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The cultivation of the Beijing cabbage: the basics and secrets of the harvest. Agrotechnology of Beijing cabbage

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The yield of pekinskoy cabbage at different times of cultivation

ON THE. Kolpakov

Beijing cabbage has important positive economic and biological properties. Thanks to the boom and chemical composition, it can replace white-born cabbage in the spring. Use beijing cabbage Beneficially affects the digestion and human health.

In the northern provinces of China, the share of Peking cabbage in consumption by the population in the winter months is up to 80% of the total consumption of vegetables. In Japan, the area under it is 30000 hectares, in Korea - about 70,000, in Germany in some years it increased to 1000 hectares.

However, in Russia, Beijing cabbage began to introduce into commodity vegetable growing relatively recently. For a long time, its distribution was restrained by the lack of varieties and hybrids with resistance to the skellation during growing in the open ground in a long day.

Interest in this culture is associated with a number of her economic and valuable signs: MODEROROST (forms productive quochess after 48-75 days), high yield of commodity kochens (from 40 to 50 t / ha), valuable biochemical composition (rich in vitamins, mineral salts, amino acids , including indispensable), various methods use in food: in fresh, boiled, stew, sauced.

In Western Siberia, Beijing Cabbage is still little known. At the same time, the climatic conditions of the region are very favorable for its cultivation. The main restraining factors for the spread of this culture are weak popularization among the people's lack of scientifically based recommendations for its cultivation in the conditions of the region.

The purpose of our work was to define optimal deadlines Planting seedlings to obtain the maximum yield of Beijing cabbage in the conditions of the south of Western Siberia.

Objects and research methods

The development of elements of the technology of cultivation of the Beijing cabbage in the conditions of the south of Western Siberia was carried out in 2005-2007. On the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station. Experience was performed on a hybrid F1 Nick, derived by the selection station. N.N. Timofeeva RGAU-MSHA. K. A. Timiryazeva.

The soil of the experimental site is represented by the chernozem ordinary medium-industrially medium divided. The humus content is 3.8-4.5%, the pH of salt exhaust - 6.9, the sum of the absorbed bases is 35.3 mg-eq / 100 g of soil, the provision of phosphorus and potassium high. Groundwater Are at a depth of 10 m from the soil surface.

The temperature regime of air over the years of research was close to medium-one-year data with small fluctuations by year. The hottest month was July 2006, the average daily air temperature exceeded the average miniature rate by 1.4-2.4 ° C.

The precipitates during the years of research were very unstable: 2007 was arid, and 2005 and 2006. - Moderately arid. In July 2006, there was an excess of the average rate of precipitation by 2 times and amounted to 137 mm at a rate of 67 mm.

The seedlings were made in a potted method in film greenhouses, then it was planted on the part of the open soil according to the 70 x 30 cm diagram. The age of seedlings is 30 days. The area of \u200b\u200bthe accounting define is 5 m2, the repetition of the experience is four-time.

For each version of the experience, sowing dates, single (10%) and bulk shoots (75%), landing in open sad, the beginning of the formation of kochanov (in 10% of plants) and the onset of technical ripeness of kochanov (in 75% of plants).

The duration of the periods of the development of plants led since the emergence of mass searches.

When harvesting, the cacrees were cut at a distance of 0.5 cm from Kochan. Economic waste - leaves, blooming and underdeveloped kochens - did not weigh. The average mass of the Peking cabbage commodity coach was determined by dividing the entire mass of the crop from the define to the number of kochanov.

Research results

Using various dodging of peking Peking cabbage during cultivation ensure Revealed significant differences in the duration of interfacial periods, depending on the date of sowing seeds in the seedlings (Table 1).

beijing Cabbage Growing Products

Table 1 - Duration of periods of development of Peking cabbage plants (on average for 2005-2007), day

Date of sowing

Shoot - the beginning of the formation of Kochan

Shoot - the onset of technical ripeness

Analyzing the data provided, it can be noted that in the spring dates of seeds (April - May) there is a gradual acceleration of the formation of kochanov as the later sewing time of sowing. So, over the years of research during the crop on April 1-4, the duration of the period from germs to the onset of technical ripeness was 87-94 days, and when sowing 24-25 may, the mass maturation of Kochanov was observed after 67-76 days.

Later durations of sowing (June - July) led to an increase in the length of periods of both shoots before the start of the formation of Kochan and before the onset of technical ripeness.

