Repairs Design Furniture

Sharpening wood saws in Moscow. How to sharpen a circular disk saw. Drying sawing wheels with carbide teeth

Sharpening circular saws

Material and properties of carbide teeth

In domestic saws, sintered tungsten-cobalt alloys of brands (6, 15, etc., drawing means the percentage of cobalt) as material for cutting inserts. In 6 Hardness 88.5 HRA, at 15. 86 HRA. Foreign manufacturers use their alloys. Solid alloys consist mainly of tungsten carbide, cemented by cobalt. Alloy characteristics depend not only on its chemical composition, but also on the size of the grain of the carbide phase. The smaller the grain, the higher the hardness and strength of the alloy.

The solid alloy plates are attached to the disk using high-temperature soldering. As a material for soldering, at best, silver solders are used (PSR-40, PSR-45), in the worst case. Copper-zinc solders (L-63, MNMC-68-4-2).

Geometry of carbide teeth

The form differences the following types of teeth.

Straight tooth. Usually used in saws for longitudinal fast sawing, the quality of which is not particularly important.

Inclined (oblique) tooth With the left and right angle of inclination of the back plane. The teeth with a different angle of inclination alternate between themselves, due to the fact that they are called alternating. This is the most common tooth shape. Depending on the size of the grinding angles, the saw with the alternating tooth are used to saw the most diverse materials (wood, chipboard, plastics). both in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The saws with a large tilt angle of the rear plane are used as a trimming when cutting plates with double-sided lamination. Their use allows you to avoid chips from the edges of the cut. An increase in the bevel angle reduces cutting power and reduces the risk of chips, but at the same time reduces the strength and strength of the tooth.

Teeth may be prone not only to the rear, but also to the front plane.

Trapezoidal. A peculiarity of these teeth is a relatively slow point of dulling cutting edges compared to alternating teeth. Usually they are used in combination with a straight tooth.

Having moved with the last and slightly climbing him, the trapezoidal tooth performs through cutting and a straight line, following him. clean. Saws with alternating straight and trapezoid teeth are used for cutting plates with double-sided lamination (chipboard, MDF, etc.), as well as for sawing plastics.

Conical. Saws with conical teeth are auxiliary and used to fence the lower layer of laminate, protecting it from chips during the passage of the main saw.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the front side of the teeth has a flat shape, but there are saws with a concave front surface. They are used to finish the transverse cutting.

Corners of grinding teeth

The values \u200b\u200bof grinding angles are determined using a saw. those. One for cutting material and in which direction it is intended. Saws for longitudinal sawmills have a relatively large front angle (15 ° .25 °). In transverse saws, the angle γ usually ranges from 5-10 °. Universal saws intended for transverse and longitudinal sawmills have the average value of the front angle. Usually 15 °.

The values \u200b\u200bof grinding angles are determined not only in the direction of cutting, but also on the hardness of the saw material. The higher the hardness, the lower the front and rear corners (less sustaining the tooth).

The front angle may be not only positive, but also negative. Saws with this angle are used for cutting non-ferrous metals and plastics.

The basic principles of sharpening

Read the same way

When sawing massive blanks, side surfaces are also subjected to rapid wear.

Do not distill a saw. The radius of the cutting edge rounding should not exceed 0.1-0.2 mm. In addition to the fact that when the blade is strongly stupid, the performance drops sharply, in order to grind it, it takes several times more time than to sharpen the blade with normal dulling. The degree of dumping can be determined by both the teeth themselves and the type of the cut, which they leave.

The correct sharpening of circular saws should provide, at the same time, that the cutting edge is properly sharpened to ensure the maximum amount of cutters, which in the optimal case can reach 25-30 times. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a carbide tooth, which should be grinding along the front and rear planes. In fact, the teeth can be crushed and along one front plane, but the amount of possible sharpening turns out to be almost two times less than when sharpening on two planes. The figure below clearly shows why this happens.

The last run when sharpening the saws is recommended to do on the back plane of the tooth. Standard metal removal value. 0.05-0.15 mm.

Before sharpening, it is necessary to clean the saw from dirt, for example, resin, and check the values \u200b\u200bof grinding angles. On some saws, they are written to the disk.

Equipment and materials for sharpening saws

When using abrasive discs (especially diamond wheels), it is desirable to cool them.

As the temperature increases the microhardness of abrasive materials decreases. The temperature rise to 1000 ° C reduces the microhardness almost 2-2.5 times compared to the microhardness at room temperature. The temperature increase to 1300 ° C leads to a decrease in the hardness of abrasive materials by almost 4-6 times.

