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Pill addiction. Strong tea addiction

Such people need both prevention and the help of a psychologist.

Food addiction - psychology

When food enters the body, the level of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, rises, mood improves, stress seems to disappear. But replacing the problem is not its solution, and again fear - food - temporary comfort - a vicious circle is formed, from which it is very difficult to get out. This is how a psychological dependence on food arises. You can get pleasure from many things - playing sports, listening to music, but we never have time, because food is quick and easy.

Food addiction - causes

The most common causes of food addiction are:

  1. Some come from childhood, remember, for success in school or good behavior, they always bought sweets for the child?
  2. Dependent people are often notorious, dissatisfied with themselves and their careers.
  3. Experiencing deep emotional experiences.
  4. A spoiled figure is the result of uncontrolled absorption of food, hence a negative attitude towards appearance, indifference to oneself.
  5. Constant guilt. A person realizes that he eats too much, blames himself for a weak will, gets nervous, and again a vicious scheme turns on.

You can list it for a long time, but there is only one source - dissatisfaction with yourself and your life. There are social reasons too. food addiction... These are numerous holidays, family feasts, traditions of “going out into nature” with huge baskets of food. Since childhood, we form improper eating behavior, and numerous stresses only intensify it.

Food addiction - signs

According to certain signs, you can understand that a person is addicted to food:

  1. A deep food addict can "invent" a problem for himself, with pleasure anticipating its solution.
  2. A person is very concerned about food supplies - is everything in the refrigerator.
  3. In food addicts, along with hunger, panic and anxiety increase.
  4. A sick person, having forgotten to buy a product, is ready to run after it to any place at any time.
  5. Wakes up at night to eat.
  6. Even realizing that he is sick (obesity, diabetes) - a person cannot stop eating his favorite foods.
  7. Unwillingness to share food with someone.

Non-food consumption is a basic concept of food addiction. Deep food addiction leads to the fact that the usual amounts of food do not satisfy, you need to constantly increase the portions. The process of eating brings joy, and it doesn't matter what to put in your mouth. Rare attempts to switch to healthy food or diet food ends up in failures, and as a result, another breakdown.

How to beat food addiction?

The first and foremost thing to do in order to understand how not to depend on food is to admit it to yourself. Without awareness of the disease, getting rid of food addiction is useless. Having realized that the addiction has led to serious complications, you can try to get rid of the addiction on your own. To be honest, very few can do it, but why not give it a try. Calculate how much money you could save on food and start saving up for a cruise around the world!

  1. Motivate yourself! Come up with a reason why you need to get rid of a bad habit - do you have children? Your example can be contagious to them.
  2. Take a break from food. Play sports, dance, walk, go to theaters, grow flowers. Anything you want, just don't eat!
  3. Do not stock up on food, keep an apple, carrot or a glass of kefir ready.
  4. Throw away all irritants from the house - buns, chips, what you cannot look at calmly.

Food Addiction Psychotherapy

Since the causes of food addiction are mainly psychological, psychologists can also help in this difficult struggle, offering effective means of how to overcome food addiction.

  1. Start a "food diary" where you describe all your meals and be sure to clarify your emotional background. This will help you understand the connection between overeating and mood.
  2. Forget grievances, forgive yourself and others, understand that both you and they ordinary people and people can be wrong;
  3. Raise your self-esteem. It is very difficult. To do this, keep a diary of achievements and write down your little "exploits" there.
  4. The most important and motivating factor in recovery is your ardent desire to recover, tune in to the positive, and specialists will help you in this difficult matter.

Try to find like-minded people, together it will be easier to solve the problem and you will not have to "seize" loneliness again. Most importantly, you need to deal with your feelings, learn to deal with anxiety using other methods, and find new ways to get pleasure. Together with specialists, you will be able to get out of the vicious circle and start living a full life again.

Some have successfully applied food addiction coding. Unfortunately, like many others, this problem starts in the head, and the head should be treated. The recipe for how to stop food addiction is a correction eating behavior, elimination psychological problems, therefore, the help of a specialist in this case is necessary, especially when the point of no return has been reached.

