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How to properly plant and care for Victoria. Proper planting of Victoria in the fall: taking care of an early harvest. Protection from pests and diseases

In Russia, strawberries used to be grown - a tasty and fragrant berry, but not very productive and small. Soon she stopped meeting in garden plots, as she was replaced by large-fruited strawberries. One of her varieties, called "Victoria", has gained particular popularity. Soon, the people began to call any strawberries Victoria. Today we will tell you how to care for strawberries in the fall and prepare for winter.

To begin with, let's figure out how Victoria is planted in the fall. The best time is the first half of September. The culture will take root well, take root properly during the winter, and already in June it will be possible to harvest the first crop. You can plant Victoria in the spring, but in this case the harvest will be somewhat less.

Preparation for planting in the fall is as follows:

  1. Site selection. The place should be sunny and flat with a slight slope to the southwest. Depressions and lowlands, where melt water can hold, as well as inclined areas, are completely unsuitable for breeding. Chernozem, light loam or gray forest soil are ideal. Groundwater should lie no closer than 1 m to the surface of the earth. Victoria should not be planted in areas where cereals, herbs, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, onions, marigolds and petunias used to grow.
  2. Soil preparation for planting. Dig the site well, remove all plant debris and for each square. m. Fertilize: 9 kg of humus + 50 g of potassium salt + 100 g of superphosphate. This should be done in early spring.
  3. Seedling selection. Strawberry seedlings choose healthy and strong. It is better to buy seedlings with a closed root system. Usually they are sold in special containers or cassettes.

Some gardeners prefer to plant Victoria with a mustache. This is a very laborious and long process, since it will take about 3 years to get a fruit-bearing bush.

The rules for planting Victoria in the fall in open ground are as follows:

  • before planting seedlings, treat the roots with a fungicide - a preparation for fungus, and also send young plants to a cool place for several days;
  • planting strawberries should be done in several rows: the distance between the bushes should be at least 25 cm, the width between the rows should be 80 cm;
  • make holes 20 cm deep;
  • gently straighten the root of the seedling, put it in a hole and sprinkle it with earth, while the root neck should be strictly with the level of the soil;
  • lightly tamp the ground, and loosen the aisles;
  • water the planted bushes with water.

After planting, Victoria seedlings do not need to be processed. If you decide to plant in the spring, then the site will need to be prepared in October according to the same scheme as described above. The planting process itself is no different from the autumn. Transplanting Victoria to another place should be done every 4 years.

A little about strawberries

Strawberry (garden strawberry Victoria) is a perennial herbaceous plant that has juicy and sweet fruits. Berries contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Today, this culture is found in cultivated and wild form. In the latter case, Victoria grows in meadows, edges and forest clearings.

The best varieties of strawberries are recognized:

  1. For central Russia and the Moscow region - Sudarushka, Alba, Elsanta, Vima Zanta (early varieties); Clery, Divnaya, Belrubi, Kiss-Nelis (large-fruited); Roxana, Symphony, Pandora, Zenkora, Marmalade (fruitful).
  2. For the Urals - Maria, Amulet, Dawn, Valenta (early); Sudarushka, Orlets, Elsanta, Tsaritsa (mid-ripening); Vikoda, Pandora, Roxana (later); Brighton, Geneva, Lyubava, Temptation, Autumn Fun (repaired).
  3. For Siberia - Idun, early Omsk, early Lvov, Talisman, Festivalnaya, Fairy (zoned); Lord, Honey, Queen Elizabeth (renovated).

The main characteristics of strawberries include:

  • has a strong rhizome with many branches;
  • the culture has large green leaves, which are located on small petioles about 18-25 cm in length;
  • inflorescences have 5 petals, white flowers, red berries;
  • has several types of shoots - mustaches (spread along the ground), horns (this is a short arrow with a bud located on it) and flower stalks (arrows that come out of generative buds).

Autumn strawberry care

Proper care of adult bushes will ensure good strawberry fruiting in the future. Autumn care has the main goal - to prepare the plant for winter. It consists of several stages, we will tell you about them in more detail:

1. Pruning strawberries. The bush resists adverse climatic conditions well if it has healthy leaves. Victoria needs to be completely rid of mustaches and old leaves. Pruning should begin after the last harvest.

One young outlet can be left to create planting material. Then it must be planted separately to form seedlings.

