Repairs Design Furniture

How to lay a flexible roof roof. Soft roofing with your own hands - Installation of soft tiles. Preparatory stage for mounting flexible tile

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The appearance of soft tiles in the roofing materials market significantly simplified the process of covering the roofs of a complex configuration. This is the only qualitative material with flexibility and plasticity, with its help can be quickly and tightly covering the roof of all kinds, including dome. At the same time, the number of unproductive waste is minimal, which cannot be said about other roofing materials. The life of some types of flexible tile reaches fifty years, however, such a material at a cost is not much different from piece coatings of the elite segment.

The reliability and durability of the roof equally depend on several factors.

  1. Technical characteristics of soft tiles. It should be paid not only to the appearance, this parameter affects only the appearance of the building and is not related to durability of operation. Buyers should learn what reason was used by manufacturers, what a chemical composition of the bitumen and what is its thickness. Bitume must necessarily be modified to increase protection against ultraviolet rays, increasing plasticity at minus temperatures and mechanical stability resistance. The base should be chosen the strongest of polymer fibers.

  2. The quality of the rafter system. If the design is staggering, has uneven planes, the carrier nodes are not met with maximum loads, the roof will not be sealed. Over time, due to numerous oscillations, mechanical damage or detachment will appear. This applies to all roofing materials, and not just soft tiles.

  3. Professionalism of roofers. No matter how high-quality roofing material, the inept agencies of builders level all its advantages. Builders should not only know theory perfectly, but also have great practical experience. Hosting roofers can independently make solutions depending on the situation, it is impossible to foresee all the problems in advance. In addition, the responsible masters will never retreat from the recommended technology in order to save time.

All roofing work on the soft tiles laying consist of several stages, the qualitative performance of each of them affects the reliability and durability of the roof operation.

Depending on the complexity of the rafter system and the destination of the building, some actions can be skipped. The table provides the most complete list of construction activities for the most complex roofs.

Name stageComposition and a brief description of features

For soft tiles, a continuous base is required, it can be from waterproof plywood, ox plates or edged boards. In each case, an individual option is selected, taking into account the complexity of the roofing system, the category of buildings and financial capabilities of developers. You need to know that in some cases the cost of preparing the basis and the price of the materials used for this may exceed the cost of soft tile.

The lining layer performs two functions: serves as an additional hydraulic protection of the roof and increases the reliability of fixing gentle tiles. For a lining layer, you need to buy special modern materials, the installation is underway up or vertically with the allen approximately ten centimeters. If the angle of slope is small, then the joints are recommended to seal with bitumen mastic.

It requires increased attention, it is here that the largest volume of water focuses and leaks appear most often. To improve funds, manufacturers produce special materials that are fixed in places of the adjoining of two skates. The same technology is used in the time of sealing places of the adjuncing of chimneys, vertical brick architectural elements or various engineering communications. The materials used should have a relatively large characteristics of plasticity to compensate for linear oscillations of architectural structures from various building materials.

Installation of soft tiles does not require great physical effort, but it must be treated very carefully. Any technology disorders will necessarily have negative consequences, the elimination of which requires time and material losses. There are cases when the roof repair is more expensive than the installation of the tiles: it is necessary to restore the rafter system, eliminate the effects of leakage in the inner residential premises, etc.

Before entering into installation work, you should prepare the tools and make a preliminary action plan.

Recently, the roof of the bituminous tile has gained great popularity among developers. This roofing has an attractive appearance that is not inferior to the beauty of traditional tile, long service life and high moisture resistance. Thanks to the self-adhesive layer on the reverse side of the shingle, the laying of a soft roof can be carried out with their own hands even in the absence of professional experience. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare the basis, collect the crate and retard the flexible tile.

Flexible tile is called tiles with a curly edge made of fiberglass, impregnated with modified oil bitumen. Locked braziness, such a roof imitates a small-spread, but aesthetic trim coating of wooden chocks. The glass cholester, which is part of the bituminous tile, can be a simple or reinforced polyester. The production technology of this material includes the opposite side of the front side of the booking sputter from the stone or basalt crumb., Gives the color and rough circuit in the roof. The advantages of flexible tiles are considered:

  1. Durability. The service life of a soft roof based on a fiberglass, reinforced with polyester, is more than 70 years, which completely pays for the cost of the roof device.
  2. Weather resistance. The soft tile withstands the effects of atmospheric moisture, ultraviolet rays and other adverse environmental factors, while maintaining performance.
  3. Aesthetics. The variety of forms and coloring of the material opens up huge opportunities for creating a harmonious, solid image of the house.
  4. Flexibility. Flexible, elastic bituminous tile tiles are suitable for arranging the roofs of a complex shape with a large number of skates, undershones and other decorative elements.

Important! The technology of laying of bitumen tiles is distinguished by its simplicity, so it is easily performed by non-professional. Soft roofing with your own hands is a great solution for the roof of a private house, a country cottage, gazebo or townhouse.

Work features with material

Before covering the roof of soft roof, you must make sure that a reliable basis has been prepared for work. Also, the technology of installation of a soft roof involves performing work subject to certain weather conditions. If you do not comply with the manufacturer's recommendations, you can encounter the following problems:

  • If you lay a bitumen tile at ambient temperature less than 5-10 degrees, then the self-adhesive layer on the reverse side of the tiles is not melted independently. To melt the bitumen, you have to use the gas burner or construction hairdryer. However, it makes it difficult and slows down the tile laying.
  • If you install the flexible tile at a temperature of more than 25 degrees, the self-adhesive bitumen layer is melted too much and flows down the slope. In addition, high temperature leads to roof deformation.
  • If you perform the installation of the roof in crude weather or during the rain, the rainstream frame and the doomle take over the excessive humidity, which negatively affects the service life of the tile, leading to shockting.

Important! Mounting technology recommended by manufacturers, prescribes laying at a temperature of 5-15 degrees in dry weather. Most often, these conditions are consigned only in the summer. However, in the winter period, it is possible to collect a rafted roof frame and prepare the base for roofing flooring.

Installation of crates

Before making a soft roof, you need to assemble a high-quality, solid crate. Bituminous tile laying technology involves the use of a solid base that gives rigidity and mechanical strength to a soft roofing coating. The lamp should provide a uniform distribution of the roof weight between the rafters, so it is created from 3 layers:

  1. Control. The counterclaim under the soft tile is made from wooden bars with a thickness of 3-4 cm. It is attached along the rafter feet of the frame on top of the waterproofing material. The task of the counterclaim is the creation of a ventilation gap between the roofing plated raplots.
  2. Rewrked doom. This element of the base under the soft tile is made of a cutting board with a size of 20x150 mm. Boards are adopted perpendicular to the counterclaim at a distance of 30-50 cm.
  3. Solid doom. It is made of moisture-resistant plywood, sheets of OSP or edged board, laid by a clear-dryer with a gap of 1-3 mm, compensating for the thermal expansion of the material. To prevent damage to the soft tiles, you need to take an eye or stinging the elements of the crate to be smooth.

