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After a distance to plant beets. How to plant beets in spring seeds: useful tips from agronomists. When sow beet seeds into open soil in spring: optimal terms

It is possible to grow sugar, feed or dining room beets not only in the southern and central regions of the country, but even in Siberia and in the Urals. The main thing is to know how correctly and when to plant this delicious and healthy vegetable, which is often called Buryak. Success in the cultivation of rooted culture depends on the selected variety, climatic features, the characteristics of the soil and the presence of sufficient amount of light.

Methods and dates for planting beets

Sow beck seeds in spring or autumn. Specific dates of landing depend on the region and weather conditions. Spring sowing work it is advisable to spend when the snow has already saved, the air warmed up to + 6 + 8 ° C, and the land still retained moisture and managed to deploy 10-15 cm. In the southern areas, the weather allows you to sow seeds in April, in the central regions And the suburbs favorable conditions come to the first decade of the last month of spring.

Autumn sowing is recommended when the soil is slightly frozen and the threat of thaws will pass. The return of warm weather is fraught with premature germination of seeds and the death of sprouts. The length of our country is so great that it is difficult to name the exact dates for the landing. Perennial observations of experienced gardens can serve as a reference point:

    Moscow region - from mid-November to the beginning of December;

    Leningrad region - end of November;

    Ural - From October to November;

    Siberia - mid-October.

For the Summer Seva, there are several advantages, which allows most dachensors to choose this method:

    During the time in the cold land, the seeds pass a natural hardening. Therefore, plants grown in this way have a strong immunity, differ in high resistance to diseases, insufficient watering and frost.

    Since the shoots of the Buryak spring appear much earlier than with spring north, the first root roots can be removed at the beginning of summer.

    Putting beets in the winter, in the spring you will not have to spend your time, but it will be possible to pay more attention to those cultures, the landing of which is impossible in the fall.

Interesting! There is a folk sign, according to which sowing beet needs to be carried out after the trees of the cherries will drop foliage. It is possible to rely on the centuries-old experience of ancestors and take advantage of the tip of nature.

Selection of place for landing

Any garden-field work begin with choosing a suitable place. Plot for beets must comply with several criteria:

    Kornemploda prefers a greater duration of the light day and minimal or missing shading. It is under the influence of sunlight that there is intensive staining of vegetables into the color characteristic for them. Any shading during the day is contraindicated.

    The gardening landing should be protected from through winds.

    It is better to choose a place on a southern or southwestern slope where the soil in the spring warms up faster.

    It is impossible to plant beets in a lowland or where the groundwater is close to the surface.

It is important to take into account the rules of the crop rotation and remember, after which cultures will best grow a useful root root. This will increase the yield of the selected variety and prevent mass damage to diseases or pest insects:

    It is impossible to plant beets on one site for several years in a row, as well as after radish, radish, dike and any kind of cabbage.

    Neutral precursors include carrots, tomato and onions.

    Favorable landpowder after potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, green siturats and any winter crops.

    On the next garden, you can place radish, onions, collar, cucumbers, radishes and beans.

    Next to the plantation of Buryak is undesirable to the neighborhood of corn, onions-sowing, potatoes, spinach and celery.

Sowing Buryaka can be renewed in the same place only after 3-4 years. After harvesting the harvest of roots, the plot can be placed with cucumbers, sweet or bitter pepper, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, colored or white cabbage.

Fig. 1. Famous Bordeaux

Prepaiming soil preparation

Plot intended for beet need to prepare:

    Make the required number of organic and mineral fertilizers - 4-6 kg of overwhelmed manure (fresh use), 60 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of superphosphate for each square meter of the Earth.

    If possible, bring wood ash, and for neutralization of acidic soil - Dolomite flour, ground chalk or lime-flush (0.5-1 kg per 1 sq. M.).

    Plug to the depth of shovels and disperse the surface of the beds with robbles.

    Along the way, remove the remains of the preceding crops, weeds and rhizomes.

When all work on improving fertility and soil structures will be completed, you can proceed to cutting the furrows depending on the selected landing scheme:

    Single-line. The furrows are located at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other.

    Twin. The grooves are not cut into one, but at once two next to the interval 25 cm. Between double "lines" leave a distance of 50 cm.

The optimal depth of the spring sowing is 2-3 cm, the centers - 3-4 cm.

Fig. 2. Single-line planting scheme of Buryak

Features of the Spring and Promotional Seva Beet

The process of planting beets to open soil is simple. Kornefloda seeds are quite large, so they are easy to distribute in the groovers. However, the technology of spring and autumn field work is significantly different.

Spring Sowing Buryak on Circum

Beckla seed stimulation should be carried out in the following way:

    Soak on a day in warm water (+ 35 + 37 ° C), adding any growth stimulator. Epin is best suited, divided according to instructions, or hydrogen peroxide at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. 0.5 liters of water.

    Seeds to put between layers of toilet paper or tissue napkin, rush to rich and cover with a food film or a plastic bag.

Sowing can be carried out when the soil warms up to + 5 ° C. If you hurry and put the seeds into the cold soil, the plant will go into the arrow and will not give a long-awaited harvest.

Prepared planting material must be distributed in pre-polished grooves at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. If the cultivation of large roots, the interval is desirable to increase to 10 cm. The approximate consumption of seeds is 1.5-2 g per 1 kV. m with spring crops and 2-3 g - with autumn-winter. It is not necessary to worry if the sowing was conducted more cunich - it is easy to fix during the first thinning, without which it is impossible to get high-quality vegetables.

After the beet seeds are sown, the grooves need to be filled with a mixture of land, humid and coarse-grained river sand, slightly bother with hand or wide board so that there are no air pockets in the ground. The final stage of the spring planting with a reckless way - watering the beds. A sufficient amount of moisture will provide the necessary energy charge for the germination of culture.

