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Parsley on the country area. Features of culture growing in open ground. Video - growing parsley on the windowsill. How to grow a leaf parsley from seedlings

Unusual aroma and taste of parsley people rated many centuries ago, and since then it is widely used in various national kitchens. Its leaves and roots are used as a spicy seasoning to sauces and soups, for the preparation of salads and side dishes, as well as in conservation.

Parsley leaves are rich in vitamins C, PP and group B, provitamins a and k, contain a lot of potassium. The green parsley not only improves the taste of dishes, but also enriches them with biologically active substances.


Petrushka - a two-year plant. Not afraid of cold and unpretentious. In the first year after sowing, it forms a rosette of fragrant leaves, and left in the ground for the second year - blooms and gives small seeds. You can grow parsley both for greens and root. The root varieties of parsley formed a cone or spine-like root-like root-white color. The greenery of the root parsley is usually not used for cutting so that the plant has enough strength to form a root sized root.

Sheet parsley is glazed and curly varieties. Its leaves are so decorative that there is often a leaf parsley not on the beds, but on the flower beds in compositions with other aromatic and medicinal herbs.

Sort Parsushki

  • root: Jammed, Alba, Needle, Lubash, Piquant, Final, as well as burgundy and sugar;
  • leaf with smooth leaves: Ordinary Sheet, Breeze, Bogatyr;
  • sheet kudryaya: Astra, Mazina P3, Triplex.


Parsushka is always a place in the garden. The plant is unpretentious and almost not demanded to the soil. However, on well-lit places with loose, fertile soil parsley can give especially good harvest.

Sowing and growing

Best predecessors for Parsley - Zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes and cabbage. It should not be planted after other celery - carrots, celery, cilantro, cinthies, etc., but it can be perfectly grown at the same time with them. Parsley grows well in mixed landings with radish, pepper, peas, tomatoes and cucumbers. On the plot where Parsley grew, it is possible to sow it only four years old.

The place for the future landing of parses is prepared in autumn, deeply pumps the soil and compost contribute. In the spring ground loose and fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers.

Parsley seeds seize from mid-April directly to the ground. Dry seeds germinate hard, so before sowing it is necessarily soaked in water for half an hour, and then dried to the flowability. For sowing on the beds, the grooves are made of depth1-1.5 cm, shed water. After the moisture is absorbed, in the grooves sow seeds and cover the earth. The land is moving and slightly condensed.

Typically, the seeds ride for 15-20 days. To accelerate the germination of seeds, the garden can be covered with a film. As soon as germs will appear, the film is immediately removed, since young sprouts need good lighting. Splits of parsley are not terrible freezing to -9 degrees.

Sheet parsley varieties can be sprawling during the summer until the end of July.

Under the winter, the parsley is sowing dry seeds (without wipes) on the ridges to a depth of about 1 cm. The garden is mounted with a humus or peat.


Sheet parsley 1-2 times in the season is fed by nitrogen fertilizer (50-60 g of nitrate for every 10 square meters. M). Parsley root feed at the beginning of the growing season with complex fertilizer, and in August, phosphorus-potash fertilizers are given at the rate of 70 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salt by 10 square meters. m. Nitrogen fertilizers no longer use to prevent rooting root.


Sheet parsley is removed as needed throughout the growing season until the end of August. Roots are removed before the onset of sustainable cooling.


Root parsley stored in the refrigerator or cellar like carrots. Part of the plants can be left in the ground to next spring Get early greens. Parsley is good winters in open soil And it freezes only in very cold misunderstanding winters.

Pests and diseases

For parses, the same diseases and pests are characterized as a whole, as for other umbrella, but pests and diseases, it is rarely affected.

The leaves and stalks of parsley can be amazed with false mildew, rust, white spotty, the churrosposition of leaves, stem nematoda of onion and garlic, a mudflower. Root parsley can be hurting white rot. From carrot leafblock can suffer both leaves and root parsley.

Application in folk medicine

For a long time, the parsley was used in folk medicine For the restoration of forces, wound healing and gum strengthening.

Parsley normalizes metabolic processes in the body, enhances the intestinal peristalsis and stimulates the release of digestive enzymes, so it is widely used to treat digestive diseases and with loss of appetite.

Petrushka is used as a diuretic with water and edema during heart disease.

The decoction of parsley is used in cosmetology to remove freckles. In addition, the decoction is treated, bruises, insect bites.

Growing parsley in winter at home

To enjoy green vitamins round yearWinter parsley can be grown on the windowsill.

For this fall, you need to dig up from bed 2-3 root parsley and put in drawers for flowers. At home parsley grows well in nutrient soil With regular irrigation. After 5-6 weeks from the moment of landing, the parsley forms a lush outlet of fragrant leaves.