Please note that for the manufacture of crates under the soft roof it is properly used to use up to 20 percent wood of coniferous rocks. To prevent the premature rotting of the wooden elements, with antiseptic preparations. If the construction has a high risk of fire, then the crate is impregnated with fireblocking compositions.

Lining carpet

Soft roofing with their own hands is placed on a solid crate made of chipboard or plywood moisture resistant. Over the base, the lining carpet is placed - lining from moisture resistant, resistant to mechanical damage to bitumen material. The lining carpet protects the roof from leaks, as well as damage to the bituminous tiles with irregularities of the crate. Coating Technology Recommends:

  • When the roof is less than 15-18 degrees, laying a lining carpet on the entire surface of the slopes with an adhesive 15-20 cm, as water can be delayed during the melting of the snow mass of large volumes.
  • With the angle of inclination of the row, more than 20 degrees, the lining carpet can be treated only in particularly vulnerable places where water can accumulate or stammer. Additional waterproofing is protected by the endands, butts of the rods with vertical surfaces, horse.
  • Do not use a regular runner end as lining. Low price compensates poor quality, fragility and small service life of this material.

Experienced masters advise that the material recommends that the manufacturer recommends as a lining carpet, since it is guaranteed compatible with the selected bitumen tiles.


Installation of a soft roof is performed in a dry, weak weather at a temperature of 5-15 degrees. If the laying of the material is performed on the old rafter frame, then it is necessary to check the condition of the wood, and then replace the rotten or deformed items. Installation is performed in the following order:

  1. First, the skate is placed by horizontal stripes marking the location of the rows of a soft roof with a white chalk.
  2. Stacking material correctly start from the bottom of the skate using the starting strip. Fix the roofing coating with nails or self-adhesive layer. If the tile is self-adhesive, then it is enough to remove the protective film for it, and then tightly give it to the base of the roof.
  3. If nails are applied for fixing the coating, then they need to be placed not closer to 2.5 cm from the edge, as well as score to the surface with the surface of the material.
  4. The second row begins to lay the tile from the left side of the tile from the left side of the tile, from which 143 mm is cut off from the left edge, thus shifting the pattern of bitumen tiles diagonally.
  5. For the start of the third row from the tile, a fragment is cut off a length of 286 mm from the left edge to also shift the coating pattern in the diagonal direction.
  6. After completion, it is drawn up with a skate element, adjoining nodes with vertical surfaces and endhouses.

Note! In order for the roof of a soft tile function correctly, it is necessary to equip the ventilation system to avoid the "greenhouse effect" and reinforcing the ternary framework frame.

Video instruction

Start a conversation about this type of material is worth it from highlighting it. Advantages Before other construction materials for the arrangement of the roof. To one of the main advantages can be attributed his insignificant weight, as well as the ability to choose the necessary for laying the size. It is for this reason that it is possible to mount flexible tile on their own.

The basis for selecting flexible tile is the presence of a roof with a minimum bias 1: 5.

Mounting this material can be mounted only under certain weather conditions, namely, air temperature not lower than five degrees. Observe this rule is necessary to preserve the properties of the material, namely Gone - Sheets on which "tiles" are attached.

Installation of sheets of shingle It is possible to produce with the use of various means. To such means, it is possible to include nails and adhesive layer of the tiles sheet. At temperatures below five degrees, the adhesive layer is not captured with the base to which it is applied. The hermetic coating in this case is not created.

Also at low temperatures, the lips of the tiles become very fragile, and it becomes quite problematic with them.

If there is a need to install flexible tile during the cold season, it is necessary to build over the roof of the dome, which will be heated. In this case, the installation of the tiles is possible.

Structure of flexible tile

For the manufacture of soft tiles applies Glassball (In some cases, cellulose). To create the founding of the tiles of glass proceed by bitumen. Then, a few more layers are applied to the base, which includes bitumen, oxidized-modified configuration, additives from polymers are also added to it.

Such additives give the tiles of certain properties: strength, strength to deformation and flexibility.

In addition to the two main layers, on top of the tiles proceed with a protective layer. They may be mineral crumb or basalt granulant. Using a protective layer, the tiles are given properties that protect it from climatic exposure.

She is attached to various color shades. For the possibility of fastening the tiles, the adhesive layer is applied to it, which is protected before use.

Basically self-adhesive flexible tile he has a hexagonal form.

Advantages of flexible tile

The most important advantage of flexible tiles can be distinguished by the fact that she suitable for the arrangement of roofs of various shape and configuration.

Also, the buyer opens the opportunity to choose material with a large variety of colors, as well as forms. There are three modifications of material: rhombid, hexagon and classic - rectangular.

The huge advantage of flexible tile is her excellent sound absorptionWhen such materials cannot be said about other materials, they are more often called "musical". In addition, roofing tile poor amenable to firethat is also its obvious advantage.

It is also possible to attribute the fact that the tile Just mounted. And it can be installed with sufficiently large temperature differences.

Material good adapted to hail, wind and rain.

The advantages of flexible tile, undoubtedly include:

  • a small amount of waste upon completion of the installation;
  • on flexible tile, fungal growths are not formed;
  • good moisture security;
  • the material does not need additional painting;
  • ease of repair work, replacement of individual roof elements;
  • little weight material.
  • you can buy for relatively inexpensive cost

Calculation of roofing material

When calculating the amount of necessary material for mounting with their own roof coating hands, it is necessary to take into account the amount of waste obtained and with this condition the calculations must be carried out with a margin. The number of waste directly depends on the roof configuration to which the tile will be mounted.

Preparing for laying flexible tiles do it yourself

Before starting to mount flexible tile. put the foundation. As the basis, use a chipboard, blackboard or moisture-resistant faeer. If the board is chosen for the base, it is best to use planed, and better if it is a t-shirt.

Important: With the thickness of the board 2 centimeters, the step of the rafter should be 6 meters. When laying the joint, the material must coincide with the rafters.

Before you start work processing the roof of the antiseptic. It should be smooth and tough.

