Repairs Design Furniture

Ceiling lining balcony with her own hands. The lining of the balcony with their own hands is a step-by-step instruction. Protective coating for finished trim

Exists many balcony finishing options. One of the most popular ways is the inner finish with lining. This article discusses how to shelter the balcony with their own hands, given all the features, advantages and disadvantages of the material. But before it is necessary to determine which clapboard the balcony, because It differs in material and quality.

Types of lining for balcony

The lining is the optimal selection for the balcony finish. She has beautiful appearance, easy mountedWhen it is organized, you can insulate the loggia or balcony.

The most common are two types of material.

Plastic lining

Such material manufactured from PVC or vinylDue to its structure, has good thermal insulating and sound insulation qualities. Color gamut plastic products is very wide.

When using this type of lining, any material can be imitated, and also apply a decorative image on its surface. The service life of such a material reaches 30 years. The decoration of plastic lining will provide a beautiful appearance of the balcony for a small price.

Advantages of plastic clapboard cover:

Disadvantages of plastic finishes:

Wooden lining

This species is made of wood and has type of fine board of a specific profile. The service life is 10 years. To cover the balcony with such clapboard, products from ash, oak, alder, cedar, linden, ate, pines and other wood breeds are used.

Depending on the material and manufacturing technology, the cost of the product is determined.
Wooden lining, depending on the quality of the material, divided into classes.

  • "Extra". The highest quality product without flaws. It has a beautiful appearance, but the cost is higher than that of the other classes.
  • Class "A". A pair of small, mischievous bitch is 1.5 meters.
  • Class "B". In addition to the bitch, resin pockets and cracks are possible.
  • Class "C". Low quality product is intended for finishing technical and auxiliary premises.

Pluses of wooden lining:

  • Environmentally friendly, natural, "Breathable" material.
  • Good thermal insulation properties.
  • Soundproofing.
  • The lining of coniferous rocks has a pleasant smell.
  • Beautiful appearance.
  • Universality. Wooden lining can be used to finish the walls, as well as the ceiling and floor.

Cons of wooden finishes:

  • The installation process is more labor-intensive than when mounting plastic.
  • The need for material processing drugs to protect against fungus, mold, rot and insects. Also, wood is treated with antgirls.
  • To enhance protective properties and from decorative considerations, the luggage should be covered with paint materials.
  • In hot weather under the action of high temperature of conifer breeds of wood select resin.
  • Without additional processing on the material, high or low temperature is destructive, as well as increased humidity.
  • Wooden lining well and fast burning.

Technology performing work

So that the finishing material was nicely laid, and also defended from the cold, it is important to know how to properly sew a balcony of the clapboard. At the first stage it is necessary decide with the materialThis will be plastic or wooden lining. And if a wooden, what class and which breed wood will be used.

Products from Linda practically does not have defects, has a beautiful appearance and a long service life, but the cost is high enough. Pine is resistant to temperature drops, which is relevant to finishing the balcony. Larch has a beautiful texture, besides, it is poorly subjected to rotting.

Deciding with the material, you can proceed to the consideration of technology, how to sew a balcony with your own hands.

Required tool for work:

  • perforator (drill);
  • screwdriver;
  • pistol for mounting foam;
  • stapler;
  • metric roulette;
  • level;
  • plumb;
  • hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • ax;

Step-by-step scheme for performing work

  1. Cleaning the surface. If the repair of the building operated is performed, it is necessary to remove the old finish, clean the dirt and dust, and also remove rough protruding irregularities of the structure. If there are cracks, they must be sacrificed and eliminated by filling with construction materials.
  2. Antiseptic processing. Under the wagon can safely multiply the fungus or to form mold. For this reason, before sowing a balcony, you need process the surface of the walls and ceiling with special soil compositions. Such processing will prevent the formation of fungus and mold, as well as provide the best adhesion of the insulation with the enclosing construction.
  3. Dormitory device.
    The root is a frame for triggeneck. Before mounting the frame, it is recommended for walls and a ceiling to lay a foil-based rolled material that will perform heat transfer properties.

    To proceed to the gear device, you first need to decide on orientation of clapboard. If it is oriented vertically, it will be visually to increase the height of the room, and if horizontally, then expand it. You can perform a combined laying option, or inclined installation. Depending on the direction of laying, the framework of the framework is performed.

    The drying is performed from a wooden bar or metal products, however, it is more convenient to use the timber for the wooden lining. First mark the markup. Using the level and pencil (chalk) places places for mounting guides to Wall.

    Installation is performed with a certain step, which should not exceed the 1st meter. Under the condition of the heat insulation device, the step of the guides must correspond to the width of the heat insulating material, if the mineral wool is used as thermal insulation, the step of the guide bar must be slightly less than the width of the heat insulating mat so that it is tightly held and did not fall out.

    Bruks are mounted in the direction of laying clapboard. Then, at the beginning and at the end of the wall strictly perpendicular to the guides mounted bars. Thus, they will be oriented perpendicular to the direction of the lining.

    From one starting rail to the other, two are stretched - three cords, which will be beacons for mounting subsequent rails so that they are in the same plane. Subsequent rails are mounted, focusing on the mounting cord. So that they were in the same plane, you can put additional chips or, on the contrary, to pick up the excavation in the bar. The frame is assembled with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws.

    After the framework of the frame, you need to check its level using the appropriate tool. The shell on the ceiling is performed by analogy with the penetration of the walls.

