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Solar eclipse February 26, Virgo. Bonus! Only for the smallest. In addition, the Eclipse Day is suitable for reflection on the topic of pressing issues, prospects, meditations, the future. Think about plans, configure yourself to harmony, do not condemn and not

February 26, 2017 at 14:58 UTC or at 17:58 Moscow timethere will be an annular solar eclipse.

The beginning of the eclipse February 26 at 13:15 UTC (Greenwich) or at 16:15 Moscow time.

This celestial phenomenon can be observed in South and West Africa, South America, Antarctica. On the morning of February 26, the eclipse of the Sun can be seen in South America, it will end over the territory of South-West Africa at sunset. In Russia, it will not be apparently. Eclipse is ring-like when the diameter of the moon disk is somewhat less than the solar, so the moon does not completely close the sun, it remains visible a luminous ring.

On the Essay Day, February 26, as well as three days before and after this date, that is, from February 23 to February 28, it is not recommended to perform anything important: financial transactions, large purchases, responsible negotiations, etc.

But this time the new moon coincides with the solar eclipse, so it is worth a special caution and pay attention to the events.

Very often, steep life turns occur in a solar eclipse, which can carry absolutely any changes with them, including very positive. First of all, during the eclipse period, it is recommended to be at home and at the same time to be tuned to positive way.

Today you need to try to keep your emotions under control, and not only negative. The fact is that even recognition in their feelings can cause the reverse reaction - the fear of the future and the rejection of all that can radically change it.

This day is better not to appoint important events, because the physical and emotional load during preparation for them can negatively affect health - there is a possibility of fainting or nervous disruptions.

It is better to abandon disputes and evidence of its rightful - it will end everything in a smoking way - the rupture of the relationship, both business and friendly; The won dispute will not bring moral satisfaction, rather, on the contrary, full disappointment in his life glances. There is a chance that after it you can go into deep depression.

If childbirth fell on this day, it is not necessary to abandon any suggestions of the doctrine physician, as the pain threshold will fall even from patient women.

Without need, it is better not to leave the house where it is advisable to spend a quiet day, engaged in ordinary affairs.

Do not appoint the operation on this day - it is unsuccessful.

Refuse a long crossing, especially on the plane - fear can be introduced into the panic state, which will affect the operation of the cardiovascular system.

News ordinary image Life without giving up their duties.

To confess to the deed, disclose the secret or mystery, if the circumstances require.

Refuse smoking, get rid of all other harmful habitsAlas, this day will not work.

People born on this day must postpone the celebrations of the name on another day - today a holiday can end in unpleasant events - quarrels, scandals or injuries.

It is necessary to go to the beauty salon or massage - tactile contact with others will have a positive effect on an emotional state.

Conduct magical rituals.

Solar eclipse - This is a rather rare astronomical phenomenon that happens just a couple of times in a year. What is the most interesting, it can often be observed with a naked eye.

In the solar eclipse always comes the new moon. it required conditionwithout which the eclipse simply will not happen.

On February 26, the moon will close the sun, but it will be seen only from the southern hemisphere of the Earth. The combination of all facts about the solar eclipse can give a complete picture of what will be the changes in the energy of people and health hazards on this day.

Hazard for health: In terms of health, the effects of eclipses are minimal - it is important to remember that the new moon is an integral part of the eclipse. Health problems on February 26 can be those who do not know how to stay and relax from hard work. Fatigue will pursue you, not only physical, but also moral.

If you do not rest on time, problems with sleep and mood may appear. Solar eclipse is the time of increasing negative energy. Black magic on such days flourishes, so beware of the unkind people who can harm your well-being and goodness to your thoughts.

DANGER FOR ENERGY: Energy is inextricably linked with human well-being and his mood, as well as with luck. The new moon deprives us of energies, and the eclipse brings a negative jet into the life of each of us.

So that your energy has suffered not so much, you will need to keep calm and prudence, and also remember positive thinking. Make yourself attacks that everything will be fine that you can overcome any problems in this life.

There will be an eclipse under the auspices of fish, which speaks of even greater chaos in the energetics of people. Do favorite things and do not try to solve problems with negative. Everything should be in balance today.

Responsible events and trips are better transferred to another period. February 26, it is advisable to spend in a relaxed atmosphere without taking anything unusual and risky, since the eclipse enhances the slightest negative factors of the vibrations of this day.

Most sensitive to the effect of eclipse there will be people born under the signs of the zodiac fish and tea (eclipse will be projected by 9 degrees of fish), especially born from February 22 to March 3 and from August 26 to September 5. Also greatly, the influence of the eclipse of Gemini and Sagittarius will be greatly.

Practice sun Eclipse It makes it possible to realize and get rid of internal fears, negative character traits (for example, laziness, irritability, etc.), which inhibit the movement of life and interfere with spiritual development.

Solar eclipse perfect time in order to summarize the last year, deal with their feelings, where you could not be right, who were offended, what you are afraid for what you are worried about.

If you do not add up with someone's relationship, then imagine it in your imagination and listen to your feelings: what this person does not accept you, where in yourself you feel the barrier, fear or irritation. Write these feelings on paper and try to feel what these relationships are given to you, which they are taught. Try to treat this man as a teacher, thank for the lesson and forgive him with a heart. And then your relationship is allowed in the best possible way.

Solar eclipse is a unique moment when you can program your future in the near future.

Solar eclipse is a unique moment when you can program your future in the near future. Your desires can concern health, work, love, business, money, travel, real estate and all that you want to attract in your life, start, develop or promote on more high level. It is advisable to remember the practicality and realism of your intentions. Also, do not forget about the interests of other people so that your desires are not in contradiction. In this way, you can not only get rid of problem situations and negative thoughts, but also lay the program of fulfilling your desires for the whole year.

In addition, the Eclipse Day is suitable for reflection On the topic of urgent questions, prospects, meditations, the future. Think of plans, configure yourself to harmony, do not condemn and do not criticize others.

It has a day strong energyTherefore, magical rituals held on February 26 will give excellent results. And since February 26 falls on Sunday, you have the opportunity to take advantage of a wonderful ritual for a solar eclipse, a magical reception of the 1st moon day and meditation to the candle.

