Repair Design Furniture

The image of a business person. The appearance of a business person. Specific features of the behavior of de. The clothes and appearance of a business man and woman

manager business manager image

The unity of the style of clothing is achieved by the choice of monochromatic and single-textured elements. Single-color suits of brown, blue, beige, gray tones are recommended. Monochrome shirts and ties are in good harmony with them. (“If a man is wearing a navy suit, a white shirt and a dark red tie,” writes Molloy, “he has good taste.”)

It is noticed that the combination of brown and blue tones gives solidity and authority to the appearance. It has already been noted that business clothes should not be bright, flashy colors. On the other hand, it is not recommended to wear black suits with a white shirt. The shirt should, as a rule, be lighter than the suit, and the tie should be lighter than the shirt. As for the pattern of the fabric (strip, cage), it should be remembered that the same patterns do not fit well if they are next to each other. Therefore, it is recommended to separate them with a monochromatic element. So, a suit and a striped tie can be separated by a plain shirt. If the color, texture and patterns of some of the elements of the garment (namely, the part, and not all) are the same, this creates a special elegance. Here are some recommendations for successful combinations of a suit, shirt and tie (the basis of the composition is, of course, a suit): a plain suit is combined with a plain shirt and a plain tie, or with a shirt with a pattern and a plain tie, or with a plain shirt and a tie with a pattern, or with a pinstripe shirt and any tie; A striped suit does not tolerate plaid shirts. A plain blue or white shirt or a striped shirt is suitable for him, if the stripes of the suit or shirt do not stand out too much. The stripes on the suit and on the tie should be of different brightness. A plain shirt with a polka-dot tie or other clear, medium-sized geometric shapes... The color of clothes should not be either faded (everything is in light blue or light gray) or flashy (orange, bright blue, bright green).

The colors of various items of clothing (suits, shirts, ties) should go well with each other. Let's say dark blue and dark red. The lines of the fabric pattern should not intersect or merge.

The texture of the material of the elements of clothing should be in harmony: it is contraindicated, for example, the combination of a matte texture of a suit (flannel, wool) with a shiny silk shirt or tie.

A checkered suit requires only a plain shirt and a tie, either one color or one with a fuzzy pattern. A brown or blue suit, a blue plain shirt and a tie with an abstract blue-brown pattern go well.

A few words about shirts. The best shirts are made of cotton or a mixture of cotton and synthetics, worse are knitted and silk, shiny or transparent shirts are of little use. White and plain shirts are preferable - they are combined with any suit and tie. Red shirts should not be worn under any circumstances. It is also recommended to avoid gray, green and yellow flowers(especially if your complexion is not very healthy). The closer the stripes on the shirt to each other and the darker they are, the better. Should be avoided colorful stripes, especially when the distance between them is great. Avoid shirts with short sleeves - this is undignified (even in New York, where it is much warmer than, say, St. Petersburg). Shirt pockets should be simple, no flaps or buttons. Shirts with shoulder straps, fancy buttons and other "excesses" are undesirable.

Separately about the tie. The length when tied should allow it to reach the belt buckle. Width - match the width of the lapels of the jacket. Best material- silk, wool or cotton. Synthetics are possible. The easiest way is to choose a solid color tie. Ties with abstract patterns require a special taste and you need to be careful with them. But what should be categorically avoided in business attire is ties with all sorts of symbols, portraits, texts, etc. Short and wide ties with large knots and bow ties should also be excluded.

In order for clothes to fit well, you need to be able to choose the right ones when buying. Here are a few useful recommendations... Try to come to the store elegantly dressed - this will make the seller pay more attention to you. Buy a suit first. When choosing a suit, doubt that there is strength in the material from which it is made. If after that he does not straighten up, look for another. A wool suit behaves best. A mixture of wool, synthetics and cotton is also suitable. As for denim and corduroy, they are not suitable for a respectable person in a business setting.

Trousers should be tried on with the shoes you intend to wear with them. When trying on, transfer from old trousers to the pockets of new ones everything that you intend to wear in them - if this will disfigure their shape. In well-fitting trousers, the palm should pass freely between the belt and the body. The cuffs of the trousers should be parallel to the floor, and the trousers without cuffs should be 1.5 - 2 cm longer at the back.

The jacket should fit well. It is difficult to explain what this means, but if he sits badly, then you (and others) will immediately feel it. A tight-fitting jacket is only allowed for those with an athletic figure. Jacket sleeves should be 12cm above the tip of your thumb.

The shirt should be matched to the suit (taking into account the intended tie). It should not gather in folds and form bubbles around the belt, and in no case should it come out from under the belt. The collar is the main thing in the shirt. It should be in size (even after washing), not wrinkle, form a single monolith with the tie knot. The cuffs should protrude 1 centimeter from under the sleeves of the jacket, fit snugly to the arm, but not obstruct if you need to look at the watch.

Having purchased a suit and a shirt, you can start choosing a tie. It is recommended to have at least three shirts and two ties with each suit. If you have more than one suit, there is a possibility of different combinations of shirts and ties - then you will need fewer of them.

The description of the ideal appearance of a business man will be incomplete without mentioning a number of other garments that should complement the overall picture.

Demi-season coat - solid, rich, monochromatic, best of all one of the shades of beige, winter - brown or blue with expensive fur. The coat can be made of suede or leather, but preferably not black. The same requirements apply to raincoats. It should be borne in mind that the shorter a man is, the longer a coat or raincoat should be. The hat should be without pretentiousness. Shoes - black, brown - without varnish. You should try to avoid high heels or high platforms - they attract undue attention.

Scarf - woolen or silk, combined with clothing. A white scarf is undesirable.

Umbrella - clumsy black with a regular handle.

Gloves are best made of brown or gray leather with a thin lining.

A writing pen - preferably with a gold nib.

Socks - above the calves, tightly fitting the leg, dark in color.

Handkerchiefs - cotton, white. Avoid colored handkerchiefs or tie-colored handkerchiefs.

The briefcase is best dark Brown color without metal patches and decorations.

Wallet - not too full, dark brown leather is better.