Tablets for food addiction

Together with psychotherapy, dietary supplements and drugs can be used. These drugs tend to reduce appetite and speed up metabolism. This can give results, but the risk from such treatment is not small. In addition, after the drug is discontinued, the weight begins to grow again, if the psychological root of the problem is not removed.

Among the drugs that reduce appetite are:

  1. Sibutramine. Anorectic, which is still available in many countries, but is unsafe as it has many side effects.
  2. Fluoxetine. An antidepressant (psychotropic drug) that reduces appetite.
  3. Mazindol. Acts on the center of satiety, suppressing hunger. The disadvantage of the drug is quick addiction.

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Food as a drug or how to deal with food addiction?

It is understandable for what reasons they are struggling with addiction to smoking, alcohol and drug use. These substances, getting into the body, destroy it, disrupt its normal life, shorten life.

What is food addiction is difficult to understand. There are no food independent people. It is impossible to exist without food intake. There are units that feed on energy sunlight, but they sometimes bother themselves with eating.

Psychological dependence on food - when a person absorbs food not because he is hungry, but with any factor that irritates him nervous system... After eating, he feels happy, relaxes.

When calories enter the body, the level of glucose in the blood rises, and, therefore, serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Then the insulin produced by the pancreas "suppresses" the sugar, the euphoria disappears. The mood falls, and they try to raise it in the usual way.

Originally from childhood

In many cases, the parents themselves do not understand that they are instilling a habit in the child, which will be difficult for him to get rid of later. First, a breast or a bottle is pushed to the baby at the first attempts to voice - the baby does not scream when he is full. Then, when the baby has fallen, give him something sweet to calm him down.

The child has become older:

  • relations in the team do not develop;
  • got a deuce;
  • not popular with the opposite sex ...

"Eat something sweet and it will be easier!" - advice from caring parents. Indeed, it becomes easier, and already at the first troubles, a person himself runs to the refrigerator or sweeps sweets from the shelves in stores.

And the result is reflected - at best - on the appearance, at worst - on the state of health. Due to obesity, the appearance becomes far from the model - and this again leads to a nervous breakdown, accompanied by continuous absorption of food. There is a metabolic syndrome, problems with the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system - it is very difficult for the body to cope with the increased load.

Constant work on "wear and tear" of the pancreas causes diabetes.

How to overcome food addiction and break the vicious circle: excitement - food intake - temporary calmness - excitement, etc.?

Awareness of the problem

Until a person realizes that he is sick, it is impossible to begin treatment of food addiction. In this case, he repeats, like an alcoholic or a drug addict: "I will want, and I will not eat."

Grabs him for a little while.

It is not easy to overcome this condition on your own; in most cases, a psychoanalyst or psychotherapist helps to restore psychological health.

Food addiction is in most cases a sign of dissatisfaction.

It is possible to go to an appointment with a nutritionist only when the root of the problem is identified and there are already initial prerequisites for refusing to eat in a "difficult situation".

If you strive to become independent of your own stomach, and it is impossible to turn to a specialist for some reason, then the following technique will help solve the problem of how to get rid of the dependence of constant food.

help yourself

First you need to understand, is it really impossible to overcome difficulties without food, or are you just trying to disguise the real root of the problem?

Signs of food addiction:

  • As soon as it becomes hard on the soul, the mood spoils, you want to eat something tasty - to please yourself. At the same time, they prefer to be satiated alone, the meal lasts long enough, the dishes are chosen with pleasure;
  • During the day, thoughts of what to eat constantly come to mind, I want to quickly be near the food counters or in the restaurant, the dishes that will be ordered are carefully planned;
  • Self-control is completely absent. All food that is in the field of vision is eaten, regardless of whether he is full or not. There is no feeling of fullness;
  • Even in a well-fed state, passing by a stall or counter with edibles, you buy yourself a chocolate bar or a banana, and eat it right there;
  • After eating it becomes a shame that I ate a lot, you swear to yourself last words, you promise that it was the last time, and that from next Monday, be sure ... Is it worth continuing that nothing will change from Monday?

If you observe at least one of the above factors, it's time to start treatment.