Ritual for a solar eclipse:

Take a contrasting shower (men need to start and finish hot water, And women are cold 5-7 times).

10 minutes before the solar eclipse, you need to lie down your head east and relax. Close your eyes and imagine how fears, complexes and another negative, from which you want to get rid of you come out. Consider them in turns in the form of images, symbols (for example, fear - as a stone, insult - like com) and send the energy of your love and gratitude to this way for their lessons in your life. Try to imagine that with them happening how they are modified, become bright and clean creatures or symbols. And then be sure to fill out empty places in yourself, where these sensations were, with their love.

Magic reception of the 1st lunar day during solar eclipse.

From 17:53 February 26 to 08:13 February 27 - 1st lunar day, which gives the beginning of the new lunar month.

After studying the solar eclipse for 1st hour from 17:53 to 18:53 February 26, sit in front of the candle, take a blank sheet of paper and write wishes, the execution of which you want this year. Write yourself a plan for the entire 2017th. Just write specifically (to what time). Represent the future as already happening. After visualizing each desire, pronounce it out loud and record on paper in the present time.

The eclipse of the Sun February 26 brings the energy of fish, so write plans for a year, using the imagination as possible - you will be able to implement your plans.

First moon day Better to spend at home. Try to be tolerant to someone else's opinion and do not take anything to heart. Believe to everything calmly, keep a sense of humor.

Any of your action on this lunar day will influence the execution of desires throughout moon monthwhich will end on March 28th. Any quarrel or conflict can postpone or generally cancel the implementation of your plans.

It is advisable to abandon active activities. Something important should not be taken, including to make large purchases, enter into financial transactions, to conduct responsible meetings and negotiations, go on trips. If possible, transfer such plans for another time.

Try not to take guests and do not go to visit too. It is better to stop communicating with people who do not like you, as well as avoid large companies. Think of pleasant. Go to the cinema, listen to classical music, do some creative business or anything, which gives pleasure.

On this day, it is not necessary to make a marriage, and sex is also worth having to do - it can lead to serious diseases sex sphere.

Solar Eclipse: Magic:

Ritual for replenishment of energy. Sign up for a reception to a massage. Take a white towel with you and put it on the couch on which massage will be held. After picking up and at home, coming out of the bath, fool them. During wiping into the body, a large vital energy will double, which will spread throughout the body, giving power and confidence.

Love ritual. Take five red candles purchased in the Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday) and consecrated in the temple in the male day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), put them on the windowsill, so that they charged solar energy. In the evening, place the candles in the corners of the bedroom, and the fifth near the bed. Slash them and lie down into bed, presenting yourself in the arms of your beloved person, feel its warmth and smell of the body. So lie down a few minutes, and then candles put out, wrap in white cloth and under the pillow. Go to bed. Now for 9 days every evening they will light them up before bedtime. After hiding in a secluded place and light only when the hugs presented on the day of the solar eclipse will become a reservoir. Then the candles need to burn.

Money ritual. In order not to need money, you need to take five people on the eve of the solar eclipse. The resulting amount to be sealed in a green envelope, which on February 26 at sunrise put on the windowsill. At midnight pick up and hide into a secluded place for 33 days. Debts to give gradually, starting with the one who gave the first money. Return should last five days in a row, it is important to return the money to the same face value that they were obtained. After 33 days, money from the envelope get and spend their purely to your personal needs. Financial stability will come to the house.

Ritual on a truce. If you have quarreled, then the day of the solar eclipse is the best time to establish relationships. To do this, take your thing and the thing of that person (if you have no one, you can take a photo or draw it yourself, how it turns out, his portrait), put them together so that you get sunlightAnd in the evening, looking at them, say such words: "The sun, as you eclipsed, stood and our quarrel. Let we be friends again, quarrel led forever ". Let them lie together until relationships.

But the first lunar day - wonderful time For meditation. To attract positive energy energy during meditation, you can use stones of this zodiac sign: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Blue Agat, opal and others.

Meditation on the candle:

Sit in a quiet place.

Light a candle white color, Close your eyes, relax, tune in positive.

Imagine how you will have the coming year - as real as possible.

Imagine what you want to get, as if it had already happened. For example, if you want to buy a car, imagine that you are already eating in this machine.

After that, release with love the image of your plans and desires for the Universe.

February 26 is also - the day of spiritual growth for people with a number life path 2.

Naprimer, the ELIs are driving 02.01.1970, the current of the vibration of the path is: 2 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 0 \u003d 20 \u003d 2 + 0 \u003d 2, i.e. ZHP \u003d 2.

On the day of spiritual growth, according to the advice of the famous Numerologist Miss Balleet, it is necessary to be temporary, as well as to have any use.

1. Request to this day, as a friend to a friend and teacher.

2. Remove from the encouragement of Castle, and you have a bad job, and WCE is poor looking for a bad job.

3. There is an easy-to-person man, which is now, and we are with you, you call it to be called. You have a chance to find it so you are looking for.


Collect the days of the spiritual growth of TCCIKOGO ZLA, we are kouring the conquer, configure yourself to harmonize CO, and on the first lunar day it is very important.

New Moon Ritual: New Moon is a blank list on which you can burn your dreams. The new moon and the sun are located in the same zodiac sign and in the same degree of this sign. Thus, the new moon opens a powerful energy portal that you can use to commit a ritual.

It will be discussed here about the ritual for the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of new undertakings, for which the new moon is the perfect period. Excellent time will be the days of solar eclipses, which always occur in the new moon. These new beginnings may concern personal development, love, work, careers, money, business, property, and all that you want to create, develop or promote on new level. Whatever way in life you have not followed, work with planetary energies will give you the patronage of heaven.

New moon - This is a great time to determine your intentions and goals, decide for yourself that you want to attract in your life, what projects you want to implement.

There are many ways to start communicating with the forces of the Universe - from a simple ritual with the ignition of the candle to the complex detailed rituals. In fact, the complexity of the ritual is not so important, your intention is important and how are you open to support the universe.

