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PN 20 25 polypropylene pipes. Polypropylene pipes. Technical Passport Product PN25

Pipeline for heating and water supply

Thanks to technical specifications.

They are mounted in residential buildings and B. production buildings. Unlike options made of steel and cast iron, such materials do not destroy the rust, and they can stand for 50 years.


  • Distinctive characteristics and simplicity of laying make it possible to apply them in the network for feeding drinking water.
  • In agriculture.
  • Pipes and fittings of this species are used to supply Cold and hot water, To install a "warm floor", for branches in a centralized heating system, and to attach radiators.
  • Transportation of air and aggressive chemicals.
  • For drainage and irrigation system.
  • Such a blank tolerates the temperature from -10 to 90 0 C. and will withstand short-term jumps up to 110 0 C.
  • The melting point is +149 0 S.
  • Heat consumption at 20 degrees - 0.24W / ms.

IMPORTANT! Polypropylene pipes (the characteristics of the experts confirms this), refer to environmentally friendly substances, they are completely safe for technological use.

Original raw materials information

The technical characteristic of polypropylene is directly dependent on the initial raw material, or rather from its quality and properties.

Production of fittings and pipe rods reinforced by aluminum for heating and water supply PN10, PN16, PN20 and PN25

Polypropylene received french sin. Later, the foundation was improved, and their modifications appeared. Depending on the type of plastic, the pipes are divided into such types:

  1. First - Gomlpolymer Propylene (RRN);
  2. The second is polypropylene copolymers (RRV);
  3. The third is a static polypropylene copipolymer with ethylene (PRRC).

Immediately special attention is worth paying 3 types. It is highlighted by its resistance to high temperature. The invention of this substance has become a very large "breakthrough" in the manufacture of plastics.

Products with marking PN10, PN16 and PN20 for heating and water supply

And PN25 includes another alumina layeri. The view marked by the PN16 indicator has become an intermediate option. it universal MaterialBut it is used very rarely.

PN25 reinforced by aluminum for water supply and heating

  • These are pipe rolling products with a thin wall that is used to feed cold water (up to +20 degrees). The technical characteristics of the PN10 polypropylene tube make it possible to use it for the "warm floor" (up to + 45c), withstands 1MP pressure.

Diameter: external volumes from 20 to 110 mm, and external indicators from 16.2 to 90 mm. Stop the wall in PN10 from 2 to 10 mm.

  • The technical characteristics of the PN20 polypropylene tube, became a reason to call it a universal version, is used in high water supply highway (to a temperature of +80 degrees and pressure up to 2MPA). The average internal diameter indicators from 10.6 to 73.2 mm. External indicators are from 16 to 110 mm. PN20 wall thickness - from 16 to 18.4 mm.
  • This is a polypropylene pipe reinforced with aluminum, the PN25 characteristics allow them to be used for the central heating network with temperature indicators to +95 degrees, and for supplying hot water. The nominal pressure value is 2.5 MPa.

Aluminum layer is located next to outside. There is a perforation on foil, because of it PN25 polypropylene tube specificationswhich is allowed not to apply adhesive for the connection, increases its stability.

They are used with such sizes of diameter: internal 13.2 - 50 mm, external - 21.2-77.9 mm. The wall thickness in PN25 varies from 4 to 13.3 mm.

Using aluminum layers. But, there is also its cons. Such materials are difficult to mount and connect with fittings, and the carrier will have to use.

More recently, manufacturers provided a new product that includes three layers. The middle layer is a mixture of polypropylene and fibrovokon. The wall thickness of this new material was left for the same.

Polypropylene reinforced trumpetIts technical characteristics indicate that they have a small expansion indicator (0.009 mm / m.t).

It should be added to this that the fiberglass is very durable, this indicator is twice as much as steel. Such products are very convenient to mount.

IMPORTANT! All types of polypropylene products are white, salad, gray and black shade. The color on their properties does not affect. Only black are more protected from ultraviolet.

Advantages of polypropylene pipe rolling products

The most important dignity can include their long period of use, this is the most important characteristic polypropylene.