  4. Insulation balcony. A balcony or loggia is the part of a residential building that does not heal. Therefore, to protect the room from frost, you need to warm the balcony and eliminate all the possibilities of getting cold.

    As thermal insulation material is most often used mineral Wool, Penoplex or Polyfoam. Mineral wool is cut into mats of the required size, and stacked between the guides, but not too tight so as not to reduce the thermal insulation properties of the material.

    The slab thermal insulation material (foam or penplex) is in the same way mounted between the guides. If the stove is not suitable in size, it can be trimmed with a knife or supplement the cut part. The joints between thermoisol are filled with mounting foam either another hermetic material. It is important to eliminate all cold bridges to cut off his room entering.

  5. Waterproofing device. Waterproofing is arranged in the event that if mineral wool is used as insulation. To protect against moisture throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, the waterproofing membrane is laid and ate brackets to a wooden frame with a stapler.
  6. Clapboard. This stage can be saved again and fulfill all the work on your own, for this you need to know how to seize the balcony of the lining. Exists two main ways of installing wooden products, as well as a device of plastic lining.
  7. . In the processing of paint materials, only wood lining needed. With this coating, the color and texture of wood is emphasized, any color is attached to the material, protected from moisture, frost, insects.
  8. If you need to protect the lining from external influence, but at the same time keep the natural color of wood, then a transparent varnish is used. To give color the material applies paint. Decorative azure stains the surface, but retains wood texture. The simulator can give the desired shade of the lining. Oil or acrylic paints completely paint the surface.

    Before painting the lining is cleaned and grind. Then covered with an antiseptic so that the rot is not formed, mold and fungus. The antiseptic prolongs the life of the lining.

    The paintwork is applied with a brush with a thin layer, after which it is necessary to wait for it to dry. After that, the second and third layer is applied in the same way. It is impossible to apply lacquer or paint at once with a thick layer, in this case the coating will be uneven.

Almost in any apartment there is a balcony or loggia that I want to turn into a natural continuation of the apartment. For this, windows are installed there, insulation and interior decoration is performed. Today, the market can offer a huge selection of building materials, and the diversity of designer decisions for apartments only warms the desire to create something unusual on the balcony or loggia. But, if it is not surprising, leadership keeps the old and proven option - finishing the balcony with lining. Especially since the lining of the balcony with their own hands is the case, which is forces to anyone. It is enough to be able to use the instrument, know what and how to do.

Types of lining

Before you begin to work yourself, you need to decide on the type of lining. After all, it is from this that the appearance of the walls will depend on it, as well as the total cost of finishing the balcony with lining. In addition, the total cost and the kind will affect whether the balcony is performed by plastic lining or wooden.

Wooden lining

The production of wooden lining has been established with a wide scale, and today you can find the lining of a wide variety of wood. From the entire range of wood breeds for taking a balcony with wooden lining chosen pine, a lip, ash, larch, aspen. If finances allow, then the loggia or a balcony can be separated under the antiquity specially made by oak lining. In fact, it does not matter which breed will be used, everything depends on the wishes and financial capabilities of the owner. But there is one important nuance. Such high popularity of the pine or the same linden is due to the ease of wood processing and affordable price. Therefore, if you want without special problems to finish the balcony with the lining with your own hands, choose soft wood.

When choosing the lining to cover the loggia or balcony, you should immediately decide what the end result should be. Since it will depend on it, what class wallboard is advisable to buy. All such classes are four - premium ("0" or "Extra"), A, B, C.

The most expensive, but also the highest quality is Premium class. This lining without bitch, core, perfectly smooth and uniform color. Class A Class lower in cost, non-core, plank homogeneous color. May contain 1 bitch or resin pocket by 1.5 rose meters. Average price class B Lining. It contains up to four bits or resin pockets, the planks of the inhomogeneous color and poorly processed. The cheapest class S. Lining. The planks are poorly processed, there are many bitch and resin pockets on them, there are cracks and pronounced inhomogeneous color. When finishing a balcony with clapboard, the price of the question will depend primarily from the wood used and the classes of the lining itself.

In addition to classes, the lining has several types of profile: "Schip-groove along the length", "Schip-groove and chamfer along the length", "Soft-Line", "Euro". It should also be noted that the pedantic Europeans have tried to minimize waste when weaving with clapboard, and all the planks are fitted under a certain size. Such lining is called "Eurovanda", and it is advantageous with the asymmetric type of compound, ergonomic and the presence of the grooves from the back of the condensate. But if you compare the planks of various lining, then the difference will be only in size, depth and type of connections.

Under plastic clap, the usual narrow wall PVC panels imply. The brackets were called because of similarity with wooden planks. The lining of the balcony by plastic lining has a number of weighty advantages over wooden. The main advantages are low price, immunity to high humidity and simplicity for surface care. The main disadvantage is its artificial origin. Plastic lining does not have such a large division into classes and types, as the usual wooden lining. Therefore, the choice here is only in the selection of suitable coloring, size and determining the quality of the product.

Color range of plastic lining is huge. You can pick up for every taste. The main thing when buying make sure that all panels are from one batch and one tonality. Also, when choosing and acquiring PVC panels, you should pay your attention to the quality of the product. To do this, you need to take the panel in the hands and inspect it. The first thing we pay attention is the thickness of the working surface. The thicker, the better. The second is the amount and state of the internal ribs of stiffness. The more, the better, and the ribs themselves should be even. The third is a quality raw material for the panel. To do this, bend and return the edge of the panel back. If after that there is no trace left or it is not bad, then the panel is high quality.

