighted. The latter are more compact. In the form and volume of Kashpo are very diverse, and they must be selected taking into account the size of the plants that will be placed in them, as well as the future location. Large porridge is better place in the recreation area or at the entrance to the house. Average - along the tracks, and small porridge - on the fence or in a gazebo.

Plants in Kashpo can become an alternative to the flower bed, if you do not have time to create it.

Among the finished models that can be found in the country areas are highlighted by pots on the leg and glowing caspo. The first look very exquisitely, and the second give additional lighting in the dark. Also popular cascp-ball, in which you can grow both flowers and decorative shrubs.

But if you do not attract design porridge or I do not want to spend money on them, you can make beautiful and practical products yourself.

Street porridge from handicraft and building materials

Unusual vessels for plants can be made from almost everything that is at hand. If you have a crushed stone, use it to create a large porridge. Any roomy container is suitable as a cachet form. You can connect several such tanks to create, for example, an elegant vase. Crushed stone fasten on the cement mixture: 1 part of the cement and 3 parts of the sand are diverted with water to the consistency sour cream, dear chestboards obtained by a mixture and tightly sorted by stones.

If you want something more unusual, try making cascpo from cement and fabric (burlap, etc.). Wrap a bucket or pelvis with a dry cloth and plunge into the cement solution. Then cover the wet rag and leave at least 12 hours, and better for a day. When the cement is freezing, remove the basis - Cachepo is ready! It remains only to paint it and put the plant inside.

A similar principle can also be used to create a cass of concrete. For the basis, you can take an old pan or bucket, but the easiest way to extract finished products from plastic containers. Embody one of the visiting ideas!

By analogy, you can make a beautiful clay kashpo or kashpo from plaster.

At the cottage will be attractive to look at a tree of wood. This eco-friendly and easy-to-work material allows you to create durable and no less refined products than from concrete or clay. Wooden porridge from the balances of boards will look better in the form of a composition. If you wish, you can paint in any color. And so that the products sustain the weather, cover their protective varnish. It is easiest to make a rectangular or square porridge, but you can experiment with the form.

Of the tin cans it is easy to make metal porridge. It is enough to cover their paint or decorate in technique. decoupageBy placing a beautiful napkin or picture on the surface.

And you can make a lot of kashpo from ordinary branches!

Unusual street porridge from unnecessary things

Stylish kashpo, which will be filled with their appearance, can be made of old or out of fashion things. Return subjects to the second life is now fashionable. Here are some kashpo for a garden that definitely deserve your attention.

Kashpo for giving from the old chandelier to make easier enough, it is enough to place pots on it with flowers. But it is important to take into account their size so that the composition does not lose their balance.

It will look original on the caspo-bike site. Coloring in a monophonic color will give him decorativeness. And placing pots with plants can not only on the trunk or frame, but also near the wheels.

Pendant porridge from the old T-shirt is very practical and elegant. It is unlikely that someone guess, of which it is done. Just do not take too dreamed clothes so that the fabric does not break. Cut the t-shirt on the ribbons in different ways. Some can be found on the Internet, and something will surely tell you a fantasy!

It is a pity to throw out the old leaky bucket? Turn it into Kashpo in the style of Provence! To do this, you can apply the thematic drawing on the bucket, tied up with ribbons, burlap or put inside the lavender.

Do not dispose of mugs with sloping handles or shcherbins. Better make a cache-cup by decorating it with any infringement materials.

Speecually will look at Cachepo, woven from newspaper tubes. Just do not put it in the open sky, otherwise the design will quickly lose an attractive look.

Decorative porridge for balcony

Kashpo for a balcony can be of different sizes, depending on the type of plants that you grow. Little porridges, fixed on the railing, or pendant porridge with ampellace will look pretty. But it's better to give up from cumbersome vases, they will "eat" most of the space.

An excellent option is a neat concrete porridge in which succulents are planted. Make such a product is quite simple, choose a plastic container as the basis so that it was easier to remove it. If you wish, you can make and simple curly caspets from clay or gypsum.

Kashpo from the rope is often made in the Macrame technique - weaving knots.

A more exotic option is coconut porridge. To create it, you need to first make the frame of the desired form from metal rods, and then lay out it with coconut fiber. If you want to do such a kashpo - read our master class!

Plants in Gardens Kashpo need special care. The fact is that water in the containers evaporates faster than in the open ground, therefore the watering should be regular and quite abundant so that the whole of the earth is impregnated with water. If you wish, you can buy kashpo with auto oppression, and if there is no such possibility, to inspire the soil and not placing plants on the sun.

Feeding will also have to increase, because In the limited number of soil plants, the nutrients they need faster are faster. If indoor plants are placed in KashP, it is important to be regularly inspecting them for the presence of pests and perform spraying with epin, zircon or other drugs that increase immunity.

How to keep plants in kashpo in winter

For the winter, thermal-loving plants that have no rest period (ficuses, glasses, drazes, palm trees) better transfer to a warm room along with a pot, and kashpo leave on the street. If the plant is planted in Kashpo and there is no possibility to move it, it is important to ensure the root protection against freezing. To do this, you can transplant the plant into open ground, but only provided that it is frost-resistant. If it is difficult to do this, then after the first frosts, cover the perennial spunbond or spongrel, put the cake in a large capacity and pour the ground gaps. High porridge for flowers is better wrapped with foil insulation.

Now you know how to make and decorate the porridge to give the cottage individuality. If you do not want to buy a standard store product, make it with your own hands - and you will not only get a unique thing, but also lift yourself a mood!