Repairs Design Furniture

Stencils for drinking pubesome from plywood. Handpit with manual jigsaw: familiar tool with new angle. Tools for wood thread

Drawings for drinking from plywood allow you to create products of different subjects and destination. Drinking decorative panels, toys and economic items is provided by an electroll bison. Among additional materials is permissible to use plastic, ceramics, metal.

Attention! Through a narrow pink, direct cutting and performing intricate patterns is carried out.

Working with jigsycom

Lobzik drinking will require small snarling. With straight cuts, there will be no questions, and with beautiful curly patterns it will take the correct selection of pylons. For more detailed consideration of the recommendations, you can use the following list:

  1. The sawing by an electroller from plywood according to drawings requires a smooth cut. For this, it is provided for the correct selection of pylons for equipment.
  2. On the front part, the cut will not have jackets, subject to the use of a thin peel toward the downstream teeth.
  3. The product presented for processing requires solid fixation. Otherwise, the cut will be uneven.

Choosing an electrolovka

Lobzik toys in drawings will be easier if you use the main parameters :

  • Saw or side divorce. The alternate bend of the teeth in the right and left side and large teeth provide fast straight cutting. The edges are obtained with rude, so their finishing is carried out using abrasive skirts. Below you can see how the pubescom of plywesk is fixed correctly in the photo.
  • Undercut. Teeth do not form a divorce. They are adapted for thin and clean propilov. However, the speed of work is reduced. If there is a small divorce, the process will accelerate. The main bias is made towards the quality of cutting.

  • Wave-shaped divorces. To work with small and narrow saws, providing wider propuls, the cutting edge has a wave-like shape. Typically, such tools are used when working with metal elements, but often serve to process plywood. This allows you to get narrow and pure cutting over a short time.

Creating patterns

For the embodiment of sketches on plywood, it is necessary to provide a number of works:

  • The pattern on the sheet of paper is translated.
  • Cut stencil using a stationery knife or scalpel.
  • It is applied stencil to the coating and will be burned with a simple pencil.
  • Cut pattern.


  • Cutting on the curve is carried out by a pail with a narrow cloth.
  • Cut the circle in the panel can be used with a special nozzle - circulation. Its fixation is made in the center of the circumference.
  • Creating grooves in the workpieces from the array is carried out by rashpil instead of a peel. It also serves as stripping uneven propilov.
  • Perfectly accurate and smooth cuts are provided by parallel stop. Its fastening to the jigsaw is provided using screws.
  • The guide line is mounted on the "ski", to ensure cut parallel to direct edges.
  • To create a straight long cut, auxiliary guide is used. Lobzik moves along a longitudinal fixed bar. This tool provides rings with a slope to 45 grams. The slope can be set on the scale.

He drank gaps. When forming ornaments, the wizard makes the gaps in the plywood sheet. This is facilitated by 2 options:

In the first case, the deepening of the electric drill is drilled, then the pedel is introduced into it and the pattern is muted.

To the second case there is a technology of mortise or plunger cuts. Starting clearance is not drilled. Installing the equipment is made on the front edge of the "skis" without touching the blank of the cloth.

The engine is turned on and the plug slowly slows down, introducing the electric saw in the array until it forms a vertical location, and "skiing" will not touch the workpiece.

Proper Lobzik setting

Important! The mortise cut begins in the departure portion of plywood.

The tool must enter the panel away from the cut line to prevent the material damage.

If a large thickness board trimming is made, you can use a pylon with pointed ends. Initially, the workpiece from one part is inwarded, then rotates and dials from the opposite part. For drank figured elements, the equipment is mounted at the bottom of the desktop. With uniform and smooth filing of the workpiece, you can get a cut, having clean, smooth edges.

Preparation of equipment and materials

Plywood. The optimal option will be the use of a thin sheet, comprising multilayer wood of a deciduous breed. An ordinary or moisture resistant material is used.

Among the tools, you can choose an ordinary logby or power tool if it is necessary to produce bulk work.

Sille creates gaps for propilov. He drank begins after inserting the sawdust in the recess, created by a sewer or an electric drill.

Files are used to properly stripping all the edges of the propyl.

Stubborn board serves to strengthen materials and equipment.

Male drawing on Faneru

With artistic discharge, tatche applied. Transferring the pattern to the workpiece is performed manually.

What are the jigscriptions

Alternatively serves as a projector, projected pattern on the working surface. It is not allowed to move to Phaneur, it is important to provide for the most durable mount. The application of the projector is carried out with small sketch parameters.