2-3 plants appear from each beet nozzle, so young shoots must necessarily cut forward:

    1st time in the formation phase of the first sheet, leave the distance between seedlings 3-4 cm;

    2nd once after the second pair of leaves and increasing the root plant in diameter to 1.5 cm, withsting the distance between plants 8-10 cm.

Short up the beds with beets better cloudy in the morning after another watering or rain. Extra sprouts removed from the site can be placed elsewhere

Single Sowing Seeds in Outdoor Soil

When planting a winter Buryak, the soaking of seeds do not conduct: they are sowed into dry ground, and after leveling the soils are not watered. This rule is very important, since any excess of moisture can provoke premature germination of beets and its death during the occurrence of frosts.

To avoid the risk of losses from freezing, you can increase the consumption of seeds and sow them more closely, and in the spring to go. Grokes are preferably climbing for the winter, using any healthy material: wood sawdust, peat, humid, pine opead, husknik.

In the spring, when snow comes down, the mulching material must be removed from the bed, and to cover the naked land to create a greenhouse effect. When single sprouts appear under polyethylene, the shelter should be removed.

Selection of dining beet varieties

Obtaining a good harvest depends not only on the observance of landing time and proper care. It is very important not to be mistaken with the choice of variety. Vegetable breeds are recommended to give preference to species derived by domestic breeders. Such plants are better adapted to the climate of our country, while foreign varieties may not give promised yield.

Name of variety

Ripening time, days

Form root


Rounded or slightly shiny

Stable to Floweries and Creurosposition


It has a juicy, tasty pulp, high immunity to diseases and color

Egyptian flat


Resistant to drought and color, has a high focal point. Suitable for autumn-winter cultivation

Red ball


Not prone to stalk and color. Decrease in temperatures affects yields not the best


It has a high yield - up to 6 kg from 1 square. m. - and middle-resistant to short


Resistant to drought, considered one of the most useful for human health varieties


Extended up to 10-16 cm, cylindrical

Variety Inherent Great Bedroom, High yield, Sweet taste, Increased content of vitamins and niacin


A resistant to flowerness, the fruits are not spoiled until the spring. The beets of this variety can be eaten even in the raw form

Polar flat K-249

Flat with thickened axial root

Suitable for cultivation in the northern regions. Not prone to flowerness, well transported and stored

Cool-resistant 19.


Juicy, pleasant to taste, but not able to be kept


It is characterized by good fierce, suitable for long-term storage and canning

Choosing a beet variety for spring landing, you can give preference to varieties with better taste or high yields. For the Promotional Seva it is worth buying the seeds of early, non-stirring and cold-resistant varieties of Buryak.

Fig. 3. Grand Cylinder Sweet Beet

Growing beets with a seaside

So that the plants manage to form a high-quality root plant, a long season of vegetation will be required. When sowing seeds in late May or June, it is not always possible to collect a crop before the onset of frosts. And if it is planned to plant seedlings at the specified deadlines, then the ripening period of vegetables will be significantly reduced.

Therefore, to the question of how to plant beets, many experienced daches respond to those preferred. It is suitable for early vegetables, and can also be used in regions with a short summer and a cool climate, where the soil and air warm up late.

Sowing beets to seedlings in the spring you need to spend 3-4 weeks before the planned landing in open ground:

    Soak seeds for 1-2 hours in a weak stepman solution for disinfection.

    Shoot them into a wet gauze or toilet paper moistened with epin solution or warm water.

    Leave until sliding by placing a plastic bag.

    Ground for seedlings pour into cassettes, plastic cups or drawers, eaten phytosporin solution.

    Dispatch the ones of the closed seeds in a separate cell or a cup, when planting a total container, withstand 3 cm interval between seeds and 5-6 cm between the grooves.

    Purchase beets with a thin layer of soil and pour well.

Seedlings It is necessary to ensure the duration of the light day at least 10-12 hours, slightly wet soil, a constant moderate temperature without sharp oscillations and daily ventilation.

You need to dive seedlings only once and then provided that they are in a common box. The sprouts from the cups can be planted in an open ground when they are formed 4 real sheets.

It is necessary to plant a young beet for a bed in warm, cloudy weather so that the plants can adapt to new conditions. For better acclimatization of seedlings a few days before transferring it to the ground it is useful to carry it out to open air, every day increasing the time of stay. The soil at a depth of 10 cm by the time of planting should warm up to + 8 + 10 ° C.

Important! Before transferring plants to open soil, they need to be well.

Soil preparation for planting seedlings is carried out in the same way as before sowing seeds: Pumping rules, fertilization rates and landing scheme are identical. Each sprout must be pre-shorten by a third of the central root.

Fig. 4. Growing beet seedlings in cassettes

Care of beets in open soil

For better rooting, beetral seedlings need to immediately pour a solution of humate, and to protect against the Sun - to build arched shelter from any nonwoven material. As Buryak grows, when the tops increase and practically closer, the shelter can be removed, and the site is closed. This measure will ensure the preservation of moisture in the ground and will prevent the unwanted growth of weeds. Further care of vegetables lies in regular watering, weeding, soil and fertilizer.


Culture tolerates a short-term drought, but to collect a generous harvest, it is necessary to take care of sufficient saturation of the Earth moisture. Watering a bed with a Buryak need as the upper bed of the soil drying. Do it better at sunset or in cloudy weather.

An effective way of watering is sprinkling, so many daches use this option. However, it is impossible to overjoy irrigate, since the excess of moisture in the soil can provoke fungal diseases.

Approximate water consumption per 1 square. M. is 20-30 liters, the minimum amount of watering for the season is 3-4 times.

Tip! To improve the taste of beets, increase its sweetness and blend, it is recommended to pour the beds twice with a weak solution of the table salt (1-2 ppm on the water bucket): the first time in the phase of the initial formation of fruits, the second time 2-3 weeks before the planned collection Harvest.