How to sharpen the saw disks by simply fixture

Sharpen Treatment disks Very easy with the help of the simplest device, and they serve such disks times

How to sharpen a saw blade with your own hands

Fucked sawmill On my Makita 2704. Finance for the purchase of a disk from Makita or SMT at the moment there is no

The use of cooling water can lead to rust on parts and components of the machine. To eliminate corrosion to water, water and soap are added, as well as some electrolytes (sodium carbonate, calcined soda, trinitium phosphate, sodium nitrite, sodium silicate, etc.), which form protective films. With ordinary grinding, soap and soda solutions are most often used and with thin grinding. Low-concentrated emulsions.

However, when grinding the saw discs of the house with low intensity of grinding works, the circle is often not used to cool the circle. Not wanting to spend time on it.

To increase the grinding ability of abrasive discs and reduce the specific wear, you should choose the largest grain size, which provides the required cleanliness of the surface of a pointed tooth.

To select the size of the abrasive grain, in accordance with the grinding stage, you can use the table in the article on grinding rods. For example, if diamond circles are used, circles with grain size 160/125 or 125/100 can be used for roughing. 63/50 or 50/40. Circles with grain sizes from 40/28 to 14/10 are used to remove teeth.

The circumferential speed of the circle at sharpening of the carbide teeth should be about 10-18 m / s. This means that when using a circle with a diameter of 125 mm, the engine rotation frequency should be about 1500-2700 rpm. Sharpening more fragile alloys is made at a lesser speed from this range. When sharpening carbide tools, the use of rigid modes leads to the formation of increased voltages and cracks, and sometimes to grinding cutting edges, while wheel wear increases.

When using sharpening machines for sawing bands, changing the relative position of the saw and grinding circle can be carried out differently. Moving one saw (engine with a circle is fixed), the simultaneous movement of the saw and the engine, moving only a motor with a circle (saw disc is fixed).

Machines are made of various functions. The most complex and expensive programmable complexes are able to provide a fully automatic grinding mode, in which all operations are performed without the participation of the worker.

In the simplest and cheap models after installing and fixing the saw in the position providing the desired sharpening angle, all further operations. Rotate the saw around its axis (Turning on the tooth), feeding to grinding (contact with circle) and monitoring the thickness of the metal, removed from the tooth. Manually produced. Such simple models are advisable to use at home when the sharpening of circular saws epizodichna.

An example of the simplest machine itself is a system, photograph of which is shown in the photo below. It consists of two main nodes. Engine with circle (1) and support (2) on which a pointed saw is installed. The rotating mechanism (3) serves to change the angle of the canvas (when the teeth of the bess front plane). Using the screw (4), the saw moves along the axis of the abrasive wheel. This ensures that the predetermined value of the angle of the front grinding will be installed. The screw (5) is used to install the stopper in the desired position, preventing the excessive circle in the interdental cavity.

Heat disc sharpening

Read the same way

The saw is installed on the mandrel, sandwicked with a conical (centering) sleeve and nuts, and then installed in a strictly horizontal position using the mechanism (3). This provides an angle of inclination of the front plane (ε 1) equal to 0 °. In machines for grinding disks, which do not have a built-in corner scale in the tilt mechanism, this is done using a conventional pendulum goniometer. In this case, check the horizontal machine.

The rotation of the screw (4) of the mechanism that ensures the horizontal movement of the mandrel with a circle sets the desired cutting angle. In other words, the saw moves to the position where the front plane of the tooth fits tightly to the working surface of the circle.

The marker notes the tooth from which the sharpening begins.

The engine is turned on, and the front plane is pointed. Inserting a tooth in contact with a circle and several displacements of the saw back and forth with the simultaneous press of the tooth on the circle. The thickness of the metal removed is regulated by the amount of sharpening movements and the power of pressing the tooth on the abrasive wheel. After sharpening one tooth, the saw is removed from the contact with the circle, it turns on one tooth and the sharpening operation is repeated. And so on, while the marker marker does not make a full circle, showing that all the teeth are pointed.

Sharpening tooth tilted on the front plane. The difference between sharpening a bevelled tooth and sharpening a direct tooth is that the saw cannot be installed horizontally, but with a slope. With an angle corresponding to the angle of inclination of the front plane.

The angle of the saw disk is installed using the same pendulum goniometer. First, the positive angle is installed (in this case 8 °).

After that, every second tooth is sharpening.

After draining half the teeth, the angle of inclination of the saw disk varies from 8 ° to 8 °.

And every second tooth is sharpened again.

Sharpening rear plane. To sharpen a tooth on the back plane, it is necessary that the sanding machine of the saw disk allows you to install the saw in such a way that the rear plane of the tooth is in the same plane with the working surface of the abrasive wheel.