To the new moon well guess for the future, the prospects for your intentions and wishes will open to you, in addition, you can get a valuable council. To do this, fortune telling tarot or on runes. Accurate results gives love fortune telling.

Why do you need to follow the moon? In our rapidly changing world there is something eternal, and if you are tuned to the Phases of the Moon, then follow the natural energy, which will eventually support you. As tides and flow, your life will be subordinate to the lunar rhythm, and you will learn how to use your capabilities correctly.

Preparation for the ritual of New Moon: To properly hold a ritual for the new moon, you need to dedicate for some time preparations in the days preceding New Moon. No extraordinary need required. Mainly, you need to accurately determine what you want to attract in your life. It is not always so easy as it seems, so pay time to thinking about your goal and its implementation plans.

When the new moon comes, you must have a clear idea of \u200b\u200byour intention. Maybe this is the quality of the person who you want to develop, for example, the ability to forgive or courage. Or maybe you have a more specific request, for example, an increase in salary, receiving new work, attracting love or a change in residence.

How to spend a ritual for the fulfillment of desire for the new moon: New Moon is the moment when old leaves, and there is no new one. That is why this is a great time in order to inform the universe about your desire. The new moon ritual on the execution of the desire depends on your personal tastes, the pace of your life and how much time you have to dedicate. The time of his commitment is the night of the new moon and 1-2 days after it.

You can simply light the candle and meditate to implement your intention. It is important to choose the color of the candle, corresponding to your goal.

One of the simplest magical actions that comes from natural magic is the messenger of candles. It is simply because it is not required to commit a complex ritual and intricate ceremonial actions. Everything you need for magic candles can be bought in the store and ritual can be performed anywhere where you can calmly sit alone.

Many of us performed this ritual when they were still children. Riddown the desire with strangling candles on the cake on birthday is clean magic. This children's custom is based on three magical principles - concentration, wish and visualization.

What happens when on the birthday we blow candles - we make a desire, we visualize the result and concentrate, blowing the candles. And a romantic dinner with candlelight - what is it, what is not a magic ritual with candles?

The size and shape of the candles that are used for ritual are not so important. Although bizarre, excessively decorated or very large candles are inappropriate for such cases. The reason is simple - all this may distract us from a concentration, which is so important when making magical actions.

It is best to use medium-sized candles and ordinary shape. It is important to choose the right magic color for the candle, which is suitable for your ritual. The candle that you want to use for the ritual should be virgin - in the sense that it has not been used for that for any purposes - not for lighting, nor for other magical action.

This is an occult explanation - vibrations obtained by objects in the previous use may prevent you from getting the magic result that you need or reduce its effectiveness.

How to prepare a candle for a magical ritual: You can use candles own manufacture And some prefer to make candles themselves. From wax it is easy to make your own candle. If you manufacture a magic candle for a ritual - it really the best way. In this case, you will be sure that the candle will be charged only by your personal energy that no one has held a candle to you in your hands, and she did not absorb any alien to you.

In addition, even your actions in the manufacture of a candle tune you to the ritual and help it is better to concentrate. The wax should be melt to a liquid state and then pour into a pre-prepared form through which the wick is missing. Wait when the wax will cool and hardens, and remove it from the form. A dye or perfumery can be added to the wax to give color and smell that are suitable in your ritual.

So you bought or made your own candle. Now you need to cover it with magic oil. This is done in order to establish a physical connection between you and the candle through sensual experience. Touching the candles, you charge it with your personal energy and concentrate on a desire that you intend to implement. So the candle absorbs magic mental strength and vital energy. When you cover with an oil candle, imagine that this is a magnet that has two poles.

Wrap the oil in the base of the candle and gradually spread it all over the candle to its top, where the wick is located. Best Type Oils that you can use are natural oils, they are easy enough to purchase. Some beginner magicians strive to use exotic oils, believing that they will achieve the best result in their practice. It is not necessary to strive for this, since it is not the main thing in magical practice.

In magic of candles, the color of the candle is important. Depending on the purpose you want to achieve with the help of a magic ritual, the candle should be the color that is needed in this case.

Candle color:

White - spirituality and peace, zodiac sign cancer

Red - Health, Energy, Strength, Sexy potency, Zodiac signs Scorpio and Aries

Pink - Love and romance, zodiac sign Taurus.

Yellow - intelligence, memory, creativity, zodiac sign Gemini

Green - Good luck, money, harmony, abundance, fecundity, zodiac sign Taurus

Greenish yellow - jealousy, anger, disagreement

Blue - inspiration, wisdom, protection, magical dedication

Blue - Understanding, Tolerance, Zodiac Sign - Fish

Dark blue - Change, aspiration in the future, zodiac sign - Aquarius

Purple - Physical health and well-being, spiritual power, idealism, zodiac sign Sagittarius

Silver - inspiration, intuition, understanding hidden essence, zodiac sign cancer

Orange - Success in business, career, zodiac sign Lion

The black - Disagreement, negative energy, Zodiac sign Capricorn

Brown - doubts, uncertainty, neutrality, zodiac sign Scales

Grey - neutrality, negativity, deadlock

If you want to use the magic of candles for healing, select a red candle.

To successfully pass the exam, you need a yellow candle for a ritual.

To acquire esoteric knowledge, a blue candle will suit.

For love - red or pink candle.

If your goal applies to money and material well-being - select a green candle.

It is these colors that correspond to the signs of the zodiac, which are responsible for a particular action, and it is these colors that activate the planetary energies that will become your allies in obtaining the desired result.

When carrying out a magical ritual with candles, consider the Phases of the Moon and choose the one that is suitable for your magic ritual.

How to spend a magic ritual with candles: The simplest form of a magical ritual with candles is such. Take a blank sheet of paper. The paper may be white or the same color as a candle. Write your desire on the sheet, which you want to implement. \\

It can be a new job, a new love, a change in the place of residence, healing. Be sure to visualize the execution of your desire, simply write it - it is too little to obtain a magical result.