What lining to choose, plastic or wooden to solve directly to the hosts depending on their preferences and capabilities. It should only be noted that it is necessary to approach the choice with full responsibility. Since the quality of the installation, the end result and service life will depend on the quality of the materials.

Preparation for clapboard

Before the trimming of a balcony or loggia is performed, a number of preparatory work will have to produce. These include the purchase in the desired number of necessary materials and the preparation of walls. The latter is especially important, as the wooden lining can over time can be covered with fungus or mold.

Tools and materials

The interior trim of the balcony is begins with measurements and purchase of the required amount of materials. There are no special difficulties with measurements. It is enough to measure the height and length of the walls of the balcony or loggia and calculate the total area. After that, measure all the door and window openings and subtract their area from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. As a result, we get a clean area under the clapboard with clapboard.

After the size is removed, you can go for the materials. In addition to the lining itself, wooden bars 60x40 and 60x15 mm will also need. It should be noted that the bars will go to the crate. Bar 60x40 mm will be used for the main crate holding vapor barrier and between the BROs of which the insulation will be laid, and Bar 60x15 mm For the surface, holding the second layer of vaporizolation. Also purchased insulation with a thickness of 40 mm, impregnation from fungi and mold, superdiffusion membrane and single-layer vapor-permeable membrane, varnish. Still need ostrogan board with a thickness of 20 mm For the windowsill, a convenient width for you. You can also take a planed board to decorating the slopes, but already a smaller thickness of 12 - 15 mm, and the boards width will be equal to the thickness of the walls on the slopes. As a heater, foam plastic is often chosen, but you can stop on the stone cotton. It has excellent thermal insulation properties and more environmentally friendly compared to foam.

If the balcony is performed by plastic clapboard, then besides the PVC itself, the lining will have to buy more moldings. They are several species, and each is used in a certain case. There are moldings for the ceiling, connective, end and starting, for external and inner corners. Their quantity is quite easy to calculate, just look at the balcony and calculate the number of angular connections. Another important point is to purchase short screws with a wide hat to secure PVC panels to the crate.

From the tool you will need a shock drill or a perforator, a screwdriver, a hammer and a badger, a hacksaw mall, a brush. And, of course, the roulette, level, pencil or marker. Some consumables will also need, these are liquid nails, fasteners for lining, nails for lining, self-tapping screw and dowel 6x60.

Preparatory work

All work on finishing the balcony or loggia finish with their own hands are performed after the windows are installed and the floor is laid. But in addition to windows and gestures, the walls remain to which the lamp will be attached. It is with them that you will have to carry out the main work on the preparation for the clapboard.

Firstly, it is necessary to check all the walls for cracks and damage. If so are revealed, they will have to close and give to completely dry.

Secondly, check walls for irregularities. Make it can be quite simple - attaching a long level to the wall. If large pumps or dips are revealed, more than 10 mm depth, then they will first have to do with alignment. Otherwise, after the cladding of the clapboard, the whole wall will look very crooked, and the wooden frame will eventually behave, and the planks of the lining will go away. Of course, it is possible to put the lining under the bars, but over time they can quiet, which will lead to the fact that the frame and the lining will hang out.

Thirdly, Perform the processing of walls and bars of frame with special impregnation from fungi and mold. This measure is a tough necessity, since the balcony or loggia is more susceptible to atmospheric influences than residential premises. And wood can quickly come into disrepair. After treatment with impregnation, wood and walls become protected from this attack. But the defense period is limited, so you will have to perform a small repair and re-processing every 10 to 15 years. There is another option to protect against fungus and mold. It consists in treating the walls of PVA putty. It creates a moisture-proof barrier. But it is also a disadvantage. Since the walls cease to "breathe", and all moisture accumulates inside the design and can lead to the appearance of fungus. After processing the protective composition, we give the surface to dry and then go to further work.

Important! It so happened that the people of the balcony and the loggia became identical to the concepts. Although these are completely different designs. The balcony is a part of the building with a fence from the facade plane. Loggia is part of the building and fenced with three sides by the walls. In this regard, the casing of the loggia is somewhat easier in contrast to the balcony. Since on the balcony it is pre-create reliable walls for the crate. Therefore, the price of materials and work may be several times higher on the lining of the balcony. Also, the finishing of the loggia is clapping presents less strict requirements for insulation and moisture causing lining.


Directly the work on the finishing of a balcony or loggia is needed in two approaches. The first is the creation of crates, insulation, vapor barrier. The second is the lining plank. It should be noted that the loggia finishing with wooden clapboard and plastic lining is largely similar to each other.

Loggia finishing with a video lesson:

Creating a frame and insulation

The first thing is starting to be - this marking. We apply it for frames of the frame. Depending on how the lining will be installed - vertically, horizontally or diagonally, the slats will be placed. For diagonal and horizontal lining, the planks are installed vertically. For layouts of clap, fixed vertically, bars of crates will be installed horizontally. The step for frameworks of the frame in both versions is 50 - 70 cm. At the same time, the first and last planks are always installed at a distance from the edge of 5 - 10 cm. Also cost to remember and that the width of the framed cream is 60 mm, and the line, by which will be equal to the bars, is their upper boundary. Performing markup, watches the lines to be strictly horizontal or vertical.