If there is no machine for sharpening saw disks

To accurately hold the necessary sharpening angles by holding the saw in the hands of weight. The task is not possible even for a person with a unique eye and enviable rigidity of the hands. The most reasonable thing in this case. To create a simple sharpening device, which allows you to fix the saw in a certain position relative to the circle.

The simplest of such tools for the grinding stand, the surface of which is at the same level as the axis of the grinding circle. By placing a saw blade on it, you can make sure that the front and rear planes of the tooth are perpendicular to the saw blade. And if the upper surface of the stand is made mobile. Fixing one side of the mounted, and the other. Relying on a couple of bolts that can be screwed and twisted. It can be installed at any angle, getting the opportunity to sharpen an inclined tooth on the front and rear planes.

True, in this case, one of the main problems remains unresolved. Extracting the same front and rear corners. This task can be solved by fixing the saw center relative to the abrasive wheel in the desired position. One way to implement it. Make a groove on the surface of the mandrel support on which the saw was installed. Moving frame with a circle in the groove, you can withstand the desired tooth cut angle. But for sharpening circular saws of different diameters or sharpening angle, it should be possible to either move the engine or support, and with it and the groove. Another way to ensure the desired sharpening angle is simpler and installed on the step of the stops that lock the disk in the desired position. At the end of the article there is a video with a demonstration of such adaptation.

Quality control sharpening

GOST 9769-79 Sets certain values \u200b\u200bof tolerances for grinding parameters. Finite blows of teeth tips should not exceed 0.2 mm (for saws with a diameter of up to 400 mm), radial. 0.15 mm. Battery is checked using a conventional indicator.

The disk tool for sawing wood is always useful during construction. The circulation saw is convenient because it allows you to quickly cut the material at the minimum cost of strength and time. As for the quality of the cut, it can be said that it is ideal, but only when the saw is properly sharpened. Otherwise, it is even dangerous to work in such a tool, so the disk saw sharpening.

It is easy to determine the need for sharpening operation: a stupid tool cuts the workpiece poorly, which is immediately striking. There are two options here: either to give the disk into the workshop, which is not always favorable in terms of temporary and cash costs, or sharpen the disk saw with your own hands. This at first glance may seem complex. But if you delve into the essence of the saw device in more detail, it will not be easy to perform the maintenance of the tool at home.

There are certainly defined signs for which you can judge the state of the tool. Sharpening saws needed when the following is clearly manifested:

  1. During operation, the smoke arises, a specific smell of palewood, the casing covering the teeth of the saw, begins to warm up quickly.
  2. When you move the tool along the workpiece you need to apply considerable effort, as if to buy a fift of the saw forward.
  3. After cutting the material and visual inspection of the saw blade, the black naiga is visible, the fiber jackets, highlighted areas.
  4. With a careful inspection of the teeth, the saw into the magnifying glass can be seen that the cutting parts are not sharp, and the rounded edges.

All this requires immediate termination of work, otherwise the risk of damage to the material and wear of the disk saw to such a state, when the sharpening will no longer help it.

The main corners of the sharpening of disk saws

Circulation saw tooth, which is usually made of carbide metal, has a complex structure. It has three cutting edges standard, so it is necessary to sharpen the teeth so as to sharpen these edges. But most importantly, when sharpening the corners, under which the tooth planes diverge from the edges, and the attack corners between the tooth plane and the workpiece. The last moment is important to save the characteristics of the saw disk.

The front line, the one that the first is crashed into the workpiece along the movement of the saw, forms a basic cutting edge with the rear face. The angle under which the front line occurs with the material is called the front angle of Y (an angle of attack). The angle between the rear face and the anterior angle of acuction. If from 90 degrees, to take the front angle and the angle of sharpening, the rear corner will be.

In practice, it is important to observe these angles for each type of disk. It is at the front corner of the saws are divided into types:

  1. Longly cutting, where the front angle should not go beyond 15-25 degrees.
  2. Cross-cutting, where it is permissible to sharpen the front edge of the tooth at an angle of 5-10 degrees.
  3. Universal discs, which are easy to cope with the longitudinal, and with a transverse cut, the front corner should be set aside in the area of \u200b\u200b15 degrees.

It is also important and an angle of the bevel of the back and the front planes: the sharp, the easier it is to enter the material, but the wear is faster.

Follow the rules! When sawing solid wood, sharpening saws should be carried out so that the aquosening angle and the angle of the bevel as small as possible (within allowable limits). This increases the use of the disk until the next sharpening.

Types of wiring of the teeth of the circular saw

Before performing the sharpening of the circulation saw, you need to check if there is a divorce of teeth. To do this, the caliper is measured with the width of the tooth, and then in the harvesting of solid wood make a small propyl and measured its width. If the circulation disk is divorced, then the propyl must be wider than the tooth. Otherwise, the teeth of the saw must be breed until sharpening operations.

