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The rules of business etiquette to be followed by anyone who values ​​their reputation. Always be in the mood

Decent behavior during communication is a direct indicator of the level of our culture. And in modern society, the rules of conduct play an important role. The general impression of a person has a direct impact on his reputation and status. Knowledge and observance of the rules and norms of etiquette, the ability to make a pleasant impression, build effective communication are significant elements in human life. That is why many business partners pay special attention to the behavior of the people around them.


Etiquette includes moral and moral concepts, norms and principles of behavior and communication of people, which we must use not only in society, but also in the family, when communicating with colleagues at work. Business etiquette is of particular importance.

It is not enough just to be an educated, cultured, well-mannered or polite person - you must follow a whole set of rules so that you are appreciated in society as a professional. Compliance with business etiquette is essential to success in a business environment.

Conscientious work, high awareness of social duty and mutual assistance - all these qualities in business ethics must be able to educate and improve in oneself. Correct and competent speech, image, ability to stay in society and understanding of the intricacies of non-verbal communication will help to win people over.

Key features business etiquette.

  • In business etiquette, under the concept freedom it is understood that ethics should not impede the free will of all partners. In a business environment, you should value not only your freedom, but also the importance of trade secrets and the freedom of action of partners, that is, not to interfere in the affairs of other companies and not to interfere with the choice of methods of execution of agreements. And also freedom presupposes a tolerant attitude towards the religious and national characteristics of the interlocutors.
  • Particular attention must be paid to your speech, this will help politeness... When communicating with colleagues, partners and clients, the tone and timbre of the voice should always be affable and friendly. Respect helps more than just preserve a good relationship but also helps to increase the company's profits.
  • Tolerance and tolerance are about understanding and accepting the weaknesses or weaknesses of partners, clients or colleagues. This attitude contributes to the establishment of mutual trust and understanding.

It is important to remember that communication must be completely good-oriented. Rudeness and malevolence are inapplicable when communicating in a business environment. Even a dishonest partner needs to be treated favorably, control yourself and remain calm and ethical in all situations.

  • Tactfulness and delicacy expressed in the ability to listen and hear the opponent. When communicating with an interlocutor, one should always take into account age, gender, religious beliefs, moreover, when communicating, one should bypass unacceptable topics. This fact must be taken into account when negotiating with foreign interlocutors. The customs and traditions of other countries may seem strange and incomprehensible, and the behavior and actions - arrogant or familiar. It is customary to give compliments, but at the same time it is important not to cross the fine line of delicacy, and not to go over into hypocrisy. It is only important to be able to hear and make the correct counter offer.
  • Punctuality and responsibility Are one of the key principles of culture. People who don't know how to manage their time, who are late for meetings and meetings, leave an indelibly negative impression. Day modern people is scheduled literally for minutes: time is valuable not only for you, but also for business partners, colleagues and subordinates. A delay of more than 5 minutes is regarded as a gross violation of business etiquette. And even the most sincere apologies cannot make amends.
  • Justice consists in an unbiased assessment of the individual qualities of people and their work. You need to respect their individuality, ability to accept criticism and listen to recommendations.
  • Diligence and responsibility means the ability to take responsibility and get the job done on time.

Further cooperation with people depends on the observance of the basic principles of etiquette. By violating certain rules in society, you risk your image, and in a business environment - the company's reputation, and such blunders can cost a lot of money or a career ladder.

Each environment and industry has its own rules of etiquette. So, for example, for people working in the international field, it is necessary to adhere to the rules good taste adopted in other countries.


The main functions of business etiquette.

  • Socio-cultural: the acceptance of the individual and the group increases the efficiency of business interaction and optimizes work activity: the formation of rules and norms of behavior is necessary not only in the business environment, but also in all aspects of human life.
  • Regulatory allows you to navigate in a difficult or non-standard situation, which ensures stability and order. Behavior standardization facilitates the process of establishing communication in any typical business situation. Thus, it avoids mistakes, troubles and stress. Helps to reach mutual understanding and save time when negotiating. Formation of a positive image of the company and the leader in the eyes of employees, customers and partners.

  • Integrative function ensures group cohesion. Socialization allows even a beginner to cope with the assigned tasks using a work template. Promotes the development and formation of personality, allows you to solve a disciplining problem and master the rules of business etiquette in a short time.
  • Communicative function correlates with maintaining good relationships and lack of conflict.

Business is the coordinated activity of a multitude of people. And the effectiveness of the company's work depends on the ability to establish connections and maintain good relations not only with employees, but also with partners and customers.


The rules of business etiquette must be observed in all life situations, regardless of the circumstances. Business etiquette is applicable:

  • at work;
  • in telephone conversations and business correspondence;
  • on the official receptions or business dinners;
  • in travel.

Observe basic moral and ethical standards in any situation. There is a so-called “first seconds” rule when you can create the first impression of a person. It includes greeting, shaking hands, introducing and first calling.

Sign language allows you to learn much more about character than words and appearance. Non-verbal signs reflect the essence and inner world of a person, for example, crossed arms or legs signaling distrust, tightness or insecurity.

It is impossible not to note egocentrism, which is often attributed with negative connotations, on the contrary, such behavior says that we have a professional in his field, he can negotiate and not forget about his point of view. Such a person is interested in a positive outcome of the dispute, but he will undoubtedly defend his point of view.

Basic rules and regulations

Not knowing the basic tenets of etiquette creates many problems and sometimes leads to career ruin. Today, business in Russia has its own specific features in ethics - this is how new culture business communication.

There are many rules and requirements in it that must be followed. Some components have already lost their relevance. For example, it was previously believed that a woman should get out of the elevator first, but now the rules of etiquette say that the first one to get out of the elevator is the one who stands closest to the door.

There are eight main areas of business etiquette.

  • Positive attitude and a friendly attitude towards employees and partners allows you to positively endear people.
  • Subordination: different people have their own ways and manners of communication, you must always remember with whom you are conducting a dialogue. For example, with a project manager, you can have friendly relations and communicate with each other on "you", but at a meeting with partners, only addressing "you" and by name and patronymic is permissible.
  • When greeting should not be limited only to the phrases "Hello" or "Good afternoon", it is also necessary to use non-verbal gestures: bow, handshake, nod or wave of the hand. Also, do not forget about the simple words of courtesy "Thank you", "Sorry", "All the best", etc.
  • Handshake- an obligatory element of greeting, goodbye and conclusion of an agreement, which gives the mood for further communication. The first one extends his hand to the person who is younger in status or age. But if there is a dialogue with a woman, then the man extends his hand first. But a woman is always the first to greet her boss or leader.

  • In a business society, there is no gender division of people, only service ranks are taken into account... In any circles, the person who is younger in rank or age is the first to introduce himself and greet. Exists next order: first, they introduce the younger to the elder, the man to the woman, the lower in status to the leader, latecomers to those who are waiting. During the greeting and acquaintance, it is necessary to stand, but at the same time the woman can sit. But if you are the leader and the host at the same time, then you have to say the first word.
  • Any person with whom you do business must be respectful, you also need to calmly and adequately take criticism and advice from the outside.
  • No need to say too much- secrets of an institution, company, partners or colleagues must be kept as carefully as personal.
  • Acceptance or presentation of flowers, gifts and souvenirs is permitted within the framework of business ethics. The occasion can be personal events or corporate achievements. It is better for the leader to make one gift from the team. A personal gift is best done when closed doors and on a solemn occasion. A present to a colleague or colleague can be made for any reason - but in this case, as a rule, the principle “you are for me; I - for you. " Congratulations from a manager to a subordinate are usually done individually or publicly, but then all employees are presented with the same gifts.