For installation work on the installation of the tiles, you will need:

  • Lining carpet - any material, on the basis of bitumen, in rolls (applied to new roofs). Ruberoid, which was previously used (for old roofs).
  • The carpet for the endhouse - the material is necessary for processing joints and adjustment.
  • Sealant and mastic.
  • Knife and construction hairdryer.
  • Construction planks.
  • Nails (roofing and galvanized).

When all the tools are needed in stock, you can move to the preparatory work:

  • Fastening a vapor insulation film by the attic. The film is fastened with wooden planks to the ribs of rafters.
  • With the outside of the roof, the insulation is stacked, wooden bars are used to fix it, which are attached to the rafters.
  • On top of the insulation, the film is superimposed to protect against wind, it is attached using a counterbru. This bruster will be mounted in a consequence.
  • Osp, plywood and board are stacked over the film. Fixing is made using nails or screws with a wide hat.

Requirements for laying

The main thing is that it is necessary to take into account when laying a flexible tile at least on the roof of the house, even though the roof of the arbor is Availability of even base. If there are irregularities, they will stand out on the roof at the end of the installation. And in some cases, precisely in these places can form cracks and leaks.

Important: You can not put the tile on the concrete.

Initially, the waterproofing carpet is stacked. Better, if it is laid in horizontal directions. It is necessary to start it with a roof bottom. The end carpet is best if it is made of material without junctions.

Instructions for installation of flexible tile: nine fixed steps:

First stage - This is a preparatory, work with the basis of which was previously stated.

To do this, use a material with a homogeneous surface, this material is attached using nails. The humidity of this material should not exceed twenty percent of its own weight. Boards should not be less than two spans, which are located between the supports. It is necessary to mount them at the places of support. It is also necessary to calculate the possible deformation of the boards and leave the clearance between them.

Second phase - Installation of the gap for ventilation - the clearance of the necessary element of construction and further laying of the roof. Its size should be large enough, at least five centimeters. The gap should be located as high as possible on the roof surface, and the hole in which will suck the air at the bottom.

Creating ventilation on the roof is necessary for:

  • elimination of humidity of internal materials: crates, insulation and roofing;
  • preventing the formation of land and icicles on the roof;
  • saving a low temperature inside the roof in the summer season.

The more correct and the ventilation is performed better, the longer the roof is served.

Third stage
- Installation of a layer of lining.
To do this, use special roofing and insulating material. It must be stacked throughout the roof area. Standing stands from the very bottom of the roof, and move upwards on the material there is a nest. Fall must be at least 10 centimeters.

At the edges, the material is fixed with the use of nails, the interval between them is 20 centimeters.
On the roofs with a slope of more than 18, the lining material can be installed only on the skate and end of the roof, as well as around the pipes and joints.

Fourth - Installation of metal cornice planes - is made to protect the edge of the moisture crate. To do this are set Metal strips. Their installation is made on top of the lining carpet.

The edge of the material is fixed using roofing nails (step 10 centimeters).

Fifth Step - Installation of metal frontal planks, produced on the end of the roof, the frontal strips are installed to protect the crates. The backstage of the slats should be at least two centimeters.

Sixth - Installation of the end carpet - allows you to improve the waterproof of the roof. This coating on its color corresponds to the selected roofing tile.

Seventh - Installation of the cornice tile. Initially mounted on the cornice tile on the back of the sink. This is done with the help of its escaped base. Laying is made online. It is necessary to retreat 2 centimeters from the inflection of the cornice bar. Then you need to napping. It must be done next to the place of perforation, so that the places of attachment close the next roof tiles.

Eighth Step - Installation of tiles.

Important: In order not to be color differences, it is necessary to use the tile at the same time out of five packs.

Installation of tiles produce from the center of the coating of the cornice and in the direction of the end. Before mounting the tile, the protective film is removed. Each piece of tiles is nailed for four nails. For
Great roof slope It is necessary to increase the number of nails up to six.

When installing the first row of the tile, you must perform one condition. It is necessary that he finds one centimeter on the cornese tile.

Roofing has petals. They serve to close the joints with the previous one. With the further installation of the rows are mounted on another scheme, namely: joints should not be closed, but should be at one level or above the previous row

Ninth Step - Installation of adjoins.

In order to make small passages through the roof use rubber seals. Places where heating occurs, namely in pipes, it is necessary to isolate. A triangular rail is nailed at the junction, and then the lining carpet is mounted, all the seams and adhesive are melted with glue.

All vertical joints are processed by the same technology.

Roofing Western Methods

  • In order for the coating for a long time, it is necessary to check its technical condition twice a year.
  • It is necessary to equip the roof of the free water drain. It is necessary to regularly clean the drains and gutters.
  • Using a soft brush, deleting garbage from the roof, to do it regularly.
  • In winter, it is necessary to clean snow from the roof from the roof in cases of emergency, if a snowy layer is more than twenty centimeters. Do not remove ice from the roof using sharp items.
  • If a breakdown is detected, then the repair should be repaired immediately so that the destruction does not take a more ambitious. At the time of repair work, it is necessary to protect the coating from exposure when walking.

Popular manufacturers: TechnoNIKOL, deck, Shinglase, etc.

So that the roofing coating last time, the laying of soft tiles should be performed according to the installation rules developed for this material. Each manufacturer has its own installation instructions, but in general, the basic rules for laying are the same.

Mounting conditions

Instructions for mounting tiles from bitumen regulates the temperature mode with the material. The laying is recommended to produce at the air temperature above +5 ° C. Gonns - elements from which the flexible tiled roof is connected to the base surface not only with the help of metal fasteners, but also thanks to a special self-adhesive layer on the underside. High adhesion and tightness of the mounted coating is ensured by heating from sunlight - the shings are securely soldered with the base and among themselves.

If the installation of flexible tile is performed in cool weather, the adhesion of sheets may not be sufficiently durable. To warm up the adhesive layer of the shingle, you can use a heat-air burner (construction hairdryer). Also practiced styling of material on bitumen mastic. But there may be difficulties with the installation of the skate coating, since the material is required to bend. In cold weather, the bitumen tile becomes more rigid and fragile, and in the process of giving the desired form, microcracks may appear in the material.

If roofing work has to be performed in cool weather, tiling packaging should be withdrawn about a day in a warm closed room.

If it is necessary to lay the roofing flooring from bituminous piece material in the frost, a small closed space is placed on the roof of the structure - the wrap frame is mounted, covered with a polyethylene film. To create the necessary temperature inside the limited volume, thermal guns are used.


Under the basis for the installation of a bituminous piece roof, a rafter system with a solid crate is implied. To ensure the proper functioning of roofing pie, a vapor barrier membrane is mounted on the inside of the rafter feet. From the outside, the insulation is laid and the diffusion membrane is fastened, which removes moisture from the heat insulating layer and does not allow it inside. Along the racks on top of the membrane, Reiki counter test.