The complexity of the layout process is due to the need to divert the teeth to the same distance. This can be achieved by applying a factory device for wiring circulating saws. Each tooth should be started to breed from the middle of it. For different wood materials density, the dentive layout should be their own, but, without deepening in details, it can be said that the sawing of soft rocks is wider than on solid.

The three main ways are distinguished:

  1. Wiring cleaner type. This method is reduced to the fact that the tooth in two remains in its place unchanged, the rest are deflected in different directions. Such preparation of the saw is good for working with solid-state wood.
  2. A variant of the classical layout, when alternately, the saws are removed to the right, then to the left. This universal method can be applied for almost all types of saws.
  3. The so-called wavy wiring, a distinctive feature of which is the discharge of the teeth not on a strictly defined distance from the center, but at different distances with a deviation within 0.3-0.7 millimeters.

General Circular saw sharpening rules

To sharpen discs for the circulation saw, you must not allow their strong wear, namely the radius of rounding the cutter should not be more than 0.2 mm. Next adhere to such basic rules:

  1. We are subjected to processing primarily the main faces, of which the front is more.
  2. In extreme cases, with strong wear of the side faces, they are corrected.
  3. At one time, no more than 0.15 millimeters of the saw metal thickness are removed.
  4. When finishing the faces with an electric tool, metal overheating is not allowed, in which case its properties deteriorate.
  5. To ensure the maximum life of the saw, when it can be sharpened up to 30 times, both faces should be sharpened: and the front, and rear, - removing the same amount of metal.
  6. It is not allowed to sharpen the circular saws that are not intended for this tools, such as a grinder and a disk for cutting metal.

After carrying out the main operations of sharpening, it is possible to refine the teeth with a fine sandpaper. Checking the quality of the tool sharpening occurs in the operating conditions. If everything is in order, the cutting material will be clean, smooth, without visible defects and spontaneum.

Than you can sharpen a disk saw

Sharpening disks are not possible without the use of a special tool. For these purposes, you can use:

  1. Special circles for sharpening saws, made on the basis of diamond abrasives.
  2. An ordinary file for sharpening saws, but it also needs to have vise for fastening a saw and a wooden bar used as a guide.
  3. Processing on professional equipment is the fastest and qualitative method of sharpening, but requiring large material costs for the acquisition of the tool.

Sharpening drank do it yourself at home

Attention! To check the disk saws with your own hands, it is desirable to have certain skills to work the tool. If there are no such, at least stretch on the sandpaper, dragging the usual knife.

While working with the disk, the main thing is not to spoil the cutting surface, and this can easily occur if the hand is drogging, the feeding angle will break. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to study the methods of sharpening, and then everything will turn out correctly. The manual method of restoring the cutting saw blades and the method with the use of sharpening equipment is distinguished.

Manual way

Self sharpening the teeth manually using a file so that it was qualitatively, it is possible if they do not have a bevel, that is, the surface of the front face is perpendicular to the surface of the canvas. The process looks like this:

  1. From dense wood, the bar is harvested by a cross section somewhere 50x50 mm and a length of 100 mm. The side of the bar must be located strictly perpendicular to each other.
  2. Marker is marker, which will be reported and first in processing.
  3. The saw blade is clamped in the vice together with the bar in such a way that the front edge of the element is flush and in the same plane with the bar surface (the bar in this case protrudes the file for the file).
  4. The thin file (its thickness should allow to fit into the depression between the adjacent teeth) applied to the treated surface of the tooth and simultaneously to the bar and the methodical movements back and forth are sharpening.
  5. It is so gradually pumping each tooth, following the condition of the bar and when working out its surface, shifting a little plane.

Use of machine tools

With the help of a special machine, disk saws appear very easily and quickly. The main thing - here you do not need to follow the angle of the disk. Its putting it once, the operator only must move the teeth into the processing area and make the light fitness of the tooth plane to the rotating diamond disk.

On such equipment, it is possible to sharpen disk saws with carbide attacks and conventional disk saws. The easiest machine for sharpening circulation saw operations has such structural elements:

  1. The electric drive with the sharp disc mounting system is the stationary part of the equipment.
  2. The stand that moves through the guides is its task to feed the saw blade to the processing area.
  3. The ficker of the saw disk on the stand, which is designed to hold the cloth in a constant position when it is supplied to the sharpening disk.

Pay special attention! Discs with different types of teeth require an individual approach to sharpening. With the bevered arrangement of the front edge, its flow to the processing region is performed at an angle to the horizontal, for which one edge of the stand is rising accordingly.