Business correspondence

An educational and cultured person can always competently express his thoughts not only orally, but also in writing. The main requirements for business correspondence are brevity, conciseness and correctness. There are fundamentals for business letters and documentation.

  • The letter must be competently composed without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. Communication style is business-like, with the use of stationery.
  • It is necessary to decide on the type and urgency of the letter delivery.
  • Any official appeal must comply with the accepted and valid templates. It is advisable to draw up a letter on the official letterhead of the company or division. Each appeal or response must be personal and personal.
  • You need to indicate the recipient's initials, position, department or department to which the letter is sent. The data of the sender must be indicated with detailed contact information, indicating the name of the company and the position of the employee.

  • Not worth using a large number of professional terminology, and you should avoid ambiguous expressions and jargon.
  • The main part of the letter consists of an introduction and a description of the purpose and subject of the conversation. The text must be convincing with sufficient reasoning and not exceed 1.5 pages. At the end of the letter the sender's signature is put.
  • If the letter has an international direction, then it must be in the language of the recipient.
  • When it is sent by e-mail, it is worth paying attention to the "subject line" field. The line indicates: type of document, subject and summary.

Business conversation

Etiquette directs communication in the right direction, ensures the professional activities of managers and subordinates with appropriate standards, rules, norms. As Dale Carnegie argued, only 15% of success depends on professional achievements and knowledge, and 85% - on the ability to communicate with people.

Business protocol is governed by rules and regulations. There is a technology that allows you to quickly and easily establish contact, here are the basic guidelines.

  • Avoid conflict situations- do not use categorical statements, criticism and take into account the interest of all parties in resolving the case.
  • Take care of your wardrobe - a sloppy look, a tattered suit, and an unkempt hairstyle are considered neglect and are viewed negatively by others.
  • There should be several business cards in your jacket pocket. Their absence is considered a sign of bad taste and will be perceived from the negative side.
  • If you are just applying for a job, try to be calm and confident during the interview. Watch your posture and walk into the office with your head up. Do not rush to sit on the first chair, wait until you are asked to do this. Communicate with courtesy and confidence, keep your legs parallel to each other, and do not cross your arms.

publishing house:
"Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2014

How to say hello

If you enter the premises, say hello first - always, regardless of whether you are a woman or a man, a top manager or an ordinary employee, an elderly person or a young man. If there are other people in the office of the person you came to, limit yourself to a general bow and greeting. Then, shake hands with whoever invited you. When greeting someone, do not limit yourself to just a formal “Hello”. Call the other person by name.

When meeting, when you are introduced or you introduce yourself, do not rush to shake hands. The one to whom you are introduced must be the first to do so. Remember: according to business etiquette, it is not customary to kiss ladies' hands at an official meeting (according to the rules of secular etiquette, they kiss the hand only married women and only indoors). If you are sitting, get up when you greet if possible. Use common sense when doing this. If suddenly you cannot get up (for example, because of tightness and inconvenience), greet other people while sitting, but apologize: "Sorry that I do not get up, it is a little crowded here."

How to shake hands

If you walk up to a group of people and shake hands with one person, you need to shake hands with the rest. It is not customary to shake hands across a threshold, a table, or over the head of the person sitting between you. Do not shake hands with the other person while keeping the other in your pocket. One of pressing issues business etiquette: should you shake hands with a woman? The answer is unequivocal: yes. A woman's handshake is no different from a man's. Secular etiquette assumes that a woman is the first to extend her hand to a man. In business etiquette, the leader is the first to give his hand, even if the subordinate is a woman.

A handshake with the palm up indicates that the person wants to transfer control to the interlocutor. When a person, shaking hands with a partner, covers his palm with his own, he demonstrates his power and dominance. If you are not comfortable with this position, cover his right arm with your left . Shaking hands with both hands is discouraged by business etiquette as it is meant to manifest a closer relationship with people. Moreover, people may perceive such a gesture as an attempt to show condescension or patronize. However, don't forget about cross-cultural differences - for example, Americans love this gesture and find it appropriate in business communications.

How to get acquainted

If there are strangers around you, do not be shy, feel free to introduce yourself, do not wait until you are introduced. When meeting at a business meeting (conference, reception), you should not immediately talk about your achievements and list regalia. It is enough to simply indicate what you do and why you got to a meeting or event.

It is important to be able not only to represent yourself, but also to introduce people to each other. The person to whom you introduce a stranger to him is mentioned first. The one you represent is the second. When introducing people of equal status, imagine the one with whom you know the best, the one with whom you know the least. A man is introduced to a woman, the younger in age or by official position - the elder.

When a person is introduced to you, focus on remembering their name — call them by name more often during the conversation. Forgetting the name of the interlocutor, try to soften the situation by correctly asking: “Sorry, I'm in Lately got a little forgetful, can you remind your name? »

What should be a business card

It is preferable that the business card is designed in a strict laconic style. Businessmen who often work with foreign partners should print business cards in the language of the partners - this is especially welcome in Asian countries. If some information about you has changed, you need to order new business cards: under no circumstances correct the data on old business cards, a card with blots and corrections is a sign of bad taste. It is considered good form for a business person to have business cards in two languages ​​- Russian and English. Don't make a bilingual business card.

If you didn’t find the person on the spot, but want to show him your respect, fold the upper right corner of the business card you left behind. Transferring your business card with a mark through third parties is a custom common in international business communication.

How to end a meeting

When leaving strangers, you don't have to personally say goodbye to everyone. And if you leave a crowded reception before the rest of the guests, say goodbye only to the hosts of the meeting. Otherwise, your departure may serve as a signal for the party participants that it is time for everyone to go home. If the conversation lasts too long, invite the other person to meet new people, introduce them to each other, apologize and take leave.

Goodbyes should be short — for example, shaking hands as if we were meeting. End the conversation politely with generic phrases such as, "It was great to see you." If you need to leave the meeting earlier, wait for a pause in the conversation, get up and say goodbye, expressing hope for a new meeting.

Language of the body

Non-verbal communication lies in the plane of both psychology and good manners: for example, when talking to people, you do not need to spread your legs wide, stoop and keep your hands in your pockets. The interpretation of some typical gestures is fairly well established. For example, the "fig leaf" pose (palms closed in such a way that the hands form an inverted "V") indicates shyness and self-doubt. If you make fussy movements, sway from side to side, or touch your face or hair, then you strengthen your own nervous tension and distracting others. Excessive gesticulation during a conversation is not welcome. Gestures should be restrained - over-expression can confuse interlocutors.

Show respect for personal space: the distance between you and the person you are talking to should be at least arm's length. Business communication does not involve talking in an undertone or whispering. Do not take a step forward if the interlocutor takes a step back - by doing so, he may be unconsciously trying to make it clear that you are invading his personal space. During the meeting, do not look at the clock - it may seem to others that you are burdened with communication and in a hurry to leave. Avoid sitting cross-legged, especially in a chair. If it is deep, you can stretch your legs slightly.

How to negotiate

Preparation of negotiations consists of working out a business protocol adopted among diplomats and businessmen, and from a substantive part - issues that should be discussed. You should invite partners to negotiations at least two weeks in advance, so that they can also prepare - this will save time and create conditions for effective communication... As for the composition of the delegation, there must be parity in the negotiations, that is, an equal number of participants from both sides and the correspondence of the positions of representatives with each. Only those employees are invited to the meeting, whose presence is really necessary. The venue of the negotiations is proposed by the inviting party, but the invitee has the right to both accept and reject it. It is not recommended to schedule negotiations for early morning or late evening.

