Repairs Design Furniture

Partial repair of the roof of the garage with their own hands. How and than repaired the old roof of the garage. Professor - not naked "tin"

Why exactly the repair of roofing has to deal with the owners of garages? Basically, in the garage cooperatives of the structure are connected into a holistic array, in which moisture, temperature differences on the walls almost do not affect. Most often comes to the disrepair of the roof, which is experiencing all the "charms" of weather conditions.

The reasons for which partial or complete roofing replacement is required, some. Main:

  • The use of low-quality materials;
  • Non-professional coating installation;
  • Negligence, bad knowledge of technology, violation of the preparatory phase of work;
  • The late replacement of individual parts of the roof, which complicated the nature of the work.

Repair roof roofs garage do it yourself

Do not delay with the start of repair work. The further - the harder the defect will be corrected. Measure the surface area, calculate the required amount of materials, buy them with a slight margin.

Eliminate roof defects can be independently. Take yourself an assistant - it will be more convenient. Examine the features of the installation of various coatings, consult with experts - and proceed.

The roof of the garage flows. What to do

What to do if the roof is in the garage? Initially, it should be determined how large the leakage area is. It is necessary to understand the reason for their occurrence. If you are the garage owner in a cooperative, try to negotiate the neighbors about the joint replacement of the common roof, if they have similar problems. Perhaps you will be lucky and they will agree. But it happens not always. Then repair the roof yourself.

Important: Watch out the condition of the roof at least 1 time in half a year in order to notice the appearance of cracks or other coating defects.

Materials for repairing the roof of the garage

Roofing Cases Two Types:

  • Soft roof (rubberoid, glassobit, bicroelast, glassizole);
  • Hard roof (slate, metal tile, professional flooring).

Each type of material has and denominations, and disadvantages.

Soft roof, Using self-inflated materials, it is quite simple, it costs it cheaper than a hard coating, the flooring is performed quickly. But the service life does not exceed 7-8 years, because the surface does not tolerate the drops of temperature, especially, the scorching sun, and is afraid of dampness.

Metal and slate coating more durable (from 10 years and above), less susceptible to mechanical damage, resistant to weather vapors. But moisture can lead to the formation of rusty spots. Often wines everything - the poor quality of the material or surface damage (scratches, chips), which occurred during the installation of the coating.

Repair of the roof of the garage professional. Question price

Professional flooring is used for the device of pitched roofs in separate garages. The material is durable, high-quality, but it sometimes requires repair.

You need:

  • Yardstick;
  • Disk saw or electrolovka for cutting sheets;
  • Screwdriver.

Stages of repair:

  1. Determine the scope of work (replacement area);
  2. Spoiled material removed;
  3. Conduct a validation of the state in which rafters are currently being;
  4. Most often leakage appear due to deterioration of the waterproofing layer. Need to put a new one and replace the crate;
  5. Next begin to mount metal sheets. There are enough solid sheets on the garage;
  6. Work starts from the edge. Important: Do not fix the corner at the top of the sheet right away. Place the following two and check how exactly they are located (whether the line of the skate and ends coincide). Sheets are fixed with self-drawing, which have a hat or nut, protecting water from the field of fasteners;
  7. The material is stacked by the brand, overlapping the adjacent sheet into one wave;
  8. They screw the screws on top and bottom of the professional flooring through the wave, and in the middle of the sheet, a chess order is needed for greater connection strength.

Polymer Polymer Coating price: 155 - 240 rubles. For 1 square. meter. The cost depends on the type of coating, texture and manufacturer. Even if you have to replace most of the coating in a regular garage with a size of 5.5 x 3.7 m (S \u003d 20.35 sq. M. M), then the issue price will be only 3155-4885 rubles). Plus self-tapping screws and waterproofing layer (from 55 rubles per sq.m). The cost comes out acceptable.

In most cases, only individual sheets have to change, on which defects appeared, which should be sustained.

Repair of the roof of the garage rubberoid. Question price

Single and flat roofs are often crumbling rubberoid. This material is used for roofing more than a dozen years and has gained popularity among garages owners due to low cost and simple installation process. Selective repair is also simple, especially if you have cracks in time.

How to repair such a roof of the garage? Not so long ago, more modern self-inflated materials appeared on the market, but the principle of arranging and repairing the roof with their use is the same as the frontieroid.

Devices and tools for work:

  • Ordinary soldering lamp or gas burner;
  • Strong knife;
  • Stairs;
  • Robust rope;
  • Bitumen mastic (for rubberoid);
  • Gas cylinder.

Operating procedure:

  1. It is necessary to remove the old coating, clean the surface from the garbage and thoroughly seal all the cracks with special bitumen mastics. If necessary, make a new screed;
  2. When the screed is completely dry, it is possible to lay the runneroid;
  3. Bituminous mastic melts up to 200 degrees at the bottom, raise up with a rope and apply to the surface of the roof. Resin is the last century. It is quickly breathable and leads to cracks;
  4. The roll is heated by a soldering lamp, unfold and put the peak on the previous strip. Okay leaves at least 15 cm, and sometimes a third width. Surplus cut. Two layers are laid: one - along, another - across;
  5. Seams, places of compounds are thoroughly missed to ensure tightness. You can use mastic;
  6. To replace individual damaged areas, the order of work is the same. A spoiled rubberoid is cut into the right place and the "Latanium" of the roof is made.

How much does the front roofing cost? Price for 1 roll - about 370-390 rubles. The number of meters - in a roll - 15kv.m. Mastic for gluing Ruberoid is on average 600 rubles. Behind the bucket in 9kg. EuroRuberoid Glassizol (Roll 15KV.M) -770 rub, bicroelast (15 sq m. In roll) - 322 rub, TechnoElast (roll 10 sq. M) - 1680 rub. per sq.m.

Replacing the roof of the garage

Firstly, define what you need to replace: One roofing coating to another or fully complete the roof replacement with the installation of a new tree crate. It all depends on whether new wooden structures are needed for another type of roofing material.

Bituminous tile and ondulin require a solid crate, and metal tile and slate - discharged. Did you decide to change the slate coating on the bituminous tile? Then you will need to install additional wooden structures, which is conjugate with some difficulties and will cost more.

Replace metal tile slate will be very simple. Make a coating from a corrugated floor instead of bituminous tiles will be more difficult, because an additional income will be required.

When arranging a new roof Note the errors that led to the need to replace the design or roofing material. Replacing the roof of the garage is a rather complicated process, so be careful in operation and follow the coating installation technology.

  • Work only in dry and warm weather. Such weather conditions should be kept, approximately 2 days before the start of repair work;
  • If you chose a soft roof, please note whether there are no trees next to the garage. The leaves that will fall on the roof will slow down the outflow of rainwater, will begin to rot and lead to the development of fungi and the appearance of moss;
  • Observe the rules of fire safety With a soft roof device. The molten mastic has a high temperature, so overalls and shoes are a prerequisite for work;
  • Ruberoid to cover the garage you need to two. So much more convenient;
  • Talk to neighbors, find out what is covered with a garage with them, and how the coating serves in these climatic conditions. Consider their recommendations.