Proper pruning involves the use of sharp garden shears. You can not cut off the leaves and mustache, as you can easily damage the plant and its roots. Autumn pruning also prevents strawberry pests and diseases. Usually, pathogens hide on the inside of old leaves.

2. Top dressing. During fruiting, the bushes are very depleted and lose many nutrients, so they should be fed. For fertilizer, you can use organic matter - humus, mullein or compost.

3. Mulching the earth and loosening. The soil needs loosening a few months before the onset of frost. This will prevent possible damage to the root system. Hilling is also an important procedure. The fact is that the tendrils of berry bushes have roots and, so that they do not die, they must be covered from above with earth mixed with peat. It is not necessary to sprinkle the growing point with soil.

For mulching, use peat or humus. Work very carefully so as not to hurt the plant. You need to use only the soil around the berry bushes.

How to cover strawberries for the winter

As noted above, the preparation of Victoria for winter begins with leaving in the fall. Strawberries are a fairly strong and cold-resistant plant, but this does not mean that they should not be prepared for the winter.

The natural insulation of the bushes is snow. But if there was a snowless winter, then the plant may die. After carrying out all the care procedures, you need to cover the strawberries. To do this, you can use straw, spruce branches, spruce needles and leaves.

It should be remembered that spruce branches and straw can accumulate and retain moisture, which can lead to decay of berry bushes. They should not be used if rainy autumn is expected. Dry raspberry branches and coniferous needles are the best shelter. They provide excellent protection against severe frosts. For shelter, you can also use artificial means - agrofibre.

Newly planted bushes should be completely covered by about 2-4 cm. Cover adult strawberries only near the roots.

The health of berry bushes and the fruiting of Victoria depends entirely on caring for them. Fortunately, the plant is not capricious and does not cause much trouble. Prepared and hardened bushes tolerate winter well and always delight in a large amount of harvest.

In order to get an excellent harvest of delicious berries, you need to try in advance. So, since autumn, you need to take care of planting fruit crops on your site, including garden Victoria, berries, the beneficial properties of which are beyond doubt, and also fragrant and very, very tasty. But in order for such a plant to take root well and please the owners with a healthy look and a wonderful harvest, all its features must be taken into account when planting. So, the topic of our today's conversation will be Victoria strawberries (the description of the variety is on the website). Let's clarify some information regarding the plant: when Victoria is planted in the fall, we will clarify soil preparation, timing and care.

Victoria landing dates

In order for Victoria to take root in a new place in the garden, it is important to plant her in the soil in a timely manner. The experience of gardeners confirms that the best time for this will be the end of August - the first half of September (depending on the climatic characteristics of a particular region). At such a time, the soil is still warm, it warms up well, but the sun does not heat it up, as in the hot summer months. And the seedlings will have enough time for rooting - there are still about two months left until winter.

How to choose a place in the garden for Victoria?

Such plants prefer open areas that are not in the shade and are well lit by the sun. Readers of "Popular about Health" should remember that the more sun, heat and light Victoria receives in the spring, the more sweet and large her berries will be. It has been experimentally proven that in shady places strawberries are mostly sour, even if the variety is initially sweet.

In addition, the plant may feel uncomfortable and bear fruit poorly with a lack of heat and moisture.

It is better not to plant Victoria in areas where you have previously grown potatoes or cabbage, peppers or cucumbers. Strawberries will grow and bear fruit remarkably after all kinds of cereals, as well as garlic with beets, carrots and various herbs.

Features of soil preparation

It is advisable in advance to plant Victoria to be puzzled by a thorough fertilization of the soil on the site. Closer to cold weather, the soil naturally becomes more depleted, therefore, in order for plants to have enough nutrients, it is necessary to improve the quality indicators of the earth. It is desirable to carry out such work fifteen days before the planned landing. Basically, about five kilograms of well-rotted manure is used for each square meter. But it should be borne in mind that such a figure is rather conditional. The amount of fertilizer used directly depends on the quality of the soil on the site, the more nutritious it is, the less manure you need.

After fertilizing, it is necessary to thoroughly dig the soil so that the manure is thoroughly mixed with the ground.

How to prepare seedlings?

It is very important to prepare the soil for Victoria for planting, and the cultivation of young plants - seedlings for this. In this case, all seedlings should be inspected for any manifestations of disease or rot. Problematic plants are best discarded and not risked. Next, you need to treat the root system with fungicides (in accordance with the instructions) and send the seedlings to a dark and somewhat cool place.