When there are many participants and they are unfamiliar, you can place cards with surnames on the table. The parties are located opposite each other in the order of correspondence of positions. Representatives of the host side sit facing the door. There should be a distance of about one and a half meters between the participants. The head of the receiving party sits down first.

After the greeting, the participants should be introduced to each other. You also need to define their role and powers in the negotiations. The head of the host country is introduced first, then the head of the invited delegation. After that, they introduce their employees: first, to the receiving party, then to the invited party. The exchange of business cards is appropriate if there are no more than seven people on each side of the meeting.

If negotiations are conducted with a foreign delegation, it is necessary to agree in advance on the language of negotiations and ensure technical means for translators. If a recording is being made during the conversation, guests should be informed about this. At the end of the negotiations, the entry is made out and the previously approved plan is attached to it.

It is accepted that guests begin the conversation. It is not customary to interrupt the speaker. In rare cases, when you really need to clarify something during the speech, you can apologize and ask a question. In no case should you argue with representatives of your side. If you want to clarify something between yourself, you need to ask for a break and go out to discuss. In negotiations, there is no place for categorical statements, challenges, harsh assessments and demonstrations of superiority. If you notice this behavior from the other side, you should not be defensive - it is better to just remain silent.

The optimal meeting time is two hours. If negotiations drag out, a half-hour coffee break is required. If you have gifts for the meeting participants, they are presented after negotiations.

Alcoholic drinks are not served during negotiations. In rare cases (for example, the signing of an important contract), champagne may be offered at the very end of the negotiations - but this is more of a symbolic gesture.

Reception of business partners

Guests at the airport must be greeted by the head of the delegation of the appropriate rank. He usually arrives accompanied by two or three people. The host company manager may not accompany guests on all trips. There is an unspoken rule (not categorical, but desirable) - if a guest arrives with his spouse, then the host leader comes to the first meeting accompanied by his spouse. The head of the host country is introduced first. He then introduces the spouse, then the staff (in descending order of rank).

Think in advance how to seat guests in the cars so that everything goes smoothly. The most honorable place is the back seat obliquely from the driver. It is occupied by the head of the guests' delegation. He gets into the car first and gets out first. If the head of the meeting party arrives at the wheel of a personal car, then the place of honor for the guest is next to him. The standard of politeness is that the door will be opened for the boss. This is done by a driver, security guard or employee, but by no means a woman.

When escorting guests to the hotel, part with them not on the street, but in the lobby. You can also arrange a protocol visit there.

Mobile etiquette

You need to call a mobile phone on business issues during business hours, on weekdays it is considered the time period from 09:00 to 21:00. Always turn off your phone during negotiations and lunch together. The ringtone should be neutral (classic telephone trill, unobtrusive melody, or just a vibration alert without sound). If you call someone and the answering machine starts up, don't hang up. Introduce yourself and ask to call you back when it is convenient. If your call is not answered, call back no earlier than two hours later - the owner of the phone will see the missed call and will call you back. It is impolite to wait more than six rings - it is better to hang up after the fifth ring. You should not ask the interlocutor about the availability of time if you call during working hours on a specific short question.

The person who started the conversation ends the conversation. If the connection is interrupted, the caller calls back. It is best to answer after the second or third call - if you pick up the phone immediately, the caller may not have time to concentrate. Don't drop the call - it's impolite. You need to answer and ask to call back (or promise to call back) after a specific period of time, say, two hours. Do not apologize at the end of the conversation for taking the time of the interlocutor, it is better to just thank for the opportunity to talk about your case. Don't give numbers mobile phones without the consent of their owners.

The book was provided by the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber".

As a result of studying this topic, the student must:


  • business dress etiquette;
  • the concepts of "business etiquette" and "commercial secret";
  • business protocol;

be able to

  • analyze the results of a business conversation;
  • conduct a stage of preparation for a business conversation;


  • skills of organization and technique of conducting a business conversation, telephone conversation, videoconference;
  • skills in written business etiquette.

Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette- this is the established order of conduct in the field of business and business contacts. Everyone knows that any employee of the company is the face of the company, and it is important that this person is at the same time attractive and professional, benevolent and adamant, helpful and independent.

Modern business etiquette is a deep knowledge of decency, the ability to keep oneself in a team so as to earn universal respect and not offend another with your behavior. By the culture of behavior of an employee of the company and his ability to communicate with clients, one can judge the entire team of this company.

Knowing the rules of business etiquette helps to avoid mistakes or smooth them out in accessible, generally accepted ways. Therefore, the main function or meaning of a business person's etiquette can be defined as the formation of such rules of behavior in society that contribute to mutual understanding between people in the process of communication. The second most important function of business etiquette is the function of convenience, i.e. expediency and practicality. From the smallest to the most general rules business etiquette is a system close to everyday life. After all, the most important principle of etiquette is that it is necessary to act according to etiquette not because it is so accepted, but because it is more expedient, more convenient, and more respectful in relation to others and to oneself. V modern business the person of the company has a significant role to play. Organizations that do not follow business etiquette have a lot to lose. Where business etiquette has become the norm, labor productivity is higher and results are better. Entrepreneurs all over the world know the central tenet of business: good manners are profitable. It is much more pleasant to work with a company where business etiquette is observed. Almost all over the world, it has become the norm. This is because etiquette, by virtue of its vitality, creates a pleasant psychological climate conducive to business contacts. Etiquette helps only when there is no internal tension arising from an attempt to do according to the rules of etiquette what we have never done before.

The established norms of morality are the result of a long-term process of the formation of relationships between people, both in public and in family life... Without observance of these norms, political, economic, cultural and family relationships, since people cannot exist without reckoning with each other, without imposing certain restrictions on themselves. And here etiquette plays a very important role.

However, etiquette requirements are not absolute. The norms of etiquette, in contrast to the norms of morality, are conditional, they have the character of an unwritten agreement on what is generally accepted in people's behavior and what is not.

Business etiquette at the company

Business is done not only on an economic basis, but also on an ethical basis. Just as it is unacceptable to violate the generally accepted rules of entrepreneurship in commerce, so it is unacceptable to violate the rules of business etiquette.

Mastering the civilized market, modern entrepreneurs should know that only 10-15% of those wishing to establish themselves in the market world achieve their goals. And it is precisely following the rules of business etiquette that is the key to business success. In other words, adhering to the rules of business etiquette is one of the essential elements of your professionalism.

World economic ties oblige business people to know the good manners of other countries. Here, violation of the rules of etiquette can even lead to the severing of business ties and result in the loss of sales markets. The rules of business etiquette have changed over time, some of them have now lost their obligation, for example, elements of behavior towards a woman. Until recently, it was believed that a man must by all means pay a bill in a restaurant, if he dines with a woman, open the doors in front of her, let her go forward when exiting the elevator. These rules are not mandatory today. Modern business etiquette recommends getting out of the elevator first to the person closest to the door. The woman puts on the coat herself, but if she has difficulties in doing so, the man is obliged to help her.

Just being polite and friendly is not enough. In business etiquette general principles acquire a specific color, which is expressed in the following basic rules.

  • 1. Rule 3 × 20.
  • 2. Be punctual in everything.
  • 3. Don't say too much.
  • 4. Think not only of yourself but also of others.
  • 5. Dress properly.
  • 6. Speak and write good language.
  • 7. Watch your gestures.

