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Why hand lobsik takes to the side. How to cut the electrolovka. The electrobrier, in fact, is a saw with an electrical drive. About additional devices

Lobzik is a very common tool among lovers and professional joiners, so it is important not only to choose it correctly, but also to know the rules of use. To answer the question of how exactly sawing the jigsion, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances associated with the specifics of the electrol-box and the stages of cutting.

Choosing a suitable tool

Choose right tool Several recommendations from experienced specialists will help to work.

For drinking at home there is a sufficiently household or semi-professional D-shaped jigsaw, which is controlled by one hand. The more power, the hardest electrolovik, and smoothly saw it will be more difficult.

A stepped speed controller, an electronic stabilizer and pendulum movement will greatly facilitate the cutting process. The presence of a plastic lining on the sole will allow to securely secure the car on the cutting canvas. Useful functions are built-in blowing and backlight.

It is worth paying attention to the mounting of the canvas. On some models, a restriction is established that does not allow you to use any pink.

Each Lobzik model varies in shape, so before purchasing it is worth holding a tool in hand, and if possible, and test it directly in the store.

Selection of cutting canvas

Lobsikov canvas differ in length and frequency of teeth. It is worth a preference to the proven trademarks, in this case there is a quality guarantee for metal, and sleep will be smooth. Pilking are classified by teeth configuration:

  • on standard models, the teeth of the same size are located at an equal distance and in one direction;
  • the so-called missed peel is distinguished by the lack of teeth, due to which the speed of cutting increases, the slot is less heated and stacked, and the chips from the surface are assigned to the side;
  • in the case of dual teeth, the speed cut down below, but the cut quality is better. It is removed with cutting chips;
  • reversed canvases are directed to the top. With the help of such a tool, you can cut the pubesome of LDSP and other wood without chips, since the upper teeth cut the material during the reverse movement.

The specific thickness of the web depends on the material with which it is to work, but the basic for the manual model are No. 3, No. 5, No. 7.

Marking line of propyl

In order to cut off the firing material, it is necessary to properly outline the cutting line and securely fix the workpiece on the surface. If working with a long canvas is to be used, it is worth using a flat rack as a guide and two clamps for fastening it and working material. It is necessary to act in a certain sequence.

First you need to make marking on the chipboard using the ruler. For this, the required distance from both sides is measured, the marks are connected, forming a cut line. To make a figure line, it is advisable to draw it on paper, and then transfer to a tree with a copy of the copy, the surface is pre-soda.

To cut the circle with a jigsaw, the markup is applied by a construction pencil or a black marker to the surface according to a predetermined stencil of thick paper or cardboard. In this case, the cutting material begins with drilling holes in the center. The blade should move from the center to the markup line, and then around the perimeter of the circle.

Important! Lobzik is inherently provided for curvilinear saws, cut them exactly in a straight line quite difficult. We must constantly monitor the line and direct the tool a little to the side.

In order to avoid chips on the finished surface, the Pillet in the process of work is not at the mark, but about it. Laser guide on the jigsaw will help exactly sawing.

Fasteners material

So that the cut line was flat working surface Must be as stable, rigid and durable. When working at home it can be normal table With reliable legs and level table top.

The board is fixed on the surface with clamps fixed on both sides with moderate power. The leaf processed must be positioned in such a way that when working the tool does not rest in the surface. In order to divert the edge in the process of cutting to the Pillet, it is possible to spend a protruding edge hanging from the surface using the attached cargo.

Spila performing technology

Start saw after fixing the workpiece and applying markup. To do this, turn on the electrolovka, set the maximum speed level and adjust the pendulum move, putting 1.

