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PP reinforced pipes fiberglass. Polypropylene tubes reinforced with fiberglass. This is manifested in that they are used.

For communications systems in a residential building, it is always in the first place that the reliability and simplicity of the design are always. In order for in the apartment, a cold and hot water system operated in the apartment or at the cottage, it worked to fully the heating equipment, it is necessary to properly and correctly pave the pipeline. Here on the top plan, the engineering and technological element, on which the entire system of water and heat supply is also based. Choosing the pipe heating system, you have to consider literally every trifle, starting with technological parameters, ending with the material used and the manufacturer's method.

The complexity of the task is that today the consumer has pipes for heating a variety of types and species. , a new type of consumed material, which is successfully used for laying household pipelines. For mounting the heating system, with fiberglass or reinforced by aluminum is the "know-how" of recent years. Cheap, reliable, practical and convenient consumables.

Are synthetic consumables assigned to the system of heating tasks? How much polypropylene tubes reinforced with fiberglass are reliable, how to make a purchase? With these questions should be dealt with more details.

What is reinforced polypropylene pipes

Going into the past system of communications of life support, in which metal pipes are used. Despite the fact that metal consumables are characterized by high strength and are quite reliable in operation, high cost of material and complex installation influenced the fact that interest in such materials is noticeably weak on the household level. As an alternative to metallic pipes, the consumer today is focused on reinforced synthetic consumables.

In the process of manufacturing products, polypropylene is enhanced by adding special components to the structure. As a result, at the exit we have a completely different, qualitatively new consumable material - reinforced polypropylene tubes. Reinforcement is a traditional method of mechanical strengthening of communications. Due to the inclusion in the polypropylene channel of synthetic fibers in the form of a braid, it was possible to significantly increase the strength and rigidity of the material. Reinforcement is performed, both in the middle of the product itself and on the inside. Internal reinforcement is extremely rare, but the inclusion in the structure of the finished product of an additional median fiberglass layer - the technology is quite common.

On a note: Reinforcement on the inner wall of the pipe is not appropriate. The likelihood of the emergence of blocks is high due to the formation on the walls of the inner channel of salt sediments. The quality of water used for household purposes, including heat supply, is not always perfect.

Having come to replace metal pipes, polypropylene reinforced consumables drastically changed all the technology of laying pipelines of the heat supply system. Synthetic material is not inferior to the metal, resistant to corrosive processes and well copes with temperature drops.

Especially the consumer bribe the fact that, reinforced and reinforced with fiberglass are suitable for heating any premises. Polypropylene consumables are able to effectively interact with practically with any types of heating equipment and heating techniques.

The cost of such products is an order of magnitude less than the metallic, copper or metal-plastic pipelines cost. This aspect is particularly important in cases where it comes to the organization of the heating system throughout the house. In the houses and in the apartments of a large area, in two-storey residential buildings, the use of synthetic reinforced channels allows you to literally ignore the network of pipelines all the building. The length of the pipeline made of synthetic materials in some cases reaches several hundred meters. With other products of such luxury, you will not allow yourself trying to save on every centimeter.

For reference: The length of the heat supply system in a private residential building with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m 2 is about 100 meters, taking into account the return. Compare the cost of reinforced polypropylene pipes necessary for laying a pipeline of such lengths and prices for metal products or metal-plastic.

Let's summarize. Reinforcement is carried out in order to give the polypropylene tube necessary strength. Why fiberglass used for this purpose. The answer is simple. Fiberglass, inserted into the middle, is impregnated with an elastic plastic mass, creating together with the surrounding outer and outer layers of polypropylene. As a result, the necessary integrity of the product is achieved. Due to the inclusion in the structure of the pipe layer of fiberglass, it was possible to significantly reduce the thickness of the inner wall, while retaining the main working channel diameter.

On a note: Aluminum reinforced, polypropylene tubes can be separated over time. Frequent sharp discharge temperature of the coolant becomes the cause of such a negative phenomenon.

Features of polypropylene consumables reinforced with fiberglass

For the home heating system, the most important parameter is simplicity of operation and long service life. The functionality of each component and element of the heating system determines the level of comfort and the degree of reliability of the equipment. What is the main thing when installing the heating system in the house? Durability and convenient operation. By installing the heating system in the house, we want to do so that the whole range of equipment work is autonomously, without our participation.

They may so much in this regard. The accounting of thermal calculations and features of operation will provide a long and uninterrupted operation of the home heating system. Required synthetic consumables used in heating communications are designed for 20-25 years of service.

Stability of corrosive processes, the ability to withstand high pressure and significant temperature differences make synthetic highways and communications are very convenient and practical in operation. The permissible temperature range for such a material is: -10 0 С +90 0 C, which is especially important when equipped with autonomous heating. Not scary polypropylene with fiberglass and freezing. In the freezing of the coolant in the system, synthetic highways, in contrast to metal products, retain the form, structure and integrity.

Synthetic, reinforced with fiberglass, pipes are an excellent dielectric, and when contact with fire, polypropylene is not toxic and decomposed on water vapor and carbon. Along with the features listed, synthetic water channels based on fiberglass, possess other advantages. For instance:

  • simple, fast and convenient installation;
  • laying pipes does not require special skills and specialization;
  • the strength of the seams allows you to use even pieces of pipes in the mounting, minimizing waste;
  • interchangeability of individual elements in case of damage to the pipeline;
  • affordable material price.

And the most important advantage that reinforced polypropylene tubes possess, the lack of the effect of providing the pipeline.

Important! For conventional polypropylene pipes, the savings effect is a significant disadvantage. Polymers are characteristic of having a high thermal expansion coefficient. When contacting with a hot heat carrier, polymers acquire additional elasticity, begin to change their structure.

Fiberglass or aluminum give the polypropylene tubes the necessary stability during heating. Pipelines for hot water or heating systems are withstanding temperature loads without losing their main technological parameters. In addition, reinforced synthetics and fittings are perfectly combined with any options for finishing the interior. The pipeline of the heating system can be laid inside the walls, significantly increasing the useful volume of interior.

Types of reinforced polypropylene pipes. Marking products

At the moment, the market of consumables for heating systems is characterized by a wealth of choice. Attention deserves marking of products, thanks to which we can get all the necessary information about the operating parameters of the pipe and operational capabilities. For polypropylene reinforced pipes, marking plays a key role. Based on the information, we will be able to correctly and unmistakably choose the desired view, the type of product.