It is possible to cope with food addiction on your own:

  1. You need to calculate how much food is eaten during the day. To do this, it is worth writing down all food intake, all snacks, and so on in a notebook. In the future, this will help to gradually get rid of excess food.
  2. Gradually organize food intake. First, 3 main receptions are prescribed and 2 snacks between them, then the number of snacks is reduced. It is impossible at the first stage of treatment to force the body to suffer from hunger. He will begin to resist strenuously, his health will deteriorate sharply.
  3. For self-abstinence must be rewarded. For example: I have not eaten for 3 hours, you can use a piece of chocolate. And this chocolate bar will give you more pleasure than a whole bar, which was eaten "out of habit".

There should be no extreme in the treatment of food addiction! Exhausting diets, extreme physical and sports activities - all this will lead to a nervous breakdown, and recovery will be postponed to long time.

Psychologist's recommendations - help recovering from addiction to food

Know yourself - this sounds too sublime. But you still have to realize your problems. To change eating habits, it is necessary to determine whether these unsolvable life difficulties, or, if you figure it out, can you “unload yourself”?

Here's what you can do:

  • You need to try to find something to do that will entertain. It's boring - you need to go not to the grocery store, but to the cinema, museum, take a walk. Sometimes it is very useful to be in a crowd, it energizes and makes you forget about your own problems. Mass festivities, crowded concerts - all this makes you distract from thoughts about food;
  • Change your attitude towards yourself. You should not constantly criticize yourself, scold for weaknesses. Self-criticism spoils life, why drive yourself into depression? Analyze your merits, note the positive qualities, you should concentrate on them;
  • Do not sharply limit yourself, establish a tough daily routine. Recovery should be gradual. I eat yesterday - not today - the right way drive the body into a stressful state;
  • When eating, you should not be distracted by anything. Chew food thoroughly, enjoying the taste of each piece. Then it will be noticed with surprise that much less has been eaten, and the desired satiety has come;
  • During meals, portions should be limited, and the number of dishes should be increased. If you want to try everything, then you must not allow yourself to enjoy. Those who eat an appetizer, soup, second, compote and dessert for lunch eat less than those who pour themselves a huge bowl of borscht. You may not believe it, but it is so;
  • If you take your free time as much as possible, after work strive not to the refrigerator, but to a team of like-minded people, then you can distract yourself from food.

Only when thoughts about food cease to be present in the head all the time - it's time to think about unloading and switch to proper balanced nutrition. Only at this stage can one realize: we do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live.

As soon as this awareness has appeared, one can state the fact - the recovery has begun!



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How to overcome psychological addiction to food?

Stress nervous breakdowns, unreasonable tears - a list of psychological problems arising as a result of emotional and physical overloads accompanying us in Everyday life.

And one of the most striking consequences of such overloads is psychological dependence on food. This problem often arises against the background of dissatisfaction with one's own life, increased anxiety, and a difficult situation at work.

Why is this happening, and how to get rid of food addiction?

It is no coincidence that experts call this problem "food addiction", thereby, to some extent, equating it with drug addiction. The mechanism of almost all addictions is the same - the brain of "addicts" produces substances, which a person is practically unable to refuse from an increased dose.

A person pushed by "brittle", physical or emotional discomfort strives at all costs to get a portion of a tasty dish, under the influence of which the brain produces a substance that causes a short-term feeling of euphoria and happiness. Due to emotional instability, women are much more susceptible to food addiction than men.

It is very difficult for people with similar problems to deal with overeating, being overweight, since they feel the absence of their favorite food not only as an ordinary hunger, but also as a strong emotional shock, and adherence to a diet can cause them aggression, apathy, a decrease in interest in life, and deep depression.

Food for food "addicts" is not just a way to replenish energy reserves, but also doping, a kind of cure for "seized" problems.

It is quite easy to distinguish the usual love of delicious food from the psychological dependence on food. People prone to food addiction do not just love to eat, they are not capable of an open and truthful view of the situation, and they ignore a number of accompanying and very serious illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease.