Repair the roof of the garage do it yourself Everyone can have patience and minimum skills. It is necessary to decide that it is more important for you - simplicity of installation or durability of the coating. If the first option is then choose the usual or euruberoid. If you want the coating to light up much longer without repair and replacing the roof details - pay attention to the metal tile and professional flooring with a polymer coating.

The impaired integrity of the roofing of the garage is sooner or later turns into leakage, serious destruction of roofing materials, the appearance of dampness and mold indoors. Ultimately, a car and other property stored in the garage may suffer. In order for the repair of the roof of the garage with their own hands the desired result, it is necessary to choose the optimal work technology.

Preparation for repair of the roof of the garage

At the preparatory stage, the roof surface should be carefully examined. Based on the type of damage, the following activities are performed.:

  • local repair (individual damage is eliminated);
  • restoration of the coating (filling in with a bitumen material of numerous small cracks throughout the surface area or laying a new external layer);
  • overhaul (replacement of all roofing pie with its high degree of wear).

Before starting repair work, the roof surface is important to carefully clean from garbage and pollution, dry well. Roof repair work should be planned for days when it is dry, warm, but not hot weather.

Local repair of the roof of the garage

Local damage to the roofing carpet of flat garage roofs belongs:

  • separate cracks;
  • swelling;
  • breaks on the surface of the coating;
  • disposal in places of seams, etc.

Damaged places must be carefully cleaned from dirt and dry. Places of breaks for this purpose are revealed by cruciform cut ("Envelope"), cracks expand. Small damaged areas can also be cut through an ax, making a rectangular "window" to a depth of 3-4 layers of roofing carpet.

For local repairs, the roof from the rubberoid or the installed materials is used bitumen, requiring heating, or ready cold mastic, as well as a material similar to the top layer of coating.

Cold bitumen mastic during local repair is most suitable for sealing deep cracks and small damage. With it, you can also apply patchwork. With a heated bituminous resin, any damaged places are poured, including cracks and droved "windows", while it is important to trace the resin to penetrate the farthest and hard-to-reach areas.

To repair a damaged area, opened by the "envelope", you must use patch. The first of them is cut in the size of the "envelope" and stacked inside on the base, well-missing bitumen. The bending edges of the coating also need to be thoroughly wrapped with bitumen and grip tightly to the surface. The external patch must enter the edges of the repaired section by 150-200 mm. It stacked on a layer of bitumen mastic or a heated resin, closed tightly.

Outdoor coating is required to open, release air, wrap in mastic and grip tightly. The seams lost the tightness are cleaned from old mastic, dried, re-samples with a bitumen material.

If the surface of the repair area is covered with bitumen, it is recommended to pour the sand layer from above to protect the bitumen material from ultraviolet. UV radiation makes bitumen fragile, which reduces the service life of the renovated roof.

Restoration of the coating of the garage

A flat garage roof covered by a reference process, requires a regular inspection even in the absence of leaks. This material is aging and can be covered with grid shallow cracks. To prevent more serious damage, it is required to create a high-quality waterproofing upper layer of roofing carpet.

To extend the service life of the roofing carpet for several years without significant financial costs, it is recommended to embed cracks using a bitumen resin. The technology of work is quite simple: the ragged resin is poured onto the surface of the roof and smoothes with suitable tools. Bituminous material fills microcracks and creates a waterproof coating.

A more durable and functional coating can be created using bitumen mastic intended for cold application. This material is a purified petroleum bitumen with various additives that contribute to the increase in the strength and elasticity of the material, a decrease in fragility, ensure the stability of the coating to the temperature differences.

Such insulating material reliably protect the roof from moisture and the subsequent biological destruction of the lining layers of the roofing carpet. When repairing mastic, the surface should be clean and dry. The working composition of cold applying is recreated with a brush or spatula. The layer of mastic after drying turns into a durable, durable coating, completely impermeable for moisture.

Laying of an external coating

If the roofing carpet is in a fairly good condition, but at the same time the outer layer has been severely wear, for high-quality repair, it is enough to lay new external flooring. Previously, it is necessary to eliminate all existing local damage by filling out the breaks and cracks with bitumen mastics, removing the swollen. It is important to clearly clean the surface, removing the old mastic and pollution, and also dry the coating.

As an external coating, a classic rubberoid or a weld roofing material can be used. Repair the roof of the garage with a biccost or another rolled material, the material is much easier, since it is not necessary to use the molten resin, but in this case noticeably higher than the financial cost of repairs.

Laying Ruberoid on the roof of the garage

Ruberoid mounting is performed on the humor layer (molten bitumen). The resin is required to warm up on the open fire in a tin bucket to the consistency of thick sour cream. Roller material is minimum per day before the styling it is necessary to roll out so that it will deal with - this will simplify installation and significantly reduce the likelihood of air bubbles.

Plots of the roof are coated with a resin as the work on laying the cloth of the roll material is promoted. Ruberoid bands need to be mounted with an overlap at 100-150 mm, thoroughly scrolling the resin joint.

In the styling process, air bubbles may appear under the already mounted coating. In these places it is necessary to make a cut with a knife, tightly press the material to the base, and then the place of the feet is well missed by bitumen. Using the runneroid, you can create a high-quality waterproof web, capable of securely protect the garage room. If the coating is mounted on top of the old roofing cake, it is enough to put it into one layer.

Installation of the focused coating

The coating of the rolled roofing is placed using a gas burner. On the back of the material there is a special layer of oxidized bitumen. In a preheated form, it quickly and highly adhesion with the prepared base.

At the beginning of work, a roll of 500-600 mm should be carefully rolled out. An involne side should be warm with the help of a gas burner, and then press the material to the surface of the T-shaped stick. Next, the roll rolls still half meter and the operation is repeated. The next strip is mounted with the overlap on the first in 70-80 mm.

The weak place of the roof of the garage is the roof connections with neighboring. It is on these joints in the first place that the detachment of the material, cracks and breaks occurs. When repairing special attention should be paid to these edges of the coating.

Overhaul of the garage roof

With the overhaul of the roof from the roof of the garage, it is necessary to completely remove the old roofing carpet. The roof base is cleaned of garbage, if necessary, it is leveled with a screed. The roofing carpet of a flat roof of the garage should consist of five layers made of rolled materials.

The lining layers are mounted from a restraint material (lining rodener, pergamine) - there is no protective pads from its external side, which provides the most dense and reliable clutch of the layers.

For mounting the upper layer, the coating material is applied, equipped with an outer layer of refractory bitumen with a sprinkling, providing protection against mechanical damage and ultraviolet radiation. Running can be coarse, fine-grained or dusty.

The roofing carpet technology is selected based on their characteristics of the materials used. It can be laying on the molten bitumen or using a gas burner. It is important to assemble the stripes of covering the upper layers with a shift relative to the lower so that the joints do not coincide - this ensures the creation of a reliable waterproof roofing coating.