Let's start with the classification of polypropylene tubes, which is built on the variety of products. Synthetic consumables are divided into the following types:

  • The first type - products made of homopolypropylene have a PPH index (H - homopolymer). For this type, high strength are characteristic. They are usually used in cold water systems.
  • The second type is the pipes, which includes a block copolymer (B - block copolymer). These consumables are marked with PPB indexes and can be used in low-temperature heating systems (warm water floors).
  • Third type, most common. Products are used for intra-round heating and hot water supply. PPR pipes are labeled, where R is a copolymer random. Usually this type of product is made reinforced. The C existing label is added to the letter C, which means the overestimated requirements for temperature jumps (up to 95 0 s).

The European PP abbreviation corresponds to the Russian-speaking version of PP, which means polypropylene.

Next, after the designations of the product accessories to the type of material, there are notes that characterize the value of the nominal working pressure. For this purpose, PN indices are used. On the household level, for the water supply system and heating systems, reinforced pipes with PN20, PN25 indices are commonly used. These two types are optimally suitable for heating systems, both for a centralized heating option and complete with individual heating devices. The difference is that the products with the PN20 index are reinforced with fiberglass, and with the PN25 index have an aluminum layer.

Important! In contrast to conventional polypropylene consumables, both options, and PN20 and PN25 have a low thermal expansion coefficient. In products reinforced with fiberglass, this indicator is 5-7% higher than that of the foil polypropylene tube.

Required quality, compliance with the stated parameters can be obtained by purchasing original, branded products. The price is aspect on the basis of which it is possible to determine the fake from the branded consumable material. The reinforcing component - fiberglass can be of different colors, orange, blue, red or green. No role in the color scheme does not play. Some manufacturers in addition to existing symbols are applied along the surface of the pipeline:

  • the red strip, the scope of use - pipelines with hot water or heat carrier;
  • blue band, products are used for cold water supply;
  • two colors - the versatility of the highway.

It seems that the standard marking on the product looks like this.

Conclusion. Laying pipes and installation features

Having ideas about what is best to take components for the heating system, it is worth a few words to say about the features of laying polypropylene highways and the specifics of the installation of pipelines.

With the help of calculations, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat length should buy pipes and in what quantity. Already in the process of laying the pipeline, the material cuts into fragments in accordance with the necessary dimensions. Consumables are carried out by special scissors.

Important! Polypropylene channels are easy enough, it can be concluded from here. Transportation and installation of finished products must be carried out by observing precautions. Any significant mechanical effort can lead to a violation of the integrity of the product.

Where is the high probability of mechanical damage to the pipeline, it is better to install metal fragments.

It is believed that polypropylene tubes are environmentally friendly and safe, so the place of laying the pipeline can be chosen in accordance with the technological necessity. However, before installing, it is better to have a better calculated data on the feed rate of the coolant, the power of the pressure and the heating temperature. Estimated data should not exceed the permissible operational parameters for the selected brand of goods. Otherwise, a technological inconsistency may occur, the result of which the emergency is becoming.

The installation of the pipeline is carried out taking into account the coefficient of thermal expansion, which for consumables with fiberglass slightly larger (by 5-6%) than that of products with an aluminum insert. Sliced \u200b\u200bfragments are connected to a single highway, using diffuse spike, using fittings, couplings, corners, tees and adapters for connections and branches. Reinforced pipes are soldered in the same way as conventional polypropylene products. The material is easy to combine with metal elements that have a threaded connection.

At the moment, the ratio of price and quality in pipeline products from polypropylene is the best among other consumables. Strength, reliability and durability make it easy enough, without special skills and effort, carry out the gasket of the pipeline of the heating system in the house.

Any heating system of water type involves the presence of contours through which the coolant circulation is carried out. These pipe highways associate a boiler with all, to the most remote, heat exchange devices - heating radiators. As a result, a general system can take a very complex branched species in the building or even an apartment of a large area, and the length of the pipes are laid is made up dozens or even hundreds of meters.

Not so long ago, there has been almost no alternative to steel pipes VGP. But, you agree, their acquisition, transportation and installation itself is very difficult, the most and not available for independent execution of the event. And, frankly, other disadvantages of such pipes - a lot. Another thing is inexpensive, light, easy to install, and just externally cute polypropylene tubes. True, not all their varieties are suitable for such purposes, due to the characteristics of the material of the manufacture. But the polypropylene tubes reinforced with fiberglass for heating will become an excellent option.

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In addition to them, polypropylene pipes are made and with aluminum reinforcement, therefore, in order to understand which one is better, it is worth a comparison. Only thus the opportunity to estimate and designate the characteristic features of different types of these products.

Why is reinforced polypropylene pipes need for heating?

The heating system will be reliable in operation, if it is formed to choose the "right" pipes that meet certain requirements. Such criteria include the stability of products to high temperature and bary loads. To the aggressive impact of the coolant circulating on them. It is especially important to take into account these requirements if the pipes and their connecting elements are planned to be installed in the system connected to the central heat supply.

In specialized stores, reinforced polypropylene pipes, having different wall thicknesses made from different materials, differing in resistance to elevated pressure and temperatures, ultraviolet exposure, which have a different linear extension coefficient. Therefore, if it is decided to mount a new outline or replace the pipes of the old on polypropylene, it is necessary to know the estimated criteria that materials applied to these purposes.

So, for the installation of the heating circuit, it is necessary to choose pipes that meet a variety of important requirements.

  • The temperature of the coolant in the central heating system is usually 75 ÷ 80 degrees, but sometimes it can achieve higher indicators close to 90 ÷ 95 ºС. Therefore, acquiring these products, it is worth choosing them with a margin of thermal stability, that is, in their characteristics a temperature of at least 95 degrees should be indicated.
  • Polypropylene is a wonderful material for pipes, but it has characteristic quality - a too significant linear extension coefficient when the temperature changes (according to the table data - 0.15 mm / m × ºС). Little? And what if you look at this case "through the prism" of absolute values?

Suppose the installation of the heating circuit was carried out at a temperature of +20 ºС. After starting the heating system, the temperature in the feed pipe is planned even only 75 ºС. So, we have a differential with an amplitude of + 55 degrees. With the above thermal expansion coefficient, each meter of our circuit will increase in length by 8.25 mm. Even on a relatively small straight line of 3 meters, it will already give 2.5 centimeters of elongation, not to mention the longer sections. But this is already very serious!