It is necessary to bring the pink to the markup line, press the side of the platform to the guide and proceed to work. Moving the jigsaw forward, you must follow the location of the platform. It is impossible to remove from the guide. When several centimeters remain until the end of the web, it is necessary to gently hold the free edge, avoiding faults. On this process can be considered completed. To sleep does not get a curve, you should remember a number of nuances:

  • in the process of operation, it is impossible to strongly press the electric jigsaw, otherwise the pill breaks;
  • cutting the steel sheet, it is necessary to choose a tool with a maximum power and operate at high speed - with heating steel softens and becomes more supplied;
  • processing plastic, laminate, organic glass or stainless steel, it is necessary to provide additional cooling of the filling and periodically take breaks so that the tool can cool;
  • so that the plastic is not melted during the processing process, it is necessary to set the minimum speed with a frequency of 1000 revolutions / minute;
  • figured cut will be smooth when choosing a narrow peel with small teeth;
  • having finished work electrical appliance It is worth cleaning from sawdust and remove to a special case.

Professional builders advise adhere to some rules to help avoid mistakes, to correct which will not be easy.

Choosing a pylon, it is necessary to repel from the material to work with: plastic, thin or thick metal, plywood, whole tree. It should be prepared in advance all additional items that may be needed in the process of cutting, markings and fasteners. Special attention should be paid to fixing the material to the surface.

Note! In order to avoid marriage, the canvas should be located face down.

It is best to try to try the technique of sawing in advance, stretch yourself to cut the jigsaw on unnecessary blanks, because the crooked line will be difficult to fix it. It is impossible to neglect the safety technique, you should use protective glasses, saw in gloves.

Lobzik errors

If the technological subtleties are taken into account, and the heap line is obtained by a curve and with a plurality of chips, the reasons may be several.

The master has little experience with the jigsaw. It is necessary to practice more and result will be cut as it should.

The material is not securely fastened and is shifted to the place, or is fixed inconvenient to a person producing work.

If the process performs a worker without experience, you need to use guides, and in the manufacture complex shapes - Special leaf. In the absence of such a possibility, the quality of the cut can be enhanced by reducing the speed.

The main reason why it turns out the curve slice is a malfunction of the tool or canvas. In this case, the likelihood of chips, the care of the peel towards and blunting is high. The incorrectly selected web for a specific material will lead to the fact that it will be repeatedly breaking during the work and the result will be poor quality. It is worth thoroughly inspect the jigsaw and eliminate the breakdown.

Too strong focus on the jigsik leads to extra pressure, which also negatively affects the final spell.

To cut the material by the junction, it is not necessary to have many years of carpentry experience, it is important to listen to the advice of professionals and comply with the technology of working with the tool.

In most cases, the process of direct and curly cutting materials requires the maximum accuracy of the instrument. This statement is most fair for electric jigsaw. Thin saw blades used in this device can easily change the cutting angle, which can adversely affect the accuracy of the line. The clarity of the edges of the product and the flatness of the cut line depends on the operator skills, the serviceability of the device and the peel. Next, we will tell you how to get a planned contour with perfectly clear edges and what to do if the jigsik takes to the side.

Why logsik saw crooked

Care of saw blades with a pre-planned line can be due to several reasons. The operator may not reach the experience in handling the tool, the pedel can be defective, and the rod and guide roller for the jigsaw can seriously peel. In order not to guess on the coffee grounds, it is worth starting the factors that determine the accuracy and evenness of the line cut in your individual case.

As headed, it is better to start with yourself and its approach to the sawing. Often, the beginners of the crafts are hurrying events and wanting to accelerate the cut, make a large pressure on the jik. The tool does not have time to evenly venture into the material and create a clear groove for the filling, which begins to go along the path of least resistance and performs unpredictable movements. This problem is especially common when working with a thick bar (from 40 mm) and lacquered plywood Soviet times.

This is one of the reasons why Lobzik takes to the side. What to do with this? The answer is obvious. Apply minimum pressure sufficient to direct the line tool and set the maximum number of revolutions (when working with wood). The mode of the pendulum usually does not affect the smoothness of the cut, if its design is properly.

The quality of the assembly and wear of the tool details may become a weighty cause of the formation of bevelled lines when sawing. Devices from the budget segment (up to 2500 rubles), complaints are mainly not arising, as well as hopes for their conscientious assembly. Another thing is when such forties begin to execute the original, branded tools. Often, the cause of the crooked crooked is a guide roller, a rod for an electric lobby or its sole.

