Repair Design Furniture

How to repair a soft garage roof with your own hands. Repair of a garage roof with soft roofing materials How to repair a garage roof

How to block the roof of the garage?

If you decide to repair the garage roof, you need to decide on the materials. There are two types of them: soft and hard roofing. Each of them has its own merits. Here short description of all commonly used types.

  • Roofing material.

Its main advantage is its relatively low price. But he also serves, as already mentioned, up to 10 years. In addition, it is very flexible and protects well from moisture. Best used for covering flat roofs.

With roofing material, it may be difficult to determine the required amount. If the roof of the building is flat, then three or even four layers are necessary, since it will need to protect the roof from water that stagnates on its surface. Fewer layers are required if the slope is significant.

For a longer service life of roofing material, it is advisable to install it in sunny weather.

  • Decking.

It is very easy to work with this material, the installation is quick. However, it has good durability and low cost. It will last long enough.

If the material used in the restoration of the roof does not need to withstand strong and frequent temperature changes and a lot of precipitation, it is advisable to use corrugated board. Thanks to the sheets different sizes it doesn't take long to cover.

But working with corrugated board should be very careful, because damage polymer coating will inevitably lead to corrosion, which will negatively affect the service life of the entire structure.

The corrugated board is installed on a crate, which is made of boards or beams, and a layer of waterproofing is laid under it. Thanks to such a system, the building will be reliably protected from leaks.

  • Slate.

It is the most common material and is very popular, because it combines excellent quality for little money.

Coating the roof with a cipher is very similar to working with corrugated board: here it is also necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing under the lathing made of beams. Apart from this, it also has waves.

A feature of working with slate is the need to prepare holes for roofing nails in advance, since fragile material can crack if you start screwing screws into it.

Major and minor repairs

To understand if there is a need for repair, you need to inspect the surface. Anyone can carry out the manipulation; it is enough to climb up the garage. Repair is minor and major.

Minor repairs to the garage roof are needed when minor damage is detected, usually leaks, they appear due to hail, corrosion of the object's material and sheets torn off by the wind.

You can correct the situation yourself, using mastic to seal the holes or replacing some elements with new ones. But if you realized late and the area with defects is too large, then in this case it is necessary to carry out a major overhaul.

Overhaul of garages is carried out quite rarely, when more than 40% of the roof area is damaged, and the better the work is done, the longer you can forget about such problems.

Roof repair is a laborious process that requires knowledge and skills from a specialist, choosing our Moscow masters to carry out all steps of the repair, you provide reliability and a guarantee for the services received.

Dear friends!

In this article I will tell you step by step how my friend and I covered the garage roof with roofing material, or rather Technonikol, for the first time in our life we ​​did it. So this is what and how it happened and what good came of it. I recommend to everyone who has not tried it yet and wanted to do it himself.))

I did it in the evenings and took time off, as there was no weather. It took about a week if not more. And they covered the roof with a bitumen-polymer roll coating. This is for your reference.

This is the kind of roof it was before, as you can see a pile of moss and huge puddles. Oddly enough, many neighbors do not even have a roof leaking.

And the thickness of the roofing material was about 5 centimeters. Apparently for 20 years, everyone put roofing material only from the top.

This is what the garage looked like before the renovation.

Many cracks and through holes through which, respectively, water and flowed.

It seems that life is being born here.

Only the fish are missing.

Garage owners often throw unnecessary garbage onto the roof, supposedly it will go somewhere)).

Life is not easy without an ax. We rip off the old roofing material.

The dampness has even risen to the top of the roof.

There she is.

We do not give up, we continue to tear off.

How life began in our garage.

There it is, where is the swamp. And everyone can have such dampness, they just don't know yet.

The weather helped a lot, there was wind and sometimes there was no rain. The roof was blown by the wind and it dried up.

An old unnecessary ax is the best tool.

And a broom, of course with a woman))).

The seams are full of sand and finely crumbled 20-year-old concrete, if there was one here.

You will be surprised, of course, there was asphalt here! It was still soft and moist.

4 days of work were not in vain. Here is the result!