Imagine the implementation of your intention, how you meet a man of your dreams, or offer you new job, or the boss announces the increase in your salary. Leisurely and carefully roll up the paper on which your desire is recorded, bring the end of the paper to the flame of the candle and allow paper to light up.

Concentrate again on what you want to get. Allow paper to completely burn, but do not blunt the candle, leave her to get it, pre-taking care of security. Make sure the candle does not fall, the wax will not break, which is not danger from fire.

You do not have to be close to the candle until it goes out, you can do your affairs. Never use a candle for the magic ritual again, it must completely burn.

When performing some magical rituals with candles, the involvement of two people. The second person can be symbolically represented by another candle.

The color of the candle must correspond to the sign of the zodiac, which represents this person.

These are these conformations:

Aries - red

Scales - Pink

Taurus - Green

Scorpio - Red

Gemini - yellow

Sagittarius - Violet

Cancer - White, Silver

Capricorn - black

Lion - orange

Aquarius - Blue

Virgo - Yellow

Fish - Lilovy

You can complicate the ritual - in the days preceding new moon, collect objects, photos and images that symbolize your desire, and spread them around the candle. Light a candle and concentrate yourself on the intention you want to implement. The ritual will help focus all your creature in search of support for the universe, and it will come.

What is good new moon ritual "This is what it comes to everyone, including those who have never practiced magic and does not solve it to study."

The ritual of New Moon cannot harm anyone. If you really take advantage of the ritual of the New Moon, the first harbingers of the implementation of your desire will appear already in the next full moon.

Solar eclipse February 26, 2017 occurs on 8 degrees of the zodiac sign of the fish. Eclipse contains a positive impulse that will help us turn your dreams into reality. The influence of the spiritual planet Neptune, who hesitates the hope of a bright future. Neptune is inspiration, there is a desire to move forward, to new achievements.

The beginning of the eclipse February 26 at 13:15 UTC (Greenwich) or at 16:15 Moscow time.

Eclipse Eclipse February 26 at 16:31 UTC or at 19:31 Moscow time.

This heavenly phenomenon can be observed in South and West Africa, South America, Antarctica. On the morning of February 26, the eclipse of the Sun can be seen in South America, it will end over the territory of South-West Africa at sunset. In Russia, it will not be apparently. Eclipse is ring-like when the diameter of the moon disk is somewhat less than the solar, so the moon does not completely close the sun, it remains visible a luminous ring.

The effect of solar eclipse in fish

The sun and the moon on 8 degrees of fish form a compound with mercury and neptune, so that the influence of eclipse can express ambiguously. Neptune immerses us to the ocean of fantasies, but the presence of Mercury recalls that it is necessary to remain objective and healthy to assess the prospects. Support the balance of dreams and realism, then success will easily find a way to you.

The effects of eclipses will have a positive effect on many spheres of life, it is especially good for creative individuals and people of art. In addition, you can count on positive development in the field of relationships. Maybe you will be heading new influential friends, meet love and start a relationship with a decent person.

Most of all the impact of the solar eclipse in February 2017 will affect the representatives of the sign and Virgo sign, especially those who are born from February 22 to March 3 (fish) and from August 26 to September 5 (Virgo). Gemini and Sagittarius will also senten his energies. In which direction changes will occur, depends on the position of planets and important points in natal mapTherefore, the character of change is determined for each individual.

In astrology, it is believed that the eclipse of the Sun marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Thus, it crosses the past and opens new chapter Life. This is a great time for undertakings, whether they relate to work or personal life. There are many opportunities, and our task is to choose among them those that contribute to the implementation of our true needs. To do right choiceIt is necessary to analyze the cases of the past days, take responsibility for what happened and change the trajectory of movement. Maybe it will be necessary to abandon old habits, behavior models or beliefs.


The solar eclipse in the fish carries a positive impulse, gives energy for new undertakings. One of the most significant aspects is the connection of the Sun and the Moon with Neptune. Neptune in the fish is very strong, because this sign of the zodiac is his abode. Although the impact of this mysterious planet is not always beneficial, now positive qualities are more noticeable, because his negative aspect with Saturn is no longer valid. Neptune shows that we can rise above restrictions and seal to your dream. Spirituality and development of talents - this is the basis of success. All this implies close relationship with the surrounding people and the world as a whole.

Neptune is known as a planet of spirituality and mysticism, in its properties to increase intuition and empathy. The boundaries between people dissolve, and you will feel true unity with your loved ones. Spiritual teachings and occult disciplines become clearer, extrasensory abilities can be opened.

Jupiter and Uranus

However, not all planetary relationships are harmonious (see an eclipse astrological map below). The confrontation of Jupiter in scales and uranium in the Aries increases the need for freedom, a desire to draw up against all rules and restrictions. As a result, unexpected events that will lead to significant changes in personal life are not excluded.

Opposition of Jupiter and Uranus emphasize minor aspects: a semi-shield (aspect 45 °) of the Sun with uranium and a semi-arm-duct (aspect 135 °) of the Sun with Jupiter, which also make their nuances. Jupiter makes us confident in yourself, however, you should relate the desired and possible, otherwise excessive optimism can bring. The relationship of the Sun and Uranus is often a harbinger of sharp change. The combination of Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus speaks of a high concentration of energies, although there are uncertainty, i.e. The main message of the eclipse is expressed implicitly. On the one hand, the tension is felt and there is a desire to change something, on the other hand, there is no complete clarity or there are no specific goals. In addition, there is a militant Mars in conjunction with unpredictable uranium, which adds some risk or rush.

Summing up, we can say that the energy of the solar eclipse February 26, 2017 is generally positive, but there is a factor of uncertainty and chaoticness. There is a chance that there will be events with ambiguous meaning under his influence. Perhaps the start of projects that are not destined to be implemented due to lack of dedication, or they will be distant from reality. If you plan to start something new, stay practical and carefully weigh all the pros and cons of your initiatives.

February 26, 2017, as well as three days before and after this date it is not recommended to perform anything important: large purchases, serious financial transactions, responsible negotiations, etc. If you have the opportunity, significant events and trips are better to transfer to another period. It is advisable to spend the day in a relaxed atmosphere without taking anything unusual and risky.

Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017 will occur in the 8th degree of fish constellation, when the sun and the moon form a connection with neptune and mercury. Neptune, responsible for spiritual ideals, gives hope for a bright future; Stars from this heavenly sphere always promise happiness and good luck.

In February 26, 2017, the solar eclipse will bring the same positive energy as the lunar eclipse, which will be held on February 10, 2017. Acting together in the coming months, the heavenly luminaries will make it possible to realize your dreams into reality, thanks to your natural, God to these talents.

You can observe positive stable results (especially in relationships), exactly so much time, how much you are ready to be humble and grateful higher power. Instrase, greed and egoism will have an end to your progress, and most likely, it will happen at the beginning of the next phase of eclipse in August 2017.

Solar Eclipse: Value in Astrology

Like the new moon, the solar eclipse is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The strongest and most important aspect in astrology is the sun in conjunction with the moon. During this period, it all depends only on you, you open infinite featuresWhen you need to safely build plans for the future.

You should review old habits, preferences and model of behavior to find new ways to achieve success; This is the perfect time to start everything from a clean leaf.

An annular solar eclipse will be a successful "continuation" of the half-blooded lunar eclipsewhich will occur on February 10, 2017, and the complete eclipse is waiting for us in August 2017.

Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017: Star that performs wishes

The solar eclipse in February 2017 is in the constellation of Aquarius, however, due to the precession of the equinox (shifting points of spring and autumn equinoxies), it falls into the sign in the horoscope. The eclipse will have the strongest influence on those born in the first dean of the constellation of fish (February 19-28) and the very beginning of the second dean of the constellation of fish (February 29-March 10).

About how the solar eclipse will influence your life over the coming months, two celestial bodies will tell in detail: Skat - a fixed star from the constellation Aquarius and located from it just a few degrees above - the mysterious Blue Planet Neptune.

The stationary star of the skate coincides with the solar eclipse in February 2017 and will bring good luck, long luck, as well as the ability to quickly find a way out of any critical situation. This star favors success in many areas of activity: economic, social, technical and others. The name "Skat" means "desire"; Solar eclipse will contribute to the execution of any of your desires, however, the promised happiness and luck await only those who truly deserve it.

In cooperation with the Sun and the Moon, this star is particularly beneficial to relationships. You can make new and influential friends, get help and valuable gifts Or find love and get a family. Skat will give you an increased emotional sensitivity, from which the intuition will improve or will appear "the sixth sense", however, at the same time, it is possible to exacerbate criticism from the surrounding.

Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017: the influence of Neptune

Neptune is a patron saint of spiritual ideals, invites us to abandon excessive egoism and gain harmony in communicating with the surrounding people and with life as a whole. Pretty scary to walk in the unknown, but influence positive Neptune will increase just during the period of solar eclipse.

Solar eclipse as a whole is a positive event that gives energy charges for new beginnings.

The sun in interaction with neptune increases sensitivity, exacerbates compassion and empathy, as well as intuition. During this period, you can achieve unity with close people and enjoy this feeling. Big satisfaction will bring classes with charity, assistance to animals and nature, work in the social sphere; this is good timeTo go to the movies or escape from reality, immersed in reading a fantastic novel.

The moon in interaction with neptune increases emotional sensitivity. You can discard unnecessary doubts and send your energy to the right direction. Some mental and emotional states can be caused by the influence of the planets, but your compassion and empathy surrounding are genuine. During this period, you can become a good helper for anyone who needs your support, attention, conversations or friendships. After listening to other people's problems and having moral support, you will give the interlocutor emotional comfort and peace of mind.

The interaction of the Sun and the Moon with Neptune gives great potential to exacerbate the "sixth sense", so do not ignore your intuition, starting from February 28, 2017.

Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017: What still say planets

The union of the sun, the moon, Neptune and the stationary stars of the skate will certainly have a beneficial effect on your life, however, the success and luck are under threat due to the big opposition in the sky in the form of a red line, in which some planets will be lined up during the sunny eclipse period February 2017.

Jupiter in opposition to uranium significantly increases your needs in personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong desire to acutely respond to all bans or rebel against everyone who bothers having fun and do what you want. Most likely, some unexpected event will occur, which will give a splash to your emotions and energy and will lead to significant changes in life circumstances.

However, not only this confrontation of the planets will occur simultaneously with the solar eclipse; Square Sun - Jupiter will make you feel very confident in yourself, will strengthen the feelings of pride and optimism. The outcome of any situation will depend only on how you express your enthusiasm; Taking decisions, be designed and disciplined, keep moderation in everything that will achieve success, as well as avoid losses and failures.

The square of the Sun-Uranus will introduce you to a state of uncertainty, you can begin to feel embarrassed and alarming, as well as sense the coming changes. Accumulation nervous tension It may lead to unpredictable behavior on your part, which can manifest itself in changing mood, behavior, or possibly the appearance of various troubles.

The accession of Mars to the above-planned planets can further aggravate the situation: strengthen your bundar spirit, greed and egoism.

Square Sun - Mars can have a strong influence on your competitors or enemies. Men leaders or leaders will want to demonstrate their strength, which will lead them to conflicts. You can feel aggression on the part of your boss, you can become easily irritable and impatient, perhaps sharply respond to any provocations or threats of aggression. Do not give in pressure and keep calm, now is not the best time to enter the conflict with the manual.

Solar Eclipse: Let's sum up

After a solar eclipse in February 2017, you can become extremely sensitive to everything, the "sixth" feeling may appear or intensify intuition. You need to exercise more compassion and generosity to others, to take care of neighboring, which will allow you to gain harmony with yourself and the outside world, and also find your spiritual path, to achieve happiness and success.

The coming sunny eclipse will become a "companion" of the lunar eclipse, while the spiritual nature of the solar eclipse is perfectly combined with the mystical essence of the lunar eclipse. Under the influence of two heavenly luminaries in the coming months, leaning on their natural, god data talents, you can embody dreams to reality (especially in the sphere of relations with people).