Weeding and loosening

The day after each watering or weather precipitation, a plot with a Buryak should be braked to a depth of 5-6 cm. This will destroy the integrity of the soil crust, which makes it difficult for air exchange and restrains the growth of vegetables. Along the way, we should remove the sprouts of weeding herbs, selecting nutrients in canteen or forage vegetables.

Weeds are scary only for young shoots, and when the leaves of the tops are closed, weeding plants will no longer harm the beet plantings. Some gardeners to combat weeds use tractor kerosene. They spray the plot with liquid even before the small seedlings appear. Consumption of kerosene with a small one - only 35-50 g per square meter.


For the formation of roots, there is a sufficient amount of mineral and organic substances that increase soil fertility. For the season it is necessary to spend several feeding, the composition of which will depend on the phase of the development of vegetables:

    After the first thinning of the shoots, fertilize the beds with a beet solution (1 l per 8 liters of water) or avian litter (1 l on 12 liters of water). The approximate flow rate of liquid feeding is 10-12 liters per 10 sq. M. m. You need to make the organic, not under the plants, but in small grooves done at a distance of 5 cm from plants.

    When the tops are closed, the beet must be filtered with wood ash - before the next irrigation, scatter it on the surface of the site at the rate of 1 cup by 1.5 square meters. m.

No less useful experts consider the extra-corner feeding of beets, which is carried out by spraying the leaves. This method helps plants better absorb some microelements, which in the root introduction to the unavailable form for garden culture. A lime milk is well suited for carrying out the extraxornal feeder, diluted at the rate of 200 g of dry lime on 10 liters of water, or a saline solution (1-2 ppm on the water bucket).

Harvesting and storage

Radial varieties of beets ripen already in the middle of summer. The diameter of rooteplood by that time usually reaches 5-14 cm. They can be used to prepare first dishes, salads and other culinary recipes.

The main feature is that rooted roots are ready for cleaning, is the yellowed and dried tops. Depending on the grade and region of cultivation, the harvesting suffer starts at the end of August or the beginning of the fall. To dig vegetables best suits a cool day without precipitation:

    Korneflodes to die for a pitchfork, trying not to pierce the pulp, clean from the lumps of the earth and cut off the tops, leaving two perhapmest meals. On sandy soils, vegetables are recommended to pull out their hands.

    Vintage to go through, separating the retained and damaged instances. Use them for cooking dishes or blanks for the winter.

    High-quality vegetables are removed on drying in a dry, ventilated room, where the sun's rays do not fall.

    After a week, the yield of beets move to permanent storage. For these purposes, a cellar is suitable or a basement with an air temperature of 0 + 2 ° C and a relative humidity not higher than 90%. In warmer conditions, Buryak will wake, root and deteriorate.

Tar with beet (plastic or wooden lattice boxes) is recommended to be placed at an altitude of 10-20 cm from the walls and the floor surface.

Fig. 5. harvesting crop roots

The main nuances of planting beets and care for it are shown in this video.

Landing beets with seeds in open ground can be made in different ways in spring or autumn. Vegetable is easy to grow, it is only necessary to observe some conditions when landing and leaving. In this case, the harvest will be stored for a long time, and rooted roots will retain all nutrient elements.

The varieties are distinguished by the timing of crop maturation, the duration of the storage of assembled roots, color, shape, target destination. In the latter case, the vegetable can be sugar, stern or table.

Popular varieties of growing beet include the following:

  • The beet dining room Detroit is characterized by high-yielding and excellent taste. From sowing before harvesting is 100 days. The variety shows resistance to frost and diseases, shoots appear evenly and manifest unpretentious during cultivation. The shape of the root round, the pulp of burgundy without rings and streak. Middle weight root 200 g
  • The mid-air table variety of the cylinder refers to the middle-easned, productive varieties. Collect the harvest start 120 days later. The shape of the root cylindrical shape, the flesh is dark red. The average beet weight of 30 g. The harvest is well stored for more than 4 months.
  • Harvesting, the mid-freed variety of smokely ripening starts 105 days later. The plant is well tolerating the cold, shows resistance to cold and diseases. Kornemplood flat-circular shape, its weight is 300 g. Juicy flesh of bright red.
  • Table varieties include Bordeaux beet. The shape of the root is rounded, slightly flashed. Vegetable weight of the 350 g. The pulp of juicy, rich burgundy color. Yield depends on the weather. Weakly develops vegetable in cold and rainy summer.

Other popular beet varieties include checkmach, red ball, boyfriend, red ruby, bohemia, red ice, Pablo.

Dates of landing

Planting seeds in the open soil in the spring are engaged in the first days of May, when the soil warms up to +10 degrees. The last time of planting beets are considered numbers no later than 10 May.

In the fall, for planting seeds in open ground, the last numbers of October or the first days of November are chosen. It is better to wait for the air temperature to fall below -4 degrees. In more warm weather, this is not worth it, as the seeds sleep and die.

During the autumn planting seeds, the beds are made high, raise by 25 cm, so as not to blur with her waters. The depth of the furrow is 4 cm, it is not necessary to water them before planting. To protect seeds from frosts, the beds are recommended to cover straw to spring.

If the landing of beets is planned across seedlings, then special boxes are prepared. Seeds at seedlings begin to plant in early April, a month before the transplant to a permanent place. This way of planting allows you to collect a harvest ahead of time. In addition, sprouts that remaining thinning can be transplanted for free space.

Seed seeds are needed at a distance of 4 cm, between the rows the distance should be 6 cm. After two sheets unfold on the sprouts, it will be dried. Leave only strong and healthy sprouts. As soon as 4 leaves appear, the sprouts will be ready for a transplant to a permanent place.

Selection of place in the garden

It is best to choose areas for planting beets that are protected from through winds and where sunlight freely penetrates. The soil should be well drained, the vegetable is poorly tolerates the clay composition and overvoltage. It is advisable to change the landing site every 3-4 years.

There is a list of cultures, after which it is allowed to plant beets. The best predecessors for beets on the garden are cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, potatoes. The vegetable feels bad on the garden, where the cabbage, leaf beet or carrot grew earlier. Neighborhood with celery and garlic should be avoided.


