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How to avoid stress in everyday life. Prevention of stress - the best methods and ways to avoid the nervous breakdown

It is impossible to completely avoid stress, and it is not necessary. By big accountStress is one of the most important factors of survival, with the direct participation of which humanity has been formed and preserved. But in the process of evolution, stress has undergone changes, for it has lost the relevance of an active emission at threatening Life circumstances. At this stage, such a body reaction causes more harm.

In literal S. of English language Translation Term means the state of tension, depression, compression, or pressure, but physical - last. Stress usually arises at the information level, at first in the thoughts of man. If the intellectual processing of information does not give results, it turns on the emotional level, on which it is no longer possible to solve the problem, as well as stop the destructive process, pronounced and perceived as a state of stress.

There are two directions of movement - return to the level of work of intelligence or go to the physical level: translate emotional stress into physical and repay it. That is why psychology and common sense advise to shove in a clean field, beat the pillow, break paper, and better run or jump, play sports or business requiring significant physical exertion.

The reason for the occurrence of stress can be any external significant event Or requiring immediate solutions a difficult task. By themselves, they do not bear the potential without our relationship.

There is a wise council offering to change exactly its attitude towards circumstances if it is impossible to influence the course of events, but it is easier to say than to realize in reality.

The reason for stress is precisely the internal state that causes our reaction to what is happening outside. Avoid sources provoking stress is useless, because it is impossible to foresee everything in advance. Attention should be focused on personal psychological moments, strengthening confidence and self-esteem, getting rid of fears and phobias, offensive and doubt, jealousy and anxiety.

If it were not for the mental trash in our heads, stress would return to their rightful place, organizing response actions in the form of self-defense or escape in critical situations.

In the modern world itself reliable protection From stress is a philosophical position, providing for interference in situations that can be changed and a calm adoption of those of them that we are not subject to us. Wisdom is the ability to distinguish one of others and react accordingly.

Two sides of one medal

Stress is a non-specific reaction of the body, knocked out of the habitual track, on what is happening events. Our task is to return to a calm, harmonious state. But for this you need to change the program in your own head, remove the overestimated requirements for others, do not create excessive potentials of importance and significance. From these positions to look at the world and see it with other eyes.

How to avoid stress? It would seem that the answer to this question is easy to find, especially there is a huge set of articles on this topic, psychologists helpfully advise how to avoid stress, but in real, everyday life It is very difficult to do. Why? Because our today's life is too dynamic, tense, does not give us time and able to calmly rethink the situation and change them in their favor.

The problem is aggravated by the economic situation in the country and the state of affairs in the field of medicine and labor legislation. After all, very often even legal leave is difficult to "knock out" at work or get qualified help from a doctor without nervous tension and prior "Thanksgiving."

But what would be the situation, your health and psychological calm is the key to life without medicines, so you need to try to avoid stress in any situation.

There are several uncomplicated rules:

  • Always let your anger, irritation, but not on the surrounding people and not on your loved ones. This can be done with the help of sports, by screaming alone, billing old pillow or unfamily plate.
  • Find your own lesson, which will bring you pleasure - a hobby. Favorite occupation takes off tension, soothes and makes it possible to streamline thoughts and put in order feeling.
  • Look at life positively, with optimism, and still learn to say "no" even the authorities.
  • Always let yourself relax. Full sleep will help calm the brain, relaxes the tense muscles and streamlines thoughts. In the morning, the whole situation may appear on the fresh head on the other hand, to be more winning and positive. Warm bathroom I. hot souls Also help to relax and lead your head in order.
  • Listen to music, only an energetic, positive, which is able to charge the energy and joy of life, avoid pessimistic, presses on the psyche of texts.
  • Do not leave problems, better decide them as you arrive. And do not be afraid to make mistakes. Life is built on errors, and it is impossible to avoid it.
  • Some people sometimes help hiking in the store. Walking on crowded chairs will help to distract, relax and switch attention to other things, and therefore, decompose thoughts on the shelves, and eventually go to solve the problem.
  • Go to the cinema, to the concert, see the humorous transfer or comedy.
  • Eat right, do not abuse, give up harmful habits - Because so problems are not solved, but only exacerbate.
  • Go to a proven doctor, assigned to them light funds will not damage your body.
  • Sign up to a psychologist or in a discussion club, where you can speak and do not feel completely lonely and unhappy.

