Repairs Design Furniture

Marking of door loops. Door loops "Butterfly": installation tips. How to put screw loops

What repair passes without installing interroom doors? It would seem that the simple installation procedure can be corrupted to be impropablely installing the loops on the interroom door.

To ensure that your work does not disappear, we will look at the stages of installing the interior door and the loops for it. In addition, we will focus on important details that any novice specialist in installing interroom doors should know.

The taste of selected interior doors create additional comfort and comfort.


It is clear that you may want to put interior doors on your own. After all, the new doors will create the effect of the completion of the repair, and their harmonious connection with the room design will give the room a new look and comfort.

No interior doors do not cost any apartment or country house.

The interroom door performs the function of separating one room from another, as well as the separation of rooms on the functional zones. Interior doors do not only decorative function, but also protect our sleep or peace from unwanted sounds and smells.

Some use the services of measurers to determine the size of interroom doors and materials for them. But many of those who did so, then negatively spoke about this. This is due to what you can get on both an experienced specialist and full profan in this matter. Anyway, you should decide whether to do it or not. You can and independently make initial measurements. And when buying interroom doors, a specialist will come to you anyway, which will make the final measurements of interior doors.

As a rule, the width of the doorway ranges from 70 to 80 cm. Sometimes the figure comes to 1.0 meters. Experts do not advise to narrow the doorways, if only because you have to not only walk through them, but sometimes it is possible to transfer furniture through the door. Check the distance between the wall and the door frame if you plan to install plaque there. Those in advance about what way your future interior doors will open.

Installation of interroom doors with your own hands, the case requires care and scrupulsiness. Therefore, we decided to set out the basic rules for installing interroom doors so that you can do everything competently and even without assistance.

Installation of doors requires such accuracy, because even with a small deviation, the interroom door can squeeze, otherwise it will not be closed. This also applies to the mounting of the door box.

So, the interroom is chosen, ordered and brought to you. Sometimes it happens that interior doors are produced with a box. But often the box under the door you will have to assemble yourself. As well as embed to the door of the handle, lock and loops. To prevent errors, you will have to show observation and accuracy.

Installation of loops

Loops for doors there are three types:

  • universal;
  • rights;
  • left.

Universal loops - a type of loops consisting of two permanent parts.

To determine which loops you need, stand in front of the door, as if you are going to open it on yourself. If you open your left hand, it means you will need left loops, right - right. Universal because they are called that they are mounted and as left, and as right. You will be enough two loops if you install the interroom door and not less than three, if you cut them into a metal door, as they have a lot of weight.

When installing on the door, the door hinges are combined into the box and the door to the entire thickness of the petrolery plate so that it lay exactly the entire surface. The main thing is to know the following: Measure the thickness of the doorway, then apply the available parameters on the door box in the place where you plan to embed the loop. The distance between the edge of the loop platinum and the edge of the door canvas is obliged to be 1-2 millimeters less than the space from the edge of the loop to the width marked on the box. Thanks to this reception, the door will not touch the inside of the door frame.

Place installation loops.

To make the doors do not creak when opening and closing, make sure that the axial connection of the hinge sashs does not touch the door cloth and the door frame. You can place a place under the pockets of the loop with a sharp pencil or a sharp knife. The nest for the door loop is cut out as an acute chisel.

For mounting loops, use the screws, before drunks for them in the box and the interior door canvas of the nest three millimeter drill. Use two self-pressing to be able to regulate the position of the door leaf.

We deplorable under the self-tapping screw.

Now, when the box and loop are collected, you will have control checks. If there is difficulty, interference or insufficient dimensions of the doorway, use the chisel with a hammer or a perforator.

After setting the box in the doorway, with the help of a plumb, check its verticality, as well as the horizontal of the threshold and the top bar. If you have deviations, make adjustments.

Wedges pinning the box in the doorway, then hang the door. Then, with the help of the level, measure the vertical position of the position of the door canvase and, if necessary, change the position of the detachable loops. In order for the position of the door to the door as close as possible to the door box, make an accurate fit and adjustment: for example, so that there are no distortions, the gaps are at the same level. You can leave for no less than an hour, so planing your time in advance.

If suddenly there was a skew and a rack need a slightly tilt, make some unscrews with a hammer over the upper or lower corners of the box, simultaneously watching the edge of the box to perform 1-2 mm from the wall level (for fastening platforms).