Belt - no conspicuous buckle.

Clock - no pretentiousness; the bracelet or strap should match well with the watch.

It is better to exclude jewelry in the wardrobe altogether (gold cufflinks, pins in a tie, rings are evidence of bad taste). Only a thin wedding ring is allowed. All kinds of chains and medallions are also contraindicated. You should not attach various signs and badges to business clothes, except for the most necessary ones.

Glasses play a significant role in the appearance business person... Here are some useful rules associated with them:

  • - wear glasses if they suit you; if not, choose your own contact lenses;
  • - heavy plastic or horn frames age;
  • - metal frame is more suitable for young people;
  • - it is advisable for a young man who seeks to appear older and more respectable to wear a frame to match the color of his hair;
  • - heavy-rimmed glasses are suitable for men with a heavy lower jaw.

When choosing clothes, you should definitely consider such essential characteristics appearance, such as height, fullness, proportions of the figure. It is known, for example, that vertical stripes clothes lengthen the figure, a dark suit hides the fullness, a long jacket does not suit someone with short legs.

very tall and large men, in order not to look too bulky, should dress as modestly and dimly as possible;

men of small stature, on the contrary, should try to attract attention with more catchy clothes, glasses in heavy frames, even with some extravagance.

A few words about the hairstyle. First of all, you need to match it to your face. This applies to both the beard and mustache. Try several options. Experts say that dark hair gives a man a solid appearance. Therefore, if your hair is dark, you can grow it a little longer and set it off with a suit that matches your hair color. Light and red hair, on the contrary, should not be "advertised" - the more invisible it is, the better.

A beard and mustache make sense only if they improve your appearance, help hide flaws (for example, a frivolous, undignified appearance). However, the requirements for these forms of "vegetation" must be very strict: they must always be well, trimmed and combed with taste.

  • - a business person should pay considerable attention to clothes - it deserves it;
  • - one should constantly closely monitor both general harmony and cleanliness and order in clothes and shoes;
  • - clothes should be appropriate for the situation: if it is in doubt, it is better to dress more traditionally;
  • - strive to dress in the same style as your business partners;
  • - do not be slaves to fashion: try to have your own face;
  • - do not spare money for shirts and ties, as well as for other details of the toilet - everything is important here;
  • - avoid taking off your jacket in a public place;
  • - avoid green;
  • - look less in the mirror in public and more - before going to people.

Numerous studies provide several recommendations to help a business woman avoid typical mistakes when choosing your clothes:

firstly, one should not imitate men - the only result that is achieved in this case is the loss of femininity;

secondly, you do not need to rely entirely on fashion - it is the same for everyone, and you are the one and only;

thirdly, do not appear at work first in a fashionable thing;

and, finally, fourthly, clothes should not be given a professional touch: serious work and serious dressing are not the same thing.

A dress for a business woman is best with a long sleeve. His color, as psychological experiments show, is better than dark blue, reddish brown, dark brown, beige, gray, moderate blue, light gray - in a word, various shades of blue, brown, gray and beige. As for the unsuccessful colors, these are green, orange, light rusty, bright yellow, purple, pale blue, pink, bright red. Apparently, one should take into account those colors that, as research of psychologists show, attract or repel men. Attracted by: pale yellow, beige, pale pink, pink, dark blue, black, white, reddish brown, red. Repulsive: gray, green, bright yellow, orange.

For a business dress, a plain fabric without a pattern is preferable. At the same time, various combinations of stripes and cells are not excluded, especially in gray and gray-blue tones. Various patterns, bright abstract patterns, etc. are not recommended.

Denim and corduroy are undesirable materials for the dress. A dress with a matching jacket looks good. As established by experts, the position of a manager sharply limits the ability to wear dresses in bright light colors (even in summer). However, a suit gives the opportunity to wear light-colored clothes: light colors are not contraindicated in it.

According to experts, a suit should occupy a central place in a business woman's wardrobe. When choosing a suit color, you should use the same recommendations as when choosing a dress. The best fabrics for skirts are wool or its substitutes; in summer, linen is possible. If you are taking off your jacket at work, a black skirt and a black silk blouse are best. For short, thin women, a woolen plaid suit is suitable.

A sweater for a business woman is contraindicated.

The coat should cover the skirt or dress.

A business woman's raincoat can be of any color, but the best of them is beige.

Stockings should only be worn in natural, flesh colors.

The hairstyle should be in perfect order, hair of medium length, naturally styled is preferred. Short haircut "for a boy", hair below the shoulders, curls and curls do not fit. Psychologists say that dark hair in women promotes business authority, and light hair promotes popularity. Extravagant colors are undesirable, especially their combinations.

As for cosmetics, it is worth citing the following frank quote from J. Molloy: “Only circus clowns wear obvious makeup. The whole world loves clowns, but no one gives them responsible assignments in the business world. "

  • - best cosmetics the one that no one sees (the principle is that the less cosmetics you manage to do, “helping nature,” the better);
  • - the older a woman is, the more acceptable her cosmetics are;
  • - do not use bright and unusual colors (for example, lipstick), at least until they have received universal recognition;
  • - do not go around your eyes and do not use clearly noticeable shadows;
  • - False eyelashes and long nails - for actresses only;
  • - nail polish - colorless;
  • - smudges of mascara - the end of a woman's business career;
  • - dark eyebrows give an expression of confidence, however, when the eyebrows are “processed”, they should not lose their naturalness.

Perfumes are expensive, but their scent should be barely perceptible.

Glasses, if correctly selected, give a person a business expression, significance and authority. This should especially be taken into account by women of small stature. In this case, the frame of the glasses should be horny or plastic. Brunettes should choose frames to match their hair color, while blondes, on the contrary, should limit themselves only to brown frames. Metal frames are contraindicated for women. If the glasses do not fit the face, switch to contact lenses or use glasses only during work. Avoid shaded glasses - they take away confidence.

Decorations. Better one good and expensive one than several of average value. "But the most important piece of jewelry," says J. Molloy, is the wedding ring. " It is recommended to wear it at work and for unmarried women. As for the other rings, their maximum number is one.