There is a category of people who receive specific adrenaline emissions, lifting their own vital tone, stimulating to life victories. Horror films and militants give a feeling of safe stress with the limiting passage of passions on the screen. For adrenaline "drug addicts" becomes need, and they strive to live at the limit, on the verge, Khmeley from the heat of emotions and passions. But to avoid stress seeks the overwhelming majority of people, and do the right.

Eat healthy food. The fusion body will best handle all adversity. Start your day with a healthy breakfast and have small, nutritional portions during the day to constantly focus with the energy.

  • Stress affects appetite, which leads to overeating or to malnutrition. If you know that this is a problem for you, pay attention to it.

Purge. When you sleep 7-8 hours a day, you are ready to solve problems. If you are tired, you become less patient and easily annoyed that only aggravates stress. Good night rest is the basis for have a nice dayAnd a good day serves as a prologue of a good night.

  • If you fall asleep problematic, evaluate why. Noise? Shine? Crazy schedule? What can you change to fall asleep make it easier?
  • Do physical exercises. Yoga, aerobics, walk around the quarter after dinner can help remove stress, but do not do if you are not in shape. This is the beginning of a long path to stress management and your health.

    Watch your bad habits. The man is trying to cope with the stress of all available in ways. However, some of these ways are not able to solve your problems. Be careful, ask friends to look after you.

    • If you find yourself a lot smoking, overlooking, overeating (let's call only a few) it may be in response to stress. It seems that these harmful habits facilitate stress, but in the long run everything will become worse. Rate your habit honest eyes.
  • Take a timeout. Education should be your priority if you try to reduce stress. You are not able to solve all life problems if you are not in the best shape, so take the time to just relax.

    • Try to highlight at least 10 minutes a day for yourself. It may be in bed, on a rug for yoga, or just in the office chair. Everywhere, where you can, closing from everyone, relax to just be calm.
  • Practice relaxation methods. It may seem a bit stupid, but since the body works in tandem with the brain, then if you change one you change the other. Yoga, meditation, deep breath relax your body. As soon as you make it a habit, you will feel a decrease in the level of everyday stress. And when you come across serious problems, you can cope with them more calmly and efficiently.

  • Detect to negotiate with stress. When stress comes, get rid of it is not easy. You must come up with a way to cope with it. In general, there are four ways to think about it correctly:

    • Avoid stress factor.
    • Change the stress factor.
    • Adapt to the stress factor.
    • Take a stress factor.
      • It will help you deal with your thoughts. Which one will do to you? How can you execute one of them?
  • Find support. Family, friends, and your social environment - all this has a big impact on how you handle stress. The group of people you can rely on will help you preserve mental health. Support can be something more specific, like a time or money. Despite the fact that it is difficult to ask for help, this in no way makes you weak. If you are in a state of stress, you can search for support:

    • Family and close friends.
    • Colleagues or friends who share your hobbies, hobbies.
    • You can join the church.
    • Programs assistance to employees at work or stress management classes.
    • Psychological support groups.
  • Have you ever experienced anxiety at work? With me recently it was.

    Last week I had to quickly, one after another, finish several cases. Trying to decide what to do in the first place, I felt like in my head my thoughts face. When I managed to cope with this hell, there was a full porridge in my head.

    And what did I do? Deep breath - from the center of the body itself. I imagined the top and arrows growing from the shoulders in different directions. I stood a little, then I looked around the room and returned to work.

    This simple means against an alarm is not always easy to apply, especially if you work in multitask mode, but around a lot of distracting factors. I mastered it only after I signed a contract for the book and so emptied that I had pain in the back and stomach. Soothing could not be taken constantly (it is addictive), so I had to look for more natural ways.

    Like most people, I breathed "vertically": the shoulders raised up during the breath

    First of all, I turned to the clinical psychologist Belisse, who teaches - or rather, he reappeats - to breathe people. I felt that I had the wrong thing, she confirmed it.