The jigscription is used when sticking to the coating of paper self-stick. Through the printer, the image is printed with a subsequent sticker on the plywood.

Openwork propical ornamental carving is perhaps the most beautiful view of wood artwork. The technique of propyl thread provides for the preliminary marking of the flat surface, on which the patterns subsequently peeps using the jigsaw. As a result, it turns out, as a rule, a beautiful openwork lace, although everything depends here only from the fantasy of the wizard.

Unfortunately, nowadays, many consider a more appropriate purchase of finished crafts, rather than its manufacturer. However, mass replicated production does not know such a concept as "exclusive".

And many of us would like to put something original on the shelf, which no one has more. And the most obvious way out - make such a product yourself, what we will talk about in this article.

Lobzik drinking technology

Probably, few people in school years did not take a jigsaw in the labor lessons. And those who not only kept this tool, but also tried to cut something to him, for sure they were convinced that with the help of a hand jigsaw, high-quality crafts are quite difficult. Only the most diligent and enhanced manage to become real masters of their case.

Putting the patterns of plywood figures, over time you can go to more complex patterns that will require greater accuracy in your work. However, in order to study all the subtleties of this craft, it is necessary to start mastering the basic principles of work.

Tools and devices that will be useful in the work

  1. First of all, you will need Lobzik himself. The price of this tool is small because it is distinguished by a very simple design.
    It consists of such elements:
  • Frame. Made in the form of the letter "P". It happens both metal and wooden.

Metal frame can be tubular (in the form of a tube) or a plate.
The tubular frame is more preferable, since it is provided with a uniform tension of the peel.
In addition, the length of such a frame is larger, which ensures the drinking of more remote edges.

Frame made of wood has a screw for fixing the pink. The metal frame of the screws does not.

To make sure the metal frame, it should be checked for elasticity.
To do this, it should be very hot with both hands, holds for about two minutes in this position, and then go smoothly.
If the distance between the clips is restored - the quality frame.

  • Pilking. To date, the market can be found in the market a wide variety of fillings for the jigsaw, however, you will have enough two: with small and medium tooth. Small-raised sawdresses are used in the formation of a small ornament with sharp turns of lines. The coarse-mounted are needed for drinking carved slots, large holes, etc.

Fixing the pink on the jigsaw, make sure that the teeth are "watching" down.

  1. To fit the details, you should stock knife, as well as appropriate: flat, rhombic and round.

  1. Wooden spilling table, The strengthening of which in the workplace is carried out using clamp. It is necessary when drinking small ornaments.
  2. Shilo for the implementation of punctures.
  3. Old copy paper (For not too intensive imprint) it is useful when the pattern is transferred to the surface being processed.
  4. Sandpaper To stripping the places drank.
  5. Clay joiner for making crafts.

Features of drinking pubsomy

Vepile work is carried out in several stages:

  1. Selected templates for drinking from plywood. Nowadays, they can be found anywhere: from specialized magazines to pictures, on our site, among other things. Many wizards also use patterns from knitting or embroidery magazines. (see also )
  1. It is transferred to paper using a copy.
  2. Next, in the paper pattern, all places designed for drinking are cut.
  3. The pattern is applied to the sheet of plywood and is transferred to it by means of a pencil.

  1. The feed pattern is fixed.
  2. The product passes a decorative finish (inspired by the sandpaper, revealed by varnish, or is assembled from several parts, etc.)

Getting to work

Preventing errors in drinking, the following instruction will help you:

  1. It should be proceeded only after all punctures will be done in the workpiece, since the workpiece will lose its strength during the work (drop-down contours are removed). "Relaxed" leaf when puncture can break. The holes are pierced in all places where "closed" patterns are present.
  2. Plugs are carried out with a sharp selay. It is impossible to calculate all plywood layers, because in this case its bottom layer will crack. The puncture is made as follows: We do a hole in such a way that only the tip sewn out from the other side. Then turn over the sheet, expanding the hole from the opposite side.
  3. Dumping stupid angles is carried out by turning the sheet in place. Dilling to the top of the angle, stop to open the sheet on the pink, while the jigsaw moves continue. Feeling more free pink, turn the sheet in the desired direction.
  1. Cut the patterns from plywood only with proper landing and handling. With incorrect landing, the cutlets deviate from the vertical. You can check the correctness of the cut as follows: when after, insert it into place from above. If it is inserted without effort - cut perpendicular and you do everything right.
  2. The sharp corners are also frozen, but in this case the pink should be slightly submitted, in order not to excess unnecessary rounding.