Beckla refers to light-loving vegetable crops. Good develops during long sunny days. If the duration of the day when growing vegetable is 14-16 hours, you can collect the most rich harvest. In the event of a reduction in the daylight for 3 hours or more, the formation of the root is slowed down.

For planting beets in the spring to open soil, you need to choose well-lit plots, away from fences and trees, so that the shadow falls from them. Do not be too thick to plant a vegetable.

Sometimes vegetables can face the problem when the beet does not bole.

Before you determine what to do, you need to find out the reason why she did not go. There may be several of them:

  • non-gardening or acidic soil;
  • little light;
  • poor-quality seeds;
  • irregular watering;
  • non-compliance with sowing docks.

To ensure good gesture of beets, you need to make fertilizers, and use lamps for showering. If the vegetable is grown by a seedler, then if necessary, it is organized to make a shower to 13 hours of daylight lamps that are suspended at a height of 15 cm above seedlings.

A good crop can only be obtained by compliance with important conditions. You need to feed the beds in time, remove weeds, follow the lighting and irrigation. It is important to carry out preventive treatment of pests and diseases.

Which soil loves beet?

To get a good harvest of root crops, it is important to know what the soil loves beets anymore? Beet loves fertile, light earth. Well fits peat and loamy composition. With too low or high acidity, the vegetable begins to hurt with fungal diseases, the ability is still stored for a long time.

Since the vegetable loves a lightweight, drained soil, it is better to mix it with sand or sawdust. If the acidity is increased in the soil, then lime is carried out. Culture loves neutral or weakly alkaline soil.

Sowing root in open ground

Sowing beets can be carried out dry or germinated seeds. Fastened seeds are sown in wet soil. On the smooth surface of the prepared section, furrows are made at a distance of 20 cm.

If the soil is heavy, then sowing is produced to a depth of 2 cm, if the lungs are at a depth of 4 cm. The distance in the row between the seeds is 2.5 cm. In the future, during thinning, the distance should be increased to 7 cm.

If the summer is short, then put the beets with a sediment in open ground. You can grow seedlings at home or in a greenhouse. It is possible to transplant the plant, which in height did not exceed 8 cm. The higher the sprout is, the substantiality is formed root. Do not deepen the seedlings too much. The distance between the sprouts 13 cm, between the rows - 30 cm.

Preparation of soil

So that the beets could quickly go, you need to properly prepare a land plot. The soil for planting seeds must be prepared in the fall. From the site, which is expected to plant beets, remove all the vegetable remnants from the past harvest (tops, leaves, roots, weeds). The land is drunk to a depth of 25-30 cm, a complex mineral fertilizer and humus is introduced at the same time.

In the spring, before planting seeds or seedlings, the land plot is burned to a depth of 10 cm and leveled with robbles.

It is recommended to make mineral components. For the entire growing season, the culture requires nitrogen and potash-phosphoric application fertilizer. It spokes up well to the processing of the Earth wood ash and does not tolerate fresh manure.

Preparation of seeds

During the preparation of seeds, the beets to sow them are moved, soaked in solutions that stimulate the growth of the plant. You can put seeds into a solid solution based on wood ash. The ash allows you to saturate the seed material by all the necessary mineral components.

A simple way to quickly germinate beet seeds:

  • seeds are soaked in water temperature (pop-up seeds should be thrown out);
  • water is drained and placed in an epin solution or a zircon for 4 hours;
  • after that, the seeds are placed in a warm place for a day.

These actions will help the seeds to swell and proceed. After that, you can proceed to landing seeds.

Planting process

Two beet landing schemes - single-line and two-line. It is allowed to land and a threestrokim method. This allows you to facilitate the care of the plant. The beds are more convenient to water, loose and pour.

In the case of landing, the furrows in which the seeds are placed at a distance of 10 cm. The interval between the furrows is 45 cm.

With a two-way embodiment, the vegetable makes two furrows at a distance of 25 cm, then the free space is 50 cm. This scheme alternate several times.

Seedlings of beets in the open ground are planted with an interval of 11-14 cm. The interval between the rows is 25 cm. This will allow you to collect large root roots, while maintaining the benefits and juiciness of the pulp.

Care rules

Beet begins to germinate at the soil temperature of +9 degrees and air ambient air +7 degrees. But active development is observed at air temperature +20 degrees. After how many days is the beets after sowing? The first shoots appear on 6-8 days.

Bleck care is to comply with some rules:

  • the beds need to be regularly gone and not allow the expanding of weeds;
  • carry out regular soil loosening to ensure free access of oxygen and nutritional elements;
  • it is recommended to make fertilizers;
  • it is important to establish the correct watering mode.

The first loosening is carried out 5 days after the emergence of the first germs. Initially, the depth of loosens is 3 cm, gradually, as the plant grows, you can increase to 7 cm.


The feeder is carried out at least twice for the entire vegetative period of the development of beets. Fertilizers help increase disease resistance to disease and pests.

For the normal development of culture, the following solutions help. When planting seedlings in the ground, it is recommended to make a tablespoon of wood ash by 1 well.

During the first feeding, you can make a nitroammophos or a mixture of sodium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride. If the shortage of nutrient elements is observed in the soil, a cowboat or bird litter solution can be added. You can add urea to the solution. The feeder with organic solutions is carried out only at an early stage of plant development.

The second application of fertilizers is carried out in two weeks with the previous feeding. Use superphosphate or potassium chloride. Mineral components can be replaced by wood ash.

It is useful to conduct extractive feeding. In the stage of formation of 4-5 leaves, it is necessary to process with a solution of boric acid or an infusion of wood ash. With a lack of phosphorus, you can carry out an additional spraying with superphosphate (a teaspoon of superphosphate on a liter of water is taken).