If you have additional questions on the topic of sharpening saw or you have your experience in carrying out such operations, respond in the comments! We are important to your comments!

Among the tools that are used to work with the tree, the disk saw is pretty in demand. It is provided in its designs of a solid alloy, and steel plates that are attacked on them are also used here. Solid alloys are used to create a plate, thanks to which the cutting effect is ensured. But over the time of the teeth, the saw blade is no longer able to effectively perform its basic function, which is why they need a certain processing. You can preserve the premature bunge of the teeth of the saws using the cutting machine for sharpening the disk saws.

Varieties of machines for sharpening disk saws

Speaking about equipment for sharpening disk saws, it should be noted that it covers quite a few types of machines that imply the models of the most simple execution capable of performing the necessary operations in manual mode, as well as automatic machine lines, which can noise disk saws without help.

The machines offered today can be classified into two large classes:

  • household applying machines;
  • machines for professionals.

This separation is conditional. Moreover, the difference between this equipment consists only in performance, under which only the time is understood during which the sharpening equipment can work in continuous mode. For models intended for home use, a similar indicator is no more than 15-20 minutes. After this period of time, the user must give the time the time to rest. Professional models noticeably exceed similar machines According to the parameter under consideration, since they are able to work for 8 hours, and to ensure efficient work, they need the same pause that it is enough to arrange only twice for the working shift.

To date, each manufacturer in its own way comes to the separation of this equipment, on the basis of which the range is formed. Some sharpen attention on the designs, others on the reserve of reliability, there are also those for whom the most important parameter is the demand for a certain brand of equipment.

Equipment of the equipment under consideration deserves special attention. Based on this parameter, the machines can be classified into two groups:

  • having abrasive grinding circles;
  • equipped with grinding ribbon.

Most often used equipment with circles. As for the models in which the grinding tape is provided, they got the greatest distribution in industrial production. They allow not only to give disk saws the necessary cutting ability, but also provide a finishing grinding of the saws.

Sharpening procedure saw

To create gear plates that are equipped with disk saws, a variety of alloys can be used. All of them may differ from each other with characteristics that are determined by the properties of the alloy, as well as its degree of grain. Moreover, with a decrease in grain, the strength and hardness of the material used increases.

Also, disk saws may differ from each other with sizes of teeth. Based on this feature, the following forms of teeth can be distinguished.

Straight teeth

Most often it can be found on the saws that used for quick longitudinal sawmillswhere the quality of cutting is not paid.

Beveled teeth

It is such teeth and most often presented on disk saws. Located on a saw, these teeth may differ from each other by sharpening, which can be right and left. Working by such disk saws excludes the formation of chips, the risk of which is particularly high at the edges of the sawing coating.

Trapezoid teeth

The tool equipped with similar teeth demonstrates a long service life and at the same time no longer requires sharpening. These saws are characterized by the fact that the trapezoid teeth are used together with straight. Their location creates an opportunity to perform coarse sawing With the help of trapezoid teeth, and due to the presence of direct teeth there are conditions for holding a clean cut.

Conical teeth

Saws that are equipped with incisors of this type can be used in addition to their main task and to cut the bottom layer of the board, as a result of which it is possible to prevent the chill on the upper layer.

Homemade machine for sharpening saw

Certain with the task of sharpening disk saws can every person, for which he does not need to possess special skills. Will not be a serious interference and lack of special equipment, because if desired you can make such a machine with your own hands.. The first thing to know in the manufacture of such equipment is from which items it will consist of:

The cutting machine created by your own should have such a device that would allow to fix the saw in the desired position relative to the emery circle. Due to this, it is possible to withstand the necessary tooth sharpening angles with high accuracy. This can be done using a stand that will have to be installed on the machine frame in the same plane as the sharpening circle.

When a saw disk is placed on the stand, its tooth forms its plane with a straight angle with a saw blade. In some cases, the manufacture of this stand in the rolling version is allowed. With this task you can it's easy enough to handle: To install one side of the surface, a hinge is used, and another part must be made in such a way that it is rigidly fixed by the edges using the bolts for this purpose. By creating a sharpening machine in a similar embodiment, the user will have the opportunity to have disk saws at any angle and sharpening in any plane.

However, in the process of using such a sharpening device the user may encounter serious difficulty. - He will have to make efforts so that the angles of sharpening turned out to be the same. To do this, the saw center must be fixed in the desired position relative to the sharpening circle. It is possible to simplify the solution of this task if you create a special groove on the stand, with which to facilitate the saw mandrel procedure.

During the movement of the mandrel with a circle along the groove, there will be no serious problems with the observance of the required angle, under which the sharpening should be performed. Also, this task can be solved by another method. It is more attractive due to its lower complexity. To do this, you need to create supports on the working surface, with which the saw will be fixed in the desired position.