Learn to maintain a business-like and attractive appearance under all circumstances, even in the rain or wind. As a tip, it is recommended not to use stubs of pencils, cheap pens, do not rummage in your purse and have its contents in perfect order.

Nowadays, all kinds of business events held outside their institution are widespread: seminars, conferences, business schools, etc. What should a business woman look like on them? Unlike men, who can afford some liberties in these cases, a business woman, alas, is deprived of these "little joys". Clothing here should remain strict, colors - moderate. "Screaming" fabrics are contraindicated. Trousers are not recommended.

The specifics of entrepreneurial activity makes very serious demands on the external appearance of its participants. Over the course of time, general rules reflecting the appearance of a business person. Appearance a business person is the first step to success, because for a potential partner, his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability and respectability. Neat, tastefully dressed, fit is the appearance of a business person, who is well received by the surrounding partners and clients. And the point here is not some sophistication of taste, but the fact that the appearance of such a person testifies to his respect for people. Like any professional group of people, entrepreneurs have developed a certain stereotype about clothing. Having visited any international fair or exhibition, you will notice that most of the stand attendants show an unusual similarity of views in choosing the color of a tie, shirt or suit. Nowadays, many entrepreneurs are listed with design tips. The fundamental principles in drawing up a wardrobe, in their opinion, must be the versatility of clothing. If there are many things in the wardrobe that are rarely used, it means that the wardrobe is not made up correctly.

Surprisingly, the modern business world is conservative in terms of fashion. During working hours, it is customary to wear lighter suits than at receptions, and the tones of suits in the summer must be lighter than in winter time... Costumes bright colors usually not worn during working hours. The shirt is also chosen in light colors, often white. The color of the tie is also important. There is a rule that the tie must be of the same tone as the shirt and suit, but lighter or darker, or the suit and tie must be in contrasting tones. Currently, preference is given to ties of not very bright colors, as well as ties without a pattern or pattern, although just a few years ago, "firmchians" almost universally wore ties of burgundy tones to usually dark blue suits. True, this was typical of younger managers who sought to look fashionable and elegant. In a business setting, it is not recommended to wear shirts with small sleeves, since it is considered elegant, so that the cuffs of the shirt are visible from under the sleeves of the jacket (approximately two centimeters). Although, obviously, in very hot weather, you will naturally look in a shirt with small sleeves than in a suit, constantly wiping sweat from your face. On a business trip, the manager often does not know where and how he will spend the day, whether or not he will have time to return to the hotel and change according to the occasion. Therefore, a dark blue or dark gray suit is the more common type for each option. For shoes, it is best to wear dark colored shoes. In summer, dark-colored shoes are not required for a light suit, but in any case not sandals. If possible, the color of the shoes is matched to the color palette of the suit. It is better to have socks that are not quite colorful and catchy, preferably gray or black, and brown to match a beige-brown suit. It should also be borne in mind that socks and a tie according to their own coloring must be in harmony. Men now wear headgear and gloves to a greater extent with a raincoat or coat to protect them from the cold. And yet the hat also has to match outerwear... Lighter hats are worn in spring and summer, black in autumn and winter.

It is not recommended to wear velor hats, as well as dark hats for coats and suits that are not dark in color. Our businessmen, as well as participants in international exhibitions and fairs are obliged to understand these rules, since being abroad, they are obliged to adapt to the rules in force there regarding the suit, out of politeness. There are regions (for example, the Arab East) where it is not only allowed, but even required from an entrepreneur to demonstrate luxury as a clear evidence of his prosperity. These "signs of success" are monogrammed platinum lighters, diamond watches, and cufflinks with precious stones , and super-expensive cars. The ostentatious luxury is simply forgiven for the Arab rich - it corresponds to their generally accepted appearance and behavior. And the stereotype of a “good Russian businessman” is completely different: this is a novice who does not have a huge fortune, for whom natural talent, the ability to soon learn the mind and mind and the huge potential abilities of his country so far compensate for some roughness, lack of knowledge and capital. But serious Japanese etiquette prohibits even during negotiations to take off jackets or to undo tie knots, except when the head of the delegation of your partners allows it to do so, making it clear that the time has come for informal negotiations. By the way, there is even a special international term "know Thai session" - "meeting without ties." So, for the first contact and subsequent negotiations with foreign partners, it is worth wearing a carefully cleaned and ironed suit with a light shirt and tie to match. European and American customs are even more liberal. But they also categorically prohibit appearing at negotiations in a shirt with a tie, not to mention sports shirts, even if the heat is unbearable. True, air conditioners in offices and cars, as well as a selection of light suits, help foreign entrepreneurs to withstand such restrictions. You should not appear at negotiations in jackets, sweatpants, jeans, as well as in leather jackets, which self-respecting business people wear at best for country walks. But there are special areas of business where extravagant outfits are allowed as their own kind of trademark and a sign of belonging to the shop. For example, the manager of a rock singer or the organizer of a "heavy metal" concert may sport an earring in his ear and have a ponytail tied with a ribbon. And for the art dealer, colorful jackets and silk scarves are quite befitting. Foreign businessmen carefully look after the details and meticulously take them into account in their own conclusions. For example, short, creased socks that expose an entrepreneur's bare leg when he sits cross-legged create a scary impression. In particular, clean and hole-free socks are needed in the land of the rising sun, because there you have to take off your shoes when entering a house or restaurant. A crumpled, stale handkerchief, a half-torn button, or the habit of wiping glasses with the end of a tie also spoil the impression. We must not forget about shoes - dusty and cracked shoes can spoil the impression even of a quite decent suit. You need to drop the innocent habit of complementing a suit with a tie with sandals from which socks peep out, and avoid very harsh colognes and aftershaves. And in general, the main thing to strive for is the general impression of neatness, neatness and even a certain pedantry in clothes. This should force your partner to think that you will be just as "fit" in business. For a lady-entrepreneur who wants to achieve a furor when concluding contracts, in business negotiations, it is not at all important to keep the thought of her own appearance in her head, moreover, to put it at the service of business. A woman's clothes are distinguished by classic cut, discreet colors and versatility. Evening dresses made of sexy chiffon and chic pantsuits with drawings reminiscent of Impressionist canvases are quite suitable for parties and cocktails, but appearing in such outfits at work means a career ruin.

