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Lunar calendar for April Surrender Month

Gardeners and gardeners have long noticed that there is a direct connection between the dates of planting plants and the subsequent harvest. There are favorable and not favorable days For planting seedlings and sowing seeds. To easier to determine these favorable planting Days And the lunar sowing calendar of gardeners and gardeners for April 2018 was compiled. Explore this calendar often and use it with recommendations.

Phase of the Moon in April 2018

PN T. Cf. Th PT. Sat Sun.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Favorable landing days in April 2018

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds to seedlings.

culture culture favorable seeds for sowing days
cucumbers 2, 3, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29 tomatoes 20, 21, 27, 28, 29
eggplant 20, 21, 27, 28, 29 radish, radish 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13,
sweet pepper 20, 21, 27, 28, 29 bitter pepper 4, 5, 24, 25, 26
onion 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 potatoes 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 29
garlic 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 carrot 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13,
cabbage 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29 different greens 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29

Favorable days for sowing and planting colors

Adverse days for sowing seeds.

Favorable days in April 2018 for planting seedlings, shots and vaccinations

culture favorable days for planting seedlings rooting cuttings, checking shoots graft
fruit trees 4, 5, 20, 21, 29 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 29
grapes 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 22, 24, 25, 26
gooseberry, Croorodina 2, 3, 20, 21,22, 24, 25, 26, 29
raspberry, blackberry 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 20, 29
strawberry wild-strawberry 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 24, 25

Attention! The table indicates the most favorable For landing and sowing seed days, but it does not mean at all that it is impossible to engage in other days. Should not be planted only in forbidden days.

The calendar was drawn up with the fact that during the passage of the moon through various signs of the zodiac, it has not the same effect on the plants.

IN certain days It is better to plant, replant, and in other preferably to do watering, weeding or garden treatment from pests.

Moon Sowing Calendar for April 2018 Gardening and Gardener (Table)

The table shows the phases of the moon, its position in the signs of the zodiac and the recommended work for gardeners - gardens - flowerfields for every day of the month.

date Moon in the signs of the zodiac Recommended work.
April 1, 2018 Sunday Descending moon in scales
  • Scales - Mean fertility zodiac sign (flower days)
  • In greenhouse, garden - planting rooteplood, sowing on seedlings for open soil cabbage, blocked, color. Ringing the seedlings of Kohlrabi, breaking of shoots, plants transplant, loosening, weeding. Sowing into the soil asparagus, celery of cereberry and leaf, cress, salad, mustard sheets. Watering, loosening, feeding.
  • Flower garden - A favorable day for landing any colors (annual, perennial, tuberukovichny)
  • In the garden - Earth processing, plants transplantation. You can cut the pigstream, rooting the cuttings, sow lawn herbs.
  • Not recommended Valine and spray plants.
April 2, 2018 Monday Descending moon in scorpion
  • Scorpio - Fertile zodiac sign (leaf days) sowing calendar recommends:
  • In greenhouse, in a greenhouse - sowing cucumbers, planting cucumber seedlings. Sowing under the film seed celery root, cauliflower, broccoli, sowing radish, green. You can plant eggplants, peppers, tomatoes. Watering, mineral feeding,
  • In the garden - Landing and sowing seeds Luke Batuna, Schitt, Republic, Parsley, Carrots, landing of teeth of spring garlic.
  • In a flower garden - A favorable day for planting tuber and bulbous colors and roses.
  • In the garden - landing of raspberries, blackberries, currant, gooseberry. Mineral feeding.
  • Not recommended Pruning and dividing roots, tubers.
April 3, 2018 Tuesday Descending moon in scorpion
April 4, 2018 Wednesday Descending moon in Sagittar
  • Sagittarius
  • In the garden - Sowing seeds of onions, teeth of spring garlic, greenery, beans, pumpkins. Landing early potatoes. Sowing sharp pepper seedlings.
  • In a flower garden Planting of tuberukovic plants.
  • In the garden - You can plant a hips, strawberry, honeysuckle, grapes, plum, apple tree. Rooting cuttings.
  • Not recommended Conducting, water, steening, pinching, replant, germinate seeds, dive seedlings,
April 5, 2018 Thursday Descending moon in Sagittar
April 6, 2018 Friday Descending moon in Capricorn
  • Capricorn - The sign of the zodiac of the middle fertility (days of the root)
  • In Teplice - Picking seedlings, transplant, feeding root and non-corn. Sowing Cabbage seedlings late, cucumbers. Watering.
  • In the garden - Sowing early radish, parsley, sorrel, planting potatoes, torn garlic. Sowing carrots, onions on a river. Pumping soil, loosening, making organic fertilizers, breaking shoots.
  • In a flower gardengood days For sowing perennial colors.
  • In the garden - landing fruit shrubs And trees. Fighting pests and diseases, trimming branches and shoots. Graft. Cutting down. Plipping of the earth berry Sustainers.
April 7, 2018 Saturday Descending moon in Capricorn
April 8, 2018 Sunday Last quarter of the moon in Capricorn
April 9, 2018 Monday Decreasing moon in aquale
  • Aquarius -unfurred zodiac sign (flower days)
  • In greenhouse and garden - Sowing, landing is not recommended. You can drain the soil, loosen, in the greenhouse - to dip plants, pour, cut forward shoots, steaming, form cucumbers' vacations. Do not germinate seeds.
  • In the garden - Sanitary trimming, chopping cut, mounted lawn. Fighting pests and diseases.
  • Not recommended Feed and water the plants.
April 10, 2018 Tuesday Decreasing moon in aquale
April 11, 2018 Wednesday Decreasing moon in fish
  • Fish - Fertile zodiac sign (leaf days)
  • In the garden - sowing beets, cycor salad, carrots of early, radish, mangold, bows, broccoli, parsley root, salad, pea, beans. Reference Cabbage seedlings white, planting potatoes of early. Organic feeding, watering moderate.
  • In a flower garden - Favorable days for planting tuber and bulbous colors.
  • In the garden - landing of raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, grapes, division of berry shrubs. Trees are not recommended.
  • Not recommended Crop plants and process from diseases, pests. Falkers and watering are very moderate.
April 12, 2018 Thursday Decreasing moon in fish
April 13, 2018 Friday Decreasing moon in fish
April 14, 2018 Saturday Decreasing moon in a ram
  • Aries - A low-product zodiac sign (fruit days)
  • In greenhouse, garden - Seeding with a long period of germination: carrots, parsley, celery, asparagus. Refuse landing, crops, transfers, dive and other operations related to damage to the roots. Plants are well absorbed by potassium feeding. You can deal with pests and diseases
  • In the garden - Cutting pins, cleaning the site.
  • Not recommended Water and feed the plants, dive, packing, replant.
April 15, 2018 Sunday Decreasing moon in a ram The lunar sowing calendar of gardeners and gardeners does not recommend working with plants during the new moon.
April 16, 2018 Monday New moon Moon in Tales
April 17, 2018 Tuesday Growing Moon in Taurus
April 18, 2018 Wednesday Growing moon in twins
  • Twins - A low-product zodiac sign (flower days)
  • In the garden - sowing beans, beans, peas, melons, beijing cabbage, Luke, landing onion seedlings. Sowing dill, parsley, zucchini, patissons. Sowing Sideratov, soil looser.
  • In a flower garden - Good days for planting ampellas.
  • In the garden - planting strawberries, grapes, berry shrubs, lemongrass. You can delete extra thin shoots.
  • Not recommended Pricing and transplant seedlings.
April 19, 2018 Thursday Growing moon in twins
April 20, 2018 Friday Growing moon in cancer
  • Cancer - Self-standard zodiac sign (leaf days) Lunar sowing calendar recommends:
  • In greenhouse, garden - Sowing and landing almost all vegetable plants. Landing in a greenhouse or film greenhouse seedlings of early tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers. Sowing a bed of beans, zucchini, zucchini, patissons, pumpkins. Sowing seed of radish white cabbage Late, blocked, broccoli, beans, dill, cress salad, planting potatoes. Watering. Mineral feeding.
  • In a flower garden - A favorable time for planting colors, annuals and perennials.
  • In the garden - Grafting, transplanting and landing of berry shrubs, grapes, dividing shrubs. Sowing Sideratov. Mineral feeding.
  • Not recommended Pruning and use of pesticides.
April 21, 2018 Saturday Growing moon in cancer
April 22, 2018 Sunday Growing moon in lion
  • a lion - non-fermentation zodiac sign (fruit days)
  • In the garden - Sowing beans of a bush asparagus, lettuce, reverstrar, fennel, basilica. Loosening dry land, preparing beds, weeding.
  • In the garden - Sowing lawn herbs, trimming of urinal strawberries, cutting cuttings of berry shrubs for planting. Graft. You can plant berry shrubs, except for raspberry.
  • Not recommended Watering and feeding.
23 April 2018 Monday The first quarter of the moon in Lev
April 24, 2018 Tuesday Growing Moon in Virgo
  • Virgo -sign of the zodiac of the middle fertility (days of the root)
  • In the garden - Sular breaking, preparing beds. Disembarking capping seedlings. Sowing dill, parsley, fennel, artichoke, bitter pepper, cucumbers. Weeding, picking, watering plants, combating diseases and pests.
  • In a flower garden - A favorable day for sowing annual colors, ornamental shrubs, perennial divisions.
  • In the garden - Forming trimming, vaccination, planting cuttings of berry shrubs, strawberries, grapes, gooseberries, peeling. Podkord mineral fertilizers.
  • Not recommended soaking seeds.
April 25, 2018 Wednesday Growing Moon in Virgo
April 26, 2018 Thursday Growing Moon in Virgo
April 27, 2018 Friday Growing moon in scales
  • Libra - zodiac sign of the middle fertility (flower days)
  • In the garden - landing seedlings of bitter peppers, cabbage, asparagus. Sowing salad, spinach, celery, parsley sheet, pea, beans, corn, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, pepper, tomatoes. Planting potatoes. Preparation of beds. Mineral feeding.
  • In a flower garden - A good day for planting roses and curly plants, rooting cuttings.
  • In the garden - Sowing Sideratov, lawn herbs, berry shrubs, fruit trees. Forming and rejuvenating trimming.
  • Not recommended Visit, replant, spray plants.
April 28, 2018 Saturday Growing moon in scales
April 29, 2018 Sunday Growing Moon in Scorpio
  • Scorpio - fertile zodiac sign (leaf days) in the moon sowing calendar This is a favorable landing day.
  • In the garden - Sowing and landing of most vegetable plants (eggplants, zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin) greenery: basil, mustard, cress and salad, parsley, chicory, horseradish. Watering and feeding with mineral fertilizers.
  • In a flower garden - landing roses, annual, perennial and curly colors.
  • In the garden - planting fruit trees and shrubs. Grafting, mineral feeding.
  • Not recommended The division of roots and tubers, pruning plants.
April 30, 2018 Monday Full moon Moon in Scorpio