It is easier to adjust the following steps:

  1. Check the verticality of the playful door of the door from the other side where you attached loops (looped). To do this, secure the tip of the removal rope on the upper corner of the door of the door and lower it to the floor.
  2. Set up parallelism of door sash lines and door frame.
  3. Correction from the side, which is opposite to the loop side.

And at the end, let's talk about the adjustment of the gaps.

Repair the distortion of the gap line between the door and the door frame from the side loop can be using spacers and wedges.

If you have an arcuate curvature of the gap towards the door of the door, then the door opens and sets the strut between the vertical sides of the door box. In the case of a small gap from the loop side, you will have a loop to remove, put gaskets from the cardboard to them and put them back. If, on the contrary, the clearance is too big, the loops are removed and the landing sockets are deepened for them.

Vertical bar Do not fix it is unnecessarily enough so that you have the ability to adjust the clearance from the key well.

But if the door sash rests on the lower or top of the door frame, then you will have to make out the box and re-assemble.

If there are other interior doors near the door installed, then hinges are at the same height as they.

By mounting the third loop, watch it to be on an equal distance from the top and bottom loop.

When installing the loops, after you notice the contours, mark on the inside of the loop which one of them is placed.

If everything is done correctly, the doors should be closed and the gaps between them and the box will be the same everywhere.

Types of loops

In order for your interroom door to bring you only the joy and pleasure of its operation, acquire high-quality and reliable loops.

The loops differ in the installation method and on the principle of action:

  • direct cards;
  • italian;
  • corner cards;
  • chosen;
  • hidden.

Now consider it in detail each of the types of loops mentioned above.

Card straight loops are one of the most common. Consist of two cylinders, in one of which the rod is inserted. So that the loops serve for a long time, the bearing or washer is placed between driving cylinders.

Installed at the expense of rectangular plates (cards) to the door frame and door canvas.

They are separated by the type of fastening:

  1. Overhead. When they are installed, you will not need a special tool. Easily mounted independently, without the help of a specialist. When closed, the two parts are embedded in one to another, so that they do not have to be dragged in the door frame and the door canvas. It is enough to fasten to the surface of the box and the canvas of interroom doors.
  2. Curling. When they are installed, you will need a milling mill or an acute chisel, because they are driving into a web and a box of interroom doors to a depth of 2-3 mm. This is done in order for the door to close tightly.

They are made universal. Therefore, you will not work in the future to remove the door canvas, because they can be both right and left. However, it may be difficult to dismantle the interior door in the future.

But this is compensated by the fact that the bearings are supplied, and not laying washers, which guarantees a long period of operation of the interior door and loops.

Corner loops of the card type are mounted on the door with the entrance (when the ends of the design door leaf are made in such a way that the piece of the canvase covers part of the door box).

Corner loops differ from other direct loops only with their form - the bar of the angular loop is an angle of 90 degrees.

Corner loops for interior doors.

Move from:

  • brass - one of the most reliable. They hold the coating for a long time and they calmly carry the impact of external factors;
  • stainless steel is the strongest. Combly tolerate increased humidity and temperature differences. Minus them is only that they are produced only in their natural color;
  • steel - one of the cheapest and less strong. Poor tolerate increased humidity and their coating is quickly erased.

The inverted loops are used for interior doors with a fictant quarter. They have two pins in each looping part, instead of ordinary flat planks. These pins inserted loops are mounted in the door leaf and the box.

The advantages of the inserted loops in the fact that they are regulated by the hex key and decorated with colored caps.

Outlined loops on the interior doors.

If you do not know how to install them correctly, it is better not to do this. The fact is that this requires care and great accuracy, otherwise the door canvas interior doors can crack.

Hidden loops for interior doors appeared recently and have already gained confidence among the population.

Their advantages:

  • in particular of their structure, it allows you to hide all loop parts with a closed door, which makes the door hacking on which they are installed almost impossible;
  • thanks to the design of hidden loops, the door canvas is adjustable in three planes;
  • hidden loops make interior doors more beautiful and attractive.

The secret looper differs from other the fact that they are installed on the doorway on the hinge, which are hidden in the steel case. There is a connection due to the lever in the form of the letter P, which consists of two elements bonded with a screw. When closing the door, the lever is hidden inside the deepening.

Hidden loops.

Italian loops are installed as the above and at the top and bottom of the door, while conventional loops for interior doors are mounted from the side end of the door canvas.