We clean the roof surface from debris, stones and dust.

Here is the tile seam of our garage itself. Which in the future will need to be filled with a solution. They did not remove all the rubble from the pipe. Only large cobblestones.

Came 7 days. Finally, we start pouring the screed onto our roof. So there was a feeling of some middle stage of this dreary occupation.

We align with the means at hand.

The concrete was hand-mixed in a basin. We bought cement and sacks with screenings.

So they filled in the seams and more or less leveled the surface. The thickness of the screed is different everywhere. I have already forgotten the proportions as a bad dream).

We measure again the width of the coated surface.

We cover the next stage with bituminous mastic or impregnation, although this is probably the same thing. If anything, correct. In my opinion, a bituminous primer. And in addition, I smeared and shed the seams with such a thing, between my new and old neighbor's roof, I bought 3 kg and 1.5 liters of salvent was used for dilution.

We also cover the edge of the neighboring roofing material, since we will make the second layer overlapping.

The end has come The final stage, rented equipment. Fueled with gas.

We cover the roof in two layers with this Uniflex HPP material. And Uniflex HKP is mine upper layer- this material is of a business class, there are cheaper and more expensive ones.

We lay the first layer with technonikol, in principle it is a good thing, it is quite thick 4 mm, acts as a hydro insulation. To be more precise, a bitumen polymer roll coating.

All success in this not easy matter. It is good if you have friends who will help but one is a complete well…. If you have a desire, send your successes to covering the garage with roofing felt. We will publish them. Maybe they will help someone.

See also the video, TechnoNIKOL company has everything as well as possible.

And also Watch our Video Personal experience:

In contact with

A garage roof leak risks not only damage building structures and the need for major repairs. Water trapped inside a building can damage tools, equipment and materials in storage. garage usually does not require special training and can be done independently.

Preparation for repair work

The roof is the most vulnerable place of the building, since it is exposed to the most destructive atmospheric influences. Sustainability soft roof To external influences directly depends on the characteristics of the coating material. Most often, it is an affordable roofing material, but modern fused materials can also be used to equip a garage roof.

At the preliminary stage of repair work roofing with your own hands, you should carefully examine the roof in order to determine the degree of damage to the flooring. If there is some damage on the surface, you can limit yourself to local repair of the corresponding sections of the roof deck. Serious deterioration of the coating is a pretext for replacing the entire roofing carpet or creating a new outer layer of the roof from roll material, mastic or liquid rubber.

If the garage has a roof with an angle of inclination of 5 degrees, then the repaired roofing carpet made of roll materials can be left as a waterproofing coating, the lathing can be mounted on top of it and laid roof decking made of suitable sheet material.

Depending on the results of the roof audit, a repair method is selected and purchased required amount materials.

Before proceeding with the restoration of the soft roofing with your own hands, the entire surface of the flooring should be thoroughly cleaned of debris and all types of dirt, and dried mastic should be removed. In places of through holes in the coating, the outer layer is opened by means of a cruciform notch ("envelope"), the edges are folded back, dirt and moisture are removed from the base. Areas with badly worn roofing felt should be cut out with an ax. Next, it is required to dry the roofing well, paying special attention to the opened places before local repairs - they are most efficiently dried using a construction hairdryer or a gas burner.

Preparatory and repair work must be carried out only in dry weather in the warm season - the air temperature must be at least 10 ° C.

Local repair technology on the roof of the garage

To repair individual sections of the soft roof, you will need bitumen mastic and roofing material. In the opened prepared "envelope" it is required to put a piece of roofing material, cut exactly to the size of the envelope, after thoroughly smearing the hole with well-heated bitumen in order to exclude the possibility of moisture penetration into the inner layers of the roofing carpet. A layer of bitumen mastic is applied over the laid inner patch and the folded edges of the “envelope” are pressed tightly. The outer patch should extend 15-20 cm beyond the edges of the repaired area. A cut piece of roofing material of the required size is also glued with mastic. For maximum reliability it is coated on top with a layer of bitumen (special attention is paid to the edges adjacent to the roof), and sprinkled with a layer of sand. After the mastic has dried, the excess sand should be removed.