Having completed with markup, cut the bars of the required length. After that, by attaching a bar under the line and tightly pressing it, we deplorable in the bar and the wall of the hole for fasteners. This can be done as a drill and a perforator. Step holes 40 - 50 cm. At the same time, the first and last hole is located 5 cm from the edges. Having done the holes, insert a dowel there. Next, it will be necessary to deploy and secure the superdiffusion membrane to the wall. For this, liquid nails will be required. Securing at several points with their help membrane, you can install in place and fasten the bars of the crateswith the help of self-tapping screws.

The next step will be laying insulation inside the crate. Everything is quite simple here. The insulation itself, if necessary, cut under the size of the opening between the bars and tightly put it inside. Working with Minvata, you should adhere to safety and perform all work in mittens, respirator and protective glasses. On top of the insulation, a single-layer vaporonic membrane laying on top of the insulation, initially fixing it on liquid nails, and then finally fix the 60x15 bars.


Having created the frame, proceed to its trim. There are several options for fixing planks - vertically horizontally, diagonally. Which one to choose, to solve you personally. On the brake photo showing the loggia, it can be seen how two ways to fix the planks are used.

Installation work start with slices of slats required length for a plot under balcony or loggia windows. Next, we take the first bar, cut off her spike and apply a cut to the wall. Now fix the bar itself. There are several options - with the help of curmmers, nails, driven by an imagination or directly, as well as through fixing with a plug. The simplest and at the same time a neat way of fastening - with the help of a bell. Its advantage is that the fastener itself will be hidden, and the plane of the lining will remain an integer. On the shocking of the balcony with clapboard, the photo of the mounting of the clapboard is visible.

Performed fastening the clammer lining in the following way. Tightly holding the first bar, drive a pair of nails, one in the top bar of the crate, and the second to the bottom. Natives themselves are not up to the end, but so that they hold the bar in place. Then we take the curmmers and bring them so that they are tightly sat down by pouring the folding plate. After that, we take nails and finally finally the Kleimmer himself. Initially, the fixing bar is removed. Then how to fix with the help of curvators when wearing a balcony with a video lesson:

Further steps on the lining of the balcony will be as follows. Take the next panel and start its spike in the groove of the previous and tightly press. So that the planka sat down in place, it must be achieved. To do this, we use the Cyanka. After that, just fasten the clemmers according to the above algorithm. Hats nails blend Dobobunik. We repeat the entire procedure for all slats. The closing plate of the lining should be trimmed along so that it freely entered the remaining space. We finish the bar itself with the help of a special clamp, and fix nails, drove directly.

Having finished with a wall under the windows, go to a higher walls. In fact, all the work is similar to the above described. But there is one important point. If the folders of the lining will be short and completely will not block the distance from the floor to the ceiling, then they will have to be placed with a good one. This is done as follows. First we set the long bar and fix it. At the same time, watches the edge lay down on half the brush of the crate. Then we take another bar, but already short, and fix it as a continuation is long. Next, begin with a short and add long to it. As a result, it will be placed on staggery.

When all the work on the installation of slat plane will be completed, go to window sills. There are no special difficulties in this. Under the windows there is a special gap for the windowsill. Therefore, you can cut the board to the required length, then appreciate the base. Take the board under the windows and press. The main thing is to test her horizon in advance so that the windowsill did not fall. Finally, leave the board under the press of 10 kg throughout the plane. This is necessary because the foam can lift it. Finally, we install the plinth on the floor and the ceiling.

Sometimes to hide the fastening of the first and last planks, the plinth is installed in all corners of the balcony or loggia. The protruding corners of the lining are closed by special external corner connections that can be bought with the clapboard. Further decoration of the balcony with wooden lining will be in grinding the surface and opening it with varnish. After that, all the work can be considered complete.

The finish of the balcony or loggia of PVC lining is largely reminded by a decoration with wooden lining. But the process itself is somewhat simpler and faster. Plastic lining plates are installed in the same way, but instead of curzmers used short screws with a wide hat. All angles are hidden by moldings, and the finishing finish, grinding and opening is not required. On the shouting finish of the balcony, the photo can be seen as the balcony is covered with plastic.

Using plastic for trimming balconies with a video lesson:

September 12, 2016
Specialization: finishing of facades, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience and gardener and gardener experience. There is also experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: the game is not a guitar and a lot more, to which there is not enough time :)

The tree remains one of the most sought-after finishing materials. In particular, the decoration of the European Balcony is very popular, since this material is easily established and it allows you to provide an attractive appearance of the room with a country house atmosphere. The only thing before proceeding to the installation of Eurovantia, be sure to become familiar with the nuances of this work, which I will tell below.

A few words about Eurovant

Eurovale, how it is not difficult to guess - this is an improved option of ordinary lining. In particular, it differs in the following nuances:

  • increased ship length up to 8 mm (The standard is 4 mm) - this is perhaps one of the main differences between the Eurovantia from the usual lining. Increased spike provides a more durable connection. In addition, the likelihood of gaps is eliminated as a result of the lope of the level of humidity and temperature indoors;
  • availability from the back of two channels - The latter are designed to ensure the ventilation of the space under the clap to exclude the occurrence.