IMPORTANT!The short increase in temperature and pressure on the use of these materials is almost no affected.

These materials have such advantages:

  1. Pipe system for water supply from this type of pipe rod fully meets all standards and sanitary standards.
  2. Inside the water supply or heating does not appear rust, or other deposits. In this regard, throughout the entire period of use, they do not change the internal diameter indicators.
  3. PPR pipes are resistant to temperature changes and pressure jumps.
  4. Low heat resistance prevents the formation of condensate.
  5. High sound insulation properties level noise from the work of the highway.
  6. If you compare with metal counterparts, the installation of this material leaves much less time. Welding technology make it possible to connect the structures from polypropylene quickly and make this work very high quality.
  7. Little weight contributes to transportation. It also reduces the number of people used to work.
  8. They do not require additional maintenance, no need to paint.

Application of fittings

Manufacturers have developed polypropylene pipes and fittings, whose technical characteristics allow you to equip all engineering design. This makes it possible when laying do without metallic parts.

Video 2 - All about fittings

And clutches and fittings with chrome and brass inserts allow you to connect polypropylene with metal pipesAnd also allow them to attach them to any plumbing equipment.

  • Before work, it is necessary to explore the products inside for clogging.
  • All billets should be carefully checked in order not to use the pipe with damage.
  • Works are recommended to perform at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. With lower temperature indicators, high-quality joints are difficult to get.
  • To bend without thermal influence, temperature ambient There must be no less than +15 degrees. With such actions, you need to withstand the minimum bend radius. For a blank for 16-32 mm, such indicators are equal to eight diameters.
  • With welding, a homogeneous seam is obtained, which provides a high-quality connection. For such pipe rolling blanks, three types of welding are used: butt, polyfuzny, and electrophes are used.
  • If necessary for a situation, then take a job threaded fittings. And to strengthen the density lay the tape from teflon or seals.
  • Placeing polypropylene pipes for water supply, (technical characteristics of which provide for heat expansion), use such types of fastening: fixed and movable support. The first option is acceptable for short blanks, otherwise, when heating the pipe bursts. The second option creates a compensatory movement of the highway (stretching and shig). With it, the main line from the axis is not shifted.
  • When laying, you need to withstand a slope from 0.5%.
  • When fastening watershedral equipment, you need to avoid rotational stresses and knees that are attached to the wall. They are advised to strengthen on rigid plates that create a fixed state.

Council. Having made the thread on the blanks of plastic not recommended. . If this is not done, the proper density of the connection of pipe rolling products and plumbing devices no one can guarantee.

The perfect value for money is polypropylene pipes, the technical characteristics of this material fully confirm this, so they are very popular and significantly exceed steel communications.

Polypropylene pipes - one of the types of plastic pipes. The polypropylene material used for their manufacture is made by polymerization involving catalysts from metal complex materials. The pipes produced by enterprises are made mainly two types: pressure 10 bar is pN 10 pipes (The designation PPR PN10 is allowed), and the pressure of 20 bar is polypropylene pipes PN 20 (PPR PN 20).

Pipes for pressure 10 bar have thinner walls, and, therefore, the price is lower. Apply for not very loaded systems, with low pressure. Although tests show that pN10 pipes Can withstand short-term exposure of pressure 30 bar. The connection of pipes with each other is carried out using welding (sometimes such a process is called soldering) with a special device. At the same time, metal mandrels supplied with the apparatus are heated to a temperature of about 300 degrees, pipe PPR. PN10 and polypropylene fitting are inserted into these mandrels, soften and then combined, after which after some time when the material cools down, a welded connection is obtained. Such a compound, if it is performed without a violation of technology, is not inferior in the strength of a whole peripal design. Used mainly for cold water supply. Since under the action of hot water, these pipes due to their thinstandy will be fed. For hot water, PN20 pipes are used, mainly reinforced. The property of polypropylene pipes, including PN10 pipes, well tolerate the accidental freezing of water in them with some accidents, made them indispensable when performing water supply work in those places where such a situation is not excluded. After eliminating the accident, the pipes can continue their work without any additional restoration work. The main advantages of polypropylene pipes are as follows. Low weight, especially thin-walled products PN 10, compared with metal pipes make it easy to maintain installation, save on the delivery of products to the object. Installation is also simplified thanks to a fairly simple and fast compound such a polypropylene design with fittings using an easy and accessible to each developer electrical device. Very smooth inner surface, close in its characteristics to the "slippery" material with fluoroplast, does not allow overlapping with various mineral and other deposits inland walls PN10 pipes. Long term Services calculated by dozens of years, reduces the number of regulatory and repair work on the pipeline made of polypropylene pipes. Due to the great flexibility of such products (this is especially true of the pipes of a small diameter), the gasket of the network of them is characterized by a much smaller number of connecting fittings, since many turns of the pipeline when it can be performed without the use of corners. Our company offers from its warehouse in Moscow polypropylene pipes PN10 with a diameter of 20 to 110 millimeters, 4m long.