If a worn-out piece is cut out in the coating, the resulting cavity is filled with roofing material of appropriate sizes and heated bitumen. The external patch is laid according to the above-described technology.

To ensure reliable adhesion of the patch to the existing roof deck, it is recommended to remove the outer protective layer of roofing material, consisting of fine-grained mineral chips. To do this, you can use solar oil, which will soften the material, and a metal spatula... The oil is applied with a brush or brush.

Restoration of the outer layer of the roof in the garage

If the roofing material roof has traces of general wear and tear due to aging of the material under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and moisture, which is expressed in a frequent mesh of small cracks along the entire surface of the flooring, it can be restored with your own hands using:

Bituminous mastic is used in a heated form. The repair compound is applied with a brush to the roofing material. The mastic fills cracks and provides required level waterproofing material. This kind repair does not require serious financial costs, it is available for do-it-yourself, but it is important to observe safety precautions when working with heated resin. In addition, during the work, it is recommended to cover the surface already treated with mastic with a layer of sand, which will protect bituminous material from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation and will extend the service life of the repaired roof.

Liquid rubber - a more technological and durable coating... This repair composition is a bitumen-polymer emulsion on water based... After drying, the material applied to the roofing acquires the properties of rubber and provides high-quality waterproofing of the surface. If working with a two-component liquid rubber requires use special equipment, then an affordable cold one-component material can be applied with your own hands using a spatula, brush or roller. The coating successfully withstands temperature extremes, exposure to moisture, UV radiation, and aggressive environments.

Replacing the soft roof covering

To update the outer covering of the garage soft roof, you can use traditional roofing felt or hardfacing roll material... The first option is cheaper, but the complexity of installation is higher. In the second case, you need to use a gas burner.

Roofing material is laid on top of a layer of heated bitumen mastic. The bituminous composition is applied to the prepared roof surface in a strip slightly exceeding the width of the roofing material. Roll material is rolled on top, and care should be taken to avoid the formation of bubbles. The overlap of the next strip should be 10-15 cm - it is for this width that the edge of the already laid coating should be smeared with bitumen. Discovered bubbles should be opened by making a small incision. After removing air from the area under the coating, the roofing material must be pressed tightly to the surface and the place of the incision must be smeared with bitumen.

Before laying, the roofing material should lie down unfolded for a day.

The finished flooring layer should be left to dry for 12 hours. Then the installation of the next layer of carpet is carried out - it should be done with a slight shift in order to avoid overlapping joints. In this case, the roof covering is able to provide required degree waterproofing. The number of layers of roofing material in a waterproofing carpet depends on the characteristics of the roof:

  • 5 layers for flat roofs;
  • 4 layers with a low slope (less than 15 degrees);
  • 3 layers with a slope of 20-40 degrees;
  • 2 layers on slopes from 45 degrees.

The lower layers of the carpet are made of fine-grained roofing material or roofing felt, and for outer cover it is recommended to roll material with coarse-grained dressing, which is maximally resistant to external influences.

Installation of the welded roof can also be done by hand. The cleaned and dried roof is primed with bitumen. Then the roll of material is rolled out about half a meter, and the free end is thoroughly heated with a gas burner. It is important to heat the corners and edges of the coating well to prevent them from lagging behind the surface..

The heated piece of the deposited coating is pressed against the roof surface with a roller. Then the roll is rolled out again by 50-60 centimeters, and the wrong side of the material is well heated by the burner. The strips of material are mounted with an overlap of 7-8 centimeters. The roofing carpet should consist of at least two layers, laid with shear joints. Work on the installation of the welded roof should be done accurately and quickly. By finished coating it is not recommended to walk until it cools completely - this can lead to a violation of the waterproofing properties of the material.

The optimally chosen option for repairing the roofing of the garage will allow for long term ensure the reliability of the roof of the building and protect the property.

A garage for a male car enthusiast is a structure as necessary as, for example, a kitchen for a hostess. This is the center where, in addition to the machine itself, all the abundance of tools, all kinds of devices and equipment, often quite expensive, is concentrated. And if the roof, the most unprotected, vulnerable place of this building, leaks, the zealous owner will fix the situation and repair the garage roof immediately, realizing what losses are possible in case of delay.