How best to plant Victoria in the garden?

The fertilized and prepared area must be carefully leveled, after which rows should be formed on it. The interval between them can be only forty centimeters. The same distance should be between individual seedlings within the same row. In the event that you plant a significant number of plants, these numbers can be increased to make it more convenient to work on the site.

A couple of seedlings should be planted in each prepared hole, the roots should be dug deeper, sprinkled with soil and pressed down a little. Next, you need to make a fairly plentiful (but not excessive) watering.

Landing on agrofiber

Many experienced gardeners prefer to grow garden Victoria on agrofibre, so as not to waste time and effort on mulching and weeding. To perform such a landing, you need to cover the fertilized and leveled soil with agrofibre, make holes in it at the desired interval and land.

autumn care

Victoria after planting in the fall practically does not need care. Usually, plants have enough natural rainfall, but in dry weather, it is worth organizing periodic watering for them. Time and effort should be devoted to removing weeds and periodically weeding.

Features of preparation for wintering

Young seedlings must be prepared for the winter so that they do not suffer from frost. Victoria is particularly susceptible to frost on bare ground before snow has fallen. And this situation occurs quite often. Therefore, when covering young plants, it is necessary to insulate them and ensure snow retention. For this purpose, straw can be used. It will be an excellent option, plus it will play the role of organic top dressing. Straw just needs to be poured between the bushes, covering the ground. However, experienced gardeners are categorically against straw, as pests can remain in it and rodents can start. An excellent choice can be a synthetic material, for example, spunbond or lutrasil. Such materials must be fixed at the edges so that they are not blown away by the wind.

Planting luxurious Victoria bushes on your site in the fall is not at all difficult. This task will be within the power of even a novice gardener.

Collecting a lot of large berries, peeping through a carpet of juicy green foliage and exuding a wonderful aroma, is the dream of any summer resident. Its execution is within the power of every owner of a personal plot, one has only to take into account the features that Victoria planting has and competently care for the plants. They will certainly thank a caring owner with a generous harvest. Under the proud name of "Victoria" lies the familiar strawberry. Initially, only one of its varieties was called that - the one that sailors brought to Russia from America. Over time, there were more varieties of strawberries, among them remontant ones appeared, capable of bearing fruit from 3 to 5 months a year. But in some areas, the name has taken root so much that it has become a household name.

Requirements for the site and soil quality

For growing Victoria in the garden, you should choose an open place that receives the most sunlight. Strawberries develop well on flat or inclined at a slight angle to the west areas. A prerequisite for plant health is reliable protection of plantings from the wind. In spring and summer, it is not terrible for Victoria, but in winter it can blow off the snow that protects it from freezing.

You can count on a rich harvest if the crop is grown on light, soft, porous soils with a significant admixture of sand. Victoria is moisture-loving, but she reacts badly to stagnant water, so she needs well-drained soil. Raw swampy lowlands are categorically not suitable for breeding strawberries. It is not recommended to plant it in areas prone to flooding and in places where water from melted snow stands for a long time in spring.

Remontant Victoria is demanding on soil fertility, it should contain a lot of humus. The ideal option for her is black soil or dark gray forest soil. But even in other conditions, strawberries can successfully develop if their bushes are properly cared for. Heavy clay soil that retains moisture will need to be diluted with manure or humus and sand. Carry out the procedure in the fall. Soil with an acidic reaction must be limed.

You should not plant Victoria in areas where any plants from the Asteraceae family (sunflower, earthen pear, lettuce, asters, chrysanthemums) were placed last season. It is undesirable, but it is possible to breed it after all nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants), as well as cucumbers. But the areas freed up after harvesting cereals, legumes (beans, peas), cabbage crops (radish, radish,), garlic and parsley are very good for Victoria. Before planting, they must be dug up, enriching the earth with fertilizers. On 1 m² of surface it will be correct to apply:

  • 2 buckets of humus;
  • 2 liters of wood ash.

Strawberry seedlings and nutritional composition of the following components will provide the necessary organic and mineral substances:

  • ammonium nitrate (20 g);
  • superphosphate (25 g);
  • potassium salt (20 g);
  • humus (6 kg).

Preparation for disembarkation

With regard to planting dates, Victoria provides summer residents with ample opportunities. It is propagated from spring to autumn. Professionals advise planting strawberries in late April or May, when warm weather has already set in. If you provide young bushes with proper care, in the spring they will quickly take root in a new place, they will get sick less and in June they will bring the first berries.