Moon calendar Flower and gardeners do not recommend working with plants in full moon.

Work in the garden in April

It's time to finish trimming trees and shrubs. Engage only in dry weather, so as not to expose the skeletal branches of the trees of danger to infected diseases: cytospose, black cancer, etc.

Cut branches, branches, do not leave the garden for a long time, remove immediately and destroy.

Inspect the strains of trees. Wounds from mice. Lubricate the garden with the garden and reinforce the dark film.

Close up the hollow: inapport the trunk, hammer with rubbed or broken brick, pour the cement with sand with a solution. In the future, during trimming, do not leave the hemp - they lead to the dupels.

In April, hurry to plant trees and shrubs until the kidneys were blocked. Choosing seedlings, check the condition of the roots: there should be no thickens of the root cancer, and the twigs should not be dry, broken.

Do not save on the food area, it will be difficult to transplant matured trees.

In areas with high standing groundwater Plants with a surface root system: sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, other berry shrubs. For dwarf and column trees will have to be plugged by the Holloch.

Sprinkle the berries to get new bushes. Put the black currant cuttings. Experience a fairly simple way of rooting: stick the cuttings into the raw potatoes and put in the ground, leaving the kidney on the surface 2.

A strawberry plantation before the start of the leaf rustling, cleanse from dry leaves and other plant residues and burn them, because they accumulate the pathogens of gray rot. Charge rows with strawberries: Pour the earth to barbed roots, drowning plants dig, free the hearts. In the middle of the month you can put new sockets in the places of deposits.

Removal vegetable residues, carved branches, along with them you remove the wintering stages of many pests and causative agents.

At the very beginning of April, the crowns of trees weevils-blooms are closed, feeding with swelling kidneys. You can block the path to them with low-drying glue belts, put on the strains, closer to the ground. You need to cut tapes from thick paper or food film. Firmly fasten them on the strain and lubricate in the middle glue alt.

Californian shields are dark gray, rounded. They are larvae under them. At the strains and bases of skeletal branches under the peasant sections of the old bark, adults are adults of pears nursery. Eggs of the appleantic media, despite the small size (0.3 mm) are noticeable on the dark crust, rillies, flutshings, at the base of the side sprigs.

Tyle's eggs are postponed on annual growths, near the kidneys, under the scales of the cortex. They are quite a few currant and gooseberry branches. Old 5-b-summer branches of black currant are most often populated with glassnica, curraned gallicle, their ends are amazed by mildew. When trimming, they are removed primarily.

In the spring, with the renewal of the active life of plants, their pests are activated. It begins spring development and causative agents of disease. April - very important time to protect the garden from them. The most suitable term for this is the beginning of the blooming of the kidneys, the stage of the "green cone".