Right watering

During the culture of culture, it is necessary to observe the correct watering mode. Beets should be regularly watered, but it is worth avoiding soil moistening. The abrasion of moisture becomes the cause of various diseases and reduce the shelf life of the harvest. With a lack of moisture, the pulp of the root of the root loses its juiciness and becomes coarse.

During the mass sedresses, the care of beets implies the frequency of irrigation to once a week. During the formation of root, the frequency of irrigation can be increased. For 3-4 weeks before harvesting is stopped.


If seedling was planted into a common capacity, with the appearance of two real leaves, the beet was kented into separate containers, it should not shock the roots of the seedlings.

When planting a vegetable seeds, as soon as the first shoots appear on the surface of the earth, expire:

  • The first thinning is carried out in the phase of unfolding the first two real leaves. The distance between the sprouts is 4 cm. The sprouts that were pulled out, can be placed on a new, free place.
  • After 2.5 weeks, recycling, leaving the distance between the sprouts of 7 cm. By this time, small roots are formed, which can be used to prepare dishes.

Knowing the rules, how to dive beets on the garden, you can get juicy, useful root roots. In addition, it is important to comply with the beetner planting scheme at home.


If the beet was planted in the spring, then the crop need to be removed before the onset of frosts. Cleaning is proceeded at the end of September or in early October. By this time, most of the leaves turn yellow and fades. If the roots are frozen, they will not be stored for a long time and lose their taste.

After cleaning the roots, the roots are sorted, cutting off the tops, leaving hemp to 1-2 cm. Healthy root corners are dried and shutdown to storage at a temperature of +3 degrees. Keep the yield of beets in boxes with sand, peat, sawdust.

Beets are one of the most useful and vitamin vegetables at the cottage. In the beets, everything is edible, including leaves. She goes into a salad, and in a side dish, and to borsch. This popular root root is good because it is possible both in the cheese and in the boiled form. And what is important - it is delicious and appetitated for any size, not to mention a cocktail from the enormous amount of useful components.

Even a novice dachnik can grow this wonderful plant in his site without much trouble, especially if he will listen to the proven advice and recommendations for the choice of places for landing, preparing the garden and seeding seeds of Semyon beets to open soil (or pre-at seedlings).

In terms of maturation, beets can be divided into the following varieties (from the first germs until the moment of cleaning):

  • rapid-medium (80-110 days);
  • association (110-130 days);
  • love (130-145 days).

Among the most popular varieties of early or early beets include the following: Early Vodan, Carillon, Red Ball, Mona, Egyptian and Mushroom Flat, Action, Nastya.

  • The middle-timed varieties are presented as follows: Bordeaux 237, Sonata, Bagrous Ball, Valya, Detroit and cold-resistant 19.

  • The following are common among Ladies: Salad, Matrona and Cylinder.

Interesting! The beet varieties are often distinguished by the fact that some grow on the surface, and other root roots are "sitting" exclusively in the ground. So, for clay soils, the first is better suited (which get out to the surface).

When sow beet seeds into open soil in spring: optimal terms

Beets are considered relatively thermo-loving vegetable, so it costs it when the temperature of the earth warms up to +8, and air to +10 .. + 12 degrees.

Interesting! The folk guide for sowing beet is the moment when on the birch will appear small leaflets with a penny.

Dates of landing depending on the region and variety

Thus, the timing of sowing beets will differ depending on the climatic features of your place of residence.

For example, in the south (in Krasnodar, in the Kuban), the root plant can be started to sow in the second half of March-April. But in the middle lane (Moscow region), the appropriate dates of planting beets to open soil fall at the beginning of the middle of May, in Siberia and in the Urals - on the second half of May.

However, the beets should not be hurry from an early planting - it is better to wait for the end of the return spring frosts and only then take the seeds.

By the way! The varietality does not affect the landing time. Early varieties are not planted before, like later - later. This simply makes no sense.

On the lunar calendar in 2020

If you want to choose certain date for landing root, then you will always come to the rescue moon calendar.

So, the most favorable days for sowing beets for seedlings or in open ground in the lunar calendar in 2020 are:

  • in April - 5-7, 9-15, 17-22, 27-30;
  • in May - 2-6, 9, 11, 12, 20-22, 29-31;
  • in June - 7-9, 11-14.

If you contact the lunar calendar, it is worth knowing that it is even more important not to plant a vegetable in unfavorable dates, and this is in 2020 (the days of full moon and new moon, as well as the period when the moon is in aquare, because it is a preventive and dry sign - allocated in italics):

  • in April - 8, 15-17 , 23;
  • in May - 7, 13-14 , 22;
  • in June - 5, 9-11 , 21.

According to the lunar calendar, from the "1000 Soviets of the Soviet".

How to plant beets in open soil: sowing rules

Preparation of seeds for landing

You can always put the beets with dry seeds, but to improve the germination, it is advisable to pre-soak them and germinate.

Greater beet seeds before planting in different ways:

When using any method of germinating seeds, the essence is approximately the following: the seeds are placed on a wet surface, the container is placed in a warm place where the temperature ranges in the area + 20-22 degrees, and ensure that the seeds do not dry, periodically pouring water in capacity.

The advantages of germination of beet seeds:

  • Immediately you can see which seeds sprouted, and which are not. So it turns out to seek the best germination in the open soil.
  • When landing germinated seeds, shoots appear much faster, as a rule, for 4-6 days.

Girling and soil

Beets grows well on lit beds, so it stands to plant it where the sun is often.

You can even plant a root close from the trees on the south side, where the sun drink a vegetable at least half a day.

Tip! If your cottage is in lowland and places relatively wetlands, then beet (and not only it) better land on high beds. Many gardeners, in principle, love and successfully grow vegetables on such beds.

Excellent predecessors for planting beets are bean, onions, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. But cabbage is not a very good predecessor, after it is not recommended to sow root.

The soil for growing root is desirable to prepare in advance, it is possible even from autumn. Although nothing terrible if you start cooking it right in the spring, shortly before landing.

