Repair Design Furniture

Circular saw from a grinder: step by step instructions. How to make a circular grinder? Step-by-step instructions How to make a circular drawing from a grinder

Anyone who has done a major renovation knows how often the most unexpected tools are needed during work. And access to them is sometimes not possible immediately. And then the whole process freezes for an indefinite time. The only real way out in this situation is improvisation. With the help of some improvised tools and auxiliary tools, other tools are made more complex.

In particular, a circular grinder is made quite easily on its own. To do this, it is not necessary to have special knowledge and skills - just follow the recommendations below. Of course, it will not withstand constant use and heavy loads for a long time, but it is quite possible to use it from time to time in the absence of an alternative.

Construction and materials

In order to make a usable grinder with your own hands circular saw, you need to make a table of boards or metal corners. It must be strong enough and have fixing elements with which it can be attached to the floor. The lid can be made of thick plywood or MDF by sawing the gap into which the circular saw will be inserted with the same grinder. Then, a grinder is attached under the table, on which a metal circular saw is installed instead of a regular disk. The power tool must be attached not just to the cover, but to a separate frame, and its fixation must be strong enough. The easiest way is to unscrew the self-tapping screws holding the table cover and tightly tape the angle grinder body to the frame with adhesive tape. At the same time, the angle of its attachment should be such that the height of the cutting circle of the circular saw, which rises above the surface of the table, is maximum.

Parallel to the plane of the disk, a movable thrust bar is installed on the cover. It is easiest to make it from an aluminum corner with a side width of 5 cm. Its length should be equal to the width of the table, and you can fix it with two clamps at the ends. The wire from the grinder must be connected to an extension cord with a power button, and bring the wires to the left front leg of the table. Under the table, the wire can be fixed with brackets furniture stapler or just bent small nails. Above the cutting disc, you need to make a protective visor that can lean to the side. To do this, it is fixed on two furniture door hinges. A viewing window can be made in the upper plane of the visor to better control the cutting process. The material can be two boards or rectangular chipboard plates fastened at right angles on self-tapping screws.

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Security measures and setup

Before building an impromptu circular, it is worth remembering that it can pose a serious danger to the health of the owner himself. So that work on it does not end with cutting off limbs or defeat by fragments of a torn cutting disc, security measures must be provided at the design stage. The most basic of them:

  1. The switch must be located on the side surface, and not on the table cover.
  2. The viewing window in the visor cap should be made of thick plexiglass or armored glass, not ordinary glass.
  3. The table itself must be securely screwed to the floor, and not just stand on it.

In addition, before turning on the circular, it must be properly configured.

The fact is that the speed of rotation of the angle grinder is usually from 8000 to 11000 rpm, which exceeds the same indicators for a standard circular saw. Therefore, a circular saw is usually designed for 6500, maximum 7200 revolutions. Most likely, a steel disk will not be able to burst due to speeding, however, soldering fragments can easily fly off, which at such a speed will turn them into deadly fragments, similar to analogues from hand grenades. Synchronization can be achieved by selecting correct system blocks and pulleys. The permissible rotational speed is usually indicated directly on the surface of the saw blade. In Bulgarian, such indicators are indicated in technical passport. As a result, it should give no more than 6000 rpm. Ideally, for this purpose, you need to take a tool with an adjustable rotation speed and an electric motor power of at least 1600 watts.

All structural elements must be positioned so that it is convenient to feed the material for cutting from right to left, unless the owner is left-handed. To top it off, when working on a tool such as a circular saw, and even more so a homemade one, you must strictly observe elementary caution: never stand on the line of rotation of the cutting disc and in no case bring your hands closer to it closer than 20 cm. With this speed of rotation, the fingers are cut off very easily and in the first seconds almost painlessly.

The material must be fed with two pushing wooden blocks, and not with bare hands. Then the circular, even improvised, will become a reliable assistant in home repair and not the cause of the disability.

Hello dear modellers! I think everyone has faced the problem of making rails for their projects. Therefore, it was decided to build a circular on the basis of the grinder. The idea is not new, a lot of flocks have already been written on the Internet, well, let me put in my five cents. I warn you that a circular (especially a handmade one) is a dangerous tool! I, as the author of this article, am not responsible for your life and health!!!