Laying of soft tiles requires a smooth solid base made of edged or tipped board or sheet materials - OSB plates, moisture resistant plywood. Material material for the crate should not exceed 20%.

Sheet material is laid by a long side parallel to the eternity. The boards must overlap at least two runs and attached to each rafter foot. The docking of the elements of the crate is performed on the support, while the joints of the adjacent rows of the crates should be located on different supports.

It is important to leave the deformation seam between the elements of the crate - the wood materials change their linear dimensions under the influence of temperature and moisture.

Roofing pie, which includes bituminous tile, should be well ventilated. This will make it possible to significantly reduce the formation of ice on the surface in the winter, as it will decrease the transfer of heat from the premises of the house roofing. In the summer, the ventilation gap, the height of which should be at least 5 cm, reduces the temperature inside the roofing pie, resulting in less sensory room. In order for the air circulation to be sufficient to remove moisture from the inside of the roof, in the lower part of the roof (in the swing) leave special holes, and the exhaust box is shut down.

Lining layer

Installation of flexible tile requires the use of a special lining material. The battered bituminous coating is used on the pitched roofs with an angle of inclination of at least 12 °. If the slope slope is 12-30 °, the waterproofing lining is mounted over the entire surface of the solid crate. The angle of the slope of more than 30 ° requires the installation of the waterproofing material in the endand, on the eaves, above the chimney pipes and ventilation rods, in the places of the roof of the roof to the walls, around the men's windows. This allows you to securely protect places where the likelihood of snow and ice is high.

The principle of mounting the lining layer depends on its features. Composite material made of polymer film and bitumen filler is self-adhesive: it is gently fill on the crate and roll the roller to ensure a dense grip and remove possible bubbles. The waterproofing material from the polyester is stacked with the use of bitumen mastic and is additionally attached to the upper and side part with a step of 20 cm with nails with wide flat hats, which are then processed by mastic. The lining layer is formed from the rolled strips laid parallel to the eaves. The longitudinal fuel must be 100 mm, transverse - 200 mm.

Soft tile laying technology provides certain principles for mounting lining in places of probable leaks. The width of the waterproofing layer is:

  • for endands - 500 mm from its axis in each direction;
  • for skate - 250 mm;
  • for end and cornese soles - 400 mm.

To ensure the tightness of the places of the allen, they are missing with bitumen mastics.

Installation of frames

To protect the crate from rain moisture, frontal and cornice strips are mounted. Installing the cornice planes (drippers) is performed on top of the lining layer. The instruction requires the installation of elements with an allen at least 200 mm. The fasteners should be located a zigzag (in a checkerboard manner) in 10 cm increments. Fronton planks are designed for the ends of roofing rods. The mount is also carried out using roofing nails installed in 10 cm increments.

The waterproofing carpet of the endand is stacked after installing slats on the skates. The color of the carpet is selected with the color of the bituminous tile. The material is fixed with nails with a pitch of 10 cm. In the presence of vertical structures on the roofing rods, the waterproofing coating is also stacked around them.

If the adjustment of the flue passage node through the roof is scheduled to be performed after installing the finish coating, when planning the roof, it should be noted where it will be located.

How to properly prepare a roofing system for installation of soft tiles, you can learn from the thematic video.

Installation of roofing material

First of all, laying of the cornese tiles is performed - a special element of a soft piece roof. Not all manufacturers offer a special tile for the cornese swell. In this case, it is required to use a material strip that is cut out from the ordinary shingle - the petals are cut off from it. Recovering 2 cm from the cornese sweep, the resulting elements are pasted.

Before starting to install on the roof, you must apply markup. Cretaceous lines denoting the location of the material of the material make it possible to lay gents strictly parallel to the eternity. The vertical line is indicated by the middle of the skate. So that the roof looks aesthetic, the coating is mounted from bitumen tiles taken by a multiple buckle. This allows you to level the differences in the shades of the material.

Laying the flexible tile begins with the middle of the cornice - the rings are mounted on the right and to the left of the first. The protective film with roofing elements is removed immediately before installation. The shings are tightly pressed to the base, and then additionally fastened with roofing nails, driven above the groove: 4 pieces for each shingle.

The first row of shots is located in such a way that their lower edge is higher than the lower edge of the cornese tile by 10-15 mm. Laying is performed with the calculation so that the petals of bitumen elements closed the joints of the cornisse. Petals of subsequent series by their tip must be above the cuts of the previous layer or at their level. In places, the fabric of the shingles to the front-distance planks, the material is cut along the edge of the roof, the edges are samplesed using bitumen mastic, and they must be wrapped up by 10 cm.

In order not to damage the bottom layer of the tiles, when cutting off the extra material, a small plate or a piece of plywood should be put under its edge.

Entry Endovism

Installation of the roof of soft tiles requires a special approach to the creation of a reliable and durable design of the endand. Before laying the ordinary tile, a waterproofing lining under Undova is mounted, to which the flexible tile is filled with the help of thermofen or fixed using bitumen-polymer mastic.

Endowma's arrangement work should begin with a slope with a more severe tilt angle or a slope with a smaller length.

On the skate opposite to the selected, parallel to the axis of the end, at a distance of 30 cm from it, the line should be burned. Gonns, reaching this line from the first skate (with an overlap of the Endowe axis), are trimmed along the line and fastened with mastic or coated with thermofen. This method is mounted all the truncations that come from a common (or short) skate. Then, on this scath, the line, parallel to the Endowers axis, and is 10 cm sections, reaching the line from the opposite skate, are cut off exactly along the line, and their upper corners should be cut to approximately 60 °.

Roofing nails can be used at a distance of at least 30 cm from the axis of endanda. Therefore, with its arrangement, the material should be labeled or adjusted.

Sking coating

Laying the skate coating is made at the end of the installation of the ordinary tile. For these purposes, cornisic elements can be used. In other cases, the material is exhibited from ordinary shots:

  • if the rice petals have a rectangular shape, they are cut off, and the remaining wide strip is mounted on the horse;
  • gonns that form when laying a drawing of hexagons are cut into hexagonal fragments from which the skate coating is performed.

To simplify and secure work with the rod of the roof, you should mount the scaffolding.

Straight bands are heated by thermofen, bend along the axis and fit onto the hitch with an allen in 50 mm. Fixation of each band is carried out on 4 nails.

Hexagonal fragments are mounted by a short side along the roofing skate in the wind in the wind, preferably for the locality. The backstage should be at least 5 cm. Similarly, the ribs of hip roofs are made, while the installation of elements begins below.