    Like most people, I breathed "vertically": the shoulders raised up during the inhalation. In addition, I breathed the upper part of the chest, and not the main part of the lungs.

    Victoric taught me to breathe correctly - horizontally, from the center of the body where the diaphragm is located. She explained: We need to expand the stomach while inhale through the nose and pull during the exhalation.

    At first it seemed uncomfortable. And yet it natural way breathing. When society begins to put pressure on us, we go to the wrong way. Because of working stresses, we try to gather, grip - and therefore begin to breathe quickly and superficially. For the functioning of the brain, oxygen needs, and such breathing does not provide a sufficient amount, interferes normally think. In addition, the digestive system does not receive the necessary massage from the diaphragm, which can lead to a variety of problems.

    Stress includes the "Bay or Run" mode, and we strain the abdominal muscles to seem stronger

    Stress includes the "Bay or Run" mode, and we strain the abdominal muscles to seem stronger. Such a posture interferes with calm clear thinking.

    The Bay or Run reaction has formed from our distant ancestors as protection against predators. It was so important for survival, which still arises in response to stress.

    With a reasonable level of stress (for example, realistic timing of the task), adrenaline begins to be produced, which helps to get to the finish. But if the level is too high (let's say, a few decens, which you do not have time to), turns on the "Bay or Run" mode, because of which you shrink and strain.

    Starting writing a book, I felt pain and tension in my shoulders and back, as if my body intended to hide from a dangerous predator. It was necessary to do something, and I began to go to Correction Correction Correction.

    When I said that I was working on posture, the interlocutors were usually embarrassed, realizing our own "curly", and immediately tried to reduce the blades together and raise the chin. As a result, the shoulders and neck clamped. And this just can not be allowed: on the contrary, you need to carefully relax the muscles reduced.

    Here are several basic principlesthat will help you survive the working day.

    To begin with, imagine your top. You can even touch her to understand exactly how it is located in space (you can surprise how much you were mistaken). Then imagine the horizontal arrows that move out of your shoulders. It expands the chest and allows you to breathe freely.

    Try to notice when you strain some part of the body is stronger than you need

    Try to notice when you strain some part of the body is stronger than you need. For example, driving the mouse for the most part should fingers, and not palm, wrist or a whole hand. The same applies to printing on the keyboard.

    You can master the "Alexander Method". This technique invented in the XIX century Australian Actor Frederick Matias Alexander: He used the method for cure from hoarseness and probable voice loss. He came up with the concept of "desire for the ultimate goal." The essence of her is that when you strive to be somewhere, at this moment you seem to be present in your body.

    Another important component Fight with stress - movement. Many mistakenly believe that being for a long time In one position, it is better concentrated. In fact, to improve the concentration you need to move and arrange regular breaks, Alan Hedge explains, professor of ergonomics in Cornell University.

    Hedge argues that in the process of work is optimally alternating: sit for about 20 minutes, stand up 8, go through for 2 minutes.

    Of course, if you feel inspiration and fully immersed in the work, you can not adhere to this rule. But if stuck on some kind of task, it is enough to go from one room to another to restart the brain.

    Studies have shown that for efficient work We need to constantly feel the impact of gravity

    According to Professor Hedj, the chair is an "anti-gravity device", and gravitational stimulation is very important for our body. NASA studies have shown that for efficient work, we need to constantly feel the impact of gravity. When we sit down, we get up or go, we get the corresponding signal (and such signals should be at least 16 per day).

    These basic knowledge of the body are such simple and understandable - it is difficult to apply in the stressful situation. I'm still sometimes catching myself on the fact that at the moments of the worker, I froze in a chair. But now I know how to act: straighten, straighten your shoulders and drive an imaginary lion from the room.

    How to avoid stress: 7 simple but brilliant tips ©

    Modern world is not only technologies that simplify our life, but also a lot of stress, which we are exposed daily. A quarrel in the family - stress, a misdemeanor of a child - stress, jumped the dollar rate - stress, was afraisdown to a stress meeting. Stress It can accumulate, and its consequences are extremely unagreering. You cease to experience joy from work, from communicating with loved ones, constantly tired and nervous. It would seem such trifle situations, but cause such a storm of emotions.