Green cone.

If the pests and pathogens of diseases threatenly many and with them can not cope with agrotechnical methods, you will have to spray trees and berry shrubs insecticides: Fufanon Nova, Kemifos, Alatar, Aktellik, Kimmix, Sixpai. Fungicides can be added against diseases to them: Rajak, Abiga Peak, Hom. For bone from mushroom diseases, effectively at this time "Blue spraying" 3 percent bordeaux mixture (300 g of copper sulfate + 400 g of lime).

In the cold, protracted spring, when the leaves start to unfold, and the roots do not work yet (the land did not work), it is very helpful to spray trees with a solution - on 1 liter of water - 2 drops of epin-extra, 2-4 drops of zircon, 4 drops of uniform growth and PhyTeerm: (4-5 drops).

During the time of the bootonization, this solution can add the drug marking or bud (according to the instructions).

These drugs strengthen the immunity of plants to diseases, stress, accelerate the development, ripening of fruits, improve their taste.

Moon Sowing Calendar for May 2018

26.03.2019 5 566

Moon Sowing Calendar for April 2019

The weather in April pleases the abundance of warm and sunny days. Despite the noticeable warming in the night and morning hours are still possible freezing, so with crop transplantation in open sad You need to be careful. The Lunar Sowing Calendar of Gardener and Gardener for April 2019 will help you organize the workflow on the site as correct as possible.

What works in April need to produce in the garden and garden?

In the middle of spring, summer houses and gardeners are more and more spending on their sites. No wonder April is considered the most time-consuming season. First of all, it is necessary to finish the works that did not have time in March. Only then can be proceeding with the following tasks:

  • after the snow comes down, you should take the entire extracting garbage. From the trees you need to remove the old foliage and cut off the dry branches. Most the best way disposal of similar waste - burning;
  • under the bushes of raspberries, gooseberry and currants it is necessary to make fertilizers on the talom snow. Also, it is also necessary to clue them by humus, manure or peat;
  • i can breathable soil and make a bed, as well as braid it and make fertilizers;
  • after driving snow and strawberry. Cut the dried leaves and twigs, make fertilizers and wipe the mustache. For more more early harvest Circling with strawberries can be covered with a film;
  • do not forget to rent cultures that have risen badly.

in the photo - the prevention of tomato seedlings wood ash Against Diseases

If the earth after melting snow on the site is still very wet, try to walk on it as much as possible. Otherwise, you simply lose it, which will complicate further processing and looping the beds. When the street is already warm enough, you can begin to make seedlings into greenhouses for hardening.

Favorable days for country work in April 2019

The separation for favorable and unfavorable days allows you to organize the workflow in the garden and in the country more competently. Not necessarily strictly observe the specified time frames, however, sticking to them, you will get a healthy and rich harvest. Such distribution relies on the observations of our ancestors and the influence of the Moon on the Earth.

In April 2019, you can allocate the following days:

  1. favorable - 2, 3, 12, 13, 20, 21;
  2. unfavorable days -9, 10, 11, 14, 23, 24;
  3. forbidden days - 15, 16, 17.

Adhere to the specified dates or select your own work schedule - the solution of each individual. If you want to do everything according to the rules and provide a full harvest and the friendly shootout, you can stick to the numbers specified in the table.

The gardener and gardener calendar can be very useful for novice daches who make their first steps in difficult growing. vegetable crops. It will help to determine the landing time and will avoid a number of common errors.

Lunar sowing calendar of gardener and gardenhouse for April 2019

moon Sowing Calendar for April - Table

Using the lunar calendar is very simple. You can strictly follow the dates specified in it or take them as a basis, when drawing up your own gardens garden work.

Lunar gardener calendar for April - video

To avoid a number of problems and provide yourself with a good harvest upon completion dacha seasonExperienced gardeners are recommended to adhere to the following advice:

  • in early April, the snow is still actively melting. If your site is in lowland, ensure a waste of melt water with drainage grooves. If the plot is on the hillock, see the residues of the snow to avoid drying the soil;
  • with the melting of ice on the river you can proceed to sowing cabbage. it folk signwhich is used by very many gardeners;
  • spraying and processing strawberries, shrubs and trees held in April is considered the safest, as it does not cause harm to the plants themselves, nor a person;
  • at the peroxide of the beds, add to the soil manure, ash, peat or humus. Such a measure will allow you to get a rich harvest and reduce the costs of fertilizer and feeding in the future.

In the middle of spring, you need to have time to prepare a plot to disembark cultures in the ground, switch the bed and get rid of garbage. To manage to cope with all the tasks set, you can make a list of cases a month ahead or look into the gardener and garden calendar.

The responsible for the summer residents occurred. Considering the landing days of April 2019, spend sowing and others necessary work for the cultivation of vegetables and greenery.

After the snowy winter, the first thing to lower excess water from the garden. Purify the grooves in the slope of the site, if there is no slope, then dig a shallow groove gradually deepening it, and water as if to go from the site. Stagnation of water on the site is particularly dangerous for raspberries, strawberries and clematis.

Adopt the nitric fertilizer sorrel, raspberry, rhubarb (3 st. Supplies on 10 liters of water). During flowering mother-and-stepmother (late April - beginning of May), sit in the open soil seeds of carrots, radish, dill, parsley, leaf celery, cilantro, salad, i.e. cold-resistant crops. Sevings cover spanbond. At home you can sow leaf parsley and bush dill.

As for the flower garden, in the middle of April you can sow velvets, marigolds, qesya.

Home seedlings of tomatoes and pepper water moderately so as not to dismisse the soil. And also do not forget that the seedlings need good lighting.

In early April, prepare seed potatoes for sowing. Closer to the end of the month, the fruit trees should be sprayed, whose kidney flakes spread and a green cone appeared, because the first pests lay eggs into the green cone sheet at this time.

Favorable days for landing in April 2019

Culture A good day
Basil, major, rosemary 4
Brubva, Repa 12-13, 17-18
Eggplant, zucchini, patissons, pumpkin 4, 9-10
Peas, beans 9-10
Melon 2-4, 9-10, 30
Strawberry, Strawberry Garden, Rewal 12-13
Cabbage, asparagus 2, 27, 30
Potato, Topinambur 12-18
Onions on Rust 12-18
Leek 2-4, 28-30
Carrots, Pasternak on the root 12-13
Cucumbers 2, 30
Sweet pepper, tomatoes 4
Parsley on greens 2, 30
Parsley on the root 12-13, 17-18
Sunflower 2-6, 10, 30
Radish 12-18
Radish 12-13
Salad, spinach 2, 27, 30
Beet 12-13, 21-23
Celery 2, 21-23, 27, 30
Dill, Fennel 1-4, 7-8, 29-30
Hop 2-4, 12-13, 30
Horseradish 12-13, 17-18
Chicory 4, 12-16
Garlic 12-16
Flowers from seeds 2-4, 7-10, 30
Flowers from Lukovitz 12-13, 17-18

Adverse days for landing and resetting cultures - 19-20, 26

Favorable days for planting trees and shrubs

Lunar landing calendar for April 2019

April 1 - decreasing moon in zn. Libra. Good to engage in a transplant, a piece of cucumbers, a pausing of tomatoes. With good weather you can land stalks of grapes. You can also plant the spring raspberry. The landing of strawberries can also be held early in the spring - a good period: mid-April-beginning of May.

