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Austin roses: Best varieties for Moscow region. Austin Roses: The best varieties of the Moscow region Rosalind Rosald from David Austin

Abraham Darby.

Year of Introductions: 1985

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 12-14 cm

The height of the bush: 120-150 cm

Type: English Roses / Schrab

Features: Flowers of the classic shape of ancient rose, aroma is very strong, good re-blossom. Bush thick, during flowering all covered with flowers

Graham Thomas.

Year of Introductions: 1983

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 10-12 cm

The height of the bush: 100-120 cm

Type: English Roses / Schrab

Features: The grade remains one of the most popular thanks to the rich-yellow color of cupid flowers. Can be grown as a plenty rose


Year of Introductions: 1993

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 10-12 cm

The height of the bush: 75-90 cm

Type: English Roses / Schrab

Features: Parental grade - Graham Thomas. Very plentiful flowering, beautiful bush. Strong aroma of tea rose

Golden Celebration

Year of Introductions: 1992

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 14-16 cm

The height of the bush: 120-150 cm

Type: English Roses / Schrab

Features: High, beautiful bush. Flowers are very large, with a thin fruit aroma. Necessary in the prevention of black spot

William Morris.

Year of Introductions: 1998

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 8-10 cm

The height of the bush: 120-150 cm

Type: English Roses / Schrab

Features: winter-hardy and reliable, suitable for the back of flower beds. Very abundant blossom, beautiful bush

Jubilee Celebration

Year of Introduction: 2002

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 12-14 cm

The height of the bush: 100-120 cm

Type: English Roses / Schrab

Features: Large dome-shaped flowers, abundant and long blossom. High resistance to diseases

Lady of Shalott.

Year of Introductions: 2009

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 8-10 cm

The height of the bush: 100-120 cm

Type: English Roses / Schrab

Features: High endurance and frost resistance, excellent variety for beginners

Strawberry Hill

Year of Introductions: 2006

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 7-8 cm

The height of the bush: 120-150 cm

Type: English Roses / Schrab

Features: business card - Bright fragrance of fresh raspberries. High resistance to diseases

The Pilgrim.

Year of the introduction: 1991

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 6-8 cm

Height of the bush: 80-100 cm

Type: English Roses / Schrab

Features: Has the aroma of Mirra and Tea Rose

Anne Boleyn.

Introduction year: 1999

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 8-9 cm

The height of the bush: 90-125 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: It has a very weak fragrance, suitable for growing in container culture

Wisley 2008.

Introduction year: 2008

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 8 cm

The height of the bush: 120-150 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: It has a fresh, pleasant aroma with raspberry notes

The Mayflower.

Year of Introductions: 2001

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 6-8 cm

Height of the bush: 80-120 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: Very High Resistance to Diseases, Strong Rose Oil Aroma


Year of Introductions: 1984

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 8-10 cm

The height of the bush: 100-130 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: It has a pleasant aroma with honey, carnations and fruits

Winchester Cathedral.

Year of Introductions: 1988

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 8-10 cm

The height of the bush: 100-120 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: It has abundant blossoms, aroma with notes of blooming almonds and honey becomes stronger in warm weather

Crocus Rose.

Introduction year: 2000

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 10-12 cm

The height of the bush: 100-120 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: Differs with abundant bloom, has an aroma of tea rose

Claire Austin.

Year of Introduction: 2007

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 8-10 cm

The height of the bush: 120-150 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: Strong fragrance with notes of Mirra, Heliotrope and Vanilla


Year of Introduction: 2015

Flower Type: Medium Nauthe

Flower diameter: 9-11 cm

Bust height: 120 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: It has a strong aroma of Mirra

Ambridge Rose.

Year of Introductions: 1990

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 7-8 cm

The height of the bush: 60-75 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: It has an aroma of Mirra, is distinguished by endurance and winter hardiness

Lady Emma Hamilton.

Introduction year: 2005

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 10-12 cm

The height of the bush: 100-120 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: Resistance to diseases, strong fragrance with pear sheets, grapes and citrus

Charles Austin.

Year of Introductions: 1973

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 8-10 cm

The height of the bush: 120-150 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: It has a strong fruit fragrance

Crown Princess Margareta.

Introduction year: 1999

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 10-12 cm

Height of the bush: 150-180 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: Difficult to endurance and resistance to disease

Gentle Hermione.

Introduction year: 2005

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 8-10 cm

The height of the bush: 100-120 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: Strong Aroma of Mirra, Resistance to Diseases


Year of Introduction: 2007

Flower Type: Gustomachrow

Flower diameter: 7-8 cm

Height of the bush: 100-150 cm

Type: English Rose / Schrab

Features: Differs in very high disease resistance

Ostin roses, or, as they are often called, "Osnaki" are not just a variety of one, albeit an outstanding, breeder, this is a whole epoch in the world of roses. It can be said that it was David Austin that determined one of the main directions, in which the rinking of the late XX - early XXI century was rapidly developed. And he managed to squeeze this colossal work: he spent the first crossing in the 60s, and already in the 80s "Ostin roses" became a phenomenon.