All over the world, the main clothing for work is a suit. You can only afford a dress in the heat and only one-color. A business lady's wardrobe must have two or three skirts, jackets, two or three blouses. You need to change toilets more often, because the same thing, put on every day, gets bored and dampens the mood. It is impossible to shorten the skirt extremely, blindly obeying fashion, and you should also not wear things that emphasize your attractiveness (tight-fitting sweaters, jeans). It may happen that men, instead of listening to you in negotiations, will pay attention to your merits. In addition, they may get the impression that you are primarily offering to make sure of the beauty of your figure, and not of your business qualities. Hairstyle, makeup and jewelry must organically complement a business suit. The hairstyle must be serious, but stylish at the same time. There should be as little jewelry as possible, but at the same time, they should not be discarded. Makeup should only be visible at close range. Masters recommend taking more prophylactic cosmetics than decorative ones. Perfume should be consumed in such quantity that its smell is subtle. And, of course, it must be a great perfume. But the most important thing is your peculiarity. It's not how you dress, but how you feel. If you smile, listen intently to your interlocutor and do not overdo it with feminine tricks, such as "eye play" or "accidentally" bare knee, you are guaranteed a sensation. However, ladies' tricks sometimes do not hurt. But everything is in moderation.


1. Etiquette in the culture of appearance

2.The appearance of a business person

3 business man suit

3.1 Jacket, shirt, tie

3.2 Men's shoes

4 business woman's suit



1. Etiquette in the culture of appearance

When they first see a person, people involuntarily pay attention to his appearance. “Clothes make up ninety percent of what people see in front of them when they look at the navas,” emphasizes Debra Guy Cox, Image Consultant. Clothes have an effect on others, since, regardless of a person's consciousness, it is instantly fixed by his sense organs. Therefore, it is not for nothing that they say that a person is first judged by his appearance, then by conversation, and then by the interior of his office. Appearance, as a rule, reflects the inner, moral content of a person. “People judge us — that is, determine who we are, where we live and where we have been — by just looking at our clothes,” says Cox. A person's culture is emphasized by his clothes. She is, in a way, a visiting card of a person. Clothing carries information to communication partners about a person, his tastes, belonging to a particular social or professional stratum.

Tastefully selected clothes, accessories, neat appearance make him confident, collected, energetic. No wonder Rockefeller started his business by buying himself an expensive suit with his last money and becoming a member of the golf club. “The ability to dress is more important than the ability to enter a room or the ability to bow. Nothing is so striking as the clothes of a person, ”they instructed in the old days. Looking at an entrepreneur for the first time, one immediately gets an impression of himself and his well-being. The color of the clothes is of great importance. Exposure to color is a powerful psychological irritant: it can calm down, set up partners in a "business way", you can cause hostility in a certain situation or, on the contrary, positive emotions. Color signals are perceived by partners at a subconscious level. This explains the "secret" power of their influence. According to M. Luscher, the creator of the color test widely known in modern psychodiagnostics, each color has its own psychological significance... This is confirmed by domestic psychologists. Clothing should correspond to the place, time, nature of the event. You need to be able to wear it correctly. The lighter the suit, the better quality it should be.

2.The appearance of a business person

The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner, his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability, respectability and success in business.

Only those who are well-dressed and well-combed, who have a sense of taste and measure, can inspire confidence. It can be said that in the field of business people are “greeted by their clothes,” and then other qualities are also assessed - punctuality, clarity, qualifications, loyalty to the word, etc. That is why there are many demands to the appearance of a business person, his casual suit (not to mention solemn occasions).

On the other hand, you do not need to try to overwhelm your partners with the wealth of your appearance, testifying to your powerful creditworthiness. In most industrialized countries, heavy gold rings, chains and bracelets, conspicuous watches, or an excessively variegated tie can only raise doubts about your seriousness.

True, there are regions (for example, the Arab East) where it is not only allowed, but even required from a businessman to demonstrate luxury as a clear evidence of his prosperity. Platinum monogrammed lighters, watches with diamonds, cufflinks with precious stones, and ultra-expensive cars are such “signs of success”.

3 business man suit

Business suit is like business card businessman. No business suit - no for the business community and the businessman himself. It is not for nothing that in the distant 19th century, the future billionaire Rockefeller began his path to success with investments not in business, but himself: he literally spent his last money on two important acquisitions: the first acquisition was an expensive business suit, the second was a membership card of a prestigious golf club. The costume created the image, the card gave acquaintances or personal connections. He was a wise and far-sighted man, this Rockefeller!

Both for the first contact and for subsequent business meetings with important domestic and foreign partners, you should wear a carefully cleaned and ironed suit with a light shirt and tie to match.

You should not appear at business meetings in jackets, sweatpants, jeans, as well as in leather jackets, which self-respecting businessmen wear at best on out-of-town walks.

However, there are special areas of business where extravagant outfits are allowed as a kind of trademark and a sign of belonging to the workshop. For example, a singer-songwriter manager or a heavy metal concert organizer may sport an earring and a ponytail tied with a ribbon. Bohemian-colored jackets and silk kerchiefs are quite befitting for an art dealer.

Successful businesspeople keep a close eye on the details and meticulously take them into account in their conclusions. For example, the short, folded socks that reveal the white calves of a businessman when he sits cross-legged, make a monstrous impression. Clean and hole-free socks are especially necessary in Japan, because there you have to take off your shoes when entering a house or restaurant.

A stale handkerchief, a half-torn button, or the habit of wiping glasses with the end of a tie spoil the impression.

Shoes should not be forgotten either - dusty and cracked shoes can ruin the impression of even a decent suit. It is necessary to discard the ingenuous domestic habit of complementing a suit pair with a tie with sandals, from which thread socks peep out, to avoid too odorous colognes and aftershave lotions. And in general, the main thing to strive for is the general impression of neatness, neatness and even some pedantry in clothes. This should make a partner think that you will be so "fit" in business.