In this article, we reviewed the basic principles of openwork propyl threads. Possessing these knowledge, you can cut the drawing of any complexity from plywood. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

Related Materials

First of all, it should be competently organized the workspace. Despite the seeming formality, this is a very important condition. Properly equipped place provides not only comfort and convenience, which is important with a multi-hour operation with a manual logby, but also directly affects the quality of the project being implemented.

As a stubborn design, a special table is used, followed by the name "Lastochkin Tail". It is a small rectangular board having a wedge-shaped cut, turning into a working field for sawing. Swallow tail is attached to the edge of the table or workbench using clamp.

Working manual jigsaw sitting or standing, having a blank for drinking at a level of 30-40 cm from the eyes. The light source is placed in front at an angle to the working plane. Compliance with these rules will allow the cutting line as accurately as possible, thereby improving the quality of the project being fixed.

What jigscription to choose?

Despite the simplicity of its design, modern hand jigsaws differ in a number of features that should be paid to when choosing. From models with a frame from sheet iron, it is better to refuse, choosing a jigsaw made of metal tube. This option provides better tension of the canvas and excludes its skew, thanks to which the Pillet will not "take away" during the work.

The pill is fixed in the frame by supporting the upper and lower nut dams. Choosing a jigsaw, note that it is equipped with racks from high-quality steel having broad ears. This will significantly increase the convenience of using the tool in the process.

How to properly prepare a tool for work?

The pink in the jigsaw is fixed strictly vertically, located with teeth down. The canvas must be stretched. The degree of tension is regulated by the compression of the frame: the tool rests on the edge of the table or squeeze with hand, after which the lambs are tightened, if necessary, tightening them with passages. Sathedto, the frame will ensure proper tension of the canvas.

For drinking with a manual logging of small parts, figures with sharp contours and complex wood patterns use small peelings with a large number of inch teeth. They do not join the turns, creating a thin and neat cut, not leaving chips. To create large products from plywood and long direct propilov, use the canvas with large teeth, which are powered faster.

Let's get closer to business. How to drink a jigsaw of plywood and tree?

To obtain an accurate and neat cut line, a number of basic rules should be observed:

  1. A hand with a jigsaw should only perform vertical movements.
  2. Movement up-down moves without sharp jerks and with a maximum amplitude to use the entire working length of the canvas.
  3. The second hand in the process of sawing smoothly turns and moves the workpiece.
  4. No need to push the blank onto the blank and render the side pressure on the web.
  5. The drinking occurs only at the moment when the carriage moves from top to bottom, so the opposite movement should be performed freely without pressure.

Working with a manual jigsaw, it does not lead along the line of the pattern, but on the inside of the contour, since even the thinnest canvas leaves propyl, whose width should be considered. This is especially important when drinking products with an accurate fit of the elements, for example, or.

Having finished the work, do not forget to weaken one of the clamps so that the Lobzik frame will not lose its elasticity.

And what about working out the main techniques?

The most intricate patterns always lies a number of basic figures and elements, which will be prepared for the fulfillment of complex projects. It is advisable to do it on a thin plywood thick up to 3 mm.

Stupid and straight angles : Lobzik smoothly moves without pressure on the workpiece, as if doing idle; At this time, the second hand slowly turns the wooden billet to the desired angle.

Internal circular contour : For this purpose, a small hole is drilled in the inside of the figure, through which the leg is passed. When drinking a circle, the cut line is conducted along the inner contour of the pattern. The turn of the tool must be medium intensity; The workpiece unfolds in proportion to the movements of the jig.

Oval contour : drinking such a figure, increase the junction of the jigsaw on steep areas, turning the workpiece in this place faster.

Sharp corners: A neat sharp corner without chipping and other defects are obtained by the information of two propilov.

Tip! Drinking complex openwork patterns, start working from the center of the wooden workpiece, evenly shifted to the periphery. This will significantly simplify the pumping process and will avoid breakdown fragile work at the finish stage.

You felt well the jigsik, achieved the smoothness of the stroke and keep a neat line cut, but then the movement of the tool makes it difficult and the pink clinics in the workpiece. This is a typical situation arising from a thread manual jigsaw on plywood. It happens for the following reasons:

  1. Overheating of the peel - with long work, the canvas expands due to heating. To avoid such situations, make small breaks or periodically wipe the canvas with a wet rag.
  2. Features of the wooden billet. Lobzik's stroke may be difficult due to the fact that the pink was running around to a more dense section: a bunch of glue glue into plywood, etc.
  3. On long prophylas, the pill can be clamped between two almost separated plywood parts. Continue Comfortable sawmills You can cover the split ends of the clothespin

What plywood is needed to drink a jigsaw?