The main rules of sharpening

So that in the process of sharpening disk saws to achieve the desired result, in the execution of this work, certain rules should be followed:

Having at the disposal a homemade cutting machine, you can perform a qualitative tool processing if you adhere to all the rules of this procedure. At the same time, your expenses will be much less than you would decide to stop the choice on the factory apparatus. In addition to this to use such a machine, you do not need professional skills. Operating.

To sharpen a disk saw, you do not need to have a highly qualified specialist. There are no special difficulties in leaving the machine. The main thing is to pay attention to what the condition is a grinding circle and clean its surface from a variety of contaminantswhich may occur while working.

In order for the result of sharpening saws to suit you, it is necessary to adhere to the following simple rules:

  • take care that the dischargeable disk is located in a certain way in relation to the sharpening circle: the position is optimal when the disk interacts with the circle of its entire plane;
  • it is also important to prevent excessive heating of the blade to critical temperatures. This can be achieved if you install the appropriate speed of rotation of the circle, while it will be useful even before performing sharpening to pour a circle with water;
  • it is possible to determine that the sharpening helped to achieve the desired result, it is possible by the presence on the entire edge of a uniform burr. The procedure will be completed by adding the saw disk the necessary cutting ability by processing it with grinding circle.


The disk saw, like any other cutting tool, at a certain point starts worse to perform its task. In such cases, it becomes necessary in the sharpening of the tool. The most effectively this task can be solved using a sharpening machine. If you do not have such a device, then you can purchase it in the store or make it yourself.

However, regardless of the option that you choose, you must remember that it is precisely from the tool sharpening technology, how qualitatively the disk saw will be cut. Therefore, before proceeding with a sharpening machine of a disk saw, you should familiarize yourself with sharpening rules. This will help you avoid damage to the saw blade and with less effort to achieve the desired result.

During operation, most cutting tools are dulled. This is largely related to disks for sawing, which must be stuck on a regular basis. This is the guarantee of really high-quality sawmaking of wooden products. The easiest thing to sharpen the stuck teeth is to use the standard file.

But for working with your own hands to be fully fruitful, it is necessary to seek help to this professional. Only he is able to sharpen the cutting tool so that they can be able to use.

It is much easier and more efficient in such a situation to use the machine, made with your own hands, for high-quality sharpening of sharp surfaces, saws, as well as the unit for processing disk knives.

Self-making machine for sharpening saw

When there is an electric unit for sharpening sharp surfaces, the value does not have a factory item or home. Especially this topic is relevant when it comes to qualitatively sharpening the teeth, which are made taking into account different geometric forms and angles for sharpening. There are several such mechanisms and they become a consequence of optimizing the processing of the cutting surface that have different properties.

The most common forms of the toothed surface are:

  1. In the form of direct, when the concern for the quality of execution is not required.
  2. In the form of a beveled tooth; There are two angle of the inclined surface: right and left. As a rule, used in disk saws. Very often used in trimming products with lamination on two sides, for it does not produce scald cracks in any edge.
  3. In the form of an oblong trapezium. The surface is capable of holding the edge in a sharp position for a long time, tested over the teeth at right angles. In such a situation, the teeth can be cut in black, and with straight teeth - in pure.
  4. In the form of a conical fairing. Most often found in the work on auxiliary principle. Most often, the surface section of the laminate is cut off, not allowing fragments with axial sawing.

From the front, all the teeth consist in the form of a flat surface, but some saws of the saw have a concave surface. The disk saw itself has four main angle, which formed a certain form in the crossing plane:

  • angle located on the front side;
  • an angle forming the back surface;
  • figure angles in the plane of the front and rear entrance.

As an additional angle, an angle is also taken into account, which forms a set of front and reverse angles. In reality, the sharpening angle directly depends on what purpose the saw is intended.

  1. To drink a longitudinal method, saws with dimensional characteristics in front of the angle of 15-20 degrees are used.
  2. Cross sawing for the disk saw is performed at a ratio of 5-10 degrees.
  3. Universal characteristics make it possible to increase the degree of inclination to 15 degrees.

Very often, for determining the angle of sharpening, such an indicator is used as a hardness of a tree. Depending on the level of hardness, the angle and the size of the inclination is determined and, accordingly, the saw is selected.

It is according to these principles that the machine sharpened for sawing disk. Machines of this type have a specific design when drinking in a single way:

  • During the operation of the machine for sharpening disk saws, only saws is moving (the engine itself remains in the initial state).
  • During operation, two elements come in motion: saw for sharpening and motor with a motor circular parameter.
  • Also move two standard elements: saw and motor.