At the end of winter, you can sow parsley at home by seeds. It is best for these purposes to choose the varieties of parsley kudryavaya, as it grows rapidly and gives the most magnificent greens. Seeds before sowing soaked. Box with crops put on a well-lit window sill. After the appearance of germs, sprouts need to be frozen and grow to the appearance of full foliage.

In summer, no dish costs without fragrant, fresh greenery, so the cultivation of parsley is read by a popular occupation at the gardeners, and some manage to arrange a mini garden on the balcony and even the windowsill. Of course, the bustard of fresh greenery will always have to be, but for its cultivation it will take some perseverance and patience.

Conditions of growing parsley

Parsley refers to the most common spicy herbs that we eat daily in food. Parsley growing technology is relatively simple and not laborious. You can grow fragrant greens both on a garden bed and at home. But for a good crop when growing in any way you need to follow certain rules.

Parsley refers to cold-resistant cultures, shoots are experiencing freezes to minus 9 ° C, if they leave the root root in the ground, then with a snowy winter it will be excellent until spring. This is a two-year plant. In the first year, green bushes will delight gardeners, and provide a table with fresh greens to winter. But on the second year of the greenery it will be less, and you can only collect it only until June, then all the power of the plant will go to the blooms that seeds will give in the beginning of the fall.

Source requirements

For planting plants, it is recommended to prepare a place since autumn. The selected area must be switched and generously easily equipped with humus - approximately 5 kg of fertilizer on m². Then the spring will only have to overfloor the bed and shortly before landing the spicy culture to deposit mineral feeding.

A spice place is better to choose where the cucumbers or potatoes have previously grown, it is possible to land after tomatoes, onions, or beets. But the beds, where other umbrellary like dill, carrots or fennel has previously grown, it is better to avoid. The location for the bed should be light and sunny, then the harvest will definitely please.

Features landing

To get a fairly good yield of spices, you need to observe certain features of the cultivation of parsley:

  • Between the rows, it is necessary to leave approximately centimeters 20 so that the bushes do not interfere with each other;
  • It is possible to plant a culture in the garden in April when the soil warms;
  • For disembarking, grooves, depth of approximately in the centimeter;
  • You can plant a spice and under the winter, about November, then already in early spring You will have a vitamin greens on the table;
  • For a full-fledged harvest, you need to provide parsley food with phosphorus-potash fertilizers;
  • It is impossible to moisten the soil, so in the process of growing in the rain it is recommended to cut watering;
  • For successful cultivation Petrushka must necessarily loose and pour.

Weeds are taken from culture food and can be transferred to diseases of the disease, so cultivation includes a mandatory ass.

Methods of growing

Exist various technologies Growing root. Each gardener chooses for itself the most acceptable options. You can raise the crop from seeds or ensure. Some gardeners prefer to additionally harden seeds, exposing their short-term stratification in the refrigerator. But to grow a good crop of greenery, such procedures are not necessary.


Many people consider growing from seeds most preferable because it is possible to plant a spice in March-April. It germs the landing material quite a long time, which is caused by the coating in the form essential oils. It is they who prevent the seeds to germinate, providing them with a water-repellent shell. Therefore, many gardeners prefer to strengthen the bed with polyethylene or spunbond, which will help keep moisture needed for successful seed germination. The shelter can be removed when sprouts will seem from the ground.

There are several tricks to increase and accelerate the germination of parsley seeds.

  1. Some gardeners soak seeds before planting. For this, the seeds in the rag are rinsed in hot water (but not boiling water) for washing off essential oils, and then they leave the night in a wet bag. In the morning you can suck seeds in the ground;
  2. Another way implies soaking seeds in vodka. Oils dissolve in alcohol, so when parsley seeds are soaked in vodka, the ethereal layer is washed off. You need to wrap the seeds in several layers of gauze and put in a saucer with vodka. Withstand them no more than 20 minutes so as not to burn. Then the landing material must be rinsed and dried. As a result of such training, the seeds will germinate and quickly.
  3. This method makes the planting material for 3-4 hours. For this, the parsley is soaked in warm milk. At this time, they prepare the planting container, fall asleep into the ground and moisturize it. Now the soil sprinkle with lime (oversized) three times with a 15-minute interval. Then seed seeds. The ambient temperature should be at least 20 ° C. As a result, the seeds will germinate in 3-4 hours.

At the pre-prepared groke prepared in the fall, small grooves of centimeter depth should be made. On 1 m² of the garden, there are about 80-100 bushes, which, if necessary, thinning, leaving required amount Plants. Between the bushes it is preferable to leave at least 5 cm. It is not necessary to wait for heat, to the sowing seeds you can start when snow comes. Only before planting the land is spilled boiling water, and the planting material in this case is not soaked.