How to lay soft tile

The roof of the bituminous soft tiles is convenient to operate, durable and aesthetic. Its big plus is that self-installation is quite possible. The technology is not the most complex, the weight of the fragment is small, attached to the adhesive base, are additionally recorded by roofing nails. So the installation of soft tiles can be done even alone.

Flexible bituminous tile can be used on the roofs of any form

Bleleling Pie for Soft Tiles

The attic under the roof can be warm or cold, depending on this the composition of the roofing cake changes. But its part of the rafters and above always remains unchanged:

  • in terms of rafters, waterproofing is stipulated;
  • on it - bars with a thickness of at least 30 mm;
  • solid flooring.

Here are these materials and consider more - from what and how to do, what features each of them have.


Waterproofing membranes are one, two and three-layer. Single-layer membranes are the simplest and cheap, perform only a double task - do not miss moisture towards the room and release a pair out. In such a simple way, not only protects the attic or attic from the penetration of condensate or leaning, suddenly, precipitation, but also from the air is removed excessive moisture, accompanying human life. Single-layer membranes are weakly presented on the market. Almost there are one firm - Tyvek.

Waterproofing membrane is laid on top of the rafter

Two and three-layer membranes are more durable. In addition to the waterproofing layer, they also have a layer that gives greater tensile strength. The third layer if it is, it is an adsorbing layer. That is, even if a drop of condensate was formed on the surface of the membrane, this layer absorbs her into his senses, not allowing shedding to other materials. With sufficient ventilation, moisture from this layer gradually evaporates and is carried away by the streams of thought.

Three-layer membranes (for example, EUROTOP N35, Rankka, Yutakon) are desirable if the attic is insulated and mineral wool used as insulation. It is afraid of wetting and with increasing humidity by 10% loses half of its thermal insulation properties.

If there is a cold attic under soft tiling, it is desirable to use a two-layer waterproofing membrane. For strength, it is much better than one-layer, and for the price is only a bit more expensive.

On top of the waterproofing film, parallel to the scene, the slats are stipulated. They are needed to create a ventilation gap. It will allow maintaining the normal humidity of roofing materials.

The crate makes the cutting board with a thickness of 30 mm

The crate makes the boards of coniferous rocks (mainly pine). Board thickness - not less than 30 mm. This is a minimum clearance that will provide a normal air movement in the underpants space. Before laying wood, it is necessary to treat impregnation that protects against pests, fungi, after drying this layer is still treated with antipirens, which reduce flammability of wood.

The minimum length of the boards for the crate - at least two spans of the rafter. They are attached and they are connected above the rapid legs. You can not connect them elsewhere.

Flooring under a soft tile is done solid. Materials are chosen based on the fact that nails should be lost, because they usually use:

  • OSP 3;
  • moisture-resistant faeer;
  • chinked or edged board of the same thickness (25 mm) humidity no more than 20%.

When laying flooring under a soft tile, it is necessary to leave the gaps between the elements - to compensate for temperature extensions. When using plywood or OSP, the gap is 3 mm, between the edged boards is 1-5 mm. Sheet material is fixed with suture disperse, that is, so that the joints are not solid. ACS is fasten using self-samples or horse-out nails.

Most often, the flooring is made under a soft tile.

Using the floorboard as a flooring, it is necessary to ensure that the annual rings of wood were directed down. With the opposite arrangement, they will deposit them, the soft tile will raise, the tightness of the coating can be disturbed. There is another trick that will allow you to keep the wooden flooring even even if the humidity of the boards is above 20%. The ends of the boards when laying are additionally attached to two nails or self-drawing, clogged close to the edge. This additional fastener will not give the boards when the sweetener.

The choice of the thickness of the material for the flooring under the soft tile depends on the shade of the crate. The more step, the thicker you need flooring. The optimal option is a frequent step and thin plates. In this case, it turns out a light, but tight base.

The thickness of the crate and flooring

Another point concerns the device flooring under a soft tile around the chimney pipe. With a brick tube, the width of which is more than 50 cm, they make a slow-down (in the photo). This design resembling mini-roof. It shares the rainflows, they roll on the sides of the pipe, not crouching into the underpants.

Speeding, which is installed behind a wide brick tube

After installing the floor, its geometry is checked. The length is measured, the width of the skate at the top and bottom, the height of the slope on both sides, move the diagonal. And the last check is to track the plane - the entire slope must lie entirely in the same plane.

Technology flooring roofs from soft tiles

When buying, you will most likely supply the instruction to which the installation of soft tiles will be written step by step and in detail, indicating all the exact dimensions that this manufacturer requires. These recommendations should be adhered to. However, it is pre-with the procedure for work and their volumes to get acquainted to get acquainted - in order to understand the intake subtleties and the necessary number of materials.

Let's immediately say that it is necessary to handle a soft tile when laying it is necessary - she does not like if it is beyond. Therefore, try without the need to not bend and not sinking gents (this is one fragment consisting of the visible and assembly part).

Strengthening Sves.

The first is the drip bar. This is a M-shaped metal sheet covered with paint or polymer composition. Polymer coating is more expensive, but also more reliable. Color selected close to the color of the bituminous tile.

The drip bar is installed along the sinks of the roof

The task of the drip strip is to protect the crate, cuts of rafters and flooring from moisture. One edge, the dropper is laid on the flooring, the second closes the OTE. Fucked by nails from galvanizing (stainless steel), which are clogged in a checker order (one closer to the collar, the second is almost at the edge). Fastener installation step - 20-25 cm.

Planks are connected by Vangest

A drip bar is for sale with two-meter slices. Setting the first element, the second is fastened with an overheldest of at least 3 cm. If desired, the gap can be closed: to wash the joint with bitumen mastic, fill in with a sealant. In the same stage, the water-feling system is mounted, in any case the hooks are nailed, which will hold the drain gutter.

Laying of waterproofing carpet

Regardless of the corner of the roof, in Undova and along the slope, the waterproofing lining carpet is necessarily stacked. It is sold in the rolls of the meter width. On the lower side is an adhesive composition, closed with a protective film or paper. Before laying paper, remove the rope carpet to the flooring.

Regardless of the slope, the waterproofing carpet is stacked along the sinks, in endand and on the skate

Installation of the waterproofing carpet begins with styling it in Endah. Rolled the material of the meter width by distributing 50 cm from both sides from the location of the inflection. It is advisable to do without junctions, but, if necessary, the backstage of two canvases should be at least 15 cm. The laying goes from below, the connection site additionally lashes with bitumen mastic, the material is well pressed.