As the results of experience have shown, the use of a seaside process of growing ensures the ripening of the Beijing cabbage in the conditions of the south of Western Siberia in early July. The magnitude of the crop and the middle mass of the Kochan of the Beijing cabbage varies very much and depend on the crop crime terms (Table 2).

Table 2 - the yield of the Beijing cabbage in a seaside process of cultivation (on average for 2005-2007)

Safety to cleaning,%

Yield, t / ha

Middle Mass of Kochan, kg

Planting seedlings

Note. NSR05: 2005, 1.8 t / ha; 2006 - 2.3 t / ha; 2007, 2.1T / ha.

In general, higher yields are noted when using early seed seed seedlings. The greatest yield of the Beijing cabbage (64.9 t / ha) on average for three years was obtained when sowing seedlings at the beginning of the second decade of April and the seedlings landed on May 15-17.

The seedling seedlings have led to a decrease in the yield of Beijing cabbage to 48.9 t / ha. This is due to a low level of preservation of plants to cleaning (64.2-75.8%) due to the worst survival of the seedlings and the strong degree of lesion of the rosette of the leaf of the top burn due to the effect of high temperatures during the development of the vegetative mass of plants and tiers of kochanov. On the negative consequences The effects of high temperatures (above + 25 ° C) for the tying of Kochane Peking cabbage and Chinese authors indicate.

The use of later landing time seedlings makes it possible to escape from the effects of high air temperatures during the active growth of leaves and the formation of Kochan, therefore the yield of cabbage is somewhat rising. However, the late dates of landing (later on August 20) in the conditions of Western Siberia are too risky, as the Kochans may not get involved.

The use of various times of cultivation of the Beijing cabbage had an influence on the magnitude of Kochanov. The largest middle mass of kochanov (1.4-1.60 kg) was formed when the seedlings landed on May 15-17, June 27-29 and July 22-25.

In our opinion, this is due to different temperature modes during the development of the vegetative mass and the thickness of the standing of plants before cleaning.


The use of a seaside process of cultivation allows in the conditions of the south of Western Siberia to receive high yields Beijing cabbage from early July to mid-October.

The June dates of the seedlings reduce the yield of the Beijing cabbage by 25% due to the effects of high temperatures during the development of the vegetative mass of plants and tyinging kochanov.

Bibliographic list

1. Circle of vegetable growing / lane. with it. IN AND. Leunova. - M.: Kolos, 2000.- 576 p.

2. Greenberg E.G., Gubko V.N., Vitchenko E.F. Vegetable crops in Siberia. - Novosibirsk: Sib. unison Publishing house, 2004.- 400 p.

3. KUO C.G., Tsay J. S. Physiological Responses of Chinase Cabbage Under High Temperature // N.S. TALEKAR AND T. D. GRIGGS. EDS. Chinese Cabbage. Proc. First Intl. SYMP. AVRDC. - Shanhua. Tainan, 1981. - P. 217-224.

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To date, entrepreneurs are offered whole line Interesting and profitable ideas. Each recommended due to its prospects can bring profit, that is, to improve the financial condition. It is no secret that the most profitable types of entrepreneurship are those based on the sale of agricultural products.

In this article, we will consider the Beijing cabbage as a source of profit. Note that the cultivation of this culture in Russia is a new direction in vegetable growing. The promising of the cultivation of the Beijing cabbage is obvious, since the demand for her every year is only rising. This trend is associated with the taste qualities of the plant, as well as with its chemical compositionwhich has a beneficial effect on human health.

Pros and cons cultivation of Beijing cabbage.

Below will consider a number of advantages of cultivation of Beijing cabbage for farmers:

1. The yield of the plant is high (determined primarily by the variety, the conditions of cultivation and processing technique) - can reach 0.9 t / ha.;

2. Beijing cabbage is well tolerating low temperature values, which is of particular interest to farms middle strip countries. Kochan grows at a temperature of 12 degrees, but its most intense growth is noted at a temperature of about 20 degrees. The plant can tolerate the temperature of equal to -7 degrees. Thus, it is legitimate to state that this plant is unpretentious;

3. It makes sense to focus on the high wholesale price of the Beijing cabbage - about 20 rubles. For 1 kg. With five hectares, as a rule, obtain 300 tons of cabbage, that is, at least 6 million rubles;

4. The plant is distinguished by a short vegetation period - on average 2 months, that is, you will get more than one harvest for the year, which will contribute to the development of the business;

5. Such cabbage throughout the year is in high demand, that is, the risks associated with the implementations are obviously excluded;