Check the reliability of the fixation of the element, you can use it elementary hand. Loosening the rod or roller by more than 1 mm, determines that this device It is not possible to produce perfectly smooth cut. The greater the back of the details, the less accurate line to cut them. Correct this problem, follows from the circumstances. If the part itself is worn, it can be replaced with a similar one. It is difficult to fix the breakdown if the mounting node is worn to the mechanism. Not every modern Kulibin is taken for such a repair, and usually this problem Solved buying a new tool.

Products of many proven brands, to great regret, are often formed, and the plates for the electric bissing in this regard are very popular. It so happened that poor-quality and counterfeit products is pretty short term Services that brings the owner a lot of problems. One of these problems is the curve cut. Initially, the smooth canvas can be bent due to the poor-quality metal, from which the divorce of the teeth can be deformed if he attended at all. In this regard, if your jigsik saw crookedly, to replace the situation will be able to replace the saw blade. The process of choosing a high-quality header for the electrolybiz was disclosed in detail in a separate topic.

To get absolutely smooth cut, it is not necessary to be a master or have professional instrument with original consumables. For such purposes, there is a very simple and useful device that we will be taught next.

Lobzik guide tire

Not every wizard with straight hands can produce perfectly smoothly cut the electric bike without using auxiliary devices. To get a flat line "on the eye", only the most famous experts, masterfully owning the instrument, and that, subject to its condition and availability of suitable saws. Of course, not everyone has time and the desire to become a dock on the straight cut of the jigsaw, but to acquire a circular or submersible saw for such a task quite expensive. If you have only a logs with saws at your disposal, then you will get the desired flat line, the special guide tire will help you.

The logs guide is an elementary, at first glance, a device similar to a large metal line or rule. The main difference between the tires from the above fixtures is a special groove, along which, like on rails, a sole is moving with an electroll bison installed on it. Most guides have rubberized bands that prevent gliding over the surface of the material, and as an additional fixation, are attached to small clamps. The average length of such devices is from 1.5 to 3 meters, and can be increased by another, similar line, with an adapter.

Many modern manufacturers electric Lobzikov, produce special guide tires focused on their products. Such devices have a rather low versatility limiting to work with the tools of only this brand. Fortunately for owners of non-neguclear devices, there is an advanced, universal guide Line Master, with an adjustable sole and a variety of useful functions. The average cost of a similar line with the adapter will be about 3000 rubles. The price is above some logs models, but high-quality, universal guide is completely worth it. Detailed analysis The devices are clearly represented in the video below.

Lobzik guide do it yourself

If the electrolybiz is crookedly sawing, and it is not advisable to buy an expensive guide, you can completely dispense with remedies. Any smooth face, a thickness of 5 mm, a straight rack, a rule, a piece of plywood and other straight surfaces of suitable sizes can be improvised. Fixators of the guide to the material can be a pair of conventional clamps. If the condition of the surface of the opposite part of the sawn material does not have a large value, the guide can be screwed into a pair of screws.

Before installing homemade stop, It should be placed in advance to the line of the required cutting and retreating a certain distance from it, equal to what is available between the saw and the edge of the tool soles. During sawing, a tool should be kept strictly on the edge of the guide so that it is parallel to the jigsaw sole. The working vibration can distort the movement of the peel in the material, so the device must be kept tight and pressed to the stop that must be firmly fixed.

To make the line as accurate and smooth as possible, use the optimal pink suitable for the material being processed. More visual production and use of homemade guides are demonstrated in the following videos.

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How exactly sawing with an electroll bison? This tool is a saw equipped with an electric drive. It can cut the various materials:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • tile.

Working with an electroball is simple, if you follow the rules: the table should be stable, the material is firmly fixed, the correct saw is selected.

The tool can cut the parts, perform the cutting blanks on a flat or circular line. How to cut the electrolybik?

Principle of operation

Materials and tools:

  • wood;
  • electrolovik;
  • protective glasses;
  • protective gloves;
  • machine oil.

First of all, it is necessary to firmly fix the sawn material.

If the jigscription is crooked, you need to check the stability of the desktop and the strength of the billet. With the help of the jigsaw, it is unwanted to cut the tree along the fibers, as it will be quite difficult to perform a smooth slice.