Rule No. 1. The 3 × 20 rule says that the first 60 seconds of communication says everything about you. Gait, posture, demeanor and presentation, gestures, the first phrases spoken, volume, tone of voice, as well as clothing, hairstyle, neatness - all these factors together make up the first impression of a person upon meeting.

Demeanor is extremely important. Always try to stay straight with your chin slightly lifted. You should not walk with your head down, as if looking for coins dropped by others on the floor. To get rid of the habit of walking slouching, looking at your feet, you can practice walking with a book on your head. An excellent exercise for developing a regal posture.

Rhetorical tools for business speech. In order for business communication to be successful, you need to learn to use your speech in such a way as to interest the interlocutor, influence him, win over to your side, successfully talk with those who sympathize with you and with those who are against you, participate in a conversation in a narrow circle and perform in front of the general public.

Speaking beautifully teaches a special science - rhetoric, or the science of eloquence. She lays out the laws of preparing and delivering public speeches with the aim of having the desired impact on the audience.

Rhetoric involves taking into account factors that significantly affect the effectiveness of communication.

The first such factor is audience composition, its cultural, educational, national, age and professional characteristics.

The second factor is content and the character of himself performances. An authoritarian tone, categorical statements are unacceptable here. It is necessary to show trust in people, to consult with them in the process of speaking.

The third factor is objective self-esteem speaker of his personal and business qualities, competencies in those issues with which he speaks to people. It is important not to overestimate or underestimate your preparedness.

The following communication styles are conventionally distinguished: "mentor" - instructive and edifying; "spiritualizing" - uplifting people, instilling in them faith in their spiritual strength and personal qualities; "confrontational" - making people want to object, disagree; "informational" - focused on transferring certain information to listeners, restoring any facts in their memory.

The rhetoric uses the following psychological and didactic principles of speech influence: accessibility, associativity, expressiveness and intensity.

Using the principle of accessibility, it is necessary to take into account the cultural and educational level of students, their life and work experience.

Rule No. 2. Be punctual in everything. Late arrivals of any employee interfere with work, and they also indicate that such a person cannot be relied on. It is very important for a business person to be able to calculate the time required to complete a particular task.

In addition, it always turns out that you need more time to work than you expected; and most importantly, once you finally get to work, there will always be some other one that needs to be done earlier. In addition, it is helpful to keep in mind another law: if things are going too well, then something is about to happen. From all this, we can draw a simple conclusion: it is necessary to allocate time with a margin for completing tasks, taking into account the problems that may arise.

Rule No. 3. Don't say too much. Any employee is obliged to keep the secrets of his organization, this rule applies to all matters of a company or institution - from personnel to technological. The same applies to conversations with colleagues about their personal lives.

Rule No. 4. Think not only of yourself, but also of others. It is impossible to successfully conduct business without taking into account the opinions and interests of partners, clients, buyers. Often the reasons for failure in business are the manifestation of selfishness, fixation on one's own interests, the desire to harm competitors, even colleagues, in order to advance within the framework of their own enterprise. Always strive to patiently listen to the interlocutor, learn to respect other people's opinions and understand them, get rid of intolerance towards dissent. Never humiliate your opponent, keep in mind that sooner or later you will face a person who will be forced to do the same to you.

Rule No. 5. Dress properly. The main thing is to dress according to your environment in the service, without getting out of the contingent of employees of your level. Your clothes should showcase your taste.

Rule No. 6. Speak and write in good language. Everything you say and write must be written correctly.

A person's ability to speak competently affects, in general, his image. Your chances of concluding a particular contract often depend on your ability to communicate. A business person, in order to succeed, must also master the art of rhetoric, i.e. mastery of eloquence. It is very important to keep track of your diction - pronunciation and intonation. Never use slang words and offensive expressions in business communication; learn to listen to others and at the same time show that you are interested.

It should never be forgotten that many people hear what they want to hear. Hence the need to take into account the emotional and psychological stratification of each audience. To increase accessibility, a very effective technique is to communicate little-known information (novelty and originality), as well as in a combination of different types of information and their reliability.

The associativity principle is associated with the challenge of empathy and reflection in listeners by referring to their emotional and rational memory. To call the appropriate associations, such techniques are used as analogy, references to precedents, figurativeness of utterances.

Expressiveness principle is expressed in the speaker's emotionally intense speech, his facial expressions, gestures and posture, testifying to complete dedication. Passion, genuine joy or sadness, compassion are all ego specific forms of expressiveness.

Intensity principle characterized by the rate at which information is presented. Various information and different people need a differentiated rate of presentation and assimilation of speech. It is necessary to take into account the temperament of people, their preparedness for the perception of a specific type of information. In this regard, the following are important: the speaker's ability to navigate in the mood of the audience; the ability of the audience to work in a certain information cliché; the speaker's ability to offer the audience the necessary high-speed mode of assimilation of information.

There is a whole set of oratory tools, the elements of which are communication effects. Let's consider them in more detail.

Visual image effect. As a rule, at first, a person is perceived by his appearance, and this initial impression leaves an imprint on further relationships. Therefore, the entrepreneur must adopt the aesthetics of clothing, staged facial expressions, a heightened sense of tact in order to radiate charm, to win over the interlocutor with elegant manners, etc.

You should not allow eccentricity in clothing. Nothing in it should bind freedom of movement. Do not wear tight-fitting suits that restrict shoulder and arm movement.

Rule No. 7. Watch your gestures. Most people, feeling insecure or uncomfortable, cross their arms and sometimes legs, or hold one hand by the other. The last habit came to us from early childhood when in "dangerous" situations we took our mother by the hand so that she would protect us. Your interlocutor, even without knowing such psychological features of behavior, will still intuitively feel your alertness, self-doubt. It is not permissible for a woman to cross her legs, neither sitting, let alone standing. Many other gestures that we unconsciously use can also reveal our true thoughts and intentions to the attentive interlocutor.

Gestures accompanying speech are one of the means of conveying information that are designed to reinforce it and help convince listeners.

Sensitivity to gesticulation is deeply embedded in the mind of the listener. When combined with words, gestures also speak, enhancing their emotional sound.

The speaker should not specially invent gestures, but he is obliged to control them. In this case, one should be guided by the following rules.

  • 1. Gestures should be natural. Use the gesture only when you feel the need for it.
  • 2. Gesturing should not be continuous. Don't gesticulate throughout your speech. Not every phrase needs to be underlined with a gesture.
  • 3. Control gestures. The gesture should not lag behind the word it reinforced.
  • 4. Add variety to your gestures. Do not indiscriminately use the same gesture whenever you need to give expression to words.
  • 5. Gestures should be appropriate for their purpose. Their number and intensity should correspond to the nature of speech and audience.

First Phrases Effect reinforces or corrects the initial impression in people. The first phrases should be focused interesting information, with elements of originality, immediately attracting attention.

The effect of argumentation. The speech should be grounded, convincing, logical, provoking thought and a desire to get acquainted with information.

The effect of the portioned outburst of information is one of the most effective rhetorical techniques for maintaining the audience's attention.

Artistic effect- this is a competent construction of sentences, correct word accents, the use of metaphors, hyperbole, etc.

Relaxation effect (relaxation). Anyone who knows how to joke in time, insert a witty remark, will be much more fortunate than someone who does not know how to do it. Humor creates a natural pause for people to relax, brings them together and adjusts to a benevolent mood.