6. Beijing cabbage is suitable for greenhouse cultivation.

You must understand that every plant except the advantages has some drawbacks. Not exception in this regard is the Beijing cabbage. Note that each of the problems in the cultivation of one or another plant can be excluded. This requires a proper approach to the case and complete dedication. Below we give the main cons:

1. By virtue of the novelty of the plant for our country, the corresponding agrotechnology of the cultivation is not worked out;

2. The yield affects soil fertility;

3. Beijing cabbage is subject to various kinds of diseases. For this reason, do not do without the use of insecticidal drugs;

4. "To the root" such cabbage is only two weeks. If you move the timing of kochanov's harvesting beyond these two weeks, then the likelihood of rotting, necrosis of cabbage sheets is large. This in turn negatively affects the shelf life.

If you set out to go on growing this plant, you will need to register as KFH, and if you wish, you can both as IP. Preferred in this form of the business system of taxation - ESHN. If you have arable land, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is more than five hectares, then your initial costs will be associated with the acquisition (minimum investments are indicated):

Tractor with a trailer (can be rented) - 100,000 rubles;

The semi-cell unit - 200000 rubles;

Seeds - 5000 rubles;

Fertilizers - 15,000 rubles;

Packaging material - 15000 rubles;

Storage - 200000 rubles.

TOTAL - 1435000 rub.

Continuous costs will be associated with:

Renting space under the crop (if there is no own land of sufficient area);

Pay labor;

Tax deductions;

Insurance premiums in the FIU;

Fuel and lubricants;

Repair, maintenance of premises and technology.

Now consider ways to obtain funds that will allow to realize the idea of \u200b\u200blife:

1. You can do a preferential bank loan, which is provided for by the state for producers of agricultural products;

2. Become a member of one of the programs that provides support for farmers from the state. In Russia, within such programs, the farmer can allocate for the development of his case at no cost up to 1500,000 rubles.

Agrotechnology cultivation.

The fundamental importance in the process of cultivation of the Beijing cabbage belongs to the composition of the soil and, accordingly, its fertility. Neutral soil is suitable, that is, the one that has an average composition. For comparison: light soils will cause instant drying of the plant, and heavy and acidic soils will contribute to the manifestation of diseases. To fit the Beijing cabbage, give preference to those lands, which have previously grown, zucchini, tomatoes, legumes, cucumbers.

When making fertilizers, it suffices to limit the bird litter, humus, lime, potassium sulfate. The feeder is more rational to exercise two weeks after seed landing. Urea is usually used as feeding.

If you wish early to start selling, we advise you to pay attention to such varieties and hybrids like Mirako F1, Khibiny 5. In the opposite case - on Bilco F1.

Spreading Speed:


On the outdoor ground.

Seedling gives excellent results on a special soil - Rostorphinfest. Plant seeds in greenhouse conditions begin to grow at a temperature of 4 degrees. With this method of cultivation, you can not be afraid of a negative effect of a lack of natural lighting. Even you can easily do without additional backlight. To get in a greenhouse, viable seedlings will need about 25 days.

The first seedlings can be planted on an open ground in April-May. Given that the Beijing cabbage is characterized by a short vegetation period, it is advisable to make a phased landing (in certain areas) of seedlings, as this will increase the harvest by the end of the season. Example (middle lane): 1st landing - the first numbers of May, the 2nd landing - at the end of the first decade of May, the 3rd landing - at the end of the second decade of May, etc., the last landing is the first numbers of August. 1 hectare should have 40,000 seedlings. Distance between seedlings: rows - 10-12 cm, aisle - 45 cm.

Water consumption during watering in the calculation of 10 tons of yield - up to 800 m cubic meters. Tip: Prefer drip watering method.

Cabbage frequency against pests and diseases - 1 time in 3 g. For this purpose, the soil is treated with lime, the rate of consumption of which should be 0.3-0.4 kg per 1 m square.

Packaging and storage.

The harvest fee is carried out in the presence of the formed sheets in the amount of 10-12 pieces.

The best packaging option is PVC film (width 35-45 cm). If you want to extend the cabbage storage period, then remove it manually right on the field.

Beijing cabbage uses the greatest demand in the autumn period.

As you can see, the business idea is quite easy to implement and profitable.

Among other crops are very popular with beginner entrepreneurs, others use.

Chinese or Beijing cabbage, despite its origin, can be cultivated in Russia, but for this you need to know the features and rules of cultivation. The article will deal with all the subtleties of this process.