April 2 - descending. l. in sn. Scorpio. Continue to work in the garden. Turn the trees, spend spraying of trees and shrubs, inspect the stans and treat cracks and damage to the crust. Do not forget about seedlings - support them with nitric fertilizers. Loose surveillance Circles regularly. Destroy weeds.

April 3 - descending order in sn. Scorpio. You can sow Cabbage Seeds Kohlrabi, Carrots, Luke, Radrate, Beets.

Rast. l. in sn. Cancer. Good day to make fertilizers in the greenhouse and on the windowsill. And also do trimming, whitewash, fighting pests.

April, 4 - descending in sn. Sagittarius. In the evening, do fetching bulbous colors in the evening. On this day, the feeders are well absorbed.

April 6. - descending in sn. Sagittarius. Good day for cooking brazers, tinctures, infusions. It is good to help the plants in the greenhouse.

April 7. - descending in sn. Capricorn. It is good today to sow celery, parsley, salad and spicy herbs - mayoran, basil, plant onions on the feather. You can sow and seeds of kale of early varieties for growing seedlings in a greenhouse or on the windowsill and seeds of cucumbers for growing in a greenhouse. Saplings will need to be preventing nitrogen fertilizers. Regularly loose the rich circles, destroy weeds.

April 8. - descending in sn. Capricorn. Set on the outline onions, parsley, celery. Get involved in transplant and feeding. Good day for landing kochan salat, Luke of the Republic, Basilica, Leaf Celery, Parsley and other green crops, as well as decorative plants.

April 9.- descending in sn. Capricorn. Dovely what started yesterday. A favorable day to complete previously started and unfavorable for any undertakings.

April 10th - descending in sn. Aquarius. Horo today to deal with a transplant, irrigating and feeding plants in the greenhouse and on the windowsill. You can sow seeds of roots, spicy and medicinal plants. Denb is like watering and feeding indoor plants. Take care of health.

11 April- descending in sn. Aquarius. A suitable day for planting seeds of a naochante salad, leaf celery, onion of the replist, basil, parsley and other green crops can be planted seedlings early cabbage, cucumbers under the film.

April 12th - descending in sn. Fish. Sugar strawberries and strawberries begins in April. Black and red currants, gooseberries, raspberry plant on the plots prepared in autumn.

April 13. - descending in sn. Fish. Be careful to your health - this day is not favorable for well-being. Do not save, do not reset and do not dive today.

14th of April - descending in sn. Fish. Do not engage in sowing and planting plants - an unfavorable day.

April 16. - New Moon in ZN. Aries. No more favorable day to work with plants. Try to rest more, eliminate physical exertion. This lunar day is considered dangerous to health.

April 17. - Rast.L. in sn. Calf. Good day, for planting trees, sunflower, corn. You can post the seeds of zabachkov, patissons, pumpkins, cucumbers. Spend a transplant, thinning. With good weather, draw trees and shrubs.

April 18th - Rast.L. in sn. Calf. In the afternoon, sit in the open soil seeds of spinach, leaf salad, leaf celery. Press the seeds of dill, mayoran, fennel, coriander, cucumber grass. Get involved in transplantation.

Today you can make fertilizers for plants in the greenhouse and on the windowsill. Feed the bulbous room flowers. Also, Hroids also prepare brazers, infusions.

April 19. - Growing moon in the Gemini sign. On this day, it is good to sow seeded the seeds of tomatoes of early varieties. Seedlings of early sorts of cabbage to open ground can be planted at the end of March - early April. Raspberries and gooseberries need to trim the ends of shoots affected by mildew. Plants that planted in spring or autumn should also be treated - remove weakened, dry or broken branches before the renal dissipation.

20 April - Rast.L. in sn. Twins. Favorable time for sowing and planting plants. The landing of shrubs and trees begins. A good period for landing of bone fruit trees (cherry, apricot, sweet cherry, peach, korarisha). Terms can be shifted depending on climatic conditions, temperature and weather. But it is impossible to be late for fruit trees, it can lead to death due to lack of moisture.

The 21st of April - Rast.L. in sn. Cancer. It will be useful to help the plants growing in the greenhouse. The day is good for cooking brazers, tinctures, tinctures. Take care of whitening, pruning, fighting pests.

April 22. - Rast.L. in sn. Cancer. It is recommended to deal with the transplantation of plants that need it. Swipe the plants in the greenhouse. Good today to arrange a struggle with pests. Treat the ground, spend. Work in the garden. Good day for physical activity.

April 23. - Rast.L. in sn. Lev. High Tells of Georgins in pots in a greenhouse for germination and pavement. Put the begonoli tubers on the germination or lay the seeds in the boxes. Treat plants and beds. - Pick up vegetables, remove weak plants.

April 24th - Rast.L. in sn. Lion .. Pose Salad, Parsley, Celery, Spicy herbs - Basil, Majora, Rock onions on the feather. You can sow seeds of early sorts of cabbage to grow seedlings in a greenhouse and on the windowsill, seeds of cucumbers for growing in a greenhouse. Continue further care For seedlings - to help them with nitrogen fertilizers, regularly loose the rich circles, remove weeds.

25th of April - Rast.L. in sn. Virgo. Today you can sow leek leek, root celery. Site onion On the feather for fresh greenery. In the greenhouse, land in pots of dahlias for germination and shilling. Put the begonia tubers for germination.

26 April - Rast.L. in sn. Virgo. A good landing period for sowing Parsley, Selbder, Spicy herbs - Basilica, Majorana, fall out onions on the feather. Seed seeds of early cabbage for growing seedlings in the greenhouse and on the windowsill, seeds of cucumbers sit for cultivation in teeping.

April 27. - Rast.L. in sn. Libra. Today, treat plants, beds - spend the chipping of vegetables, remove weak and sick plants. If necessary - adopt the plants. A favorable day to start affairs, which can be completed during the day.

April 28. - Rast.L. in sn. Libra. Continue work in the greenhouse. Take yourself with a change, cucumber seas, tomato pausing. Press the seeds of cucumbers, peas, beans, cauliflowers, broccoli. Press the seeds of colors - Petunia, Portulak, Chrysanthemum annual, hybrid dolphinium.

April 29. - Full moon. In sn. Scorpio. Well today to sow in an open soil sheet salad, sheet celery, spinach. Place dill, coriander, fennel, cucumber grass. It is recommended to plant peas, beans. Get involved in transplantation.