Moreover, more stringent requirements for quality are presented to the Euro woman And, in particular, its geometry. Thanks to this, the surface is covered with eurvagon looks more attractive. The rest of the materials are identical, respectively, the way them is edited is also the same.

Finishing technology

So, with the peculiarities of the material we got acquainted, now we will look at how to shelter the balcony by the Eurovantia. First of all, I note that this procedure includes several stages:

Each of these stages contains its nuances that I will tell below.

Tools and materials

Before proceeding with work, as in any other construction business, it is necessary to prepare materials and tools. In this case, you will need:

  • wooden rails with a cross section of 20 x 40 or 25 x 50 mm;
  • antiseptic primer;
  • protective impregnation for wood;
  • self-tapping screws and dowel-nails;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • electrolovik;
  • electric drill;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette and pencil.

If you want to warm the balcony, then you will additionally need a vapor barrier film, as well as the insulation itself. Mineral mats, foam, polystyrene foam, etc. can be used as the latter. On our portal you can find detailed information on which types of insulation can be used on the balcony.


First of all, you need to prepare a balcony for Eurovantia. This is done as follows:

  1. first, free the balcony from all items so that they do not interfere with work. Also, dismantle all the elements on the walls and the ceiling. It can be shelves, etc.;
  2. if there are sprinkled and peeling sites with old finishing on the surface, they must be dismantled;
  3. next, the surface must be treated with antiseptic primer so that the mold is not formed on the wall or ceiling. The liquid is applied with a thin layer using a painting brush or roller. Moreover, to achieve the most effect, the surface should be treated twice.

This is completed on this surface of the balcony.

Montage Karcasa

Before you see the Balcony of Euro Engine, you need to install the frame. Below will consider the most difficult version of its installation, i.e. with insulation and vaporizolation.

So, the work is performed in such a sequence:

  1. first you need to decide on the location of the wallboard on the wall. As a rule, the lining has vertically. However, if the balcony is small and narrow, it is better to prefer horizontal location;
  2. then the installation of wooden frameworks framework. It should be noted that the cross section of the planks must correspond to the thickness of the insulation. If, for example, the thickness of the insulation is 50 mm, then, accordingly, the plank should also have a thickness of 50 mm.
    If the rakes are thinner, under them you can put the bars of the required thickness.
    For mounting, the planks are best used anchor bolts or dowel-nails. Moreover, it is not necessary to delay them in the installation process so that you can subsequently adjust the position of the frame in the level and, if necessary, insert wedges between the wall and slats.

Special attention should be paid to the location of the regions - they must be perpendicular to the lining and with a step of equal width of the insulation, but not more than 50 cm. To increase the strength of the structure, you can also place spacer bars in a step of about a meter;

Another important point is a vapor barrier, which should be fixed under the bars.

  1. after fastening the frame, it is necessary to put the insulation between the racks. Fill out all the space so that there are no cracks on the surface.

Before you begin with your own hands to mount a frame, treat all the rails with a protective impregnation for wood to prevent their rot.

On this process of mounting the frame is completed.

Installation of clapboard

The casing of the European Balcony can be performed using conventional self-tapping screws or special fasteners - kleimers. It is better, of course, to give preference to the second variant, since this fastener is easier to perform and at the same time it is completed, respectively, the surface will look more attractive.

Buying kleimers will not affect your budget, as their price is about 40 rubles per pack, in which 100 fasteners. Therefore, let us consider this way this way of installation.

Work is performed in such a sequence:

  1. start work with the preparation of boards. To do this, measure the balcony, then apply markup on the boards and cut them with a tree with a tree or an electrolovka.
    In addition, it is necessary to designate the location of the electrical appliances and cut the holes of the required diameter by the electroll bison, the threshold of the hole of the small diameter for the jigsaw peel;
  2. now you can start the installation of eurvagra from one of the corners. It is advisable to perform this work with the assistant so that one person can hold the lining in the level aligned position, and the second at that time screwed the screws in the spike, to fix the board on the frame. Schip should be facing the corner.
    So that the surveillance does not cracked before screwing the screws, be sure to drill the holes for the corresponding diameter;

  1. after that, you need to put a kleimer to the lower shelf of the groove, so that they come to the stop, after which they fix them on the slats of the frame of the frame by self-drawing or even nails;
  2. now you need to start the groove of the next board installed. Sometimes the comb is tightly entering the grooves, in this case the board must be scored by a special image or a conventional hammer through a wooden bar.

From the side of the groove, the second board is also attached to the creek clay, the only thing before do it, cut the level to the end and make sure that the board is located vertically. This principle is shedding the entire surface of the walls.

On this work is almost completed. By the same principle, the ceiling is carried out by Eurovantia.

Before covering the ceiling with clapboard, it is necessary to seal all the slots. To do this, you can use the construction sealant.

Protective treatment

So that the finish is durable, the lining must be covered with a protective composition. Choosing how to process the Euro woman on the balcony, you should consider the result you want to see in the end.

If the task is to give the lining of any shade, you can use a decorative impregnation. If you plan to cover the surface with varnish, then a complex protective impregnation is suitable. It increases wood moisture resistance, protects it from negative biological effects, and also makes the material to fireproof due to the presence of antipyrin.

Instructions for processing Euromagle impregnation looks like this:

  1. first of all, you need to handle the surface of the shallow skin;
  2. then surface treatment with impregnation is performed. There is one nuance here - liquid is not applied as paint or varnish, but rubbed;
  3. after six hours, the procedure must be repeated again.