In world selection there are a huge number of varieties of Beijing cabbage. Vintage such vegetables can be obtained in any climatic zone, but when compliance certain rules.

For example, early grades feel better in greenhouse premises. In the southern regions of our country, it is necessary to shadow the plants, which will create a shortened day.


Early grade is distinguished by beautiful taste, pleasant aroma. Fruits are used to prepare salads and other dishes, suitable for heat treatment. Cylindrical vegetables, elongated with dense loose leaves of light green. The growing season at Victoria variety within 2 months.

Orange Mandarin

The raven variety can be grown throughout the warm period. With favorable weather conditions, the fruits of culture are reacted in 40 days from the moment of planting seedlings in open ground. Casuals are small, their mass does not exceed 1 kilogram. The grade is stable tolerate stressful situations, suitable for growing in Siberia.


Shadowishly early early grade, has a growing period of 40-42 days. This cabbage has quite large and wide leaves, tasty flesh. Maximum weight of Kochan 1.5 kilograms. Sowing seeds to seedlings are held in the second decade of April, in the open ground, the grains sowed from the middle of May.


The mid-freed variety has large fruit weighing up to 2.5 kilograms. In the form of the kochess, the lenged leaves have a tightly adjacent leaves of dark green. Pomegranate shows sustainability to many diseases, especially necrosis. The first crop of cabbage is obtained in 70-75 days from the moment of seeding.


The variety is suitable for growing in greenhouse and outdoor soil. it unpretentious plant, resistant to sharp drops of temperatures. Casuals bright green weighing up to 2 kilograms. Beijing Express can be used for growing in Siberia.


Ultrahed grades, ripen in 35 days from the moment of sowing seeds in the greenhouse. Casuals are small, juicy, suitable for the preparation of salads.


Medium-bed variety with a vegetation of 70 days is quite capricious in care, so such a vegetable is better grown in the southern part of our country. Casuals are dense, weighing up to 2 kilograms.

How to raise the seedlings of the Beijing cabbage

The cultivation of the culture under consideration can occur using a seedliness or a way of direct seeding of seeds into an open ground. Chinese cabbage is considered to be a cold-resistant plant, its grains can form sprouts at air temperature + 4-5 degrees, but intensive development is possible in the range of + 15 ... + 22 degrees. When warming, the culture throws inflorescences. A similar phenomenon often occurs in the conditions of an extended light day.

Due to the need for a shortened light day, culture is recommended to grow from seedlings in early spring or late autumn. Sometimes it is advisable to create a special light mode. In this case, the first crop of fruits is obtained after a month from the moment of planting plants into open ground.

When to plant Beijing cabbage for seedlings

Planting seeds chinese cabbage must be held about a month before the expected landing of seedlings on permanent place. For getting early harvest Sowing on seedlings is held in the last decade of March or in the first days of April. When growing seedlings to obtain a crop of winter consumption, sevenchers are held at the end of June.

Preparation of seeds for landing

Purchased seeds of Chinese cabbage do not need special training, they can immediately land into the ground without prior soak. In case of using your own seed Materials The grains need preliminary germination, which will allow you to determine their germination.

For this, they are placed on the wet gauze, folded in several layers. Next, the container with seeds put in a warm place and wait for the appearance of sprouts. Their germination begins after 3-5 days from the moment of sowing.

If this does not happen or shoots will be rare, you need to take other seeds.

Preparing a soil for sowing

In practice, several options of soil mixtures have seeded seedlings of Peking cabbage:

Cherry earth and peat in the same proportions with the addition of 10 grams of wood ash and complex mineral fertilizer (for every 10 kilograms of the mixture).

2 pieces of humus and 1 part of the coconut substrate.

Seeding seeds

The culture under consideration is poorly experiencing a transplant, so seeding must be carried out not to a common box, but in peat pots (2-3 cubic metering). Seed material is plugged into the nutrient substrate to a depth of 1.5 centimeters. After that, rampables are installed in a warm, but dark place before shooting.

Care for seedy

After the emergence of the first germs, the seedlings move to a well-lit side concern. At this stage of development, the room temperature must be maintained at + 7 ... + 8 degrees. For this, the loggia or glazed balcony is best.

Further care The seedle lies in periodic watering with warm water. Soil moisturizing should be carried out as the upper layer drying nutrient substrate. After the implementation of these procedures, it is necessary to neatly break the soil, which will prevent moisture stagnation.

