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The syntactic analysis of the proposal it was an open person. Syntactic analysis of offers online

In order to correctly put the punctuation marks, it is necessary to clearly imagine the structure of the sentence. Aware of it is designed to help the syntactic analysis, that is, the analysis of the sentences. It is the syntactic analysis of the proposal that our article is devoted.

Units of syntax

The syntax studies the connection of words inside the phrases or suggestions. Thus, the syntax units are phrases and suggestions - simple or complex. In this article we will talk about how to make a syntactic analysis of the proposal, not phrase, although it is often asked to do it in school.

Why do you need a syntactic analysis of the sentence

The syntactic analysis of the proposal involves a detailed consideration of its structure. It is absolutely necessary in order to correctly put the punctuation marks. In addition, it helps to understand the connection of the words inside the phrase. During the syntax parsing, as a rule, the characteristics of the proposal is given, all members of the sentence are determined and displaced with what parts of speech they are expressed. This is the so-called full syntactic analysis. But sometimes this term is used in respect of a short, partial, syntactic analysis, during which the student only emphasizes members of the sentence.

Members of the sentence

Among the membership members always allocate the main: subject and predicate. They, as a rule, make up the grammatical foundation. If in the proposal one grammatical basis, it simpleMore than one - sophisticated.

The grammatical foundation may consist of both of the two main members and include only one of them: or only subject to, or only the failed. In the second case, we say that the offer sosta. If both main member are present - doubles.

If, besides the grammatical basis, there is no words in the sentence, it is called non-proliferated. IN commonthe proposal is also secondary members: addition, definition, circumstance; A special case of definition is an application.

if in the sentence there are words that are not members of the proposal (for example, appeal), it is still considered unprosted.

Performing a parsement, it is necessary to call a part of the speech, which is expressed by one or another member of the sentence. This skill guys work out, studying Russian in grade 5.

Offer characteristics

To give a description of the proposal, you need to specify it to describe it

  • on the purpose of the statement;
  • by intonation;
  • by the number of grammatical foundations and so on.

Below we offer a plan characteristics.

For the purpose of saying: narrative, questioning, prompting.

By intonation: Exclamation or unkonsectant.

There may be any sentences to exclamation of proposals, and not only incentive.

By the number of grammatical foundations: Simple or complex.

By the number of major members in a grammatical basis: Single-main or twisted.

If the offer is single, it is necessary determine his view: Writing, definitely personal, uncertain, impersonal.

For the presence of secondary members: Common or unprofitable.

If the proposal is complicated, then it is also necessary to specify. This is a plan of a syntact analysis of the proposal; Better to stick to him.

Complicated offer

The proposal may be complicated by appeal, introductory and plug-in structures, homogeneous members, separate members, direct speech. If some of these types of complications are present, then it is necessary to indicate that the proposal is complicated, and write than.

for example, Offer "Guys, let's live together!" complicated by the appeal "Guys".

If the proposal is complex

If you need to make a disclaiming of a complex sentence, you must first indicate that it is complex, and to determine its type: union or non-union, and if the allied, then also a complex or complex one. Then to characterize each of the parts from the point of view of the composition of the grammatical framework (twisted or single-main, type of one-service) and the presence / absence of secondary members.

The table shows secondary members and their questions.

Secondary members can be expressed by different parts of speech, for example, a definition:

woolen Skirt - adjective;

skirt of wool - noun;

smooth skirt - participle;

habit win - Infinitive ...

An example of a syntactic analysis of the sentence

We will analyze the offer "I did not know that you, Masha, moved from the village to the city".

Stress grammar Basics. Their two: knew and you moved. Determine parts of speech: knew - Taken, expressed by the verb in personal form, etc.

Now emphasize minor members:

Moved from where? From the village - the circumstance, expressed by the noun; where to? The city is also the circumstance, also expressed nouns. Masha - This is an appeal, it is not a member of the sentence.

Now dadim characteristic. Proposal narrative, unkonsectant, complex, union, complex.