The base of the roof of the garage before installing the roofing carpet is required to be treated with a bleated bitumen or mixture thereof. This will provide high adhesion of roofing material and increase the reliability of the coating.

It is possible to repair the roof of the garage alone, but it is recommended to perform work with a partner, especially when we are talking about laying a rubberoid on tar. In addition, security rules should be followed as:

  • to prepare the resin and when working with a gas burner, an open flame is used;
  • works are carried out at an altitude of about two meters - the fall from it is fragmented by fractures, including life-threatening.

In order for the repaired roofing coating to light up the longest time, it is important to strictly observe the technology of work and use quality materials.

Repair of the roof of the garage with their own hands: bike and mastic from bitumen

Garage roof repair technology with their own hands. The use of bitumen mastic when repairing the roof of the garage made of rubberoid and the applied materials.


Garage - Second House. At least for a man. And if the wife supports his wife in the apartment, then in the garage, a husband is engaged in issues of permutation, cleaning and repair. True, it is often not limited to the usual washing of floors, and the gender and the gate, and even the repair of the roof of the garage do it yourself. Well, as otherwise! Everyone must have an order! It is about the roof and how to patch the holes on it with their own hands and will be discussed in this article.

Methods for repairing the roof of the garage

In fact, one or another way to repair the roof of the garage depends on the construction itself, the type of roof and the degree of wear of the structure. As a rule, in private households where the garage stands separately from home itself, low-cost roofing materials are applied with a long service life. This is a professional flooring, metal tile, flexible tile and Ondulin. The collective garages are unlikely to poke a professional flooring or tiles, soft materials on a bitumen basis will be more appropriate here.

In connection with these, three ways of repairing the roof in the garage can be distinguished:

  1. With hot bitumen
  2. With the help of soft roofing materials
  3. With the help of professional flooring or tile

Preparation of roofs to repair work

First of all, it is necessary to determine the degree of wear of the roof and reveal those elements that require replacement. In addition, you should stock special equipment and some of the amount of free time. The repair of the garage roof is carried out faster with the use of sheet and rolled materials, but with pieces (tiled, for example) you will have to tinker. See ourselves: one sheet of professional flooring can be covered up to 9 square meters of surface, and a sheet of flexible tile - 0.14 sq.m. It turns out that in order to cover all the same 9 sq.m. You will have to fix 63 sheet tiles on the surface of the roof, and it takes away from you a lot of time and strength.

So, before you begin to repair the work, remove all the garbage from the roof and especially carefully clean the most problematic places. Carefully inspect the roof, perhaps everything is not so bad and you can limit ourselves to the plexus, and not a complete roof replacement. If the old materials are still suitable, then simply cut down the hole in those places that you consider to be problematic - in the future you will pay them to them and thus return the roof to former reliability.

If the roof of your garage was covered with soft roofing materials of the rubberoid type, then you may notice a crack or bloody on its surface. Such defects need to be eliminated before repair. To do this, take a sharp knife and cut the place of the criss the cross. Benefit the resulting triangles in such a way that they do not flush and do not interfere with you to move freely on the roof, and all their "insides" will thoroughly clean from dust and garbage. Later, these holes will be covered with bitumen, thereby preventing leak.

Garage roof repair with hot bitumen

Deciding to repair the roof of the garage with their own hands with a hot bitumen, you will have to stock:

  • bitumen - ½ bag
  • bucket - which is not a pity
  • rope - for lifting a bucket on the roof
  • the staircase - otherwise how do you raise the garage
  • metal hook - for comfortable lifting bucket
  • firewood and gasoline - for campfire
  • bricks - for the construction of Mangala
  • brush - for stripping distressed places from dirt
  • gloves.

Cleaning the roof of the garage from garbage and dirt, take up the heating of bitumen. To do this, we need to ignite the fire and to build something similar to a barbecue for a kebab - you put a bucket with bitumen on it. When the material is warm up and becomes plastic, you can start it to fill it.

Raise the roof bucket and pour hot bitumen problem areas, setting the material with the help of a wooden board. It is possible to "patch" in this way the entire surface, and you can only be flaws that are the source of leakage during the rain. Especially thoroughly break down earlier holes. Make sure that the bitumen filled them to the top, without leaving the slightest chance of water.

Repair of the roof of the garage soft roofing materials

Soft roofing materials include rubberoid and bikrost. The first is placed on the bituminous mastic, the second is filmed with the help of a gas burner. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the bikrost is much easier in the installation, because you do not have to mess with mastic.

Repair the roof of the garage rubberoid is also not difficult. If you decide that the overhaul with a complete replacement of the roof you still do not need, then just cut down a few pieces of rubberoid and grease it cutting holes. The cut must fully match the dimensions of the hole, otherwise all the work will be a pump.

First, resin or bitumen mastic is applied inside the opening. Then the piece of rubberoid is stacked, and on top of another bitumen layer. It is not necessary to wait for drying, but you need to immediately return the bent triangles into place. Now it remains only to pate the formed cuts with another patch. The main thing is that the size of the piece is a few centimeters more damaged areas. Apply over the patchwork an additional layer of mastic - so you will achieve the desired result with a greater probability.

The next step (if, of course, you decide to fully stick the roof) - complete waterproofing of the roof with the referencer. The laying of the cloth is made on the humor layer, which should be applied by parts as the work is promoted. Ruberoid bands are superimposed by 10-15 centimeters. If bubbles appear during styling, they are cut off with a knife, and the sections of the cuts are tightly pressed to the roof surface and additionally rinse with tar.

Special attention is paid to the roof connections of your garage with neighboring roofs. As a rule, cracks and detachments of old materials are formed on these joints.

With the help of the rubberoid, a single, almost whole, canvas preventing the penetration of moisture inside the room is created. In most cases, there is enough single layer of material, the double carpet is arranged in cases when either the operating conditions are quite complex, or the weather conditions leave much to be desired.

The cost of repairing the roof of the garage with the help of the rubberoid will be about 500-600 rubles. This amount includes the ruberoid itself (210-300 rubles per roll of 10-15 meters), resin or bitumen - 100 rubles per bag and sweater materials (if there are no such arsenal).

With a bike, everything is much easier, because this material does not require the use of bitumen mastic or tar. For its installation, a gas burner is used, and it is attached to the surface of the roof using a special layer of oxidized bitumen, which quickly and easily curls with the base.

Gently roll the roll by 50-60 centimeters. Highlight the wrong side of the gas burner and press this piece to the roof surface with the T-shaped stick. Looking on a fresh roof, roll the roll still half meter and warm up the withdrawal with a burner again. The second strip needs to be laid with the first centimeters of N7-8.

Thus, on the repair of a standard roof of the city garage, you will need only an hour and a half, whereas with the frontal or bitumen will have to be accused much longer. True, in the case of the use of bicrost for repairing the roof of the garage, the price of this very repairs will increase from 500 rubles to 1,500 rubles, since the focused material is much more expensive than ruboredoor.