When seedlings appear two or three real leaves in a pot, leave one healthy plant, the rest are pouring.


Earlier, we have already said that seedling of Chinese cabbage does not tolerate the transplant, so the seeds are sown immediately into separate containers. This allows you to transfer the dive process.

How to transplant the seedlings of the Beijing cabbage to open ground

Chinese cabbage seedlings move into open soil with peat pots. In the future, these containers dissolve and provide additional nutrients for plant development.

10 days before the alleged duration of planting plants hardened outdoors, gradually increasing time. Seedlings can be planted at a permanent place after they spent a day on the street.

Plant landing scheme

There are several schemes for planting Chinese cabbage in open ground:

  1. If the plant is used as a salad culture, between individual seedlings leave a distance of 25 centimeters in both directions.
  2. To form a Kochan, it is necessary to observe the scheme 35 * 35 or 50 * 50 centimeters.

The specified requirement is fair to seed seeds immediately in open ground.

When using seedlings, 20 * 50 centimeters are observed.

To get good harvest Fruits and prevent clamping planting vegetable should be conducted early in spring or autumn.

Sowing seed in the ground

For the cultivation of Beijing cabbage, a reckless way, it is necessary to choose the right area. The ideal predecessors of the culture under consideration are:

  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers.

It is not desirable to suck the grains into the soil, where close relatives of cabbage (mustard or radish, radish) developed before that.

Sewing seeds is carried out in a pre-successful soil. The gardening wells are made on the pre-selected scheme 35 * 35 or 50 * 50 centimeters in a predetermined scheme. In each recess, 10-15 grams of wood ash and 0.5 kilograms of organicities (compost or humid) are added.

After the week from the moment of sowing, shoots should appear. At this point in the hole, you need to leave the most advanced sprout, the rest are pouring.

Dates of planting Chinese cabbage

The seed seed term in open ground depends on the air temperature. The ideal conditions for the development of this cabbage are the temperature regime + 16 ... + 22 degrees. Excess or reducing the recommended indicators leads to the formation of flowers.

For a reckless method of growing, two favorable sitting seed seeds from April 25 to May 5, from June 25 to July 15th.

Cabbage Care

The cultivation of the Beijing cabbage requires the gardener to comply with some rules. Recently planted seedlings must be covered with agricultural or any other nonwoven material. This allows:

  1. protect cultures from possible freezers or sudden temperature drops;
  2. shaden plants from the scorching rays of the sun;
  3. protects root system cabbage from rotting during the period of the rains;
  4. it allows you to hide seedlings from pests, cruciferous fleece.

Two weeks later, from the moment the seedlings landed on the garden, the plot covers mulch from the spray straw and peat. In the injury of culture there is no need, the thick layer of the organicists will retain the soil moisture and will prevent the growth of weeds.

Further cabbage care activities are periodic irrigation and feeding, identifying and protecting vegetables from diseases and pests.

Watering and feeding

Chinese cabbage needs regular abundant irrigation. Soil moisturizing is recommended to carry out periodicity once a week using warm water. Liquid need to pour under the root of the plant.

Water getting on the leaves causes sunburns.

For better development Watering plants must be carried out in the morning or in the evening after sunset. In the latter case, it is recommended to use warmth, infused throughout the day.

The first feeding is made in the ground in two weeks from the date of the seedlings. For this purpose, you can use the following solutions:

  • 10% infusion of cowboy (1 kilogram per 10 liters of water);
  • 5% of the infusion of avian litter (500 grams of organics per 10 liters of liquid);
  • infusion on herbs or nettle.

During feeding cabbage fertilizers for each bush, 1 liter of solution is used. For spring culture, three such feeders are necessary. Plants planted in summer are feeding twice over the growing season.

Improve the yield of Chinese cabbage helps and non-believers. For the preparation of such a substance in the litter of the boiled hot water Dilute 2 grams boric acid, then bring the volume cold water up to 10 liters. Processing of crops spend on the leaves in the evening.

Packing Cabbage Harvest and Storage

To improve the preservation and preventing the development of rotches, Kocharan recommended to cut with dry weather. The collected fruits are stored in a cool and dry room with temperature regime 0 ... + 2 degrees. Vegetables are folded on racks or pack in boxes.

Conduct a periodic inspection of kochanis for the presence of safe leaves and putrefactive sites.

Diseases and Pest Salad Cabbage

Beijing cabbage, like other cruciferous during the growing season, may be affected by various diseases and pests.