The main mistake is the inconsistency of the positions of the loops on the door canvase and the door box. As a result, there are vapotions, and then the door will not be impossible to hang.

And also the correct transfer of the positions of the position of the loop from the door canvas on the door frame. Experts recommend to do it with a laid door canvase, and not a separate measurement of loops points.

The loop is the cheapest and low-speed element of the swing door. But if they are wrong to install, they will drive all the advantages of the perfect door.

Now you will be more informed both by installing interior doors on your own and about the types and features of the device of various loops. This will help you both in practical applications and in the form of theoretical manual.

When buying doors, loops are usually installed. But if the design was acquired in a disassembled form, only the door can only be replaced, the installation of door loops is carried out. It can be done properly with your own hands without spending money on a specialist services. The main thing is to carefully follow the rules of the insertion, or problems may arise: creak, rubbing, jamming.

How to open an iron door without a key yourself\u003e

Common varieties

Before buying, it is better to study the product range and get acquainted with the design features and the appearance in order to correctly install the canopies.

At the location

In the direction of opening the door, sheds are:

  • Left-sided.
  • Right-sided.
  • Universal.

To properly determine which type of loops you need to become a face to the way on the side that the door opens (on itself). If it goes left - need left-sided loops, right - right-sided.

By type of material

The loops are:

  • From brass - plastic canopies: chromed and polished.
  • Brass - based on alloy from different materials, tops are covered with decorative spraying imitating bronze, gold, silver.
  • From steel - the most reliable type, not amenable to erasure.

In appearance and configuration

The most common models:

  • Card (straight) - on the sides are plates. A good option to hang out interior doors.
  • Corner canopies are designed for pendulum doors, have an angle form.
  • Instended - instead of plates have pins, planned on the axis, are designed for light models of doors.
  • Hidden - installed on expensive entrance doors. The hinge is recessed into the design.
  • Italian loops are very similar to ordinary furniture.

By way of fastening

By installation type:

  • Overhead canopies - they can be put on top of the web and boxes.
  • Curling - for them there are special recesses.
  • Screw - screwed into the mechanism pins.

Before buying, you need to consider such moments:

  • The weight of the door is usually enough two loops. But if you can hang the cloth harder than standard, or there is doubts about the reliability of the loops - it is better to install three.
  • To avoid a violin, you need to put special bearings for loops.
  • Determine the position of the loop: left-sided, right-hand.

Butterfly Loops: Features

- Patch, card model.

It does not require the cut in a special design - it consists of not two plates, but is a solid plate divided into two parts, which when closing are included in each other, without the formation of gaps.

The advantage of the "Butterfly" canopy:

  • Easy installation.

Disadvantages of a canopy "Butterfly":

  • The door is not removed from the loops.
  • Over time, cycle is possible.
  • Used for light canvases.
  • The canvas should be perfectly smooth.

Mounting Tool:

  • Sculpture.
  • Awl.
  • Drill.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Saws.

Installation of the "Butterfly" type door loops with their own hands:

  • Make indents from the edge of the canvas from above, below 20cm.
  • Attach the plate to the end, outline holes for self-tapping screws.
  • Drill.
  • Raise and attach the door to the box, duplicate the location
  • Screw loop.
  • Raise and hang the cloth.

If the gap was formed between the box and the plate - it is necessary to put a gasket under the loop of the butterfly type with your own hands.

Metal door loop

Perform the same functions as interroom, but are not interchangeable, because they need to be welcomed.

Types of canopies for metal doors:

  • Loops with bearing - thanks to it, structures are withstanding the doors of greater weight.

There are: cylindrical canopies (it is necessary to weld to plates that provide a gap between the loop and the canvas) and the drop-shaped (the form itself provides a gap).

  • Hidden (internal) loops - protection against cutting, protection against atmospheric phenomena. Minus - the canvas opens not completely. There are two types: plate (plates connected by pins, for light doors) and cylinders (withstand sweaty doors).

Installation of loops with a bearing with your own hands:

  • Place the canvas in the box, observing the gaps.
  • Treat carports with lubricant (so that when welding the ball does not grab).
  • Put a canopy - loop pin aimed up, adjust the gap.
  • Wash the electric welding.

Algorithm for installing hidden canopies with their own hands:

  • Preparation of holes for canopies: rectangular notches in the canvas and box.
  • Coy into the hole box.
  • Coy to the canvas.