Repair of the roof of the garage using a professional flooring and metal tile

In private householdings, a garage is, as a rule, a separate building. The roof in such a structure is usually carried out from hard roofing materials, such as professional flooring, flexible tile or metal tile. Replace the damaged sheet of the professional flooring will not be a lot of work, but sometimes there are situations when you need to completely replace the roof.


To do this, you need a disk saw, roulette and screwdriver. The slope separately standing garage consists of solid sheets of professional flooring, which will not increase in length, such as, for example, in the case of metal tile. Fall in this case will be lateral, so one wave will be quite enough. Since the width of one sheet is a little more than a meter, then for a standard garage, 5 meters long will need five sheets of professional flooring.

In one of the upper corners, set the first sheet with a screwdriver, but you should not immediately fix it "tightly". Next, fasten two more sheets and check the coincidence of the roof line line with the edges of the sheets. After all the sheets were leveled, secure them finally. The upper and lower part of the professional flooring is fixed through the wave, and his middle is in a checkerboard.

Metal tile.

Metal tile is attached from the bottom up. It is carried out using self-tapping screws equipped with a rubber gasket (they can be bought, and can be made independently). The sheets of the tiles of the flares are raised, and for reliable fixation them in the upper and lower part of the sheet there are special latches. In principle, everything is fast and simple, however, the cost of the tile is quite high, and therefore you have to lay out a considerable amount for the roof repair of your garage. But but it will be beautiful!

Summing up, I would like to note that whatever way of repairing the roof you have chosen, you still have a dangerous job - the height of the garage is about 2 meters and if you break out from there, you can break all the bones. Be careful and neat - caution still did not damage anyone.

Repair of the roof of the garage do-it-yourself, construction portal

Ceilings garage - second house. At least for a man. And if the wife supports his wife in the apartment, then in the garage, a husband is engaged in issues of permutation, cleaning and repair. Truth,

Repair of the roof of the garage - how to restore the tightness of the roofing coating?

The roof of the garage is most often a flat or low-tone single roofing structure, which often suffers from leaks, water and breaking water and breaking the waterproofing of winds. Therefore, it needs regular maintenance and periodic restoration. The inexperienced master seems to be that this task is only a professional, however, using modern roofing materials, it is quite possible to repair the roof of the garage with your own hands. In this article, we will tell you how to restore the tightness of the roof in cheap, applying ruboreoids, mastic or professional flooring.

Types of damage

The garage roof has special properties due to a small slope of the skates, due to which it is more subject to leaks and damage than cooling two-tie structures. Standard materials for the construction of household buildings - rubberoid, professional flooring, slate, that is, products that are inexpensive, but has a long service life. The roof repair of the garage is necessary if the following defects are detected on its surface:

  • Cracks. Ruberoid, Mastic and membrane roof after several repetitions of freezing and thawing cycles are covered by cracks through which moisture and cold air may be seized.
  • Frams of roofing canvas. As a result of a strong wind load, roofing materials can be broken from the roof shabby, barring the rafter system of the structure, resulting in the wetting of the insulation and the wooden framework elements.
  • Mechanical damage. Breaks, stones, garbage, exposure to snow load leads to impaired integrity of the roof of the garage. It entails leaks and deformation of the design.

Important! Roofing construction serves as the first protective barrier between the human housing and the outer environment, which sometimes behaves aggressively. Ruberoid, professional flooring, slate and bitumen mastic - reliable, but not eternal materials, so repairing the roof of the garage is performed 1 time in 2-3 seasons.

Types of repair

If the roofing design has lost hermeticity, it is necessary to repair the roof of the garage with their own hands. Usually this operation is performed 1 time in the season after a regular autumn inspection of the status of the skates. Having conducted a detailed revision of the roof, you can estimate which condition is the waterproofing materials, and choose what kind of restoration is required:

  1. Point. If small cracks were found on the surface of the garage roof, rust foci and other unit damage, it requires point repair. Ruberoid can be pushed through patches, cracks to smear mastic.
  2. Partial. If damage is more ambitious, the roof is restored by partial repair. Damaged upper layers of roofing cake are removed, new waterproofing materials are stacked on their place - rubberoid, roofing membranes, professional flooring or ondulin.
  3. Full. In the event that the garage roof is in a deplorable state, then only complete reconstruction can restore its tightness. For this, a complete dismantling of roofing and frame overlapping with new roofing pie is performed.

Many inexperienced masters are wondering how to repair the roof of the garage on their own at minimum costs. However, experimental roofers argue that it is advisable to carry out the spot and partial repairs if the area of \u200b\u200bdamage does not exceed 15-25% of the roof area.

Repair sequence

Modern roofing materials with light weight and high waterproofing ability allow you to repair the garage roof without dismantling the old coating. But for the restoration of the waterproofing layer, it is important that the rafting roof frame saves the integrity and high bearing capacity. So that the roof repair results of the garage were satisfactory and had a long effect, the reconstruction of the roofing design is performed in the following sequence:

  • It is necessary to check the status of the rafter frame. On wooden elements, the design should not be mold, rot. If defects are detected, they need to be eliminated: broken rafters replace, deformed areas to enhance. It will not be superfluous to treat the frame of the antiseptic composition.
  • Then it should be removed the roofing coating is partially or completely. If Ruberoid was used to overlapping the garage roof, then only the upper layers can be removed. If there is no swelling and bubbles on the roof surface, then the old coating can be left as a lining, and it is put on a new waterproofing material.
  • The roof surface must be cleaned from garbage, dust and dirt. To improve the adhesion between the old and new coating, you need to degrease the roofing coating.
  • After all manipulations, the roof must be carefully dried. This requires 24-18 hours, you can speed up the procedure using an industrial hair dryer.

Note! Careful surface preparation for operation is the security deposit and stability of the results of the repair. We remind you that it is possible to carry out the reconstruction of the roof using the rubberoid or roof membrane, without dismantling the old coating, only if there are no swelling, bubbles or other strong damage.

Solving, the better to cover the roof of the garage, experienced masters pay attention to inexpensive, but proven waterproofing materials that have a long service life. Ruberoid, professional flooring, slate, various roofing membranes are perfect for the garage roof. The easier and the stronger coating, the longer it will retain its operational qualities. Most often for repair use:

  1. Ruberoid. Rolled waterproofing coating based on roofing cardboard impregnated with bitumen or synthetic rubber. It puts the brass bands into several layers with a small overlap. After burning, the runneroid forms a practically monolithic, hermetic layer. The weak point of this material is low mechanical strength.

Please note that the choice of roofing depends on the angle of inclination of roofing rods, the number of rods, as well as climatic conditions in the construction zone. Single and flat roofs are overlapped with rubberoid or roofing membranes, single-sided - ondulin, two-sheet - professional flooring or metal tile.