He was the first to in return to the boring all the strict "Box" offered all the variety of forms of flowers of vintage roses, shifted the center of gravity from the beauty of a separate flower to the perception of the pink bush in general, and this is exactly what is really important in the garden. D. Austin instilled in his creations the ability to bloom almost continuously and (perhaps, one of his main achievements) returned their smell with roses, each of his varieties has its memorable aroma. Under the charm of his style, all the leading breeders of roses were hit.

Cordes replied a series of "fabulous roses" (Marchen Rosen), Tantaão, a series of "Nostalgic roses" (Nostalgische Rosen), Gyuo - Guenerosa series. And in each of these episodes there are undisputed masterpieces, that's just the first who sent the interest of gardeners to a similar form and discouraged the sympathy of all roses lovers, was still David Austin.

Rose smell

But there is among the English roses the fragrances of another kind - for example, fruit, often peach, like varieties Abraham Darby (Abraham Darby) or Lady Emma Hamilton (Lady Emma Hamilton); At roses Benjamin Britten (Benjamin Britten)fragrance sweet fruit caramel, and at the variety Summer Song (Summer Song) On the dense thick basis of the aroma of fruit tea imposed a note of the hollow bitter chrysanthemums of the outgoing autumn.

David Austin introduced another lost and forgotten fragrance, almost from the Middle Ages, is the aroma of Mirra. On my nose, he reminds something like a smell very dear SoapBut not being louded by itself, it strengthens others, and when he is present in the general choir of flavors, others sound much stronger, acquiring warmer feminine notes. The aroma of Mirra is peculiar Constance Sprids (Constance Spry), Queen of Swedenbut sometimes it is felt just like a shade along with others in a complex indescribable composition, like varieties Claire Austin (Claire Austin) and Pilgrim (The Pilgrim).

Many Roses of Austin Selection is inherent in the fragrance of expensive tea varieties - for example, crocus Rose crocus (Pegasus), Pegasus, Molineux (Teasing Georgia), Pat Austin, Grace (Grace), William Morris (William Morris). Often, the tea note does not dominate, but only complements the complex bouquet: fruit, spicy, clove or citrus. At variety Princess Alexander of Kent (Princess Alexandra of Kent)tea odor is enriched with lemon and black currant, Crown Princess Margareta (Crown Princess Margareta) It is very seasoned with the magic waves of the spirit of ripe tropical fruits, and golden Celebreshn (Golden Celebration)in strong tea Winged the tart wine and strawberries. Large flowers tEA Clipper As if the aromas of all the spices of the East were absorbed in combination with tea.

A little about the colors of David Austin roses. Sometimes they put in the reproach that they are not bright that among them there are no fiery, burning-red, bright orange tones, there are no roses of the pests or roses with kaims. Yes, it is quite fair. But Austin also did not have a goal to bring varieties with similar paintings. On the contrary, he wanted to create roses similar to the vintage, only with repeated, and better - with continuous flowering.

And with this task, he coped brilliantly! The color gamut of genuine vintage roses is not particularly rich - it is mostly pink, white and raspberry different shades and saturation, but it is in the variety of shades and is the main charm and the individuality of each grade. You can plant, for example, a discount of 10 or 20 vintage roses different varieties pink colourAnd none of them will be similar to another. The same can be said about the Ostic roses. None of them repeats the other. Frequently, in addition to the main color at the base of the petal, another color is present, which creates a sensation of illumination. For example, roses are varieties Jubilee Celebration (Jubilee Celebration) The main color is a cold enough pink, but at the bottom of the petal, a yellow speck was sheltered, and it, shoneing from the flower depth, creates the illusion of the glow. And when the flower of this variety is completely disclosed, acquiring the form of a luxurious peony, it looks at the same time cold, and warm.

Very characteristic quality of the paintings of English roses - tone softening, blurred coloring, similar watercolors on wet paper. And this quality reconciles even irreconcilable colors, creating very harmonious combinations. Therefore, the ostensity can be planted arbitrarily, not particularly difficult to select combinations of color. A magnificent manner does not conflict with others.

Absolutely do not look a dissonance with watercolor-pink beautiful luxurious purple-red and velvet-raspberry varieties. On the contrary, their moderate combination with bright varieties causes a feeling of exquisite luxury.

The most winter-hardy roses D. Austin

The agrotechnology of English roses differs little from ordinary agricultural engineering for large shrub roses, although it has a number of features.


Like other large roses, Otinovsky varieties feel bad on their roots. The development of such seedlings slowdown, bloom is scarce and general form Very non-primable. Therefore, despite the fact that the cuttings are rooted easily, I would not recommend the core culture.

Ideal saplings from Nursery D. Austin (they sell them many of our flower companies). These roses on the "native" flowing are perfectly coming up, grow violently, luxuriously bloom and with proper shelter well winter. With incorrect selection of the inlet, it is possible to run on the not complete matching of the variety and stock, and then you will have to face the appearance of "wild" pins.

