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Three councils for those who go to the hairdresser. Requirements for hairdressers. Necessary stack of documents

Today we will talk about the first questions that care of all those who wondered to open their hairdresser's business: how much is needed to open? When will pay off? How much will I have pure income? And in general, is it profitable to open a hairdresser?

In other words, everyone interests - how much is the hairdresser?

Of course, as in any business, the result will depend on many factors, but with the right approach you can get the desired, that is, a profitable hairdresser.

I regish only the most important aspects that will already give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe direction of thoughts and actions at the beginning of the way. And you can answer yourself to the question.

Is it profitable to open a hairdresser?

Premises for hairdressers.

Now in new areas where active construction goes, a lot of suitable areas appear. The first floors of new buildings with a non-developed infrastructure - just what is needed.
Complete the rental advertisements of the premises, find out the cost of a square meter and calculate, approximately a monthly amount for renting an area where you need to place a room, an area of \u200b\u200bwaiting, an administrator table and all additional offices. Also consider the availability of a room or a recreation corner for staff.

Second option.

Check out ads for rental of working hairdressers. In this case, there is an already accumulated customer base, equipment and repair. In this option, there is both the advantages and disadvantages, all negative experiences can be associated with this hairdresser and it will be necessary to attach no little effort so that customers forget about him.

There is another option.

If reluctant to depend on the landlord and there is no one's apartment on the 1st floor, you can take a 2 or 3-room apartment and is preferably not very far from transport routes to the mortgage, make a separate entrance and discover not just a hairdresser on its territory, Where a narrow range of services is performed, and a large range of services plus a psychologist consultation and possibly stylist advice ... That is, comprehensive service. Interesting and useful. A kind of club in interest.

Instead of payment for rent - mortgage can be a good solution. In addition, when changing circumstances, the room can always be submitted for something else.

Repair of the room.

If you use inexpensive finishing materials and work "Shabashnikov", a modest repair costs several thousand conventional units. You can invite several companies for consultation, ask questions and understand possible options for materials used, approximate scope of work, as well as timing.


If you planned your business when planning your business and the level of the hairdresser's salon, then you already understand what equipment must be purchased. By the way, if you buy everything from one supplier, you can get an additional discount of 10-15%.

I will give an exemplary list of equipment.


  1. Washing with a chair
  2. Cart Hairdresser for Plastic Tools
  3. Sterilizer for hairdresser's instrument
  4. Sushoire
  5. Equipment and equipment for each hairdresser:
    Chair hairdresser for customers
    Mirror hairdresser
    Cart Hairdresser for Coloring
    Hairdresser's instrument
    Other inventory

Manicure, Pedicure, Cosmetology, Solarium:

  1. Solarium vertical
  2. Manicure Table with Tumba
  3. Chair and additional inventory
  4. Pedicure Group (Customer Chair, Stand, Bath)
  5. Cosmetology chair stationary
  6. Magnifier Lamp
  7. Shirma-partition
  8. Table for cosmetologist
  9. Additional equipment for cosmetology and massage (set for epilation, massage couch ...)
  10. Other


  1. Chairs or chairs for waiting
  2. Reception
  3. A computer
  4. Other inventory

And this is only the minimum ...

Explore offers and count the total cost of equipment.

Personnel salary.

- This is the next major expense.

You can choose for yourself the right option for you:

  • salary,
  • percent
  • salary plus percentage of "Development".

Knowing the level and cost of services, net income from each service, a landmark for the average visitors per day, work schedule and the number of masters in shift, you can get an approximate amount of income.

Example of counting salary costs:

Basically, one visitor leaves in the salon _ _ _ _ _ _.
With the average service speed "one master - two clients per hour" (it depends on the complexity and category of services),
Four wizards for a decadacial shift will provide revenue about _ _ _ _ _.
Per month it will give _ _ _ _ _ _. Additional services will bring another _ _ _ _ _.
In total, the monthly revenue may address _ _ _ _ _ _.