I must say that detailed instructions are usually available on the packaging with the composition. Therefore, before proceeding to work, be sure to familiarize yourself with it.

After the surface is dry, in order to finish the completed view, it is necessary to establish the challenges - it is wooden corners and a plinth. For their attachment, small carnations should be used, which are still called window.

Here, in fact, all the information on how to see a balcony of the Eurovantia.


As you can see, the installation of the Euro woman in general is quite simple work. The only one must adhere to the above technology so that the finish is accurate and durable.

Additional information contains video in this article. If you have difficulty installing lining or other questions appeared, ask them in the comments, and I will gladly answer you.

September 12, 2016.

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Once the owners of apartments with balconies were very jealous: additional meters in Khrushchev were invaluable. It is beautiful to make a space and not all could not turn it into the warehouse. Today, competently dispose of the loggia and make it comfortable with their own hands possible, but if there are no designer skills, you need a step-by-step instruction. And the interesting ideas for the decoration of Euroovaga will help not only create a unique and practical design, but also significantly insulate the apartment itself.

Best material for balcony

Of course, you can simply see the profile room from the street and stop at this. Start repairs on the balcony - the task is not for the lazy. But here is the inner finish of the clap transform concrete walls, make them elegant and well-groomed. How nice in the summer drink tea on such a balcony!

The lining clapper will require some skills and costs, while many work can be performed with their own hands and, in fact, it is not so long. First of all, it is worth choosing the finishing material, the rest will depend on it. Clapboards are called any plates for cladding (because wooden slats were crushed for cheap prices). Today it is a common name for PVC panels ("plastic" lining) and wood.

Plastic is not so difficult to lay, it is easy and easy to care, racks to temperature drops, humidity, household chemicals. It is better to choose a light panel, which almost do not fade over time (this is relevant if the loggia goes on the sunny side). The cost of PVC and wood is different in different regions, this can also influence the decision to buy a specific material. For some reason, plastic sheathing is not impressive of co-choppers, many of the fiscal lining of the tree seems more interesting. Although difficulties with its preparation, installation and maintenance are much more.


If you want to seize the loggia with wooden lining, then be prepared for:

  • Before mounting, the tree must be treated with special compositions;
  • If you plan to paint, cover the panel with varnish, then this is done after installation;
  • The tree is afraid of water and it can not be wetted, wash with rude sponges, abrasive chemistry;
  • After a few years, you will need to remove the protective layer (coating) and process the lining with the compositions.

There are no less than those who wanted to sheathe the natural lining, there are no less premises, so the selection tips will be useful.

Varieties of lining

The lining is made from different wood species. They may also differ in the variety and processing. All this affects the appearance of the skin and its value. The sawn timber is obtained by the name of the European Union, if there are longitudinal shallow grooves from the back side, that the tree breathed and did not change the form with time. Previously, Eurovantia meant a higher wood quality, today manufacturers do not always follow this requirement.

Wooden panels are made of:

  • Spruce and pines - These are the most affordable materials. They are resinous, so in the heat on the walls can sharpen drops, but these panels are resistant to fungi and many pests. The wood of these breeds is considered soft: a noticeable trace can remain from a strong impact.

  • Cedar and larch - more dense, with interesting wood pattern. They are less resin, so they are in great demand from coniferous rocks.

  • Lipa, Alder, Osin- Not resinous, a little harder ate and pines. They are loved for amazing color shades. Large breeds can be chosen by following their taste.

  • Sure, oak- Durable, hard, hardy, but it is more expensive.

The cost per grade of wood depends on its quality - the greater, the more expensive and above the variety. The more bitch and defects, the lower the grade and cheaper. All set out 4 varieties:

  • Extra is the cleanest and expensive lining;
  • Elite or variety A - almost smooth wood, without bitch, traces and cracks (allow 1 minor defect by 1.5 sq.m.);
  • The variety in may be small in size to change the pattern (on the same area there are no more than 4 bitch, 2 resin formations);
  • Grade C - everything else. Sometimes such strips create a special charm and originality. The main thing is that such traces are not completely black and drunk - then there is a possibility that the panel will be destroyed further or break when installed.

When buying a wooden lining, give preference already dried material (chamber drying indicates 7-10% humidity, it is normal for finishing). Wet wood can dry an indefinite time, why the panel can be a story, gaps and gaps appear between them. And this is unlikely to give the highlight of an updated loggia.

You can find the lining of different sizes on sale, but taking into account the place (we do not waste the inner room) it is better to use the average parameters. The thickness of the sawn timber varies up to 25 mm, to cover the balcony you need to take 14-16 mm, in a relatively warm climate - 12 mm.

The width of the bar creates visual effects, increasing or reducing the size of the room. The narrow panels (6 cm) require more time on installation, and wide (15 cm) can make a small loggia of completely tiny. If there are doubts, buy a width of 9-12 cm wide, it will work comfortably and nice to look at the result. The length of wooden panels can reach 6 m. Euro-making has rigid standards: length - 0.5-6m, width - 8, 10. 11, 12 cm, thickness 13, 16, 19 mm.