Landing roses

Like all roses, Osnaka require a warm secure place on a plot with good drainage. Better if most of the day roses are on full sun. The exception is perhaps only the most dark-colored roses, such as Falstaf, William Shakespeare 2000, Mansteted Wood, Prince- They are better to plant them with such a calculation so that a light lace shadow falls on them in the midst of the midday heat, then the purple velvet petals retains his thick shimmering color longer.

Depending on the soil type, planting seedlings has its own characteristics. At the same time, it is better to lay a rosary at once from several roses, and not to make a single "snatch" landing, however, it concerns the landing of roses on any soils.

On sandy soil, the level of the rosary coincides with the overall level of soil on the site. Pits are digging, and better than trenches, a depth of no less than 2.5 bayonet shovels, i.e. About 70 cm in the depth and as much in the circumference (for each rose). The sand is mercilessly thrown away. At the bottom of the resulting pit lay no bowl, which will prevent the washing of nutritional soil.

Ideally, the mixture for the sandy subsoil is made from 1/3 of the purchased garden land based on neutralized peat, 1/3 of a sublink and 1/3 of garden compost or dung. If it is not possible to get fertile loams, you can purchase a furnace clay in the construction store. It is devoid of nutritional properties, but improves the moisture-hold properties of artificial soil, which is especially important in the sands.

It is useful to add to the landing mixture of bone flour or rock-hoof shrot - this greatly enriches the substrate and allows landing in the year to do without feeding.

Lightweight loams with good drainage - the best soils for growing roses. Their structure is ideal for roses, so the only thing that can be improved is to add some compost or humid and bone flour when landing.

The most time consuming is to prepare a place to plant roses on heavy, poorly drained clay and deep peatlands. If the depth of the peat layer is greater than 1 m, then the cultivation of graft roses is generally problematic. In the case, if the peat layer is insignificant and clay, then the transformations are similar to what they are doing on heavy clays. Rosary level lift over the surface of the soil.

Ridges or flower beds are created, raised above the ground for no less than 30 cm. The width of the goer should be at least 1 m. On the border of the ridges make a wooden trim or a stone masonry that keeps the ridge from destruction, and with the skillful execution and give it a finished and neat view. The upper dark layer of clay in a small amount is mixed to the planting mixture, it is necessarily facilitated by coarse-grained sand and humid and neutralized peat. The proportion is good - 1/3 of each component, but the proportion is not a dogma, and, depending on the circumstances, the ratio may vary. As in the previous cases, the nutritional properties of the planting mixture of bone or rock-hoof flour improves perfectly.

Rose saplings are supplied to the market in different ways - with an open root system, in polyethylene packaging and in containers. Roses from containers can be planted throughout the frost-free period, but roses OX and packaged should be planted in the most early deadlinesAs soon as the soil succumb to processing. Roses are planting with a bleeding place of vaccinations by 3-7 and up to 10 cm (respectively, on heavy soils - 3-5 cm, and on sandy - up to 10 cm). Such a plugging place is the first measure of winter protection of the grafted part of roses from sharp and sudden frosts.

In addition, on the part of the graft seedling, which turns out to be underground, additional roots are gradually formed, and over time, the rose almost completely passes to these new own roots, although for many years and continues to enjoy the support of Rosehip's roots, which is vaccinated.

Winter shelter

Very few roses are able to overreim in our climate without shelter. Among the Roses David Austin there are several varieties that are capable of growing without winter protection.

This Alexander Rose, Maiflauer, Rosemoor, Susan William-Ellis (Susan William-Ellis)- From the proven. All other varieties should be undermined by the air-dry way. The essence of it is as follows. Frames are installed above roses (better if it is made of metal arcs of sufficiently high strength, for example, from fittings). The white nonwoven material is stretched on it with a density of 60 or 80 g / m. The edges of the observed material are well pressed against the ground with something heavy - stones, metal pipes Or just commercials of the earth. It is important that this oppression ensure sufficient shelter tightness, otherwise the strong wind can penetrate even through small gaps and disrupt the shelter. Of course, the shelter can be the other -tak, to which you are accustomed, if the results of wintering of your roses are arranged.

Finally, the shelter is set when the temperature consistently holds at minus 5 °. Usually in our climate it happens in the 10th day of November. Although recently warm is kept longer, and accordingly, it is necessary to strengthen it later. But if you rarely visit the dacha in the fall, then it is still more reliable to cover roses on the specified period than to leave them defenseless.

Wintering along the entire length only caused shoots, and so that the wood is ridiculous, at the end of the summer and the beginning of the fall, it is necessary to give roses additionally phosphorus-potash feeding. Very good for this purpose, potassium monophosphate, in which both elements are present in soluble form and in the necessary proportions. It is easily dissolved in water of any temperature. 1 tbsp. A spoon is divorced in a 10-liter watering can be carried under roses after a preliminary watering (although if the rain has recently passed, it is possible to neglect). Feed this drug twice - in the 20th of August and in mid-September. Later feeding devoid of meaning, since the roots are already poorly absorbed nutrient solutions.