If you still need to do this work, then you need to apply parallel emphasis. It is attached to the junction with one side, and the second side must rest on the edge of the wood. This will provide a smooth cut.

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Proper process

If when working there is a need inside the wood cut the circle, then you need to drill a small hole in the center of the future circle. Then they put a jigsaw and move towards the circle designated on the material.

In the event that it is necessary to cut the hole in the form of a rectangle, you need to move the saw along the side of the rectangle, then smoothly ribbing the angle, cut down the next direction. When required hole will be ready, you need to make corners.

When performing work, it is not necessary to put very much to the instrument, as it can cause the device overheating and its failure. You do not need to use the pylon for too long, as it is blown up and starts to gear over the edges of the wood.

When sawing, durable materials need to lubricate the pylon with machine oil. Thanks to this, the cut will be easier to perform.

If the work is performed at low speed, then you need to take breaks, since the device is strongly overheated.

When working, you need to comply with security techniques, perform cut in protective glasses and gloves.

After the completion of the operation, the electrolybiz should be cleaned and lubricated with machine oil.

The device may have an ordinary and pendulum move. In the first case, the jigsik moves vertically. At the same time, it cuts the wood when moving up. The device that uses a pendulum move, when moving up, adds additionally jigsaw forward. With this method, the speed of operation increases, and the tool is less wears.

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Sawing technique

In the process construction work Sometimes there is a need to sprinkle the material exactly, with particular accuracy.

Materials and tools:

  • wood;
  • electrolovik;
  • guides;
  • clamps;
  • pencil;
  • roulette.

For smooth sawinghaving greater accuracy, you need to use a tool with a high frequency of web movements.

The pink must be wide, designed to work with wood.

Work will be performed using a guide. To do this, you can use a flat board or rack.

It is necessary to prepare 2 clamps. They should fit the blank and guide.

The workpiece must be put on the exaltation so that the jigscription does not rest in the pickle.

Then you need to measure the necessary width of the area to be measured with a roulette, which must be sprinkled. Make marks. Then connect them according to the ruler, getting a cut line.

Then stacked the guide at the required distance from the cut line and secure it with clamps. After that, the jigscription put the saw to the cut line. Then pressing the guide to it and secure its clamp. It is necessary to fix it so that it does not move, but not too much.

Then the same actions are performed on the other side. Here it is necessary to clamp firmly, but so that the wood is not turned out on the wood.

After that, go to the first clamp. Check its installation and clamp.

Made the necessary events for even cutting.

Now include the electrolovka. Set the maximum speed. The regulator of the pendulum stroke is put on the digit 1. Install the tool to the saw to the cutting line. Press the side of his platform to the guide and begin to cut.

When working, you do not need to put pressure on the device too much. Slightly promote the tool forward, while controlling its platform. It should be pressed to the guide so that it does not move. When several centimeters remain until the end of the cut, you need to hold the scaled part so that it does not break down.

On this work ends. The cut line turned out perfectly smooth.

Drank, cut, thin. Thread - all this is an integral process of creating an interior and decoration.

The method is used both with external and internal processing.

It has long been a craft helped in the construction of our ancestors, and the results of the work decorated at home, the farm, estates of the household items.

Nowadays, the art of "saw" is still relevant, and, as it seems to us, will always be relevant.

But there came the unforgettable 21st century. In connection with the tireless technical progress that gives birth to all new and new equipment for processing, sawing and cutting it a little more convenient and easier.

However, on the agenda "The unique tool of all time! Starked, you can say. Ladies and gentlemen - meet, His Majesty Lobzik! Applause!

But before you take this royal person, let's understand how to choose the right jigsaw.

And so, we will need the tool as neither, ordinary. Simplest. It is inexpensive.

Hemorrhoids - choose for jigsaw required Pilks. On the this moment The throat market is clogged with old samples of pylons, another Soviet, the thickness of just a few millimeters.

If you are gathered to drink just such a thing, in addition to the pylons you will have to stock up with unmerced patience, because it is truly hellish work.