At the expense most often used canopies with bearing, due to the convenience of installation.

Marking doors

It will take:

  • Pencil.
  • Line (long)

Algorithm for holding markup with your own hands:

  • Determine the opening (left-sided or right-hand).
  • Measure 20 cm with the top and bottom of the cloth, make the mark.
  • To the marks applied loops (top of the plate on the mark), circle, mark points for fastening the screws. The rod should not touch the canvas - so that the door freely opened and closed.
  • If there are swirls, chips - the loop must be put on a couple of centimeters below.
  • Collect box.
  • Similarly, make markers, observing the gap between the box and the web (2-3 mm).
  • If their wood array is performed, or weighted - you need to put another loop (a little closer to the top).

How is the insertion do it yourself

Required tools:

  • Screwdriver.
  • A hammer.
  • Chisel.
  • Drill and rolled.
  • Sculpture.
  • Cutter.
  • Awl.

How to cut the loops on the door - on your own and right. Algorithm inserts:

  • If the cloth from the array - you need to choose a place without bitch and chips. The usual canvas - to take from below and on top of the indentation 15-20 cm. The loop will begin to begin.
  • Mark the edges of fastening with a pencil or scout for a while to make a cutter or chisel (light hammer blows)
  • You need to knock out the pad under the loop, so that the edges remain smooth.

  • Check the depth of the recess: to attach a loop to the recess, put a ruler on top - if it does not drench - the depth is sufficient. If it appears - the slot between the box and the web will be large. You need to increase the depth. If the loop is drowning - the door will harm the box. A gasket is required (for example, from cardboard).
  • Collect the door frame, raise and attach a canvas, making an indent of 2 mm, duplicate markup.
  • The loops are crashed, as in the canvas.
  • Raise and hang the cloth.

Hidden loops: installation features

Such a mechanism is used for hidden doors - the door merges with the wall.

Capable to withstand the cloth of different weights: cheaper - 40 kg, more expensive - 200 kg. When buying, you should proceed from the weight to which the loops are calculated.

The loops can be put in a cloth from such materials:

  • Wood.
  • Aluminum.
  • Steel.

The location of the hidden loops: the end of the canvas.

If conventional hinges are set in the number of two pieces, then the hidden is necessary three - for reliability.

More about installing loops on video:

If the installation of hidden loops took place, some models are regulated by a hex key:

  • Horizontal adjustment: alignment of the sash using the screw, relative to the jam.
  • Vertical: adjustment of the gap of the web-floor, the top of the blast-top box with a vertical screw.
  • Clim - uniform adjustment of the canvas to the doorway by the adjusting eccentric.

As a result - hidden loops are used on the doors from the upper price segment, so they are made from high-quality materials, which is reflected at the total cost of the kit. There are no special difficulties in their independent installation and adjustment, but before that it is necessary to carefully examine the instructions to understand all the nuances of the process.

Multiple furniture is equipped with doors. The correct location of the loop assumes the convenient use and long service life of the door. Sometimes it happens that the door opens poorly or a little mow. Such moments cause unpleasant emotions when using a cabinet. Therefore, it is worth more attentively and more seriously consider the fact that when furniture loops are mounted. Installation markup should be carried out with all the rules.

Installation of loops with your own hands begins with the dismissal of the part itself. In the manufacture of furniture, various loops on the closet are used. The most popular loops are overhead. They are used when fastening the facades to the case. There are also semi-roll, internal, angular, using the closer and spring. Read more The question of how to install furniture loops of the invoice view. In particular, the famous four-star model. The dimensions of such loops are different. The most common with a diameter of 35 mm. The composition of the canopy includes parts:

  • a cup;
  • mounting plan;
  • shoulder.

The cup is fixed on the facade, and the assembly plan - on the cabinet body. Shoulder participates in the bridge connection of these two elements. To properly install furniture loops with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • line;
  • construction level;
  • milling cutter;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws.

The diameter of the cutter is 35 mm. When all tools and materials are ready, the next stage begins.



Installation of furniture loops with their own hands implies accurate markup. Making a bad markup, you can get shortcomings when opening the door. The process of marking under furniture loop implies the foundation center of the hole for them. It is necessary to retreat 7-12 cm from the edge of the facade. The number of loops installed on the door can vary. But it is necessary to observe a certain distance between canopies, equal to 50 cm. There is a certain dependence of the number of canopies from the door parameters.