Beets, as well as all the rest of the root, need very good and loose soilAnd in the clay it simply to grow hard. Purchase the soil costs about the bayonet shovels (20-25 cm).

If you are too sand landthen you can improve its composition by making quality horing or compost (3-4 kg per 1 sq. M. meter bed)by adding a pair of supelphosphate (30-40 grams)And then carefully all overpass and mixing.

If you have a soil too heavy (clay), then in the additive to a humus or compost and superphosphat you should be added to the soil peat and very little sand.

Beets do not like acidic soils, so if you have an increased soil acidity, then it should be torn it in the fall, making lime or.

If you make in advance in the soil, it will also very well affect the vegetable. You can also do it during landing and subsequent feeding.

Note! It is impossible to be made to the ground for the bed under the beets of fresh manure, and even in the fall, even more so in the spring. This rootpode loves to accumulate nitrates that we do not need absolutely.

Sowing in Grokuk.

Many experienced vegetables recommend to make grooves on the edge of the bed. With such a landing, the roots will grow large, and the garden itself will be beautiful. Bow, dill, tomatoes, cabbage and lettuce leaves can be good neighbors for beets.

By the way! There is even such a saying: "The swirl loves to rub about the head of the hostess."

Step-by-step instruction landing seed beets in open soil in spring:

  1. Prepare seeds: Soak and germinate.
  2. Select a place to bed and make a grooves depth 2-3 cm.
  3. Solving the groove with water.
  4. Stripe seeds. Seed seed should be seed at a distance of about 3-4 centimeters from each other. In the aisle - at a distance of 20-30 centimeters.
  5. This root love very much, so it is recommended to pour it a bit immediately after sowing.
  6. Then flood the groove of the earth and again wake up ash ashes.
  7. Walked with sawdust (slightly, thick layer does not need to do).
  8. Cover the film from return freezers and for the effect of the greenhouse. As soon as shoots appear, the film can be removed.

Video: Sowing beets grocessed seeds

Sowing seed beets to seedlings

If you want to get an earlier harvest, you can plant beet seeds to seedlings. The main sowing specificity is that the planting capacity should be high enough, because we plant the root.

By the way! Beet, grown through seedlings, will not require a thinner for reasonable reasons in the future.

The agrotechnology of growing beets across the seedlings is quite simple: watering is needed as the soil drying up, as well as a bright place. When the seedlings appear in 2-3 real leaves, a small root plant can be planted in an open ground.

On a note!If you want to freeze a little and try to get an earlier harvest, then saut the beets for seedlings. If not, it grows perfectly and a reckless way.

Further care for beets after landing

Tip! About, how to care for beets in open soil to grow sweet root rootsRead.

If you take care of your future health and "hooked" on the beet, then be sure you are completely able to raise the crop of juicy and large root crops. Of course, first of all for this it is necessary to initially put the beets in the spring.

Video: When and how to sow beet seeds into an outdoor ground

In contact with

Dining room beet (Buryak) is one of the most popular root crusts grown in household plots. There are two ways to plant beets: seeds and seedlings. There is no fundamental difference between them. The crop mainly depends on the structure and fertility of the soil, and for weather conditions, many beet varieties are quite loyal. If you competently make the ridge, you can get high-quality fruits and in drought, and on a rainy summer.

Soil preparation and beds

When choosing a place for beets, you should pay attention to what cultures were involved in the planned area last season. It is categorically not recommended to plant this root, but after potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and greens grow Buryak will be good. Carrots, peas and onions are neutral predecessors. When growing beets on an industrial scale, it is planted after winter wheat and.

Planting beets is made on a good and long-lit place. Nearby should not be thick bushes, spreading trees, fence, walls. It is desirable to choose a high part of a plot that is not heated with heavy rains.

It is worth considering the basic soil requirements for beets.

  • Acidness in the range of 6.2-7.5. If there is a lot of redemption, wild sorrel and cheering, then the soil is acidic. Roots will be small, ugly form. It is necessary to make lime or dolomite flour. When preparing the ridge under the beet, moderate lime is possible in the year of planting.
  • Optimal primer - loose, rich in organic (loyaded, samp, chernozem). The cultivation of beets in too clay soil without special preparation and introduction of sand is a waste of time and effort. Fruits will be fibrous, rigid and bitter.
  • The depth of the arable layer of the soil - from 25 to 30 cm.

Under favorable conditions, the roots are developing quickly, accelerated sahara accumulation occurs.

Excessive lime content in the soil leads to a decrease in beet ability to absorb micro- and macroelements. It is important to comply with the dosage.

Making fertilizers

Beets demanding on the content of micro and macroelements in the soil. For reference: 1 ton of corruptpalodes removes up to 7 kg of nitrogen from the ground, about 3 kg of phosphorus and up to 9 kg of potassium. While the root system is still weak, the plant does not need phosphorus, then the intensive absorption of other nutrients begins.

Optimally prepare ridge under beets from autumn, putting overwhelmed dung in the soil, compost (order15-20 kg per 1m 2) and phosphorus-potash fertilizers. Inserting into the soil of mineral feeding can be carried out before boarding. Of the complex additives, NPK 13-12-19 or is usually used.

For the centenary sowing beets, the following fertilizer complex is introduced into the soil (1 m 2):

  • poland of manure, humus or compost;
  • 30 g of potassium chloride (chlorine ions prevent the accumulation of nitrates);
  • 30 g of superphosphate.

Beets loved the body, but the introduction of fresh or semi-proverse manure before landing will lead to a deterioration in taste and the commodity type of fruit.

When preparing for planting the soil, it is thoroughly drunk to a depth of about 30 cm, all kids are broken, the surface is aligned and slightly compacted. Many gardeners plant beets for ridges - long high ridges in potato. Thus, the rootpode is better ventilated, gets more sun, is protected from rot and zaksania. This is especially important for heavy soil. If the soil is fertile and loose, then you can plant a carpet.