Repair of the roof of the garage with their own hands, the material for the roof of the garage (photo, video)

How do it yourself perform repair roofs of the garage. We restore the tightness of the roof without large financial investments with simple roofing materials

We repair the soft roof of the garage rubberoid and glass train

Repair of a soft roof of the garage with your own hands is an easy task that will provide your car safety.

The destruction of roofing material or leakage becomes risk sources. The penetration of moisture into the premises leads to corrosion, also when destroying, some fragments may fall and damage the car.

Therefore, we will look at how to repair the roof of the garage covered with rubberoid or other soft roofing building materials with their own hands.

Causes of damage

First of all, the impaired integrity may occur as a result of mechanical damage. The branches could fall into the structure, if you were inaccurated on the roof of the structure, in these places the overlap can collapse.

But the most frequent cause becomes natural wear. Each building material has its own service life.

Ruberoid is 15 years old, in glazomol - 25 years.

If during the service life does not make a preventive inspection, then after 15-25 years, materials will be replaced. Therefore, we recommend at least once a year to check the condition of the roof, which will allow you to identify violations in a timely manner. And it will help you to significantly save on their elimination.

Damage can be several species. A framework can be broken. In this case, without removing the upper insulating overlap, with the subsequent full replacement, it is not necessary. If only the upper part was damaged, you can use patchwork or completely replace the destroyed fragments, after having flushing them with an ax.

Preparatory work

Before starting the repair, it is worth establishing the degree of damage and determine the necessary building materials. All work is better to spend in warm, dry weather, if there is such an opportunity. First you need to climb on the roof and remove all the garbage from it. After you removed the leaves and dirt, you have access to surface inspection.

With proper analysis, it may be possible to find out that you do not need a complete coverage replacement, and it will only be enough to remove one fragment and put a patch.

If over 10 years have passed since the construction, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze the surface for the presence of swirling, cracks, discrepancies of the seams.

If you discovered the sweeps of bloating, they will need to be eliminated in the future. To do this, you take a sharp knife and cut off all bubbles. The edges of the materials are rejected and we can assume that the preparatory work is over. Consider repairing the roof of the garage rubberoid.

Roof repair garage rubberoid

If the surface is wet, it is necessary to dry it before carrying out work, otherwise the building materials will be enhanced unevenly and work will have to remake. Next, you heat the bitumen in the metal container.

When it melts, getting started to prepare a prime. To do this, mix bitumen with gasoline or kerosene. We give two proportions of mixing. One is necessary for pre-treatment of the coating (30% of bitumen by 70% of gasoline), and the second will be used as a mastic for fixing the sheet building materials (70% of the bitumen by 30% of gasoline). Next, you will prepare several pieces of rubberoid for sealing damaged areas.

Their size must correspond to the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe destroyed area. Bending the angles of the old material, you put the primer first and after it grabs slightly, cover the plot of mastic. The prepared fragment is stacked on mastic and tightly pressed. Top is applied another layer of mastic.

Next, you need to get the edges of the old building materials back and tightly press to the fresh layer of resin.

From above, another wet of their fragment of the sheet building materials is made.

But this time the size should be greater than the destroyer approximately 15-20 cm. The last layer of resin is applied on the top lat. So you handle all the problem areas.

We examined how repairing the soft roof roof of the garage is carried out if small areas are damaged. If the service life is large enough, and the destroyed areas occupy a significant area, then it is necessary to resort to a complete substitution of the material. Consider how it is done.

Previously need to give leaf material to fly away. It is rolled on a flat surface and leave for a day. It is better to spread it in a dry, ventilated room or on the street in good weather. After a day, the coating is recomposed and it will be easier to sharpen it. Next, you are preparing compounds from the resin in the proportion above.

The primer covers the base, and after it is absorbed, apply mastic. Before laying the lower side of the sheet heated the burner, as soon as the bitumen layer melts a little, it is placed on the roof. It is worth carefully pressing the sheet with a roller, starting from the center and moving towards the edges. After that, the new sheet is stacked with the allen 10-12 cm.

Thus, you stuff the whole area, after which she needs to be located within 12 hours. After that, you start applying the second layer. When laying different layers, make sure that the joints of the joints do not coincide, otherwise these sites become very vulnerable.

Repair of the roof of the garage glass -

Glassizol is a modern Ruberoid analogue. It has the basis of fiberglass and polymer impregnation, which makes sheets more elastic, resistant to cracking and rotting.

The service life is about 25 years, depending on the operating conditions.

To remove damage, you will need a multiple species material - lining and external.

If the cement screed is generated, it is necessary to prepare a solution. Also blanch the components for primer and mastic.

Next, you check the coverage. Laying can only be done on a flat surface. If the concrete slab collapsed, it is necessary to close all the irregularities of cement mortar. After that, you need to wait until the solution is dry, and you can proceed to work. Sheets are pre-folded on a flat surface so that they are leveled, so they will be easier to sharpen.

Laying begins with a lining layer. To do this, it is heated by a burner until the bituminous interlayer is melted from the inside. Primer and mastic are applied to the surface, and the sheet is tightly pressed. Run it better by roller, paying special attention to the edges. All lining layers are stacked with an overlap at 10-15 cm.

After that, you can proceed to the coating by external material. Everything happens in a similar technology. The surface is treated with a resin, glassizol warmed the burner to melting the bottom layer and tightly pressed to the roof. While working, follow the sheets that bubbles are not formed. Otherwise, this will lead to the need to re-repair.

If you do not need a complete roof of the roof, you can eliminate damage with patches. For this, glassizol is cut into fragments, which exceed the size of the area of \u200b\u200bdamage by 10-15 cm. Bubbles and cracks are open, the edges of the old coating are rejected and the layer takes place first into the inside of the damage, then all layers are strengthened from the outside.

Repair of the soft roof of the garage with your own hands: covering rubberoid and glass paint, causes and types of destruction, preliminary preparation

We tell how to make it with your own hands repair the soft roof of the garage using rubberoid and glass amol, how to prepare the surface to repair, the causes of damage The roof is one of the most important assemblies of any building.. Regardless of whether it was erected in a respectable cottage or on the usual garage, the roof should perform its main function: to protect the inner room from the effects of adverse environmental factors. As the roof is exploited, its individual elements wear out, and the need for repair appears.

The most frequent defect is the penetration of moisture and atmospheric precipitation through the damaged coating. This can lead to damage to the car, the formation of mold and reproduction of the fungus on the walls of the indoor room.

Repair work is better planning for a sunny warm day.

Varieties of garage roofs

The garage is difficult to call a large-scale building, but its roof is created and in the future repaired mainly on the principles similar to the principles of the arrangement and repair of roofs of large houses. A distinctive feature is the device on the garages of the roofs of two types:

  • Single bed - For its overlap in most cases, applied materials apply. It is also possible to use metal products or slate (with the corresponding slope).
  • Double - With this species, the roofing material is chosen depending on the possibilities and taste of the developer. The same types of coatings are used, except for rolled, plus bituminous (soft) tiling or metal tile.