To get an early fresh and fragrant greens, you can grow parsley with a seed basis. For growing, they choose the necessary dishes like pots, drawers or seedlings. The soil for seedlings is better to take from own gardenDespite the fact that today there are many ready-made substrates. As a last resort, you can mix purchased and surgeted garden 1:1.

  • Seeds, pre-prepared one of the above methods, sowed to the groove to the depth of approximately the centimeter. Small seeds can be mixed with sand for the convenience of Seva. Some sow on a seed into the wells at a distance of 2x2 cm.
  • The sowing material is sprinkled with the earth and carefully watered. Then the box with a future seedler is covered with a lid, a polyethylene package or glass and transfer to the solar window with a temperature of 20-25 ° C.
  • The landing should be able to avoid daily to avoid the appearance of mold.
  • It is necessary to follow and behind the humidity of the soil so that it does not stop.
  • Covering with seedlings are not removed until the first real leaves are sprout.

When shoots appear, you need to water them very carefully, so as not to damage the weak sprouts. It is better to do it with a pulverizer or a pipette, and after the growing seedlings and a spoon. After a month after the seedlings, the second pair of leaves grows, then the seedlings can be recreated in separate pots.

Seedlings are planted into the primer by rows, the distance between which is left at 25 cm. Between bushes, 6-8 cm. In the future, growing in the open ground involves conducting systematic nuts and irrigation, feeding and loosening. Cultivation Chatter allows you to get early greens, but for root varieties it is unacceptable, since it is possible to damage root crop.

Growing various types of greenery

Spice loves loose fertile soil and bright but not too open areas Garden. If you want to constantly have a fragrant and vitamin fresh greens on the table, you can land seeds every 3 weeks. Then until autumn frosts, you will provide yourself with parsley. In winter, it is possible to grow at home, then the greens can be eating all year round. Parsley varieties are divided into leafy and root species that have some agrotechnical differences.

Root varieties

The root parsley is somewhat different according to the requirements of cultivation. She has a root of the rod, so it is necessary to suck it right away at a constantly growing place. The transplantation during the cultivation of the root parsley is unacceptable, because such a process is capable of damage to the root.

Growing root varieties of spices requires compliance with the necessary agrotechnical requirements like systematic weeding, loosening and irrigation. You can grow root parsley and on the windowsill, but for the landing capacity you need to choose deep and volumetric flower pots. In one such a medium-sized pot, 2-3 roots are fitted.

Sheet parsley

Petrushka Sheet requires several other agrotechnical conditions. Seeds are prepared, after breathing them in warm water. Opinions regarding soaking somewhat diverge. Some gardeners argue that there is enough daily soaking for full germination. Others withstand seeds in water for 3 days, changing the water daily. Before planting sheets of parsley seeds for fast, friendly and full germination, it is recommended to soak.

For sowing into the ground make shallow grooves at a 15-centimeter distance from each other. As they grow, the shoots are thinning so that there are no less than 5 cm. Sheet parsley is distinguished by a higher resistance to frosts (rather than root), therefore it can be seen under the winter (in November). In the process of cultivation, it is necessary to provide a regular watering culture, loosening, feeding and weeping.

Growing parsley on the balcony

Parsley is an unconditional leader among spicy greenery grown on the balcony. With the right approach to this method of cultivation, a year-round vintage of vitamin greenery is ensured. As parsley refers to cultures unpretentious, then its cultivation at home does not cause problems.

To landing on the balcony gave a full-fledged harvest, it is necessary to ensure some conditions:

  1. For homemade cultivation It is necessary to properly compose a soil that is prepared from universal soil (50%), peat (30%), coconut substrate (10%) and vermiculite (10%). Additionally, it is recommended to add chalk to the ground, which will protect the soil from salinization and acidification;
  2. On the balcony there should be a roughly constant temperature of about 15-20 ° C. For low temperatures We will have to wait for a long time to wait for gear, and at high - the plant will be very pulled out and will not give a full harvest;
  3. Parsley is not especially picky in terms of lighting and easily grows without lights. But for pomp and bushes of landing, additional lighting will still be needed.

For the garden on the balcony it will take any convenient packaging - seaside cassettes or boxes, flower pots, etc. It is necessary for successful growing a good drainage, since culture requires frequent irrigation. Large and juicy root roots and abundant vitamin greenery can only be obtained by compliance with the necessary agrotechnical requirements. With the right approach, it is possible to achieve good parsley yields all year round.