Practice shows that the best material for working with manual jigsaw is a birch plywood with a thickness of 2 to 8 mm. It is accessible, easy to handle and is characterized by high strength.

To create small parts or "dense" openwork patterns appropriate to use a three-layer phaneer with a thickness of up to 3 mm. It is easy to cut and at the same time it is rather durable. The likelihood that you will spoil the chopped curl when the web is located significantly lower.

Choosing material for crafts, pay attention to the fact that the plywood is smooth and without a large number of bitch. Examine the end for the presence of air chambers, their presence indicates a non-uniform applying of glue. From such a low grade plywood, it is better to refuse, otherwise you cannot avoid a large number of chips that will spoil the appearance of the product.

And what if you use wooden blanks?

With all his practicality, Plywood does not have such an expressive texture as a board. Drinking projects made of associates, you can use these advantages: play on the difference in colors and shades, orientation of wood fibers (as in Intars regions), etc. Wood crafts have a more attractive end (without puff structure like plywood) and they are much easier to handle the finishing composition.

For drinking, manual jigsion uses billets of soft and solid rocks up to 10 mm thick. Choosing the material, prefers the tangential cut boards. Billets of radial cutting use is not recommended, because They have parallel arranged annual rings, which due to their hardness will dodge the jigsaw when sawing.

What should I do if they constantly appear chips?

The number and sizes of chips depend on the variety of the plywood used, the quality of the canvas and how correctly the master saw is. Some tips and professional tricks will help cut off with manual jigsaw without chips:

  • using poor-quality plywood, exposed to chips, saw more intense by installing a small tooth cannon;
  • work with a reverse (reverse) tooth, designed to minimize chips.
  • skin the line cut from the back of a scotch tape or a painting ribbon;
  • moisturize the back of the workpiece.

How to transfer the scheme to a wooden workpiece?

There are several convenient options for transferring the printed drawing on a wooden base:

  • using a copy and redrawing pattern manually;
  • gluing a leaf on bilateral tape;
  • sticking the picture on glue, the remnants of which are maintained by sandpaper at the finishing stage.

The art of drinking by the jigsik, many familiar with the school bench. Such an occupation can master everyone, regardless of artistic abilities, and this is probably its main advantage.

In addition, mastered some skills with a jigsaw, you can create a simple magnificent carved jewelry, which will serve to decorate the interior of the premises or the facade of the house.

Superior Lobzik: Tools

The first thing you need to cut the figures from plywood with your own hands is a jigsaw.

Such a tool in the domestic market is pretty extensive and in several main types:

  • Manual. A tool familiar to many in school lessons. How can you judge the name, all work on discharge will be performed manually. The best choice for creating small things or children learning the skills of this fascinating process;
  • Electric. It works much faster manual, but at the same time, it has a substantial mass (1-3 kg), and therefore it is quite uncomfortable to keep "weight". Yes, and the thin drawing will not work out, since the pink canvas is too large for such jewelry;

Council. If the choice fell on an electric tool, then you need to do all the work very carefully, otherwise you can get an uneven line of cut.
Children work with such a tool should not be trusted at all, because the likelihood of injury is high.

  • Stationary. The only drawback of this tool is its price - it is much higher than that of an electric or manual device. However, the device is very convenient for a carver, it is not necessary to keep it on weight, and the line of the cut, though it turns rude than the hand-held "colleague", but still the speed of work is several times higher.

The selection of a particular tool for creating various structures from wood raw materials depends only on the scope of work and personal preferences of the master itself. If, for example, the workload on the plywood is just a hobby, then there will be quite enough manual tool.

Tip: If such an occupation brings money and put "on stream", then without an electric or stationary "assistant" just can not do.

Preparation of raw materials and stencil

To those people who have skilled hands and extensive experience with a tool, drinking the jigsaw from plywood will not be much difficulty. First you need to take a piece of material to which the pattern will be applied, sanding to a smooth surface of small sandpaper.

After such preparation, it will be enough to apply the desired drawing and start performing the process itself.

All that will be done after downloading the drawing is to print it, transfer it to the sheet (you first need to prepare it sandpaper) and start working as a contour tool.