Determination of the cause of leaks

There are several criteria for determining the cause of leakage. On their basis, a more or less experienced person can understand what should be repaired.

  1. If the flow is formed during the rain, this indicates a disruption of tightness at the point of the joint of the roofing material or the presence of damage.
  2. If flow occurs regardless of weather conditions, this fact indicates the penetration of water in the insulation layer. In many cases, such a leakage is a consequence of small damage to roofing or certain problems with waterproofing.
  3. If traces of leakage arise in the region of the eaves at the beginning of the spring season or during thaw, it indicates problems in the drainage system: in most cases it moves. The flow of a similar nature may also indicate in the funnel of drainage pipes of foliage and other garbage, which leads to their clogging.

Before the start of repair work, the roof should be carefully examined by both the outside and inside, on the side of the attic.

With a special care, it is necessary to inspect the points of the adjoining to chimneys, the other communications with access to the roofing surface, the skate part.

After determining the causes of the flow, their size, the proportion of repair work is made of a specific location.

Estimation of repair work

When drawing up the estimate, it is necessary to take into account all possible factors:

  • overall scope of repair work;
  • the cost of buying all types of materials;
  • purchase or rent of the necessary equipment;
  • payment of the work of builders (if there is a need).

The indifferent components of the estimates are:

  • Calculation of all roofing area.
  • The presence of the drainage system and its design.

Estimation for repair work is directly dependent on the specific type of roofing (for example: the price of tile is much higher than the slate price). The value of the material and the manufacturer also also value.

If the rafter system is damaged, the document must contain points relating to the purchase of materials for the repair of the rafter system.

The volume and complexity of repair work is determined by the geometry of the skates and their number. When calculating, additional and component elements should be taken into account.

If capital and not partial repairs are required, the costs of the acquisition and replacement of heat and waterproofing materials should be included in the estimate, as well as to carry out work on improving the fire resistance of the entire structure.

The costs of delivering the necessary materials, tools and equipment to the place of restoration work should also be taken into account.

Preparation of the roof to work

First of all, it is necessary to remove the garbage accumulated on the roof. Special attention should be paid to the cleaning of problematic unreliable sections. In many cases, after a careful inspection, the roof it turns out that the need for a complete replacement of the roof is not and can be limited to partial repair.

Worn areas should be cut through the ax. In the future, they will need to be patched using the new material.

The main ways of repairing the roof of the garage are:

  • repair with hot bitumen;
  • repair with the use of soft materials - in most cases rolled: rubberoid, glassizola, biket, etc.;
  • repair using rigid materials for roof (slate, tiles, professional flooring).

If the roofing coating is soft, then small cracks, bloody, damage to the surface are prepared for the subsequent repair of the repair: the surface of the coating on the damaged section is cut crosswise, after which the edges are enveloped and pressed to the roof. The resulting hole is thoroughly cleaned and dried with a gas burner or a construction dryer. After that, you can start repair work.

Garage roof repair with hot bitumen

When planning repairing a roof using a hot bitumen, you must prepare some materials and tools in advance. Read:

  • half Bitumeb Bag;
  • bucket;
  • stairs;
  • rope;
  • metal hook (so that it is convenient to lift the bucket);
  • bricks (for mangala);
  • gasoline and firewood for campfire;
  • brush (for cleaning problem areas roofing from dirt);
  • gloves.

After complete cleaning the roof, it is necessary to create a brazier and ignite a fire for warming a bucket with bitumen. When it becomes enough plastic, you can start the fill.

The bucket should be raised on the roof and start pouring hot bitumen into problem areas. At the same time, it is necessary to ask him the direction with the help of a wooden board. This method can be patched with certain places of leakage or process the entire surface.

Local repairs

  1. To carry out local repairs, you need to cut off the pieces of runnerdoor, in size, the corresponding area of \u200b\u200bthe formed envelope.
  2. The velocked holes are labeled with bitumen mastic. Instead, you can use the molten resin. It is necessary to ensure that the openings are completely filled with bitumen. At the same time, the probability of the formation of leakage will be minimal.
  3. A sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of rubberoid is stacked inside the envelope as a patch, after which it is tightly pressed. From above, it is necessary to additionally put a layer of resin or mastic.
  4. After that, the cut edges of the old layer should be returned to the place and pushed to the adhesive surface.
  5. The next step is to stick another patch: in size it must be more repaired section by about 15-20 cm on each side.

For greater reliability, you can put another layer of mastic on top.

Repair of soft roof garage

Required materials and tools
Before going to the construction store, it is better to make a list of the necessary materials and tools in advance.

The main thing is how to stock - this is the material for waterproofing. The most optimal option is the rubberoid. This bitumen material has a number of advantages:

  • perfectly glued;
  • long holds water;
  • available in terms of price.

To glue the runneroid, its careful heating is required. This requires a propane burner. Alternative option is possible - soldering lamp: it will cost cheaper, but will require significantly more time to warm the roofing material due to the relative weakness of the flame.

For the burner, a refilled gas cylinder will also be required.

Other work necessary tools:

  • staircase for lifting on the roof of the garage;
  • rope (to raise the tools and rollers of rubberoid);
  • a broom or a tip for cleansing the roof from branches, leaves, other garbage before the stickers of the rubberoid;
  • roulette for accurate selection of material size;
  • a mounting or shoe knife for the retragulation of the rubberoid (at the same time, a metal ruler or another object can be applied for convenience along the cut line);
  • resin or bitumen for interplant jacks.

Ruberoid rowing process

When repairing a roof using a rubberoid, you must adhere to certain rules.

  1. The waterproofing material must be completely and deep with the burner. Save on the fuel is not worth it. With particular care, it is necessary to warm up the corners: if this rule fails to comply with this rule, they over time they are numb or are not glued at all, which is fraught with the accumulation of water and moisture in non-flurry parts, the further freezing and formation of leakage in the waterproofing material.
  2. A damaged old coating can be not deleted, but to leave on the spot, but it is necessary to first eliminate all water and air pockets, because in these places in these places the new waterproofing material can be compressed. The gluing of a new layer on top of the old has one obvious advantage: it is possible to achieve the optimal clutch of surfaces, since the adhesion of homogeneous in the composition and structure of materials is significantly higher than the adhesion of concrete slabs of overlapping and rubberoid.
  3. In one pass, the rubberoid of such an area should be hung up, which can be glued in one reversal of the reference roll.
  4. When contacting the propane burner, it is necessary to follow safety rules, since it issues a temperature of about 600 degrees.
  5. After a thorough warming of the material, it is deployed by a foot on one turn, "Christmas tree" smoothes in different directions (similar to the smoothing of wallpaper).

Priphesing is made with a nonset pressure on the material. Similarly, go through the entire length of the roof of the garage.

When working with the rubberoid, professional roofers adhere to the fundamental principle: in the joints of the material, the length of the material in length must be observed 15 cm.

If before repairing the old layer of waterproofing was partially or completely eliminated, the concrete slabs of the overlapping before the start of sticking a new layer must be processed using a bitumen primer in order to better fulfill the design process.