Profiles plancoons

The outer spoke of the panel (ray, front side) can create a perfectly smooth surface with wood pattern or have a relief needed to create a specific atmosphere and spatial effect. The most popular is called such:

  • Standard - Almost smooth panel, the sides are treated at an angle;

  • Softline - version of the standard where the corners are slightly rounded, wood looks a little softer;

  • American - Spinal panel itself at an angle (different thickness of the bar with sides), the surface will be ribbed, with clear lines;

  • Landhaz- level width with grooves on the outside to enhance the pattern and geometry of space;

  • Block house - The face of the panel is rounded, this is a relief imitation of a bar.

You can always find interesting options, even make an order for a batch of unusual or non-standard profiles, if you want something unusual. Remember that for an exclusive you will need to pay more.

How to enjoy your own hands?

After the selection of the wallboard, the works are beginning: preparing the room, insulation and doom, installation of the trim, the processing of the lining. It is assumed that the glazing of the balcony has already been completed. It is important to perform steps sequentially and neatly. It will make the repair of the loggia easier, high-quality and durable.

How to calculate the amount of material?

To do this, you need to measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, subtract the area of \u200b\u200bwindow and doorways. Add 10% for marriage and joints, and then divide the resulting area on the same panel area. So you will learn the number of bars you need to cover. If the room has a complex geometry, then calculate the area of \u200b\u200bits parts. A similar calculation will be made in the store or on the website of the manufacturer of the lining.

The flow rate of bars for the crates is calculated separately for the ceiling, gender and each wall: there should be 0.6 m between the rails, it is divided by a wall height and multiply the length. Then we summarize all the numbers and get a common member of the brushes for the crate. This calculation is performed in meters.

You will save time if you immediately take other consumables (antiseptic primer, varnish, insulation, film for insulation from moisture, putty and foam for mounting, liquid nails, cracks or self-tapping screws, nails with a hat 3 cm, plinth).

Preparation of the room

In order for the panels for a long time, it is necessary to clean all surfaces from the old dilapidated coating (paint, plaster, tiles, other finishes). Cracks and depressions need to close or simmer, protrusions - to repel. After that, the level is checked, with significant differences align with putty. After surface cleaning, remove the garbage and drive all the loggia (ceiling, walls, gender) by antiseptic composition to avoid fungus and mold, antiseptic need to be treated and wooden parts. When the composition is dry, you can begin to the next step.

Selection of insulation

You can not warm the balcony, then the air temperature will be the same as on the street. For the tree it is better to make insulation - the differences will be less sharp, less contact with moisture and better protection. The crate will need in any case, but with thermal insulation it will be necessary to take into account the thickness of this layer, the features of the material. What do loggias insulate?

  • Styrofoam - Easy, inexpensive, functional. The disadvantages include the formation of poisonous vapors during burning, the creation of a greenhouse effect (no humidity).

  • Mineral blocks - This is mineral wool, fiberglass or slag blocks. Give high-quality heat insulation. The work is praised slag and stone products, glass gamble has its own nuances. Does not highlight harmful substances when burning minvat, it is somewhat more expensive. The peculiarity of minerals to hold moisture forces well to isolate the plates from other surfaces.

  • EPPS (extrusion expound polystyrene) - Modern material, creates noise and thermal insulation. It is unusual, so there is no cracks between the plates. It is higher in cost, needs ventilation, but is in demand in a professional environment for technical specifications.

  • Foil polyethylene foam It is used for thermal insulation only in the warm climate, but it does not miss moisture, therefore it is used as a protective film and an additional material when warming up with mini.

  • Foamglo - Another modern and natural insulation. Of the advantages: not combustible, lightweight, withstands huge temperature fluctuations, simple in laying. Cons: price. The best features of European manufacturers, but also cost will be high, Belarusian companies have more accessible options with acceptable quality. But the Chinese products are better not to take.

All these materials can be used for insulation and walls, and gender, and ceiling.

How to make a crate?

The casing of the balcony is in essence begins exactly from this stage. To do this, around the perimeter of the walls, we create a frame of bars, the thickness of each strip by 1.5-2 cm should be greater than the thickness of the thermal insulation to provide ventilating ventilation. With the "budgetary" approach, this rule is a bit violated: the materials for the crate take the same thickness as the insulation or a little wider, and then the primary frame is fixed to the same racks, but perpendicularly. So the necessary air pocket is created, but the work will be more.

The direction of the lining can be chosen by horizontal or vertical (even diagonal), and the framework for it is made opposite in the direction. Therefore, when using a counterclaim, the primary row of bars is laid in the direction of the lining, and the secondary (the lining will be attached to it) - perpendicular to it. With a simple laying of the crate, the first guide is placed horizontally in 1 cm from the bottom (if the lining will lie vertically or diagonally) or vertically in 1 cm from the wall angle (horizontal panel location).

It is important that the first plank is perfectly horizontal (vertical), the rest of the bars will be aligned. Cut the bars of the desired length (reducing the initial parameters to 1-1.5 cm for seasonal changes), make the markup of their placement (60 cm from the top of the plank), checking the level. Next, proceed to the installation of the crates: We put the timing on the markup line and drill it with a perforator in length, leaving the holes every 50-80 cm. In this case, the drill must enter the wall to a depth of 6-6.5 cm so that the dowel can be inserted.

We deploy the vapor barrier material and fix it with the mounting glue, we put on top of it and secure the cable, aligning the first bar. We lake the insulation between the "ribs" of the frame. It is convenient to stick to this order - walls, ceiling, floor. The shap on the floor is called "lags", after insulation, on top of the lag, we put the moisture-resistant paneur (not thinner than 12 mm), fixing it with self-draws.