Wood drinking process: Features

The process of creating decorative parts from wood is even easier than drawing a drawing on a sheet of material. It is enough to simply first push the pylon into the preset hole (for this you can use a manual coft or an electric door) and start working using the contour.

At the same time, if the work is performed by a hand tool, all movements must be definitely smooth, without jerks, otherwise you can simply break the fragile pink of the jigsaw.

If everything is done correctly, then in the end, you can get a uniquely beautiful pattern, transferred exactly to the material, the item that is capable of decorating any room or the facade of the building.

Additional finish

In order for the product to be made from a sheet of material with a jigsaw, it looked even more beautifully and original, it can be additionally separated. To begin with, sanding all the surfaces by sandpaper, eliminating all small irregularities and roughness.

After, you can spend varnishing or bilting the entire surface of the plywood product, to cover it with paint or other finishing materials.

It is impossible not to note that drinking the jib from plywood makes it possible to get not only whole, but also prefabricated structures. In the latter case, the final finish will be accompanied by a compound of several elements together with the help of special glue or dranched carnations.

The main thing in the process of creating a combined product from several parts is still in the process of work, special attention to the lines of the cut, it should be located so that the excavation is somewhat less than always.

Tip: Several details of plywood filled with a jigsaw, after completing the tool, it is important to "fit" and correctly ease with sandpaper.
Only in this case can be guaranteed high surface quality and the most attractive type of finished product.


In the process of creating figures from plywood, there is nothing complicated - it is enough just to take a logs in the hands, prepare the material and get started. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

Related Materials

The basic skills of which are taught in the lessons of labor discipline, for the bulk and remain a pair of three baubles into memory. But for some, a favorite hobby is likely to work with metal or wood, in the future, bringing pleasure from the opportunity to show fantasy, attach the skill and get at the exit of everybody or just a decorative product. One of these directions of folk art is to drink from plywood, popular and among users of the Forumhouse portal. On it we will focus more in our article, we will analyze from what and what technology are real carved masterpieces and in what cases are used stencils for drinking. Fortunately, our craftsmen are happy to share their experiences.

  • Plywood characteristics
  • Tools, templates, assembly

Plywood characteristics

Plywood is a multi-layered, leaf building material produced from a veneer of hardwood or coniferous wood, by gluing several layers into a single cloth. Due to the features of the location of the fibers (at one angle), the sheet usually an odd number of layers - three, five or more. If coniferous varieties are represented in plywood, a few (fir, spruce, pine), then delicious mainly of birch. There is a combination - coniferous "filling" and birch facing, in this case the plywood will still be birch. The best is completely birch plywood, but she is the most expensive.

The material is divided into varieties and brands, depending on the decorativeness and used in the production of chemicals. There are five varieties that feature veneer quality and the appearance of sheets:

  • Elite variety (e) - no defects on the surface of the material, homogeneous, one-photon, smooth invoice without bitch, cracks, wormworch or repair inserts.
  • The first grade (I) is perhaps the presence of microcracks (up to 20 mm) and bitch of small diameter.
  • The second grade (II) is permissible even the fragments of the bitch if their number does not exceed ten pieces per 1 m² of sheet, and the diameter is not more than 25 mm. There may also be some wormworch and repair inserts from veneer.
  • The third variety (III) is a bitch without quantitative restrictions, emptiness on the site of the bitch drops, to a dozen wormochin (up to 6 mm) per 1 m² of sheet.
  • Fourth grade (IV) - the sheet must have a durable adhesive connection, unacceptable peeling. The entire spectrum of external exemptions is almost in any amounts, but the diameter of wormochin, bitch and emptiness - no more than 40 mm.

Callness concerns only the outer layers of the sheet and is denoted by two digits, and the variety can be both common to both parties and varieties, more often, within one variety - I / I I / II E / I, and so on. In addition to the fourth, the lowest, all other grades of plywood are ground from both sides, and the elite can be additionally covered with varnish.

Naturally, the higher the variety and the decorativeness of the material, the more beautiful it is a finished product. But considering that the cost of elite, and the first grade is decent, and the parts are fired most often small dimensions, you can use the variety below, if you really cut a high-quality blank from the leaf. On the plywood, from which the workpiece will be peaked, there should be no bitch - they can fall out, and other defects. Pay attention to the ribs - you can not cut masterpieces, using fragments with voids in the middle layers.