As a result, the pipes located openly, deform, bend, jump out of their clips fasteners. Naturally, the internal stresses in their walls are growing, the connecting nodes are overloaded, the tightness of the threaded connections on the fittings can be disturbed. The system clearly loses not only in the aesthetics of its kind, but also in general reliability.

And what happens to such pipes, if they are rigidly embedded in the walls or gender? It is even difficult to imagine how large internal stresses are experiencing their walls. It is clear that there is no durability of such a heating circuit - even speech does not go.

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But in the reinforced pipes, the linear expansion coefficient is practically less than less. With the same initial data, the three-meter area will be lengthened by only 4.95 mm, which is not already critical at all. Of course, it does not eliminate the need to compensate for the linear expansion on very long segments, but the compensators themselves (loop or bellows) are already significantly less, and they can be placed in inaccessible to the places.

  • In addition to high temperatures, the central heating system is not distinguished by the pressure stability, as especially when the test activities after the summer season began, in it, as a rule, uncontrolled horse racing occurs, up to powerful hydrowarders. Therefore, only products reinforced by aluminum or fiberglass are resistant to baryic overloads.
  • The term of operation of pipes for heating systems should be comparable to the durability of other devices and elements included in the overall contour. And in this position, precisely reinforced polypropylene tubes have an explicit advantage.
  • The good property of propylene is inertia to the aggressive medium of the coolant, since the material of the walls should not be subject to corrosion and destructuring from the effects of various chemicals, the presence of which, alas, cannot be excluded in the central heating system.
  • The perfectly smooth surfaces of the inner walls of the polypropylene pipes make it possible to freely circulate the heat carrier in the heating circuit.
  • Polypropylene has a property of drowning the sounds of circulation of the coolant inside the system, which distinguishes it from traditional steel. The reinforced fiberglass pipes have such advantage in a more pronounced degree.

Marking of polypropylene pipes

Without exception, polypropylene tubes should have alphanumeric marking on their surface, which indicates their main physico-technical and performance characteristics. When purchasing pipes, it is recommended to carefully study the label to not be mistaken with the choice of the optimal option.

For clarity, consider the label on the example:

BUT - As a rule, the marking inscription begins with a logo or company name of the material producer. In any case, those firms that really enjoy authority in this area of \u200b\u200bproduction are not shy to make their name for each one of their products. Well, if the manufacturer "Sorry", and in marking, nothing indicates - this should be a reason to think about whether it is worth buying such a product if he is cheap imitation.

B. - The next abbreviation indicates the structural structure of the pipe. Here are usually there are such designations:

- PPR is a polypropylene tube that does not have any internal reinforcement;

- PPR-FB-PPR - fiberglass reinforced pipe;

- PPR / PPR-GF / PPR or PPR-GF is a pipe reinforced by composite material, which includes fiberglass and polypropylene;

- PPR-AL-PPR is a pipe reinforced by aluminum foil.

- PP-RCT-Al-PPR - This complex abbreviation suggests that the pipe consists of several layers made of different materials. Thus, PP-RCT - the inner is a modified polypropylene with improved thermostatic properties, Al - the middle layer is an aluminum foil, and the PPR is the outer layer - polypropylene.

IN - The following designation, PN is the type of pipe, in many respects speaking of its operational characteristics and spheres of possible purpose, the figures indicate indicator of the nominal working pressure in the system (in bars or technical atmospheres):

- PN-10 - Such pipes withstand pressure in 10 bar, and can be used for cold water supply or, as an exception, for mounting a liner to heat-mounted circuits with maintaining the corresponding temperature mode, since it is designed for a temperature not exceeding + 45 degrees.

- PN-16 - products are designed for cold and hot water supply with a temperature of up to + 60 degrees and a working pressure up to 16 bar.

- PN-20 is the most popular option, since it can be called universal, as it is used, both for hot and cold water supply, as well as for the contours of heating systems. Pipes with such marking withstand the temperature of 95 degrees, and pressure up to 20 bar.

- PN-25 - Such pipes are the most durable, withstand pressure of 25 bar and a temperature of 95 degrees. They are used to install in risers of heating and hot water supply systems, including for contours connected to central heat supply.

The main standard dimensional pipe parameters for this classification are presented in the table below:

Ø Hp, mm PN -25PN -20.PN -16PN -10.
Ø VN, mm TC, MM. Ø VN, mm TC, MM. Ø VN, mm TC, MM. Ø VN, mm TC, MM.
16 - - 10.6 2.7 11.6 2.2 - -
20 13.2 3.4 13.2 3.4 14.4 2.8 16.2 1.9
25 16.6 4.2 16.6 4.2 18 3.5 20.4 2.3
32 21.2 3 21.2 5.4 23 4.4 26 3
40 26.6 3.7 26.6 6.7 28.8 5.5 32.6 3.7
50 33.2 4.6 33.2 8.4 36.2 6.9 40.8 4.6
63 42 5.8 42 10.5 45.6 8.4 51.4 5.8
75 50 6.9 50 12.5 54.2 10.3 61.2 6.9
90 - - 60 15 65 12.3 73.6 8.2
110 - - 73.2 18.4 79.6 15.1 90 10
Ø Nr. - outer pipe diameter
Ø VN - Diameter of the internal pipe channel (conditional passage)
TC - Pipe wall thickness

G. - The following indicator is the outer diameter of the pipe and the thickness of its walls in millimeters.

D.- class of operation (the parameter is installed for the domestic pipes) indicates the recommended area of \u200b\u200bapplication of this type of pipe:

Polypropylene Pipe Operation ClassFluid temperature (working / maximum), ºCPurpose Pipe
Kh up to 20.Cold Water Supply Systems +
1 60 / 80 Hot water supply system with maximum temperature 60 ºC
2 70 / 80 Hot water system with maximum temperature 70 ºC
3 40 / 60 Floor heating systems with low-temperature operation mode
4 60 / 70 Seat heating systems with high-temperature operation modes, classical heating systems Heating with maximum heat carrier temperatures up to 60 ºC
5 80 / 90 Heating systems with high temperatures, including - with central heating

J. - The latest alphanumeric designation indicates that regulatory document (GOST, ISO or then, according to the standards of which product data is made.