To build this unit, we need:
1) Bulgarian (with maximum speed - 10,000 rpm)
2) Disc 125mm for wood (with revolutions - 10,000 rpm)
3) Sheets of metal 4 mm thick. and 2.5 mm.
The speed of the disc and the grinder must match, because if the speed of the grinder is too high, the disc may fly apart, and if it is too low, the cut will not be clean.

First, from a sheet of metal 4 mm thick (it is better to take 5 mm), I cut out a “table” 450 mm in size. at 340mm. and cutout for the disk.

Then he tried on the grinder along with the disk. Marked where it will be attached, drilled a hole and screwed it with a bolt. The second fixation point is located on the corner (more on that).

Further from a sheet of metal 2.5 mm. bent the corners. After fitting the entire structure, it was pre-assembled on bolts and nuts. After making sure that the grinder does not hang out, but is well fixed, the bolts and nuts were replaced with rivets.

For the manufacture of rivets, Soviet wood screws were used.

Cutting thickness 2.2 mm. Sawing cleanly, satisfied with the result)

And now a little about the operation of this device. First, the circular is turned on and off using the carrying switch (that is, when assembling, you need to turn on the grinder and DO NOT FORGET ABOUT THIS). Work on it should last no longer than 15-20 minutes, so that the grinder does not overheat. And the most important thing observe safety precautions!

Thank you for your attention.
Sincerely, Egor

P.S. I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and wish you good luck, happiness, health and creative success! And may everything be fine in your life!)

Many different tasks can be solved with the help of a homemade circular grinder. Such a machine will indispensable assistant when repairing an apartment, in the manufacture of furniture and for many other men's affairs. You can buy a ready-made circular machine, or you can make it yourself.

You don't need to have any special skills to do this. Enough to know how to use hand tool and have necessary minimum materials. Before we talk about how to make a circular grinder, consider general design machine.

Do-it-yourself circular grinder: design

With all the variety of designs, any grinder from a grinder, made by hand or bought in a store, consists of the main parts:

  • engine;
  • Desktop;
  • bed;
  • disk;
  • reducer.

As an engine for homemade machine you can use multiple available options. Usually in such recommendations it is proposed to use asynchronous motors, bought specifically for the machine, the engine from the washing machine, a drill or a grinder. Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages.

If you buy an engine specifically, then there is the possibility of choosing its parameters for your machine. This is where the advantages of this choice end and the disadvantages begin. The main disadvantage is the high cost of such a solution. Indeed, the engine is more expensive hand power tools. The cost of such a purchase is close to the cost of the finished machine.

The second option is the engine from the washing machine. This is done by those who have unnecessary equipment with a serviceable engine. Not every washing machine is suitable for a homemade machine. Many modern automatic machines have an engine that requires a special controller to control it.

Of course, you can build your own controller, but this will greatly complicate the work. Engines from old washing machines they are connected simply, moreover, often a pulley is already installed on their shaft. This greatly simplifies the work of creating a machine. The disadvantage of such engines is low power. The machine that can be made will turn out to be a model of the machine rather than a real working tool. However, for some tasks such a solution is also suitable.

Drill, as a homemade drive circular machine, has some advantages over the options already listed. The main advantage is the ability to abandon the gearbox.

As a rule, drills have low speed and high power. The saw blade can be driven directly by clamping its axis into the drill chuck. The disadvantage of such a scheme will be the need to take breaks in work. As a rule, drills are not designed for continuous operation and require a stop for 15 minutes every 5 to 10 minutes of operation. This problem can be partially solved by installing additional engine ventilation, but this will make the design of the machine much more complicated.

The use of an angle grinder, or in other words a grinder, is free from many well-known shortcomings. First of all, the grinder's engine has high power. Many people have this tool, and if not, then buying it will be useful. The use of an angle grinder as a machine engine does not make it impossible to sometimes use it for its intended purpose. The integration of the grinder into the machine is simple.

Often there are special clamps included with the angle grinder, with which you can quickly fix it on the bed. A pulley is easily installed on the tool shaft, which drives the machine disk. Due to the high engine speed, it is well ventilated by the built-in cooling system and is able to work for a long time without interruption.