Knowing the wizard payment option, you can calculate it salary.

Suppose, when the work schedule "Two, two" one master in a month can get a total of about _ _ _ _ _ _, then two shifts of the masters - hairdressers for four people _ _ _ _ _ _, as well as three specialists (manicure, Masseur, cosmetologist) _ _ _ _ _.
Total state in eleven people to whom you need to add two more administrators, a cleaner and a coming accountant.

The overall wage fund can be about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ per month.

Thus, the issue of project payback is studied.

On the calculations of the benefits of the hairdresser's business, another aspect is the calculation of the consumable material.Be sure to consider the number of cosmetics and consumables required to perform a particular service and enter the service.


  1. Determine with level and positioning.
  2. We count the initial costs for the start:
    Business registration.
    Cosmetic repair, signboard, pillar.
    Deposit under the lease agreement (three-month rate).
    Minimum set of equipment.
  3. Counting monthly expenses:
    The salary.
    Cosmetics and consumables (approximately 12% of the cost of the service).
    Taxes (simplified taxation system).
    Other expenses.
  4. Thip the approximate revenue per month:
    Additional services.
  5. Determine the payback period of the project of its business.

If you have already defined exactly with your desires. After passing all points and making calculations, you will not just have an idea of \u200b\u200byour income in the future, but also the time of payback and exit in plus. So you will answer the question: is it profitable to open a hairdresser? Based on these items, you can compile a business plan for a hairdresser.

But in order not to make mistakes and have a vision of further development and be able to lead at a distance, it is better to use the help of business consultants.

If there is a desire to learn all the details and learn to lead your successful business, then join the club of like-minded people.

Best wishes Zuhra Saifutdinova.

Most people are increasingly thinking about the opening of their business project. The aspirations of people are due to the goal of financial independence, which is usually possible only when working on themselves, and not bosses. In the crisis 2015, it was a little easier to open a small business, due to which many people stopped at the idea of \u200b\u200bopening their own hairdresser.

The hair is rightfully considered one of the most important decorations of any person, so it is it that he pays special attention and care. Haircut is required to people almost constantly, thanks to which the discovery of such an institution is a cost-effective and profitable project. Today we will look at the main stages of the opening of this business.

Like any other business, there are advantages and disadvantages. Now we will consider the pros and cons of this project, which will help you make a decision, open it or still not.

  • Establishment. Hairstyle is one of the main elements of appearance to which a person pays increased attention. Therefore, the hairdresser will be in demand in any case.
  • Stable and high income. High profits first will depend only on you. Therefore, it is important to provide quality services, then a good reputation will be provided to you.
  • Opportunity to participate in various beauty contests. If your hairdresser becomes a participant in the beauty contest, it will give your business an additional advantage and will provide a consistently high flow of customers.
  • High competition. At the moment, the account number of such establishments, especially in large cities, is worth a hundreds, or even thousands. Because of such a high competition, it is necessary to study and analyze the market as carefully.
  • Incorrect Master Work. No one is immune from the fact that the client may not like the result of the work of your hairdresser. You can hire a highly professional specialist, but you still do not get rid of this problem. A negative response to the result can produce negative rumors about your hairdresser and thereby deprive several customers.
  • Expensive equipment. Equipment for the workshop is quite expensive, which entails big expenses. At the same time, it must be qualitative to exclude possible breakdowns during operation.

It is also worth remembering that this business has not only positive and negative sides, but also other important points. For example, if you are going not only to lead the project, but also be directly the master, this type of activity will require constant communication with people. It is worth remembering that customers come across different, accordingly, you will need the ability to remain calm and friendly regardless of the situation.

In more detail about the organization of this business, you can learn from the following video:

Where to begin? Required documents

If you decide to open a hairdresser's business, then you should begin registration of the enterprise and the collection of all the necessary documentation. To open this project, you will need (individual entrepreneur). Registration is the most simple of all existing forms of business, so it is possible to implement the entire legal process quite simple and quickly.