For planting, the strongest rosettes with a powerful root system are selected.

It will be easier to care for Victoria if you prepare the site for her in advance. In the fall, they dig it up, choosing weeds, and fertilizing. Remontant strawberries can please with berries from May to October, but for stable fruiting it will need a lot of nutrients. Therefore, in the spring, the soil is re-enriched with rotted manure (10 liters of substance per 1 m²). Do this 17-20 days before planting.

It is correct to carry out autumn reproduction of Victoria from the second half of August to the first decade of September, when the probability of frost is minimal. While it is warm, the plants will have time to take root and steadfastly withstand the cold. Care for strawberries at this time will not be burdensome, it is enough just to plant sockets in the ground prepared in advance - from June. If a remontant variety of culture is chosen for breeding, its features must be taken into account. Constant fruiting greatly weakens the plants, so young bushes of such a Victoria often die in the first year of life. You will have to take better care of them.

Landing Rules

Most often, strawberries are bred with a mustache, which its bushes release by mid-summer. Young shoots of Victoria appear from the nodes located on them. Experienced summer residents are advised to plant sockets that are closer to the mother bush - the first 2-3. Shoots obtained from 2-year-old plants have the highest survival rate.

When 4-6 leaves appear on the rosettes, they are separated from the mustache, carefully removing the roots along with the earthy clod, and placed in a hole previously spilled with water. The depth of the hole is usually 10-15 cm. It may vary depending on the degree of development of the underground part of the plant. For adult bushes with powerful and long roots, it is better to make deeper holes. In order for the remontant strawberry to take root more easily in a new place, before placing it on the garden bed, its roots must be dipped in a clay mash. It is prepared by mixing two components with water to a creamy state:

  • 1 bucket of clay;
  • ½ bucket of mullein.

It will be easier to take care of plantings if you place strawberry bushes in rows. Many summer residents prefer to pour peculiar ridges for them up to 10 cm in height. The distance between adjacent plants should be 30-40 cm, and the interval between rows should be 60-70 cm. Soil is poured into the hole, a Victoria bush is lowered on it and its roots are carefully spread in different directions. The hole is then filled with soil. It is correct that the root neck of the bush rises slightly above the ground or is flush with it. The soil is slightly compacted and the hole is watered abundantly.

When planting, you can add special preparations to the hole to promote rapid rooting.

Garden remontant strawberries respond well to soil mulching. A layer of dry grass, foliage, algae, hay, small straw, needles will help maintain the level of soil moisture required by the culture. After planting, they are recommended to cover the space under the plants and between the rows. Carried out in the spring, care in the form of mulching will have a positive effect on the yield of Victoria: strawberries will bring more berries, and they will ripen faster.

Features of agricultural technology

Growing Victoria will not require special skills, but you will have to pay attention to planting. Their care includes standard procedures:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • mulching;
  • top dressing;
  • loosening.

Both remontant and ordinary strawberries are sensitive to drying out of the soil, reacting to it with a decrease in yield, therefore they moisten it often. You can significantly increase the time interval between waterings if you regularly loosen the soil, mulch the beds, and take snow retention measures in early spring. Care in the form of moisturizing Victoria is required from 4 to 10 times per season, depending on weather conditions. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is an important period in the life of plants: flower buds are laid in them. If you do not water the plantings at this time, it is better not to pin hopes for a good harvest next year.

During the Victoria season, at least three top dressings with complex mineral fertilizer are required. Suitable for her and organic compounds. Experienced gardeners recommend using mullein diluted in a ratio of 1:10 for it. It is better to pour it on moist soil. Two top dressings are carried out in the spring: after harvesting the withered leaves and when the first flower stalks appear. At this time, plantings require intensive care, the quality and quantity of the crop depends on the correctness of which. To enhance flowering and increase the number of ovaries, strawberries are sprayed with an aqueous solution of boric acid. Do this while there are no buds on the bushes yet. When the flower stalks come forward and the berries begin to set, they are treated with zinc sulfate.

To get larger berries, Victoria's whiskers are cut off during the ripening period of the crop.