Perhaps the most discerning thing in this matter is that as soon as this two or three millimeter is well warmed by friction, it has all the chances of picking up any plywood burst to hell, and you will immediately have to put a new one.

Basically, such a pink is enough for several hours of operation, and then if you gently handle.

If not carefully, half an hour, maximum. In addition, it is worth adding that such peelings are suitable exclusively for plywood. For such plywood from which they do, for example, guitars.

For chipboard, metal and other materials it is better to take a larger drink.

In general, if you have a need to simply cut the Phaneur to pieces, squares or rectangles, take a punch at five or ten millimeters.

No turns, alone is a flat road.

how cut a manual logby?

The question seems to be an ordinary, but on the other hand, there are a couple of difficult moments.

The first thing to remember is if you still decided to go through torture and elected a pylon a couple of millimeters, get ready for nine more circles.

What if Dante has everything different, then your circles will be the closer to the ninth, the hotter. In order not to explode, like Vesuviu, and not cover the Pompeii Lavoy, buy them twenty pieces. It will be needed.

We have plywood! We have a jigsaw! There is nothing easier than to take and cut.

All that remains to do is cut. As mentioned in one famous film "Pill, Shura, saw ...". True, saw, my dear!

To cut the board in half, it won't leave. However, to cut something, some kind of pattern, or, for example, the grooves, time will have to spend much more.

The most in this case is offensive that the supply of another size is not suitable. In order to cut, the other size is bad. With this you can at least normally make bends and turns.

In order to make, for example, a smooth angle, you need to slowly drive up up-down, turning the face of the pink cloth to the side where you need.

At the same time, it is necessary to slow down the entire pressure, and saw it easily, in one place. Otherwise, you risk getting inspired not where it is necessary. As a result, spoil the work.

In the case - it follows, again, stock patience of patience. You will need not one day to cut something to this file. It is better to take another one or not to change the pinks one by another, buy two jigsaw. You will be so much more convenient for you.

How to cut chipboard pubsyk?

If you are going to figure out how to cut a chipboard with a junk, the answer is one - tedious.

In addition, you accurately have to choose a pink of another size. In general, it doesn't matter what kind of peel is the size. It is important what is the size of its teeth. The more the teeth, the faster you will drink.

However, there is a significant risk of chipping and pinch, which you can "cut" in the process, which naturally will spoil the material. The less the teeth, the longer you have to drink, but the work, as a result, will be better and more careful.

In general, everything depends on a person. You can also make a masterpiece with a wide teeth, you can and with small to do what is flushed into the toilet.

How to cut the jigsaw smoothly, or why the jigsik saw crooked?

Try to answer your question yourself. If you have already tried to cut, and this is probably the same way, you saw how the canvas can sharply go somewhere towards, making an incision where necessary.

After that, sadness pierces you through: everyone will have to do it again, because what you did is a complete marriage. But do not despair. We will teach how to sharpen exactly.

To begin with, as written in the instructions for the instrument, it is necessary to firmly firmly fasten the working facility of the face between the pubsik ears.

The pink, as a result, should be stretched between one and the second arcs. First, insert the pink and secure it with one ear, so that the other end completely visited the second ear (so that the edge was not too small).

Immediately you have to change, and this is not Comilfo. In general, squeeze the arcs to each other, then tighten the necessary UCHO and Voila! Lobzik is ready for use.

Before starting work, check how the feet stands, try to pull it with your finger. If everyone "Iron" and teeth, then everything is done correctly.

Yes, yes, it is very similar, but one interesting occupation, but still you need to concentrate at this moment. Your eyes should follow the slope of the blade. It is the slope affects the cutting line.

It is worth a little tilt, and now, the line went to the side. Disorder. Right? Right.

In general, if you need to cut something smoothly, it is worth a pencil line, as they did at school.

On this line and go. Nearby, just in case, not to depart from the line, put a ruler. It is desirable that she was iron, otherwise you can spoil the desired thing.

How to cut the tile pad?

Another milestone in urban planning! … or not? Oh yes! We are talking about drinking. Re-: "Another milestone in drinking with a junk!". In general, to hell. Let's be essential.