Facade weight, kg Length of the facade, see
Up to 50 50-100 100-150 150-200 More than 200.
Number of sheds
4-5 2
6-9 2
10-13 3
14-18 5
More 19. 5

When the number of canopies will be determined, the central holes are made relative to the width of the door. Moreover, the indentation of the door sidewall should be 2.1-2.2 cm. And it should also be borne in mind that the mount should not go to the location of the shelves.

Thus, having measured the desired distance from the top and the bottom of the door, the mark is made. Next, by observing the indent relative to the width, the point of the future location is also marked. At the intersection of measured marks should be made with the help of self-pressing or nail. With the height of the facade, more than 100 cm marks should be made every 50 cm.

Preparation of the hole

To understand how to install and hang a loop, it is important to follow all the obligatory stages. The next installation step - how to cut furniture loops? Using a drill or screwdriver, you need to drill holes. At the same time you need to use the cutter. The facade is placed on a solid surface. Drilling is performed at the place of marking.

Installation of the furniture loop is made when taking into account the following conditions:

  • the depth of the opening is 12-13 mm. The insert should not be deeper to avoid cracking from the front side of the door;
  • the use of the ended cutter contributes to the exclusion of chips or damage to the surface of the facade;
  • drill or screwdriver should be vertically, corresponding to the drilling axis to avoid surface damage;
  • you should not perform drilling in a hurry, otherwise the hole will be inaccurative.

After drilling for one hole, the following grooves are drilled. When all the holes are made, it follows the laying of the loop cups in them.

Mounting loop

Loops are placed in the holes and using a ruler or level to adjust their position relative to the height of the facade. Each canopy must touch the surface of the facade. If you do not adjust the location of the canopies, the door can accept oblique position. When the loops are aligned, it should be made for self-tapping screws. This can be made with a pencil or a screw. Next, with the help of a screwdriver to fasten furniture loops to the door.

Fastening facades

When the markup and installation of the furniture loop is made, the most complex stage comes the mounting of the door installed to the cabinet housing. Door hanging stroke:

  • perform marking of the installation sites for the installation sites under the loop;
  • attaching a platform for fixing the loops, which are installed on the facade;
  • hang the door to the sidewall of the locker;
  • connection of two metal parts;
  • adjusting the door of the locker relative to the locker using a screwdriver.

Wedding the door is best practicing on a flat surface. At the same time, the side of the cabinet, which is attached to the plane of the canopy, should be placed in a horizontal position. This creates a certain convenience when fitting and screwing the facade to the sidewall. After screwing to the housing, you can put a locker in a vertical position, and adjust the body relative to the case.


The final stage of the installation of furniture canopies is regulation. After the door is attached to the housing, it is necessary to adjust in three planes. Of course, you will have to promote several times and tighten the screw, but the favorable outcome is provided. Three planes are vertical, horizontal and relative to the depth of fixation:

  • adjustment relative to depth contributes to pressing the facade closer to the body or weakening. With a screwdriver, an oval hole is tied. This type of adjustment is widely used in rooms where the floors have some irregularities;
  • vertical adjustment contributes to the movement of the facade in a vertical position. Adjustment with the twisting of oval holes. After some time, the door can prick. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate canopies sometimes;
  • the horizontal adjustment implies the doorway from left to right or vice versa. Its purpose is to avoid gap between the door and the cabinet case. Apply this method still indoors with uneven walls and floor.

The adjustment step can be performed when the cabinet is not yet hung. But to immediately navigate relative to the walls and the ceiling, it is best to hang a wardrobe on the wall.

It turns out to pull the loops, you do not need to have special knowledge or skills. Install the furniture loop is completely simple. The main thing is that when installing the furniture loop, the markup and installation were made taking into account all the rules. This avoids the appearance of cracks on the facade, the slots between the housing and the door, friction when opening. Moreover, work performed by your own hands brings many positive emotions.

Choosing the entrance door or interroom, people rarely think about the functional value of the door loops. It seems that the main thing is the beauty of the canvas, the reliability of the box, the relevance of the design of the door block for the coziness of the residential premises and not only. But do not forget that the hinges play a big role in the work of the door block. The canvas in itself is only a blank without properly selected canopies.

Installation of the loops on the interroom door frightened from the right choice of the desired set of attachments. Let's study this topic more to know how to choose a loop? How to install your own hands?