After the plantings fade, they do not stop caring for them. The distance between plants and under them is mulched with straw, sawdust or dry moss. This measure will not allow gray rot to damage the crop. Having collected the last berries from the bushes, they begin the third feeding. After it, the soil is well loosened. If the roots of plants peep out of the soil, it is necessary to spud the plantings. In anticipation of autumn frosts, another mulching is carried out using peat, humus or grain waste. They are laid in a thick layer, not less than 5-8 cm. To protect the strawberries from freezing, they throw dry leaves, straw on the beds or cover them with spruce branches.

It is impossible to resist the tasty and healthy Victoria berries, which is why its cultivation has become a tradition for most summer residents. They are good not only fresh, there are a lot of recipes for winter preparations from garden strawberries. Here and compotes, and jams, and jam, and preserves, and jelly, and marmalade. Victoria fruits can be dried, frozen, closed in their own juice, syrups, liqueurs, wine can be made from them. They are combined with other fruits and berries - red currants, gooseberries, apricots, peaches, raspberries.

Strawberries cannot be called a capricious culture, although you will have to spend time and effort on caring for it. But they will definitely pay off. Subject to simple recommendations, it will be possible to harvest from the bushes already in the first or second year of their life - depending on the variety chosen.

Hello, dear lovers of fresh fruits and vegetables from your own garden. I would like to say hello to the Siberians, because our conversation will be interesting and useful, first of all, for them. Although this does not mean that the rest should refuse our conversation. How to plant Victoria in the spring is a hot topic for any strip of our vast Motherland.

What is "Victoria"? This is the old name for garden strawberries, or strawberries. However, this name is still widely known in Siberia. Why? Perhaps because growing a good strawberry crop in Siberia is a small victory.

Growing strawberries in the climatic conditions of Siberia has its own characteristics. And today, especially for residents of such a vast territory, I will talk about the features of growing berries in the open field and in a greenhouse, what kind of watering should be, what diseases are dangerous and a lot of other useful information.

Landing features

By and large, the agricultural technology of growing strawberries is identical in all latitudes. Its main differences, due to the climatic conditions of Siberia, are in the timing of the main manipulations with the plant.

If you are growing Victoria outdoors, then planting should be earlier adopted in warmer climes. So that the seedlings have time to gain strength for overwintering, plant it immediately after fruiting, or even in the spring - so the young shoots may have time to please you with fruits.

It is better to plant seedlings on a flat area, but definitely not in the lowlands - it will hurt and may not have time to mature. If the slope, then let it be the southwestern side. Avoid the south because of the early melting of snow - frosts will kill the plant not covered with snow. And avoid windy places, but if this is not possible, there is a solution - a greenhouse.

To make the berry large, plant 4 bushes per 1 m2 and treat with the Karate insecticidal agent - this way the pests will forget the way to you. During flowering and fruiting, remove all shoots and tendrils. At most, leave one for propagation: sprinkle it with earth so that it has time to germinate enough for an early transplant.

Features of watering and fertilization

Eliminate watering directly from the hose - by nailing the leaves to the ground, you will not only saturate only the very top layer of soil, which is why the roots, tending to moisture, will almost crawl out, but also practically guarantee plant diseases. Sprinkler irrigation is prohibited during flowering.

Fertilize in the spring with compost or manure, and further top dressing with liquid dung. There is an opinion that once a season is enough. Also, experts recommend scattering onion and garlic husks over the beds, and during the growth period - ashes from straw. Somehow organic. But you can also use various fertilizers.

Little tricks

I recommend mulching. The options are different: needles - so you save moisture and give the berries a delicate forest aroma, sawdust. In both cases, you will protect yourself from slugs, minimize the number of weeds and diseases. But you can use a covering material. Agrofibre will be effective here. Our regular readers are familiar with growing berries on agrofibre, the rest can familiarize themselves with it in the article “watering strawberries under agrofibre”.

The mowing of plant foliage practiced by strawberry growers in August, Siberians need to be done earlier - after the end of the harvest of berries, so that new foliage has time to grow before the onset of cold weather.

In the open ground for the winter, cover the beds well with straw, needles or fallen leaves to protect them from Siberian frosts. In the spring, removing this “blanket” will not be difficult.

Diseases and pests

If it was a rainy summer, there is a possibility of gray rot. This is a disease that affects the berries corresponding to the name of the species. But it doesn't matter. Only after noticing the first signs of the disease, spray the beds with Fitosporin, and the crop will be saved.

In principle, this is the most common disease. But if others are found (leaf spot, for example), Zircon will help out - this tool is able to overcome many viruses.