Plant parsley (Lat. PetroSelinum) Refers to a small genus of herbaceous twilight of the family of umbrella (celery). The homeland parsley is the island of Sardinia. The first mention of this culture was found in the ancient Egyptian papyrus: according to legend, Parsley sprout out of the blood, leaving the mountain, the son of God Osiris, the evil with an evil set. In the wild, the grass Parsley grows along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, in the culture of the leaf and root parsley in the north of the States and the south of Canada, as well as throughout the continental Europe, with the exception of Scandinavia, and the root parsley uses greater popularity, since greens also gives green.

Landing and parsley care (brief)

  • Landing: Sowing seeds in open ground - under the winter (from the second half of October) or in spring (from the second half of April), and then every two weeks before the end of July the conveyor method.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight.
  • The soil: Easy, loose, fertile, not very wet sampling or sublinous, with a hydrogen indicator pH 6.5-7.0.
  • Watering: Early in the morning or after sunset. The root parsley is watered 2 times over the season of vegetation, leafy - much more often.
  • Feeding: nitrogen fertilizers Under the leaf parsley is made 2 times over the season, root varieties in the early growth are fed by a full mineral fertilizer, and in August - only potash-phosphorus.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: Bahch wave, carrot flies, carrot sheets, stroke nematodes, slugs.
  • Diseases: Rust, churchosporosis (early burn), septoriasis (white spotty), alternariasis (black rot), stub and puffy dew.

Details about growing parsley Read below

Plant Parsley - Description

Parsley is represented by annual and two-year-old herbs with a reprehensive stem. Parsley leaves twice or three piecesperistic. Flowers have heart-shaped whims or greenish-yellow petals having a reddish tint at the base. Parsushki ovid-shaped fruit, sober away from the sides. The plant is moisthed and cold-resistant, the seeds of parsley germinate at a temperature of from 1 to 5 ºC, and shoots normally transfer freezing to -9 ºC, so in the area with warm soft winter No need to dig up the root of parsley from the ground in the fall.

In the first year, the plant forms only the rooteplood, similar to carrots, but whitish or yellowish color, and a rosette of leaves. Seeds parsley root gives for the second year. Rights of the plant contribute to healing wounds, preservation of vision, strengthening gums, stimulation of renal activities. They contain salts of iron, potassium and phosphorus. Person's roots are used as a spice for making marinades and brisets when preserving, for cooking soups.

Parsley root fetus does not forms, although root system She has developed and branched. Food is used by parsley greens as an integral part of salads, spicy supplement to garniram and first dishes, to fish. Use it not only in the fresh, but also in dried and frozen form, since proper storage Pools of plants are saved throughout the year.

Parsley is also in demand in medicine and cosmetology. In this article we will tell you how to grow a parsley right when we sow parsley into the open ground, how to grow parsley on the windowsill and whether the parsley is grown in a greenhouse. In addition, we are preparing to place an article on the site about the cultivation of dill - do not miss it, because if you know how to grow dill and parsley in the ground and at home, you will have the necessary organism of vitamins all year round.

Planting Petrushki.

When planting Parsley

Do not complicate your life to growing seedlings of parsley, although under certain conditions this method of breeding and justifies, it is better to grow it from seeds with a reckless way. Peresov parsley into open ground is carried out in the second half of April or in the fall, from the second half of October. Sheet Parsley to have her fresh to the table all summer, you can sow a conveyor manner - every two weeks until the end of July.

The plot for culture is chosen well lit, with light, loose, fertile and not too damp soil. Most suitable for parsley light loams and squeezes with a hydrogen indicator of 6.5-7.0 units. Undesirable to sow parsley in place where groundwater Located too high. If on your site they lie close to the surface, you can do for parsley high Grokes. Good predecessors For culture are onions, tomatoes, zucchini and patissons, potatoes, cabbage and cucumbers. Do not grow parsley after umbrella (carrots, parsley, celery, fennel, coriander, dill and others), but together with them - please: on one bed can grow both parsley and dill, parsley and carrots, parsley and kinza, and so on . A parsley grows well on one plot with beas, cucumbers and tomatoes.

How to plant parsley

Planting the parsley in the spring requires advance preparation of the site, which is carried out still from autumn. If you sow parsley in the fall, the preparation of the soil under the culture is carried out at least two or three weeks before sowing.

The cultivation of the feed parsley requires an application to the soil of manure, but not before sowing parsley, but a year before it, before the culture of the predecessor culture. Green parsley (sheet), on the contrary, grows well by manure. It makes it in the fall under the pixel in the amount of 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper m². Instead of manure, it is possible to use compost in the same quantities. In the poor, an integrated mineral fertilizer contributes to poor soil, but they do it in the spring, immediately before landing. If you are going to sow parsley under the winter, then enter mineral fertilizers In the soil along with manure or compost.