Food dependent people are able to absorb huge amounts of food, and with high speed, they cannot on their own catch the moment when physiological satiety occurs, and continue to eat even when the stomach is very full. They are not able to give up delicious food - food compensates for failures at work, in sex, in personal life, defects in appearance, whatever. Psychological dependence on food, as a rule, is a manifestation of a life devoid of positive emotions, interesting events and constructive communication. The more a person eats, the deeper he drives the problem, thanks to which he experiences stress.

How to get rid of food addiction on your own?

1. Frankly speaking, overcoming food addiction on your own is a long and very difficult process. And it can begin only with a real awareness of the existence of a problem, acceptance of it. The main thing is to realize that the real need of an addict is not for food, but for the pleasure that food delivers! And try to have fun in other ways - through communication, movement, sex, travel - there are many other ways that can make a person happy!

2. The second stage of overcoming addiction - attempts to distract your attention from "tasty" thoughts, switch them to more positive ones, to fashion that will become available after losing weight, to men who will begin to show increased attention very soon.

3. The danger that lurks in the second stage is inevitable breakdowns. The habit does not give up its positions instantly, a new way of life needs to be formed, worked on, and loved. It would be wrong to think of a breakdown as a failure - look at breakdowns as temporary difficulties, unpleasant but surmountable! The feeling of guilt can cause a new round of "seizing", but the conscious acceptance of a breakdown as a small demarche on the way to victory is correct and positive!

But if all attempts to overcome addiction on your own have failed, be sure to seek help from specialists. As a rule, modern weight loss centers conduct consultations with the participation of a psychologist and a nutritionist, which allows you to fully understand internal problems and prescribe an appropriate rehabilitation course and an adequate diet!

If you, abuse medicines- stop doing it!

This information is not and drug use

Can pills be addictive or not?

Are sedatives, antidepressants, pain relievers, codeine drugs dangerous or not?
Anyone who has been taking sedatives for a long time wondered more than once whether he would develop drug addiction from pills or mixtures.
There is a well-defined list of drugs to which addiction and dependence develop, here are the drugs - lyrica (pregabalin), zaldiar (tramadol), coaxil, elenium (chlosepid), relanium (sibazon), tazepam (nozepam), phenozepam, rohypnol, signopam, terpincod , codelack, etc. Addiction consists in the fact that the body stops responding to the previous dose of pills and the person is forced to take not 1 pill, but 2-3 or more in order to cause the same effect. This is especially true of sleeping pills, which are often taken without the supervision of a doctor, from here and there is a dependence on pills. For most of the above drugs, the duration of administration should not be exceed 2-3 weeks. But there is a condition when such drugs must be taken for months and even years. For

For this purpose, there are drugs to which, in most cases, neither addiction nor dependence develops. This group of antipsychotics: Sonapax, Frenolone, Neuleptil, Teralen. These drugs are characterized by low toxicity and minimal side effects. Many of them are even allowed to be given to children. But it should be remembered that the appointment of sedative medications can be done by a psychiatrist, neuropsychiatrist, psychotherapist, or at least a doctor in this specialization.

For all questions addiction to drugs, in hospital and at home, please call +7 495 782-78-12 - "Anonymous narcology Mosmedservice Moscow". A course of treatment at home is possible with a periodic visit by the attending physician, a narcologist, to carry out the necessary procedures, droppers and the use of medications. The doctor controls you, the entire course of treatment, is in touch with you 24 hours, psychologically supports you and your loved ones all the way to getting rid of addiction.

During the period of treatment at the Clinic, you will not feel misunderstanding on the part of the medical staff, all treatment is carried out anonymously, at your request you can be alone in the ward, without meeting with other patients, we will try to make your stay very comfortable and


If you, abuse medicines- stop doing it!

This information is not drug propaganda, manufacturing and drug use ... The purpose of this material is to convey to people who use drugs simple principles that will help them stay healthy and avoid all sorts of diseases, one way or another associated with drug use, and most importantly, immediately begin drug addiction treatment.