Advantages of registration of an individual entrepreneur:

  • The hairdresser will be able to legitimate individuals.
  • The opening of the IP is cheaper, faster, it can be done on its own.
  • If you register an entrepreneur, you will not need constituent documents, legal address, authorized capital and other points related to.

You will need to choose the desired, which will allow you to lead entrepreneurial activities. When registering, you must select the code under the number 93.02 which carries the wording "providing services to hairdressing and beauty salons." If your institution is planned to trade in various cosmetics, then this will require the use of additional codes.

Once you have registered, you need to receive certificates from the fire service, SanEpidemstation and other instances.

Choosing a place

Much of the value where the hairdresser will be located not to give. If you are planning to open an institution in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe city, you can make it for VIP clients, where high-quality and exclusive services will be provided.

For a hairdresser's economy class, the ideal location will be a sleeping area of \u200b\u200bthe city with an increased flow of people. Most points located in the sleeping areas, profits are much higher due to the fact that they are within walking distance and have low prices for their services.

A good example will be the opening of a hairdresser in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city in which you know the approximate composition of living people in nearby houses and possible competitors.

Open the institution can be right in the basement of the residential building. To do this, it will be necessary that a non-residential premises can be equipped with a separate way out. For a small cabin, it is enough to buy a two-room apartment.

It must be remembered that in accordance with the sanitary rules, it is forbidden to accommodate hairdressers in the basement. In this case, the basement can be used as a separate room in which the inventory is stored.

Types of areas of institutions

To date, several popular categories can be distinguished for which business project can be implemented:

  • Economy class.
  • Children's institution.
  • Beauty saloon.

Economy class

At the moment, such institutions are the most in demand, as they provide a wide range of services at reasonable prices. For such a point, it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment and hire highly qualified personnel. It is also not required to rent large rooms.

For kids

Children's hairdresser is another type of business that is gaining popularity with the right organization of activity. The opening of the children's salon will require you to purchase enough expensive equipment, and the rental is quite large in its area of \u200b\u200bthe room. It is also necessary that it corresponds to all sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Particular attention is worth paying the design of the room. It is best to create an interior that you like to children, for example, decorate the walls with illustrations of various cartoons.

Also in the hall you can equip the game room, as in some families there may be several children.

Beauty saloon

The salon implies the expansion of the hairdresser's business. It provides services not only on haircut and painting, but also presented cosmetology, massage, spa treatments, solarium and more. Exterior design and interior decoration of the premises are radically different from a simple hairdresser.

It is extremely recommended to open a salon from scratch, without having confidence that business will bring you profit. It is best to open the point after your hairdresser has become popular, and you plan to expand your activities.

Necessary equipment, furniture and consumables

For the institution will need to purchase equipment and other items:

  • Chairs.
  • Hair washers.
  • Drying devices.
  • Hair cut trimmers.
  • Toilet tables.
  • Tongs, Crying, Iron.
  • Combs, scissors, clamps.
  • Furniture to visitors reception.
  • Furniture at the reception.
  • Tables for magazines.
  • Cape and towels.
  • Inventory storage cabinets.

If the manicure services will be provided in your hairdresser, you need to buy a table with drawers, ultraviolet lamp and additional equipment.

Personnel search

Personnel staff can be carried out in several ways. In almost every city there are courses where you are trained by hairdressers, so you can contact, offering work to several specialists.

You can also advertise advertisements to local newspapers about the set of masters in the salon. At the same time, it is desirable to immediately indicate the requirements and wages. Ads can be submitted not only in the newspaper, but on the Internet, on special portals about work.

First of all, pay attention to the qualification of the master and its experience in this area.

All business costs, possible sources of financing

To say an exact figure, how much will be spent on a business, it is impossible, it depends on the set of factors, for example, where the establishment will be opened - in the village, a small town or a metropolis. But you can calculate approximate costs:

  • Rental of premises - 25 000 rubles per month.
  • Equipment and furniture - 400,000 rubles.
  • Advertising campaign - 50,000 rubles.
  • Registration of business activities - 2,000 rubles.
  • Personnel salary - 100,000 rubles per month.