Having received information on the classification of the pipe, you can immediately estimate the possible duration of its operation in the planned conditions. This will help the following table:

The temperature of the coolant, ºСEstimated service lifeTypes of pipes
PN-25 PN-20 PN-16. PN-10
Maximum working pressure in the system (kgf / cm²)
20 10 33.9 21.7 21.7 13.5
25 33 26.4 21.1 13.2
50 32.3 25.9 20.7 12.9
30 10 9.3 23.5 18.8 11.7
25 28.3 22.7 18.1 11.3
50 27.7 22.1 17.7 11.1
40 10 25.3 20.3 16.2 10.1
25 24.3 19.5 15.6 9.7
50 23 18.4 14.7 9.2
50 10 21.7 23.5 17.3 13.9
25 20 16 12.8 8
50 18.3 14.7 11.7 7.3
60 10 18 14.4 11.5 7.2
25 15.3 12.3 9.8 6.1
50 13.7 10.9 8.7 5.5
70 10 13.3 10.7 8.5 5.3
25 11.9 9.1 7.3 4.5
30 11 8.8 7 4.4
50 10.7 8.5 6.8 4.3
80 5 10.8 8.7 6.9 4.3
10 9.8 7.9 6.3 3.9
25 9.2 7.5 5.9 3.7
95 1 8.5 7.6 6.7 3.9
5 6.1 5.4 4.4 2.8

Prices for fiberglass reinforced polypropylene pipes

reinforced polypropylene pipes

The structure of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement

As mentioned above, polypropylene pipes are reinforced to give them resistance to elevated temperatures and bary loads and with the aim of a sharp decrease in the indicator of the linear thermal expansion. In order to determine which option it is better to choose - pipe reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass, it is worth a comparison of their basic characteristics.

Fiberglass began to apply to hardening polypropylene pipes much later than aluminum foil. Products reinforced by this material are a three-layer design, and the enhancing layer is located between two layers of polypropylene.

"Aropois" can consist only of fiberglass, or from a composite material containing fiberglass and polypropylene. In any of these variants, the layers have an excellent grip, almost becoming a monolithic design.

Thanks to such a reliable spike, the bundle of the walls of a qualitatively manufactured pipe is even theoretically impossible.

Fiberglass perfectly restrains the thermal expansion, which does not give pipes in any way to deform and stretch when increasing the temperature

This type of reinforced polypropylene pipes is made in various dimensional parameters. Thus, products having a diameter less than 17 mm are used mainly for the installation of a "warm floor" system, the pipes Ø 20 mm are well suited for the domestic wiring of hot water supply, and from 20 to 32 mm (sometimes more) - to arrange the contours of heating systems .

The combination of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement is carried out by welding, sometimes with other mounting methods. Moreover, when welding work, this type of pipes does not require a rather time-consuming stripping operation, which greatly facilitates and speeds up work. The absence of metal elements in the design of these pipes eliminates the appearance of sediments of stiffness salts, and the compounds of all parts of the heating system become completely monolithic.

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass and aluminum reinforcement of PPR pipes

  • The first thing to be to say is that the thermal expansion coefficient in pipes with aluminum and fiberglass reinforcement is almost the same, and is from 0.03 to 0.035 mm / m × ºС. Thus, both types, from this point of view, are equivalent.
  • The fiberglass reinforcing layer closes the entire space between the outer and the inner layer of polypropylene. Therefore, these pipes are racks for breaks, reliable and durable, and the estimated life of their operation is about 50 years. In the pipes reinforced with aluminum, the strengthening layer has a welded seam (and sometimes, in low-cost products, even just the connecting edges of the foil are posted), which makes them more vulnerable to elevated temperatures and pressure.
  • Fiberglass reinforced pipes are a good anti-infusion layer that does not transmit oxygen to the coolant.

The diffusion process will definitely lead to the acceleration of corrosive processes of metallic equipment of the heating system - this is a boiler, pump, locking fittings and other elements.

Since the products reinforced with aluminum, the foil layer is sometimes not solid, the risk of penetration into the coolant increases. In addition, aluminum itself is very unstable to oxygen corrosion.

  • When installing pipes with a fiberglass layer, the density and strength of their connections does not require regular control and maintenance. If products are installed with aluminum, the reliability of the connection will depend on the quality of calibration and stripping them before assembly.

The fact is that pipes with an aluminum reinforcing belt are glued wall design. If in the process of soldering on the cut, a metal section in contact with the coolant remained, then it is from here that the wall bundle process can begin. And this, in turn, with a large share of probability will lead to the first to bloating, and then - and to the breakthrough of the body of the pipe.

And in pipes with fiberglass reinforcement, which are practically monolithic design, this "Achilles Fifth" is absent.

Yes, and much faster and easier to carry out the welding of pipes without stripping, especially since the special tool (shaver) is not required for these purposes.

  • Fiberglass reinforced pipes have good thermal insulation qualities that minimizes thermal losses. The pipes, fortified by aluminum foil, thermal conductivity is somewhat higher.
  • All materials used in the manufacture of polypropylene reinforced pipes for heating are non-toxic and do not distinguish harmful evaporation both in cold form and when heated. This applies equally to both types of pipes.
  • Not much different and resistance to chemical impacts, which allows both types to withstand the "aggression" of the poor-quality coolant.
  • The temperature range, within which these types of pipes are normally operated, is from - 10 to +95 degrees. But even with a short-term increase in temperature above said, the pipe can be slightly saved, but damage should not be damaged.

Based on the considered data characteristics, it can be concluded that the optimal option for mounting into the heating system for the coolant liner to radiators is PN-20 and PN-25 pipes with diameters from 20 ÷ 25 mm. But when installing pipe heating system with a smaller diameter, the inner seam formed during the soldering process can prevent the free current of the coolant.

For installation of risers, pipes with a diameter of at least 32 mm are usually selected, otherwise it can also be small for the full movement of the coolant. The collector sites of the system can also use larger diameters - the range of products presented on sale allows.

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Manufacturers of polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass

At the end of the publication - a small overview of high-quality polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement, domestic and imported production, which earned positive reviews of professionals.


"Metak" is a Russian company producing various products from polypropylene for heating and cold water supply systems, including pipes reinforced with fiberglass, under the Metak Fiber brand. This product is great for installation in highly loaded heating systems.

Pipes are made in white decoration, have a maximum operating temperature of 95 degrees, designed for working pressure at 25 bar with a destructive - 50 bar.

Fiberglass reinforced polypropylene three-layer pipes of Metak and connecting parts for them (fittings) are produced in accordance with GOST, they are used to install pipelines of cold and hot water supply, warm floors, layout of systems and technological pipelines, so they can have different diameters.

This table provides information on the sizes of the pipes produced by this company with fiberglass reinforcement. Common for all products is a length that is 4000 mm.