Dates of landing

Beet seeds can germinate at a temperature of 3-4 ° C, but the process will take about 25 days. At 6-7 ° C, shoots will appear for 10-15 days, and when the temperature stabilizes, up to 11-18 ° C is a period of just a week. It makes no sense to sow beets until the soil at a depth of 6 cm does not warm at least up to 7-8 ° C, since the likelihood of the death of germs from the freezing (-1 ° ° C will not be transferred).

Planting beets in spring in various regions is made in its time:

  • North Caucasus - 1 decade of April;
  • Central Chernozem region - 3 decada of April;
  • north of Central Chernozem, Nechrochnoe, Volga region, Bashkortostan and Altai - 1 decade of May.

Long-term storage beets are sown in the second decade of May, you can plant it up to 10 June. Such varieties are quite enough time to frosts to completely rush, and they are kept much better than early and secondary.

Dates are given in tentatively, for each year they may vary depending on weather conditions.

You can sow beets in a greenhouse or in boxes for about a month and a half before disembarking into open ground. The seal circuit in the substrate: 4 x 4 cm. This method is suitable for regions with unstable weather. The ripening period of rooteploods with a seaside process of cultivation will accelerate for 2-3 weeks.

Spring beets with seeds can be in the fall. For this, there are special varieties, because the usual views will begin to smack and will not give a crop. The autumn sowing beet is beneficial for regions with a cool short summer. Sowing time comes when stable frosts begin, the soil is covered with a crust. In the Urals or Siberia, the Suitable time is November. There are no general recommendations, from what date it is necessary to produce the campling of beets. It is important not to miss the deadline before the earth "grab" (3-4 ° C below zero). For folk observations, the moment of full reset of the leaves of the cherry is considered to be the moment.

It should be noted that the beet of autumn landing is not suitable for long-term storage.

Preparation of seeds

Beet seeds are hoping lumps in which several seeds are assembled (from 2 to 6 pieces). For this reason, many novice gardeners are surprised when with a neat schematic sowing of seeds-cubes from the garden suddenly appear bunch seats.

Syzhable in the spring, beet seeds will faster, if they are pre-prepared. The easiest way is to dug one day in a solution of one of the following funds (on 1 liters of warm water):

  • a quarter of a teaspoon of boric acid and the floor of a teaspoon of nitroposki or nitroammofoski;
  • 1 teaspoon of superphosphate;
  • teaspoon drinking soda;
  • tablespoon of wood ash.

A day later, the seeds were washed, wrapped with a damp cloth and kept at room temperature for 3-4 days, without giving a convolution to dry.

With autumn landing, soak seeds do not need.

Technique sowing

Immediately in front of the spring planting beets, the ripples are loose at about 5 cm deep and smolden. It is necessary to sow or plant seedlings either in cloudy weather, or in the evening so that the soil is not told, and the seedlings did not die from the hot sun.

Planting beets to open soil seeds are made according to the following rules:

  • rows are made at a distance of at least 30 cm;
  • on the loam, the beetroitations are close in the grooves of a depth of 2-3 cm;
  • on sandy and squealed soils - 3-4 cm.

In dry weather, the ridge is pre-(per hour or two) spill up with water, the grooves in the rainy is good enough. After 3-4 days, it is recommended to peel the soil with spring or wire robbles. After such a procedure, the beet is bootable.

When shoots appear, they must be careful to proper. This procedure is performed twice: in the phase of two real leaves, leaving the distance between the seedlings of 3-4 cm, then in the phase 3-4 leaves. The average gap between beet sprouts in the end should be 10-20 cm. How much exactly to leave - depends on the variety, usually the step is indicated on the packaging with seeds.

If you leave too large gaps between plants, the roots will grow large, severe heat treatment.

Excess beet sprouts should not be thrown away. If it's good to shed the land before the procedure, and the shoots will approach a special blade (you can handle a spoon), then the roots will not harm. Saplings will quickly come down in another place, and the form of the fetus will not suffer in the future, as it happens with carrots.

Promination of beets are made in dry soil. The seeds are placed in the grooves depth 4 cm and fall asleep with a loose substrate (you can mix the ground with sand). Then the soil is slightly tamped, the garden is mounted and closed with dry leaves or sweets. In the spring of shelter is removed, the soil is spilled by nitrogen fertilizer, and the film is stacked until the first germs appear.


The main care for young beet sprouts is moisturizing and loosening. It is impossible to form a crust on the soil. Swimming is done neatly until the plants can be made by an ordinary old fork. Becks a responsive for this procedure, therefore it is recommended to carry out it up to the closure of the tops.


The first feeding of beets with mineral fertilizers (nitrogen) is carried out after thinning, the second (complex) - after closing the tops.

Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are the main elements necessary beets. If there are no integrated mineral fertilizers at hand, then ash can be made in the soil, preheated with a compost. Consumption: 3 cups of pure ash on 1m 2.

Nitrogen is better to make several portions and not abuse, since their excess contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in root. Fractional introduction reduces the negative effect by 2 times. The best shape is urea (10 g per 1 m 2).

The second (when the fruit is about walnut) consists of potash-phosphoric fertilizers. Consumption: 8 g of superphosphate, 10 g potassium chloride per 1 m 2. Nitrogen is no longer applied.

If there is not enough boron in the soil, then the beet reacts to the core reacts. Also negatively affects the deficiency of copper and molybdenum, which can be filled with an extraxanle feeder (in phase 10 leaves). For this purpose, liquid microfertilizers are used, which contain boron in organic form and manganese in chelate.

If the beet is developing slowly, rounded yellow spots appear on the tops, then there are signs of a lack of potassium and too acidic soil. In this case, it will help with lime milk. Recipe: 200 g of limestone, 80 g of potassium chloride dilute on 10 liters of water. The solution should be enough for 10 rose meters of landing (along the line).