Sources of financing:

  • Credit for the opening of small business under 20-25 percent per annum.
  • Participation in the State Program for supporting novice entrepreneurs and small businesses.
  • Personal money.
  • Investor search.

Count profit

On average, at the initial stage, the hairdresser will bring an income of 2000-3000 rubles a day. Thus, the revenue for the month will be approximately 150-200 thousand rubles.

Payback will be from 6 to 12 months.

How to open a hairdresser and build a profitable business on it?

Hairdressers are in demand at any time. They use the population without exception. Therefore, a business associated with the hairdresser is rapidly developing. Everything will happen, which means that the case will bring income, provided that the list of services will satisfy the needs of customers. Marketers and market participants argue that the opening of the hairdresser or even several minutes, the direction is promising. Hairdressers do not happen much, considering that they are often small, and in them, for example, for holidays, it is difficult to get. Therefore, the extra institution will accurately pay customers.

What is a hairdresser as a business in general?

Before opening the hairdresser, you need to figure out what it represents. The hairdresser is an enterprise that provides services to the population, mainly related to hair care. It happens the following types:

  1. economy class: in the hall 2-3 places, several hairdressers, a small room;
  2. specialized: for example, a children's hairdresser;
  3. barber shop: In addition to standard services, manicure, pedicure, visage;
  4. salon-suite: characterized by a complex and expensive set of services (the direction is the same), but everything is carried out by professionals and on expensive equipment.

The advantages of the hairdresser's business are to be in demand, the minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe leased premises, a small staff. Of the minuses, you can allocate the upcoming turnover of frames, a relatively small range of services (if compared with the beauty salon).

A feature is competition, because this is the most destination in business, when even in the presence of competition you can easily open your hairdresser and at the same time quickly find regular customers and get out of profit. Unlike beauty salon, it is cheaper, it offers not such a wide range of services, service is also not at a high level. But if desired, even a conventional hairdresser can be brought to the cabin level.

How much should you open a hairdresser? Exemplary costs include:

  1. accounting (80,000 rubles per year);
  2. premises (from 2,000,000 rubles when buying; Rent cheaper);
  3. salary of personnel (0 rubles - 40% of revenue);
  4. equipment (from 200 000 rubles);
  5. advertising (from 30 000 rubles).

Revenues depend on the profits of each hairdresser. Approximately 500 rubles per person per day. It means that about 15,000 rubles will be released a month, but if the staff is more than 2-3 people, then profit will increase accordingly. Payback will not be more than 2 years. As a rule, from six months to a year.

Hairdresser's format and types of services offered

The hairdresser and its formats depend on the size of the room. It does not take into account such a factor as a variety of services, as the hairdresser, in fact, the variety of beauty salon.

  1. Small hairdresser: one room, usually on 2 jobs.
  2. Standard: 2 halls (male and female), 3 or more jobs.

By itself, such a business is the perfect option and, moreover, a low-cost, for a beginner entrepreneur. Here the main thing is the quality of services, not a latitude.

Types of services offered:

  1. haircuts: Men's, Children's, Women,
  2. hair coloring,
  3. melting,
  4. coloring
  5. long-term laying,
  6. perm,
  7. lamination
  8. hair care and treatment,
  9. festive hairstyles and styling.

This is a standard list. As it expands, many hairdressers add another workplace: manicure. Large costs will not require, but attract an additional flow of people.

What do you need to open the hairdresser?

Before opening your hairdresser from scratch, you need to analyze the market, see and find out everything about the nearest hairdressers. Make a business plan - the case is simple, which, moreover, will significantly help further compare the goals and results.

Next, you need to start thinking about the title. The most running option is names. Not much inferior in popularity of the name of colors, foreign words. Although it is difficult to refine, but come up with something clinging for everyone.