April 30 - descending. Moon in zn. Scorpio. A favorable day to sow seeds of cucumbers, beans, peas, cauliflowers, broccoli. Press the seeds of colors - Petunia, Portulak, Chrysanthemum annual, hybrid dolphinium.

In April, spring, finally, fully enters into its own rights. The work of gardened gardeners begins to boil in full swing. During this period there will be a hassle: like on cottage plotand at home. It is now that the productivity of the fruit garden, berry and vegetable crops, as well as the beauty and magnificity of the flower garden will depend on the timeliness and coherence of the process.

Schedule a phased implementation plan so endless front of April work will help daily Lunar Calendar of Gardener Gardener for April 2017 .

Lunar Gardener Calendar April 2017


Moon in constellation

Phase Moon

5 lunar day

Sowing under the film shelter of early green crops: sheet mustard, salad, onions on the feather, Beijing cabbage, parsley, dill, etc. Do not forget about the care of the soil, its loosening and weeping. Today is also an effective struggle against pests, diseases.

6 lunar day

It is worth sowing garden annual flowers curly plants. From the storages get tubers Georgin, gladiols and potatoes for germination. Planted strawberries. Continue the fight with all the types of pests. Pruning live parts of plants is not recommended.

7 lunar day

Very favorable day to dry up most gardening crops: Beans, Bakhchyev, Parenic, etc. You can sow under the film Cold-resistant vegetable cultures of early grades: radish, carrots, onions, beets, etc. It is not recommended to pick up the seedlings and trimming trees.

8 lunar day

Recommended by sowing annuals under the film in open ground: year, dolphinium, mattioles. As well as planting cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelons to seedlings. Shrubs, trees plant in the garden. Recommended feeding fertilizers. Possible tailoring and pruning of plants, and it is worth refraining from the dive.

9 lunar day

On this day, it is possible to schedule the cleaning of last year's leaves from the lawn and to engage in restoration. It is also worth practicing soil processing, preparation of beds to the landing. You can break seedlings. Observe the moderation of watering.

10 lunar day

11 Lunar day

A favorable period for crops and landings. Under the film seed early greens, early root roots, annual flowers. Continue landing seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, etc.

12 lunar day

Do not remove land parts of plants. Take up the landing of early potatoes, gladiolus, dahlia and other tuberukovichny cultures. In the garden under the film, strawberry bushes are planted, fruit trees are planting, berry shrubs.

13 Lunar day

The greenhouse is carried out feeding with mineral complex fertilizers. Film protection plant seedlings of vegetable crops, plant bean and annual flowers. In the garden continues to land seedlings.

14 lunar day

Today, work with green parts of plants is not desirable: vaccinations, trimming, spraying, etc. On this day, it is better to schedule the cleaning of last year's vegetation in the garden, revision in repositories and the preparation of the inventory.

15 lunar day

16 lunar day

Suitable time For watering and feeding plants. It is recommended that crops on the seedlings of beans, peas, pumpkins, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, radishes, etc. In addition, the medicinal and spicy herbs planted today will be well developed: Melis, Basil, Rosemary, etc.

17 lunar day

The influence of the moon favors stalling and trimming shrubs. Today it is worth putting raspberry, currants, gooseberry. Working with tubers is better to postpone.

18 lunar day

The moon contributes to the active development of the root system. From today, seeds will develop powerful, resistant to unfavorable factors Plants, and landed seedlings and seedlings - are perfectly rooted. Favorable watering and feeding.

19 lunar day

Effective will be the introduction of fertilizers, watering, loosening, the fight against pests. In the garden you can reveal thermal-loving perennials, freeing the bushes of raspberries and coniferous from strapping. Sowing today is not recommended.

20 lunar day

You can do spraying, cropping and feeding shrubs and fruit trees. This is not a good day for landing, but you can do preparatory work. Watering should be moderate.

21 lunar day

An excellent period for planting bean seedlings, radish, pepper, cabbage, turnip, beets and trousers. Under the film in the ground you can suite pumpkins, zucchini, carrots, garlic, onions, beans, patissons.

22 lunar day

You can continue landing seedlings of all kinds of cabbage, straight crops under the film of pumpkin and pasty crops, early greenery, radish. Also allowed landing / transplanting shrubs, dividing berry bushes.

23 lunar day

A good day for sowing a wound-spring fast-growing vegetables and greenery, as well as fission rhizomes, landings and transfers of various garden crops.

24 lunar day

It is worth continuing the processing and preparation of soil, care for all plants, such as sanitary cleaning, a piece. Mock the watering rate. In the greenhouses you can explode the cutting ground.

25 lunar day

An unfavorable period for planting plants, trees, shrubs. Day can be devoted to the combing of lawn, preparation of beds, thinning shoots, feeding, sanitary processing grown crops.

26 lunar day

This is a very favorable day for care, watering, trimming and disembarking of trees, picking seedlings. Today it is recommended to plant young potatoes, carrots, radishes, Pasternak under the film shelter, Pasternak. In mini greenhouse plant strawberries. Watermelons, cucumbers, melons are seeded at seedlings.

27 lunar day

It is worth continuing the crops of seedlings and disembarking under the film shelter seeds of various cultures. In addition, sow annual flowers: nasturtium, sweet pea, space, velvets, year old, etc. Plants will benefit feeding fertilizers.

28 lunar day

From the seeds of seeds today, shoots will develop rapidly, but they will be low-cycle, so it is recommended to landing only decorative annuals. Transplanting, trimming and even watering with feeders are undesirable.

29 Lunar day

30 lunar day

The new moon does not hold landing and crops. But this is a great day for trimming berry shrubs, as well as fruit trees. Behind the room plants and seedlings can continue planned care: watering, loosening, weeding. But if possible, they are better not to disturb.

1 lunar day

Excellent period for planting all cultures. In the greenhouses you can sow tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cauliflower. Under the film shelter, the early greens and bean culture. All seeds planted today should quickly climb.

2 lunar day

Today, plants will be responsive to any kinds of care, especially they will be located to absorb useful components with abundant irrigation. Sowing rapidly gaining green mass of annuals, as well as basic cultures, are recommended.

3 lunar day

A favorable day for planting decorative, farewell annuals. Recommended abundant watering with organic fantasies, picking seedlings, breaking shoots and loosening.

4 lunar day

A good day to continue crops of floral annuals, greenery, as well as plants with terrestrial fruits: tomato, pepper, cucumbers, etc. You can continue sanitary trimming.

Growing seedlings

For subsequent cultivation in a greenhouse, you can sow seedlings of cucumbers, rapid varieties of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, late varieties of color and white cabbage, as well as broccoli. According to most favorable for crops will be 3, 17, 22, 27 and 28 April numbers as well 1-2, 4, 7, 12, 14, 18-19, 23-24 and 29-30 April.