Since the dry seeds of parsley germinate slowly, soam them half an hour in the water, and then dry so that they crumble, and not adhered to the hands. Make a 1-1.5 cc beding groing 1-1.5 cm at a distance of the half-meter from one another, well to span with warm water, and when it absorbs, drink seeds in them, close the grooves soil and compact it. Boats parsley usually in two or three weeks. Single seeds are carried out by dry seeds, after which the garden is mounted peat or humus.

Pests and parsley diseases

Diseases Petrushki

Like other cultures, Parsley may suffer from various diseases. Most often affect parsley:

Puffy dewfungal diseasewhose symptoms look like loose, almost white flag In terrestrial parts of the plant. With the development of the disease on the pallet, black dots appear - fruit body fungus. At the affected plants, reproductive ability sharply decreases. Provokes the development of the disease rainy weather with sharp temperature differences.

Fight measures. After harvesting, collect and remove everything from the site vegetable residues. Perform the processing of the area by the drug Bayleton in accordance with the instructions;

Star - The disease causing chlorosis at the edges of the leaves on the lower tiers of bushes. With the development of the disease of the edge of the leaves turn red, then the redstock spreads throughout the whole piece. The root rods are reduced by the tour, and they are poorly stored. Diseases of the disease are cycards, the first symptoms are found at the end of July or early August.

Fight measures. To minimize the danger of infection, do not allow the searches on the dawn area, fight with weed grass, leaving the plot and treat the plants with herbicides;

Alternariasis or black Rot Amazes plants both in beds and during storage. In the initial stage, the disease can manifest itself in the form of a "black leg": the root neck is affected by the plants, and if not to struggle with the disease, then in a short time it can hit the trunk, after which the plant turns yellow and dies. After the ground part, the disease may affect the root. The disease begins, as a rule, in places microtravomas - in cracks, cuts or scratches.

Fight measures. Observe the crop rotation, remove from the site and burn herbal residues. Treat plants when the tops reaches a height of 10-12 cm, a solution of 40 g of a drug of HOW in 10 liters of water, and in the middle of the summer, scat out around the root, the drug barrier at the rate of 1 tablespoon on m² beds;

White spotting or septorize Petrushki. A fungal disease that affects the leaves, leaves and stalks of the plant. In the middle of summer, brown spots appear on the lower leaves of parses, which are brightened with time, only a border around them remains dark. Gradually, the disease eats on the top leaves. With the development of the disease, the leaves are yellow and dry, cutters break out, which negatively affects the yields of culture.

Fight measures. At the end of the vegetation, destroy plant residues and leaving the plot. Before sowing, warm the seeds at a temperature of 45-50 ºC. In the first decade of July, twice with an interval of 10 days, process parsley on the leaves of 20 drops of the drug energy in the water liter;

Rust The parsley is most often in early summer: on the underside of the leaves there are reddish-brown spots, gradually merging with each other. As a result, the leaves are premature yellow, dry, lose the taste.

Fight measures. Process plants as well as in the case of white spotlight;

Churchosposition or early burns looks like incorrect form Yellowed or brown spots with a diameter of up to 6 mm on the leaves and plants stems. During high humidity Spots are covered with a grayish raid. The affected plants lag behind in growth, their leaves are yellow and dried. Promotes the development of the disease Warm and wet weather during the daytime, foggy nights and abundant morning dew.

Fight measures. At the beginning of the development of the disease, process the section with one-thorough bordeaux liquid. If necessary, you can spend several such treatments with an interval of 10-12 days. The last spraying is carried out no later than two weeks before cleaning the parsley.

In addition to the diseases described, the danger to parsley is also a felt and white rot, peridosporosis (false torment dew), jaundice ASTR and other diseases.

Pesters Perestushki.

Most often with umbrella, including parsley, deliver such pests:

Carrot Listoblushka - Small insect, powered by parsley juice. Leaf Ball larvae also suck juices from the plant: they wrapped in the leaves, and the plant looks like a terry. Destroy these pests with double processing of parsley with spark preparations, spark bio, phytooferm or carboofos in May, when adult individuals appear massively, and in June, when the larvae appear;

Strong nematoda It is a small worm up to 1.5 mm long, laying eggs in parsley fabric. And nematodes, and her children suck the juice from plants, from which the affected parts behind in the growth are curved and dying. In prophylactic purposes, seeds of parsley before sowing warm up 15 minutes in the thermos hot water - 45-50 ºC. Plot after harvesting is deeply loosen. Well, of course, the observance of crop rotation is obligatory;