3.1 Jacket, shirt, tie

An external businessman is easy to distinguish from all other men: he looks confident, stable, dressed rather conservatively. If a rich slacker chooses expensive and sophisticated clothes with a claim to chic, people of free professions - non-standard, workers - simple and reliable, youth - sports, then a business person is unthinkable without a man's suit, which in its entirety consists of a "three" (jacket, trousers, vest ), and in the standard one - the same without a vest.

Clothing forms the appearance of a business person. It attracts the attention of people concerned with interpersonal relationships. In the words of Alison Lurie, author of The Language of Clothes: "... sociologists tell us that fashion ... is a language of signs, a non-verbal communication system." The main thing in men's clothing is a suit. The following styles of men's suits are most common: English; European; modified European, American "bag".

A must-have accessory of a classic men's suit is a jacket. It must be worn at any visit.

The bottom button of the jacket is never fastened. The rest must be buttoned up in an official setting - on the podium, at the entrance to any room, etc. You should also dance only in a buttoned jacket. You can unfasten it only if you are sitting at a table or in the auditorium. You can take off your jacket at official events only after the owner, the guest of honor - in a word, the first person at the reception has done so. And if this very first person, despite the exhausting heat, as if nothing had happened, sits in a jacket, those of a lower rank can only mentally send curses at this blockhead, immune to high temperatures and other people's problems. When visiting close friends, you can take off your jacket without waiting for the owner to do this. But first you should ask the owner for permission to do this. In late autumn, in winter, in early spring, in the evening it is better to wear a dark jacket. In the daytime and in summer, a light suit is preferable, in the heat, a cotton suit. The suit can be monochromatic, as well as in a small strip or plaid, but without sharp contrasts. For business negotiations, it is recommended to wear plain suits of gray, dark gray, dark blue or black. The most common in the business world is a two-piece suit, but a three-piece suit is allowed. The black suit is designed for the most formal occasions. All other details of clothing are matched to the suit.

The cut of the jacket - double-breasted or single-breasted, with wide or narrow lapels - does not only depend on fashion. A single-breasted jacket with two buttons shows the mobility of a businessman, his reaction speed, dynamism. A double-breasted jacket speaks of the ability to retain achievements, a reasonable allocation of funds or investments, reliability and resilience in any disasters. Double-breasted suits are contraindicated for all overweight people, even of normal or relatively high growth. They make their owners real fat men.

The cromeshirines of the smell of jackets are also distinguished by the presence of cuts, of which there can be two, one or none at all. A jacket without a slot is called European. It only looks attractive on slender men. Fat men and even men of normal build, but with a tummy or wide hips, the European type of jacket is contraindicated. It fits perfectly only on tall and thin people, and even if they are standing. You can sit in such a jacket without inconvenience, only by unbuttoning it completely.

An American jacket with one slot is more comfortable when walking, less related to the complexion of a person. But it is also not very comfortable: in order to sit down, it must be unfastened. The most reliable in this regard is an English jacket with two slots. It is quite easy to sit in it, since the jacket immediately spreads to the sides from behind and does not interfere with the fit. You do not need to open it completely. The fact is that it is customary to never thread the bottom button through the loop, so as not to interfere with free movement.

The double-slotted jacket makes it easy and free to get up and down. Probably, you need to proceed from the choice based on how active your work is, and the characteristics of your complexion. The cut of the jacket in all other respects should simply correspond to your idea of ​​being comfortable and uncomfortable, that is, feeling comfortable or uncomfortable when wearing a thing.

A business man for various events must have at least three suits and 12 cotton shirts of various colors, mostly pastel. They should match the suit in tone. It is imperative to have white shirts, but a white icy color. A thin strip or check is allowed. A checkered shirt does not match a patterned suit. Never wear a striped shirt with a plaid suit, or, conversely, a plaid shirt with a striped suit. The darker the suit, the lighter the shirt should be. The perfect shirt to suit any level of visit is white. But most harmonious combination and the best shirt doesn't make a good impression if the shirt is dirty. The freshness of a shirt is its most important characteristic. The sleeve is long. The collar of the shirt is classic. However, the choice of collar is important for men with a non-standard neck and face shape. For slender men with a long, thin neck, tapered collars (with close corners) or long, sharp collars emphasize the features that need to be muted. Wide collars are more suitable for them. They sort of widen the neck. Men with a full face and a short neck look more impressive in shirts with narrow collars. High-necked collars are good for men with a middle neck.

On a shirt, as well as on a jacket, elements of a sports or military style are also not allowed - epaulets, patch pockets with folds or yokes. Let's say one patch pocket. Usually there is a logo (trademark) of the manufacturer on the pocket.

John T. Molloy writes in Clothing for Success: “If you have the intention to take everything I’ve written in this book seriously ... you’ll never wear a short sleeve shirt to a business meeting throughout your life, no matter whether you are just recently working as a simple courier or you are the president of a company. The short sleeve is a symbol of the lower social stratum of the middle class and therefore cannot psychologically evoke feelings of respect and power. "

Elegant shirts should be without pockets, but if they are, then it is not customary to put anything in them. The corners of the collar with a tie tied should not lag behind, as in cheap shirts. The cuffs of the shirts are simple, fastened with a button, and double (French), fastened with cufflinks. Double - add gloss to the image. Due to the width and detail of these cuffs, the arms do not seem long.