The first part "did not know" incomplete, unpropered.

The second part is twisted, common. Complicated by appeal.

At the end of the pars, it is necessary to make a scheme of a complex proposal.

What did we know?

The syntactic analysis is intended to help understand the structure of the sentence, so it is necessary to specify everything that may be connected with it. It is better to follow the plan, then more chances that you will not forget anything. It is necessary not only to emphasize the members of the sentence, but also to identify parts of speech, and give the characteristics of the proposal.

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The syntactic analysis of the proposal is the analysis of the proposals for members and parts of speech. You can execute the syntaxal discloser on the proposed plan. A sample will help properly arrange a written sentence analysis, and the example will reveal the secrets of the oral syntactic parsing.

Syntactic Disability Plan

1. Simple, simple, complicated by homogeneous members, or complex

2. For the purpose of the statement: a narrative, questional or motivating.

3. By intonation: exclamation or non-visible.

4. Common or unprofitable.

5. Determine the subject. Ask questions who? or what? Emphasize the subject and determine which part of speech is expressed.

6. Determine the leakage. Ask questions what does it do? etc. Emphasize the legend and determine which part of speech is expressed.

7. From the questions to be sent to secondary sentences. Stress them and determine what parts of speech they are expressed. Write the phrase with questions.

8. From the lend, ask questions to secondary members. Stress them and determine what parts of speech they are expressed. Write the phrase with questions.

Sample Syntax Disability Offer

The sky was breathing in autumn, less often the sun shone.

This proposal is complex first part:

(What?) The sky is subject to, expressed nouns in the unit. h., Wed r., Nar., Nodua., 2 Skl., and. P.
(What did it make?) Dyshalov - the lean, expressed by the verb of Neskov. View., 2 dispre., in units h., Pos. BP., Wed. R.
dyshilov (what?) In autumn - the addition, expressed by the name noun into units. h., w. r., Narits., Nodya., 3 Skel., so p.
dyshylov (when?) Is already - the circumstance of time is pronounced

the second part of:

(What?) Sunshine - subject, expressed nouns in the unit. h., Wed r., Nar., Nodua., 2 Skl., and. P.
(What did it?) Shipped - the lean, expressed by the verb of Neskov. View, 1 dispre., in units h., Pos. BP., Wed. R.
shone (how?) less often - the circumstance of the image of action, pronounced by nashche
shone (when?) is already - the circumstance of time is pronounced

An example of a syntactic analysis of the sentence

They, they flew to the wind, then they fell asleep on the crude grass.

This offer is simple.

(What?) They are subject to pronouncement of MN. h., 3 l., and. P.
(What did you do?) I flew - a homogeneous fague, expressed by the verb of Nes.Vid, 1 SPR., MN. h .. POST. BP .. Select
(What did they do?) Located - a homogeneous ledge, expressed by the verb of Nes.Vid, 1 SPR., MN. h .. POST. BP ..
pilot (how?) Skos - the circumstance of the image of action is expressed by adverch.
flew (how?) on the wind is the circumstance of the action, pronounced
lay down (as?) The circumstance of the image of the action, expressed by adctor
loaded (where?) On the grassland of the place, expressed by the name of the noun., Nodua., in units. h., w. r., 1 Skl., V.P. With a pretext
grass (what?) Crude is a definition, expressed by the name adjective in the unit. h., Zh.R., V.P.

The syntactic analysis is one of the most difficult topics in the Russian language program. Many do not understand what a syntax analysis is and why it is needed. It is this analysis that allows you to see the structure of the sentence, and this, in turn, increases the level of punctuation literacy. You can conduct a syntactic analysis of the phrase, simple supply and various types of complex proposals.

Syntactic analysis of phrases

First, it is necessary to identify the phrase from context that interests us. Secondly, it is necessary to determine what word is the main thing, and what is dependent. Determine what parts of speech is each of them. Name the type of syntax inherent in this phrase (matching, adjustment or management).