Tablets containing narcotic substances

Addiction to pills sometimes takes on a severe form of dependence, this is due to the uncontrolled use of codeine-containing and tramadol-containing drugs. Such dependence on pills is comparable to heroin addiction, only withdrawal symptoms after taking drugs with codeine are much more severe and longer than with heroin. For example, withdrawal (withdrawal) from heroin lasts for 7-14 days, depending on the dose, but withdrawal from a codeine-containing drug lasts from 15 to 30 days, depending on the amount and frequency of use. Codeine is a part of some painkillers and antitussives, the most famous are probably "terpincod" and "nurofen +" our experience of treating drug addicts), if we were not witnesses and participants in the treatment, it is difficult to believe.
If you are faced with such a problem as addiction to pills, and as a result of them, you need to contact the professionals in narcology by calling our center

+7 495 782-78-12 round the clock, consultation and psychological support are absolutely free.

For more information about codeine-containing drugs and dependence on pills, see:

Pain relievers or analgesics: precautions

There are many reasons to use pain relievers in everyday life: colds, headache, muscle sprains, recurrent pain in women, etc. However, one more problem is added to the problem of pain - the lack of time for a visit to the doctor, and after all, uncontrolled intake of analgesics is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Weakening of pain is achieved by "blocking" the pathways of transmission of the pain signal to the brain, so the drug can act on organs and their systems far from the original focus of inflammation or damage. According to the American Gastroenterology Association, side effects of popular pain relievers account for 103,000 hospitalizations annually. What do you need to know in order to minimize the risk of side effects?

1. Do not take medicine on an empty stomach

Taking medications (especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) on an empty stomach is fraught with the formation of ulcers and increased acidity of gastric juice.

2. Do not mix drugs with alcohol

Mixing drugs with alcohol is contraindicated: side effects range from drowsiness to increased gastric acidity and can be fatal.

3. Drink plenty of water

When taking any medication, the main blow falls on the kidneys, therefore, to facilitate their work and accelerate the removal of toxic substances from the body, you need to drink enough water.

4. Do not crush or break tablets

While it may seem like a good idea to take ½ or even 1½ pills, numerous studies show that it is not. With such self-medication, it is difficult to control the dosage, which can lead to drug ineffectiveness or overdose. Ideally, crushing or crushing tablets should only be done on the special recommendation of a doctor.

5. Don't make pills a habit

There are, of course, over-the-counter pain relievers. However, you cannot take them for more than 2 days without consulting a doctor.

6. Ask your doctor about the side effects of the medication and read the package leaflets.

7. Tell your doctor if you are taking any other medications.

8. Take no more than one medication at a time.

Taking multiple types of medication at one time can lead to kidney failure, bleeding disorders, internal bleeding, heart attack, and even stroke.

9. Beware of addiction

Some of the prescription pain relievers work like drugs and can be addictive. To prevent the development of dependence, gradually reduce the dose until you completely stop taking analgesics.

10. Do not take pain relievers without consulting your doctor if you have:

a) high blood pressure;

b) stomach ulcer;

c) heart disease.

11. The dosage of painkillers for adults and children is different.

Never give pain relievers that you are taking yourself to a child. For children, pain relievers are prescribed according to the weight of the child. A consultation with a pediatrician is required!

And finally, don't forget that there are natural ways to get rid of aching pain:

1. Compress. For back, ankle, or knee pain, cold or hot compresses are helpful. It is enough to take a towel, moisten it in hot or cold water and apply to the damaged area.

2. Stretching. Sometimes the pain is related to muscle stiffness, so stretching can relieve it.

3. Foods that keep you warm. Capsicum, ginger, cloves, fish fat, - all of these foods in your diet have anti-inflammatory effects and promote muscle relaxation. is not drug propaganda, manufacturing and drug use ... The purpose of this material is to convey to people who use drugs simple principles that will help them stay healthy and avoid all sorts of diseases, one way or another associated with drug use, and most importantly, immediately begin drug addiction treatment.

There are no drugs that can be considered completely safe. Some of them require precise dosage, careful selection. Others can provoke allergies or side effects. Some drugs can cause unhealthy addiction, or even full-fledged, real addiction. These drugs will be discussed.