A typical example is a standard homemade machine for sharpening disk saws, which can be an aggregate consisting of two interrelated elements:

  1. Grinding engine with removable shaft.
  2. Saliper playground, which is attached to the disk base.

To ensure the full heating angle of the element in the unit, the presence of a system is always envisaged, which makes it possible to promote the change in the inclined surface on the canvas with the toothed surface.

Machine unit JMY8-70 - benefits and distinctive features

Modern sharpening machines for disk saws, such as JMY8-70, have a hundred percent Chinese assembly and entirely and completely represents a high-quality unit suitable for long-term exploitation. Many self-assembly specialists of the unit take this device as an example when there is a need to make the machine with their own hands.

The main purpose is higher than the machine mentioned: the sharpening of the saw on the disk, which are based on solid alloys suitable for quick cutting on the metal. The machine is able to successfully process the surface of the part and rear parts, as well as the ability to sharpen the angular surface at the highest possible level.

Advantages of this system:

  • It is based on its circle for the processing of the part by means of a diamond heater, the minimum radius size is 65 mm.
  • The saw is equipped with an inclined caliper, it makes it possible to sharpen the product under the necessary angle with his own hands.
  • The cabinet surface is made of special cast steel, mainly used in the aircraft industry.
  • The unit is installed on rubber laying materials. They allow us to maximize the vibration component in the processing of the material and give the opportunity to drink or pour water from time to time to avoid stopping the mechanism.
  • The mechanism is regulated extremely easy and simple. Even the unqualified personnel is able to manage this unit, including not at all prepared specialists.

When the goods are shipped by the manufacturer to effectively manage the unit, detailed instructions are attached, which fully describes all the strengths of the unit and methods of working with them.

The main technical characteristics associated with the device JMY8-70:

  1. The size of the circle for grinding processing has three-edged parameters: 117 × 9x7 mm;
  2. The crucible circle is able to rotate at least 20 degrees.
  3. The diametral surface of the saw for sharpening is at least 70-800 mm.
  4. The standard grinding circle is driven in a matter of seconds, and its rotational torque speed reaches 2900 revolutions per minute.
  5. The weight of the aggregate is 35 kg.

Many people who use manual work apply disk saws from complex components not on a regular basis, but depending on the need. Thus, the purchase of factory equipment may pour into unnecessary financial costs. The best solution for homework is the use of a homemade sharpening machine for disk saws. That is why the appeal to third parties does not make sense.

As a rule, in order to pull the product on its own, it is necessary to use complex mechanisms in order to eliminate the likelihood of damage. For this reason, it is necessary to use that unit that will provide an opportunity to withstand a mandatory angle for dragging. It is a complex machine that allows you to install a mechanism in a thoughtful position with a circle orientation for sharpening.

An ordinary unit for self-extracting details includes:

  • Electromotor with fixed nozzle for grinding disk.
  • The fake platform, most often on the surface of which is the ability to place the axis of rotation of the grinding circle.
  • The slope of the stand is provided by loops with one of the sides, as well as due to the rotating moment - on the other hand. This makes it possible to perform the sharpening of the aggregate on the front and rear surface.
  • The disk line is fixed at the expense of special holders, on which saws are attached. For this reason, a special groove is installed on the surface, on which the saw is fixed. Strict compliance with the rules of instructions makes it possible to withstand the sharpening angle of teeth surfaces.
  • Material processing devices have different diameters.
  • There must be high-quality stops for reliable fixation of the aggregate.

Video: Homemade sharpening machine of disk saws.

Disk sharpening process

The main sequence for quality work includes the following points:

  1. As a rule, the sharpened saw is placed on the mandrel and clamping the tapered sleeve mechanism by screwing the nut.
  2. Through the use of the grid, the product becomes clearly horizontal, with the angle of the bevel becomes no more zero. Fixation occurs due to the use of a pendulum coupler.
  3. Carrying out the mandrel along the horizontal surface with an installed disk, set a special angle for sharpening the surface of the part; The front plane of the grinding element is tightly in contact with the carrier part of the exact circular element.
  4. For the correct definition, with some tooth you need to start sharpening, a bright marker is used.
  5. Including an electric motor, apply a series of saws, pressing the part to the surface part with the inner and from the outside to be sharpened.
  6. As far as the dense metal layer is removed, it depends only on the force of clamp, as well as the number of forward movements.
  7. After sharpening the first teeth, the saw is output from the circle for grinding operations and turns on one tooth, it also becomes the next during the sharpening.
  8. The operation passes the necessary stages depending on the number of teeth that need to be sharpened.

Regardless of the tool used, it is always subject to wear, but in some cases a temporary restoration is possible. So the sharpening of the disk saw with their own hands is a natural process that anyone can perform.