Particular attention is paid to the tie. A tie is a must-have addition to a plain shirt. With a striped suit, a plaid suit, etc. a solid tie goes well. And with a plain suit - a tie with a pattern, motley. If the shirt is not light, monochromatic, you need to make sure that the tie matches its color. For a bright shirt with a pattern, only a one-tone tie is suitable. In all cases, the tie should be darker than the shirt. The color of your business partner's tie can help you determine his character, mood, and position in these negotiations. Bright red ties express expressiveness, some inconsistency. The combination of bright red with yellow is relaxedness, persistence in defending one's own point of view. A red pattern on a dark background can indicate self-confidence and dedication. Blue, dark brown colors with the addition of red and a little emerald indicate approval, readiness to take into account the opinion of the opponent. Pearl gray colors emphasize the ability to control the senses. Poisonous greens combined with yellow may indicate some alertness. Blue ties exude serenity. A black braided leather tie indicates the desire to be elegant, attractive. For business negotiations, it is better to choose gray-pearl, blue-red, maroon ties. Ties with graphic design are recommended. Such a color scheme will set your interlocutors in a fashionable mood, emphasize your respect for them. But a bright, avant-garde tie will create emotional pressure for your business partners, irritate and distract them. It is also recommended to use a set of tie and handkerchiefs of the same color (the tip of which looks out of the breast pocket). A silk tie is best suited to a dark evening suit. A synthetic tie is worn only with a leather jacket. Bow ties only appear at formal events. A black cloth tie is appropriate only for funerals and memorial ceremonies. It is unacceptable to combine a tie with a sports, woolen shirt, with any shirt worn outside. The width of the tie should be in direct proportion to the size of the jacket, i.e. the wider a person is at the shoulders, the wider the tie should be. Do not allow the tie to hang below the waist. But too short is also acceptable. It should just not reach the buckle of the trouser belt. And, of course, the tie must be tied neatly and correctly. Ties made of heavy fabric should be tied each time.

3.2 Men's shoes

Not only a tie, but also shoes indicate a man's social status and luck. In all manuals on business etiquette about shoes, the following is written: it should be expensive, conservative, on a thin sole, black or dark (for a dark suit) and the appropriate shade for a light suit. But above all, the shoes must be comfortable. So if the seller in the store assures you that this is a tasama model that is ideal for a business suit, then, having figured out this purpose, check how comfortable it is on your leg, and do not forget for what purpose you are purchasing it: if you only wear in the room, then the choice is fair, but if you have to wander around our sinful land in these business shoes during the slushy season, then you should think about whether or not your shoes will cope with rain, snow or mud. Otherwise, you run the risk of giving up the time expensive shoes the nearest dump.

Elegantly complement the suit with lightweight lace-up shoes made of genuine leather(top, bottom, insoles). Boots are worn with outerwear: black lace-up boots, classic black leather lace-up ankle boots. Moccasins are possible if they are made of first-class genuine leather and are simple in style. They do not wear high-heeled shoes, as well as patent ones. The business man does not wear velor leather shoes. They are not acceptable in the business area. Patent shoes match only a jacket and a tuxedo.

You will still not be able to get off with “shoes for all occasions”. For cold seasons, you will have to choose winter and autumn shoes, for summer - summer ones. But in all cases, shoes should look expensive and prestigious. This does not mean that it needs an extravagant cut, although today there are very bold decisions in the world of men's shoe fashion. Men's business shoes are simple, that is, they should not have all sorts of inserts of a different color, additional straps, buckles, emblems and other details that are good in youth fashion, but do not correspond to the business style. Shoes should always be impeccably clean, both inside and out. The leg secretes 200 ml of sweat per day. The business man wears thin woolen socks. By absorbing sweat, these socks remain dry to the touch. Keep your socks long. In this case, crossing the legs, the naked body is invisible from under the trousers (erogenous zones). It is unacceptable that the naked part of the leg is visible. Long socks add elegance to the foot. Undesirable socks with patterns. The color of the socks creates a transition from the color of the suit to the color of the shoes, it is combined with them. Dark solid color socks are preferred. White socks are not allowed. They are worn mainly by athletes. We read about this in one of the commandments on how to dress a novice businessman at a business school in Frankfurt am Main: “A gentleman wears white socks! A businessman, if he is a gentleman, too. " The basic principle of choosing a business suit is simple: men's clothing should sit well and a person should be comfortable in it. So when choosing a business suit, it is recommended not only to put it on and stand in front of the mirror, but also to walk, sit, even bend over, evaluating the suit not in static, but in motion. Also, if you are choosing a suit that is comfortable, be sure to check to ensure that it is comfortable for you even in the event that the pockets are not perfectly empty. If they are provided, then for some reason they exist. At the same time, not already empty pockets should not bulge out and bulge out.

4 business woman's suit

The desire of a woman to be noticeable is her deepest need. The color of the suit can increase or decrease the aura power and charm of a woman. The requirements for the clothes of a business woman are, in principle, not much different from the requirements for the code of a business man. However, business etiquette allows a woman to deviate from harsh male standards. For a woman - a businessman who wants to succeed, it is very important to remember about her appearance.

Business clothes are distinguished by classic cut, discreet colors, versatility. Evening dresses made of sexy chiffon and luxurious trouser suits with drawings reminiscent of impressionist canvases are quite suitable for cocktail parties, but appearing in such outfits at work means the collapse of a career. Women's business suit can be traditional colors (red, yellow, brown, green, blue, white, black), almost any color, except for bright shades and sharp contrasting combinations. Best colors business dress - dark blue, reddish brown, beige, dark brown, gray, medium blue, light blue, etc.

Black business suit in recent times displaced. It is suitable for conferences, council meetings and other events that are more ceremonial than normal work activities. All over the world, the main clothing for work is a suit. The dress can be afforded only in the heat and only in plain color.

A business woman's wardrobe should have two or three skirts, jackets, two or three blouses. It is desirable to change toilets often, because the same thing, put on every day, annoys and "extinguishes" the mood.

It is impossible to overly shorten the skirt, blindly obeying fashion. Also, do not wear things that emphasize your attractiveness (tight-fitting sweaters, jeans). It may happen that men, instead of listening to you at business meetings, will consider your merits. In addition, they may get the impression that you are first of all offering to make sure of the beauty of your figure, and not of your business qualities.

A woman's clothing must correspond to the place, time, nature of the event. You need to know how to wear it correctly. For example, it is not customary to receive guests or walk in evening dresses during the daytime. For this occasion, an elegant dress or dress-suit is suitable, but not a jacket and skirt. Good taste requires the ability to combine existing clothing. The set can be supplemented with a new skirt, jumper, scarf, scarf.