In this case, the drinking time increases many times ... If you have chosen to pylet tile manual Lobzik, Better shoot yourself.

No, really, shoot yourself! Do you ever imagine how long it is? If you need to cut one piece of tiles, it is still okay, but you will not really do such garbage.

Therefore, in general, we change the trajectory. Hand Lobzik, is it good, and electric? it universal toolwhich makes it possible to work with a wide range of materials.

This is a plywood, and fiberboard, and chipboard. There is a tile, and ceramics, and metal, and a number of other materials that include even stones! But the essence remains the essence - you need to cut the tile. If it is so - you will need electro-Lobzik.

In working with any instrument there are their secrets and nuances that will help and intrigued newcomer, and a specialist with experience.

As a result - an excellent result, no need additional work on sanding and aligning the scaled surface. Charm!

So, how?

And just. The network has a lot of tips from the experience of people's experience. All answers are different, everything is similar. The most light and obvious way is to entrust the work of professionals, of course.

However, the masters on the master, what will do everything themselves, and you also want to know how to use this tool yourself.

It is vital to fix the material on the workbench or a saw table.

Do not forget that the material must be fixed by the face down, since the working tool is directed upwards, respectively, it provides a more even and neat slice on the underside.

During the cut, you need to do so, so that the material did not eat on the table. Cuts can turn out to be curves and clouds, it is possible to spoil the material.

Especially similar technique is good for curly details. But everything is easier: tile. We take, put on the surface and slowly summarize to the fixed tool. Once, two and ready! Nothing difficult.

Surely the first attempts will not cost without hack, but everything comes with experience.

In general, saw on health! Good luck and all the best.

And also you can watch the video drinking jigsaw wood carving

And one more video How to cut electric jigsaw without chips

More recently, our fathers and grandparents used hand tool. Nobody even dreamed of electrobank, electrician, electrolovka. Currently, the hand tool goes into the past. Electrical counterparts come to his place. One of them is an electric lobby.

When buying an electric batch, you get a universal tool. They can cut wood, iron, plastic and even. It is only necessary to purchase the caps that are designed to work with

You will need
Protective glasses, gloves, machine oil.
Instructions on Tom how to cut the electrolovka:
1. The movement of the jigsaw millet can cause the vibration of your workpiece, so fasten the material well before starting work. It is not recommended to cut the logs along the fibers, because you will be very hard to make even cut. For such purposes best suits a circular saw. If there is no such saw at hand, then be sure to use the parallel focus. One end he is attached to the jigsaw, and the second rests on the edge of the workpiece. So you can achieve a more even cut.
2. If you need to cut the circle inside the workpiece, then first drill the hole in the circle. Insert B. drilled hole Lobzik and start moving towards the markup that you have applied on the workpiece. If you need to cut a square or rectangular hole, do not attempt to immediately cut straight corners. First smoothly envelope them, leaving the markup of the next party. When you drink opened holeYou can easily fix the corners of your workpiece from both sides.
3. When working the jigsaw, it is not necessary to push it hard on it. This can lead to the heating of the canvas and its breakdown. Do not use one pylon for a very long time, since with long work it is stupid. A stupid carriage can make jackets on the edges of the material. When cutting solid materials, lubricate the canvas with several drops of machine oil. This will facilitate the work of the jigsaw and extend the service life of the peel.

4. When working on small revolutions, let's fit a breather. With such a work, there is a risk of engine overheating.
Do not forget to comply with safety. Work in protective glasses and gloves. After work, clean and smear.

How to cut the electrolybiz correctly

The tool allows you to cut almost any material, namely, metal, wood, plastic, ceramics, and even a stone. Cutting cloth It is capable of performing mortise, straight, curvilinear propuls, as well as cut circles. In the article, we will analyze how to cut the electrolovka correctly, to ensure that the specified markup is matched.