Loops for interroom doors: choice for any occasion

Perhaps you paid attention to racks with door fittings and could notice what a large selection of door loops.

Loops for interior doors are distinguished by design, color, size, material.

They differ in size, the amount of holes, a variety of fasteners, way opening. All this is no coincidence. Any loop is designed for a specific type of doors: wooden, metal, plastic. The main nuance is the weight parameter of the canvas. It is impossible to keep a heavy metal door with two card loops. Here you need powerful welded items. All door loops are customary to the following types:

  • Overhead - installed without any grooves, recesses.
    Overhead loops are the simplest in the installation.

    Placed on the end part of the canvas and the box rack. May be solid or detachable. Frequently used for interior doors from MDF, plastic, panels. The canvas should not be very heavy. If such canopies are selected to install on the door from the array, it is better to take them in the number of three pieces.

  • Curled - installed in a certain recess, made in the canvas and box.
    Cutting hinges require more skill in working with power tools.

    This species is subdivided into hidden and partially recessed. What is the difference? Simple mortise loops are inserted into a small recess, which corresponds to the thickness of the looping site. Reception can be made without a special tool using only the chisel, chisel, hammer. Hidden canopies should be very recessed in the canvas. The hole is created by a special saw or mill. There are such hinges on expensive interior doors, it is possible to use on input structures, which makes it possible to reduce the risk of penetration of non-crude guests into the house.

  • Screwable - have special screws embedded in the site. Screwable loops are used infrequently for interior doors.

    The loops are screwed into the cloth and the box only lightweight. Currently used rarely.

  • Corner models - have an angle form, are used to set the pendulum opening system.
    Corner loops for door hanging.

    Installed as ordinary card loops.

If the opening of the hinge doors can be divided into three groups:

  • left - with the possibility of opening the clove left;
  • right - open the cloth only to the right;
  • universal - open in any direction.

This feature is an important point when choosing attached accessories for interroom, entrance doors. Focus this way:

  • stand up to the door to the face;
  • evaluate where the canvas will open - take into account fire standards that the door should open forward towards the movement;
  • for bivalve, sliding doors, their features of mounted fittings.

On this, the classification of the loop for interroom and entrance doors ends. Now it is necessary to study the specifics of the installation of each model.

Installation of loops on interroom doors: a brief overview of all methods

Installing the loops on interior doors or input depends on the type of fittings selected. Differences in the work algorithm are small, but it is worth aware of them to know how to install the loops with their own hands.

Installation of overhead loops

This is the easiest available canopy for self-installation. It does not require special skills, fixtures. It is necessary to prepare:

  • canvas;
  • door box;
  • the set of loop (self-samples are provided by the manufacturer);
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • roulette;
  • level.

Overhead loops are detachable or solid. When installing, it must be considered. It is easier to install a detachable loop by making the correct markup. The main thing is not to confuse the top and bottom of the canopy. Otherwise, the canvas will not be able to stay on the box, will fly down. Check the loop operation before installing.

It is more difficult to install a solid loop - you need to combine the cloth and the box parallel to each other, in one level.

  1. If the loops are not universal, check the possibility of opening the web to the desired side.
  2. Next, drill holes so that the timber does not cracked if the door is made of array.
  3. Tighten the screws into the holes using a screwdriver with a special nozzle.
  4. Check the door block. If there is some kind of imbalance, eliminate defects.

Watch the video on the installation of the loop:

Installation of mortise loops on the interroom do-it-yourself

Curling loops require more time, skill, installation tools. Cutting loop, like the invoice, can be detachable or solid, universal or on a certain side. The insertion can only be carried out on the thickness of the application plank or planted deeply (hidden loops).

With your own hands you can install a mortise loop of the first type. Covene loops better entrust specialists if there is no special equipment for the removal of a deep groove. This is done by the milling machine.

Conventional mortise loops require for the installation of the presence of the chisels, chisels, hammer to make a small deepening in the product.