Drug addiction

Addiction can manifest itself in different ways. Sometimes addiction forms psychological dependence. In this case, the patient experiences psychological discomfort when the drug is withdrawn, fear of a return or exacerbation of the disease, he worries until he receives the usual dose of his “favorite medicine”. This is enough light form dependencies.

It is worse if the uncontrolled intake of the drug causes some pathological changes in the body, with which the patient tries to cope with the same drug, gradually increasing the dose. As a result, you can get serious violations in the work of organs and systems, but refusal from the drug will restore the impaired functions and restore health.

The most dangerous is physical dependence, which develops when the components of the drug are incorporated into the metabolic processes of the body. Cancellation of the drug causes a real withdrawal and withdrawal symptoms, with all the ensuing consequences. To get rid of physical drug dependence requires long and serious treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

Addictive and addictive drugs


The desire of women to lose weight sometimes pushes them to ill-considered actions. For example, the constant intake of laxatives. As a result of improper intake, the intestines lose the ability to work independently, without a laxative. Withdrawal of the medicine causes severe constipation.

Go to proper nutrition, which includes a sufficient amount of vegetable fibers, vegetable fats, fermented milk products. Be sure to monitor the maintenance of water balance: drink enough clean or mineral water... Refuse strong tea and coffee. Do medical gymnastics, and even better - yoga.

Nasal drops

Medicated vasomotor rhinitis is common among those with allergies. The addiction to the drops develops very quickly, and then the patient for years cannot give up the habit of having a bottle of naphthyzine or galazolin on hand. It seems to him that if he does not drip the coveted drop into his long-suffering nose in time, he will certainly suffocate. Because without a dose of a vasoconstrictor drug, the nasopharynx quickly swells, and it really becomes difficult to breathe.

But the reason for the difficulty in breathing lies precisely in the abuse of drugs. It is not for nothing that the instructions for the use of drops always say: the course of treatment should not exceed 5-7 days. When this period is exceeded, the mucous membrane begins to pathologically change. It becomes thin, dries up quickly, and ceases to fulfill its protective functions.

Overcome psychological addiction. You can start by diluting the drops with saline or water, gradually reducing the concentration of the drug. Make sure that the air humidity in the room does not fall below 60% - this will make breathing easier. Drying nasopharyngeal mucosa can be moistened with saline or sea water. Gradually, the mucous membrane will recover and drops can be completely abandoned.

There are special methods for treating vasomotor rhinitis using a laser, acupuncture, and physiotherapy. But the main thing, nevertheless, is to stop using vasoconstrictor drops, and with the help of a doctor, choose the most appropriate method for restoring health.

Sleeping pills, tranquilizers, antidepressants

Drugs prescribed for depression, insomnia, increased anxiety, and overexcitation can be addictive and addictive. The wrong choice of medicine, uncontrolled intake is quite capable of leading to the formation of serious dependence, both physical and psychological. This is not a drug addiction, but abrupt withdrawal of the drug may well cause withdrawal symptoms and a serious deterioration in the patient's health, like a real drug addict himself.

Addiction is often associated with the fact that the body stops responding to the initial dose of the drug, and the dosage has to be increased all the time. As a result, the patient develops the belief that he "lives only on pills." That without a pill he won't fall asleep, he won't be able to work, he won't cope with anxiety. Mood, perception of the world, relationships with others begin to depend on the drug intake.

It is imperative to see a doctor in order to develop a method of gradual withdrawal from drugs.

To solve problems with insomnia, it is important to eat right, significantly reduce the use of caffeinated beverages. You need to try to optimize your work and rest mode, to provide a comfortable sleeping place... It is useful to go for a walk before bed, do swimming, yoga, cut down on TV or computer time. With increased anxiety, auto-training exercises help.


It's not just drugs like morphine that can cause addiction and addiction. Residents of megalopolises are increasingly addicted to non-narcotic analgesics: Nurofen, Spazmalgon, etc. In this case, addiction occurs first at the psychological level. Most often, middle-aged women suffer from the habit of taking analgesics.

As a rule, drugs that contain codeine are addictive. This substance acts like morphine, but is much less effective. Nevertheless, the devastating consequences of addiction are very serious: after a few years of excessive use of codeine-containing analgesics, disorders in the functioning of the liver and kidneys appear, and gastric ulcer may develop.