To achieve goals, stay faithful to your morality and life principlesSince good luck and success are always inextricably linked with your spiritual development. Excessive lust, greed or egoism will not lead to anything good. In addition, the relationship of heavenly luminaries during the solar eclipse in February 2017 means that your errors can also negatively affect your loved ones.

@ Muravyova Lyudmila, astrologer

It can be seen in South and West Africa, South America, Antarctica. In Russia, it will not be seen (see Fig.)

The specifics of the eclipses of this year lies in the fact that the cycle of eclipses opens the lunar and Ends solar. The effect of solar eclipse is extended to the next moon, and the eclipse on February 26 will influence us until August 7, 2017 (the next lunar eclipse).

Thus, those events are social, universal, global and planetary, which occurred on February 11, will form personal changes and development guidelines, which, in turn, will become a trigger for our reaction to events on February 26.

The shadow of the moon will close only the middle of the sun, forming a ring, so it is an eclipse and called ring.

With this location of the moon, its influence on us is stronger than with the usual complete eclipse (the moon is closer to the ground), and enhanced by the solar influence. Our soul (psychos) will be united with our consciousness. Much will become apparent.

The astrological map of the eclipse of the Sun indicates the rigidity of the position of space in relation to us living on Earth.

The first thing that must be said is - the influence of the opposition of Jupiter and the compounds of Mars with uranium, which is very clearly spelled out (aspects are accurate to degree).

This is the confrontation of the extreme, revolutionary forces to the actions of the law, these are probable technogenic catastrophes and natural disasters that can disrupt not only the natural order, but also the integrity of human society, destroy peaceful human coexistence as a self-discontinued position for survival.

The compound of Mars and Uranus is already talking about spontaneous, militant revolutionary opposition to any violence or restriction. The opposition of the join with Jupiter is a layer of old forms in politics, international relations and international law, this is a layer of religious and moral leaders, the destruction of social norms.

Pluto square to the Mars-Uranian compound (diverging and therefore - weaker - on our happiness) indicates a global scale of coverage with extreme situations, its influence will express themselves as likely military seizures, revolutionary transformations and terrorist acts, a hidden population and the basis of which will be a criminal world and mafia.

The same aspect speaks of a natural character catastrophes that launch man-made disasters with a probable radioactive damage to the environment.

"Handbook of the Eclipse Corridor"

You will discover:

Pros and cons of eclipses;

Moon and solar eclipses - what their difference is;

Two eclipses in a row. Than it is fraught;

What kind of precautions must be observed;

The practice of conducting rituals in any eclipse;

The most important thing:several of the most effective rituals on the lunar and solar eclipse, including:

Rite for indigenous changes in fate on eclipse

(This rite is aimed at accelerated karma burning and indigenous changes in fate).

Practice repentance.

Ritual for exemption from negative traits.

Rite to get rid of unwanted people in your life, etc.

Do not miss this wonderful time!

The next important milestone eclipse is the opposition of the White Moon and Proserpins. This is karmich condected global transmutation on the spiritual level, which is now necessary for our planet, and they will be held through destruction on the physical plan.

Roughly speaking - "cleaning from above." These are the transformations that will occur in the souls under our influence of the situations in which we find out from the moment of the lunar eclipse and including the present is a solar eclipse.

These are transformations that will be held at the genome with the likely destruction of our health or - with the possible regeneration of the physical body - depending on our spiritual level of development, from our moral choice and willingness to create.

This is new opportunities to see in your work - access to a new level of personal development and transformation of the physical body, that is, solving health issues.

The next important position of the eclipse map is the Tau-square of the karmic lunar nodes (of which this time the downward knot of Ketu) and the Black Moon (located in Sagittarius) are stronger. The questions of ideology and religion will need to be considered from the position of morality and spiritual experience (Ketu - in fish).

Yes, yes, it is so - the criteria will be morality and experience, and the subject of revaluation is religion and ideology, and if we talk more specifically, the liar-teachings, false religions and the sale of ideological positions.

This Tau-Square will also use Mercury, which is in conjunction with Ketu and in square with a black moon. Event lighting can be distorted, and we will have to find reference points in our subconscious and intuition to feel when they lie to us trying to issue white for black and truth for Krivdu.

It is using intuition that has accumulated spiritual experience and wisdom we can cope with the duality and the volume of deceptions, intrigues and lies, which are put on us for quite a long time.

The position of the Sun, Neptune, the Moon - in the compound in the eclipse map (in fish), it indicates the need to intensify its own hidden capabilities, use the subconscious, mental power and spiritual experience for the implementation of the necessary projects - for the subsequent personal evolution and harmonization of the whole world.

We are the creators of a lot in this world. We are creators. It is important that we become creators and defended not only human laws, but also the laws of this universe, according to which harmony and justice are the beginning of all and immutable rules for the preservation and increase in the living in the universe.

Therefore, remembering justice and mercy, while maintaining and restoring harmony, we must free yourself from what prevents us from being creators and implement positive programs for our self-realization.

Be prepared for the right reactions in extreme situations!

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Solar Eclipse 26.02.17 - a unique moment when you can program your future in the near future

On the Essay Day, February 26, as well as three days before and after this date, that is, from February 23 to February 28, it is not recommended to perform anything important: financial transactions, large purchases, responsible negotiations, etc.

Responsible events and trips are better transferred to another period. February 26, it is advisable to spend in a relaxed atmosphere without taking anything unusual and risky, since the eclipse enhances the slightest negative factors of the vibrations of this day.

The most sensitive to the influence of the eclipse will be people born under the signs of the zodiac fish and maiden (eclipse will be projected by 9 degrees of fish), especially born from February 22 to March 3 and from August 26 to September 5. Also greatly, the influence of the eclipse of Gemini and Sagittarius will be greatly.

The practice of a solar eclipse makes it possible to realize and get rid of internal fears, negative character traits (for example, laziness, irritability, etc.), which slow down the movement of life and interfere with spiritual development.

Solar eclipse is the ideal time to sum up last year, sort His feelings where you could not be right, who were offended, what you are afraid for what you are worried about.