Making a circular saw from a grinder is not difficult. This does not require special knowledge and special skills. All you need to do is show a little creativity and do all the work carefully. Before you start making a machine, you need to weigh all the arguments and decide why exactly it is needed. It should be understood that despite the possibility of long-term continuous operation, due to the sometimes high loads that occur, the angle grinder can fail.

If you plan to open own production furniture or making wooden products in industrial volumes - best solution there will be a purchase of a finished machine. Homemade machine is suitable only for home use, as a tool for solving small everyday tasks at home, in the country or in the garage.

What will be needed?

The simplest do-it-yourself circular saw from a grinder is a metal table with wooden surface and guides, on which the engine, disk and disk drive system are fixed. The bed or frame of this table must be made of metal corner.

It must be strong enough. It doesn't have to be heavy. Stability during operation can be ensured using special fixing elements that secure the machine to the floor or other stable surface. The unit can be made without preliminary drawings. The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations written below and have a minimum builder skill.

The working surface of the machine is made of MDF or plywood. Plywood with a thickness of 9 or 12 mm is best suited. There are two options for a disk drive device.

The first and easiest is to put the disc in the regular place of the grinder. That is, just choose a disc that is suitable for use at high speeds. It should not be forgotten that conventional wood discs are designed for a lower speed. In addition, the diameter of the disc matters.

When sawing wood, higher loads occur than when working with an abrasive disc.

In order not to overload the engine, you should choose a disc of a smaller diameter than the one that is usually installed on the grinder.

The second option is a little more complicated. If you use a belt drive, you can reduce the speed of rotation of the disk and increase the torque.
In this case, it becomes possible creation complete machine. If you use several pulleys, you get a machine with a variable gear ratio. Such a machine can work with different disks and can easily cope with any materials from wood to sheet metal.

In a homemade machine, the grinder is attached not to the work surface, but to the frame. It is necessary to fix the power tool firmly enough. You shouldn't do it with plastic ties or clamps and screws. However, in the very simple version You can use anything, even simple tape. The main thing is to never turn on such a machine, because the resulting vibrations will quickly destroy the mount, and high rotation speed combined with high power can cause serious harm to health.

For reliable fastening, it is necessary to use the clamps that come with some angle grinders or to attract the grinder to the frame with homemade clamps using screws and nuts. Everything threaded connections must be fastened with a clamp.

You can purchase a threadlocker at any auto parts store. To fasten the grinder, you must use a temporary latch, and to fasten other parts of the machine - a permanent latch.

An important detail of the working surface of the table is the thrust bar. It is installed parallel to the plane of the disk.

The easiest way is to make a thrust bar from an iron or aluminum corner. The thrust bar must be movable. For this purpose, the corner is attached not to the work surface, but to another plywood plate. In turn, the plate is located on the desktop. To fix it, you can use clamps purchased at a tool and building materials store.
The design of the bed is easy to come up with on your own.

The main requirement for it is the simplicity of the arrangement of all elements of the machine in it. After being attached to the frame working surface and the grinder is fixed, you need to mark the slot for the disk. This can be done from the inside of the machine. After the marks are made, the surface is removed and the slot is marked using a ruler and corner. You can cut the surface along the marked lines using the same grinder.

Important! you can not put a disc on the grinder for sawing wood. The fact is that he will almost certainly snatch the power tool out of his hands. It is almost impossible to keep an angle grinder with such a disk in your hands.

You can also cut plywood with a conventional abrasive disc. If you do not make an effort, then for the grinder it will be completely harmless. The only downside is a large number of smoke. Do not make these cuts while at home.

Plastic ties are useful for attaching the wire from the grinder to the frame. As a switch, you can use an extension cord with a power button built into it. The extension is also attached to the frame so that the button is in an accessible and convenient place.

You should not neglect your safety. There is one detail of the machine, the presence of which is simply necessary, but almost everyone does without it. This is a protective visor over the disk. You can make it out of plywood, in the form of a narrow box and fix it with furniture hinges so that he leans back. If you do not make such a simple defense, the risk of parting with several fingers increases significantly.