Watering and feeding roses David Austin

Roses are quite demanding plants, and Roses D. Austin - especially. This is due to the fact that they form a huge number of magnificent flowers and no less than leaves. To maintain a magnificent development and luxurious blossomThe nutrition of pink bushes must be balanced, i.e. All necessary elements must be present in the soil (or flow in the form of feeding).

If you are an adherent of organic agriculture, you can restrict ourselves to the introduction of wood ash and rock-hoof flour when landing and annual spring mulching of the rosary with a compost or overworked manure.

If you admit a reasonable use of mineral fertilizers, then use specialized liquid feeding for rines once every 10 days or every 2 weeks. These feeders can be carried out up to the 20th of July, but no later. Such feeders contain all the necessary elements in optimal quantities, but in August and September there should be no nitrogen in nutritional feeders for roses, so we use potassium monophosphate. This is done to stop vegetative growth, improving the aging of shoots, strengthen the skeleton of the bush, and ultimately, for more reliable overrees of roses.

Prevention of disease

Proper landing and competent care to some extent reduce the risk of developing diseases, but unfortunately, none of the roses have complete immunity. And with significantly deteriorating weather conditions, malievable dew can also develop, and black spot.

Preventive spraying of roses of roses of sour-milk serum helps to prevent the appearance of malical dew. However, if the disease appeared, then chemistry will have to work with it.

Black spot is more often developing in the second half of summer while at the same time frequent rains and night cooling. Systemic drugs help to fight her. In the preventive purpose of roses, the rose bushes are sprayed for the first time after the complete dissolution of the leaves, in May - early June, followed by repetition in July, before the classic August worsening of weather - with nightly cooling, cold dears and protracted rains. It is important to choose such a day during which after spraying there will be no rain at least 5 hours. During this time, the drug solution is absorbed into the tissue of the leaves and will then protect roses within 10-14 days.

Ten of the most outstanding and beautiful roses David Austin

Summer Song. - The most of the most! Fire incredible color, hint-spicy aroma and extraordinary growth verticality - everything that characterizes and distinguishes from other oestos. L.D.BRAITHWAITE. - the most red.

Crocus Rose. - The most attractive among almost white roses.

Munstead Wood. - The darkest and very beautiful in all other relations.

Grace. - The most abundantly and continuously blooming.

The Mayflower. - the most painful and winter-hardy rose of Austin (like her native sister - sports in white SusanWilliams-Ellis).

Queen of Swedeen. - Rose with the very proud posture, not inclining his head before.

Gertrude Jekyil. - The strongest fragrance floating in the garden with sweet waves.

Tea Clipper. - captivates the aroma of magic.

Crown Princess Margareta. - I am striking with your royal luxury.

British roses D. Austin - the best for the North-West of Russia

Someone crazy about their divine aroma, someone admires the magic transitions of their watercolor shades, to someone with the soul of their harmonious bushes, worthy of decorating and enchanted castles, and villagers of rustic homes.

I think English roses Austin are the best for the North-West of Russia, not counting the vintage roses, and from the point of view of winter hardiness, and in terms of common force Growth and development, including resistance to major diseases.

In this short review, touter only a few varieties, for various reasons excited me.

The first is worth mentioning Summer Song (Summer Song) - one of the iconic roses David Austin. It has everything special - both color and aroma, and a common look.

Especially amazing the color of the blooming bud - a certain transparent tangerine orange glow of molten metal. Smooth silk texture of petals adds charm. The fragrance is also extraordinary - in it, along with traditionally tea-fruit notes, a strong bitter hollow jet, which is not peculiar to any of the roses known to me. However, she has a number of flaws - instability in wintering (even with good shelter, she often loses more than half of last year's shoots, and sometimes it almost completely commetes to the ground level). Growth manner is also a bit strange for Austin roses - absolutely vertical and somewhat even angular. All flowers of tassel are concentrated in the upper part of the shoots, even dilute with good weather. The feelings that this rose causes are contradictory, but people still want to have her no matter what.

Maimflower - Another of the special Austin roses. She was the first stated absolutely healthy rose, not ill under any circumstances. Moreover, according to my (and not only my) observations, this rose is capable of wintering in the conditions of North-West with almost no shelter. If the snow falls to the onset of severe frosts, it is winter without prejudice. But if the harsh frosts suddenly hit on no bad earth, then she is distinguished by the unbearable tops of shoots, as is the varietal rigos, but it is quickly restored. Flowers are not particularly large, but pleasant shape and with the magnificent aroma of Damascus roses. The flowering of the first wave is very abundant, and then the flowers appear although not regularly, but until the end of the season.

One of the outstanding novelties recent yearsWallerton Old Hall (Wollerton Old Hall).The leaves are clean and healthy, the growth is powerful and harmonious, well and stably blooms throughout the season, including the warm part of the autumn. Flowers, huge and very correctly formed - rounded petals are almost closed in a bowl of glowing cream-white-white color with bodily saturation in the center. Harvested shades and halftone are constantly playing and cannot be accurately described. Everyone agrees only with the fact that they are magical and on I are beautiful. The aroma is strong and very feminine, it is better to hear against the background of a warm windless evening.