Joints are missing by mastic and should not be less than 10-15 cm

Next, the waterproofing carpet under the flexible tile is laid along the cornese sweep. The minimum width of the carpet on the cornese swell is the magnitude of the sink itself, plus 60 cm. The bottom edge is located on top of the drip, can be flexing down for several centimeters. First, the carpet is rolled, if necessary - clipped, then remove the protective film from the inside and is glued to the substrate. Additionally fix on the edges of stainless steel or galvanized nails with a large flat hat (step 20-25 cm).

How to determine the width of the carpet along the cornese swell

In the places of the horizontal junction of the total of two cloths at least 10 cm, in the vertical direction - at least 15 cm. All joints are additionally missed by bitumen mastic, the material is crimped.

Lining carpet

The lining carpet, as well as the waterproofing, is sold in the meter roll rolls, the back side is covered with adhesive composition. The laying method depends on the roof slope and from the profile of the selected bitumen tile.

  • If the soft tiles roof slope ranges from 12 ° to 18 °, the lining carpet is stacked throughout the roof area. Installation begins below, from the laid waterproofing carpet. The overheated panel is 15-20 cm. The joints are additionally labeled with bitumen mastic, the top edge is fixed with nails (galvanized or stainless steel) with a flat hat.

With a small slope slope lining carpet solid

When bias, more than 18 ° carpet rolled only in the roof inflection places

When using bitumen tiles with cuts (such as jazz, trio, beaver tail), regardless of the slope, the lining carpet is spread over the entire surface of the roof.

How to trim the carpet on the roof

Installation of a lining carpet often requires a subside. Do it with the help of a sharp knife. In order to do not damage the location below the material below, the trimming of plywood or OSP is put.

Fronton (Fantasy) Planck

Fronton planks are mounted on lateral cuts. These are metal stripes bent in the form of the letter "g", along the fold line of which is a small protrusion. They close laid roofing materials from wind loads, from moisture. The frontal plank is stacked on the flooring over the lining or waterproofing carpet, fixed with nails (stainless steel or galvanized) in a checker manner in 15 cm increments.

Installation of a fronton plank

These planks also go slices of 2 m, stacked with an overlap at least 3 cm.

Marking Skata.

To mount the soft tiles was simple, markup in the form of a mesh is applied to the lining carpet or flooring. Do it with the help of a painting cord. The lines along the eaves are applied at a distance equal to 5 tile rows, in vertical - through the meter (the length of one shingle of flexible tiles). This markup is made easier to lay the edges, it is easier to track the distances.

To mount the soft tiles was easier, make markup in the form of a grid

Endalous carpet

Over the already laid waterproofing carpet, another olemna material is stacked. It is a little wider, serves as an additional guarantee of the lack of leaks. Without removing the protective film from the bottom side, it is placed, cut down in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sump, marks borders. Having retreated from the mark of 4-5 cm, a special mastic of increased fixation fixer is applied. It is applied from the syringe, roller, then the spatula is triggered in a strip, about 10 cm wide.

The mastic unfolds an oman carpet, folds smoothed, edges pressed. Rates from the edge of 3 cm, it is fixed with nails in 20 cm increments.

Brick Pipe Adjacentation

To crawl pipes and ventilation outputs, make patterns from omendom carpet or galvanized metal, painted in the appropriate color. The surface of the pipe is plastered, processed by primer.

When using a fundamental carpet, the pattern is made so that the material can be on the pipe at least 30 cm, it should remain at least 20 cm on the roof.

Mounted pattern first on the front of the pipe

The pattern is missing by bitumen mastic, stacked in place. The first part is installed, then the right and left.

Front pattern a little start on the sides

Side of the side elements turns on the front part. The back wall is installed last. Its parts come on the side.

With proper mounting on the flooring around the pipe, a platform is obtained, a solid-barked omene carpet. Before laying the tiles in this place, the surface is labeled with bitumen mastic.

The surface of the lining carpet is missing by bitumen mastic

Tile from three sides enter the laid carpet, not reaching the walls of the pipe 8 cm.

Around the pipe remains a chute from an olemagna carpet width 8 cm

The upper part of the adjunct is sealed with a metal plank that is attached to a dowel.

Fastening the plank on the back of the pipe

All gaps are filled with heat-resistant sealant.

All joints are sealant

Conclusion of round tubes

For the passage of ventilation pipes there are special passing devices. They are located so that the lower edge of the element enter the tile at least 2 cm.

Lay the penetration of 2 cm below the edge of the tiles

By putting the passage element to the roof, it will be reduced to the inner hole. According to the printed circuit, a hole is cut into the substrate, which shows a round tube.

The back of the skirt of the passing element is labeled with bitumen mastic, is set to the desired position, additionally attached to the perimeter of nails. When installing the soft tiles, the penetration skirt is labeled by mastic.

The skirt is missing mastic

Gonf cuts up as close as possible to the protrusion, the gap is then filled with mastic, which is covered with a special spript that protects against ultraviolet.

Start strip

Installation of soft tiles begins with styling starting strip. This is usually a skate-earthen tile or ordinary with cropped petals. The first element is stacked by one of the edges of the skate, the edge by entering the frontal bar. The lower edge of the starting band is laid on the drip, retreating from its fold of 1.5 cm.

Marking for starting strip

Before mounting, the protective film is removed from the back, the shingle is aligned and stacked. Each bitumen tile section is fastened with four nails - at the corners of each fragment, retreating from the edge or a purple line of 2-3 cm.

Fastening starting strip

If cutting from the ordinary tile is used as a starting line, there will be no adhesive in some part. In these places, the substrate is noticed by bitumen mastic.

Montage of soft ordinary tile

There is a flexible tile with an adhesive tile applied with adhesive mass, and there is a composition that does not require a protective film, although it also fixes elements on the roof. When using the material of the first type, the film is removed immediately before installation.

The first row of soft bitumen tiles is placed by retreating from the starting strip 10 mm

Before laying the bituminous tiles to the roof, open several bundles - 5-6 pieces. The masonry leads from all packs at the same time, taking alternately one show from each. Otherwise, on the roof there will be clearly pronounced spots that differ in color.

The first gesture is stacked so that its edge does not reach the edge of the starting strip by 1 cm. In addition to the adhesive composition, the tile is fixed also with roofing nails. The quantity of fasteners depends on the corner of the row:

  • When bias from 12 ° to 45 °, each shing is nailed to 4 nails. Nails nail backing up from the visible part of the tile of 2.5 cm. The extreme fastener will also be 2.5 cm from the slice slice, the rest between the "tile". It turns out that one nail "holds" two tiles.