The syntaxial analysis of the phrase is a relatively simple analysis in the Syntax section. Let us give an example of the parsing of the word "folding". In this phrase, the main word "says". Saying how? Folded "Folding" is a dependent word. The main word "says" is the verb of the present time in the editorial inclination, the third person, the singular. "Folding" is adverb. Type of communication in phrase - adjoining.

Syntactic offer analysis

In this part of the article we will try to tell you what syntactic analysis of the sentence and from what stages it consists. The syntactic analysis of the proposal is an analysis aimed at studying the structure of the supply and relations between its components. The syntax analysis consists of several consecutive operations.

Simple proposal analysis scheme

  1. It is necessary to determine what is the proposal for the purpose of the statement. All offers in this regard are divided into narrative, questionative and motivating. If at the end of the sentence is an exclamation mark, it is necessary to note this and indicate that the proposal is also exclamation.
  2. Find the grammatical basis of the offer.
  3. Describe the structure of the sentence. Single-maintenance - only a legend or only subject to grammatical basis. In this case, specify which this proposal is: definitely personal, vaguely personal, impersonal or called. The proposal may be twisted - there is also subject to, and led. Specify, non-prolonged or common proposal is, that is, whether there is an add-on, definition, circumstances in the proposal. If they are (secondary members), the proposal is common; If not - unprosted. You also need to specify, full or incomplete is the proposal. If incomplete, then you need to specify which member of the sentence is missing.
  4. Determine the complicated offer or uncomplicated. Complicated is the proposal in which there are homogeneous members, applications, appeals, introductory words.
  5. To determine what a member of the sentence is every word and which part of speech they are expressed.
  6. If the proposal is punctuation signs, explain their alignment.

Now we will explain what the syntactic analysis of a simple supply, on the example of the sentence: "The girl sunbatched on the beach and listened to music."

  1. Narrative, unkonsectant.
  2. The grammatical basis: the girl is subject to, inflamed - the lean, listened - the lean.
  3. Twisted, common, complete.
  4. The proposal is complicated by homogeneous legend.
  5. The girl is subject to expressed nouns. kind in units h. and they. case Inflated - a lean time, expressed by the verb of the past time in units. h. and wives. kind; on - preposition; The beach is a circumstance expressed by a noun husband. kind in units including offers. case and - connecting union; He listened - a fault, expressed by the verb of the past time in units. h. and wives. kind; Music is a direct addition, expressed by the nouns of the female family in the unit. including vinit. Padge.

On the example of the analysis of the phrase and simple sentence, we explained to you what is a syntactic analysis. There are also syntactic parsing of complex proposals.

Many PC users may have a need for a syntactic analysis of the sentence. This may be caused by classes according to the standard school program, educating philology and linguistics at the university, or other related purposes associated with syntactic analysis of verbal structures. At the same time, the syntactic parse itself implies the possession of the necessary knowledge of knowledge, because a number of users may have a need to make it easier to facilitate this process, in particular, due to the involvement of supporting online resources. In this material I will tell you how to perform a syntactic analysis of the offer mode online, and what resources will help us in this.

As you know, a classic syntactic analysis of the proposal is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. Definition of the purpose of statement of proposals (narrative, prominent, questional);
  2. Determination of emotional coloring proposals (exclamation, non-exclacial);
  3. Determination of the number of grammatical foundations at the proposal (one basis is a simple sentence, two or more bases - complex);

If a proposal simple, then it is also necessary to determine the single-maintained or two-stroke, common or not, complicated or not, which parts of the speech are expressed by members of the sentence, to draw up a proposal scheme.

If a the proposal is complex, then it is necessary to define an allied or non-union connection, the communication method (intonation, verification, writing), to determine the type of complex proposal (non-union, complex, complex) and so on.

Syntactic disclation online - features of implementation

The abundance of the syntactic parameters and the wealth of options for drawing up proposals make a syntactic analysis with the help of robotic systems quite complicated. Therefore, there is a fairly small amount of resources that carry out a syntactic or adjacent analysis of the proposal (text). Below I will describe a number of such resources, and I will tell you how to use them.