The main concept of rhetoric is the speaker (from lat. ogage - talk). The people to whom his words are addressed make up the audience (lat. audire - hear) .

F. Kuzin gives the following general advice on oratory.

  • 1. Speak only when you have something to say and when you are confident in the importance or usefulness of your speech.
  • 2. Do not start your speech as soon as you are given the floor. Wait a little. Let the audience look at you for 15–20 seconds. Then look at the audience, smile and say hello.
  • 3. If you decide to read your speech, do it as if you were speaking to the interlocutor. If you say "no paper", still from time to time read out short references and numbers, even if you remember them. This will remove the listeners' doubts about the veracity of your information.
  • 4. The speech should be limited to the subject of discussion and be based on strictly verified and selected facts.
  • 5. Don't stop looking at individuals. Remember that a long gaze leaves an unpleasant feeling. Therefore, glance over the individual listeners. This attracts the attention of the listeners and arouses their sympathy.
  • 6. Speak expressively, for expressive speech can convey a huge mass of shades of thought.
  • 7. Use your entire vocabulary in your vocabulary. Try to exclude clericalism and vulgarism from your speech. Avoid book style as well.
  • 8. Arouse the listeners' attention. Expectation arouses interest and emotions are stronger, the more intense the expectation. At the beginning of your speech, hint that the main thing will be ahead, and remind about this several times. It is necessary from the very first words to put the listener on the "hook" of interest, on the expectation of a "surprise".
  • 9. Learn to pause. This will help focus on important thoughts, emphasize the unexpectedness of the conclusions, and summarize the stated.
  • 10. Combine a word with a gesture. Often an expressive gesture is understandable without words. Gestures should be tight, precise and expressive. Mimicry should be moderate and benevolent.
  • 11. Change the tempo of your speech. This gives it expressiveness. Changing the tempo of speech also changes the speed of perception, preventing the listener from being distracted. Change the tone of your voice as well: it should rise and fall. A sudden increase or decrease in the tone of the voice makes a word or phrase stand out from the background.
  • 12. Speak loudly, clearly, distinctly, expressively, but do not raise your voice unnecessarily.
  • 13. Strive to avoid a mentoring tone, instructive and edifying notes in your voice.
  • 14. Have in stock humorous stories, jokes, tales and anecdotes that can help you out in difficult cases.
  • 15. Always try to start your performance with something unusual, and make the end bright and rich, because the one that is on the edge is best remembered. the beginning and end of the performance. If, nevertheless, according to the logic of presentation, the main theses fall into the middle, then they should be summarized at the end of the speech.

Along with these classic rules, I would like to remind you of the six rules of the art to please Dale Carnegie.

  • 1. Be interested in other people, talk less about yourself and listen to the interlocutor more, avoid "yakany" - the use of the pronoun "I".
  • 2. Smile, smile, smile. A smiling person makes others smile in return and a desire to communicate. Few of us can control our face so well as to completely hide our inner experiences and thoughts. They are, to one degree or another, written on our face. But what exactly each of us can do is smile more. Let this smile be a little fake at first - everything is better than tightly clenched jaws. This is all the more important when you want to make a good impression on someone, to win over the interlocutor, to offer him something. Practice at home: catch your usual facial expression in the mirror, or ask a friend to discreetly camcorder you. We do not always have a clear idea of ​​what is written on our face at one time or another. Practice different facial expressions in front of the mirror: harsh, sympathetic, provocative, laughing. Repeat them without a mirror, asking a household member to observe you and comment on each expression. It will help you learn to control your face.
  • 3. Address the interlocutor by name. To do this, you must first work hard to remember this name.
  • 4. To be able to listen, sympathize, ask those questions or in such a way that the interlocutor would like to answer them.
  • 5. To be able to find common points and talk with a person about what interests him.
  • 6. Sincerely compliment, praise for good things. With your praise, try to increase a person's sense of self-worth.

Business etiquette is based on the following 10 principles.

  • 1. Common sense: business etiquette should be consistent with common sense, and common sense dictates that business etiquette in general is aimed at maintaining order, organization, saving time, and other reasonable goals. The norms of etiquette that violate business relations, the established rules of communication, cannot be supported by common sense.
  • 2. Liberty: it means that the rules and norms of business etiquette, although they exist and are very zealously enforced, nevertheless should not interfere with the free expression of the will of each business partner, the freedom to choose business partners, the freedom to choose methods and ways of executing agreements between the parties.

Freedom also presupposes a tolerant attitude towards the manifestation of national characteristics, cultural and national traditions, loyalty to a freely expressed point of view and various business positions. However, such a principle of business etiquette as freedom is limited by common sense, climatic conditions, traditions, national characteristics, political regime, etc.

  • 3. Ethics: the whole complex of norms, standards, requirements, recommendations that make up business etiquette, by its very essence and content, simply must be ethical, moral, i.e. business etiquette is entirely "good" oriented.
  • 4. Convenience: business etiquette should not shackle business people, thereby interfering with business relations and slowing down the development of the economy. Everything should be convenient for a business person - from the layout of the office space to the placement of equipment in it, from business attire to the rules for conducting a presentation and the requirements for business negotiations, and these amenities should be provided equally to all participants in the business relationship.
  • 5. Feasibility: the essence of this principle is that each prescription of business etiquette must serve a specific purpose. The types of business relationships - presentation, business conversation, negotiation - have a variety of purposes, and every aspect of business etiquette must correspond to them.
  • 6. Ease: the norms of business etiquette should be such that their observance does not turn into something imposed, psychologically rejected; they are natural, performed with ease without tension.
  • 7. Universalism: this means that efforts should be made to ensure that each recommendation or standard of business etiquette addresses many aspects of the business relationship.
  • 8. Efficiency: the essence of this principle is that the standards of business relations should contribute to the reduction of the terms of execution of contracts, the conclusion more contracts, reducing the number of conflicts in the team, etc.
  • 9. Profitability: business ethics should not be too expensive.
  • 10. Conservatism: appearance a business person, his manners, adherence to one or another tradition involuntarily evoke associations of something durable, reliable, and reliable partner in business - the limit of desires for every business person.

The norms and rules of business etiquette are based on generally accepted norms of behavior of general civil etiquette, but the business sphere makes adjustments to them: it is not gender and age that comes to the fore, but the official status of the people who are communicating. For example, it doesn't matter in business etiquette who welcomes (male or female, senior or junior) and it doesn't matter whom welcome (a man or a woman, older or younger), something else is important - position. Subordination in business etiquette, in contrast to general civil etiquette, is built not according to age and gender, but according to the official principle.

Appeal. Communication begins, as a rule, with an appeal to a person. Conversions are culturally and socially conditioned. Historically, there were no common and neutral forms of address in the Russian language, similar to the forms of address in other languages ​​(Madame, Mademoiselle, Monsieur - in French, Mrs, Miss, Mister - in English, etc.). During the Soviet period, actively the address “comrade” was used, which called a person regardless of gender and could be used both in combination with a surname, profession, title (comrade Petrov, comrade director, comrade academician), or without them (“Dear comrades!”).

Currently, we can talk about the well-established form of address "mister - madam" in official and business address, although in many cases it is preferable to address by name and patronymic. In a business address, it is important to remember that when communicating with a person, it is necessary from time to time to repeat the address to the interlocutor by name and patronymic: "Yes, Lyudmila Ivanovna ..., Excuse me, Viktor Mikhailovich ... I do not quite understand you, Larisa Ilyinichna" ... Such an appeal emphasizes the direction of the speech and means the inclusion of a communication partner in an active dialogue, and vice versa, the absence of an appeal excludes the interlocutor from communication.