The aesthetic type of balcony can be achieved if you have a carbonate and warm balcony, where you can create a recreation area - the dream of any apartment owner. Aesthetic species can be lost, if we have a balcony of the clapboard. Of course, you can hire specialists for this. But it is better to save money and make it yourself, especially since there are no special wisdoms. So, what will be needed for this and how to enjoy the balcony of the clapboard.

Advantages of clapboard

We can arrange the walls of the balcony with different materials:

  • wood,
  • siding,
  • plastic panels.

Wooden lining is used as a tree, which is wood panels.

She has many advantages over the rest of the materials:

  • environmentally friendly and complete health care;
  • the ability to breathe, skip steam, due to which the moisture condensation does not occur on the walls of the balcony, does not deteriorate and does not rot the insulation and the mold is not formed;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • additional insulation of walls.

The cost of lining is low, therefore the total cost of work will be quite democratic. But the finish will look aesthetic and even expensive, if the lining after it is covered with varnish or other wood coatings.

The decoration of the balcony will look aesthetic and even expensive if the lining after the sheat is covered with varnish or other wood coatings

What do you need

In order for the finish to get high quality, you need to choose the right material. It is best to pay attention to the cladding of hardening wood. Pine wooden lining can be released resin for a long time. Also important is the variety of wooden lining.

The finish of good quality will result in a variety A, as it will not require grinding. Grade in will have to grind. But its cost is much lower.

It will take not only the wooden lining for the balcony, but also a 50 mm bars 50mm.

From the instrument you will need a drill, screwdriver, level and electrolybiz.

Wooden lining is considered the most environmentally friendly material for trimming balconies and loggias.

Preparatory work

Before weching your balcony, it is necessary to prepare a bridgehead for work. It is also easy to make himself.

Before finishing, the quality of the balcony walls is carefully checked. All irregularities, chips, damage is better to close. If the walls are very uneven, then they can be aligned with their own hands. Then the lining will lie smoothly, and the wall look neat and aesthetic.

Important: Walls are processed with their own hands with antifungal impregnation. This will protect the tree from rotting and will break off for a long time from the need for repair work. It is especially important to do this if a wet climate or loggia goes to the north side.

If the balcony is made only from sheet iron, it will have to make walls from foam blocks before lining. After that, you can put the insulation or immediately to make the trim. It is also desirable to pre-insulate the walls before. This can be done with your own hands.

Before weching your balcony, it is necessary to prepare a bridgehead for work.

Wall insulation

For the insulation of the loggia, you can use various materials. As a rule, those who crush the loggia or balcony with lining on their own, focus on materials such as foam foam polystyrene, basalt or mineral wool. Work with them just. The insulating material sheets can simply be glued to the walls of the loggia with special glue or fasten the fastener if it comes not to the cotton.

IMPORTANT: Warving the walls with their own hands should not be forgotten about the waterproofing material. It is best to take advantage of a special waterproofing film. Then the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia will reduce the slightly and lining of the balcony with the lining will not make it very small.

Overall - order of work

The casing of the balcony begins with the fact that the direction of the location of the lining is selected.

It can be:

  • vertical
  • horizontal.

The direction depends not only how the finish will look like on the loggia, but also how to make a crate under the lining. Horizontal arrangement of wooden lining visually raises the ceiling. Vertical finish makes a balcony wider.

Under the horizontal location, the lamp should be vertical, vertical - horizontal.

Do with your own hands done simply. First of all, the location of frame planks is planned. Between them, it is necessary to make a distance of 50-70 cm. The first and last bar have 10 cm. From the edges. After that, the bars of the desired length are cut, corresponding to the size of the loggia. The holes are drilled in the bars and attached to the walls of the loggia on the self-tapping screw. Thus, the frame of the crates is made.

After that, the decoration begins with wooden clapboard.

Remember that the wooden lining for the balcony has the grooves and ridges for tight fastening to each other. Such a connection allows you to get a beautiful smooth surface of the wall of the loggia. And most importantly, with your own hands to connect the planks is absolutely not difficult. It is enough to keep track that the comb clearly and tightly entered the groove.

Wooden lining on the balcony begins to fit from the edge. After fixing the first wooden plank to the frame, the lining is naked. It is important to nourish it from both the groove and the ridge. This will prevent the design skew.

It is important: so that the finish does not split and the appearance did not deteriorate, nails can not be clogged close to the edge of the ridge. As for the groove, it does not matter - it will still block the crest of the subsequent wooden plank.

Also attached the lining on your balcony or loggia can be clemmers. In this case, the mount becomes completely imperceptible. In this case, the wooden lining on the balcony is fixed with a nail, but not fixed finally. After that, Kleimmer is put, and the nail is cleaned. Thus, put the bar behind the bar. After the whole wooden lining for the balcony is in place, the walls can be treated with a special impregnation or to cover with varnish or paint. This finishing of the loggia will look beautiful, and its cost is not very high.

Additional work

In addition to the walls, you can shelter the clapboard the ceiling and floors. This finish will also look quite beautiful. If the floor is trimmed, lags are pre-installed. The floor is also laid by the insulation.

After the trim, plinths and slopes are installed. After that, the finish is completed.

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Loggy's luggage clapper - a matter that can be done with your own hands

Balcony Wooden Cleaning Balconies Technology (video)