Terrible diseases for Victoria are various forms of nematodes. To be safe, plant marigolds in the beds - they say it helps. But if the disease manifests itself, then the affected plants should be dug deeper and burned.

The main pest of strawberries is the weevil. In principle, we secured ourselves against his raids. But if you are in doubt, spray with the Fitoverma solution, but before the buds begin to appear.

Greenhouse Tricks

But to avoid most diseases, and even eat berries almost all year round (if there are heating and lighting systems), you can grow Victoria in a greenhouse. If there is none, then use a greenhouse. The easiest to use, but at the same time effective, which will protect against bad weather, will be miracle greenhouse "Harvest"- bought, deployed, installed, ready.

But there are some tricks. Since this is a closed space, during the flowering period, the question of pollination arises. No difficulty - collect pollen with a brush 2-3 times a day, repeating the procedure every 3 days. Also at this time it is important to ventilate the greenhouse several times a day.

Mustaches that you will use as seedlings must be rooted in open ground.

Watering needs drip. In order to save money, many use ordinary medical droppers for its device. Also, some experts advise before planting plants to put them to sleep by placing them in the basement or in the refrigerator for a while.

Otherwise, everything is similar to open ground: fertilizer, top dressing, disease prevention, etc.

So I hope that your Victoria will grow up healthy and sweet. Observing all the conditions, you can get berries weighing up to 100g each!

We will touch upon the Siberian climate and the peculiarities of growing various crops in it more than once, so subscribe to our blog - you must agree, it is useful to be aware of all the innovations and little garden tricks for a large harvest, like all of Siberia. But there are many, many people in it, among whom are a lot of friends - share a link to us with them on social networks so that they also enjoy their garden.