The device of the waterproofing coating near the deflectors of the water receivers (if they were on the roof of the garage), has some features. In these places, the waterproofing material should be laid in several layers (two or three), and squares. This measure is necessary to enhance these places and increasing resistance to external factors.

Repair of hard roofing

The concept of "hard roof" includes the following materials: metal, folded, conventional, profiled sheets, ceramic and metal tile.

Due to the hardness and stability of the material, such roofs rarely need repairs.

However, such a need sometimes occurs.

Specific methods of repair depend on the type of roofing.

If it is necessary to overhaul, the folding roof should be used by a special tool - Grebelbab, or a frame. With its help, the sheets located next door to fasten and bend to Falac. Currently, there are also electromechanical models.

If the spacers are insignificant, they can be repaired by seating with steel patches with zinc coating.

With great damage to the folding roof, it is necessary to dismantle the defective sheets and replace them with new ones.

To increase the aesthetic and protective qualities of the coating after the completion of the work, the roof is better to paint.

The recovery of the professional flooring also consists in a complete replacement of sheets or searched patches on problem areas.

If there are insignificant spoins (they are also called fistulas) they are repaired using a pacle, impregnated with heated bitumen.

After it laying, the place of damage should be poured with bitumen mastics.

With small defects, you can use a sulb smelting.

If the holes are larger (up to 20 cm), patch from rubberoid or burlap is superimposed.

During the installation of patches, they must be made by several centimeters more than the hole itself. The coating near the damaged area should be thoroughly cleaned with an iron brush, then to deceive hot bitumen.

After that, the backrueroid or piece of burlap is superimposed on the hole. Depending on the size of damage, the patch should be laid in one or two layers.

The last step is the careful coating of the patch using bitumen mastic.

The coating may have serious damage if the roof of the garage has long been repaired.

In this case, cut the lining from the roofing iron, after which it is to kill it to the frame. Such a measure is necessary to prevent the savage of the patchwork.

If the roofing coating is a ceramic tile, then its repair is to replace damaged tiles to new ones. When weakening the frame (for one reason or another), it is also necessary to carry out its gain.

The main defect of the roof of the garage from metal tile is corrosion, as well as the penetration of rainwater at the points of fastening sheets to the rafters.

In this case, it can be limited to local repairs.

The damaged areas are purified, and the holes close the panels impregnated with bitumen, after which the damaged areas are missing by several layers of bitumen mastic.

With extensive damages, it is better to completely replace the coating or sheet of metal tile.

Required tools: Electrolovik, screwdriver, measuring roulette.

Since the standard garage is six-meter length, and the metal tile sheet is greater than 1 meter, 6 sheets are required on each side.

Metal tile is mounted below up. The mount is carried out using self-tapping screws with a rubber washer.

The first sheet is attached to the upper part of the roof in the middle with a self-building. The mount is performed from the middle towards the edges.

The next sheet is laid by the Vangest (there will be enough one wave). In case of damage to the protective cover of the sheet, these areas are covered with paint to prevent rust appearance.


  • Any roof with time begins to repair.
  • The most common roofing defect is leakage formation.
  • The roof of the garage is single or double. For each type, the corresponding roofing material is chosen.
  • Before the start of work, it is necessary to determine the places and causes of leakage.
  • Based on the detected flaws, the estimate of the repair work is made.
  • Prior to repair, the roof surface must be prepared for work.
  • There are three ways to repair: with hot bitumen, soft roofing materials and rigid coatings.
  • Pre-prepare tools and purchase materials.
  • With minor leaks, you can restrict ourselves to local repairs.
  • Large damage require major repairs.
  • The most commonly used in the repair of waterproofing material is the rubberoid.
  • The rigid roof is distinguished by increased strength and rarely needs to be repaired.
  • The method of restoration of the rigid coating depends on the specific roofing material.

How to block the garage on your own forces, see in the video.

There are several technologies for which the roof of the garage roof is repaired. The choice of a specific methodology for recovery work depends on the level of wear of the roof, its type and directly from the type of auto-volume.

Restoration of the roofing of the house for cars is currently produced by three main technologies: soft materials, hot bitumen, tiles or professional sheets. Private garages are mostly covered by inexpensive costs and at the same time durable materials - modern ondulin and flexible tile, professional flooring. You can easily choose the optimal method of "treatment" of the roof of the autodoma, focusing on the type of coverage.

Regardless of the technology selected, you will need to qualitatively prepare roof to perform repair activities. Survey the roof, set the level of its operational wear, determine the roofing elements that need to be replaced with mandatory. In cases where the old coating is generally quite suitable, remove only problem areas by pulling them with an ax. Subsequently, they can be replaced with new elements, significantly reduced the cost of repair work.

Preparing roofing to perform repair activities

If the coating was performed by a rubberoid or a material similar to it (a soft roof is equipped), swollen and cracks often appear on it. With such problemary places, it is necessary to deal before the start of repair activities. It is easy to do this: cut the defective sections of the cross with a knife with a well-sharpened knife; The resulting triangles move and clean the garbage and dust.

When repairing, such sections with corrected flaws you will need to be filled with bitumen. Below we will tell you how to make such an operation correctly. Clean the surface of the roof thoroughly, if necessary, wash it with water. Now you can start recovery activities.

Bitumen is a popular material that provides high quality repairs conducted by independently. Repair the roof of the garage with it will require you to stock from you in such an inventory: a staircase, an old bucket without holes, gloves, gasoline and firewood, rope, a metal hook, bricks.

Repair roof garage bitumen

Technology conducting work as follows:

  1. Build a brazier for warming up, using bricks, and bonfire under it.
  2. Put on the fire a bucket with a bitumen filled into it and wait until the material acquires the required ductility.
  3. Raise with a metal hook and ropes bucket on the roof.
  4. Pour the defective roof sections with a plastic material. You can use a wood board to give a bitumen stream the desired direction.

Special attention to the pouring devoted to the places that you cut at the preparatory stage. Such areas must be filled completely. Then, during the rain, water will not penetrate through the roof in the garage. Bitumen may poured the entire soft roof or exclusively damaged zones.

Predated roof repair. Domestic home masters are performed using the rubberoid. It is treated with special mastic (bituminous) and placed on damaged areas of the coating. In general, the roof restoration technology with the referencer does look like this:

  1. Cut on the desired geometric parameters of the piece of material.
  2. Inside the holes on the root flood the mastic (it is allowed to use the molten resin).
  3. Cover slices of rubberoid defective places.
  4. Purify the mastic made of the latch.
  5. Cut the cut-off crossing of the holes, on top of them place another section of the runner (in size it is obliged to be a little more repaired site) and then pour mastic.

Ruberoid can be updated the entire area of \u200b\u200broofing. In this case, it will be necessary to pour the roof of the garage by the Gudron. After that, fill the rubberoid sheets on it (forged in the limits of 13-15 cm). Gudron recommended pouring parts. Then he will not have time to frozen, and you calmly repaired the whole roof in pieces.