The next step is to submit a decision on the creation of a legal entity (or IP). You will need to open an account with a bank. And after registration, you must choose the tax system.

Rospotrebnadzor will ask to provide the following set of documents:

  1. statement,
  2. passport,
  3. certificate of State Registration,
  4. documents confirming the availability of the cash register,
  5. lease contract.

The premises found (purchased or leased) must comply with sanitary standards and specifications (water voltage, power grid). Registration is one of the most complicated steps, but, nevertheless, overcoming.

Room, Employees, Equipment

For a small hairdresser is easy to find the room. To open the hairdresser, the first thing to start, to think about the location. If the selected area already has hairdressers, it is better to choose something else. But in any of the cases it is better to open it in a residential area.

It all depends on the initial funds: if there are enough them, then it is possible to compete, but at the same time make focus on the quality of service, and if the initial capital is not enough, it is better to focus on finding such a area where no more than two hairdressers are open to several houses. The district itself should be denselylen. And the future room is to have an open, separate and affordable entrance. As a rule, hairdressers are located in residential buildings on the first floor.

Therefore, it will be very good if such an apartment building is located not far from the store or any other place where people constantly go.

The next step is to repair. All material must be certificates and appropriate conclusions. It is necessary to inspect the premises for damage.

Equipment is a business card. It should create comfort and be qualitative.

Approximate list:

  1. chairs / Sofans,
  2. toilet tables,
  3. sinks
  4. hair dryers,
  5. hairdressers (clips, combs and so on),
  6. cabinets and Sofans,
  7. mirror
  8. comfortable chairs
  9. catalogs / magazines,
  10. cosmetics (shampoos, varnishes and so on).

The most important stage is employees. They should be talented, creative people. You can hire experienced professionals with great experience, and you can graduates of hairdressers. Their main difference between themselves consists not only in the experience, but also material remuneration. It is also necessary to remember that in the hairdresser's business, each master forms its customer base and what it is wider, the better for the business as a whole. In addition to hairdressers, you will need an accountant, a cleaner. Although at first, such duties can be assigned to themselves.

As soon as the room is chosen, repairs are made, the resolution of Santsans is obtained and recruited staff, you need to get a service certification. Certificates should be all masters outstanding after courses.

How to attract customers?

What can attract first customers? Only advertising. But only then the "sarafined radio." From advertising in efficient ways are leaflets that can be handed out manually, and you can scatter in the mailboxes.

Locate customers will help an unusual chip in the hairdresser. As a basis, you can take service in the beauty salons: tea / coffee for customers, while they expect queues, pleasant music, stocks on birthdays (coupons for small amounts).

Also, promotional materials can be left in stores specializing in cosmetics or other relevant goods. The original idea is the offer of the free procedure to the first customers (head massage, as an option).

Be sure to put ads at stops and other places (if not prohibited) and, except for the sign, it is worth installing pillars.

Open the hairdresser is not so difficult. As in any business, there are nuances and pitfalls here, but they are all overcoming. This is evidenced by a large selection of hairdressers for every taste: from expensive to economy class. It is difficult to call a specific figure that will be needed to open a business, but still approximate costs can be calculated. An important point is also how you yourself are oriented in this area. Excellent if you have experience and the desire to help your staff at first, and maybe even arrange a small master class.

And most importantly - the formation of the base of regular customers. The masters must be communicable, experienced and friendly so that customers return to them again and again. They should be able to advise and pick up the perfect haircut for any person. This is one of the business success factors.

Opening one or another business should always be thinking about what room will be used under your business idea. Naturally, not any room is suitable for the opening of the hairdresser. Let's wonder in more detail, what room is suitable for this and what the requirements will be presented to it.

Hairdresser's room at his own expense

You can open the hairdresser in its premises, and more accurately implement this business idea in the apartment. But for this you need to comply with certain rules and requirements.