Additional Security Measures

Availability powerful engine and workpieces moving at high speed present a serious hazard to both the operator and those in the vicinity. The point is not only that it is easy to cut yourself on the sharp teeth of the disc. With careless work, the workpiece can break out of your hands and turn into a flying projectile. The saw blade itself can also be destroyed. Fragments of the disk scatter at high speed and pose a mortal danger. In order to minimize risks, when creating a machine, you must follow a few mandatory rules:

  1. Do not place the switch on the working surface of the table. It must be placed on the side surface.
  2. Be sure to make a protective cover.
  3. Do not turn on the machine without attaching it securely to the floor.

Reducer or disc drive system

As already noted, the speed of the grinder significantly exceeds the permissible speed of the circular saw blade.

If you connect the disk directly to the grinder shaft, then of course it will not crumble from centrifugal loads, but it will become blunt much faster and work out of order.

All this together will lead to a quick failure of the drive and the grinder engine. For reliable operation you need a system of pulleys and a belt. One pulley is mounted on the grinder shaft, the other shaft saw blade. Bulgarian produces 9-11 thousand revolutions per minute. The disk should rotate at a speed of 6500 -7200 rpm.

The ratio of the disk diameters should be equal to the ratio of these speeds. Dividing one by the other, we get a coefficient of 0.7. Therefore, two disks are needed, the diameter of one should be 0.7 of the diameter of the other. The smaller of these disks must be placed on the grinder shaft, and the larger one on the disk shaft. Rims and belt can be selected at an auto parts store. When using a belt drive, you need to make a tension system. The easiest way to do this is to fix the grinder rigidly to the frame, and fasten the work surface together with the disk shaft after installing the belt, pulling it in place.

The overall layout of the machine must meet the following requirements:

  • The workpieces are fed from right to left, and vice versa for left-handers;
  • The power button is located on the front side of the machine;
  • It is necessary to work on the machine and position it so that no one is in the plane of the rotating disk.

Useful video

In addition to a full-fledged circular machine, a mini-device can be made from a grinder. More in the video

Almost every private building has utility room economic purpose. It usually stores Construction Materials and tools, inventory and agricultural machinery.

In this article, we will talk about how to make a circular saw on the basis of an engine from a grinder using the improvised means left after the repair.

Design features

It is possible to carry out work on transforming one type of saw into another using the old elements left over from the repair. With locksmith skills and ingenuity, you can easily cope with this task.

Distinctive features of this type of devices are that there are circular saws from a grinder as a homemade machine or manual fixture fixed on a table or other base.

If you have an old grinder, then the engine is best removed from it and used as the core of a future saw. The engine from the washing machine is also suitable.

Any circular has several main components:

  • homemade table as a stable frame;
  • saw frame;
  • engine from angle grinder;
  • sliding stop;
  • bar for adjusting the height of the cut;
  • gearbox, saw blade.

This machine is suitable for cutting small wooden beams. When is wood processing planned? large quantities and large dimensions, it is better to purchase ready-made production equipment. Its cost is high, however, for a business, this purchase will be an ideal solution.

To work safely on a circular saw, you should carefully select a blade for it. The grinder is a complex tool and it is impossible to use a disk from it for cutting wooden products. At any moment, it can jam.

Revolving on a very high speed, such an element is capable of crushing a tree into chips, from which you can get injured. This is because there is a high temperature load on the disk during processing. It is best to purchase a new product specifically for a circular saw.

If the circular is fixed on the floor, then the frame should be fixed with fasteners (corners) to ensure its stability. For the manufacture of the bed, you can take an unnecessary cabinet or several sheets of chipboard. However, it is more reliable to make it from metal.

The main working surface of the countertop is best made of plywood or laminated chipboard. The table must be very firmly on the floor so that its vibration is negligible.

The blade on the saw is installed with a smaller diameter than used for the grinder - this will prevent the engine from overheating. You can buy it both in auto parts stores and in specialized construction markets. The engine power of the grinder, from which the circular is made, should not be less than 1600 watts.

A more complex option involves setting additional elements: pulley systems, belt transmission. With this manufacturing method homemade construction takes on the form of a production machine. The presence of a belt will reduce the speed of disk rotation.