Soft Tile Fastening Scheme

Location of fasteners on cool rods

When installing soft tiles, it is important to correctly pue nails. Hats must be pressed to the shingle, but do not break through its surface.

Registration of endanda

With the help of a painting cord in Undov, the zone is planned in which it is impossible to drive nails - it is 30 cm from the middle of the endand. Then mark the borders of the gutter. They can be from 5 to 15 cm in both directions.

Top corner, which is turned toward Endovy, trigise

When laying the ordinary tile, nails are clogged as close as possible to the line, outside which nails cannot be hit, and the genth of the gear laying of the gutter is cut. So that the water does not register under the material, the upper corner of the tiles is cut by the painter, cutting around 4-5 cm. Furged edge of the tiles is lubricated with bitumen mastic and fixed with nails.

What should happen

Design of Fronton

On the skate sides, the tile is cut off so that the end plate remains 1 cm to the edge (protrusion). The upper corner of the shingle is trimmed as well as in Undova - a piece of a piece of 4-5 cm. The edge of the tile is missing. The label of the mastic is at least 10 cm. Then fixed with nails, like the other elements.

Tiles on the front cut off, retreating 1 cm from the protrusion of the frontal plank

Setting the skate

If the ranks in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate is made solid, a hole is cut along the skate, which should not reach the end of the edge 30 cm. The bitumen tile is stacked before the opening starts, after which a special skne profile is installed with ventilation holes.

It is fixed by long roofing nails. Multiple elements can be used on a long ice skate, they are connected. The mounted metal case is covered with ridge tiles. A protective film is removed from it, then the fragment is fixed with four nails (two on each side). Installation of a soft tile on the skate goes towards the prevailing winds, one fragment comes to another by 3-5 cm.

Installation of ski soft tiles

The ski tile is divided into three parts of the skate-eaves. Perforation is applied on it, a fragment is taken off (first bend, press the fold, then tear off).

The same elements can be chopped from the ordinary tile. It is divided into three parts, not paying attention to the drawing. The resulting tiles cut a corner - about 2-3 cm on each side. The middle of the fragment heats the construction hairdryer on both sides, put the middle of the bar and, gently pressing, bend.

Ribs and gears

The ribs are closed by skunk tiles. Along the inflection at the required distance, the painting cord is littered with a line. It aligns the edge of the tiles. Laying flexible tiles on the edge goes from bottom-up, each fragment is glued, then retreating from the top edge of 2 cm, fixed with nails - two on each side. The following fragment enters the laid by 3-5 cm.

How to put roofing: bituminous product

Scientific and technical progress did not bypace any part of human activity, including the production of building materials. Nowadays, there are many products that are used to improve the roof, the soft tile is particularly popular among them. It is worth noting that any roofing material will serve the entire (or even longer) warranty period if the installation technology will be observed. The advantage of bituminous tiles over competitors is: it forgives small label flaws, it can be used to cover the roof with a slope of 11 degrees.

Soft tile can be used to cover the roof with a slope of 11 degrees.

Device roofing with soft tiles.

Putting flexible roofing in winter is not the best idea, most of the manufacturers recommend producing all work in the plus temperature (from +5). The fact is that the sheet with the "tile" needs to be attached to a wooden basis and a lining carpet, the surfaces of the self-adhesive layer are fastened, the tightness of the coating is ensured only with bright sunlight, which gradually "melts" adhesive. But in a minus temperature, you can proceed to preparatory work: mount rafters, wooden flooring, insulation design, produce vapor and waterproofing.

If there is no other way out and rent a house is required during the winter season, then these recommendations are specifically for you! At first, over the roof, take a metal or wooden structure, cover it with a special squeezing or a simple polyethylene film. Inside the "second roof" will be heated with diesel thermal guns, so you can maintain an optimal positive temperature. By the way, "warmly" allows plastering work.

Put a bitumen tile

In the role of bases under bituminous tile, the material with a flat surface (for example, OSB, tipped plywood or a cutting board) and humidity of no more than 20% are suitable. Place the board at the place of the supports. The thickness of plywood and boards should optimally relate from the size of the step of the rafter, listing some values \u200b\u200bfor example:

  1. With a step, rafted in 60 cm the thickness of the board should be 2 cm, and plywood is 1.2 cm.
  2. In a step of 90 cm, the thickness of the board is 2.3 cm, and plywood is 1.8 cm.
  3. At step in 60 cm, the thickness of the board - 3 cm, and plywood - 2.1 cm.

Why do I need ventilation? Here at least two points:

  1. To reduce the formation of icicles and ice on the roof in winter.
  2. To remove water from the crate, roofing material.

Laying bitumen tiles.

Most often, a rolled insulating product is used as a strengthening lining, which is mounted below up with an adhesive from 10 cm. Seams Seal with glue, and fix the edges with nails in a step of 20 cm. If your roof is 18 degrees and more, it is possible to install a gasket layer only in the endand, on the eaves, near the chimney, where the roof is adjacent to the vertical walls.

Mount the eaves, frontones, anemic carpet, ordinary tile

To protect the crate from moisture, on the cornese skes (at the top of the lining carpet), make an installation of eaves from metal (drippers), the backrest - from 2 cm. Bear to them with roofing nails zigzago, step - 10 cm. Fronton planks are also installed 2 cm (step - 10 cm).

To increase the waterproof of the design in the endows, to put the end carpet on top of the lining layer, which would be combined with the color of the tile. The step between nails is 10 cm. Next is the case for self-adhesive cornice tiles, lay it along the eaves of the joint in the joint, removing the protective film. From the inflection of the cornice plank, retreat 2 cm, bring the items near the perforation places, and after the location of the fastener, overlap the already ordinary tiles.

Fastening flexible tile.

In order not to have color disagreements, it is recommended to use roofing elements in a few packages. Start an ordinary tile to lay from the center of the eaves to the end parts of the roof. Remove the protective film, attach the tile to the outlined place, bring the element nails (4 nails above the groove line; if the inclination of the roof is more than 45 degrees, then the number of fixtures increase to six).

Start soft tiles so that the edge of the first row is located 1 cm above from the lower edge of the cornice product, and the "petals" hid the joints of the joint. The "petals" of the subsequent layers should be on the same level with the cuts of the elements of the previous row. At the end, cut the material around the edge, proof (the glue strip is about 10 cm). At the bottom of the end, leave the open strip of 15 cm.

The ski tile is obtained if you split the tile at perforation places into 3 parts. Mounting elements make a short side into a parallel of the skate, bring it with nails (two - on each side). Now a little about the passages through the roof! Antenna holes are supplied with rubber seals; Smoke - you need to isolate.