Polypropylene pipes. Specifications. 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) Voted 2

Polypropylene pipes. Specifications.

Currently, the use of polypropylene pipes All sorts of: water supply, heating, drainage, ventilation. In the price / quality ratio is the most suitable option To install such pipes, not only in industry, but also in household. The most important advantage of such pipes is resistance to corrosion and, accordingly, durability. On average, the life of such pipes reaches 50 years. Thanks to them, the use of steel and cast-iron pipes Looks into the background.

Installation of polypropylene pipes is convenient and fast, which allows for the next time to install water supply systems, heating, and so on. An important advantage of pipe data is resistance to internal deposits and sediments. Pressure loss in polypropylene pipe systems is minimal. Resistance to negative temperatures High, this means that the likelihood that the pipe will crack when freezing is minimal.

It is not difficult to guess that in the manufacture of pipe data, polypropylene material is used. Polypropylene is a synthetic polymer, a class of polyolefins obtained in a consequence of propylene polymerization. The main advantage of propylene is low cost, as well as it is not harmful to the human body. Polypropylene has high strength with relatively low weight.

There are 4 types of polypropylene pipes: 1. The first view with a working pressure pressure of 1 MPa (PN10); 2. 1.6 MPa operator (PN16); 3. Third with a working pressure of 2 MPa (PN20); 4. Fourth view with a 25 MPa operating pressure (PN25).

The weight of the route meter of polypropylene pipes may vary, depending on the nominal pressure, the design of the pipe. Currently, there are many plants producers of polypropylene pipes, as a result of this pipe can have various designs and weight, so when buying a pipe, you need to contact the company and find out all the necessary technical characteristics of polypropylene pipes. Below are given medium weight Polypropylene pipes with PN 10, PN 20, PN 25 pressure, as well as table of calculated pressure of polypropylene pipes PN 10, PN 16 PN 20, PN 25, depending on the service life and temperature.

D - outside diameter polypropylene tube, mm;

S is the wall thickness of the polypropylene tube, mm.

Fig.1. The size of the polypropylene tube.

Table 1

Theoretical weight and sizes of polypropylene PN10 pipes.

D, mm. S, mm. Weight, gr / m
20 1,9 110
25 2,3 159
32 2,9 253
40 3,7 398
50 4,6 625
63 5,8 981
75 6,8 1380
90 8,2 1980
110 10,0 2950

Polypropylene PN10 pipes are designed for cold water supply systems, the temperature range in such pipes up to +20 C ˚. Operating pressure in such pipes is 1 MPa. Internal diameters From 16 to 90 mm vary, the outer diameters from 20 to 110 mm, with a wall thickness from 1.9 to 10 mm.

table 2

Theoretical weight and sizes of polypropylene pipes PN20.

D, mm. S, mm. Weight, gr / m
20 3,4 167
25 4,2 261
32 5,4 424
40 6,7 653
50 8,3 1020
63 10,5 1620
75 12,5 2300
90 15,0 3400
110 18,3 5000

Polypropylene PN20 pipes are designed for hot water, at a temperature range to +80 C ˚. The working pressure of such pipes is 2 MPa. The internal diameters vary from 10.6 to 73 mm, the outer diameters from 16 to 110 mm, with a wall thickness of 16 to 18.4 mm.