Carrot fly - green with an insect insect up to 5 mm long, preferring a wet environment. If she starts on a plot with parsley, the plants will begin to lag in development, the leaves will acquire a red-purple shade, then yellow and dried. Strengthens the risk of flying the neck of parsley with carrot beds, as flies fly to the smell carrot tops. To disguise an attractive fragrance for pests, spray carrots with a solution of a tablespoon of red or black ground pepper and one teaspoon liquid soap In 10 liters of water. Or scatter in the alarms a mixture of one piece of naphthalene and 10 parts of the sand. Since the winter flies in the soil, after harvesting, it is advisable to carry out deep autumn people of the site;

Bahch wane - The omnivore pest appears in the garden at the end of June and capable of reproducing up to 10 generations for the growing season, which, located on the bottom of the leaves, flowers and shoots, suck the juice plants. As a result, Parsley ceases to grow and dies. But this is not all troubles: the failure is the carrier of viruses and bacteria, from which there are no ways to get rid of. To reduce the risk to a minimum, immediately destroy all weeds as soon as they appear, remove and burn the yellowed parts of the plants, deeply disappear after harvesting. As soon as notice the TRU on parsley, perform the processing of the section with a solution of 40 g economic Soap Or any other soap tool in 10 liters of water. If necessary, processing is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 5 days.

Types and varieties of parsley

As we have already written, two types of parsley are grown in culture - root and leafy. Sheet parsley has two varieties - smooth and crispy, which differ only in appearance. Petrushki varieties are divided into maturation timing. We offer you acquaintance with best varieties Parsley.

Smooth grades of sheet parsley

  • Gloria - Early yield grade for growing in greenhouses and in the open ground with a low rosette and large leaves. It is grown for consumption in the fresh form and for billets for the winter;
  • Bogatyr - Aromatic yield grade, well-growing after cutting. Large leaves, triangular, dark green, on long stiffs. Ripening time from 70 to 80 days;
  • Hamburger - one of the new varieties middle height With delicate fragrant leaves of bright green. Ripening period from 75 to 90 days. Used in fresh and dried;
  • Carnival - High-yielding grade with fragrant dark green leaves of medium size on long stiffs, grow well after cutting. From the emergence of shoots before harvesting takes place no more than 60 days.

Culture is also in demand. Italian giant, green crystal, appetizing, fragrant wall, Rosava, green carpet and others.

Curly grade sheet parsley

  • Moskrauz 2. - German compact variety with strong corrugated fragrant leaves of dark green. From cutting to increasing new leaves takes no more than 40 days. Petrushka of this variety tolerate drought and low temperatures;
  • Bravo - A variety with long vertical stems, from which it is easy to assemble a harvest. The leaves are strong corrugated, bright green, very fragrant;
  • Aster - Early yields with corrugated leaves collected in dense outlets. The leaves are quickly growing after cutting. Grades are grown both in the open and closed soil;
  • Esmeralda - Mid-line variety whose greens grow well after cutting. In mass, the bush reaches 50 g. In the outlet of 25-30 curly leaves on short stiffs;
  • Breeze - Tall variety with a rosette height up to 75 cm, whose ripening time is about 80 days, and the mass of one plant reaches 60 g. Genuine greens, after cutting, it retains a fresh look.

The varieties of frides, curly, triplex, Cinderella, Element, Claudia, Moskurland, Slava Erfurt, Cadrava, Darka are also popular with popularity.

Varieties of root parsley

  • Sugar - Early yield grade with dense conical grayish-white rooted rods up to 30 cm long, diameter up to 6.5 cm and weighing up to 60 g. The pulp of excellent flavoring qualities of white with a yellowish middle. Time interval from the appearance of germs before the onset of technical ripeness is 85-100 days;
  • Alba - Late yields with rootless taste, achieved in the mass of 300 g. The dignity of the variety is also in the fact that the root sides are lacking side roots, and they are well stored;
  • Bordovik - Lovely variety, the shape of the root, reminiscent of white carrot weighing up to 200 g. The flesh is also white, fragrant. With proper storage, the variety is distinguished by beautiful firmness;
  • Yield - Mid-line, sustainable diseases winter-hardy grade, reaching from the moment of the appearance of shoots of its technical ripeness in 130 days. Juicy root root reaches a length of 20 cm;
  • The final - Mid-line yield grade with corruptpalods of excellent taste up to 23 cm long, weighing up to 200 g in the form of an extended cone.

In addition to those described, such varieties of root parsley, like conic, leak, needle, are popular Good morning, Tops and roots, Berlin and Piquant.

Properties parsley

Useful properties of parsley

The fresh greens of parsley not only delays our taste, but also saturate the body with the necessary elements and vitamins. No wonder the ancient Egyptians appreciated this plant by weight of gold. Today, Parsley is also in demand, as well as hundreds of centuries ago, and in cooking, and in medicine, and in cosmetology. What is the benefit of parsley? What vitamins in parsley make it indispensable for human organism? What is it healing properties?