When redoing the beet tops (sodium deficiency), it is necessary to sprinkle the ridge ashes and heat the salt water (1 glass of salt by 10 liters). Such a procedure will also increase the sugar content of root.


Beet depends on the weather. In the first one and a half months of the plant development, the land is not allowed. Young beet loves evening sprinkling. After such a procedure, the tops are fresh, it acquires a high tour.

If summer is not too hot, then the cultivation of beets in the open soil will not be a hassle. After closing the tops in the grooves, the moisture will be slower to weathered, and the rootpode is already able to produce food from deeper soil layers.

Watering beets stops about a month before harvesting.


Competent agricultural equipment minimizes the likelihood of beet diseases caused by the quality of the soil. Increased acidity is the cause of root defects, as:

  • parsh in the form of cracks and outlook on the fruits;
  • fomoz (zonal spottedness on the leaves) - the disease can also be due to the lack of boron;
  • blackening pulp;
  • korneed, "Black leg" (at the stage of a seedling);
  • empties in the root.

However, all of the above may also occur due to excess nitrogen or with unbalanced feeding, so you need to make fertilizers correctly.

Fungal diseases may develop: peridosporosis, churrosposition, manifested by a drying of the top. Only the processing of fungicides (XOM, "Fundazol", "Carbendazim", Copper Copper) can help help.


The cultivation of beets in the country can be unsuccessful years if drinking grow around the garden, and the soil of increased acidity. This is the most comfortable habitat for the beetle larvae-shortcut. It is they can turn any rootpode literally in the sieve.

Reduce the amount of these beet pests can only be regularly applied methods of struggle:

  • select yellow worms manually with popops:
  • check traps in potato tubers;
  • exterminate drinking, make the soil;
  • periodically use special needs (for example, provotox granules).

Sheet and root beet floss can also cause damage. It will help to destroy the pest regular spraying with a solution "green soap", pyrethrum.

Beetcloth flew pulled the leaf flesh. In the fight against them ash, tobacco dust, effectively pollination with hexachlororan.

If white winding moves appeared on the leaves of beets, then the larvae of the mining moth lives in them. With a small lesion, the leaves are broken and destroyed. With a mass infection, Fufanon, Bi-58 new preparations are applied.

In most cases, the cultivation of beets on household plots does not cause special hassle. If weeds are small, and the soil treatment in spring and autumn is performed correctly, the risk of pest attack is minimal. Compliance with crop rotation is also an effective measure of protection.

Many gardeners plant on sites and late, and early beets, providing themselves with fresh harvest and reserve of root crops for the winter. This is an unpretentious plant, the seeds of which quickly spares, shoots are patient to adverse weather conditions, and to obtain a good harvest, quite competently prepare a garden.

Becks in popularity occupies an honorable third place after cabbage and carrots. Beets are rich in mineral salts of potassium, manganese, calcium, iron and organic acids. It is indispensable in borscht, vigrets, salads, marinades and in the diet menu.

How to put the beets of seeds

Beets are considered unpretentious to the plant, but if you do not comply with the technology of its cultivation, the crop will not please you - the root crops will be ugly form and bad taste. Let's start with the fact that the beet is a light-loving culture, but can grow and fruit in a small shading. She loves loose, fertile, but in no case are not acidic soils. Unreliable for growing clay, heavy soils with water status. If on the site heavy moistened soils, beets are recommended to suck in high beds. Beetle can not be sowed after carrots and cabbage, but onions, cucumber, tomato and potatoes are considered good precursors for it.

Plot under beets is prepared in the fall, when the humid and compost is introduced into the soil at the soil at the rate of 15 kg per 1 kV. m. Half soil fertilized in spring is filled with full mineral fertilizer. Mineral fertilizers can be replaced by wood ash, which makes 1 square meters. m in the amount of 3 glasses. Thus, a loose beet is prepared for growing beets, a fertile layer that will provide good sowing, friendly shoots and generous yields.

Seeds to landing also need to be prepared. Beet seeds should be fresh and purified. All small and broken seeds are rejected. The beet seed is in reality is a hoping consisting of several dry fruits. They are not separated from each other, but soaked and seed with one nozzle. Therefore, there are 3-5 seedlings of beets from one well.

How to put the beets in the spring

In the spring seed, beet seeds are soaked in a solution of trace elements - boron, molybdenum - by 18-20 hours and sow only in well-moistened soil. The optimal timing of the spring landing is the period from May 1 to 10. The seeding rate of seed is 1.5 - 2 g per 1 square meter. m. It should be known that too deep landing slows down the germination of seeds due to the deficiency of oxygen, and too small leads to the fact that the seeds dry or blow away the wind.

Specialists I advise you to plant beets with a spring of 2-3 cm at a distance of 8-10 cm. For planting beet seeds, you can make small grooves at a distance of 40 cm from each other, and you can sink on a flat surface, falling asleep with a 2-centimeter layer Soil. If you have been late with the seeds of sowing, the beet seeds are planted only in the grooves, which are well water from the watering can with water and on top are slightly sprinkled with a layer of soil, and then - a mixture of humus and peat.

When 3 real leaves appear on the beet shoots, they need to carefully proper and repeat this procedure in phase 5 of the present sheet. Beet needs to water and loosening the soil to ensure the access of oxygen to the roots. Recommended also twice for the growing season to feed the plants with mineral fertilizers. The first feeding is brought after the first thinning - 10 g of urea per 1 square meter. m, second - after closure of the tops - 8 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium chloride by 1 sq.m. Chloride fertilizers will prevent the accumulation of nitrates in root.

How to plant beet seedlings in open ground

Beetle can also be grown by a seaside, to obtain earlier yields. Prepared and clouded seeds are sown in capacity according to a 4-cm circuit capacity. Sowing is made 30-40 days before landing in the ground. Beet shoots can not be seen until the landing in the open soil, which is recommended to be carried out in the second half of May. Per quarter. M site places 40-45 seedlings with 3-4 real leaves.