The duration of the picking of the previously planted seedlings occur. A week later, she will need feeding. Best she will pass 15 and 16 Numbers, during the passage of the descending Moon through the constellation of Sagittarius. In addition, root plant systems will be located to the suction of beneficial macroelements. 4, 9, 12, 14, 22, 23, 28 and 29 April.

Capture of seedlings most painless will be 20 and 21 Numbers while decreasing moon will be in aquare. In addition, it can be planned for 4, 13, 16, 22, 25, 28, 29 and 30 april. Thanks to the removal of the tops of the central stem, the lateral shoots of the plant begin to develop, it becomes stronger. This is especially necessary when growing early seedlings. In a limited light day, young plants are prone to stretching in height, which makes them underdeveloped, weak, painful. Leaving on them 2-3 of the real leaves, you will provoke the development of stubborn kidneys and strengthen the root system.

For home care Behind the seedle is recommended to normalize the watering moisture, trying not to overcoat the substrate. She needs to provide good lighting. For regular feeding, you can use ready-made solutions "Uniflor-growth", "Bud" and other organometallic complexes.

In order to prevent the prevention of plants, "Homom", "Phytosporin", "Phytooferm", "Healthy Garden", etc.

To obtain earlier flowering from the middle of April, the seedlings of thermo-loving colors can be buried: zinnia, velvetsev, balsamine, annual chrysanthemums and dahlias, amarants, nasturtiums, and decorative peas, beans, pumpkins, etc. In most cases, their shoots appear on the first week.

A few weeks later, their seedlings will be ready for picking. According to Moon calendar for April 2017 She will just have to 22 and 23 april. Picking the earliest crops worth planning on 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18 and 19 April. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that more placed landings of the peaked seedlings of these crops will increase its stability before the black leg lesions.

From the beginning of April, begonoli, Asian buttercup, anemona, Cannes, and others, are separated from the winter storage facilities, disinfected from them, disinfected, divide and planted in pots.

The first time, watering should be moderate, and since the second week it is produced as the soil dries, directing the stream of watering water along the walls of the pot. When the kidneys are going to grow, the pots are rearranged into a bright place. The feeding mode is observed similarly to any seedlings.

In addition, the rooted cuttings of dahlias and large-flowered chrysanthemums are planted in April, the shilling of their small-ceiling varieties continue. For landing, 10 cm of pots, filled with a mixture of fertile soil with sand, are used. During them room growing It will be necessary to produce at least one subcortex by rosttimulators.

The september for large-flowered varieties is performed once when they reach their shoots 20 cm of height. For small-bedroom grades, it is necessary twice: first over the 4th sheet and secondary over 8 sheet. Finished for transplanting in soil plants should reach 30 cm of height and have large, green leaves.

Works on the vegetable garden
For April, cold-resistant cultures are insulted in greenhouses and under the film. According to the planting plan drawn up in winter, they break the beds and begin to prepare them to landing seedlings and direct sowing various cultures. The soil is dripping, enriched with fertilizers, smash.

In mid-April, in the open ground sown on the early greens of leaf and cress salad, mustard, spinach, mangold, sorrel, dill, parsley, onions and others. The most favorable for this day will come 17-19, 22-24 and 27-30 April.

Also during this period sow early varieties radish, carrots, beets. Successful days for this will be 3 and 4 April, when the growing moon will be held by the constellation of cancer.

Before planting these root crops, the prepared bed is watered hot waterAfter which 5-7 cm of fertile soil is poured. Uniformly distributed seeds are covered with a layer of soil to 2 cm. On top of the planting are sealed with a board and covered with film. In such conditions, moisture and heat maintained well, which contributes to the accelerated appearance of germs. When shoots are growing, the shelter is removed.

The most favorable period for transplanting garden strawberries - 7, 8 and 9 april with a growing moon in zodiac constellation Virgin. Based on Lunar calendar for April 2017 Bookmark the strawberry plantation can also be scheduled to 2, 12-14, 18-19, 22-23, 28-29 and 30 april. On the eve, you can equip a special mini-greenhouse, which will allow to obtain the harvest of the first berries for 2-3 weeks earlier, relatively with open strawberry plantations. To do this, along the selected garden, a series of framework arcs is installed, a height of at least 0.6 m, which is fixed polyethylene film. With the onset of flowering, the shelter can be removed.

To stimulate the development of strawberry bushes, it is recommended to bother with a spring "cocktail" from organic fertilizers. It is possible to cook it, for example, from a "healthy garden" (2 grains), "Ekoberin" (2 grains), "zircon" (2 drops), "Fitofofemma" (6 drops) and "Uniflor-growth" (4 drops) - At the rate of 1 l of water.

Works in the flower bed

As soon as the sprouts of bulbous crops and perennials are bled, they need to be filled with mineral fertilizers: urea, nitroposka, Selitra, "Kemira". The soil around the plants must be carefully loosen.

Around the rhizomes of the irises gently shake mulch so that they can be saturated with sunbeams. This will not only accelerate their development, but also reaches, because Under the Sun, the pathogennes causing root rot. In addition, the irises must be filled with a mineral complex and disinfected by carbos.

Special care will need alpine Gorka. Its design could be blurred under her waters, in connection with which, it is necessary to check the strength of laying stones and sucked with fertile soil. This front work can be scheduled to 5-6, 10-11, 25-26 or 21 Numbers that will be unfavorable for landing and care for all cultures.

Many decorative low-spirited cultures could freeze, in connection with which their substitution needs. Aggressively developing plants need to be packed. In addition, all residents of Alpinaria need feeding. Around the colors requiring alkaline or neutral soil acidity, it is necessary to plug out lime. This applies to edelweisses, gypsophils, striking, privilets, etc.

Proper attention should be done and lawn. It needs to be filled with nitrogen fertilizers (20 g / m2). Clear it carefully from the remains of last year's vegetation and leaves. When a dense turf is formed, it is pierced with forks, which will ensure the flow of oxygen to the new roots of herb. Also at this time remove mosses, weeds and lichens. If you have no lawn, then it is time to equip it.

In early April, you need to reveal roses, and soon to cut them. For various groups garden roses Apply a specific seasonal trimming technology, but all bushes need to remove extinct, dried, broken, weak and affected shoots.

To a greater cutting tea-hybrid roses And Floribund, leaving for them 3-5 the most developed escapes with 3-4 kidneys on each. On the plenty roses, all strong annual shoots are left. Park I. miniature Roses It is practically not cut, removing only the thickening center of the bush shoot.

From mid-April you can remove shelter from Clematis. After that, they are fed by nitrogen-containing fertilizers or nitroposk. After that, the near-channel soil is loose and mulched by humus.