Outer diameter of the pipe, mmInner diameter, mmWall thickness, mm
20 13.2 3.4
25 16.6 4.2
32 21.2 5.4
40 26.6 6.7
50 33.2 8.4
63 42 10.5
75 50 12.5

These products are perfectly suitable for heating systems of country houses and apartments in high-rise buildings. All products "Metak" meets all domestic and European standards and requirements established for this product, as they are manufactured on high-tech equipment under the strict control of qualified specialists.

"FV Plast"

The Czech company FV Plast specializes in the development and manufacture of polypropylene pipes intended for pressure water pipes for supplying cold drinking water, hot water supply and heating systems. The company produces polypropylene tubes and fittings to them only gray, with reinforcing aluminum and fiberglass layers.

"FV Plast" One of the first to begin to produce products reinforced with fiberglass - this model range of products is called "Faser".

Prices for polypropylene pipes FV Plast

reinforced polypropylene pipes FV Plast

Characteristics of FV Plast Faser pipes reinforced with fiberglass:

  • The operating temperature of the coolant is up to 80 degrees.
  • A short temperature increases to 90 degrees.
  • System operating pressure - 20 bar.
  • Maximum allowable pressure - 36 bar.
  • The life of the products declared by the manufacturer is 25 ÷ 50 years.

In addition to the pipes themselves, the company represents on the market all the necessary components of items to them, which allows the material from one manufacturer to create contours of heating of any complexity with the guaranteed provision of its reliability.

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"Kalde" is the Turkish leading manufacturer of modern heating and water systems collected from pipes and components PPR. The material of this company is characterized by maximum protection against growths and pollution inside the pipes throughout the term of operation of reliable, light, durable, comfortable and economical systems "Kalde" inert to corrosion and chemical exposure. Produced in the widest range of diameters - from 20 to 110 mm.

Kalde Fiber is a three-layer tube with an outer white surface made of polypropylene and fiberglass reinforced. It is distinguished by excellent heat resistance, with the upper boundary of the temperature of the coolant, reaching up to 95 degrees. Even at such a temperature in a pressure system not exceeding 10 bar, the manufacturer decorates the service life of at least 50 years.

Prices for polypropylene pipes Kalde

reinforced Polypropylene Pipes Kalde

In addition to the above, the company also produces polypropylene tubes of different types:

  • PN10 and PN20 made from polypropylene, PPRC. - without inner reinforcement.
  • PN20 and PN25 reinforced by aluminum foil - pipes for heating and heat supply, air conditioning systems and similar industrial use.
  • Al-Super is a polypropylene, reinforced on an average layer of aluminum foil pipe that does not require torching and stripping.

The range of components "Kalde" is very diverse and is provided for different, even the most complex heating circuits.


"Banninger" is a German company producing products that differ in real European quality and indisputable reliability in operation. The company produces polypropylene pipes and a complete set of necessary components to them for mounting the contours of heating, hot and cold water supply. A distinctive feature is an unusual, emerald green color of polypropylene pipes "Banninger".

Products are distinguished by high plasticity, so calmly react to high and low temperatures. The parameters of polypropylene parts are selected, taking into account studies on fatigue qualities of the material, during operation for 50 years, at a constant temperature of 70 degrees and pressure up to 10 bar.

In the range of companies polypropylene pipes without reinforcing materials, as well as with aluminum and fiberglass layers. Under this article, the samples of the "Watertec series » and "climatec". Their use will provide the heating circuit guaranteed indicators and durability.

A few words in conclusion

At the conclusion of the topic, I would like to recommend, do not acquire pipes of unknown manufacturers, who do not even mention the name of their firm in the marking of products. A little saved, you can buy a product that will not serve and one heating season, by summing up at the most inopportune moment. In such a situation, you will have to lay out a much more serious amount for the replacement of the pipes of the heating system, repairing its own and, possibly, a neighbor apartment.

Another small remark. One of the most frequently asked questions is the following: "What information bears the color located in the wall of the reinforcing layer pipe". The answer to it is simple - no. The color of reinforcement is rather a "capricious" manufacturer, the desire to highlight its products on a general background.

By and large, any polypropylene tube reinforced with fiberglass is already designed for operation in high temperatures. So there will be a red, green, blue or gray reinforcing, green, blue or gray - no meaning. The main information is in the alphanumeric labeling of the pipe and in its technical documentation, with which, by the way, do not forget to get acquainted in the store when choosing a material.

And finally, for "consolidation" of the received information about polypropylene tubes - see the added video attached below:

Video: Recommendations on the correct choice of polypropylene pipes

You may be interested in information on how to choose

Evgeny Afanasyevchief Editor

Publication author14.10.2016

Fiberglass reinforced pipe products today successfully replace familiar metal structures and are used to transport hot heat carrier in plumbing and heating systems. Reinforcement gives pipes the necessary resistance to high pressure and temperature indicators.

Modern materials for the manufacture of pipes - polypropylene today are used everywhere for various pipeline systems.

They are available, easy to install, hygienic. But they have one substantial minus: under the constant impact of high temperatures and high pressure, especially if they act simultaneously, they quickly deform and wear out.

Such pipes are extremely subject to linear expansion, ie lengthening and saving during temperature drops, therefore it is not always appropriate to use them in heating systems.

In order to increase the life of pipes and their wear resistance and reduce the coefficient of temperature expansion apply the reinforcement method, i.e. Strengthening the walls with more heat-resistant materials that create a durable frame inside the pipe, and do not give it to lengthen.

Types of reinforcement of PPR pipes

To strengthen polypropylene pipes, the following materials are used by reinforcement:

  • fiberglass is located inside the pipe;
  • aluminum can strengthen the walls of the pipe from the inside or outside, and may be charged between polypropylene layers.

Both types of reinforced pipes are suitable for mounting the heating system in an individual residential building and for connecting to a centralized system. But the builders usually prefer reinforced pipes with fiberglass, because they are easier to mount.

Note! The strengthening with the help of a composite is even greater strength of reinforced pipes, i.e. mixing fiberglass and polypropylene. This creates a robust design at the molecular level.

The structure of the reinforced fiber tube

Fiberglass - material that began to apply for reinforcement later than aluminum foil.


general characteristics

Fiberglass reinforced pipes create serious competition to the analogues reinforced by aluminum foil. For such risers, a characteristic three-layer design: polypropylene - fiberglass - polypropylene. The reinforcing layer is also made from propylene, reinforced fiber fibers - fiberglass.
According to its technical parameters, the adhesion of plastic with fiberglass can be compared with the strength of monolith.