The electrolovka may have an ordinary and pendulum. Under the usual progress, the web moves vertically, cutting the material when moving up. A tool having a pendulum progress, additionally, when moving up, supplies a web forward. At the same time achieved more high speed work, and also decreases blade wear due to the rejection of the peel in reverse side When moving down. Quitely arises the question about how to cut the electric bike with a pendulum move? The work is done in the same way, but it takes into account the fact that with the maximum deviation of the millet, it is best to cut up soft wood and plastic. With a cutting of chipboard, MDF, soft metal, thick wood need to reduce the amplitude of the movement of the canvas. This mode is not recommended to use in general when working with steel sheet. mi.

How to cut the electrolovka by curve

To cut the round hole, you need to drill the initial opening in the workpiece, which is then entered. After that, it is cleaned by a mark. If you have to cut a rectangular or square hole, then cutting is made in a straight line to each of the edges, after which the web is a bit taken back, and is conducted along the line curve to the next side. So all four sides are cut. After removing the discharged area, the remaining triangular parts are cut.

If there is no possibility to do the initial hole in the workpiece, then you can apply a mortise sawmill. For this, the working electrolybiz is tilted forward until the feck reaches the workpiece. Gradually, the Pillet will make a through hole in the workpiece. The scene of the peeling should be located in the cutting part of the workpiece.

The electrolovka is able to drink the squeezes, as a result of which the edge of the product obtained will have a smooth slice in some direction. For such a cut, you need to change the angle of installation of the ski of the jigsaw, and then produce cut.

How exactly sawing with an electroll

And how exactly saw the electric bison? It is the easiest. It is enough to fix the guide on the jigger, and then start it as the edge of the workpiece. Now the movement of the peel will occur evenly relative to the edge. If the edge of the harvesting curve, drunk is made according to the preliminary markup applied to the workpiece.

If it is produced thinner wood sheet, then the likelihood of the appearance of chips on the front of the product is great, as the pedel cuts the material when moving up. To prevent this phenomenon, it is recommended to place the workpiece face down or use anti-slip liners.


Without a share of irony, we can say that the electroball indispensable assistant In the house of any owner. It will cope with the most diverse tasks, drinking the oval, the wave and other intricate figures from almost any material: be it tree, plastic, stone, steel, or even ceramic tiles.


Electrolzik applied for cutting different breeds Woods, DVP, chipboard, non-ferrous metals and steel, plastic, ceramic tile, Glasses, some types of stone. With the help of this tool, you can do direct, curvilinear or mortise propuls. Moreover, the electrolovik is the most skilled tool for cutting circles different diameter, oval, waves and other complex forms.

To cut the hole in the tabletop, for example, under the sink in the kitchen, or handle the original platbands for the dacha is not a problem! Everyone can feel like a master for all hands thanks to modern power tools.

If we talk about his professional use, then I must say: this tool is necessary in the work of the construction joiner and a joiner with an artistic bias, a joiner of the furniture, a wood master, plasterfront, as well as those involved in the manufacture of the most complex parts with the highest accuracy.

Types and characteristics

Let's start with the fact that, like all the power tools, the electrolovka are professional and household. The first is the greater power of the electric motor (from 580 W to 720 W), and the latter have sufficient potential for robots at home (with power from 350 W). For comparison: "Home" electrolls saw a tree with a thickness of up to 50 mm, metal to 23 mm; But with the help of "Profi", you can reach cutting depth in the tree - from 85 to 135 mm, in metal - 10-20 mm. The higher the power of the instrument, the more with a greater thickness of the material it will cope but it only says that it is quite enough for the work of work at home "household".

All electric bits "on the teeth" cut the hole with a radius of at least 15 mm. In addition, choosing a "home assistant", pay attention to its characteristics, in case the lowest frequency of the pink moves below 1000 per minute, then it will not take plastic.

Electrolziki are also divided by the type of hulls: with a handle and a melco-shaped handle. To give the advantage to one of these species is quite difficult, each room is convenient in operation. Therefore, manufacturers often go towards consumer and produce the same model (by technical characteristics) In different versions.

You can also classify the electrol bias on the principle of fastening the saw: for saw blades with a cross-tree shank, with a smooth shank and with a shank having a hole. The first two species received the greatest distribution, as they fit the most models of electrolovki.