The etiquette rules of business communication also include the appropriate use you - you forms. The choice of addressing "you" or "you" is determined by:

  • the ratio of the social status of the interlocutors;
  • the degree of their acquaintance;
  • the nature of the relationship;
  • formality - the unofficiality of stopping communication.

In business communication, it is preferable to refer to "you". Even if in unofficial communication with colleagues an appeal to "you" is established, in an official setting this is unacceptable. Often, only because of his age, a senior employee considers it possible for himself to address a younger employee of equal status with him by “you” and by name, which, of course, contradicts the rules of business etiquette.

The rules for using etiquette forms of address to "you" and "you" are summarized in the following table 1 (table 1)

Table 1

1 See: Public Service: Culture of Behavior and Business Etiquette / ed. E.V. Okhotskiy. Moscow: RAGS Publishing House, 1998.S. 106.

When choosing a form of appeal, along with the above, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • addressing "you" allows you to maintain a distance in business relationships, not to cross the line beyond which familiarity begins;
  • turning to "you" allows you to shorten the distance, add warmth to business relations.

In a business relationship, the form of appeal is chosen by a person of higher rank. Interpersonal etiquette always requires special delicacy in the transition from an official "you" to a simple and friendly "you".

Greetings. Since ancient times, people have paid respect to each other through greetings.

Modern rules of etiquette impose the following requirements on the greeting culture in order of priority:

  • when meeting, a man is the first to greet a woman;
  • the person passing by is the first to greet standing people;
  • a young man is the first to greet women, older in age and position, but at the same time one should not be the first to extend a hand - this initiative belongs to women;
  • entering a room where other people are already, also greets first. This also applies to women;
  • in the event that people of equal status meet, the first to greet is the one "who is better brought up";
  • when two familiar couples meet on the street, women first greet, then men with women, and only then men;
  • if a man walks down the street in the company of a woman, then it is impolite to leave her to approach a friend himself. As a last resort, you must introduce this acquaintance to a woman;
  • if you were greeted by a stranger, then answer him in the same way (maybe you just did not recognize him?);
  • when you regularly meet with the same person (for example, with an employee of another department), with whom you are not officially acquainted, you should greet him. Maybe the acquaintance will take place later;
  • when meeting acquaintances (colleagues) several times during the day, it is recommended to use polite wordings of greetings, or, if everything is exhausted, you can just smile, politely nod your head, but you should not turn away and pretend that you did not notice him. Cervantes justly and wittily remarked: "In terms of courtesy, it is better to oversalt than undersalt";
  • asking a question to a stranger, if you want to ask about something, do not forget to say hello to the person you are contacting first.

When greeting, the principle of subordination is preserved in business etiquette. For example, students standing near the doors of the classroom are the first to greet a passing professor, and the secretary (woman) is the first to greet her leader (man). Of course, this does not mean that the senior in the position must certainly wait for the younger one to greet. He can greet not only with a word, but also with a gesture, facial expressions, a smile, which will in no way lower his authority.

Secular etiquette instructs a man to stand up when greeting a woman or an elder. According to business etiquette in a business setting, a woman also greets an incoming employee (employee) by standing up if the incoming employee is significantly higher in rank.

When greeting, it is best to use the traditional "Hello", adding to the words of the greeting address by name and patronymic: "Hello, Victor Petrovich!"

It is customary to say “Good morning” before 12.00, “Good afternoon” - until 18.00, “Good evening” - after 18.00. The last three greetings are not recommended to be addressed to superiors, although the latter can thus address subordinates.

It will be a violation of etiquette to address superiors, after greeting with the words: "How are you?", "How are you?" etc.

The greeting may be accompanied by handshake.

With equal service status, men must shake hands, women - at will. If the woman did not reach out first, the man should not take the initiative. When shaking hands, a man takes off his glove, a woman does not. Etiquette does not allow shaking hands across a table, threshold, or any obstacle.

According to secular etiquette, the first woman extends her hand to the man, the oldest to the younger. In business etiquette, where the main criterion is official status, the senior in position, regardless of gender and age, is the first to extend his hand, although there may be deviations here.

The nature of the handshake is also governed by etiquette that requires a sense of proportion and tact:

  • Shaking hands for too long can make the other person feel awkward.
  • too strong a handshake is inappropriate, because it is not a competition in who is stronger;
  • too little handshake indicates a lack of interest;

The procedure is also important in business relations. representation, through which you can establish the necessary and useful connections.

According to business etiquette, introducing someone means giving his name, surname, position, organization in which he works.

In order to have the right to represent people to each other, you need to be familiar with both parties, for which the representative acts as the guarantor of the reliability of the data, the decency of the presented.

According to etiquette, they represent:

  • an employee who is lower in the job hierarchy - to the highest;
  • a man to a woman;
  • youngest in age - older in age;
  • one employee - to a group of employees.

First, they turn to the person they represent, and then they say the name of the person they represent: "Ivan Nikolaevich, let me introduce you ..."

When referring to officials with state status or military, diplomatic, religious rank, as a rule, they do not mention the names: "Mr. President", "Your Eminence", "Comrade General", "Mr. Ambassador".

The representative, introducing persons close in age and official position, can simply give their names: “Elizaveta Fedorovna, meet Sergei Ivanovich”, or “Marina Petrovna, Nikolai Tikhonov”. Any performance is accompanied by a slight bow. Deep bows and sudden movements should be avoided.

After the presentation, to confirm the acquaintance, it is usually customary to exchange a few kind phrases, while the initiative should come from the senior in position, age.

When introducing several people to each other at once, they first introduce the one who came last, and then the rest in the order in which they sit or stand.

The new employee is introduced to the team by the management. Usually they use a simple and most common formula like: “Let me introduce you to Nelly Sergeevna Solovyova. She was appointed deputy chief accountant. " You can also introduce yourself, clearly giving your name, patronymic, surname and position.

In business communication, situations often arise when a representative is not required. For example, when introduced to an employee from another department in the same organization, a colleague at a scientific conference, an official when visiting an institution, etc.

Business Cards... A business acquaintance begins with the presentation of a business card, which has become an obligatory attribute of the procedure for establishing business contacts.

The history of business cards dates back to the 16th century, when German students at the University of Padua, before leaving for their homeland on vacation, visited their professors and, as a sign of respect, left them a color miniature depicting the family coat of arms, under which the visitor wrote his name and date. Then engraved cards appeared, then lithographic ones, and at the beginning of the 20th century. - made by typographic method.

Modern business business cards fulfill the following functions:

  • representation of business partners;
  • confirmation of interest in subsequent business contacts;
  • informing about the organization, directions of its activities;
  • implementation of business contacts between partners (for example, when accompanying a gift, etc.).

A standard business card contains the last name, first name, patronymic, position and rank (if any), office phone number, fax, e-mail address, organization name and its address (Fig. 1):

On the business card of a representative of a state institution, the coat of arms of the country may be depicted, and on the card of an employee of the company - the corporate emblem.

Rice. one

Rice. 2

Relatively recently, business cards of companies have appeared, which indicate the full official name of the company, its logo, postal address and Internet address, telephone number of the secretariat, direction and activities of the company, if there are branches - their addresses and phone numbers.

Business cards of companies are used during presentations, at exhibitions and fairs, when sending branded gifts to clients and business partners.