Basic requirements for the room under the hairdresser

If we are talking about the apartment room, then your apartment must be translated into a non-residential fund. After that, this room must be supplied separate entrance - This rule is one of the required. But that's not all. To get permission to implement the business, you need to collect at least 20 signatures from tenants that they agree to accommodate your hairdresser in their entrance. There is another one but - Which advises you to pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. By law, at one workplace should have no less 7 square metersThis means that, for example, a room at 30 square meters is suitable for a hairdresser for 2 jobs. Where did this figure come from? 7 + 7 \u003d 14 (sq.meter) - at least 2 jobs + 6 (waiting room) + 10 (restroom, etc.) \u003d 16 (sq. M.) We obtain: 30 square meters, which means this room for hairdresser We are suitable. So, let's summarize everything that has been said above:

  1. The room must have a separate entrance;
  2. One workplace should accounted for 7 sq. Meters;
  3. If it is an apartment, it must be translated into a non-residential fund;

Pros from own premises

The first and most significant advantage is that you will not need to pay for rent. For the place itself, of course you will have to pay, but you will not depend on the landlord. You can always change this room as you want! For example, if you want to change the direction of your business, such as open a grocery store, then having your own room, you will not have any problems. There are practically no minuses, since you will completely be the sole owner of your business. Why practically? Because one minus is still there.

What could occur, having their premises?

The minus is the location of this room. Now I will explain everything for example:

Suppose you are going to open your hairdresser, as you know, the location of the room is a very important factor. What are you doing? You find the desired room, rent it, for example, for 3-4 months, and see whether his location is favorable, whether customers come to you and whether they are moving away by anyone.

In a word, you are watching all this time and think, and not wrong with the choice of location? If all the same was mistaken, then you simply dissolve the contract in the landlords and find another room elsewhere. And if you have your own room, you will not be able to change it, although it can be leased or sell it, and this means that the advantages are more than minuses! Now you know which room is suitable for

Beauty salons, Cabins for the provision of cosmetology services, spa and hairdressers belong to organizations providing household services. This type of business today is popular and economically beneficial. Salons are created by various levels: from class premium to economy option. But they all obey the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation and Rospotrebnadzor.

What is regulated by beauty and health studios?

What regulatory and legislation and will regulate the activities of the salon, depends on the services that are planned to provide. For hairdressers, the main regulatory document is:

  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of April 26, 2011 No. 342n with amendments reflected in the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 12.12.2012 No. 590n.

If the cabin provides services:

  • tattoo;
  • piercing;
  • puncture ears;
  • masseur;
  • doctor of the cosmetologist.

The administration of such a salon should be guided by:

  • order by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 321n.
  • letter of the Ministry of Health of March 14, 2008 No. 537-12.

These activities refer to medical in the field of cosmetology and, unlike the rest, are subject to licensing.

Licensing structures and bodies issuing permission to open the cabin

To the authorities that accept licensing documents are:

  • Roszdravnadzor.
  • Federal departments in the field.

Medical licenses perpetual, but they can be withdrawn with violations of the organization / IP. The state duty on obtaining a medical license is 7,500 rubles.

Before handling licensing authorities, you need:

  • Register LLC / IP in the tax service (registration period 7 days).
  • Arrange documents on the room. This is done in the registration chamber, the registration period is 30 days.
  • Get permits from fire inspection (7 days).
  • Get the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor (term 21 days).
  • Get the resolution of local authorities (depends on the region).

Before contacting the SES and licensing structures, you need to prepare a set of contracts.

Contracts that need to conclude

The contracts conclude with housing partnerships, vodokanal, energy companies serving the area where the salon is located.

  • For services utilities.
  • Heating.
  • Water consumption and water removal.
  • Electricity consumption.
  • Alarm (fire / security).
  • Waste export.

Additionally, the contract with the laundry is washing overalls and towels, linen when providing customers with relevant services.