To begin with, you will get acquainted with the main diseases of this vegetable:

  1. Black leg amazes the appearing springs seedlings of cabbage. The main symptom of the appearance of the disease is the blackening and narrowing of the stem of culture, which makes it difficult to access nutrients to the leaves and the death of plants. To prevent the development of a black leg, it is necessary to disinfect the soil and seed material, follow the rules of care of the seedle. The development of this disease contributes low temperatures and high humidity Air, as well as thickened landing of young plants.
  2. The bacterial disease of Kila causes the appearance of thickens on the root cabbage system. As a result of this impact, the cells are deformed and the nutrients are poorly transmitted. The amazed plant turns yellow and begins to dying. The development of the disease contributes to the high humidity of the soil and low-quality seeds, as well as acidic soil. To prevent the development of the disease before planting seedlings, the Earth is calcined in the oven, and then shed a solution of manganese. In sour soil additionally contribute woodwood or lime.
  3. Fungal disease The gray mold affects the above-ground part of the culture during the period of ripening the fruit or during the storage. Symptoms of the disease are the appearance of brown spots on the leaves of cabbage. After some time, grayish raids are formed on the affected areas. To defeat the disease will help spraying plantations by fungicides, for example, by the preparation of amistar.

Beijing cabbage is considered sufficiently demanding in the leaving of the plant. To get such vegetables you need to have basic knowledge of their cultivation. Apply our tips in practice, and you will get a good harvest of Chinese cabbage.

Those who tried at least once beijing cabbage Surely in the future will prefer it to all others. She is the most tender representative of the type of cabbage, and to taste very much resembles a salad. Tender, juicy leaves are quite suitable for various salad dishes, or sandwiches decorated with greens. The leaves are also used in borscht, and for the cabbage rolls, and for the preparation of sharp Korean dishes. According to Beijing cabbage - a real record holder: no salad can be compared with it, and no cabbage of other species. Also one of its indisputable advantages, with heat treatment, it does not smell a specific cabbage smell.

Beijing cabbage benefits

Beijing cabbage is no less useful than all other types of cabbage: it contains a variety of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, PP, E, P, K, U, the whole set of necessary mineral salts. Vitamin C and Squirrel It is 2 times more than in white cabbage.

One of its most important advantages is she preserves vitamins for the entire winter That favorably distinguishes it from salad, the storage period of which is a non-scaling, and white cabbage, which also loses vitamins during storage. Therefore, the spring of Beijing cabbage is simply indispensable as a supplier of vitamins and minerals, especially the necessary organism after winter.

Growing of Beijing Cabbage

Beijing cabbage appeared in China in the 5th century of our era, and for a long time It was cultivated only in China, Japan, Korea and other Eastern countries. BUT B. lately She is increasingly trying to grow in their sites and here, however, it is not always successful. Especially well the case went with the advent of new varieties, safety resistant In a long daylight. Like other cabbage, Beijing cabbage is short, and gives seeds with a long one. Over 12 hours, a light day, and tie Kochan and gives a crop with a short, less than 12 hours, light day. In addition, for the formation of Kochan optimal temperature 15-20 degrees. The sharp drops of cabbage temperature do not like, and often goes to the arrow.

In technology growing of Beijing Cabbage There are features, differences from, not knowing which, you can lose the crop, and be disappointed in this culture.

And completely in vain - after all, Beijing cabbage is one of the most early and high-yielding crops. Growing the Beijing cabbage is very profitable - after all, it is not only early, and gives big crop , at the level of 600-1000 kilograms from weaving, but it is also quite expensive culture. The market is still far from the saturation of this culture, and it always goes to bang.

It is so productive, and has such a short period of vegetation that it is advantageous to grow even in winter in heated greenhouses. So it can be grown almost round year, ensuring itself with permanent crops.

Peking cabbage cultivation in greenhouses

When cultivating the Beijing cabbage in heated greenhouses since the beginning of spring It gives the maximum harvest - to a ton of acres. In this case, at the end of May you can already collect a harvest. The best varieties for spring cultivation: F1 Spring Jade and F1 Spring Beauty.

The second harvest in the greenhouses can be obtained when growing since the beginning of autumn . Then the harvest can already be assembled at about late November. The best grades for autumn cultivation: F1 autumn jade and F1 autumn beauty, as well as F1 September.