Petals are dense and freely reveal with any weather, even after long rains. It seems that the variety will be a bestseller and will take a worthy place in a number of recognized best Ostinian masterpieces.

Unfortunately, there are roses among Ostinovsky, which are absolutely not suitable for the conditions when the cold is accompanied by dampness. Moreover, it is not even necessary to rain, but also just permanent fogs and dew. Among the most famous varieties of this group - Jude Ze Obsku (Jude the Obscure), Jeff Hamilton (Geoff Hamilton), BRUTHER CADFAEL.

The petals are "bonded", without opening, and boot. The leaves of all these varieties are resistant to diseases, shoots perfectly winter, buds are laid in huge quantities, and the flowers have a delightful and very strong aroma. However, the inability of buds to disclose in cold and wet weather makes them in fact once blooming (and even dreamless) in our constantly humid climate of the North-West of Russia. It is possible that in dry and hot continental conditions, they will behave perfectly ...

Roses David Austin - Photo (from the first 10ki)

Elegantly folded petals, pastel colors, a nostalgic flower shape, driving crazy fragrance, abundant re-blossom - for this Russian roseworks always loved David Austin roses.

And the last of its innovations there is another undoubted dignity - healthy foliage. I will postpone the sprayer with fungicides aside and admire these beautiful in all respects of the variety! Elegant elongated apricot and yellow buds of plenty roses 'Bathsheba' Twen in the form of shallow cups in the form of shallow cups is revealed in denselyakhroy flowers in diameter.

Petals are tightly assembled into sophisticated sockets: the front side of each of each painted into a saturated apricot tone with barely noticeable pink, and the rope is yellow. This color game is associated with the framing of brighter, cream outdoor petals creates the impression that the flower glows from the inside. Rose exudes the smell of Mirra, floral and warm, with honey notch.

And the ripe flower can catch a light fragrance of tea roses.

rose flower Imogen. It has plentiful blossoms, but it is interesting for it to observe and then when it is still in buds. Narrow, with a pointed vertex, before the disclosure, they dramatically "gain weight" and become more rounded. Light lemon yellow petals are collected in classic dense outlets with butt, medium sized flowers. Over time, they fade to cream shade, turning into charming "plant". Fragrance light, fresh, with apple notes. The bush is powerful, reprehensive. The name of the variety gave the heroine of one of the Pieces of Shakespeare.

Another tribute to the creativity of the famous English poet and playwright - a long-flowering rose Desdemona. - The owner of peach-pink buds and pure-white cupid flowers (at the beginning of the dissolution, they with a barely noticeable pink blush). Over time, they reveal a little more - so that among the tender satin of petals you can see the stamens. Flowers, surrounding the aroma of Mirra, keep the shape even in rainy weather. The powerful, loose and wide bush will fit both in the traditional rosary and in the mixture with perennials.

Variety Roald Dahl.. David Austin dedicated a century from the birth of the famous english writer And the scenario of Roald Daly.

Reddish-orange, the colors of ripe peach buds are open, turning into cupid outlets of medium size and lighter, apricot tone. The bush blooms almost continuously, and the flowers, despite the elegance, steadily carry rainy weather. Fruit notes are mixed with a light charming aroma of tea roses. A bush is rounded and a branched, and a small amount of spikes makes care for sensual beauty extremely pleasant.

rose flower The Ancient Mariner. Since the beginning of summer and before frosts without the slightest hint, admired abundant blossoms. Petals of very large, cupid denselyan pink flowers are elegantly curved to the center. Aroma intense, warm, corrosive. Fully blossomed flower shows the stamens, and the color of the petals varies from the rich pink in the center to light along the edges. The bush will be good on medium or in the background of flower beds and in a solitary landing.

THE POET'S WIFE - Magnificent rose with saturated yellow colors. If they fade, then not before whitic color, like other yellow "Osnaki". Their form is fascinating beautiful: the ring of neatly folded external petals frames internal petals located less strictly.

The bush is low and from the nature of the round shape (it grows rather stirrer than sweeping), so perfect for the forefront of flower beds. Rose has a bright, rich aroma: First, lemon notes are clearly allocated in it, with the flower age, it becomes sweeter and stronger. This variety David Austin devoted his wife. And, if you did not know, - yes, this famous pooker writes poems!

Olivia Rose Austin. Named in honor of the daughter of David Osti on-younger, so this is a really special rose. According to David Austin-senior, maybe even best Rosa His breeding from those presented today.

This charming has an ancient flower: glass-shaped buds are gradually revealed in fine-hour outlets to 9 cm in diameter. They are good at all stages of dissolution. Color - charming gentle shade pink. Fragrance Rosa Divine: It has a strong aroma with distinct fruit notes. It grows energetically and it blooms well.