In modern business practice, the rules for the design of business cards, adopted in secular etiquette, apply:

  • card paper should be white or very light in color, thick and High Quality;
  • the text is printed in a simple, not pretentious black font;
  • the most common size of cards is 90x50 mm.

The exchange of business cards is regulated by etiquette rules. The first to give his business card is the junior in the position to the senior, in case of equality of social status - the younger in age to the elder. When visiting a company, the first person to give out his card is the one who came to the office.

If a business meeting takes place abroad, then representatives of the host country are the first to present their business cards. The exchange of business cards is carried out strictly by rank) ", starting with the highest-ranking members of the delegation. A. A. Ignatiev, a Russian diplomat, having arrived in Paris in 1906 as a military attaché, remarked that they were not greeted here for clothes, but on a business card, and not "according to the mind" saw off, as well as on a card, seeing off a guest, depending on his position, or until the end writing desk, or to the door of the office, and sometimes to the front. "

Business cards are handed over with both hands or with the right hand, while the presenter and receiver exchange light bows. Upon delivery business card pronounce their surname aloud, upon receipt - the surname of the person presenting, in order to avoid incorrect pronunciation.

A business card in the business sphere is a confirmation of the solidity and good reputation of its owner.

Gifts and souvenirs. In business communication, as in other areas of life, a gift is a materialization of a relationship, therefore, it should not have selfish goals, it should not impose a binding position on the one to whom it is intended. The purpose of donation is to improve business relationships, to demonstrate benevolence. It is in order for gifts to act as a sign of respect and gratitude that etiquette rules have been developed that regulate the donation process in the business sphere: for what reason a gift is made, who is giving it to whom, what is being given.

  • 1. First of all, there must be a reason for giving a gift. These are:
    • personal holidays in the life of an employee: birthday, marriage, birth of a child, obtaining a diploma;
    • anniversaries in the life of an employee;
    • retirement of an employee;
    • worldwide holidays (New Year, Christmas, etc.);
    • public holidays (National Unity Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, etc.);
    • a business meeting with partners (in this case, representatives of the host side are the first to present gifts);
    • anniversary date in the life of the organization.
  • 2. Gifts can be individual and collective. They are made by:
    • employee - employee;
    • colleagues - to the employee;
    • employees - to the head;
    • the head - to the secretary;
    • organization - to employees;
    • firm - firm.
  • 3. When making a gift, one must take into account the nature of the service relationship with the person to whom the gift is given. A gift to a manager from an employee can be regarded as latent form bribes. In accordance with the requirements of official etiquette in the United States, you can give gifts to subordinates, but not to your superiors.

Business etiquette regulates the value of gifts.

In the exchange of gifts between colleagues, reciprocity should be manifested, implying a balance in the relationship between people. Therefore, the gift should not be expensive, while maintaining a symbolic character.

It is clear that these restrictions do not apply to collective gifts, for example, on the occasion of an employee's retirement.

A number of countries have introduced certain restrictions on the value of a gift that a government official or a uniform employee has the right to accept or present. For example, US government officials are allocated $ 25 for the cost of a business gift, and the President of the United States is prohibited from accepting any gifts over $ 100.

  • 4. In the business sphere, it is customary to give the following gifts:
    • fountain pens;
    • notebooks, diaries, notebooks, business calendars;
    • decorative vases, coffee and tea cups, glasses;
    • photo albums, photo frames;
    • prints, prints, small paintings;
    • books (gift editions), reference books, dictionaries;
    • boxes of chocolates, flowers;
    • vintage wines and cognacs.

When choosing a gift, you need to take into account the individual taste and interests of the person to whom it is intended. It is unlikely that a beautiful coffee cup will delight a person who does not drink coffee, and a box of sweets - who abstains from sweets.

It will be of great value for the recipient of the gift if it is decorated with a company monogram or an engraved dedication.

Gifts to the company are not of a utilitarian orientation (these can be cups, models, sculptural compositions, etc.); they must be provided with a dedication in the form of an engraving or a special plate.

Particular attention should be paid to gifts intended to be presented to foreign partners. Here you need to study the national and cultural characteristics of the country, what is accepted and what is not accepted to give, personal interests and inclinations of the person for whom the gift is selected. Foreign business partners can be presented with things with a national flavor: Gzhel ceramics, Mster painting, Palekh products, Zhostovo tray, Khokhloma gift items (with the exception of nesting dolls).

  • icons;
  • watches, mirrors, knives: for many, the donation of these items is considered bad luck;
  • ties, belts, shirts, handbags, etc. (the named items are given to close people).
  • 5. Etiquette makes no less demands on the appearance and design of a gift than on its content. Every gift must be packed flawlessly.
  • 6. For foreign partners, gifts should be prepared and given by rank, observing the hierarchy.
  • 7. In addition to the cost of the gift, etiquette also regulates various aspects of the donation process itself:
    • when presenting a gift, you need to pronounce the appropriate phrases of congratulations;
    • as a sign of respect and special attention, the gift is usually presented with two hands, with a slight bow (except for small objects);
    • a gift is also accepted with two hands;
    • the recipient of the gift should immediately, in the presence of the giver, release it from the packaging and unfold it;
    • you need to express gratitude and praise the gift for its beauty and practicality, and the giver - for the taste shown when choosing a gift (even if the gift did not like it).

In the business sphere, the expediency of a gift and tact when choosing it are important.

  • Ignatiev A.A. 50 years in the ranks. M .: Publishing house "Pravda". 1992.S. 280.

Do you know exactly how to dress for a business meeting? How to greet the interlocutor correctly in a telephone conversation and in messages on social networks? And what gestures are acceptable in business negotiations, remember? Just in case, read our article and make sure you are doing everything right.

Why do you need business etiquette?

Why all these conventions at all? We do not live in the 19th century, etiquette has long ceased to be an obligatory part of business communication. Young entrepreneurs flaunt in tattered jeans and T-shirts with indecent inscriptions, emoticons are acceptable in Internet communication, and patting someone on the shoulder no longer seems like something out of the ordinary. If you think so, we will upset you. In certain circles, this is really normal, but businessmen on duty have to communicate with officials, and with respectable investors, and with people of the older generation, for whom all these liberties are unacceptable. Foreign partners, too, may not understand the overly zealous display of emotions.

So why do you need to know the rules of business etiquette?

  • to make a good impression and not to lose face in front of partners and colleagues;
  • for general education: it is never too late to learn new things;
  • in order to set an example for others, including subordinates.

Appearance rules

Dress code

In your apartment, you can walk as you like, even in pajamas and funny socks. We arrived at the office and even more so for a meeting - please, observe the dress code. Otherwise, you may get the wrong impression. The older generation may consider you frivolous, superficial and even - oh, horror! - incompetent. Yes, we understand that professionalism does not depend on appearance... But the traditions of society are strong, and to rebel against them is stupid and shortsighted. You are not 15 years old.

Basic dress code rules:

  • for men - a business suit or a shirt with trousers. Jacket, shirt and jeans are acceptable. For women - a suit, a blouse and a pencil skirt, no mini and, God forbid, deep neckline;
  • minimum. For men, cufflinks are acceptable. For women - a maximum of two accessories: earrings and a ring, a chain or earrings, and so on. If you have jewelry sets, do not put on all items at once, this is vulgar;
  • neat haircut, well-groomed hair, for men - a styled beard and mustache, if any;
  • neat manicure, well-groomed hands;
  • clean shoes in any weather, even if you got to the office by subway or in a dog sled;
  • lack of tattoos, piercings in prominent places. If you have a large, visible tattoo, it is best to hide it under your clothes. If you establish a good relationship with your partner, then you can show it, but at first it is better not to take risks. You don't know what views he holds.