Table 3.

Theoretical weight and sizes of polypropylene (reinforced) PN25.

D, mm. S, mm. Weight, gr / m
20 3,0 172
25 3,3 242
32 4,0 381
40 5,0 587
50 6,5 825

Polypropylene PN25 pipes (reinforced) can be used in cold water supply systems, but more often these pipes are used in heating System, at a temperature range, up to +95 C ˚. This pipe is made with a reinforced grid for greater strength and less heat transfer. Operating pressure in such pipes 2.5 MPa.

The calculated pressure of polypropylene pipes PN 10, PN 16 PN 20, PN 25.

Table 4.

The calculated pressure of polypropylene pipes PN 10, PN 16 PN 20, PN 25, depending on the service life and temperature.

Temperature (° C) Service life (years) Type of pipe
PN 10. PN 16. PN 20. PN 25.
Permissible pressure excess, kgf / cm2
20 10 13,5 21,7 21,7 33,9
25 13,2 21,1 26,4 33,0
50 12,9 20,7 25,9 32,3
30 10 11,7 18,8 23,5 9,3
25 11,3 18,1 22,7 28,3
50 11,1 17,7 22,1 27,7
40 10 10,1 16,2 20,3 25,3
25 9,7 15,6 19,5 24,3
50 9,2 14,7 18,4 23,0
50 8,7 13,9 17,3 23,5 21,7
25 8,0 12,8 16,0 20,0
50 7,3 11,7 14,7 18,3
60 10 7,2 11,5 14,4 18,0
25 6,1 9,8 12,3 15,3
50 5,5 8,7 10,9 13,7
70 10 5,3 8,5 10,7 13,3
25 4,5 7,3 9,1 11,9
30 4,4 7,0 8,8 11,0
50 4,3 6,8 8,5 10,7
80 5 4,3 6,9 8,7 10,8
10 3,9 6,3 7,9 9,8
25 3,7 5,9 7,5 9,2
95 1 3,9 6,7 7,6 8,5
5 2,8 4,4 5,4 6,1

Polypropylene PPR 10 pipes are the optimal choice for laying cold water systems in residential buildings, industrial, administrative buildings and greenhouse farms. The use of modern durable polypropylene randomsopolymer in their manufacture of a modern durable polypropylene ensures their reliability and durability and when installing air supply systems and technological solutions.


Application polymer pipes Regulated by federal construction standards and a joint venture of the SP 40-101-96. Specific feature Systems from polymers, which must be taken into account when designing is a high thermal expansion coefficient.

There is also a rigid relationship of the operational life of the pipeline with a working pressure and water temperature or air. Maximum time Operating 50 years for PN10 polypropylene pipes is defined by manufacturers for maximum operating pressure not more than 1.0 MPa and water temperature up to +20 ° C.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes

Chemical resistance, high mechanical strength And Rand's elasticity of the copolymer led the following advantages of polypropylene pipes in front of metal:

  • corrosion resistance makes unnecessary water treatment and waterproofing of pipes;
  • chemical neutrality guarantees entering drinking water extraneous impurities;
  • the smooth inner surface with low adhesion eliminates the deposition of salts and lime plates;
  • mechanical strength and resistance to temperature fluctuations prevents cracking;
  • high elastic characteristics reduce hydraulic shock sensitivity.

Technological and consumer features of polymers allow you to quickly mount water systems with low-temperature welding and sealants, without expensive equipment. Therefore, when repair work plastic pipes are an optimal alternative to steel.


Wassin Trade offers its clients PPR Vasen Pn 10 pipes with a wall thickness from 1.8 mm to 10 mm and an outer diameter of 16 ---110 mm. Pipes are manufactured by Weixing NBM from the most famous brand of Hostalen pipe polypropylene in accurately compliance with the requirements. international standards On high-tech equipment. We can offer you pipes in segments and bays from 8 to 200 meters long.