  1. Take the roulette and measure the desired distance to install the loop in the door with your own hands. According to the standard from the upper and lower edge, it is necessary to retreat 200-250 mm. If necessary, place the third loop, make the markup in the middle or slightly raising it up. Look at the installation scheme of the loop on the door according to the standard:
  2. Apply a canopy to the plank to the place of marking and circle the contour with a simple pencil.
  3. Similarly, do with the second part of the loop.
  4. Now it is necessary, using the chisel, the hammer, to make a deepening of the circuit on the size of the strip thickness. Perform this stage does not rush, carefully. If you remove more - the loop turns, the door work will be broken. Therefore, do not rush.
  5. Attach the bar in the resulting deepening. If the loop is flush with the surface, you can move to its screw.
  6. Drill holes for the screw in the right places.
  7. Tighten the screws, tightly attracting the loops.
  8. Perform the same actions with the rest of the canopies.
  9. Connect the box with the cloth and check the course of the interior door.

This installation is completed. Read more Stages of the installation of mortise loops on the door can be viewed in the video of the plot:

Clear loops set more difficult, but we describe the sequence of actions in case you decide to install the loop on the door with your own hands. The sequence of actions differs little from the installation of simple mortise loops.

It is only necessary to have a milling machine to make the groove on the desired depth. The peculiarity of hidden loops is the difference between compound planks. The part installed in the canvas is greater than a part mounted in the box rack. Therefore, do not confuse elements in places.

  1. Make marking according to the size information presented above. Install the mill to the location of the loop and make a depression.
  2. Check the groove depth by inserting the loop element in it. Understand the chisel. The bar must be completely recessed in the canvas.
  3. Take the same manipulations on the door frame.
  4. Secure the elements by self-drawing, which are included.

If all the work is done correctly, the door will be smoothly open and closed. Check video about installing a secret loop with your own hands:

Additional Information

Installing canopies for interior door can be carried out at different times:

  • when buying a new door; / li\u003e
  • when replacing armored canopies on the old canvase.

Close to installation can be in several ways:

  • if the door is new, it is easier to install the loop at the stage of assembling the door frame and together with the web;
  • you can hang a loop after mounting the door frame without a canvas. It is more difficult to do it, the skill is required;
  • if there is just a replacement of old canopies, then you do not have to choose. Disassembly and installation must be carried out with an assistant to properly adjust the level of elements. The best way to buy a loop similar to the old and install on old sizes.

In any case, installing the loops to the interior door with their own hands will be justified by the cost savings, new experience in repair. Look at the video about the installation of loops with your own hands in the plot of the installation of interroom doors.

Installation of door loops when repairing with your own hands - responsible work, because the accuracy of the door orientation accuracy depends on their correct insertion relative to the jam. The slightest skew can lead to a loose closure or, in the most difficult cases, the full impossibility of closing on the castle. Therefore, there are two outputs - learn how to hang the door to the buttercups yourself or entrust this important procedure by a qualified specialist.

How to choose?

There are several varieties of door loops.


The most durable and reliable. Have a not very attractive look. More pretty chrome products, but also the cost of them is higher than that of the usual. The use of these elements is almost unlimited.


The most beautiful externally, but short-lived loops. Brass is a soft alloy, so it has a property to be quite quickly.


The material for their manufacture serve alloys "under brass". The relatively cheap items, but also the duration of operation is small, as they wear out too soon.

The design of the door loops depends on the material of the door canvase.

  • Elements for glass doors (for example, baths or for sauna) - clamp and fix the glass on both sides. Assistance in fixation is putting gaskets-liners from rubber or silicone. Special equipment is required for mounting such door loops.

  • For metal doors, the loops are divided into external and hidden. In the design of the outer, reference ball bearings or liner balls and the adjustment screw are provided. This is done to compensate for erasing metal parts. Internal loops (hidden) are protected from the penetration of undesirable personalities into the room - damage or removal of them is impossible, as they are deprived of the protruding details.

  • For plastic loops, equipped with devices to adjust the distance between the door and the box. They are mounted by masters on the doors of metalplastic used for balconies and loggias.
  • Models for doors from wood are divided into overhead, or cards (simple and angular), mortise, screwed and Italian. Overhead can be removable and non-removable. It is possible to independently install them on the door between the rooms using joinery tools.

The following parameters affect the choice of door loops.

  • Weight.For massive and doors of enhanced dimensions, additional loops are required, whereas they usually need only two. At the same time, the third loop is not installed in the middle, but shifted a little up. It should also be noted that all elements of fastening are suitable for high weight doors.
  • The presence or absence of ball bearings.They are needed that heavy doors open easily and did not creak.

  • Vector opening. On this basis, the loops are divided into right, left and universal. The last type of products may be attached from either side, but the installation and dismantling of them are complicated.
  • Intensity of operation.