Consumption and method of applying sealing glue

To seal the adhesives of ordinary tiles on the end carpet and lining carpet, the places of the adjoints, the aisles of the ventilation systems need bitumen glue. Let's talk about the flow rate:

  1. In order to process the adhesive of the lining carpet (the width of the application of glue is 10 cm), 0.1 liter of glue is needed for each m.
  2. In order to process the overstocks of the ordinary tiles on the end (the width of the glue - 10 cm), you need a 0.2 liter of glue to each m.
  3. To glue an ordinary soft tile on the end elements (the blasting width is 10 cm), 0.1 liter of glue is needed for each m.
  4. To handle brick walls and pipes (over the entire surface), you need 0.7 liters of glue to each m.

Before the works, of course, it is necessary to clean the foundation from dirt, bulk materials, oil; On the dust and porous surfaces to apply a bitumen solution. For glue you will be useful to the spatula, make the layer thickness around a centimeter. Suts in brickwork. Slip the composition in a closure with tiles. Bonding will occur after 3 minutes (complete drying - from one day to two weeks), hurry! At low temperatures before applying the composition, warm glue.

Flexible Tile Care

We list the rules that will help increase the service life of the structure:

  1. Twice a year check the condition of the roof.
  2. Get out the leaves and other small garbage from the surface with a soft brush as carefully, so as not to damage the coating.
  3. Provide a free flow of fluid from the roof, do not forget to regularly clean the funnels and gutter from the garbage.
  4. Cleansing the roof in winter, leave on the root about 10 cm snow, it will protect the material from the frost. Do not use sharp objects to remove ice that can damage the flexible tile.

How to put soft tile do it yourself

Soft tile laying technology assumes that the fastening of the shingle is carried out only with sun weather. In no case can not get it with the help of burners. As a last resort, it is allowed to stick to the bitumen glue, try to warm up the attic room, or the roofing coating itself with the help of a construction dryer.

Materials and tools

For laying, you will need:

  • sealant or roofing mastic;
  • construction planks for fixing places of adjoining, cornice and front;
  • ordinary galvanized and special roofing nails;
  • knife for cutting a shingle;
  • construction hairdryer.

Stages of preparatory work

Before lining the roof of soft tiles, the roof must be prepared properly.

  1. Formed roofing pie.
  2. On top of the windproof film, a rigid and even base of plywood, high-quality boards or OSB-plates, which is pre-impregnated with an antiseptic in advance are stacked.
  3. Under the tile there are a lining carpet from an old runneroid if the roof is maintained, or any rolled bitumen material. It is carefully nourished in places of docking roofs with other architectural elements, in the places of the sloth of the skate, along the front sink and the eaves, in the endowes and ice skate. With the bias of the roof slopes of more than 20 degrees, the material is nailed over the entire surface with a step of 15-20 cm. In the joints of the joint and the adhesion of the carpet, it is treated with a sealant or bitumen mastic.
  4. A dropper (cornice bar) is nourished on top of the carpet, which will protect the crate design from moisture. If, due to the architectural features of the roof and the structure, it is not possible to kill it, the carnize strip is wrapped under the crate and fixed with nails every 5 cm.
  5. Before laying a soft tile along the frontoth, also nourish end planks that protect the crate and helping the moisture down from the skate.
  6. Next to the queue of skating-eaves of shingles. The rice bands are nailed by the jack of jack, retreating from the edge of the order of 2.5 cm. The joints of the joints are wetted with bitumen mastic and glit free edges on it.
  7. Next, we usually pay attention to the installation of the drainage, in particular, the brackets are installed, which will subsequently support its elements.
  8. Separately, in places of adjustment to walls, other skates, ventilation pipes and other structures, in niches and other places of the likely accumulation of moisture, an additional waterproofing end carpet is created from bitumen materials. It is nailed with galvanized nails with an interval of 10 cm, and the edges are wedged with waterproof glue or mastic.

Laying soft tile

It is known that the flexible tile may differ in color depending not only from the party, but also from the packaging. An important point is the need to use sheets of only one pack on each roof slope, or consistently take the material from all packages immediately so that the differences are not noticeable. Subsequently, the color of the coating is adjusted under the sun and will become more uniform.

Laying of soft tiles begins from below from the central part of the roof of the roof. With the adhesive part of the sheet remove the protective film and it is tightly pressed to the place of fixation. The upper part is additionally fixed by four nails. At the same time, it is necessary to retreat on 4-5 cm. It should be completely closed with its petals. Along the edge of the front, the material is cut and samples with mastic.

No less responsible step - laying the coating in places at ventilation. chimney and other designs. The base under the tiles in this place is treated with mastic. The appropriate hole is cut into the truncation. It is fixed in place. If necessary, the base is once again lubricated by mastic.

It is somewhat more difficult to tempt tile near the chimney. First, in this place, rails are naked in the form of a rectangular triangle. With its right angle, it must be addressed to the pipe. A lining carpet is pre-laid around the pipe itself, in the fields of the joints of the vents, they are missing by mastic.

Installation of soft tiles near the chimney pipe is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • the top edge of the sheet rests into the pipe, having it on a pre-prepared rail;
  • over the tile sheet lay the end carpet;
  • part of the sheets are raised to the pipe to the height of a strand 30 cm, and the other is about 20 cm glued and naked to the roof;
  • the carpet on the pipe is closed by a plank of adjoining or metal apron;
  • all seams are carefully treated with sealant;
  • if necessary, if the roof slot is sharp enough, and the pipe is large, you can build an additional gutter for removal of water from the chimney zone.

Final Stage Mounting Flexible Tile

The remaining sites are closed by the gance of the mustache so that the subsequent petals close the attachment sites on the nails of the previous one.

Another important stage at the end of the work will be the fastening of the skating strip. It is separated into two equal parts of perforations and laid onto the horse. On each side of the tile nailed two nails. Fall must be at least 5 cm.

A good solution will lay the aerator strip, which will ensure good ventilation of the underwear. To create a skate aerator on both sides of the band, the slots are cut off, which are subsequently closed by a tape of aerator.

Professional laying of flexible tile can well produce and with their own hands. When compliance with the technology, the service life of the coating will be at least 35 years old. If the roof is subjected to a periodic examination and make minor repairs in a timely manner, its durability will grow at least for 10 years.

Installation of soft tiles do it yourself

Stacking flexible tiles is recommended to be carried out at the positive air temperature, it is desirable more than 5 degrees. In the cold season, the main material must be heated at room temperature during the day.