Council of David Austin: Sit down white roses Groups - at least three bushes of one variety. Such landing looks more effectively than a single bush. The recommended distance between the bushes in such groups is 50 cm between adjacent groups of different varieties of roses - 1m.

: Overview of varieties and hybrids of roses ... Subscribe to updates in our groups.

At the flower show in Chelsea, the best nurseries of Great Britain every year representing new roses. This year David Austin, Peter Beales and Harkness also tried. Let's see what manufacturers promise to us?

Roses David Austin

Rose flowers James L. Austin. Very saturated cherry pink color. Numerous petals are collected in large sockets with a button in the center. The rose blooms early and blooms abundantly to the first frosts. Flowers do not suffer from bad weather. Moderate strength fragrance combines shades of black currant, blueberries, raspberries and cherries with notes of almonds and lemon zest. A neat, branchy and reprehensive bush allows universal application: in regular rosary, and in the mixborror of the traditional cottage garden, and in abundantly and fragrant flowering vibrant hedges. Named in honor of the son of David Austin Senior and Brother David Austin Jr.

Rose Dame Judi Dench. David Austin called in honor of one of the most favorite English actresses, stars scene and the screen Judy Dench. Bright, with a red tip, buds are revealed into terry outlets with corrugated petals and butt in the center. Flowers of a very saturated apricot shade in the center, to the edges - lighter. They are resistant to rain. A pleasant, moderate force aroma combines the main note of the classic tea with an additional cucumber and tinge Kiwi. Healthy foliage, powerful bush, with inclined shoots. To stimulate the re-wave, we recommend trimming the sworded flowers.

Rounded Rose Rose Buds Vanessa Bell. Twen in deep cups of medium-sized flowers collected in large inflorescences. The color is light lemon yellow in the center, on the outer petals becomes almost white. Their texture is such that the light falling on them is reflected, and the flower is as if shone from the inside. Rose blooms very abundantly and almost continuously all summer. The aroma is moderate, resembles green tea with lemon notes and sometimes honey. The bush is a branched and reprehensive, well fit into both formal and landscape landings. A good option for flowering vibrant hedges. Rosa is named after the artist and designer Vanessa Bell, who accounted for the sister of Virginia Wulf's writer.

Roses Kennel Peter Beales

Dense bright coral and pink rose buds Margaret Greville disclosed in semi-world flowers of the average size of the same color; Over time, they show the crown of golden stamens in the center. The foliage is dark green, healthy. The bush is loose and richly blooming, it will look great in landscape flower beds or a living hedge. Due to the fact that this rose blooms well and in poor soils, it can be grown in large containers. The variety is named after the former owner of the Polesden Lacey estate in the county of Surrey.

Raspberry Red Pionic Rose Flowers Papworth's Pride. Collected in big inflorescences. Open, fragrant flowers expose bright yellow stamens, so attractive for bees and butterflies. This skeb is good for both mass board and for the average mixture plan. Rose is suitable for growing in a container. The variety is named after a charitable foundation engaged in programs for people with disabilities.

Roses Kennel Harkness

Rose name Deben Sunrise. It is intended to perpetuate one of the most influential gardeners - Charles Noteptta. He adored to observe the sunrise over the river Deben in the County Suffolk. Rose is a very hardy and healthy compact chebr with flowers from cream to yellow color. The fragrance is strong and deep, combines traditional pink and fruit.

According to the nursery, Floribund Horatio's Garden. With large red flowers, it is equally well blooming that in the sunny that in rainy weather. Named a variety in honor of the 17-year-old young men Horatio Chapple, tragically died in a fight with a white bear when he was attacked by a group of British tourists on Svalbard.

rose flower Jane Austen. It was chosen by the museum of the famous English writer in a two-year anniversary of her death. Bright orange flowers of this floribundum exude a lightweight sweet aroma. Custo very branched, with healthy foliage, richly blooms again.

Austin's roses, or how they are often referred to today, "Osnaki", is, on the one hand, the variety of one of the most beautiful bushes with gentle, pink colors fragrant bushes. On the other hand, it is name of the whole era in the world of roses. It will not be an exaggeration to note that it was David Austin in the 20th century that determined the main direction in which today the production of roses are actively developing.

It is surprising that this tremendous labor was carried out for one life and one person: Austin conducted the first crossing of roses in the sixties of the 20th century.

And in just 20 years, in the eighties, Ostin Roses has already grown in present phenomenon in gardening.

Austin turned out to be the first one who was alternative to the boring classic and boring "glass" offered all the variety of forms of flowers of vintage pink bushes: he was able to transfer the center of human attention from the beauty of a separate flower taken to the perception of a pink bush in general.

It was a good idea, After all, in the end, it is that perception is important in the garden.

Austin endowed his creations to blossom to blossom almost without a break. And from the point of view, so to speak, the user, one of the main achievements is that he was able to return their smell of roses: each of the varieties, including parks, which brought Austin, has his own stalling aroma. Under his taste and style, almost all the best breeders of roses were hit.