To medicines)

Drug addiction can be pharmacokinetic and / or pharmacodynamic in nature. The basis of the pharmacokinetic mechanisms of the development of addiction is a decrease in the concentration of drugs in the area of ​​receptors sensitive to them due to changes in the repeated administration of any parameters of the pharmacokinetics (Pharmacokinetics) of drugs, for example, their absorption, distribution, decreased bioavailability due to increased biotransformation, acceleration of hepatic, renal and other types of clearance. Pharmacokinetic mechanisms are of primary importance in the development of addiction to drugs from the group of barbituric acid derivatives, benzodiazepine tranquilizers and some other drugs. With the pharmacodynamic type of addiction to drugs, they do not change in the area of ​​the corresponding specific receptors, but there is a decrease in the sensitivity of organs and tissues to drugs. The reasons for this kind of adaptive response of the body to drugs are a decrease in the density of specific receptors, a decrease in their sensitivity to drugs, and a change in the process of conjugation of the function of receptors of their intracellular mediators and effector molecular systems. Pharmacodynamic mechanisms are characteristic of addiction to narcotic analgesics, adrenomimetics, sympathomimetics, adrenergic blocking agents, etc. Very often develops as a result of changes in their pharmacokinetics, and due to a decrease in the body's sensitivity to them.

Addiction is accompanied by a weakening of the various effects of drugs, including their main (pharmacotherapeutic) and side effects. At the same time, the weakening of individual effects in the process of getting used to the same drug can have different time dynamics and an unequal degree of severity. Weakening of the therapeutic effect of drugs due to addiction to them (for example, the hypotensive effect of ganglion blockers, sympatholytics and adrenergic blockers for arterial hypertension, analgesic action, analgesics for chronic pain syndrome, bronchodilatory effect of β-adrenomimetics in broncho-obstructive syndrome, etc.) is practically undesirable. At the same time, a decrease in the manifestations of side effects of drugs during addiction (for example, a weakening of the sedative effect of carbamazepine, dyspeptic disorders caused by levodopa, headaches and dizziness caused by nitroglycerin preparations, etc.) allows you to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect with relatively less pronounced complications of drug therapy.

Addiction to certain drugs (narcotic analgesics, barbiturates, benzodiazepine tranquilizers, etc.) can be combined with the formation of drug dependence (see Table: Drug Addiction).

One of the main ways to overcome addiction to drugs is to increase their doses as the effectiveness of drugs decreases. In addition, the speed and severity of the development of addiction can be reduced by increasing the intervals between drug administrations, limiting the duration of treatment courses, alternating or simultaneously prescribing addictive drugs with other drugs that are similar in effect, but with different mechanisms of action, or by combined pharmacotherapy. based on different principles drug interactions (see Drug Interaction). In the case of replacing an addictive drug with another, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of cross-tolerance to drugs that are close to each other in chemical structure.