Ruberoid for repairing roofing

Sometimes bubbles are formed on the surface of the runneroid when laying. Nothing wrong. With the help of a knife, cover them, and then press (as close as possible) cutting areas to the roof and apply another layer of the humid on them.

If you want the roof of the garage to be absolutely protected from precipitation, it is recommended to lay two layers of rubberoid. Then you will definitely get a very reliable coating that does not miss any water drop in autoomics. It is even easier to repair the garage roof by the biker. To carry out such recovery, it is not necessary to acquire tar and mastic. Bike laying is carried out using a gas burner. The scheme is as follows:

  1. Rolling the roll material (approximately half meter).
  2. Heat the gas unit with a bicrost.
  3. Crucify (need a special stick in the form of litera T) preheated material to the roof.
  4. Become a foot on the newly used plot, roll over another 50 cm roll, repeat the actions on the heat of the biket and its installation.

Note! All subsequent strips of material should be laid with a 7-9 centimeter adhesive.The cost of repairing the biker is significantly more expensive (3-4 times), rather than the restoration of the roof by a bitumen or rubberoid. But with it, you restore the roofing coverage literally in a couple of hours. Labor costs when using the bike minimal!

If your auto plant is protected from above metal tile or professional flooring, their repair is also quite simple. It is not at all difficult to replace a separate tile element or mount a new professionalist. True, when the need arises to completely replace the roofing coating, the cost of such work will be tangible due to the high prices of the coatings used.

Montage on the roof of new professional

Metal tile is mounted on the roof from the bottom up. Universal screws with a special rubber gasket are used for its installation. Gasket products can be made independently. It is even easier to purchase them in a construction store. On the lower and upper edges of the tiles are latches. With their help, you will perform the installation of products (the operation is performed by the brand). It makes no sense to describe the procedure - everything is truly simple.

More Morobi you have to replace the roof from the professional flooring. We will have to stock, disk saw, tightening device. Work on the following scheme:

  1. In the upper corner of the roof (choose any), the professionalist is mounted (the specialists advise to start only slightly grab it with a screw).
  2. Crepe sequentially two more products.
  3. See whether the edges of the sheets are coincided with the roofing line. If necessary, perform their alignment.
  4. Fix roofing tightly.

Council Pro! The middle of the professional knots is best fixed in a chess order, and their lower and upper parts are through a wave.

The roof of the garage is most often a flat or low-tone single roofing structure, which often suffers from leaks, water and breaking water and breaking the waterproofing of winds. Therefore, it needs regular maintenance and periodic restoration. The inexperienced master seems to be that this task is only a professional, however, using modern roofing materials, it is quite possible to repair the roof of the garage with your own hands. In this article, we will tell you how to restore the tightness of the roof in cheap, applying ruboreoids, mastic or professional flooring.

The garage roof has special properties due to a small slope of the skates, due to which it is more subject to leaks and damage than cooling two-tie structures. Standard materials for the construction of household buildings - rubberoid, professional flooring, slate, that is, products that are inexpensive, but has a long service life. The roof repair of the garage is necessary if the following defects are detected on its surface:

  • Cracks. Ruberoid, Mastic and membrane roof after several repetitions of freezing and thawing cycles are covered by cracks through which moisture and cold air may be seized.
  • Frams of roofing canvas. As a result of a strong wind load, roofing materials can be broken from the roof shabby, barring the rafter system of the structure, resulting in the wetting of the insulation and the wooden framework elements.
  • Mechanical damage. Breaks, stones, garbage, exposure to snow load leads to impaired integrity of the roof of the garage. It entails leaks and deformation of the design.

Important! Roofing construction serves as the first protective barrier between the human housing and the outer environment, which sometimes behaves aggressively. Ruberoid, professional flooring, slate and bitumen mastic - reliable, but not eternal materials, so repairing the roof of the garage is performed 1 time in 2-3 seasons.

Types of repair

If the roofing design has lost hermeticity, it is necessary to repair the roof of the garage with their own hands. Usually this operation is performed 1 time in the season after a regular autumn inspection of the status of the skates. Having conducted a detailed revision of the roof, you can estimate which condition is the waterproofing materials, and choose what kind of restoration is required:

  1. Point. If small cracks were found on the surface of the garage roof, rust foci and other unit damage, it requires point repair. Ruberoid can be pushed through patches, cracks to smear mastic.
  2. Partial. If damage is more ambitious, the roof is restored by partial repair. Damaged upper layers of roofing cake are removed, new waterproofing materials are stacked on their place - rubberoid, roofing membranes, professional flooring or ondulin.
  3. Full. In the event that the garage roof is in a deplorable state, then only complete reconstruction can restore its tightness. For this, a complete dismantling of roofing and frame overlapping with new roofing pie is performed.

Many inexperienced masters are wondering how to repair the roof of the garage on their own at minimum costs. However, experimental roofers argue that it is advisable to carry out the spot and partial repairs if the area of \u200b\u200bdamage does not exceed 15-25% of the roof area.

Repair sequence

Modern roofing materials with light weight and high waterproofing ability allow you to repair the garage roof without dismantling the old coating. But for the restoration of the waterproofing layer, it is important that the rafting roof frame saves the integrity and high bearing capacity. So that the roof repair results of the garage were satisfactory and had a long effect, the reconstruction of the roofing design is performed in the following sequence:

  • It is necessary to check the status of the rafter frame. On wooden elements, the design should not be mold, rot. If defects are detected, they need to be eliminated: broken rafters replace, deformed areas to enhance. It will not be superfluous to treat the frame of the antiseptic composition.
  • Then it should be removed the roofing coating is partially or completely. If Ruberoid was used to overlapping the garage roof, then only the upper layers can be removed. If there is no swelling and bubbles on the roof surface, then the old coating can be left as a lining, and it is put on a new waterproofing material.
  • The roof surface must be cleaned from garbage, dust and dirt. To improve the adhesion between the old and new coating, you need to degrease the roofing coating.
  • After all manipulations, the roof must be carefully dried. This requires 24-18 hours, you can speed up the procedure using an industrial hair dryer.

Note! Careful surface preparation for operation is the security deposit and stability of the results of the repair. We remind you that it is possible to carry out the reconstruction of the roof using the rubberoid or roof membrane, without dismantling the old coating, only if there are no swelling, bubbles or other strong damage.


Solving, the better to cover the roof of the garage, experienced masters pay attention to inexpensive, but proven waterproofing materials that have a long service life. Ruberoid, professional flooring, slate, various roofing membranes are perfect for the garage roof. The easier and the stronger coating, the longer it will retain its operational qualities. Most often for repair use:

Please note that the choice of roofing depends on the angle of inclination of roofing rods, the number of rods, as well as climatic conditions in the construction zone. Single and flat roofs are overlapped with rubberoid or roofing membranes, single-table - ondulin, two-tight -.

Video instruction