For reinforced fiberglass pipes, such marking is characteristic: PPR-FB-PPR.

If we compare risers with aluminum and fiberglass frame, then the first option has one significant advantage: products have greater rigidity. This means that when mounting systems, 1.5 meters long and more, such risers must be attached to the walls with special fasteners. Otherwise, it is possible to sag, deformation, failure of the structure.

Regarding diameters, it should be noted that the products can be produced with a diameter of 20 mm to 110 mm. It is such risers more often than others can be found on sale. Although, for example, elements with a diameter of 17 mm and less are used to arrange warm floors and less.

Products of small diameters are fixed with the help of plastic clips, and large - clamps.

Polypropylene products

Reinforced fiberglass depend on the polymer used for their manufacture. Marking is applied on all products, which makes it possible to immediately decide on the use of tubular parts.

Find out. So, PPR is English, and the PPR - the Russian name denotes that this is a polypropylene pipe from rand-copolymer.

Such polypropylene tubes reinforced with fiberglass are used for heating, plumbing, ventilation systems, industrial pipelines.

During the arrangement of engineering networks, the PPR tubes reinforced with fiberglass are increasingly used. There is nothing strange in this, because they are reliable, light enough, and with their installation significantly less problems.

Another important factor is the cost. For example, the price of the PPR pipes reinforced fiberglass for heating is lower than metal analogs, which contributes to the economy of the family budget. These, as well as other characteristics that have a polypropylene reinforced fiber-reinforced tube, contributed to its popularization, use in different fields of national economy.

With this article read: The main characteristics and scope of application and what affects its choice. Classification of pressure and composition of raw materials. Polar questions and answers to them.

10 Plus

High-quality material with the use of modern production technologies, in the complex, provide the popularity of communications under consideration.

What are the main positive characteristics of fiberglass reinforced pipes?

It is possible to attribute to the advantages:

  1. Resistance to corrosion.
    To be more accurate, this material does not rust at all. Due to this, the systems from polypropylene pipes reinforced fiberglass, which are used for heating, water supply, ventilation do not require replacement over the years.
  2. Long service life.
    In compliance with the operating norms and rules, the products from polymers serve about 4 times longer, in comparison with metal counterparts.
  3. Low thermal conductivity.
    Such a property completely eliminates the appearance of condensate on pipelines when they are functioning.
  4. Small noises and vibrations.
    Due to the design, polypropylene pipes almost do not miss the sound, which occurs as a result of the movement of liquid media. Therefore, the emergence of uncomfortable conditions in the premises is completely excluded.
  5. Complete lack of defrost.
    This means that even at minus temperatures there is only a small expansion of polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass, which cannot be said about steel, copper, metal plastic products. The three recent variations of water risers can simply be broken under the influence of frost.
  6. Ease of installation.
    No need to possess special knowledge and skills to lay a highway. Just just one time with your own hands try to pave the system, and then everything will go "like oil". Engineering communications of the most complex configurations are performed very easily. This contributes to the presence of a large number of fittings.
  7. Absolute tightness joints.
    And therefore, in the future, the ideal functioning of the pipeline highway.
  8. Lack of minimal deposits, Head loss, which is ensured by the smoothness of the inner surface.
  9. Chemical inertness, which is expressed in increased resistance to the effects of aggressive media.
  10. Ease, ease of service.
    Products do not need painting, and the reliability of the connections allows no repair to operate highways for more than a dozen years.

Some of the best reinforced fiberglass pipes today are the German Pipeline Systems AquaTherm GmbH. You can buy a representative of the plant of the agpipe group of companies ( - a detailed description of the products, characteristics, a sorting and much more.

4 minus

As evidenced by reviews, polypropylene tubes reinforced fiberglass for heating or water supply pipes have some disadvantages.

  1. Mandatory premonst treatment.
    This means that there are PPR tubes that need to be traced before welding. Such a procedure can be performed by a simple file or a special device. This, in some way, complicates installation work.
  2. Sensitivity to mechanical influences.
    Although PPR pipes are not fragile, nevertheless they do not differ in high strength, such as metallic parts. Given this, when passing a highway under roads, the risers are protected by special boxes.
  3. Products are not recommended to bend, but only to poison with the help of fittings or welding.

What are the types of pipes from polymers

At this time, 2 types of polymer products are known:

  • single-layer;
  • multilayer.

What characteristics are the products of each type?


There are 4 modifications of polypropylene risers of solid design used for heating or water supply.

1 Type: PPN pipes.
Homopolipropylene is used for their production. Used in engineering pipeline structures for the supply of cold water, ventilation arrangement, industrial highways.

2nd Type: PPW pipes.
The basis for production is a polypropylene block copolymer. Products are designed to mount outdoor heating, cold water supply networks.

3rd Type: PPR pipes.
The material for the production of parts serves as a polypropylene copolymer by random. The main property of the substance: promoting the uniform distribution of loads on the inner walls of pipelines.

Hot, cold water supply, floor heating systems, water radiator heating - Here is a list of application of risers of this type.

4th Type: PPS pipes.
The main characteristic of products: Polypropylene with increased heat resistance is used for production.

Details of such a highway are able to withstand the temperature of transported media to + 95⁰s. If necessary, for a short period of time, it is possible to transport the medium with a temperature to + 110 ° C.

The first three analogues are designed for functioning at temperatures of about + 70 ° C. In short-term mode, operation is allowed and with some higher temperature indicators.

Products of the 3rd type are covered with a special shell, which is able to completely eliminate the negative effect of ultraviolet.

Important! You should not often use the operation of the system in the maximum permissible parameters mode.

On multilayer analogs

Polypropylene (PP) pipes consisting of several layers are reinforced with fiberglass, water supply. In comparison with solid structures, the PP products practically do not change linear dimensions at high temperatures of transported media. Thanks to this property, the scope of the application of solo-grained communications is significantly expanding.

The following modifications of multilayer risers can be distinguished.

1. Products for reinforcement of which are used perforated aluminum foil.

They are characterized by the presence, on the outer or middle layer, the holes of small diameters in the form of a mesh. The docking strength with the polymer is carried out due to viscosity, as well as the fluidity of the substance that penetrates into the holes of the aluminum layer.

Pluses of products

  • Low linear extension coefficient;
  • increased strength.


  • In the process of welding, it is quite reliable to dock with fittings only the upper layer of riser;
  • aluminum reinforcement before welding, be sure to remove, since the failure to comply with this operation can cause a poor quality connection.