Favorite berry
Perhaps every gardener wants Victoria to grow on his plot - this is how we lovingly call large-fruited garden strawberries. However, not everyone agrees with this culture. And if they take care of the bushes, then they want to get the maximum harvest. How can this be achieved? In each period of horticulture, more and more new tricks are used in the cultivation of this crop.
This berry has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, diaphoretic, diuretic, hemostatic and astringent effects. Regulates metabolism, has an anti-sclerotic effect, improves blood composition. Fresh berries are used for hypertension, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, constipation, who have a violation of salt metabolism. Therefore, it is not only a delicacy, but also a healthy product for you and your family. The rules for growing garden strawberries are not so complicated.
Elementary rules of agricultural technology
The main requirement for choosing a site for a plantation is that the site should be light, even, and not thickened. Even if your plantation is very small, this moment must be taken with full responsibility. Strawberries love the sun and heat. Provide a sweet berry for both. Keep in mind that groundwater should be no closer than 0.8 m. Experienced gardeners suggest planting strawberries quite freely. According to the scheme 50 x 80 cm. The laying of the site is carried out in early autumn with a mustache. Humus, superphosphate and potassium are added to the soil before laying the beds. After planting, strawberries must be watered and mulched. By the way, strawberries respond very well to watering. After the snow melts, the winter leaves supply the plant with food and protect against recurrent frosts. Therefore, at first, do not touch the old leaves, but remove them only when new, fresh ones grow. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizer is applied - urea, and wood ash is sprinkled on top of the bush. Ten days later, the bushes are watered with infusion of manure and spud. Water the plants regularly and plentifully until the berries begin to ripen. After harvesting, you need to remove the flower stalks and mustache. Because the bushes need strength to prepare for wintering. Then fertilizers are applied. Now many are addicted to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"fix" - to plant Victoria, covering the ground with black material. Let's figure out how to do it right.
Let's get to know each other better
Non-woven covering materials, unlike polyethylene, allow moisture and air to pass through, providing a comfortable temperature and humidity regime on the soil surface. Despite the fact that in the distribution network you can find a variety of names for such a material - spunbond, agril, agrotex, agrospan, lutrasil - the basic technology for the production of any nonwoven material is similar. Non-woven covering material combines most of the useful properties of other covering materials. At the same time, it is relatively cheap and durable, it can last more than one season. To cover the soil around plants, agrofibre (covering material, spunbond) black (mulch) 60 g / m2 is most suitable. This is a UV-resistant black canvas with a uniform structure. Lightweight and durable, environmentally friendly. Due to the presence of carbon black, the material absorbs more heat, which allows for rapid warming of the soil. Weeds and their seeds die. The structure of the mulch material allows watering and applying liquid fertilizers. With such cultivation, fruits and berries are kept clean. Under the material does not form rot and mold. But first, the soil must be prepared - loosen, weed, remove weed roots and apply fertilizer. Then the surface of the bed is covered with either black plastic wrap or black non-woven material. When using black plastic film, remember that it does not allow moisture to pass through. It cannot be placed close to the stem of a cultivated plant, but a gap commensurate with the root system must be left. A black film can also serve for more than one season, if you protect it from cuts and put it in a room with a slight positive temperature for the winter.
The black color absorbs most of the sunlight, warming the sheltered space. Weeds die from the lack of light under the material and high temperatures. Slots for plants in the material can be made in the form of a circle or crosswise. The holes must be strictly according to the diameter of the "inhabitant" - otherwise weeds will "attach" next to the cultivated plant.
The material along the edges of the site can be pressed down with bricks, sticks, pieces of slab. It is better not to sprinkle with earth. According to the material, it is better not to walk in shoes that have sharp edges once again. This is exactly the method of mulching most often used in the cultivation of strawberries. It is also convenient to use mulching material to cover near-trunk circles around trees, shrubs, especially berry ones, whose branches are located close to the ground - currants, raspberries, gooseberries. Black covering material will be in place in the rose garden. The bright green of the rose bush looks spectacular against a dark background, and the time for weeding the grass around the plantings will also be reduced. Mulching is carried out only on loose and moist soil. The material is not removed until the elimination of the culture.
How to plant Victoria
The main thing when landing on a covering material is to properly level the ground so that later the earth does not bump. The second step that you must take before laying the material is to cultivate the land from pests. On sale now a large selection of insecticides from insects that live in the soil. The earth was leveled, processed, now we are laying black covering material directly on the ground, we are stretching it. It is advisable to take the one that is thicker. Thin will quickly become unusable. At the edges, the material must be pressed tightly to the ground. For this, metal staples are suitable, which securely pin the covering to the ground. Everything! We have prepared a "landing pad". Then cross-shaped incisions are made with a sharp knife directly on the covering material. For evenness of the row, you can use a rail or ruler. The edges of the cut are folded inward, and strawberries are planted in the resulting square. That's the whole procedure. The covering material passes water well, only it needs to be laid on the right side. And if you want to get new planting material, just put cups of earth under the mustaches of strawberries with new sockets, they will quickly take root themselves.
The main advantages in such a planting are that there are no weeds, the covering material retains moisture in the soil, the plants need to be watered less often, and the berries, when ripe, do not fall into the mud, but lie on a clean covering material. You can eat them right from the modern garden!
We update landings
Seedlings of new interesting varieties can now be grown by yourself. How to do it? At the very beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the correct substrate for the earthen mixture. It should be clean and moderately nutritious. Good land from under the nettles with the addition of soil from the cucumber beds. The earth must be steamed. Add steamed vermiculite to it at the rate of one part of vermiculite to two parts of the earth. A plastic ice cream box, for example, can serve as a seeding container. Just do not forget to make holes in the bottom so that excess moisture leaves. It is detrimental to young shoots of strawberries, they can rot. We put the soil mixture with vermiculite in the prepared container, shed it well.
Although the seeds of strawberries and strawberries are very small and many gardeners prefer not to mess with such a complex sowing, but if you do the proposed method, then it will not be difficult to do. Put snow on the ground prepared for sowing small seeds, and you can sow the seeds. Now they are clearly visible. Snow also serves as a natural stimulant for plant growth. Unless, of course, it is collected in a clean place. Seeding in the snow is recommended for sowing any small seeds. When the snow begins to melt, it seems to pull the seeds to the right depth. To get even rows of seedlings in the future, take tweezers and try to lay out the seeds in a row. If you don’t want to pore over, then pour the seeds on a piece of paper and carefully, literally without breathing, sow strawberries. In no case do not sprinkle small seeds on top of the soil. Then they will never come up. But after sowing, it is absolutely necessary to cover the container with a lid or plastic wrap. Then you will have to periodically open it to remove the condensate, which can easily “nail” thin strawberry seedlings. And they are very gentle at first. They can die from excessive moisture, and from a draft, and from the very condensate that will accumulate on the lid. For several days, the container with the sown seeds should be placed in a warm place where there is no direct sunlight. Now be patient and do not water, do not open your miracle box until the first shoots appear.