Few people know that the greens of parsley contains as much carotene as carrots, and vitamin C is no less than in Lemon. The daily rate of ascorbic acid is contained only 50 g of parsley. In addition to vitamins A and C, parsley contains vitamins B1, B2, B12, PP, as well as folic acid, fatty acids, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium. Thanks to the vitamins and elements contained in parsley, it is:

  • contributes to the establishment of the work of the thyroid gland and the adrenal glands;
  • improves metabolism;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • strengthens gums;
  • stimulates the work of the brain and improves oxygen exchange;
  • regulates appetite and a sense of saturation;
  • beneficial effect on vision;
  • effective in the treatment of nephritis and diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • helps to overcome depression and restore forces.

For treatment from diseases, juice, infusions and champs of parsley are used. Petrushki juice is used to treat respiratory, heart and eye diseases. In the treatment of diseases of the system of optic nerve, a good effect gives the use of parsley juice mixed with carrot juice in a 1: 3 ratio. And the combination of "parsley and garlic" is an excellent diuretic applied primarily to stabilize high pressure. In addition, drugs connecting the healing properties of these two crops, stabilize cholesterol levels, have an antiviral action, purify the body from toxins, reduce excessive blood coagulation and protect against cardiovascular diseases.

Petrushka can whiten the skin and make bright freckles and pigment stains less noticeable - parsley extracts are used to prepare bleaching creams. Parsley takes off swelling, treats insect bites and bruises, contributes to the scarring of ulcers and fistula.

Extract, champs, chains and parsley oil help to get rid of female diseases - disorders of the menstrual cycle, pain during menstruation, improve physical and mental condition during menopause. As for the male body, the use of preparations from Parsley removes painful sensations with inflammation of the prostate gland and has a fascinating effect on the entire body.

A decoction of parsley roots: two tablespoons of crushed roots of the plant are poured with a glass of boiling water and boil over a minute, after which they are covered and allowed to cool. Drink 1-2 tablespoons three times a day before eating under anemia, malaria, prostatitis, intestinal disorders, increased gas formation and to stimulate the work of the immune system

Fresh fragrant greens is one of those products that it is desirable to have on our desk all year round. The cultivation of the parsley will not require a lot of strength and costs, but the body will replenish such important trace elements for him. Almost any dacket has a garden in its section, which grows this greens. In the culture, two of its forms is grown - this is a root parsley and a sheet parsley, which happens with ordinary leaves or curly.

Grow any of them is completely simple, but many prefer the root for its versatility.

And if there is a greenhouse or a greenhouse on the plot, you can even eat parsley in winter using both its root, and leaves.

Requirements for various conditions for growing in the greenhouse

Agrotechnology with does not carry special intricate secrets. She loves well-lit, fertile and no overwhelmed soils. Greens are resistant to small frost. It is able to carry even short-term frosts without prejudice to the crop. Nevertheless, the hardy parsley does not recommend landing before the end of January.

During the brown growth of green parsley, a temperature is required in the range of + 10-12ºС. When the air on the street is heated enough, the plant may be uncomfortable, so the greenhouse must be carried out in a timely manner.

Parsushka, the cultivation of which is planned for the winter, it is necessary to ensure the following care and conditions:

  1. Provide artificial lighting in sufficient quantity.
  2. Produce moderate watering and only after full drying of the soil.
  3. Ensure a comfortable humidity for parsley, and this is at least 75%.
  4. Do not allow substantial temperature drops.
  5. To tighten the greenhouse in a timely manner.

Petrushk not special requirements to the fertilizer of the soil. For her proper care Suitable as ready-made shopping mixtures and natural methods of soil enrichment with the necessary elements and substances.

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Culture Growing Technology in Teplice

Types of parsley: a - root, b - sugar, in - leaf.

The cultivation of parsley gardeners is most often chosen from the reversal of its roots. Seeding seed is often the least economical. For cultivation from pastures, the roots of any varieties of culture are used. Optimal length The root is up to 8 cm, and the thickness is about 5 cm. Too long roots are better to cut.

To grow parsley in this way, you must perform the following:

  1. Prepare roots. It is cut off with all the tops and withstand in the sand at a temperature of + 2ºС.
  2. In the ground make a furrow at a distance of 15-20 cm apart.
  3. Pour them with water and put the roots of parsley at an angle of 45 ° at a distance between the plants of 5 cm.
  4. Rootfields sprinkle the earth. In this case, the neck and head should remain over its surface.
  5. Soil seal and pour water.

Further care is simple. It comes down to regular watering and maintenance optimal temperature. After about a month of the right leaving, the leaves reach a height of 20-25 cm. At this time it will be possible to cut the first greens.