Very important, spring varieties are very important, and autumn varieties are autumn. Otherwise, the cabbage can go to the arrow. This is especially true of autumn varieties that do not like heat.

But there are also universal varieties, such as F1 Miss China, and F1 Chinese selected. The weight of the cabbage coach at the time of harvesting in the Chinese selected may exceed 4 kg, and the length may well be more than 50 cm.

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The cultivation of the Beijing cabbage and its advantages

The cultivation of Beijing cabbage is a new direction in Russia's vegetable growing. The demand for the Beijing cabbage is constantly growing due to its excellent taste and rich composition of vitamins.

The advantages of growing this vegetable culture in farms:

  1. Yield depending on the varieties and conditions of cultivation reaches 900 c / ha.;
  2. Posted to grow low temperatures (What is good for the middle strip of Russia), for the formation of Kochan, only 12 gr is required. Optimal temperature Growing is 20 grams. The plant withstands short-term freezing to minus 5 -7 gr.;
  3. The high wholesale price of the implementation, which is on average is 20 rubles / kg. When implementing 300 tons of cabbage, and such a volume can be obtained from 5 hectares of sowing area, the revenue will be more than 6 million rubles;
  4. A short season of vegetation plants from 50 to 70 days. For one season you can get several yields;
  5. The annual high demand for Beijing cabbage allows you to implement it without any problems;
  6. High productivity of Beijing cabbage allows you to grow it even in greenhouses!

In addition to the advantages, it is worth highlighting and cons of business creation of the cultivation of Beijing cabbage:

  1. The agricultural nature of the cultivation of Beijing cabbage in our territory is poorly studied;
  2. Dependence on soil fertility (about it just below);
  3. Perceiving to various diseases, like many cabbage. Beijing cabbage is very fond of pests, so insecticidal processing is very important;
  4. A short period of finding "on the root" - no more than 2 weeks and if you clean later, it is possible for rotting, necrosis of leaves and a decrease in storage time.

Step-by-step business opening plan

  1. Preparation of soil.
  2. Possible risks.

What taxation system to choose

For the organization of farming in the cultivation of Beijing cabbage, you must register KFH or IP. A single agricultural tax (ECHN) is used as a taxation system.

What kind of skill for business

How much money to put money to grow by Beijing cabbage

For growing plants on large areas of sowing (from 5 hectares), the following investments will be required (approximately):

  1. Tractor, trailers (rent), from 1 million rubles;
  2. Separate machine, from 200 thousand rubles;
  3. Seed material, from 5 thousand rubles;
  4. Fertilizers, from 15 thousand rubles;
  5. Packing material, from 15 thousand rubles;
  6. Vegetable store, from 200 thousand rubles.

Total initial investment will be from 1,435,000 rubles. The amount of investment is highly conditionally. In each individual case, their size can differ sharply. For example, you can purchase a used tractor, which will reduce the initial costs almost twice.

The main constant costs of the maintenance of the farm can be attributed:

  • rent land (if not owned);
  • wage;
  • taxes;
  • insurance contributions to the FIU;
  • repair of machinery and fuel.

You can get start-up capital for organizing a farm for the cultivation of Beijing cabbage in the following ways:

  1. Get a preferential loan for agricultural producers in the bank;
  2. Participate in state support programs for beginner farmers. Depending on the region of the Russian Federation it is possible to get free of charge to 1.5 million rubles for the development of KFH.

How much can you earn on the Beijing cabbage of its own production

What documents are needed for the opening of the farm

If there are volume agricultural workers and are cultivated large land (more than 1 hectare). State registration of the KFC - farming-farming. But when you are processed small square Earth, since the law allows you to have a personal subsidiary farm (on its farming). That and grown to the realization of agricultural products without any tax fees is allowed.

For registration of KFH, it is necessary: \u200b\u200ba statement for the state registration, the passport of the Firm's Founder, the Agreement, the decision on the basis of the peasant-farming (if several shareholders). Then, confirmation of the payment of the state duty and the actual place of residence of the founder's face. If an enterprise organizes one person, the agreement on the creation of KFH is not needed.

Do I need permission to open a business

Licensing or special permits for the cultivation of Beijing cabbage is not required.

Peking Cabbage Growing Technology

For the cultivation of Beijing cabbage, the composition of the soil and its fertility is very important. For this culture, neutral (average composition) are selected fertile soilsSince the lungs of cabbage soils quickly dry up, and in heavy acidic soils, the culture is most susceptible to diseases, such as keel cabbage. The best predecessors - Cucumbers, zucchini, onions, tomatoes and legumes. For planting plants use solar plots protected from strong wind.