The skirt is worn with a leather belt to match the color of the suit. If a woman has a high waist, then the color of the belt is matched to the color of the blouse, if low - to the color of the skirt. A business woman should wear a cheap or ill-fitting jacket. The lowered, shapeless shoulders of the work look sluggish and helpless. Therefore, use small hangers. But at the same time remember that the shoulders narrow the sides. A buttoned-up jacket should be comfortable and fit. Optimal length him - not below the thighs. For women with a high waist, long jackets are recommended, with a low one - short. Don't forget io direction of fashion.

Blouses should be simple, elegant and look expensive. The sophisticated design of the blouse does not harmonize with the business jacket. Ruches, laces add femininity. Sheer or tight-fitting blouses are only suitable for a jacket. Summer clothing should be made of natural materials or with a small amount of synthetic or acetate fibers.

Knitted jumpers, vests, etc. are excluded from business clothes. A fat person looks fuller in a suit or dress made of fabric with a transverse strip, with a large pattern, very light. Fill any figure with skirts in the shape of the letter "A". Tall women in wide fluffy skirts do not produce a business look. It is best to wear a long, slanting skirt.

For women, footwear is an essential part of the toilet. The most elegant are the closed toe and heel boats. In business, white shoes are unacceptable; they look cheap and are not a symbol of success. Shoes of ivory color, beige, beige-gray, etc. are desirable. Dark shoes are suitable for dark dresses. Shoes with colored details, "metallic colors", with decorations are unacceptable in the business sphere. Shoes with flared heels, as well as closed shoes are worn only with trousers. Patent leather shoes are preferred in the evening. In summer, sandals with an open heel, but with a closed toe, are acceptable. Stockings and tights are usually combined with the color of the shoes. They must not have a pattern. Shoes and dark-colored stockings visually reduce the feet.

Hairstyle, makeup, jewelry should organically complement your business suit. Hairstyle should be strict, but elegant at the same time. There should be as little jewelry as possible, but at the same time, one should not refuse them altogether. Wear the best expensive jewelry. Cosmetics should be visible only at close range. Experts recommend buying more cosmetic than decorative. Perfume should be used in such quantities that their scent is barely noticeable. And, of course, it should be a good perfume.

But the most important thing is your personality. It's not how you dress, how you feel. If you are calm, confident in yourself, if you smile and listen to your interlocutor attentively, do not overdo it with little feminine tricks like "eye play" or "accidentally" naked knee, you are guaranteed success. However, women's tricks sometimes do not hurt. Everything in moderation.


A business person always has high quality accessories that he can only afford.

A woman's handbag or case must be the best varieties genuine leather, like a briefcase, folder, purse (wallet) - for a man. A portfolio is essential for every successful person. Folders are used only for internal use (meetings, meetings, etc.).

In the business sphere, a woman must wear a watch, otherwise she makes it clear to others that she does not value time. Prefers watches with a clear dial, classic design. They are selected in accordance with the fullness of the wrist. Small watches are shallow, large ones are heavy, uncomfortable. Digital Watch and also with a pointer - inelegant.

A watch is the most important, expensive and prestigious accessory of a business man. In the classic business style, the preference is given to elegant mechanical watches with hands ... Quartz - more practical and easy to use, but mechanical more prestigious. Men are distorted by watches made of plastic, rubber, with various decorations, making a ringing, squeaking, with an indistinct dial. A watch is convenient when the glass is flush with the case. The convex glass is exposed to the greatest friction, the dial is darkened. The strap is recommended from calfskin, or imitated crocodile, as well as a metal bracelet. A pocket watch is worn with a tailcoat. In the business world, it is customary to wear jewelry in gold, silver, pearl or their combinations. Jewelry with precious stones is worn only in the evening. Rings should be in harmony with the dress and appearance of the owner. It is accepted to carry them on the ring finger. It is undesirable to wear small rings, as they cut into the finger, leaving a deep mark that remains for a long time, even if such rings are no longer worn. The ring worn on the little finger shortens and widens the hand. Small, graceful rings greatly emphasize the width of the hand; the ring on the index finger is a sign of bad taste. The grace of the hand emphasizes a small stone in a thin frame, a large one always emphasizes only its own beauty. Any rings look good on narrow hand with long fingers. On such a hand, a ring with a stone in a convex setting looks beautiful even on the middle finger. Rings with stones of saturated colors are suitable for all hands, and dim, transparent ones are suitable for dark-skinned ones. Jewelry on men has a frightening effect on clients. It is allowed to wear two rings: an engagement ring and a signet. Preference is given to jewelry made of the most "masculine" precious metal - platinum. Cufflinks in a men's suit should be gold, silver, mother-of-pearl, possibly with natural stones delicate color like "Onyx". Artificial materials are unacceptable. It is advisable that the cufflinks are combined with a tie clip. The frame of the glasses should not exactly copy the shape of the face, but only keep its line. The top of the frame should be in line with the brows, and the eyes should be in the middle of the glasses. The frame should not be slit and below the middle of the cheeks, that is, below the level of the nostrils, so as not to distort the formula. It is good when the frame of the glasses is in harmony with the color of hair, eyebrows, clothes. For dark hair, dark eyebrows choose a dark frame. But remember that the heavy dark rim enlarges the nose. Metallic or softly tinted plastic frames are suitable for light hair. The business man's pen, as well as women, pay attention no less than other accessories. Along with Swiss watches and delicate glasses, a good pen is one of the things that can reveal the true social status of its owner. Among the prestigious firms that produce expensive fountain pens, the most popular in Russia are Parker, Sheatter, Mont Blanc and Cross.


1. Business communication. Business etiquette: Textbook. manual for university students / Compiled by I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2005. - 431 p.

2. Professional ethics and etiquette. Textbook / A.A. Solonitsyna. - Vladivostok. - Publishing house of the Far East University, 2005. - 200 p.