Since the beginning of the month, you need to pay attention to two-year-olds: forget-me-not, daisies, pansies, lavender, etc. The essential temperature differences could lead to the "dupile" of their roots on the surface of the soil. Such plants will need a transplant, after which they are mounted peat. And on the contrary, the plants excessively closed in the fall must be renovated to prevent the root system to prevent them.

At the end of April, the soil is being prepared under the crops of annual colors and decorative cereals. Favorable for this days will be 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29 and 30 numbers. These days, you can start boarding mattioles, year, calendula, space, lavaters, breeze, seetaries, resgasses, Iberiza, grivy barley, millet, phlox, and other crops, slightly sprinkle soil, seal and slightly murdered.

In addition, at the end of the month there comes a speed-up optimal period of fission and transplanting rhizomes and clubnelluca perennial plants. This can be done from the moment when the soil flashes and warms up a little, but the kidneys have not yet tried to grow.

During this period, irises, peonies, loylays, phlox, dolphinums, attacks, hostes, and others are transplanted and divided and divided. But it is worth noting that the most favorable time is the period from the middle of the summer in the middle of the autumn (depending on the characteristics of the biological development of specific cultures ). Also searcate, luggage, cleaning, mobbed, etc. All transplanted spring plants need particularly thorough care and regular irrigation.

Works in the garden
After the snow finally comes down, and the soil will begin to push the soil, it is necessary to gently shit the fan grabs of last year's leaves from under shrubs, trees and perennials. From these last year's remnants of vegetation, it is possible to harvest compost, which will become excellent organic fertilizer.

It is time to remove the shelter from the heat-loving shrubs. It is necessary to do this in several stages, while maintaining a little shading for several days. This will allow plants at least to get used to the sunshine.

It is also necessary to free the crowns of conifers from the strapping. From mid-April, the optimal period for transplanting and planting new seedlings of coniferous crops is coming.

From the nearvatval soil, it is necessary to cut the muffin layer. Its preservation can lead to physiological drought of plants, in which the kidneys will already be touched in growth, and the roots will break next. As a result, the plant will undergo a deficit of moisture and becomes internally drained. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the likelihood of return freezers and have underwhelming material (for example, Loutrasil).

In early April, it is necessary to produce a seasonal sanitary and formative trimming of trees and shrubs. Before activation internal processes Plants need to remove damaged, dry and broken branches. With partial damage, it is necessary to remove part to the first healthy kidney. Better time For this will become 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21 and 22 April.

The resulting moment is to form the crown of trees and shrubs. Not conducting it is fraught with the development of a plurality of small, thickening shoots, which will prevent the formation of the main skeletal branches. This will lead to reduced yield. fruit crops.

When damaged damage to rodents, it is necessary to treat the affected areas with a 1% solution of copper sulfate, after which it is possible to smell the garden with a gardener or a mixture of clay with a cow.

It is necessary to break the bustling bushes of raspberries, currant, gooseberry. For ripening delicious and large berries, these cultures need a spacious and sufficient illumination. On each 1 m2 of the Malinnik, it is recommended to leave no more than 12 shoots. From the bushes, they delete the replicas of last year's shoots, which will allow you to more intensively develop young. On mature currant bushes there should be no more than 20 branches. Like on the gooseberry, it needs to cut the shoots thickening the middle of the bush.

In addition, you need to train the landing pits. Young seedlings need to land until the leaf is dissolved. Standardly, under the landing of shrubs, the pits are made in a depth of 50 cm, and under the seedlings of fruit trees - at least 70 cm. At the bottom, it is necessary to pour over the bucket of humus, as well as robustimulating additives.

When landing seedlings need to take into account the features of each of the cultures and in accordance with this use optimal technology. So, seedlings of cherries, apple trees, plums, raspberries, etc. are located in such a way that the root neck level coincides with the ground level. And gooseberry, currants, sea buckthorn, etc., on the contrary, try to burst out, which contributes to the development of their root system.

In April, standard care for indoor plants continues. In the spring, more favorable development conditions are created for them: the light day becomes longer, frequent ventilation is allowed, the air becomes less than the overbound, etc.

During the stay of a decreasing moon in the constellation of Capricorn 17, 18 and 19 Numbers can be planned a transplant and division of decorative indoor plants. Best days For complex organizer, feeding will be 4, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 28 and 29 april.

To date, more than 15 thousand readers of the blog visited the article "", where all aspects of the influence of the moon on the plants are disclosed and the astrological characteristic of all 2018 on agricultural cultures is given.

For more information about seasonal features and main works of the gardener, see article "". On this page, the public seed calendar for every day in April 2018, where are given detailed recommendations For every day, in accordance with the passage of the moon on the signs of the zodiac and phases, compiled on the basis of the findings of a popular astrologer Tatyana Borsch.

Sowing calendar for every day in April 2018

From April 1 to 2 (until 01:58)
Descending moon on average for fertility sign scales.

Favorable day:

  • Sowing vegetable crops: carrots, beets, turnips, radish, radishes, Pasternak, perennial bows, legumes, dill, celery, parsley, coriander.
  • Landing early potatoes.
  • Watering and feeding.

CO 2 (from 01:58) April 4 (until 09:56)
Descending Moon in the second on fertility (after cancer) sign of scorpion.
Total astrological characteristic of the day
Favorable day:

  • Sowing vegetable root and legumes, parsley, dill.
  • Sowing and landing one-year flower cultures.
  • Watering and feeding.

From 4 (from 09:56) April 6 (until 21:02)
Descending moon in a slightly hydrogen sign
Total astrological characteristic of the day: Sowing today contributes to the rapid growth of plants, but the yield is low. Floral crops bloom earlier, ripen high-quality seeds.
Favorable day:

  • Sowing decorative trees and shrubs, medicinal and blooming houseplants.
  • Plugging, weeding, removal of patient plants.
  • Processing against diseases and pests.

From 6 (from 21:02) April to April 8
Descending moon in the mid-fertile sign of Capricorn.
Total astrological characteristic of the day: Sowing and landing of many cultures will allow good harvestSuitable for long-term storage. Ombols under the sign of Capricorn slowly, but together attend. Plants are formed powerful, enduring to adverse conditions resistant to diseases. Trees, shrubs, perennial ornamental plants well carry sharp temperature differences, mechanical damage, lack of moisture.
Favorable day:

  • Sowing vegetable, especially legumes, grain and root crops for long-term storage and seeds.
  • Landing early potatoes.
  • Sowing decorative cultures.
  • Planting perennial flower crops in greenhouses, winter greenhouses and on the windowsill.
  • Landing and transfer of indoor plants: ficuses, palm trees, cracks, laurel, drazes, confephitum friedrich, lapidarium.
  • Making fertilizers and feeding plants.

From April 9 to April 11
Descending Moon in the fruitless sign of Aquarius from April 9 (from 09:51) until April 11 (until 21:41).
Total astrological characteristic of the day: Forbidden all sowing and planting plants.