The brand of plywood and its main characteristics determine the applied chemical compositions:

  • FB is an impregnation of veneer Bakelite varnish, giving resistance to high humidity.
  • BS - Bakelite glue (spiritual), gives high performance, such plywood is stronger and more durable.
  • BV - water-soluble bakelite mixes, plywood is afraid of high humidity.
  • FC is a gluing phenol-carbamide resin, relative water resistance, for indoor use.
  • FSF is a gluing phenol formaldehyde resin, moisture-proof material for outdoor use.

What plywood is suitable for drinking

For drinking products intended for home use (boxes, stands, shelves, utensils, decorative elements) The optimal version is FC funer.

The phenol-carbamide resin is safe for others and is well tolerated with high humidity, therefore, products from such plywood do not emit harmful substances and are resistant to deformations.

Plywood of the FSF brand is not suitable for household goods due to aggressive formaldehyde, but it can be used for design on the street - carved platbands, coffee tables for open veranda or arbors, various benches.

For cutting, the phaneer is most often used with a thickness of 3 - 5 mm. If loads are assumed (chairs, stools, benches, tables and similar), the thickness increase. Cut from thick sheet (more than 10 mm) more difficult, so lace openings from such a material is unlikely to succeed. As an option - the main canvas of thick sheets and carved inserts to increase decorativeness.

Member of the portal temernikIn 2011, the topic opened and to this day, it uses sheets of different thickness, depending on the purpose of objects.

temernik Member Forumhouse.

On the anniversary, the father saw a carved frame from plywood 4 mm, and on a stand under a flower pot, on bears, leafs of 8 mm thick went.

Tools, templates, assembly

Patterns on a plywood are cut by jigsaws - it can be both manual and electric tools. For complex, openwork elements are more often used manual jigsaw with interchangeable saws. They can neatly cut the most intricate ornaments, while the electrolybiz is more likely to spoil the drawing, if the skills are not enough.

Even in the labor lessons, the quality of the saw and the convenience of work in many ways depend on the tension of the peel - the relaxed headset is more difficult to perform sharks exactly according to the template.

Temernik Enjoys an old jigsaw of the son remaining from school pore. This simplest tool is enough for him to create his plywood agenv.

To start cutting out the drawing, they make a puncture with a sharp selection on a blank, in which the sawnur is inserted, the second option is to drill a drill with a thin drill. In both cases, it is not recommended to bring the hole directly to the contour line, if it allows the motive. Punch or drilling on the removal will help to avoid possible cracks and "shells". To process the edge of the films (ribs), files or emery paper with the appropriate grain are used, such a grinding gives the pattern a finished look and removes minor flaws, aligning the edge. In addition to the main tools, pliers, hammer, drawing kit (ruler, circular) and others may be needed.

Even the simplest pattern is muffled on the template applied to the Faneru - in the presence of artistic talent, drinking patterns are drawn "out of the head", if nature is not so generous - translated from the stencil.

Typical blanks are enough on the network in free access, in thematic publications. In the topic on the forum, many craftsmen shall be shared with each other liked templates. Temernik Helps the Internet and drawing talent of the spouse.


Pictures take from the Internet, then inventing the method of fastening and refinement, if something is wrong, then my second half is drawing, it does not work well with it.

From the stencil, the drawing on the fane is transferred with a pencil or handle, for convenience the base is fixed on the sheet with the buttons. Special attention is paid to small contours, several inaccuracies can spoil the entire type of finished product.

To increase the decorativeness, the products are bought from plywood are connected on the spike groove and are sampled, most often the pva glue for wood. First, dry "fitting" is carried out, and after fitting and stripping already glue assembly.


Molds everything as follows: in some details the grooves are peaked, in others, on the contrary, the protrusions, everything is adjusted at the beginning "dry", and then going to PVA glue. The ends handled the sandpaper.

After assembling plywood is covered by protective and decorative compositions - varnishes, veneer, paints, depending on the desired effect.

Examples of portal participants

Open temernik The topic found a lot of responses, many in it shared their work.

Boatswain1955 He started with similar equipment.

And now combines it with no less interesting, multi-layer discharge.

Boatswain1955 Member Forumhouse

I understood, finally, the essence of drinking plates of various shapes - two the same in the size of the drawing is done, the waves are drawn as opposed to each other. That is, where on the first - the ridge, on the second - Wpadina. After drinking, the details are collected through one. Thus, two plates are obtained. He dug a manual junk without any clauses, could not figure out how such forms were made. So I repulsed a little soul, I walked the plates, yes the basket.

56Vladimir1981also masterfully owns a jigsaw.