Necessary tools

To work, you will need tools, building materials, or pieces of old furniture assembly parts.

You will need:

  • pliers, screwdriver, adjustable wrenches, hammer;
  • metal sheet, corners, nuts, bolts, screws, fasteners;
  • grinder and electric drill, switch and socket;
  • screwdriver, ruler.

Step-by-step instruction

The process of making a circular grinder with your own hands includes a number of steps:

  • first of all, you need to make a base table;
  • install the grinder itself and the disk;
  • attach a stop bar;
  • bring electricity;
  • perform a test run.

The main element of both mini-sample and stationary option circulars is a table-frame. You can make it using the drawings, or build it to your liking, observing the basic principle of manufacturing such a part of the saw. Everything will depend on the size. wood material, which you are going to cut in the future.

We will talk about how to convert a grinder into a miniature circular. With its help, you can cut bars, small boards, slats used in repairs or in private households.

The table looks like a workbench, the base of which is most often made of lumber.

  • First, they take sheets of chipboard and put together a miniature table from them., the legs of which are performed at such a height that a grinder is placed under the frame. Attach them to the ribs. Those, in turn, are made of small boards and are fixed along the edge of the tabletop at a distance of 7-10 cm from its lower side using self-tapping screws.
  • The top work surface is preferably made of laminated plywood. When the tabletop (bed) is ready, it is turned upside down and markings are made for the installation of a grinder and a saw blade. An element from a grinder is taken as a basis, measurements are taken from it for a slot for a new disk. At its ends, the extreme boundaries of the future hole (slot) are marked with a pencil. Then take a drill and drill the formed points.

  • Thereafter using a ruler, connect the edges of the holes formed after spending two parallel lines on their width. Part of the countertop inside such lines is cut out with a grinder. The slot for the disk is ready.
  • Then you should buy a new disc in the store. The best option will be the purchase of a sample for woodworking in the size of 125 mm with carbide teeth- they can be 24, 36, 48.
  • A bar is screwed under the working surface of the table, to which the grinder is attached using clamps. You can fix it with the help of self-made clamps and tightening nuts. At the same time, the disk itself is installed in the table (in the cut hole). It should be located so that most of it is on the surface. It is advisable to mount the protective visor. It is sold in any hardware store, so you can easily buy such an element. They usually fasten it to the hinges, allowing the visor to recline.

  • A thrust bar is made from a metal corner or from a plastic trim of an old plinth. You can mount it on plywood or chipboard. The length of this bar should be the same as the working surface of the table. Screw the bar (limiter) at a distance of at least 2 cm from the teeth of the saw blade. Two holes are made at the ends of the rail and fixed in the table with bolts or ordinary self-tapping screws.
  • The board or block to be processed must fit completely on the countertop, because when the disk moves at high speed, the lumber is subjected to vibration. It is impossible to keep the lumber on weight - there is a possibility of serious injury.
  • At the next stage of work from the inside of the mini-table make a mount electrical outlet , through which the wire is passed and then the switch is installed. Usually its fixation is carried out on the outside of one of the stiffeners. The wire from the switch is sent to the power source - thus electricity is supplied to the circular.

When the saw is ready, make a test run and cut small bars, paying attention to the speed of rotation of the disk.

This is the end of the job.

Craftsmen, in order not to make a table for a circular, use a vice as a support frame. At the very beginning, they make a grinder clamp with a disk on the edge regular table by removing the protection and unscrewing the handle of the grinder. Then they take plywood or chipboard to form a frame in which a hole is made for the disk. It is fixed by drilling a hole, a bolt is inserted into it. It should match the hole on the grinder where the handle is attached. The bolt is tightened to the stop using a wrench.

A thrust bar or limiter is made from improvised materials. It is fastened with bolts at the ends of the bed using ordinary self-tapping screws. Under the weight, the grinder can lean forward and cling to the tabletop itself with a disk. In this case, you need a pen. It can be unscrewed from the old seaming key and screwed into the grinder, making a prop for the engine.

Such a miniature home-made design works clearly, it cuts slats and beams with high quality.

Operating rules

The use of such structures as home-made saws equipped with discs when processing wood imposes certain obligations on their owners.