2. PP pipes with reinforcement in the form of solid foil from aluminum.

The foil can be both on the external and on the middle layer of the pipe part, but it is necessary that polymer layers are placed on both sides of the metal.

Before proceeding with welding, you need to carry out the risers. Thanks to the procedure, the possibility of contacting aluminum with a moving medium is eliminated.


  • Low temperature expansion coefficient;
  • increased strength properties.

The disadvantages include:

  • not all layers are welded reliably. In places of welding, only the outer layer is absolutely reliable;
  • the obligation to remove unnecessary aluminum residues, which takes a lot of time.

Important! To remove the aluminum layer before welding, you need to use a special tool. His destination: Conduct accurate measurement of the depth to which the pipes should be lowered into fittings, with the aim of stripping the inner surface at the same distance.

Failure to comply with this condition can lead to an unreliable compound, which is fraught with the appearance of electrochemical processes when contacting foil with water.

Separate enterprises have mastered the issue of communications of this type, the design of which does not foresee pre-stripping before welding.

3. PP products with reinforcement in the form of polyethylene.

That is, the outer layer of the pipe has the form of a thick polyethylene layer.


  • A small coefficient of temperature expansion;
  • cleaning before docking with welding;
  • functioning at high temperature indicators.


  • When docking, a reliable compound of fitting is possible only with an outer layer;
  • the complete contact of the moved medium and polyethylene is not excluded;
  • the strength characteristics want to be the best, since the layers of each other.

4. PP tube with fiberglass reinforcement.

Feature design: The presence of a medium polypropylene layer with fiberglass filler. Often, fillers make color to be better to distinguish them.

The advantages of this type of communications are more than that of previous analogues combined.

Firstly: Designs with fiberglass reinforced tubes for heating or water supply, have high strength and monolithium.

Secondly: For enhanced fiberglass risers, a relatively low thermal expansion coefficient is characteristic, which is about 25% less than that of unarmed analogs.

Thirdly: Before hot docking, you do not need to clean the ends of the connected elements.

Fourth: Mainstroke with fiberglass has increased rigidity.

For fiberglass elements, one disadvantage is characterized, and it is still completely proven: penetration through the material of oxygen.

In case of full confirmation of this fact, an accelerated process of corrosion of the metal is possible from which boilers are made.

Theoretically, such minus is possible, and practically - research is still being conducted.

How the elements are connected to each other

PPR reinforced pipes with fiberglass can be combined into a single design with diffusion welding or fittings (adapters, couplings, tees and other details).

In each of the methods, the so-called welding machine. The risers docked in this way create a monolithic indiscriminate structure.

The presence of special adapters in the form of threaded, flange compounds is possible to bore the PPR pipe polypropylene reinforced fiberglass with a metallic highway corresponding to the reinforcement.

What is Polypropylene Fiber Fiber Fiber Pipe

These products are 3-EX-layer polypropylene tubes reinforced fiberglass fiber.

They differ:

  • increased resistance to corrosion processes and chemical impacts;
  • abrasive resistance;
  • hygienicity. Thanks to this property, products have found their use when mounting water pipes with drinking water;
  • environmental safety;
  • long service life;
  • simplicity of installation.

In addition, products for their use are universal.

This is manifested in the fact that they are used:

  • when installing warm floors, water heating;
  • for hot, cold water;
  • in the process of arranging drainage, sewer systems.

Thanks to the design features of the risers, the product practically does not change linear dimensions, which is very important when installing heating, ventilation communications.

How to choose correctly

Such a question is asked anyone who deals with the arrangement of pipe structures during repairs or when building a new home. The main thing is that the planned highway is high-quality and cheap.

To optimally solve the issue, you need to have knowledge about the technical characteristics of the system, which is planned to be built.

Specialists advise adhere to certain recommendations regarding other characteristics, the main of which are:

  • diameter;
  • pressure;
  • manufacturers.

1. Required diameters.

Today's market is saturated with products, diameters of 20-110 mm.

In everyday morning, the elements of up to 40 mm in diameter are used. Treads of such thickness are used in the arrangement of heating, ventilation systems, hot and cold water supply.

In some cases, you need as accurate calculations when mounting certain communications. In such situations, it is necessary to use the services of specialists who will make the necessary calculations using the formulas. Given the maximum water consumption, the speed of its movement, the professionals will surely say that the riser of which diameter needs to be applied in one way or another.

2. What pressure is the details for

A person who is not familiar with the specifics of such work, the task of choosing a riser, which is able to withstand a certain pressure seems to be quite complicated. But this is at first glance. In fact, the problem is simply solved.

To do this, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto know what pressure is calculated by the heating or plumbing system and ... be able to read. This means that since all PPR pipes reinforced with fiberglass have labeling, it contains all product information. Here it is written, for what maximum pressure is the product calculated.

Mostly, communications with the inscription PN20 are used in everyday life, which means that the item can be operated in highways with a pressure of up to 20 atm. This number is exaggerated, since such pressure in domestic highways is not observed. For example, in the systems of heating of one-storey buildings, the nominal pressure of 2.5 - 4 atmosphere. But the margin of safety does not hurt.

Relative to the diameter, it is necessary to choose the appropriate fittings.

Important! The optimal variant of the selection of pipes, fittings is the presence of parts not only one diameter, but also one manufacturer. When installing the design, minimal problems are excluded from such elements.

3. Manufacturers

The correctness of the choice of PPR of the risers includes also the choice of the manufacturer. One particular company whose products would satisfy all customers - does not exist.

The question is to avoid unnecessary problems. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to this (or the one), the reputation of which in the market of similar goods is impeccable.

A certain advantage in this regard is the company from Europe. High quality, reliability in exploitation, affordable price, which means popular products of companies from Germany and the Czech Republic are popular.

In recent years, the quality of goods from Turkey, China, has increased significantly.

Domestic producers are a bit behind them, the products of which today differ not only by relatively low prices, but also with appropriate quality. The choice is yours. The main thing is not to buy fakes. Therefore, buy goods in corporate stores, while demanding a quality certificate.

In addition to these, there are other reasons affecting the choice of goods. There is, however, one thing: we did not immediately remember the deadlines for the operation of products from white polypropylene. It has its own reason. Adhering to the requirements of proper operation, the elements of the pipeline design are fully capable of withstanding the period of time that is needed to start the next major repairs of the building.

Such today's materials.


It can be concluded that given the positive characteristics of PPR pipes reinforced with fiberglass, their budget price, the scope of use - heating, ventilation, water pipes, products are not in vain apply for the role of leader in its class.