View from the inside to the disk saw

The disc itself is made of extremely durable alloys of 50xf, 9khf and 65g, and foreign companies use their own variants with similar properties. The material has elevated reliability and rigidity, thanks to which the incidents happen extremely rarely.

But the working part (cutting plates) is usually made on the basis of tungsten, carbide and cobalt, which turns out to achieve high strength indicators. The characteristics of alloys are formed at the initial stage, because It is not only dependent on the proportion, but also on the grain of the carbide phase (when grain decreases, the strength increases).

The cutting plates are soldered to the disk by high temperatures, and silver (optimally) or copper-zinc (worse) is used as a solder. For seasonal homework, the copper-zinc option is perfect, while on the panel and professional workshops need better silver counterparts.

Now you need to carefully consider 1 tooth of the disk saw (Fig. 1). Very unusual will be the fact that there are 4 working areas:

Figure 1. Disk saw blade device diagram.

  • A. Front;
  • B. rear;
  • B. 2 Auxiliary.

These zones intersect with each other, due to which 3 cutting edges are formed:

  • 1. Basic;
  • 2 and 3. Auxiliary.

It is thanks to such a complex system that there is a high-quality cut without errors and nuances. In addition, there are 4 more types of such teeth:

  1. Straight. Longitudinal quick cut, where you can sacrifice a little quality.
  2. Sleeping. The main option that allows you to work with most materials in all directions (longitudinal and transverse). The bevishness is left and right, and most often on the saws both variants alternate, thanks to which quality increases. With a large mud, you can use as cutting, because They do not give chips.
  3. Trapezoidal. Slowly stupid, but perfectly show themselves in work. Often used in combination with direct, thanks to which it is possible to achieve the most accurate effect. The trapezoidal towers over direct, so it makes a draft work, and direct in turn does the finish.
  4. Conical. Such saws are used as auxiliary, in order not to be allowed when sawing the lower layers of the chip laminate, as well as for cross-saw.

How to sharpen the tool?

The main wear occurs at the top cutting edge and the front face, therefore, it is for them that the main activity is directed during the drainage. But do not forget about the side faces, because When working with massive blanks, they also obtain their considerable load.

When working, it is not necessary to join more than 0.2 mm, because Otherwise, there will be much more time and strength to drag. This factor is determined visually on the propyl either by the tooth itself.

The drainage of the tooth should be carried out in the 2nd planes - the front and rear, which will significantly extend the deadlines. Sharpening only the front part will reduce these deadlines at least 2 times. Before starting work, the metal is cleaned from all third-party materials, and then degreases.

Total 2 types of circles are used for operation:

  • CBN (Elbor) serves for sharpening high-speed steel with an increased strength coefficient;
  • PCD (Diamond and Silicon) serve to drain solid alloys. With long work, cooling cooled (water cannot be used), since Upon reaching 900 with a diamond burns.

When draining the tooth is ideally online to the working surface, otherwise you can lose the entire disk, or do not achieve the desired result. Due to the fact that a considerable amount of time goes to each disk, you need to marker to marry the point of start.

Special machines are equipped with everything necessary to ensure comfortable activity, so it is almost impossible to make an error on them, whereas in handicraft conditions will have to show a small ingenuity. The following tools and materials will be required:

  • stand;
  • electric motor;
  • adapter nozzle;
  • steel sheet;
  • bulgarian;
  • screws.

To begin with a small electric motor, which is qualitatively fixed to the surface at a height of 5 cm or higher. The shaft is put on the shaft for sharpened discs, after which the main design is ready.

But in the hands of keeping the flavored items are inconvenient, so for them 3 cm below the shaft is formed by another 1 plane of sheet steel in a distance of 2 cm. It makes 3 longitudinal slots in 1 cm increments and a 0.3 cm diameter, which will be screwed by locking Screws.

As a panel for fixing, you can come up with a lot of things, up to a frame of fittings for each separate diameter. The result is a strictly perpendicular position that allows you to affect the entire edge.

Sharpening of teeth on benzopile and in the hacksaws are produced in a similar way, but in the latter case you can use sharpened stones, because The material is very comprehensive, and a small error as a result will give a very imperceptible effect. When sharpening such a saw, there is often another complication - the teeth are rejected, because of which in the future, the operation is greatly difficult.


Despite the many nuances, the sharpening of the disk saws is simply simply and quickly. It is important to carry out this process with great accuracy, thanks to which it will be possible to achieve a final result in extremely short time.

In the absence of a professional tool for sharpening saws at hand, it is possible to build it from the subwoofers.

For complete assembly, usually takes up to 3 hours, and the service life is limited only by the capabilities of the electric motor itself.