Design features

First of all, we will pay attention to several nuances of the tool design. Each electrolovik is equipped with a support sole that relies on the sawn item, thereby ensuring accuracy of work. For the product of oblique propilov, the sole is rotated within ± 450. There are also models with the possibility of fixing the jigsaw only at an angle of 0/15/30/450.

Cutting element Electrolzikzka-Pilka. It can be made of different materials, Have a different shape, size, method of sharpening and breeding teeth. For cutting materials with a small density, saws of 75, 85 or 100 mm are suitable. The size of the saw step is also important: for wood, a step from 2.5 to 4 mm is optimal; For metal, 12 mm. To work with such materials as glass and ceramics, the saw blades are intended (the same saws) with abrasive spraying. Colored metals cut with a saw with a wave-like cutting edge.

Operating principle

Let's say right, the principle of operation of the electroballs is quite simple. The pink using the screw is securely attached in the slider (and is inserted with one movement, and it is even easier to use the button) and performs returnable movements with adjustable (which is important!) Frequency up to 3000 moves. All modern jigsaws have a multistage pendulum, which provides the deviation of the saw blade when moving down. Thanks to such a function, the Pill cuts only when moving up, thereby extending its service life and increasing the performance of the work.

In the process of operation, the electrolovka is kept by one hand, so the weight of the tool matters. SAMI easy model Weighs 1.6 kg, and the most severe - up to 2.8 kg. But it should be remembered: the greater the mass of the electric bike, the more powerful. No less important is the presence of regulating electronics in electric bits, which provides installation of the frequency of moves at different loads and processing different materials. As a result, even with the lowest frequency of moves, the tool operates at full power.

The expensive modifications of the electroballs are equipped with the so-called constant electronics, which automatically supports the selected number of double strokes per minute, regardless of the load on the working tool.

In some modern models Electrologists have a width removal system. They blow up the air flow supplied by the electric motor cooling fan. This ensures convenience in operation, since sawdust do not close the pre-applied markup on the material. And so that the operator does not breathe dust and workplace Not clogged, a special device can be used to connect the vacuum cleaner.

For convenience in working during a long-term process, in order not to keep the start button constantly pressing the mode, almost all models of the jigsaw are equipped with a locking switch button.

To protect the operator, the tool is equipped with transparent safety shields. There are also models with a special touch protection mechanism.

Additional devices

In principle, the electrolybiz does not require special conditions for efficient operation, it can work quite "independently." But still there are some devices that increase its "ability to work."

In order for the work to be more accurate (for example, when processing small blanks), use a special sawing table, fixable with clamp on the desktop. Cutting on it occurs as it would be the opposite: not the jigsik, but blanks. The result is obtaining more accurate curves of cutting lines.

To ensure normal sliding, the jigsaw on the processed surface use another additional adaptation replaceable plate (It can be made of different materials), which is attached to the support sole. More accurate straight line lines are obtained thanks to the guide bus and its adapter.

Many materials to handle without prior cooling is not recommended, this problem will help solve the tank with a cooled liquid, fixed on the supporting sole.

For the "care" behind the tool itself, the universal lubricant is perfectly suitable: it will cool, and lubricates, and accordingly, will extend the service life of the saw blade.

Electrolovka Tips:

Working with an electrolybik, in no case, do not press the saw blade, otherwise it will be greatly increasing and as a result can come into disrepair.
When cutting a steel sheet, it is advisable to use a powerful electrolybiz at high speed - the material is heated and becomes more supple.
Without additional cooling it is not recommended to process various plastics (especially organic glass), as well as solid materials (for example, stainless steel).
In order to avoid strong melting edges of the plastic, it is necessary on the lowest speed, but with the frequency of the strokes of the saw of at least 1000 revolutions per minute.
For curly drinking A narrow saw blade with small cloth is used.
In places where there is no access to the power grid, rechargeable jigsaws are used, but their power is small.
Like all the power tools, the jigsik at the end of work should be purned and put in a portfolio or a strong case.

electrolovik sawing with an electrolybike how to cut the electrolybiz. Elektrol bzizik, in fact, is a saw with an electrically driven.