    So scholars called the main reason Stress - deficiency positive emotions, unsatisfied needs and not realized plans, as well as an oversupply of information, because of which emotional exhaustion comes, after which we begin to explicitly exaggerate the problems that arise.

    How to avoid stress: 7 simple but brilliant tips ©

    How to avoid stress: Tips of the psychotherapist

    1. We smash the flow of information that your brain does not have time to differentiate, for importance, urgency and values.
    2. Find a way to realize the most important values \u200b\u200bfor you in everyday life. If you need to be more time with the child, do everything for this. If the most important thing for you is your parents, postponing everything and bring them down. Your emotional stability will help to avoid stress.
    3. Refill the stock of its energy regularly. The time to listen to your favorite music, stroll through the park, go to the massage or just sleep.
    4. Find the source of pleasure. Periodically switch from the fact that you deprive the strength, that I am glad and relaxes. For this, it is important to understand where your source of replenishment of the waste energy. To do this, separate "it is necessary" and "should" and do what brings direct pleasure. The source of pleasure in each of its own, individual. Perhaps you just did not find it yet, and the new hobby will become a source of positive emotions.
    5. Find out the external and internal causes of energy reduction. In what situations do you feel sharper than the lack of energy? Then answer for yourself to the question: "What do I want?" And consider your internal resources to achieve the desired one. And pushing out this, build priorities.
    6. Walk in dreams - one of best ways Get rid of stress when time is missing at all. Imaginary Walk to Resource Place is a mental hike of a person where in the past he was really good, calmly where he felt confident full of power. As a result of such a journey, a person feels rested and can work more effectively, take adequate solutions.
    7. Meditation techniques will fit even in the most running cases. During meditation, the specialist will teach you how to stop the flow of disturbing thoughts and relax. According to neurologists, it takes 20 minutes to switch the energy "regime" of the body at the neural level. 20 minutes of meditation daily "fit" you with energy during everyday load.

    Stress is a non-specific response of the body on any demand presented it. For example, we sweat on the sun, the evaporation of the sweat cools us - this is an ordinary reaction. So, behind it immediately follows the body's attempt faster to adapt to this state (sweating), get used to it and survive without special losses and feelings of awkwardness in front of others. This is the desire of the body, embraced by any event, as soon as possible to come back.

    For the body it does not matter, it is pleasant or not the situation with which you encounter. New Year's meeting, death close man Or a vacation, no matter how shocking it may sound, cause the same biochemical shifts in the body. It is only important how you react to an event. People die not only from grief, but also from happiness. Father Pierre Boualersha died of an overwhelming delight when the Son read him the "Seville Tag". The feeling of happiness violates emotional calmness and equilibrium of man. For the body, this is already extreme, which he reacts pain in the heart, pressure jumps, dizziness. Happiness, like any strong emotion, is also stress.

    It may be caused to raise the physiological tone, it enhances attentiveness and vigilance, prepares the body to active activities, while it can reduce the ability to think and make it difficult to work the engine and motor apparatus. Getting an emission of adrenaline, a person like stimulates himself to new life victories.

    Often, people not only are not trying to avoid stress, but they themselves are thrown to him in search of new impressions and sensations, live on the verge, Khmeley from the drilling of adrenaline in the blood. Addiction to horror movies and militants - nothing more than a traction for safe stress: Passions are boiled, but only on the screen. Stress often turns into need. "Adrenaline addicts", seeking strong emotions again and again, are also found.


    In itself, stress is not a disease, but a provocator capable of leading to a huge number of diseases, up to cancer.

    According to doctors, 95% of patients do not associate their painful or simply unusual symptoms with internal conflictwhich they are worried. Myth that "diseases from nerves" are not hazardous and non-serious, very common. Only a suspicion is driven to a person's doctor that he may have a tumor, the risk of stroke, but not the experience that fell on it during the transition to new job or during the sale season.