You need to start by defining the scope of work and material. The repair method is largely determined by the type of roof and the degree of its damage. There are two types of garage roofs - soft and hard, depending on what kind of covering is used. The hard ones include metal tiles, slate, corrugated board. Soft roof - roofing material, bituminous shingles, euroruberoid.

Initially, you should decide: partially or completely you will have to replace the coating, calculate and purchase the required amount of material, arm yourself necessary tool... Now you can proceed to the next step.

Roof preparation for renovation work

First of all, all debris is removed from the roof. The greatest attention should be paid to unreliable, problem areas - they are cleaned especially carefully. If you examine the roof, you may find that complete replacement the roof is not required, but it is only necessary to cut out the worn-out places with an ax, which later will need to be patched up using new material.

Usually, garage roof repairs are done in one of three ways:

  • using hot bitumen;
  • using rigid roofing materials (tiles, corrugated board, slate, etc.);
  • with the help of soft roofing materials (more often roll, such as roofing material, bikrost, glass insulation, and many others).

If the roof is covered with a soft roofing material, then minor damages, bulges and cracks on its surface can be prepared for repair as follows: sharp knife cut such a section crosswise, bend the edges and press them to the roof. The resulting hole must be carefully cleaned of dirt and moisture removed from it, for example, construction hairdryer or a gas burner. This completes the preparation, you can start repair work.

It is worth paying attention!

It is advisable to carry out all work on the preparation of the roof and its repair in dry warm weather at an air temperature above +10 degrees.

Proper preparation damaged sections of the roof for subsequent repair

Local repair of a soft roof of a garage

  • For local repair of the prepared sections, pieces of roofing material are cut off, exactly in the size of the area of ​​the resulting "envelope".
  • Cut holes are coated with bituminous mastic. Molten resin can be used. It is important that the bitumen fills the holes completely, leaving no chance for water leakage.
  • The cut piece of material, like a patch, is placed inside the "envelope" and pressed tightly. The top is additionally covered with a layer of mastic or resin.
  • The folded edges of the old coating are put back in place by pressing them against the adhesive surface.
  • Then another patch is glued on top of this area, but already exceeding the size of the repaired place by 15-20 cm on all sides.
  • For reliability, you can smear it with mastic again.
  • In this way, partial renovation soft roof of the garage with your own hands. The main thing is to pay attention to all problem areas.

The flat roof of the garage, after lying down, in the end should look like this

Repair with a complete replacement of the roof (roofing felt)

Roofing material is laid on bitumen mastic, and bikrost is fused with a gas burner. Obviously, the second one is much easier to install, less laborious, since you do not need to fiddle with mastic.

When the roof is completely waterproofed with roofing material, it is laid on a layer of tar, which is applied in parts as necessary. The strips of roofing material are laid so that the overlap is 10-15 cm. From each edge, molten bitumen is applied to the material webs. If bubbles form during use, you can cut them with a knife. Then the places of the cut must be firmly pressed against the roof and smeared with tar.

It is worth paying attention!

You need to start work on the roofing material flooring from the bottom point of the roof slope. And before that, the material must be allowed to straighten and lie down for about 24 hours.

The first layer of roofing material should dry for 12 hours, then you can start laying the next one. When repairing a garage roof with your own hands, you need to make sure that the joints of the layers do not match. This prevents moisture from penetrating between them.

If we talk about the number of layers, then their number depends on the slope of the roof:

  • flat roof - 5 layers of roofing material;
  • low slope (up to 15 degrees) - 4 layers;
  • slope 20-40 degrees - 3 layers;
  • the slope of the slope is 45 degrees - 2 layers.

Roofing material flooring on the top layer of the garage roof

Roofing or fine-grained roofing material is suitable for the lower layer, and only coarse-grained material is recommended for the upper layer.

Repair of a garage roof using bikrost

This roofing material is even easier to install. There is no need to use tar or bitumen mastic. When the garage roof leaks, with the help of bikrost, this situation can be very quickly corrected. Installation is carried out using a gas burner. The roof must be well cleaned and primed beforehand.