Future - for polymer communications, since they will be a decent substitute for traditional metal pipelines.


Polypropylene pipes reinforced with fibrovolock appeared later than analogues with aluminum foil. But rapidly began to gain popularity in the sphere of plumbing during the installation of water supply and heating systems.

Technical standards for this type of equipment are largely superior to PP tubes unarmed and successfully compete with reinforced aluminum.

Reinforced fiberglass polypropylene pipes are marked with PPR-FB-PPR or PPR / PPR-GF / PPRwhere FB labeling (fiber) and GF - Glass Fiber means the presence of fiberglass, and the PPR is a versatile polypropylene brand that has been successfully used in hot water heating and systems.

Accordingly, the labeling, pipes are three-layer products: polypropylene - Fiberglass - Polypropylene.

But due to the fact that they are produced according to coextrusion technology (the compound of jets of different materials into a single holistic structure almost at the molecular level), layers are not glued, for example, during the reinforcement of aluminum.

That is, with their multi-layered the equipment is homogeneous and does not have the ability to bundle.

Plastic glues the glass fibers, or fiber in the center, and subsequently they do not allow deformation of a sufficiently soft polypropylene.

Due to this design, reinforced fibrovolok PP pipes are harder easy. This complicates the installation procedure to some extent, but reduces the risk of sagging and allows the samples of smaller diameter for heating and plumbing systems.

Another nuance - the stiffness of the inner layer contributes significant reduction in linear expansion characteristics In polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass. This is one of the reasons for the use of fiberglass reinforced PP pipes in heating systems.

Thickness and the amount of reinforcing composition is calculated in accordance with GOST standards. Fiberglass elements do not penetrate into an outer layer, where they would interfere with welding compounds or internal, which would lead to sanitation standards. Lack of metal eliminates the appearance of stiffery salts - So, all compounds become literally monolithic.

In the manufacture of fiber fiber is painted in different colors, but they are not an indicator of any operational or technical characteristics. According to the sizes, they correspond to the rest of the reinforced PP pipes.What allows you to use standard fittings and replace individual sections of pipelines from the material of the old sample.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of the design deficiencies of the reinforced fiber tubes from propylene, it is possible to note only that compared to models, enhanced aluminum, the coefficient of expansion is slightly higher - by 5-6%.

But compared to unarmed it is below three, by 75%, What allows you to increase the distance between the mounts and reduces the installation cost. As well as:

  • They are much thinner than those who are unnecessary PP pipes, which is very relevant when conducting them in the walls, while the conductivity of the coolant is higher by 20%.
  • The fiberglass layer will not give the pipeline to break through, which provides wear resistance and an increase in durability - up to 50 years.
  • Strength and density of connections do not require regular maintenance.
  • Thanks to good insulation properties there is no condensation, And the loss of heat is minimal.
  • A small thermal expansion maximally reduces the risk of damage.
  • In addition, during installation they do not require calibration and strippingWhat is necessary for pipes reinforced by aluminum foil.
  • The thermal conductivity corresponds to the indicators of ordinary PP pipes and lower than that of enhanced aluminum.
  • Cases of solidification of Al polypropylene products are known, which is excluded in fiberglass coextrusion.
  • All materials are non-toxic and completely harmless.
  • Have a small weight, differ simplicity of installation. It is connected in any way - the soldering fuse or butt, threaded or flange connection.
  • Chemical stability allows you to withstand even poor-quality coolant.
  • High passability due to the smooth inner surface, respectively, and the lack of deposits.
  • Pipe elastic, abrasive-resistant and low noiseDifferent with durability to increase pressure.
  • Hold the temperature values \u200b\u200bin the range -10 - +95 Celsius.
  • When achieving and even exceeding critical marks FB pipe can expand and cross, but not burst.

True, some causes concern the possibility of fiber fiber particles into the water. To avoid such a likelihood, pipes can be treated with a carrier - this will exclude the contact of the reinforcing layer with water.

Criterias of choice

Looking at the labeling of the pipe, you can immediately understand, for what purposes it is intended because pN abbreviation means "nominal pressure", and the numbers - its working indicator.

PN-10 with a wall of 1.9 - 10 mm - are designed for a temperature of up to 45 degrees, that is, applicable only in systems. Thin-walled, withstand pressure up to 1 MPa or 10 atm. Can be used for arrangement, but taking into account the temperature regime. The diameter inside and outside - 16.2 - 90 mm, 20 - 110 mm.

PN-20 with a wall of 16 - 18.4 mm is most in demand, as practically universal. Suitable for X / g of water supply, heating, equipment of warm floors. It is maintained to 95 Celsius and pressure of 20 atmospheres. Have excellent bandwidth, used in private and comfortable houses, public institutions, enterprises. The diameter inside and outside - 10.6 - 73.2 mm, 16 - 110 mm.

PN-25 with wall in 4 - 13.3 mm - designed for the arrangement of risers, heating and water supply systems, warm floors, for industrial purposes. Pressure when working - 25 atmospheres, temperature - 95 degrees. Not susceptible to thermal deformation. The diameter inside and outside - 13.2 - 50 mm, 21.2 - 77.9 mm.

When choosing polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass, for mounting the heating system it is necessary to repel from your own requirements and product specifications:

  • Maximum temperature testimony;
  • Nominal pressure;
  • Diameter.

Accordingly, the most suitable polypropylene tubes with fiberglass for heating are PN-20 and PN-25 C D 16 - 40 mm, for warm floors - all three types. To perform a liner to radiators optimal models with a diameter of 20 to 24 mm. When installing the pipes of a smaller size of the inner seam, which is formed during the soldering, can become an obstacle to free flow of water.

For risers, it is necessary to choose samples with a size of at least 32 mm, otherwise the inner diameter will be small for full circulation. Pipes with D 40, due to massiveness, are more often used for hidden installation.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that the pipeline is propylene with the GF layer - almost the perfect option not only for sewer or plumbing, but also for the heating system.

In addition fiberglass is an anti-infusional barriernot allowing oxygen penetration. Diffusion is fraught with acceleration of corrosive processes of all metal equipment - pumps, boilers, etc.

This is especially rapidly happening in water waters with high temperature - hot water supply, heating.

Unnamed PP pipes such a property can not boast. In many criteria, they are significantly inferior to reinforced fiber film, especially relative to heating systems - polypropylene pipes without reinforcement are thicker, weaker, prone to deformation.