Growing parsley with the help of seeds is significantly different. The planting material is pre-kept with room temperature In the rolled twice marlay, until the first sprouts appear. Then these sprouted seeds need to withstand 10 days at a temperature of + 1ºС. Thanks to such actions, the plant will become stronger, and the first portion of the greenery will appear much faster.

Further cultivation of this greenery from seeds and its care is no difficulty: prepared seeds are transplanted into the ground at a distance of 5 cm from each other and immediately water water. The seeming shoots thin, leaving the strongest and healthy. The next stage of cultivation is reduced to maintaining temperature, humidity, to ensure the backlight and removal of weeds.

In the store, you should know what kind of tasteless. First, coarse, since it is usually overgrown. Secondly, dark Greenthat sometimes talks about the presence of nitrates in it. And thirdly, of course, not so fragrant, like a homemade, grown in bed.

What varieties of parsley are suitable for the windowsill?

The variety does not depend so much, but it is desirable that he was rannevenis. Early parsley varieties can be started to cut out days 10 earlier than the middle and late.

The following varieties can be attributed to the early grades: Astra, Gloria, ordinary sheet, beads, emerald lace, morning freshness, Russian feast, fitness, green pearls, godgey, Babushkin Groke, fragrant alley and others.

Note: here are the varieties and ordinary sheet parsley, and curly. It is believed that curling is better suitable for decorating dishes, although I personally give me more the usual.

Growing parsley from seeds

Parsley homemade cultivation is not particularly difficult, but there are nuances. Let's figure out in order how to do it.

  1. Parsley soak for 1-3 days before sowing. Double a day change the water. Then the seeds will go fast and friendly. And a couple of hours before the sowing, put them in weak Solution Manganese.
  2. Take the box (required with drainage holes) And fill it with soil. You can use both the ground prepared in advance in the country area and the special, purchased in the store.
  3. Pour your home "Circling" hot water and lose weight.
  4. Follow the grooves in accordance with the instructions on the sachet with seeds. However, the distance between the grooves can be reduced.
  5. Must be wet. In order to exclude the formation of "peel" on the soil, pour it out with a loose ground with a layer of approximately 1 cm.

To grow parsley from seeds on the windowsill, it is important to comply with some conditions:

  • You can not allow both the soil drying and excessive moisture. For this time a day, spend moderate: carefully, without eroding the soil. When shoots appear, watering can be increased. Especially if there is a battery and in the room dry air.
  • It is important to comply with the optimal thermal regime.. Ideally - from + 15ºС to + 20ºС. When the temperature decreases, the growth will slow down, and when the parsley can start drying.
  • Support the duration of the daylight. For this, over a box, about 60 cm from it, you can place the lamp of daylight.
  • Young shoots are recommended to switchesif planted very often.
When parsley is already growing enough, it can be cut off. It is believed that optimal "maturity" - twigs height 10-12 cm.

Cons of this method: a lot of trouble. In addition, the first harvest will be only about 1.5 months. But such a parsley will grow longer than a year!

Growing parsley from root

What is convenient this method? No need to wait when the seeds are good. In addition, if you transplant parsley from your garden, you will know exactly good variety or not. How to plant parsley root? Everything is simple.
  1. Prepare a landing box. First, reneeify it. It is suitable for a weak manganese solution. The most bottom fill in drainage (approximately 1.5 cm). And the rest is a mixture of sand and ordinary derdy land (2: 1: 1: 1). Ready soil will come up too.
  2. Desirable in late October, before freezing the soil, dig thin parsley roots. The most optimal size: length - 5 cm, width - 2-4 cm. Although it is believed that the larger the root, the more the kidneys will be on it. In general, the size is not so important. Dropped? Now transfer them to the box. Follow large distance Not necessarily: you can plant more often, almost right. The soil should be moistened. Outside, we leave only the top kidneys. Or rather - so far only the heads.
  3. Longly accumulate the soil and plenty.

Conditions for pasting parsley from rooteploods:

  • at first, the box is better to remove into the cool place: for example, on the warmed;
  • it is necessary to water moderately;
  • when sprout appears, transfer the box to the warm place (up to + 20ºС);
  • periodically turn the box with the other side (this must be done when growing parsley from seeds);
  • enable additional backlight, especially on cloudy days;
  • when Parsley went into growth, it is necessary to water often and abundantly.
If everything is done correctly, then to pizza.

The main thing is not to overdo it: she has a very pronounced taste. By the way, I remembered: when I had a kidney sick, my mother disappeared me with a decoction from Parsley. Well, nasty, I tell you! But more like never hurt)).

So, the home parsley grows rapidly, does not contain chemistry and for the body is extremely useful. Have you tried to grow parsley on the windowsill? Maybe you have your secrets?