Requirements for the placement of beauty salon and spa

One of the frequently asked questions, does Santsa resolve such an organization in the residential premises? The answer is positive. The hairdresser and all kinds of beauty salons can be placed on the base (basement) / first (second) floor of a residential building, as well as:

  • in a separate building / building;
  • built-in and attached part of the house;
  • in the shopping center;
  • in medical and wellness complexes on any floor, the main emphasis is made to comply with the norms and rules of hygiene and epidemiology.
  • complexes that do not have natural insolation.

In the latter case, SES is very strictly referring to ensuring sanitary standards for artificial lighting. It insists on the use of LDS (daylight illuminators, which have improved lighting) and compliance with all microclimatic indicators at a comfortable level.

SES Requirements for Beauty Salon

The list of requirements is rather big. It is worth familiar with him who turned to Sanper and other regulations regulating the activities of beauty studios. We will give a brief list of mandatory requirements.

Requirements for the premises

Even the smallest beauty salon (hairdresser) must have:

  • waiting hall;
  • wardrobe;
  • bathroom for workers;
  • utility room;
  • kitchen;

All Beauty / Hairdresser / Spa / Spa Studio Rooms must have internal engineering networks (sewer, plumbing). When placed in a residential building, ventilation is organized separately from the general one.

Each type of service requires a separate cabinet. For example, manicure, pedicure, massage, cosmetology procedures, injection and cosmetology procedures, piercing and tattoo - all these procedures are in individual cabinets. The permissible is considered a manicure and pedicure in one hall with the condition that jobs are separated by a partition. If the salon has a solarium, it should be in a separate room with its own ventilation.

Requirements for surfaces, coating, equipment

The SES requires that the equipment used in the beauty / hairdresser's salon has:

  • Quality certificate.
  • Agreement for warranty and further postgrarant service.

All equipment, equipment and surfaces should easily wash and disinfect. This means that all surfaces must be moisture-resistant and disinfect with disinfectants. Each master is obliged to work with individual instruments. Tools must sterilize. All related products must be appropriate quality and be available in the right amount. Cleaning in the premises of hairdressers / beauty salons is allowed only wet. It is held at least 2 times during the working day.

Requirements for beauty salon workers

The main requirement for staff working in a hairdresser or beauty studio from the SES:

  • presence of a bear;
  • regular passage of medical examinations.

When performing licensed activities, beauty salon workers must have:

  • education, in accordance with the profile of the activities carried out;
  • certificates of passing training courses;
  • and experience in a similar position.

Employees of beauty salons must carefully monitor their own hygiene, wash their hands after working with each client, use means for humidification and skin softening.

What checks the SES.

Since 2015, the checks of Rospotrebnadzor, in particular, district SES, can be planned and unscheduled. In all cases, the Commission may require the head of the enterprise or his representative:

  • Medical books workers.
  • Matching the premises and equipment of jobs standards.
  • Conditions of microclimate, noise, lighting.
  • Documents of compliance with products.
  • Certificates of state registration of medical devices. This group includes syringes, gloves, laser equipment, etc.
  • Production control program, according to SP 1.1.1058-01.
  • Certification of jobs. Her owner is obliged to spend within 2 months from the date of opening the salon / hairdresser. Evaluation of the factors of the production environment is made by special organizations.
  • The presence of personal protective equipment of workers (gloves, attacks, etc.) and first aid kit.
  • Production control magazine and sterilization treatment.

The auditory authorities may pay attention to the presence / lack of fire extinguishing and evacuation plan. If the salon provides medical plan services, except for the Communal Service of the SES, to visit the representatives of FMBA (medical and biological agency). They will require a license and other documents that allow medical procedures.

Penalties in violation of sanitary regime

The type of penalty and the size of the fine depends on the violation, its repeatability, and damage, which causes such a violation to state or customers. Provided:

  • fine legal / official / individual;
  • deprivation of a license;
  • administrative closure of the enterprise for a period of up to 90 days;
  • criminal liability.

The minimum that should pay the finished will be 100 rubles for the individuality, 500 rubles for the legal entity and the administrative employee. On average, the Fines from the SES range from 5 to 10 minimum wages. But the amount may be greater. By link you can download