3. Elizaveta Bazhenova "Business etiquette: why you need to behave this way and not otherwise."

4.30 main rules business etiquette/ Auth.-comp. T. I. Revyako - M .: AST; Minsk: Harvest; 2005. -96s.

"They are greeted according to their clothes, but they are seen off according to their minds" - this is how a popular proverb tells us. And indeed it is. Success in business or career depends on the qualifications of the business person, professionalism, ethical qualities, ability to, and many other components. All this directly affects the success. But there are also secondary success factors that sometimes come to the fore. It is things like the general impression you make on others. This is the manner of speaking, posture and, of course, the appearance and the image that you want to match.

How a person's appearance affects their success

This is not to say that a person's appearance and his image can provide him with a direct path to success. For example, famous all over the world Steve Jobs preferred practical clothes: jeans and a turtleneck.

I know a lot of people who have been successful but dress like simple guys. But there are people among my circle of acquaintances who dress in good suits and always look brand new. According to them, good clothes and a neat appearance can open a large number of doors.

Good business person appearance starts with physical health.

There is no point in putting on an expensive suit if you are already standing with one foot in an ambulance and feeling unwell. If you want to start looking good, then you need to start from the very essence.

And this means that moderate physical activity, a rational diet, full-fledged long sleep, quitting smoking, alcohol and communication with hysterical women - that's what a smart business man needs. Neglecting one of these rules can get away with at a young age, but later all this will definitely make itself felt. And the sooner you take care of your health, the better it will be for you.

A fit figure, good posture - this will always give self-confidence and make a good impression on new partners. But these are all external attributes. The main thing is that in a healthy body you will be efficient and nothing will darken your working days. It is not for nothing that they say that "There is a healthy mind in a healthy body." And it really is. Who would not say what there, but "pregnant men" and with a crooked posture do not make a good impression. Rather, all this raises questions like this: "How could you start yourself up like that?"

I don't have enough time for sports

The phrase "I don't have enough time" is a convenient excuse for not changing anything in your life. It's so convenient day after day to be led by your habits. In fact, all people have approximately the same amount of time. At the same time, some find time to maintain their shape and follow a diet, others eat at McDonald's. At the same time, they consume clearly more calories than is really necessary.

In fact, due to the lack of adequate physical activity, the performance of any of us will be far from the maximum value. Scientific research show that moderate exercise improves performance and also affects intelligence. In addition, sports can partially reduce stress levels. And no one forces you to start running marathons right away. You can start small. Go to the pool once a week, start running once a week on Sundays. Even the busiest person can afford all this.

Ability to dress beautifully

The dress code of a business person is also of great importance. Business style experts say that the look of the garment should be in line with the stated goals. Wanna be mayor big city or the head of the local tax office - you will have to forget about torn jeans and piercings in the nose. On the other hand, some organizations have adopted a free style of dress and to appear there in a shirt, jacket and tie is bad manners. It depends on the head of the company (what tone he sets), as well as in general on the corporate culture.

As stylists say, the appearance of a business person speaks for him. For example, yours is able to become a decisive argument - to hire you or not. A person receives 80% of the information (or even more) through the eyes. They say that we form the first impression in a matter of seconds when we first drive a person. And it is the appearance of a person in these seconds that forms an image in such a way that later it will be problematic or almost impossible to change impressions about oneself.

Numerous studies show that beautiful people earn 5-10% more on average than less attractive colleagues.

Dress well- this is one of the because this way you stand out a lot among colleagues who are used to dressing at random. Numerous success stories testify: those who started dressing as a leader, but worked like everyone else, became a leader in a matter of years. The reason is that by dressing like a director, you unwittingly reinforce your own self-confidence. Self-confidence, in turn, can affect real success at work. Not to mention the fact that colleagues begin to take such a person more seriously even before he actually becomes a leader.

The appearance of a business person is formed not only with the help of clothes, but also with other important things. Hairstyle, smile, cosmetics, accessories. I don't know about you, but I always go with a thick silver chain on my arm. It's not a fact that this accessory is perceived by other people as a stylish attribute, but it shows, to some extent, my personality.

All you have to understand is that appearance is really important both in personal life and in business or work.

Business relations in the field of business, politics, management presuppose the observance of a certain style of dress, speech, and behavior.

d) the use of verbal nouns, prepositions and complex conjunctions (in relation, at the expense, along the line, due to the fact that others), stable phrases (in case; due to the fact that)

e) the speech uses a narrative presentation of information;

f) the use of complex sentences with enumerations; order in sentences is direct;

g) lack of emotionally expressive speech means, style individualization.

Business, in addition to the speech environment, also includes a system of techniques and means of influencing interlocutors, partners, employees.

In interaction with people, it presupposes the presence of such qualities as the ability to comprehensively solve communication issues, taking into account the capabilities of partners; ability to manage resources, organizational skills.

When dealing with people, business style requires the choice of certain behavior, which depends on the situation:

b) democratic (equality of participants in communication)

c) problem-target

Business style in clothes also has restraint, conservatism, functionality in the choice of fabric and color, cut and accessories.

However, there is a gradation according to its purpose: a strict business style (necessary for meetings, negotiations, meetings at high level); casual business style; conventionally business style.

The business style of clothing combines classic and sporty trends: elegance and comfort. Suits, jackets, skirts, trousers should fit well, the cut of the models is chosen with a minimum of additional details. When choosing styles, it is necessary to take into account the style and profile of the company, firm, organization. At any time of the year, a woman should wear tights (stockings) of a natural color.

Natural fabrics prevail, up to fifteen percent of synthetics are allowed. Fabric color - gray, dark blue, black, beige.

Accessories shouldn't be conspicuous. The color of the bag, belt, wallet is matched to the shoes The jewelry is real, the watch is of high quality. The sunglasses are translucent and are removed from view when entering the room.

Headwear is selectable classic style, without decorations. A scarf is allowed only with a fabric lining, not leather.

Hairstyle, manicure, and make-up are of great importance in the appearance of a business person. Well-groomed hair, hands, nails show organization, the ability to allocate time. Gray hair is allowed for a man, but not for a woman. The type of makeup is natural, without bright colors.