    Scientists lead the following statistics. Now 15-20% of the population of the planet needs the help of psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and in Russia this indicator reaches 20-25%. According to the World Health Organization, over the past 65 years, the number of neuroses has increased 24 times. 13.3% of deaths occur precisely for these reasons, up to 80% of strokes occur against the background of depressions. Suicide mortality goes to the first places in the mortality structure, lagging behind only cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

    Specialists are confident that life events play a significant role in neurosis, forming - depressed and launching - in schizophrenia. In Sweden to a very representative sample of 6935 men aged 47-55 years, subjectively perceived stress was evaluated as a risk factor of cardiovascular diseases. The control was carried out for 12 years, the depth of subjective stress was determined by the sense of tension, irritability, anxiety, sleep disorders. Six gradations of stress were allocated. It developed in 6% of people with a low level of stress and in 10% - with high.

    About 40% of directions to cardiologists about reinforced heartbeat and other heart activities are directly related to stressful situation; Approximately the same percentage of directions to neuropathologists (due to headaches) and gastroenterologists (due to pain in the stomach) are also associated with stress.

    The high concentration of cortisol stress hormone can cause strong inflammation that aggravates chronic diseases:, Psoriasis, eczema, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Stress often plays a central role in the development and manifestation of sleep disorders. Studies conducted in Europe last year have established a direct connection between insomnia and heart failure in people who cannot fall asleep.

    When the adrenal glands allocate the stress hormone, the muscles are strained, which can cause long-term consequences in the form of headaches. Syndrome of irritable intestines, bloating, spasms, diarrhea and constipation are often associated with stress levels. The researchers found that stress can aggravate the clinical manifestations of asthma. People in a state of stress are inclined to accumulate fat in the abdomen due to excessive secretion of cortisol.

    Stress contributes to the development of harmful food habits that provoke the development of type 2 diabetes.

    Do you have stress? Consider

    Physical symptoms of stress are bouts of headaches, discomfort in the spine, respiratory disorder, dizziness, high blood pressure. Psychological - constant depression, scattered, sleep disorders, frequent irritability, fatigue, worsening memory. The man in a state of stress is inclined to be very wrong, can not focus on something, it is easy to call, nothing gives him the same joy, and he should not joke with him - I will not understand.

    Japanese scientists, as representatives of the nation, loving accuracy, invented the instrument - a stress level meter by the presence of amylase, enzyme, which splits polysaccharides to glucose. The stronger we are nervous, the more our organism is required. Accordingly, the higher the content of the amylase in the saliva, the stronger stress.

    How to help with stress

    Symptoms of chronic stress, depression, neurosis, doctors recommend removing drugs of several groups.

    The most "soft" of them are sedatives based on vegetable herbs that help get rid of emotional tensionImprove activity. Neuroleptics weaken psychomotor excitation, suppress the feeling of fear, reduce aggressiveness. With the help of tranquilizers, neurosis and neurotic states are treated, antidepressants improve mood and well-being.

    Contrary to popular belief, these drugs do not cause personality changes and addiction, unless, of course, comply with the dosage and recommendations of the doctor. The uncontrolled treatment of sedatives can lead to the absence of a therapeutic effect and even deterioration.

    In addition to drugs, there are many ways to help a person cope with stress - only psychotherapeutic techniques of about two hundred. One of the most popular - cognitive behavioral therapy, when a person teach to understand the reason for his unhealthy and otherwise respond to external events.

    Sometimes it is enough to tell a psychotherapist about my problems, and they will seem not so serious. Fortunately, today the regular visit to the psychologist and the discussion with him becomes an ordinary phenomenon.

    By the way, the main means of getting rid of stress 46% of Russians are considered to be viewed by television programs, 43% prefer to listen to music, 19% choose alcohol, 16% - gluttony, 15% treated with antidepressants, 12% get rid of negatives due to sports, 9% see salvation in sex and 2%-in yoga and meditation.

    It is worth noting that you should not choose alcohol as a sedative. Alcohol can be an anti-stress tool only temporarily - it increases the mood, softens anxiety, anxiety, tension, makes a person more sociable, contact, but its systematic use leads to dependence. Nervous system undergoing significant changes under the influence regular reception Alcohol.

    It is impossible to avoid stress, he is the most important factor survival; If you do not have stress, then you died. You can learn how to react to it correctly: it is enough to look at the world, listen to yourself, analyze your lifestyle.