To increase soil fertility as fertilizers use bird litter, humus, lime materials, potassium sulfate. 2 weeks after planting the plants fed urea.

IMPORTANT, when cultivating the Beijing cabbage, to correctly choose a plant grade. For early implementation, the best rare varieties - Miracle F1, Monaco, Khibiny 5. For late implementation best varieties - Bilco F1 (vegetation 55-60 days.), Which cabbage kapanos achieve weight 2 kg. The vegetable is grown as a seedy, as well as direct seeds in the open ground. For seedlings, you can use a special soil, for example "Rostorphinfest". Cabbage seeds in the greenhouse begin to germinate at a temperature of from 4-5 grams. The lack of light for it is not a problem and the plant can develop even without additional highlighting. The period from planting seeds in a greenhouse before planting plants into an open ground is 24-27 days.

In the early stages of landing of the Beijing cabbage due to low night temperatures it is possible. To exclude plants in the cultivation stage, it is advisable to maintain the temperature in the greenhouse above 15 gr.

The first planting of plants start in late April - early May. Since the Beijing cabbage short term Vegetations To obtain a maximum harvest for the season, it is preferable to plant it in several stages, while dividing the field into several sections. For example, the first landing in the conditions of the middle strip - May 1, more on May 10, May 20, and so on, the last landing is in early August. The plant planting rate is 40 thousand pieces / ha. The distances between the plants in the rows of 10 cm - 12 cm, in the alarms, retain a distance of 45 cm.

Planting is carried out with the help of special equipment, such as the MRM-2 shooting machine. The cost of such a car is just over 200 thousand rubles.

The plant loves water very much. When watering plants for every 10t commercial crop, 700-800 m3 of water is used. More effective system Watering "Beijing" is a drip method.

It is important to carry out plant processing from pests and diseases. Once a three years, the soil is mounted, bringing 300-400 g of lime to 1 m2.

Packaging and storage

Harvesting starts when 10-12 leaves are formed on the plant. The leaves of the cleaned cabbage are fast enough, so they should be immediately packaged.

As a package, it is advisable to use PVC film with a width of 35-45 cm wide, while the packaging is carried out manual way Directly in the field. This increases the shelf life of the vegetable several times.

The maximum sale of Beijing cabbage begins in the fall, so at this point it is advisable to increase the area of \u200b\u200bcrop crop several times.


Despite all the pros and cons, cultivation of the Beijing cabbage in the conditions of the farm with due agrotechnik, a very favorable direction, especially the competition in this industry is practically absent. Due to the good demand and the high price of the sale of vegetable, this case can be highly cost-effective business.

Step-by-step business opening plan

The organization of the business of the production and implementation of the Beijing cabbage implies the following steps:

  1. Selection of land under vegetable culture.
  2. Purchase of planting material.
  3. Preparation of soil.
  4. Technology, stages of the planting and cultivation of cabbage.
  5. Equipment, transportation and storage of products, hired labor, if necessary.
  6. The implementation plan for finished vegetable products.
  7. Possible risks.

How much can you earn on the Beijing cabbage of its own production

The average wholesale price price is about 20-25 rubles for kilo vegetable products. To get the maximum percentage of benefits, Beijing cabbage is expedient to implement both in large supermarkets and small specialized vegetable shops. Also well bought vegetable dealers and on agricultural crops. In general, on the production and implementation of Beijing cabbage, monthly net earnings of about 300-350 thousand rubles are quite real.

What kind of skill for business

Business at the production and implementation of the Beijing cabbage is recorded under code 01, which is responsible for crop production, animal husbandry and so on. Its subparagraph 01.1 - corresponds to cultivation annual cultures, namely, vegetables, root, bumbish and other - paragraph 01.13.

What documents are needed for the opening of the farm

If there are volume agricultural products and large land plots are cultivated (more than 1 hectare). State registration of the KFC - farming-farming. But when you have small land area, as the law allows you to have a personal subsidiary farm (on your farm). That and grown to the realization of agricultural products without any tax fees is allowed. For registration of KFH, it is necessary: \u200b\u200ba statement for the state registration, the passport of the Firm's Founder, the Agreement, the decision on the basis of the peasant-farming (if several shareholders). Then, confirmation of the payment of the state duty and the actual place of residence of the founder's face. If an enterprise organizes one person, the agreement on the creation of KFH is not needed.