The roll is rolled out to 50-60 cm. This part is carefully heated with a gas burner, special attention is paid to the corners and edges of the coating. A heated piece of bikrost is pressed against the roof surface with a T-shaped stick or roller. Then you need to roll out the roll again about half a meter and heat the inside out with a burner. The overlap of the canvases should be at least 7-8 cm. The use of this material requires quick work, since the setting of bitumen occurs within a few minutes. Of course, the quality should not suffer in this case. Lay at least two layers.

The bikrost is laid with a burner

Repair of a soft roof does not require special knowledge and experience. It is only important to carefully follow all the rules that relate to the choice of material, weather conditions and the number of layers to be laid for the roofing device. Roofing material is still not losing ground - it is popular as before. But if there is no desire or opportunity to delve into the process of laying it with your own hands, then turn to experienced specialists who will cope with this work the best way, it's never too late.

The garage is a second home. And if in the first place, order and comfort is maintained by a woman, then in the garage, as a rule, a man is watching everything. It does not have to be warm and cozy here, but observe necessary requirements to dryness and reliability is simply necessary. A leaky roof can be a serious test for the owner if it is not patched up in time. We will talk about how and how to repair the garage roof in this article.

The method of roof repair directly depends on the type of building, the type of the roof itself and, of course, the degree of its wear. Often, a garage is built a short distance from a residential building and is made from inexpensive roofing materials: corrugated board, metal tiles, ondulin and shingles. As for collective garages, tiles are not enough. Soft bituminous materials are more suitable for them.

There are several ways to repair the roof of garages:

Preparatory work

First, you need to determine how much the roof has suffered and pay special attention to the failed elements that need to be replaced. Most quick repair do-it-yourself garage roofing is carried out using roll or sheet building materials. Individual ones will take much more time, so if the rainy season is on the nose, and the roof is gaping with holes, then it is better to do everything quickly.

Stages of preparatory work:

  1. Remove foliage and debris from the roof.
  2. Examine the surface to assess the damage. It is possible that there will be enough patches in problem areas for repairs.
  3. Remove problematic and leaky roofing elements for subsequent replacement.
  4. If the old roof was covered with roofing material, and you saw cracks or bubbles on it, then they must be eliminated before starting renovation works... Use a sharp knife to cut the problem areas crosswise and fold back the edges. Clean the space inside from dust and dirt, if any. Subsequently, you can simply fill these recesses with hot bitumen.

Hot bitumen repair

Repair of soft garage roofs is usually done with hot bitumen.

Required materials and tools:

  • bitumen;
  • bucket (it is better to choose a bucket that is not a pity, because it will be "disposable");
  • rope with a metal hook at the end to lift the bucket to the roof;
  • ladder;
  • bricks to make a "furnace" for heating bitumen;
  • hard brush to clean problem areas from dirt;
  • construction gloves.

Stages of work:

  1. Remove leaves and dirt from the roof and heat the bitumen on a makeshift brick oven. When the mass becomes pliable and plastic, you can start pouring.
  2. Using a rope with a hook, lift the bucket of molten bitumen up to the roof and fill it with dotted spots on the problem areas. If there is a desire and opportunity, you can completely cover the roof with bitumen to surely exclude the possibility of leakage.
  3. Guide the bitumen with a flat wooden board, smoothing it over the surface.
  4. Wait for the material to dry.

Repair with soft materials

Soft roofing materials are often used to repair garage roofs (photo).

These include bikrost and roofing material. And if the latter can be laid on bituminous mastic, then for laying bikrost you will need gas-burner... Despite this, it is much easier and faster to work with bikrost, because you do not have to bother with preparing and pouring mastic.

Roofing material

It is not so difficult to repair a garage roof with roofing felt, especially if you just need to put a few patches. Just cut off the required number of pieces and cover the prepared areas with them. The only caveat is that the measured piece must exactly match the size of the hole, otherwise all efforts will be useless.