SEOSIN.RU - Resource allows you to perform text analysis

SEOSIN.RU resource is one of the most well-known resources of such a plan. The possibilities of this site, according to the development of developers, allow you to carry out a morphological and syntactic analysis of text online, as a result of which the user receives statistics about the existing text.

To work with this resource, go to the specified link, insert the text into the window, enter the control number at the bottom, and click on "analyze".

ADVEGO - Semantic Text Analysis

The popular content exchange "ADVEGO" can boast the built-in tool for semantic text analysis, which can also be useful in the syntactic analysis. This tool determines the total number of words used, the number of significant and unique words, the number of "water" and so on.

To work with the resource you need to register. Then go to the "SEO-Analysis of the Text" tab on top, insert the required text on the page that opens, and click on "Check".

Instrument of semantic analysis on "Advego"


The resource is a powerful linguistic tool that allows the syntactic analysis of various English-speaking offers with the help of such as Linguistic Knowledge Builder, Pet System Parser, Answer Constraint Engine Generator, and others.

To work with this service, go to the resource, insert your English-language offer to a special line, and click on the "Analyze" button on the right. The system will handle the offer and give you the result.


Help Satisfaction Analysis Offers Online You can relevant philological and linguistic forums (in particular,, and others). You can register on one of these forums, and in your post ask specialists to help in the syntactic analysis of the proposals you need.


Conducting a syntactic analysis of the proposal involves the possession of the appropriate knowledge base, without which such a parse will be simply impossible. At the same time, the resources available on this topic are quite scarce, and as a result of a number of conceptual causes, a full-fledged syntactic analysis of the proposal cannot be carried out (this is especially true of Russian-speaking resources). Therefore, in this regard, I recommend or replenishing my knowledge base, or to ask for help for the philologic forums - you will surely help you in the necessary syntactic analysis.

Today we continue to study a complex proposal, in this lesson will learn to make it a syntactic analysis.

1. Determine the type of proposal for the purpose of the statement ( narrative, questioning, motivating).

2. Determine the type of intrusion proposal ( exclamation, unkonsectative).

3. Allocate simple proposals in the composition of complex, determine their bases.

4. Determine the means of communication of simple proposals in the complex ( union, Nessuzny).

5. Allocate secondary members in each of the parts of a complex proposal, to specify whether it is common or unprosted.

6. Mark the presence of homogeneous members or circulation.

Proposition 1 (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Proposition 1.

Offer narrative, unkonsectant, complex (has two grammatical foundations), the Allied (connected by the Union and), and the first, and the second units are unprosted (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Debriefing Proposition 1

Proposition 2 (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Proposition 2.

Offer narrative, unkonsectative, complex, non-union. The first part is common (there is a definition), the second is not prolonged (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Debriefing Proposition 2

Perform a syntactic analysis of the proposal (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Offer

Offer narrative, unkonsectant, complex, union. The first part is common, complicated by homogeneous faugible. The second part is common.

Fig. 6. Debriefing


1. Russian. Grade 5. In 3 parts of Lviv S.I., Lvov V.V. 9th ed., Pererab. - M.: 2012 Part 1 - 182 p., Part 2 - 167 p., Part 3 - 63 p.

2. Russian. Grade 5. Tutorial in 2 parts. Ladyzhenskaya TA, Baranov M.T., Tostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Enlightenment, 2012. - Part 1 - 192 p.; Part 2 - 176 p.

3. Russian. Grade 5. Tutorial / Ed. Razumovskaya M.M., Redeanta P.A. - M.: 2012 - 318 p.

4. Russian. Grade 5. Tutorial in 2 parts Fishchekova L.M. et al. - M.: Enlightenment, 2014. - Part 1 - 127 p., Part 2 - 160 s.

1. Internet site of the festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ()


1. What is the procedure for the syntactic pavement of a complex supply?

2. What are the complex proposals on the communication means between parts?

3. Emphasize the grammatical foundations in the sentence:

Approached the dawn rushing, heaven to heavenly.