Now we know such firms as Cordes, which presented a series of Marchen Rosen (or "fabulous roses"), Tantaão company - suggested a series of Nostalgische Rosen (or "Nostalgic Roses"), Gyuo - exhibited for general use Generosa varieties line.

Each of these series has its immortal masterpieces. But we will not forget that the first who could be interested in gardeners to such a form and received the love and recognition of all rose admirers, was still D. Austin.

Brave aroma rose

One of the goals that David Austin has come before return of the roses of their inimitable aroma. And it makes sense to deny it: he did it about brilliantly.

Such roses, whatever the smell do not completely empty among the beauties of Austin simply does not exist. However, it should be noted that the degree of saturation and character of the fragrance of each rose variety is its unique.

There is a large series of "pink" varieties that exude the fragrance of the forgotten classics, as if antique roses from ancient times.

The most fragrant among them are Gertrud Jackiewho often can be found in urban parks.

Park Roses Grade For Moscow - Austin varieties

Natural conditions for the Moscow region In order to grow beautiful pink bushes, closest to English varieties of roses. English roses for the Moscow region - One of the most popular park crops.

It arose as a result of hybridization of old classic roses with the following groups of varieties:

  • floribunda
  • tea-hybrid.

What of the variety is preferred? What roses Austin are the best varieties for the Moscow region?

Variety park roses Under the name of Charles Austin, named its creator, was hybridized in 1973, but also after almost forty years, they are in solid demand. This is not surprising, because the roses of Austin have all the necessary properties and qualities. These plants:

  • unpretentious
  • resistant to precipitation
  • hardy
  • survives and after safely fertile even fertile soils,
  • able to winter in the suburban conditions (with shelter),
  • do not affect disease
  • resistant to pests.

Austin roses have only one disadvantagewhich lies in the untidy form of older colors compared to young. As a rule, the situation aggravates the protracted and abundant sediments: the roses do not like this, although in general the plant grows well and survives (especially if they provide them with shelter in winter time) However, lush harvest does not guarantee in such situations.

Reviews of those who are engaged in the cultivation of these varieties of roses, indicate that in abundant precipitation season of Austin roses lose not only external attractiveness, but also can be covered with black spots.

Charles Austin Alexander Kent is one of the most abundant varieties of pink bushes. During the peak period of flowering, those who provide the care of this plant will have to ensure the branches of the branches.

Pink thick terry buds blooms please the eyes with fresh and strong, fragrant buds for a long time, harmoniously look in flower beds, compositions, curbs, rods and in containers. We grow roses speak about it as good, strong and healthy culture that cannot be any diseases. Only sometimes it can hit mellowe dew, but in small quantities.

Alexander Kent Crowon Princess Margaret - It is a variety of plenty roses with large inflorescences with a characteristic orange-apricot color. The flowering period is inclusive from May to November. That is, literally until the winter. For normal flowering and growth, pink bushes of this variety need landing in places where enough sunlight and where there are no other trees and shrubs within a radius of 1.5-2 meters.

This culture is most comfortable feeling in loose soft soils, it requires moderately abundant irrigation and does not tolerate the convergence and too listed soils.

This variety is also frostable, perfectly tolerates high humidity and resistant to disease.

Crown Princess Margareta Roses Claire Austin is selected only 10 years ago, in 2007, but have a reputation as the best white roses from English varieties. They are especially valued for the fact that they bloom with large creamy and white buds.

This tea-hybrid "pink" culture grows up a bush, but its shoots, provided that they are able to stretch to 2-2.5 m. This feature allows it to grow as a plenty rose or a clivimer. Buds are resistant to diseases, however, in winter cold requires additional shelter for themselves, because it withstands the decrease in temperature just up to -10 degrees.

In the summer, the rose bushes are well tolerating heat, and with regular irrigation and bursting, the soil grows perfectly and gives flowers at temperatures even at +40 degrees. This culture is well suited for breeding on mix bears and flower beds. As a curly grade, this bush is planted along the fences, next to the arches, near the columns and walls.

Rose Claire Austin. More recently, in just 2014 it was selected new Sort roses called Olivia Rose.

He is responding about him as very positive and simple in the content of pink bushes. Its advantages include:

  • resistance to diseases
  • immunity to mildew,
  • immunity to black spotty.
  • abundant wave color,
  • blooms one of the first and concludes his bloom in late autumn, inflorescences are shaped outlets,
  • have an excellent fragrance,
  • perfectly harmonize with other flowers in the flower beds,
  • without problems are grown in containers,
  • suitable for the formation of the hedge.

Conversation and description of the rose varieties of Austin will be incomplete, if not to say about the most popular varieties among those who plant these magnificent beauties on their household sections.

Rose varieties William Shakespeare 2000 was selected in 1987, but despite the already enough impressive age, the variety has an excellent reputation and enjoys enviable popularity.

Grade William Shakespeare 2000 has:

  • high reprehensible bush,
  • spherical bright red buton,
  • wavely color throughout the season.