If you do not add up with someone's relationship, then imagine it in your imagination and listen to your feelings: what this person does not accept you, where in yourself you feel the barrier, fear or irritation.

Write these feelings on paper and try to feel what these relationships are given to you, which they are taught. Try to treat this man as a teacher, thank for the lesson and forgive him with a heart. And then your relationship is allowed in the best possible way.

Solar eclipse is a unique moment when you can program your future in the near future.

Solar eclipse is a unique moment when you can program your future in the near future. Your desires can concern health, work, love, business, money, travel, real estate and all that you want to attract in your life, start, develop or promote to a higher level.

It is advisable to remember the practicality and realism of your intentions. Also, do not forget about the interests of other people so that your desires are not in contradiction. In this way, you can not only get rid of problem situations and negative thoughts, but also lay the program of fulfilling your desires for the whole year.

In addition, the Eclipse Day is suitable for reflection on the topic of pressing issues, prospects, meditations, the future. Think of plans, configure yourself to harmony, do not condemn and do not criticize others.

The day has a strong energy, so magical rituals conducted on February 26 will give excellent results. And since February 26 falls on Sunday, you have the opportunity to take advantage of a wonderful ritual for a solar eclipse, a magical reception of the 1st lunar day and meditation to the candle.

Ritual for solar eclipse

Take a contrasting shower (men need to start and finish with hot water, and women are cold 5-7 times). 10 minutes before the solar eclipse, you need to lie down your head east and relax. Close your eyes and imagine how fears, complexes and another negative, from which you want to get rid of you come out.

Consider them in turns in the form of images, symbols (for example, fear - as a stone, insult - like com) and send the energy of your love and gratitude to this way for their lessons in your life. Try to imagine that with them happening how they are modified, become bright and clean creatures or symbols. And then be sure to fill out empty places in yourself, where these sensations were, with their love.

« Workshop in the solar eclipse "make desires, we plan and correct your life" !!! »

You have cherished desire Or is it worth a great task before you depends on a solution? I really want, or is it very necessary, so that everything happens, but there are doubts that something bothers?

With the help of the workshop in the solar eclipse, "we make a desire, we plan and correct your life" !!! Eliminate obstacles from the path of fulfilling your desires!


New Moon, reinforced by the solar eclipse- this is very strong timeWhen the strength of your thought is at a peak and nothing can prevent you from achieving the desired strength of your thoughts and energy!

With the help of workkum in a solar eclipse You

1. Open for yourself secrets of the fulfillment of desiresin the magical new moon.

2. Learn create a matrix - Energy Sleeping his desire And send your desire for its best execution.

3. Light the execution methoddesires in any new moon, thanks to which you can eliminate obstacles to performance Your cherished desire.

Waiting for you secretfor performances of all True desires!

4. You yourself will become a slightly wizard and can help yourself perform your cherished dreams!

How to use solar eclipse to improve life:

  • - cope with physical tension and fatigue;

  • - Charge a mascot for good luck and luck;

  • - reset the way of bad habits;

  • - work "karmic trouble";

  • - Create symbols for the execution of desire;

  • - show the unconscious, where money is lying;

  • - To register your desires to the space of the universe.

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Magic reception of the 1st lunar day during solar eclipse

From 17:53 February 26 to 08:13 February 27 - 1st lunar day, which gives the beginning of the new lunar month.

After studying the solar eclipse for 1st hour from 17:53 to 18:53 February 26, sit in front of the candle, take a blank sheet of paper and write wishes, the execution of which you want this year. Write yourself a plan for the entire 2017th.

Just write specifically (to what deadlines), imagine the future as already happening. After visualizing each desire, pronounce it out loud and record on paper in the present time.

The eclipse of the Sun February 26 brings the energy of fish, so write plans for a year, using the imagination as possible - you will be able to implement your plans.

The first lunar days are better held at home. Try to be tolerant to someone else's opinion and do not take anything to heart. Believe to everything calmly, keep a sense of humor. Any of your action on this lunar day will have an impact on the fulfillment of desires during the entire lunar month, which will end on March 28. Any quarrel or conflict can postpone or generally cancel the implementation of your plans.

It is advisable to abandon active activities. Something important should not be taken, including to make large purchases, enter into financial transactions, to conduct responsible meetings and negotiations, go on trips.

If possible, transfer such plans for another time. Try not to take guests and do not go to visit too.

It is better to stop communicating with people who do not like, as well as avoid large companies. Think of pleasant. Go to the cinema, listen to classical music, do some creative business or anything, which gives pleasure.

On this day, it is not necessary to conclude, with sex, too, it is worth it - it can lead to serious sexual diseases.

But the first lunar day is a great time for meditation. To attract the positive energy of the fish during meditation, you can use the stones of this zodiacal sign: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Blue Agat, opal and others.

Meditation on the candle

Sit in a quiet place.

Light a candle of white color, close your eyes, relax, Tune in Positive.

Imagine how you will have the coming year - as real as possible.

Imagine what you want to get, as if it had already happened. For example, if you want to buy a car, imagine that you are already eating in this machine.

After that, release with love the image of your plans and desires for the Universe.

February 26 is also a day of spiritual growth for people with a number of life path 2.

Naprimer, the ELIs are driving 02.01.1970, the current of the vibration of the path is: 2 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 0 \u003d 20 \u003d 2 + 0 \u003d 2, i.e. ZHP \u003d 2.

On the day of spiritual growth, according to the advice of the famous Numerologist Miss Balleet, it is necessary to be temporary, as well as to have any use.

1. Request to this day, as a friend to a friend and teacher.

2. Remove from the encouragement of Castle, and you have a bad job, and WCE is poor looking for a bad job.

3. There is an easy-to-person man, which is now, and we are with you, you call it to be called. You have a chance to find it so you are looking for.


Collect the days of the spiritual growth of TCCIKOGO ZLA, we are kouring the conquer, configure yourself to harmonize CO, and on the first lunar day it is very important.\u003d1

"Practical course" Magic Eclipse ""

The eclipse time and the corridor between them (from February 11 to 26) are called a dangerous period. At this point, logic and consciousness work badly, incorrect decisions are made, intuition ceases to help in important situations for humans.

Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017 will occur in the 8th degree of fish constellation, when the sun and the moon form a connection with neptune and mercury. Neptune, responsible for spiritual ideals, gives hope for a bright future; Stars from this heavenly sphere always promise happiness and good luck.

Acting together in the coming months, the heavenly luminaries will make it possible to realize your dreams into reality, thanks to your natural, God to these talents.

You can observe positive stable results (especially in relationships), exactly so much time as you are willing to be humble and grateful to the highest forces. Instrase, greed and egoism will have an end to your progress, and most likely, it will happen at the beginning of the next phase of eclipse in August 2017.

Solar Eclipse: Value in Astrology

Like the new moon, the solar eclipse is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The strongest and most important aspect in astrology is the sun in conjunction with the moon. During this period, it all depends only on you, you are opening with limitless opportunities when you need to safely build plans for the future.

You should review old habits, preferences and model of behavior to find new ways to achieve success; This is the perfect time to start everything from a clean leaf.

The solar eclipse in February 2017 is in the constellation of Aquarius, however, due to the precession of the equinox (shifting points of spring and autumn equinoxies), it falls into the sign in the horoscope. The eclipse will have the strongest influence on those born in the first dean of the constellation of fish (February 19-28) and the very beginning of the second dean of the constellation of fish (February 29-March 10).

About how the solar eclipse will influence your life over the coming months, two celestial bodies will tell in detail: Skat - a fixed star from the constellation Aquarius and located from it just a few degrees above - the mysterious Blue Planet Neptune.

The stationary star of the skate coincides with the solar eclipse in February 2017 and will bring good luck, long luck, as well as the ability to quickly find a way out of any critical situation. This star favors success in many areas of activity: economic, social, technical and others. The name "Skat" means "desire"; Solar eclipse will contribute to the execution of any of your desires, however, the promised happiness and luck await only those who truly deserve it.

In cooperation with the Sun and the Moon, this star is particularly beneficial to relationships. You can make new and influential friends, get help and valuable gifts or find love and get a family. Skat will give you an increased emotional sensitivity, from which the intuition will improve or will appear "the sixth sense", however, at the same time, it is possible to exacerbate criticism from the surrounding.

Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017: the influence of Neptune

Neptune is a patron saint of spiritual ideals, invites us to abandon excessive egoism and gain harmony in communicating with the surrounding people and with life as a whole. It is quite terrible to walk into the unknown, but the influence of the positive side of Neptune will increase just during the period of solar eclipse.

Solar eclipse as a whole is a positive event that gives energy charges for new beginnings.

The sun in interaction with neptune increases sensitivity, exacerbates compassion and empathy, as well as intuition. During this period, you can achieve unity with close people and enjoy this feeling. Big satisfaction will bring classes with charity, assistance to animals and nature, work in the social sphere; This is a good time to go to the movies or escape from reality, immersed in reading a fantastic novel.

The moon in interaction with neptune increases emotional sensitivity. You can discard unnecessary doubts and send your energy to the right direction. Some mental and emotional states can be caused by the influence of the planets, but your compassion and empathy surrounding are genuine. During this period, you can become a good helper for anyone who needs your support, attention, conversations or friendships. After listening to other people's problems and having moral support, you will give the interlocutor emotional comfort and peace of mind.

The interaction of the Sun and the Moon with Neptune gives great potential to exacerbate the "sixth sense", so do not ignore your intuition, starting from February 28, 2017.

Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017: What still say planets

The union of the sun, the moon, Neptune and the stationary stars of the skate will certainly have a beneficial effect on your life, however, the success and luck are under threat due to the big opposition in the sky in the form of a red line, in which some planets will be lined up during the sunny eclipse period February 2017.

Jupiter in opposition to uranium significantly increases your needs in personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong desire to acutely respond to all bans or rebel against everyone who bothers having fun and do what you want. Most likely, some unexpected event will occur, which will give a splash to your emotions and energy and will lead to significant changes in life circumstances.

However, not only this confrontation of the planets will occur simultaneously with the solar eclipse; Square Sun - Jupiter will make you feel very confident in yourself, will strengthen the feelings of pride and optimism. The outcome of any situation will depend only on how you express your enthusiasm; Taking decisions, be designed and disciplined, keep moderation in everything that will achieve success, as well as avoid losses and failures.

The square of the Sun-Uranus will introduce you to a state of uncertainty, you can begin to feel embarrassed and alarming, as well as sense the coming changes. The accumulation of nervous voltage can lead to unpredictable behavior on your part, which can manifest itself in changing mood, behavior, or possibly the appearance of various troubles.

The accession of Mars to the above-planned planets can further aggravate the situation: strengthen your bundar spirit, greed and egoism.

Square Sun - Mars can have a strong influence on your competitors or enemies. Men leaders or leaders will want to demonstrate their strength, which will lead them to conflicts. You can feel aggression on the part of your boss, you can become easily irritable and impatient, perhaps sharply respond to any provocations or threats of aggression. Do not give in pressure and keep calm, now is not the best time to enter the conflict with the manual.

Solar Eclipse: Let's sum up

After a solar eclipse in February 2017, you can become extremely sensitive to everything, the "sixth" feeling may appear or intensify intuition. You need to exercise more compassion and generosity to others, to take care of neighboring, which will allow you to gain harmony with yourself and the outside world, and also find your spiritual path, to achieve happiness and success.

The coming sunny eclipse will become a "companion" of the lunar eclipse, while the spiritual nature of the solar eclipse is perfectly combined with the mystical essence of the lunar eclipse. Under the influence of two heavenly luminaries in the coming months, leaning on their natural, god data talents, you can embody dreams to reality (especially in the sphere of relations with people).

To achieve goals, stay faithful to your morality and life principles, since luck and success are always inextricably linked with your spiritual development. Excessive lust, greed or egoism will not lead to anything good. In addition, the relationship of heavenly luminaries during the solar eclipse in February 2017 means that your errors can also negatively affect your loved ones.