In addition to a well-fixed table on the floor and a protective cover on the disk, it is necessary to organize the supply of sawmill material in both directions: from right to left and back. Boards and slats cannot be moved along the bed during the operation of the circular, for this you should use a bar or its equivalent made of wood. It is not recommended to be near the rotating disc at a distance of less than 25-30 cm. Do not keep your hands close to the saw - you can damage your fingers.

In a powerful circular saw. Of course, you can install cutting discs directly on the grinder, but this is very dangerous, since the speed here will be monstrous. To secure the structure, the speed must be reduced and the torque increased. To do this, you will need a gearbox, the author’s cutting disc rotates no more than 6000 rpm, which allows you to comfortably and safely cut materials. It is not difficult to assemble such a homemade product, but it will always help out on the farm, especially since such machines cost a lot.

As a basis, the author decided to use a gearbox from an old grinder, thanks to him we reduce speed. As for all other nodes, they are assembled very simply using common materials. none special equipment not needed to make this wonderful grinder attachment. All fastenings are made quite reliably, and a shield is also used here, which will not allow chips to fly into your eyes. In general, the author approached the production quite responsibly. Let's take a closer look at how to make such a nozzle for a grinder!

Materials and tools used

List of materials:
- gearbox from an old angle grinder;
- sheet aluminum;
- Sheet steel;
- screws and more.

List of tools:
- ;
- screwdrivers and wrenches;
- ;
- a hacksaw for metal or a grinder.

The process of making homemade:

Step one. We disassemble the gearbox
First of all, let's take the gearbox from the grinder and analyze it. If the bearings are badly worn, it is advisable to replace them. First of all, we remove the anchor, we need to cut off the bow from it. The author then welds a nut to this part. The nut must be of such a size and with such a thread that it can be screwed onto the grinder shaft. Sand the weld well so that nothing interferes. As a conclusion, we have an excellent adapter that will allow you to connect to the gearbox.

Step two. Making a mounting bracket
A mounting bracket is needed to mount the nozzle in the place where the grinder bearing (nose) is located. This part includes a homemade clamp made of aluminum sheet. Take a piece steel pipe suitable diameter, a steel circle must be welded to it from above, this platform will be used to install a gearbox on it. The author decided to fix the clamping collar with two rivets to make it convenient to use.

Step three. Installing the gearbox
We install the gearbox, for its fastening we use screws with nuts and washers. To further secure the gearbox, we need two steel plates. They need to be welded to the support on which the gearbox is fixed. Further, holes are drilled in these plates, and they are screwed on both sides to the angle grinder with screws. Now the gearbox is securely fixed and during operation you can not be afraid that the device will fall apart.

Step four. We manufacture and install the bracket for the thrust plate
For the manufacture of this part, sheet steel will be needed, we will make a clamp from it. As for the long straight plate, two more plates with holes need to be welded to its edges, as a result, “ears” will be obtained, for which we will fasten the thrust plate.

The bracket also needs to be additionally secured with screws. To do this, we cut steel plates, drill holes and weld them into place. That's all, we get an excellent basis for installing the base plate.

Step five. Thrust plate
We take sheet steel and cut a groove in it. We will cut the plate itself to the right sizes and remove the burrs with a file. Weld “ears” to the plate for attaching it to the bracket.

Step six. Protective shield
This element is made of sheet aluminum, as it is the easiest to work with. We simply cut out the details according to the drawing using metal scissors. Further, the whole structure is assembled on rivets, for this it is very convenient to use a rivet gun. As a last resort, we collect everything on screws and nuts.

Step seven. Homemade assembly
In conclusion, it is recommended to paint all ferrous metal parts, so the car will look more beautiful, and the metal will not rust and collapse. First of all, we fasten the base plate, for this you will need bolts with nuts. Everywhere try to use a grower, as the nuts from vibrations quickly unwind. Now it remains to fix the protective shield, use screws with nuts or rivets.

Step eight. Testing!
That's all, our brainchild is ready, you can try it! The cutting disc rotates at a relatively low speed, but has a high torque, so the load on the grinder is minimal. This saw will also be much safer than if you installed the disc directly on the grinder.