The plant will give new beautiful flowers if hot days will resume after warm weather in September.

Rose Shakespeare loves warm, well-lit plots, preferably on the hill, but isolated from drafts.

It grows perfectly and blooms on well-haired soils, sufficiently stable for characteristic diseases, but in winter it needs additional insulation.

Golden Celebration Mary Roses - A variety that is simply indispensable to those who like cultures growing in the form of a wide and spreaded bush and blurred by flowers.

Features of this plant:

  • flowers - strong and powerful,
  • resistant pests,
  • have immunity to diseases
  • perfectly winter in the conditions of our strip,
  • it blooms immediately with the arrival of warm days.

Mary Rose Leonardo da Vinci - Excellent variety, ideal for rosary and flower.

Popular variety is different:

  • abundant blossoms to the most frosts,
  • not afraid of precipitation
  • he does not harm the scorching sun,
  • will not require special care from the owners
  • difficult immunity to diseases, including black spot.

For favorable conditions, and with proper care and suitable weather, the bushes of this variety can grow up to 1.8-2 m and dress up with abundant blossoms.

Leonardo Da Vinci Gertrud Jackail is another of the famous pink varieties attracting gardeners:

  • frost resistance
  • abundant
  • endurance to unfavorable conditions.

However, behind the rose will have to pry. The rose bushes should be regularly cut and provide them with feeding, otherwise the inflorescences can not be expected. Also, for repeated bloom, it is necessary to regularly free the bush from old, faded buds.

To one of the disadvantages belongs that this culture is very exposed to black spot. However, this is the only disease from which the plant should be protected.

Not every English grade is suitable for growing in the conditions of the Moscow region. Even if it is considered the best variety. And everything rests on the fact that in the middle of the normal growth and the development of pink crops prevent such diseases such as malievable dew, black spot.

And, for example, the following varieties are vulnerable to precipitation:

  • Jaims Galway,
  • Abraham Derby,
  • William Morris,
  • Charles Darwin.

If spring or autumn is rainy, then dense buds are not tied, and the surfy petals of flowers interfere with flowering and can start rotting. On the bushes arises a rusty color, which can quickly infect the rest of the bushes.

All this is not the last flaws of English beauties according to reviews from practicing gardeners, spreading roses for the Moscow region.

For example, such varieties like

  • Sharif Asma,
  • St. Cecilia,
  • Pat Austin

extremely painfully react to high temperature indicators. If its level rises to + 29-30 degrees, then buds, if they blossomed in the morning, in the evening they will almost completely fall. And the bush begins to fade, the flowers are losing in their pomp and sizes, quickly burn out and lose their beautiful look.


Grow roses for the Moscow region, so that they look like luxurious and luxuriously, it's easy.

The main thing is to correctly choose the desired variety, which would fit according to the characteristics.

David Austin was able to withdraw sufficient number Roses varieties, including parks, which are able to provide beauty and dizzying aroma any park, hedge, arch and rosary.

Rose Jayne Austin has a pale yellow color. The height of the bush is usually about 100-120 cm. The width of about 105 cm., It happens more but quite rare. Rose resistance Jayne Austin: sick in unfavorable years.

Description: Roses Jayne Austin

Among the many magnificent varieties of English roses of yellow and apricot color (most of which come from the famous antique nuazeta rose Gloire de Dijon) Jayne Austin stands out tender flower and perfect shape. Petals have a silk, sparkling texture, which together with a gentle yellow color creates a charm that is difficult to exaggerate. Flowers are medium or large, first cupid, later open to flat rosettes, smell like a tea rose. The bush is pretty direct and very powerful, with numerous shoots running from the base of the bush. Like other yellow roses from this group, the variety tends to shoot long escapes, which, if they do not cut, spoil the type of plant. They should be cut as soon as they start ripening to maintain the general shape of the bush. Abundant foliage, pale green. (Daer) This rose has one of the most sophisticated flowers among English roses. The color apricot yellow, petals have a soft, shining texture - the characteristic of the nuazeta roses, which was inherited by this variety. Flowers have the shape of perfect sockets. The bush is elegant, rather reprehensive, a little lonched. For a better view, Jayne Austin should be planted by a group of three bushes. It smells like tea roses, with lilac tones. Unfortunately, the flowers are spoiled by the rain. With proper trimming of the high height bush. (ER) Jayne Austin is very beautiful roseBut tends to form more foliage than flowers. Named in honor of the niece of David Austin. Flowers first creamy-yellow, burn out to cream and white, especially around the edges, although petal wear is darker and the inner petals hold the apricot tone much longer. External petals are large and flat, internal smaller and more uneven shape. The flower usually forms a socket around the button in the center. Appear in the brushes (usually 3-5 pieces), hold straight, on fairly long shoots. The bush was covered with large spikes, long shoots form a rounded bush. The foliage is bright green, shiny, is subject to malical dew in cold weather, and sometimes rust. Nevertheless, it grows in a moderate climate, because Flowers in the heat boil and dry out. (Are)