When choosing products in the store, be sure to check them - sometimes they sell defective products. It is advisable to choose such a color model so that it does not get out of the color gamut of the door, handles and castle. The same applies to fixtures for fasteners.

How to install?

For inserting loops in a wooden door, the following tools will be required:

  • electrophus (chisel) and hammer;

  • screwdriver;
  • screws;
  • pencil for carpentry work;
  • construction plumbing (level);
  • wedges of wood.

First you need to mark up. From the top and bottom of the door leaf, measure 20-25 cm and tick the pencil. Check in this area of \u200b\u200bwood for the presence of defects and damage, when they are detected, shift a slight markup.

Attach the edge of the looper and outline their contour. Choose the chisel in the door the deepening of the outlined contour to the depth of the tool thickness. Remove the surplus wood using the chisel and the hammer. If at this stage you made a mistake, use inserts from cardboard or rubber.

Attach the hinges to the door of the door with screws (self-made). To prevent the appearance of cracks, drill thin holes for screws.

The same procedures are conducted with the door jam. For cutting down the contour of the door loops in the box of the door of the door is fixed with the help of wooden wedges, while between it and the box, leave the gap in 2-3 mm. To facilitate work, if the lock is already embedded, close the door to the key.

Check the position of the door in space with a plumbing - deviations in any direction are unacceptable. To accuracy markup, unscrew the loop from the door of the door.

Avoid an excessive deepening of cutting on the door frame - it will lead to the flipping of the canvas when opening-closing.

In case of insufficient experience with the joiner's instrument, the ideal option will be the installation of "cut-down" butterfly loops. When closing the door, both of them are embedded in one to another. For easy opening-closing the door, a small gap between the canvas and the box is needed.

Installation Instructions

  • Squeeze from the top of the door frame approximately 25 cm, attach the product and circuit the contour. This is necessary to edit the position of the part in the case of its displacement.
  • Drill small holes at the screws of the screws.
  • Attach the loop to the jamb.

  • Put the door in the opening with the required gaps. Fix it strictly horizontally using wooden wedges.
  • Make the top of the top butt.
  • Screw the upper loop and remove the wedges. Temporarily pour the canvas to prevent it from pumping it and strain the loop.
  • Check the verticality of its position.
  • Swipe the location markup of the bottom loop. Drill recesses for screws.
  • Screw the screws and secure the bottom loop.

To put a loop on a metal input group, you need to perform some other actions.

Required tools:

  • apparatus for welding;
  • electrodes 3-4 mm;
  • grinding machine with a circle for sharpening;
  • flomaster;
  • 3 mm metal plates.

Installation stages of overhead loops with ball bearings and adjustment screw

  • install the metal door to the door frame;
  • place the prepared plates under and from the side of the canvas to provide the necessary distance between it and the box;
  • measure from below and on top of 24-25 cm and mark this place with a felt-tip pen;
  • apply a loop with orientation on the markup and determine the location of them, in which the freedom of opening-closing the door is ensured;
  • attach the dot welding with the loop so that they reliably withstand the door mass (before that, remove the bearing and the adjustment screw);

  • check the correctness of their location, carefully closing / opening the door, also pay attention to the freedom of movement of the door, the lack of pumping and the completeness of the opening;
  • if everything is done correctly, carefully weld all the details;
  • remove the slag with the help of a grinder to the smoothness of the connection location;
  • insert the ball bearing and the adjustment screw;
  • paint the door and loop, inside the solidol.

If you have doubts about your ability to properly fasten the mounts to the iron door, call the specialist.

For pretended canvases, it is better to use corner buttercups. Their difference from direct is that instead of the plates they have two corners.

The installation of angular overhead models is made by the same algorithm as direct - one piece is attached to the end of the door leaf, and the second to the jam.

Currently, an enhanced product types are used for installation. Hidden models do not spoil their presence surface of the door leaf, they do not require much care, and the doors on such loops are better confronted with hacking and unauthorized penetration.

Running of hidden elements

  • check the location of the parts of the product;
  • electropheraper cut the hole for the mechanism;
  • in a place intended for fasteners, make a deepening with the help of the chisel;
  • disassemble the loops;

  • insert the most in the jamb and secure screws;
  • the smaller part is fixed in the doorway;
  • connect the elements and tighten the adjustment screw;
  • if you have a desire to disguise prominent parts of the products, install decorative lining.