From April 12 to 14 (until 06:27)
Descending moon in a very fertile sign of fish.
Total astrological characteristic of the day: Sowing and planting plants in fish allows you to get high yield Tasty products, but it will be difficult to preserve it and the seeds are not suitable for further reproduction.
Favorable day:

  • Planting many vegetable crops: most root, legumes, leafy, spicy plants.
  • Sowing decorative plants.
  • Sowing and transplanting seedlings.
  • Landing and transfer of indoor plants: ficuses, orchids, palm trees, geranium.
  • Watering and spraying plants.

These days should exclude plant processing chemical preparations and pruning.

14 (from 06:27) April to April 15 (0:00)
Descending moon in a non-fermentation sign of the Aries.
Total astrological characteristic of the day: Sowing and planting plants is not recommended, as they grow weakened and poorly tying fruits. In very favorable conditions and for good care You can get a small harvest that is not suitable for storage.
Favorable day:

  • Loosening, enclosure of plants, befelling of fertile soil.
  • Protecting plants from pests and diseases.
  • Suppose sowing some leafy and spicy crops: various salads, sheet parsley, Dill, Coriander, Basil, Beijing Cabbage.

It should be refracted from the formation, step-in, cropping, watering and feeding plants.

From April 15 to April 16
From 14 (from 06:27) April to 16 (until 11:52), the moon in a non-fermented sign of the Aries. April 16 at 04:59 - New Moon. The day before and on the day of the New Moon - daily days! Do not sow nothing.

From April 17 to April 18 (until 15:03)
Growing moon in a very fertile tank sign.
Total astrological characteristic of the day: Plants sitting in this sign are capable of returning a high harvest suitable for long-term storage. Shoots appear late, but together and form plants with a strong root system and branched, strong stem. Decorative cultures bloom abundantly and long. It is better not to use seeds for breeding, they are stored for a short time and eat badly.
Favorable day:

  • Sowing the majority of vegetable crops, except for rooteplood. Seeding seeds and planting seedlings: all kinds of cabbage, dill, parsley, spinach, onions on the feather, perennial views of the bow, sorrel, tomatoes, legumes and pumpkin cultures.
  • Sowing and transplanting decorative, perennial plants.
  • Sowing, landing and transfer of indoor plants: cyclamen, violets, calangean, all begonias, all kinds of ampel colors, cacti, ficuses, palm trees, conifers, peperomies and some others.
  • Watering.
  • Weeding, loosening.
  • Main applying fertilizers and fertilizing plants.
  • Pruning, plant formation.

From 18 (from 15:03) April to April 20 (until 17:28)
Growing moon in a lowland twin sign.
Total astrological characteristic of the day: Sowing and landing of most plants in the twins is better not to spend. Plants form a powerful root system, but weak stem and collect a good harvest problematically. Painting decorative plants with fluttering, creeping or hanging stems, as well as vegetable crops capable of cling to supports of the mustes.
Favorable day:

  • Landing ampel decorative cultures and vegetable crops capable of cling to the supports of the mustache: peas, beans, cucumbers, melons, strawberries and others.
  • Swimming, weeding and breaking of plants.
  • Fighting disease and pests.
  • Formation of plants and removal of stepsins.

From 20 (from 17:28) April to April 22 (until 20:10)
The growing moon in one of the most fertile signs - cancer.
Total astrological characteristic of the day: A favorable day for sowing and drawdown of almost all plants. Under this sign, the plant is capable of returning a high harvest with good taste properties. Seed shoots appear together, but with a time delay, the plants have a powerful root system and the stem of average strength (tall plants need a support). The preservation of the obtained fruit and vegetable products is average.
Favorable day:

  • Sowing and landing of most plants to get a high harvest.
  • Sowing and transplanting decorative crops, except for curly and ampels.
  • Decision root of perennial colors: chrysanthemums, phlox, irises and others.
  • The rooting of cuttings and reproduction by gag.
  • Planting berry shrubs.
  • Sowing, landing and transplanting most indoor plants, with the exception of ampel and curly.
  • Sowing the argument of mushrooms, the transfer of mycelium to the substrate.
  • Weeding, loosening and enclosure of plants.
  • Watering and feeding.

From 22 (from 20:10) April to April 24 (until 23:41)
Growing moon in a non-fermented lion sign
Total astrological characteristic of the day: Sowing and landing of most plants is not recommended. Possible sowing decorative perennial plants.
Favorable day For trimming and formation of plants, sowing sunflower and corn.

From 24 (from 23:41) April to 27 April (until 04:14)
Growing moon in a slightly hydrain sign of Virgo.
Total astrological characteristic of the day: Some of vegetable plants and planting of fruit crops should be excluded these days, as sufficiently strong plants are formed, but the recovery of the crop is low.
Favorable day:

  • Sowing and planting decorative cultures.
  • Section I. vegetative reproduction Perennial ornamental plants.
  • Landing and transplanting room plants: Cissos, Orchids, Fatia Japanese, Szindapsus, Monster, Drazena, Aukuba, Yucca, All kinds of ficuses and palm trees.
  • Watering and feeding.

From 27 (from 04:14) April to April 29 (until 10:13)
A growing moon on average for fertility sign of scales.
Total astrological characteristic of the day: Vegetable plants sowned on this day are able to form a completely decent harvest with delicious fruits subject to long-term storage. Plants are resistant to disease. Decorative plants Blooming beautifully and have a saturated aroma. Perfect day for rooting plants.
Favorable day:

  • Sowing vegetable crops: salads, all kinds of cabbage, perennial bows, legumes, dill, celery, parsley sheet, coriander, mint, melissa, basil.
  • Landing on bulbous and tuber colors.
  • Transplanting, perennial division, vegetative reproduction, rooting of plants.
  • Sowing and landing of decorative curly plants, perennial and two-year-old colors.
  • Landing and transfer of houseplants: Kufa, Crossander, Cineraria, Corrosion Corrosion, Hibiscus, Azalea, All ampel and curly.
  • Watering and feeding.
  • Trimming, the formation of the crown, step-down and the capacity of the plants.

From 29 (at 10:13) april to April 30
The growing moon in the second fertility (after cancer) sign of scorpion. April 30 at 03:59 - Full Moon.
Total astrological characteristic of the day: Sowing and planting plants on this day favorably affects their development in all respects and allows you to grow a high harvest to be long stored, the collected seeds high quality and are able to be kept.
Favorable day:

  • Sowing the majority of vegetable crops: dill, parsley, celery, melissa, basil, rosemary, asparagus, salad, all kinds of cabbage, radishes, turnip, horseradish, legumes, pumpkin, grated, melting crops.
  • Sowing and landing most indoor plants.
  • Sowing the argument of mushrooms, the transfer of mycelium to the substrate.
  • Watering and feeding.
  • Events to combat pests and diseases.

It is contraindicated in these days to engage and plant formation.