Stages of creating a patch:

If you decide to cover the entire roof with bitumen, the course of work will be slightly different, and it will take much more time.

Stages of work:

  1. Remove dirt and dust from the roof.
  2. Apply a layer of tar, the width of which will correspond to the width of the roofing material.
  3. Lay the "strip" of roofing material in the oiled place.
  4. Cover the next section of the roof with tar, slightly overlapping the previous piece of roofing material (about 10-15 centimeters), and lay the canvas again.
  5. Move in this way until you cover the entire surface with roofing material.

Helpful hint: if bubbles appear during styling, simply cut them with a knife, release the air and press firmly against the tar. For one hundred percent waterproofing, you can once again grease them on top.

If your garage is adjacent to the neighboring ones, then during the laying of roofing material, pay special attention to the joints of the material with other roofs. These are usually the "weakest" spots where cracks appear most often.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with useful video about repairing the roof of the garage with roofing felt.

As a rule, one layer of roofing material is enough for your garage to be reliably protected from moisture, but if the operating conditions are too harsh, or you live in a region with high humidity and frequent rains, it is better to install two layers.

The cost of repairing a garage roof with roofing felt usually does not exceed 600-700 rubles. The material itself is inexpensive (from 200 to 300 rubles per roll), bituminous mastic or resin costs about 100 rubles per bag, and the rest of the materials and tools can be found in the same garage.


If repair with roofing material seemed too complicated and energy-intensive to you, we offer you bikrost. To install it, you do not need to pour bitumen mastic or resin. All you need is a gas burner and oxidized fast-setting bitumen. This is a special grade of bitumen, which "sets" very quickly and is firmly attached to the base.

Stages of work:

  1. Roll out a roll of bikrost 50-60 cm and heat it with a burner from the wrong side.
  2. Quickly press the heated material onto the roof surface with a T-stick.
  3. Stand with your feet on the freshly laid place, roll out the roll again a little and repeat the procedure, laying the second strip with an overlap of 7-9 centimeters.

Such work will take a maximum of an hour and a half of work, and the quality of waterproofing will be no worse than that of professional laying roofing material.

The cost of repairing a garage roof with bikrost will be slightly higher, but not so much as not to be tempted by the tight deadlines. So, the dryness and comfort of your garage will cost about 1,500 rubles.

Repair with corrugated board and tiles

Detached garages are usually covered with metal tiles, shingles or corrugated board. And if it is not difficult to replace the damaged segment of the corrugated board, then you will have to tinker with the tiles.

Corrugated board

To repair the roof of the garage with corrugated board, you need to stock up on simple tools. You will need the sheets of material themselves, a tape measure, Circular Saw and a screwdriver.

Usually, individual garages are covered with solid sheets of corrugated board, which do not build up, as is the case with metal tiles. In this case, it is necessary to make a side overlap, and one such "wave" is quite enough to ensure proper waterproofing of the entire room.

Since the width of a sheet of corrugated board is about a meter, then for an ordinary five-meter garage you will need 5 sheets.

Stages of work:

  1. Fix the first sheet of corrugated board in the upper corner with a screwdriver. It is not necessary to tighten the fasteners to the end, so that, if necessary, you can correct its location.
  2. In the same way, secure a couple more sheets and check if the line of the roof ridge coincides with their edges.
  3. Align the sheets and finally fasten them with a screwdriver.
  4. Top and lower part fasten through the "wave", and the middle part - in a checkerboard pattern.

Metal tile

Covering the roof of the garage with metal tiles will take a little more time. Despite the obvious laboriousness, today most people choose this particular method, because the metal tile looks beautiful and impressive. On the market, you can choose absolutely any color and turn your garage into the envy of all neighbors!

The metal tile should be fixed starting from the bottom and moving towards the very top of the roof. For fixing, use self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket so that the metal does not “drive” and loosen. In addition, the gaskets will provide additional waterproofing at the attachment points.

Overlap the elements using the special latches at the top and bottom of the sheets. This will give an even more secure grip.

Roof repairs are easy, especially if you have a building craving. Having done this kind of work at least once with your own hands, you will gain valuable experience that will be useful to you more than once in the future.