The more responsible the meeting or negotiations, the stricter the dress code must be observed. Remember, this is in your best interest.

Gestures, movements, facial expressions

It sounds ridiculous, but in fact, a lot of deals were canceled due to the fact that the partner showed an inappropriate gesture or was too familiar. It is clear that everything is subjective: open person will not scare you if the interlocutor is actively waving his arms or blowing kisses to everyone. But still should adhere to basic rules- at least at the first meeting... And there you yourself will see how the interlocutor reacts.

Pay attention to the following points:

  • erect posture, restrained movements without fussiness;
  • look in the eyes - confident, firm, but not arrogant;
  • restrained facial expressions, try to control emotions. In difficult situations, when you want to swear or, conversely, laugh - do a "poker face";
  • tactile contact is allowed only in the form of handshakes. Leave pats on the shoulder, strong hugs, and even more so kisses for loved ones: not all people love the touch of strangers. According to the rules of etiquette, only a handshake is permissible - preferably short and energetic.

Tip: Rehearse in front of a mirror in advance or ask a loved one to “read” your facial expressions or movements. If there are signs of nervousness, fussiness, too violent emotional reactions - eradicate these habits. Remember, many entrepreneurs have studied body language and know the basic rules. For example, eyes slanted to the left are a sign of lies. Arms crossed on the chest - a desire to fence off. To whom the socks of the interlocutor's shoes indicate is the most important for him at the moment. And so on, and so on - there are a lot of similar tips on the Internet.

Workplace is ok

It's cool, of course, to justify the mess on the table and in the office by the fact that you are a creative person, but I'm afraid the partners won't understand. Practice shows that order on the table magically clears thoughts and puts things in order in the head... Try it - see for yourself!

Business communication rules

Respect the interlocutor's time

Time is the most important resource. The day of many entrepreneurs is literally scheduled by the hour, even a minute delay can shift the entire schedule of a business person. Therefore - never be late! It's better to come to the meeting early and wait than come up with ridiculous excuses. If you have trouble with this, study it, it should help.

Learn to listen and hear

Do you know what is the most important rule taught at the institute of future psychologists? Ability to listen and hear the interlocutor. This rule can be applied to any other field of activity. Whether you conclude a contract, meet a new partner, meet for the first time, listen to an unhappy client, chastise a negligent employee - always include these two skills. Remember that by by and large each person always talks about himself - his desires, plans, dreams. Give him a chance to say, don't interrupt. As a result, you will definitely hear something that will help you find the further vector of the conversation and understand the interlocutor.

Speak competently

Who would like to listen to a speech interspersed with endless “uh,” “well,” “in short,” “like”? Verbal rubbish is found even among the educated smartest people - it is more a habit than an illiteracy. A business person just needs to get rid of this shortcoming.

Competent speech is also needed when writing business letters. It is clear that this mission can be entrusted to the secretary or deputy - but sooner or later you will have to master written communication yourself.

Train your diction

Remember the movie “The King's Speech” about how the English king George VI got rid of stuttering? Even the monarch understood that he needed to fight his shortcoming, and hired a speech therapist. If you have diction defects - burr, lisp, stuttering - get rid of them with the help of a specialist and live peacefully.

Ethics of telephone conversations

Oh, this is a whole layer of business etiquette! Despite the development of Internet negotiations, telephone calls are still the most popular method of communication. Let us recall the basic rules of communication:

  • say hello, call the interlocutor by name and patronymic, introduce yourself;
  • tell which company you represent;
  • ask if it is convenient to speak to the interlocutor;
  • if it is convenient - briefly tell about the purpose of the call;
  • make an appointment or other course of events;
  • end the conversation.

If telephone conversations are important to you, we advise you to prepare in advance for them: think over the main theses of the conversation, options for the development of events. And of course, it is unacceptable to indulge in lengthy reasoning or empty chatter: This will create an unfavorable impression on you.

Ethics of business correspondence

A business letter (email and regular) must meet certain standards. First of all, it should be written on the letterhead of the company (or with the appropriate heading at the beginning, where the name of the company, logo, sender's data and contacts for communication are indicated). Further - to correspond to a certain type. Business letters are divided into the following types:

  • request letter: you ask a partner, client or other organization for something;
  • message letter: carries an informational load, it is not necessary to answer to it - it is enough to take note;
  • transmittal letter: usually an explanation or addition to other documents;
  • reminder letter imperfect and expected actions;
  • invitation letter- to a meeting, conference or any event;
  • letter of thanks: well, everything is clear here.

Experienced entrepreneurs do not confuse the types of letters: they do not start extensive correspondence in response to message letters and, on the contrary, do not respond to reminder letters.

Another rule is to reply to emails as soon as possible. The acceptable time frame for responding to e-mail is 1-2 days. For a postal letter - no more than 10 days.

And, of course, you need follow the rules of courtesy:

  • address to you, by name and patronymic;
  • no slang words;
  • no complicated terms: speak the recipient's language;
  • precise formulations of the purpose of the letter, do not spread your thoughts along the tree;
  • required number and signature.

Internet communication rules

Have you noticed that business communication has partially moved to instant messengers and social networks? Many people find it more convenient to communicate in this way: it is more informal and convenient for both parties. Despite the myth about freedom of communication on the Internet, business people must still follow a number of rules:

  • do not be familiar. Even if your interlocutor is recorded on the social network as Kostyan PR man or Murochka Anyutochka - contact him by name and patronymic, as it should be;
  • it is also not necessary to abuse emoticons: one or two is quite enough;
  • even if you want to highlight especially important thoughts in caps - don't do it! Big letters are perceived on the Internet as a cry and often cause negative reactions;
  • examine the information on the person's page. This is what social networks are good for: you can understand a lot about a person by what kind of posts he publishes on the wall, what he repost, what he talks about.

Many people are concerned about the question: how is it preferable to communicate in the 21st century? People are so different: it is more convenient for someone to call, while someone hates telephone conversations and considers them a violation of personal boundaries. There is only one way to find out what type your interlocutor is: to ask him directly. At the first communication (no matter how it happened), ask how it is convenient for him to communicate. And the question will be closed.

Business relationship

Now we are talking about personal relationships - or about human weakness, as you please.

Do not disclose trade secrets

No financial information your company, nor a similar one - your partners, clients. Do not tell anyone about this - and strictly forbid employees.

Don't gossip

The business world is actually very narrow. It is tempting to discuss in a small circle your partner or client. Even if you really want to - we beg you, don't do it! Firstly, rumors spread quickly, and they simply do not want to deal with a talker. And secondly, who will guarantee that tomorrow they will not discuss you in the same way? Therefore, it is better to stay away from such conversations.

Don't talk too much

It happens that partners become friends - and friends can be told a lot. However, tomorrow the situation may change, and yesterday's partner can become or go over to the side of the latter... Personal or negative information about you can be used for their own purposes. - a powerful weapon in the struggle for profit and power. And then - goodbye, reputation!

And one more time: all these rules are impossible to comply with. We've categorized them from optional to most important. Roughly speaking, to come to a meeting in jeans is forgivable, it is undesirable to call Ivan Ivanovich Ivan Nikiforovich, but understandable, but it is impossible to give out classified information even under torture... Good luck in business!