Bibliography.: Amatuni V.N. Properties of pharmacological tolerance, Usp. modern biol., t. 100, no. 3 (6), p. 383, 1985; Lepakhin V.K., Belousov Yu.B. and Moiseev V.S. Clinical with an international nomenclature of drugs, M., 1988.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M .: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care... - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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habituation) P., or habitation is a relatively stable decrease in response after continuous or (in most cases) repeated stimulation, edges are not accompanied by reinforcement. For some issled. P. is an empirical result, while for others it acts as a hypothetical construct, which is determined by the depth and nature of its study. Fatigue, reaction to drugs and drugs, adaptation and damage, although they cause a decrease in reaction, are not covered by this term and are considered as completely independent phenomena. However, other terms are also used to designate phenomena related to P. in other contexts. An orienting reaction reveals the typical characteristics of Phenomenon P. When a strange, unidentified noise alerts a wild animal, it usually stops any of its activities, freezes and, with the help of its senses, examines the surroundings in search of the source of this noise, ready to escape at any second. If nothing else happens and the animal hears only the usual rustles, it interprets this as the absence of danger and soon resumes the interrupted activity. Subsequent similar noises, if they do not have important consequences for the animal, will cause similar, but weaker and weaker and shorter alertness reactions, possibly until the final disappearance of K.-L. external signs anxiety. This basic reaction or its rudiments can be observed in most biologists. species, up to flatworms, and some researchers declare the existence of P. (habitation) in coelenterates and even protozoa. Most likely, it will be necessary to resort to different mechanisms to explain this similarity in the results. The second example, although significantly different in some respects, is essentially similar in others. As a result of repeated strong cooling of one finger, a gradual weakening of pain associated with cold occurs. To environmental physiologists, this phenomenon is known as a specific habit, when the reaction is limited to the affected organ (in this case, the finger). The general habit is a physiologist's change. "attitudes", a cut leads to a decrease in the response to a repetitive stimulus. Acclimatization refers to functional compensation that occurs over several periods. days or weeks in response to a complex of environmental factors, such as seasonal or climatic changes. Acclimatization refers to the same kind of adaptation, but to K.-L. one environmental condition, as in the case of controlled experiments. The approximate reaction habit is the most widely studied type of P., is represented by the theoretician. interest, because it is the most primitive type of learning: a sustainable change in behavior in response to acquired experience. TO essential characteristics P. include the following: a) after a sufficiently long absence of stimulation of the initial. strong, but now weakened reaction will reappear in full force(spontaneous recovery); b) the more often and more regularly the stimulation causing the reaction, the faster P occurs; c) the stronger the stimulation, the slower the P., although some near-threshold stimuli may not cause P., and very strong stimuli can cause defensive reactions that differ in their properties from the approximate ones; d) additional stimulation beyond the one that completely cancels the initial reaction (negative habitation), additionally prolongs the habituation and delays spontaneous recovery; e) addiction can spread (generalize) to other similar stimuli; f) presentation of another, usually stronger (and sometimes even weaker) stimulus than the one to which P. occurred, can restore the initial reaction (as in the case of "dyshabitation"). Several were done. attempts to shed light on the nature of the neural mechanisms underlying short-term P. According to the model of synaptic depression, sensory input activates small intermediate (intercalary) neurons in the peripheral reticular formation. In turn, they activate those neurons in the central region of the reticular formation, which cause excitation in the cerebral cortex in higher mammals. However, it is necessary first to prove that synaptic depression is in principle possible, and for this purpose as working model it is better to use more primitive animals. The sea hare (Aplysia) has only a few. easily identifiable ganglia. Issled. habitations show that repetitive stimulation of an individual sensory neuron causes a gradual decrease in the amplitude of excitatory potentials in the postsynaptic membrane. At the same time, no changes occur in the postsynaptic membrane itself. The weakening of the postsynaptic response is associated with a progressively decreasing number of neurotransmitter quanta (acetylcholine) released by each subsequent action potential into the synaptic cleft. Presumably, something similar to synaptic depression observed in the bearded seal neural model also occurs in the reticular formation of higher animals. EN Sokolov to explain P. proposed a coincidence-non-coincidence model, DOS. on the assumption that in higher mammals the stimulus causes its own nervous representation, the edges are relatively stable (being essentially an engram). The neural traces of subsequent stimuli are compared with the engram of the stimulus that caused the initial concentration reaction; if these subsequent stimuli correspond to the previous stimulus, excitation of the reticular formation does not occur and P. occurs. works often find that the first reaction to the alarming stimulus is not the strongest; the value of the following several. reactions can exceed the value of the first, and only in subsequent tests does the strength of the reaction begin to decrease. In addition, it often turns out that an extinct reaction can be restored by applying another, usually a strong stimulus. First. it was assumed that this dyshability is simply P.'s removal, but now it is viewed as a completely different process - the sensitization process underlying the increased response. Accordingly, the response curve is usually complex, showing first a rise and then a decline. Its form is due to the combined action of sensitization and P. P. begins to dominate after several. stimulation, while sensitization remains constant or decreases. A number of data points to the existence of neurons, to-rye give only P.'s reaction and - in the opinion of some - reveal noticeable sensitization. See also Accommodation, Adaptation, Fatigue A. Raypell